10OF1TON OF DUTCH MOTOR OPENS NEW ERA IN SHIPBUILDING L.r-c.vcle Diesel Type Regard- h cd as Great Advance ofr Oil 1 Applfance Now se( on e liiercnnmu uh- imivui EVyiyaLEDGB-PHIIrADaL.raiA TjaUBSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1010. 7 - GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS OWNED BY MRS. k K. CASSATT Vessels f, Y. COMPANY CONTRACT 5 A new era In htp construction In thU Y,n(rr l marked li.v the closlne or n L.irset btfffi tlio Vt crkspoor workn. iMrbulWIni? Company, of Camden. .V. J., whereby tho American firm la tlcenrcd to .wlinict Werknpoor mcrcnfttlte murine 'lB "u AhHHA tilftlnM til AtnrlAHH 'U . ' 1 .-. ..1.1 ..ronlll. Infrofien Ihnl.. submarines p. .., .......-...- ,, Swaiey, It I believed. They nre n atnsr (ii adrnncp of oil motori. which nre now miI on these craft. Ofidala of the Sew York shipyards nt cuttitn have been ctosrly watching tho JtaTtlopment and progress of the Diesel driven motor ship and enmc to the con Staelon that the motors were nccossnty far the ships constructed nt their yards. One fact that led them to take this ac UL i. ihnl one well-known Danish drm It shipbuilders has on order mnro mer cantile motor-driven ships than any shlp ielldlng tlrm In the world has steamships . rt Mm T'slatOAi (tihn tnntntH 'TneSOTBinuBc i " .. t .....win ire that they save an enormous nmount fuel and take up much lcia spnee than oTher motors, thus atloidluR room for Iirrer cargoes on merchant ships. With I Irimp ship of 10,000 ton about 600 tons j Mtfa cargo can be cnrrled nnd nt the anient high rate of freights this Is n ( ronomtcnl advantage. The Werknpoor Works liavo historical ocfatlons as they were tho ynrtls where le ships of the Dutch Kant India Com- winy were consirucieui mm nmu i-uier me Brett, Hussla, Bcrvcd an apprenticeship .r Tfsr there. f Tn announcement of tho letting of the L,trittii was made by T. Orchnrd Male. (representative of the Netherlands Kngl- Mtrlns; company, ui mo crKspnor Works. He also announced that a con tract had been mailo with the Newport Xews Shipbuilding Company, of Newport News, Va. j , i lllIciIURCHES BENEFIT IN WILLS I. Documents Filed Show Many Bequests L to Religious Institutions SBequests of JIOOO each to the Tenth Baptist Church and the Hnhncmniui Iini jltal are Included In the will of Kate 0. Schell. of C0.TT Ovcrbrook avenue, ad mitted to probate today. Tho bulk of the alate, which Is valued nt $100,000, Is left to Harry D. Schell, husband of the testatrix, who Is also appointed executor. The sum of J3000 Is bequeathed to St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church uf tat Northern Liberties, and J10CO each to tie Episcopal and German Iiospltnls IToteatant Episcopal City Missions nnd t&e Commandcry of Pennsylvania, Mili tary Order of tho Loyal i-cgton of the linked States, by tho will ot Daniel "A. Orally, of 20OS West Glrard avenue. The remainder of the cstnte, valued at $100,000. la'left to Kate K. Grnfly, widow of tho kitatrlx. t The, Hill of Antonio Drann, etli North tw. street, who icti property valued nt !,(. bequeaths J2C01 to St. Vincent's , Orphan Aslum: 10 to St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, 3th street and Glrard avenue; $300 to tho Catholic Seminary of nedemptlonlsts Fathers, llchester, O.; 8W for decorating altars at St. Peter's Catoblc Church, $200 for n free scholar- 'ihlpjto the Colleso for Priests at Colunu b9VO.i van to the Society of St. A'incont Am Paill nil J lVl tn n llnnlnnn .. . 0. f M " mi .inmuiia 4IL )l. 'Pwr's Church. The residue of the estate feef.tg Charles K. Urnnn, n son of tho tauter. 'lOth'er wills probated today were those o James aiterltlnn, of STIS Noi th Broad street, who left property valued at rW.MJ; Zachary T. Subcni. of 2130 Colum- wa avenue, $!3 000 Michael Shields, of lOH.East Lehlsh avenue. 19300: Elizabeth Bdniler, of K3 East Mercer street $iS0O: John H. Campbell, of '.id West Lehigh atfnue. $iS0O: Susan Ifnrrlm-ton. nt "lMfl Uldy avenue, $3500: Itoslo Spcler, of rfl03 AOrth Clevplnml nvntmn Kt'JV nai.vil.l 'Reltn. of 219 Kast Cambria street, TliOO: HUabeth J. Hurst, of 1513 I'rlo uxemie, IK, and Edward flaxter or 3731 Haver irdaenue, $3000. - u - -3 tobxwi. "'--ww a"s r . ir i h r & . f ff fffwvi o . & MF Jt l X t SMYVWft X W$&ffi&$e&i&Sin8JLAi&L ) fjfl) alii si -a. nrun Dib JZ Mm " wl jpRS'B.PSia ' Zy&Z' Lww. Jtk v"j? twj "aii . mrsji r. - " . MLS ymmmm1 wmk.Wrt&&KESbdak v rtfj. a jl ''-r--av -"a-c l t --srsr' -ri' y "r. vjy.;.- . r t- . .. --,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,p,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,s,,,, ' r -"! . v j- I AriJMiiiVK'H " JfltPA vT1" v". , 2r smotw. .sHHR5-"i,'v i -- .aSTybmi w shephzqd dog- verz iiirirr-i riiiinii rilfWHHn mpoqjid by M&?oj$srr M'hfmIimm m-Km w pT . 'ifOIF' QREDS'' 4 K u. j Mpspjf.ctssirr km if- GAS" NEARLY tempt Viola Dann as the Innocent fluid, and U ns.inlled bv Hie lrl h nt nfT f played by Llna Davrill. The Director (ill IS? HflAl'flT' ClIADO ' "" f.ltlnfletl tvlth the tempo. Miss ILlUJLtO HlVTlJj OllllO' Davrill, who spoke very broken Kngllsh assured him Hint she could put the net.v , sttiff Into It If he would it'low her to call Mnf in tlm Wn V..- v.... Tin,. 1 fhUllps nil kinds ot villains In French. INOt 111 ttlG Wat Zo;ie, but Dur- r ngreed Thr rene-... went otf well. JUgr a SCOne in Vita- "Thc Tn,tr'" 'hotited the Dlfrrtcr. Viola ing a Scone in Vita jraph Studio By (he Pliotoplay Kdltor Lack of rrreslaht cm Ihc part of a mo tion1 picture director recrntlv nenrlv th9 I Dana had Jumped ovci die sofn te. rifled , by tho onslaught of ficnch nhd one uondered why Phi. lit" didn't shrivel up ! under It when, ni nn ii.texpecteit climax, . she lilurted out. In I'nKl'rm picked up I Apparently from "rough neck" scenes, i "Vou can hell go to II, for tho wny you j give n ticnt to me nnd two or three .. ..-. .., .,(!.-. ...- ,i ,,,.. it.vnvti ,1, roused to death nf mymI tilnvnrn nf I Vltagrnph sttidlos. In llrooklyn, N". Y. A J the picture like n wrench of despnlr, but J i-olsnnous gas, slmllnr to thrtt Used In the It icallv was n tortUAtix nght td conceal i l.urnpenn war. wan irptieratril In n urenp a fitlinreoeil lmiili Hint ncnlli- rvnlnded nhd no precautions were tnken to note ' him. i:verybody rtnrecl except the Dlrec whether persons In the Immediate vicln- T tor tip did after thc scene went through Hv I'ouhl be nffecled Ihr'rrfrom. It was all light. by the merest nceldcnt Hint the plight of inc pi.-verr w.rs discovered In tlnn'. mid t It ? prompt nnd rffctlvo noik of the Vli.icrapli Hospital Corps prevented n icni irnf'ruy. tllrhard C Travers, lending man for I'ssanny. who, ns "Cnpirtln Jinks of the HArse Mnrlnrs," glei dnsh and life to that p-rt. Ii wilting n volume of his The mvne being taken was one of a experience." In photoplays. Mr. Tracr series taken under the direction rf Wit "n) " "ill take lilm n rnr, nn he has Ham P. S. llnrle. In which K.trle Wllllnnis . Utt'r time for literary work. This Is his plays thc te.id. 1t Is nn nutnmrtblle ro- second effort along literary lines, tho , niitnee by C. N. and A. M. Williamson, : nYst being a volume of rrmlnl-cences of i ne villain Is supposed to stupefy hl i n"' mmpnlgns In Hoiilh Amen during Police Court Chronicles It requires considerable patferico t enrry n redhot stove nfiv great dlstAnce. The lisk Is doubly -lisitgrccaoic "when the stove Is attached to n pipe Vvhch emits thick btnctf smoke ft was swell I a stove thr.l "Darby Dan." ntherwlM known as Dan Msnh, embraced lnst.n(t on Tlrnton nenue Although It was red In the face from ltd own temperature, this didn't seem to bother Dan In thc lonstj It was tho smoke which annoyed him When Policeman lilgh-"an lienrd that n strange man had stolen a hot stove from n shoemaker's shop lie at tlrst palcV no attention to the report Hul Inter on, strolling up Trenton avenue, ha saw something approaching, which nt a dis tance, lescmblcd n locomotive with Iwb smoke stneks. As the object drew neat-er thd cop was amazed to see- that It wr.r n. y.ian villi a high hat carrying n stove vylth n stovepipe. The man was nono other than "Darby Dnn" and tho stove was thai victims In the ndlnlnlng room by the use of poison gas sent through holes In the wall. Realism being a necessity. K.tile ob tained the asslstnm-c of n chemist, who erected a miniature g.is-pioduchig plunl. iume uoirics nun retorts lined wmi nitric Hie Hoer war. Ann Murdock takes the lending ml!ilri3 rale In the play which Is nn adaptation of Clyde FUcli'i- fan tastic comedj. Still In Its snmldtlng chillies, the movie JaSSm Industry Is doing artistic woik I add arid brass tiling" causo.1 thc noxious ndvertlslnr line that the centuries mines to bo nrm through rubber tubes tlrnm.t rnnunt touch. The Pox posters ttlto the udloltllllir sel. Mil Inlent uprn I nllfnlrM tlm r1ira(nnt. Ilm tnt,rt rn..1' IJrtrlo and his assistant director, George j which Mr. Atwood dlatr'butes. the Vlta ri)mnton, on their work thnt they failed I graph tnulo paper ads and a iloicn more of the .hocmuker. Thc bluccoat took Dan nnd the stovo to the Trenton n venue and Dntiprln street station. But Dan had to oatry the stove. Asked how bn nuinnr-rl ttir tttnt it n the carrying such a warm burden, Dan point-les-nld ! c'' ,0 n neav steel band which encircled exnmples testify to the brains Hint go Into movie piiDiicity nowaday. One of the latest nml best examples Is the matter sent out to exhibitor-" by the l.uinn company, hooding tlinlr V. L, S. i"SHEP" GAINS 1PAV0R AS SOCIETY'S PET Pliotoj tiy Kelly & Way. CARNEGIE MEDAL FOR j BOY HERO'S PARENTS "OLD DAN" RYAN FOUND DEAD BY GAS Powerful German Dog Ig Be coming Fad Mrs. R. K. Cas satt Has Bred Many of Them Ten -year -old Francis Byrne Children Plead in Vain at His GaveLife in Vain Attempt to Save His Chum Door, Hoping to Hear His Thriljing Stories Tho parents of Fnincls Lawrence nyrne, "Open tho door, Mr. nyan." shouted the lO-.v car-old boy who lost his life Inst Mny In n heiolc attempt to save n com panion, who had fallen from n raft Into n pond, will recelvo A Carnegie medal to day In memory of thc bravory of their son. Tho youngster wns one of 17 whoso heroic deeds were honored by the Car negie commission nt Its annual meeting yesterday. Tho medal comes as a great, surprise to the parents of the dead boy. A lecent ruling of the Carneglo -om-mlsslon provides that. In enso of the t no llcinry's death, the parents or Immcdlnto helm sha'l receive tho honor. Hud The powerful and faithful German shepherd dog Is lapldty becoming the fad In pets In society circles Jn the opinion of Mia. Hubert K. Cussntt, who has bred numbciH of them on a farm nt "Ileau pic," her Roscmont residence. It Is n hobby of Mis. Casaatt's and nt one time slio hud 20 dogs of this breed. Now she lins only a few. They nie excellent "house dogs," and as a safeguard rigalnr.t thieves and bur glars their equal Is hard to tlncl, accord ing tu Mrs. Cnssntt. They urc large nnd powerful, and these qualities, combined with unusual intelligence, inke them Ideal police dogs. In Uelglum, before the war, nnd In "'"rnnce they were extensively used la this capacity. They rend 1 1 v learn to Identify criminals and ti-ncfc them down. Then, when Hie marauder Is cnught, their powerful nnd lightning nt tack precludes tho possibility ot a light. They nie rare In this country nnd nre ! very valuable. Thosn less than 8 months I old sell for f i urn $100 to $130, while trained dogs sell for several hundred dollars and me prize wlmieis nre valued at amounts to take the precaution of looking nt tho nii'oiiung set. The gas was generated nnd the camera fruitfully recorded the making nf the gas and Its passage through tho bottles and rctort.-i Into the tubber tube. Kscnplng fumes cnmed the tlliectfirs nnd enntcra man o start coughing, and then It ne urit red to I'arle to vwuu others to keep nvvnv flout the vicinity, lie wnlkcd in mind the set nnd found Van Dyke Brooke and I.eali IUlid sitting In chairs, unconscious. Ho founded the ninriii nml the two vli'tlmn were carried Into the dnvv cards nnd nlx-shectn nre dlcplayed open nlr, wheie rrfton'tlvc inulhod was I vith enuftt charm. Inside both fobiera applied. Their chairs had been placed ill- ' In u good bit of printed mnttcr for the ' the stove. Tho band wns equipped with nnmiies, which mane Hie rent easy, neu lisn Homer, from whom the slova was stolen, equipped It In such n manner so thnt It could be carried to different parts of the shop. When Dan was arraigned beforo Magistrate Diet, Reuben arrived while the defendant was making explana tions. The shoemaker formivn thn oris. oner when he promised to carry the stov L n'te "J'!r "stf w: " : bacli To T.,i".KSS ,,i., iiiuiiii ii itni'DPH m womierrii vv a-i ,i,- i,..i .... ,, .. . ger" The larne folder ,,f H.n in..,, i. ' bo ,l,e Ju,1Re -wve him another chance. n ga.v nnd rtnurlni color sketch of a - j circus n la "Hllchv." The color work ', Dri IWIOWX r,2d AnoVR MAltKET on "The Great Divide" is really excep- ! pfLlWUrN 1 MsH. too; n4n,ng-. ite. thinnlly lino, untie the equnt of lite best I To'l5.?'n."ri.';jY"7ir"rru'olv HB"iBf in nevman art lllhoginpha. llalf-shee.t uin- . sTEtipiKoi: 1HE CITY" CominR All Next Week THE PATRIOTIC MOTO-SPECTACLE lectly In finnt of the nutlet of the rub- cxlilbltili's use in connection with ndver- ' "THE BATTI F TRY OF PFAfP" her tubes nnd so Midden had been the tNlug, house orsnns nnd newspaper i ""njiLuvrwrratw, iiifIi of gas In their faces Hint they hail ' stoiles. ' " " "". '" " been overcome before they had a chance , Anrt u.,,c (ve.rr nt t Ict , fn t JLUUUO 1 " " :. .", 'ni.i.'v , ,V V ', """J" 'a".M'- "n. 'f the Pa.nous.Players' no iMrtimncni injury, inn tneir cscnpo lt.,nge. Is still getting out his clever ....n ,. .,...,.,,., ,.,. .,, .,., ...,.,.m.. ;, nttmctive "Pommouiit Po nle.rs. pouring from tho tubes fur fullv 1 mln- i utcs after Hint. All of the players In the i - - studio developed coughs ft oin the fumes. While Sox Kelensc Pitcher t'lili'AUO. J.ui. . "0. Announcement Director .lolin II. Collins had caicfully 620 AND LOCUST K1.MHAM, Mats, 1 :3o & :t r. Jt. '(tu, o.no to 11 P. it. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG i rn UUJIAH' I.MMOHTAL Masterpiece "CAMILLE" Mai Mon.. Tu., Wed., "Kourtli Itsle" iiirrcior ..onii u. coiuns uiiu -.-niciuuy ,...,. i. ,, .tP .,.., ,ril. i:.Pl,Vr . , --,-,.-, MAT,ris ru rchrarscil the strong denunciation scene tor t:ie i.'liiesgo Americans, had been turr.eil . O 1 . 1 11,A I KE.-I.J.rJ;..?'.?0 In the KIclne-lMlson feature. "The In- I "' '' "Uee .lul,. itii hbl.ii iK . r.",l nml -"nn.nni ' " nocenco of Ruth.-' whe.e Augustus Phil- ! ,i nWZX?". .Mf T,? ..Vi'ii'r I FLORRNCn RKno I. "AT nAT- 1 ). ns the villain. Is caught trying to ( ,- ,ai,i senotir.- UriMnrr. j Tomor. Clifton Cravtfonl In "Tlie Oalloper" n group of school children today, ns innglng un to 51000. iney iianiincren in vnin on ine door or u i The .inlmnl are nntnmii,. nm,.i. .i,.... neat little house nt 2332 Kimball street, j ,er,i doKB, TllcIr ,,., in tbei,. ,,n,.v,. I They hammered and rang the bell ngnln nnd, Germai L lo ." iL ,n,i land lun-ln. but "Mr. llynn" didn't an- Cp ihcS nil, Liced areas The ma swer. Just then Hergeant Ilpgen and I h ,, f for tho sn i, vI J h! Patrolman Oallagher, of the 15(1, street ,"ere are not enough if then, n .M'.n I ?.!n,rBr .aVC"'U0 8ta,ln- nP,'"reU' trTto1 make ThTlise 'Xspread". CThe' n rnu h tue luaiicr. ciiJurcnv' lis Ucil tlozx nnrmko tn n i'o, ,,. n k --..-- , ...... .v ,. i-it-uitih. -.htt: ii l. ui inc xKvpflwv?f'Pi' SPpH PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESCNTATIOWS S "VlJCTA'g -"f t . vT JL rmiTTTirrri imn.i tm ioMm Bot&m Cmwamu L'i:.Tii.ti. Chestnut St. Op. House IS "? SEE TODAY'S AMUSEMENT COLUMN CnMin it TIIK. fnlliinlng Ihrnlrr. nlilnln llirlr pnlurrH tlirimcli the STANI.I'.V llanKliie Compuny, nlilrh In a Kiiuriinlrr nf iurl sliutilnEi nr Hie lineal prodiirtloim. All nlclure-i rrtlcnrd before rxhlliillon. Auk for the Ihriitre In jour loi-alltj- lt(nlnln plrturcii llirou.tli I lie STAM.K1 Ilmiklng Companr, t ii nn- i 1-tli, Morris t I'n-niyunlc Avt. Al HAMKkA MLt. Dally nt t; i;i.. T & ii. nliUrtlliUU1 vaudeville 4: 1'uiuin'l l'lcture. Valeska Suratt ii" 'Tlie Immigrant' vvr.sr i'iiir..ii:i,j-in.- il i!- ' PDAMr Tin AVn HfAtl.-r ernt 1 1 --fll-' HATIVRr? nur.v V r" VM. FOX ''nt i,ioiinntT mantklL' ....... i i, iivtll't.K l ARCADIA Ab AIMED TO QUELL MEXICO W;jear-old Boy Blocked by Rude 'Cop' in Patriotic Step the giant sergeant "Mr. Ryan won't let us In to tell us about the ships nnd Indians," churuscd tho little fellows. The sorgennt tried the donr unit when It nnnnn,! 1m it.nlUiwt In as Francis Hyine wns called. followed by the hesitating children. There used to sell newspapers at 58th street and i was a strong smell of gna which drove 9 '.The "watchful wnltlnir" i.nll..,. at Xuhlngton regarding the Mexican sltu Klcnihas got on the nerves of i:-year-old Won Linger, of lfl Phlllin .. ti. iUlly the boy learned that Villa, the grmlt, was responslblo for tho murder of pjny Americans, and decided, the police f. to so" to Mexico and end the whole IThrjlDng motion pictures which he taw lUMte frPflllMnll.. lnl. 1.,... .- -. . .J' --,! 1,1,31'IIVU 1(1111 111 ilVlVllllJl a dimcult task. The youngster didn't HWrn from SChnnl vpntrrln, nn.l .. Jfy-led to start for the Mexican border MM mnrnlntr llruortunately. he slept In n building tu '!Jfar..0.f tho Admiral F.urngut public .!w. HU Juvenile suor.es nttnicted Po- Wemail Abe Jnrnhl Whn nnnaA.I l.n Mwnt'T oatrln. nml innt. i.i .. ,.. i,i. , -v" :' - .. tuwn i, iiii U inc Krr?Fk treeta police station. His ii took him home. M'TO KILLS LITl'LE BOY fenWord Child Ran in Front of Heavy Truck Sii?irShjruck. ran dow- -" billed a H2f Jy . la-t night at Krankford iSTs-sy ?"?" . g..:i! "T' -erger. or iiw East ?e?imi? ', tne stl'eet ln lh of "Wruck. Before the driver, Q?.J"n '. .. Allen street. -iliP i r" "c "runes mo trucK haa 9WBt ' - -W 1IH4 J"i w- 1 iTji-. ?" Lthe Episcopal Hospital. i.?V'er had a hearlnir todav in eenirnl JJfJtatlon and was committed by ?trrjor0n!l?nock to nwalt actlon ftrs Praise John J. McKinley eWn0l,?. J..h" J' ??KlnIey, Re- rauhiJ ul " ua ward, in ""Wy oreanlzlnir !.,. .n.,.. m ,iu ""iiivi iwr wir .a Praised last night by bv ti ".'"umontai dinner given l m "'Publican leaders In Saxonla 9 street below iriintims.in., r3LiX!UlaP " Vare Pulsed Qov- na th ,:"."" " K"".a -"-0.r Mtor iriin ' "1" " compensation act. of ; Wallace Smith, in be Ssnted f w,0r""ra of the Kd Ward, rr -n'el a. dlamnn.i r , - PlJ.ii e,.tno:,e Prewnt were Sena-rCo-rii Ju X""re" t-'ongreasman I'etcr It S?i.?: Pri.ldent of Select Council, fe' -- wirra aneehaji. Sure Kills Bovortn-t, Afn I 5JTvVNj,?a- Jan' K-aore K. tei?h2? oId"Pf Worman. a former J 'Sff. Jor ?'"- W atoa Mcm T A-M''"""rc""" fueijuf. from mp m dellriou-j and removed the rff ??Jf J ,e"i whUo he was clad -.Mif-ww. Pneumonia devel -t- , iui- mtm j th, j. Chester avenue nml was known to evi oiiq in thc neighborhood. lie was a pop ular little fellow nnd it Is expected tl.nt quite n few of his old friends will bo pr i cnt nt the IJyine homo today when tno medal Is presented. "The medal Is supposed to be given us today," said Mrs. CSeorge Byrne. "A man representing the Carnegie commission was hero n couple of weeks ago. and told me this. I haven't seen the medal. I don't know whether wo will be glad or sorry to get It. It will bo such a constant re minder of my daillng bov. He was such n bright, brave little fellow. I would gladly have given my own llfo if he could have lived. "'Hud' was plalng In njot with some bos arid 1 never drenmeu of nny danger. The boys were all laughing nnd snouting. every one but tho two policemen out. On tho lloor of the kitchen was found "Mr. Ryan," faeo down. Tho gns Jet was turned on from both the gns stove and tho chandelier. The old man had been dead since Mondny, the police think, for ' thnt Is the last time he was seen. When I Sergeant Ilnscn camo out to summon the i ambulance pntiol thcro was a chorus of j ArlLPlii-"Slaiior, qualities of tho St. llcrnnrd. They attach themselves to n mnstcr and will stick to him through thick and thin. Ilut they do not mnko friends readily with stran gers, nnd when untrained they will fierce ly attack a person unfamiliar to them. Mrs. Cassatt started breeding German shepherd dogs two years ago. when she Imported two line specimens, "Fritz" and "Flora." Theatrical Baedeker excited shouts, from thc yonngsters out side. "What Is the mntter?" "Wns lie there?" ' Did you find him?" "Go home, kiddles," answered the ser geant. "Mr. Ryan can't tell you any stories today." "Old Dan,' as the dead man was known all through the neighborhood, was M years old nnd had, lived In the house for PLAYS. a play In four acta ty Then they went to n pond and Btartid to j lng time with his niece. Miss Emma play with n raft. The next thing I knew I '-yon. For -.ears the rhlldreii of tho two of the boys. George Dearborn and neighborhood have been coming to his George McCarthy, came running to the door sorbins with fright and told me Mat Bud' nnd Willy Ward liere In the wafer and they thought they uere drowning, t ran to tho pond, but there wasn't any thing to be Been except a few ripples on the surface of the water. "The other boy wns much larger than 'Bud,' but he couldn't arlm. I don't be lieve mi boy thought a minute. I guess he Just Jumped In and tried to do what he could, That's the way he always was ni homo. He Just tried to do overytntng the best ha could," I-GNNSUK0VE HEALTH HOARD DEFIES STATE DE.'AKTM ENT Oflkials Declare Well Water Con demned by Authorities Is Wholesome PBNNSGROVB, N. J., Jan. ,-The Borough Board of Health has defied the State Department of Health, and Inter estlns developments ure expected soon. Orders Issued by State officials fcr clos Ins of wells containing water alleged unwholesome and the Imposition of fines for non-compliance have caused friction, which has been increased by State of flclals threatening (o sue tho proprietors of a bakery and a restaurant for "per. mlttlng riles, dus". and dirt to Infect food with disease germs." .,,,, The Borough Board contends that the well water Is wholesome and the bakerj and the restaurant are sanitary, William A. SummerlU. a new member of the Borough Board, is hostile to Dr. I. C Knight. 'Ills' hostility was aroused i. .that- ha terms "foreign dictation." Doctor Knight is a graduate of the Hahnemann Medical College, Pblladel phla, and for six months has been em ployed by the du Pont Powder Companj as sanitary officer at Carney's Point. The State Department of Health last ills . . i ...I..,. summer arso Bl,j...i...- -. offlcer for Pennsrove, his services to ba recompensed by tha du Porits. COUPLE SHOT BY BOARDER Camden Man and Wife Dying From Wounds house to. hear the strange and excltlni- stories "Old Dnn" told them. He was a sailor In the United States nuvy for 20 yer's and served In the, army for 15 years. He fought In the Civil War, and spent much of his time In the service on the western frontier, lighting Indians in un uiu uuya oi ucuuis nnu lornaiiawKs. The children loved to hear his hair raising stories scarcely more than tho old veteran loved to tell them. He was cov ered with bears from bullets, swords and tomahawks, according to the neighbors, unu iney were nis proudest possessions. Miss Ryin took constant caro of tho old man till wo weeks ago when she left him to rrake a visit. Mrs. Margaret Gib son. 2G37 Kimball street, came In every day to cook his meals, but she had not been able to get In for two days and so thought "Old Dan" had gone to live with one of tho neighbors, as he had said he might. Mr and Mrs. pinto di Pasquale, 17 South 8th street, Camden, are dying In tho. Cooper Hospital from bullet wound. In. fllcted by Francisco Sportl, vvhotboarded with Ihenu The man was shot three, times ana his wife' once. The police are hunting for Sportl. The wounded coupie, ran from their home- to K and Federal ,tret-iul were aJttlnS on a doorstep when policeman found 1 then uncer--lou. J"'-" f W to, nave started a quarrel mbtcn preceded tbs aftootins- WORK FOIL UNITED SUPPORT F0H CANAL PURCHASE BILL Congressmen Confer to- Prevent It From Being Classed a "New Project" WASHINGTON,. Jan. 0.Looklng to united action on the movement for Fed eral acquisition , of tho .Chesapeake nnd Delaware Canal, n conference was held today by i.eprcuentiiUvo Rennet, of New York; Moore, of Pennsylvania; Miller, of Delaware; Unthlcum. of Maryland, and Small, of North Carolina, Although a favorable report on the proposition ot Federal acquisition was made by tho House Rivera nnd Harbors Committee two years ago, the committee) Is showing an Inclination to regard it as "a new project." Word has come from the White House that the President will vetQpny River und Harbor bill carrying appropriations for '"new projects." Those who attended the conference to day Intend to appear beforo the committee ro urge acnon. Onen Hulls, of the llallal mi!ii.1ro,nl.. .. M A.'!"ln. ',h0,e life. Is ono of w crthlmness is made to realize It througti the woman he loiulilera hl niev. LYUIC "I'aulng tilisw of 1015." with aeorgs .Monrne anil Mcrlbmi Mllltr. A Winter Oar den show of the uaual type, with Kirla. run way, music amt costume- In I arse iiuantltle, piu,". """u "cedent burlesque on current I'Olt BST-"Cqusln Lucy" with Julian HI- line.. A musical comedy of tho Eltlnno type. with ulcnty of opportunity for ihe star to appear In lili remarKuble gonna. Music anil plot thrown In aAn-tlCK-'-On IrlHl." with Fre.irrlck Terry ?.r.li,.,""''s;Ml """t. An excltunt .torv of crime. written lucitvard In tho form of a Irlall Novel and entertaining. IinOAD-"The Chief." with John Drew anil Laura Hope Crei-. An elegant Ihree-fiiece rcai).maIej a little anug. but qulto crurm- lug. AT rOPULAH PUICHS. WALNUT "A Fool Th-re Will." a proMem rinV. '"TIi.' '.mpir..' """"" '""" """ PHOTOPLAYS. CIlESTyiJT STIJEUT OPERA HOUSE-"The Fourth Estate," a new Fox mm of newi-nar-fr if,. w'th cilttord Unite and Hutu lllalr svi.?',E.v Tiiursilav," tVlday and Buturday, 'The Tonguea of Men," -th Conitance '.Ot.ler. ciiicsTNirr IIKl.OW 1UT1 1 TIIIANIII.i: IM.VVrl I!i:rfSrr: IlAIIttlSCVt.l? In "The ("rren Dann ' "A Mnflrrn Knoch Anlen," "-th Jo .Intkriiu. LIBERTY D1,0AD a?ia HOLBROOK BLINN in i.iinH vviiint.i'ooi." t I "i I 7T '. .. - n. ... I nVFRRiJnntr n.iD and 1 Logan Auditorium iiSkiandAvV i '--' uAvitFoitD avb "The Blindness of Devotion'' ... Willi Ml I-II..M CI)"!', rnwntii I HOI.IinOOK lll.IX.V .t KANIA MARINOKr i In "I.IKi:"H VIIIItI.P')OI.-' i APOLLO Kn AND rKr-v.-r . Market St. Theatre 3M MA,,:TnT Pearl White in 'The King's liame' I'ATItr- OOl.U nOOSTEU PLAY Hre PAflAMOfNT Pirrrr'lin Laura Hope Crews In "Blackbird' "ortArr." No. MAI'lli: PKAI.RT In "Till'" UONIIWOMKN" OltAFT" Kvery VVcclnciday BLUEBIRD -0D N0UTn "noAU ST ORPHEUM aBnMASBfriisADvr. LIONEL BARRYMORE in Doro'hy Donnelly !n 'Madame X' a vr.r.i.ow sTitnA.K" i'athi: oold itooarEii play PFDAR i''U7i.',',?-t,.XT.r. ORTFNT 02D ND woodland avk. .-rtI THEATIIE -I1,IN 1 uaiiy Alut.. H Eic.. ::." to It. rnriina-unt rictiirc .vi.viiv r'lt'KI'OlIP In "FANCHON THE CRICKEP' 0TH AND cEoxri avi: i-AitAMor'NT picTt'rtn EMILY STEVENS in -tiii: iior.ii" or tkaiis" GARDEN 53D I-ANBDO-VJCK AV "THE MIRACLE OF -LIFE" Featuring Marguerite Fiicher EUREKA 40T- ASD JU IX C i. A MAItKET BTr.EETI i 'm.mii.i; r-ri yh-thi: sviiu: I orioHA 1- IF IIPIH' S (-" Haymou'l M' iitr.li- V--v "nTOI h'v r .-i. Viih V tin' -f1 Vrt---'-.e FAIRMOUNT SOTIWff?D AVB. CHARLES CHERRY in tiii: jifititY & tiii: iifMMiNd ninn" ' PAT AiT is,t iiAmcirr smnKT GERALDINE FARRAR in "TlMl'TATIOX" FRANKFORD " FJtANICFORD ovi:x xiooni: loir mkiu'ihth m tlf.l.l A I r.i, I'AltAMOCNT I'lCTl'IlK ..95f?..r. I PARK" tUDCJE AVE. ft DAU.-Ill.N AVENUE i a liV contlii'iui' hnw fro.n s 311-1I : Till-: WOll AN' IN rnl.lTIl'H" ,..lnK 'IIOKOV ANtlKI'SON Hl'lXIAIr I'tilln. Mummers- I'araile AnrAniA Thursday. Ilday and Saturday. h u r",.0an w'tn ls Ilarrlscale Arucn." with Joe Jackson, n Kej stone ui-iiiUN-r-TnuraJay, 'Tin Lure of Ii Desire." from II. W, Service's poem. Spell of the Yukon.' with Edmond ill I NtturaJ History Society to Jleet The Ihlladelphl4 Nntural Htsjorj- So ciety will )io!d Its regular meeting tonUlit In the "Waener 1teo Irulltute of Science. 11th street anj iXoiitsoinery avenue. loshUa 1 JUally, Jr., wll( gye d. lecture on the natural history at the I'anama Caclrlc -position. New Government Inspector; at Work John C. Wilson, newly appointed in spector ol" the local ottice or the Fed, eral Inspectors ot steamboat boilers. a aurned bis new office this morning ln the Postofflce,' B,ulldin-r where he ivs wel comed by former associates with whom be worKea before be ws transferred 10 New York. The poaltlou pays. &) a year, nd Hruee Meltea. and "A Modern Ktiocli irdcn." with Joe Jackson, a Kei.tnn. earl's "Tlie Friday and Saturdsv. "Th, Ijiia Trail ,,...,..! Amra Ul)nne. .--.-... ".... I-CE All week. "Th. Temptation." with Ceraldlne tarrur. A story of an episode In a d v' life, excellently produced by Cecil do WUie, VAUDEVILLE. -ITII'S-'Tna Forest Fire." an Cnallsh nieli.drama: Bmma Cams, comedlenns: Fred, erlck V. Uoners. In a aona revue; Lynna Overman In -rhe Highest llldder": be Leon anrt paviea. In "llurleaque Motlea'1! Allman U,iUMl.y-n15-,5S?.,.ini?o'n.enni K" "" O WfA Nlsht at Ihe Club." Dradna and DerrUk: Qu Inn and Laflerty. clrcu. riders: i.lbsan and DeUoll. comedians: Tbs Italian nloVtonl.tNe',b ""d Uurn,: Tom lJur- " 0&Zffir3''J?!!? ,1:'.' trained animal; Uo,.,,,wP,a'r,..l'lflPblim. and her I'ettl 8ti. V'nyrfW ,r.J,,Jf Mlnatrel Malda; Al ).bv .KLd.lan! vOrv Mcllenry and J'ean; Eduarda Urothers. the Four Strons fn: ..,ack ".'', Annie Bowen. In "Uunk Ooary." and I.druan Haven, dramatic so iirano; tho ar Carmen Trio. Johnson and nia?V,"?WF- !a",c"'Lrui talklna. and "Jo I.Inh llle," lnlJuclnc Beaslo'a rralned cocka toos. NIXON-vyillard. 'Th; Man Who Crone". "Tc Ituio nnd Iteturn," Fox and Mao emertaln. ers; Wood. aleKllta nnd Hhllilti-tSo cornel dUns and a comedienne: the Uellmontea. Eu. ropean acrobats: the Gordon Highlanders. Slnu" f ni a'lnc, 1 ""WsllliiBfert" and Lee. In "A Study In llLack an Uhilo'4 Ollie ItrUcoe. comedienne: llSfnJ? nd"llo. W Jn -)u nrlay Aftrrnoon"! "5S." VVsrd and coinpan. In 'The Terrible Judre"? CQLONlAi. - Tbo Mncnurwn TrouDO ot ib,h atDsra.ant dancers; Ntlderv lie baUuu. ha Four Itosm. acrobata and ballet nrm Mr. Hob" ritrslmnioiuf tb. ivlf.'Tf'Yh', e-heavyelbt thBinplon of the world; Dun can and Holt, blavkfacej Jerome and Carm Inc. talking and iMorlna: lltrlirf. ,loiV sod thr famous y'IIed ClrflV' and ""a Ung ford ibotOks- -- WOCK. KNICKEBnOCKEIt-'Tbe Natural Law froMeitt Pla. It's the flrat PhUadelfchbi per jUye'a. v""aM by ? Kaick rbUkr AM Bill CAK "When We "Wer Tiaenty-one -lib lba Arvlna Etock Coapaiiy. Hennr V Esmond's popular rmTiltn'w,fJVlrN.'t Goodwi starred, Tbalea'ds n 1 S. pla4 OgULKrqUB. (ry W "" iJ-ltfi aa.l.mv WpTj q. GERMANTOWN 5fSAAV. Valli Vnlli in "THE TURMOIL" Mirrito I'lCTuni: -f riHT? 69TH MARKET VjL.'DC, Mat.. 2:13: Eiss. 7 to Pauline Frederick in 'Bella Donna' Hear Our 15,000 Kimball Organ rirjADH AVENUE THEATRE LilKAKU TTii ami rjiiiAnn ave. MARY MILES MINTER in "Il.MtllAHA FRIETCIIIE" .NOItTII I Broad Street Casino ""l!'''" Ki-wiv, -. ,)., EDITH STOREY in linn WEornxci nioht." 4 van- om-Miea. CENTURY C",K -u',:- maishiialiI wt"' -1V MATINIIR dailv MOLLY McJNTYRE : "HER GREAT HOU'' PRINCESS "jiU?" "THE DEVIL-IN-CHIEF" I1Y MIGHT AND HIS HIOHT" : RiAf TH annMANTOWN- ave. IIrtll AT TULl'EHOirKEN" ST. - MARC McDERMOTT in PLAZA ""0An ronTCR ST8 "THi; CATHI'AW" MlfTII a- a TJtl.n nnoArt ST.. eiue Great rNortne.-n germanx-naves. "HEIt OIIEAT HOI'll" Featuring MOLLY MrlNTYIIK And Specinl Added Attraction RP-17MT W MAHIU2T STREET 1IJ.1N 1 IIVMAK VOIVK ORG AS EDMUND BREESE in THE LURE OF HEART liKSIftR" CYRIL MAUDE in "THF. ORFATPP vif I." IRIS THEATRE 3ua A!,NEGTON MARY PICKFORD in THE PAWyN" OF A TOMORROW" JEFFERSON I0T" gRzgg01 TRIANOLE PLAYH WILLARH MACK In "AI.OHK OK" Raymond llllclico-k In "The Vtllago Bmndal" LAFAYETTE 2014 KBN8,n5ub Claw Kimball Voun and Wilton Ijijiaio In Tho Hupremw Triumph of the btage ' "T R I I. II Y " i T7 a nm forty-first and LtALlliK LANCASTER AVENUE llrlirv 11 VV'nlthnll nil KrinA Mavn In THE MISLEADING LADY" Weekly Programs . Appeal Every Monday In Molioa Picture Chart RltD V MAUKCT STREET UD I UELOIV ,TH STRKKT Fannie Ward in "THE CHEAT" rARAMOl'NT I'lCTt'RK SHERWOOD 8TnA.,MonE Metro rciure Cvn. l'reaente Valli Valli in "The Woman Pays" NoitTnwE.sr Susauehannn theatre itth jusqucnanna rtrrarniiANVA ,w BLANCHE FORSYTHE in "Tlie Slr'fo Ft-r-." K paris SAVOY 15,iT3,E? KvrnnvN" inys fhwv " ni- in "THE PHANTOM WITNESS" TIOGA 1TTH venanoo sts. WOULD FILM COUP Pr,.-,.t, Alice Brady in "THE RACK" VICTORIA "'X&'S.ntii WORT l FILM rRl "' n'- Thurlpw Bergen in "THE CITY" NORTH IIAST STRAND ,ST" AN a'nAno ave, MARIE D'TSSf.BI & ( n,n,iF CHAPLIN in 'Tirie's Punctured Romance' MIX A' Tft O1 f l--ii ip KriNMNIJTON JUMBO FP0NT ST" AND m qikard av. 'THE I 1TTI.E MARTOT" -TilK MYt-Tr-R rip CArtTKll HRFFNF" "fllK-p AMI flAKOLINE" STANLEY nKEir AE0V" '" . continuous Constance Collier ill Jilar;M:,a "Tongues of Men' yWHpp?VnTYTPr?s?Tm1Bf! TRIANGLE FILMS Can be obtained from H. SCHWALBE S. E. Comer 13th and Vine Sts. Noteworthy Plays Pre-Eminent Players Each Week at the Following Theatres: RsnHjS METRO PICTURES EXHIDITED IN ONLY ONE THEATRE IN EACH LOCALITY DISTINCTIVE CREATIONS Ask for Metro Pictures An Absoluts Guarantee of Quality CHESTNUT 8T IILI.OW 1UTH ARCADIA ALHAMBRA 'SJh.t.s sT3. ARCADE "" H,CH-0!U sr BELMONT MTDf BELLEVUE susquehanna n f M M 033S WOODLAND AV-t D i 11 i-y IRIS THEATRE am Kensington JFFFFRSON S0T" AND LAFAYETTE "S0' LOGAN AUDITORIUM ; LEHIGH PALACE ffi.ESl y k f h e u m tssafa. BROADWAY 8AXvBSN-1 OVERBROOK 1IAV AVR PlinrlTA Tll MARKET bTS D A T A p F " MARKET ST. " C i i" PALACE FRANKFORD ,S?rAX-, PASCHALL "dav. f U11N l BKIi sTUSuHiB sr RIDGE mi H,pa avbkub RUBY ,ARSHAl MARKET ST3. SUSQUEHANNA oIanVS?: WISHART r,,?n,A, , IpfeJ-i-Til. .jfaetS -j'THff. auJj.-nA JU, --r T--t "3-. W-" 'A'WfcT' fcJvwWa GREAT NORTHERN e!1,0. GIRARD AV. IMtAlKE -S GARDEN LANSDOWNB AVE VICTORIA ""wketbt I fft P fc I I ,A "r'W l"K f Weekly Program.. Appear Every Moiday ia Motion Picturt ' . Chart SnBl