EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1916- 16 DEATHS AI.NKR. On January Is. 1818, ADAL1NE f.i beloved wife jot William H. Gstner (ne KMnlre). Relative and friends invited to atMod funeral eerve, Friday, 2 p. m., at Utjr residence. 40 Champion road, Gloucester Qlr, N. J, interment private. BAIAAOmtn. On January 17. 191, OBT5 TJUiDB F beloved daughter of James X. and Margaret T. Gallagher, ared 32 .year. The relatives and friends of the family are Int-Msd to attend the funeral, on PrMnr. Hi !10 a, m.. from the residence of her brother- In-law. Frank PlP"r. 781 McAlnln t. (37th and Aspen sts.), West Phlla. Solemn High Requiem. Mass at St. Agatha' Church, at 10 , a. m. Interment In 'four Cross Cemetery. ns ate in rmi BOLtir.N. On January IT, 110. LEONARD J. aon of Hugh D.and. Margaret A. Golden, In his loth year, Relatives and frlenfs, alio Holy Name Society of the Immaculate Con rsbtton Church Invited to, attend funeral. lTldny. nt8-E0 a. m., from hla parents' reel, dence, Btl Ea.it Woodlawn ave Ocrmantown. High Maes at Church ot the Immaculate Conception, at 10 n. m. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. GREEN. On Jtnuary 17.1910. ROSEdaugh ter of the lata Kd ward .and Susan Green. J3eneflclat Society, Sacred Heart Society oj fir. Ktenhen' Church, are Invited to attend iterative ana inenns, nio hi. .biuacetn the funeral, on Friday morntnr, .at 8:aJ elnelr. from her latn residence. 3423 Old orx roaa solemn ltequiem jviss at u Laehen'ii tThureh. 10 o'clock nreelfslv. Inter. mt ent New Cathedral Cemetery. KAfinN. On January 18. 191ft. at St. eseph's Protectory, Nnrrlitown, Pa MATtT 4IAOEN (nee Corr). The funeral will take place from the Protectory Chnpel on Friday morning. January 21. with Utah Maes, at 8.30 o'clock. Interment at St. Patrick's. TAt,T., On January 17, 1018, AUGUBTINB F. Hall. husbmd of late Jan 13. Rodger Hall Relatives and friends Invited to at tend funeral. Friday, nt 8'30 a. m., from hla fate residence. 2309 Christian at. Solemn Redufcm Mass, St. Charles' Church, at 10 a. m, Interment Cathedral Cemetery, Auto tnoiille service. IIATTV. On January 17, 1018. MARGARET B., widow of William Hnttr and daughter of tho lato Charles and Urldget Kelly. Funeral, to which relatives and friends are Invited, Saturday. Januiry 23. at 8 a. m.. from reel dence of her brother-in-law, Joseph Coonev. 118 Jackson at. . Mass of Requiem at Church of Our Ladv of Mt. Carmel. nt 0 .10 a. m. precisely, Interment Holy Cros Cemetery. Automobile sen Ice. HHKNAN.Oh January 18. 1910. MAROA TtnT, daughter ot the lnte.Jame and Bridget Ilecnati. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at B .10 a m., from the residence of Lewis H, Swift, southwest corner 12tlt and Jefferson sta. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Elizabeth's Church at 10 a. m. Interment nt Old Cathe dral Cemetery. Automobile service. 1IOI.T.INS. On Janunry 17, 1918. LOUISA, wire of Thomas Holllns and daughter of the Into GeorKC and Annie Milter, aged 39 years, Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral Saturday, nt 8.10 n. m., from her lato residence. 2318 North Chadwlck si. (near 17th and Cumberland Ms.). Solemn lllrh Requiem Mass at Our Lady of Mercy Churoh. nt 10 a, m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. JONES. On January 10. 101(1, MARY, wlfo of Thomas Y, Jones. Sr.. In her &2d cir. Relatives and friends, also members of th? Union Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, In vited to nttend funeral. Saturday. 2:80 p. m., from her lato residence. 2J.18 North Howard at. Interment North Cedar, Hill Cemetery. Remains may bs viewed Friday, from 8 to 10 p. m. JUNOFLESIL On January 19. 1010. MAO. DALHNA, wlfo of tho lato Charles Jungflesh. Relatives and friends, also Propacatlon of Knlth Society ot St. Tcnatlus' Church. In vited to attend the funeral. Saturday. 8 a. m.. from her lato residence. 5129 Thomp son st, Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Ignatius' Church. 0C30 a. m. Interment St. Denis' it uemeiery. JtKLNiN. un January ii. iuiu, nt ner late residence. BOOS Sprague St.. Ocrmantown, 1a MARIE FRANCIS.aaugnter or mo late. An- UrCW rf iCCUBJI. VUO l,W,I.O U, tUHCIMI ,,111 be Klven. , KINO. At his residence. 213 North Mh St., Camden. N. J., on January 18 191(1. TO WARD It., husband of tho late Elizabeth A. Kin?, aged CO rein. Relatives and friends, also tho vestry nnd Sunday school teachers ot St. Paul's Church. Camden. N. J., and em ployes of auditor and merchandise traffic de partment ot Philadelphia and Reading; Rail way, are Invited to nttend tho funeral serv ices, on Friday, at 2 p. m., at St. Paul's church., nth nnd Market sts., Camden, N. J. Interment private, at Harlelgh Cemetery, Camden. Remains may bo viewed on Thurs day evening. LA1VLER. On Jnnunry 18, 1010. KATII RYN. wlfo of William F. Lnwler and daugh ter of Joseph nnd Rllen Carroll. Relatives and friends are Invited to nttend tho funeral. on Friday morning, at 8 30 o'clock, from the residence ot her husband. Academy nnd Red Line road, Torresdnle. Solemn Requiem Mass and Interment nt St. Dominic's Church, at 10 o'clock. Carriages will meet train and trolley nt Torrcsdalo on Thursday evening and Friday morning. LKNDKK.M. On January 10, 101(1. LOUISA, wife of George Lend rem. 'Relatives and friends are Invitod to nttend funeral sorvlces, Friday, at 1 p. m. precisely, from her late residence. 18.14 N. 11th st. Interment private nt Femwood Cemetery. I,U.Y. On January 18. 101(1, JOSErH. hus bnnd of tho late Margaret Jane Lily, at his lata residence. 1047 ISist Berks at, Duo no tice ot tho funeral will bo given. XJTTIi:. On January 18, 1018, JANE L.. widow Lindsay A. Little. Relatives and friends nro Invited to attend funeral serv ices. Friday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at lata residence, 2044 Ranstead St., 31st allot e Chestnut. Interment private. Westminster Cemetery. Auto service. UTTI.'K. On January 10, 1018. MART i daughter of the lato John and. Ann Lltt'k formerly of Oxford, Ta. Relatives nd friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday, at 0:30 a. m., at the apartments or Oliver II. Balr, 1820 Chestnut 1.T.OYD. On January 10. 1016, WAT.TER O.. husband of Kllzftbsth a. Lloyd. Due notice ot funeral will bo Klven. from lato residence, 5320 Glrard ave. MARTIN, On January 18, 1018, CAROLINR Clungeon, widow ot Robert D. Martin and daughter of tho lato William D. and Sarah K. Mldlen. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services on Saturday, at 2, . m.. at the residence of her nephew, Will iam V. Henlon. M- Rovden at., Camden. N. J. Interment private. 'Friends may call Fri day, trom 7 to 0 p. m. 3I.VK1.IN. On January 18, 1010. MARY KRUMUHAAR MARTIN. Funeral services at her lato residence. 248 Bouth b'th street, lYlday. 21st lnst., nt 2 p. m. JleCARNKY. On January 17, 1910. TERESA McCARNKY. daughter of lato James and Ross McCnrney. of County MonnKhan. Ira land. Relatives and trends are Invited to attend funeral. Frldiy. at 8:.0 a. m.. from residence ot sister. Mrs. Patrick Qulnn. 2724 N. ISth st. bolemn High Mass of Requiem at Our Lady of Mercy Church at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, lieCXOHKKY. On January 10. 1010. CHARLES a. McCLOSKEY, husband ot Mary H. McCloskey (nee Howell), m his 74th year. RelatUea and friends, also survivors of tho 23th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun teers, aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 8 30 a. m.. from late residence. 102O North 20th st. Solemn Ruiulem Mass at Church of the Most Precious Blood at 10 a. m. Interment prltate. jrrCCLLY. On January 18, 191(1, ELIZA J., widow ot Robert A. McCully. Relative and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 11 a. rn., at her lats esldence. 108 North 20th at. Interment pri vate. JI'CAOIIF.R. On January 19. 1016, ANNA II, wife of Philip B. Meagher, aged 77 years. Relatives and friends, also board of man agera of Home for Aged Veterans and Wives to. A. R. and members of Pateraon Memo. rial Presbyterian Church, are Invited to at. lwd the funeral services, on Friday, at 10.8O a. m.. at O. A. R- Home. 6Sth and Vine sta. Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. 1 UREAL. On January 10. 1916, AUANZA, wira of tho lata Joseph Mekeal. , Relatives and friends of the family are Invited to at tend the funeral services on Saturday after neon, at 1 o'clock, at bsr lata resldsnce, 1714 North 17t street. Interment private MITCHELL. On January 18. 1918. CHAR LOTTE D., wife of -Henry Oustava Mltohell. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend (bo funeral aervMes, on Saturday, it J ft in., at her late resldsnce. 1SS7 finyder ave. Interment at Fern wood Cemetery, Friends 'nay call Friday evenlnr. JIOFFET. On January 19. 1916. ISABELLA, widow of James Moftst. aged M years. Rsla Uvea and friends are Invited to attend th funeral asrvlce. on Friday, at 2 p. m.. at liar fat residsne. southeast corner Randolph and vanango sts. Interment at Monument Cemetery, MOREI-AND. On January 18, 1916. JAMES M.. "husband of the lats Sarah Uorsland. aged 63 years. Rslatlves and mends ar CViOW goes it TeriEVote ceoct ho vovjoer. A lu opew THs VWoov7 fty(&M 11 J fetce. ? J f WAsTou Meeo is frbsh Ail., ( "-iii. Put Some Pep ) y55 fl teill l"-i TCl0Sl) y V 7 "t " To si" y v V WTO Voo I, J , jf0 A -n' P 1H& VjReS; V 'j C W r?fr-S "Jsfa I fViMDoV. DEATHS nvlted to attend th funersl "";. Fri. day afternoon, at 2 oclock. tth residence of his son, Hugh Morelnnd, 2928 Annln st. Interment nt Mount Morlah Cemetery, Re mains ma? b vlened Thursday evenlnr, MOS'. On January 10, 1016, WALTER J MOSS, husband of tho late Mnry E. Moss (neo Davis) and eon ot Oeorge W. and Jennlo Moss, aged at years. Relatives and friends, also Onmp No 88, T. O. s. of A , and Re lief Association of P, R. T Co., aro Imlted to attend the funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 p, m., at the residence ot parents. Ml Walnut at , Colwyn, Delaware Co , Pa. In terment private. Remains may b viewed Friday evening. MfRPIIY. On January 18, 1016, MARY A.. wife of James F. Murphy, aged 46 years. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Friday morning, at 8 o'clock, from her husband's residence, 020 Oold St.. Chestnut Hill. High Mass at tho Church of Our Mother of Consolation, at n o'clock. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. MYERS. On January 17, 1010. JOHN W. .Mir.llH, nusoana 01 ihiibuhh aucib, mio 70th sear. Relntlves nnd friends, also Lodge No. 41. T, nnd A. M of Laneasier. Pf.; Washington Camp. No. 300. P. O. S. of A.: Knickerbocker Beneficial Society, and the em ployes of tho Commonwealth. Title and Trust Co., are InUted to attend tho funeral serv ices. Saturdavi 2 p. m.. at Ms lats residence, twin Ilaverford ave. Interment at Montrosj Cemetery. Friends may call Friday, from 7 to 0 m. Automobiles. NOf.l.r.NllKlMl. On January 18, 1910, FREDERICK TJ.. only child of Frederick and Ea Nollenberg (nee Clraham), of 1520 Wolf st., aged 12 ors. Relatives and.frlends ore Invited to attend the funeral sen lees, on Saturday, nt 2 P m,, at the npartments ol Oilier II, Ralr. 1820 Chestnut at. Interment at rernwood Cemetery, Remains may bs viewed on Friday, from 7 to 10 p m, OODRN. On January 17,1010, CATHARINE, W re or Uarenco . uiutn. bkpci -;i rm RclatRes nnd friends nre Invited to attend funeral senlces. Friday. 2 p. m at late' Remains may be viewed Thursday oiening. CMULLANE. On January 18, 1010, DAN HiL Sr.. beloved husbind of tho lato Atine F. O'Mullnno (neo Humis). RelttUes and friends, nlso members of tho Altar, Rosary Societies of the Church of tho Holy Name, sre lmlted to attend the funeral, on Friday, nt 8:30 a. m., from, his late resi dence; 2-103 Amber at. Solemn Requiem Maes at the Church of tho Holy Name at io o'clock. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. OTT. On Janunry 10. 1910, DAVID, hun- of Elizabeth Olt (nee . Keelv). Solemn ne milem Mass at Church of the Holy Cross. Mount Airy, on Saturday, at 10 a. m. Intor ment private, rANOOAST. On January 18, 1010, ROB ERTA, daughter of Sallle Rogers. Relatives nnd friends of tho family, also members of Beacon P. E. Church, Invited to attend fimsrnl services, Saturday, 2 p. m . at late rsslaence. 2113 13. Cumberland it. Interment prtvato. North Cedar Hill Cemetery. rATTEREON, At her residence, 1B00 South Rrmd it" oT January is. 1910, MIRIAM MacUARROLI,. wlto of Robert A. Patterson. 3,1 ,v7 Relntlves and friends are Invited to nttena funeral services, Friday, at.2 p. m, at the npartments of Olltor H. Balr. lS-15 Chestnut St. Interment private. PEIV. Near Mt. Hollv, N. J, Second-day, rirst Month. 17th. MYRA D., daughter of tho late Rloomflold H. ami I.inda V. Pow, aged 23 vejrs. Relatives and friends are In "ited to attenA the funeral, from tho Haptlit fMiiiren Mount Holly. N. J., on 8lth-day. 2lstf at 2 p. m. Interment at Mount Holly Cemetery. ...., l'FFH'rr.R. Suddenly, on January, 1,, 1910, LULU F. wlf of Frederick W. pfelffer and daughter of Annlo nnd the late James Oreer. Relatives and friends arj Invited to attend tho funeral services, at late residence. 3SI0 North 7t" St.. on Friday, nt .1 p m. precisely, lntcrmcnfnt Orecnmonnt Cemetery. lH'.YNOLD'. On Jnnuary 19, 1010, at his ii residence. 410 N. Wanamaker st., H EN-RY 'n?n?ustand ot late Emma , L. Rey nolds, ' Duo notico of funeral lll bo Klven. R1NKHART. On Jnnuary 18, 1018, WAL-n'r-ri s RINEHART, Sr.. husband of Lena It nehart '(nee Ilayne). iwl"lv ud friends, also Brotherhood of St. James M, L., unurcn, Sro invited to nttend the funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at his late FeVldence Mil North American s Inter ment private. Auto funeral. ROllINRON. On January 10, 1018, II AR RIKT. daughter of lato Armor and Christine BoblnVon. Relatives and friends Invited to attend funeral serv ces, Saturday. 11 a. m. nrlscly. at residence of brothr, Harmon Rownson. 7210, Ridge ave.. iRoxborough. Interment etrlctly private hrilN'KIDl'.R. At Cologne, N. J,on .11 uary 10 10l6. CHRISTLVN, S. SCirNEIDlSR. In "is S0t h year. Duo notice of the funeral will bo given. SEiJOKR. On January 18. 1010. CHARLES W., husband ot Zlll.ih May Selfeer (nee Bailey). Relatives nnd friends nr Invited to attend tho funeral services. Saturday nrternoon at 2 o'clock, at his, lato residence, 413 Unlo-i st interment nt Fernwood Ceme tery Vrlends may view remains rrday evening, , srAIIMER. At the residence of her daugh tir rfllS Market St.. on Jnnuary 10, 1010, MARY, wldbw of Adam Andrew Spahmer. Notlco of funeral later. STUAItn. On Janunry 17, 1010, ANNA M daughter of the lato William and Emma Stuart. Relative nnd friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on 1 rldav. at 11 h. m . nt Chapel of Andrew J. jlalr & SonArch and 10th sts. Interment private. STMTS Otl January 18. 1910. ALFRED E. Jrr.on of Altred E., Sr.. nnd Elizabeth v qtauts (neo Hagertv). Due notice ot the funefai will bS given from tho residence of his parents, 2221 Oaul st. RUSH. On January 17. 1010. WILREL MINA. C. widow of Captain Frederick W. nuih aged 02 vesrs. Relatives and, friends latS r'eslSefico' 3120 N. 10th St.. Sunday. 1 3C p. m. precisely. THICKFRSNY. On Jnnuary ID, 1910. THOMAS, husband or late ratnarine -penny. llclatlves and Mends Invited to at tend funeral services on Monday. 2 p m., at late residence. 1S31 S. 12th st. Interment Mt. Morlali Cemetery. Remains may bo v lowed bunday evening. THORN. At Beverlv. N. J., on January 17, 1010. EDWARD K THOltN. In his 8th year. Relatives and friends ore Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2.30 p m., at his lat" residence. 012 Spruce st. Beverly. N. J. Interment private. WALTERS. On January C7. 1010. WILL IAM H WALTERS, sou rf William and barah A. Walter (nee Schlelds). In hi. 17th year. Relatives and friends Invited to at tend funeral ten Ices Fitdav, J P. m at parents' residence. 2112 W. Tioga at. Inter ment Mount I'eaco Cemetery. Remain may be viewed Thursday evening. WARNOriC On January 10, 1910. ANNA J WARNOCK. daughter of the lato John and Ann Craig Warnock. at her lato resi dence? 101 Rex ave.. Chestnut Hill. Duo notlco ot tho funeral will bo glv n. WAY. Suddenly, at Inola, N on Jan uary IS. 1910. SAMUEL R. WA' husband ot It. .Florencn Way. nged r,7 ve.ir Rela ttves and friends, also O. R. C.. of I'. R. R., of Camden, aro Invited to attend the funeral, n...H.inv ,, n tti.. from hla lute, real- un d-iuiu-,1 - i-' ' . --t vr-. .- dence. Lenola. N. dence. ienoia. i. w. iiitisii. w w,i"i"i t emetery, Itemajns may ub tirnog "i. ., dny. from 7 to o p. m. Conveyancea will meet 1-0S p. m. trolley from Market street ferry, Camden, at Lenola. WEIMAR. On January 18, 1010 HENRT, son of Oeorge W. and Anna TX Weimar (nee Trude), aged 23 year.. Relatives and friends, also members of Columbia Castle, No, in, K. O. K.I I'enn Treaty Council, No. 167. D of L, and German Reformed Salem Church, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 1 p. m.. from his late resi dence. 2312 East Rnston ave. Services at the Cumberland bt. M. B Church (Coral and Cumberland) at 2 p. m. Interment at Green, mount Cemetery. WELLS. On January 10, 1010. MARY J widow of James Well., pxed 78 years. Rela tive, and friend, are Invited to attend the funeral aervlces. on Saturday, at 3 p. m., at residence ot nephew, Edward C. Meacham, Stenton ave. and Mechanlo St., Germantown, Interment private, at Union Cemetery. Whlte roarah. Remain may be viewed Friday. WENERD. On January 17, J010, MARY, wife of Newton II. Wenerd. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence. 2134 South 67th street. Its mains may be viewed on Thursday evenlnr, from T till 0. Interment private, TfHEATMAN. On January 19. 1916. SAM UEL R. W1IEATMAN. Funeral sorvlces prl vate. on Saturday, at late resldsnce. New town Square. Delaware Co., Pa. Friends may view remains Saturday, from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. TVOOD. On January 19. 1016, RUTH R.. wife of John Enoa Wood and daughter ot George C. and Mary A. Flthlan. In ber 24th year. Funeral at her late resldsnce. QT17 Windsor ave. Due notice of funeral will be given. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STTLB TYPH (or Ilk this) One time .., 8o perltne Three times one week ,....,t.tl2HG per line Six times one week , ,.,,,..,,,, 10a per line Situations Wanted, three time one week 10 cents per line per insertion. Place your order for three or more times and it will be inserted tn the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rate for EtB"mn Lnxica and rnatto Lxoora combined Is 10 cents per line, with the exception of Help Wanted nnd Situations Wanted, which Is IB cents per line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is permitted In all classifications ex cept Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and Found, Personals, Boarding and Rooms, add FIVE CENTS PER LINE TO ANY OF ABOVE RATES. There is a drup; store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE RIND1NO OIRI, wanted, oip ; also learners 1012 Chancellor et. CHAMUURMA1D, nnd seamstress In small adult family, with, some knowledge of Indies' and gentlemen's clotlilnr: Prntestnnt pref. i reference. Address J 818. Ledger Central CHAMIinitMAID and tvnltlng. exp Protestant: best reference required. Meet employer Room -jy'.CubMo lcdgcr. Thursday, 10,30 CHAMBERMAID" and waitress: thoroughly ex- perlenccd; best rets. Phone Gormantovvn 3030. CHAXHIEIIMAID Olrl for chnmberno waltinr: 2 In family. 228 H .Tith st. orlt nnd wui.tstuuai, anu asusi cnamnerwonc: I'rot estnni girl about 80 oars: English or tlsr- . man preferied, II 014. ledger Ofnce. CLOTH WEAVEHS wanted. 'Apply John i JamesDobion. lno.. lllanket Mills, Scott's .. Inno. Falls ot Schuylkill. COOiO Wanted. Jtnuary 23, Competent Prot estrjit tools, good msneeer and baker: refer- encs; Addres J840i;edKerCentral. COOK nnd downstairs work, exp. : best refer . encen, 8, . Phone Oermantown 309(1. (.uuitiisi, nna downstairs work Re nblo wo man, about 3r; ref. required, ono hour's rldo from Phlla., good wages: family of ono lady. Meet cmplover, Room 230. Publlo Ledger. I I I ii T t 111 a, iiliiitn, GENERAL HOUSlOvoilK Olrls who aro ex perienced nnd capable wn secure good posi tions, cither In tho city or suburbs, by con sulting "Miss Reed." who Is constantly In touch with persons wishing this class of help Either call or phono WvVLNUT f000 nnd u will receive valtnhle Information which will promptly secure ou n most deslrnblo posi tion. This service Is rendered through the IIOimEIIOLD REOISTRY HUREAO OF THE I'Uill.lf" LEDOEIl. and Is free to I.L'nOER ADVEUTISEUS. OIRI., tlermon, for general housework nnd rooking. Apply 3111 Summit nve Jenklnlnwn QIItl.H to clip threads from men's nnlnsonk underwear: no cxp, neceasnrv: pnid whllo learning. Roxford Knitting; Co.. Hnndolph anil Jorferson OOVERNESS, French, for boy 8 vearn old: must havo beat reference. J 811, Ledger Central. HOSIERY Exp. knitters, toppers nnd loopers. etendy work, good nnv; nlso learners: paid while lenrnlng. 1320 N. Lnwrcnci. HOSIERY Experienced menders: good pay, steady work. Wallace-WIlsnn Hosiery Co., Orchard below Unity, Frnnkford. HOUSEKEEPER wanted: only thoso having Institution il cxp. In the cnpnclty of house keeper will bo considered. Address Superln tendrnt Mt. Slnal I lospltnl. r.th nnd Reed st HOI'SEK'P'R, working Whlto Prot. womnn; no nnsh 1 tti '. L-utsdnwno ave.. Lnnsdowne HorSiEWORK Neat, clean girl, family of n cltj , rrr required: good wages. Interview Room 2T0 Public l,lger. (Ith nnd Chestnut. HOI'SKWORK -Wanted, neat whlto girl, not over 2." for general housework, JO per week. Apply 020 S, tilth HOUSEWORK, general, neat colored girl, sleep out. Apartment R. 4S0', Chestnut st. HOUSEWORK wTilto Prntealant, Bmall fam llv. 2121 N Mth st. Phone flnlmont B11.1 J. HOUSEWORK Neat, clean woman or soung Kin. an ijickiiihoii i ,. HOI'SEWOUK-Whlto girl, family of 2. Thono Qnwyd 32S W. LADY'S MAID, nlso ihamhermnld. to go to Wilmington. Del.: must be Protestants. Enc- II. h 1-n.nl. nc SZrntrh TT fi-S TaU. ff (. n' MAIDS 12), cook, waitress and chambermaid, houseman kept: Herman, Scotch or English prererrerl itnx tu, unnnor, i-a. NURSE, comnetent. for elderly l.tdy. tnvnlld: ono v llllnir to sew nnd nsslst light houehnld duties- suburbs. II 027. Ivedger Office. NtlRHERY GOVERNESS for 3 children Apply Thursday, after 2. Apt M. The (Uidstone. OPERATIVES Apnllcailona are now being re reived for experienced femaln operatives on fuses. Call or address, atntlng experience. 2448 Frnnkford nve. OPERATORS Exp. fellers on men' nainsook underwenr. Roxford Knitting Co, Randolph and Jefferson. OPKRATORS. exp only, on wash top eklrts.E. yeltxer nros , -i.i .viarset ai. FUnsSIN'! Wnnted. girls for nreeslng. Annlv at A. F. Ilornot nro. Co . S. E. cor. 17th and i-'nirmount nve WAITRESS, Protestant, experienced, small family: rltv. Address J 817. Ledger Central. WANTED Rrlght joung womi"n between 1S and 22 years old. to tako un telephone work. No experience necessary. Salnry ild whllo learning. Pleasant work; permanent posi tion. Apoly In person, 0 n. m. to & p. rn. BELL -TELEPHONE COMPANY 400 MARKET; STREET WOMAN. 1 ounp. refined Protestant, for chll Itutlon JS.10 ledger 1'entral General WOMEN wanted as Oovernment clerka: $70 mon.i I'nua. exam, cominff: sample question free Franklin Inst. Dept 713 L, Rochester, N Y HELP WANTED MALE RILL CLERK Young- man as bill clerk: good, rapid writer; quick and accurate tat figures: state mlary and experience P an. Ledger Ofllce. BOOKKEEPER nnd accountant, neat appear ance, must have had three years' experience, Apply D. I.. Wood. 2S H. Oth. BOOKKEEPER Young man. capable of nan dling correspondence. A 334. Ledger Office. BOYS wanted: must be over 16. Perry ti Co., 16th and Chestnut sts. CLERK Wanted. In steamship office, expert enced young man as clerk: must be stenog rapher and typewriter. Give full particulars in applicant,,! la f m iupr mure. CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. APP'y Jehn A Jamta Dobson, Inc., lllanket Mills, Scott' lane. Falls of Schuylkill. DRAFTSMAN, mechanical, experienced In th design of telescoplo Instruments: salary 31820 per annum; citizen. Apply Frankford Arsenal. In writing, stating age and experience. Fif teen days' leave after one year's .ervlce, seven holiday, and Saturday afternoons dur Ing the summer months, all with rull pay. FURNITURB BALESMEN Tho with hlgh.grade selling experience. Apply t Bureau of Employment, 4 floor, 6TRAWBRIDOB CLOTHIER PETEY Well, the Cold HELP WANTED MALE HOUSEWORK Reliable man and wife, white, for general housework. B 42, Ledger Cent. LATHFJ"llAND3, first class. A. H. Reld, C00& nnveriora avo. LINOTYPE OPEllATOR-Competent man only wanted: nlghtwork. Otto.Jone Co., 2710-21 . North Reco t. j MAN experienced, aggressive, to represent largo manufacturer In Philadelphia: appli cation musi cover pnsi experience, ago ana silsry desired. P IMU, ledger Office Ul'i'lTlMlf'At. IVtlAlTmiTRXtAM Experienced In the. design ot telescoplo In struments: silary ltJ0 per annum: citizen. Applj' FRANKFORD ARSENAL In writing, stating nge and experience Fif teen daysT leavn niter 1 ear' aervlco; 7 hol idays and Saturday afternoons oft during summer months, nil with full pay, OFFTCE BOY.100fl Pennsylvania Building. ORDER CLERK A largo corporation. 12 miles out of Philadelphia, lias a good position In order department open for the right man: applicants must havo several years' experi ence, bo nblo to operalo typewriter and fur njsh gnotl references. E.46, Ledger Central, PAYROLL CLERK Young man wanted In of llco of uptown factory: must be experienced timekeeper nnd accurate In his work: no ap plication considered except those giving age, rxnerlnco nnd. salary. P 029. ledger Otflce. PRESSMAN, leather belting, nnd all-around i.itn,auef-,, steitrtv work, at hlshest wages E. F. Houghton & Co.. 240 W. Somerset St. SALESMAN, stock and bond, wanted: perma nent connection for producers. Address In dustrial Securities Co., Trustee RWp., Har rlsburg. Pa, Ma SALESMAN Hlgh-clsss, experienced sales man, lubricating oils: eastern. Pennsylvania nsslnnmont,, P MS, Ledger Offlce. SALESMEN wanted for engineering, drafting nnd photographic supplies Apply to Williams, , . e- n..l. Itan Ol r-VieetM.t at. l,,lll Q5 l'l'r, ,,.,-,, vm v,,.j. ......... SOLICITORS, experienced, wanted Immediately, In big subscription campaign: nireci icuua and letters of Introduction; liberal commis sion Apply in person, from 3 to 4 o'clock, to D. R. O'Louthlln, Tranklln Bank Bldg , Chestnut below uroad, first floor, rleht side ,1, fill, ..II. r, STCNOGHArilEn-Must bo a younff man ovw 21 -years of ntro, with several years' ejperi- of entrnnce, knowleds ..awI.a rP tinAtrlraiAnln and whn linn hurt secretarii lal training pref. E 44, ledger Cent. BTRAWBRtDfin A CLOTHIER, require an oxnerlenced cabinetmaker. Apply RMreau ot Employment, 4'4 floor, before 11 a, m. TOOLMAKERS, exp. on Jig and fixtures. Autocar uo., Aramorp, -n. TURRET LATIID HANDS rirst-class Tooimaaers. An1., tiia t-eanlrfnrrl five. Between H n. m. nnd 0 p. m- YOUNO MAN. HI to 18 years of age, in of llco of manufacturing concern, who Is famil iar with tiling orders nnd letter and who I1S8 some Knowicugo Ol lypcwrmna inuv;,,,,,, r-ue nirp. rpferetico and jtalnry expected. Si' Si 421. ledger Ofllce. YOUNO MAN to assist with bookkeeping In real estate ofOc: must bo neat writer; wares J7 lo start. P ly In own handwriting. I) 0, Lcdfter wince YOUNG MAN to help machinist: ono who has bad n couple nf years' experience In inn chine shops. Apply, with references, 1011 North llnnrock st .. YOt'NO MAN "wnnted to lay un cloth nnd nsslst cutter Apply Roxford Knitting Co., Itniulolnli nnd Jrrterson. YOUNCJ MAN to lenrn Insurance business: salary to start SI week. Kelghler, Gelgler A Co. :ill Wnlnut st. YOUNG MAN wanted In sales department of pilnt manufacturer. Address, with reference, I', o. Box in in. YOUNO MAN, 10 to, 18 years: wholesale linrdwnre store; experienced preferred. II E!, I-etlgcr office THIS 13 Intended to reach the man employed lu an advanced position who fools Hint ho Ins obtained tho limit In his present employ ment nnd who knows that to secure further personal ndvanroment ho must enter wider Aside, Tho change of environment where a man has tho opportunity to study, learn nnd work hlmseir up In nnother business often brings out unknown thoughts and efforts nnd frequently Is the means of developing latent " This Is an exrellentf opportunity for tho Hi.m vvho earnestly tleslreo to Incrcnsn hi Incomo nnd hv hint work develop himself to n position where his future Income would b limited only by his nhlllty to do n nroflt nlile business nrnl bis cnpnclty for supervis ing, directing nnd controlling others In the work For tho right kind of mnn this posi tion should bo worth J.VW0 a jenr nnd should show n yenrlv Incirnse Wo me looking for tint typo of mm. We nro particularly Interested in n min who Is nt present holding n good position. In writing, stnto ago nnd nnture of business now cngigetl In Applications will bo con sidered strictly confidential Box E 40. Led ger Central. WELL-KNOWN PHILADELPHIA , ADVER TISING AGENCY wants un assistant for their rato nnd plan ilenuitment; prefer joung man with real agencv experience nlodg this lino: must ho nt curate, energetic nnd rapihln nf nssumlne exerutlve responsibility. A very good onpnrtunltv for tho right man. Address It 14. Ledger Office. General Oil N BROAD ST. The oldest Original AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Tenches vnu how to repnlr nml imw t,i drive nutn F. PET-, till N. Blip AD STi. iiusiNESt sEitvirr: company RKPRS . SEVERAL OTIIEll Pns. OPEN. lStil LAND TITLE BUILDING r ? - S SITUATIONS WANTSD PEM ALE BOOKKEUPER A position as bookkeeper, stenographer, or both, by n joung woman having several years' experience In each line; I accustomed lo tho confidential work of a private scrreturi, tho caro of an offlco, bank uicountH and the answering of correspond ence without erbatlm dictation; can furnish references from former emplojers. J 33S, Ledger CciUrol. BOOKKEEPER, tvptst. .1 jcara' experlenco tn iiiufjcturlng anil mall order. J P."3.Ied.Cent BOOKKEEPER. 1). E . 0 jeara' experlenco; thoroUKbly cnpablo J O.'tl. LedBerfentriil OASlIHlll. ex perit need, tapable, desires posl- tlop. Mrst-cl.iga rcfcrtiues. J 350, Ix-d. Cent. CHAMIIUIIWORK or waiting, experienced, Protestant:cltv' reference 130,1 Cherry st. CLKRK,2 yean,' cxperleme, reliable, willing, wiitliea irnMnent position J liy j.ed Cent. CLERK Cen. off. work, tiling, tel. operator. rxrlenced E 41. l-cdger iVntrnl, COOK, "cxpcrlfiicetl. colored, no washing; city or suburbs. H ri.",. rff-edger Office. COOKING Experienced colored girl, ilty or suburbs, reference. 1323 S. Dorrance DICTAPHONE OPERATOR: 3 years' exp. knowledge of stenography. J 8.14, Led. Cent. DRESSMAKER, perfect fitter, remodeling; In ur qui. e-.otJ nay; rri. tw; iiavcriorq ave. GOVEItNKSS (visiting), children between 4 and 11 years, ligllsh, music, p. tinting: good needlewoman, 2 or 3 hours mornings, H ICO, l-odger Oifu-g, HOUHKKEEPKR (maiiaglng) or companloiiT private famllv. experienced woman, refer ence. II U23.Letlger Office; HOUSEKEEPER (managing), private famllv. wnere servant g aepi. i-roi. il nio. eq. urr. INFANT'S NURSE or care of Invalid; hospital minuiK. u,i pign uhut. LADY desire a position as useful companion; resident, dally or hourly: good reader, letter writer, generally useful; references. Ad- areis a oju, i.eqer vnice. LADY, Parisian, desires engagements; French taught by quick method at moderate rates. J 8112. Ledger Central. bEAMSTRESS, first class; renovating and hand sewing; references. J 941, Ledger Central. SECRETARY, experlsnced. wants position ot trust: best references. J 812. Ledger Cent. STENOGRAPHER, experienced In secretarial work, capable woman, desire pleasant sur rounding and good hours. J 854, Id. Cent. STENOGRAPHER: 4 yrs.' exp.; possess Initia tive and executive ability; cap. secretary; thorough on detail. J 754, Lodger Central. STENOGRAPHER Pelrce School training; so-ne experience; accurate and neat. J 0S6. Ledger Central. BTENOORAPHER-Compt. ana acour. young lady.des. pos ; mod. salary, J 767, Led. Cent, Air Put Pep in Petey, at SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE JTDNOC1RAPHBR, knowledgo of bookkeeping: CXP 1 do neat, arrnr. n-nrlr. .1 44. I.ed Oftnt. STENOGRAPH! R. thor. exp.. cap., reliable. stendoraphI R. thor. exp., cap.. . m-o,,v Kunuiipr. onsiiioTi1afttt. irt-. .i.-,,.. COPYINO wnnted "to do at homo by experi enced tvptst. work called for nnd delivered promptly. J 310. ledger Central. WOMAN, refined. Protestnnt desires position as mother a helper or a companion or houso- keepor In small family. J 051, Ledger Cent. TOUNO LADY, refined, now employed, desires change, clerical preferred: willing to start at8,wlth advancement. A 31o.Lgcrprf TOUNO, LADY, high school training, desires clerical work: good penmin. J 211. Ledger nAaiTstti trr.n.ju . . ii earn t ij i'nr. ,.,-lllIill, YOUNO LA DY.'nent, willing, desire position general clerical work. J 017. ledger central SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AUTOMOBILE TIRE MAN-fl years' practical tiro construction In all branches: good per eonnllty: well educated: knowledge of ndver Using; moderate salary. J 037, Ledger Cen tral. ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper, absolutely first class. 13 venrs' exp., perm, or temn post tlonjup.to,late. high-class ability. 3112 Arch AUDITING, big and little, dono by responsible . mnn. bonded In STOCO. M 212. ledger Office. Itrvrnr Ift-t'itnn ., .. .... ...hi paymsster nnd correspondent, thoroughly competent and reliable: ample experience: chance for advancement. J 84t. Ledger Cen tral. BOOKKEEPrjR. thoroughly experienced, will nudlt accounts, open, close ond wrlio up books, day or evening; moderate terms, A .1 li i K r UIIICP. BOOKKEEPER. 4 venrs' experience: nIo do stenography: 2 years accounting; Univ. of Pa.; best roterences J, 753. ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, expert, wants work evenings: nretclnj-rerrnceJA 331, Ledger Offlce. BOOKKEEPER or assistant: C. 11. S. grad t qulck nnd accurate nt figures. P 0O.1, Id Off. BOOKKEIH'ER nnd accountant. 37: 13 venrs' r rxnerlenco: reference J S.VI Ledger Central. RUTIJER Young col'd man wishes situation; . prlvat o, fa mllv: best city ref. A 120. I-d Off. CARPENTER Youmt man. 21, married, wljihe position: suburban experience: ran., steady workmnn. A, It. Johnson. 010 N. 12t CHAUFFEUR, exn.. whlto. wishes position. city or country, good ref. Pox 03, Vlllnnnva. CLERK. 2.",, desires offlco position: 7 v ears' exp.. ref; .110 Ledger. Br., loth ft Diamond, COOK, colored: light housework: go country: reference. . Phono Germantown 3(147 W. HOTEL MANAGER Young, wldo experlenco; smnll salary, per centnge: anywhere: wife as housekeeper. 11 1. Ledger Office. HOUSEMAN: experienced young whlto man: best city reference. 1023 S. 17th St. MAN AND WITH, colored, from South: wife, flrst-clnss cook. man. butler nnd nil-round mnn. first-class reference, does not drink or smoke, 102Q S. 17th st, . MAN AND WIFE, white, Prntestnntn:exner lenccd cook nnd butler: no laundry; $if per month II 001, Ledger Office. MAN, 30, wnnts work where honesty and ability count. J Pin. Lodger Central. NURSE, practical, nnd companion, desires po sition with Invalid gentleman: nhvelclnn's reference Wrlto 13. It. 4007 llnverford nve. POSITION OF RESPONSIBILITY REOUlllINO THE SERVICES Or A COMPETENT MAN IN FINANCIAL OR MANAGERIAL CAPACITY. HAV ING HELD POSITION AS CASHIER AND OFFICE MANAGER IN ONE OF THE LARGEST HANKING HOimFS OP THE STItEET. WILT, BE CON SIDERED BY MAN WELL AC QUAINTED TO BFS1NES"' CONNEC TIONS WITH RANK AND TRUST COMPANY OFFICIALS. J 81,1, LEDGER CENTRAL PHYSICIAN, good dlngnostlelnn nnd casetnker, desires nffl.e position; references. P ...2, ledger Control, SALESMAN Young, ambitious, energetic, rond cxp.. can produce results- prefers road propo sltlnn, now employed. J fM'l. Lodger Central. SALESMAN nnd bookkeeper wnnts position; rh.inoo of advancement on merit. J S.. Ledger i-enirni SALESMAN, bustler. 28. reference desires lofnto Willi niliomnnue iiini t ,, ,-', ". SHIPPER nml packer: can furnish references or bond. .1 Oil. Lodger Central YOUNO MAN. having 0 jenrs' experience, de sires position ns ns-lstant to manager; can furnish best ot reference AddrcsH u 2. Ledger Offlce. YOUNG MAN wishes position ns bookkeeper or clerk- experienced: best references. Roxbor nugh 231) I lit Leverlngton nvo lOI'NG MAN. 30. wishes position as clerk or "nlesman: references IH Ledger Office A REAL OPPORTUNITY Is desired bv good correspondent, both sales nnd ntlvertlsInK; experienccil in credit work: preferably vvlth smalt tomnanv'. pre"r j'or,8. LEDGER CENTRAL. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICHOLLS, 1020 minhrldgc st -Comn. butler, ieeond men. housemen. Swiss English. Ger man inuplos. waltrcsecs. thnmbormalds, par lormaids nurses. kltclicnnialds...houjcmaids. with refe rentes Phone i.ocusl ji.ai. LOoivS. ctambermalds. chlldnurses, housework girls Anil middle-aged woman want positions Wanted, nil kinds of flrst-clnss help. Miss no," Dougherty J.'11't W. "'rard nvo. JJliSTitANK. Ml 8. 10th. want flrst-cass help, with reference, character and nullity, fyrp'nr."rl-i;jijnllle;Phniie Snruce 3401 MlHS MARY T. MCCARTHY. 2107 Christian rt.o. . ITU), supplies R. wants l.t-rlas Prat . Ciith. mnloei female help nil inllnnalltles MVDAME ASIin15-TI Christian St. Reliable helc i iuppiled nnd wanted, nil nationalities. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILE MECHANICAL SCHOOLS SPRING 1 GAROEN INfiTITUTB NE. COR. BROAD AND SPRINO ' GARDEN STS OPEN TUFSDAY. JAN. 2STII. 1910. AT, 7 30 P. .M- . Course of 13 weeks. 20 lessons. 2 hpura each. J"1 tench maintenance nnd repairs tn all the' Inner and intrlcat,; moving parts of the iiutomobllo, overhauling and rebuilding taught In a practical nnd, ronclso manner on Tuesday nnd Trldny nights under tho per sonal direction of EARL J- BOYBR For Kale SPECIAL SALE ot SLIGHTLY USED CARS which have been taken In exchange for wmen "YC0LU ,, GRANT These cars nre all In first-class condition, liming been overhauled In our own shops. Among the car offered are: CADILLAC PAIGE OVERLAND JEFFERY CHALMERS MARSION HAVERS OLDSMOBILH ALSO DEMONSTRATING CARS Slightly Used. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONET L. B. BOWERS COMPANT 245-217 North Broad Street DISTRIBUTORS COLE ORANT HUPMOniLE, 191432 touring, electric lights and starter; bargain. I'hon Locust 3502 J. 6TANLBY STEAMER touring car, in good condition. X550 OOMERY bCHWARTZ. 253 N. Broad L ' 629 NORTH BROAD flTREETT 831 Robertson' old original Auto School teaches you now to re pair and bow to drive auto. 031 NORTH BROAD STREET 629 That By C. A. VOIGHT XOUNO MAN nmbltlous. nge 20. with a hlgn school education, desires to connect with targe business houso with the aim of learning salesmanship, references. J .l.,3. Lett. Cent. AUTOMOBILES For Polo DON'T DUY A CHEAP CAR OKI A COOD CAR CHEAP ws.fir8iiSssSAif'Wt A SMALL FRACTION OF ITS ORIGINAL COST Roadsters. , Touring Cr, Incl osed Cars escli In junnrng condition, and oemnnti ior nm -",',,"..ir,i ,ft mAko great that we nre not compelled to make f, inordinate allowances inr v;"tmr:eI cars taken In exchange. That fact manes for you tho GREATEST BARGAIN IN GOOD USED CARS For your OWN RRNEFIT look these cars over PROMPTLT. CADILLAC AUTOMOnlLE SALES CORPORATION 142 NORTH BROAD STREET WE OFFER TH18 WEEK EXCEPTmBARGAINS - The following cars have ill tan taken In partlil P3s-mrt for v IIIT. 13 CARM. These cars nro I". P"'"","" condition nnd will bo fold at low flaurea: BTKnNB KN1GHT WHITE STEVENS DtmYEA PIERCE ARROW srilVE.VS DI'RYEA STEVENS DURYEA IHO VVt.UEZATlYOUR Off! PRICE m0CACfclW DEMONSTRATION We sto have 3-lon PACKARD truck. Two VIM Delivery trucks. I. C. MOSER, , SKI North Brontl street. PHONES-llell. , Spruce 0C02 Kev stone, Unco 1,3, WE HAVE 50 OF THE FINEST SMALL AUTOMOBILES that can be seen In Philadelphia. Each car overhauled, painted and sold with a reasonablo guarantee. Backed by a responsible concern. , It, will pav vou to Investigate. Good prices allowed on 0ld C!lAlNE LINE SERVICE CO. ROSEMONT. PA. BRYN MAWR S37-S3S-S39 AUTO-Second-hanil: nlirell my 1013 Special Mitchell six. 7-passenger. completely .equip ped electric Btnrtcr and lights: special finish nnd equipment throughout: tire Practically new. with two extra, guaranteed finest condi tion: splendid family car nt bargain. Sleight Owner. 1007 Market st.Belmont 4W8. 13. M. F. 30, 1012. In flnocondltlon: extra eiulpnient. low price to quick buver. N. A. I'etry. McKean ave.. Otn.. Phone Gtn. 2, Mi. LOCOMOlllLE 0-cyllnder, 4-pass.: a gentle man's torpedo. In nne condition In every re spect: tires lino: will demonstrate. J 0O. , ..In.... r.nl.nl tut ri.M.lvi hnlnicrs 3-Mkuger touring car, cnulppod Willi generator, electric. light nnd englno tiro pump: good condition. Mctlnrrlgle Gaingo nncl Supply Company. C3.12-3S Gcr- mnntow-n nvo. STANLEY steamers. $20U tin. also limousine hotly; call, make offer. 11.10 Westmoreland. SEND FOR FREE" BULLET1 . rvi.- ittii-ri n.ins rSORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 23S N. BROAD SPRINGS. WHEELS. TANKS. MUFFLERS. Sl'HoriKH. 3341 43-4.1 MARKET M'anted bTOPI I.OOKI AND LISTEN! We buy old nutos In any wrecked condition: get our prleo before v.ou sell them. Phone or vyrlte Southwestern Junk Co.. 101-7 Carpenter. WANTED AUTOS FOR JUNK. GET OtJli prlco first. 031 Diamond st. Phone Park 4161 13XCHANOE" new $000 nlavcr-plnno for auto. WhltmoroJPIano Co , 2033 Lehigh. Tlogn 7250. OLD CARS bought for Junk,"nny condition. Belmont 400. Problnsky. BOOt Vino st. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO.. ln.11 N. WILI.INGTON 8T. LIMOUSINES. TAXICAIJS AND TOURING OV.R8 IO HIRE Sl.30 Pl'.lt HOUR AND UP. TOP. 1QS3-T.34 PARK 73. NEVER CIXISED. TO HIRE (upen dny and night) Brand-new ft-pase. touring car. with robes. $1.2.1 hour: also brand-new 7-puss. limousine. Sl.30 hour; weddings, funerals, etc. Poplar 1017 W. KERR'S NEW (1ARAUEIII10 Glrard ave. Now open for service vvlth tho finest up-to-dnte equipment. Storage. 5.1 up. Drop In and look it over, or phono Belmont 0130. AUTO REPAIRING 7 SPEEDOMETER TROUBLE 7 SEE BILLY AT II IS NEW LOCATION, .110 N. BROAD ST. CYLINDERS HEROHED. new piston end rings furnished, weldings nnd brazing. H. B. Underwood & Co.. 102.1 Hamilton st Phlla. AUTO SUPPLIES BEARINGS New Departure Service Sta. The Gwllllam Co., 1314 Arch at. Phones Walnut 3107. Raco S0t!2. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guarantee,! 4tiui miles Compare prices. Gnnnlln. "tie ner mil", ORl.irsL 236 North Broad st. FIRESTONE DEMOUNTABLE rims for Ford cars. $15 ner set. Installed. Duplex-Tire Com pany, 2228 N, Broad st. Phono Diamond 1423. "i" ' D0QS POMERANIAN Black, 18 months old. weight 33. pounds: sire I'oxhllls or Oriel. Hocks brook Kennels, Bala. Pa I'or Exchange EXCHANGE n dog for thickens, pigeon, or guinea pigs. Frank Gray, 20 North Otli at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TREASURER Company completing coal and oil plant In Phlla , with contracts that will pay over $50,000 annual profit, wishes to .ell promptly $10,000 bonds out of $30,000 total secured by mortgage; will give competent party one tenth of capital stock anil treasurership at satisfactory salary, FulleiTt investigation bo llclted. M 213, Ia-tlger Central PATUNTS-ARTHUR B. PAIOK. 714 Walnut St.. Phlla.. mechanical and electrical engi neer; registered patent attorney; established here 30 years; Invention developed; patents, trademark, copyrights secured and litigated anywhere; rejected application prosecuted; irenminary mivico irco. WILL sell entire control ot the greatest gas saving device ever constructed, at a sacrifice, on account of other business; stock valued t$800; trademark, testimonials, etc.. at less than half; hundreds Installed In Phlla.; Immense p rofit. J 245. Ledger Central. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO, Patent Attorney. Washington. D. C. Write for descriptive bookleL BELHAVEN.nY-THE-OCEAN HBHOBOTH BEACH, DEL. Now open. For sale or rent, because of ag of proprietor, Tho most popular and ex. elusive hotel on Delaware coast; a bargain for right person: easy term.. STATE MANAGER WANTED To represent New York company; must have at least $2000 to carry supplies: reference; without that amount do not apply: $10 000 a year Income to right man; Interview. II. A. Dorr. Bingham Hotel. 10 o'clock to 8 dally. OPPORTUNITIES' e1t, , r I r. -.-... ? j conditions lnveM-,.e , s oar in ' ' lections, real est inaur nLe si. :M Jtnco 2.U-I. Prant. s U-vvl i:,j 'Pt DROP POCKET u., ir nan et ftooA si !,nt,a UUUWIMl ')!!( It HrW, , I) , , j "A It tY DARLI.NHT N " i 142o rt-o. nut s) 5 WANTED-A irenticman nnh ,,V Ices, not afraid to take a ihsn m Vli h,i,ln,., nf M.. 1 , -e "V' C in H1, CL."""1 :. 1"": ... ' ... iil: .. - ' 1'er li,S '.X5i PICTURI . TiiiiA-riiK n ,in; s7.-,.liir nntee. to exrhenci for gool iV."' es. Investlgtt- Bnrrlst Ml 'S ly ruarnnt properties, UJjUxHiJ JaAXEHIALSREpstZa t'Aiipr.rjiniiivn .ivn ,..... -i.J tlons of every kind, work guarsmilf Al'l service: Ii vcars tnhiislneif.",',1.. n. 'T.rm iteni .Estate and ft, im,'.1 t 24,11 N, Kith notn phones. """ ' BUSINESS PERSONALS" t.t.tT"ttfU It A It T-r 8UPURFLUOU8 HAIR removedby ,TeeTr3 the only permanent way. EvehVi?''"l' Mtoa fldtTlt. trvt t-7.1. 'iZeDrOwj h.VTl. M'lss iloppe. halMs'g. fntiCilJ? "WcSl ,. "" "Hcoa ftUITH - CutawajB, Tuxedos And Sack t . NEUBlf Vfi? tTiiU? ift Bell phono. Wnlnut self' '" FULL DRESS SUITS All n-w. t,hr; (6in nrnwiiiiriii. r'AAR'Jili rfllllrtTi' OIRARD AVE. rilONE POPLARrfSj CARPET OLEANINO I'O.VTI.V E MTAt -neulVhonr-l :rJ'" "LgEfiSJ WI'CT Ptltt. A. MrVAIIf-iT o.,. .-i.W3? WEST PHU.A, 1c. PER ViiSn8 W riT.:" V.Vrri f- "i'"il tR AVtl "UMiJA."!:.' " .,A''V",'-t BEATixrrsiill N 12th Nt tumblers used'. noneTlirifL DRESSMAKING AND mvum DESIGNING and pitternmnklng tsuhTr: uu-to-the-mlnuio methods bring remit. 7 Unwell. Drrssmaklng School, aof 7" Bldg,. 11th nnd Market sts. DnclH HEMSriTCHINO. 10 rents a vara .n -"7 rials.. A. REtCHARD. 1113 1 csiRLtI' J1! PICTORIAL Rr''IIRVJPATTBnifg' SJ m tn-r-i'r- u school of" nnnssMAKTvS- DAILY DRF-fSMAKEn. French. dcslrM"7nMr nrsi-c'-irs wora: evening gowns in.,,. . 110" Wnlnut., Phono Walnut iliw ,fKM. 1'ATTERNS cut from mensuremtnt. 80. Si guaranteed to fit. 1110 s. 13th. .11. Dntsna ?t'j FOR SALE BILLIARD AND POCKET TADLEsTaS; howling nllevs- eiy rnvmenta ORttsE wicK.HALKfJ.cor.riEsnnn nS seSJPy-9 BI I.LI A RD. .Pocket, 2d-hal tablMfreMM supplies ClnrU-Herd Mfg. Co.. !!i5i vVE BILLIARD, pool, -ombinatlon. 2d-hAnd'beuci sold, rented, exch'd. Keqfcr. 329 Olrtri itil CASH REGISTERS, new and seren-la!ia tntnt ndtlern ns Ion .is X.10. rn ..c Pivmrnts:nll r'ylsters roll by us fullr ntnllL. nnterd. Tho .National Cash Retli rtr'tSvMBr ,so Chestnut st, tiQml DKMKH. lnritn nnffnrtmnt nlco houhol1 ft niturr. nuuntr urntrm Bccnnd-Tntn. Fun ium gonipnfv.ii ikh-iww,.4 jaiiowMii it, , SAri:S Pirpproof: cIolnf out ell-htlT ,, 1-ij.i-T nun in '"'-., "'n "tiih""!' ein n, g OBn. : 2 o . r, o VICTROLA VI AND SIX 10-IXOI D, flunrnnteetl to bo In nerfect renilltlnTt An excellent outfit for one who li loolltsf-yi n good michlno at n rexsoniibto price, riftf cents weekly accepted. Call or wrtu to. complete description nnd , large llluitn'ril caiaiouct. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner 0th nnd Thommon its. rhlladolphla. Pa. 80 CENTS WEEKLY BUYS VICTROty mil "T wrire inr niriicuir HBPPE'S UPTOWN STORM Corner Hh nnd Thompson lis. Phllndolphla. Pa. F'RETTY goldfish for alo from 80c. per Jturij upward: nniiitriuuis. nwi . i,,Mt-, w nnlee nnH Knnlle. etc. 42S S. 5"ld St. IfJ DADDY WALKER buys talking rnacnlw itj records: exchanges nil recorus. oc. t'ln Illdge nve. nhnve Cnliimbll sw i HEATING MAKIN-KEISEY IIEA1TII HEAT II HMtBj nnd cheaper than steam or hot ), xr fresh nlr with normal moisture. UlKlNd KELSKY. 0 N ISth Bt. Phlla. INSTRUCTION JOIN TRENCH COOKING CLASS-IS ImmmJ1 $10: each lesson guaranteed perfect; l!i?a' number only. M. A. Wilson Cookltir kkwjk (.fit Raco st. Phone Uolmont 4841. 'Jy Sl'FNOGRAPHY and bookkeeping br lunuiv. Instruction. .course require, only rex-J pos. guar 704 locust (Waihlnston BauirBjj MACHINERY AND T00I8 SHAFTING-SAFETY SPLIT COLLARS I Igj YOCOM hangers arid pillow Mocks ttbt- isnetl Dan HUH Bncnti ucuii,,.- i.1.,, ,iil fnr nil shaft lie nlirDOSCK. SllAFTlN11." MACHINE WORKS. II, North Second aiALiiiat w JXmE3 YgMM i'owuit-i'ixjv.i "." ""i .n Dynamos, motors, boilers, iteam and ill Bin"., puniiw. ,ff'""V""'tiS M , .t. rn; lA7.lv itiuur.i, ii,.. ,-. ... - FIRE-FIOHTING. AITHMUiJ F.xtiligulherH Hose. Hooks, 1-auawj.pw- CILMILES IJU.-SiJ v.v,jli.Aii.t.y, jjai ma nnu lemen: iinuaiui,'. c-l Mirkct :no.1 Yenrsiey uo- zn ft. - r kTTftT'PoTVER &QUARINO BHEAJtS. A power Vouarlng. shears. 8-ft. brsxj. 30 . 14) In. rolls, .miitai,!. i, - w - PIPE, second-hand, all sixes. , rim- -jwb iiJIs nte. Rnnnlv Co.. 1003 N. 7th. II MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FDISO1" DIAMOND-POINT PHOXOOIUPn Cost Ito new.,,. . ,1 This outfit I; complete, with .) will be so d for $J3. tTW TJa. wmwo Call or write for complete deicripnon "J large illustrated caiaivauca. HBPPE'S UPTOWN BTOBES Corner 0th and. Thompson it, Philadelphia, Pa. LARGE ZOlJoPHONB TALKINO MACHINB .. With Cabinet and 60 R"lV., n Flnl.hed"ln toutful quutsrY "JlgJJ PJ! t?i: c.n be paid I TSo. wk y "l SSSdSff list oi EXfttfr iHd .Jl mk '"" HBPPE'S UPTOWN STORM Corner Otli and.ThoinMoa sti. Phlladelpbla. Fa. $S5 CHICKERINO UPRIOHT Ft iinivittn VTWrtWNT. 888 V. wurletzer eij:ctrio Piy sjgyj sale: 10 rolls: barp-'n- 1241" ..IB PIANO. itPrightt little used! iw, must ill. glioo North 17th. , OLD GOLD CASH PAID ittfviiaa -r1l 'AID FOR DIAMONDS. ? gold, llver. Platlnuin. fia H;..i.i.r .nd n.f. Co., m ga a kw..Qj 9 VB,-sf OLD GOLD,l!lver. Platmum. pljfd atria. lewriry. i.- t,v"ri:;,- Ma Et, Itno. J. .. -. t BUSINESS DESKS, flllng cabinet-, safes, telenhons u ami offlco fiiinllurn and fixtures of itirr description: iisctl, but lu flno condlttos. ui xen rhenn: frn-i dellvorv onvwhsrs. sS HUGHES. 11T1I AND BUTTONVvOOR M llt'Ct.'U Incern neni-4i-4H slsa K,l.ii ' ." COPPER-JACKETED KETTLE-30 !l'JJ nmeter, 22 in. deep-mounted on Iron (rUM)H HHYFERTS. 137 N. 3d at. 3f V nvsAMDS. motors nnd machinery fcougnt. oM, Ired. lius 'S"I '