Nfi l K X ' Jfvs .n? r "fc u EVENING- LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JATSfnARY 20, 1P10 FINANCIAL NEWS BETHLEHEM DROPPED 25 POINTS DESPITE 30 PER CENT. DIVIDEND financial District Had Expected a Much Larger Dis tribution on the Corporation's Common Stock Other War Specialties Hit on Renewed Selling it New York Stock Sates Lnet elnse Adam EsprrM. .. 160 Alia Jnneiii .. OH Alxka Cold M. ..... S5 Allte-Chalmcn Mlg ... 27Ji AlHs-Chatm Mfcpf.... 70 Am Ac Chemical...... "rtHS Am A Chem cf OS Am licet bnear....... l.flW v Ni:V YOIlK, .Tnii. 20. The Block market ronctcd further today on efforts of the benrlili element ort the floor nntl some outside operators. Including a few prominent pltinReri. Who mrule frequent efforts to depress prices of lending Btoclts nnd force speculative liquidation. " irost of these efforts were concentrated tn United Stnte Steel common, which, while It wns offered down from 85V4 to 834, wiih subjected to further bearish Influence In the shape of assertion that the dliector.t nt their meet ing on Tuesday will not declare a dividend on the common stock. A a matter of fact, the usually welMnformod !nlrot on the Street Insist that the stock will bo replaced on the dividend pnslntr Hit on Tuesday, nnd seeril wagers were made today that a dividend of Vt per cent, will then bo declared. With rejrard to Steel, one Important house with close connections In the management Is tulvlscd that no dividend will be declared, while another house, equally prominent nnd also nltlllatcd with the mnnittrcmcnt. 1 said bj membeis of the firm to have positive Information that n dividend of l'i per cent. v ill be declared. Naturally, n6 extensive new commitments on a long sldo In Steel common can bo looked for until the dividend position IS defined nt the dlicctors' meeting. United State Steel earnings for the ear ended December 31 will show, when this December quarterly statement Is Issued next Tuesday, about $60,000, 000 for the year 1916 applicable to dividends on the common stock, nnd It will requlro about only 1-10 of this amount to pay tho dividend of 1'A per cent, on the common stock, which those who uln.ulil have full knowledge of the compnnv's affairs now look for. It Is held by sumo Important market Interests that If the United States Steel cannot give $0,000,000 out of $60,000,000 to tho common stock holders thnt there will be no purpose In making Investments In those shares. Following the announcement thnt the ltethlehem Steel Corporation had declared n dividend of 30 per cent, on the common stock, the llrst ever paid j mute A superior By tho company, there was renewed selling throughout the whole market. The Street had genernlly expected thnt n much larger dividend would be tleclired, nnd as lnte as jcatcrduy n dividend of 40 per cent, wna talked of. It was said yesterday that the earnings of the company for tho current month would bo $6,000,000. ltethlehem Steel showed a loss of 2T, points ns com pared with tho final price of jrntcrday. Am 'n Am Ian pf , ..,.,,, Am V AH . . Am foil Products.. Am Loal Prod pf . ,'m tottoa Oil . Am KvprpM Am Ilia- .v Lciihit j Am X I, pf Am Ice f-ccurltks . , Am tlnscrd . . . . Am I.lnecd pf . . ! Am Locomotive . Am locomot've pf. Am Malt Am smelt A lief. Am impit ft Itof pf Am tniflteu pf A ni Steci lotindrlet Am SiiKir Hoflnlnit. Am 'lei A 'Id . Am Tel & Cable i Am Tobacco ' Am Tob pf ne Am Woo) tr r , Am Woolen pf tr r I Am Urltliur 1 pf I Am V. I. . smcit I Amcondi Coppci Asocla!cd Oil Atch r tsr. I Atch T A S V Pf . I Allintlc Coast l.'na 1 llaldaln lico. ! HaUlmon- f. Ohio .. Ilnltlmorn A Ohio pf Hank ot Commerce I Il.itorlla Mining . iHetlilehem steel llethlehcm Sleel pf HiooMin lta;i 1r Uroun Shoo pf. Dunn Jinn lllli. Low. clow. lfil 14!f 160 OU OH 23)4 mt 78 f.8 OS gj Ol'f OX 27H 7H)i ! 08 J-0't f2f ra .-IVili l2H 1121s It-". t (i'H fw! 07!i 07'1 . 1 2GJf 78 fll' .171! 174 iro tl0!J 115 i 115 115 11& :,li i,oH 65' MM 137' 12 132 1'2 il'i ll' 11 11 U t UM f4 r 5'j L'.Vt '.." 25 . nli 2""j 22 22 41 I1'5 tils 4IH 04' j Mi 1.1 Q3 H2 ltll'i 10l' ini! . 0!f Mi W I'Ji 10ll 1P5 H2 i I' 2 i 11.1 112!i 11 U I12JJ 01 flJ's 12J l'2Ji 671J fi7 .'I. i M-i um iiiu it: in 1275il 127J 1J7W 127' (M'$ 0-J8 0 5J CV,i 2trj' 2l 21IJH !M)2 1D7H 107 107 10: LONDON EXPECTS TREASURY TO BUY AMERICAN SHARES Sales in Philadelphia Ol'i 11 US 07 i i.'Ji DUi 13 US S8W 07 05 13 07 S7'l OVf 174 0 H t:t 07 .10(1' J 100'i 1IM' K CM I al Petroleum ( a. rctrolcim pf . t aniidlaii I'.iclli f cut I eathir t.o ... tent I.eallie (o p.' ( heapcae A Ohio t h!Ie t orihi'r ! Chlno topper. Tho war specialties were the hardest hit on the renewed downswing I c hlcato (;t W't stern In the afternoon, the Street figuring that If only 30 per cent, wns declnred on llethlehcm the company could not be making ns much money no has been cuirently reported, and that other companies engaged In tho muni tions business weie probably In tho same bout In this respect. Ocneral Mdtors was off 12 points and several other uhares were oft one to live points. A lnrge part of tho selling umo from the West, nnd pnit of this was on stop-loita orders, causing many iitocks to reach the lowest pi Ices of the (lay; but the supply from the bear raiders and the Western houses wns easily fibsorbed, and before the market closed moderate recoveiles were toported. The mnrket, however, hud shown signs of slaleness befote the afternoon decline occurred, nnd there was no disposition on the part of bujers to bid prices up from tho low levels eitnbllshed. Some of the railroad stocks, which havo been pushed sharply upward during the Inst jenr, reflected weakening of pool members. Talk of More Dividend Declarations Tho atrcot heard today thut t'ressed Steel Car tommon will be put on a. 6 per cent, dividend bnsls on January 2S. National Lead Is expected to In crease Its dividend at the Marqli meeting, nnd the action of New York Central Blnco the beginning of the week reflects conudoncso that tho stock will bo put on n 0 per cvit, ba3ls. WHEAT IRREGULAR IN CHICAGO MARKET Commission Houses on Both Sides Patten Said to Be Out. Liquidation Active CHICAGO, Jan. 20. Irregularity marked tho trading In vvheut today. Koltoulnt: weakness at the start, when Indications thnt James A. ratten and other lme In terests vveiu sellers caused selling and nervousness, there was a ra.Iy. Ma, after starting at $1.23, tho loyv point of the season, mavt-'d up to il.SOTi, and July to Jl.21',1. after aiianlm, at Jl. -!':. read ing and clos..i- louer. May tinlshed nt $1.23, against jl.Ui'A nt tho end yesterday, and July, Jl.i-. agaluut Jl.U'ji. Jeatqrdaj's last quotation. It was avjeited that Mr. Fatten was out of tho market. Tho temporury improvement was cauncrt by reports of export budncsj, I rccly clearances from the te.-ibo.'iul, decreasing stocks nt Mlnncapo'ilf, tinner cables from Liverpool, ntter thnt market had shown easiness, and a rise ut Winnipeg. Commission houses wetu on both sides of the mirket, but the weight of the offerings Anally overcame the amount of buying, forcing prices down at;alu Liquidation tn the tlnnl dealings wns active umi was caused by statements that a scarcity of vessels was checking ex port sales, business for the day being estimated at ZOO.COO bushels. Advices from abroad Indicated that, whtlo the statistical position was bear ish, tonnage dominated the situation and that necessary Imports were being Inter fered with severely. Leading futures ranged as follow : Yen' it's unto! eipcn. nun. May l..-J4 '."' Jul . .. .. ,1,2. , 1.-4t Corn fnew deUturi)-- May IH'.'. TUTJ 7fc W New York Bond Sales icl HlKh i i'. ,i im'j PIT Ii4' i ma mi CO Amer Agr t.Tttn Almr Tel . It Is -U) Amer Tel conv -tn . -M I Amer Tel ti -Ih.. :Vm Atehtsin Kin 4s .iniii vuMxin i -1 trim iht Atthlron ."n . .. "0ll Atlun Co I.lno 1st l II ',. Atllll Cu Line Lit If 111"! It lit .! Ohio JVi. IlK-i Mat .. Ohio 43.. .. l'.UKi It lit I. (ihlu cv P. s ..inn nrooKn Hip T .Vi 1 II M. 1111 .tt i" i,cn 4i . . . VI 11.HI ! (iHt, A. KIlL : . tkS IIJHH1 Lent I.e-ithi-r Ijt .",a. lulli iiiO fent I'm. Ifct 4. .. H I SOU Chill CaiHr ; . UT 1'ivitii e'hes .V. Dlilu Li I'jii 's'i :iw L'hn x enlo I'j II-'. ;uiu ( hi fci Went 4u ivitin rhi it ,1 ei j. lnt -is lima ( hi II ft el iieu In -im'.ii cin ii ti y m i'n .l)W i' M A Hi I' lii. ZJOtl L" M & St I' itl 4 -1(K C M A. .-t 1' li ".I, WIO I M .1 St 1 c 4U,..10'.'lj 1U.-..0 U M A U 1' M 4'?3. lit miu iif ssn Line 4'5. ...inn'i l.nw CIoic til. in li-,i in' !I2 IfJ IiiiV. limit 10T lnT i 1', I'U. Idl nil lull, liiiv, "I'ls nil', iiu s iH', Ul'4 V'1" tti. sill' JI.1N I ! wa it i' SU'j B.l , VIJU fill V tt 1 ffin lixm Del & II ml ml 4s iol Den & lllu tir 4s , nuxHI Den At Hlo Or rM :m 4Teo(l Ills M!cur lorp ,'s 7II01 ttlo gtn 4s iooo Eric eiinv 4s bcr II LtKii Crle rtur Is :aim iiud . lUn rr.i .- Ull.l in steel i.eli 4" Him Inilliinn Steel .1 40O loia Centrnl ct 4s .IKK Intern Jtet 4tn VOO Intrrb 11 T r, r -. T1IKU Inter Mer Mnr ct 41 li' . "Sl(, . T"rt 74 .'T'S 11 iwi, HI !IS mi'. n" itvu i , 7." IS til "l" lfl lirj', til lent, in 7S4 .IS 71', 7'iS -"! lOllJ !)S n:i 101 ni( . 7l)Ji 177 U5. .18.-1 M.i snu . si . ,Vi UH o.-i ,U7.'i H III . U'1'w . L'.t',' . Mh . Wt . : .1(K)! ('() 1,'HJi M nnlj iMj" hi no 1I10U lOfl'J lll'X o. i; in' ." tiiii Nl IS I'll- tl' 1-1 "X"ri I " I W I .', ,!,-,'' lo.'M, til lorn, ti", ''IH I I hi (it West tif eld Mill A M Pali I M .v. Nl'il thl S. North cM . Lin It 1 ,. i ,ic . Clue It 1pi A Co Lolor.nlii r'uel i. Iron t ol A. Southern . . ( ontlnental C'ai ( oiiiolldated ( is . . I nrn Prrolf-tj Kef . . Corn Products lief pf tiulli'e htiel . . .. ( nicllile Steel pf . sueir Deere & Co lie.jniire .1 lIedoi lletro.t Kdljon "llblil.eri sec Corp. . . Dome Mine) ... , lliie . . .. I lie it nt . ... Krl L'd P' . . ltd Mia .V Mnclt pf. 1 le-tne licr.inl Meiton . . . titcdiVli IJ 1 Co . . (iicei!i'-Canaii"a Nortliirn pf... tit .Nor els tor ore pr. (U!.'Ken l.xplor.m Illinois Cent lnt lit n! Int-Met vot tr cfs i t N J m Con Cor t e sh. 8'i nit Consol Corp pf . . 7lVj lrii Con Copper t.V-j Hit Nickel v t cfs ..W ,lt M M cfi oi dp .. LM'f ll.t M M pf ch of dp. S0f han tltj Southern . . 21) Kan atj Southern pf. til 80 4W) 112 MH 1)7' i HTM 7l'j ;a i Ii7's in 1 1 .V!i it'j ; rii' 177 101) Ui NlJi u; SI 71 .'II lilk( I75U 5.l'4 till IM 2.1'. ('." im li'J'. i:mj Pint in 107' l'i Ml 177 'Ji 4711 112 Ml) 5 117 S-l 7-1 h .Ml!. Ill !7.V- .:i'f ll u'15i :s MI i:m, l.'iiji l.'ti'i mi j fi i-i'i l.i. .17 .l'))i '.'J,! SI SI U-2' t U'2 '22x "J',' mu US l.-.l, t.i'i llD'f llD'i 111) 1'.!) 17!l'4 170 oti oti un 17 it til jir 7-'i 7U i 14 Hi 141 l'i 2V 17 71 2U' !IS Gl Belief in Market That Stocks, as Well as Bonds, Will Be Purchased GERMAN EXCHANGE WEAK Dy FRANCIS W. HIRST lilltur ef The llcrnnmlst. tiondon, ' fffiecfnt Cdfcle ti tie Cienlnp LtAotr I.ONIiti.N', Jan. 20. Money was p'enll fill ycterdnv and the stock markets wero firm. The SHoek nxchnnKe believes the treasurv Is prepnrliiR a lint of American lmos which It wilt nurdhnso besides bond. the tlnnnclnl sltuitlon ( Mionn nine LiiniiKe There Is much doing tn diplomacy, belli polltlcnl nnd coininerclitl As conseilp tlon Is proving unpopular with the woik lim classes, the Nortlicllffe iress nnd Its nlllcs have been snitched off onto n fu rious nttnek upon tho Korelnn Office, Is oteii?eil of trentlnff nctitinl trnde consldcnitely Instead of endlinr tho war In stramtllnf? the commerce of Germany. Actually, of course, tho blnckndo In now much more sclctitlllc nnd Injurious to German nurture tlinn It wns sly mouths ni;o Hut Indulgence should t.e extended to ICiiRllnh Journ.illstn worklns w.thout economic or ntntlstlcnl knonletlRP under n newspaper tiust. t'cinipclent nnd Independent tlnnnclnl authorities nKiee Willi Lord Itobert Cc c'l's Scnndlnnvlnn pollcv nnd hope he will not lie stampeded by the Dnllj Mall llesults of tho more scientific blockade me evident In the crumlilliiR of Gerninn oxchntiKc, nnd the decline of German i credit In nelltcnl countries. This derllne In murk cvchnti'ic would, ot coure, ne , I been Impossible If Germany had l.ccn I I cut oft liv our blockade from ten, coffee, fruit nnd other com'oits or luxitrlon. ' You cannot have dcpreclntl'ii In moiic ! tarv evthaiiKes of a country If It has 1 tli! no Imports: and, ns publication of uolil lvn ' nieinlllins Is forbidden hi Gerninnv. a U l'i ' complete blockade, or, as I have cfllcd It, a blockhcRd hloeknde, uould morelv have enabled the German Government to maintain I tit credit veiy much lonKei by compclllliR' people to subsist on a Spar tan diet, fiom which forclriii articles would havo been virtually excluded. The composition of the Government ex plains some Incsolutlon, and opinion on both sides in Commons Indicates the de sirability of a puicly Conservative Gov ernment to finish the war. This seems to bo the view of the Liberal Manchester Gunidlan, a very Influential paper. Vee. Until. I-ow. Clo. 70 Amer Mlltm T R "H JJ .I An er fllys pref . M iV " ,T um unit t o t sn " nin rnm 8t-el ... 71H 71S T2 iJ'i IS Klec Stnnix. . Kill nl ill .170 Krl . . 41 10't "4 T"4 HO Inn Co J Am SS'4 iV'i "vi "' in Ke j ft r no Tel Co tl "i H'i tl'4 H'4 lir,o Utie Hin, Corp. n s,i s' ait UHKh yav TH, 7s'i 7S 7S 2V) Uhlftli alley 7DH "O'S ' lllil Vnl Tr.. . 1S4 t'H4 1""i i"" t:v do pref .. r.s'4 ;ri .tsu l'i nl NVirth Cent . . f'5 f " sl :m I'enna lilt .. . RsH f,S, (vs .H :i.' Va Cnll Mfrr .Um l,"i ",) I'll "teel pref SI st S! St S01 Phlln. Klee. .. 2S ISU 2S 2; .11(11 I' II T tr ells., in 11 1 I8U I'll I'li'In Trnc . 7tm 7tl'4 Tn'i Ut nea.llnu . . sl'4 M'i " 81 in .South Pan . ,. lot). 101H 1"1,1 117 Ton llelmont . 4 IV. 4S 4't 171 Ton Sllnln . niVlrt 7 'l'i "h 100 Utah Topper . . 7S 7SU 71'4 7SH 117 Cnlrn Trac ... 41 41 41t4 44 4M tf o imt no non no not; .10 fn Cos N J ...S2.MS S2ll'4 22'!' B'i (fliHI V S Steel .. RS SIH MU fl'j 21) West Klee . .. IBH ns OS rW .-, Vnmlek I . S 10U 10'l ln'i in'l 1 1 VV Jer 3 fl . . Vi, MV4 f" M'i Tolnl Bles, 20,180 ,linrf, comimreil nllh lids') olinres yesterdnyi thus fur this week, BIM11I fthnfes. IN I t'4 lit) I7D lift l.'il'f 15 l'i l.VI'5 lf.4 i:t-U in 111 I :s KHf .0'. .ril!i fl 174 4S7 7-U 17' 121 1734 L"L"x .107', 21 K) . 10). lit) Lee Mteel Co . . .. Ielilh allej Hwett A Mjcri pf 1 Lil.lcnl I" Co pi Macl.av t cu pf . . Ma l)ept Stores Ma) Dcpt htor.'j pf Mtixniil -Motor) .., Max -Motors 1st pi Mix Motors 2d pf. ., Mexican I'ctro.eum. Minn & St Louis . Minn .1 St L pf. 17 2s'ij )' fill" j Ti) .2H 174(4 l-'Js 72i I7U 121 I7' 2I! 107 To 10 112 lb' 71U '. 1211 21' I SHf 20 r,i Sl'f 7n, 121)' no in JTH .'I') oti .-i'U 171 i 17J 47.-I -IM) (A)ii 7iM IlIJi 10V, 12,iJ 12'i'li III) -t.-.Ji :7. li'i r5f no Sl'i . 70'5 12) 1 l'i j n7'i . 07 f.lje, ,V) r, .10.1 Id.". UJh till r.Vii hS . 52)1 Wij 112V; 111 21 M 20 ir4 '.'A 107 no ?jSs 10 110 m: 7;i', 14 20S 20'i 7S 28H 02 70 78 120'4 117'f 1I7'I tl'itj 0314 .IS ,5i 10JM 10JJI IHtj 04 40Ti 2.1 107 iio 10 in Mi 71 14) 208 20'f 7S!ii 2Vi 02 SO 70 1 1201 T'i Minn St 11!iS M. .12IK 12t5 'i SJl, 11V!. mi v-j Mo Kan .1. Tovoj Mo Kan A. Texas pf Mhiour l'acifl.- . Mo I'ac tr efs Miami Copper Montana l'oner i.'j S'A t'1 i J,"a' Cloals . hull ti .1 ,iii 73 I', leu, l'jnii I..1IIK KVJilO Jaiunpft, ni (1 R 11. Ttii. 1iUi Kan e'l.y bo r.j . us; iiiv. inv ID-ll) l-.lilQ.lo Ocii tat Tn. ..plltj lni' lulfi JViOl) LHke Sh ilcll 4 1 JS ll1 ll-.IJ -,; Iiiv. Clone, elope, l.'ii i.'."ii. l.aoi. !.!$ 'l.'.'J'-, tl.'ilS July . Oats May ,. . July .. Lard January Hay July .. Mb. January May , Pork- January Al 7u( 7U .YI. 501, lay .., Uld. . .'i-l . 4r, .10.12 10 h7 u.o-j 10 0.1 i.Jl.UT I0..V. 20 03 T8VJ SW .12 ti 4US a Js'4 IKS lie, ao. 10 5T 10 41 10 43 10.U7 1I1N7 111.711 tlO.To I'l3 ll.USlU.MT 10.S7 tU.U IOB.1 1I.OT tAkeL 10 i 20.12 to no 1U.U3 10..10 1D.UT to IX) 1U.U1 10 7.1 '11.12 10 SO I0 7O 10.UT tiv. LIYE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Jan. SO 11003. lUcelpta. 03 000 head, market l.'.fUOe. lower. Mixed and butcher". Te-i ait 500,1 heavy, 7o307.ja; rough heavy, aMB7.J3. llxhf, WtWflJJUs pic u lMitcs: bulk. 7,101i7.W. CATTLE. Itecelpta, li"0 head: market tOS 15c lower. lteeea to iJSili 7.1; caiva and heir kl 11.504(8.10, Texana, u5ftllS.W; lalvei, 0 SHKEl. Itaeelpta, 1S.0OO. head; .market tteudy. Native and Wcatern, I.1M7,U0; imba, 7.&04ily.H.X FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. Jon. 2U. The feature of the foreign exchange niarke at the open ing was further strengthening In Italian exchange at, 8.63 tor cables and 6.68 for cheeks. Sterling and Swiss yttre a. shade easier. Business was on a moderate scale. Quotations follow; Demand ster ling. 4.7,tH.7, cables, ue. Franc cables, 6.814; checks, 5.SJ(i. Relchmarks, Tl IMS and W. Lire cables, C.S3, checks, fi.CC. Hwiss cables, 5 15; checks, MS. Vienna. I?.65fil2.70. Stockholm, 77,70 and 17 0. I'eaestaa. 13 04 and 1910. Guilders, IUOJIVjC, Rubles, .&'-,. In the afternoon the general market continued steady and relchsmorks tlrmed up to 1itt1a. Sterling was quoted at -lit- H-Kl., and cables at 4.76 lMfity i.Wi. Francs were quoted at SU for cables and (-83 for checks. Long step. Unif was rsnorted 4.7JUV4MH for 60s and 4.7t0H for 90s. KATES FOB MONEV N'cu York FUladelDhJa, lioitoo Cat! Iii2 ?Kvi .. ...SK4 Time, , "AM 4e Jr' .-.i.... -.n1 ,nnac hH rt otv mnnlhi lhll itdiiVWa. JMO per cent j.L MM III I I -l-,W. !...! BANK CLEARINGS aaajk ciiirlnit today compared with corrc JMWW day Ut mo ar: l'JI.1 1014 lit rWUaVlvfcla.f-'l-V.ia.l Mf 1-4 3U3.AUV 2S.UJ1,RAS iol7 ... , isiMXI-UeO ':W,W4.01T S4.1SJ.7M Bank Acceptances SBW YPpiv Jan. 24. Nothing h. J de Itleiicd to stimuUto special Interest or s:ttvltr ' bank 4M;eepUiocoa. They are blunged, at nominal quotations ot Z ,-exat Jar wui SW P.' et. fot S j. eCO,l .', . ... lull lie-in Mm let 10 I eer A. 114 .lax) Mich Stat T .Is 10 1' l-ll, Minn ..r St 1. -U .111. lino Minn m I' H h M 4e. m5 1IOIII m k & T lit lliuo llo 1M 49 1WH1 ln 4', ikiim Mont Power fin won .v v e- t 11 :ti,i 4t eo ilo 1, .. . . 4KJK1 do 4e. M.VI N Y C l.a . lllOil N V I'lty 4s IM'I 40K1 ilo 41,11 II ill .... IIUKI ilo 41, lui.l innoo y itwy rcf Is . Vino ilo nilj ,1a 1VJIIO N Y Tel ceil 4V-H IiKki S' y vv e & 11 ,h .1000 Norf A: Went f'uih 4, Iikki Xor lac ijriur 4h l.ioo Nor l'ne Ken ;ia. 4COU Ore . VV It & N 4, loixm l'ennu 4a 1U4K . iiO ilo sen ct Ik' - 14O0O I'enna in 4'4 lDIH .'UXHi Public Her NJii . 4010 Iteaillnx Ken la 14IKIO Itep lr 4 8 Sa .MXl Itlo tlr . VV elt 4s llKm Hock lilniul rfd 4s . aonii st I. & H K sen la 0o iio s.n ti tiK Stand II 11 lis ;nv . Cn - 4J H7 lJ, mi; 117li tmn. InHj r.K . UM. . Nl4 , ikji; ui M ii-i), 101 u mu wie, !.-.: i.; 7M. iM; .n no 70TO nealuard A 1. Sla la. h'.'u, .-J)tl South llpfl ,1a. . iwkki botitn i'ac cv -, Vi) do qv rLt I o .i, fioon South Pnc rfd 4a, , n,iO fioutn Kwv Ken 4i Id on da con ,1a , 5MI Third Ave Hill S3 2'jeno 1' tl L1el it ., Mi t'nlcn I'ae ev 4 HmOI do rfd I 21il Vn It"), S K 4a i-UMl Vn elir Chem lat .'a .IKW .in i!a I110.1 Vn Itr.'y a . taae.0 VVab-l' T lat ct la .YM ilo ,t iref i;ul Weat Kle .' ... lKI Weal hhvre res la SOW Weat Union i . n4 1TH tul int. Kill, . aiv, tm 101V, 41 in: love; h'W, 101 114 'SSI; 7S), .1.1 4J 111,1, Ml. ,CJ) ill', in,'; UN'-. lul', Ml, l"x nil. n.i' K.S litlj, ini4 11X1 1HIU mu WO. 7M 114 V. .11 HO mil. MU wit. Ml 107H tint, ViU v' imv, letv, inu 41'. Ul lf, IINlT M 102 JOHi, 114 1IKII', 111 7N 111 4'-'1. 117 M', ll.'lj 111. 117'. ,M, mi', :' is UM. 111. tu lllu, I.T. KH III'. loi: Hil mi'S imi 11111. 7M1 M'i 11 lln tme. we 1IVK, S'U, ion. lflI 7211 IIU ten 11)1'. roij 41 . tit liu, HKtJ . . 1 ' 111! Nat Emm & b Co. . .Vat U'ail Co . . Nat H of M 2d pf Ncv ton Copper h74 67 :a ?2i IW 1C0JI 7 7i ai :'() 12J 123 Oh (i'j J 15 15 15 ii'i .Vi 5if Sli oH 5!j SIM :i7Ji ,'!74 7lil. 70 7(5 Ml'J SOJ-J M)I 1714 27 27 731, 70U 71H S'i 7I3 7H I0V1 1511 I51i I41)J 74' i 7 111 721, 7i .110;, no'i man lu'j'i . 261 j 28' i 28 2b? .11!) Il!l) 111) 110 . 8815 8SU &S 88Ji . 7J 71SX 71i 71Ji 115'i 1154 111;; 11 IU Utt UH MU UJ ti!5 15! 1 5',' S'j 37', 77 HI 27H 72U b! I5VJ SiHi Totul aaUa, ft,JI3,O00, niuiparril I IJ1OI.UU0 yr.teriluj ; tliua fur IliU SIB.U33,000. Ulli with week. COFFEE MARKET QUIET -NUW YORK, Jan. :o.-The cofTee mar ket opened Irregular (his morning with prices 2 points lower to 3 points higher. Later the market was very quiet, wth prices virtually unchanged from the open, ing level. A little demand for the late, months caused a slightly steadier tone, however, and there was an absence of selling pressure. Conditions in Ilrazll appear to bo some what unsettled, as Itlu exchange on Lon don lost yesterday's advance- of 5-32d. It was the Impression nmong local Importers that the low rate of exchangu might bring about Increased offerings to America. Toiiay'i icattrday'a opening ctoaa O 9.1&U.S7 iiu.'auie T 04U1 Oil ? Ouil.07 7 HUT 13 T IM7.:o 7 rta7 27 7 4S7JO t nut at 7 .toa-.3s T41W7 4I NEW TOHK BUTTER 4VND EQPS NEVV TOHK Jair M-lirTTEIL-lUrlut Brmar ita-elpu, IH7S jaekases. Kitra cream ery. Jfe , usher ncoilnx He alula ilalry SOfl.He IrolUitlflu trwowrt J1BS1W lvQQS Market Tenk Receipts 5IH paek-ajtea- Eitru Bm'- alWlc. Orata. to fl.'C n.ajliy arbllea. 3$4i)v., aUi4 -color. Kiatie tuwrtiy brgmn. 3Ta3&;.. refrigerator Arau. January .... .... - February ... .... .. MitcU I2?. APfll ,, J-7 1 May ,. ... 7 OS June . , 7.IOflT.lJ July . ..., .I0 Auxurt 723 8ptemter . - . 1 KS October J."9vembcr . . . Uaeember 4 1Q&I.43 UM gala. MjO taiia Neii or. Air IlraVo .ISO!." 1521j HD N Y N II . II N Y C X. II It .. N Y 0 a. West Norf & Western Norf A Wist pf North V.merlcan Northern Pacific Ont SlUer Mln Tacilic Mall 12 12 12 l'aclflc lei . Tel ... -UK 41 40H Venn Railroad 5S 5H'f 57,', Moples Oat Ohl ....100 10 lOi reltlbone-.MullH.en ..50 55 55 1'tti.delpbU Co 12f 41 U 1'itw co.ii Co n j.... iio :uk aw l'reMd steel Car Co . 58 58 57H I'cllman Co . .. .103 1G7W lfi7 gulc.sllver 54 (l'i 5!.' tjutcUllver pf lili Ry hteelbpc Co 3'J Hy Con Copper 24!f Heading 81 tj Heading 1st pf .... VMi lleublic .ion & Steel. 511, Itoclc Island Itocl. Island , bt IjOUU IhF, . st i. a, h r 2d pf Seaboard Air Una Seabpard A Una pi , bean Itoebuc &. Co Mos-Sht'it fit 1 hoi-th I'orto H bu: South V n Sag pf southern I'a-.-Uc .. ho-jthern Hy .. Southern Hy pf Standard Milling, pf Ktudeualer Co . MudebaVer Co pf IIO'-S 111 'lena Copper 'leiaj Co Teias l'acjflc Third Arenue.... ,. Union Hag i. Taper I'nlon II 4. 1' pf Lulled Cigar Mores United Cigar Mfrs. Union rarltlc ... , UlUUll 1411411. ll,,,,f 7Ji 0' 3s as 2 lit 24)f hlU 81K lUV-j 43h 5Ui 50 K K K it 5 5K 71,' VI 17), 17i j'j .'isvj 181 18,1 .VJV-j W, 14) 140 107U 107 101.'. 101 2'1 2.'1J nt ai 87 fcO'i l'vl'i 1S4K 1505 J 151 111 111 t'M 591. 5SK 58'i 213 SlnJf 205 205 bJC 8JJ Vi V,l H . i. . 515 . VI 18 .11)5 -IS! 59'5 150 '. la . S7 12 I0J5 lS 101 55 14a JjJ. 57ii 107 SH OH as 24U 8114 tab 50K K H .V.l 711 17)i liU IM ."W 14!) I07U 101 22)j S7 01K 71( 203 l. C3 01 01 61 7)5 715 7)5 2S!5 28)f 2SM 0)5 j 0)5 fi.l'a 0-)5f 63W ..130)5 130)5 130K 130)5 M W)i Kl hJlj bulted rruit Co, ,,,,.130 lTO'i JH)5 13sH U H Ind Alcohol 11SV5 )51fi UHH I48JJ U S Ind Alcohol pf,, 113 112 112 112 UjiOll'lF. ... 22)5 23 22 22 Lpltcd Kys Inr Co.,. 20 18 18 18 United Ryslnv pf.,., 37 . SiH 311 J U&HubDef 5515 5) 54)5 54)5 U S Hubber 1st pf ..-lO?" 107)5 IO715 107)1 US Steel Corgn ...S51i 85 k3H 83i U S Steel Corpa pf... 117)5 U7H Utn U7)i Utah Copper 78)5 78)5 77K 77)5 Va-Caro Caem ,,,.48)5 49 48)5 48)5 ValtyAJ'oaer ....47)1 4S'5 48tj 48'j WdDastt ... iu Wabasl) pf A ..... 47H V abash pf U ... . r 31 iS-ejktn UaloaTeb.-. 01 West K & M 0715 Wheeltog 4. L E 2)5 Wheel A. L E 2d pf .. 3)5 M-lUt Overland. . .225 ,Yooioita i'W .. 120 Quoted dividend Total aalea, 63S.300 akare.. compared with 813 SOU eluire ycaterday; tutu far thl week, 1,318,800 iliarea. BAR SILYER In London bar allver wk quoted at 24 13-14 pence. a adraacs of 1-lii ptncw. 1515 47)5 31 01 08) 2H 3K 220 120 15)5 15)5 47)5 47) iOtf 0)5 VJ'4 8J)5 b7 MM 2)5 2)5 3)5 3J5 210)4 210)$ 120 120 HONDS irc. rile, lllxh Sllt) Am Una . 12 .li P. P2 II Cnm fetl an 'lfl IS ti II do Mnv 1H17 . IllUi lul C(TO Cltj I. IP41 res IMS IT2S L'lOO Hie A I'co Tr 4. Vi HI WOO tlamood HI fin. trim 102 von Intrt Ilia l... M Sfj 14000 Key Tel 1st .-.. tiife IiR'i S(00 I, .Vv cm 4V,i K.2 112 1100 Leh VrI (ten In. IU tii'l lKO ilo 4'i' 'J0al...iniTa 10. tliid dr. iec 1021, tonn do nun i'v. .1 II 111 tttlO I. Vnl Tr 1st 4e. nl til amo i'enna nen IH KH'f liif-i lOOil I'n Mil bill llr.lOI lot inoo I'eo l'nfi t 4 sl'i M mill I'lilln Co ens .Is I'll 'I 101 'i loco iln 1st It . inl'i inti, wnn I'lilln liter I. . MS "SI", IKti Henil Kin U . tl1' t'Vi 4fmi Spnn-Ani I lis. ire! 101 lit 11 t"n Tr Pl.t! ,1h. . 72 ikk) Wrifiiich Co r n.i'4 n? 7W0 York ns 1st ,1s nl tn Low. Close. 02 US 101 102S "Hi "I, 117 102 M' int KI2S, 111 ni lOt', tni M mm mm !IT, UK till III P2 PS 101 tn:; (12 102 s;w M'4 1n2 112', 102 lO.'H 111 til I0l4 mi st ton, lOllj St'i 1)3' 1 1112 7,1 no ni Tntnl sales. $128,121, rmntiiireil wltli I17.. 1,1 J je.terilitM llms fur tlili wee't, ?3H(l,3(lil COTTON FOTUREP WEAK; TKADLVC SHOWED ACTIVITY New Oilcans Houses Free Itcceipts Smaller Sellers. NI1W YOIIK, Jan ;0 Offcilnss vveroi linv at the otientiii 011 the Cotton IX eliniiRp this mornlnt;, but Rood resistance wai met and as a umilt the early tone wns. itendj. January bclnc unchnnqcil, ultli nthei options 3 to li points lower. Tl'p fact that some Janunr notices wero out, iilthoiiKli the amount could not be lc,irned, caused llqiiltlntlon of March, the next spot month, by conimlsalon bouses New Orleans Interest! were a'so free sellers and offerings from certain Wall street sources continued on a niodcintc sculo. Spot houses, however, were buyers on the decline and loom traders also took up tho various options. After the call selling; seemed to cense nnd prices rallied about 2 points Only Unlit, scattered rainfall was re ported In the western section of the cot ton belt this mornliiR: Tcnipeiaturcs were much higher nil over the South Tho mnrlcct was veij feverish In the afternoon TrndliiB was 111010 active than for il.ijs past nnd liquidation appeared to bo more or less general with a Rood dcnl of piessure of lorn; contracts ngalnst March Spot houses were credited with lulling the built of tho March on a scale down nsalnst sales of later months and after tho break of about 10 to 19 points from last night s cigslng figures prices rallied 3 to G points around midday. The talk of Increased acreage In l?gpt seemed to have made somo Impiesslon on sentiment, probably encouraging predic tions of similar nctlon In the South. Spin nerB'aro credited with having been beav buera to "fx prices" during the session nnd It Is believed that bujlng of this character will develop on 11 large scale on any further decline Ai rivals ot cot ton nt New York today were 62S9 bales, Including SOO bales llntcrs Interior stocks fo- 'ho ilav Inci eased 3000 bales, com pared with a decrcaso of 4000 last week unit lOW last ear. The epoits of cot ton for the day aggregated 17,162 bales, against 51,438 bnles on this da) last jear. At one time Liverpool was G', points under cxpctatlons, but later the markot rallied and at the start here prices were about 3'S to 5 points lower. A private ca ble said that the opening wns good, but the later declines were caused by a break In the Kgyptlnn market. The receipts of cotton at the ports for the day were estimated at 20,000 bales, compared with 22,415 bales last week, 53,- 101 bales last year and 36,187 bales In 'M. Yea. eloae Onen. lilch Low. I.aat. l.'.lii VJ 14 1.M4 l'.'U.l l.' ill 1J.IJ l'Jia) 1.' 11 ...12 1H I.'M 12.M . . 12.72 12 117 l'.'.l.l . .12.70 12 .HI l.'l.T .12 M 12.81 12 SI . 12 40 January March . May . July . Octnber Dei trailer Spot ... 1-' HI 12 '."J 12 11 12 47 12.M 12 Ql l.'.M 12.1.1 12.03 WIM 12.20 Liverpool Cotton I4IVI4RPOOL, Jan. CO.-Spot cotton to day was quiet, at a decline of 10 points on the basis of 8.12d. for mid-uplands. The sales aggregated 7000 bales. Including 4000 bales American. The Imports were nil. The market for futures closed quiet at a net decline of 5 to 7 points DIVIDENDS DECLARED National Carbon Company, regular nuarterly 1"! per eent on preferred, payable February 15 to atock ot record February 1. Hiker. liegeman Company, regular quarterly IH car lent, on preferred, payable February 1 to atock of record Januai 22. Fedeml Sugar Hetlrliis e'o.npa-.y, regular quarterly preferred m per eent., payable Jan uary II to atock of record January 2,H Automatic Electric Company, regular quar terly 1 per eent., payable 1-ebruary 1 to atock of record January 2". Philadelphia I Ire Insurance Company, 0 per cent.. vaable Februury 1 to atotk o( record January 10 Philadelphia. Coiitrlbutlonahlp for the In aurame of llouaee from Loaa by Fire. 10 per eent. on depoalea held at leaat 10 years on policies In force December at, 1013. I'roctor & Uambla, regular quarterly 4 per cent, on common, navabte 1-ebruary 15 10 atovlc of rwonl January 41. Philadelphia Trust Company, regular nwar terli U per on . iabl February 1 'a rezlatered January 20. I'uuman 1 oraiKiny, regular quarterly 8: snare, myaoio reMiunrf u 10 aiocanoic record January,.! eliruary 13 to atockholdera of I)c 1-oiik Hook and tie Company, regular quarterly 1 per cent . pnyablo February 1 to looic al icrwu .(UU.II .1 Canada Cement Company, .1 aioclc of record January Canada cement e;ompany, a per cent, on common and regular uuarterly 1 per cent, on preferred, pa) able February 10 to atock o( record January 31 RAILROAD EARNINGS UOllII.B AND OHIO. . , 1010 Inereaeo Pecond week January .. 1204.141 116,121 From July,l . 0.215.5S5 aM.tHU TOUJPO, PEOttlA AND WESTERN. Second neak January . 110,1.111 124,390 From July 1 , 1US.&21 11.1T.0 SOUTH EltN KA1LWAV. Second veek January J1.1W1.714 1123 001 From July 1 an isut 1 7JS.0.I0 CINCINNATI NEW OBI.EAN3 ANU TEXAS PACIFK' Second eek January l.'0.rn fif-m itom. July 1 . . 5,377 lis 475,053 COLOHADO AND SOLTHERN Second week January 2i,5jrt JS.TSI From July 1 f,2u),u7 aziizn MINNEAPOLIS ANl ST. PAL'U 8aicon,iw. January lioT.uoo JIS.oSj Froni July 1 . S,3.m I,5U Pecttaae. Local Bid and Asked TodlJ's Yentrrdiu'H III. I Annked 111,1 Aakeil. Ilalilvvln 107, ' ins W 11 III, l.n prif 107 1()5,W lllil; 10SI, llultnlo f, Sua t c .1714 .1514 :j.S i 111! tir .Ill .11 I;1' Iirlll .1(1 ... .a Pi, :"i l'i rnmlirla it6el . ..72 72 , 1 1' ' l.lertrle Slornce .. . Mi, Ml, J; li ;j llrtienil Asphalt . .11 ', ' -J do nref i,'1. 70'. pi1, "111, KrVttmc iel .. . 141 U' U'4 K ilot c 14', t4'i tl'j J.I 111 pref . ... V.s 7H i.'i ill l.iike Sup Corp s n J .04 l.rhlKh Na . s is1 ,s 1 " ' Vnlle .. 7St 7IIJ Til', 7li. IrfhlRli alley lr... . Ill 1 i! I" , si, I'emm . .. .. .. KM" gal, RSli .IV, I'lilln nice '.s 2SJ, SS .'Si Plllt-l fo l-''j 4t'4 421, 4U1, ilo ft per eent pref . .1 .! ' '' no 'I per lent nrcr . 4lj II 4 11, II Ilendlni? . . . M ', Mtf V.V fnlon Traction . 4 I'm 14 4I 41 fnltnl On Imn .. . VI', no no WJi United Sinleii Stcil .. .MV vtj; M H;N York Itnltway . . . M. n'i L"i ilo prer . .. .'im '31 ,4 : William Ornmn t c . si 8.1 M 82 Hx-dlvldciiil. Financial Briefs At the nnnual stockholders' incctlng of the Franklin Trust Company, retiring directors were re-elected ccept Henry II. Slielp, who retired nnd hla place was not tilled. A protective committee headed by John V. Plntten Is asking hdldcrs of Missouri, Kansas and Texas llrst mortgage exten sion 5 per cent bonds to deposit them with the United States Mortgage and Trust Company, ot Xew York. Chicago Stock Uxchange govcrnois ad mitted to the regular list. Additional J.950,C0O Swift & Co first 5s, making totnl Issued and outstanding 9,050,000: 510.0G2.3OO common stock, J7.672.000 preferred and $10, 43.CO) Hist refunding 53 of Public Service Company of Northern Illinois. Tho Comptroller of the Currency has received an application to organize the National Bank of Fannettsburg, Pa., capital $23,000, to succeed the i'coplo'3 Hank of Fannettsburg. The Baldwin Locomotive Works has re ceived orders for the following locomo t'ves: One triple articulated .locomotive for the Virginian Railway: one 0-1-0 tpe for Win. Ciamp & Sons Ship and En gine Building Company, Philadelphia; two 10-vvhceIed typo for Sugar Land Hall way Company, ono 0-6-0 typo for Lorain Steel Companj, of Johnstown. Pa. Negotiations for acquisition of tho Chi cago, -Milwaukee and St. Paul Hallway Company 4 por cent. French ,franc bonds having ibeen consummated, Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and the National City Bank are now offering 1 per cent, dollar bonds ma Hiring June 1, 1925, to be secured by tho pledge of the French franc loan bonds. Tho New York banks lost to Subtreas tiry yesterday $1,021,000, and gained since last Friday $1,751,000. Three to four million -bushels of cash grain were bought and sold tn Chicago jesterday. Including 2,500,0000 bushels oats, to go to seaboard. The combined net earnings available for dividend of the subsidiary companies of tho Massachusetts gas companies for De cember were $295,206, an Increase ot $50, 714, or 20,71 per cent., compared with the corresponding month a year ago. C. ,1. Bean & Co. bought Lehigh Valley Transit; George A. Huhn & Sons bought llapld Transit. Frederick T. Chambers was elected a director of the Do Long Hook and e Company, replacing Frederick HcC-ven, resigned. Walter K, Hardt, a vice president of the Fourth Street National Bank, will lead a discussion at the members' night meeting of the local chapter, American Institute of Banking, tomorrow evening. In Griffith Hall, 1120 Chestnut street. The subject to be discussed la "The Loan Department." Bank of England Statement LONDON, Jan. 20.-.The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes; Total reserve. In crease SIJ0.0OO; circulation, decrease 429,000; bullion, decrease 133,000; other deposits, decrease 3,291,000; public de posits, Increase 5,921,000; Government so curltles. decrease 1000. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liabilities Is now 2i?0 per cent., against 22 1$ per cent, last week and 32 per cent. In this week last j ear. Rio Exchange Lower BIO DK JANEIHO, Jan. 20.-Exchange on London 11 ll-32d., a decline of 5-32d. from Tuesday's price. Trumbull Steel Stocks Increase YOUNGSTOWN, Jan SO.-Announce-ment was made today by Jonathan War ner, president of the Trumbull Steel Com pany, that the stockholders have been asked to approve an Increase In the company's stock from $4,000,000 to ilO.COO.. too. The proceeds will be uaed tojaulld mills at Warren, where the company now makes sheet and tinplate. T SELLING Otf CAMBRIA STEEL ' - . - aa. a -- ROUSED NEW STREET RUMOl Ranid Transit Weak Feature of the Local List-tf J stone Telephone Bonds in Strong Demand Heavy 1 IOreign OclltJB xveaunv 4-luauiUUQ Thero wns no particular nn t . for tho rise other than wJ?.!! nigs. Hearting 4s, Harwood fi. i? "; van a 4V,. Lehigh Valley 4.4,' L"1 Hallway 5s vvcie all In good ,1.' ".m j no present jear Is expected )7jl! heavy gains the telephone bJj.fW a resu t of tlm .-! ... '? .u"")i u throughout the country. The J. Hi ciilty Is to guess bow longC 41 .,' .". ;""". miuuia me n .ITM mrougn mo exhaust on of nr. I"" nntlona which at present nnn"-0 W remote the stimulus of forela V" will fall and unless ,ieri.i.J?JHt vision occurs In the mcantlm. ill. 7 " try will again be confronted with I t0u' illtlona existing before the Z At present, however, the oulliri , brloht for nnnthrr i ;:... l "r Ihough every ship bring, ,non?2 nmounts of American sewrMltij!'! liinope the market appears to h,,iiM with esse. Vhcther all theVe haveCl sold, or are to be sold, Is not .h.JiVi known. International banker. L! $1 cent on this point. Some broker. L, -I to believe that many of tl, M nro being nccumulntcd on this ldrvSJ purpose of collateral for furthir ?J?4 penn loans, ""' EM There hns been some rather persistent selling of Cnmbr.a Steel on the local Lx. chntigo throughout the week. Tort' tho slock vvn agnln soft, nltliough offerings weie not rnitlculnrly large. In some quarters It Is said tlin'. the liquidation hni been for the account of Mr, Donner, who, nccoidlng to rumor, lins dlaposcil of most of hli extensive holdings In the open tnaiket. Whether thl report has nnv bnsls In fact or not, It looki as If some one had been selling consldcinble blocks of the stock, taking ndvantdfre of the merger rumors nnd general mnrket strength The local Hit as a whorb ruled fairly linn torlny, Thero was n decline of a point In Pennsvlvnnla Salt, and Itnpld TranRlt also fell back on small sales. The .iwoaiirn mi t lie, tnltpr wns attributed to tho fact that Councilman Segor Intro duced his resolution In Count lis this aft ernoon for a universal 0-cent fare. On the other hand, Lehigh Valley Transit was In stions demand, advancing n point. Otherwise price lluctuntlons wero very narrow Tho bond department continued to bo lelatlvely much moro actlvo than tho Flock Hat Keystone Telephone f.s were the outstanding fenturc, ndvanctnn from !Mi to nbovc D3 on heavy buying. PHILADELPHIA MABKETS GRAIN AND l-'LOUIt WHEAT. Ilecelpl lOO.IirtJ huali. There wns a Rood demand sml the mnrket ruled stendy timler molenite nn"erlniti ejuotattona: Cur lotc, In export elevator Xn, J, reil, eppt nnd Jnniiarj. l I1HI..I.I .Vo 1". Southern reil. 1.2n Milt, etenmer No. 2 re.l fl.i'frl.ti .No 3 red. It.'JVtM.W, retoctcd A, $l.U.Vii;i.!!ia. rel"Cteil II. ?l 24S1.S1I . , , COI1N -IUclnt. HISS bueh. Th( market ruled ateaili, lint trnite wns nulet Quoin linns Car lots for loenl trmle, ns to loeitlon Weatrrn No. -1 jelloiv. llflR-ic.: do . steamer vellow. Kitne-ltie . do,. No :t scllon. snjl2c.'. Southern jellnM. S01JR2c : cob. ner .0 lbs., N'"! . ., ... u...,. -.. UAT.1. liecrinil. . ,-hi.i-,! . uuaii. w..t-,.. nere il'slit ami prices further advanced He. under a fair demand Quotations' ,?'. , white, ,VHf..1Te.: atnnilanl nlilte. "".3C" No .1 white, Mtl.-iUee., No. -J. white. nwMc.', imnuile, oats. lt)4.Mo. . nurltled oils, arsded. "rLonfL-neeelrls. SKS hbls nnd TJSSM ll.s. In i-nelc. rtiere- wns little, trarit-.r end the market wes lsrgely nominal Quote;''", , in, no., niniiKiii. jir. r"'","A. ',..- .,-.. .ntent Jute aaeks. $(U3Si)j3. OT nsr, lire! teir. Si! iflWil nil ilo. etmlRht. 0fJ(l 2.1; do . ..,..;, ,!.., in ,in. rmnrltn hrnnda. fit si l7,21,'clty mlllii. choice nnd lane' patent, MSI ifT'.'-i. city mills. reRiiIar iirnile;rVvlnter, clear, si .-.onr, no, do. tr.ilBlit, ?., 001302.1; do. intent. $11 l",n.70. . , ,, .. llC ri.Ul- was quiet tiutnrm under light nfferlnKe. Wo nuoto nt $3 .'lOfftl per lbl.. as to qualllj. PROVISIONS There was n fair Jobbing Irnde nnd the mar ket ruled nrm. tjuotntlons. City beef. In setB, tmnkeil and nlr-drlcil. SIQ23e., JVetern beef Hi rets, smoked, -l2:,c. cl y beer, knuckles and tenders, amoked and alr-drlcd. .UBJic,, VVestxrn beef, knucktci. nnd tenders, amoked. .'Mr.'7e.. beef tinms. SSSfllO. uork. Mrnlly, $.1'.."0-it2T: hntna. S. I" cured, loose. l4V-j1iloc.; no, skinned, loose. 13l3'c.. do , do. ainokcd. lilSMlie,, other ham. smoked, city cured. 03 to brnnil und nieraye. imvaiTc.: hams, rmoked Western cured. lC'WITe.l do . bolted, honelc-s,, 2He., plcnle alKRildcrs, S. P. .cured loose, misc., ilo.. smoked ll'6J12c.: bellies In rli-kl", ni-enrdlng to nvernsc. loose, 12l-ujO.: breakfast bacon, as to brnnil and avrraue, city cured, f.fiirc.: breakfnat bacon west ern cured, lMtlbc : lard, VVeatern. renncd. In tierces He do, ilo do. tubs, lie. do, pure clt, kettlo rendered In tierces, lie.; do, puro clli, kettlo rendered, In tub, lie. REFINED SUGARS Tho market aa quiet nt quoted rates IXc flners' llat prices Uxtra fine granulated, ", sic: standard sranulated, r,.lOc. , powdered, ,, 'lie , confectioners' A, ri.T.'c soft grades, 51(3 COe. DAIRY PRODUCTS IirTTlin Demand was sufficient to ahrnrb tho limited recclpta of fancy atock. miIiicm of which were atendlly held. I'ollnwlng nre thn uuntatlons VVeatern fresh solld.pneked ircamery. fincv specials, .tic, oxtrn, lie.; extrn lirata Hlfl2e.. (lrats, V'Snuc.' aeenndr, 2-,5(.'7c, ladles. 2!5?i!e. nearbj prints fnncj-, 17c , n enure extr-i. 14 ii tile. , firsts. 2H I2t. seconds, J"i5iJ7c apeilnl fancy brands of prints Jobbtnc nt 40 I le. i:ci(!S I'emmd was only moderate, nnd prices declined tl per east, under more liberal offering" Quotations In free cnies, nearby extra. .Uc. iier doz , nearby ilrsts, ?ll per standard cane; nearb curivnt rerelpts. s,70 per ease. Western extra lirata, V in'r tase, tin , tints. $s.7l per c.iro, fane, selected limited eggs were Jobbing at MtlSic per e'Ht'Csn. Choice stock sold fairly and ruled nrm under light offerings hollowing Bra tho quotations: yew York, full cream ... . laiici "apeclals" ' lilinVri "i '&"? l. he Id. 17irfisue , An. Vlll .1.'' .f,Jr to Be POULTRY . 'I,VE--rCho!co stock ruled stead, i, i,.J$ eai'al ,0 the moderate orferlnes SmSSSP, ISR.. t0 "' nntl nuallty 1 0 1 ScT? ' l3V(fjc., spring chickens. accorJlnl? tV)3! 4 lftiiltic : turkeis 21t22c. I ducks ? 1Matr. nnd iiualltv. lSai7e.. geese. l&Bi'it' Jlf ouotatlona: Kreah-kllled, dr.rickffSS' & ,0-b;u,5L5,T",.t'1- .'W . Mleetet lJ&I do., weighing ,tH ns. nnteee, ilt !lf nelghlnir :i lbs. apiece. lVc.: rtn "-.M; j:e. lViJITO. Fowls, n hbls . drr-BlckM-nSlf ?S'j ,.". and overnnleee, lsUc: smaller Jffi If.jflic. Old roosters, do-plckerf. fie effif; ens. Jersey, fancy broiler.. 245i.giS;v neirbv fancy broilers. 22B2lc,: VVssistn RS? i ---T' rv i"(i uiiiri.T. .nwxf s.a a em Illinois, fancy jellow chickens, ntlrffij, ' lbs. nnd ner. In boxes. CflflSlc ii L'iim wegling 2J4A lbs., In boxes. lSftlfe'-It n-lclilng 2tjf".4 bs In Mil. , UfiYse- c& M -Silll'.' ( clht- Western, we ah nr 2i43u iS" M !',' '.f!-,.."5"e.t"er V?es.erlitK;l ."sm i iuw. . in uiiia . liivTioc.! infer or u. 1. Cniiin. v''ghlng sin lbs. splSe? sihstA' do , s uiK slacs, 2.1020c. Turkera ii,;'. fj. ncy -uisse , o . "do . ROOj "S 'aSSJ II.. W pwtorn fr.n 00.. ?llV A. 'j. cooj t, cholcp. S3025C.. do., fair, 2M$l liiSOe, Spring duckn nrarby, lff20e . iC. v t-1 s ev li PVff. -nfbMi v4.ifd:i iitft'a ",,,l, v,r "" t -. nriroy, IGISC.: ,' - -.. -- u - .- u'luaiua. ijci uuLaaiinntc nelnMnt II, 12 fts. oar dot, UI0ij8 white. welgliliK 0 to 10 lbs. per dot. 5! fit white, .weighing 3 lbs per doi., I3,7M"J ,io.. op, t ids. per uoz . nn m: do., aaia Willi; lbs. per do., J MVfr2.7v, dark, RaS ".73: small nnd No 2. SlifM "v " , FRESH FRUITS Trado Mas fair nnd values were well 101.-S tnlnrd on iholeo stock of moat descrtptlmie - Quotations nere es followp Apples. rr bbl Jonatbin. famy. t.2",rl SO- in, fVtr to mod, f .' r.O'ii.T: Mcintosh, tin I CO: VWnmiv ' v.. .... ... ,, imo.i ,.,,,, r. .",, ... ,, limes IWIZ. ; 2 mnra.2".. Grimes' Golden .'.50fi I: Ortrilnr.,'! .'!: ritiDln. '!. lien IUvls. Ii7seini- other vnrletles. J1.30B2 so: Ko. 2, Ji.tosijo, 11 applet, in bulk, per ion lbs. fceilo- ni,ple. Western, per box. Jl.2".rii 2.",: orarrn, i riorlda. per ernte, tl.7."5ll. taneerlnts, JTor. "J Ida. per strap. J'-'iCl. grapefruit, Fierldi, rj' crate. 12.3021.1 30, lemons, per box, l1Cl:rlnA' apples, per crate I'orto ltleo. J.'."0'A1 i,. nr..t.' 11111'.ou, iranncrriea, i.rfpe i-ou, per ml, fJiill: do.. Capo Cod, per crate, JiW3. it.; Jersey, per crate. s2.23R2.73: atrawMrrlet, 1-1. l.l 1 rtftt nl "e-.IJ I . ., A (, iuiiuiii (let ivi aui wvi Mt 1 VEGETABLES &', Th irrneril market was nultt and nllliAetil'l Important ch inse. Quotatlnna: VVtilti juii'.f 4 toca, nr bush. $lffl,'.ii white wimif) Jersey, r-e- bisket .no. 1 Hunt, uw.uc: .lJ other varieties. In7()c.. No. 2 'Oa-iuc.. j potatoes jerse, per naaket .-u. 1. -. 1 0. . i.,f,ii,ic. snt-ci poi.iinrs iirainiSf m bbl. Sl.rtrif 1.73 onlnni, per tou-lb. bJC-N, I. 3 f.'.'J",II-.73: No. 2, 73c.i1l 23, rnblmse. DlUdvr per Inn, $Mn. lelery. New ork, ier buiirfi,-M 1'iVIUe., splnnili. Norfolk rcr Lbl , V.eilSflE knle, NoriiUK. per nui. uinii-n,, leiiurr, rici.i. Ida. per basket. JliM r.u. do.. North tXt; Hun. per hiekt, 73e.fil . do . Texas. W b skct. I0R73C. beans, riorlda, per ts!ie 11..iO'i.i. neaa, riorma, per Daiati; .. PiTPcrs. l'lorld.i, per isrrler. M2 , eo-, plant, riorlda. per crate. ..' 2-ill2.7.1 nut,, ruuma, per -i 10. oanei i,x,u LONDON STOCIC MARKET I - '-sc in Oil Storage Rates Extension of Treasury List Reduces Business in Americans LONDON, Jan 20 American sccurltl'. on the Stock Kxclmnfio were Idle tod... , with prlco chnnces mll TI10 cMcr, -.1 nr thn T,niir.. list tn ' - lor Issuer lias reduced the ordinary busl-.ess In tnU to nominal proportions. A steady tone prevailed In Canadian Pacific. This stock has not been Included In the Treasury list, ovvlnB to represen tations from the Canadian Government. Pending the bertlnnlntf of dividends tho home railways Broun rested. South American rails showed Improvement In snots. Tho gilt-edged section waa juiet but irregular. Other departments were steady. The Dank of England announced that Us reason for splitting French loan certificates beyond the present week was due to the fact that small bonds are now abundant. Philadelphia Savings Fund Year The annual statement of the Philadel phia Savings Fund Society, as of January 1 191C, shows that on that date tho Insti tution held deposits aggregating i:3,522, S21, an Increase of 1,312,113 over January 1 1315. The number of depositors on January 1 this year was 2SI.8I6, n gain of 1760 for the1 year 1915. During last ear 42.170 new accounts were ppened. The society's Investment assets on Janu ary 1. 1316, had a book value of 9115,417,621, of which S0,ti7,62l was in railroad loans and J35.299.475 In public loans. Ilonds and mortgages held were valued at' 314,669,1)85, real estate 3155,000, and cash on hand was 37.177.777. making total assctsof J137.749.487, n,. -.n, fund nr Mtirnlna fttnnrt nt 312,227,166, compared with 111,331,233 on January 1. Wis 1 . .. ....-. - r nni' Tnn 'in itn v niirwiHi inn iW Vll j, dUlli -W. 11" "- --- , -ti ... ........ .. l.nn n nnnltltr1 Oil InPfMa ' 611 VUIIipilll Hi. Hiiiiutiiavu "" " I I in pIpcaKe rntca on ciude oil from 20 vk i .; cenia n nuriei, cntm i 1 AltliouKh the collection of oil ts strlcUfJE Intrastate ljuslness, tho new tariff nj neei. fllert with tho Interttnte CommcrcJ .! rt. -....... nl nt tfi rntfci conimiasion xnv uinv.i " v j by tho commission is noi neccauij. "v"i over, nceoruins i a Bwucmci.t. j -; National Transit Company. The burden .. in tl nn a-lfinl- T!Ii or me increase win im w J""fc , 7 whom oil Is transported througg the i: iionni iranaiv uumimuj ELKINS, MORRIS & CO.1 BANKERS Land Title Buildinf Philadelphia Michigan Railway Co. lat Lien 6s, June, 1919 Guaranteed Principal and 1 Interest by Commonwealth Power, Railway and J Light Co., by Indorsement . II IT KLKCTION NQT1CKI NOllTllWIMTKHN NATIONAL UANK I'hlladelDhta. I'a-. January 18th. 1010. At a intetlnpr of tha Directors held this iy the followfnf officers were unanimously 23 Hnv the r EDVV. A. SCHMIDT, Prealdant OTTO C. WOLF. Vice Frealdent LINFOUD C. NICE, Cashier JAMES MOOHE, Asalatant Cashier HUBY n. VALE. Bollcltor FHANK II. MASSEV, Notary LINFOHD C. NICE. Caahler. LINt vviiti dJpt al?E i,SS bOUTIIWAHU NATIONAL HANK lizSr phllsdJphla. January 17th, 1016. At the Annua Election, held on the 11th Inat., tho following atockholdera wero elected Dlrectora for the enaulng- year; Edln A. Merrick ilorrla Ilosenbaum FenllnandV. Ilonnaffon Kaii.utl 8. pannon John U Harper (leorso V. ISchoch William A, Hamilton Ceorse Anderson William It. Hortz Samuel Hamilton William S. Furat Harry Green William W. Foulk- Joseph C. Trainer rod, Jr. At a meeting of tho Directors held this day JOHN II. HARPER, waa appointed Chairman ot the Hoard and the following officers were ''preolilent, WILLIAM W FOULKIIOD. Jr Vice Prea. FERDINAND V BONNAFFON Vice Prealdent. SAML'EL B. DARMON Poilcltor. WILLIAM 8. FURST Notary WALTER II Hl'MMELL '1'ho following appolntmenta ucre made Caahler, WALTER J BTSINMAN Asalatant Caahler. JOHN W COLEMAN WALTER J STKIKMAN. Caahler. Yield 5.50 fo 9 Vv'v Lehigh Valley Rwy. Co., of N. Y. 1st Mtge. iVifo Bonis Due July. 1940 Pilce on Alipllealln m IJlIIECTOItVOl AtTCOCNTANTS CextlUed I'ubllo AccouttanU ' LAWRENCE E. BROWN s CO. Itll REAL ESTATE TRUST BUI1.DINO. ItUatNS i. sPjJAKMaVVi Tba Meuo Bond Salesman Experienced? clientele Pfc"f but not necessary. Must wio bonds. Young, live and capab e of adapting himself to methods. Unusual opportunicy for a seven to ten thousand dol lar mail. B 13, Ledger OBct,