Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 19, 1916, Night Extra, Image 9

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    (i afiHf-vf.-rv
ii)VJbS.NlfrG LLiiKtJb U PlilLAJDJiiLPmA, Vv &i)X i3HJDAYt JAinUKY 19, iwi
- w mpvsy
fc.ijg 0f these Intc-comers was Sandy
ll lnoTrlcEOr. There were severnl rensons
fejj gandy had " tho Yukon. He wns
fLn ta(j" with the police who patrolled
HtW country west or uawson, nnu no was
Firoke." I" sPto ot 1,1CS0 fncls ns was
nof thO DCS! piuiit;iuii u.... ...iu tier
iTT . .t- -I.-.--.. nf llio Tflnmtlkn tin
followed ino si." -
Lj mftdo discoveries running dp to a
million or two, and had promptly lost
ftem through gambling and drluk. Ho
jja no conscience, and little fear. Bru
: ... Mm chief thins written In his
t.M His undershot jaw, his wide eyes,
'?ri.hil and grizzly mop ot red
f Mir proclaimed him at once as a man
I .! to be trusted beyond one's own vision
t, ... ha reacn i um..... -.. ...... aUo-
SJL& that ho had killed a couple of
PES, I and robbed others, but as yet the
fctii had fa ica io gei ii)"" "" huh.
C along" with this bad side of him.
stnir McTrlgger possessed a coolness
IS a courage which even his orst en
miM could not but admire, and nlso
iSim mental depths which his unplcas
t features did not proclaim,
tnalde of six months Red Gold City
'u'i r..nir un on the Mci-arinne, a nun-
h.i and fifty miles fnm Fort Smith.
lI5 ffort Smith was nvo hundred miles
' from civilization. When Sandy came ho
'& "ver tho crudo collection ot
' etacke gambling houses and saloons In
sihe new town, nnd mado up his mind
f'lbal the time was not rlpo for any of his
'Inside" Echcmcs Just yet. Ho Gambled
U little, and won suniclent to buy hlm
,lf grub and half nn outfit. A fcaturo
of till outfit was an old muzzle-loading
ft Sandy, who always carried tho latest
KEavaKe on the market, laughed at It.
tY But It was the best his. nuances would
I allow of. He started south up tho Mc
I Karlane. Beyond a certain point on tho
rlVflr prOSl'ttl"!" l'l' ".... .." ts".u.
' Bandy pushed confidently boyond this
point. Not until ho was In now country
5cHd he begin his search. Slowly ho worked
- . . . . .... m .mnll trll.utn r tirhnan liuml.
IfiiS way Ul V nn..... .....u....j ....v.- .........
J raters wero 50 or CO miles to tho south
and oast. Hero and thcro he found fairly
kuvi nlncer cold. Ho might lmvo panned
'Her J8 worth a day. With thin much ho
'was disgusted. Week after week ho con
tinued to work his way upslrcnm, nnd
?th farther ho went tho poorer his pans
became. At last only occasionally did ho
(".find colors. After such disgusting weeks
tho company of others. Alono ho wns
U harmless.
sl.Ono afternoon ho ran his canoo ashore
len a white strip of sand. This was nt a
bend, whero tho strcnm nan widened, nnd
lava promlso of at least a few colors.
1I bent down closo to tho odgo ul tho
water when something caught his nttcn
'inn nn th xvpt Ainil. "What hn k;iv worn
'the footprints of animals. Two had come
V down to drink. They had stood sluo by
M And thn footnrlntn worn frosh
"mado not moro than an hour bcfoio. A
fleam of Interest shot Into Snndy'a eyes.
Ha looked behind him, and up and uown
tho stream.
i; " "Wolves," ho grunted. "Wish I could
L V shot at 'cm with that old mlnuto-gun
back there. Gawd listen to that! And
in broad daylight, too!"
! lie Jumped to his feet, staring off Into
the bush.
A Quarter of a mile away Gray Wolf
lad caught tho dreaded scent of man In
the wind, and was giving voice, to her
warning. It was a long waiting howl,
6 and not until its last echoes had died
t away did Sandy McTrlgger move. Then
I ha rffurnpri In thn rnnnr. tnnlr nut bin nlrl
jf tun, put a fre'h cap on tho nlpplo nnd
auuppcarea quicKiy over ine edge or mo
'. Jwnk.
ibRFora week Kazan and Gray Wolf had
rMen Wflnnprlnt? nhntlt tlin hpnclwnlrrq
of the McFarlano nnd this was tho first
lime since tho nrccodlne winter that Ornv
iWolf had caught tho scent of man In
ise air.
When the wind brought thn dnncer
ll&nal to her srm was itlonn. Two or
tbree mlnutea before tho scent came to
her Kazan hnd left her side In swift mir.
ult of a snowshoo rabbit, and sho lay
ui on ner Deny under n bush, wnltlng
for him. In these moments when sho was
lone Gray Wolf wns constantly snllllng
too air. Blindness had develoned her
cent and hearing until they wero next to
infallible. First she had heard the rattle
of Bandy McTrleger'a paddle against the
aide of his canoo a quarter of a mllo
away. Scent had followed swiftly. Flvo
minutes after her wnrnlng howl Kazan
ItOOd at her filrliv hln hnnd flnrif nn Ms
Jaws open and nantlmr. S.uulv hnd
funted Arctic foxei, nnd he was using
tno. Eskimo tactics now, swinging In a
half-circle until ho Hhould come up In
TEL Copyright. 1M4, the
8R Bobs-Merrill Comranr
Dear Little Systems I want to talk to you today about ono of the most
twonderful things in the world. It is
jnd steam, wo cannot see it, yet know
First of all. wo havo the HUMAN
orderly manner and which, with all we
Next we mnv nnnnl- nt n T ATT.TJrl
7.1 -.- j ,..... w. ...
w eay, is often run much better thnn we
iJonderful engineers on the railroads got
frted their trains any old time? What would happen if the men in the
fnal towers set tho signals when they felt like it or waited until they had
ead their morning papers before setting tho blocks?
t I want you to start with SYSTEMATIZING YOUR THINKING. It may
wle VOU tWf-ntv n ttiirtu iimn V.nf nfnrf tnflnv!
After you THINK von have Kvstemntized vour thinking, Bunpose you
J?Jo systematize your pockets, if you are a boy, and if you are a girl,
SPPose you try to systematize that wonderful nnd mysterious handbag
h you carrv around.
Your editor Tina - ior,of iK nnnVnta
Sometimes ivnndai-o ,,,i,.f vtc ,),,, r,,tai-
fca3 never dared tn lnnk!
Your editor hns his nnekets nuite
ylly has a nickel ready for the conductor instead of a ten-dollar bill.
M This is just a ivord nbout system. Suppose you write and tell me how
Qsytematically YOU went to bed tonight
PS your shoes?
I For the best and neatest set of answers to the questions below ?10 in
pld will be awarded, Fifteen $1 bills will be awarded for the fifteen
"next best" seta of answers, All answers must be in by February 8:
',s (1) What do you like about your home?
A (2) What do you like about your school?
t ' (3) What do you dislike about your home ?
I' U) What do you dislike about your school?
I (5) What can you suggest to bring your home and your school closer
ff W there is anything you do not understand about these questions,
'.'rite and ask Farmer Smith to explain it.
!n?i COi.?i ths wlni1- Knain caught n
single whlrt of tha man-talntcd air and
vLu p e .Krcw llfr B"t Wind Gray
t, Ya?. kccpf "inn the little red-eyed
fox of tho North. Her pointed noso
h. , f0 "owed Sandy's progress. She
.-? dry 8llck crack undcr llls fpct
ii.iy.s ,a,way- s,io caught tho metallic
1 u 6t '!ls Bun-t"irrel as It struck a.
birch sapl ng. The moment she lost
ua?d? In Jl10 Tplml shs whined nnd rub
Bed herself against Knzan nnd trotted
n. few steps to the southwest.
At ttmeS Sllph IB tMai TfAAR -dUnm .-
fused to take guldanco from her. They
trotted away sldo by side nnd by the
m2 Sundy. was creeping up enakc-llke
with the wind In his face, Knzan was
peering from the frlngo of river brush
down upon the canoe on tho white strip
or sand. When Sandy returned, after an
hour of futllo stalking, two fresh tracks
led straight down td the canoe. Ho looked
nt them ln amazement and then a sinister
grin wrinkled his ugly face. Ho chuckled
ns ho went to hli kit nnd dug out n
sma 1 rubber bosr. From this ho drow a
tightly corked bottle, filled with gelatine
capsules. In each llttlo capsule were flvo
grains of strychnine. Thero wero dark
hints that onco upon a tlmo Sandy Me
Trlggcr had tried one of these capsules
by dropping it In a cup of colTco nnd
giving It to a mnn, but the pollco had
never proved It. Ho was expert In tho
uso of poison. Probably ho had killed
ft thousrnd foxes In his time, nnd ho
chucklod again as ho counted out a dozen
of tho capsules and thought how easy It
would bo to get this Inquisitive pair of
Two or threo days before ho had kilted
a caribou, and each of tho capsules ho
now rolled up In a llttlo ball of deer fat,
doing tho work with short sticks In placo
of his lingers, so that thero would bo no
man-smell clinging to tho doath-bnlts. Bo
fore sundown Sandy set out at right an
gles over tho plain, planting tho baits.
Most of them he hung to low bushes.
Ottiers he dropped In worn rabbit nnd enr
lbou trails. Then ho returned to tho creek
and cooked his supper.
Tho next morning ho wns up early and
off to tho poison baits. Tha first bait was
untouched. Tho second was- as ho had
planted It. Tho third was gono. A thrill
shot through Sandy ns ho looked about
him. Somewhoro within n rndlus of two
or thrco hundred yards he would find his
gnme. Then his glnnco foil to tho ground
under tho bush whero ho had hung tho
poison enpsulo and an oath broke from his
lips. Tho bait had not been eaten. Tho
caribou fat lay scattered under tho bush
nnd still imbedded In tho largest portion
of It was tho ll-wo white cnpsulc un
broken. It was Sandy's first oxperlcnco
with a wild creature whose Instincts were
shnrpened by blindness, nnd ho was puz
zled. Ho had never known this to happen
heforo. If n fox or a wolf could bo lured
to tho point of touching a bait. It followed
that the bait was eaten. Sandy went on
to tho fourth nnd tho fifth baits. They
were untouched Tho sixth wnd torn to
pieces, like tho third. In this instance tho
enpsulo was broken nnd tho whlto powder
scattered. Two moro poison baits Sandy
found pulled down In this manner. Ho
know that Kazan nnd Gray Wolf had
dono tho work, for ho found tho marks
of their feet In a dozen different places.
Tho accumulated bad humor of weeks ot
futllo labor found vent In his disappoint
ment nnd nnger. At last he had found
something tangible to curse. Tho fnilure
of his poison baits lie accepted as a sort
of climax to his general bad luck. Every
thing was ngnlnst lilm, ho believed, and
ho mndo up his mind to return to Bed
Gold City. Early in tho afternoon he
launched his canoe and drifted down
stream with tho current. Ho was con
tent to let tho current do all of the work
today, and ho used his paddlo Just enough
to keep his slender craft head on.
Ho leaned back Comfortably and smoked
his pipe, with tho old rifio bo'tween his
knees. The wind was In his faco and ho
kept n sharp watch for game.
It was late In tho afternoon when Knzan
nnd Gray AVoIf camo out on a snndbnr
ilvo or six miles down strcnm. Kazan
was lapping up tho cool water whon
Farmer Smith, Children's Editor,
Evening Ledgek, Philadelphia.
I wish to become a member of
your Rainbow Club nnd agreo to
School I attend
called "SYSTEM," and like electricity
its force.
SYSTEM, which should work in nn
try to do to it, still renders unfailing
A n RVSTEM. which. T nm verv sorrv t
- - . .-- -----
run our own systems. Suppose the
up at any old timo? Suppose they
nnd tViov do not seem enouch. and
norHM in her mysterious batr. but
systematically arranged, and he gen-
and Just one thing where DID you
Children's Editor, Evening Ledger.
Sandy drifted quietly around a bend a
nundrcd yards above them. If the wind
had been right, or If Sandy had been using
his paddle, Gray Wolf would havo de
tected danger. It was Uie metallic click
click of tho old-fashioned lock of Sandy's
rifle that nwnkened her to a sense of
peril. Instantly she was thrilled by tho
nearness of it. Kazan heard tho sound
nnd Htopped drinking to faco It. In that
moment Sandy pressed tho trigger. A
belch of smoke, a roar of gunpowder, and
Kazan felt a redhot stream of firo pass
with the swiftness of n, llghtnlng-flash
through his brain. Ho stumbled back,
his legs gavo wny Under him, and ho
crumpled down In a limp heap. Graj
Wolf darted like a streak oft Into tho
bush. Blind, sho hnd not seen Knzan
wilt down upon tho whlto sand. Not until
sho wns a nunrtcr of n mile away from
tho terrifying thunder of the white man's
rlflo did sho stop and wait for him.
Sandy MoTrigger grounded his canoe
on tho sandbar with nn cxultnnt yell.
"Got you, you old devil, didn't I?" ho
cried. "I'd 'a' got tho other, too. If I'd
a' had something besides this damned old
relic." !
Ho turned Kazan's head over with the
butt of his gun. nnd tho leer of satlsfae
'tlon In his fnco gave place to a sudden
look of amazement. For tho first tlmo he
saw tho collar about Kazan's neck.
"My Gawd, It ain't a wolf," ho gasped.
"It's a dog, Sandy McTrlggcr-q dogl"
McTniGGEn dropped on his knees in
tho sand. Tho look of exultation
was gono from his fnco. Ho twisted tho
collar about tho dog's irmp neck until ho
camo to tho worn pinto, on which he
could mako out tho faintly engraved let
ters K-a-z-a-n. Ho spelled tho letters
out ono by one, nnd tho look In his fnco
was of ono who still disbelieved what he
hnd seen nnd heard.
"A dog!" ho exclaimed ngaln. "A dog,
Sandy McTrlgger an' n a beauty!"
Ho roso to his feet and looked down on
his victim. A pool of blood lay in tho
whlto sand nt tho end of Kazan's nose.
After n moment Sandy bent over to see
whero his bullet had struck. His Inspec
tion filled him with a now nnd greater
Interest. Tho henvy ball from tho muzzle-loader
hnd struck Kazan fairly on
top of the head. It wns n glancing blow
that had not even broken tin- skull, nnd
like n flash Sandy understood the quiv
ering nnd twitching of Kazan's shoulders
nnd legs. Ho hnd thought that they wero
tho InBt muscular throes of death. But
Kazan was not dying. Ho wnH only
stunnod, and would bo on his' foot ngnln
In a few minutes. Snndy was n con
noisseur of dogs of dogs that had worn
slcdgo trnces. llo had lived among them
two-thirds of his life. Ho could toll their
nge, their vnluo nnd a part of their his
tory ot a glance. In tho snow ho could
tell tho trnll of a Mackenzie hound from
that of a Mnlemute, nnd the track of nn
Eskimo dog from that of a Yukon husky.
He looked nt Knznn's feet. They wero
wolf feet, end ho chuckled. Knzan was
part wild. II was big and powerful, nnd
Sandy thought of the coming winter nnd
of the high prices that dogs nould bring
nt jted Gold City. Ho went to the canoo
nnd returned with a roll of stout moosc
hldo bablche. Then ho sat down cross
legged In front of Kazan nnd began mak
ing n muzzle. Ho did this by plaiting
bnulcho thongs In the snmo mnnner thnt
ono does In making a weir of a snowshoe.
In 10 minutes ho had tho muzzlo over
Kazan's noso and fnstened securely nbout
his neck. To tho dog's collar ho then
fastened a 10-foot ropo of bablche. After
that ho sat back and waited for Kazan
to como to life.
When Kazan first lifted his head ho
could not sec. Thero was a red film be
fore his eyes. But this passed nwny
swiftly and ho saw tho man. Ills first
Instinct was to rise to his feet. Threo
times ho fell back before ho could stand
up. Sundy wns squatted six fcot from
him, holding tho end of tho bablche,
and grinning. Kazan's fangs gleamod
back. Ho growled, nnd tho crest nlong
his splno rose menacingly. Sandy Jumped
to his feet.
"Guess I know what you'ro flggcrlng
on," ho said. "I'vo had your kind. be
fore. Tho dam' wolves havo turned you
bad, an' you'll need a whole lot of club
boforo you'ro right again. Now, look
Sandy hnd tnken tho precaution of
bringing a thick club along with tho
hnblchc. llo picked It up from whero ho
hnd dropped It in tho sand. Kazan's
strength hnd fairly returned to him now.
Ho was no longer dizzy. Tho mist bad
cleared away from his eyes. Before him
ho saw onco moro his old enemy, man
man nnd tho club. All of tho wild feroc
ity of his nature wai roused In an In
htunt. Without reasoning lie knew that
Urny Wolf was gone, and thnt this man
was accountable for her going. Ho knew
that this man had nlso brought him his
Our Postoffice Box
Let mo present Mr. Joseph Norris,
of the Rosewood Rainbow Club. He
was ono of the first members of tho
club and he has been a very faithful
ono since tho first day ho signed our
pledge. He proved I
himself of great
assistance to tho
Rainbow Santa
Susanna Kessler,
Haddonteld, N. J.,
says that it makes
her very happy to
be kind to others.
I Ittln CfllAAHHrt 1 A tfV
JOSEPH MmiUS uuoaniiu ira
s. Rosewood st. said something that
should be true of every single solitary
Rainbow. John Russell Romig, East
Lee street, is a very honest little boy.
He received two buttons by mistake
and he sent one back. Thank you very,
very much, John. Frances Fitzgerald,
West Montgomery avenue, sends a
very neat, well-written letter and we
hope to receive many more of them.
Abraham Guberman, Catharine street,
is one of our constant readers and we
thank him very much for his,appreci
ation of our corner,
Robert Aukburg, North 2d street,
has composed the following pretty lit
tle poem:
Now the day is over,
Night is drawing nigh,
Shadows of the evening
Steal across the sky.
Do You Know This?
1. What States do these abbrevia
tions stand for; La., Minn.? (Five
2. Build as many words as you can
from SLEIGH RIDE. (Five credits.)
3. Write a four-line poem about a
snowstorm. (Ten credits.)
f iwi7jMi
own hurt, and what he ascribed to tho
man he also attributed to tho club. In
his newer undertakings of things, born
of freedom and Gray Wolf, Man and
Club wero ono and Inseparable. With a
snarl ho leaped at Sandy, Tho man was
not expecting a direct assault, and before
he could ralso his club or spring aside
Kazan had landed full on his chest. The
muzzlo nbout Kazan's Jaws saved him.
Fangs thnt would havo torn his throat
open snapped harmlessly. Undr tho
weight of the dog's body ho fell back,
ns if struck down by n catapult.
As quick as a cat ho wns on his feet
ngnln, with the end of the bablcho twisted
several times about his hand. Kazan
leaped ngaln, and this tlmo he wns met
by a furious swing of tho club. It
smashed against his shoulder, nnd sent
him down In tho sand: Before he could
recover Sandy woa upon him, with all
tho fury of a mnn gono mad.
He shortened tho bablche by twisting
It ngnln nnd again nbout his band, and
tho club roso nnd fell with the skill nnd
strength of ono long nccustomod to Its
use. Tho first blows served only to add to
Kazan's hatred of man, nnd the ferocity
nnd fearlessness of his attacks. Again
nnd ngaln ho leaped In, nnd each tlmo
the club fell upon him with a force that
threatened to break his bones. Thcro
was n tense hard look .about Sandy's
cruel mouth. He had never known n
dog like this before, nnd he was a hit
nervous, even with Kazan muzzled. Threo
times Knznn's fntigs would havo sunk
deep In hli llrsh had It not been for
tho bablche. And If tho thongs nbout
his Jaws should Blip, or break ,
Housekeepers Tell the Budget Editor Many
Interesting Methods of Acquiring a
Reserve Fund for a Rainy Day
Advice to Budget
On Monday, Jnnunry 10, a first
prize of $5, a second of $3 nnd two
of 31 each were offered for tho
most practical household budgets
of a $20-a-week incomo of a family
of five.
Tho contest is still open, but ns
many of the letters received aro
written on both sides of tho paper,
the Budget Editor must insist that
but one side bo used.
Contributions should bo addressed
to tho Budget Editor, EVENING
Lepger, 008 Chestnut street. Nnmos
will not bo published, if such a re
quest is mndc.
It Is Interesting to noto tho wny differ
ent housekeepers regard different savings.
You will find ono budget which nllows CO
cents n week for doctors and medicines,
nnd others who entirely overlook tho
possibility of having to call upon mem
bers of tho medical profession. Money
is put by in nnother household for tho
savings fund, or tho loan association, and
no nllowanco Is mado for entertainment
or reading matter. Still another woman
allows as much for her trips to the
Cnst-ofF of Broken-Henrted
Woman Engerly Received in
Logan Family, Who Invito
Mother Also
Tlio destiny or a pretty, Mue-eyed, I-montliH-old
baby jrlrl Is In tho balnnce
today, ns Is that of tho mother, poor nnd
broken-hearted, depending on whether
or not Bho reads In tho nowspnpers that
a comfortable home awaits her and her
The Brnnchtown pollco are convinced
that tho samo god of chance that caused
the mother to place her baby on n door
step within a. stone's throw from tho home
of n couple who nie pining for Just such
a. llttel "sunshlno" girl, will see to It that
sho too will Hnd a home.
Tho pet dog of Mrs, M. A. Gaertner,
5132 North 13th street, Logan, sniffed
nbout and raised such a commotion at
the front door Inst night that Mrs.
Gaertner looked outside. There, bundled
up warmly, lay a hnppy, little girl baby
with this note pinned to Its clothing:
To whom It mny concern:
God will bless you If you will care
for this little baby girl until I am In
better circumstances. Please save
the garments as a means of Identifi
cation,, as I will surely claim her soon.
It breaks my heart to do this, but I
have no other alternative.
A Ilroken-Hearted Mother.
i Then the baby had the busiest time of
her two months' life receiving callers,
visiting at several houses, and later go
Ins through tho Important ceremony of
being christened. They almost had to
call out the police reserves to quell a
riot, so Insistent were the Logan resi
dents on entertaining and caring for the
Instead of that, the police finally took
her triumphantly to the Brnnchtown
police station. There Jt was christened
Llndley Logan, because It was found
near Llndley avenue, Logan. After this
experience it was decided the baby had
had enough excitement for one night and
sho was taken to the Jewish Hospital.
The result of the night's adventures la
that Mrs. S. J, Livingstone, 4930 Marvlne
street, Logan, who lives near the place
which ''Chance" selected for the baby to
be left, made this statement;
"I will gladly provide a home for both
tho child and Its mother, It the parent
will reveal her Identity to me. She may
call at my house or call me on the tele
phone," Southern
at the
Gown and Fur Shop
1206 Walnut Street
We are presenting for
and selection a complete
17 P II
'ring Sui(s, Lingerie,
rvnernoon ana evening uresset
You are cordially Invited to review this authentlo style
forecast and you may choose now or later, as you prefer,
Jf, UlricK l&e5' Tailoring Ready.
to-Wea: Furs
1206 Walnut Street
iii li ll i mtT iWiiiii frmm W
Sandy followed up tho thought with a
smashing blow that landed on Kazan's
head, and once more tho old battler fell
limp upon tho sand. McTrlgger's breath
was coming In quick gasps. He was
almost winded. Not until the club slipped
from his hand did he realize how des
perate tho fight had been. Before Kazan
recovered from the blow that had stun
ned him Snndy examined tho muzzle
nnd strengthened It by adding nnother
bablcho thong. Then ho dragged Kazan
to a log that high water had thrown up
on the shore n few yards away and
made the end of the bablcho rope fast
to n dead snag. And after that he pulled
his canoe higher up on the sand, and
began to preparo camp for the ntght.
For some minutes after Kazan's stunned
senses hud become normal ho lay motion
less, watching Sandy McTrlgger. Every
bone In his body gave him pain. His
Jaws were soro and bleeding. Ills upper
lip was smashed whero the club had
fallen. One eye was almost closed. Sev
eral times Sandy camo near, much pleased
nt whnt he regarded ns tho good results
of the beating. Hach tlmo ho brought
tho club, Tho third tlmo ho prodded
Kazan savagely with It, and tho dog
snarled and snapped savagely nt tho end
of It. This was whnt Sandy wanted it
was an old trick of tho dog-slaver. In
stnntly he was using tho club ngaln,
until with a whining cry Kazan slunk
under tho protection of tho snag to which
ho wns fastened. Ho could scarcely drag
himself. His right forepaw was smashed
His hind quarters sank under him.
1 "movies" as today's budget permits for
the head of the house.
Every careful housewife, has somo pet
saving, some peisonal Idrn. ot how a
i family budget should bo mannged, to get
I the cntlro worth of the money expended.
l Tho sum of 120 a week Is by no means the
I average, and In choosing this sum to
I open tho competition, tho Budget Editor
I had no other purpose In view than to find
out now women manage a family of live
persons on this sum. There nro homes
whero the head of the house makes moro
than this, nnd many moro homes where
ho makes less. This will bo discussed
later on.
Hero Is nn Itemized account of ono
woman's savings.
To tho lliidrnt IMttnr Evening- r.5iter:
Hear sir: l'lrnso nccept tlio following tabu
lated account of my weekly dlapoial of a M
Kent, heat nnd light JS.M
Insurance, rlnthlntr nnd rnpers 3,411
Husband (for carfare, etc.) l.co
VeRetnbtra nnd enmted good 1,20
KfTffH. onfi dozen -12
Itutter. ono pound 40
)no pint of milk dally ss
Ilrcnd , M
llrocerles, Including coffer, ten. euirar.
a.iii, eonps. itarcn, pepper, vlneRir, etc.
Fundny roast...
One pound etenk or chops dally
Ciki nnd delicacies
I jiund ry (collars)
Church ,
AmueementB ,
tiaWngs (for sickness, etc.)
Total ftn.m
mi" ininia .u cents to meet variations in
prices of above roods.
Our tniylnB may b a llttlo different somo
weekit. but I nlwayo mnnase to keep It within
tho abovo allowance. Very respectfully,
.... .. .. mus. a. cAnn.
3257 North Marshall street.
"Case 202" in Supervised Em
ployment Division of Com
pulsory Education Bureau
a Remarkable One
A widow, crippled nnd feeble. Is working
at tho waVhtub that her only son may
study art.
Tho boy, a bright-eyed, falr-hnlred
youth, Is a genius, nccordlng to tho art
ists and art critics who have examined
his work. He and his mother are waging
a tremendous utmgglo against poverty
that the lad may gain fame for himself
some day nnd comfort for them both.
The public will never know the boy's
name. To nil persons except those direct
ly concerned with furthering his Interests
he will bo known ns "Case 100" of the
Division of Supervised Employment cf the
Bureau of Compulsory Education. Mil
ton T. Townscnd, head of that division
has been nsked to help the young stu
dent to find employment.
"Case 202" is at present a pupil in a.
Kensington elementnry school. He will
be graduated on February 1, and his
teachers have decided that Instead of at
tending high school he should devote the
next few years of his life entirely to art.
But according to the lad's financial stand
ards, the tuition Is prohibitively high, and
the child and his mother must live while
he is studying.
The woman was made lame by an ac
cident, and it is only a matter of a few
weeks, according to her physician, when
she will be compelled to "give up" her
"washes." Meanwhile, Mr, Townsend is
searching throughout the city for a Job,
in which the youth will be able to earn a
for men tnd women, t prlcei
leaf than (ho com of lb ikln
put in tha carmenta.
Ladle' lllaek or Uronn For Coat
Pony CoaU nt $20. Former price $18.
Men's Autu Coat, fur-lined, Fenian
colUf $10.50.
Chlldren'a Beta, fl.tS. Lad I fa' Seta, $t
Altering and repairing-. Trlmmlnia or
all klnaa.
M. GARLIC & CO. iy,
your Inspection
showing of the
Gowns, Waists,
Dr. Clara Marshall Points Out That Preference
is Naturally Given to Male Students in Insti
tutions Founded for Their Benefit
"TTTHntJ we nak the public to subscribe n hnlf million to the maintenance of the
VV Womdn's Mcdlcnl College we nro asking ns much for the support of a principle,
ns for nn Institution," sn DV. Clara Marshall, denn of the college. 'The
trouble Is that peoplo don't rcnllzo tho great work which Is being accomplished by
tho college. They entirely overlook tho fact that this Is tho only A-ronk woman's
mcdlcnl college in the United States. And
I 1
Dr. Ctirj Sferjfef.
Dea2 of Me Cofege.
"Yes, It Is, nnd rightly so." Doctor Mnrahnll nnswered, decidedly. "You see, that
Is another point which Is misunderstood by tho general public. Thero la no chnnCo for
a woman medical Instructor, men havo almost entirely replaced her. And why? Is
It because sho is nny less capable? Awhllo ngo four women were named on the eligi
ble list of candidates to an lntcrncshlp at Blocklcy Hospital. None of t'-em was
"Only last Saturday I wnn nt a banquet of tho Womnn's Medical Association of
New Yorl. city. At least 125 women wero there. The president of tho association
deplored tho fact that there Is no place In the city of New York where a woman
M. D. can tench. Tho Womnn's Inflrmnry, which was n college similar to ours, with
woman Instructor! and students, was forced to close Its doom when Cornell Unlvorslty
becamo co-educntlonnl. That wns about IB 5 cars ngo, but since thon It has only
been within the Inst two or three years thnt a woman has been connected with any
ctlnlcnl position In New York city.
"An amusing oxnmplo of how thoroughly women nro overlooked occurred re
cently. I wns a guest nt the 60th annlversnry celebration nt Vnssar College. Sitting
next to me was a mnn who Introduced himself ns the president of a Western Univer
sity. Now, all the largo co-cducatlonal colleges in tho West havr what they call
denn of women, so Just to iiniuso myself, I naked him whero sho was seated, as the
nssombly Included delegates from all over tho country.
"Why, she Isn't here," ho nnsworcd In n Bhnmo-faccd mnnner.
"So, you see, we nre not nnklng for Just a half million dollars. Wo nro nsklng
for help to continue tho work we have dono during the pnst. We get more recogni
tion abroad than at home, In somo cases, I nm sorry to say. When tho International
Congress of Laryngology was held In Vienna we sent our delegate over there, fjr.
Mnrgarct nutlcr, of Philadelphia. Sho was not only tho representative of n woman'
College, nnd tho only woman In the Congress, but uho was tho only representative of
North America thore. Tho enthuslnsm with which tho delegates greeted her can be
imagined when I toll you thnt sho wns elected honorary president of the Congress.
"Now. if Vienna can do this for one woman, why can't tho public talto tho lesson
to heart and glvo Its assistance to the ono collego of Its kind In tho country? Why,
wo ought to be so proud of our graduates for their wonderful missionary work in the
Kaatcrn countries alone, where tho services of a male doctor nro forbidden. We have
sent moro mcdlcnl missionaries to Eastern countries thnn any other college, and our
work ntnong Amerlcnn women Is Just ns lasting, and Just as notable. That Is why we
have confidence In making this appcul to tho fair-mindedness of tho people, and I'm
sure we will be successful, for we stand upon our merits."
little money nnd at the same time study
For tho sake of convenience, nil cases
aro numbered In tho Division ot Super
vised Employment, at Its headnunrtors,
nt 1522 Cherry street. But each enso
represents a human being and nn Indi
viduality, nnd "Case 202" Is being looked
upon ns such. If Mr. Townsend has his
wny, tho couple will not only be com
fortable In the future, but tho mother
will somo day sec her son acclaimed as
a leader In tho world of nrt.
"Case 202" Is n slim lad, and his form
nnd complexion bear evidence of Impov
erishment. Ills mother Is his only living
relative. His father died several months
ngo. About tho snmo tlmo a woman died
In New York State a woman who had
aided him considerably with money and
moral encouragement.
Ho is not a precocious lad nnd Is quite
as fond of football ns his classmates. A
year ago, when his father was living, he
committed truancy to go to a circus nnd
he enjoyed the show as much ns nny other
normal youngster. The little artist has
defied all precedents by being as pro
ficient in nrlthmetle and geography as
ho Is In drawing nnd painting, and the
principal ot Ills school predicts that he
will be graduated "number one."
"This Is a remarkable ce," Bald Mr.
Townsend, reviewing the boy's history.
"It Is all the more remarkablo because
it was only recently that his talent was
discovered. I can not make his name
public because he and his mother are
bjE Z 0?
I .To keep ray expert tailor buay during the fHBJfSOlrKtiSSStou. 'ftth
'dull aeaaoo I VrUlingly sacrifice a largo part WKSSfSrjmdmwS e9&
I ' Tha newcatDombilccrealloAa forth com. WZP&J'ffdwtBtBliEki
J lag spring are now ready newweayea, new tiitiVSflfnKaflrstlatBHBaLIm
dealgna.nawmodela at theao low price: BKapQMHyiHlWjMMfc
of th sew! aprlsf Cabjjfew and Wait uUHpSUiVMXfl BBLM
(" Villa wtta V VaTttaa til MBSvtfJwSBK LfliliiiiiiaV Rm&m
wtubmai;uwwmi faUMkttrtwuTcaaad mKiLJ'MmmmBaBmm
ujino&u.juniujw coUmj. Karens HHKvpjPHHKnu
UHSNSKiHTS. REG.UO.fetJtautry wfffKmmJKjff j
DjdUmltttt.lltutitue,tiikttM4tkictUmi t ifrW it
I " ,,
the nted of a woman's college Is evident to'
tty one who has observed tho workings of
co-cducatlonal Institutions.
"It Isn't that I consider the co-cdiica-tlonnl
schools tinfnlr. They just give ths
preference to their men students. Not only
In tho metllc.il line In housing, dormitory
systems nnd such, tho snmo system is Jn
force. At a cllnlo when occasion for sur
gical or medical demonstration arises. It Is
the natural thing to give tho opportunity
to a man, If there nro but two or three
women in tho class. Where women are tn
Hie minority they suITer, If not by commis
sion, nt least by omission.
"Now, this la Just where the woman'e
collcgo gives Its students a unlaue advnn
tnge. Hero o hnvo special facilities for
the study of the branches in which women
nro most Interested. Tnko obstetrics, for
Instance. Why, nt a tlmo when mnle stu
dents could get n degree without over hav
lug a nlnglo enso tn the practical side 0(
obstetrics, wo hnd a fully equipped obstet
rical department, ndvnnced along those
lines to an nstoundlng degree.
"I have had reports from up-State hos
pitals which piovo without a shadow of
doubt thnt grniluntcs ot tlio Woman's Medi
cnl College who nro serving ns Internes
1o hotter work nlong obstetrical nnd gyne
cological lines than graduates of co-educa-tlonnl
schools. I'm sure It Isn't because
the latter haven't had theory enough, but
nclual experlcnco tn moro essential. Our
honpltnl nnd out-patient departments sup
ply this."
"Most of your instructors at the,
Woman') Collego nro women, are they
not? Isn't part of the money to be devoted
to Increasing their salaries?' she wa
sensitive and undue publicity would do
no good.
"Besides his case we have hundreds of
Instances In which wo try to help boys
Into successful careers. AVo don't at
tempt to make nny of th m artists.
The average pupil will bo bettor off as a
clerk or a mechanic Wo want to Invite
employers to notify us when thoy are In
need of Juvenllo help.
"We could get this Kensington boy
position at once, but we aro looking for
r place which will not occupy all of his
time and wo prefor a Job that will give
him some money and at the same time
not Interfere with his nrtlstlo career."
You Have
Wrinkles Read On
By a wonderfully Improved
method I can remove the deep
tit nrlnkles, remora contour and
freshen tha ekln In a tew daya.
Will give reduced ratea up to
Feb. lat, 1010. Thla work la
703 Ftundera lllr., IJIh A Walnut