Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 19, 1916, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17

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lr, Pcrditc Totali Italiane Sal-
rirono a 1-14,0 uuuiii.., u. uu.
nOMA. 19 Gennalo.
i. ti Mlnlslero della Querrn pubbllcava
I. . -Va 11 ieunlo comunlcnto ulTlclate:
rSi'fSo nl mare II nemleo ha splcRato
& 5tMl5 " artlgllerla alio acopo
. nA8. m Imnedir- cho I no.trl rlnforil
.svi-""- -- - - ,. ,nnn nrn. Ia noa-
.raijlunB rup0se -ftlcacemenle al
Ittoto del nemleo. ...,,
B.-galle atturo a nord-ovest dl Oorl.la
SonBa, dcelso termlno' con pltijo suc
yuao R' , fonogunte la resletenza
fifjntmlco, cho era appouRlata tla un vlo-
ill-taw. dl artlBllcrla, la nostrc truppa
:..kiiin intto lo innceo cno kii rub-
in?i.i vano preso nella notte dl vener-
ii" coslcche' a1 stnta rlatabllta la nos
& vecihla llnea tm 11 Pumlco ed Os-
.. .miMh semlutTlclftle pubbllcato
fl?.t Minister-, delta Ouerra da' notl-la detlo
a,"l1'n"1;,. ..iirtln Aiirnntn n etlerrn
-ttrdiw sudub " -
nm TAustrla.
S. ontB perdlto ammonlana alia clfra til
Mm uomlnl. coal .llvtsl: iicclal. 31 COO;
ferltU S'.W mancann, nuw, piuiuiuen,
!,Queste eono le pcrdlte aubltc dall'llalla
''!"?,?.?'" .,r .",; ai Auttri
ft nulla ha sul fromo alplno, jenzn pern'
Pw.i.ll snl-irare tuttl. circa un mmone tit
fir- II ml-lero cho ha clrcqndato II fntto cho
K nulla non abbla mandato Boccoral al
ffiH-nt-n-gro e contrlbulto alia dlfcsa dot
rtVuonte lx)vcen non eara' forse aptegnto
fS noii dopo la Rtierra. E certo pero cho
ift-.-toni oolltlcho o mllltarl complcsse.
fhanno influenzal-- la llnea ill condotta
' JSrilallft. Prima dell'intervento Itallano
...... -.-. m ntnlo fornlto dl nrml.
Shii munlxtonl o dl cannonl dalla Francla
ft. dilla Russia. Puro quando rII anglo-
"frtncesl attaccarono Cattaro. la coocra-
ilone dei aom'lu " ........ - -
!' fece perHno nascoro aospcttl.
iMr,'.-rvontn dcll'Italla II Monte-
lBegro Mpettava alutl dall'llalla. nlutl cho
'" 8 . I'. ii.ii. mnnrlnrn nerohn' tuttl 1
ir.nnonl dlsponlblll erano stall mandntl
itlt Inoporoso o non .moleato affatto
'i.i..ria hi a ora cho la dermimltt
veva orterto la paco Boparata al Monte
LZ a .uttn rlin non Alutaaso la Serbia,
' ma Tofferta fu rlllutata cd 1 montenogrlnl
!lIuUrono I eerbl. sobbono In mlsura
1 Quando lo truppo Itallano sbarcarono
J -jull'Albanla emie non andarono nel Monte
S 'bbto. come al aspeltava, da tuttl. cd II
I Montenegro al Irovo' dl fronte all Inva
'ttlone austrlaca. Esao feco una reslatenza
H? apparento o molto debolmentc al oppose
tr till austrlacl ul Monto Lovcen. Ora bI
Six:. - ...l -l -I.- -n 1-nlntn ilnll'ttnl.
mitnt qui cno iiw ";"" "" --
U II Lovcen non si sarebbe aalvato.
II fatto-e' cho la cnpltolazlono del Mon-
t.n aniiAvntn I ml I irnnzlono lii i'ran-
' . it, inohlltcrrii In Italia ed In Russia.
La Legazlone monteneerlna dl Parlgl ha
aato al glornall un comunlcato nel quale
aflnlice come falso c aenza fondamenlo
l. orcme dl tradlmcnto . el Montenegro
SjYerso gll alleatl. o dice, che II Montenegro
r -l - --...A .n)frtnn nt-r4h tintl ItVAVtL
plu' munlilonl. l '
-'llff'.c!all serbl gluntl a Roma hanno
dlchlarato che ro Nicola del Montencgio
JTtva concluso un accoruo con 1 Austria
n da un mese fa. Questo accordo sln
bfliva che ouando la paco aara" stuta
uristkbUftsL In Europa "re Is'lcola abdlchera'
Vflfaor dl buo llgjlo II prlncIpe Danllo,
Sb Quale regnera sui'. Montenegro e suua
TfiSwtla unltl. Ia polltlca dl questo nuovo
Jujllce regno sarebbe pol detteta da
PW(otlzle glunte i. Glnevra dlcono che in
iionttnegro 3B.7W soman montencgrmi
pello manl, cjogn numrlaci. u
austrlaco1 Koewesit nveva chl-
Stito che anche 1 serbl che combattevano
icl Montenegro al nrrendessero. ma essl
t.uiclrono per la magglor parte a rug
tire nell'Albanla ed evltare cosl' dl esser
fattl prlglonterl.
, Notlzle private glunte qui da Atene dl
eono che Costantlno teme dl esseie
lisaasinato ed ha ra'ltlopplnto l'effettlvo
tliiuq eorpo dl guardia,
A Parlel e' stato tenuto un conalslio
to gutrra al quale parteciparono gen
trail dl tutte le .ot ize aUeate. Furono
dlacusse le ouostlonl ilel lilori-o elTettlva
;Ua Oermanla proposto dallIiighllterra,
ceua situazlone dlplomatlca hella ureclu
.1 del piano ircn,.le dl camnacna nei
I'BiIcanl, e quella delta capltolazlone del
Hi rllrA pKa In nHitn nl mlnAnnln a I .. a
v V .... Ill UlVkin B llllliabklft UtIU
r.Toluzlone e che II partita dl VenUelos.
Aiarcrote ana guerra a nanco degll al
leatl, va guadngnando sempre iriu' ter
itno. Certo gll abarohl dl truppe alleate
BHlft ImrriUfllnln nl.lnnn- At fttana nrl
ifihlultlmatum che gll alleatl al dice hunno
prentato al governo greco per doman
"rell dl dare 1 passaportl agll agentl
JiPlomaUcl tedesco, austrlaco, turco e
'DUlfaro. dOVranno a.via nrnjlnttn un
jerto crfetto anche nella popolazlone che
Iorie comlncia a vedern o a prevedere
W etU dlaaatrosl della polltlca Jel re
p ag interessl verl della nazlone.
Two Held for SeriirlHpa Thpfl
EfJWirjJINflTflV. n.l T.n 1QAlhrt
fcand Earl Johnson, negroes, arraigned to
9r on the charge of afeallng l.O0O,000 In
tMcuriUea from the malls on Christmas
f.k were "eld In J3000 ball each for
V Fedaral Grand Jury,
Police Court Chronicles
P"A 8ht Is the best cure In the world for
,TM iHInn uA ki m i .
S3ki-rve t0 K6t up 8eam and arouse
2i ThU exercise chases the coJU
ran snd maUea those allied with grip
WQ seek nth.- ,,.....,.
J-Pfove hla contentions, Collins looked
Z.rr"' ,n ,ne n'8h neighborhood of Uel-
Hn Aiiegneny avenue. Host per
, n approached thought he was drunk
? refused to take offense, ile soon
mat challenges were of no
rlS?" To brlnf waiters to a climax
JjrS 'truck several persona In the face.
bB? :'ny could reply he was off seeking
fiSU.y h encountered a long, lean In
idual of atrtng-bean build. He had
f7?: 001 ln even to hit him. He
fJ4 a right to the utomach. But the
nan had reinforcements In the shape
,,"" "d held him until Policeman Jake
Sr if arr'ved. After a quick rough and
ifcZ iT "'"? Jase landed CoIUn be-
MaglaWte, Dletz. Declaring (hat he
all -V.,...- .L. , .. T-i.J.i
V fwn attprney. He ied himself
fiaVTV "" "" answered tbero t hU own,
L.? Magistrate almply looked and 1U-
fj'k wld like to give pelf 10 tlays
' fcau' ""it prison," said the prisoner
fcil!1 ou f ow-'t Blve H to yourself. I
sJ-,.rPlW the. Judge.
qiie,iaite tu eu,e4 harroonJoualy.
Leaders to Start Canvass in Ef
fort to Close Every Saloon
in Section
The Qprmanlown rmpnl?n against
saloons will 1m started Saturday. The
workers will have an organization meet
ing Friday night in St. Stephen' Metho
dist Episcopal Church, Gcrmantown ave
nue above Manhelm street, and will ap
portion the work then Into M parts, one
for every division In the 22d Ward.
They will then have 11 days within
which to work. That Is because saloon
remonstrances must be flh-d 30 days be
fore tho License Court sits, and It con
venes on Starch 1,
The leaders In the campaign, however,
say their organization will be so perfect
that they can complete their canvass In
less than a week. They will work along
the lines of a political organization. Di
vision leaders nnd workers will bo" ap
pointed for the 6.1 districts, nnd 13,000
assessed voters will bo canvassed. The
leaders expect to show that nt least 75 per
cent, of the voters favor a dry 22d Ward.
Crowds Pay Tribute tb Clergyman.
Bishop Says Mnss
The Rev. James J. Smith was burled
this morning nfter Impressive ceremonies
In the Church of the ABCcnslon, II, V. M.,
Spring- Garden stieet, near 12th. It Is
estimated that 10,000 personi passed the
bier of Father Smith. After the services
the Interment was made In the New Cathe
dral Cemetery, 2d street and Nlcctown
lane. At the church scrvlco wero many
noted clergymen.
Solemn requiem mass was said and the
dlvlno office for tho dead wna admin
istered by lltshop John J. McCort nnd
tho Rev. Richard Harrlgan. The Rev.
Frank J. Connelly, St. Anne's Church,
Wilmington, presided ns mibdeacon; tho
Rev. Frank Shehnn was master Of cere
monies, and Monslgnor TIcrney, Mt. St,
Mary's Church, acted ns assistnnl priest
Tho honorary pnllbearcra wcro the Rev
Francis J. Clark, of tho Cathedral; the
Rev. Michael J. ItnlTcrty, Immaculate
Conception Church; Monslgnor N'cvln F.
Fisher. St. John's Church; Gerald P.
Coghlnn, My Lady of Mercy; Frank J.
Connolly, tho Rev. Thomas McCarthy.
St. Edward's Church; the Rev. Dr. Wil
liam J. Garrlgnn, of the Cathedral; the
Rev. John J. Wheeler, St. John's Church,
nnd the Rev. tl. S. Quill. There wero
more than 200 visiting clergy present.
The entire membership of tho Holy
Name Society, mom than 1000, were
present as well as a large delegation of
police from the 10th nnd Huttonwood
station. Archbishop Edinond Prcnder
gast assisted with the service. Ho wai
accompanied by tho Rex'. John V. Q'Keef,
St. Francla Church, and the Rev. Wil
liam Masterson, St, Anthony's Church.
Mrs. Magdalena McCook Clnrk
Mrs. Magdalcna McCook Clark, a
former Phlladelphian, died yesterday at
her home In Clarksdale, Miss. Friends
learned of her denth today when ar
rangements were made for her burial In
this city. Mrs. Clnrk was tho wife of
William Slade Clark nnd tho daughter of
tho late Rev. Dr. Jlenry C. McCook, pas
tor of the Tabernacle Presbyterian
Church of this city. .She waa widel
known In Philadelphia.
Hineliart Funeral on Saturday
Tho funeral of Walter Rlnehart. mem
ber of the local bonid of managers of tho
Atlantic Refining Company and. superin
tendent V Us" dom'e'stlfc trade department,
will bo held on Saturday nfternoon from
his residence, at 57J1 North American
street. Mr. Rlnehart dlecl In the Jewish
Itospitnl esterday after an Illness of
several weeks. He has been In tho oil
business for 33 years. Ho Is survived by
a widow nnd five children. Mr. Rlnehart
was a member' of St. James' Methodist
Episcopal C.uirch, .Olney.
' m ' J '
William M. White
NORRISTOWN. Pa , Jan. 19. William
M. White, 45 years old, assistant cashier
of the First National Bank and treasurer
of the Norrlatown School Board, died to
day of Brlghffl disease.
hMITII. In loving remembrance of iny drar
Wife, SUSAi! wno pasBCU jiauuwry !",
. U .J U At. fc
Thtte Notice Are Printed in the
Evening Ledger Free of Charge
AI.l.KX. In Kaiton. Pa., mi January IS
ADA SUtVK JAMISON. wlf ofLevila Al
nB. nit vara Piineral rrldav. Ht
. from 11& Vubln(cton it,, Eaiton, Pa.
IJAKKII. On January 17. Ii, Juiir. p..
on of the late John It. and Harah A. iiaker.
aged 411 Mr. Itelatlwa and friends are In
"led to attend funeral services, on Sunday,
Inn larv 1SI at 2 V. I" i ' he residence of
h? brother Herbert V. Uaker. will Tulln
it.. Tacony Interment at North Cedar Hi!
IIAl'liR" On January IT. 1016 JAMK3. hue.
band of Catharne Harry. Relatlvea and
frienda ara Invited to attend the funeral, on
Friday, it b ' m.. from hla late rel
rfente 2JU7 N. S4lh it. Solemn Itequlem
Mae. at St. Cotumba'. Church, at 10 a. m.
interment private at Holy Sepulchre Ceme
tery. Automobile funeral.
UKCK. On January 18, 1916. MA RV ANNA
"nei Kitt). beloved wife of Kml Heck, .n
her 4h ear, Relatives and 'jlende, alao
ltoearr Society of St. Uvula" Church, the
Ladle" Aid and members of the Frauen.
bund, are Invited to attend the funeral, on
Friday at 0 a. in., from her lata realdence.
8 J7 .SV 20th at. lllsh Mm of neQulem at
si Louie' Church, at 10 a. m. Interment
at New Cathedral Cemetery,
HIUnV.V.-On January 15. 1018. CllARI.ES
B . buaband of , Mary Drown (nee Atchelmanl.
ii,i iSyeira i Ilelatlvea and frjende. ata;
lfiilv Family Society. Volke.f eat Vareln and
Weit HhTudelphla. rJlatrlbutlon ,lamnt
of II fJI? are Invited to attend the funeral.
..i.at. itAinaintt mar
it7 -. tn ta A n. tn.
CAUPBEI I--b January 1. 191?. "ELICN
CWJl,!;i?v only dauahter of Joaeph and
Finel. ThurS. -jWj,"- .Ura Z'Al DS
fc'L"''""1 . Si "on Wedneaday. between ,S
fSFwv?" ltrv.ee. and lnt.rm.at .trtetly
frJ.fie' nt rierkiJale, MU... on January
CLAHKt tiaraaoaw. Mrt;0OK CLAKK.
o7 th"l.U ? llsaajft JTSTSt nt. at
of tns ' H; 0Tiiursday. at 2 p. ro.. at
Funeral " f0ollves il7li!r. ISM Chest-,
tb .partn'enta of P 4 L,' ,,u,t.
' M. '..m .?h Mai? o" Rwulem'al tfta
1 iiu a. . v,-7 ;- nf Hmii
WJ'j ,it ifoit BlessedScrament. at
B ut 'inurment t Uoly crosa v.emcnr.
, Biooalya. N Y
.i .in January II l?! MARRY I.
COOI'KII. -OoJaouarr J Coot ,,,
,.'ia-,0,.vT?iluilv" and friend, are Invited
llUflnt) """fuB.ral rI. Tburda.y
to attend n JtSSjt i bU Ut. ruldinc,
jfternoon, 'ni inurment at Wrt
Uurll Hill Cem.trry-CROMI-TOly
Oi. itoa!S,,n.U1Uw,
oLlen) M.aaal SVojit priwifat
DAMrMAN On January It lBlft. CLAH
BNCB A., htiaband ef Kmma Dsmrman and
on of the late John and naehriampman.
nuatlves, nnd trtindsr lo Journeyman
RtoneTuttPnf Alanclatlon, Blectrfral Aid Po;
elely. nnd Voune; Men's Republican Club of
the l.Mh Word, ero Invited to intend the
Wneral services. Thursday afternoon, .at 1
ij-qloclt, at hli lata ryidence, 311 N. 22d at
interment private. Frtenda may view re
.mains Wednesday venlnir,
DIAMOND. On January IT, 1M0, JOHN.
huiband of late Mary Diamond. Relatives
and fttenda tnvlted to attend funeral, Frldiy,
S SO n. m from lato rvstdenee, 2.W1 B. Le
htch ave, (SRth Vard), solemn Requiem
' Maes st St. Ann's Church, 10 n. m. Inter
ment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
DONNRr.LY. On January 17, 1918. IIF.NRT
DON.NeU.Ti husband of Mary Donnelly (nee
Smith) and eon of late Charles and Suean
Donnelly, of County Tyrone, Ireland. Rela
tive nnd frienda, aim St. Michael's Holy
Name 8oclelyt Division No. 10. A. O, li
ana Court Fontlae. No. 144. P. tf A., are In
vited to attend funeral, Thursday, at 8 30
a. m,, from late reeldence, 611 Oreen St.,
Cheeter, Ia. Solemn Requiem Maes at St.
Michael's Church. Chester, Pa., at 10 o'clock.
Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
DONIX1N. On January 17, lnlo. THOMAS
DONUN, 8r., husband of Ellen Donlon (ne
Andrraon), aged 75 years. Relatives and
frienda aro Invited to attend funeral, Thurs
day. 7i30 n. m.. from latn realdence, 1142
Cambridge at. (27th and River road), Cam
den, N J. lllah Mass Immaculota Concep
tion R. C. Church. Camden, N. J , l a, m.
Interment Mount carmet Cemetery. Moores
town, N. J,
DllUMMOND. On January IS.lOlfl OKOROrj
It., son of Jean I), and tho lute William J.
Dnimmond, Relatives and friends, also mem.
here of the A. M. of A. nf tho l'enna, It, II.,
are Invited to attend funeral wrvlces. fiat
virday, at 2 p. m., at nla mother's residence,
2.145 8. 10th st. Interment Mt. .Mnrlnh Cem
etery. Hemalna may be viewed Friday, be
tween 0 and 10 p. m.
ECItKU On January 17, 1010. RCnECCA
rEtTZ, daughter of the late Samuel and
Mary Eckel. Relatives nnd friends are In
vited to attend funeral servlcm, Thursday,
at 2 p. m.. at her late residence, 2022 Hell-
mio at, interment private.
Rl.lir.lt. On .innuarr 17. 101ft. ELlZAnETH
SCOULnit, widow of Thomas W. Elder, need
81 yeRra, Relatives and rrlends are Invited
to attnd the funeral services. Thursnav af
ternoon, nt 2 o'clock, nt her Intn residence.
41 -N .I'Jtli rt Interment crlvntn
r.NOAHD. On January 111, WW. SUSAN It.
(nee Uoseanl), widow of William r.nanrd,
Itelallvea and frienda are Invited to attend
tho funeral aervlces. on Thursday, at 1 p. m ,
at her late residence, 2.H1 East Norrl. at.
Interment at Northwood Cemetery.
r.rilHlHT. At the residence of her son-in-law,
William l lvvett. r,SM Addison at.
on January IS. Win. .MARU.MIET. wtfn of
tannic Eprlrht nnd dauahter of the late Man
rice and Sarah James. In her 72d year. Rela
tives and frienda am Invited to attend tho
funeral services, on Friday, at 2 n. m nt
tho anutments of Oliver It Ralr. 18JO Chest
nut aL Interment private, at Arlington
n.OVI). On Jnnuarv 17, IBld. EI.lZAIinTII
E. FIXIYD, dauKhter of the late William
and Ellrnbetli Rogers. Relatives nnd fiienda
nr Invited to attend thn funeral services,
Friday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, nt the res.
ilence of her sister, Mrs. 13 F. Wells, 21.17
N. Uber at. Interment private.
rilAYNK On January in, 101(1. PATRICK
J. rilAYNR. buaband of Mary Fravne (nee
MeOInn). Helatlvea end friends, also Lnvnl
Order of Moose. Ixxto No. At, nre lnvlte.1
to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, nt 8:.1n
n, m., from hla Into residence. 111(1 North
22d at. Solemn Hlrh Mass of Rcnulcm nt St
raiiabeth'a Church nt 10 a. m. Interment at
Holy Cross Cemetery.
OAINEIl. On January 1, 1010. ADAUINP.
H, beloved wlfo of William H. Oalner (neo
Mnnnlcos). Relatives nnd friends Invite,! to
sttend funeral services, Irldny, 2 p. m., nt
late residence 40 Champion roid, Gloucester
City, N. J. Interment private.
tlAI.T.Atllir.It. On Jnnuarv 17, 101(1. GER
TRUDE F . beloved daughter of James X,
Bna iunrrarei i. itmiaKiier. imeu .4 venrs.
Tho relatives nnd friends of tho family nre
Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Friday, at
M'30 a. m.. from the residence of her brother-in-law.
Frank I'lpr. ,.11 MoAlnln st (riiih
nnd A'Pen sts.). West Phlla. Solemn lllsh
Reaulem Masa nt St Acatha'a Church, nt lo
n. m. Interment In 'inly Cross Cemetery.
OAIIMAN. On January 17. WW. MACIDA
I.KNI1 OAIIMAN. widow of Charles Rnrman
(nee VounK). Relatives and friends aro In
vited to nttend the funeral tenters, on
Thursday, at 2 p, m.. at her late. residence,
201U North :11st al. Interment nt Mount Ver
non Cemetery. Remains may bo vlcncd Wed
neaday. nfter a, p. m.
(Jtll.llEN. On January 17. WW, LEONARD
J. eon of Hush 11, and Margaret A. Golden.
In his 10th JeHr, Relatives nnd friends, also
Holy Name Society of tho Immaculate Con
teptlon church, Invited to attend funeral.
I"rlday. nt S..10 a m , from hla parcntn' resi
dence. 012 East Woodlawn ave.. Oprmantown.
Illch Masa at Church of the Immaculate
Conception, at 10 a. in Interment New
Cathedral Cemetery
GREEN. On January 17.W.W HOSE,dauRh
ter of tho late Edward nna Susan Oreen
Relatives nnd friends', also St. Elizabeth's
lienenclnl Society. Jncred Heart Society of
St. Ssephen'a Church, aro Invited to attend
the funeral, on Friday mornlnsr, nt 8:30
o'clock, from her Into resilience. 342,1 Old
York road Solemn Requiem Mass at St
Stephen's Church. 10 o'clock precisely. Inter
ment New Cathedral Cemetery.
(iltKKNR. On .lanunrv 17. 1UW, MINERVA,
wife nf Thomas M Oteene. Ilelatlvea nnd
frienda are Invited to nttend the funernl
services. Thursday morning nt II o'clock, ut
tho residence of her daughter. Mrs. ( (J.
Abbott. 21.1 Poplar ave.. Woodburj, N. J.
Interment prlvute. Motora will be in wait
ing al Woodbury Station to meet train leav
ing Market at. ferry nt W'10 o'clock.
HAOEN. On January 18. Will, at SI
Joseph's Protectory, Norrlatown. Pa., MARY
HAOEN (neo Corr). The funernl will take
place from tho ITotectory Chapel on Friday
morning;. January 21. with High Mass, at
8:30 o'clock. Interment at St. Patrick's.
HAM.. On Ja'nuary 17. 10W. AlfaUSTINE
F. Hall, husband of lata Jane E. ltodgera
Hall. Relatives and frienda Invited to nt
tend funeral, Friday, nt 8.30 n. m., from Ills
late residence, 2200 christian at. Solemn
Requiem Mass. St. Charlea' Church, nt 10
a. m. Interment Cathedral Cemetery. Auto
mobile service.
HARPER. On January 17. WW, HANNAH
A., widow of Joseph M, Harper, In her 02d
year. Relatives and friends are Invited to
attend the funeral aervlces, on Thursday.
20th inst.. at a o'clock precisely, from his
late residence. 203 J N. Camao at. Interment
HATTY. On January 17. WW, MARGARET
E.. widow of William Hattv nnd daughter of
the late Charlea and Ilridget Kelly. Funeral
to which rcl.it U os and frienda urn Invited,
Saturday, January 22. at 8 a. m . from re si
denco of her brother-in-law, Joseph Conney,
118 Jackson at. Mass of Requiem at Church
of Our I-ady of Mt. Carmel, at 0 .10 a in.
precisely. Interment Holy Crosa Cemetery
Automobile service.
HKENAN. On January 18. WW, MARGA
RET, daughter of the lata James nud UrldKet
Heenan. Relatives and friends aro Invited
to attend the funeral, on, Friday, at . 8.30
a m.. from tho residence of Lewis II, Swift,
southwest corner , 12th and Jefferson sts.
Solemn Requiem' Masa at St. Elizabeth's
Church at 10 a, m. Interment at Old Cathe
dral Cetretery. Automobile service.
llENDIUO (SON. On January 17. 1010,
T Hendrtckson, aged 77 year.. Relative,
and frienda ar Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at her
lata residence. D234 Webster st. Interment
HKNNEhSY. On January 17, 1010. CATHA
RINE, widow nf Thomas Hennessej. Uela
ttses and friend. Invited to attend funeral.
Thursday, 1 a. m , from residence of her
daughter, Mr.. Marv Rawley 13.1 Eveline st .
Falls oi Hvhuvlklll. High Mass Ht St.
Ilridget'. Church, ut 0:30 a. m Intenaant
Westminster Cemetery
F. Jlc.-7v inee joruani, smus u. uun i,
llenu. aged 7U years. Relative, and friend.,
also Tube a Ladle.' Society of St. Jakobua1
Herman Lutheran Church. Invited to attend
funeral services. Thursday, 1:30 p. m.. at
realdence of her .on. Charlea J. Henn, 2121
N. Falrhtll at. Interment Qreenmount Ceme
tery. Automobile funeral.
JIKHIIINI. On January 10, 1910. REM!
IIERRI8I, aged 78 year.. Relatives r.nd
friends, also member, of Herman Ia1ge, Ho.
123. F, and A M and Uermantown Maenner
ehoft Invited to attend funeral. Thursday. 1
?. nj.. from residence of his nephew, Charlea
'. Eniel, 31 Colllng.wood ave.. Oaklyn. N. J,
Remains may b viewed Wedneaday evening
Interment Ivy Hill C.metery,
wir. of Thomas Holllna and daughter of the
lata (leorge and Annla Miller, aged 30 years.
Relatives and friend, are Invited to attend
th funeral Saturday, at 8 30 a. in., from her
late residence. 2318 North Chadwlck t. (near
ITtli and Cumberland at..). Solemn High
Requiem Masa at Our Lady of Mercy Church,
at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
JENICK.W Ort January l. 1910. FRANCES,
widow of August Jonlgen. Relatives and
friends are Invited to attend funeral Tours,
day. at 8 30 a. m., from residence of her son.
In-law, Robert J. UcKee, 3C2 nuffleld St.,
Frank ford. Solemn Requiem Mass at St.
Joachim's Church at 10 o'clock. Interment
St. Joachim's Cemetery.
KANE. On January IT, 19W. ELLEN M ,
widow of John J. Kane, aged 81 years. Rela
tives and friend, are Invltad to attend the
funeral, on Thunsday, at 8 a m . from bet
iata residence. 01 Church at.. Clifton Height.,
)elaware County, HWh, Mass at St. Charles
, Church. Oak Vlaw. Delaware County, fa.,
at 10 a. tu. Interment at St. Charles' Ceme
tery. KEEN. On January IT. 1910. ELIZABETH
L., widow of John It. Keen, aged 87 tears.
Relative, and friend, ara Invited to attend
the funeral aervlces. on Thursday, at 2 p. m.,
at her lata residence. 22 York St., Camden.
N J. Interment private, at Ilarlelgh Ceme
tery. Remains may b viewed on Ved
ueaday, after T , in,
KELLEY. On January IT 1918, MARY
DOROTHY, daughter of Divld W, and tha
Uta Margar.t C. Kejt.y. aged 1 year T
month o day.. Relative, and friend, ara
Invited tq attend the fuuoral services, on
Thursday, at 2 V- m-. at the realdenca of her
uncle. Stanty V Itunner. 3910 N. ISth at.
Interment private at Fernwood Cemetery.
KIHKt'ATUICK. On January 10, 1010. MA
TILDA K1RKPATRICK. wl4ow of John II.
Klrkpatrclt Relatlvea and frienda Invited
t attend funeral services. Thursday. 2 30
p. m.. at lata residence. 4701 Sheldon St..
Manayunk. Interment private. Lavcflncten
KOIIEK. On January 17.19H. ilARY KLlZ
ABHT1I. wlfa of Harry Kcr. RelaUve. and
friend, are invited to attend the funeral c-q
Thuraday. at 3 P. to trotn.her law resi
dence. 113 Woodland ave., Wet Philadel
phia. Jnterroeut private,
KRAUSE. On January JO, 1918. QH8TAV
A., husband of the late August. Krau.
aged 72 year.. Relative and frtsrfdi. also
tn. memiKit u& aiuuwr icoua ana tnea-
etal Society. It"e
lof PWJadalohla.,
Juuara).. on Thursd
iiKHu 9uuvmiV ovc.ecy.
axe lnvitedi to attend
UrsdaV. at 2 B. ZO.. ftnm hi-
I 1V resldsnc., 1024 Nortn Sth at . Camden.
flf J. aiit.wttt - of" asi,sri)
I.AFIT.TtTY On January IT. ltvlp. M ART.
eannhter of lata rranfc and Mary Jjafferty
Dua notice .of funefal. from.rfstdenco of her
brother, John Lafferty. 222ft N nouvler st.
I.AHI.KR, On JanuRty IS, WW. ,K,XT'i"
IIYN. wife nf William F wler and datiglj
ter of JosepH and, Ellen 7roll. BalliM
and friends nre Invited to attend Jhe fjjjeral,
on Friday morning-, nt 8 .W o'clock. frej .the
residence nt her husband. Academy "JIM
Line road. Torresdale. Solemn ,.ROT'!m
Mass anrl Interment at SU Dominic '; t-hurch
nt 10 o'clock. Carriage, will meet train anrl
tmlley nt Torresdalo on Thursday evening
and Friday morning afitt.
LEONARD. on January 17. WW, ?A7.V
RINE. widow of Timothy Leonard. Ilelatlvea
and rrlends are Invited fo attend the funeral,
on Thursday, at 8 30 a. m , from rest
depeo of her son-in-law, .118 Moore st. lllah
Mass nt Church of the. Sacred Heart at U.30
a. m. Interment at Holy Cross cemetery.
MI.Y On January 18. WW. J08DVH, hus
band of the late Margaret Jane Ilrat hla
lato residence. 1047 K-ist Derks st. Due no
tice of the funeral will bo given.
LYNCH. In Hordentown, f J , on January
W. WW. SARAH J, LYNCH, widow of
George A, Lynch. Relatives and friends nre
invited to ntwnd the funeral, from her late
realdence, 2.1 2d St.. Rordentown. :. J.
on Thursday, at 0 r. m Solemn High Mas.
at St. rJary'a Church at 10 a. m. Interment
at St Mnry'a Cemetery, Rordcntown, N J.
MANHON On January 17. WW, HENRI
ETTA, MANSON. widow of Ocorgo It. Man
sen and daughter of the late Cnplaln Wllllarns
and Rebeocn Frank. Ilelatlvea and friends
nra Invited to attend tho funeral services, on
Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at his late realdence.
IU22 urown av, .niernicuv ji,,iw n, ,,,
Feace Cemetery
MARK. On January IT. WW, FRANK, hus
band of Frederlcka Mark. Relatlvea nnd
frl.nds, also ltnnhoe Ixidge. No. 410, F. and
A. M.i St. John'a Charter. No. 232, Corinth
Inn Commandery. No. 63, K..T.. and also the
Lu I.ii Templn Shrine and all other socletlea
of which ho was a mombcr. nre Invited to
nttend funeral, Thursday, at 2 p. m.. from
late residence. 2010 W. Somerset at. Inter
menl Northwood Cemetery. Remain, may bo
viewed Wednesday, 8 to 10 p, m.
Clunecon, widow of Robert D, Martin and
daughter of thn late William D. and Parnh
F, Mldlcn, Relatives and frienda nre Invited
to nttend the funernl services on Saturday, at
2 P. pi, nt the residence of her nephew, Will
lam 11. lienlon, M2 Hoyden at,, Camden, N.
J. Interment private. Frienda may call Fri
day, from 7 to 0 p. in,
jlrCAIINKA. On Jnnuary 17, WW, TERESA
McCARNEV. daughter of lati Jnmea and
Rosn McCnrney, of County Monaghnn, Ire
land. Relatives and trends are Invited to
nltrnd funernl, Friday, at 8 30 n. m., from
rrsldrnce of sister, Mrs, I'atrlclt qulmi. 2724
N. 1Mb St. SolemnHtlcli Slasa of llesitilem
nt Our Ladv of Mercy Church Rt 10 o'clock.
Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
MrCOUIlT. On Jnniinry W, WW. at her
parents' residence. 1.110 N. Hancock st ,
CIIAIlLOTTA, daiif.V'er nf Patrick nnd tha
late Mary Mrcnurt (nee McLean). In her ll'th
vear. Itelntlvei and friends men inomnera
of . V. M. Sodality of St. Mlciinet'a Church,
nre tnvlted to nttend funeral, Thursday, nt
8 30 n, m. Solemn Requiem Mnss nl St.
Michael's Church at 10 o'clock. Interment
nt Holy Scpulchro Cemetery. Chester papers
pienro copj.
MrCUI.LY. On January W WW. ELIZA J,
widow of Robert A. McCuilv. Relatives and
frienda nro Invited to attend tho funeral
services, on Friday, nt tl a. nt.. nt her late
realdence. 10S North 20th st. Interment pri
vate. MrllliNAI.il. At Atlantic City. N. J. on
January 10. milt. Kl.T.RN. wtfn of the late
Jnmea 1. McDonald nnd daughter of the late
John nnd Mary Clo. formerly of St. Mich
ael's parish, rhlln. Relatives nnd friends
Invited to attend funernl, Thurediy, 8 n m
from Into residence, 14.1 Ocean ave.. Atlantic
C'ltv Solemn Requiem Mnea nt St Nicholas'
Church. 8.30 n. m interment nt St. Denis'
Cemetery Onkmont Ardmore, In., 12 o'clock
MrGAItRY On Jnnuary 17. 1010. ANNA
McOAIlltY. widow nf Jnmes Mcdarrv. Rela
tives nnd friends. nls the I.eaguo of tho
Sacred Henri of thn Ascension Church, nro
Invited to nttend funeral services, Thursday,
nt s 3D a. m.. nt her Into residence, 845
iiiaver st. Solemn Itequlem Mass at the
( hurch of the Ascension at 10 n. m Inter
ment at St. Mary'. Cemetery, at Gloucester.
N .1. Automobile service. ,
.1lr4il.AfGIII.IN. On Jnnuarv 17, WW.
JOHN McOLAl'OIlt.IN. Relatives nnd
friends, nlso Ht. Anthony's Holy Name So
ciety, nnd Jnmea D, Howley Socletv. No. 313,
1 0. II. U Invited tn nttend funeral, Thurs
day, 8 n. m . from residence of niece, Mrs.
Charles O'Donnell. Hid S. 2Sth at. Solemn
High Mass nf Requiem nt St. 'Anthonv'a
Church, U'30 o'clock. Interment New Catho
dml Cemetery.
McKENNA On January 17, 1910, MARY A..
wife of Michael McKcnna and daughter of
tho late John nnd Ann McCullough, nf Plum
Urldge. County Tyrone Ireland Relatives
and rrlends nre Invited to attend tiro funeral,
on Thursday, 8 a m.. from her late resi
dence, llorough Rail. Snart'imore, Del. Co.
l'n Solemn Mass of RenuUm nt the Church
of Our Lady of I'eruetunl Help. Morton, l'n..
at in a m. Interment Holy cross Cemetery
Automobllo funeral
MILLER. Suddenly, on January 17. WW,
RICHARD M , belnved husband of Carrie
M. Miller, aged .''- years. Relative, and
friends nre Invited to uttend the funeral
services, on Thursday afternoon, nt 1 o'clock,
nt hla lato residence, toil South 22d st In
terment private Automobile service, l'rlenda
mav call Wednesday evening.
SUNK.-On Jnnuarv W, WW, HENRY E.
MINK. Jr . son of Ilenrv B. and Anna M.
Mink, nged 10 years Relatives and friends
are- Invited lo nttend the funeral. Thursday
afternoon, nt I'll) o'clock, from the parenta'
residence, 2(110 Federal at. Service, ut Me.
mortal rhnpel of the Holv Communion. 27th
and Wharton sts, nt 2.10 o'clock. Inter
ment at Mount Morlah Cemetery, rrlends
may call Wedneaday evening.
MOri'KT. On January 18. 9W, 1SAHELI.A,
widow of James Moffet, nged Ml years Rela
tives nnd frienda an Invited to attend tho
funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p tn , at
her late residence, southeast corner Randolph
and Venango nts, Interment at Monument
Cemetcrj .
MOLI.OV. On 'January W. WW. JOHN,
husbanu nt Mary aionoy, ngeq 4 yeara. itei
uttves anil frienda. nlso Holy Name Society,
nre Invited to attend funeral, Thursday. 8.10
a. m.. from late residence, oO Cottum at..
Germantown. High Masa of Requiem In
St Francla nf Aaslsl Church, 10 a, m. Inter-
, ment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
MOVAC1HAN'. On Jnnuarv 17. WW, JEN
NIE C , wife of Charlea Monaghan. Funernl
will take place Thuraday, 8 10 n. in., from
residence of tier brother. Dtintol Keaahen,
20)3 N. Vnn l'elt at. Relatlvea and frienda
of family. Altar nnd Rosnrv Society anil
I.engun of Sacred Heart of St, Francis'
Church, nre Invited tn nttend Solemn Re-
?ulem Mrbh at St. Francis' Churih, 10 a. m.
ntermeut Holy Cross Cemetery.
M()HEI.AM. On January 18, WW JAMES
M . husband of thn late Sarah Moreland.
ageit us yeara. Relatives und friend, nra
tnvlted to attend the funerul servers, Fri
day nfternoon, at 2 oclnck. nt tho residence
of his eon. Hugh Moreland. 2028 Anntn st.
Interment nt Mount 'Morlah Cemetery. Re
main, may be viewed Thuradav uvenlnr.
Mllltrili. On January IN, JOW. MARY A
wife nf Jnmea F, Murphy, aged 4d years.
Relatlvea and friends ara invited to attend
the funeral, on Frlduy morning, at 8 o'clock,
from her husband', residence, o82D Gold t..
Chestnut Hill. High Mass at thn Church
of Our Mother of Consolation, at 0 o'clock.
Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery,
3IYKJIH. On January 17. Win, JOHN W.
MYERS, husband of Christiana Mjrrs, In bis
7Sth ear. Relatlvea and friends, also Lodge
No, 41, F, and A, M.. of Lancaster. Pa.;
Waahlngton I'arnn. No 3no, o. S. of A.;
Knickerbocker IleneHclal Society and tho em
ployes of the Commonwealth Titte and Trust
Co.. arc Invited to attend the funeral serv
ices. Saturday, 2d m . at hi. lata residence,
.mill Haverford ave. Interment at Montrose
Cemetery Friend, may call Friday, from 7
to U , m. Automobile.
NlIENKMAN. On January 18. 19 W, MARY
a. nL,rvi,MAA, a. w.. wiiei or unariea
Nueiiemau. aged (Wi veers. Relative, and
frienda ur Invited to attend tha funeral
services, on Thuraday, at 8 p. m. prrclselv.
at her late realdence. 2.' North ttth at. In
terment strictly private, on Frl'Ui.
OtiDKN. On January 17,1010, CATHARINE,
wire of Clarence (. Ogden. aged 20 yeara.
Relatlvea and friend, are Invited to attend
funeral service. Friday, 2 p. in., at late
home. 2710 N. Taylor at. Interment private.
Remain, may be viewed Thursday evening,
O'MULI-ANK. On January 18, JOIO. DAN
IEL. Sr.. beloved husband of the lata Anne
F. O'MuUane (nee Dumas), Relative, and
friends are Invited to attend tha funeral, on
Friday, at 8.80 a. ro.. from, hla lata reel,
dence, 2308 Amber at. Solemn itequlem
Masa at the Church of the Holy Name at
10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Sepulchre
O'WKIGHT. On January W. 1010. LEOLA
CC WRIGHT. Relatlvea and frtenda, also
inembera of Mingo Council, No. 12). Degree
of Pocahontas, are Invited to attend tha fu
neral, on Thursday, at 8.30 a. m from r..l
dence. 1)13 South 13th st. Solemn Mao of
Requiem at St. Teresa's Church at 10 a. m.
precisely. Interment private, at New Cathe
dral Cemetery. Automobile service. Remain,
may be 1 lowed Wedneaday, from 8 to 10 p. m.
lANCOAST.--On January 18, 1910. ROB
ERTA, daughter of Sallle Roger.. Relatlvea
and friend, of tha family, also member, of
Reacon P. E. Church, Invited to attend
funeral service.. Saturday, 2 p. m . at lata
residence. 2113 E. Cumberland at. Interment
private. North Cedar Hill Cemetery,
PATTERSON. At her realdence. 1900 South
Broad !.?? January, Jfc. 191K, MIRIAM
MacCARROLI wife of Robert A. Hatisr
,0,1, M. D. Further notice of the funeral
will be given.
I'KW. Near Mt. Holly. N. J., Second-day.
First Month. 17th. lOTRA D.. daughter of
tb. lalo Ulcomneld U. and Linda D. Few,
aged 2.1 lears Relative, and friend, are In
vited to attend I the funeral, from tha Baptist
church. Mount Holly. N. J., on Stxtb-day,
2t.t, at 8 P. in. Interment at Mount Holly
PENNYl'ACKEIt. On January 18, 1918.
SALL1U J-. widow of Thomas M. Penny
packer Remains may ts viewed Thursday,
T to 0 P- m.. at late, residence. 102a N. 231
st.. Camden. N. J. Interment private. Frt
day. at convenience of family.
rETEHS. On January 17, joio, JOHN
y&iiuna. ,w. t, -, ei.iv. ana
friend, of the family axe Invltad to atten.l
... funeral, on Thursday toomhr at r.k.
o'clock, from the residence of his son, John
E Peter., I&99 Sor.'i Dov.r st. Hlitj Mass
In the Uiupsh.oj the Most Preclou. Blood
of Our Iard. at 10 a-cloca. Intment Holy
PFEIVFEIC Suddenly, on January, IT, 1816,
LULU F.. wife of Frd.rlck W. Pfelff.r ani
daugbttr of Asnle and the lata Jamea Grear,
Relatlvea and friend, axe lnvUd to attend
the funeral services, at Tate realdenca. 3810
North 7th st.. ca Friday, at 8 p. in, crecUely,
Inierment at Oreeomouat Cemetery
I'llirKlL-On .January 1. 1918. MARYA
wlta of Joseph a. Phlfer, Sr., and daughter
oVutVBdw-era and Marr' A, WiUUr. ad f4
jara Relatives' and friend. arelavUttd to
attend funeral. Thuryday. at 3 b. tn. from
Uta residence, 1S3I K. Palmer M. Intermaot
palmer Cnitry. rrlaad. nav call ait J
Q'cloci TVetaesoay evening.
HERD. on January 1ft, WW. RAC1IEU
widow of Thomas Reed Relatlvea and
frienda are tnvlted t sttend funeral, Thurs
day, st 8K a, m , from her lata residence.
1S.1I Wood st. High Requiem Mass, at the
Cathedral at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy
Cross Cemter
HF.KVES. On January 10. lfW, SAMUEL fl.
REEVES, husband of Mary Emma (nee
Wiley), aged 84 years. Relatives and friends
nnd member, ef Thomas D. Flnlctter Repub
lican Club are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Thuradav, st lO'.IO a m,. from
hla lato residence, 1201 Commerce at.. Taut.
boro, N. J, Interment at Bridgeport. N. J.
RINF.IIART. On January 18, 1910, WAL
TER S. RINF.IIART, Sr , husband nf Irna
Rlnehart (nee Hayne). Relatlvea and rttenda,
also Brotherhood of St James' M. E, Church,
are Invited to attend the funeral servicer on
Saturday, at 2 p. m precisely, at his late
residence, 3711 orth American st. Inter
ment private. Auto funeral.
niTTENllOUSi:. On January lft.WIO.MARY
ELIZAHRTH, widow nt Samuel, aged T
year.. Relatives and friends are Invited to
attend the funeral services, Thursoay, at 2
p m., at her late realdence. (VJ0 W. Johnson
at . Germantown. Interment at Ivy Hill.
ROnnRTS. At 812 Rutler ave , Amhler.
Pa.. Seventh day. First Month IMh JOHN
nnnniTa ,.-.. 07 , .,, nelstttes Anil
friends Invlteif to attend funeral. Fifth-day,
First Month 20th, from Plymouth Frtenda'
Meeting, 1 p. in,
III'SII. on Jantiafv IT. WW. WILHIil,
MINA C, TMdow of Captain Frederick W.
Rush, aged 82 years. Relatives and friends
Invited to attend the funeral services, at
late residence. ;iuu ?, imn at., ounaivy, . w
p. m. precisely.
HCllREI'l'EH On January 1(1. WW. ALICE
E.. wife of Christopher Schrspper nnd daugn.
ter of the late Rcniamln F. nnd Louise A,
button. Relatives and friends, also Mstnaea
Council, No. ID. Deareo of Pocahontasi Nep
tune Homo Communion, No. 0, nnd jjcenn
Temple. No, 1, 1-adles of the Go den Eagle,
ro-e Invited to nttend funeral services,
Wednesday evening. 8 o'clock, at husband a
residence. 117 N. Massachusetts niea. Al-
aintle City. N J. Interment private, Thurs.
dav morning. Ixturel Hill Cemetery. Phila
delphia, SEDGER. On Jnnuarv 18. I0W, CHARLES
IV., huiband of Zlllah Mav. Sellger (nee
Ralley). Relatives nnd friends nn invited
tn nttend the funeral services. Saturday
afternoon, at 2 o'clock, nt his late realdence.
413 Union at Interment at Fermvood Ceme
tery. Friends may view remains rrlday
8T.U7TS.-On January 18. WW, ALFRED
E , Jr.. son of Alfred E., Sr., and Kllinbeth
W Fttauts (neo Ilngerts). Due notice of tha
funernl will be given from the residence nf
his parents 2221 Gaul st.
8Tr.EI.lIAN. -on January 18. low JANE
W. STEELMAN. vi Mow of Ephrnlm Steel
man, of I.lntvood, N. J . In her 74th year.
Relatives and friends art Invited tn attend
the funeral services, nt the residence of her
son, George A, Steelman, Adnme nve nnl
First et. rieasintvllle. N. ,1 ThurMai. nt
7.30 n. m Petiiisvlinnlt relatives will please
meet nt Oreen Tree Cemetery. Montgomery
County. Frldnv January 21. 2.20 p. in. Inter
ment nt Oreen Tree Cemetery
STILES. Noar Lumberton. N. .1.. on First
month, tfitll. WW. HENRY 13. STILES. Ill his
lllst venr. Relatives and friends are In
vllcd to attend the funeral, nt Kaslon Meet
Ing House, near Masonvllle. N. J., Fifth-day.
at 2 p. m. Interment nt Eaaton nurylne
Grounds, conveiances win meet trnin leav
ing Mnrket at. ferrv, Philadelphia, at l2:.'fl
P. m. nt Masonvllle, N. J. Remains may be
viewed at his late residence Fifth-day morn
STOCK1VKLL. Suddenly, on January 17.
hushnnd of Marv Scott nged 78 v cars. Rela
tives nnd friends, nlso t'nlted Wood Sorters'
Union nf Philadelphia and vicinity, aro-Invited
to nttend the funernl . services, on
Thuradav, at 1 n. ill, from nla lato resi
dence. 4Mt North 8th at. tnterment rrlvnte,
at Forest Hill Cemetery. Aulomobllo funernl,
SrUAHD. On Jnnuary 17. WW, ANNA M,
daughter of the late Wllllain and Emma
Slunrd. Due notice of funernl will bo given.
TESONE. On January 17, WW. r.MILIO,
husband of Anna Tesone. nged SO years.
Relatives and friends, also Societies of St.
Antonio dl I'adnva. St. Olovnnnt Rnttlsts. St.
Marzlnlc, Foresters of America. Corte Dante
nnd Morrison Republican Club, nre Invited to
..(....., ,h. fiinrnl n Thnrsilnv. nt 1) '.10 a
m.. residence. 718 South Pth st , Solemn
High Masa nt Our Ladv of Good Counsel
Church. Interment at Holv Cross Cemetery.
THORN. At Roverlv. N J, on January 17.
WW. EDWARD K THORN, In his 88th yenr.
Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to attend
the funernl services, on Friday, at 2i n m
at Ills into residence (112 Spruce at., lloverly,
N. J. Interment private.
TK1IIK. On January 10. WW, ANNIE E.
daughter of the late Patrick nnd Bridget
Tlghe. Relatives and frienda nre Invited to
nttemi the funernl. on Thursday . nt 8 '31
a. tn.. from her lato residence. 2JI2 South
17th at. Solemn Itequlem Maes at St.
Monica's Church, at W a. m. Intorment nt
Now Cathedral Cemetery.
WALTERS. On January 17. Win WILL
IAM II. WALTERS, son nf William nnd
Sarah A. Walters (nee Schleldsl, In his 17lh
vear. Relative, nnd frienda Invited to ut
tend funeral services. Friday. 2 p. in., at
parent"' residence. 2)32 W. Tioga at. Inter
ment Mount Pence Cemetery. Hemalna may
be v levied Thursday evening,
WEEMS. On Jununry 17. 1910, GEORGE C.
husband of Amy M. Weema fnee Wllaon).
Relatives and friends Invited to uttend fu
neral, Thuraday, 7 30 a. in. from lata resi
dence. WO S -loth St.. West Philadelphia.
High Mass of Requiem at St James' Church,
0 a. tn. Interment llnttlmore. Mil., on nr-
- rival nf 10.23 a. in, train from West Philadel
phia Station.
WELCH. On January 17. WW nt hla lata
residence, 2113 Wharton at , tho REV. JAMES
MA1ICU8 WELCH, I'll D.. huauand of
Martha 0. Welch (neo McLaughlin). Rela
tive, nnd frienda nre Invited to attend the
funernl services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m.
precisely, at the Presbyterian Church of the
Evangel, lhth and Tusker ats nf which he
w.a pastor. Interment private. Friend, may
'call Wednesday, from 8 to 10 p. in. Auto,
mobllo aervice.
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additional cost.
One or two time rate for Eibmno Lxdosi
snd I'OBLIO Ledoes combined la 10 cent, per
line, with the exception of Help Wanted ami
Situations Wanted, which la 15 cent, p.r line.
TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this)
which Is permitted In all classification, ex
cept Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and
Found, Personals. Boardlnr and Rooms, add
There Is a drug store near your
home that will accept Ledger want
ads at office rates.
APPLICATIONS are now being; received for
experienced female operative, on fuses. Call
or address, stating experience, 2448 Frank
ford avev
CHAMBERMAID and aeam.tres. in .malt
adult family, with aome knowledge of ladies
and gentlemen', clothing; Protestant pref,;
reference. Address J 81&, Ledger Central.
CHAMBERMAID Protestant girl In large
family; city. Sleet emplojer Rom S0,
fuolic ..euaer, inuiwaj, . ,, u ,iuv..
CHAMBERMAID Experienced German girl, da
rhamberwork and assist with child; wage.
17. Write Box 07. Overbrook. Pa.
CH1LDNUH8B and assist chamberwork: Prot
estant girl about 80 yeara: English or Ger
man pr.r.rred. H (114, I.edgr Ofrlcs.
CH1LDNURSE Experienced white girl, take
entire charge of one child; beat ref Call 11
1. m 2120 W. Tioga at.
GIIILDNIIHBE. Protestant good reference.
Apply 1830 Spruce.
CLOTH WEAVERS want.d. Apr ; y
James Dobaon, Inc. Blanket Mills.
lanS, Falla of Schuylkill '
John &
COOK and chamb'malJ and waitress: 2 white
maids, .mall famj city; Tjostref. Meet em
plover Room 2J0. Pub. Led.. Thura.. 10 a. m.
COOK Wanted. January 25. competent Prof-
Mm&U bVVIsi W sseavs. savv vwesi e est.e
encw Addrea. J 64'a. Ledg.r Central.
COOK1NO and downatalra work Reliable wo
man, about 33. ref required, on. hour', ride
from 1'hlla.: gooa wage., raoiuv ot one laay.
Meet employer Room 230. Public Ledfer.
-floay1t .
CEMON8TRATUH. high grade only, to dtinon
slrate first quality food product, must be able
to cook, produce the results from cook
books and '"' tW. yi.J Pltuburgb,
February P d37. Lodger Office. J
ENVELOPES Experienced girl on envelope
machinery. Jtood PVt App'v Wolf Bros.. 12th
irgi callowhlll, .Ixth floor.
GENERAL HOUSEWORK Olrla who are ex
perienced and capable can aecur. good posi
tion., either la the city or suburbs, by con
sulting ''Mis. Heed,' who I. ioa,untlv hi
touch wltn persou. w.saing tni. ciai. or neip.
wittier cat. vr int.., ,. rt,.- t. ojr ,uu
receive valuable information which will
ictly ..cure. you a most desirable post
lion. Thl. service Is rendered through the
THE PUBLIC LKI1F.I(. and Is free to
GIRLS, over J for oackuis; and foot pr.u
department. 1323 Hutchinson st.
OOVERN1MS, 4reacli." for boy. 8 y.r old
uit Uvi but reference. J 8J1, Ledcsr
BosfKRY Eprt.nced knitters, and loopers,
steady wortfc OySLPari.1" laarneim, pall
whit. learMtos-. ? N. Lavrreoce at,
19, 1910.
II08IERY Enpetleneeil renders :,.54' par
steany vvora vvBiiscw-iin'j ., -
Orchard below UntyA Frankford.
JIOttSEKEErEn (working), , white woman,
about 8.1 or 40! must be godd.conk; jamll)' of
B men. city, another, maid kept. Meet em
ployer Room 230. Dtiblfa 1., Thnr. , 11 a.m
HOUflEKTrt, worklnr-WMte Prel. woman
nowash. 1M JJ Lansdownoayu.Jn8downea
HOfflF.WORK. gen., no washing-Young white
womnn irond. plain cook, ref Meet nrlorer
'iSMl'O 12I0IIC ina;er. -inur.usf,","
HOUSEWORK-SMtled white woman, apart
ment until Februnryi then suburb In New
. Jersey. II fill). Ledger Olflre -
HOUSEWORK-Wanted neat gtrl. not over 2fl.
for genernl housework. Id per week Apply
nso South -Pith
HOUSEWORK (gen.l-Eitp.. neat girls small
fam ref, cnllnnnl.eldv nve.. W. Phlla,
IIOHSBWORK. general: neat colored girl!
?'tejouJ- AjimenJlR,4S0.-CJiestnuJtat
inONBRS on soft shhts. Miller's ICth and
Reed.L .
Nt'TtSERT GOVERNESS for 9 children Apply
Thursday, nfter 2. Art. M. The Gladstone
OPERATOIUS wnnted on flannelette night
gowns nnd hovs' wash suits: ateadv work all
vear round' not effected bvstrlke. 121 N. 7th.
SEAMSTRESS bv ,tavtn make rTilldren'a
clothes. Write ttox (17. Overbrook. Pa., and
state wages .
WAITnriSH rfsp", cheerful whlta wnman.wlth
lest ref. for Ilrvn Mawr. Meet employer Room
230. PubltcI.rdger. Thursday. 11 a.m.
WAITRESS, rrotestant "esperlenred: small
famllycliy Addresji J 847. Ida;er Centra.
WANTED Tlrlght young women, between 18
and 22 yeara old. to lake tin telephone work,
f.'o experience necessarv Salary paid while
earning, Ilessant work! permanent posi
tion. Apply in person. 0 a. m. to 5 n, m.
WEAVERS, carpet, experienced, wnnted for a
new established mill In Wisconsin: steady
work; good pay) fapililes with glrlsexoerl-
need In burling preferred: transportation ex
penses pnld. Applv bv letter to R 3. ledger
WOMAN, voung refined, Protestant, for chil
dren, bitltutlon J 830, Ledger Central
YorNG WOMAN wanted aa asa't In dentlet's
office, prlv, practice: clerical tp, not neces
sarv height should not Pe less than B ft f".
In. Desirable position for person of refine
ment. It 330 Tdger Centra).
WOMEN wanted na Government clerks: 170
mon.i Phlla. exnms. coming: sample questions
free Tranklln Inst. Depl 713 L. Rochester.
HOOK KKEPBR Young man.,cnnahle of lin.
dllng enrrespondsnen A 834. Ledger Office.
110Y. bright, cleancut.W tn 17 years ntd,
for position In larre publishing company.
So Mr. GILBERT. 0 a. m lAtfutr
Central. Broad nnd Chestnut,
ROY wanted, lawver'a office. Apply bv let-
ter only. .1 ., l,otlger v;en.rai.
Iiov, over W tears;
reference. 1002 North
tn st.
BOYS wnnted Iairge mfg. concern In North
l'hlln. require, tho services of reveral bovs
for offtco work: chancn for ndvancement for
fhnsn n-hn nra 'Mn nnnke. TtraHV. elating
ago and experience, must bo 10 years nf age
nr older. Addrejs A 4. Branch Ledger
Office. Bmtd.and .Clfnrfleld
1IHRNBRS Flrst-clasa men wanted at once;
big (oh; prevailing rate of wngea paid. Ap
Plv Tenn. Copper Co.. Copper 11)11. Tenn
-UTH WFJAVERS wanted. Apnlv- John and
.lames Dobaon, Inc., Blanket Mills. Scott'.
lann. Fnlla of ycnuyiwn,
,,.,..'.. w.- ...,.,.-,. . . ... ... . -a;.
ply. between 8 nnd n o'clock weonesnay. itr-
th St.
o. A., good experience: no college
privilege: ahort hours. Westminster Pilar-
.-.is tt'esimln.fap saeisl Ualmnnl otai
sisav va e. s-'ruimns-t-ri isiih ajsrsssiv..s,
ERRAND BOYS wanted! must be over 10.
Pen -v ft Co., lBth and Chestnut sts.
Those with high-grade selling experience.
Applv nt Bureau nf Employment. 4S floor.
IRONERS on soft shirts.
MUler-a. Kith nnd
Iteeil sts m
orncvi llOY Pr cltv. Applv In own hand
wrltlng tn Undlev Johnson. Rosemont, Pa.
PRESSMAN, leather belting, and all around
beitmakers: steadv work at highest wages.
F.V r. Houghton Co.. 210 W. Somerset st.
SALESMAN Wanted, exper. outside salesman
to sell finest groceries trr fnvnllv trade: state
experience nnd salary. A 120 Ledger Office.
SALESMAN wanted for engineering, drafting
nnd photographic aupplies. Annlv to Williams.
Brown ft Earle. Inc.. 018 Chestnut st.
SOLICITORS, experienced, wanted Immediately
In big subscription campaign; direct lead, and
letters of Introduction: liberal commission.
pnly In person, from :t to 4 o'clock, to D. B.
O'ljui-hlln. Franklin Bank Bldg.. Chestnut
below- Broad, first floor, right side of en
trance HTENOnitAPHER tn mercantile establishment.
refs. req : aalniv 1B. B 0, Ledger O ffl ce.
TOOLMAKKRS. exp. on jlga and fixtures.
Autocar co , Aramore. fa.
nrsl-einss iDOimaaers.
Applv 2448 Frankford ave..
Betw een 8 a, m. nnd 0 p, m.
Need not know shorthand, must he familiar
with keyboard for Standard Russian Under
wood machine, stale religion In application
and reference. Addresa P. O. Box 207, Cape
May. X, J.
WANTED A young man as aaleaman In the
retnll Jeweirv business; must have first-class
reference, one with experience preferred.
I 141. l-enger central.
YOUNO MAN for office work: must be familiar
with typewriter; good reference renutred,
good chance for bright bov. Apply N. W
cor, nth nnd Brown. 0 a. m
YOUNO MAN to learn Insurance buslneaa;
salarv to start It week, Kelghler. Oegler &
Co.. Ill Walnut at.
One familiar with reat eatate; tn
sell. rent, collect nnd place, mort
gages; good salary to capable man.
Address Opportunity, J MB. Ledfsr
till N BROAD ST.
The Oldest Original
Teachca you how to repair
and how to drive nutns.
AODNT Young woman capable of taking
charge of an ageney for New York house.
Writs to II. Roser. Continental Hotel.
knowledge ot .ten.; central. J 8.17. Led Cent
BOOKKEEPER A position .. bookkeeper,
stenographer, or both, by a younaT woman
having" several vear.' experience In each line;
Is accustomed to the confidential work of a
private aecretary. the rare of an office, bank
accounta and the answering of correspond
ence without verbatim dictation: can furnish
reference, from former employers. J 358.
Ledger Central.
CHAMBEItMAlD -end waiting: eio. younr
white girl. Call Room 23". Public. Ledger.
CHILDNt'RSE Young Scotch woman, expert?
enced, IT; city, suburb.. 11 81, Ledg.r
Hrancn. ua oi.rae. sv
CHILDNURSE -Young whito gtrl. or
housework. II 21. Ledgsr Ofrlcs.
COOK and hou.ekeeper. good manager; 2 In
family: 18: references. J 7B0. Ledger Cent.
COOK, experienced, colored t no washing; city
or suburbs. II 02f. ledger Office.
Lnowledg. of stenography J 834. Led. Cent.
DKEbSMAKER. competent, practical, , .L,h'
IbW CnS-cU-JVti 7-sw- vtr a.-. a-JtU -..
DRESSMAKER, perfect fitter: remodeling; In
or oui : 12 50 day; ref. BJ23 Itaverford ave.
OIIIL wanta general housework. 813 N. Si
ivear f,w. a.
GOVERNESS, visiting or permanent; Oenoan
smljusla. II 817. Ledger Office.
HOUSEKEEPER (managing), private fami'iT
where aerv ant Uk.pt, Vrot.' if 81o, Ld. Oft
HOUSEWORK (general) Qtrl wt.bes .general
housework, city. ,rHSnJ'. , Phone or
postals. APPm! ib. ..
.,, , , i,.k
HOUSEWORK (generaljPollsh girl waste alt
uMlon. 811 N, 3d t-. rear No. 3.
INFANTS tUHSH or care pf lnralli; boqiiul
training. Jt 618. Ledg.r Office.
LADY desire, a poaltlon as useful companion:
resident, dally or hourly, good reader letter
writer, generally useful, reference.. ,).
tffHi AJ10Ldxer Office.
LAUNDRESS, colored first cUss, washing; at
home, any klncL 13.13 S. opal.
NUR8B wUhe. engagem.nl. of any kind; cco
finsmtEiaf erred. 20U Oetmanfown aveT
REF1NEP youn widow de.lre management
of gwvtiaman'. home, capable of being- aecre-tar?T-efne.
J 4M, Ledger Central.
BEAilSTRESS. first cls. rtnovatinjrand naad
aswln. references J 041. Ledger Central-
SECRETARY .xoerlenced. waat. poslllon p
trustbstjferen.cisi J S42. Ledger Cent.
6TENOORAPHER. aMUtant bookkeeper. neatT
relUtl., .JPMesf i'l.rH Pennannt po
lttiJ Ml. Ledfer Central
BTK.NCMJRTvHS. sw.t.'caabTs. dMlxu eye
nlog er BatuMeV aftaensoa work, T .
L.ttr CsatxaL
STENOORAPHER, thnr. p,r Vft.v ftiHtlila.
desire srnnd er. rmaltlAn. J 83ft. LeMMe Cvit.
TOl'NtT. LADY, Shears' eiperTenVe m Hal),
clerical worK. nsantant Bookkeeper, parmnsv
etc , desires position with a future, J M4,
Ledger Central j
YOUNO LADY of refinement 'desires poeltloa
ns eecretary to professional man: references
exchanged. ,J 133, Ledger. Central, t . . ,
YOUNO LADY, telephone operator, .wishes;
prlv, brnnch.xperlencedJ 230. Led. Cent.
YOUNG WOMAN, edircatedf reflnedr wlehe.
position II 80, Ledger Dr.. 4011. Market St.
YOUNG LADY, knowledge of stenography and
bkpg , des
J (14,
,eu. v-envrni
POSITION as bookkeeper, atenegrapher or
Ifllh bv a young woman having several years'
rxperlenra In each line. Is accustomed to the
confidential work of a private aecretary, the
are of an office, bank accounts snd the an
awerlng of correspondence without, verbatim
dictation, can furnish referenoes from for
mer employers. J ass, ledger central.
ACCOUNTANT experienced, will open, (tosa.
write-up or audit books, large or small. In
spare time, chnrgea very reasonable A 307,
Icdger Office .
ACCOUNTANT." bookkeeper, absolutely flrst
rlsss, J ft j ears' xo .perm, or temp, nol
Hon, up-to-dnte. hlgh-flsst ahlllir. fill? Arch.
Eight yeara' successful business experteiicet
unusually good mall order record! tleelres
bigger opportunity. , . . - ,
college graduate, university irgai training;
rood personality, excellent cmfraoter, nnllm-
iten capacity tor intelligent worn.
contract expires soon.
AUDITING, hlg and little done by responsible
man, bonded In MCOO. M 212. Ivedger, Office.
BOOKKEEPER and systematlier. with repu
table firms 10 yeara experience. J 840, latdg.e
DOORKEEPER, thorooghly experienced, -will
nudlt accounts, open, close and write up
books, dav nr evening; moderate terms. A
is, l.eqger VJ.lire.
BOOKKEEPER, 4 years' experience! also do
stenography: 2 years' accounting; UnlVf of
fO.; lest reicrencn. a tm,, i unmcr, vn ,,n..
HOOKKEI-'ER wishes pos.: 10 .years' exrl
fl rs t-flass references. J 417. Ledger Central,
HOOKKErBR and accountant. 3J: 18 rears'
experience: references. J 833, Ledger Central,
BOOKEEPER nr assistant! C. It. B. grai J It
ou Ick nnd accurate at figures P BOS, Leii. cut .
BOOKKEEPER Young man. 3 years' "Perl
ence; refs : snlary 14 D 4, lodger Office.
BUTLER Young . col'd man wishes situation t
prlv me family: host cltv ref. A 820, Led On.
CARPENTER Young man. 21, man -led.
w isnea postton: Buuurosn "Pi'r."1! 1S.V
rrteadv workman. A. H. Johnson. 01P N. 12th.
CHAUFFEUR. English, married, age 83.
veara' experience, accustomed to good service,
thoroughly understands duties, care ef 'eoaeh-
work nnd mechanisms, desires permanet pd-
SlUoni local reience. I. ii.. , 'iitrr y,--
CHAUFFEUR and gardener Position dealred
by experienced man with best references. A
,ioi, linger ornce.
CHAUFFEUR, compt., wishes. .neslllen with
prlv. fam., city or away. J 040, Led. Cent.
CLERK. 2ff. doslrea office 'position; T years'
exp. : rnu ,'i-tw. ..enger xr.. nun vc ,,m,,m'm.
DRAUGHTSMAN wants Cos.: 8 jyears ' expert
ene: give beat of references. J 242. Irfd.Cent.
ENOINEER, thor. exper., could supervise Plant
or estate In connection with present position
verv economically: mechanically trained;
familiar with various power plant eoulpment.
repalra and purchasing- sunrilles: ref.. as to
character and ability. A 228. Ledger Office.
tm r. MAN'Anrn
Young: wide nxperlenco: email salary, per
centage: anywhere; wife as housekeeper.
linger uince.
HOUSEMAN Experienced youn white man:
pest cltv reference, iirti p. mn i.
HOUSEMAN, white, honest, reliable and exp.:
best ref : assist waiting. II (118, Led. Cent.
MAN AND WIFE, colored, from South! wife.
Urat-claas cook: man, butler and all-round
mun: flrst-olne referencea; does not drink or
amoke. 1020 S, 17th at.
MAN and wife; highest grade: thofghly ero.;
fine butler: wife. nrst-clas cook: exceo
tlonal references. J 44,7. Ledger Central.
MAN AND WIFE, white. Protestants: exper
ienced cook and butler: no laundry: 175 per
mnntn. H law, t-eager uince.
MAN AND WIFE, colored! good referencai
umici ., V.,, . ,,-.,,- ,..n...v .-.-.
NURSE, nractlcal nnd companion, desires po.
sltlon with invalid gentleman: nhyslclan's
reference. Write E. B.. 40(17 Itaverford ave.
SALESMAN, employed, de.lre. change. local
or travel: eaianusm-'i .,, fwfvipjj
rated: ref..; 10 yrs.' exp. J 042. Led. Cent.
SALESMAN Young, ambitloua. energatic. road
8xn.:: can produco result.; ; prefer, i rd prppo-
anion; now eimum--'.. - "" .-.-. -
SALESMAN Experienced drug, specialty aale.
rnan desires read position: references. Gideon.
- a nt.-nl tr4lle B.a
'W '"I e.vss -.-.- .
SALESMAN and bookkeeper wanta position,
rhance nf ndvancement on merit. J IS-,
ledger Central. r
SHIPPER, packer and receiver; W yeara
experience, wants steady poaltlon. A SU,
Ledger Office; ,
ToUNO MAN. 20. collegiate technical training.
student of human nature, brpaden.d by ''
rood work for public aervice company, dj
iirei Dnsitlon where a real opportunity exists,
where ffird work and close application mean
Mccees; now emploved: reference, and reconi
furnished. P C2.1. Ledger Office.
KII 11-t. 1-IHJxtih-"""--!.: ..-
YOUNO MAN. having fl yeara' experl.rice, de.
sires poslllon aa assistant to manager; oeai
turnlsti best of reference.
1 Address U 2, ledger Office.
YOUNO .VAN. highly , recommsnaea. wijn
trustworthv night employment; furnish bon
J -ini, iaoger .en.iat, t ,
YOUNO MAN, 21, apeaka French. Oerrnan an
1 English. Office ''xperlencs. deslrte poaitien.
It. Rethoret, 212 South Cecil st-
Trust company andnatlonal tanking: ther
tiiiihlv familiar with the buslneia from tnt
fottttonV Tliavlnir studied euniect. feel aualt
fled I to undertak.Wtlon of -lmrtanM: can
furnish best refa. Address J Bii, Led. CsnL
COOKS, eicelbint. Pwedlsh. wanta Plae"! Jr1"
hiitieri and 2d men. parlor maids: also girls
wanted- English Proteetant ladles' maids.
exrlsrleneM waltres.ee. Prote.Unt plain
maki. n,n a. i.ivn..
WANTED Cook., chambermaids, cMWnursee
1S IvoSswork girl, cook for ,Catholle ree.
lirv. Miss llpso Dougherty. WIS w Glrard
avenue. ,
Tna iCAKB. Ml B. Wth. wants flrstrfss.
help wttl. referinc. character and abltrtv,
ysJJ"l.-.' famllle.. Phone Spruce 8481.
m.ssTmAry t. McCarthy, .iot chrtstUr)
(Lie. -mil. supplies, fc want. Iatclass Pjot.
Cain, male & female b.lp. all natlonalltlea.
" " V OARDB.S BTS. , ..
Couree ef 13 weeks."2. le'seon., 3 hours each,
123 teach maintenance and repairs to ai.
th. inner and Intricate moving part, ef the
automobile. overhauling and rebuilding!
taught In a practical andconcUe mann.r on
TtiM-iy an Vrjday nil ht. unJer the vt.
iiml direction of EARL J. BOYISH.
For Sale
which have been taken In exchange for
which "cOLB anil GRANT
hsse ears are all in firat-eiass eoadlttoa.
hiving bien overhauled la our own. .-0?.
Among the care offered arei
UYb!Vi.A.ft" .r.'TTuAM
Slightly U-ed.
243-241 Nortb Broad Street
IjOCOMOBILB imousln-191 ' fl-SS T-t-tM. cai
"eoulpoed wl' .fairter aid"?ilrto lialTtit
jt Uel-ur repainted a dark blu.J-,Ti car
Wtll bo rJ-ly 'a about one week an 1. guar
anteed la every respect. Your cbance tor a
beautiful, uu-to-date. high-grade Ltiueualne
at a medium-car price for prompt d,llvry a4
MI4 Market, St, . Locust .".
Jl, JlggMWIefeffl-ijO-Uv ?iwV...
mRD Touriof. nea, new J375, at saviut,
aTUpBttAKElt l-cUn4r Touri-t, KasBK
etc 44.V1: unuauallr ctsap.
STtJDEuXKEH. d-t-pautoger. Jtlrtaft tcM
itW. don't fall B see. . ,
COLE lM Tourlnji. electric .tarter, eatai
Uro4 and, clioU eta.