Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 18, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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E. G. Graco Protests Against
Bill Providing for Establish
ment of Government
W Factory
Bo a Staff Correspondent
WASHINGTON. Jan lS-T9tlfyiner bo
fore the Sermta JJavat Affairs Committee
today, B. O. drace, prenldent of the Heth
lehem Steel Company, opposed the bill for
a Federal armdr plate factory. He sub
mitted n detailed statement of the armor
tIato contracts received by the company
irom the United States Government from
1SS7 to the present time.
"Thli shows," aatd Mr. Grace, "that we
have made a total of 93,000 tons for the
Government The prices ranged from VM
to 4 a ton, the nveraea belnir 1432. To
day's price Is 123.
'Tho Nilca Doard Investigated Us and
came to the conoluslon we were not rob
bing the Government, whloh wo have
been accused of so often. Japan has rt
Government armor pinto plant and It Is
costing: that country'tIM a t6n this year "
Questioned by Senator Swanson, of
Virginia, as to whether the Bethlehem
Company had ever eold armor plalo to a
foreign government, ho said It had been
sold In small amounts.
"Did you sell at a lower price to foreign
governments than to tho United States?"
was asked.
"Our first contract, made with tho Rus
sian Government, was at a price lower
than our then reigning priced to tho
t'nlted States," said Mr. Grace. "Our
Oovernment was using only about one
third of our production, so wo sought a
customer In foreign fields. In order to
get that customer wo 'dumped' our
product. That Is tho only time we ecr
sold to a foreign government at a price
lower than that charged tho United
Mr. Graco testified that tho value pf
the armor plate plant of tho Bethlehem
Company Is 17,100,000 He placed the
value of tho entire plant of tho com
pany between J05.O00.O0O and $70,000,000.
"If we could run our armor plate com
pany at full capacity the year through,
wo could make armor plato at $315 a
ton, but when our production Is reduced
one half tho coit la Increased 20 per
cent," said Mr. Graco.
"Is It true," asKed Senator Penroso
of Pennsylvania, "that jou have absorbed
the Mldvale Steel Company?"
"Absolutely Incorrect," was tho answer.
"I asked that question," explained Sen
ator Penrose, "because Senator Tlllmati,
chairman of this committee and author
of the bill for tho Federal armor plunt,
sold that such a consolidation had been
Senator Swanson asked whether Mr.
Graco would allow an oxpert accountant
to go through tho books of the Ilethle-
hem company for tho purpose of deter
mining tho cost of making armor plate
"I would not consent to an Interpreta
tion of our books by a Government ac
countant," said Mr. Grace. "I would con
sent to a public accountant If wo could
agreo on one."
"Tou refused to allow a representative
of tho Navy Department to go through
your bopks," said Senator Tillman.
"Yes and I would refuse to consent to
that today. We do not propose to allow
a prospective competitor to go through
our books."
A rive million-dollar munition plant at
Toledo, Ohio, was proposed In a bill In
troduced In the House today by Ilcpre
sentatlvo Sherwood of Ohio. Represen
tative Sherwood declared that tho
Government manufacture of munitions
would tend to put nn end to the pro
paganda of preparedness.
Continued from I'age Ons
tittered In the hearing of his guards
"May God bo merciful to me."
In. the darkest hour of the morning.
Just before dawn, Bacn-Vallca was led
out of a water tank stat' t by n squad
of 20 Carranzlsta soldiers, commanded by
Captain Alejandro Keglnlo The prisoner
had been under guard at the tank sta
tion for live hours. '
When the execution squad arrived. Col
onel Saca-Valtes roso heavily to his feet,
cast away his last clguretto and came out
of his prison hut without a word of pro
test. Two blocks away, on tho bank of u
muddy irrigation canal, stood a Inrge
cottonwood tree To this marched the
firing squad with the prisoner, his hands
bound, in its centre
Through the morning mist electric lights
twinkled fi m the railway station The
air wan chill, but the prisoner did not
shiver. Lacking u coat, he wore Instead
u gray coat sweater. Once on the short
march Baca-Valles stumbled and almost
fell, but recovered quickly and looked
about him as If to see If any of his guards
thought h ya.' V ! learning;
Vrrhing at the tree, the boldiers bound
their prisoner to Its trunk by the order
of Captain Iteglnlo. who then stepped up
tp Baca-Valles and asked If ho wished
a handkerchief placed over his eyes.
The prisoner replied r
"No me imports. No soy cabarde."
(It doesn't matter to me. I'm no coward).
The handkerchief was left off. ,
As Baca-Valles stood agatns( the tree
he faced dlrectl toward the special
refugee train from Parral In which were
sleeping several scores of American men.
women and .children w ho had lied to the
frontier as a result of the massacre for
which Baca-Valles and Itodrlguez paid
me penalty witn tneir lives.
Turning from the prisoner after he had
refused to be blindfolded. Captain Re
ginlo gave a quiet order to a member
of the firing squad. The soldier unslung
hs rile, slipped several shells into the
magazine and stepped forward, facing
the condemned man
When within an arm's reach the soldier
halted and brought his rltle to his shoul
der The muzzle was within six Inches
of the prisoner's breast and pointed di
rectly to his heart
"t'no, duo. tres, counted Captain Be
glnlo slowly At the word "tres" the sol
dier pulled the trigger and the Vfillsta
officer, who Is credited with ordering thu
killing pf more than 700 men while Villa's
executioner, crumpled up without a moan.
Death was Instantaneous
The corpse was Immediately untied and
taken on a stretcher to the railway sta
tion, a hero It was dUplaed before a cu
rious crowd during the morning. Later
Hardwood floors maintain their at
tractive appearance much, longer than
ia tb ordinary kinds and they are
ouw durable- They can be quickly
and economically laid by
lirtA M V L. Kx Both
In tho day it will to taken with the body
Of General Itodrlgue to Chihuahua City
The two bedie tmo exhibited together
at Juarez today and the same action will
b taken al ChthauhiiA.
Colonel Baca-Valles was captured
Saturday near Palamos, Chihuahua, close
to the border at Columbus, N. M. Ills
second officer. Lieutenant Colonel Knrlo.no
Clsneros, wns also captured, but Clsneros
was shot at onco. Bight Villa soldiers
taken at the same time were also exe
cuted at the scene of the capture.
According to Carranra officials, llaca-
Valles took a leading part In the Santa
Ysabel massacre and was Using tb tench
the border when he was captured, He
was taken 1H miles from the point where
General Rodriguez was captured.
The murder of Albert 11. Simmons, of
ton Angeles, and Victor Hamilton, of
(Jtiicngo, news of which reached here
late yesterday, was charged today direct
ly to the Vlllhtn forces by Carranza otll
clnls The latter declared they had re
celled Information that the soldiers who
killed the two Americans were led by
the Arrleta brothers, supporters of Villa.
The Arrleta troops hao been operating
to the west of Torreon, In the district In
which tho Americans were slain.
Carranza soldiers have been sent out to
recover the Americans' bodies and hunt
down tho slacrs
The refugee train from Parral arrived
at Juarez at 1:16 a. m. today. The fact
that It was nearly two days behind Its
schedule was explained as due to the
fact that Americans from Jlmlnez, Tor
reon, Santa Ttosalla and Chihuahua City
were taken aboard.
The train brought "2 foreigners, mostlv
Americans. Tho Mexican ofllclals would
not permit the train to cross Into the
United States, nhd Consequently the rof
tigeees camo to tho American side of
the Hlo Grande In carriages and auto
mobiles as soon as It was light.
Tho refugees said they were happy to
get out of Mexico. They reported that a
number of Americans had refused to
leavo Mexico, however, declaring they
would "take a chance" rather than aban
don their property.
Three Americans who had been reported
tis "missing In Mexico" arlved here late
Inst night They were Mellaril Wagner,
William Evans and C. E. Trncy, all em
ployed nt the Hcnrst ranch. In western
Tho three men had ridden nearlj 100
miles across Mexican desert and through
mountain regions to dodge Villa bunds
roving In the Madera district
WASHINGTON. Jan 18 -Tho battle In
tho Senate over the Mexican situation,
whh renewuu iuuj. senator iewis, oi
Illinois. In response to the wish of tho
Administration, tried to have his reso
lution authorizing Intervention retorted
to the Forolgn Relations Committee.
Senator llornh, of Idaho, strontiouslv re
sisted tho movo and demanded Immedi
ate uctlon by the Senate
"Tho measure might as well be with
drawn as sent to the Korcign Relations
Committee, ' declared Senator Ilorah
"We need notion now nt this very hour
and we need drastic action This Scnato
ought to notify tho Mexican peoplo todnv
thnt we are rend to use armed force
to protect tho lives of our people"
Senator Llppltt, Republican, of Rhode
Island, tried to have read Into a record
a newspaper editorial extolling Huerta.
Scnatoi Mers, Democrat, of Montana,
vlgorouslj objected on the ground that
it was wrong to compare the President
to a "cutthront and a usurper"
Senator Stone, chairman of the Foreign
Relations Committee, firm! declared "wo
will nut have an more of this sort of
thing attempted or done In the Senate '
Vice President Marshall sustained the
objection nnd the reading of the editorial
was stopped.
Senator Llppltt then Introduced a reso
lution directing tho President to Inter
vene, and Insisted upon Its immediate
consideration. Senator Lewis objected,
nnd Senator Stone tried to have it re-"
fcrred to the Foreign Relations Com
mittee Senator Llppltt bluntly naked Senator
Stone how long It would bo before tho
President would act In Mexico Senator
Stoitu characterized the Inquiry as be
neath the dignity of tho Senate, and de
clined to answer
"Cruol, brutal and pusillanimous" was
the way Senator Llppltt described the
President's Mexican doctrine.
"If I had been President on the day
the Chihuahua massacre nuother sun
would not have shone over tho Sierra
Madre Mountains before American troops
would have been In Mexico In pursuit of
the murderers," said Senator Llppltt.
"The ilrst scrap of paper I would have
used would have been to Instruct those
soldiers to punish them, their accom
plices nnd aj mpatlilzers, until every
Amerlvnn runchtnan In MpnIco would be
as safe as In the city of Washington."
"There are two or tluc Senators on
the Republican side athlrst for war with
Mexico," replied Senator Stone ' A dec
laration of war would break their hearts;
It would leave nothing to talk about They
ore p.ist military age, but their capacity
foi voluble declamation Is unimpaired"
President Wilson and his Cabinet took
up the Mexican situation In detnll to-
city Seeietary of State Lansing carried
to the Cabinet meeting all of the Informa
tion his department has received from the
border Mr Lansing also gave a verbal
summary of the mass of data compiled
V the State Department which will be
submitted to the Senate In answer to the
Fall resolution
Just before the Cabinet meeting con
vened Senator htone, chairman of the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
held a 15. minute conference with Secre
tary Lansing Afterward Senator Stone
said he expected to get the State De-
Parcel Post
Ford Auto Owners
AH Ford Auto owners residing In Penn
ylvanJa ara requested to aend nam and
atldresd and number of car to our East
ern distributing office and receive Yalta
title information of a cash co-operative
distributing proposition In connection
with thu cur you own.
American Ford Owners Assn.
610 Urexel llldg-., I'hlUdelphU
Phone Jximbard 4779.
P .Osjrcoars
TO $15.00 0W
Lit on our hand. Bom. mad. by tb. inoit
reliable tallora.
to it. uia ami iiurroNvvooo hts.
I-arg lot of n.w ana allcbtly u.d furni
ture, bra. and enamel bed, run. bureau.,
Prlncee dreenisre, cbittonUr and tot. of
other furniture Muat b .old at a very cheap
prli-e to make room for tb. bulldera.
S. K. ,OIt. nr A blltlNO UAUUEN sxs.
Frit Pilhtrv "
Open, evenlug. mt lu o'clock,
KtnefrpcDiB Ola ttitb i.tttber ,.
10 poer vm,
t M.TKIt'K !lIMjJior
IMJ Vine Mtect
Mami&f (9 , City.
&xci3o ' .j ' h .teryf j
: ' ' .
1 i A. M JJ, ' ill . U, -X
it . . i -in
WWg.. ' . .'U"IL '
ti-H llt-LXH
According: to Berlin reports, Al
lied troop3 hnve landed at Phale
ron, Greece, which Is nt the end of
a railway line only five miles
lonp, leading to tho cnpital, and
is just ncross the bay from the
Piraeus, the real seaport of Athens.
pnttnient's Mexican data by tomorrow
lifter noon
Secretary Lansing la understood to have
pointed out at the Cabinet meeting that
f this Government does decide to Inter
vene In Mexico It can do so without re
gard to any other countrv.
lfo declared that the United States Is
not entangled In nn nlllanccn with other
nations The secretary mndn It plain that
reports that this country had entered into
an agreement with South American
countries to net Jointly with them In
case Intervention in Mexico became neces
sary were false He assured the cabinet
that he had made no such ngreement
with representatives of any countrj.
Dllseo Arredondo, Cnrranza's nmbassn
dor hcie. called nt tho State Department
lodav to learn If oITlclnl confirmation hnd
been received of tho murder of Albert U
Simmons, of Los Angeles, nnd Victor
Hamilton, of Chicago, lj a gang of
Vllllsta bandits He wns told that tho
department Is having tho case Investi
gated Arredondo declared that he had
received no ndvlces concerning the re
pot t.
Services in Continental Hotel Todny
and Interment in North Lnurel
Hill Cemetery
The funernl seivkcs of Colonel Frank
Nelson Barksdale, advertising agent for
the Pennsjlvnnla Railroad, who died last
Frldav were held In his apartments In
the Continental Hotel at 2 o'clock tills
afternoon Thej were conducted bv the
Venerable II. tlowden Shepherd nrch
deacon of the Fplscopal Church of New
'erscy Interment was In North Laurel
Hill Cemetery.
Tho following pel son tl fi lends of Colo
nel Bnrksdnla acted as honorary pallbearers-
George V llojd, pnseK"r
trartlc manager, P R R Componv , H T
Postlethwajtc, nsslstant to president P. R
It Company, V A Patton. assistant to
president P. R R Companj .lames P
Anderson, general passonger ngeut I'. R
R Company, D N Hell, general passen
ger ngent P R R Company W II Stott,
president Allen. Lano & Scott, n S.
Stewart. Fcnnsjlvanln Railroad Companj .
II L Weir, Pennsjlvnnla Railroad Com
pany, C K Macnlchol, Pennsjlvnnla
Railroad Company, Judgo John M Camp
bell, Captain Mitchell McDonald, paymas
ter United States Navy, i:dward J.
MUSICS i?e-Creation
Plflll !
y u
No Need to Change. Unbreakable Records
Come in and hear this marvelous instru
ment and the latest Editon Records.
Ludwig Piano Co., 1 103 Chestnut St.
Makers of Grand, Upright and Player-Pianos
Are you an Efficient
and Watchful Business
Manager or just an
Expensive Pretense?
Do you let the office boy throw small chance out of the
Do you allow the janitor to drop postage stamps in the
k waste basket?
Do you carelessly use expensive engraved stationery as a
Bcratch pad?
Do you look the other way while your employes reck
lessly mar the fine woodwork of your business home?
Do you permit your office force to use message-payment
telephones when the Keystone, unlimited service ia
If you wish to hear something of interest to an alert
business manager, ask the Keystone Telephone Company,
185 South Second Street, to send a man to call upon you.
Agrees to United Business
Men's Proposal for Confer
ence Between Councilmanic
Committee, Mayor and
P. It. T.
Select Councilman Charles Seger has
nereerl In Introduce In Councils nt the
meeting next Thursday a Joint resolution
authorizing a conference between Coun
cils' Street Railway Committee, Mayor
Smith and the Director of tho Department
of City Transit not jet appointed and
officers of the Rapid Transit Company for
the purpose of considering a mutually
satlsfactbry plan for free transfers on a
B-cent fare basis nnd the Immediate elimi
nation of tho S-cent exchange tickets
Mr Seger Is tho Organization loader of
the 7th Ward and In the transit discus
sions tu Councils last J oar played a not
Inconspicuous part on the side of John
P Connolly nnd others who opposed the
adoption of tho Tnylor plan In Its en
tirety. Tho Business Men's Commltte started
their campaign for a five-cent fare agree
ment ,nt tho first meeting of Councils
under tho new administration when they
petitioned tho chambers to take Immed
iate steps t settle ,the long-disputed
transfer Issue Tho Seger resolution Is ns
A Resolution. Authorizing the Street
Railway Committee fo confer with tho
Major of Philadelphia, tho Director of
the Department of City Transit nnd
the proper officers of the PHladelphli.
Rapid Transit Company, with refer
ence to nn ngreement between paid
company and tho city for tho operation
by said company of cltj'-bullt high
speed linos In conjunction with the
company's present lines as one unlllct
Bjstem of trnnslt for tho City of Phll
adeiphla, with free trnnsfora on a five
cent faro basis
Whereas, Tho City of Philadelphia
has begun partial construction of two
high-speed linos, ths Broad street sub
whj and the Frankford elevated rail
waj, and provision must bo mnde for
their completion nnd operation and for
the building and operation of other
proposed highspeed lines, and
Whereas, The citizens of Philadelphia
will not bo equitably benefited by the
construction of these lines unless they
are operated In conjunction with the
present surface nnd high-speed lines
of tho compnny nt a uniform into of
fare, with free transfers; and.
Whereas, No such operating ngree
ment has been reached between the
cltj nnd tho companj ; thcicfore.
Resolved, bv tho Scloct nnd Common
Councils f tho City of Philadelphia,
That the Street Rallwaj Committee of
these Councils Is hereby authorized to
confer with tho Major of Philadelphia,
the Director of the Department of City
Trnnslt nnd tho proper officers of tho
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Companj, to
consider nnd determine n mutually sat
isfactory plan fot the operation bj the
company of all cltv-bullt lines with the
present surface and high-speed hj stems,
with free transfers on a fi-ccnt fare
basis, and preliminary thereto, the Im
mediate elimination of the S-cent ex
change tickets from use on tho present
surface, lines and the adoption thereon
of a sjstcm of universal free transfers
on a 5-cent faro basis, nnd to report to
these Councils the results of such con
ference nt tho earliest daj possible, to
tho end that car fares in Philadelphia
may be equalized for every citizen and
tvery district therein.
Is something
more than mere
tone reproduc
tion. ARTIFICIAL tone repro
duction is wonderful in
deed. But it is not mu
sical. A beautiful voice that
is marred by mechanical
timbre in its reproduction is
no lonjrer beautiful. It no
longer satisfies the music
lover, however great may
be tho artist.
Music's Re-Creation ia
the new standard set by
L'On. Bnrzilai Da' a Tutti
Alleati la Colpa della Ca
duta dell'Eroico
noXtA, 18 dennnlo.
tl Mlnlatero della duorrn pubbllcava
lerl sera II deBuente comunlcato u(Hclal(
circa la sltuni'lone 11' tcntro delta suorra
"IjUniro la fronto nl Trcntlno si sono
nvute nzlotil til nrtlBllerla. II nostro
fnoco contro le Imlterle del forte Itollil,
nella vallo del Seebncli, dlstruie parte
dl Una cupola comziatn e mlse In fnga
reparll nemlcl.
"Hullo nlture nttorno ad Oslavla la
nostra vlg-orosn controffenslvn. Inlxlatn
per rlprendcre piccolo porzlonl ill trlnceo
a liord del vlllngKlo, clic crnno nncora
tontitn dal nemlco, contlnua con sticceno
I prlglonlerl fattl dn nol confermano elm
nell'nttacco dl venordl' nottc fnrono
Imptcgate prandl forzo nemtcho die sof
fersero pordlto eravlsslmo
"Bui Cnrso la Bltuazlono c Immiitata
Acroplanl nemlcl tnsclnrono enderc lerl
bombe ait luoKhl abltntl nella bnssa nlle
dell'Isonzo, ma causando poclil dnnut "
II mlnlstro on. Salvatoro Qnrzllnl pro
ntinclo' lerl a I'adova un dlcorco tvl-
dentemente Isplrato tint prcMdenlc del
Conslgllo, dlscorso nol qunlo nttrlbul' le
colpa delta enduta del .Montenegro nl
mancnto atllatnincnto degll nlle.itl per
l'artone collettlvn 13rII dl-tse
'I nostrl nemlcl trovnno la sahazlone
nella nllcnzlosn, servile ubbrdlcnza Im
posta da un solo nomo Js'ol doviemmo
aver prevednto le dllllcoltn' della nostra
ImprcHta nello Inccrtczzo dl una lega tra
popoll llbcrl
'13' Infondnta l'lisscrzlono tho l'ltnlla
e' respomablle degll crrorl del kIukuo
Bcorso Propnraro la protcrlono dl un
pneae senza frontlcro prima cho to ostl
lltn' comlnclnssero era II dovrro comtme.
N'oll'nvvcnlro queSto online dl Ideo non
snra' proflttevole, id II goveino cho no
npproflttera' per ecusarsl dl crrorl non
merltera' no' rlcevrra II pcidono del suol
clttadlnl "
HI dlco Intnnto cho II prlnclpo Mltko
del Montenegro 0' In vtngglo per l'ltnlla
con una Importnuto mlsalonn dn Hcutnrl.
I membri del Koverno serbo cho glun
aero n Ilrlndlsl da Scutari rlmarranno In
quclla cltta' Itallnnn, come nfferma I'ldea
N'n7lon.ile, Htabllendo coin' per quatchc
tempo la sede del govcrno serbo Ivl o'
ntteso nnclie ro I'letro non nppena nvrn'
llnlto In cura del bagnl ncll'lsola grcca dl
II prczzo del carbono amcrlcano In
Transfer Files
to meet all
office needs
IN planning your letter trans
fer equipment, it is wise to
select from a complete stock
and with expert advice, Both
are here.
Letter size, per unit. .32.75
Lecal size, per unit.. 3.00
BUI aize, per unit.... 2.75
Our complete display of filini?
devices is well worth your in
spection See the showing now in
our windows.
EYWirowovs5Sss!?rcR'KuR Office
34 and 36 S. 15th St
Ofllce Purnlture Department
j Hale &
As we are discontinuing the manufacture and retail sale of
furniture, we will close out our enormous stock by
Public Auction
Beginning Wednesday at 2 o'clock
on the premises, 1315 Walnut Street
' Wednesday's Sale Embraces Magnificent
Exquisite Antique and Modern Furniture, Chinese Porcelains,
Oil Paintings, etc.
Thursday's Sale the Entire Stock of
The Philadelphia Art Galleries
Will Conduct the Sale
1S 1916-
ttalla ' Eluntd atrenorma elfra dl 0
dollar! per tonnellnta, granoo quanuiu
dl questo carbona fjlace eta non vendnto
nel portl Itallahl II prirro altlaslmo C
stato determlnato dalle altlefm iHrlfte
dl trasporto.
I,a notMa rh A-istrla 0 Montenegro
stanno per Inlrlnr trattntlvo per la pace
tin prodotto a Itoinix proronua lmpres
slone. ma slceome la notlzla non e ancora
data tilTlclalmento i Blornnll el astcngono
per ora dal eommenlrula. In nttea dl
magglorl partlcolarl o dl plu definite
hotlzle. Qui peio' si nutrono gravl np
prenslonl per le mlgllnla dl montcnegrlnl
n serbl ehe si Rono rlfuglatl tra le mon
tngne nlbsnesi e sono mlnaccintl dallo
trlbu' malls?ore, glacche' dal momento
In cut 1 serbl Insclarono la reglono dl
Scutari gll albanesl lianno rlpreso corag
glo .
A Itoma glungcvn da Alene oggl la
notlzla cbe le truppe bulgaro die erano
entrate nelt'Albnntn sono state rltlratc
es9endo scopplatl dlssfiisl tta bulgarl ed
nuitro-tcdcschl II telegramma dlco
perslno che llulgarla o Tnrchla Barebbero
ora InCllnnte a concludero sepntalnmenta
la pace.
A Herllno e' stnto announclato che gll
alfeatl lianno sbnrcnto truppc a riialeron,
cho si trova ad nppena cinque mlglla a
Mid-est dl Atcne n ad oat del Plrco. Ho
la notlzla e' vera, puo' darsl che gll
nlleatl lntendano forznre 1a nmno alia
Orecla Pure da Herllno mandnno che II
governo greco hit trnsforlto ptrto del suol
aichlvll da Ateno a Iarlssa. Intnnto st
npprrnde die In qucstn settlmana II gov
erno greco proclnmern lo atato dl asiedlo
licl icgno
Another Dcnth in Home for Agctl
The death list from grip nt tlio Home
for the Aged, nt Church lane nnd JIui
gravo street, Oermanlovvn, wan Iticrpnsed
cirly today to 11 by tho death of .In met
Barrv, 70 ve-trs old All tho denthg linve
occurred during tho lriBt two vveckB, eight
of them within the Inst three (Iuvh.
New Cotton Dress Goods
All White
in a. variety ranging
from 25c to $2 00 yard
In Colors
Fancy Voilo
Cropn dn Chine
Handkerrhtef Linens
for WalstB
Prices from 26c to $3.26 yard
Ito clear out thla month the end-
irngtns or wnite and colored
Cotton Dress Goods
J. B. Sheppard & Sons
ioo8 Chestnut St.
for 68
mm I S
like motoring without tires
Kilbum Company I
rrrr-r . u
Carney's Polnl lo ilnve Pgiv
nt ihi Ai Pnnf rnwA-. r . Vf
j. ...;: 4 :. '.:,.;:nn?v wnci
tabtlshmerit of ft nbnm?o t W3Lsl
TMtnt X .1 nn,1 H,k " K.1 . l4rlef
HiktiM It rieddington a?" T.T"1 J
Iteddington, I an emploje of ti,T,-l
tciidents of PhiladeL
Astor during the pMt;j
Single Room, without U.
it isi a . "Hi
r-- - fi wj fc
DoubU fj.ootoaa,
amgit Jvoonu, with btiv.;
?i.ootof6oo ''
Double . titotai,.
Parlor, Bedroom ana U4;
At Broadway, th to JtriStmt-
thecentrr of NewYotkf lodil talM
all radiray ttrmutali.
- Ss3
8-362 61
giUiiiiiimnoi!iiiwiiai!ioiiiiiiiiiHt iumiiiiimunira ' '.-j
Taking a trip to Florida without flannels is
like motorinP' without tires. The spnemtinn is
The sensation is
We have just received some particularly fine
flannels and. silk suitings which will be much
in aemana lor boutnern wear this year.
-" tm ( Phone l