MANGY WYNNE TALKS OF SEVERAL JJJflJBUTANTB AFFAIRS TONIGHT Two Theatre PartiesWill Occupy the Unwearied Debu tantes this evening uoctor Tosey Will Enter tain for His Niece Other Doings -..fliH pENnOSE and Emlllo ken- fS ttty w both bo separately and !"",(. Mlas Christina Diddle will !m nitz-Carlton, for Sarah Penrose, h0 s In the way of being the most ntertalneJ of the numerous debit- .( this season. There Is such a jtirr family connection there, ami 1 ... 0f the relatives are well to do, tiiid as Sarah Is a favorite with them, 3,n are the plensurca planned for v,r by them, besides tho outside Mends. The death of Mrs. Tony Bid. "ilt' sister In Pittsburgh, last week, "prevents tho party that Mr. and Mrs. Tony were to have Riven on Thursdny night, before llsa N'orrls' dance. The Umts Francis Sulllvans, however, will i a supper and dance at tho Itltz rsrlton for Sarah after tho opera, on January 2", and It will be a very smart nlr. Kllxabelh Downs will share tho 'tenors with Sarah that night. TonUht, also, Dr. Louis Plainer K Posey w jrlvo a theatre party and lucncr afterwards for Emlllo Kennedy, itho Is the very attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Kennedy. KnilHc made her debut In the Into fall; he had Intended coming out laRt sen- P,on, but a death in the family prevent ed that. Iter sister Agnes, who came Bout three seasons ngo, is engaged to 1 CftSPar lownsli". , uu tiiiiiuuiiiviiicui. una maae uns inunin. Emllle I vpry pretty and dances fsbtaullfully I noticed her pnrtlctilnrly it the Gambol of the Clous last week. Eghe was In the debutante set with garah Penrose, valentine Mitchell, Wah Franklin nnd 'our or Hvo others. I understand that tho Davidson Ken nedys will Ko " dance nt the Ilellr-ue-Stratford In honor of Emlllo and her coii'tn, Helen ltanscll, on Kcliru- lry U. 'with the exception of these theatre purlieu there won't bo very much else on the tnpiH for today. The season will be an unusually lonij ono, and It la iKt.ll to liavo a bit of lest In between times, and as we rest we aic apt to 'rosslp a bit. you know,, and wonder why so nnd so docs this nr that, and bush oer tne iniest penoimancca 01 the. arious members of society. I htard a funny story niioui a wtciovv who 'recently remarried. This same lady has a small son of about r years, who It, I am afraid, spoiled, to say the least, and nt the wedding, just when the tflo wcie nliotit to pronounce their tons, young son broke away from hln nurse's detaining hand and rushed up to mother saying: "Where ,s the pink rose ou promised me?" In vain alio tried lo quiet him, nnd told him ho H must not Intemipt. "That's all right." fsaldhe, "but I want the rose." Finally, v)joRer, they managed to reniovo this Ki'.li . i ,i. tiuait fjrinuil uuill llie luuiii, uiiu niu rtreirony pioceeded. It is just aH well. lomellmes, to mako children learn lo rtey when young. Even though this Jja a harmless Interruption, It was embarrassing, to say tho least. , n tills dn of delightful (V) candor, I as not surprised at a recent debu- nte, when, at dinner, one of it) vim? men turned to the vivacious you-., girl next him, and with brutal frankness icmarlted "You'io a perfectly idorkble person, nnd I hopo you're thoroughly enjoying your little self, hut jlwt ridiculous chatter of jours pre sents my eating, and I'd rather be fed P with food, thank you." Tho girl's expression showed that she got Infl nUely moie thun slio bargained for. but ajlatent sense of humor came, to the rescue, and the remainder of her con- Jtrcation wh3 tempered with disci ctlun. iJJ.couise, there's no e.cuno for such blatnnt rudeness, csnetinlly since the tlrlln nuestion is rather more Interest - nsand inagnetlc than the usual young JJfaun. and only recently her engage ment lo the son of a prominent finan cier has bein nunuunced. XANCV W'VNNE. Personals Urg. T nii'itt f... i- ..,i i, He,aiI kV-cr will icccive Infounally at their Wl-. soutlivvcst corner of 10th ami Lo tmi mreets, on Wednesday afternoons In IIUary and I-Villinri; .ifle,. 4 ..'elnelc. cards have nceu sent out. &fr. nii.l M. , it 4. ,,i,V... - 111 i . ',"' nam .i i,iHin.f, ui fr t.i, ' "rt'e ire- lis Tutor tiuuac, U. hlkbiV naients Ml- iinrl Mn Ttav. m Tuckerman, of IpsvvUh. Alnss. Ijlrt. II Inl . .,..,. , Ir- "' ,, I illlUII, Ol Itllll IllrtU, h2Llllf, llUH lSMll rnulj f... o 1 n ,i..l..i,. lhf 1.1, " ...,,.4 (v.. .1 ,M,.l.,,VU, lltt v ' " T'rlay. 1-ebiuary 3. at !-, w I criCKfl I "lull llhi lni... 11. ... .... . . ma ..1""" " moch win ue hi Home KSir .,100" ul ,ICI" home. M17 Spruce I ItSl-?'1' from until a o'clock. Airs I Ifaacis ., l,"Uls .III Ullfk W.IS M14S I win. Brock, will receive with Alia IRiS:, Kdn F. Hcffman nnd Airs. IMslril V H,.fY. ...... . ..r . KaSfc. -" be Ht home Informally this CT1 .ill8!' Phoebe Hoffman and Ibtl """nan Price Wright will receivi - them No cards have be.en stent e Peln..,n . ... . . .. tiWiU I'h ,Ja,ue T America. Phlla- ltltnnw.n . ' vl" r,ne a reception this Itchii. ". . .;i ovl to meet Allss Tir. : v "u in fcecretari l keeretary of the iiarent ESPY In New York. ?. ijwrge Upton, Z Ut-orea I -r... . f.- i. . ... . M .. ---0s. iului ruvu ue win ne hi PartiuM,. T'r'Y thls afternoon at her Kft-Uit U 'n t,,e Coronailo from 4 until you. v0 ..,i . ."':"."::" ' ii.- ?m w,n ho reraembereU as rtf iLuimt ii linn . ., . ,.. evtr-' i a has sone to New York lUbtii'rSihyJShIpley' ot Pnllcdelphia, lut B?,,tPndlns ,ne week-end In a feta-v mum?' M'.um,bU3'. N J ML'3 t wnere n 'esumed her studies. "AlOilfr th& Main T.inn KIK.?..-. WC. Hhn KAOanfifc Jah' pent th week-end ."ft nd llr. r . .. WooiVi.' niejr atnna, ol ssa vu ?tt?.u- )v l7t for Pens- t-r m tue juwt t Mr, Keg C, hlf-fVi'.1, re,l'1(,n' of the Gulf, Florid .. 'ii.iiiniii.i linillO.111. i rs. frpcierlok t Jn IuKb 111 with Mcndtp, who has I?. nt licr limine Mil siierunort oad Inn rrcnverctl. Ar H,r'Ir- nni1 Mr- Nelao" W(""' are receiving congratulation on the birth of a son. Nelson Dnvls Wood. Mr Car Wetrel and Mr. Albert A. an"cubi " tr'P lnrouah Florida utn,d ?,"? P',KRr A- rar, nnve re turned to their limn. In Allentoun after spend ng seveinl weeks with nr. Park's paieuls. .Mr. nutl Mt u r -,. Miss Alice McCahc of Wiiyne.' ns tin- ! able to ro to n.iltlmore Inst week as her V .I' ,rs A""r I'. Strobel, has typhoid frver Germantown At thr aniuial ineetltig of the Orrinnn town Chapter, ImuRhters of the Ilpvolu tlon. In the chapter loom In the Wlsler .Mansion the following officers were elected: Itegent. Mrn. n. s.whiey Prlteh ard; nrxt vice legent, Mrs Cugenc ,tuler- son; Historian, .Mrs. AVIIIIntn Ithodes ..icrcami. .mis. ii. c. rimpman was elected delegate tn the congress to be held In Apill In Washington. Tin allcrnates elected Include Mrs. Eugene Anderson, Mis. Mm, Hnrtwell. Mrs. i: V. Jenkins, Mrs. 0. V. Wnties, Miss Mni-y I,. Paul, Jlrs. W. V Wilson. Mrs. Thomas Hall, Mrs. Chrlstman. Mrs. John Hartman nnd Miss Kdlth H. Waynn. r.labornte plann are being made for the annual banquet of the Htislness Men's .ssnt'intliiii, which will take place on Tluusdaj, February 3. at Miiuliclm. In nildltlou to liivltatliius extendeil to the Major or Hie city and the principal of tho tJcrinaniown High School, the committee has planned tn scent e for the occasion an eminent speaker of national reputation. Mrs. Marry I.awson, of West Upsal street, will give a bridge party on Wednesday nt her home. Mr. nnd Mrs Kimtiol llonen, of BW Wiiyin avenue, spent, tho week end In Atlantic City. MH Eva M. .Nathan, daughter or Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorgo Nathan, f.aM German town nvemie, has liccu visiting in Al toona, I'n. Along the Reading Miss Nmi Dagnoy, of 11,1k l-aiic, will render vocal selections on Frldnv excnlug, at s o'clock, at the Ablnston High School, niiigion. The .leiiltlntiiwn Eiuergenry IJellef Is now holillng Its meetings eeix 'lliuisdnv nioinliig at Asgnrth, Ablnglnu. .Mls3 S'cholield and Miss Kell, two English ladles who aio tiavellng thiough this country making special appeals for tho suffering hi England, will inldicss the meeting on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. tfhuhe. of Ito-t-lyn. gave a dliinrr-daiiie nt their home last week, when the guests included Mr. and Mis. Mnuilce Dukes. Mr. and Mrs. I'h.irles Moss. Mr. nnd Mis llllum Wnl tets, Mr. and .Mrs. Fr.uik Van Horn, Mr. and Mia. Thomas (l. Hmltb, .Mr. and Mrs. Edwnnl Vaic, Mr. and Mis. Edward Mini man, Iir. and Mi.i . Unwind Wilson. Mr. and Mis Chailes Wniiamakcr, Mr. Louis Wledcihohl and Miss l lleniictt The house was atliacllvcly ilecnruted with (lowers, palms and clcctilc lights. North Philadelphia litiests fiiim points as far illjinnt as Xoiv Oilcans and San Finncisco Bltcndod tlie 2itli wedding annlvoisary celebration of Air. and Airs. Henry .Nctlei, of 2210 Xorlb Hi nail street, belli In the .Mercan tile Club Friday night. A fenluie of the event was the piesen tatlon of n diamond necklace to Alls. Xct tcr by her husband. Congratulatory nd di esses were miiilo "y Judge John AI. Pallet sou. Itabbl nil Alajer, Air. Km.ui uel Furt h and others. .Mrs. C. C. Dalslmcr sang a number of solos, and the Hlson Quanet furnished selections, which vvero composed by Air. Netter's kon, Air. .N' N'cttei. Kvery guest iccelved a souvenir. i'oi the men this took the form of n silver lead pencil and for the women ornamental baskets of candy! Dr. S Fliiley ftniilnii. a member of tho I medical ataff of 1I10 Wniren State llos- I pltal for tin- Insane, is spending seveinl ' weeks with his mother, Alls. Ann nniilon. Of .'ST, N'Oltll !!0tll ftllCrt. I)I.r l!, ! gave an opera parly Inst week, fot- I lowed bv a supper at tho Bellevue- I Rtiatford. i Tioga Ml- nml Mil VVIIII111., I.'li. L,. of "-fl North 15th stieet. gave au at-home Sunday . evenhm in celelnailnn of tiio Mth uiiiii- veisary of theli wedding Air. Flnko mil . Alts. Alelvlna Itiiuip Flake. daUKliter of tliu late Air. and Airs. John Rump, vveio ' ricd hi this cltj on January 15, Ism,, ' botli being native l'hllarlelphiuns. Tho lulciegroom hud served In the Civil Win, Company F, Wih I'einibylvnnla Infantiv, nnd Is a piiiuilneut member of ihe Ocntra! Alcado Post, No. I Air. anil Airs. Flake were assisted In receiving by their dill dicn, Mr. (tcorge T. Flake. Airs. Olivei AI. Ilnrtzell, Ml. William Fluke and Alts. Luciii H. Bunle, and their giaudchildien. Airs. Howard Wl'son. All. ti Itaymotid Fluke, Allss Kslellc I.oulto llmtzell, Air. J nrnham jtonle and All William .sp.-iiier Bowie MRS SAMUEL H BRODSKY, whoso marriage took place on Sunday nt Mayer's Drawing Rooms. M' , H"" -v was Mua Salvia Fox. ' jrf9j ' jAi I iHBwnSuy EVEyiNC kEfiqER--. PHILADELPHIA,, TUESDAY, JANUARY ;- m. an $ mWlmm' I H 1 aoHffsfi' f H I'ho n nv Mm.rnu Ktudto JIISS KLEANOR WESTCOTT dcliutnntp (iuiiBhter of Dr. nnd Mrs. Thompson Wcstcott, who was presented nt n dansnnt at tho Acorn Club last month. OAK LANE REVIEW CLUB OPENS JUNIOR DEPARTMENT FOR GIRLS Daughters of Mernbers, Ranging in Age From 15 to 25, to Be Allowed to Join Well-known Woman's Club of Oak Lane Entertainments THM Oak l.ane IleUew Club added a new feature to Its activities Friday afternoon, when It opened a Junloi de p.irtuicut, which will take In dnughtuiH of tho membeis, from IT, to Ei jenrs. Tbc will have the privilege of becoming sciilnis at 21 If the) so desire. They will not have voting privilege while In this department, and molr dues will bo half of the 1cg11l.11 $5 jcarly dues of members, otherwise they 1110 eligible to all tho club pilvlleges. In their own de pal tment they will he quite Independent, making their own oulccrs and electing them as tbev cbooc. Fourteen girls inme Into It Frldaj as charter members. 3D am expected licfoic this privilege of being a chaitcr inembei will close. The department Is uiidei tho care of Ails. W. Mastic Smith and her committee Includes Airs. John n. .u tiler. Atrs. Tluo doie C. Knauff. Airs. William II Shelly. Alr4 A. T. Uiciigcl. Tho gills who Joined ycsteidny were Miss lather I,an dls, Allss Anna W01I. Allss Helen Oi alley, Allss lirace Frlck. Allss Doris AIllls. Allss Isabella II. Smltli. Allss Kutheiliie Simp son, Allss I.nuiso Simpson, Miss Kathcriuo llage, Allss Alnrgaret Speese, .Miss Katlierlne Dickie, Allss Frances Scribner and Allss Marion Wanner. XcM Wcdnesdaj afternoon will ho the sc.irlv Daugbteis' day at the club, anil theso gills have been given the enter- laimiicnt of tho day .Mrs. Arthur C. Hood, a young matron who nivvnjs plans , ( ..t.1,,4 ...III'a tlin nm"fint 1 ,1 ' charge 'She will l assisted by Alias Doils Allller. Allss Is.ibelhi Smith will be the Interpreter for an nfteinoou of folk stums and dances. In which these new I ineiulierH will take pait. Alias Alary I Steivnil. il.iughter of the president. -:rs. I . ... Ml -. -..,1, - l... ...., liioifio vv . ricviiri. um uu vmtnii-ier ,inu vlusalc dancing. The hostesses of the day will be Airs. William II. Shelly. Alrj J. Scott Fowler, I Airs. John Kenyan. Alts. William c. 1 Verlces and Airs. Jacob Itoeluu Air. and Airs. Henry Jonlcn, of 1S1 North Dewey street, west Philadelphia, eutci tained on Sunday evening In honor of the birthday of their son. Air. Hurry .In, iloii. The guests were Aliss Katlierlne Bolton, Aliss Nellie Bradley, Alito Agues Corcoran, Aliss Kllzabetli. Laughlln, Aliss Alaigaret J.oiigldiii. Aliss Katheilnc Loughlln, Allss Aiarsoict Corcoran. Allss Alarle Pope, Aliss Jennie U'Domiell, Allss Helen Jordon, Air. Frank Huston, Air. Joseph Slon. Air James Corcoian. Air Henry AIcFailand, Air. Warren Donnelly, Mr. William Haines, Air. Daniel J. AIc Catilcy. Air. Thomas Laughlln. Air. Vln icut Coicoran, Air. Joseph Furey, Air. Harry Jordon. Air. lleorgn Aliislichaiup. Air. B. Bauscher. Air. William Jordon, Mrs. Ii. Rauscher and Mrs. Schertzs. A novcltj dunce was given Saturday night by the Young Aleu'a and Women's Hebrew Association of II. L. S. at 310-12 Catharine street. There were about 100 persons present, Including inembers and irieUU.3 l I1U IMUniaill upnicM rim n t uerios of folk dances by the children of tile UeOIbB VV IISIIIIIHIUJI tuuu,.- oniuui. Tlioy were charmingly costumed and were directed by an Instructor of the school Another feature wbb Aliss Fran ces Pollcoff, of Atlantic Clt, who dem onstrated modern dancing. A baritone selection was rendered by Air. 31. Wels. man, of tho University of Pennsylvania General dancing followed. Air. Harry Kalodner was director fur the night. A surpilae party was given in honor of Air. George I. Cohan at the home of Air John Welshman, 1533 North Alarshalt stieet, on Saturday evening. A huge number of guests were present, many from out of town. Among those present were Air John Welsaman. Air. Louis U'elsarnan, Air. Albert Itayboy, Air. Slaurlce Uacliman. Air. George I. Cohan, Mr Alaurice Kates, Atr Edward Gold, f Air Ueibert Qlcnn, Air. Harry Ludwlg, i Air Harry Cohen. Air. Samuel Uusselle, , performance that brought him Into sym jlr, Benjamin Borger. Mr. Slllton F. , patby with his audience, i Hellbrun. Alles Ileba WeUsmann, Alias , Washington wag glad to welcome back Mas Welshman, ahss taruli Llppman, Allss Henrietta Rayboy, Miss Cella Notice- fur tlir Suvlrlr page will be mit'ptrd and piloted lu tho Kienlnc I edxer, but all audi notices mut be uritteu on one aide of the paper, uiuit bs iurU lu fell. "UU lull udUrCM. und ubtu puMlble irlfiiUoae number luiut be bend oil uch cuniniuclcutloai la -nwilttr l.ditor." rJenlu Ledger, 90$ t lit.tuut tret. Lui tbete requlremeut are carried put act 'hat crltlratlon may be potalblc, the notice wilt wot be publlabttl. &&&ttfe&&i3 Alcycts. Aliss Dorothy Shapiro, Allss Pauline I.cwlii, Allss Elizabeth Creen bcrg. Allss ( itlleunu, Mlns Sadie 1-udwlg, Allss Hessle l.udwlg. AIIjs Sophia Katztuan. Allss Doiothv Uold stcln. AII93 Gertru lo Silverman nnd Atlss Jennie (lasselle. The llrst annual banquet of the Thirteen Club of Philadelphia wns held Saturdny. January 7. Among the eiitertnlucis of the evening were Allss Amy Feinstelii, who sang de-llgbtfullj-, and Allss Vetta Kauffman. who icnuercd several piano selections. Last Tin rsday o- cnlng the Catholic Social of Tlog.i held an Importnnt meeting at the home of Air. nnd Airs. AIcKeaney, 33I5 Xorth CIratz stteet. 'I'ho quarterly election wns held and the following officers elected: Atr. Har-y Foote. 3d. president; Air James Fognrty, vice president. Allss Alary O'llara, scc retarj ; .Mr. William AlcCoolcy, treasurer. Tho other membeis present were Allss Helen AlcDermott, Allss Illta Hash. Allss Sara Fognrtv, Allss Alice I.nughlln, Miss .Margaret O'Haia, Allss Alary Hallon. .Miss noscnuna O'Harra, Allss Tenslta (Jul tcras, Air. Ignatius Hash, Mr. John Ah-Keanej-, Air. Thomas O'Hyrne. After the meeting tho soclnl was entertainrd liy Air. John AtcKeanej. Washington News WASHINGTON. Jan. 18. President Wilson's Philadelphia relatives his slhter. Alts. Howe, and her daughter, Airs. Coth lan, not to mention llttlo Josephine enth rall have been -very much to the fore In the social lecrudesccuce which has fol lowed the Piesldcnt's marriage. They came down for the wedding, at which little Allsrs Josephine, can claim the distinction of having been the joungest guest, and hnve been house guests at the White House over since. They were, of couise, piesent at the Pan-American reception, nivl weio among the few outside guests ul the J'icsldeni'a I dinner to ids Cabinet last week Airs. Cothrnn has been a good deal In Wash ington, visiting her distinguished uncle. ever since his Inauguration, but until ! Wednesday night Washington did not j know that she had a voice Then she sub- , stituted for Allss Alargaiet Wilson, who bad piomlsfd to sing at a leceptlon of the Home Club. Slio was unable to keep her engagement, us she was at the time in jrutriisuir siuscmai, ill 1'illi.iucipiua, re- covering (mm au operation foi ndenuhl ' nnd tiio removal of her tonsils, which had 1 been performed there the previous after noon, t-o Aln. Cothrnn took her place, i Blid Washington made a discover The Home Club U the Veiy successful social organization made up of employes of the Department of the interior It Is the only club of the sort in any one of the Government departments, and its very decided success Is largely due to the active interest of Secretary and Airs Lane Its receptions are real "affairs." to which the Lanes always succeed In bringing several lions. Airs. Cothran's fellow-artists the other night were Alyron Whitney and Nicholas Longvvorth Now, Washington knows that Nicholas Longvvorth is a violinist of no small ability, but outside of the little coterie of real I.ongworth intimates very few have had an opportunity of judging how well he plats. Those who do know, say that he Is virtually of professional calibre, and had It been, necessary could have earned a vory comfoi table living with his riddle. As a matter of fact. It is doubt ful if he ever faced us big an audience as he had at that reception at the Home Club, and, greatly to the amusement of those of his own "crowd" who were there, he had a bad attack of stage fright and skipped several pages or his music and generally got rcther mixed upj which, uier ah, gate the human touch to his Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. Edward AlcCauley. Jr.,' both for their own sakes j and iu the hope that their being here ! would bring- the Olivers more Into society I than they had been for the last two years. Mrs. McCauley, It' will be remembered, I was Juan Oliver, daughter of Senator and , Mrs. Oliver of Pennsylvania, and her marriage some two years ago to a popu lar yount; naval oitlcer of unlraneachabte i conuei-tlOM In the resident net here was a social event She ivnt as a bride to PhUadelphla. where her hujband Va ata- I tlcneJ auti they have onlv lcr.niiv . I turned recntty re-1 turued. Weddings VAN nODDN-GUMMEr. A quiet wedding will take piste to night at 6:30 o'clock, when MIm Gertrude Oummej, daughter of Mrs. William T. Gutnmey, of 329 Pelham road, will be come the bride of Mr. James Itamsaj Van Itodcn. The Itcv. Stuart P. Keel ing, lector of St. Peter's Protestant Euls- , copal Church, will perform the ceremony ! at the home of the bride's mother. Miss Giimmey, who will be unattended, will in of white satin made' with n and trimmed with diiehcsse . w ear n gow ! fl rnnrt lil. laee. Her tulle veil will be caught with j Harden." which bai Just been Ihilshod 'mange blossoms and trimmed with lace ' the entrance hall of the ( urtls Hu Id land she will carry n shower bouquet "iff. Independence Square One nf he of lilies of tho valley. Mr. Van Itodcn will ""t of Its kind mid the Inrgest, this have bis brothci, Mi. Clarence Van llo- 'mosaic, hull! b MnxfUld Parrlsh and ' den. as best man. and there will be no -ouls r Tiffany Is otic of the clt s prize ushers ci.. .,. ...i., .1.1 ,t.u0. (,,,. i art eiblblts. The Curtis company ban ' ney, .Mr. nnd Mrs. Van linden will be at home after March 3 at filll Oxford 1 street, Chcrbrook. imonsKY-rox. Miss HIMa Ko, d.iughtci of Mr. and Mis. l.nuls J. Fox. of 2101 North Marvlne stieet. was married to Mr. i-ninuel II Iliodskv on Stmdav nfternoo'n nt Mnjcr's ! thawing Itooms. The ceremonj was per I fonncd by llablil Marvin Nathan, nnd wns i followed by a leceptlon The bride wore I a pcnrl-giay ihlffon broadcloth suit nnd hat and shoes to match, nnd carried a I while ivory prajerbook. Mtss Itelln For wns maid of honor and Mr. I J. llrodsky nctcd as best man. j Mr. and Xlis. Ilrodskv left for a trip South, nnd will be at homo nftci March j I at 32i) Noith Kth street West Philadelphia ! The manlage of Miss Cairle It. Ilnirl.i ! nnd .Mi .loslali AI. F Shannon. fi".3 Chcs I ter avenue, will tnkc place on January 2.", nt the residence of Atlsit Harris. 1211 I South iinth stlcet. The Itex . Itnbcl Smith. j pastor of (tie Woodland At mule Atellio ; dlst KpUcopal Church, fioth street and 1 Wooillnnd mcmie. will pclfolln the ecu 1 many. Or. I.oulse II. Schemhs will attend ' her sister ns matron of honor, and the I groom will be attended by his brother, j Dr. Samuel C. Shannon. The bride, who I will be given In mart Inge by her brother, Mr. Owen Ilnrtls, 'will wear 11 gown of 1 white satin with a tunic of duchesse lace nnd will carry a bouquet of lilies of the j alley. The matron of honor will be nltlred In pink taffeta and tulle, and will ' catrj' an nrm bouquet nf Klllainey roses. I A leceptlon will follow at tho home of the brides parents, and the voung couple, after the wedding trip, will lite at 1211 South 50th street. The marriage of MJns i:ilzabcth S. Walsh, daughter of Air. and Mrs. James J. Wnlsh, 4012 Hnrlng street, nnd Dr. l!d waid A. Hlrecker will be celebrated on January 2il at T o'clock, at St. Janics' Church, 3Sth and Chestnut streets. The ceremony will be performed by tho l!cv. John Alonnban, rector of the church. Allss Walsh will bo attended by her sister, Allss Oraco Walsh, nnd Ur. Albert Sticcker will attend bis brother ns best man. After the ceremony tho jnung couple will go on an extruded wedding tour, nnd upon their return will hold 11 leceptlon for their friends. Iloclor Sticcker Is connected with tho Pennsyl vania Hospital for the Insnne. Pvoxborough Air. nnd Airs. Joseph 11. Hwlng, of R2J Fust Walnut lane, entertained the Ill-Six Club on Saturday night and gave a nov elty shower for Allss Florence Pretsch, . whose engagement to Air. llownrd I Schweitzer w-ns recently announced. Ferns, pink loses and evergreens were I combined In the very attractive decora- , tlons. Tho guests included Air. nnd Airs 1 AVIImer Button. Air. and Mrs. Benjamin ! Ferguson. Allss Nnoml Blschorr, Allss Clalro Francis, Allts Hdna Stncader, Allss Belt- Bardslej-, Allss Lorraine Barnes, Aliss Betty Louise Button, Allss Knthleeu Loughlln, Airs. Ilobert Prince. Mr. Har rison Alnyhew, Air. "Warren Weaver, Air. Harry Aljcrs, Air. James Brown. Camden and Vicinity Air. John T. Bottomley, a retired woolon goods manufacturer of Cnmdcn, nnd Allss Elizabeth Gammon wero mar ried last Tuesdaj-. Tho announcement of tho wedding wns made Fridaj'. Tho Rev. T. D. Collins, pastor of Linden Baptist Church, performed the ceremony at the homo of Air. Bottomley, 611 Cooper street. The brldo was rttended by Airs. Collins, Air. Bottomley Is 63 years old and his wife Is 35. They will leave next week for a wedding trip through South America. What's Doing Tonight c'ontenitiorary Club, addrpii by John Ma ncld. (teUevue-Stratrord: 8 !' o'clock. Mldnlntr concert. H&ydn Club. Horticultural Ball. 8 o'clock. Lecture. "AtMsaee of Anarchlimi." AIlis Dinma Goldman, Tin North liroud etreet: ft o'clock. Minlcal clubs. L of P.. nethlehem Presby terian Chunh; 8 o'clock Havdn rtub concert, fiermantown Y. St. C. A., S o'clock. Dlacusslon. "Meteor Crater, Arizona." Acad emy of Natural Sciences. 8 o'clock. Free. Borne Teichlnic Society, New Century Draw ing Iloomi. notary Club dinner. Kuyler's reataunuit. 11.30 o'clock. WINTER .RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. &r " v ATLANTIC CITV. Superior location with an unobstructed view of beach andboardwqlK Arecoonized istandardol excellence l C.o60d. JWJRJ.BV2Xr. . . ... a-aoiifaa j AWa tVm t jUaii(ii ? vicu wuiiiiui i unt uuiy LARGEST TIREPROOr KEaOBT HOTEL MWHlTe.Trt. IN T1I& -WmPjynoTICcivrijc HIE ItADING RCSOfll MOIIl Or THE WORID DTUI01tflhISKnM ATLANTIO CITY. N, J. owNtaaHiP uiMiaiuiNT JOBIAH WHITg A. 3QN3 COMPANY sntOUSANIl COLLEGES QTDAVPniC. The Beat Builneia School. w 801-bOT Cbeatnut Straat. WYNNKMOOU. 1'A. Montgomery School Wynnewood, Pa, The Country Day School for Boys SECOND UALFWEAIt COMMENCES February 1st, 1916 Application! aboutd be mido it tUa lleadmaater THE REV. GIBSON BELL UAHOxtia ,taPr "SO N Broad St Pbone pi. 838. YBcl bocbibio t-r Wet Sat Evas. Sckolar'Jfr1 Tonieht n'"1 E"ry ilou "'' Panm itiur. Bv SSli ANNIVERSARY JAN S-2U-T s. AWISTAKTa.' BENEFIT, 'RL EVa. JAN. M YJjZR y Ml' '" jq, KVM1 I w v. I has sat anew atAnrlamaf 18, 191 G. GREAT MOSAIC SHOWN IN CURTIS BUILDING "Tho Dream Garden" a Dis tinctive Addition lo Phil adelphia Art Philadelphia has an additional nnd epe ( flatly distinctly work of 'art In the febrile i glass mosaic picture enllcd "Tho I)i earn Issued more than MOi Invltntlons for n pilvate view between 2 nnd ii p. tn rsrli daj until Friday. The mosaic Is composed of moie than I.OVI.nM pieces of fused glass set in ce ment. Thus It can nqver delerlnrale and can be cleaned ns simply ns a window pane It Is 21 feet high nnd tn feet long. j Tl"' dccnrnllon Is dlsllnctlve. because It represents what Is pracllcnllv a tevlviil of 01m of the oldest arts; the ancient Kgyptlans used the same pioecs when tliev used glazed tiles set In cement nn mural dciot aliens. The execution nml the electing of the woik in the Curtis llulldlng requited neatly two vc.trs The mosaic was made by Air. TlfTaiij, in Ills New York studios ftom n model painted b.v Air. Pnttlsh The tinnslallon of the painting required one j ear. nnd Air Tlffiinv, with Joseph Krlggs, his nselstnnt, supei Intended tho fusing of each bit of glass. After Its completion thousands of art lovers fioin all parts of the country Inspected the picture In New York It wns then takm down, sent to this rltj. and, after four months of labor, reset In Its present position. Through the medium of the colored bits All. Tiffnnv hns created a new kind of mosaic, which ptoduccs upon the, viewer the effect which the artist wished It lo rnmcj, and which has n porspcctlve never before obtained In inosnlcr. Through hidden lights above the picture n most beautiful effect Is attained. As ono watches lie sees mountains recede, trees and foliage ntnttd out distinctly nnd pur ple shadows cteep fiom tho mountnln bases to their tops. The foreground and the background have n perfect natural ness of position, nnd the "naturalness" Is heightened bv a marble pool In the Pool ing at the base, which forms a continu ous part of tho painting. Delaware County The ltev. John 11. Day and Alts. Daj of Itlrile.v Park, hnve returned from a trip to New Vork. Allss Alargatet ri'Nell. of Manerch, Is entertaining Allss Until Williams, of 11 a get stow 11, Mil. WINTEH RESORTS Feel that impulse to join the birds on the FloridaEastCoast It's the only ptaca to spend the winter. It's nature calling! Answer it and GOI TVotris the tim. Then are Florida's most glorious days. The reel Fountain of Youth in a Garden of Eden awaits you at ST. AUGUSTINE. The most perfect winter resort hotels in the world: PONCE DE LEON Mr. Robert Murray, Manager ALCAZAR Mr. William McAuliffe, Manager More alluring and delightful than ever before. St. Augustine is one of the most picturesque old cities in America bracing climate warm and delightful. GOLF. TENNIS, BATHING, the prindp.I sports. Two excellent golf courses, splendid automobile road. Your ticket agent will arrange through transportation for you. FLORIDA EAST COAST Flagler Syatem 243 Fifth Avenue, Now York 155 Weet Madi.on Street, Chicag CHAItl.KSTON. 8. O. VILLA MARGHERITA Only Inn overlooking Harbor anil Dattarr I'ark; refined catronaca, Southern cooklnc Write for booklet and lerma. CALHOUN MANSJON opene lor exclusive patronara; orlitnal Co lonial furnlabtncs; Southern cooklnc. acht. Inc. coif, tennla Mr. and Mrs. J, II. Uenolati. AUGUSTA. O A. PARTRIDGE INN M W PAIITRIDQE A. D. CUSIHNO OPEN NOVEJIBER TO S1AY 5 mlnutea to country club; two IS. hole coif courses i tennla, dancing, aultea Willi batlia and sleeplns porches. Noted lor its excellent cutstne, IDEAL WINTER CI.I5IATE Address New York Offlce, 8 West 10th St. CIKLANIIO. 1'LA. TREMONT HOTEL ERlv Booms slncle. en suite llh bath; under owosr's aupervlsion; excellent table; North, arn cooklnc. Write Captain J. W. Wllmol. I.EEhllUItU. rLA. CllfdNYmF ON LAKE HARRIS SUNINiaiUC NEAR LEESUURQ. X refined private home In a beautiful oanfe a rove. Writ for literature and terms. G. R. NEEDIIAM. Leesburc. Fla. ST. AUGL'bllNE. l-'LA. The Valencia and Cottages Steambeat. electricity. Mrs. Ii Mlsa Eckart. KEV WEST, FIJI. ISLAND CITY HOUSE Tourist and commercial. Modern In every de tail : table and aervlca flrat class. Rooms wtta bath. Mrs. SHERMAN BUUKU3, THE JEFFERSON European plan. DaJly coocerte by U S Marine liand. Home ot the 6 reeu turtle. lobeler and other sea toed. ' S. Army and Naval Stat'xo. Tarpon and 69 other klnda ot flthlnc HAVANA. Ct'llA THE LOUVRE jft Plans Central to all attraction Orchestra, titr. man. Enillsb French and Spanish spokea Uooklst i CAU1RQ FORNOS HOUSE "WfNtr room Eveiy loom with private balcony Hoi ami Mild talks, alodjraie ccrujs, Qpso- i alia Casual Parle N.r ail Utaatta. , ' 11 "NIGHT IN BOHEMIA" '." WITH PEN AND PENCIL Entertainment of Rare Pleasure in Store at Bellevue- Stratford Tonight Stars from the leading theatres and two scot e of artists from the various Taude vltte houses wilt help In the general jUblla.' tion at the Pen nnd Pencil Clgb's Night la Bohemia which wilt be celebrated to mortow night nt the Bcllcvue-Stratford. The nlialr moinlses to be a pacemaker, and In addition to the blue ribbon show there nil! be a number of surprises some what different from the general ran. Th Little. Cafe, r. feature inttoduced last venr, enabling Ihe audience lo get a bllA and a sup during or after the show, Will be much In evidence In the fled and Clover Hooms which adjoin tho scene of action. As for the bill. It rends like a Dtoadway levue. There will be Oeoigo AlonrOe, flf "The Passing Show." who Incidentally used lo he a nols) Philadelphia kid and ndmlts It lid by way of evening thinks up. Fmima Cams will disport hciself with the prrml'slon of Harry T Jordan, gen eral manager of the Keith enterprises. He will also assign Kelt nnd Dumont, the talkative acrobats. In the way of con trast, membeis nf tho "On Trial" com-pnn-. now plnjlng at the Clarrlck, will piovo that they are guilty In tho first degree of being real nctots in a real play, nur own cltj will be well lepresented. Dainty' Dottle Claire, of West Philadel phia, who has won plaudits all over the country with her Petticoat Minstrels, will be seen with her aggregation of beauties nftcr Ihe show nt the (Ilobe. The lead ing artists or the Stage Society of Phila delphia will present Hernard Shaw's "Dveitulcd In an artistic lino there will he Walt tin cartooner who 1 nn draw Ji:t ns well In New York as he can in Philadelphia. Thtough the courtes.v of Norman . .leffciies. Mniotme and AlacCnrton will j present wblilwliid dances; I.oney Hask ell, tho effervescent slor teller, will drop In from the William Pcnii, and Lottie Hisco will pav 11 visit from tlm Cross Kevs. Old and modem dances will be Illustrated hj Jack F. Flegcl and Betty I'ope, from Alattelfs Dancing Academy, tlnrry T. Jordan will net ns stago manager, and others who are co-opcrat lug to make the affair a success Include Leonard A Blutnberg, J Fred Zimmer man. AI. W. Taylor, William Miller, Samuel F. Nlxnn. (Icoigo Atetzcl. John .1. AlcOurk. A. Sablosky, Bart McHugh and Charles Cooke Wnnnmnker. Lansdowne Invitations have been tsued by the Wed nesday livening Dancing Class for a sub scription dance to be held In the Twen tieth Century Club February 9. WINTER RESORTS VH.V. LV:V-. "sAr K V HAMILTON. 11EIIMUDA VICTORIA LODGE Centrally located, opposite Victoria Park. Exclusive family house. Modsm. Close to all attractlona 18 up. Eugene A. Uarla. IMPERIALHOTEL n .. Tborouchly modern. Rooms alncl an suits. Bun parlor and ballroom. Excellent table and serv lea Booklet. It. L. BUCKLER. Mt. POINTPLEASANT HOTEL Only hotel on the water front. Open all year. Newly Improved. New management. Home cooklnc. Rates 3 per day up. K. W. llalldaa. THE ALLENHURST ,pPerRweek Strictly first-class family hotel. Centrally located. Modern. Heme cooktnr. Boating, bathlnc. No bar. W. H SPURQB. ST. GEORGE. HERJICDA ST. GEORGE HOTEL Sellchtfull)- situated on Rose Hill, noeaaa larce and well furnished. Private Hatha. Sun Parlore. Tennis. Golf. it. DALLMN. SOMERSET BRIDGE. HEHMCDA SCAUR LODGE BHF2.,SK5? Ideally located ovtrlookUt lh ocean. B cioua eranaa,; nomauica ap Drofesalooal buslncaa did. cioua eranda.; homalika appolntmtnti: for W- A. UALU1L FIIASC.ITI, UKHMLUA Hotel Frascati wuy located, eic uu nuicinuacau iUAm beat4: livTry; motorDoaia.Dicyciea. .verytmos mckj, 4 y.. to-date. Itliu. booklit on appUcattoa to 4X. riuiJDiuA, cpaomii tr, u. a.HJ)attl writ or can DCiLuvibo luuiut. UtsMBKIfi JW vr i? 1&K , I'AQET. IIEUMCUA SOUTH SHORE HOTEU Elba Beach. Eurf batblnc front honso. Jk nrst-clasa. nodern family hotel. Larae looms A A JOHNSON. Prop. 1'KMBKOK.E. DEKMEUA GRASMERE-BY-THE-SEA Located near city and ocean boatlnc. bathi Inc. Dihlnc. all canenltncea. RKelleal uic Bocsuet E I.1SHUK. Pro. IIA1I.KY HAT UEtCUL'llA IHE SEAWARD li itttoaii.. be'itu i f rae boating b Qj T- OiaaiiMo, il