EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JAKUAttY J 7, 1016. 17 STORAGE t TZTZTtfTORKOB wAnrmotrafi - storage. lVt?'M writing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Lno t In .. . .';";;; ...ife-te. Market and .17th. "-TwvT STORAGE HOUBFl ,1718 K. ?riN..ovlng. packing, shipping, auto iSpi n Ph"mes. Let us estimate. illl LA MONARCH STORAOK CO. M t3 IXnaster XViT ' a. 1. Ja, MilTII MltAl tstflrrrcioAffr' n iBip-nin?. ."- JLir- mV Vm TS T ;- .. T .. t....... faSPfTTpy'a TOVY'gjl 72TO. WANTED ilt-rroun furniture, falao teeth, feather bed. SrAKTU" tewetry, gold, silver, . diamonds I -ilSrht WafnutL w'nlnut 7fll!vKt.0.i1 iitSffFiirjEYVHLRY.falio teeth, nls.tole.colns. Kii ' i;v with prices I par. milieu. inc. j.ii. I S& WBtognJjaog. 1Mb V..44?Ot TWxtra high price- foremen's clothing. MKrrlS1 o? Phone Poplar 3S01.'HUACKEn. SfiiW roplir st. ... frjsorr cwxTntNO-wo iitweiy wv 5 "?3 S!f1 wo call day. ova-., cltr or sub. ? PBH'J'iI-..8 i!i smith at. Ph.Dlck.013,1. SrlfSoFF clothing! hleliprlee-; ladles' eir. )Eci?iiB' gentlemen's clothing; Po,atnl or ph. I 5?t 2000. Sellgsohn, 8th nnd Spring Jlnrden. rrlQE TEETH, Ola ROIO. .Bli.ei. ijiawiiuih, Wbi't prices paid. 2 8. ftth. t. JTaaTTUTtETplanos, carpets, antiques; entire BBsrt houses bought for ra-h; no matter SSwIarite. J. Bornsjelnj. .1.154 Itldgejive. SBagfenp PtKl nM -fif, J2G Ap'h" V'i ftrtlotMes. BOOMS FOR BENT nt CHr.Hl.NUi. iw PAtlrctke 2d-nooj-jfjTnUrunnmrwiiterL- IffJrnSheJ foomf.weU nitdVrenwa. F?iirs:BJUTr:00' r- realrable Sdnoor room .'.ytVih. Vlth nil conveniences. , FfimAnn AVn.i 1!13 rum. rooma for gentle LS'Kweek.' AM.lv nfter 4 p. m. , yKf "torv room, 1. ronvonlmo. uhonp. ( ... nu finn fMma. sin n monin. f7wnTSTTl2n--DBlrabto rms.. nrtjotnlnc bath: t ?.V.;.i hunts ecntrnt location: Phone. . hot-waierni'itj.iiiiiyviui-i2 .'-"lii: TiTFIm-riTor.-Two cheerfully furnlahed com- MA-Vp'liiJ. .m. . nup hnlh! antlthprn CXPO-. momcauiiK j.jii ; -.15 iii - ;,--,-r- IptnE ST..' IM'l-noom, with prlvnte bith"; 1 imll room. jUlj:om JhTOojrvlre., ipitlTCE. 111" rtnoms. alnislo or en aulto: prl. Mlhl nrof. offlcea;.ateam heatjelectHfity. BrnT!rKri"W-l'u''nlhed room: nenr batni trieiliono In room. referoncoexclinnRed. , licpiilicn ST. jwv-ljiritn front .room: hath: 1 !&e-r?llnSl Private fnmllv. flno ncUhborhoodi 10 Hit- MlnutM frqm.t?ltvJI?JL Rffirnl N' ifcn-Wnll-furn. lareo room In ro- V!-V-.i mMi1.m hrvmn: nhono. ti illicit ....-'.j :;; i t -. TRflTN.. 183ft-Kxrrntlonnl aitllo for 2 or 3 B rooma: lath, rlectrlclty. ixaa. ateam heat: also Sviinrani. np-irtmenta. tnblo gu eala: phono. ASsniil. ' I10-Niceiv rurnianrn rarinr nn i M?Sner dcalr.ata.:. rrnaPhono Uicuit 31.2 W. S lel'l h'eate.1. board optional ; llelmont 2". 'BoASoTiAtTIMonn AVK.-1! furn. roonia: framall private family, l'lione Woodlnml 1P1I J. . aaA vii run. viuinrv irnni Tnnm. FWKST nnANCII rooma: men only: rneale, S, enmforta of home. Thone lleN ? mnnt IftSl. Key.. Writ 31". S.iuNDSOMm.Y furnlahed front .room In Inre'. bl4Jm?"rn. private home' ,Jtrle llrtta: lA itFRtVATK family near nth and Tlnin boa iBfiy-nf. furn. room: reaa. ! flni . f.cdger Orf. KVpRNISHCP apartment", from 11. BO to J3.00. B iil rrlate family. X313 Dlrard ave. "inin.urw .n 17 in.... iTitini"u .. ...jit... f B0ARDINO ?BALTIMOnn, 4119 Ijirgr, sunny, aecond-tloor iiS,m: couple oil gentlemen; oaccllent tahlo. (CHESTNUT. SUB Two xentlemen rnn have , irtte heme. Phone Daring 14 111 W. Lsinail. W 1027 row front vacanclea. prl- Thene Tlna 7.130 W. , ISrnUCB. 1012 (Holinehurat) Ilcautlfullv fur. L. rootra. prUnte bath. Ith board, table board. " BPIIUCE. inss-an sinRlo and double rooma. 4th r noorr 'wen neHnt.. ...idio mum ponru. 6PRUCB. 1221 Large1 rooma. alnRle or en iffrJlttt orhate hatha: table board. iVtSPJWCE, 122I-2(J (Brlamonde) furn. rooma. K ttaile, en aulte; private bathar table board. -6PRUCE, i:iO ATTHACTIVn ltUUJlH. WITH VXCEM.BNT TAHf.r. TIOAHD. f "VBNAKOQ. W.. 1412 ijirRO. attractive, furn. a, IJ.I10TJT lilting room; ex.ceiiont mom npitru. $ 1JTII 8TjS.4 2S0 Superior rooms and tablosfor t re.1ad wemen: ref. ifMtltTHr S,i,131 Hand, furrr. 2d front room; TJ.T ewct wirel. board t hot-water boat: phone. s . vu' attiiacti vn lWKr.ooit rsij.nio.NT: uxenu taiii.i;: i'iiiyatk a: IMW art STKAM HliAT.-mjHCTltlC I.IOHT. TAllf.i:' PnlVATB KAM- H-.rz..m4 kinl. mnn... fu rYtrn1r ...Mnn. nrluil- rfQffrtf, family: mwim heut and rlectrlfl Unhta; XiFfSfrl bortl: gentlpmcn. IlMmont 4.T1S w. rVlTP itlltr nellf l.nc,1 ntwl lirn aiimcw yiattfntlon to oldcrlv nnd invalid peraona at ttfminnnhlA ratem Addrexa M ?.'J1. Ijtd. Ont. i.Apr would Uleo to aublet 2d-atory room; .lilince of peaaon. 1 2.10 Spruce St. Ki 1 SANITARIUMS MKIAVJTIFUI. location; special sclentWo care: i ici iuus, ctiivi 1 jr uvi i-uiiiiiMi, uurrci. uoDKiei, ur, iiannau, ciiy line, neamui jiiu. APARTMENTS f3 KE. CORNnR 1TTJI A.S'D WALNUT ST8, Prftl Ift.atnrv ennrTiita) nnrl ttrol flranrnnf r, itructure reaches thn highest point of Uovrl oynicni un yet Hiiuincu in Huurinicni con tniction. and rany be properly styled a per fect place of abode. An earneat. effort lias been made to offer 1. TrifitrhiKB ltfimrt tn ihnaA whnaa flf-af rtn- rSu&irliiraftnii Im nor ti rmmt IhA ni-ict nlnna hut to procure that which they rtealre, where thre It onlv perfection, the elze and char acter of which may be aetectcd and shaped accordlnir to the dlatlnctiva renulrpmenta of itb Individual. Mouues are arranneii from two rooms ana on bath to ten rooma and five baths. vThe location Is excellent, belnjr convenient to the business and shopping centres and yet Rot too near, 7 lit thin jib conIdored. the rentals are mod rate. f Further Information, arrangements for ln fpfctloii and reser"utlon3 may be made throurh KT jTs- vmnriv j otf t'trt-r XI Walnut tt rue t. 3WWN0.OAHDEK, 1817 Uxcellent apta. In 8 g-Si!lnLj'0u''es;aotne furn-x. kitchenettes. VCALNUT IfJl-M-Comf. ants., tto 4 im; ilOmt flir innlu 1unln lh Unmea JfitA THE PARKSIDE 0T g'00 "h.. "rJaiTJS J-AIJlIUUT 1 'AUK. J-JT1' to four rooms and bath: reasonable I'HRJJlSHEn or unfurnished bachelor apart f'SW S.1 ttn"l ' (neirlBth and Spruce IJaijVarnoc.t & Kmlen Comm. Trust llldR. ftjrlBNTS. liousekeeplnKi hardwool floors, iwrv"'- wltor service. Apartments. 1B00 .Mt. Vernon. West rhlladelphla RfJTpK a larre variety of apartments at rv-r yw" uu m inevi almost any require 5fc fall or send for list. Automobile SIS?. 'o Inspect apartments If dealred. Grefiifi& SlIEHWOOIJ, Hll R-alnut st. EfRUce Mil, HACK S023. OSEKEEPINQ APARTMENTS I Je,B?S4aIiN- .&-:Three rooms, kitchen, bath. MIil?n. StOT Real LV.B. m li.l UH.k- -Mttrt k,THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS ur bfcUUHlNG AN . APARTMENT yw s onirSr-' on' "" ano"" un"' B-Ypu Can Call, Phone or Write T, , to i nis uttice Mtn.St?nt2,K!,tT "f")'' ."f ry oeslmblo Ef LlS. WlaaolphU. U llsfed with and ?Kii """tea tbrougb. us. I rsIuiroiT;. ?.". ,n.?ur new ofncsij thsy srs jteit c?.u,iltrctlv,fiJr91 w' be lven the jft courteous turn eftfcieiit. service obtain- 1 .., """.mobile Is waltlnr iv vo.i t ItVriii Sh Pmnts you designate, and If F Sir .nii" S""f, ' not oerftctly sultea I teiJii twnfMtion .will be placed at your EKEf10. procure for you axactlv your Mt ifif aesirs. - -v M e4 and hi1 b3 Ifoubla you will have B Ue ffiSV10.? lml MU will be to know you H W &?S ih,.0Da atwrtment In Phlladel- 4n IdaL v 'ly nuproa.co.es your w IhNnRXAAM C cucntunnn rfc -"..rui o. owtilvrwUI- . S07lUU WALNUT BT. Race 80211. lv.i-"'?. WAHWICK liJ. tnodT5w'.i0 oansom street. flfcl .?..T",t.0,3r Orcproof bulldlnr. n- KVil' Jf. 0l apartments having 'i to R Tbere are 2 or 3 desirable tacan tait'sH Btb, dwfnaulalac B r. mT '. wie- nil uun vr'iup tte huiMi?r oats-... Tho ' . caterer uar ouildui, who wlU rvo meals i when i ihi'oer in the public dining room or " ",jS"rtmeBts. -' HOUSE1CEEPINO APARTMENTS THT3 MOST s-thrvtery wav to secure nn ap-utmrnt la through Merton W. Orelros. originator Apaitmcnt Bureau" Service, neal Estate Truat Hldg, Phnne Wnlniit fi7l CoTtONADO " , , , 22d and chestnut sta. Jwe desirable vacancies, large ahd small. Wet t'hllmltlphln 4.1 AND 21 WAt-Nt'T ST. , . ., Two modern npartmenta or " rooma and bnlh, with porchea, rental. J10, Including hot-water heat, hot water. Men-clan Janitor serlce. He sure to examine them today. vm. ii. w. tjuicK a imo.. inc. 8 South 4oth at. , LflCURT ST.. Rf04 -Sublet, t-room unfurnlahed apartment. Phono l'teaton 2SSI WaT.NUT. IIKi-7-room ntwrtmenta. 4 hatha i .,. i. II. HP (I. TUB IIVTI.ANI1 APTfl . JUST cnMPt.nTEO iocrsT ST.. writ to.mtii st. 6 ard 7 rooma apartments, with all tho latest conveniences. t.1T.r,n to tl't per month. . itoiimtT pitts. nnsr , , Bell phone llelmont 01 W. B14I 1-ocuat at. . DltRXEt, APAIlT.MnNTS OVKIlllIlOOK STATION . . , One houaokeerlnc aulte, fl rooms and Mill. S3.34 per month; public dlnlrg room. Phono uveroroK ii.,is. JTIIt3 Del.ORAINF. APAUTMBNTS , $.10 to M. First and second lloor apartments. elevateil alallon. Arplv . to JAMIW N. MITC1IK1.U 4i!tli nnd Market. . cinnv"OAUt.ns, 312-114 n. 3.10. Very nttrocllte npta.. 3 to 7 rooms, furnlaheil or unfurnlahed! all outside rooms; ahower hatha etc.: reaa'ble; S mln. from City Hall. jio to fro rltntnr. RKr.T'rTlONS KniistiAw ft cnowu. .2ir. rheatnut. Ewi:Xi aith nnd Cheavnut: Monterey. 43d nnd Cheater; Helmont, 31th and Spring Harden. Inquire Janitor, or Cre-ae, BOS llala llldg. Uormnnlnnn WALNUT IjANI!. K.. 130 I and 3 rooma and intn: not-ntcr ncnt; nr. orcn; m .m.. Ilavcrforil, pn. If.VVEilFOlW, TA. NEW SIMPLEX nnd Duplex Apartmenta: one minute's walk from atutlon; aoulhern expo aure; beautiful surroundlnga; unsurpnssed lo cation; moderate rentals. MctT.VAIN ft CO. ISIS Land Title llulldlng. Phlla. APARTMENT HOTELS KOIBIi MAJnSTIC nbw owNnnsntP Tim onnATrsT iiomii comfoiits fou T11I3 LUA8T KXPKNDITUIll: IIIGltCST HOTIII. r.I.F.VATION IN PIlILADnLPIIIA monthly iikntal schkdulk Sliisle rooms, without bath, but running water, with bath adjoining each room, suit ablo for two persons. 3U to J40. Blngle rooma, Including largo, attractive bath. $40 to K.0. Two-room sultea, Includlnc large attrac the hath, tm to $100. Three-room suites, Including large, attrac tive bath. $83 to $150. ALL ItOOMH AND HUITK3 TULLV FUItNISHUD SUIISTANTIAL CLUB HIlKAKrAST, 30c, 40c, SOo SPKCIAL LUNCHEON, CO CTS. 07i discount from all a la carte charcea for regular gucsta. JAMi:.S A. MKAD. I'roprletor. JAMU.S S. McCAHTNEV. General Manager Hotel Majestic. TIIU DELMAIt-MOtmiS 1U11M,NTIVV.- AT Clint.TON AVIJ STATION. PnVNA. IIAILIIOAD: 20 MINIJTKrt FltOM IlltOAD , ST. TIIHMINAL. ATT11ACTIVIJI.Y FUIlNISltnD AND UN FUHNISHKD 8U1TKS AND HOUSIJKUBP- INtl AI'AHTMBNTM. Tlln COVINOTON CHESTNUT AND 37TH ST3. 11. r. UNni.i:. manaoeii ALSO THE ENOLEHIDE . IIIIACII HAVEN, N. J. THE GLADSTONE Igr$Jr,M" AIMtlTMENTS FOU AVINTEIt MONTHS FUHNIHIlUn Oil UNFURNISHED AUSOLUTELT FUtEPUOOF THE ESIUONn s- K- conNEn 12TH SUITE OF 2 IIOOMS AND HATH FUnNISHED OH UNFUHNI3HED TIIU TltACV- rEIlMANF.NT On THAVSIKNT OUHSTS .IllTU AND l-HUSTNUT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY IBM LOCUST ST. Handaome, modern 4-etory brownatone dwell ing. Kapeclallv nited for profelonal offices. Low price and easy terms for quick sale. OIIKKN ST., 2115-a-stnrv rt oiling. In good condition. WM, O, llENKEHT, 15C0 AltCH STItEET. l , IF YOU WANT TO HOIlTOACin, rent. buy. sell, cxehanga or Insure, 'SEE TAULANi; AIIOUT IT" fa Walnut st; ItENTS COLLECTED- nltK IN3UHANCE. Ai.minriiT'H 414 W. Lehigh ave. CUNTIIAI. PHOPKHTIES for sale or rent. YAItnoW & VAN PELT X. E. Cor. 17th and Chestnut. IIBAL ESTAT1 I.'Olt HAt.i: Oil IlENT BAUBBP.. HARTJIAN & CO. l20lChestnut at. "TRIDENT" WATEirMETEH. PhlU Meter Co. 41R Iteal EstHte Trust Hldg. JI.V-tni0 N13WKIRK ST., TWO STORY, 7 ItOOMH; CONVKNIUXCES. P. A. M1N.N1CK. 1S.HI lUDOH 'AVE. INVESTMENT nropertles. siuall dnelllngsT foo.1 condlton. 4 rooma bath; rent $11: price. 1 1 Ml CAMERON. 2SU Kenalngloil lle. CENTRAL FACTORY flood alio for modern business hldg ; 3 streets; sale to close estate; might rent. Jacob A. Frits. 525 Land Title III. 10TH AND IRTII WARD UUYERS aro with FAflER &' QUITO US. 211 N. Ifith at. llulldlng Ita. rnctory Biles, etc. FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL O ROUND Large and femall Tracts for DWELLISO OR MASl'FACTURISO purlHies In bsst sections. EXCELLEST RAILROAD FACILITIES Prices on Application, Est. JOHN DOUSON. WJ Chestnut st. LOFT HUlLDINd SITE , Heal central corner. '-'I.H wi ft., fronting 011 .1 streets; or will eell 13.00) an. ft. If .j'ljkjlijfcHAJWHWlldgejNO;. amMOthj CHOICE IlUILDISa LOTS and farge tructs ground In all parts city; also over 2CO mtg. sites. Melvln, illB-Kl Real Estate Trust Hldg. IluInra I'mpertieu and -Mores RENTH COLLBOTED CaNTRAL PROPEUT1HS SOLICITED -.P. PETERS fe SON. IM CHESTNUT i ST. WEST PI 1 1 1..llKU;ilIA 601'J CHESTNUT ST. To-story, side-yard louses poVch front, lot la.tl.lMtT; elecirlo lights, parquetry ttoorlng. metal weather strlppcl throughout. Apply to owner, on liremlses. Teleplione Prosjton3410. TWO - STORY Iltli'rfES. THREE - KTOUY HOUSES. SIDE-YARD houses, corner houses; many stvles and prices, 1; our nlie neighbor hood. rKMHBitJw Iii,,l'wr-?i,,?"'ii"";' Willows avenue (on crosstown trolley lino). Telephone T Spruce 310S for free Uooklet with lhnlnirsnhs. sril( S ROOMS, hot-water heat, gas and elec. trlcllgnt: parquetrv floors, shower baths, gas kitchens and all other modern appointments. DANIEL rllAWFV.lin. JK- llUlLDEIt VM TlTTV, QUICK Ik I1R0 Ine, W" 8 sdUTII 4UT1I HT, WEST IMin.'faElfHAiaPIiOPBnTlE3. 1 BKFIMAN ShOS.. flolt) MARKET Houses AlMrtments. Stores. NEAR .OTII BT. "L" STATION "BEND FOR LIST flLE OR KENT JOS, M. iiArvtn -l?.i and llaltlmore ave. "POTTS TOWNSEND WEST PHII.A. HOMKH 403 nALTlMORBAVIi ..rrTs I'vuu ttrf id tMTII.ASb I'ASCIfAI.l, , AVE, AIJ J! Mj lisJLi f mizj " - l,,h, t-HiLTQN, "o. 321S Baring st. Fnr TIHriV. or write to Harris J. Chilton, No. 3?05 'lJocu.t"rstPhJladelphlaJ liitiTNEQUALED HOMES. 50th st. above Vririowne ve Eisrv known convenience. Ln,downe e 'ekBUHO. Builder. OEIIMAXTOWS UMKT 1l HUl A i.wjifti Most auri.tlve. modern. ICnjo JJ. . IM trte price, little cah j-equlred. , , , SK"WwrBLViS8LiU noSMr ContlnenUl-Eq&abl.liiLaJIth,"!: 8lO?nBtowaTfnTOcr0he.nt'nu't'; hW T'S LIOTER 2Hi.!mS Oermantown avs. ntPaSf'cHADWlcIS' I' SSI aura uninuwn - -. - i5tis?vSJsaKVssii: 5500 Csrmantown ae. , von a-re LOOKINa FOR A HOME In ,F-.T5?niown St Airy or Chestnut Hill con, Sfit'SSSL1 Z. n. ileeh.n.8747 Germanton avs. aula urituy """ Mt, Airy. Cernuuitown " -KVW SALE AND KES"' LIST RpMT ''l.Sk.ml Alrr and Tbttnut IHIL PBLllAMTl(bsTgnt' Crmantownave. TIoxs, mrTLElTsTTneer Brpad Corner property. 10 -I&EA',ci,i'3&OAVA-NT KEHNaX bSSusO, 0EI!.ANTOWN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Lognn o . A-CAN RBAt, T.STA1 -ai 1 tt f l siii."Sai.A:,u HXCHANOB ,. -ili-i'--2jth. Broad st.. onp. I.ogan Station... gNT.AND lixcH.VNOB nanctiig.BSTATB' moftte nd convey WM ' D. CHAMBERS. 49.13 N. Broad st RintnilAN iiB,I,B1?PT"1I,L?JK on tnr' from, Eddy atone. IS dealrable lnta, wafr ai.nnti- nnd o.M.mlUnnml.J.lKn"!?'-i?'Xj' S!rSni.R???i,nt- Ypcr.M a- rownls co., -,l,JLJstht.Jtiinwoodlnnd ave. ""V..VW.sAlu on rhnt iVENpr.l.t. JfARSEV IienirjiwieTHiatIlMg. CHOICE rtflt.DINO 81TB3 , -,,,.. .. nni acreage ARTHUR P. tow ns t!N p. Langhorne. Tn, . .si-iiunfAN nnAi. estate StPr 1 tlt'Efj .All locations. Sale or rent. CHARLES ,t. HOOD & CO.. Morris Hldg. SELECT PHOPEUTIES-rounlrv seals, farms. I,',1:,1. .r.''..r". ,,ow- LEWIS T. IIHOOKFi A cLUU'iJ'euthPenn So. FOUNDED 1S70. LAROE LIST OF SttnunBAN HOME, aale or ti-ll- ?? UK.MBn '-Ine or Reading R. R. WM. 11, WILSON ft CO.. Morris Bunding; SUIIURIUN.nr.StnEXCns for' sale" or rent: attractive locatlona- prlrea right. Maurice J. Hooter, Real Estnte Truat Hldg; Ambler, l'. IARMS, country place- and suburban homes on tho Itcndlng's nethlehem ami Dovlestown . branches, II. J. Deter. Inc.. Ambler. Pa. . r.lklns Pntk, Pa. BEAUTIFUL nUILDtNO P1TE. high oration, near train nnd trollev, at decided .bargain! . all lmprovcmenta. P IM. Lodger Offlce. Tolcroft. Pn. 1 ACRE nnd 0-room brick bungalow, only $3300 whllo vacant: pore. bath, r.ew heater. 8 pcha , chicken house, fruit, Swope ft Sons. Darby. (llenalde. Pa, HOUSES AND IIT.". rerv deacrlnllon. RENMNOER. ft RUNNINailR Broad nnd Wnlnut sta. MAIN LINE, PA.. P. It. It. BUBtmt'AN HOMFA country places . and building sites to anil all requlrementa; Main Line. II, c. IIUNTEIt. Wayne. Pa. new .iniisnv Iladdnn llelchta. N. .1. L1PPINCOTT I1TS AND HOMES IIAIHwy HEIOHTS, N. J. WILLETT L1PPIXCOTT Maple Shade, N. -I. ONE-ACHE FARMS. nearet to Phlla. train and trolley: write for pamphlet. IIA1TLOW A CO , Mar.leahade. S. J. lt. Ephrnlm. N. .7. ONE-ACRE FARMS Ml. Ephralm, N. J. (adjoining Iladdnn llelslital. onlv S miles from Camden (2 sta. lions on trnct). $.100 to $rK per acre, tltlo Insured: free deed, no tars for luloi-- . CAMDWV t-OUNTtlY (lARnllN FARMS CO. 120." tlroadnav. Camden. N. J. HUeralde, N. .1. STONE nnd ahlnglo realdencc; all lmprovc menta: lilgh-elnea nroperty at aacrince. A. W. DRESSER. Burlington. N. J. , Wnodliury Heights, N. J. 0-nOOM houao near station: ticat (lnlsh nnd nil comenlonros. barn nnd wagon houfo; large lot, ltli good sharte: BS trains onllv; noor Iaulsboro;a busy. plants: low prlco If aoM nt onco. Walter II. Uacon, Jr.. Pioneer Building, llrld geton. N. .1. ! KiiAiitnitr: COTTAOE at Cape May or Ocean City erected to our satisfaction: attractive Plana mih mltted free by the Itcllnblo llulldcr. OTIS 41. TO WNSEND, Ocean City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS SI ACRES Neat village property: 1400 feet main t.lke nnd trolley frontage: good stono dwelling: II "nuaro rooma and Ivlng beiiutl; fullv to the aouth: rami outbulldliiga: streiim; $1250: brat of Ha kind tn our knowledge. BROWN & CLOUD Norrlatov. n. Pa. 23 ACRES STOCK, CROPS, good bulldlngj: 2rJi: half cash. HUNSBERaER'3 FARM AOENtTY, flreen Ijne. Pn. Oi:NTLEMAN'H farm near Lanadale of 30 11 ..: brick house all con., clec. llBhta throughout nil bliH. : piooo. A. II. Tyson. Ijinsdale. Pa. FOR SALE Largo form In Tooono Mountains; wnnt tn close nn estate. E. Anna Brown. executrix. Tannersvllle. Vn. m . 140 ACRES Cheater County special: f-isoo. J. B. THOMPSON. West Cheater. Pa. . I'AItJIS WANTED I CAN SELL YOUR FARM-Penna and Jerjev listings wanted nt once. JACKS I ARM AOENCY. 213 Stephen Olrard Hldg., 21 8. 12th rt.. Phlla. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT BUY A HOME FROM US Monthly payment. I7 tn J30- S Phlla. and Oerniiintown; prices 1S00 to $7000. Merchants' Union Trust Com lianv. 71,1-7111 Chestnut st. CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES For Sile nnd Rent. JAMES P. WINCHBLL. 17th A Sanaom sts. KUIIUIIIIAN CITY AND SUBURBAN properties for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company. Land Tl" llulldlng. Philadelphia. Pa. llnla-C'iiwyil. Pa. LARGE LIST HOUSES, sale or rent, at prices SAMUEL C. WAONEIt. Jr.. Comr tl'il Trust Hldg.. IBtli and. 41orket sts. MAIN LINE. PA. H. It. Wc Have an Exceptionally largo list of erv attractive properties, both for xalo und rent, ut ull prices, let us know ,-r rejiulreinen,. WEST UND TRUST I1UII.DINO REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE DBSrRABLE PROPERTY on Tioga st.s will consider Investment houses or ground. WILLIAM BARII. Sth and Oak lane. REAL ESTATE WANTED RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort- iagea and (Ire Insurance: Placed oulckly. See Kane for prompt, results. 2.128 Tasker st. WANT listing of tountrv hcjIs und farms. II. II. M.-COL1.UM. 1314 Walnut st. yontInrget theNumber." MODERN HOUSE, ground, outbuildings; near train and trolley, rent under $23. A 129 l.edgerOn'li.i p YOUR VACANT HOUSES In the 14th and 20th Wards can easily be rented "See me." WALDMAN. 11P West Olrar.1 ave. l'uclorlea WE wish to rent, with poer. about 20.000 square feet suitable for. textile purposes', lata full part culars. 41 311. Ledger Olnce. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 2120 E. SUSQUEHANNA AVB.-3-Btory, o rooms: good order: key 2121; low rent. WM L. CHAVEN''S SONa. 154H N. 7th St. 2115 nRBEN ST.-3-story dwelling; In good CWM.CBFWKERTJ10pAnCIIST! 2010 WALNUT ST. -4-story dwelling: lot JOx 120 feet; 14 rooms and 2 bathrooms. Edgar JlVCross. 1411Valnut etjui 1520 N.20TI! ST. Nine rooms; rent reduced 10 $20; In good Condition. . . 7. i". ij nn' -.., ..... .... .... - STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. See our list In the I-edger featurday. ' SAMUEL V. VOX CO. 8. 1". i-or. Ulh and Callowhlll, ' SEND FOR OUH RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Broad and Chestnut sts. RHNT FREE until February 1; 1520 Stlilmsn sL. tl rooms. Ml; 2410 8ey6ert. 7 rooms. $14. C.'P. (OWAItD CO.. 20th and Jefferson sts. xTRitENT Large store: good business local? iivt suit any business. :io.ib Richmond t. RENTAL LISTS R4'd IMS 2031 5 1503 721 1513 $42 50 329 Indiana .,.,.,$15 MIS Ingersolt ...... 14 H41 N. 42d ........ 12 2221 Orlauua ...... 10 1412 Cadwaladsr ... 10 2U1D Catharine ..... 8 Nl"camac.'"$23 N. Manlue... 23 a-arteld' . . 20 H. 4lole ,.,.., SO French ....... j AL "lT.V.1 tt'nril , fr..C . ..'.,... . 'Jtr.L II. ii.i.i.iawo. v. . etiiui .., Iluslness Properties and Stores MARKET STREET, 831. Entice building- through to Commerce St.: suit retail or wholesale business; Immediate possession. APPLY PENSA CO., BIT Chestnut street. DELICATESSEN STORE 40th and Marktt sts , large store tn new Knlckerbocksr Theatre Building; adjacent to U. S Postollwe. unusual opening In this neighborhood tor abota business. TAYLOR & SON 24 and 2d a. 40th st. VutturTel. Warehouses. Mfg. Floors Exceptional space for manufacturing la MODERN BUILDING Every desirable advantage railroad, etc. CHEAP RENTAL. LOW INSURANCE C J. MILNE & SONS, 11TII AND WASHINGTON AVE. MANUFACTURER will tfave for rent one floor of Oker 11.000 K- Wl bulidln. i ilo". r19..?A JS7s.,?r-iK!iTjJrw. ' fU- l&&mSfffufr9 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT citr Fartorlea, IVarehonaes, JlfgFIoors Finr.PROOF 8T0RAOE and Light Manufac turing Floors, with R. n Siding, reasonable ratea. Permanent and temporary leases. I.ARKIN BLDO.. 22D AND ARCH STS. Thlladelphla'a Finest Hualneaa Floora." 8.17 MARKET ST.. 3D.FLOOII. Heat, elevator scnlce. Suitable light mfg. MODERATE RENTAL. I'.Sr'.'OI FEET. Eat. JOHN DOUSON. SOO Chcstnutst. , BROAD ,AND WALLACE .(Metropolitan Bulldlngi Rooma S0OO .to . 40.000: .cnean: power. Apply 10 Oeo. F. Laslier.rJ.4 N. 10th. CORNF.n BUILDINO for light rnanutacturlng gitrpotes: about 3C00 aa. ft,!, $30 a month, . i E. cor. 10th and Tlogaj , TWO-STORY MILL. 135x40, for .rent, with Power, heat and use of railroad, cope ft l. .IIU U, nyno Junction, FACTORY FLOOR nnd warerooms. large and small: centrally located. . .... IAIlllY T. SAUNDERS, .11 H. lain St. HAVE PARTY who will erect building, cen tral or oiher location, for satisfactory tenant. tllfTllnl, . ,1'nl.,,, a. BUILDING, 1211-23 Noble; n?R. aiding; 55.000 sq. rt. J. w. Houghton. 441 i.srcnwooii ait, offices, nusiNEsg noois. ktc. 1.10 S 1BTH BT. Ofdcea from $2.1 per mo. up: rent Includes heat, light, elevator and lanltor rervlre. J. A. PATTERSON. 130 H. lBth at. . 4.10 WALNUT ST. trwmg OIlOt'ND. FLOOR OFFICnS Lea Eatatea. 700 Hansom st. DREXEL nLDO, OFFICES JIlliAI.I, lll,Ulf. ukuuum. rtnni Single Rooma, lion. $120. $150. $21 Kiil.Aa 9 llm. . I1Q tITO tl7 t" Annual Rentals. .lai. sum, .'. 'IIO. a77 '.. Suites 3 Itma.'. $lfO.' $275.' $400, I BO. $500, $750. Corner Sultea. 4 to s Rpoma, $050 to $100. t.i. I, ih ii. wil,i,iams, ow urexei iruiiuum. BOYERTOWN BUILDINO 1ZU-17 AllCII HI. , , Rooms for offices, wholeailo or commerclsl business ICOO. 300i) nnd OixW squnro feet re apeethely); everv convenience; terms to suit, .MKHAUSHMiANjSupcrlntcndent,. THREE PESIRATU.n SECOND" "FLOORS ON rllP.STSUT STREET . . 20O0. f..io nnd 1000 so. ft.-, rfspeetlvely. 5IEAHS ft DROWN, 202 S 15tll St. MERCHANTS' BUILDING ortn sin .aireci . .. t. Very deslrahlo offices. Heat and light.. central orncm, STUDIOS AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES J. c. I t'l. mil,, in h. lnui.pu. PLAZA BIIILniNO. 1B03-O7-0O ARCH ST. Third-floor front. 1000 sq. ft. Location, light and conveniences unaiirpaeaefl. Profession! Offices rnOFBSSIONAL mJII.msn.ls.11-M Che; nut St. A few aultes for physicians or nentiata. .1. T. JAC1WOS CO., Cheatnut and 13th tts. I)ea1 Room DESK ROOM, telephone, excellent light, phone messages rerelved. IIP 8. 4th St.. room 424. west riiiLADr.i.piiiA . $l"-St.V. ROOMS, steam heat, hardwood lllnlslt. $17-Slx room" and bath! "'he $14 to $40. nsih and Hprlngfleld ave. . (IF.R.MANTOWS 4(100 WAYNIJ AVE.-3 story, porclt. 11 to'ns nnd 2 baths: all modern conj enlencea: per fect condition: $55. Sortli Phllajrrust.Co SU1IUIHIAX llnln. Pn. 3-STORY, 10-ROOM porch dwelling; nil eon- venlencea ; rent $.1.". per month. lOo Bala ave. J. J. TURNER. 1201 Cheatnut at. MAIS LINE. PA. It. 11. nEST LINE OF MAIN LINE HOUSES Either for anle or rent, at all prlcea. HIRST ft McMULLIF. West End Trust Bid. MODERN HOUSES, $30 to $"T..I,er month; various stations. Send for special Hat. Har bert ft Claghorn, 204 Bailey Bldg. Wynnewooil 40 MANOR ROAD-Modcm: in T,0-0W-; 2nh.V.!iie 4 ncrc land; $10 per mo. Walter Bassett Smith, Wynnewood, Pa. NEW .lERSEY llunnemede. S. T. FOR nENT At Runnemede. N. J., neadlnr II. R., 10-rnom house, large yard, shade; one squaro from slatlon; nenr schools, church and stores: no hotels; rent low. Applv John 11. Bowers, Jr. MORTGAGES MONEY FOR WELL-SECURED MORTGAGES AT LOWEST RATES ALSO BUILDINO ASSOCIATION TUNDS FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES JAMES G. FRANCIS 70S WALNUT ST. 4IORTOAGE MONEY In all amounts at low. est rates and minimum expense. rilOSIPT ATTENTION ARTHUR TtOSWELL. Member Real Estate Board. 23.1 N. 13th st Both phones. MY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS 0ifflin.nftffPM9XlvS-,T?rtW '" 'wiLLIAM'jAMSEOaH MY. DREXUL BUILDINO TjiMnAnn 15SI. 5IAIN JOO. $50 TO IA1AN OS'REAL ESTATU secur to Ity; Immediate settlement; payable as $2000 desired, f M0, f 1X1 S. 12T1I ST. MORTGAGE 5IONEY Sums to suit. Virata and Seconds. O. C 8EIDEL A CO.. INC. 4th nna umiiowiuh bio. FIRST AHXJIDaBinJOTS SUCCffiSOR TO LEWISH. REDNER ANY AMOUNT. $50 TO $5000 to !oan "foVjfoEg-" yl ..innt nnd 4t South KM. -...'...'"s.rvrs inlTVl fl IfHt LAROE AND SMALirSUMS QUICK ANSWERS . 0 W. II, 1IOOD, 512 W NORrtIS6T. "MONEY" FOR FIRST AND SECOND " MORTfrAOES str-ktin- a TlCSs-'r. 1420 ClinSTNUT ST., 13TnVN'D GREEN STS. FlnST AND SECOND MtyiTflAOEa ---. n nanv t. ari llUll.Uir.li vrni,y.i.v m.. . w.... tTTo QtCrT Bpeclsl far mortgages. U. and lV,OJt( u jUnds for seconds. Wullllttl-l.. oaa n. i $100, $200 TO $5000 TO LOAS. LEWIS ft CO $50 1227 W. Olrard ave. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND, 2D MOBTOAOEa 1 unuo M0,Tf,AOE3 FOR SALE. THRO. E. N1CKLE3. 2313 Oermantown ay PRIVATE! AND TRUST FUNDS 1ST MORTGAOES-2D JIOnTGAGES J?T:nVAnD I.UTC.J40N. 17TH ST. -fWDS"FO"1 1ST AND 2D .MORTGAGES POTTS ft THOMSON. 2521 Frsnkford ave. 1IAV soma. I" in.f.ot TV EITHER 1 OR 8 FIRST 410RTOAOES APPLY M 18J. LEDGER OFFICE , FliiSTASD BLDO. 'ASSq. MORTGAGES Anv Amount. Quick Service., t VERNON PINNO. 1100 Franklin Bk. Bldg. liFADY FUNDS for good first mortgages! bring us your application. C1IAS. L. BROWS' ft CO., 217 B. Broad st. aTTiTTmOUNTS. 1ST AND ID MORTOAOES " " Quick answer. . . , . MAUnlcniL41A'rBINOnnRsalEstr.Bldg. LOANS ON INTEREST K ESTATES REASONABLE -HAnES JOHN A. BAHRY607LANDTTI.EBLDg. -"l3EDDS"DRAVN. $l! MORTGAGES. $1.50. WALLACt. . L 1112 Lincoln. Building. I)othphonesi TMIUST FUNDS FOR KIllHT H"llTUAU JXMBmiimiio . 1NVRSTOIMENTP. FIRST . MQ3TOAOE9, OROlfND RENTS. nEAL. EST ATK. J'JSJl OROUND RENTS, "KAU KaiAir.. IT Vi.-rtTON ESTATES. Harrison -BuUjjnr. - . .. .T. i.tv klfnl.MT An x bum, A,., ""ri , Placed ai uncv. iaw... h.,". F. X. DELANYL1J12 J-lncolnBld VnVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIALTY ADYAnw-.P AZLETT Mo8S B18 WALNUT ST. "FIRST AND SECOND. ANY AMOUNT JAMES C. SIMPSON. 1420 Chestaut at MONEY for drat and second mortgages; quick action. Mccormick ft McCormtck. ac" ' 1011 Chestnut Street. VUND3 for first and second mortgages, any amount! quick answers. CHAS. W. MIL. T.KU. lUI-mi l..ll,u).wwim .u.. HAVE well-secured A per cent, ground rents In amounts of $1000. $1200 and $2200 for Sale. Il tf'i a.y.. iiM,., $100,000 FOR 'FIRST. SECOND Oil SPUT XllERNIIt IIY J724 N. otn. l3 a. iztn. MONEY for first snd second mortgages, ulld lng sas'n and Instalment mortgages. Willis- VincneSier miiMaHjr. iej. uwny. ... ALL AMOUNTS to loan on 1st and 2d mtsei. r-hjs: Z. De Young. 400 VjEnd Trust Bldg. OWNERS It your mortgage has bean called. I will take It up. als.i 2d mortgage money. CHESTER D- RQTTNER. 1420 Chestnut st, SlONEY TO LEND at 5 per cent .secured by first mortgage. Apply to P. J. Bboyer. I73J rommerclal Trust Building. LOANS- Lares or small sums on real sstats. Judgment notes or mortgages, loans on unstl tlef estatei. Dsuipsey Co.. 27 S. 10th. MONl5Y for first and second mortgages. O. P COWARD CO.. aXHh ft Jeftersoa Bts. MONEY TO LOAN YOU CAN HO K nil U' UONEY OS,JP.fr JEWELS. ETC. itx Ti.- .r 7. Jjuo "'.''.'.. :1S 7t 158 MAKKE1VST. JUIX2S AVE. AND OXFORD ST. AND SOUTH STS, No Wonder! JL t nBtilftr Oucst-Sny, wnlter, thnt nsli we Jugt lind nns not na Rood na tlio piece I had Inst neck. Perplexed Wnltor-Thnt'a funny, sir. It's off the snmo fish. Differentiation London Opinion. SerBcant (scpnrntlnff pcrnpplnff Tom mies) Now then, you didn't come hero to fight. &&z Wilhelm's AVorld Empire The Passing Shaw. Nothln' Doing. AND THE WORST witei mlb7 i im -$ MM W ft SCRAPPLE THE PADDED CELL DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? &?J &Z2 IHrNVEHTTlMETO 5H0VEL IT0FF DAOt IWANTA eOftTlflUE HYDEVEtOPIiVj 5TITIT5 "It's an 111 Wlml Tlmt "How was the party last nlsht?" "Oh, It lacked punch!" Lampoon,. IS YET TO COME ' -. V' 'S$w? s&fe b Ti& ' TiV -ic-dtt- ii.i o rv -.- I AS OTHEHS SEE US A SG-v? mo 6. -" it SSi imt The Bi sunder. mows Nobody Qood.' Homelike "Does your married life seem home like?" "Yes. Mv wife's nuarrels are exactly like the rows mother used to make," - Peons) Ivanla Punch Uowt, TUB PRODIQAU SON? A Horrible Blunder -.Fua.Bk Mercluint Hather poor EtuiT, UjL new paate. Mary Offtse Oirt-J ij5nk air, ihr yon r inadvertently tjtin tar j;mn(isM$tai rcaia- W TTn '1 IBsmrmm W&JMUCVf.l 1 1 LffsZI mZixKzn ' cxj: 2 ' . I afc W -lKiiL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers