I. It 16 , SOCIALISTS ACTIVE IN PEACE CAMPAIGN Representatives of Allies and Teutons Seek Common Ground to End War PARIS. Jan. 17. leaders of the Socialists who aro try ing to bring about a cessation of hos tllltle3 declare that progress la being made. A strong pcaco propaganda Is belnB directed by Socialists from Tho Hague. The most Important feature of the aoclallstla pence mocment la that So cialists of England France and Italy aro In touch with Austro-llungarlan mid German Socialists and tiro striving for n common ground on which to work. Tho next move In the soclallstlo cam paign Is to try to Influence the respective belligerent Governments toward peace In the following directions: First. Limitation of armament. Second. Reformation of diplomacy In order to eliminate secret treaties. Third. Extension of parliamentary con trol over governmental nets, -o that tho people will know Just what their Govern ments aro doing. Fourth. Compulsory arbitration of all International disputes. European reformers are hoping for tho establishment of a great International soclallstlo union at the conclusion of tho war which will have powers of such -widespread extent aa to prevent another such conflagration In tho future. FUNERAL OF DR. S. II. BOYER Late Minister Will Bo Laid at Rest This Afternoon Tho llev. Dr. Samuel H. Boycr, who dted on Saturday after an Illness of sev eral weeks, will bo burled this nfternoon fvftor services In All Saints' Church, 11th street and Snyder avenue. Ills widow, Mrs. Sophie Boyer, Is so 111 that sho will be unable to attend tho funeral. Sho has been suffering from tho grip for six weeks and went to bed before her husband becamo elck. Nervousness, due to the shock of Doctor Boycr a death, lias Increased the seriousness of her Ill ness. Doctor Boycr Is survived, In addition to his widow, by two sons and a daughter, Sirs. Luther S. Green. Bcforo his retire ment from the ministry, six years ago ho was rector of the Church of tho Holy Spirit. At that tlmo this church waa merged with All Saints' Church. Charlton Funeral on Wednesday Francis Charlton, formerly a Common Councilman from tho Mth Ward, who died yesterday In tho German Hospital, will bo burled on Wednesday In West Laurel Hill Cemetery after services In his home, 3222 Oxford street. Friends of Mr. Charlton will view the body between 7 and 3 o'clock tomorrow night. Mr. Charlton was 67 years old. Ho was a manufacturer of lampblack, having been engaged In that business for mnny years. He was prominent In German-American circles and was n trustee of sovernl pub lic and private Institutions, Including tho Stato Hospital for tho Insane at Norrls town. FRANK MARK Prominent in Development of Tioga Real Estate Frank Mark, a prominent North Phil adelphia real estate man, died from npo plexy at 5 o'clock this morning at his home, 2013 West Somerset street. Mr. Mark Wan G6 years old. Mr. Mark wns born In Valencia. Spain. In 1SI9. Ho came to this country 46 years ago, starting In tho huckster business In this city two years later. Ho hurt mm horso and wagon. .Lntcr ho entered the teaming business, and shortly after that ho established himself as a general con tractor. It Is said ho built tho first houses In Tioga, on Somerset street north of Broad. -Mr. Mark has built several blocks of houses In that section, and It Is said that ho owned several hundred. Mr. Mark Is survived .by a widow, two daughters, Mrs. Lena Mohr and Mrs. Dor othy Halgh, and four sons, Frank, Jr.. Louis, Harry and William. He. was a mombor of Ivanhoe Lodgo No. -110, F. nnd Ai M.; St. John's Chapter, 232, Corin thian Chasseurs Commandery. and a Noble fn tho Mystic Shrine. He was a director In the German-American and tho West Lehigh Avenue Building and Loan Associations. The funeral, which will bo Masonic, will bo held from his residence, nt 2 o'clock, Thursday, Interment will bo In Notth Vood Cemetery. Mrs. John F. Dryden NEWARK, N. J Jan. 17.-Mre. Cyn thia J. Falrchlld Dryden. widow of Unit ed States Senator John F. Dryden, died early today, after a long Illness at her home, In Bernardsvllle. She was In her 75th year. All tho members of her family were at her bedside. Senator Dryden, who founded tho Prudential Insurance Company of America, died some years ago. Charles Dwyer CHICAGO, Jan. 17. Charles Dwyer, CO years old, editor of tho Woman's World, and formerly editor of tno Delineator, died suddenly of heart disease today while on his way to his office. Mrs. Mary Rittenhouse Mrs. Mary Blttenhouse, member of an old Germantown family, who died yes terday at her homo. 636 West Johnson Btreet, will be burled on Wednesday aft ernoon In Ivy III1I Cemetery. Mrs. Blt tenhouse succumbed to pneumonia, from which she had been suffering for only a few days. She was 71 years old. She waa the widow of Samuel Blttenhouse. a farmer, who descended from David Blt tenhouse, famous astronomer. Mrs. Lucy C. Carnegie PITTSBURGH. Jan. 17. Mrs. Lucy Coleman .Carnegie, aged 71, widow of Thomas Sorrlson Carnegie, a brother of Andrew Carnegie, died esterday at her home in Waverly, Mass. Pneumonia was tho Immediate cause of death, but she had been ill for the last nine months. PETE Y Aha! It Serves Petey Right for Smoking in Bed By C. A. VOIGHT , -FOK tfOOOMfJSS SAW1 "l7- UP51A.RS- UPSTAIRS " 0! - OM PlEASEPrTDNll " V TUat Tf M W Go right opstairs, mPas, V J V- o f V J?&T ivTverTZiZrZL " !? 't 4&3& M X--N&Q'u. HAVE A HElA9lj 8 )? T5L f f' ASXXSl ) i'W CVL STJ M 'R'vP fl MS.SfcLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPiBBkSMeBBK9w ssMdSssvarif&i &M$&& 4bbbbbbbi REV. JAMES J. SMITH The funeral of the new James J. Smith, Irremovablo rector of tho Church of tho Assumption, 12lh and Spring Garden streets, will bo held on Wednesday morn ing. Solemn Requiem Mass will be held at 10 o'clock, nfter which Interment will bo made In tho New Cathedral Cemetery. Father Smith died yesterday In St. Jo seph's Hospital, no was subjected to an operation for appendicitis on Thursday and he was expected to recover until yes terday, when a relapse occurred. The deceased priest was 68 years old. Ho received his elementary cducntlon In the parochial school of St. Ann's Church, Upon graduation from that Institution ho studied nt tho Seminaries of St. Charles Borromeo and St. Mnry. He served In churchci In Phocnlxvlllc, South Bethle hem and Ivy Mills. o wns mado assist ant to Monalguor Trainer In tho Church of St. Philip Nerl, nt 2d and Queen streets, 21 years ago. i Father Smith's death follows that of Father Trainer by severnl v.ceks. Ho was created an Irremovablo rector six years ago and since that time had built a new rectory and convent In connection with tho church. Theso buildings have attracted considerable attention becauso of their architectural beauty, and are the sourco of education to hundreds of chil dren In that section of tho city. CLARENCE A. STIJIPSON Assistant Superintendent of Installa tion of Philadelphia Electric Co. Clarenco A. Stlmpson. nsslstant sup erintendent of Installation of tho Phila delphia Electric Company, and for tho last SO years a resident of Philadelphia, died Saturday night at the Presbyterian Hospital after an Illness of two weeks. Death was caused by a complication of diseases. ' Mr. Stlmpson wns born In Maine In 1SG1. For many years ho wns connected with tho Postal Telegraph Company. Ho was well known In local fraternal circles. Ho was a prominent worker of tho I.u Lu Temple, Philadelphia Consistory, St. Mnry's Commandery, Oriental Chapter, a charter member of the Joppa Council, a past commander of the Lafayette Lolgc, No. 71; a director of tho Stephen G Irani charity fund and a member of tho Illum inating Hnglneering Society and tho American Institute of Engineers. His widow and two children survlvo him. Funeral Ecrlces will be held from the into noinc, 8iS wynnowood avenue. Over brook, nt 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. ARTHUR C. LAMONTE General Mnnngor of Lackawanna Coal Company SCRANTON, Pa.. Jan. 17. Arthur C. Lamontp, who on December 7 last became goncral manager of the Lackawanna Coal Company, succeeding Colonel H. A. Phil lips, died at his home hero last night nt 10:K o'clock from tho effects of u stroke of paralysis which ho suffered last Fri day morning. Ho was 46 years old. Mr. Lamonte was born in East Worces ter, N. Y.. and camo to Scranton when H years of age. Ho entered the employ of the Lackawanna company In 1SS8 as a chairman on one of tho surveying corps nnd worked his way up to the highest position In the coal department In tho 2S years succeeding. Besides his widow, a 10-year-old son and one brother, Welling ton Lamonte, of Long Branch. N. J., survlvo. Beatfjs These Notices Are Printed in the Evening Ledger Free of Charge ANDERSON. On January 14, 1016. MAR C1EUV. wife of Charles Anderson, nnd daugh ter of tho late John and Hllen Kelly. Tho relatives and friends, also Rosary Society and League of the Sacred Heart, Invited to attend the funeral. Tuesday. 8:3(1 a. m , from late lealdence, 1815 Halnbrldge at. Solemn Requiem Mass, St. Charlea' Church. 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, AIT. At Moorestown, N. J., on January 13. laio. FANNIE APP. daughter of the late Michael and.Phebe App. In her 70th year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m.. front her late residence. North Church at., Moores town. N. J., without further notice. Trolley leaves Camden every halt hour. Interment at Colestown Cemetery. HAHKSD.VI.i:. Oil January 14. 1010, at the Continental Hotel. FRANCIS NELSON BARK8DALE. Funeral services will be held at the Continental Hotel Tuesday, at 2 p. m. Interment private, at North Laurel Hill. IIKKCHKH. On January 14. 1010, WILL IAM HEHR. husband of Sylvanla C. Beecher. aged TJ jears. Relatives and friends are incited to attend the funeral aervlces. on Tuesday morning, ot 8'10 o'clock, at his late residence. Jtl32 North Droad at. Inter, ment at Pottstown on Tuesday on the ar rival of.lO.'IO train from Philadelphia. UltdilAN. On January IB. It) HI. EDWIN J. BROOAN. aged til years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Mondav, at 8 p. m.. from his late residence, 2117 South Alden at.. West Philadelphia Interment on Tuesday morning, at friends' Meeting House. Penh!!!, Lancaster County. Pa. EVENING LEDGER PfiriiADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY HEATIIB nntrrsriIE. On Jfinnary 18. IMS, IlAnnT, husband of Annls .E. Urutich seed M yearn Relatives and friends, aln Five-Mile Reach Aerie No. 1010, F. o. B . and em ployes, ef the .union, Transfer Company, are Invited to attend the funernl services on Tuesday, at 2 n. m.. at his late residence1, 171. West Huntingdon st. Interment at Northtvood. Cemetery. Remains may b lewod on Monday, from 7 to 0 p. m. CHAnt.TON. On January 1(1. 1010, FRAN CIS. husband of Mary E Hart Charlton, need ,7 yearn. Relatives and friends, aim Keystone Lodge, .No 271, p. and A, M.: Columbia II A. Chart jr. No. 01. Ft John's Commander. No. 4 K. T T.. Philadelphia Consistory A. ami A ntte. Masonic Vet erans' Association. Excelsior Ivdgr. No. 4H, J. O. o. P.t Continental Republican Club: OTth Century Republican Club; trustees of the State Hospital for the Insane, and all other organisations of nhlch he wns a mem ber, are lnited to attend tho funeral serv ices, on Wedneslar. at 2 p m. precisely, at nis lam residence, .tie , uxtnrn SI. ment at West Laurel Hill Cemetery Inter. Aittn- mobile senile Remains mav hi. !frr1 tn Tuesday, between the hours of 7 and 0 P. m CHAMBERS On January 10, 1010, EDITH A., wife of John I. Chambers nnd daughter of J Wilson nnl Elltnheth It. Hanntim, nged 23 tears. Itelatlves and friends are Invited to attend th" funeral, on Tuesday, at 2 S. m., rrom tho residence of her pnrcnts, H outh Srcamorj at., Clifton Heights. Dela ware County. Interment at Arlington Ceme tery. COOVKIt. Sudrtenlv. on January IB. 1010, WILLIAM L. COOVtin. of fltni Chestnut at., aged A3 years, tlelnthes and friends aro Jmlted to attend tho funernl sen Ices, on Monday, at s p. m . at the apartments of Oliver. It. Hair, 1M0 Chestnut st. Inter ment at Atinerllle. Pa. Train lentcs Heading Terminal on Tuesday, at S..1U a. m HDNMOnU. On January 14, 1010, ADA V wife of Frederick Dunmore. ngcrt .1ft vear', Relatives nnd friends are Inilted to attend tho funernl, from her lato residence, lorn Montgomery ate. itenulem Mass at St. rrancis tnurcn, on lursnay, at .10 n. m. Remains may be viewed on Monday, from S to lo .10 p, m. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. FOSTKIt. On Jnnuary 10, 1010. FRANCIS II. FOSTnit, nged 41), years. Relatives nnd friends, also Solomon'a Lodge, No. 114, F. and A. M., and nil other orgnnltntlons of which ho was a member, nre Invited to at tend funeral aervlces, Wednesday, at 11 a, m. precisely, at tho chapel of Andrew J. llalr & Son, Arch nnd 10th sts. Interment private. Auto service. OHKr.NK. On Jnnuary 17, 1010, at the resl denes o her daughter, Mrs. C. O. Abbott, Woodbury. X. J. MINRnVA. wife of Thomas M. Hreene, Notlco of funeral later. HALL On Jnnuarv 14, 1010, MARV V.LX7.A KSTEN, wife of ndnard P. Hall, aged 82 years. Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend funernl services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., nt her late residence. 31:03 Povvclton nvc. Interment private. HIRST. On Jnnuarv 14, 1010. ononon, son of the late John and Margaret Hirst. Funeral hi convenience oi mo inniuy. KAMNI.KIt On Jnnuarv 10, 1010, JACOR. husband of the late Paulino Kamsler, In his foth j ear. Relatives nnd friends, also Kt. Paul's Lodge, No. 481, F. & A. M., Pales tlno Chapter, R. A, C. aro Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Tuesday, 2 p. m. precisely, at the residence of his son-in-law, Mike Schvvarti, 12.1S Lrlo avc. Interment at Mt. Sinai Cemetery. KANK. On January 14, 1010, JULIA ANNA. widow of William II. Kane, nged 7." sears Relatives and friends, also Anna M. ltoss Circle. Indies of O A. R uro Invited to nttrnd tho funertl. on Tuesday, at 2 .10 n, m., from residence of daughter. Mrs. Cntnarlno McCartney. 132 CantrcU. at, totli nnd Snvder nvp.) Interment nt Lafavetto Cemetery. Friends may call Monday evening IinXMlliY. On January 10. loin. PAT RICK, beloved husband of Ilrldget Kennedy. Relatives nnd friends of the family aro re spectfully Invited to nttend the runeral. on Wednesday morning, nt 8 00 o'clock, from tho residence of Mr. Jnmra Rowan, :tti2, Hrown st.. et Philadelphia. Solemn Re quiem Mass at Ht. Agatha's lo o'clock. Inter ment nt Now Cathedral Cemetery. KII.DUrr. On January 10. 1010, JAMES a., husband of Anna II. Klldufi, nged rl venrs. Relatives nnd friends, also American Yearly Ilenetlclal Association, Nos. 1 and 2 .10th Ward Union, Republican Club and em ployes of Michael Doylo. aro Invited to nttend the funernl. on Tuesday, at 1 n m., nt his Into residence. 2117 South Watts at. (Rroad and Rltner), Interment nt Tcrnvvood Cenio tery. Trlends mav call Monday evening. KltAl'TKIL On January 13, loin, ILMILIIl KHAUTKR (neo Iluchner). wife of J George Krnutcr, In her n-ltli year. Relatives nnd friends, also members of llethlehem Luth eran cnurcn. are invited to nttend tho funeral services on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m.. nt her husband'a residence. 21.11 North 31st st. Intermvnt private, LIMA. On Jnnuary 14. 1010, CATHERINE, widow of Michael Lilly. Relatives and friends are Invited to nttend the funeral, on Tuesday, nt H :ttl a, m., from the residence of her son. Michael J, IJIlv. 2130 North 21st at. Solemn Requiem Mass nt St. Ullzabcth's Church at 10 u. m. preclsclv. Interment pri vate, at Now Cathedral Cemetery, l'lcace omit flowers. LYNN. On Jnnunry 13. 101(1, SALLIE A., daughter of tho lato Patrick nnd Ilrldget Lynn. Relatives and friends, also employes of Piling ft Jladeley Hosiery Manufacturers, are Invited to attend funeral Tutsday. at 8 30 n m., from residence of her hrothcr-ln-law. Thomas J. Connor, 4tV4 Relgrade st. UStli Word). Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Ann's Church nt 10 it. m. Interment nt St. Ann's Ccmetcr MAssKY. On Jnnuary in, 1010, TAMZON ESTBI.LA MABSUY, dnughter of the lite Thomas nnd Rachel II. Maasey. Relatives nnd friends nre invited tn attend the funernl services, nt her late residence, 20J'i Ontario st.. on Wednesday, at 2:30 p. m. precisely. Interment private. MINK. On Junuiry 10, 1010, HENRY E. MINK. Jr. son of Henry E. nnd Anna M. Mink, uged 10 sears Due notice ot tho funeral vvlll be given from his pnrents' resi dence. 2111(1 Federal st. MOHItls.On First. day. First Month 10th. mill, CHARLES M. MOnr.IS. of Olenslde. Pn., aged ,38 years. Iteli tlvcs nnd friends aro Invited to nttend the funeral on Fourth day, at 2 n m , from tho npnrtments of Oliver 11 llalr. IS20 Chestnut st. Inter ment private, nt Evergreen Cemetery. Cam den, N. J. NLI.sON. Suddenly, on Jnnuary 14. 1010, WILLIAM K. NELSON. Jr. husband of Mury Carey Nelson. Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend funeral services. Tues day, at 2 p. m precisely, at his lata resi dence. (CO N. 33th st. Interment nt Mt, Morlah Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Monday. 7 to 0 p. m. NICIIOLMLV. On January in, loin, nt his residence. Ardmore, Pa , COLEMAN L. NICHOLSON, In his 81th year. Relatives and friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral, from tho Friends' Meeting House, Bucks lane. Have rford P.i , on Third. itav. nt 3 p. in. Interment private nt tha Frlonds' houthwestern Grounds. Kindly omit flowers. Carriages will be at Hnv erford station to meet train leaving liroad st. at 2:13 p. m. HACK On January IS. 1010. nENJAMIN O. RACK, nged 42 years. Funeral services at his late residence, 3113 Wayne ae., Ger mantown, on Tuesday, at 1.3o p. m. Inter, ment private. ItKEVKtv On First Month 15th. 10in, ADB. LINE REEVES, nged 80 sears. Relatives and friends are Invited to nttend funeral services, on Third-day. 18th, at 1U.30 a. m., nt licr Into residence, Trlends' Hoarding Home, noon Green St.. Germantown, Inter ment private. HITTKNHOI'HE. On January in.101fl.MARY EI.1ZA11ETH, widow ot Samuel aged 74 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral aervlces, Thursday, at 2 n, m . at her late residence, ton w. Johnson St.. Germantown. Interment at Ivy Hill. hllAttl'I.KS.S On January 13. 1010. MARY LYMAN VAN nUREN. eldest daughter of the lata James Van liuren, Esq.. of 131 E. 87th st.. . New York, and widow of Henry tiaie uranam rmarpiess, i;sq , of Laburnums. Chelten Hills, Pa. STILES. Near Lumberton, N. J., on Tlrst month, ltfth, 10ia. HENRY II. STILES. In his (list year. Relatives and friends are In. vlted to attend the funeral, at Kaston Meet ing House, near Masonvllle, N. J.. Fifth-day. at 2 p. m. Interment at Easton Burying Orounds. Conveyances will meet train leav. Ing Market st. ferry. Philadelphia, at 12:50 p. m. at Masonvllle. N. J. Remains may be viewed at his late residence Fifth-day morn. Ing. STIMPSON. On January IS. 1010. CLAR. BNCE A. STIMPSON. aged 84 years. Hela- Ives and friends, also. Lafayette Lodge, No, 71. F. and A. il.: Oriental It. A. Chapter No. 183: Mary Commandery.. No. 3fl. K, T. T.: Joppa Council, No 40. Philadelphia Con! "J,,?rlrVx A., 1?llA' H'! Lu Lu Temple, A. A. O. N. M. B.J employes of Philadelphia Electric Company, and all other organisa tions of which he waa a member, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday. .a m- pr'S'"'"'..at.j!u ''S residence. 878 WynnewcaKl road (63d and Jefferson sts.). Interment at Arlington Cemetery. Auto service. DEATHS STOUT. OEOnaB W . husband of Mary M Stout, aged 71 vetrs. Services In East Mont gomery Ave M B Church at 1 30 p. m., on Tuesday, Interment private, at North Cedar Mill Cemetery. TAi tOlt On January 10, 1010. DeWITT a TAYLOR nt his residence. Tyrone, Pa., nged 8t years. TAM.OIL On January 15. 1010, LAURA L.. sister' of DoWItt C. Taylor, at the rest, denco of her brother. DeWltl C. Taylor, Tyrone, pa, THOMPSON. On January 13, 1010. nt New. nrk, . MART KLI7.ARF.TH THOMPSON, daughter of the late John D. and Barnh Thompson, of Ttiekerton, N J, interment on Tuesday, at 1 p. m., at Tuckerton TH1IIK. On Jnnuary 10, 1010, ANNtE E, daughter of the lato Patrick nnd nrldget TIRhe, Relatives nnd friends are Invited to nttend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8 10 n. m.i.from her late residence. 2212 South 17th st. Solemn Requiem Mass nt St. Monica's Church, at 10 n. m. Interment nt New Cnthedrnl Cemetery. A ICE. At her residence, 024 North 3th St., on January 13. 1010. ELiy.AnETtt widow of David lcc. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to attend the funeral Wednesdsy, at ":3U a m , from the apartments nf Oliver II, Ihvlr, 18SU Chestnut st High Mass of Requiem at ht, Peter's Church, at u a. m. Interment private WIIITAKKU. On Jnnuary IB, 1010, MAtlY E , wife of William II. Whltaker nnd daugh. ter of the late Jacob Nea3e, Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral ser vices, on Tuesday morning, nt 11 o'clock, at her lats residence, 2102 North Broad st. Inter ment private. Vtlt.NON. At his late residence, 2310 Bouth Cro.key. St., on Jnnunry in, toifl. ASHTO.V WILSON, husband of Clara E. Wilson. Due notice of funeral will be given. ZOOK In Wetit Chester, Pn., on January l.i, luiu. juiir mill,!, u Kuuiv. ar. son oi John and Husan Zook. in ths 38th year of his age, Ilelatlves.and friends are Invited to at tend the funernl without further notice, from his late residence. 443 N. Walnut st.. West Chester. Pa., Wednesday, Janunry.10, loin, Fervlces nt the house, nt 11 n. m. Interment nt West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Philadelphia. Auto funeral, at convenience of ths family. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TYPE (or like this, One time loo per tins Three times one week ...12!4o per line Big times one week 10c per line r Situations Wanted, three times one week 10 cents per lino per Insertion. Place your order fdr three or more times and it will be inserted In the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rate "r Etevixo Lidoer and Prsuo Ledger comned Is 10 cents per line, with the exception of Help Wanted and Situations Wanted, which Is 16 cents per line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is permitted In nil classifications ex cept Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and Found, Personals, Hoarding nnd Rooms, add riVE CENTS PER LINE TO ANY OF ABOVE RATES. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Lcdjjer want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE APPLICATIONS nro now being received for exptrlenced femnlo operatives on fuses. Cull or address, stating experience, 244S Frank ford uv e i HOOKKEEI'ER, experienced, quick, accurate: good position: stttto roferencca and salury wanted. P )3, Lodger Office. CHAMIIEIIMAID ami waitress, colored; once required. Call between 0 nnd 12 Walnut st. refer 4100 CLOTH WEAVERS vvnnted. Annly John & JnmeH Dubson, Inc.. Iltnnket Mills, bcott's lane, i aits or gcnuiKiii. COOK Young woman for cooking and down stairs work. Phone Ardmoro 800. 103 Wed- (tyn ro.tn. Animorc. GENERAL HOUhEWORK Olrls who aro ex perienced nnd capable can recuro good posi tions, either In the city or i.uburbs. by con sulting "Miss Reed." who Is constantly In touch with persons wishing this class of help. Either coll or nhone WALNUT 3000 nnd sou will recclvo vnluablo Information vvhtch-'wlll promptly secure you n most desirable posi tion This servtce Is rendered through tho HOUSEHOLD 'EOIHTHY 1IUREAU OF THE PUBLIC .EDGER. nnd Is free to l.EUOElt ADVLltTISEHS. steady work, good nay. also learners, paid while learning 132Q North I-nwrence st HOUSEWORK Small family requlrea girl or woman for general housework; must be able to do plain cooking. Interview Miss M, Denn, nt Ledger Central, Broad and Chestnut sts . between 0 and 12 a, m.. or between 2 and 3 p. m. MILLINERY Thoroughly exp. second trimmer: atendv pos. to a comp.. exp. woman: prefer one who has been employed uptown. Frunkel Millinery Shop. Front and Dauphin sts. OFFICE GIRL Apply, stilting ugo. M 210, Ledger Central. OPERATORS on nil parts nt shirtwaists: steady work, highest pay, Hagedorn- Merz Company, 3d nnd Urown sts. OPERATORS Experienced fellers on shirts and underwear. Charles E. Shedakcr & Sons, loth nnd Lombard ,-s. OPERATORS, experienced only, on -wash top skirts. Seiner Brothers, 321 Market st. KTENOOIl.PHER. experienced, willing to learn bonkkcepln". Coll Diamond Textile Machine Works.. i2Q N 10tht, WAITRESS, first . -ss; no others need apply, f-iill Monday niernir'" between 10 and 1, at 1710 Locust St.. or t .ne H234 Spruce st. WANTED Bright young women, between 18 and 22 years old. to take up telephone work. No experience necessary. Salary paid while learning Pleasant work; permanent posi tion. Apply In person, 0 a. m. to 3 p. m. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 400 MARKET STREET WOMEN", colored, lion S. 11th st. for Ironing or washing. Genera; WOMEN wanted aa Government clerks: $70 mon.; Phlla. exams, coming; sample questions free Franklin Inst, Dept 713 L, Rochester, HELP WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER and stenographer Young nun as office assistant; state experience, refer ence and salary expected In own handwrlt- ing. j o . 1-g.incr wane. BOOKKEEPER oung man. 21 years, as as sistant; state age, experience and reference, J 731, Ledger Central, BOY. .10 years, quick at figures; ProlesTant: cigareite smokers, j 452. Ledger Central. BOY wanted for errands and office work; good cnance lur nuvam-rmcnv. j -tail. i.eq. uent. BUHNERS iirst-clasa men wanted at once: big Job; prevailing rate of wages paid. At ply Tenn. Copper Co.. Copper Hill. Tenn. BUTCHER to work n slaughter house; wages $15 sveekly, 420 Jersey ave.. Gloucester, CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Ap James Dobson. Inc., Blanket I lane. Falls of Schuylkill. John & Scott's HELP WANTED MALE FIREMAN WANTE-D- Middle-aged ?"',,'$ pressurbollcrs. Applv .'.Id and Woodland. .MAN AND WlFE-Egperlenced eouple. with reference, wanted to do entire housework in small fsmllv. Apply 011 W. Upal at.. Gr mantown. Take car 31jnnI1thsL . MECHANi'CAlDRAUtlHTSMAN. Apply 1200 Htoiihen (llrard Dldg . OPTICIAN Wnntcd. a young msn for laylrj; oft and marking knses. experienced ,AP"iy J E.lmcburncr Comnanv. 1J Chestnut. SHEET - IRON WORKER - F.spertenced all around hand. Philadelphia Drying Mochln- rry v. nmpany. tijal uermamown nv STENOGRAPHER nnd rlerk with experience: must bp quick nt nguress good opportunity for young man.18 to 20 J'cars: state refer ences. salary desired, etc. P 01". 1-ed. on. TOOLMAKERS, eTP . on Jigs and fixtures. Autocar Co , Ardmore. To. turret Lathe hands rir-j-ciass TooimaKers Annlv ZI48 Frankfnrd avenue. iieiween s a m. and n nu .. WANTED. A RUSSIAN TYPIST Need not know shorthand, must bo familiar with keyboard for Standard Russian .Under Wood michlno! stato religion In application and references'. Address P. O. Dot 207, cape .viay, iv. j. YOUNO MAN wanted with knowl. of stenog. nnd typewriting as Jun. Xlerk In trust com.: .state age, exp. and sal, exp. A 323. lxd. on. Clenernl nil Jf, I1ROAD ST. The Oldest Orlelnil AUTOMOBILE FCIIOOL Teaches vou how to repair and linn. In .IrltA ntltnfl. F. PETC. Oil N. RltOAD ST. BUSINESS SKVirn COMPANY ... .. POSITIONS FOR HIOH-CLAPS MEN ONLY 1301 LAND TITLE RUILDINH SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE COMPANION IteOned voung 'foreign lady wishes position In nice home: nble to travel; . best references. J 314, Ledger. CntrnX . COOK and housekeeper, good manager: 3 In famllv:8: references. J 730. Ledger Cent, DRESSMAKErR wishes engagements bv day: JI.0O away: experienced. A 327, Ledger Office, . DRESSMAKER, competent, wishes engflge- . ment 2.10 per day. ,T (141, Ledger Central. DRESSMAKER, competent, practical, wishes a few engagements: K 30 IHIIi N. I'tli st. .. DRESSMAKER by the dnv: French dreses copied: best ref. Phone Manavunk P.1S vv . . OIRL colored, wantn day work or any kind: . wasning. mm inan si. OIIIL wants general housework. 813 N. 3d St., rear lo. .. GOVERNESS (v Isltlngl-Henned voting ladv wishes cam of children between nges of 3 and 0 sears from 2 to n n. in,: outdoor Play class H Ml. Ledger Office. GOVERNESS tntirsers) or cnmp'n: masseuse, exp clever needlewomnn. Phone Gtn. 41i.1 J. LAUNDRESS Oood laundres wishes day's work of imv kind Call 1R00 Lombard NURSE. Amer. Prot.. .10. cheer., exp , 123 mo.; norm. ..for nrrv. Invnl. Indv J 341. Led. Cent, NURSE wishes position, light duties: experi enced. 1' HIS. Ledger Office. NURSE wishes engagement of any kind: con tlneinent preferred. 2Q12 Oormnntnwn nve, STENOOItAPIIER. neat, capable, desires eve ning or Saturday nfternoon work. J two. i.pttger v.cnirni VISITING coniimnlon or rentier by hour: edu- catcd.reflned woman II 3.11. ledger Of flce YOUNO LADY, tetetriiono operntor, . wishes prlv. branch, rxperlenced. J 2,i(l Leu, tent AN EXPERIENCED Person will take feeble minded patient In her own private, rural homo, phsslclan'n rofcrence, M 415, Led. Off. SITUATIONS WAN'ED M ALE ACCOUNTANT. 40. qualined. audits, svstems. general nccountlng, voucher, cosis books writ ten tip, balanced, closed, pcrmnnent or tem jornry engaRements, J 231. Ledger Centrnl, ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper, nbsolutely first class, 15 sears' exp., perm, or temp, posi tion, up-to-date, high-class ability. 51'l.f Arch. AUDITING, big and little, dnnn by responsible man, bonded In ?-itsio. M 212. Ledger Office. HOOKKEEI'ER "and oMco mannger, with 14 Sears' exp., vvnntn position: mod. salary with cbanco for ndvanccment, ago 3J, nlso exp. In auditing and avstetmttlzlng; cm go out ot town If necessary, good rof J 3t), Led Cent. HOOKKEEI'ER. 1 venrs old 4 sears' business oxperience. desires nnsltlnn with advance ment. J 440. Ledger Central, HOOKKEEI'ER or nsslstant; C II. 8, grnd : quick and accurate nt ngurcs. ! n. id. urr. BUTLER. Jnnnncae. wishes position, private family, best reference. A . 3ns N. Kth st. CARPENTER Young man, 21, married, wishes position suburban experience; cap., steady workman. A. H. Johnson, (U N. 12th CHAUFFEUR, white, exp., wishes position with prlvnte fanillv, 3M, scars' exp. In last place- ran drlvo nnv enr; best ref. Write t"t E. Ilrlnghurst st.. Germantown. CHAUFI'EUR. experienced thorough me chnnlc single, desires position, private fam.: can furn. best of refs.W., 2120 Frankf'd nve. CHAUFFEt'R wlsbes n position: city or coun try, references th.- best: work nil around house. Box ICtI, Vlllanova. CHAUFFEUR, white. Protestant, wishes posl tlon with private family; best reference. 1010 Ralnbrldge. CHAUFF'iVn. 12 years' experience: Al ref. from Iob employer. 1131 "lst-qve., Oak Lane. COOK, JupaneBc, wants situation; beat city reference. Kume. 3(ls N. IStli st. DRVUGHTSMAN wants nos : 8 vrars' expert ence. give best of references. J 242, Led Cent. MAN AND WIFE, white, Protestants; experi enced cook nnd butler: no laundry; $75 per month. II (14. Ledger Office. MAN AND WIFE, colored, wish positions In private family as butler and cook; good ref erence A 303. Ledger Office. MECHANICAL ENGINEER, 18 years' experi ence lit machine shop, draughting room and its Kalesmin: technical education. J 713, Ledger ContraL OFriCE MAN. executive nblllts'. somo selling experience, would like to connect with a re sponsible firm; present compensation not so essenUal aB future prospects: reference; so turlty. J 431. Ledger Centrnl. PRINTER, practical In all departments, esti mating. Duylng und selling, wants position with good future: over eight years with pres ent house J 444. Ledger Central. SALESMAN Experienced drug specialty sales man deslies road nos'tlon: references, Gideon, Hnx 114. Phocnlxvtlle, Pa. COLLEGE MAN. 20 yeirs old. varied engineer ing, office and business experience, good cluiractcr. personality, appearance nnd ad dress, dcslrea opportunity In antes department nf established corporation. J BBS. Ledger Central JAPANESE couple, wish positions In private family; man. cook; wife, chambermaid; no washing; best references Kararchle, 1031 Vine st. I'hone Locust 2700 W. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICHOLLH. 1020 Balnbrldgo St.. has compt, butlers, second men, housemen. English and all nationalities, couples, cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, lady's maids, nurses, etc.: wanted, cooks, $(1 to $8; waitresses for city. 20 housoworkcrs. I'hone Locust 2130. MI?8 MARY T. MCCARTHY. 2107 Christian (Loc. 130.1). supplies and wants lst-class Prot.. Cath. malt, and female help; all nationalities. MRS. KANE. Ml 8. iota. -vanta first-rasa neip., win, rcjereiicw. ensr. r ana anility, for first-class families, pnone Spruce 3401 MRS. MINT7.LAFF. 1030 Christian st. (Dick lnson 51J) Supplies all kinds of help; Oer. man'iiei. i-immurrrnaiu tor notei wnn rets, MADAME ASHE. 1533 Christian at.-Rel labia' help supplied and wanted: all nationalities. AUTOMOBILES For Male CADILLAC. 10U. touring car, overhauled and repainted: full equipment: price $750. AUTO SALES CORPORATION, 14J N. Broad st. COLE. 1013. DEMONSTRATOR'S" I.. S. BOVVERB CO.. 215-47 N. HHOAD ST. FRANKLIN cars, all models, overhauled and guaranteed. F. I Paxson. 3410 Chestnut t. IIUPMOBILE. 1011-32 touring, electric lights and starter; bargain. I'hone Locust 3502 j. LOCOMOBILE 0-cyllnder. 4.pass.; a gentTeT man's torpedo: In fine condition In every re spect: tlreii tine; will demonstrate. J 650 IdeCetitrul, HTAIs'LEY STEAMER touring car. In good condition. $550. OOMERY SCHWARTZ. 253 N. Broad at. 8 TUBES' $l,Oc"EEUJ- TANKS, MUFFLBRST SC'IIOBER. 3341-43-45 MARKET 17, 191G. AUTOMOBILES Tot Rale WE HAVE tiVOF THE FINEST SMALL AUTOMOBILES that ean.be seen In Philadelphia. Each esr Overhauled, painted and sold with a reasonable guarantee. Hacked by a responsible concern. . It, will pav you to Investigate, aood prices allowed en M "LllNE LINE RERVICE CO. ROSEMONT. PA. BltYN MAWR S37-S38-830 C20 NORTH 11ROAD, STREET 0.11 Robertson's old original Auto School teaches you how to re pair and how to drlvn yutos, H NOIITII BROAD STREET050 PACKARD PIIAETON-IOIO model: private owner: In excellent condition: tl extra tires: demountable .rims: detachable winter top. Phone, Hell, Kensington 1129:Key.jEsst 415. STANLEY steamers. 200 lip also "mouslne bodyjjll.make offer. ll,10Westmoreland. WHITE. 1012. .7-rAranNOEIl. n-CYLINDEJl TOUIltNO: IN rlOOD CONDITION ME CHANICALLY: TIRES. IN qqpll CONDI TION. I. C. MOSER. 210 N. BROAD BT. SEND FOR. FREE RULLETIN OORSON AUTO nx'cflANOB. 238 N. nnoAD Wanted STOPI LOOK! AND LI3TBNI We buy old nutoo in any wrecked condition: get our price before sou sell them. Phone or jvjdUSouUrwtnjnlC0.jK01-7rrrnJerj WANTED AUTOS FOR JUNK. OET OUR prlce.nrst. 0.11 Diamond st. Phone Park 410. . EXCHANOE. new 0OO rlaver-plano for auto. JtVhltmoreJ'lano Co . 2011 Lehigh. .Tioga 7230, OLD CARS bousht for Junk! nny condition. Helmont 400. ProblnakS'. 0001 Vino st. AUTO LIVERY AND CrAHAGES INDEPENDENT TAXICAR CO.. 1031 N. WILLINOTON ST. . LIMOUSINES. TAXICAItS AND TOURING CARS .., TO HIRE. I1.BO TER HOUR AND UP. TOP. 16S.M($4.J2ARK JS.ryECLOSED. QUAKER CITY OARAGE, open. 402-404.400 N. 8th Thoroughly equipped, steam heat.etc. Room for 100 cars: repair work: reasonable rates: open all night. Phone Market 4830, . TO HIRE (open .day and night) Rrand-new B-pass. touring car. with robes. tl,2.i hour) also brand-new 7-pnss. limousine, 01,00 hours weddings, funerals, etc. Poplar 1017 W. ATJTO REPAIRING! 7 SPEEDOMETER TROUIILB 1 SEE HILLY AT HtS NEW IOCATlON, BIO N. HHOAD BT. crLINDrms nBnonED. now p stons and rings furnished, weldings nnd braxlng. H. n. Underwood & Co , 1023 Hamilton st.. Phlla. AUTO SUPPLIES REARlFOS. ,, New Departure Service Sta. TheOwllllam Co , 1314 Arch st. Phones Walnut 3407. Race 3002. AUTO TIRES FIRESTONE DEMOUNTABLE rims, for Ford cars. I5 per set. Installed. Duplex Tiro Com pany. 2228 N. Broad st. Phono Diamond 1423. DOGS POMERANIAN .. niack, 10 months old, weight i pounds: sire Foxhllls or Oriel. Itockybrook Kennels, Rain, Pnj ' ST. BERNARD PUPS Best companions for children; vvntch dogs for your home: faithful nnd nffectlonate; best pedigreed stock; 7 weeks old: 3U. 52.1 N. 03d. B'LDINCJ MATERIALS REPAIRS CARPENTERINO AND JOBHINO Altera tions of every kind: work guaranteed: prompt service: 22 sears In business; estimates fur nished. Penn Real Estate nnd BuUJIng Co,, 2434 N. ICtli. Hoth phonea. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Parties to Join Florida en terprise on ground-floor basis: prop erty Ideal: rail and water shipping fa cilities: Dixie highway through It: 15 miles tine water frontago: original owners paid In full; tltlo pertect: considerable development already dono; this Is a high-class Investment; worth Investigating. M 211. Ledger Office. WOULD A GOINO manufacturing firm Interest youl Will stand any Investi gation and banking reference. Write. J 318. Ledger Central. LOCAL MANUFACTURER wants $15,000 additional working , capital. Excellent opportunity for nctlvo bust ness man to become associated with a well-known Philadelphia business man. M 158. Ledger Central. TREASURER Company completing coal nnd oil plant In Phlla., with contracts that will pay over $50,000 annual profit, wishes to sell promptly $10,000 bonds out of $30,000 total secured by mortgage; will give competent partyi one tenth of capital stock and treasurershlp at satisfactory salary. Fullest Investigation eo- llclted. 31 -;. l-eager uenvrai. WILL sell entire control of the greatest, gas saving device ever constructed, at a sacrifice, on account of other business; stock valued at $s0U, trademark, testimonials, etc., at less than half; hundreds Installed In Phlla.; Immense profit. J 243. Ledger Central. PATENTS-ARTHUR E. TAIGE. 711 Walnut St.. Phlla.. mechanical and electrical .engi neer registered patent attorney: established here 30 scars: Inventions developed: patents, trademarks. copyrights' secured and liti gated anywhere: relected applications prose cuted: preliminary advice free. BANK OR TRUST COMPANY WANTED Would like to buy control of small bank or trust company. Address Long, 368 W. 23d St.. .yew xora cuy, SPECIAL ATTENTION TO UNUSUAL Busi ness conditions; Investments, loans, sales, legal collections, real estate, Insurance, Spruce 2247; Race 2303. Frank S. Lewis, 1524 Chestnut st. A PECAN OROVE with cotton planted be tween the trees Is a good Investment. Have you Investigated? Full Information furnished. Whltcomb, Rlggs&C;iPnnsyjyanla Hldg. DROP POCKET COAL YARD ON P. AND R. FOR REFT, $40 MONTHLY. 030 WEST TIOGA 8T. , OROWINQ ORCHARDS, all ages, for sals. HARRY DA11LINOTON 142l Chestnut st. VICTOR J. EVANS A. CO. Patent Attorneys. Washington. D. C. Write for descriptive booklet. FOR SALE U.8. AND CANADIAN PATENTS A new. useful Invention. Address C. R. uay, t-eicraourg, vv. va. PICTURE THEATRE, earning $7B-$125 week ly guarantee, to exchange for good Investm't properties. Investigate. Barrlst. 201 N. Broad. Wanted WANTED to purchase business clearing not less than $23 weekly; state full particulars. J 337. Ledger Office. BUSINESS PERSONALS SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis. the only permanent way. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH, 403 Keith theatre Bldg. Miss Hoppe. halrdress'g. facial inassage.man , lcuHg, form. Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith. FULL. nnRHS HTTtTSl Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sack BulU To hire and made to order. NBUBAUER, THE TA1IX1R. 1U N. Bth St Bell phone. Walnut 2618 10. BUSINESS E02? jjSm are? ffiflft! FULL DRESS BOITR TAlTnTr OlRATtD AVE PIIQXB topffj -pETCLEANt BOYErt CO., REAL CAnpPtirtT!: N. 12th. No tumblers i1..sKW,SA7 st nrma DnESSMAKINO ANlf B.??IONINO and patternmaTi uM-iu-uic-minuie methods hriw Dowel. .Dressmaking ScbrSi'tl . Hldg.. ttth and MarCstvii ' HEMSTITCHING. 10 cents iZ. '!. A- "EJcitARI)' liVrtt rn.-1-uniAU, REVIgni r pji'Wg POTTER SCHOOL OF rnrtri!t DAILY AND EVEFINn r$5fif 14fa aiRARD 2vnFj8SWHl TOR BALE BILLIARD AND Pnron. bowling alleys: easy naniiJL.0' WICK-TlALKE.COLUEjjngj'ga- .5MSt BILLIARD, pocket. 2d-hsnd tV.v. . supplies. fclark-Herd iftVce BILLIAHD. pool, combination. sTw . sold, rented, exch'd. Keafi?' iV nan REOISTEnS. Inl.l bJ., m ma i low as payments tall registers s jhleed. The National ,OV -itCSlllUb HI, DESKS. Mine cabinets, sties ii.KkJ nnd office furniture nnd nxVrV.'eLS scrlptlon: used, but in e-."?!.n b. ,K..v... UDru, ,, ery cheap; freo d UUGilEB. 11TH DE8K8. large nssortment also hn'.3. tilture; Dullng Central SecoiaX,'SB ture Company. 0OI.iOH.WgrgK'J" as fen n..n.M,, .1 iZ '. rrUILS.' SAFEB-Flreproof : closing outTittfr- .. ,,., ....,r,n, ,K imrKHing. a.Bfa fi' ft 1 A m a VICTROLA VI AND' SIX lB-Wrn??? . , , IIECOHD8 1ICHlTVl .Outranteed to be In perfect cmiiuS An excellent outfit for one who MSS. t.fogf..d"c''DUon M1 '" Bfe HEPPE'S UPTOWN BTORH v.0rDcr mn ana Tnornpst)n lui . ....KMai.ttin, r. B0 CENTS WEEKLY BUYS ITS.. WEEKLY BUYS 'A VlmE Call or writ for wtfcWriSS" TIHIllr?a l,ivrri,-I, !SLi?jTMi Corner nth and Thompson itxJP Philadelphia, r" H 30 DIAMOND RING. PURE VHIITeTr PERFECT: VALUE $90. )iyjt niEDER'H LOAN OFFICE. 128 Mlrtrts FINE OLD French desk, mahogany sai: throughout; will sell chetp? Appltit Chestnut si. (2,1 floor). -"pii $ 1 23 LADY'S DIAMOND cluster rlaT; with 42 blue-white diamonds; value tiV HIEDER'B LOAN OFFICE. 158 MartttV PRETTY goldfish for sale from GOe. pn fa up.w art : aquariums, fish food, rutin u . poise , Id snails, etc. 42 3 52d st i $113 D?. JMOND "RING. PURE WmiT? PERFJ.CT; VALUE $133. ?j lUEDKH'fl LOAN OFFICE. 128 Mtrtrt It DADDY WALKER buys talking nuchlMit records; exchanges nil records, tic. -"ini .... ....,,? ...r.. i.iuj.p v.oiumois in $20 DIAMOND HARHIM1H. llUJIT A.-.U i'lilU'lSUT; VA1.UK $0O. intJ RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE. lSSMirtrt SilOW CABE8. wall cases, shelving, int enses, for sale, cheap. 240 Market its HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Il and cheaper than steam or hot wtter.ijj fresh air with normnl moisture. Mill KELSEY. 0 N. IMh St.. Phils. n 'INSTRUCTION fig 8TENOGRAFHY ttnd bookkeeping by W.nM Instruction; rourso requires only few set pos. guar. 701 l.ocust tWashlnxton Fro TEACHER vvnnts French conv emtlom fa sti uctlon In English. J 355. Ledger Citt .TOOlll MACHINERY AND SHAFTINO-SArETY SPLIT COLLAM i YOCOM hnnaers nnd pillow blocks vlt t tshed ball nnd socket bearlnts srs tbi t for all shafting purposes. HtlAFH.S-.;l MACHINE WORKS. 14". North SemnJ-. JAMES YOCOM t W PO WE R P LA NT 1X3 U I Ml E.VT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam isd oH I glnes. pumps, air compressors. ,,-3 MVAtv Amjlijl. inc.. ,.i, ... , i. STERLING Is another name for. Band S'tt bono Belting, pure oak-tanned leatbet.lfe rn, anmiita. nnil nrlrss 2. CHARLES IHSND COMPANY. 820 Arts niwosn.irAND pipe is cut and inrcaiien to saetcn; ijrjy or all Blies in hvock. urimin. -j,h-. BLOWERS and exhaust fans. sentllstlaiB American und. Crow ell Pressure bloweii; I furnaces, J. Nuttall.1748 North etHe. DYNAMOS, motors and machlnirrbooiht nnd rented: armatures repaired. Mite I Mtrkct OOiVt. YearsleyCo.. 22i.Nt.8dfi. EARD-AGITATOH-"BOSS"-10;TIERra ( l'ACITY. COMPLETE. IN FINE COT1 TION. SEVFERT'S. 437 NORTH D gT PIPE, second-hand, all sites. ..PMIs, Hand Pipe Supply Co.. 1001 N. 1th-' 1 , ,, MUSICAL INSTRUMEKTSl FDISO" z?4a DIAMOND-POINT PHONOQIUrBl Cost $1.0 new. " This outfit Is complete, with wOli. will be sold for $.!!. payable 73c, vi s Call or write for cotnpleto descrlptiwi large Illustrated catalogues. ajM HBPPE'S UITOVVN STOKBSSi Corner flth and Thompson suWyl Philadelphia. Pa. fj C $38 JP9 TjARGE ZONOPHONB Wjj TALKINU MACHINE .JJK With Cabinet and 50 neccrds , Finished In bautl'"',,aur'",l."B1 new $31: can be Paid 75c. weekly; lent bargain: In good condition. Wrltti complete T Hat of bargains and sPWiJ Ker' HBPPE'S UPTOWN STOnES-J Corner flih and Tbotnoson fU- I Philadelphia. Pa. . VIOLIN. .FpR-BALE-Flne, violin. will Mil outflt cheap. U 414- Ldnr eg J8i-CinCKEIUNa upkioht pmno J uAwinn VIMHRVT. 83S N- W OLD O0LD . . v.. a iinoini pnS CAHH fAID FU!. UIAaiV.'' mltZZ' tones, cold, "ilyer, P?1"?!,, 'Srilri OLD GOLD, silver. , platinum Uatrf -srii fnua Hmsviiinar ixe nei. i,w -' " f .''."ik;;"v r r .a: r.jner. im" OLD GOLI-CashiMld,ifor W eoltfAj "antique clock.; wlft call. .Bell ybo"4' 1210. ROPE R8. 27 B. 17th SL -Sk 1HOHEST PRICEM PAID FOR WtfpM old gold, platinum, false .!i, ftVs tickets. 1300 Fllber -' M.floar frosty iA STORAGE 8T0RA0B WAREHQUSJ .-vS sunt hi. a ihj c, -''r, .oofvsfl PACKINO. MOVING, Sl"PJ8Wd Bell. Locut 1060 Phones-Ksr nun. i :a naiiai tiadUEii. .- FIDELIREPROOFHHIJ
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