Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 17, 1916, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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bt Makes Situation Serious for Farming Interests.
I Coal Substitute Urged
Shortage ui vuaauus iiuita
'". ik war the Importations of pot
fmtutty.ZlZJ!, i.. thn' United Stales
1 S" 15 W 0W yearly. Tho potash
Vrincipallr for fertilizer, and
WL -.snufacture or glass, nyes ami
B3LS Since the beginning of the
m- . .
.wrt have b.en no potaah Importa
jero mi for notnsh
fmm Germany. I'.-lces ror poinsn
a up Steadily from tho norr .1
P.P. inn to 10 tlmca that
I Tha whole civilized world do
. T.- J?!. .'or notash supplies.
hf Hod virtually a monopoly of tho
. ghe could mine- and market It
:j. fr below an; thcr country.
'IT., the war sent, potash prl
Wn .,tri n,.. combed for a new
fat ' turply. For pome years a small
.T.i hid bee pronuceu irum kciij
lit na4i."c...1,,.1i 011 the Pacific
mhV companies cre formed with
""Lj.-iL notnali from the fc d-
krh're.pi.i.H i found In almost tin-
uni.nMles In almost every State
.ill ltnlfln. roiaan sun uwiiusivj iuu
I "I'iXin Nebraska and Utah, but
"TiU price of potash Bets higher.
I Jl J -fn founded .-eport that- as
SmIUOO was paid by a biff chemical
JSJuV for a ton of high-grade potash
rZV m fts"
. i... ...r Hint the Potash do-
1i??,rf Oermany arc uhlque and are not
ilt.0C '"'" ',.,, .,. f .V,, trnrlit
SHwntend fiat tl.cso dnooilts are the
' " . .. rW w ei ItirA w htlili hrn
f fil ft IlCHK " "' ......... k"'
1 ,t some time In the far distant
in earthquako and avalancho slmul-
'SS earthquake forced tho potaBh de
if,.' ,,n from tho earth's centre, nnd an
linche of pure clay mud then en
2Si ihwn. making them Impervious to
Miire for moisture la tho enemy of
Mturc, . ,.nllli. rin first rnn.
i. -nM that thero arc potash de-
fldli.. In Death Valley, but even the
HP"i. if.it tiio-A vnlntlltzea them as
hjbmc rami-'. ,...-.- : , .
SEt u they are exposed by nature.
H W W. Winchester, secretary of the
Uriilrf-- rotash and Chemical Company,
iK i Ibe Wldencr Building, asserts that bis
If----., owns extensive potaah mines In
iEeMJttrn Peru, In a rainless belt whero
tarles. "e snys that the mining of
. -tnh Is a surface or a steam
r.;f proposition, whereas In Germany
Mu. -y,(h mines arc more than 3000 feet
Bmo the surface. The company has not
otlaUng for tho manufacture of
Bl-ture-proof bacs with a Scotch tlrm,
ln ordinary bans the moisture encoun
rtd In the process of shipment would
fhtllI- a percentage of tho potash and
tttiHJJt below the standard. The German
HUin, no says, is suujecr. iu iih- hhiiiu
ISnt Importance of potash ns a fcl-
tllr;l- not fully appreciated by those
mi In done touch with the situation,"
MvM Mr Winchester. "There are certain
HI4 in inis uuuiui iiiul mil ituav iu
ratUand become absolutely barren If tho
jjOUih .taken out by certain crops Is not
ftfttuirilra m me lurm oi Home uicxpensivB
ftruuxer comaimne poiasn, unu ai prca
tfpHc3 that Is Impossible. The situ
tion.Is more serious for farming- Inter
mtt than the de situation is for tho
-IVIth the outlook on ovcry hand lndl-
Hllngr higher prices for coal, the. domestic
mummer will be Interested In anything
Meh promises a cheaper fuel.
Officer- of the Belgium Coal and Fuel
Company, on tho fifth floor of tho Wldc-
r Kb
as "Poor Man's Fuel."
ouuui American rraae
",er BiilI'llnK, believe they have solved
the problem. Their mines are situated
In the vicinity of Elkhart. Md and not
In HelKlum, ns the title would Indicate.
The process of preparing tho coal for
domestic consumption Is a Helslan proc
ess, tliey say. The lumpi are all uni
form In size, arc shaped like a hen's crr
and welsh about ten to the pound. They
say also that this fuel for domestic pur
poses lasts lonuer, burns cleaner and
mnkea no smoke or soot and very little
This fuel Is made from slock or lino
coal dust by compression, by a process
said to be superior to the briquet process,
and is called tho "poor man's fuel."
H. K, Mulfoid, of tho It. K. Mulford
Company, mnnufacturlnR chemists, says
his firm hns hundreds of orders for South
America which It could not ship because
there nrc absolutely no vessels available.
The commandecrini? by the Allies of
ureal numbers of frelRht carriers, ho
said, has completely broken oft the trade
between the t'nlted States nnd South
Amerlcnn ports on the west const .Mr.
Mulford stated that his firm Is not tho
only Philadelphia llrm In the same posi
tion. He thinks the Government should
bo petitioned to meet this emergency by
putting Into tho South America service
some of the Government transports until
such time ns other means could be de
vised to meet the situation.
The freight committee of the Chamber
of Commerce has been successful In pro
curing additional service by the Mer
chants nnd Miners Transportation Com
pany between Philadelphia and Roston
and thus relieving the great congestion
of freight at this port destined to New
England points.
During tho year 1915 there were 3 new
cotton mills erected nnd put In operntlon
In Pennsylvania, !) new worsted and
woolen mills, 13 new knitting mills and
of the 25 new silk mills erected In tho
United States In 1913, over PO per cent,
were in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Tho Annual Review number of the Tex
tile World Journal states that the de
mand for absorbent cotton Is larger than
at any time In the world's history, and
equipment to manufacture the product
and for furnishing and putting up gauzo
nnd bandages has been Installed In many
Order Knights Hospitallers
Tuendsy i-vcnlng Philadelphia Encampment,
No. V. Oiler KnlKhts HospltnllerB, Initiated
two cnmlldatta Into the mysteries, followed by
Installation of officers. Dputy Supremo Com
mander JoMph Harper, of Trenton, Inntalled
the following officers for the year: Encamp
ment commander. Charles fteldenirer: lieu,
tenant commander. H. T. McNellej captain of
cimnls, K. C. Motson; prelate. V. It. Bender;
rhnncellor. H. II. Uiwley. almoner. C. 1).
Parker: herald at-arms, w. rt. , Wallaca;
sword bearer. C. E. Handerron; marshal, tl. A.
Wanner: first guard. J. Movetandi second
aunrd. Thomas Oalbralth: warder, It. Mont
Komery: sentinel. O. II. Itettner: musical ill
rector, Alan Hobbs; trustees, John Uowers, O.
A. Oack and J. I. Mager. ,..,.
Past Hupreme Commander II. It. Rudolph, of
Chester, was present and spoke for the good
of tho order. He complimented the enenmp
meiit on Its past success. Pnst Supremo Com
mander Parker, on behalf of the encampment,
presented Companion O, II. Itettner, tho ro
wing commander, with a gael to remind him
of hU past nork and to spur him onward In
future sen Ice. Tho next regular meeting takes
place Tuesday evening, January -3.
Pennsylvania Leads All Other
States in Membership Gain
for the Last Year
The ofllcers of many Itovnl Arcanum
councils In Philadelphia nrc retiring from
ofTlce this year with a feeling of content
ment and pride by reason of the support
the rank and tile contributed to the mem
bership of tho 1913 administration. Sev
ernl Philadelphia councils will. show tho
greatest annual report In their history
which will make tho newly elected staff
for 1916 hustle to outdo their efforts, not
withstanding nil of this, the reputation
of the Incoming regents Is such that
thero Is n strong possibility of outclass
ing many of these splendid records, with
the aid of the many social functions lo
be given by the numerous nuxlllartcs.
Pennsylvania Council, No. 812, will 'hold a
public Installation of offlrers In linker Post
Hall. 1417 Columbia nrnue, Friday evening.
January 28, to bo followed by an enlertnln
ment arranged for the enjovmriit of the mem
bers, their wive nnd friends Tho Installation
ceremony should be verv Impresili, with the
eloauent brother from Integrity Council, tlrand
Trusted Y Ilium I,. Young, acting as Installing
Dupont Council met Wednesday. nentng In
Fraternity Hall, llll Arch street. t. t). O. It.
Charles O Frowert. Jr. was on hsnd to lend
n hand nnd the advice. Heveral applications
were rrrelved nnd a large Msltatlon tvss ills
cussed for the near future to one of our very
act've councils locnted outside of Philadelphia
Philadelphia. Council. No 2M. Installed Its
otneers ior luiii Tuestiny eiemng iti me i
it HuU.llfir. 1) I). ((. It. John Kfnit-i
rlntoft. Kot Mevernl pnrs rutst this council hns
been working the, members for appl'cntlona
that neressltnlerl hftrrl work slid constimnl n
that necessitated hard work and consumed a
tfrent il.il nf tlmn. nnnrprlnllnip the splendid
great ileal of tlmo. nppreclnllnir the splendid
efforts and results. Tho Incoming administra
tion t slogan for 101(1 will be 'rntrrtaln'ng
meetings and n good time for tho present
memuersnip. nroinrr junn uiitert was in
stalled as regent and brother Edward Evann
an his nble vice regent. On of tho Interesting
fenturea of this meeting was the presentnt on
of n beautiful clock to Hupreme Representative
Newton I., nncnei tor anting orocurru mo
greatett lisi of applicants in nu.,. iius wat
tno gut oi ii. i. i.ewi
No Hin, of lrrooklyn.
Lewis, of Putnam Council.
According to an official circular Issuer! by
(Irani! Hegent I,. It. ilelsenberger, the compila
tion of reports for inn shows that Pennsyl
vania leads all other Jurlrdlctlona In net nu
merical gain ror tha last year. Willi this
recntd to enthuse tho membership, the grand
regent calls upon nil subordinate councils for
special efforts tow-aid membership Increase dur
ing the current enr,
Alt regents nrc urged Immediately following
installation to appoint nt once u committee of
nctlvc. members lo cu-operure with the officers
nnd tu Inaugurnle, movements looking In
earnest missionary work In behalf of candi
dates. Announcement Is made that the Stale council
has awarded prizes for winners In the contest
for candidates for the mnnth nf Pcermber ns
followa: Philip M. Ivttlngcr. of Mnnarvon
Council, Phnenlxvllle, secures first honor prtre.
130; James n. Norton, nr Wjomlsslng Cuuncll.
Heading, comes in a close second, $.tn. Tho
lady's prlie of $20 passes to Miss Sophia
The next meeting of Philadelphia Council will
he held on January .". A stag euchre will ho
the attraction thin night, with many handsomn
prizes for tho fortunate participants.
Tho ladles' auxiliary held an afternoon '.".00"
at tho residence of Mrs. X. IX Roedetl. Hunt
ing Pnrk avenue, on Saturday. Gradually thov
ars building n fund for the good work for
which they wcro Inttltuted.
Ilaterford Council. No. 201.-. will hold n
public Installation Friday evening In Itltlen
house Hall. 3Jd street and Ilaverford ntenue.
Chester Council will Rive an entertainment
thlj evening. Tho ladles of the Philadelphia
Auxiliary hate been specially invited to attend.
Past Grand Chief Dean J. Deakyne
Appointed Supreme Chief of
Past Supreme Chief William Culbert-
son, who was supreme keeper of ex
chequer of the Supreme Castle, and
passed away January 1, has been suc
ceeded by appointment by Pnst Grand
Chief Dean J. Deakyne. Brother Dea
kyne has been a member of the ordefr
since 18S4. nnd very actlvo In Its affairs,
during that time In the Subordinate,
Grand and Supreme Castles.
The membership Increase throughout the
State during the past iesc if shown by tho
records rereited at Slate heartguarters In this
rltv to.hato been most gratifying, Tho re
irt of castles Indicate a general revival of
Inlerenl ltnf-nifillnv h tiAlinf nnti nredletlon
freelv made that the upward trend of the
organlfallon, If amtnlned during the current
.tear will place the order upon the highest
Plane of prosperity In Its history.
.nSiy ,a. .'rVAW-irsirTniiSS ft'efflr
Much of this suireM Ins been due to the
Castle. No. la who proposed 2h caru'ld.ltes
Otto Itflti. Terre lllll Castle, No ill. win
P" , I
astle So SI1 who
IS S. Mower" Olev i
Cnntie. No. IIP. who proposed 2.', candidates,
(Irorge E. IteMler Anullii I'astle, No. !'!",
who proposed t0 ramiputes. anil Daniel Hop
kins. Clausttllle Castle, No -ISO. who pro-
Posca ;w canuiuaies.
I.Klneston castle. No. 2".. of Vtletilown,
reached tho high-water mark In point ot mem
bership at the end of the lart term. It Is
now tho largest castle In Hie enure order,
with 7.lil members, nnd Is still gaining rnpldly
nnd will before long. It Is believed, reach tho
1IKXI mark.
Montour Cattle. No lad. of Dantllle. la ono
of tho castles that has made a splendid gain
during the enr. with n net Increase of (Id
Sons of Tcmpcranci1
Friday ei'enlng Amcrlcus Division, ?o.
101, celebrated Its 34th nnnlters.iry. In the
hull ntO Ciflt Susquehanna nvctiuc. An
excellent mtislcnl nnd literary entertain
ment was enjojed by a large audience of
members nnd their frlotids. Grand Worthy
Patrlnrch Charles W. Ilowcn addressed
the meeting.
Itefieshments were serted and a box of mix
ture" handed to ench one. P. ti. W. P. Will
iam II. Dungau was master of reremonl-s. nbly
assisted by P. W. P. William Anderson and
Ernest Htclnmerr.
ilrand Worthy Pntilanh Charles . Iloaen
iild his ilrtt official tisltntlon ii chnnmlnn
uiiion, ."so. ,.i. in ine nan. iirtnunox street
nnd t'ankfortl atenue. S.itunlav otenlng. .latiu
Hiy x nci ompanled b the stnrr of nrfu
. the staff of officers of
tho arand dltlslnn and large delegations from
mo granu in
lllvlflons Ne
HIT and 171.
nivifions ,no9. i, r.-, i,i, in, l-u, :n, .in. :i:i, .,
Hl-tera Knurr nnd Cornell, of No. !!.!. enter
tained with tnuslo and recitations, short ad
dreses wcro glten by U. W. P. Ilowen, ll. W.
A. James tint, P. (t. W. Ps. Mecliert, Smith.
Miller nnd Hampton, ti. Sent. Itnhcri r.
Jenkins P. ti. W, As. Stokes, Hhepntinl. Scott
aihl Staelchouse, P. (J. Conductnr I'hlpps nnd
National ltepresontntlte J. llrondhurst.
Tho meeting was it helpful and Insulting one.
nnd notnble for tho display of enthusiasm and
nptlmlstlo feeling
Order nf Hibernians
l'nusunl preparations nrc being madn for tho
annual hall of the combined divisions nf tho
Ancient Order of II bernlnns of Philadelphia,
which will take place In the Acude-ny nf Music
on thn etenlng of January ,11. Two bunda of
i pieces each, a string and a brass band, will
play for the modern dances and promenades
In the main auditorium, nnd nn orchestra of h
do7en p'eccs. Including Irish bagplpea High
land pipes, piccolos, tlnllns, a harp nnd a piano
will discourse nils nultnhlo for Irish dancing.
These lively, mirthful dames ot Ireland w'll
taka place iu tho banquet hall of the Acidemy.
The Reception Committee, of which Countv
President PHtrlclc J. Mcuartcy Is chairman
nnd John o'Ien secretory, has fi.r Its other
numbers Joseph Mcljiughrn, national presi
dent of Ihe order, JomcH H Jtheehan past
Htiuo nresiiicnt. juiii
ildcnt. Judge V, C- Ilonnlwcll. Joseph
y, Captain Thomas 15. O'Nilll, John
n. Itryan J. Tauscv. Patilck t'ltrger-
... Itnul.n .tn ma. I.nl,,nn I IL'lll.
p. iiarrney,
V. llnrvnn.
ulrl llotirv llovlan. James Jneksnn. lr. Wilt.
lam J. O Ilrleu. John A. (illlan nnd Patrick
Conway. Tho committee held n meeting last
week In tho cluhhuuso of the order. HiOtl North
Hroid Btrcci, to arrange necpasarv uciallt
.Tudce Joseph P Hogers. n member of Division
No. 7i, and Mrs. Rogers will lead tho grand
Pitrlelc Mefuiuchltn Is chairnn of tho flen-
cral Committee, the other ofllcers being Pat
rick Donohue, John IV. Comyn, John J. o'Hell
ly nnd Francis s. Clark.
Clticopee HIrIi School Burns
SPKINGKmr.D, Mass., Jan. 17.-Flro
which started cnrlj this morning in tho
Chlcopec High School group uf buildings
has practically destroyed tho structures.
The loss probably will bo J1W,CK.
lain innipn. .imnnr tr.o more noianie recorus . i nrt,i .hnt, nnA .in,,, ii.a aft in
Of the. treat. In .this direction are. William J. .7. .. .1.. v...v. . . -.in. .i. i. ! M.
Dolinellv Windsor Castle, No, C. with X7 i "". ' "ll "l""11 rJ" """ " "'- ti
ran.Ildelis tn bis rr,,ttt tMtia II Wrlellt. . nu nc olllottit rn,iie nf nfneerf . '
Crrs ent Caslle. No. i. who proposed , 2.1 . ., ., ,, . . ..! "1
canoiudtes; ,ieseo Lewis, i.itingsion vasiie, . '"'r1 C',,,,'"l.,i v ' " M -"'"v ilii!-UI i for
No. 2a, with IU candidates Philip Hakcr. tenrtept John li. Logan. Inspector. W llll-jm ' Jor
.pMrnin, fA t v. to-, ,ui,n nrnnniM .'t I ll. Incle teconlrr. Thomns It. Johnston , l.u
..... .i.,u ti.iili.. ,, ' i,k...a it.ni... rnsliler. Ilownrri P limes, mnduetnr. William ' w
UIIKII'llll'T. ...I,ll,.l llllllr,, ..'.. 1
Local Assemblies Renew Ef
forts for Class Initiation and
Mdmbership Increase
southwestern As.emh'.y. No. 18. will hold
Its regular monthly session Thursday eve-
nlng nott In Parkway Building, ltronil
Mid Cherty streets. This enterprlalng ns-
Uembly .now has more than 1001 .members
M, hl.l ual-,n, .mi.Iii.I.h a.nil'.l lln,P.
.' J " . " "T!1"''.1 .. "" '. r',p. "" '.. . " J 1'
ij'iivnri a. .ticsnur i Krwer ck, Aiciwnsiu,
VrederlLk S. .Thomas. John A.B-hlll. Iloi.erl
,t. MeKee John J. tlrr. lnid A. Itryburn,
'i II s Nitltnn rhnr, j n l.rfer!pu v llltr-
Lrrss. senior master nf ceremonies. William
f Newcomb; iunlor master of ceremonies, It.
v. Miapieioru. wnruer. t'naries it tJHrns. jr
trustees. Walter. II. I.amond. James I . Arm
strong .nnd J. llnward. Sloan, medical exam
iners, 1). It. Mai Carroll. It 1) Prnser A. C,
Jlarshall. V. 1), llalid, l A, W llkeir. Paul
llothkuxel and James it Cunningham.
,,, , . ., .. , ...The following committees were nnpolntedi
. (tlrnrd Astemblv. No. a. will hold Ha regular Ward robs nnd lloor. JMIs IJnima Ituh. chnlr
January session Monday etenlna next In I man. assistants to be appointed at next meet
Hiker Post Hall. 1417 Columbia ntenue The , n,K, n Committee, Mr. Mait Crouch, chtlr
nssemblv starts the work of the new year with luau, .Mrs. Marv Morrlssey and Mrs. I.nrtdvi
an unusual amount of interest dls.dated bv Cnurtrsv Committee. Mrs. A. I). Krnnedt,
the members and nncntfiiKlasiii awakened h'- ijHirman, Mrs. Annn M. Wright, atslstant
u s-.nv.l 'It iii1l.li.ei, ! A .Itirl t er tits I I. . I -.... .. . -n ... i " ' !.
lit.nrii nf 'At oniwiti1fitf utimlllorl tltirtnff thrt
month of Deeembrr nlone.
Thn mopt Trellenl reorder H nliout to ii
n r.UI for the 44tli nnnu,,l pension of ihr M, K.
AMfinblv, nlitch nlll bo hM nt Proa.wt lflrk,
Mrlnff(iy. Murrh 1 M'lth the cll nro n
number nr iuneinlnitit tn thr lnn or the nnler
whtth wlU be nrtpii uion nt thin fton.
AtmuifT thfuo hit prriiioMlfoun to nbnllMh thn In
Itlntlnn If. to limit th tP.m nf h director to
three esrs, m termlt inem.HT of the onler to
reihiin nr lncro.i?e tho iuiuuiit of their certl
flrme nt nnv tlnie nml tb iy benefit for the
tiTM week of pIchiubr when u ineinher 1 sltk
two or more week.
Much of the credit for winrinc of the chani
nlonslilp nr tint i.nler for nmnbcrRrttlng bv
Northwestern Ansembly, No. ,l, uhm tlue to n
nu.irtet of f ntciiiberrt romp'eil of Atwlrew
J. Nlcholnj Itermnn Meer Cru V, I J van j
Htnl lttrhnnl I. Nlrholnti. Urn. "Prow Nich
olas" I whlely known as captain of tho tuir of
war And iMsrlull team of the nsiimbty. Uro,
Meer enrnetl n tilute In the Athletic Sun of
the onlcr crs nn, an 1 ha pcrMittM In main
tnlninff It. With j:t new tnrmbrrs to hln unci It
ho n.ta ileinonittratcil that It I not only tn
itthItlrR that he Is superior. Hro. IUhiis Is
thn Inconihiff master rtrtlan, nnd Is popularly
known s "Cy ' lie 1 nn tmWstlKabic worker
nnd n limn uf detail. This quality was tlr.twn
heall niHin Uurinr the mmptilRii. Hro. Mich
nrd Meholns whs the nrlulnal ntirhor tnnn of
the tiiKor-wnr team nnd in heliiR (croometl for
the tmtpectorahlp of tho asscmply for till".
It reorder Ucnn Is cntltleil to iv wholesome
sharo In tho honor of lctory Dr. II Hunter
i ott. the uoput. was the inalnsprlns latl of
It all. IHh able leadership was nn Inspiration
to nil. Northwestern Asemhly has won every
cluimplonshlp eer ofTt-nnl and U now thlist
lntr for "more world. to conquer"
M. 10. Master Artisan Smith ha completed
nrinnftements to hold the Producers' dull
iJlmior nt tho Hotel UlnKham on Hattirday.
.In unary at, nt 7'lt p. m. There tire "A mem
bers of the club who wilt sit down upon that
occasion. Two of tho out-of-town assimlille
will be rctresentpd, tfcranton with five mnn
bfrs and Metropolis with three. The rash
prize offered by tho M. K. master nrtUun will
bo awarded as fallows I'lrst prlxe. l.". An
drew J. Nicholas, of Northwestern Aseniblv.
No. rK ill new members; second prUe. ?-.
Chnrle Alberts, or linunk AsHembly, No. TiS.
4s new members third prize, (1ft. O, l
Hutchby, of Uertmintnwn Aieiuulv. No. 'Id. JS
new members, and fourth prize. Slo. Dr. H.
Hunter lott. of Uermantown Assembly No. 110.
25 new members ,
Oriental Assembly held Its monthly Feasloti
Monday nlsht In rrutrnlty Uulldlntr, 1414
Arch streot. Two applicants for memheishlii
wero lnltl.ttod. The following newlv electetl
officers will lane cImtko of tho work of tho
ahombly for the current tear: Master ortlvnu.
Prederlck ll. tlflpln; sutVrlntendeni. llnwarI
M. Morrleon, Inspector, Anthunj I. A IT; re
corder, John T. llrown, cashier, (JeorBo 1-amo,
trustee, Alexander Levi, medical pxamtner,
P. A. Mfliitz.
ColllnRswood Assembly. X SO, of rollings
wood, met dnesdny ennir, when the toU
lowing brethren assumed tno reins of office tor
tho current year. Master tut I tun, Willi;! in tl,
Phillips, suneitntendent. Luther S. Itearner;
Inspector. WlllUm P. Tut em. recorder, William
Hnmbrecht, Jr . cshler, llenrge XV. Ayres.
medical examiner. Or. Kdntird 11. Hogers;
trustee, K. P. Nace; representatives Dr. Ud
wurd ll. Ilogers. Pll. Knebcl and William 11.
Marker alterant rpreenttt?... Kdward
Ilambre. ht F P. Nae and II W. Itolcombe
ing nffleers. elsrted In December, were In
tuited for the current year . Matter artisan
r. B. Johnson, superlnlendtnt. Roy E. Chad
ley; Insoeeior, Theodore P. Roedeli recorder
11. li. Vrentteli medirsl examlneri, J. .
Thatcher and J Marvin Ifanna.
I Uniform Guards and Staff Prepare
for Public Installation of Officers
.,. , ....,.,.,, ,,,.. 1..1.
'' ' l " r',
Helms, the chairman of the Souvenir
rogram Committee, E3W Olrar davenue.
lay evening, to perfect arrangements
the public mealing to lie nem in 11
Temple. Wednesday evening, January
Tho guard and the union staff nnd
Indies of coiemontes are tehearslng the
Moor work, and nil subcommittees are
working hard and great Interest prevails
among members and their friends. Tho
moving pictures taken nt the laying of
the cornerstone of the new home ofTleo
building, by the Grnnd Lodge of the
Michigan Slasons. will be Used for the
! first time on this occasion.
fhnlrmtu, nnd. the following Mrs. Hattle
iiui. .Mrs. lien it: niter. Mrs Sarah Hlsekman,
Mrs. rah II, tinyln, Mm. Dmlly Hall, Mrs,
Jnno Hotter nnd Mrr. Mnrv Httrron. fluest
Pommlttee, Mts, Martha Hanle ehalrmntii
Mrs Annfo Huckwrth, nsslfltant chslrmn,
nnd tho following Mm, Plorrnce Ifnlev. Mrs,
Jennie i Wright. Miss Mnile Iteynolds, Mrs
Anna It. Haven and Mrs. roni usher. Mrs.
Huhv a, TaMor. chairman, Mrs. i:il II.
t'ooke. assistant chairman, nnd the following:
Mrr. I lorencn Oshorno, Mrs. Knlhrjn Deeer,
Mrs Ijiniiii, Iloone. Mrs. Hewer. Mrs. Oar
retsnn nnd Miss Mary Collins: Lookout Com
mittee. Miss Anna K. Peril, chairman. Mrs.
Anna Hnner. assistant rhnlrman, nnd the fol
Inning- Mrs. UeorgUna HugUnd. Mrs, Mary
Monlswy, Mrs. 1-anny ll Hnmhletnn. Mrs.
Clara Lang. Mrs. Humy Tnjior. Mrs. Matilda
Imph, Mrs. Minnie fhaiey, Mrs Minnie Kans
and Mrs. Hanli Arnat Some necesunrr
changes or ad.lltlons to theNO committees ni.iv
he ninile nt the nott meeting of the Oenernl
Pommlttee. Oreat Commander .Miss Nellie t-X
Iounbiirv and Pnst Hupreme Commander Mrs.
i: V. llrown hue a crept til InUUtlon tn bo
piepent, and Miss ftlnn M. west, the supreme
commander is expected, nnd all member, of
thn rtfuiofi.itlon hero or In adjacent counties
and at. i n will retell? n moat cordial welcome,
nntl If tho corresponding secretary. Mrs. Hubv
A, Tajlori 2101 North Park aenue. recehrs
word in limn the finest iVmmttten will mako
nrraiigrment for their entertainment oer
, Philadelphia Uevlew rcixirts a good net gain
In incmbershlp ror 1W5. nml will seek to make
n larger ono (his enr. The officers hne been
Itintrueiril for tho , Installation by Supreme
Chaplain llurgln and Mrs. Olson,
Pcnn Treat Hex lew, formerly Opui, began
the ear with tiearlv nil tho officers in their
tdares, despltn tho Inclement weather. Mrs,
Umma U Miles and Mrs Krjnces M. Helms,
ladles of rrjemoriten for tho Lu Lu Temple
rneetlng, were present, nnd with Mis Hurgln
ntructrd the officers. Mrs. ungemacht, past
cotiunnnder of lllrnrd Itel9w, formerly Ollet,
was nlso it welcome visitor.
Interested Sir Knights Crowd Castle
Halls to Install New Officers
At the llrat convocation this year, hold
In the cnstle hull, Gcrmnntown avenue
nml I'rlco street, tho followlnc newly
elccteit olllccrs of Quaker City L,od(rc, No.
II, were furmnlly Installed by District
Deputy William J. Drondbclt, nsalBtcd
by (Irnnd Inner Ouurd IJ. U. Hodle:
Cli.uirellor cninmrindrr, Hnrry 1 Nsn.1; vice
rhiinrrllor. J. Hussdl winder: mastcr-nt-itrms,
.Inlin V. llnmlirnse. master ot tvnrk. James 11
ttnpl. prrl.ite. Jamoii II. Taylor, Inner Kiiard,
A. Khlncle: outer Kuaril. II. J, K. Dahl; trus
tees, jHmes II. Taylor, Fred Dahl and Harry
At the conclusion of tho address Post Chan
cellor T. Talor spoke briefly, nnd the new
chancellor commander, Harry I.. Neat. In nn
Inspiring nddress apnesled to the member, for
cordial support and concerted nctlon toward
the attainment of tlin lodsce nnd the detelop
mem nnd extension of I'jthlan principles.
Inauxui-atlns; tu fraternal work of the new
term tho l'ythlai knights of ,ho third District
of thin city, composed of Contlncnt.il Ixlee
No. ltio, DHmon Lodge. No, H. and Cosmo,
polltan IkjiIkc. No. 'J.U1, held a. public Installa
tion ot ftewlf elected fifrleerV .Tria irwmir
In the nmnln Hooms, Tl Jontt ItrMd tret,
Ther w larne tnrnotit ' intererted.inem
tcri nrt conslder.hle interest wm nunlfestM,
Tho ceremonies tfcre conducted tinder th dl-re-tlon
of.Ueputr tlrand t'h.nccllor.Josepri At
lrd. An excellent entertainment followed
e Installation.
WrrtneMM- erenlnft lh cn,tl Tisll tt S6tilh
ie, Nn. l, at TiH South Iiro9I street,.
hiUs. he well lilted with reemhet. snd
I ess . wei nuen wun rremneii
frntrrnal slter. Officers will. ho firmally In
nailed lor the comlne; term, nnd the.Knlerteln-
ment Committee tromle nn enjoyable ete.nin
to all who altcnit.
Valiant Sir Knights Sock to Organ
ize Now Subordinate
A largely attended and entliuslnstio
open meeting wan helit Wednesday eve
ning In Perkanle, under tio ftuptce ot
Atnnlrt C'oinmnndery, ?o. 891, for the
purpose of exploiting the principles ot
the organisation and aiding In the gen
eral movement for mcmbcrahlp gain,
which seems to bo permeating the order.
Delegations wero present from Lehigh
ton and Qunkcrtowit, and seven petitions
handed In was a tangible evidence ot the
benefit and concrete value of such gath
erings. A luncheon was served, n social
hour enjoyed and addresses delivered by
Ornnil Commnnder C. It. Illngaman nnd
tlrand Itccorder John II. Hoffman.
An application wan received la.t w.elt t
Stale headquarters for a charier for a new
cnmmnnilery to he located at Dormont. In th.
southwestern section of the Stale. Tn the. t
pllcallon for a warrant M names were at
inched. Tho new body, organised by M. J.
Wandlcss, will he Instituted February IB,
(Irand Commander O. II. IMngaman will .per
sonally have charge of the ceremonies, and Blr
Knlght Joseph llarker will be Installed a In.
first commander.
Friday evening tlrand Itecordcr Joiin II.
tlMrr.nn tnniim a itrminal Visit In Pho.nlv
.., ,,, ....... ........, .-- , ..- ----.- -;- :'-
.ommanriery. nn. ,ii. or .imrcus hook, ior
the puipose of presentlnr lo this body on behalt
e tlrnnd Cnmmandery of the mate a large
altar Plblc
ruble. 'I lllsj no,iy was ornnnnen
nlted only a
week ago with a rhnrter. of .in.narnei
hns admitted OI additional candidate.
Interest manifested In the meeting.
and the ritualistic work presages a
and prosperous luture.
Good Tcmplara
During the coming week, a series of Inter
esting meetings will be held.' to be addressed
by Micnnci J
I Fanning, a distinguished orator
of the order of many year, stand
; he w 111 speak In nbenez.r Melho
and member o
Intf Tnnttflit
.i r-nisn,,,,! nliurrh. ni!il and Parrlsh street.:
tl t.nurcn. n.ii ano irarrian sireeta;
2.3(1 In Columbia Avcnuo Mstho-
ll Church. Uilh street and Colum-
tomorrow at 2.3(1 In Columbia Avcnuo Metho
tils: Episcopal Church. lUilh street and Colum
Uin Henue. ..-j.j
Other meetings announced arel Wednesday.
II n, m.. (lermnntown V, W. C. A. Uulldlnc:
s u, m., Wavlarld Memorial Unptlst Church.
r,ai street and lialtlmor. avenue; Thursday
evening, Chinch Ilulldlng. Snth and Catharine
streets, Friday. 2:30 p. m.. Frankford Ilaptlst
Church, unity and Paul streela, and 8 p. m..
Third Ilaptlst Church.Ilrond nnd Wtner street..
Tho series will be completed Hundav tiet by
Hildrcssrs In the Iliintlst Church of log Ch.se
In tho morn'ns. In the Swedish Church. Mo
Kem street below Kith. B'.TO In thi afternoon,
and nt night In tha church at 40th street and
Woodland avenue
bia atenue.
Preparedneia St the all-
sorbing topic now.
We're always propnred to
Edward F.Henson& Co.
Structural Lvmbir and Tlmltr
l'oplnr St. Wlinrvo, rlilln.
lit Pi'Mt.Nt'i.rli.iiiB fa. tTith nll&bo n
,JI -! . ..--- -- - L,
1 1
kf ""' ' ' ' T ,.' V1x , ..