ltt !MU b i?ra VxVA 11 ,J!li B' . . !J- M ma .p i f. W it 1 wr 3tt EVEKItfG !DS!D0fiiR.BCfliAi)3alrPBtrA, MONDAY, JAJjfUABY 17, 191B FINANCIAL NEWS MARINE PREFERRED AND NICKEL ESTABLISHED NEW HIGH RECORDS grading in Standard Issues Was Small Commission i-. Houses Had Few Outside Orders Business "Cko Almost Wholly Professional . ," NEW YOItK. Jan. 17. Tho stock market Iodny was disappointing; to commission houses, few frtitsldo orders belngr recelvett over Sunday, and as a consequence most of tiw trading In the standard Issues was of a professional character, with tho rwtH traders selling 'early and then turning to tho buying side. There were eomo largo orders, however, In tho specialties directly affected by tho Retttipean wnr. Marino preferred was the1 most Important feature, advancing four points to a. now high record of 8514. with P. 13. Kecch & Co. taking largo amount of both tho preferred and common certificates. International Nickel rose nearly nine points, crossing 227, also a new high record, and thcro was continued banking buying of Cruclblo Steel, which sold nbove 70. Trading continued almost wholly professional all through tho lato after noon,' with tho room traders resuming bearish operations and offering slocks at concessions. Marino preferred reacted ono point, while International Nickel droppcd flvo points from Its high price of tho morning. Fractional losses occurred In Union Pacific, Now York Central and Southern Pacific. Min neapolis and St. Louis Issues wore weak, tho common declining nbout four points and tho preferred losing more than ono point. Tho decline In tho totter was duo to reports that tho stockholders would bear tho brunt of tho 'readjustment plan. American Can was another strong feature, moving up 1V4. Most of tho buying was traced to Held and First National Dank sources, and was attributed to tho expectation of an early and favorable decision In tho Government suit. Final Action on Minneapolis and St. Louis Plan Today A meeting of tho directors of the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad Com pany will be held lato this afternoon, when It Is expected that final action will bo taken relative to the readjustment plan that has been under considera tion for some weeks. An ofllclal announcement of the plan will bo made tonight or tomorrow. It Is understood that tho stockholders will bo called upon to provide most of tho hioncy needed to carry out the terms of tho plan. An underwriting syndicate will como forward with whatever part Is not contributed by the shareholders. New York Stock Sales Lost close. Adamj Expresl lfiO Alaska June. 0J Aliwltn Hold M 2fl)i A Ills-Chalmers Mfg.... 2RJ Allls-Chalm Mfepf.... 80 Am Ag Chemical 09T. Am 'licet StiMt (Wf Am licet Sugar pf..... 01 Am Can 03'f HUh. low. Cloie. ICO 150 160 0'., ?m 2SJf SO COH 07)f 0H ovt 10 25! i 20 80 71H 08 nt;r Am Can pf. Am C A F 71 72 71 Am Coal Products.... 108M 174!i 170 Wl 25! I 29)4 80 7)'s OVl WHEAT RECOVERED IN LATE DEALINGS Sales fy Philadelphia Allies Have Arranged to Buy All of Rumanian Surplus. New Top Mark for Oats 1125, 113H 112J. 11.1 7Hf Am Cotton Oil 5fl Am Hide & Leather... ll' Am Hide & li pf &r,H Am Ico Peeutltlcs. .. .. 20 Am Unseed 22H Am Mirorrl pt .13 Am Locomotive........ (MW ,m ixwomollvn pr. r,7H nn 2.V 2I! 4.1 0(W 50 55 25)4 23 41 no 170 Mil 11J 55 25!i 2.1) i 1M 00)' lOUf 102 No Bethlehem Steel Common Dividend Yet A. meeting of tho Board of Directors of tho Bethlehem Steel Corporation wilt bo, held on Thursday, at which tho regular dividend of 7 per cent, will bo declared on tho preferred stock, payable 1 per cent quarterly. Thero t has been talk from tltno to time of sumo action townrd a disbursement on the common stock during this year. Whllo nothing ofllclal can bo learned of tho plans of tho directors, It Is said In usually well-Informed circles that nothing will bo done In this connection at Thursday's meeting. Nothing Determined on Hock Island Reorganization Plan It was stated at tho oOlco of J. P. Morgan & Co. today that, while tho bankers have been approached by certain Interests Identified with tho Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company reorganization plan, up to tho prcs nt tlmo nothing has been determined In this connection. To date. It was stated, no conferences have been held between members of tho Morgan firm and tho Rock Island Interests. .10114 102 Am Smelt A Hef WOW Inn'i in.v inn Am Fmelt A Hof pf...U2!f 11.1,'f 11.1'f 113H Am Smrlters pf A n.l 03 JO 03 Am Smelters pf IJ.... 87) 80! 8C.M 80H Am Snuff pf Km 108 108 108 Am Stool Foundries. .. 53 58't 57'j" 5S) Am Sugar ttcflnlng pf.HSM 118)i 118H 118) Am Tel A Tel 127K 128 127 I27TJ Am Tobacco 203JS 202' i 202M 202! i Am Wool tr r 45 45V 435 f 45)4" Am 7, , h Hlnelt 07M 07)i 07 07 Anacomia .copper. . . . . sos, Ml'J mi 80 Associated on oof AtchTftS P lOOJi AtChT ASFpf WH llaldaln Loco 112 Itiltdnln Loco pf 108 llaltlmore & Ohio ol!i Haltltnoro & Ohio pf. . 80 25, 47lt 87'f 1.12 1.1 071 107 00? 110)5 Hatopllai Mining. llcthlehem Steol Urooklyn Ilap Tr. . . . llrooklyn Union (las. Brunswick Term Hums Urns S3t$ Hutto s superior ,0'i Cal rctrolciim 3Mf Cat Petroleum t'f fifllj Canada Southorn 51 07! 07! 107U 107 not no) 112U 110 10.8 107J, 107JJ 1U (MVj 1)1! 70J 70f 2H '2H 4S8 470 SS 87f mn laiK i3ijj 12I 1214 121 S3! 753 i .12 0D$ 5S'i 70 23 J 48S 87!f Kl)i 77U .11 073S 5SH 83)i 75 J i '.Mi 07'5 584 Canadian Pacific 17l)t 170)5 17Sf 17M Cent leather Co Cent Leather Co pf.. Chesapeake A Ohio. . Chile. Copper Chlno Copper Chlcaco (It Western.. Chi at Wrst pf Chi Mill A St Paul.. C M A St P Pf C C C A St L pf.... Chi It I A Pac Cluett Pea A Co Colorado Fuel A Iron Col A Southern Computlne Tab Hoc. Consolidated Oas Continental Can. . . Corn 1'roducU Hef. KIH 55)4 53; 5l' lOOJii 100H lOO'ii 100)i ihs fojr nm iw 2.1'f 2 IK . 51! MH .11 15 . no .10 lOOJi 101 21 51)5 15 30 24 54!S 15 39 1.15 7(1 18! i 7.1! 40 3IK 40)4 143 8-1)5 wit 13 IJ 13U. 100'f 100J( Corn Products Hef pf. 00 Seaboard Air Line Bonds All Sold Th'o Guaranty Trust Company nnd tho National City Bank nnnounccd that tho $14,500,000 of first consolidated mortgage gold bonds of the Seaboard Air Lino Railway have all been sold and the syndicate dissolved. COTTON MARKET IKREflULAR; ADVANCES AT LIVERPOOL Bears Were Free Sellers Buying of Good Character NEW YORK, Jan. 17. Further sharp advances In Liverpool wero followed to some extent by the local cotton market this morning. Recent bears, as usual on any bullish factor, were free sellers and U.ld prices In check. Opening advances ranged from 6 to 9 points and tho tune was firm. -Some Well street houses which have . ben against tho market for weeks of fered tho various options, but tho buy ing, while" scattered, was considered of a fairly good character. After the call quo tations reacted about " points. In tho South the temperatures wore low and precipitation was quite general, being heavy In some sections of the belt, es pecially near tho Gulf. Instead of showing losses of 2i to V.i points, as due. the Liverpool "market was 1 to VA points higher at the start here and then rose about 3 points farther. A private cable said, "Strong small mar ket; no hedging; very little orTerlng." Liverpool showed continued firmness after tho local opening, while prices on tLls side or the Atlantic eased off. Tho 'widening of the differences did not seem to attract much Liverpool buying, but there was some support from houses with English connections, and prices, which had sold back to within A .or 5 points of Saturday's closing figures, steadied 2 or 3 points from the lowest. After the iose abroad this Liverpool demand .tjtpercd. nnd prices here at'aln sagged un der continued Wall Street anC local pressure. The receipts . of cptton at ports for the day were, estimated at ', 18,0M) bales, compared with M'.3& bales last week, 75, 081 bales, last year anjl 3I.S3S bales in 1311. .Arrivals today were SS31 bales, including- 3H3 bales llnters. Memphis also re ported daly heavy arrivals of llnters consigned to one of the Jargo powder manufacturing companies, which already has in 'Storage at that point between 60,000 and 77.000 'bales of llnters. January Aiarcn May Julv fictahe. December pot ,. Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, Jan. lT.-Spot cotton today vu in rood demand, at un advance of U points, on- tho bails of S.Md. foe mid upland. na salea agareiratrd 12.WO bales. Includ nr S600 bales American. The Imports were 3UO0. bales, all American. The market; for futures cloaed. quiet at a net advance of b'.jCyli polnta. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW TORK, Jan. 17 As against an ex treme low figure on Saturday of ti.Tohi for demand, the opening nominal 'figure this morning was JU6H, and cables -were quoted, at' JUfli.' Stockholm and Dutch" exchanges were nominally lower. There was little feature otherwise. Quotations follow; Demand sterling. JI.'SHl cables, Jt7H: relchmarks, TSHUWic; lire. l.75fj 8,78; Swiss, J5.ltfi3.13; Vienna. l!.9212.93 ; Stockholm. 24.75S26.80c.. pesetas, 19.108 19.S0C,; guilders. ' I3je?,c; rubles,' 0S29.90c. The above figures snow relchsmarks a shade steadier than on Sat urday. In the afternoon the market developed irregularity, The feature was an advance In guilders to 41. after early sales at 43',i and a decline In relchsmarks to "6-1(76 1-8. from an earlier quotation of 76V6'76 5-8. Sie-rlln eased slightly 4.76S1.78 1-& arjd mtki were nuoted at 4.78 7-8. Other quo- uaiM were:, franc cuuiea. j.oj j-; ebaeka, S.S51-4; lire, 6.77 for cables and Ml iar, checks. The Vienna, market was .peclaliy interesting. SaUCloae. Open. High. Low. Clow. -. ,J2. I2.:c 1".'.3S r-Vtt Vi.M ix-7J. ts-sv ;.-., ;?.; r,fi :-::::::.: is: isri.'. 15: ?Ssi r ........ !'i71 12.7S l'.'.TO V.'.T4 -.-.IS "... V2.HH 12.87 1S.1W Jl'.KS 12.1B ., Ij.oO ..... ..... ..... -. Mkstc Activity Exerted in Paper KBW TORK. Jan. 17.-At the moment Ut sjwket for prime mercantile paper Is -rp-si3 very dull, but the phenomenally strenifpcsltloaof the financial Institutions of the country, illustrated by the record ehowlBg of deposits and loans of tho New Tork Clearing House banks, induces ex pectation, of a, more active business In naiktr before long, Br-krs explain that business men UwuiK?ut the country are acting very Hlveiy oa account 01 mo prooiems wl by and likely to develop from actuation to. Europe, the Mexican alia outer quesuons ot ine nour. New York Bond Sales jinoo 1000 11SM101) tono :iiioo 11101) Si.VH) 1(H)0 .'KKMI .vm) iaxH) :.vii) :ioii( 240(10 .-mi anxi icoo :ta KIOTO .1000 SMKIO 12rco 2IKIII 210011 IIKNI noon :ant 5WX) irai MKM) 1000 tnoo ftm HCOO HUH) 21100 MXO liOOO 11)00 1000 201 OiO TMn 10OO noon 1KIO .1000 1000 :m .1000 21 KX) 20() SHOO 200O0 1200O 2OO0O AOOO L'OOU KKam .tNXI mono 1000 IIMXX) 1000 2l0 401 K) 15000 IIXXK) 300110 .M)0 42KI0 soon IKK) l(IO srio) 12HOO IDfO 2im:o 2K 41000 R.VIO S1IMJO 22K) 1101.) loon Toon 270IMI 11000 KIOO lum fooo 20(O KJ0 6100H 1001) 3TOO 1000 ... . '". Adams Express 4s Hi; Amor Asr cv 5s lat AnIo-Kr L Bs !.-.; Amor Smelt Sec Us.... 114 Aricr Tel clt 4s lilti Amor Writ Pan Ss... IW4 Atchison Ken 4n 1U Atclilson cv 4s lnno.. .loiiu Atchison cv .Is 1017.. ion; Halt It Ohio :iUs mx Halt He Ohio -la mil Halt & Ohio cv 4is... lis-v; Ilcth Steel 1st ,1a loem Ileth Steel rfd 5s l!W Cal Gas & Kloc 5s... till Cent 1-cnther 1st Bs. .1015, Vnt It II N .T 5s 111114 Chill Copper 7s ..Tit, Chos & Ohio cv -ms...SS'J do 4tss lUTi Oil at West 1 72T(, Clil 11 & Q Jnt 4s livn do rcit 4s DSH Chi Mil & St I cv 4'.ssim'i do Ron 4Hs lo;i Clev Sh Une 4s iroii Cons qas cv (U 12HU Cuban A 8 lis 102i$ Cumber Tel 5s mi, pel Hud rfd 4s.... n"J win niTcur .orp OS.... Low. Clnse, !i, 10.1 nr.H 114 II IV. IWH 04 , lose. S4i It'.'.i 114 1UV4 IMS loiiu lime, inl.v f.i.sT I n.iu mK II2' 02U dsj,; lmiA imu 102U 1II2U INI IUI 101"! 101 1IIIU 11I1U lmif lxni S.NS SS', 111'. Ill', 72'i 72t(, IIHt4 HSU, HSH list, Kll'i ll!i 1011 10.1 IIXIU IKHi trie en 4s 7il'4 do conv -Is ser A.... 724 do conv 4s ser IJ. ... KM do prior 4s wt Orcen Ilay a 7.1 (Iranby li 107li Hud A Man In 5s .11 do rfd 5s 71 Town Central 4a 54 Ins Copper cv lis 1ICJ lnterb It T ref 5s mH Inter Mer Mar ct 4ljnloit, Kan City So 1st 3s.... 7()il d j 5s i I.ickn Steel 5s 10.V). . . 117 l.iclnle (las rfd .1a...0l: Lk Sll dell 4s 1028 05 . do deb 4s lull OIH ?h...vSl i" a ,m" Lorlllard 5, ioi Ixiuls & Nash 4s 0174 illnn & St I, 4s R4 'V i jsi is 7N1. do fd 4s 521, do vM ::; .c Mo Paclflo -Is -15U N Y Air llrako cvt 6s.10.1U NY p & H3Ua...... KliJ do 4s ?. uji; do tijs rnt N Y C lia 117U NjY City 4s 1057 iistf do 4a 10.1S list! do 4s 1053 0St4 N V N II & H lis.. " .US' a A 7.T1 rn -'-43 .... iisi K v V ?. 4Ma... KI1 .-vorff west -la Nor I'ae prior 4s ...I Da. nan ,. Penna cvt 3Ua 101(1. ..loon v kvii u ia n2t; !7i 70 7in; 72i4 S'.'H SI llrJU MU 074 70 7I1'4 test, M 7.1 ln7!i 107; at :n 71 74 54 54 102 102 HUH mm ioi ioi i"i, .014 in 101 05 01 oj; 101. 04 V inu inn; 101 42ti 105lJ ; Mt: 1I2 in; lottj 101 IH'4 mi 7Mi 62t; 42tj 451? mil.; Ml! 1- ,llt' s 'r'n 03',, !" .list .102 . Il!i . 05 . tS.1'1 . on .In en JI Panama 3s c!!!!l!I Pub Scrv X J 5s.!.. Iteddlne cen 4a nock Island 4s ..... Itock Island rfd 4s.. Hock Island 5s ... u. d, . ,a..., mi Seaboanl A L. rfd 4,., 71 Hi bouth Pac cv 4s KyC do cy ret t p 5a 10S Pac rfd 4s ;,,, fUrti South Ilwy n !!". 72 Texaa Co Ha ..10.1U Third Ave new 4s.J. Ki ' Tblrd Ava adj 5a..,, SOU II 8 Itubber 6s ..KtltJ IJ H Steel 5s ion? JVlscon Cent sen 4... 87t4 Union Pao 1st 4a..., 07i Va Car Chm lat 6s, .102',, Wabash 2d oai;,",',l! 02 Wab.p T 1st ct 4s..., .l3 West Elec 5 102)1 West Kleo cv 5a,,,.,, 115 West Union 4H od lnt; 11--G 0R l OSfi 0SV4 OSt-J o)' ltd Jin us; us; li 81i irtS Kini 03S oat; n.i'4 inn; loot; inoi; ion; 10114 iib ins',; 4i lirj Will 05C Hit; tBtt 43 Oil as 00U II." 84tl intj -13 IM1 7". lojtj imt 105)1, r., v. SOU 104 OTSi 102J1 102; rzn j?? flf oou oou MM tOSii Id.-. IH1 102 1.15 00 Total tales, $3,073,000. 3, 100,000 Ut Monday. compared with COFFEE MARKET STEADIER Brazil Willing to Make Concessions. Spot Demand Slow NEW YORK, Jan. 17 A steadier tone prevailed In the coffee market at the open ing this morning and first prices were 3 to 5 cents higher on a little scattered covering. Sales on the call were 1500 bags. The market continued quiet throughout the first hour, but prices lout some of the early steadiness as a result of Increased offerings from trade Interest. There was thought some indications that Brazil was willing to make concessions In fact, it was said that Santos la were offered here as low as 9 cents in the cost and freight market. The spot demand was again slow, and. while holders of coffee are not disposed to oppose any upward tendency in prices, they show little dis position to make new purchases. Today's Saturday's viutMi, vioe. 4Mtl.hU 6.05H8.0T 7.O07.;0 T.03S7.C5 I.VIHI.UI BATJCS FOR MONEY Cult. E. Vut Itff2 t.hl .,l.lrlji .. . . ....3USI 3V4SI KHSrrrzr , - oty. - - '.t . r'Xi'' .. ?w lt. iiitj m, uujuint, rmi Time. zwti January .. February Mrch . . , ify" ..::. Juna July Ausust . , Seotember October ... November December . Utd. 7.138T.19 T.108T.1S T.15CFT.24 7.1537.17 f. TJ13 J.W 7.50 7.20T.22 T.Z3U7.2T T..1087.32 7587.37 7.4U7.42 7.4581.48 Bank Acceptances NKW TORK. Jan. 17Prlme bank ac ceptances continued dull at nominal quo tations of 2 per cent (or fOa and 2ii per tvTit, for 5a, Crucible Steel Crucible Steel pf Cnhan-Am Sucar. ... Distillers Sec Corp.. Dome Mines Eric Krle 1st pf Feil Mln fc Smelt ... Fed Mln & Smelt pf. General Klectrlc. ... (Icneral Motors 47.1 7(1 18 70 injf m m in 8-1 ZiU 119! J 70 1105J 110'. 110H 110H 172 174 170'j 173 40)5 L'8 41W r.7.'f .11 r,r,H lrsjjj i OS 4054' Wl 57 no .170 70 17!,' r-nf 4SH .11 40 14-J5J &l 08 MUi 70 17! t 70 4!) .11 40 m:ih 81 22'i Wi 08 -I0)f 28 Wi 57 30! t wi 285 4t!f fi7 .11 r,m 17JJ 170)4 47 Motors pf 113,4 114j 114 Goodrich II F Co 71!!f 74 71 Goodrich 11 F Co pf. .U.'iU 111! 1112 G ranby Consol 8.5 Ml SO Great Xorthcrn pf V2H VMM Gt Nor cfs for ore pr. 4SJj 40H 47-1 1 14H 73' i 112 80)f 23!i 02i 40!f Guccen ICiplomn Illinois Cent Int Ilarv XJ lnt Ilarv N' J pf. .. Int Agricultural. ... Int Acricultural pf. Int Taper Co pf . . . Int Con Cor v t c sh. 10! i lnt Consol Corp pf. ... 70!f Insp Con Copper 17?i Int Mckel v t cfs. , Int M .M cfs of dp Int M M pf cfs of dp. 81W Kan City Southern 31 Lack Steel Cp 82! I-ehlch Valley SOU 23 i 23! i 107JS 107!f 110!," 110! HUH 110! .1104 110), 110M 1104 121),' 124U 4S)t' 484' 2.1)f 23! 107 107 23U 05 19Ji 105, 70H 474 21S!i 227U 220 . 20Ji 22'i' 21 834 31 Kl! 8fl!i 025 40 10!li 70!i IGJi SUi 304 82 805 i m OS 40!f 1055 7Gil 47 224 22)f 83Ji 30)5 82)4 80! i Mccett & Myers pf...H04 110!f 110i 1105J I.onc Island Iirlllard I Co pf. Louis & Nash Mackay Cos pf. .. Manhat Kiev ctd. May Dept Stores pf. . Maxwell Motors Max Motors 1st pf. Max Motors 2d pf. .. Minn & St Louis Minn & St I, pf Mexican Petroleum... Mex Petroleum pf. ... Mo Kan S; Texas.... Miami Copper Missouri Pacific Mo Pac tr cfs Montana Power... 1 ...110 . . . 130 ... V,C,H ...130 IOI 08IJ 804 110,'f 110U 130 130 07 07- 130)' I30 10.1 10.1 54!t 1.1 . 23 n-m .101 . 04 . 384 . 0)' . 0!f 0S!f 804 Mil 12 !IK 1104 130 07 130JJ 10.1 07!i SOU 544 0 2lil 00)5 80 5-1.4 1) 214 1104 11.14 110 102 101 101 0!i 33 0 54 04 fl5i 38!f OM 04 774 OH 38)a 0)1 04 04 National Discuit Co. ..1234 1214 1244 1244 Nat Knam & S Co... 274 284 2S 28 Nat Enam S pf.... 02 02)4 02)4 024 Nat Lead Co 004 714 00)4 714 NatLeadCopf 1134 111 lit 114 Nat Uof M 2d pf.... 9 0 84 0 Nev Con Copper 154 15),' 154 15! New York Air urate. .1014 153 N y N 11 & 11... ..110 .. 04 .. 12 43 . 014 .1GS . 44 . 5 82 NTOt II n NY O & West... Norf & Western... North American... Northern Pacific... Ont Sliver Mln.... Pacific Mall Pacific Tel & Tel. Penn Ilallroad 584 Peoples lias CM no Philadelphia Co 154 Pitts Coal Co N J. . . . 30 Pitts Coal Co N J pf.lll Pitts O O & St L , 82)5 I'resseu ateel car Co. Pullman Co Quicksilver Quicksilver pf Ity Con Copper Heading Republic Iron & Steel. Rock Island Itock Island pf St Louts Soutbaest... Sears Roebuck & Co.. Sloss-Sheff S & I South Porto It Sug Southern Pacific... Southern Ity. ...... Southern Ity pf.,.. Studebaker Co. ., 157 157 Studebaker Co pf 1104 111 Tenn copper. Texas Co...,, Texas Pacific. Third Avenue Union "Dag & Paper United Cigar Stores United Cigar Mfrs. Union Pacific Union Pacific pf.,., United Krult Co. 1504 1504 754 ,54 75 75 110 110)5 1094 1104 30 .204 294 294 1204 1204 1104' 1104 724 724 72)5 1154 1154 1154 04 0)4 ! 12 12 424 424 584 584 1104 109 40 45)' lOJi 35J4 110 80 (114 1714 54 04 254 h24 524 4 H 20 10 1834 185 014 01 24 54 H 108 80 01 107 4).' 54 SUi 81.4 514 4 4 19 185 01 .150 1524 150 V. 424 5SH 100 454 35J5 108 80 til 170 5 C 214 82 62 4 U 10 185 01 1524 1024 1024 102J5 10254 23 645X 14 Mil 594 ...223 ... 84 . OUf . 8 . 04 . 024 .138 . 8.1 .147 004 225 0 014 74 0)4 03 23 2.1 0454 MH 155). ISO 110)4 110)4 59 00.4 223 225 0 0 OHf 614 74 0)4 03 US Ind Alcohol 130 U S Ind Alcohol pf. U S O I Pi F , UoOII'iF pf..., United Itys Inr Co.,, United Itys Inv pf.,., U S Itubber ., U S Rubber. 1st pf... U S Steel Corpn. 7Jf 0)4 624 13S4 137)'j 13754 Hi 83 S3 140H 1464 118 1384 130 137H 1134 1124 112 50 104 30 55)4 108 80 wtf 50 20) 38 505X 108 804 22Jf 50 104 37 5554 108 8554 U S Steel Corpn pf. ,,117)4 mil 117). Utan copper 7U"4 7U4 79 Va-Caro Chem., ...... 48)4 51 46! Va Ry 4 Poer., 47 5754 574 Wabash ,.,.., 164 164 164 Wabash pf A.,., 4SU 484 48 Wabash pf B. 32 32 314 Wells Fargo Exp. ..,.,131 135 132 Western Union Tel..,. 91)f 92 91 Western Maryland.... 31 3154 314 West E 4 M 674 684 67)4 Wheeling & 1, 1? 44 34 3)4 Wheel 4 h E 2d pf... 4il 4)4 4)4 Willys Overland 228 225 224 Wpolvofta F W pf -123H 123H 123M 112 224 50 19)5 37 554 108 854 117.4 70 40)4 574 164 48 3151' 134)5 01 3154 07)4 3)4 4)4 225 123)5 Total sales, 5:9,300 shores, compared with 683,400 share last Monday, Russia Seeking Lead ,NEV YORK. Jan. 17. -While sales pf lead are smaller than tbey have been for several weeks bact, large quantities are in the market. Russian Interests are seeking 10,000 tons and .other foreign countries also are sounding this market for good amounts. In addition, domestic uses are taking fair quantities out of the market, vfchlch 1 firw at 6-SOo. a pouad new xtxx, tj CHICAGO, .Tan. 17. Wheat showed Ir regularity today, hut cloned stronir nnd nt tho top for Mny at $1.2Si, ABnlnst $1.27'., nt the end Saturday. July Onlahed only !ic. below the best nt f 1.22, ngnlnnt 91.21 nt tho close Saturday. Tho atnrt was hlshcr on nn ndvnnco nt Liverpool, hut Ihero was nn excellent commission delllnc; on the bulge and losses from Saturday's close were substi tuted, .vlny falling to $1.27 nnd July to U.20i4. l.cndlnR longs sold, nnd tinder this pressure morn or less stop-loss husl Hess wns reached. Subsequently thero was n recovery on buying, duo to the small Increase In tho visible supply, which trained only 71.000 bushels for the week in the United States to 69,597,000 bushels. Private London cables sold that the Allies had arranged to buy nil the Ru manian surplus for 6O,000,0O0 In gold, for the purpose of shutting out German buy ing orders. Further reports nbout In sects were received, but n leading au thority called attention to the fact that crop appearances In midwinter were de ceiving. Ho snlO that brown tops did not nhvnys mean dend roots nnd thnt spring rnlns were n great tonic. The Kansas Department of Agriculture, In a report Just issued, said that the sleet nnd snow storms of Inst week, followed by cold weather, hnd bcneOted the grow ing crons In Hint Stnte. It put tho con dition nt 8S.4 nnd the nrca sown Inst nu tumn nt MJ4.O0O ncrcs, ngalnst 9,145,000 acres In 1914. Todny's expert business was put at nbout 600,000 bushels. Cable advices sug gested nn casing up In the tonnage situa tion, nnd larger shipments from Argen tina nnd Australia were predict cd In tho near future. Corn ended firmer nttcr having shown easiness due to larger country offerings niul bcnellclnl rnlns In Argentina, whoro moisture hnd been needed. Oats were strong, after wavering for a tlmo follow ing ri higher start. Prices touched new high records for tho season on export demand. The visible supply In tho United Stntes Increased 362,000 bushels for the week to 21,055,000 bushels. Leading futures ranged ns follows: Sat'd's Wheat Opi-n. Hleh. T,nw. Close, close. Mny 1.2RJ4 1.2SJ. 1.27, 1.28H I.SJ',4 July ! 1.22'? l.S2ii LSOtifl.tS M.2I worn inew aenvpryj liny Julv Onts May .... July .... ijirn TAIL 7ts 4UH TOR to; 7lt 78M tln!i tin? r,2 , M'i 4'5 ' 48)1 70S 1.12 49H 78!i TO not; 481, January ... lo.n.i io.n.. May .....:. .10.00 11.2.1 10.80 tll.22 10.R.1 Julv nibs January Mav ... Pork January ainy 10.05 H.ilS 10.05 11..15 '10.1)7 10.0.1 10. SO 10.S.1 1L00 11.20 10.03 tll.20 "10.U.1 .. 10.45 . . 111.02 illd. tAsketl. 10.S0 10.27 20..10 10.85 20.30 10.87 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CIIICAOO. Jan. IT. llOOS Uecelpta. 75,000. Market stendv nnd a shado higher. Mixed and buichcrs. J0.S0ff7.3O: jrooil heavy-, Jil.Ht7..IO: FourH heavy. U.8r.7:.llKht. d.85BT; pigs. t.1..-4)ir0.50j hulk. Jll.S-.TJ7.20. CATTMi-necelpts. 22 .W Market steady nnd atrong. Iipevrs. Jil.50S0.iU): tows and li;lersj; Toxans. JU.40T.40; calves. 7HHi:KI'-itecelpts. 2.1.000. Xlarket lOaiGe. Inn-fT. Native and Western, iW7.7D; lambs, JS.2MT10.7O. LONDON STOCK MARKET Moderate Accumulation of Orders. Consols Improved LONDON, Jan. 17. Firmness generally prevailed In securities on tho Stock Ex change today. Thero wns n moderate ac cumulation of orders for Investment over tho week-end. Consols Improved, but 'tho continued popularity of exchequer bonds restricted the war loans. Their market prices, how ever, were maintained by the option of exchango Into tho next war flotation. Alteration In prices In the American department were mixed. Canadians were good In spots. Dealings In homo railway shares ivere not brisk, but they held stendy. Argentine rnlls wero buoyant on a demand from Investors. Tho foreign section was sustnlned. Tho tone on the Ilourso at Paris was harder, owing to the satisfactory fortnightly settlement. Min ing and oil shares wore firm and 'rubbers were stronger on a rally In the staple. Fresh support was given to bank shares. Eleven principal Joint stock banks wrote down investments to the extent ai 3,600, 000 last year. KENNECOTT STOCK SOLD All of 65,000 Shares Disposed Of. Dividend Soon NEW YORK, Jan. 17. The syndicate which underwrote the consolidation plan of tho Kennecott Copper Corporation hns sold the 63,000 shares of Kennecott Cop per Corporation stock, received by It as commission to Hnyden, Stone & Co., and within the next day or so checks will be mailed thcunyiullcate participants and the syndicate dissolved. It was learned today that the entire transaction had been successful. Nearly all of the Ilrailen and Utah securities, notes of the Kennecott, etc., having been turned In and exchanged for Kennecott stock. Such securities as remain unex changed already have been taken care of through bther channels. It Is ex pected that within the next few days the directors of the Kennecott will meet and decl-re an initial dividend. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. nid 1.00 .!. .14 .22 .34 .17 14 .. 7-18 Jim Butler MaeNamara Midway MUpah ISt Montana Northern Star .... Ton ftal . ... . J r.. .... Ton Ext I 4 Ton Merasr .......r?. ro Ton Mln 6 15-16 nrscue Eula , ,. ,00 West Knd 81 GOI.DFJELD STOCKS. 20 Ol 40 ., , ,02 OT 0.1 01 50 I.0.1 Asked. 1.03 .04 ,15 ,23 ,:ia iu 4' 4 Atlanta ,, Hue. null ,... lloolh Ilulldog U. O. I' Comb Frac ......... rilamondflsld li D , Daisy , Florence i.oinneia .-ons T .10 .83 .04 .42 ,03 .04 ,00 04 ,(M .52 1.12 ,18 1.32 .21 .Oil .08 .00 ,05 .04 .21 1.T0 quar- siouc Ooldnald Merg- ,.....,..,., IT junioo El ..,..ttM. .,, ..' Kewanaa ,,..... ..,... , ,20 Oro ...,................,.. ,0.1 Sand Ken ....,,.., .07 Silver Pick ,,., 05 MISCELLANEOUS. Fairy Aitee ,04 Nev Hill 18 Nev Wonder ,......,..,,.,...,., 1.05 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Consolidation Coal Company, regular terly Hi per cent., payable January 31 to Of record January u. America!) Sumatra Tobacco Company. T per cent, on preferred, payable February I to stock of record January 20. "'"" Btanoaro . onvcr mw company, resular monthly 2Vi Per cent.. payabU February 10 to stock of record January 31. International Harvester Company and the Corporation each declared regular Quarterly 11 percent, on the oref erred stocks, nayabli March 1 to stock of record February 10? Tba United, C gar Manufacturer Company, regular quarterly H per cent, on tho jirii f erred, payable March 1 nooks close Feb ruary 15 and reopen March S. Brasil Contracting, Ught and Power Com pany. Limited, regular quarterly 1 per cent, on common, payable March I to holders of record January 31. Rehearing in Rate Case Asked WASHINGTON, Jan. 1TA petition for a rehearing In the Western rate case was filed with the Interstate Commerce Com mission today by the Nebraska, State Jtallwtty Conralsslon, which asked for a. revision or passenger- rates In northern ivaiisas, northern Missouri, portions of Illlnels, yvUcopAta, Minnesota, low ' Bat. close. MO 'Am Can U .1 Am Oas- 122 15 Am nvys pfd... KM 10 Bald loco .....IPS 10 Huff A Bus t c. 40 nn do pfd M 20 J O Ilrlll OT 39)S Cum Bteel "rAl 110 Iter M M t e pr .. ST Ins Co N A.... SOU 1120 Lake. Sup Corp. S'i, t.1 tlilgh Nav ... TSH 4S thlfth Val ... St 101 Wh Val Tr. ... 10 107 rio pfd 9a 2.1 Miami Copper., .. 10 Mlnchllf ....... r.n 2.1 North Central.. PO 701 lenna ttallroad. W4 4 fn Salt Mf(t....lOi) .1 rhlla Co 13?, IWI 1'hll.i Klectrlc. 2S 4ir. P It T tr ctfs.. inn in Phlla Traction.. 70H .10 ttnv Conn ..... .. 1 ne.-idlnc Mli TilO Tonnpnh Hel .. -Its 215 Tnnopali Mining 0",. 10 Tex I'ncine 415(1 t'nlted Oas Imp Sn 440 U 8 Steel Jul 10 ilo prcf SCO War lr & Bt... I0!t BI) V Jer ; Seas'i fio-lj 2Vork nwv pref. . .15 Total sntes, 14.111 slmres, com llt.ui insi .iionuny. nONDS Ist prev. mlo. lllxh KflfX) Allcg Vnl 4s... noli p; 12000 Am Oas & K Bs. PO tODO tiald trfie 1st Ss.lOITi lono Itelli Steel 0s.,.12o 1000 Key Tel 1st fif. Pfi',4 1fflO Iiko Hup Ine Rs 22 7000 Leh & N Kng As . . WW Vnl gen 4a. P2U. 17000 do gen 4t.... lot's 1000 do cons 44s...l011i 1000 do Coal r.n,...IO.Hi 1.1000 Tcnna -en 4'4s..loi, High. Low. Close. ftl fil M 122 122 122 on RVI ,05 ids 10s 10s .1!) .1'l S! K T BT nn so an 7.1 74 74i IH Jtltd S4U 254 2.1H 2.114 OH 0 1-10 7SH 7S"j 7S'4 81 Wl iOM 10. 10 in .1!) SS'.S .1SU ss avu jw Bfl BOH BflU SDH ' SOU fIW W M14 WH 100 100 100 4.H,i ir.W 4.V 2SH 2Ti 2S 1t) 10U lO'l 70U 7inl JOtJ 2111 2ll 2111 S24 $2; MH 4, 4!i ! 7 (1,. ,, 014 0'4 0V4 P2H W14 Oil Mi 4 R.V CO' 4 117W 117f. llt'4 inn 10U 10H BOlt BO BO ,1.1 ,1,1 .1.1 pared with niii 10114 120 Don 2.1H liaij 02U 102 101(5 10.1'i ioi 2.1000 do cons 4..103i 10.T4 2000 Ta A Mil Stl llclOt 101 1000 P Ser Cp N J Bs M'i P04 12000 Phil Co eons Bs. 02 nii 0000 Phlla Kloc 4s.. 82!J MU TOCO Head Ken 4s.... P." MU 11)00 Itcad-Jr Cen 4s. .. 01 .1000 Spnn-Am 1 0S..102 102 47COO Stand Oas Oa...l00!i 3011, 2000 Un Itys t c 4s.. 74 71 OOrtO do Inv Ba 7.1 7.1 f.ow. 00t4 .00 lOllj 120 0011 2.Vi 10.1 H2it 10i'4 lOllj JOHi 104 PO PP!i 8.1 Mil 01 102 lOOli Tl T.I ClOlf. n 01 '4 1011) 120 Wl. J.W imn 024 101t4 10114 10.1'H 101s 104 ii MU Ii."U 01 102 10114 74 7.1 Total sales, ?181,I00, eomparrd nlth $08, 400 Inst .llonilnr. Local Bid and Asked Baldwin do prrf Buff & Sua t c do prcf Brlll.r O Cambria Steel Klsctrlc Ktonma .... General Asphalt ilo pref Keystono Telephone . ilo t c da preferred IjiKc Han Corp .... Lrhtgh Nav lA'hlgh Vnllev l.ehlRh Val Tr do preferred Pennsylvania Philadelphia. Klectrlc Phlla Co do B cent. pfd.. ilo H per cent. pfd.. do t c Heading Tonopah Belmont ... Ton Mln Un Traction I! O I If S Steel York Hwy do pref Wm Cramp t c Tod.iv'a Bid. Asked. Saturday's Bid. Asked. ...110!4 111 112 11.1 ,..ins losij .. 10s , .. sw .111(4 at) 411 ,.. o; .17 bus; BT , . . :iti 40 :tti 40 ... T44 74i 7.V4 7.1?; . . 114 It.'. 11:114 .". ... 3.114 ''! !J 3 4 ... 70 71 TO 71 ..'. 1414 1411 14( 1411 ... 14!j 14?i 1414 14-15 , .. IKI 70 m 71) ... mi in; s', n , .. 78U 71) 78U 7t) ... SOW 81 Mils 81 ... iki; in in nn4 ... MU .is j; :tsu .in ... M'i bsjJ B8I4; i 28 28't 27J4 2814 .. 4.1 4.114 41(4 4.1 .. .1.1 Illl .1.1 Rll . . 4.114 41 4.m 44 .. It) 111 111 llHi ... 81'4 82U 81' S21? . 4T-10 41, 414 4 0-10 .. tiiB-ino n is-iu t .. 44 4114 44 4114 .. ni-H int.; 88ti mH .. S.1JI MjJ 80 8IP4 .. tw n( 8; in? .. 31 3B 31 3.1 .. 81Vi M 8114 83 Financial Briefs Cluett, Pcabody & Co. report for 1915 net profits of $2,073,557, compared with tt.Ol.147 In 1314. fc.". Tho Arizona Tom Heed Mining Company has acquired tho Snowball (.-roup1 of 90 patented acres located in tho Oatnlon acres district. Tho freight congestion nt seaboard points has not resulted In nny diminish ing of the loaded car movement past eight typical Junction points on the Pennsyl vania flallrond. The total number of cars reported during the tlrst 14 days of Jan uary was 333,751, an Increase of 73,683 over the corresponding period of 1915. Tho largest gnln shown by nny single point was 21.3S7 cars, or 40.8 per cent., nt Pitts burgh Interchange. Four of the eight Junctions showed Increases of 25 per cent, or more. Additional shares of stock of various companies have been placed on the regular list of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, ns follows: $328100 American Telephone nnd Telegraph nnd 12,500.000 Philadelphia Company common, maklnp total of the BANK RESERVES EXPAND Excess in Philadelphia Rose Nearly Six Millions Deposits Also Larger An Increase of .3,S?8.000 In excess re serves was reported by the Philadelphia Clearing House banks In their weekly statement today. Deposits showed a sub stantial gain, while loans decreased moderately. Jan. IT. 101ft. Loans alTl.O-.W.OOl) Deposits (ind.) 42-1,B7t).OIM Circulation 11,01.1,000 Dun from hanks hO.&Till.OOl) Deposit of banks 1I.N,.'I28,0IK Ex. Clearing House iieserve neia -4.vvoon 123,0O!),flOt JicBtrve jictu. 1-'.' '. ."' Heserre required 73.742.000 Surplus 40,377.000 Increase. J715.O0O 1,021,000 4S4.0DH 4.7BO.000 a, (iXLono 7.321,000 ..Ull.tSRI 1.201,000 Surplus under old form: January 48, 101.1, .,, . mn nm. lunnasu 111 mil iiu iupiishh f 41.e 1 v.tni'i 1 nil usasj vi usa( f lu.'aw.i'vi 4 January 20. 1013. J13.Kif.000: January IS. 1012, I12.42S.000: January It), 1011, Is).o02,250, -uecreafte. COPPER CONTINUES STRONG Authorities in Trade Say Upward Move Not Checked NEW YOnjC, Jan. IT, Continued strength Is shrfwn In the copper market, -with practically all selling Interests ask. ing 24V4 to 24H cents a pound: 30 days. The question of delivery Is ruling the price, with favored shipments. bringing the higher levet. Authorities in the trade ridicule the stories that the upward movement has been checked by the large production of the metal, the attitude of the British Government- toward purchases and the freight embargoes on shipments Into New England. They point out that the buying at present is Just as large and oa urgent as it has been for several weeks. GOVERNMENT BONDS -JPld- Asked. 2a of 1030. registered, .,,,.,,,, 0014 ., 2a of 1U30, coupon..... 00 ,, 'Panama 2s. registered ,,.,m .. r4narna, 2s. lBXo. registered..,., ns .', Panama new 3a registered..,., ,101U ,, Panama new 3s. coupon IOIJj ., 3s of 1018, registered. ,...loUi ,, 3a of 1018. coupon....,, i-JKLr 4s of 1023, registered ?0 4a of 11)23. coupon 110 ,, BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearing today compared with cor responding aay i" tiv 'loi 1013 .- . MA,hUI7IT 11 H U KQr I.I UM HIQ I'hUadelDhia." 3S,'l23.T3.1 24,'ll3.'4b 2i:eAO.'57.- NewYorsV. .337.381.720 22.1S3,6GJ 2ia.020.2M BAR SILVER la London today bar silver was quoted gt 24'Ntw Tork bar sllvtr declined H to B69i cents. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW TORK. Jan. top arads: receipt." 342T packages: extra. 31c.; KJher scoilnu. We. Vtat,1 dairy, 30331ci JuilutUiu creamery. MStfUjc. , KOOS-Flrm. receipts,, 608I packa(: extra. tswybrt--.; mU9i,S3mit,l 4rltjra,tf SUDDEN UP-TURN IN UNITED Bas" RAISED RUMOR OF STOCK DIVIDE1 Sjiai'eholders Said to Be Seeking Distribution of LariJ Ar.inniilnfpf1 Siii'nltis 'Price Rose T1iipp Prvit k General Local Market Dull A sudden buying mov.r.-ont developed In United tins Improvement shares today. From 89 the quotation was nulchly bid up lo P2tf on comparatively light pur chases. Accompanying the rise enmo tho ciiot- mry rumors of n stick dividend. These stories ranged from ft strnlrht 10 per cent, stock nllotment nt par to n 30 per cent, stock pnymnt, with 20 per cent, dividend In ensh. The nnliual mee takes plnco the first Monday In May nnd 60 days notice must bo nlvon of nriy chnnco In dividends, so that If anything of the sort Is contemplated, tho public should" hear of It olllclnlly within a niplo of months. It Is known that there Is n large accumulated surplus of something like $.10,000,000, ntid some stockholders nre snld to bo growing restive, feeling thnt they slioiiid no pcrmiticu tu i """ of tho accrued profits. As a matter of fact, In recent years the company's profits on the operntlon of Its various gas properties have not been so largo ns formerly, owing tp tho steady lowering of the rates charged. On tho other hand, It has been developing nn Increasingly profitable business In dif ferent hy-prodilcts, which has offest to n considerable extent the curtailment In the direct enrnlns from gas sales. There Is at present JS.1.520,700 stock, par vnluo M. Of this .w,M2,9) Is outstanding. Tho last time ft stock dividend wns declared wns In March. 1910, nt tho rate of 10 per cent. About February the U. 0. I. has been necustomed to go over construction and cnpltnl requirements for the v. when In the past It has been decide "J? make n new stock Issuo -r such ni rli? tho fact hns been promptly innoSSTi According lo nn authority m ?ot?ch "2i comnnnv affairs, hrmwo, .V?... .ch ' tcntlon now to make a stock alio rnent 2j new stock Issue. President Hodin. 12 out of town today and no ofllclal lu!, ment could ho obtained from the V31 nnnv. H la nM..,ll,U.. 1 " ."' ln.e tOttil net earnings for 1915 have been.veriV'v vnrnhln. Inrlv !,,. . ..!V Ttr flS cost at which the ,bs.dikV7ompT?i wero nblo to contrnct for supplies a, used In the manufacture of gas i Tho early gain In tho price of thestrJ? brought out a moderate amount In i2J Into r1"tl1tt1irg nl.,1 Htn.n ... - ... IDG, recession from the best at. the close 1 Except for a rlso of moro thanUJ points In Lake Superior Incomes an moderate sebnclt In Hurfftlo and Sut qtichantin. the local market did llllls ij day. I,akn Superior nnd I'ennsylTaiS were In modcrato demand, while CamW Steel nnd I'hllndclphla Blertrle eased 2 slightly. As thu day advanced PhlladM pnia uompany scored n gain r' earii3 nnliiln. niul t.nhli.1i Vnll... rv 1.. "'MM "":." . z ;; , :"i'v.-.?'nii imj inu.vv. nt', t.o m uiiiici' itauway infest merit oq. LA The' wholo bond list came to life todirl nml tho trndlng wns broad nnd acHtsJ Thn fenturn win tlin dnntlnir In ti.,. .1 Oas nnd Klectrlc 6s, which advanced ovtr iv iiuiiil un naius 01 nearly ,iu,uw, PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. Ilecelpts, 102.073 bush. Demand was fairly, active nnd with 'ironser outildo advices prlert advanced 1c. Quotations: Car lots. In export elevator No. "J red, spot and innimrv. .l.snwi.3l ; No. 3 fiouthern red. steamer No. 2 red, fl.2iM.s: No ! reii. fl.20Sii.2Si rejected A. fl.2TH4 1.2.V4I rejected H. tl.2Sfll.S4. COI1N. -Receipts, 11SSI bushels. Xr;5e1w5! unlet, hut prlees, ruled steady under Ight orrerlngs. (Jnotallon: Car lots for local trad. ns to ocntlon-Westcrn No. 2 wl ow, Wfl'Se.i Western steamer ynllow. 8241fMl4C.i Western No. .1 yellow. POQSic; feouthern yel low, M)tfK!e.i cob, per 71) lbs., SOc. OATS -Receipts. 100.720 hush. The market ruled linn nn.I Uc. hlsher. with demand fairly active. Quotations: Na 2 white. SIMnlat standard white. Wfl.VlliC;: No. 3.hie. .11H .-.IHc.: No. 4 white. 40'ff.ioe.: ""nipln oat. lOWiISc: purlflcd oats, graded, SmHc. FLOUR.-Recelpts. 1U2 bbls. and 010.010 lbs. In sacks. Mill limits wero well maln nlneil biVt thero was little trading. Ql?"0."": per 11)0 lbs. In wood: Wlntw clear. ts.40jf,..(n. ilo.. BtralKhl.- $.-,.110110.10: do., patent, tO.-. n.M. Kansas, clear. Juto sucks, tr..a0' do.. stralRht. lute sacks, f.l.iSB.1.00; do., pnt'ent. jute "sacks. J0H0.2O; spring, first .clear. Jr,.-.V(l: do., straight. f0a.8.y. do., patent. do., fnvorlte brands. city mills, choice nnd fancy patents, tiUSflT.iri: city mills, resular Krades--lnter, clear. f .40 iff.l'os: do., strnlshl. f5.00B0.10: do., patent, $0.2.i0.r,i RYK IT.OUR. OfforlnKS wore llsht and tho market ruled steady, but trade was quiet, Ae quoto nt t3.25Jl5.50 per bbl ns to quaMty. PROVISIONS There wns n fair Jobbing demand and values were firmly held. Quotations: City beef. In sets, smoked nnd alr-drled..2IM23c.: Western . in ects. smoked. SIHSSc: city beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked and alr-drlcd. .Ofl-.c., Western beef. Knuckles and tcndcia. smoked. 20ifj27e.: beef llama. fSMMOi Dork, family. f23.S0fi2.1: hams. B. i". cured, loose. llwrlSe.; ilo., skinned, loose. 1MJ15V4C.: do., do., smoked. 17WUSC.: other hams, smoked, city cured, ns lo brand and average. lBtifUTc.: hams, smoked. Western cured. iilWflTc: do., boiled, boneless, 2fto.: picnic, shoulders. S. J'.liciired loose, ldiic: ilo." smoked. H!412c.; bellies in Pickle, according to average, loose. UffWic.; breakfast bacon, as to brand nnd average, cltv cured. l.Vfrlflc.; brcakfnst bacon, west ern cured, 1.181 nc.; lard. Western, refined, tn tierces, lfec.: do., do., do., tubs. lOlic.i : do., pure city, kettle rendered. In tierces, loi.c, do., pure city, kettlo rendered. In tubs. 10-7,0. REFINED SUGARS m . til st. .ilss t.tit n1il 'rill Ail steady. npflnera' Hat prices: fcl Extra- cJJni- ... .tn. ., -. Tn . .i.n.l.n rt.KOCl powdered. '.I.V.'c. 'confectioners' A, 5:03c; soft grades. 4.'.K)ir3.Mc. DMRY PRODUCTS BUTTER. lSmand wns sufflclont to absorb thn limited receipts of fnncy stock, values of which wero well Bustnlncd. Following are tho quotations: Western, fresh, solid-packed cream ery, fancy specials, sec: extra, .14c: extra lobbing' nt 40B4:ic. EOOS. Thero as n good demand for nne new-laid eggs, and with light receipts (he market ruled Mc per caso higher, following are the quotations: In free cases, nearby extra. :io. per dozen; nearby flrsts. JO.UO per standard ense; nearby current receipts. ID.TO iwr ense: Western extra flrsts. 1).30 per case: lo.. flrsts, ftl.iiO per case; fanev. selected candled eggs wero Jobbing at astflOc. pt-r doxen. CHEESFl-Offerlngs wero light nnd the mar kct ruled llrm. wltn trade fair. Following are tho quotations: New York, full cream, fancy, held. 1818t'ic.: "spccinls" higher: do., fair to good, held. ITS 1744c: do., part Bklms, 1015c. POULTRY I.IVB. The market was quiet with ample of ferings nt former rates. Following are the quota tions: Fowls, ns to slra and quality, liuilsc.; roosters, ISJrlSUc: spring chickens, accord' ing 10 quauiy. iihiihc. ; iuri". vu --. ducks, as to slro and quality. 1517c: geese. lBaiTc: gulnens. young, weighing 2 lbs. and over apiece, per pair, MrffOOc: weighing i, lbs. npleco. per pair. TSWHOe.; weighing 1 lb. niitece. per pulr. M)c. : guineas, old. ner pair, Wc.i pigeons, old. per pair, 23tf2Sc; do., young, per pair. 181120c. nRBSSF.D. Thii market ruled firm under light receipts nnd n fair demand for desirable stock, Quotations: Fresh-killed, dry-packed fowls, 12 to box. dry-Picked, fancy selected, 1014c. i do., welghlnir 4 lbs. and over apiece. 10c; do., weighing 11(4 lbs. apiece. lSe,; do., weighing a bs. apiece. 17c; do,, smaller sues, 1 flii Ilk-. Fowls, In bbls.. dry-plckeil Fancy, 4 lbs. and over apiece. 18V4c; smaller sizes, lSitlTc Uld roosters, dry-picked. i:mc Chick ens. Jersey, fancy broilers, Sti2ilc: other nearby fancy broilers. 2282 lc: Western broil ers, weighing lVtiiS lbs. apiece, 2224c.North ern Illinois, fancy yellow chickens.- neighing 4 lbs. nnd over. In boxes, 2iM121ct do., do., weighing SUU.1V; lbs.. In boxes. 1819c; do.. weighing 2V44WU .bs. In bbls., 17flSc; other Western, weighing 4 lbs. and over, In boxes. ISfflUc; othor Western, weighing Sl4n.1V4 lbs. In boxes. lOHlTc: other Western, weighing ;!(, lbs.. In bbls.. lneiftc.; Inferior, 14c. Turkeys, nearby, fancy, STfiSSc: do., do., good to choice, 23$f26c; do.. Western fancy,- 2ilc: do., do., good to choice, .'JSKSoc.; do., fair. 208S2c; do., old toms, 21c: do., culls and No. '.. luTi'JOc Spring ducks, nearby. IK 20c: do.. Western, .fancy, 1761Sc: do., do., fair to good. 12W1.V. Ueese. nearby. IuiSISc; lo.. Western, M&litc. Equabs. per dos. White, nelghlne 11 to 12 lbs. per doz.. IJ.lftftil: white, welghlna- 0 to 10 lbs. per doz.. fl.SOn n: white, weighing 8 lbs. per doz., J3.T5-W4; do., do., T lbs. per dos.. .T?3.BO; do., do., iiOVi lbs. per doi J2.VWTJ.73; dark, 12.239 2.T3; small and No. 2. 1181.23. FRESH FRUITS Demand was only moderate, but values gen erally -were steadily held as follons; Apples, per bbl. Jonathan, fancy.; do.; fair to good. fS.&OWl: Mcintosh. X.1R3.BI); Wlnesap. f2.Mi.1.2.1: llaldwln. 2.BOtf.'1.2.1: lilaclc Twig. 2.riil1XW. Grimes' Oolden. 2.S09:i: Ureenlng. fS.tVKra; York Imperial. 42ii.'i; Twenty-ounce, aa:l; 1'lopln. J'-'d:!: lien Davis. SlAaa2.R0; other varieties. 41.30S2.DO: No. 2, ii.2.wi.r.O; apples. In bulk, per lull lbs., &0c.Cil.SO; apples. Western, per box. tl.234T2.23; orauirea. Florida, per crate. tl.T3S'l. tangerines. Flor ida, per strap. 120.1: grapefruit. Florida, per crate. 42.303.1.30;' lemons, per box. tlitt; vine- apples, per crate forto iiico, -.-..w,iii.ia: i-ior. lilaf 42v2.o0; cranberries. Capo Cod, per bbl.. RJSill: do.. Cure Cod. per crate, 12.3030: do., Jersey, per crate, l2.2oei2.T3. VEGETABLES The general market was quiet and without Important change. . Quotations; White pota toes, per bush., 1.10H.23; whlto potatoes, Jersey.' per basket No. 1 Rose, fl070c. ; No. 1 other varieties. 00070c; No. 2. 304440c: sweet potatoes, Jersey, per basket No. 1. 40830c. : No. 2. 1.16-23C; sweet potatoes. Virginia, per bbl.. tl.MXUl.T3; onions, per 10O-lb. bag No, 1, f2.254j2.TJ; No. S. TBc.etl.S3i cabbage. Danish', per Ion. II0M12; celery, New York, per bunch. l.VS-lOo.: spinach. Norfolk, par bbl.. 1I.SS. Kale. Norfolk. pr bbL, tHSfSc ; lettuce. Ftori Ida. per basket, fl.2331.30: do.. North Caro lina, per basket. 73C.OI1, do., Texas, per basket. C0875c,; beans. Florida per basket, tl.soaa; -p"- Florida, per basket. f?i?4: peppers. Florida, per carrier. f244-2.S0; egg plant. Florida, per crata. t2 23ii2.73: mush rooms, per lib. basket. flCl.SO. IXOAI. ADVERTISEMENTS SP,: NOTICE 18 11EUKUY UIVEN THAT the DartnershlD haretofora sxtatln between A. Gabler, Harry Zeper and Ilyiuan I.eveusteln, under tha firm nama of Tlin LONDON bHIRT COMPANY, has been dla solved, A. Uablcr retiring. A. GABI.KK. DIKKCTOKY Q aCCOONTANTa fJartlsUd PuhMe AccoanUaU U.WSBNCB K. BR. BSAt. sWT4fS f K HI OWN & en stuyr buiuisb. $& UETTEIl TONE ON CUItB; HEAVY TRADING IN NICKeI Midvnlo Eased Off After Show 1 Firmness Good Demnnd for Ollsji NEW TORK, .Tnn. 17.-There was a dS cldcilly better tone, lioth In reeoert. ..-f BtreiiRtli ntul netlvlt.v. In tlin mnric.) e.. outside securities torlny, ami, while theriffl wns sorno Irregulnrlty nt times on Brolicill .u.,.h. ,' "mi unuciiune wto atroiiB. There wore several new hljhl marks matlo In tho sneclnltles. - International Mercantile Marino prt.S forred moved up to n new lilcji record to 83 on comparatively smnll dealings. In.T4B ternntlonnl Nickel nt ono time showed lilfM ndvnnco bt 2i points, also n now hlghlS mnrl: nt hVA, on heavy dcnllnRs. 'Kdtsi Mldvnle Steel, nfter n show ot flrmneis,! cased off slightly. Motor stocks werA;J tiuiuui.iiuk iuve.uii,i, uufc scnerajijH llrmcr. Kennecott Copper continued icl tlvc, nnd nfter nn Improvement ot J cased 1 ott slightly. First Natlonnl contlnuedE heavy. Oils were In good demand, trtthC Cosden the feature, which advanced Hi on rather heavy purchases. Bonds wer'il firm but quiet. TMnlTHTnTATJ. Bid. Aik4 Alax Rubber Ire w 1 714 tliSJ Atlan Oulf & W I B S 30; JWi nn li,?. 4n .122 ...140, 7s'" :i Cuban Can Chevrolet Motor Car Drlggs-Heabury Internatlnnnl Merchant Marino International Merchant Marino pfd Knthodlon Ilronzo pfd Manhattan Transit Midvnlo Steel J'eerlesn Motor Tenn Mar & Ord Standard Motor Submarine Iloat v t e ctfs Whlto Motors w I World Film STANDARD OIL BUDSIDIARIE3, National Transit 31 Ohio Oil ll7 S O of California 74 H O of Now Jersey BIS S O of Now Vork ..217 OTHER Oil. 8TOCK3. Cosden Houston Oil Inter Petroleum MININO STOCKS. Attnntfi . ...... ..t.........aai liutto C A Z V t ctfs,. VI... Va.lnn.l fnTMr lOoldfleld Merger liecia Alining Jim uutler Juinlm Gxten Kcnnocoit copper . 1A MS . 214 .121 m .20 "iii :: MWtl MoKliilev-DarrnKh Alines of America . Nlplsslng Mines Co .San Toy St. Josoph ... West Knd Con Kx dividend. il Conner sEfitftS rgcr W -Jj3p Ion Ill V$ ipper S Pj tl , Mi SOUTIIWARIC BANK CHANGES!! At the nnnual election of ofllcers of tiff Southwnrk Nntlonnl linnic toaay. ine in l.,..n n.A n1ft,trt Wllllnm W. FOulS rod, Jr.. president: Ferdinand B. Bom nafan. S. S. Darmon, vlce-presldeaUxi John B. Harper, chairman of the board j directors nnd "Walter J. Stelnmnn. cashlew t. -n-n..llA T liiiiHi Afr. HarcefiS advancing; from cashier to the presHcnffj of the Institution. Walter J. Stclnnwril wns elevnted from assistant cashier mt cashier. S. i. uarmon, wno was i-" w ..!.. nvAoiAn. , n tteeti it memberi the board rt directors). Mr. Harper waj appointed cnair-nnn ut mu """ --m tors, liavliiR declined renomlnatlon tofl 11113 Jjlt;aiuviiu. Investors' Pocket Manual With the Now Tear comes the new 272 - pace , Investors Pocket Manual, glvlnir current statistics, records anil men and low prices of Stocks and Bonds of Ilallroad. Induslrial and Mining corporations; a o margin ot safety table of un usual Interest to Investors. Sent free on request. Reed A. Morgan && West End Trust Bl'dfr, Philadelphia Members ot the Phlla. Block Exchuue. I Allegheny Valley Rwy Co. Gen, (now 1st) 4 Bonds Due March. 19 Price on Application inj'l. i iiu .". li" ne '.: .:. &w m r" i .mi in ii . ii iiiimb asnffwnrwes mamii XlOiVXU EIXCTIONS, a-JS- SOUTinVABK NATIONAL A J? Philadelphia. January lltb. i At tha Annual Election, held on IW . -7- 7. . .. , .(..blinrf.ri WUT . insu, tna roiiowiua, ." Directors ior tho erwuing ;. ,OMnta Edwin A. Merrick SJil1SS erainana v. igu -.-John Ji. Harper SlSJK William A. Hamilton 9e"rf William R. llortx ? .Tc Tt' William W. Foulkrod, Jr. J,1? Jld phalrman of tha Board and the to" ofllcers wero elected; Trnnr.KBO! President, WILUAM W FOULK" Vlca Pres., FBRDlNAisy - "ncH Vlca President. SAMUEL .8. PABU' oouciior, wibuiAN -.r;,.;;Ti.iT Notary. WALTER It HVUUKW , Tb folUwin appolntrojnts "" Cashier. iVAWBii j. "USlpSijc AsaUtant. Cashier. JOHN W $?, riAMM -- q BHBr "SI .0 -!-,( ',- A s. t - r k
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