Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 15, 1916, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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Miss Eleanor De Graeff Cuyler Will Be Given a Lunch-
eOll auu a JUiimei jLtuiue j.uua,y iniaa muwi
Gracie of Washington Is Given Dance
. -.. iitvr pn wfltl Iia n mnrli.
Hll fetein&jjutanto today. A luncheon
ft the nabbit, ni which uw '
ln Morris, will bo hostess, will start
,i..i..iia. nntl In tho evening tho
Bob Montgomery are giving a dinner-
Miincs tor ner. imuh..... vt. ....., ..
. .- ti, fnr looks and Kowns. She
if. vm-'tall and stately, and her head
-Is jartlcuinny won " " "-
LUrt SIlO KlVCS ono lliu llliliicaaiuii ui
belriR so wc" orcu' ""u "
. ......, nf tnnnner. I think sho Is
- ,,111 llko her mother, who has
flina a very stately beauty. She was,
voti know, MI8S r,"-C! """B " "
iter of Mrs. Edward P. Jlenle, Mrs. S.
Vcmborton Hutchinson, Mrs. J. Ogdcn
Hoffmnn ana .. .......... ...
i'Vnmery. They aro tho tiauRtitcrs 01
goiuvw T.,.. n.1 Hrof
tho line ,"" """ " "
cousins of Mr. Jonn x. w, .... ..
Morris Lowls, Mr. Saunders Lowls and
.... nrtm D. Meade.
TjThe dinncr-dnrtco to bo given at the
Montgomcrys' will no miner a smuu
t... , u..t tnff nmnrt. nntl tin end of
Ffun. Mrs. Montgomery was Hopo Tyler.
and Is Without UOUUl ono 01 uiu musi
rhirmlng of tho younger matrons; llob
. r.,.rJD xntintn. Tho dance will bo
given at their country place, Andres
. irntotinvn. n. wonderful houso they
built In recent years, which Is Ideally
fitted for homo entertaining.
t ,.n rtnth Beott and Gertrude Pan-
coast are both visiting up In Boston.
Irrhn-n two aro perfectly Inseparable,
' and so, when ono goes to Boston, tho
Tether decided to accept an ou-rcpoaicu
hnvlfn and go. too. They took their
"kates with them, and they aro going
! to several parties, dancing anu sitat-
j be.
wn. I can't say I am at all sur-
priied about Mary Allco Clay and
t.ia rtnrlo having finally announced
their engagement, for It was a very
i.iHdent fact, and I havo been expecting
i tar more than a year. It Is a de
cidedly nlco engagement. I don't know
any girl who Is moro popular tlian
Mary Allco Clay. Sho Is very pretty.
Ith an exceedingly fal. complexion
and tltlan hair, by tho way, Louis
i locks aro also of that rare hue. Mary
Al!co came out two years ago at a
largo tea. Sho Is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred O. Clay, of 1229 Spruco
trrpt. Lou In Is tho son of Mr. and
iMre. Charles Louis Boric, Jr., and a
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Beauveau
'Borle. His mother was Miss Helen
Swell, daughter of tho lato General
Bewell, and is ono of tho handsomest
matrons In Philadelphia society.
All roads led to tho Rltz last night
.and branched off nt that section toward
tho two big attractions of tho evening,
Hhe party given by Mrs. Frank Clyde
and that of Yalo Dolan Tho DoUin
f party was delightfully festive, and was,
JUpr course, attended oy mo young mur
EStied couples, debutantes being con
OTtplcuously nbsent. Tho ballroom and
Kftejtaurant were gaily banked with
gtp-lms and ferns and trailing smllax,
fctnd at tho lnnumerablo small tables,
7tMlln- r.ntlna nt nlrVlt nnll BY tllOrf.
wero tall, slender vases, holding snnp-
Jdrcgons, with smllax nnd snapdragons
yrreatneu bdoui mo son ugnis, wiucn
cast a golden glow.
The Rltz orchestra was supplemented
with an Immense band, nnd tho dnnoInK
kept up until early morning, when
breakfast was served. Of course, thcro
'was no end of stunning frocks. Itosallo
Dolan dispensed her ho3pltullty with a
prodigal smllo nnd wns charming In a
boutnful gown of white net, clouded In
silver tissue. Mrs. Craig Bltldlo was
'wdlant In a costumo of midnight bluo.
Mrs. Tom RIdgway, always cxnulsito
ly dainty, wns a. plcturesquo ilguro In
n extremely short-skirted costumo of
turquoise blue, adorned with chiffon. I
encountered her later, after the danc
ing, wrappod In n charming: brocaded
ccat, an exact prototypo of those
adopted by jtho Louis, nnd with eas-
itadesi of creamy laco nt tho neck and
Ieeves. Old gold in shade nnd
brocaded In gold, it suited her deli
cate, fragile beauty to perfection.
Mrs. Edcar Church was gowned In
old.gold net, (lounco upon flounce of
Mch was bordered with fur. Anita
Clothier adopted a costume of the samo
hade and the short, old-fashioned wrap
of amethyst and velvet, "Wall of Troy-
.ed In gold thread, was one of the most
Mmlred conceits of the evening.
Others who attended wero tho Gard
ner Cassalts, Phil Randolph, Walter
sThayer, the Barclay Warburtons and
Jirownie Warburton, the George Wlll-
wga, Mrs. Betty Madeira, in a vivid
neen and gold gown; the Ralph Town
tends, nilly Boas, Tommy' Slldell, of
ff" orn; tno i'Tazier Jlarrisons,
Series Munns, Mr, and Mrs. Kearsley
Sl'Chell, the Billy Elklnses, Victor
Where, Evans Roberts, Eugeno
nilyer. Mr. and Mr. T. v. nnherta.
ylt Dodge and a host of other.
'. Every one is much interested in the
production ot "A Glided Fool." which
pill be given next Thursday afternoon
g the Broad Street Theatre, for tho
I:0'81 of the Good Shepherd Home for
wye, at Rosemont. Most of the actors
IPlllfg anfl piovpra Hlith nnrt It la
Filyen under the direction of Mr. Ed
rd Grant, who is an adept at such
tS. Tom McKean and Howard
mittr are both in it, and Helen Ellis,
pan took the part of Adrlenno Jn "Tho
f Vlftmbol Of the Onrla" nn Thiirartnv. haa
W important part. Othera in tho cast
lf Mrs. Marie Stone Langston-Ltst.
! urant. Morris Tilden, Jloraca Du
h "Oily Grant, Margaret Cooper,
JW Griffln, Dick Lloyd and Alex-
crown. The eitrht boxes have
taken by Mrs. Bobbla Cassatt.
Ned Browning, Mrs. Aleo Brown,
Charles B. Core. Mrs. OeorcQ
Ur- Bob Montgomery, Mrs.
Swtesbury and Mrs. Aleo Van
"tty object Is reallv a veri worthy
JV!" d the need la very great, I
"""Wind, Amoner tha nalmnusei
aro Mrs. W. W. Attcrbury, Mrs. John (
Hampton Barnes, Mrs. Daniel M. Bar- '
ringer, Mrs. Edward I Bcalc, Miss
Constance It, Bcalc, Mrs. Alexander
Williams Blddle, Miss Mnrlamno Bid-
die, Mrs. It. It. Bayard Bowie, Mrs. .
Henry Williams Blddle, Mrs. Samuel T.
Bodlne, Mrs. Edward Browning, Mrs. j
Alexander Brown, Mrs. Mason Camp
bell, Mrs. J. Gardner Cassatt, Mrs.
Robert K. Cnssatt, Mrs. Henry C. Chap
man, Mrs. Henry B. Coxc, Mrs. T. De
Wltt Cuyler, Miss Samuel Chow, Mrs.
Benjamin Chow, Mrs. Percy II. Clark,
Mrs. Alexander B. Coxc, Mrs. Charles
E, Coxo, Mrs. Edward Coles, Mrs. Nor
ton Downs, Mrs. George W. C. Drexel,
Mrs. Stanley G. Flagg, Mm. John W.
Geary, Mrs. Francis I. Gowcn, Mrs.
Rodman E. Grlscom, Mrs. Mary K.
Gibson, Mrs. Hornco B. Hare, Mrs. T.
Charlton Henry, Mrs. W. Barkllo
Henry, Mrs. Charles II. Howell, Mrs. C.
Itnrtmnn Kuhn, Mrs. Ernest A. Law,
Mrs. Robert W. Lesley, Mrs. J. Frank
lin McFnddcn, Mrs. J. Willis Martin.
Mrs. Cospcr AVIilnr Morris will entertain
at luncheon this afternoon, nt the Rab
bit, In honor of her sliler, MI93 Eleanor
do G. Cujler. Tho other "guests will bo
Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Charlton Henry,
Mr. nnd Mrs. William M. Elklns, Miss
Charlotte Elennor l'cppcr, MK Mnrlnna
W. Gowcn nnd Miss Elizabeth W. Downs.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Louis Olry Lusson will
give a small costume danco tonight In
honor of Mls Edith Temple Grade, ot
Washington, who, with Sllss Katherlne
Horner Belt, ot Warrrnton, Vn., nnd Miss
Virginia Armstrong Payne, of Virginia,
Is tho guest ot Doctor nnd Mrs. Lusson
nnd their dehittnnto daughter, Miss Luclla
Anna do Merlin Lusson. Doctor nnd Mrs.
Lusson entertnlncd nt a dinner of 10
covers Inst night beforo Mrs. Troth's
dancing class.
Mr. Gcorgo D. Wldcner nnd a number of
friends will leave next week for the
Chateau Frontcnnc, Quebec, for the win
ter sports.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Kent Knnc, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Albert Kennedy nnd Mrs. William
Coleman Freeman are nmong those spend
ing tho week-end In New York.
Mr. Harry Tucker nnd Mr. Evans
Tucker, of New York, nro spending some
time nt the Hellevue-Stratford attending
snvcrnl of tho dances given for tho
younger set.
Mrs. George Blller, of South Dakota,
who will spend several days In riilla
dclphla early' next month, will make nn
mid rests on tho nftcrnoon of Thursday,
February 3, nt 3 o'clock, n tho homo of
Miss Mary Coles. 2111 Walnut street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomns McKean will en
tertain nt luncheon tomorrow at their
homo in Rosemont.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Yarnnll will
glvo tho first of their Sunday evening
muslcnles tomorrow night at their home,
17tii and Locust streets.
Mrs. George M. N'eall nnd Miss Marie
A. Ncall wilt receive Informally tomor
row afternoon at their apartment nt
Hnmilton Court. No cards have been
sent out.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwin II. FIt:er. of The
Terraces, Rosemont, are entertaining Mr.
and Mrs. Clovolnnd, ol Piston, over tho
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Stokes, of German
town, will glvo a dinner und theatre party
tonight in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clove
land. Commander nnd Mrs. do Stclgur havo
arrived hero from Washington and will
spend tho winter at the Aldlne.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Joseph S. Ncft are staying
nt the Aldlno for a few weeks beforo
going South for tho winter.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Gnraed Herbert,
whoso wedding took place in tho Church
of the Holy Trinity on Tuesday evening,
nro spending a few clays nt tho Truymore.
Atlantic City, after which they will go
to the Bahamas for an extendd visit.
Along the Main Line ''
OVERBROOK Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Murphy, of Overhrook, have Issued Invi
tations for tho wedding of their daughter.
Miss Mnry V. Murphy, and Mr. John J.
Gallagher, of Wllkes-Barre, on Wednes
day, February 2, at noon. In St. Mat
thlus"Church. The Rev. M. J. McCnbc, rec
tor ot the church, will ofllclute. Follow
ing tho wedding ceremony a Binnll break
fast will bo held at the homo of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Murphy.
The brido-to-bo will bo attended by her
llttlo niece. Miss Teggy Sheahan, as
(lower girl. Mr. P. C. Cusiclc, of Scran
ton, Ta.. will bo Mr. Onllagher'a best
man, and tho ushers will Include Mr.
Michael Murphy, Mr. Joseph L. Murphy,
brothers of the bride; Mr. John C. Mc
Keon. Sir. V. C. Cuslck, ot Scranton. and
Sir. U. McQunll, of Pottavllle, Pa.
Silas Murphy is u graduate of the
S.icicd Heart Academy, Kden Hall, Tor
resdale, whllo Sir. Gnllneher Is prominent
throughout tho Womlng Valley and Is
ulso well -known in this city.
Sir. and Sirs. Harold F. Toy will give
a delightful danco tonight at the Over
brook Golf Club in honor of their daugh
ter, Sllss Helen Clough Toy. Sirs. Toy
and her daughter will ba assisted in re
ceiving by Sir. and Sirs. Robert Halg. and
Miss Delia Champion. The guests will
include Sllss Sara Alcorn. Sllss Slarlon
S. Pobey, Sllss Dorothy Tily. Sllss Kath
erlne Turner, Sllss Edna Champion, Sllss
Ethel Tlly, Sllss Slarlon Katcr, Sllss
Helen Betts, Sllss Betty Bernard. Sllss
Louise Jenkins, Sllss Athea Rose, Sllss
Siarsuerlte Tr-ivaacis, Sllss Agnes Lind
say, Sllss Helen Atkinson, Sllss Emily
Harther, Sllss Stary Scott. Sllss Gene
vieve F. Vandergrlft, Sllss Virginia Weth
erlll. Sir. Harold Kane. Sir. Henry Kin
dle. Sir. John C. Reed, Sir, John P. Scott,
Mr. Stewart W. Elder. Sir. E. W. Wood
ruff. Mr. F. Jenkins. Sir. Norbert Const
dine. Sir. Park B. Turner, Str. Joseph SI.
Prlckltt. Sir. Herbert Tlly, Sir. B. Tlly,
Air. James Siillholland. Sir. Oeorge SI1U
holland Sir. Rajmond Foulkrod, Sir. Les
lie Howell, Dr. Rufus Reeves, Dr. Don
ald Lindsay, Mr, T. William Budd and
Mr, Harold Weber.
Mr, E. P. Langley Lectures
An inteiestins and thoroughly enjoyable
lecture was given last evening, at the
Huntingdon Valley Country Club by Sir.
Edward P. Lansley, his talk touching on
hU experiences while on a trip through
the Grand Canyon and the Canadian
Roeklea and a visit to the expositions at
San Francisco and San Diego. HU talk
really was very Informal and was merely
an entertaining explanation of the pic
tures as they were thrown on the screen.
Among those who entertained at dinner
before were Mr. and Sirs. Joseph Bunt
ing wjio gave a dinner of six covers; Mr.
R P Hooper, who also had six guests,
and Mr. ana Sirs. Edward Hacker, who
cave a dinner of 10 covers. Mr Henson
and Mr. and Mri. James McFadden also
Mr and Mr. William Paul O'Neil, of
Rydal. entertained at dinner at their
home prior to the lecture, which was fol
lowed by dancing;
The marriage of Miss Charlotte Blddle
Williams, daughter of Sirs. Charles
Williams, to Mr. Herbert U Fenner, of
Providence, R. I., wn3 solemnized today
at noon, nt the home of tho bride's
brother-in-law nnd sister, Mr. nnd Mis.
Randal Stbrgnn, Wyndmoor, Chestnut
Hill. The ceremony wns performed by the
Rev. John Henry Chapman. Miss Wllllnm.
wns nttended by Miss Nnncy Scott, as
mnlii oft honor, nnd by her sisters, Sirs,
llnndal Morgnn nnd Mr. Lawrence II,
Wilbur, nnd MIm Ceclle Fitter Howell nnd
Sllss Grelchen Clay, ns brldcsninlds. The
bride wore an exquisite gown of cloth of
silver, veiled In trtlle, with a rourt train
of cloth of slhor, and a long tullo veil,
edged with old fnmllv Ince. She carried
a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley.
SIIm Scott wo govMird In pale green taf
feta nnd carried n bouquet of onhlds
nnd maidenhair ferns. The brldeamnlds
woie frorks of pnle-bluo tnffeln nnd car
tied gnfrful bouquets of mnldenhnlr fern,
Interspersed with mlgnonctto and palo
pench-blow roses The little Mower gills,
Sllra Elennor Wilbur, the bride's niece,
Mls Grace Prlco Morgan nnd Sllss Nnncy
Morgan, wore vdnlnty whlto frocks nnd
cnrrled whlto flowers. Str. Louis C. Sta
delra. 3d., nctcd n best innn. A wedding
inenl.fait followed the cciemony. As Sir.
Fenner Is In mourning, the wedding was
quite small, only tho Immediate families
nnd a few Intlmnto friends being present.
Sir. nnd Strs. Fenner, nfter a trip, will live
In Providence, It. I., where they will tye at
homo nfter February 15.
SIl9s Slnry Goldberg, dniightcr of Str.
nnd Sirs. I. Goldberg, ot B.64 Stnrket
street, will bo married to Str. Hnrry
Schwartz tomorrow nt Students' Chapter,
tho Rev. Dr. Marvin A. Nathnn olllclat
Ing. Tho bride will bo attended by her sister,
Sllss Rcba Goldberg, ns maid of honor,
and tho bridesmaids will be Stlss Bessie
Goldberg, Stls Anhn Goldberg. Stlss
Anna Rosncr, Sllss Annn Ellis. Sllss Idi
Goldberg nnd Silts Anna Goldner Str
Jack Slcgel will act ns best man, nnd the
ushers will bo Str. Isndor Gottlieb, Str.
Philip Cooper, Sir. Isndor Splvnk, Sir.
Hnrry Gottlieb, Sir. Slorrls Goldberg nnd
Sir. Hnrry Pnrnes.
Completing the wedding party will bo
Str Schwartz's nephew, SInstcr Henry
Staicus, ns ring bearer, and Sllss Smllo
Goldberg and Sllss Bella Schwartz, llowcr
The bride will wear a whlto satin gown,
draped with tullo and silver lace, and will
enrry lilies of tho valley. Tho maid of
honor will wear pink satin nnd enrry pink
roses nnd lilies of the valley, nnd tho
bridesmaids will wear gowns of pink taf
feta and carry bouquets of pink roses.
Sir. nnd Sirs. Schwartz will leave for nn
extended trip to tho Pacific coast, nnd will
be nt homo nfter Februnry 23 at CO!) South
53th sticet.
The marrlngo of Sllss Kntliryn I.enoro
Wcldcnsntll, daughter of Sirs. Ella It.
Wcldensaul, of Wlssnhlckon, to Sir.
Jnmcs A. Holland took placo on Wed
nesday nt the homo of tho olllclatlng
clergyman, tho' Rev. Dr. Bond, of tho
Slethodlst Episcopal Church ot Potts
town. Tho brldo was nttended by her
slster-ln-Iaw. Sirs. Slelrose Wcldeniaiil,
as matron of honor. Sir. Wcldensaul was
the bridegroom's best man. Sir. nnd Sirs.
Holland upon their return from their
honeymoon trip will live nt 263 Rochclto
nvenup. Wlsnhlckon, nnd will rccelvo
after February ).
The marriage of Sllss Starlo SI. Flclth.
daughter of Sirs. SInrgaret Flclth, of
5117 Race street, nnd Str. Benjnmln L.
Brooke, of 1210 North 53d street, was
celebrated quietly at noon Wednesday,
nt the residence of tho Rev. Grant
Hopper, West Park Presbyterian Church,
ulth nnd Lansdowno avenue. Tho bride,
who was given in marrlngo by her
brother-in-law. Sir. Frank Schilling, woro
a traveling costumo of bluo broadcloth
adorned with beaver, nnd can led a
bouquet of Brldo roses and lilies of
tho nllcy. She was attended by her
sister, Mrs. Frank Schilling, who nctcd
ns matron of honor.
Sirs Schilling woro n gown of old-gold
charmeusc, banded with gold-thrcnded
lnce, nnd carried a bouquet of Klllnrney
roses. Sir. Frank C. Schilling nttended
thp bitdegrooni ns best mnn. A reception
followed at tho homo of Mrs. Schilling.
G121 Christian street. The young couple,
on their return from tho wedding Journey,
will llvo In Overbrook.
Tho marriage of Sllss Florence Schaftcr,
daughter of Air. nnd .Irs. R. N. Schaffer,
nnd Sir. Harry C. Hcs, of Buffalo, took
placo nt G o'clock Wednesday evening,
nt the rcsldcnco of the Rev. John R.
Davles, 1521 Diamond street. There were
no bridal attendants. Tho bride, who
was given in mnrrlage by her fnther,
woro a traveling costumo of bluo chiffon
elvct bunded with squirrel fur, and
carried n bouquet of whlto roses. Her
hat of blue m.ilino was encircled about
the crown with n narrow band of tho fur.
A reception followed the ceremony at the
home of the hrido's purents, T.-2.1 North
3Jd c'leet. After un extended tour
through tho Great Lakes, Sir. and Sirs,
Hess will make their future home in
Sirs. Alfred K. Gregory, who was Sllss
Imogene Chandler, of Philadelphia, will
give a recital for tho bcnellt of tho Lang
liorno Community Welfare Association on
Monday evening, January 21. at Sorosls
Miss Rcige) is well known
in social circles in West Phila
delphia. Her marriage to Oscar
R. Dare, a local banker, is to take
place today. Miss Reigel lives
at the Belmont Apartments, 34th
and Spring Garden streets. Mr.
Dare is well known in financial
circles, both here and In New
DaURhter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Gnzznm, who made her debut
thla season. Miss Gazzam is nt present visiting in New York, whero
sho attended tho danco Riven by Mrs. Thomas Gilford last evening.
Chestnut Hill
Sirs." Allan Harris, ot Bethlehem pike,
wilt ctvo a dinner nnd bridge on Tucs-
dny evening In honor of Sirs. Frank
Odenhelmer, president general of tho
United Daughters of tho Confederacy.
Tho guests will Include Str. nnd Strs.
I Willlnm K. Bnlrd. Sir. and Sirs. Gcorgo
i Franklin Brown, Sir. nnd Sirs. II. Hnrt-
mnn, lira. CMITord Smith. Sir. nnd .Mrs.
Willlnm C. Stason, Sirs. W. D. Slaton,
Str. nnd Sirs. Oscar Steycr, Sir. and Sirs.
George ('. D.ivIps, Sir nnd Mr. Louis
Lewis. Sirs. J. Murray EUzey, Sirs. Har-
i riion Taylor, Sir. and Sirs. Stilton Camp
bell, Sir. and Sirs. Arthur Allen. Miss
Lucy li Stays. Str. nnd Sirs. J. H. Hot
feckfr, Dr. nnd Strs. P. H. Lane, Sirs.
E. It. Well, Sir. nnd Strs. J. H. Davles,
Sir. and Strs. Robert Owen.
Sirs. Hownnl S. Grnham, of 203 West
Chestnut, avenue; Sllss Slarln Thayer
Grnham, Str. Howard S. Graham, Jr.,
and Stlss Margaret T. Grnham nro upend
ing January at tho Aldlne.
Sirs. Charles AVolcott Henry, of Spring
field avenue, accompanied by Sllss Ger
tiude Itcniy and Sllss Ellmlirth Henry,
will leave on Tuesday, February 1, for
Luko Champlnln, whero they will enjoy
tho winter sports for several weeks.
Sllss Mildred S. Cornmnn. n 13-year-old
pianist, gave a delightful recital last
nVRtilnir In tho nmlltorhlm of tho German-
1 town Branch of tho Freo Library. Among
the musical numbers wero selections by
Grieg, Godard nnd Siozart.
Sirs. Willlnm S. Lloyd, of 233 Harvey
street, Is In Now York fpr a faw days.
Sirs. Gcorgo E. Tllgo, of 228 West Chel
tcn avenue. Is spending several days In
Now York.
Thoro will be nn attractive sale of
home-made cakes, candles and preserves
on Saturday, February C, at tho Falrfnx
Apnrtmcnts for tho benefit of tho parish
building fund of the First Presbyterian
Along the Reading
Stlss Evelyn SI. Seiner, of Greenwood
avenue, AVyncote, will cntcrtnln nt brldgo
and "500" this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
In honor of her guests, Sllss Chrlstlno
Wlnbcr, of Altoona, Pa., nnd Sllss Jo
sephine Grlfllths, of Norrlstown. Among
the guests will be Stlss Slarlon Shelp.
Stlss Lillian Shelp. Sllss Amelia Shelp.
Sllss Blanche Whcelock. Sllss Hope
Wheelock, Sllss Helen Nash, SIIS3 55oe
Siegargcc, Stlss Koturah Perry, Sllss
Slarlon Earlo. Sllss Sllrlnm Wllllnms.
Sllss Slarlon Wnrner, Sllss Frances Slar
tyn, Sllss Anna Johnson, Sllss Doris
Stone, Sllss Helen Smith, Stlss Dorothy
Weeks, Sllss Caroline Stein, Sllss Harriet
Blblghaus, Stlss Irene Stnck. SIIs3 SII1
dred Horner and Sllss Edna Fallows.
The Rev. Benjamin S. Sanderson, of
All Hallows rectory, Wyncote, has Is
sued Invitations for a Bmokcr to bo held
nt tho rectory on Tuesday evening.
Sirs. Clara Stokes, of Noble, enter
tnlncd nt her homo at bridge and 500
Thursday afternoon. Among those pres
ent were Sirs. Frank E. Chesterman,
Sirs. Robert Trump, Mrs. W. F. Wooley,
Sirs. Thomas K. Ober, Jr., Sirs. Hoey,
Sirs. John F. Harder and Sirs. SI. A.
South Philadelphia
Sllss Agnes Mohan, of 1527 RItner
street, will entertain Informally this eve
ning at her home. The affair will be
a Leap Year party, and an attractive
supper will be served. The guests, who
are members of the O, T, G, Club, will
Include Stlss Isabella Drummund, Sllss
Sarah Love, Sllss Mars, ret Gllmorc. Bliss
Evelyn Sutton, Sllss Catherine SIcGarry.
Stlss Madeline Sioran. Stlss Slay SIcDon
nell. SHss Slarla Slohan and Mr. Walter
Jackson, Sir. Lawrence Carlln, Sir. Joseph
McDonnell, Sir. Joseph aiding, Sir. John
Love, Sir. Alexander Love. Sir. Thomas
Sioran. Sir. Joseph Shields, Sir. Hugh
Shields, Sir, George O'Brien and Sir. Will
lam J. Kane,
Under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid
Society of St. Timothy's Hospital, the
three-act comedy-drama, 'The Girl From
Home," will be presented in aid of the
hospital, on Slonday night. January 31,
In St, John's Parish Hall, by St, John's
Dramatic Society, New scenery will be
used nnd the stage setting will be ex
ceptionally beautiful. The olticers of the
Ladies' Aid are Mrs. George II. Boot
wick, president; Mrs, SI. H. Fussell, vice
president; Stlss Slargaret D. Bostwlck,
treasurer, and Sirs, George McKeown,
Sir. Joseph II. Kenworthy, who has
been spending some time In Porto Rico,
has returned to hla home on Green lane.
Sirs. William J. Hill, of Baltimore ave
nue, will give a tea on January 31 from
4 until 6 o'clock for the benefit of the
S. P. C. A.
Sirs' John Small, of Berkley avenue, is
spending a few weeks In Reading.
Mrs. Howard Read. SIU3 Sue Read,
Miss Elizabeth Read and Miss Alice
Btatzell are enjoying a week's stay at
Atlantic City.
Nutlet for the. Society pajo nlll m
accrplcd and l.rlnlfU In the Kvcolaf
Ledxcr. but all nucU notice miut b
Hrltt'u oa one !Jo ot the pupcr, iuut be
lgucd In lull, with full aiidrcM. and
ubcu poaalble telephone number uiiut bo
Kit en.
fceuj nil tuch commUDlcotlom to
"Society, Editor,' Etenbig Ledger, SOS
Cnettnut etrcct-
UuIcm the. requirements axe carried
out tht verlBratlou may be imi.Itile,
tbe uotlee will not L published.
Photo by Marctau Studio.
North Philadelphia
Elnbornto preparations nro being mnde
for the annual banquet nnd danco of tho
Central Germantown Avcnuo Business
Association, which will tnko plnco on
Thursday night, February 10, In tho Sia
Jostle. Sir. Joseph T. Brown, chnlrman
of tho Entcrtnlnmcnt Committee, nsslsted
by Sir. William Nnsh, Sir. Joseph Dlerkcs.
Sir. Gustav Rlcnecke, Sir. Otto Schllcskc,
Sir. Joseph Deppcn, Str. Jnmes Cnrr, Sir.
Hnrry Wcrnor, Sir. Gustnvus Kurz, Sir.
Frank Schrelbcls. Sir. Peter F. Daley,
Sir. S. S. Groves, Sir. Louis Suess. Str.
Daniel StcCrudden nnd Sir. J. C. Klnudcr,
Is nrrnnglng nn Interesting program of
addresses by prominent spenkcra; vocal
nnd Instrumental music nnd story telling.
The grand march will be led by tho presi
dent. Sir. William Nash, nnd Str. J. C.
Klnudcr will be tho floor manager. Sir.
.1 T. Brown. Sir. John II. Andreas and
Sir. Jnmcs Cnrr are the vice preldcnts;
Sir. Joseph It. Glcnson Is secretnry, Str.
George H. Klnudcr, financial secretary,
nnd Sir. Slax Knuffmnn, treasurer.
Sirs. Nnthan A. Strnusimnn. of 1S12
North Franklin street. Is spending somo
tlmo In Columbus. O.. where phe Is tho
guost of Sirs. Samuel J. Hcrskowitz.
Sir, nnd Slis. B. Lenrner, Stlss Blanche
Learner nnd Str. nnd Sirs. Hnrry Stnrr.
who have been the guests of Sir. nnd Sirs.
A. S. Starr, of 2030 North 17th street,
hnvo returned to New'York.
The nnnual bench show ofthe Tioga
Konnol Club will bo held on Saturday.
Jnnuaty 22, In the hall of tho Schuld und
Verchi, SCW Glrard avenue, when the
Judges will bo Sirs. Florcnco Worrell, Sir.
James Egnn, Sir. Frank Kershaw, Sir.
C. Parker oyd, Sir. Benjamin Lewis, Jr..
nnd Sir. George Sturdock. Tho latter will
act ns superintendent of tho show, nnd
tho committee in vhnrge includes Sir.
John Hawthorn, president of tho asso
ciation; Sir. James S. U. -ns, vlco presi
dent; Sir. Lloyd Hughes, :cmpornry sec
retory; Sir. Thomns Hnrtman. treasurer;
Sir. Frank I'lerson, Sir. W. K. Smnllcy,
Sir. Levi Wilcox. Sir. Ray Zlcglcr, Sir.
John P. Trobst nnd Sir. Slurdock.
SII"? Elizabeth Clark, of North Broad
strcoi, will entertain at luncheon nnd
bridge on Friday, January 21. The guests,
who aro i embers of tho bridge club of
tho hostess, will Include Sirs. Harry
Lewis. Sirs. William S. Baker. Sirs. Oscar
Schmidt, Sirs. Slary Evans, Sirs. Robert
Beatty, Sirs. John O'Connoll, Sllss Eva
Cladd, Sirs. Leonard It. AVeitzel. Sllss
IMarle Cladd. Sllss Slay Campbell, Sirs.
Georgo Parker, Sirs Cotta SInrtln. Sllss
Gertrude Hichons, Sirs, George Heyser
and Sirs. John A. Binder.
Delaware County
sir. John Corbett. of Ridley Park, is
recovering from a recent illness.
Sir. and Sirs, mitred Starvel, Jr.. of Ed
dystone, nre receiving congratulations on
tho birth of a daughter.
Sir. nnd Sirs. John Lelghton, of Clifton
Heights, have returned from their wed
ding trip and are living In Gnrrottford.
Sirs. Lelghton was Sllss Helena Rellly.
Sir. and Sirs. John Noble, of Prospect
Park, havo returned from their wedding
trip und will live In West Philadelphia,
Sirs. Noblo was Sllss Edith SI. Ander
son. What's Doing Tonight
Automobile Show. Convention Hall.
IMastl" Club "rabbit, " 217 faouth Camae
street: 8 o'clock.
Tlilr.l IleKlment review anil presentation of
rifla trophies, llroad and Wliarton streets;
S..AJ OltulK.
renlurv rjulM musical recital. 1307 Locust
street; 8:13 o'clock.
Manufacturers' Club annual banquet; 0.30
Lecture MKederatIon or Interstate Anarchy.'
Dr. Oeorito W. Nasymth. Iiryn llawr Collene;
s o'clock.
Dinner, Tufts Collexe Club. University Club;
7 o'clock,
Stato osteopaths' convention. Hotel Adelphla;
0 o'clock.
Junior Friends' Tennis Club banquet. Hotel
Swimming Pool.Golf .Seafood
Outline. European Baths apj
treatments, rorterme.wriu
OlO. r. ADAUS. Maeager
Fertieia Moniea, va. - -
"Ask Mr. Foster' 12th and Chestnut Sts ;
Cc, 1483 Chestnut fit.
Superior location with an I
unobstructed view of beach s
and boardwalK Arecodnizedl
standard ,01 excellence I
has set anew -standard of
serviee. comfort awi beauty
Westminster k" v ?r B . "
11.50 us dly, u H3.&Q up Uy. C&w. liulu.
Noted Professional and Amateur Musicians Will Appear
at Bellevue-Stratford on February 16 to Benefit
St. Rita's Church Other Affairs
Tlin latest charitable event In which
society Is lnteretcd is the grnnd opera
concert and hall to bo held In tho sold
ballroom of the Bollevue on Wednesday
evening, February lfi, In aid of St. Rita's
The aftnl. Is bel'nc given under the
patronage of eminent society women, nnd
will bo one of tho most nrtlstlc events
of Its kind ever presented In this city.
Subsequent to tho concert there will be
a ball which lll be officially opened by
nn exhibition of modern dnnclnc by Mis
Uytcndnlc Bnlrd, the popular debutante
daughter ot Mr nnd Mrs. William J.
Balrd, and Mr. Robert Carrere, who nre
recognized ns two of the best exponents
of modern dancing In social circles.
Mnny ndtcd nrtlsts will appear, Includ
ing Mrs, Willlnm J. Balrd. Mrs. Willlnm
II. Greene. Mr. Philip Wnrrcn Cooke. Mr.
David Griffin, Mr. William J. Bnlrd. Oth
ers who will participate will be nnnounccd
Inter. One of the features of the occa
sion will be tho first local appearance In
this city of Mmo. I,ydla I.ockc, the
fnmoiis colorntura soprnno. Mmc. Locke
wns one of the stars of Hnmmcrstcln's
London Opera Houso, nnd Is regarded In
Buropo ns ono of tho great florid singers
of the day. Sho will he heard In tho
"mnd scene" of "Lucia," nnd other sim
ilar numbers. Mrs, Edith Mahon will bo
tho accompanist.
A numbcf of debutantes will sell pro
grams. Including Miss Josephine C. Ship
pen Foster. Miss Olivia Gazzam, Miss
I'ytondnle Balrd, Miss Margaret A. May,
Miss Cliarlotto Vare nnd Miss Ida Vnro.
Soma among the patronesses who have
signified their Interest are Mrs. Logan M.
Bullitt, Mrs. Jnmcs Francis Sullivan, Mrs.
Hrncst La Place, Mrs. J. Hnrrlson Smith,
Mrs. John Musser, Mrs. Charles Willing,
Mrs. Joseph Parker Norrls, Jr., Mlsi
Kathcrlno Bregy, Sirs. Edward Beechor
Flnck, Miss Amelia. Tower Putnam, Mrs.
Ephrnlm Brlce, Mrs. Florence Fox, Mrs.
Edgar M. Dllley, Mrs. M. F. Brennnn.
Mrs. M. O'Mcara, Mlsa Emily Gallagher,
Mrs. Charles Theodore Wcrnwng. Mn.
J. Stanley Smith, Mrs. Nicholas Grltlln,
Mrs. James n. Gormnn, Mrs. William .1.
Balrd, Mrs. Louis Mcreto, Mrs. John
Lcigo, Mrs. Samuel Wllllnms Cooper, Mrs.
Charles D. McAvoy, Mrs. Mortimer
Brown, Mrs. D. Webster Dougherty, Mrs.
William Taylor, Mrs. F. II. McMlchnn,
Mrs. William II. Greene. Mrs. Chnrles M.
Bnchc, Mrs. William J. Ryan, Mrs. A. X.
Burke, Sirs. Charles Blnglinm Penrose.
Sirs. David Lewis, Sirs. Joseph SI. Gnz
znm. Sirs. William Fielding Wilcox. Sirs.
William Dohan, Sirs. William Slagoilln.
Miss Ada Weiss entertained nt auction
bridge followed by a buffet luncheon on
Thursday nftcrnoon nt her home 4007
Old York road. Thoso present were Miss
Dorothy Gillette, Stlss Florence Hollowelt
Sllss Josephine Talmonson, Sllss Stabcl
Lohr, Sllss Almcda Lehman. Stlss Lillian
Gordon, nnd Sllss Lucille Kocnlg.
Tho activities of tho members of the
Ncwmnn Club for the New Ycnr aro
to cover wldo scopes.
Tho recent successful musical produc
tion, "Tho Newman i ollles," under tho
personal direction of S.r. James S, Hughes,
will bo repeated on Thursdny evening,
January 27. for the benefit of the Eplph
nny Catholic Church, 11th nnd Jackson
Mr. and Sirs. David Snyder entertnlncd
nt their home. SOS South street, last Sun
day, In honor of the birthday of their
daughter, Sllss Frances Snyder. A num
ber of new and Intricate dance set steps
wero executed by Sllss Snyder. Mr. Irving
Witz, Sllss Clara Wltz and Sir. Hornco
Cohen. Sllsa Clnrn Snyder nnd Sir.
Horace Goldberg. Sir. Samuel Bredt, Sllss
Helen Rlcklln, Miss Paulln Zlsman nnd
Sir. I'hlllp Slaglosky rendered solos.
Among the guests wero Sllss Julia
Snyder, Sir. nnd Sirs. L. Levin, Sirs. Ida
Wltz, Sllss Mildred Schwartz, Sllss Ida
Plncus, Sir. Benjamin Snyder, Sllss
Frances AVItz, Sllss Sllldred Snyder. Sir.
Bernard Raphaelson, Sir. Gcrson Snyder,
Stlss Rose Staglosky, Sir. and Sirs.
Raphaelson, Sir. Joseph Maglosky and
Sllss Edith Slaglosky.
Sirs. Reglna Foory, of 430 North Cist
street, gave a freedom party in honor of
tho 21st birthday of her son, Sir. Fred-
Women Who Manage Your Affairs
Why Not Consult Our Women's Department?
Wc arc glad to answer inquiries, by letter or person
ally, not only from women seeking sound investments
with good income yield, but from those women also
who desire to become well informed on financial
Pamphlet 1A Eltmentt Required in Safe Invettmentt for
Pamphlet 2A 'Public 'tilitiet at Inintimnn.j .Jr.omen.
Will be sent upon application.
William P. Bonbright Co., Inc.
Manager Women's Department
Room 506, 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
New York Boston
William P, Bonbright & Co.
"When the Elephant Walks
Around, and the Band . . ."
"The good old days," you say. Take care,
now, Don't speak as tho' they were for
ever lost and gone. There are signs that
the tented arena is preparing to secure its
share of these piping times of prosperity.
So says George Hartzell, "The Millionaire
Clown," and surely his 35 lively years of
circus life entitle him to speak. The death
of the head of the Ringling Shows has
stirred his memories of former days in the
gawdust ring, and, in tomorrow's Public
Ledger, he writes of them interestingly.
crick Foory, who was the recipient of
many hnndsomn gifts. Solos were suns
by Sllss Stamle Foery and Sir. Relley, with
Mr. William Lauer at the piano. Among
thoso present were Mr, John Dowllng,
Sllss Lucy Flood, Sir. Francis Walsh,
Sllss Anna Gallagher, Sir, Richard Bro
gnn, Sllss Nan Halworth, Mr. John
Smith, Silas Elizabeth Stucblg, Slr.Frlt
Schrlcr, Miss Stnmte Foery, Str. William
Lnlchcr, SIlsi Anna Lnlcher, Sir. Chnrles
SI. Rasper, Stlss Annn Smith, Mr, Louis
Foery, Sllss Etta Fullners, Sir, Edward
Walsh, Stlss Howard, Sir. John Stona
han, Sllss Stay Smith, Sir, William Foery,
Silas Helen Sljers. Sir. William LnUer,
Sllss Emma Coslna, Sir. Relley, S!ls.s
Starlnn Robh, Sir. Thomas Fljzttcrnld,
Sils9 Evelyn Whltner. Sir. Joseph Goep
frlch, Stlss Agnes Glbbs, Sir. and Sirs.
J. Brondllnger, Stlss Margnrctta Foery,
SIr.a Joseph Stahcr, MIm Reglna Foery,
Sir. William Foery, Silas Helen Woeiful.
Strs. Anna Schrier, Sirs. Annn Glbbs, Mrs.
C. Woeiful, Sirs. S. Foery, Mrs. John
Smith, Sir?. Joseph Smith, Sirs, Reglnn
Foery nnd Sir. Fiedcrlck Foery nnd Sllss
Allco Smith.
West Philadelphia
"The Grent Nntlonnl lssuo and 8ome of
the Modern Fnllac's In Reference to War
fare" w.ll be tho topic taken by Mr. Al
fred W. Starttn In his nddress before the
Phllomustnn Club next Tuesday nftcrnoon
In the clubhouse, 3314 Walnut street Sir.
SInrtln Is secretary to Felix Adler, and
besides being the nuthor of "Ideals of
Life" and a number of other works has a
national reputation ns a lecturer.
Str. Charles Reltcll, Instructor In eco
nomics In tho Wh-rton School, University
of Pennsylvania, will speak nt the same
meeting on "Industrial Preparedness in
The event, which will be open to the pub
lic, nnd will begin at 3 o'clock, has been
nrrnnged under tho auspices of tho In
dustrial nnd legislative section of the
club. Tea will be served nfter the speak
ers hnvo concluded.
Sir. nnd Sirs. J. Kuhn, of Youngstown,
O., who hnvo been the guests of their
son-in-law and daughter. Sir. nnd Sirs.
Edwin Woodruff, of H20 North COth
sticet, returned home this week.
Mr. nnd Sirs. William C. Livingston, of
103 South Cist street, nnnounco the en
gngement of their daughter, Stlss Ivey
Bentrlco Livingston, to Sir. W. Earl De
Y. W. C. A.
Educational 1 -tartment
18th and Arch Sts. -
Wide Awake Girls
New term classes in Dressmak
ing, Millinery and Cookinp nro now
Instruction jriven in Piano and
! Vocal Music.
Languages: Spanish, Gorman,
r rencn mm cukusii, in elementary
Classes open January 11th.
Term closes May 1st.
Private instruction Riven in any
of these brancnes it desired.
Reasonable rates of tuition. Ap-
Secretary of Educational Dcpt.
Temple University
Collrgo roumck (A. B. B. 8.),
Teachers' College (II. S. tn Ed.). Com
mercial Rilucntloti (Normal).
Commercial cu . Secretarial coursei,
and short, practlca, buslneaa couries,
Freahman clawaea forming February 1.
I'ltlVATi: LESSONS StrhoBraphy. English
limnetic". Court reporting. Prepares for hlrh
clam poaltlons. 3;l Hale lilt.. 1350 Cheatnnt.
STRAYFR'S The nt nualn School.
Jinnii-J S01-80T Chestnut Street.
Bonbrigtit & Co.
rtrr-'rmmmmmr mil