ISVEfflftq LEDaER-p-FrTTJALPHTA. SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, t 1J)16 jgG CITY LOAN SET ASIDE TILL MAY 16; COUNCILS TO BORROW ELfnl Election Would Cost m-''""r: manes, ojo .... man Gaffncy J Seed only $5,000,000 now unAiif muntrtnnt lnrtn i woMwr iP--"v1 ; -nc,i . &M "JS'ct II not be placed beftow n.nnTe "ill bo passed. The size of -.Efnon May 16. '" meantime a ffffi rH Passed. The .bo of ?. Cn Is vnrlously cstlmntcd nt from Esaixo to $3,000,000. , , , IS finds, to inny out sower, IilKhwiy IS hef maintenance nnd conBtructlvo Sfrlt and to provide Tor needs not pro Vldtf for out of current revenues nt the 'tW ' !ai.tC,'!.r ,l,l-rt. nf tnnB. Chfllr. Kl rjiffney of Councils' Klnnnco Com .? ?R"n. iV m. Montlny wo expect SmdhlnB" definite on lonn. meminh ,,i.,M,1nti tn tnke tin the Siiiv robbed from Items by the tempor Iloan and anticipated deficiencies wilt J7niicd nrst. Thcro will be no voto JPnTp"rmanent loan until May 10. A ELdal election on a separate ilato wmvbl She city at least HOO.OOoJ" P A" ... .i.i.l iml Jliore nro inanv iMhit to bo considered before placing n Blon befero the people. Tho principal S? el aside for the Parkway. A recent S&IM makes tho city liable for the MM vnluo of property on the city P. mt.1- .n,,tta Mm nrpossllv of Inclltd- ta In tho big lo.m the cost of property v. to bo acquired, which Is cstlmntcd at ftprolniatelv J12.C00.0M wmtd and holds a conference nothing def tolte IH bo known as to the slr.o of tho imposed Comicllmanlc loan. Tlip amount It money that can bo raised by this method u not Known, uui u u. ui Councils will float a loan of nearly 13 000.000. If present plans nre carried Jut the subcommittee will bo named on Konoay- MAYOlfltinDLK OPPOSES i- LIQUOK ADVKttTISBMEXTS One Time Friend of "Hoozo" Men Startlc3 Atlnntic City by Now Move WTL. .V.OTtt nrTV TnM 1 Mn4n KVHUlam Iliddle, Ions nu ardent advocate ?f boo'e without stint, today atnrtcd a iniovtnient to cllml'nato nil forms of liquor 'advertising from tho Iloardwnlk. BlUadle, in pincinir oi mens upon ins ttich-front properties, stipulated that 'none of ino signs 10 uc crccicii sunn ro ..n llnnra Tllrt attrition nlinnirn nf :kuc.w ,..,w.". --. --v - - leatt l attributed to a new respect for 'reform cngenaereu uy ma oiuubh rt ItItiI. two women badly burned Their Clothing Ignited as They At tempt to Thaw Water Pipe3 in ' Cellars of Their Homes .Two women probably will dlo as tho ro- inti nf burns received when their cloth- ilaj; caught fire In attempting to thaw out 'pipes In cellars today. Two men, would be rescuers, also were painfully burned. !kat will recover. MHrs. Margaret Woods, 60 years old. had jier clothing practically burned from her ftody when It caught tiro while attempt- itBsT to than- out pipes in the cellar of tho fcemo of Mrs. John Kembrey, 5253 Rod rein street, early today. Tho nged woman ,u rushed to tho West Philadelphia IIo eftpathlc Hospltnl, whero It was said ilw probably would die. Mrs. Woods' Kreama attracted William Kembrey, but to clothing caught tiro whllo attempting w Deat out the names, and was saved tra a probable fatal burning bv his jtMther John. Both men wero painfully Wroed, but refused to go to a hospltnl Afs, lufueua i-ewis, it, years oiu, a rw, prooaoiy was tatniiy nurneu Ml ),,' nlnttilnl. .n,,rTl.t ,1 n fwn.v. n !e in a cellar at 1732 Dickinson street !y. She is In St. Agnes' Hospital. GIFTS AWAIT MISSING BOY JWher of Richard Meekins Keeps g' Christmas Tree for Him NfafttlM T7!fhnt-r1 "ATanlrtna Q .An. .1.1 P South 61st street, who mysteriously tVttllhMi VnVPmVlAr 0 111': t-Ainnn.. In tyjjixt few months, ho will flnil a fScn'a nnil needles of tho tree have .-co Wi, dui on mo carpet near the tree gia Pile of toys which Mrs. Meekins pur- ju iur nun. one jeeis comment mat ' " "" wu,, UltTC, 0(IU VVUIII raard to see tho tree when he does M hnplr . ri fntnrl in Vaan !. . t 1. , , few months," said Mrs. Jteeklns. l.. ...- ,,, biiab aviuiiuiu ia t and that he will bq here with us n. and will ,a i,ia aA nn.i i. .. Mrchased for him." HIO.000 FIRE IN CENTRALIA tire Block Destroyed by Flames. rireman Injured IWTSVILLE. pa. June lB.-FIre "ea a loss of $40,000 at Centralla to Jn names, which destroyed a two- -..uuiS ownea oy Antnony t-'on- FJKcnways building was used ' as a ".'"' wiiDiienmenis destroyed and W Brothers, moving picture the- , 7 " iiuvny, resmenco ana nusl- Thomas Cook, residence nnd -T.-I,, uun uurry, storeroom and aff. anil n hlfHt j v... r I uL , tch' cntalnlng the residence W'elry store of J, H. Frank. The n!Shd5SSf.t.b'r. w2,Ll 5m.ok-e- IrtTrnnf .rr 6' ""man, leu irom BikuT if"? ?uttea a fracture of the UIW v! '?. n a serious condition In ,the k "v-ynai m rouniain springs. Seven Aluiva In M... Vl. Iffiy 5K. Jan. 15.-Today was the "5 Of thA ulnrU. o -(l-t- .l. wrater registered seven degrees WTO, R drOn Of ?S riirwwt.a wUKIn 1 , - "''" " Motor Truck Kills Slan ony Boyle. i vn u t.- icravenn. -i- :.-- """""" il -, ' v' " uul siore loaay ! h. tn a ai ncaster avenue, and kTi,-" lu Broa3 ne street was tkl t mo"rtruck Und dragged JulLhe?3- 1Ie was rushed to the , V7. "03P"al, but died a few ! STa&!!i H.,u,f. John- 5f whkh .r r.:""!'. ur,.Yer " 'uo MmcrFmrV! Ly t0 C1y Hall for a hearing. UsAVVVVVVV Marguerite Doyle . formerly of the tLEVUE-STRATFORD , ow located at JARVIS STUDIO . H31 Walnut St. TITUSVILLE OIL REtlCS DESTROYED BY FUMES Entire Block Burned Loss EsHmnted nt $50,000 TITl'SVIM.n, Tn., Jan. IS. Fire which originated In the D. O. Dougherty ice cream pnrolr, on the corner of Franklin and Main streets, swept the en tire block this morning, destroying every building nnd entnllng n loss of more than $50,000. The Insurance Is small. Tho buildings were nil of frame, built many years ago of pine lumber, tcllcs of the old dnjs of the oil excitement. Tho sufferers, na near as can bo learned nt this time, nro ns foltows: D. O. Dougherty, Ice crenm parlor: Mrs. Ivy Ingrnhnm, music and novelty stoic: William White, Iniuranco ofllce and liv ing rooms: Iouls Htockey, shoe shop: 12. W. Walker, watch and clock repair shop: C. II, Henderson, music sroro: Cox & Davis, photograph gallery," I. O. Bradley, bath house; Mrs. Jcnulo Cobb, nrt shop; Harry V. Uallcy, barber shop! J. A. l'olm, bnkcry. v The severnl piopcrtics were owned 'by Mrs. C. U. Stinkard, XIrs. T. J. Young and J. J, Donohue. PRESBYTERUXS TO (JET J. F. SCOTT PROPERTY Will Eventually Revert to Two of Their Institutions Piosbytcrlnn Institutions will eventually benent through bciiucsts contained lit tho will of James F. Scott, 13th and JcfTcr son streets, ndmlttcd to piobntc today. Tho cstnto Is valued at $14,000 and the will lenves a property at 1417 Orleans street In trust for tho bcnellt of .lames S. Simpson during his life, with reversion to tho Presbyterian Home for Widows and Single Women. Onc-hnlr uf tho re mainder of the estntc li given to a nephew undone remainder In trust to a niece. Upon the death of the latter the principal reverts to the Presbyterian Home for Aged Couples and Slnglo Men. Other wills wero those of Amelia Hell, 3110 North 13th street, who left nn cstnto valued at Jll,f"0; Jane Ij. Hnnscll, 431 Martin street, 11700: Louise Famous, 1713 North 3d street, llfiOO, nnd Knthnrlna Huf, 4ii2S North Cnmac street, $3303. Tho personal property of tho cstnto of Martin W. Kane has been npprnlscd at $20,603.72; Charles C. Stack, $74h.63: Henry Hnworth, $1031.01: Captain Stephen M. Kochcrspcrgcr, $2560.49, nnd Sarah M. Sloan, $28:0.92. CITY OFFICIALS TO REPLY TO TAXPAYER'S CHARGE Will File Demurrer to Complaint in Municipal Court Case Tho city. City Treasurer, City Control ler nnd other city officials named as de fendants In the taxpayer's suit brought by Calvin U. Jones to restrain further nl legcd extravagant expenditures In the mnlntcnnnco of the Municipal Court will fllo demurrers to tho bill of complaint on Monday. Tho caso Is pending In Common Picas Court No. 5. John Q. Johnson, rep resenting Controller Walton, will fllo a separate demurrer In his behalf, whllo tho city and the City Treasurer and tho other defendants will fllo a Joint demurrer through City Solicitor Connelly, Assist ant City Solicitor Lowcngrund, former Judge James Gay Gordon nnd Attorney Georgo Q. Horwttz. Tho demurrers, similar In averments, nttaclc tho bill asking for an Injunction on purely technical grounds. It Is ex pected that counsel for tho plaintiff tax payer, Charles S. Wood, wilt nsk tho court to flx nn early date for tho argu ment on tho bill of complnlnt and the two demurrers. 474G TRESPASSERS KILLED Railroads of Country Start Campaign to Reduce Fatalities of That Sort According to statistics made public by tho Commlttco on the Trespassing Evil of tho Association of Railway Claim Agents, 474i persons were killed In ths country in ih -wnno trespassing on rail road property, S26 lost one limb, 172 lost two limbs, and SOU met with other serious Injuries. Of those killed and Injured 10,224 were men and Ml women. Thu report says that 1313 of those In the accidents were hoboes, 6328 were not nnd 31 IG wero doubtful. Those known to havo been intoxicated at the time of their Injury numbered 1783. In the State of Now York tfiero were 832 accidents to persons trespassing on railroad property .and SOI deaths. "Experience has Indicated," the report says, "that the enactment of appropriate legislation will not materially reduce the trespassing, nor will the enforcement of such laws accomplish much townrd the elmlnatlon of this evil without the support nnd assistance of the public. It is neces sary that a. campaign of education be conducted. This may be done along the following lines: "First, rostlng notices of laws pro hibiting trespassing where same exist. "Second. Personal appeals to editors of newspapers along the road (this for the purpose of securing their aid through the press In setting before the public facts pertaining to the evil, and espe cially the necessity for parents to wain children and keep them off railroad tracks). T FAMILY RESCUED FROM FIRE Policemen Use Ladder to Save Eight From Burning House Two members of a family were over come by smoke and two were Injured early today berore they were carried from a burning building at 737 South 3d street, occupied by Samuel Plllot as cigar store and dwelling. Two policemen carried the members of the family down a ladder. Among the rescued were Mrs. Plllot and her twin babies, who are only a week old. Israel Plllot, 10 years old, and his little sister, Cecllle, were cut by flying glass. Their father and their tlster, Minnie, J years old, were overcome by smoke. They were revived n a nearby drug store, where the injured had their wounds dreised, The building was badly damaged, a loss et $1000 resulted. THE PHILADELPHIA S. E. Cor, 15th and RaeJ H. Walmer. Mzr. Late M, Thomas & Sons Auctioneer ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY NOW ON FREE VIEW MAGNIFILENT COLLECTION OF RARE AND CHOICE CHINESE AND PERSIAN RUGS AND CARPETS To Be Sold Monday Afternoon. January 17. 11)1. and Klve Following Da, By Order of ' MR.E. A. WOODMAN , PHILADELPHIA. PA. 7 Mr Woodman represent a larcu uholevale home la this country which ,., h, iha jnlnfortune of beiug robbed hi ferula of BOO litlea of ruga by Rr.?M f bandit.? and piloB to tbe pnt condition It will be tmpowlbl, jor th ttbov-mentIone4 firm to continue the Import!)!- )julnc. aud thU al i made to auy "'" tuic rvTDAnDmwjnv cai it YV1U Afford to lluyrra unit Collectors an Opportunity to Secure at Yr Qva Trie ChoK Esamplea of ORIENTAL ART SOMEBODY TOLD UNTRUTHS ABOUT MILLBOURNE FIREMEN, SAYS CHIEF Claims Record for Being Fastest Company and Will Punish Subordinate Who Spread Tales Beat Darby in a 12-Mintite oluntccr firemen of Mlllbourno nre quicker than those of Darby, they declare, furthermore they assert that they bent tho Dnrby firemen to n nre In lansdowne the other night. They nlso nssort that Nthcy bent all the other flic companies to the Lnnsdowne nre, except the Lans downe Fire Company Itself which lives there. It was denied today by the Mlllbourne Volunteers that the delay In stnrtlng their new- J33W motortruck w. s due to a defect .. ,cnrbureler nnd thty assert cm phntlcalh that the seir-stai ting truck dldn t start becauso a new stoiage bat tery hadn't arrived. Regardless of this drawback. honcer. II. II. Thatcher, the oldest member of the companr, declared that they made the run fiom Mlllbourno to Lansdowne In 12 minutes. This Is re garded ns remarkable speed In view of tho hills and loundabout route which the flro laddies had to take. Thatcher, who Is known as' "Pop" be cause ho Is fil jcara young, said there nro pullbncks In Mlltbouino who wouldn't get out of bed to go to a fire. These per sons, he said, spiead reports about the nro company which arc somo distance from tho facts. Chief rrciidcnbergcr agreed with Thatcher, and declared there was Jeal ousy behind It all, duo to persons who wanted to hold office In the company and failed. "We're going to have nn Investigation," said the chief, "and If we Und that a member of tho lire company Issued state ments nttncklng our organization he'll be tired. Some people won't help to put out a (Ire themselves nnd knock those who do." To prove that the Mlllbourne Volunteer Compnny No. 1 bad been successful In extinguishing (Ires tho chief pointed to a clock which had been rescued In the first lire attended by the company. The clock, which was of tho eight-day species, waif In a glass case on tho wall. Some of tho residents of Mlllbourno NEXT WEEK TO DECIDE FATE OF MRS. M0HR Testimony of Healis, Negro Chauffeur of Murder Car, Only Thing Feared PROVIDENCH, R. I., Jan. 15. After a week's attack, tho State of Rhode Island adjourned with senrccly any ndvantngo today In tho campaign to wrest Mrs. EllznbcthyF. Mohr, girlish widow of Dr. Charles F, Mohr. from her two children nnd Bend nor to prison per haps for life. Charged with hiring Cecil Victor Drown nnd Henry Spcllman, negro youths, to ambush nnd slay the debonnolro physi cian to society lenders of tho Newport colonics, Mrs. Mohr today still stood In tho shadow of the gray old prison. Next week's developments may decide whether tho rest of her days shall be spent In the grim steel nnd stono structure or In tho cottngo scarcely two miles away, whero llttlo feet patter through tho halls to meet her as sho returns thoso nights from tho ordeal of court. Police Chief Thomas G. Robblns, of Bairlngton, gave tho only damaging tes timony against hor He described In grnphlo detail the negroes' visit to the scene of tho crime and their telling him whero they threw tho rovolvers In Echo Lake. His convincing manner was as Important ns Robblns" actual testimony, carrying no suggestion that the witness desired particularly to aid the prosecu tion. Chief Inspector William F. O'Neill, of Providence, and Police Commissioner Uenjnmin P. Moulton wero poor witnesses for Attorney uenerai nice. A rumor, circulating today, that George Healis, negro chauffeur of Doctor Mohr's death car, had mado a new confession to Attorney Lewis last Wednesday night nt tho Providence Jail, appears to be without foundation, Lewis will not admit that Hcnlls made a "third" confession, al though he called on Hcalls, nt the chauf feur's request Wcdnesdny night. According to the report Healis' now confession exonerates Mrs. Elizabeth T. Mohr and tho two negroes, nnd tends to throw the blamo for tho murder on his own shoulders. The rumor further de clares that Healis admitted stopping tho automobile on the road to make repairs, managed to get behind Doctor Mohr nnd Miss Burger and shot them for tho sake of robbery. Ho then pretended that other accomplices had committed the murder from ambush. Tho State's trump enrd Is the atory of George Healis, negro driver of tho mur der car, who has turned State's evidence. His testimony may decide Mrs. Mohr's fate. Georgo Rooks, brother-in-law of Miss nurger, and the first to mention Mrs. Mohr In connection with the mur der, Is to bo another Important State's witness. Both nre likely to testify next week. CHUMMY" CAR MARKS A NEWT EPOCH IN AUTOMOBILE ,-i DEVELOPMENT, FIBT MOTOR COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA IBW CMESTNUTSTRECT HEATING nOT WATER VAPOR STEAM M.J.MARGUL1ES&C0. 125 So. 5th PHILADELPHIA Uulh I'banet ART GALLERIES Chestnut Sit., l&e0gjta&1 y CHUMMV CAR X fcg? MARKS A NEWT EPOCH XJ SW IN AUTOMOBILE - W m Run to Lansdowne contend that the company Is conducted nlong extravagant lines. In reply to this the chief nsscrtcd that the fire company has put the borough Jail, borough hall nnd tho llrchouse under ono roof. Regard ing the financial part, he declared that the comprny bought, for $1500. the lot on which tho combined municipal building stands. Lnlcr he declnrcd tho borough bought It from tho company. The com pnny then npplled this $1500. he snld, to the cost of the new $u30u motortruck. Somo of the residents of Mlllbourne don't npprcclnto the fact that the Mlll bourne Volunteer Compnny No. 1 has brought about a 10 per cent, decrease In Insurance rates without any Increase In taxes, according to the chief. Others clnlm that the rate was Just ns cheap be fore the new motortruck was bought. It wns learned that you can't be a fireman Immediately lir Mlllbourne. You must go through u regular course nnd show the proper spirit. The men arc regularly trained by two Mlllhotirnlnus, who attend tho flro school of this city nt 7th nnd Norrls streets. All of tho firemen havo paid their dues until 1010, which Indicates, says the chief, what the spirit Is. llcpllng to tho criticism In regard to the pui chase of the $3300 motortruck, the chief snld: "The old hnnd hose cort wns so heavy to pull that the men wero nil In by tho time they reached a fire nnd had no energy left to light the flames." The Internal criticism In Mlllbourne Is uncalled for, say the flrcmen, ns Mlll bourno has more than 50 llremnn for Its 101 houses or n flrcmnn for every two houses, and two cops to boot. Those whose views differ from thoso of tho firemen say they see no reason for having a lingo O.'.-foot Iron tower to hold the tiro bell tn warn 100 residents, In fact, some of the residents believe that tho lire bell would work Just ns well If placed on top the llrchouse. The com pany will havo A recaption tonight to celebrate tho opening of tho now building. WOMAN HELD FOR TAKING ROLLS FROM DOORSTEP Mother of Poor Fnmily Pleads Lnck of Food in Defense Milk nnd rolln dlinppenrod with vcxlnff reimlnrlty from doorsteps nloiiR Famon ntrcet nnd the Inhabitants complained to the police. Todny they nro almost sorry they reported tbclr losses. Mrs. Harry Itnuch, n widow, wns nr rcsted enrly today tho mercury was nl most freezing In tho thermometers with Bovcral rolls under her thin Jacket. They had been taken from tho door of Mrs. Lillian Nowlnnd, nt 17 North Knrson street. It wns a pood cntch for Pollco mnn McGulRnn, of tho 33th street nnd Lancaster avenue station, but his volco wns n bit husky nnd his eyes moist when ho brought hor Into tho station house. For she told Mnglstrato Stevenson that tho J6 n week which tho eldest of her four children makes docs not sulllco to pay tho $3 rent which sho pays for hor two rooms at 13 North Parson street nnd to feed tho tlvo mouths In tho family, Sho wns held under $300 ball for court tc permit her enso to be Investigated. $2,000,000 Fire in Lisbon Arms Plant LISRON, Jan. 15. Damage causod by tho flro thnt has been raging In the Gov ernment's military manufacturing plant has caused n loss estimated nt ?2,000,CK. M M gMiiiiir &JIIM ONE MY DIE AND LIVE AGAIN, PHYSICIAN FINDS Dr. Burmeister, of Chicago, Makes Dead Rabbits Conscious by Blood Transfusion CIUCAtlO, .Inn. lS.-KestorltiR tho dend to lire by the trnnotuslon of blood Is t possibility, nceoidlni? to Ir, ". II. Bur meister. KxpcrlmcnltiiK In his Inboraloiy, Or. HttrmelMer has asphyxiated n ilo7en rnb bits and 40 dogs, united until heart fiction ceased nnd then trnntfUfed blood which he tins kept In a tube for ns lone; nt four week-), with the result thnt n substantial number of the onlmuls have come to life. Working first on rabbits, Dr. Hurmelster nsphyylated the animals In n small box When heart notion reared he made nn In Jestlon In each one In n vein oer one of the eats. "The reaction In most eases wns al most Instantaneous," ho reported. Six of tho 12 rabbits treated In this w y were icstoied to normal life. Doctor Hurmelster took from CO to !0 minutes to nsphyclat tho doss, i lotiRcr the dog hud been dead tho more dllllcult tho doctor found It to rcsuscltnte tho animal by artificial respiration and stimulants. Thirteen of the IB dops transfused re gained ronscloiiMiess. Ono developed blood poisoning nnd was killed. ' Tho o'hers fully rccocrcd. Vnre.q nnd Independents Allied Independents of tho 43d Ward are to .inlto with the Vnrcs In backing the Smith Administration, nccoidlug to nn understanding reached nt n conference held nt the homo of Stnte Senator Wil liam ". Smith. Drontl and .leromo streets, last night. Tho amalgamation of tho In dependents and the Vare elements. It Is believed, forcensts n tight nt tho coming prlmnrles to overthrow .lobn M. t.ukcns, tho McNIchol ward leader, who Ib city committeeman. The meeting was attended by the ward councllmanlc delegation, In cluding Select Councilman Oeorgo I). Cox, tho Independent leader; Mnglstrato Wrlg ley, thu Vnro leader, and Senator Smith, Tho wnrd'B three Common Couucllmcn wero elected on tho Franklin party ticket. LEG SUPPORTS vAiticosi: viiinm, AVrnk Anklrn, Mtollrn i.?kh. i:tr. aiii: i:iinh st'i'i'oitri:i) it v Tin: usi: op-Tim Corliss Laced Slocking HAMTAUV, ns tbey mny tie washed or hollcil. CoinfnrlnMc, mmlo tn monsuro. NO LI.AM'ICi nUJUHtnulo; Incos lllto ii legging; light & durante. KCONOMICAU Coat SI.75 i-nrli. or two for tho anmc limb. $3.00, FiORtpald, dill nnd be inrnnurrd ree. or wrlto for solf-meaauro-ment lllnnk Nn. ft. We iUro make non-olnntto Abilnmlnal llelts to order, llniirn, I) tn ft dully. .Sat.. 0 to 4. I'ennn. Corliss Limb Specially Co. ISO Hrrd ltlir. I'liono Wnlnut (int. 1211-13-15 rlllicrt ft.. I'lilln., I'll. Full-Course Sunday Dinner Venison or Roast Turkey 12 to 8:30 75c Windsor Hotel 1227 Filbert Street New mnnngement Guarantee best service. Hale & Kilburn Company Retiring from the Furniture Business EVERY article in our enormous stock of fur niture, antiques and interior decorations a collection of gems of the most remarkable character is to be sold and our store discon tinued. It is to be sold under the Hale & Kil burn assurance, which means that the sale will be conducted in the most scrupulous manner. Peremptory Public Auction Sale Beg-inning: Wednesday, January 19th, at 2 P. M. and following days until all is sold Lovers of the beautiful in furniture and decorations in Philadelphia will never again have so rare an opportunity to pick up choice pieces at auction. The selling of this great stock will occupy at least six days, and the sale will continue on subsequent days until every piece is disposed of. The offerings will include exclusive high-grade Furniture, Antiques, Oriental Rugs, Tapestries, Draperies, Silk Fabrics, Wall Papers and Objects of Art. The sale will be conducted by The Philadelphia Art Galleries, Reed H. Walmer, manager; C. H. Luengene, auctioneer. Store open for inspection Monday and Tuesday. Catalogues will be mailed free upon request. Hale & Kilburn Company 1315 Walnut Street TUisfln Am i? ta mnirotii llxlljJJuJll tXULllJ M.XJ I'JLUUAtlJl AT LUNCHEON OF STATE Cheered as He Drives Through Streets to Reichskailseler. Confers With Chiefs HKHMN, .Inn. IS.-Knlser Wllhclm to day attended a luncheon nt the Hclch nknnzler. Ilo was Joyfully cheered ns he drove through tho streets to the palace. Tho Kaiser wns seen nt revornl places In lierlln. It was tho general opinion that ho looked well, considering his Illness. At the Hctch.sknnztcr I'nlaee luncheon today Governor General Von Hissing, of Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition! San Francisco, 1915 Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915 Baker's Breakfast Cocoa The Food Made of high-grade cocoa beans, skilfully blended and manufactured by a perfect mechanical process, without the use of chemicals; it is absolutely pure and wholesome, nnd its flavor is delicious, the natural flavor of the cocoa bean. The genuine bears ihls IraJe-mar, and h made only by Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. EtAblihcd 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. nta. u i. pat. or f. Are you an Efficient and Watchful Business Manager or just an Expensive Pretense? Do you let tiie office boy throw small chance out of tho window? Do you allow the janitor to drop postage stamps in the waste basket?- Do you carelessly use expensive engraved stationery as a scratch pad? Do you look the other way while your employes reck lessly mar the fine woodwork of your business home ? Do you permit your office force to use message-payment telephones when the Keystone unlimited service is available? If you wish to hear something of interest to an alert business manager, ask the Keystone Telephone Company, 135 South Second Street, to send a man to call upon you. ?!"?!' vr ueiorucK, necretni-v or the inferior. Secretary ef Pnrelrfn Affafrti von .JafrotNr.. Count Arnlm Uoltaenbitrg, Pfesldofit of the rrus.slan House of Lords, and several others were present The Kaiser engaged In lively eonverBflt tlon with the other guests nnd nfterw'ahi held n long conferenre with seven) officlnlff. Auto Driver Held for Mnn'tt Denth Andrew Pctrey, Jr, 21 years old, of 2IU Columbia avenue, was committed without bail by Magistrate 1'ennoek at tho Cen tral Station todny to await action of tho Coroner In connection with the death Of James D, Kllduff, which occurred In tho Methodist Hospital yestcrdny. Kllduff lived nt 2l3u South Watts: street, and was struck by nn automobile operated by Petrey nt Hroad nnd Pattlson streets Jan uary 7, Drink Without a Fault H on Ruirqcm Puicuur maMnMll I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers