. v'llisti Lml PHILADELPHIA, SAl'LilJJAi, uaa UaiIV ios IdlU MmJm HORAL CREDITS LEGISLATION WILL ' HELP THE NATION Primary Purpose Is to ft Strengthen Country's Ag ricultural jrosition t BETTER MARKETS FOLLOW tlv ALBERT N. HOGG j" ju.Uti.nl Caehter. Corn Exchange National The primary purposo of rum! credits I11AI on In to Increase the agricultural iirinrth of the nation by decreasing farm S nurlnp the .Icca.le 1900 to 1310, enancV Increased at the rate of 16 per IJnl -11.123 forms of 6U.S00 acres had been hindoned. and the abandonment had hn orccrdeil by tenantry. The country been p-' " ...... ., .(, M.I. I n unhealthy national condition. In 1U the platforms of the three preat political parties contained rural credit plunks. Already moro than 100 rural credit bills hive hecn proposed In Confess through t, If not all of these, runs the vicious feature of Government nld and, class leg islation, The last bill, now In the bands of the ' -Banking- and Currency Committee of both houses, Is Intended to take the place of all preceding bills, It provides for the creation of a farm lean board of live members to bo an notated by tho President: the establish ment of 12 regional banks, each with a capital stock of $500,0000. These banks will be allowed to Ibsuo farm loan bonds to the amount of 20 times their capital. - An Important provision of the bill re quires that tho Individual borrower must apply for his mortgage loan through a local co-operative association, tho borrow er contributing C per rent, of tho loan to the capital of the local organization, 1 which In turn subscribes, n llko amount to the capital or the land bank. It has been conclusively ahovni that any plan which will assist the deserv ing borrower who cannot command tho facilities of tho prosnt banking sys tem must iv ,-cssarlly bo based on local co-operative u.sn"lntlfins. This ' turn of tho proposed bill M In entire ..-cord with successful methods used abroad. GOVEtlXMEN'T CONTROL OBJECTION The chief objection to this me.isuro will arfee over the Government control and Government aid features. President Wil son himself has said that the former should expect no special privileges, ex tending to him the credit of the Govern ment New York Klato hns established n land bank, and n large New York trust com pany has purchased $50,000 of tho Hist terles of the bonds Issued by the bank at i''i per cent. Interest. Tho law creat ing the brink contcmplatPHthe co-ordination of- the avlngH and loan associations of the State with local co-operative asso ciations. Hut the State advances no aid to tho former nor Is It controlled, as tho Federal measure proposed, by a Govern ment Irnniil and pol'tleal ippolntments. As much ns the New York land bank fias been erltlcNed It lias some strong f tares For Instn. e, th" Individual borrower must have 25 to JO per cent, of the purrhnso i lice of th" property, whllo (0 to SO p r cent. .1st bo provided by tho local savings and loan association, so that not over M per cent, of tho appralsod value will be provided by tho Issue of bonds. Helping tho farmer '-ntcmplutes also dcqu.ito facilities for personal credits ; 1. ., credt for current farm needs. Moro than 26,000 banks are doing thfa each year, and were tho farm mortgage property taken care of by land banks, Statu or na tional, it would seem that the present baaklng system, with tho Federal reserve facilities for rediscount of current farm paper n'ioi'1 ' r i o-if me'"" re take earo of current farm needs. With tho estab lishment o. locn i-fi-operntlve associa tions, the legitimate farming demands should bo fully covered" In tho particular locality. STATES FEELING WAY. Better marketing endltlons naturally Co hand I . hand wlih any movement of this kind, but this is more of n local question. The organization of farm units will lead to development along theso "tines. As n mntter of fact, many com munities have been organized from time to time to Improve marketing conditions, ind the results havo fully Justltled this method of dealing with the pro! lem. Tho Stares ore feeling their way In this matter, so Bhould the National Govern ment bo vory carctul In enacting any laslslai or. at tin- present time, except on conservative Unci, If at nil. Had not the Federal reserve act better bo tried out ar Has any one observed, by the way, that th0M sections ot the country which coulJ never see any value In the establishment of a L'nlted States mercantile marine are now the most ardent champions of measures promising Government aid to the farmer? STEEti M AltKET STRONGER Foreign Inquiries Large Enrly Ship ment of Wire Desired PITTSBURGH. Jan. 16.-The general tono of the steel market Is stronger than nt the beginning of the year, with for eign Inquiries henvy. Inquiries from France and from England for barbed I wlro now amount to H0.0M tons, whllo even a larger tonnage Is being negotiated tor in rounds ror shells. The barbed wire Is desired for early shipment, but It Is regarded as likely that mills will bo unable to oblige In this particular, as sevcrnl months ago requirements covered the period up to tho middle of the present year. A large premium Is paid for prompt delivery of some commodities. A carload of plates was sold this week for per 100 pounds, the hlgkeat frrlco for this movement. ,p,8 'ron ! iulet. A sale of 1M0 ton of Connellavlllo furnace coke at 3 re stored the market to tho level prevailing borore the u0-cent break caused by tho embargoes. DIVIDENDS DECLARED 1 11? S?r eii.t'"i& ymnnj regular nuarterly cent r?hV fl,Jff ?-m.a "I'V!'""1 " l t February -29 ,,llr:h lr ,0 holder! of record a"Sri.01'ifLc.hi cmrny. regular quarterly U.i-Kpin. J."'1. ",.r ' rr cent., payable- flSJk.; J2 Jitock" nnTi February 2t. lJit Ir !f,fT CnmPany. regular quarter in iSKr..fin!:..m..roln.mon ""T IH per cent, Export Kerosene Advanced .W TOFlK' Jnn' 15 The Standard Oil Company of New York has advanced the price of kerosene for export VI cent per gallon, all grades. LESS COTTONSEED CRUSHED Amount to Jnnunry t Wns 2,628,610 Tons WASHINGTON, Jan. IS. - Cottonseed crushed to January 1 totaled 2,628,610 tons, against 3.3.1S.17S ton's January I, 1915, a census report showed today. Llnters ob tained to January I totaled 5.12.552 bales, against 402,073 bales Jnnunry 1 Inst year. Cottonseed crushed, b States! Ala bama, 203,874 tons,' Arkansas, 150.943 tons! Florida, 14.SS7 tons; Georgia, 11,610 tons) Louisiana, !i0,42S tons! -Mississippi, 235,201 tons: -Missouri, 16.661 tons; North Carollnn, 169,616 tons: Oklahoma, 13S.639 tons; South Carolina, 207.229 tons! Ten nessee, 127.715 tons; Texas, 776.21S tons: all other States, 28,970 tons. I.lnters obtained by Slates: Alabama, 42,631 bales. Arkansas 29,227 bales-, Flor ida, 2403 bales; Georgia, 83,0"'' bales; Louis iana, 18.7IS bales; Mltclselpi . 43,032 bales; Missouri. SOBS hlr. North (TflrollnrL 29.. 1 619 balesi OMahomn, 28.99 bales; South i-arouna sifSi bales, Tennessee, 29,477 units: Texas, 157,142 bales; an other States, 6657 bales. RATES FOR MONEY Time 3WIM Call N'ew York , iv,rs PhltflitnlnhlA ........... nli.7l Itntlon a 4 MU ChlwiKfl , ,iHff4 4 BVi Commercial iwpor, :1 to II months. Philadel phia. 3'bfM per rent. RAILROAD EARNINGS OltANII TMUNK 8V8TEM. told. Increase. Flrt wrek January .... "Wi,702 137,1M) From July 1 ... 2S.24H.2.V1 W0.020 BAH SILVER . !NlKN'. Jan. l...-Th bar allver totlsr was 27 ce Price of commercial nee. NEW ENGLISH LOAN KUMOREd Bank of England Refuses to Split French Loan Certificates I.ONDONi Jan. 16. Itumors that n new loan Is Imminent persisted In the city today, notwithstanding the fact that In come tax collections nro nbnormnlly rapid. The reports made the gilt-edged sec tion, which was dull, unsteady. Signifi cance wag attached to the actloh by the Hank of England In refusing to split further French loan certificates Into small nmoUnts, The bank, however, agreed to extend the period for the splitting of large French loan certificates another week. French Treasury bills to tho extent of 10,000.000 wero raid for against 9,400,000 maturing. There was n moro confident feeling In bimmmim the Attterlcwri Sprtmnt anil prlrtt ad vanced th sfMffhthS' Kith tha,mrit tt New York. Less attention inta pM- to. the Mexican situation; Yeatrdiyj no- ever, Mexican securities were TtWMstis and weaker A stronger tone -was In flvlrtaw ,i Canadian Pacifies and Grand Trunks. Home railway share advanced Mto era good buying. There was dlsbUrw W the lines 2,600,000 In debenture iMMft4 The foreign department was low, ThS three-year fuhdlng scheme of the. Mat of Dahal, Brazil, waa received very fa vorably, Htibber shares were steady tee cause of Improvement In the eUple. HANK CLEARINGS Hank clearings today compared with corra- Pixmainv nny ihbi iwn j yeara mis. 1014. Phlladelnhla.Mr.4Ul.WO X20.4fl2.fBVI Doeton .1 l..l0:l.2ot ai.OIO.TBt 3l.31i lots, m .THE PROVID ENT Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia FOURTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS ASSETS Insurance Department; Hontls and Mortgages, and Ground Rents $25,066,295.57 Heal Estate, Office Buildings and Properties bought in under fore closure, etc 1,290.313.14 Loans on Collateral Security 1,969,436.9.1 Loans on Policies of this Company 10,675,221.54 Premium Notes secured by Liens on Policies ..., 869.85 Bonds at Market Value, at this date (sec list) 43.721,807.00 Cash 1,231,048.16 $83.955,492. 1 Accrued lr.tcrcst 1,062,606.48 Overdue Interest 85,239.09 Deferred and Uncollected Premiums, etc., ' less tost ol Collection 1,60,684.84 The Company publishes the, following Statement of its Assets and L labilities at this date:- LIABILITIES Apart from Insurance: " Bonds and Mortgages on Real Estate.... 635,362.52 Real Estate 105.100.00 Loans on Collateral Security 8,948,987.92 Bonds and Stocks at Market Value, at this date (sec list) 8,326,172.50 Accrued Interest less Accrued Taxes, etc 143,559.39 Collections in Transit 2.874.45 Cash 2,631,995.75 $86,724,022.60 $20,794,052.53 $107,518,075.13 Insurance Department: 186,813.96 ucatli Claims unpaid Dividends unpaid, itirludiiiir those anoor- tioncil for the first half of 1916 1,207,920.94 . Premiums paid in advance and other liabilities 724,118.77 Insurance Fund Reserve, computed by American Table, .14 78.519,444.00 Additional Insurance Reserve required to place all Policies mi 3r' basis 3.393,133.00 Contingency Reserve (not including Capital Stock) 2,692,591.93 , Apart from Insurance: Deposits 13,466,186.86 Certified Checks and Clearing House Due $86,724,022.60 Bills Unpaid Dividends 3.420n .V9" Capital and Surplus: Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 Surplus (including accrued interest and excess of market values over book values)... 6,324,075.68 7,324,075.63 $20,794,052.53 $107,518,075.13 INSURANCE BONDS GOVERNMENT, STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL BONDS Par Value Dollars 37:1.000 152.000 900,000 swo.ouo 123.000 ar.,000 soi i.ooo 32,000 133,000 910,000 123,000 400,000 10O.000 118,000 303,000 S0.2U) 3,70) 100.0CO 30.0TO 0,000 150.000 1.000 100,000 100,000 100.00.) 47,000 Unltcil States or Mexico, Gold. 4, 1934 County of Allegheny, Pa.. County Itoail. Series 4, 4, 1934 City of lloaton, 3H-J. 192-J to 1913 City of Cincinnati, Ohio, Consol. Sin. Pd. 3V4rt. 1932 Oloucester City. N J., i, 1919 to 1933 City of LynchburB. Va., Itfrtg., 4'4, 1927 Massachusetts. Commonwealth of. Oolil. 3U.rc. 1931 City of Mobile, Ala., Waterworks and SeweraKe. 4H, 1939.. .. mj- 01 .miuiie. ,in., aicrworKS anil aeweruKe, 131, iiw City of Nqw York, Consolidated Stock, Gold, 3A, 191(1 to 1918 City of New York, Corp. Stock, Gold, iWc. 1933 and 1951 Cltv of New York. AsscBsmont. Gold. ir.. 1918 nnrt 1913 City of New York, Corporate Stock, Gold, 4CJ. 1935 to 1937.. city or incw lorn, corporate miock, tioiu, H4", uw City of Now York. Corporato Stock, Gold, 3i, 1916-1917 City of Now York, Corporate Stock, Gold, S, 1917-1913 City of Philadelphia, 3, 1916-1921 .,.. City of Philadelphia, 3. 1917-1921 City of Philadelphia, Loan of 1894. Series Q. 3ft, 1924 City of Philadelphia. Ian of 1913, 4, 1913 City of Plttsbilrgh, 4. 1916-1918 City of Portland. Multnomah Co., Oregon, Ilrldse, Gold, 46, 1934. Port of Portland, Oregon. Gold. 67c, 1922 City of Richmond. Virginia, 5, 1921 Salt Lake City. Utah, Itfdir. 4, 1918 Salt I-ako City. Utuh. Hfdg., 4W4. 1921 City of San Diego, California, ihiVo. 1919 to .1933 RAILROAD BONDS (Includlnc Streot Railway) Market Valuo at this Date. 223,800.00 148.9C0.0O 830,10.00 195,000.00 214,920.00 36,360.0) 282,000.00 31.680.0i) 151,425.00 801,123.00 123,000.00 391,500.00 106, 000.00 117,500.00 311,575,00 4S.C0I.C0 3,653.00 97,000.00 30,750.00 50,290.00 144,750.00 4,160.00 104.000.00 99,500.00 101,600.00 46,697.50 Par Valuo Dollars Market Value at thlH Dato. 25,000 Altoona & Logan Valley Electric 'Stwy. Co., Consol. Mtgo., Gold, V.i-n. 1933. (Gtd. by Tho American Rwys. Co.) 200,000 Atcliison, T. & S. Fe Ity. Co., 100-yr. Adj., Gold, 4ft, 1993, Stamped and I'nstamped 700,000 Atchison, Top. & S. Fo Rwy. Co. (Eastern Oklahoma Dlv.), 1st Mtgc., Gold, 4, 1928 200.COO Atchison. Touoka & Santa l'o Itwy. Co. California-Arizona Lines, 1st and Kef. Mtgc, 4'W. 1962 331.000 Atlantic Coast Line H. R. Co.. 1st Con. Mtge., 50-yr, Gold. 4, 1932., HEVERLE AND HAY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1034 Real Estate Trust Dldg. Charles J. Bender & Co. INVESTMENT BONDS lltmtxra Philadelphia. Block Kxchauge 421 CHESTNUT STREET DIVIDENDS NOTICE OP" DIVIDENn. AJAX RUBBER COMPANY, Inc. Jiuii-nus Uroadway. Rv2Stbl loiJt tu' Businesa tnuruarr f -,--.... UAtlOLD W. 8TIMPS0N. Treasurer. ELKfTION NOTICE KS TUB CK.NTHAL NATIONAL HANK OV PUILADKLflllrt ,, .. . . ., Januiry lath, 1018. uAn i?."?' ttln ot Stockholdurs of ii-B4nW- .t1,ld J""ury Ilth, J81U. tho fol thl "tlemen were elected Director for .i;.!".. . 1 "wiSil-f, '?!' Sr'm." B.u.r"hara. Jr, Jba Pitcalrn Ourluli Smith It WllUamT Elliott Charles E. Ingerioll A. A. Jackson Samuel SI. Cur.won Clarence M. Drown Avery D. Andrew Stevens lleckitoher UuEm I. Kllloou k-T .t.wesuD 'he Board or Director w.r-hU.dar Mr- WILLIAM T. ELLIOTT M Bnnlmouly re-elected I'rfoMeiit. WILLIAM I'OST. tejaier. B THE SIXTH NATIONAL HANK . Philadelphia, January J4th. 1910. I the Annual Election, held on the 11th Staid lnf, '"?'n?:?.amAd .J!n'I .."! I Jfti, Vi ,fcvw4 ee ur tne cujjiii car. ' 3rSh?.ttUu wm, e. u V VrZX SSSSH "' C-.?A tkfVnMMng of the Director, held tht SecUd ' oulcer wr unanlraomly John P Wlion. President. Daniel Balrd. Vke-PrlJcnt Jfaa, p Suttoo. Sscond Vk-Prelden ilfuS Salter. Caahler jS S', Jr , Solicitor Joba, Baxter, Notary William salteb. cawr. I day. re- 20.623.00 173.000.00 658.000.00 192,000.00 S09.4S5.00 425,000.00 1S3.O0O.O0 836.290.00 Middle Dlv.) 1st Mtge.. Gold. 3V4rc. 1923 22.625.00 500.000 Balto & Ohio n. It. Co. (P., U E. & W. Va. System), HftlfJ.. ' Mtire.. Gold. 4?6. 1911 437.500.00 313.000 Bulto. & Ohio It. It. Co. (S. W. Dlv.), 1st Mtge.. Gold. 3VS. 1925.... 1,207,900.00 673000 Halto. & OI1I0 Equipment Trust of Feb., 1912, 4W. 1916 to 1921 676.235.00 477.000 Halto. & Ohio Equipment Trust ot 1913. IH. 19W-1923 479.265.00 70 010 Uufralo & Susquehanna It. It. Corp., 1st Gold, 4ft, 1903 63,200.00 49o!0O0 Central of Georgia Itwy. Co., Consol. Mtpe., Gold. 0, 1915 492.450.00 3000 Central of GeorKla Itwy. Equip. Ass'n. K. 5. 1917 23.000.00 500 000 Central Pacltlo Itwy. Co.. 1st Ilfdp. Mtse., Gold (Gtd. by South- ern I'acltlo Co.), 4?5. 1949 450,000.00 210000 Central I'acillc Itwy. Co., Gold Mtse., 3Hft, 1929 (Otd. b South- cm I'acillc Co.) 117,950.00 200000 Central Pacltlo Itwy. Co. (Through 8hort Line), 1st Mtge., Gold, 4. 1934 (Gtd. by Southern Paclllc Co.) 174,000.00 "00 000 Chesapeake & Ohio Hallway Co., 5?l Notes, due 1919 197,000.00 10O000 Chesapeake & Ohio nwy. Co.. 1st Cons. Mtge., B0-yr.. Oold, 5. 1939 100,500.00 658000 Chesapeake & Ohio Rwy. Co., Gen. Mtge.. Gold, 4W. 1992 602,070.00 1o'000 Chesapeake & Ohio, Equip. Series N, 4H, "16 to 1919 23O.O00.0O 250000 ChicaKO & Alton n. K. Co., Hfdg. SO-Vr? dold, 3. 1919 147.600.00 2500M Chicago & Alton Itwy. Co.. 1st Uen &0-yr.. Oold, 3H. 130 107.600.00 6'000 Cnlcaeo, Uurllngton & Qulncy H. It. Co., Iowa Dlv., 8. P., 4!l. 1919.. 3,940.00 1(:000 CIiIcHbo & East 111, it. H.' Co.. Rfdg. &. Impt.' (Mtge.),' Gold. ' i. 1933. - ra.000.00 1 000 chlcaito & Eastern Illinois It. It. Co., Receiver Ctfa. ("Cvanavllle & ' Torre Haute R, R. Ext. Car Trust, Series C), 5W9S. ".917 25,000.00 jnnouO Chicago. Indianapolis & St, Louis Short Line Rwy. Co., 1st Mtge., 400.00U l-$.c'G,;,li;'V'iW3 ,Qtd. by C. C, C. & St. U Rwy.' Co.) 320,000.00 150 000 Chicago. .Mllwaulceo & St. Paul Rwy. Co., Chicago & Pacific West- ern Dlv.. 5ft 1921. .,........... ....... 131.500.00 mono Chicago. Mllwaukes & St. Paul Rwy. Co., Puget Sound & rt'lllapa ' 1 arbor Rwy!. 1. 6-yr. Ctfs., 1918 (Gtd. by Chicago, Mllw. & lit. Paul Rwy. Co.) 190.000.00 Twnon Chicago N, W. Rwy. Co., Equip. Tr, of 1912. 4J4, 1916-1913 336.400.00 i'ooo Ch cago Rwys. Co.. Consol. Mtge.. 20-yr Gold, Series B, Bft. 127.. 127,600.00 1U000 C cago. Rock Island & Paclllc Rwy. Co.. 1st Mtge., 6, 1917 157,850.00 60 000 Chicago, It, I. & rac. itwy. wo., ut as "tag. :uige., uoia, 4i, 1934.. 3:,7W.uu 123,00aCO 341,910.00 435,200.00 320,000.00 w I llinoU Central R. R. Co.). 3J4R. 195J. I .'. m 000 Chicago,- St. Louis & New Orleans. Equipment, 5, 1916-19M (Otd. ". v... rlllnnl. n.ntml !t. H. Co.)... US ..'."w.- " ,.jnn 1 t r finnan. n ... HnU ...1 614 000 Chicago western im" -" v"', -j., uwu, um. 400 000 Cleveland." Cincinnati,' 'Chicago "& ' 'i t."Loula"it wyV Co.',' o'en.' 'Mtge.', Gold. i, 1993., 149.000 Cleveland Terminal & Valley R. R. Co.', 1st Mtgc. Gold (Gtd. by Baltimore & Ohio R. It. Co.), 491, 1993 SWO0 Columbia & Greenville It. R. Co., 1st Mtffe., 6CJ, 1916 300.0O) Consolidated Traction Co., 1st Mtgo., Gold (N. J.), 595, 1913 433,000 Easion .i Amboy R. It. Co.. 1st Mtgc. (Gtd. by Lehigh Val. It. R. Co.), 6S. 1920 .. . .. ., " ?& S1?"1! Jo"et & Eastern Rwy. Co.. 1st Mtgc. Oold. 6, 1911 iM.ro !'w7- Co- Consol. Mtge.. 7. 1920 SM25 fcr.,e ." " Co- ,-"'1 Consol. Prior Lien. Gold. 4tt, 19W ?'SS, !irl.e " " Co., 1st Gen. Lien, Gold, 4l, 193') M9. tY'0 u-,..u. Co- Pennsylvania Coll.. 50-yr.. Gold, 4. 1931 oO.OOO Evansvlllo & Tern- Hnutc It. It. Co., 1st P-, M1.40., Gold (Ctfs. of Deposit), 6, 1912 3253 6eorKla I'acillc Rwy. Co., 1st Mtgo., Gold, 6, 1922 i 213,000 Greenbrier Rwy. Co., 1st Mtge., Gold (Gtd. by tho C. & O. Rwy. Co.). 4fe, 1910 :?'?)!5 H00lln vulley Itwy. Co., 1st Consol. Mtge.. Gold. 4HK. 1999 19,000 Hocking Valley Rwy. Co.. Equip. Trust Notes. Gold,. Series A. IS, 1916 1,000 Hocking Valley Rwy. Co., "Equip. Obligation," Gold, Car Trust No. 2 of 1907, 41, 1916 129,600 Hudson & Manhattan R. It. Co., 1st Lien. Rfdg. Mtge.. Gold, 5?J 1957 123,000 Hudson & Manhattan It. H. Co., Adj. Income. 5S$, 1937 493.000 Illinois Central R. It. Co.. Equip. Trust, Gold. Series A. 4W. 1916-1920 103.000 Jefferson It. R. Co., 1st Mtge.. Extended. 3, 1919 69.000 Jersey City & Bergen R. II. Co., 1st Mtgo.. Extended, 4$ft,. 1923.... 43,000 Kansas City. P. Scott & Memphis It. It. Co., Cons. Mtge.. 6, 1928.. 230,000 Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Rwy. Co.. Rfdg. Mtge., Gold (Otd. by St. Louis & San Francisco It. R. Co.), 4, 1936 33,000 Kansas City Southern Rwy. Co., 1st .Mtge.. 50-yr.. Gold. 3, 1950.... 94S.OO1 ' ako Shore & Mich. So. Rwy. Co., 25-yr. (Deb.), Gold, 4!i, 192S and 1931 P0.C90 Lehigh Valley R. It. Co., Consol., 4't, 1923 300.000 Lohlgh Valley It. It. Co., Gen. Consol. Mtgc.. Gold 451. 2003 612.000 Lehigh Valley It, It. Co,, Coll. Trust, Gold, 4t, 1916 to 1923 105.000 Lehigh Valley R. R. Co. Equip. Trust, Gold, Series J. 4!5. 1917.. 200.000 Long Ial. R. It. Co., Hfdg. Mtge., Gold (Gtd. P. It. It. Co.) 4, 1919.. 81,000 Long Island It. H. Co. Ferry, 1st Mtse., Gold, 4',4. 1922 330,000 Louisville & Nashville R. It. Co., Unified Mtgo., Gold. 4S, 1910.... 64.000 Louisville & Nashville It. II. Co.. St. Louis Dlv., 1st Mtgo.. n, 1921 200.000 Louisville & Nash. Southern (Morion. Coll.), Jt., Gold, 49i, 1932.... 187,000 Ixiulsvllle & Nashville It. Jt. Co.. Equip. Notes. Series A, 3S, 1916-1917 200.000 Manhattan Rwy. Co., Consol. Mtge.. Gold (N. Y.), 7 199.) 133,000 Market Street Elevated Passenger Rwy. Co., 1st Mtge., Gold (Gtd. by Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co.) (Pa.), 4ft. 1955 210,000 Mason City & Ft. Dodgo It. It. Co,, 1st Mtge.. 50-yr.. Gold, 4S, 1955.. 100,000 Metropolitan West Side Elev. Rwy. Co., 1st Mtge., 40-yr., Gold (Chicago, III.), 4ft, 193S 200,000 Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Sto. Mario Rwy. Co., 1st Consol,, E0-yr Gold (Int. gtd. by Canadian Pacific Rwy. Co.), 1ft, 1938.... 136.000 Missouri Pacific Itwy. Co. (Coll.) Trust. Gold (Ctfs. of Dcp.), 5ft, 1917 600,000 Missouri Pacltlo 1 allway Co., 1st Coll. Mtge., Gold (Ctfs. of De- posit). 5. 1920 8,000 Monongahela Itiv, R. IS. Co., 1st Mtgc, Gold (Gtd. by B. & O. R. It.), 6. 1919 100,000 Nassau Electric R. R. Co.. 1st Consol Mtgc.. Gold (Gtd. by Brooklyn Heights It. R. Co.), 1ft, 1931 472,000 N. Y. Cen. & Hud. Rlv. n. It. Co., 1st Rfdg. Mine., Gold. 3'.tft. 1997 500,000 N. V. Cen. & Hud. Rlv. R. R. Co., 30-yr. Deb., Gold, 4ft, 1934 423,000 New York Central & Hudson River It. R, Co., Lake Shore Coll. Trust. Gold. 3Hft, 199? 332.000 New York Central & Hudson River It. It. Co.. Michigan Central Coll.. Gold. 3Uft, 1998 56,000 New York Ac Erie R. It. Co.. Extd. (2d) Mtge.. 651.. 1919 150.000 New York & Erie R. R. Co.. Extd. (3d) Mtge., Gold, 4H, 1923 52,000 New York & Erie It. It. Co.. Extd. (4th) Mtge., Gold. 6ft, 1920 450,000 New York, Lackawanna & Vestern R. R. Co.. 1st Mtge.. 6ft. 1921.. 37,000 New York Hallways Company, 30-yr. 1st Real Estate and Refund ing Mortgage. Gold, 4ft. 1942 112,000 New York Rwys. Co,, 30-yr adj. Mtge. Income, 5, 1912 50,000 Norfolk & West. Rwy. Co.. 1st Consol. Mtge,. Oold, 4. 1936 250,000 Norf. & West. Rwy. Co.. Dlv. 1st Lion & Gen. Mtge., Gold, 4ft, 1911 1.000 Norfolk & Western. Equip.. 4ft, Series K. 1916 747.000 Norfolk & Western. Equip., Series of 1914. 4V5ft. 1916 to 1921 200,000 Northern Pacltlo Rwy. Co., Gen. Uen, Rwy. and Land Grant Gold. 3ft, 2047 320,000 Northern Pac. Rwy. Co. (St. Paul-Duluth Dlv.), Mtge. Gold. 4ft. 1996 750.000 Northern Paclflc-G. Northern (C, B. & Q Coll.), Joint, Gold, 4ft, 1931 650,000 Oregon Short Line It. R. Co., 25-yr. Rfdg.. Oold (Otd. by Union Pacltlo It. R. Co.), 4. 1929 250,000 Oregon Short Line Rwy. Co., 1st Mtge., Gold (Int. gtd. by Union Pacific R. R, Co.), 6ft. 1922 171,000 Passaic & Newark Electric Traction Co., 1st Mtge., 40-yr.. Gold (Qtd. by Consolidated Traction Co.) (N. J.). 5ft. 1937 909.000 Pennsylvania Co., 1st Mtgc, Uift. 1921 63,000 l'ennsylvanla Co., Oold Loan of 1901. 3Wft. 1916 ,.; 800.OX) Pennsylvania Co., Gold Loan of 191a, tCjft. 1921 Par Valuo Dollars Market Valuo at this Date. 125,160.00 88,000.00 SOI.500.00 416.760.0) 309.000.00 162.S00.00 252,450.00 coo.ooo.oo 330,000.00 3S.tOO.00 13,975.00 201.690.00 121,200.0) 18.905.00 1,000.00 96,477.50 38,750.00 498,523.00 101,515.00 66,930.00 47,035.00 191.230.00 26,600.0) S92.87O.0O 90.900.00 183.000.00 COI.780.00 105.000.00 176,000.00 80.610.00 329,000.00 6S.4SO.OO 160,000.00 1S3.270.OO 183.000.00 121,335.00 141,000.00 72.600.00 I 186.000.00 1 116,960.00 415.000.00 8,050.00 73.000.00 391,700.00 462,500.00 333,623.00 296,030.00 56,810.00 147,000.(0 63,010.00 436,000.00 27.155.00 63.810.00 46.750.00 225,000.00 993.00 748,940.00 131,000.00 289,600.00 735,000.00 601,230.00 271,250.00 173.663.00 918.030.00 63,003.00 508,000.00 uy P. It. R. 383,000 Pennsylvania Co. (Coll . 200,000 Pennsylvania & New York Cnnnl and K. ... i ., . Gen. Consol. Mtgc. ,n tl. by Lehigh Valley R. 11. Co.), 4ft, lam 10,000 Pennsylvania, It. R. Co., Consol. Mtgc, 5ft, 1919.... cliMKX Sc,ma- ,It- Co.. Consol. Mtge. Sterling (20,000), 3H, 1915 5n'S f ennsy van a. R. It. Co.. Gen'l. Mtgc.. 4Mft, 1905 ;... J30.000 Pennsylvania General Freight Equipment Trust, Oold, 4ft, 1916 ,1-, .,nml ,?l, ,asllc ot "07 (Otd. by I'ennn. It. It. Co.) 163,000 Pennsylvania General Freight Equipment Trust Gold, 4, 1916- ,,..m,nBi iKBue of 1910 (Gtd. by Ponna. R. R. Co.) 1.215,000 Pennsylvania General Freight Equipment Trust, Gold, 4ft, 1916- rnm t."21, '""uo of 1912 (Gtd. by I'ennn. It. R. Co.) 993,000 Pennsylvania General Freight Equipment Trust, Gold. 1916-1522, T.Is?ue ot 13i3 WS 'Ot'1- ") Petmu. H. R. Co.) C9.000 IVrkloinon R. Jt. Co., 1st Mtge.. 1st and 2d Series. Oold. C, 1913 (Gtd.) , , SSn E!'!!a't .nalt0' & Washington R. R. Co,, 1st Mtse., 4 1S13 3'$t II i1 nuelphla .t Erie R. It. Co.. General 1st Mtgc.. 4. 1920 '.W0fl a. Krle It. It.. Gen. Mtge.. 6ft, 1920. .......: S&SJ5 l$!,.n- Erle u- "-. Consol.. General l.H Mtgo.. 6ft. 1920 100 000 Philadelphia & Reading R. R. Co.. Sink. Fd. Ext., Gold, 4ft. 1633 . ,., ,'v."1.' ly I'l'lla. & Heading Conl and Iron Co. and by Rending Co.) rl-SSn ELM "delphla. Wilmington & Baltimore R.- R. Co.. Deb., 4S. 1917.... 50,000 Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore R. R. Co., Stock Trust Ctfs., 4, 1921 ; 45,000 Pittsburgh, Cln., Chicago & fit. Louis Itwy. Co.. Cons. Mtge., Gold, 4ft. 1915, Series D (Otd. by Tho Penna. R. R. Co.) iSO.000 Heading Co. and Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Co.. Gsn. Mtpe.. Gold. 4, 1997 71a,O0O Reading Co. (Jersey Central Coll.). Gold. 4. 1931 100000 Rio Grande Western Ry. Co., 1st Tr. Mtge.. EO-yr., Gold, 4ft, 1933.. 100,000 Itlo Grande Western Rwy. Co.. iBt Cons. Mtge., 50-yr., Gold, 4ft. 1919. Sub Series A 230,000 St. Louis. Iron M'n & So. Hwy. Co. (River ft Gulf Dlvs.), 1st Mtge.. 50-yr.. Gold, 4-J. 1933 70,000 St. Paul & Duluth It. R. Co.. 2d Mtge.. 6ft. 1917 200,000 Seaboard Air Jlne Rwy. Co.. 3-yr., Gold Notes, 6-., 1316 200.000 Second Avenue Jt. It. Co., of New York, 1st Consol. Mtge., 5S, 1918 (Gtd. by Metropolitan Street Rwy, Co.) 416.000 South Carolina A Georgia R R. Co.. 1st Mtge.. Gold. 6ft. 1919 600,000 Southern Pacific R. It. Co., 1st Rfdg. Mtge., Gold, 4ft. 1955 (Gtd. by Southern I'aclflc Co.) 481.000 Southern I'aclflc Equip. Tr., Series A. 4Hft. 1910 to 1921 25,000 Southern ThcMc Equip. Tr. Series B, 4W, 1S17-1918 164,000 Southern Pacific, Equip, Tr.. Series C. 4K, 1916.1920 225,000 Southern Ry. Co. (St. Louis Dlv.), 1st Mtge.. 50-yr.. Gold 4. 1951.. 600,000 Terminal It. R. Asso. of St. Louis, Gen. Mtge., Hfdg, 8ink. Fd., Gold, 4S, 1953 (Int, and Sink. Fd. gtd. by 14 R, It. Cos.) , SOOOO Union Traction Co. of Indiana. 1st Gen. Mtge.. Oold, 61, 1919 200,000 Union Traction Co. of I'hlla,, 60-yr.. Sink, Fund Coll, Trust Mtge., Oold, 4ft 1932 , J 63,900 Vlrslnla Midland Rwy. Co., 3d Mtge., Series C, 6ft. 1916 ,... 250,000 Walmsh It. It. Co., 1st Mtge.. Gold. 6ft. 1939 175.000 Washington Terminal Co.. 1st Mtgo., Gold. 3!4ft. 1945 (Otd. by Tho Halt. & Ohio It. It. Co. and Phlla., Halt. & Wash, It. It. Co.).... 68.000 West Jersey & Seashore It. R. Co.. 1st Mtge, Cons., Gold, 3i, Series R. 1936 67.000 Western I'ennsvlvanla It. It. Co., Consol. Mtge., 1ft, 1928 ,.,., 75.000 Wilmington & Northern R. R, Co.. Stock Tr. Ctfs., Gold. 4ft 100,000 Wisconsin Central Rwy. Co., 1st Gen. Mtge., Gold, 4ft, 1919..,.,.,,, 200,000 83 000 200.000 235,000 100.000 MISCELLANEOUS BOND5 Connecticut Rwy, & Lighting Co, 1st & Rfdg. 60-yr. Stamped, Gold, 4H'.i. 1951 (Int. gtd. byT'he United Gas Impt. Co.) Continental Coal Co., let Mtge., Gold, Gft, 1952 (Gtd. by The Toledo & Ohio Central Rwy. Co. and The Hocking Valley Itwy. Co.) (Ctr. or Deposit) 1931 (Gtd. by Security Investment Co.. Pittsburgh) 193,06v.W 100,000 East Pittsburgh Improvement Co., 1st Mtge., 30-yr., Gold, Eft. 1 Jii f l fcp (jAAiivlett TnifAel w aa rf rt Lett1 i ol te haVi t 4t7Jl tutu, uy acvui 113 til van i mi it. vu,. 4ttauuih4if,.,M .,., Fairmont Coal Co.. 1st Mtge. SO-yr., sink. Fd., Gold, 6ft, 1931.,,,. Gloucester Ferry Co., 1st Mtge Gold. BK. 192S Kanawha & Hocking Coal & Coke Co.. 1st Mtge., Gold, 6ft. 1951 200.000 141,001 239.000 200,000 350,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 (Gtd. by The Toledo & Ohio Cent Rwy. &. The Hock. Val. 'llwy.) If'.fu nt n.nnaltl Kansas City Rwy. & J.t. Co.. 1st Lien Rfdg., 10-yr.. Gold. 5. 1913,, Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co.. Coll. Trust, 4iift, 1S21 ,..,, Lehigh Coal & Nn'. Co.. Fund, & Impt.. 60-yr Oold. 4ft, J9W, I.ehfgh & wHkeiUinVre'coui'Co.V'Cow Norfolk & Western Rwy. Co. Pocahontas Coal & Coke Co., Joint Purchase Money. 1st Mtge.. Gold, 4. 1911........ ., ,. Omaha Gas Co., 1st Consol. Mtge., Gold. 5ft, 1917............. Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing; Co.. 3-yr. Notes, 5ft, 191!...,,,.,, Springfield Itwy. and IJ.Rht .Co., Coll. Trust GoldJSrf. 1933 ., Welabach Co,, 30-yr. S nk. Fd. Coll. Trust Mts.. Gold. t, 1930.,.,, Total Market Value at this dat , .,.,,$43,721,807.00 BONDS AND STOCKS APART FROM INSURANCE STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL BONDS Por Value. 1S6 000-City of Chicago, 4ft, 1917-.191S ,.,. ,.. ISiOOO.00 lOo'oOO City of Chicago, 4!ift, 1919...., ,.....,. , 100.300.00 250000 City of New York, Corporate Stock, Gold, 4ft, 1933 and 1936...,,,,,., 213,750.00 Market Value at this Date. RAILRp AD BONDS (Including Street Railway) 4,000 81,000 25,000 125.000 200.000 3.C0O JO5.000 60.000 100.000 569.000 100.000, 100,000 133.000 322,000 600,000 331,000 75,000 Atlantic City R. R., Gold, 6ft. 1919......... At ant c Coast Line R. R. Co.. 1st Consol. Mtge.. Oold. 4 1932 Baltimore & Ohio It. It. Co. (Pittsburgh Junction and Middle I11V.1. 131 JUIBC. uuiu, ? ,-.... Balto. & Ohio R. R. Co. (S. W. Dlv.), 1st Mtge.. Gold. SHft, 1925.,., Ha tlinore & Ohio It. R. Co.. Prior Lien, Gold. 3J4. 1925....'... , Brook"?" Bath & West End R. R. Co.. Gen. Slge.. 6. 1933 (Gtd. bv Atlantic Ave. R. It. Co., of Brooklyn. N. Y.).....,. ....... ....... vi ...-- ----- --- ----.-,-- .- fc. -rt. .---,..- Buffalo & Busquenanna it. a. uorp., ist suicr., uoia, . jaw Cedar -Rapids & Missouri River It. It.. 1st Mtge., 7, ll Centrei I I'aclflc Rwy. Co., 1st Rfdg. Mtge., Gold,' 4, 1943 (Gtd. by Southern Pacific Co.) Chesapeake & Ohio Rwy. Co., 5-yr. Sec. Kotes, 5ft, 1919... , Chicago & Alton Rwy. Co.. 1st Lien 60-yn. Gold. 3H. 1930 Ch case Burlington & Qulncy R. R. Co.. Gen. Mtge.. 4., 1958.. , Cncogo Milwaukee & Puget Sound Rwy., 1st Mtge.. 45i. 1919...... Chicago! Mllw. & St, Paul Ry. Co., Gen. Mtge.. Cold, Series A, oMc'ago. iiiiw. & BLPauTiiy.". dVn'.'Mt'ge!, lftV'l9ra.'Serlei'c!""I CWasolMllwaikQ & St Paul Rwy. (Chicago & Pacltlo Western Chlca'so.aMlLl'& St. Paul Rwyi JPvmet Bund"& Wiilapa Harbor)! 6ft, I91S (5-yr. Trust ctu , , , 4,030.00 75.735.00 23.625.00 115.000.00 232.600.00 3,000.00 79.SOO.0O 50.750.00 90,000.00 363.465.00 43,000.00 93,0OO.0i) 123.5SO.00 297.S50.00 512,500.00 i 34O.SJO.0O Par Value. 90,000 20,000 305,000 71.000 129.500 123.000 60,000 200,000 0,000 300.000 60.000 66.000 100.000 iza.vuu 41.000 69 000 13.000 150,000 35.0CO 300,000 100,000 103.000 216.000 SOO.OOO 100,009 Columbus Connecting & Terminal R. R., 1st Mtse., 5ft. 1922 Easton & Amboy R. R. Co., 1st Mtge., 5ft. 1920..,., , ,. Erie Railway Co.. 1st Consol.. 7. 192 '. ..... Great Northern Rwy, (Canada), 1st Mtge., Gold, 4, 1931 (Qtd. by . Tne Canadian Noithern Rwy. Co.)...., Hudson & Manhattan R. R. Co., 1st Lien Itfds. Mtge., 5S, 1937.,.,.. Hudson & Manhattan It. It. Co.. Adl. Income. 6, 1957 Kansas City Northwestern R. R. Co., 1st Mtse., Gold, 5, 1933, aertu A (Ctfs. of Deposit) Lake Shore & Mich. So. Rwy. Co.. 25-yr (deb,). Gold. 4. 1IC3...... Lehigh & Hudson River Hwy. Co., Gen., 5, 1920 (Gtd. by Leh. C. & N. and Cent. R. It. of N. J.) I-ehigh Valley R. R. Co.. Gen. Consol. Mtge.. Gold. 4ft. 2003 Milwaukee. Lake Shore & Western Rwy, 1st Consol., 6ft, 1921 Nassau Electric R. It. Co.. 1st Consol. Mtge.. Oold, 4ft, 1931 (Gtd. by Prooklyn Heights R. It. Co.) , N. Y. Cent. & Hud. Hlvr R. R. Co., 30-yr. Deb., Gold. 4, 1UL. .,,. New York Central & Hudson Rlyer R. It. Co., Lake Shore Coll. , Trust. Gold, 34. 199S. Couoon... N. Y. & Erie K It. Co. (ESJ'd) 2d Mtse.,, SS. 1919 N. Y. & Erie R. R. Co. (Ext-i. 3d Mtge., 44, 1923 N. Y, & Erie R R. Co. (EsfdTSth Mtge., 5, 1920 N. Y. & Erie R R. Co. (Ext'd) 5th Mtge., 4S. 192S N. Y., Lackawr.na & Western It. It. Co., 1st Mtgc.. 6., 1921 N. Y., Lake F..1e & Western It. R. Co., 1st. Consol.. 7ft. 1920.... N. Y.. Ne rtaven & Hartford R. R. Co. 1-yr. Notes. 6ft, 1919...-. Northern Pacific- Rwy Co.. Prior Uen. 4, 1997 .-. Northern Pacific. Great Northern (C . B. & Q Coll.), Joint, 4. 1921 Pennsylvania R. R. Co.. Oeneral Mtge.. 4VVX. 1905 Participation In Purchase of iU&OoO Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co. 60-yr. S. F.'Gold 6ft Bonds. 1963 , Market Value at this Date. 93,150.00 ,.,.,. 20,400.00 333,500.00 46,150.00 96,477.50 34.750.00 21,000.00 189,000.00 61.200.00 274.500.00 63,750.00 49.600.00 92,500.00 98.125.00 41,615.0) 67.820.00 18.3u0.00 141,000.00 , 27,000.00 32S.600.00 I0),600.00 100,440,00 !U,6S0.C0 S01.600.0O 100.000.00 I Par Value. 44 000 South Carolina & Georgia R. R.. 1st Mtge.. 5ft. 1919 123.0a) Southern Ry, Co. (St. Louis Dlv.), 1st Mtge.. 60-yr., Oold, 4ft, 1931. Market Velm at. lOO.OOO Terra Haute. Indianapolis & Eastern Traction Co., 1st and Rfdr. Mtge., Gold, 5ft, 1915 , ., 7, 95,000 Union Trac. Co., of Phlla., 50-yr. Sink. Vi. ColL Trust Mtge,, Gold. 100.000 WUconstn'cVntra'rnwyY'c ut th TH I4.I29.M los.iap.tsj 73,SM-08 lW0, MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Market Valim Par Value. at this Q4jc 82,000 Continental Coal Co., 1st Mtge.. Gold, Eft, 1953 (Gtd. by the Toledo ec unio uenirai nwy. wo. ana ne iiocumg vsaiey nwy. wo.l (Ctfs. of Deposit) , 23,000 East Pittsburgh Improvement Co., 1st Mtge.. 30-yr., Gold, 6ft, 1931 (Gtd. by Security Investment Co.. Pittsburgh).! 100.000 Kanawha & Hooking Coal & Coke Co., Ut Mtge.. Gold, 6ft. 1951 (Gtd. by Toledo & Ohio Central Rwy. Co. and Hocking Valley Itwy.) (Ctfa. of Deposit).,...... .7,... ".....,... 2M.0O) Public Ssrvlco Corp.. N. J.. Participating Note. 5. IMS ., 200.OQO bt. josepn itwy., l.i., neat f. wo., in tuige.. uoia. w. ijji..,,.. ta, coiu tioita, scnea aw tt ai " H JMBM8 375,000 Westmoreland Coal ;a. coil Notes, scrtM A to el 6ft, STOCKS I.. MOM 41.300 413 shares Central National Bank (of PhtUtdelphU) 250,000 2500 (bares Hudson Companies, Preferred.-,....... 40.000 1000 shares The Traction & Power Securities Co., Ltd. (tVC0) 600.00910,000 ibtrei The United Qm Improyemtnt Cq,'.,.,..,.. -.,i,t.... Total Market Value at U &tU m : mm PHILADELPHIA, First Month 1st, 1916. BUSINESS OF THE COMPANY FOR 1915 Premiums and Annuities received during the r year $11,527,399.79 Interest on t.ifc Insurance Fund, lSss amount applied to reduce book values, etc 3,694,338.42 $15 221 733.21 Distribution of Surplus (in Cash or for Insurance) r,925',8t4.94 Endowment Policies matured nnd paid during the year.... 3,044,453.70 Total amount paid for matured Endowment Policies since organization of Company in 1865 42,669,907.12 bosses by death during the year (631 deaths) 2,399,920.00 Total amount paid for death claims since organization of Company in 1865 43,574,089.86 Annuities and Instalment Certificates paid during the year. 209,221.7a 17,474 Policies issued in 1915, insuring 43,157,533.00 128,513 Policies outstanding Twelfth Monti 31, 1915, in suring 334,2S9.332.0fi Trust Funds (kept entirely separate from Company's assets) Investments for Trust Accounts 54,466,693.27 Investments held as collateral on Corpor ate Trusts 20,075,912.32 Uninvested 1,213,123.21 $75,755,728.60 Philadelphia, Morris Uutldlnir, , , 31nt Docemher. 191&. Wo Imvn examined nni verified all tho assets and trust funds of The Provident Llfo and Trust Company of I'hlladelphlad nnd we havo verified, the Company's liabilities, Including n test of the clerical accuracy of tho la rnncu Roservo as prepared by the Company's, actuarial department; an we hereby certify that the accompanying balance sheet and schfldules of Investments nro correct and. In our opinion, correctly set forth the Company's financial condition at 31st December, 1916. IA'BRAKD, ROSS nilOS. & MONTGOMERY, Ccrtlilcd Publlo Accountants. 383.S23.P0 132,000.00 10.J0Q.CO 84,000.00 04.000. 00 323.S0O.00 1C3.1M.03 1,206,945.00 999,21100 70,035.00' 213,750.00 33,04000 108.150.00 318,720.00 101,780.00 990.00 49,750.00 42.750.00 737.100.00 479.2SO.00 7,0O0.Of) 61,500.00 17S,2XO) 71. OS 0,00 2oaooaoo jo.a,rr 418.060.00 450,000.00 481,430.00 is.coaoo 164.3OO.0fl lVM.0O 4I7,50tX09 45.500.03 IM.OCO.d.1 GO.239.60 257,600.00 117,000.01 SO, (MM 6t.8W.00 7,5CO.0 7,6(10.00 tl,SO0.(M , 100.060,00 1M,000. 211,540,13 so.ooao iso.oeo,w H3.715.M 2J1.W.M SW.SM.IW S3.080. M l&0.vMtW 40.500.04 SI.WO.O) ftalrsiiji lXW.l7JJ 1 3 1 a - a k l Im It m ;h i 1