'EV'ENrtfGr LKDGIDR PttlliADELPniA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 19tn- 12 FINANCIAL NEWS EARLY UPTURNS IN SPECIALTIES INDUCED HEAVY PROFIT-TAKING Recessions Did Not Wipe Out Gains, However New High Records Established in a Number of Issues. Bethlehem Up Nearly 18 Points NJJW YOIIK, Jan. 15. The trading In tho half day with which tho week ended wns brisk, with Vlfrdrous Advances followed by sharp reactions at frequent Intervals, but the Important Interests wero well satisfied with tho market's notion. New high records wero again niado In a number of Issues, Marino preferred being one of the most Important features, selling nt tho high record of 81. War-order stocks and securities of corporations whoso business Is effected by tho war were again prominent and fluctuated over the widest range. ncth lehem Steel rose nearly IS points, nnd American Coal Products was estab lished at tho now high level of 171M, a gain of eight points. Tho heavy pressure of business on tho telegraph and cable systems caused an urgent demand for Western Union, which roso 1 points to 91, tho highest prlco at which that stock has sold since 190(1. Cruclblo Steel, New Tork Air Drake, AVIllls-Overland and American Car and Foundry mndo substantial gains during tho ilr,st hour of business. The higher prices established on these movements Induced profit-taking on a largo scale, and sharp reactions were genornl In tho Inst hour. These reces sions, however, did not wipe out all tho early gains. Many of tho minor Industrials, Including American Can, Central Leather and Corn Products wero nctivc, moving with the more lmportnnt Issues. In ternational Nickel again mado a new high record, moving up 6b points. Rock Island Not Pitying Interest on Debentures No Interest is being paid today on tho $20,000,000 5 per cent, debentures , of the Chicago, Pock Island nnd Pacific Hallway Compnny. Tho last Interest payment was deferred, but subsequently was taken enre of througli an lssuo of receivers' certificates. Tho court was not asked to Issue an order for tho paymont of semi-annual coupons duo today. No statement has been made ns to tho probablo action with respect to this mnturlty. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR NEW YORK STOCK SALES Illuh. tow. Closo. ISO ICO 1B0 ok Dj m 25M 25) t 25)4 29 2'f 2SX SOW TO'X f-0 WW IWK.f,' 0811 07t r,8l( Off r2'l G3K Last clnse Adams Express 118 AlMkn Juneau 10 AlaiVsOoldM 25)1 Allls-Chalmcrs Mfa ... SOW AlllJ-Chalra Mfg pf . . . 80 Am As Chemical.... f8!f Am Beet Sugar 07 H Am Pun fi9A AmCanpf 112W 112M 112W 112) AmO&F 09S 72 70W 71 Am Coal Products. ..10.V1 172 101K tlWW Am C P pf sb r p pd 116)1 11SW 1151 11.V1 Am rnltnn fill . K5 f.ft TtTM J0 Am Cotton Oil of ... 09W 09U 091 90)1 Am Hide & Leather... 10H Am Hide h pf . ... 54 Am Ice Securities 20 Am Linseed 2W Am Unseed rf 43 Am LocomotlTO COM Am Locomottvo pf. ...101W ..107 . 67K ..115 liH BOW 20 231 13W 07W Am Smelt & Itef Am Steel Foundries Am Sugar Iteflnlnz. Am Tel A Tel Am ZL& Smelt COW Anaconda Copper 8951 Associated Oil AtchT & S F AtchTiSF pf.... Baldwin Loco Baltimore & Ohio,.. Baltimore & Ohio pf Datopllas Mining..-. Bethlehem Steel .... Brooklyn Itap Tr... Burns Bros Bottc A. Superior.... Cal Petroleum Cal Petroleum pf. 11 W 54' i 20 22)1 13 00)1 101)4 101 107W 105J1 100)4 63W OS 5S 115 11 IW 114W ll'l 20 22'f Ii 00)5 ioiw .127W 12814 127'i 1271 07W SOU 0SW C9)l 100J1 107 09W iWi .113 . IW . 70!1 . 2W .152 . 87W . S-l . 70 . 37 CSW lit 1)5 SO 2K 179 87'i 83W 70)5 30)1 03 07W 07)5 89 W 89! i 09 OT'f 100J1 100JJ 09)5 99)1 111)5 112 04'f lMJi 79)1 2JS 455 87' 1 S3W 75). 31W C0)5 80 2)5 170 87)1 834 70)5 34)1 COh Canadian Pacinc 179W 170)1 170'1 179H Cent Leather Co 52T Chesapeake & Ohio.... 05H Chile Copper 23J1 Chlno Copper MM Chi Gt Western pf. . . . 3SW 'Chi Jill A St Paul.... 101 CM 48t P pf...,...135 Chi It I & Pac 10)1 Colorado Fuel & Iron. 49 Consolidated das 113 Continental Can S3W Corn Products Kef 21)5 53'i 05 21W G5 39 S3 04)1 23H WW 39 53'i 0-1J1 23M 54M 39 101W 100J5 1005 135 135 135 18W IS 49W 4S'l 143 143 8-1)5 84 21)5 22)1 18)1 10 141 84W 22U 95 08 99 r,8V4 TOM 07li .1101 110)5 110)5 110)5 .170 172 172 17! Cora Products Kef pf. 101)5 101 Crucible Steel . ... Crucible Steel pf... Cuban-Am Sugar... Diamond Match .. Distillers Securities Domo Mines 28)1 Elec Storage Bat 03 Erie - 42 Erie 1st pf 57)5 Erie 2d pf 52)1 Fed Mln & Smelt pf.. 53W General Electric 172)1 Ueneral Motors of 113)5 1131 113)1 113'f Goodrich B F Co 72) J 7251 72)1 72)1 Greene-Cananea 4SW 49 4815 49 Great Northern pf... .121)5 12455 121)5 124)5 Gt N cij for ore prop. 49)1 49)5 48)1 ASH Guggenheim Expln ... 23)5 23)5 23)5 2Ji Illinois Cent 107 lnt Agricultural 23W .10055 103 40J5 47)1 04 42)1 67'1 5251 54)1 70 103 40 28 Gt 41'! 57)5 5251 5-1 10S 40I 28 04 ll'l 57M 6251 51 172'f 170 lnt Agricultural pf.... 02)5 1st Harr N J 110 Inter Con Corpn 19W International Paper... 11)1 International Pap pf.. 49 Inspiration Copper.... 47)5 1st Nickel 212 lnt Nickel pf 103 IntM M cfdp 20)5 IntMMpf cf dp.... 80)5 Kan City Southern.... SOW Lade Steel 81)5 Lehigh Valley 8051 Lone Island 20W MaclayCos-pr COW May Dept Stores .... 59! i Maxwell Motors 09 Max Motors 1st pf.... 89 Max, Motors 2d pi..,. 5-1)1 107)5 107)5 107)5 23)5 23 23)5 G2W GUI 11051 110 19)5 19W 11)1 11W 49)1 49 1755 47)1 219 215 1UW 109)5 111W 1)5 20)1 2011 79)5 31 K!W 8051 21 O0J5 59J5 081 89)1 5451 12 821 31 84 81 21 o5 LOU 091 89W 55)1 13 02)5 HO'l 10W 11)5 49)1 175 218)5 81)5 31 82)1 8051 21 0G55 9'1 G8J5 89)5 54)1 13 HOW 111)5 U4J5 101 101 101' 38)5 6)1 0)1 77 110 8015 liui now liiii 28i 27)5 27)1 0)1 COM Wh 3SJ-5 0W 0)5 77)5 110 8H1 38)5 0)1 0)1 77 110 81)1 Minn A6t Louis 12 M 8t P & S S M 124)1 121J1 12U5 124)5 M St P & S S M Pf..l35 137 137 137 Mexican Petroleum.. ..115 Mex Petroleum pf..,..100 Miami Copper 38)1 Missouri Pacific QW Missouri Pac tr cfs..,. 0)5 Montana Power 70 Montana Power pf. ...110 Natl Cloak 4 Suit.... SO Nat O &Spf 112 Nat Enamel 4 8 27)1 Nat Lead. 001 Nat Lead Df 113)5 113)1 113)1 113)1 New York Air Brake., 140 153W 149 151H NY Nil ft II 75)5 75W 73)5 75)1 New York Central.,.. 110)5 HOW 100)1 110 NY Oft West 30 30 30 30 Norfolk 4 Western..., 120 120W 120 120)5 North American 7255 73 72)5 Northern Pacific...... HUH 116)1 110 Ontario SU M.,., 0)5 10 0)5 Pcclflc Mall 12 12 12 PaeTelftTei 42 41 42 Peansylranla 69 5S1 58 W Peoples Gas Chi 110)5 H0H 110 Philadelphia Co.,,.,.. 43 455 43)5 Pittsburgh Coal...,,.. 30)1 36)5 30 Pittsburgh Coal pf..., Ill HI 111 POO 4 St L pf...., 0SU 04W Pressed Steel Car.,.,., 01 OUi Pullman Co 167H 16811 By Steel Spg 40)5 41)1 Ky Steel Spg pf 09W Kay Con topper 2451 Heading 82'5 Ivuit closo lllfth. low. Clew. U S Itubbcr 1st pf . .108 108 103 103 U 8 Steel SOW M)' SO SO US Steel pf 117)5 117'i 117"! 117J5 Utah Copper 70)5 70'i 70)5 79'1 Va-Caro Chcm 48W 18W 48 4S!5 Wabash 10)1 10)5 10)5 10)5 Wabash pf A 48"! 18J1 4Sll 4S'l Wabash pf 11 .. .32 32W 32 32 W Wells Fargo Express.. 131H 131 131 131 UcstE&M. .. 07W 07K 07)1 07)1 Western Maryland.... 31)5 3155 .11 31 Western Union Tel.. . 00 92 00 91)1 WIlljs Overland . ... 223 22S 223)1 223 Woolorth t V Co.. 120 12155 121 121)5 Totnl snlcs, 432,400 shares, conipiirril nlth 431. ;no sluirr lust Silurilii I tlil week, 1,012,GU0 slmrrsi Inst week, ti.OSO.SOO shurrs New York Bond Sales Jioon Amcr Agr B . a-10(10 Anirlo-rr I. Si 7JM Amor Tel et Via i Atehlon rcii 4 .. . nocio Atctiliinn c 4)(i 1 !1HI AtLhlTOii rv -In tlWO, tIKio Atlau Co I.lno lit 4a 10.Vi Halt H Ohio 4a IKKKio Halt ft Ohio cv 414a 41iO Crnt I.eatlirr 1st Hfl. ii'nm until troppiT 7a.. .., IIIkIi. Low Clone lu-'- J.(P- iir.-. 107, iilti n.Vt lt)? Iflt, 1V4 -los .iwni NKM) rhen X.. O -ilu, 14IKKI C M It St 1 C ISU IIS lot't miu cv 1H0II ila M JKi 270(10 Dla See Corp fis Mjhj Urlo com la Ser H. liH) Cen Ulee Sa . ... .'WO Hiul A Man In 5a . 1(00 III Central 4a 103.1 . Hmi lnt Ab Corp r.a .... WOO Ina Copper tv Oi. .. fKKI Interb Met 4V4a S(iO Inter Mer Mar 4Ua 05700O do ct 4V5a .. .. 1(KK Internl Paper (ia . looo Kan city Ho lnt :ta sono Lncka Steel Sa l'i23 lnno Mo Kan & T. 4Ha I20I1O Mo I'nrino la . Udm Mont Poftir na KlOOil N Y C & N" K 4a 17i il HI N V C & llud 4U llTSllflON V C 6a .... . fc-H", . I lliy 4V.8 1IIWI ntlll N V fltv 4'ta 1H)5 .n H .v i 4a 4a'.'.'.HHj . Ill Huy ndl Rb SOflO N' Y ,VK) .Vorf & West 4a Mm Nor Pne nrlor 4r CiMl Nor Pne gen 3 . t.000 Pac Tel ra IOOi) I'a 4s 1P4S . .. . n0 do pen ct 4'ia ... KKKIO Ilop 1 4 S ft . . i-,000 South Pac cv 4a ... 41KM do c ret t ii Ba Vidii South Pae rfd 4a IOOiX) South Ilwy n 4a .. iOfiO Tol I'eo 4. V 4a ... 1(10 I J B Rubber na 11000 IT H Steel Ca 'JOio Union Pac lit 4s R00O do cv 4a 2000 Vi Car Chem 1st Ca UX)0 tabaalt 2.1 8a 40000 Wab-P T let ct 4a.. .'1000 Weat Union 4Ma.. . . Ml, .lo.ti . .11 . NV . 7tt .100 . 7d lniv. 10114 102 . 70W . nn . 42U .lOllV. . W)4 . SJ . U4t; 117't .mm i .ion, S3. Slli tklS III, i c,'.; . lOllli .. WTk ..101 ii .. WAi . 8'l'i ..107'', C?,7 " 0'" ..11 ..1011, . 07', D-,W ..102. .. UliNi .. 11 . OS SJ ln-iW in 70 H2U, ll.tn .11 si 70 1IK) 7(1 1014 100 102 70'4 4 wwj si4 tnii 11714 lull lW.Vr sn rs til1, uiu iii'f 10014 I'lK ion, nil' J Slllf 107 V, Ilfl, iiy 5ll4 luitl lu-IU D7'(, mi, 10J4 ii'iiZ J.x 03 niu 107 (I4 loi,;, 1(H Ult4 li2l WSn 1011, 1'24 K2 lull, IH 70 fc.'U. Kill 11 i-,m 711 1KJ 7(1 1014 101 102 7014 mil li III- I S2 IU'4 117, 10IU KMll llj w HT, lllli mil 1110(5 101't IHI MH, II171I IK1T, 7J .I'll, liklli lOfi) Si'" 10J i? 03 WHEAT -nerelpt. S7.122 hush frlcea de rllno"! lr enrlT in the ny hut the lew w alnce rceo.erel inil thp marl et i'ii 'rm tinder atronirer Western ndlce. We quote: Car Iota tn export rirator -'No. 2 ml apot nnd Janunrs St ."fll o No 1 Southern red, St 201 js MMmw No s rel Sl.jvtl 27, No. 1 red fl 211 2, relected A t.tln 1 2U rejected II 1 1?I.2S CO UN tie elpt 2!. Ill buih The market waa nmet but atendj under rmall iiuppllea Ouotailcna Car lota for local trade na to Inert, tlon Western No. i vello Hffule , M extern aiea er dim .'i .T;sii4( etern No .T Sellow, "io?i2c : Southern yellow, smiie eoh, It 70 Hi 0i OATS rteeelpta .It vio Inifh Th market ruled atrmli, hut th're mi, lltt'c trading Quo tatlonfi No 2 white, ."VlfHMHe. . Ktanonnl white. .'.SUHYte No 1 white, .-.OiilJMe : No. 4 nlilte. 404W41V4C eample oitn, 40f(l7'4c . purlMcil oata (traded M(l.13V5e. FtXJtTlt -rteeelpt. NW7 hbla nnd .2 IW) tort Iha. In aacka .Tride wna alov. hut mill llmlta were well auatalned CJuotntlona. per Iiki Iha In wood Winter clear. 1 lu 11.I, do, atrnlght, 1linfinl5, do, pitent, l 21ff (I VI. Knnana, clear, Juto aacka S1.10S"; so do. atnilsht. lute aaeka. 17."ininn Ho 1 patent. Jute pack, $iH!0 20, aprlng, rlrat clear, IJ7H0. do., straight $03(1 JV do, patent I $H2W(1I0. do. faiorlte brands 71f)7n cny muia, cnoice and rancy paienta, fi Titri.i 1 cltv mllla, reirular grides winter, clear, f"40 1ft1 do. atralftht, JT0OU0 18, do. patent, ?n 2iwn no ttYn TLOUIl ruled ateady under amall bud Pllea but trade wna quiet We quoto at W 23 113 30 per bljl , na to quality IMIOVISIONS Tho market wna quiet, hut ateady Quota tlona ranged na follown City Heef, In aeta, ainoked nnd alr-drled, 24?l"c . V eatern beef, In rets, ainoked. 215123c , city beer, knuckloa nnd tenders smoked and alr-drled, 204127c., e,tern beef, knucklea nnd tendera, amoked, 2ivS27c. beef hams, S2W10 Dork, family. S22r)!21 hams. S 1' cured, loose l4HW13e. do,, aklnned. loose. 13W13HC, do , do , smoked 1714WIV other hams, smoked cltv cured, ns to brand nnd nxerage, lilM117c hims. emokpd. Western cured lilwTlic do,, boiled, boneless,, 21k , picnic shoulders. S P cured loose, lu'ic do , amoked liwrl2c , l.ele. In pickle, according: to aierage, loose, 125n2i4e. breakfast lacon. na to brand and average, city rured IVfldc. breakfast bacon. West ern cured, lnnino , Inrd, Western, refined, In tierces, loc . do, do. do, tubs, liic. , do, pure city, kettlo rendered, In tierces, 10iC. , do, puro city, kettls rendered. In tubs, 10 c. UEPINED SUGARS The market ruled etendy. but there waa llttlo trndlnir Heflners' list prlee, r.xtra One granulated, "i 73c atnndanl granulated, BSOc.. powdered, 3 sic confectioners' A, 1 (kic . soft grades. 4 HOW 30c. DAIRY PRODUCTS KUTTHIt Offering of fancy grades of but ter were light nnd inluea of this description wero well mnlntnlned, but thern wna little wholesnlo trading as usual on tho last ihv of the week. Following tiro tho quotations Western, fresh aolld-niekcd creamery, rnncy specials tno extra .tie extra llrsts 119,12c firsts 2ftl0o second 2"frf27c. ladles 21 22e , nearby prints rano, 17c , Hvernce extrn. 14!?11c. , flrsta JS?n2c. seconds, 2"t(27c . spc clil fancy brand, of prints Jobbing nt 40fl41c, EGOS Tho market for fine fresh eggs ruled firm with demnnd readily absorbing tho of ferings Tollowlng nre the quotations In freo cnaes. neirby extra nv per dozen, near by flrsta $1) TO per atindard caso. nenrbj cur rent recolpts, $1)10 per case, Western extra firsts, Si.1,0 per ease, do., firsts. Jt) .10 per enso, rnncy selected candled eggs wero Jobbing at 170'lOc per dozen CHEESE Tho market ruled firm under light offerings and n fair demnnd Following are tho quntntlona New York, full crenm, fnney. held. 181fl8,e , ' aueclnla" higher, do., fair to good, hsld, 17W17WC. do, part aklma, lOSiinc. POULTRY MVH Tho market waa quiet, but stcud, under modernto offerings. Quota tions Fowls, na tn size and quality, UltflBc. . roosters, 12TM2V4C. . spring chickens, accord ing to quality. lflillSc. turkeNH, 20J2e ducks, na to slzo nnd quality 13H17C , geese, I.'ililTc. . gulncna, oung. weighing 2 lbs ami lb. lillillC. KUIIIUHH. UUI1K, WI'IKIllilK -i ) I1IKI over apiece, per pilr, H3f00c ; weighing l'a liium'L.t eiKiiuiK 1 if. nid, per pnir, 251128c . do , Total sales, $4,208,000, rompnred ullh $1,182,000 Inst Saturdays this nerk, SJ3.108, 000 1 last neck, 527,797,000. SPECIALTIES UP ON CURB Kennecott Copper Prominent -rines Quiet Ma- NCW YOIIK, Jan. 15.-Speculatlnn In the market for outside securities con tinued on a fair scale, with renewed stronstlt In u number of specialties. Kennecott Copper was prominent with an ndvanco of nearly a point, under heavy trading. Other copper stocks, however, failed to show any Improvement. The Marine stocks while quiet were firm, with a fair Inquiry for the pre ferred MiiUalo Steel ruled strong at a fractional change. White Slotors moved up ?a Submarine Boat moved within narrow limits. International Nickel was strong and active. Chevrolet Motors rose three points. OH stocks were moderately active but Irregular. Cosden was up a, on small dealings. Honda were generally .strong but quiet. INDUSTRIALS. lbs nDlece. per nntr. nplece. per pair, BOc , guineas. we pigeons, oiu per unir. jnnnr iw- pir iH'iljiic DRESSED. Tho market ruled firm, with de man 1 nuuily absorbing tho limited offerings of desirable stock Price, of fowls were ngnlti He higher Quotations rreah-kllled, dry packed fowls, 12 to box dry-picked, fnnr se lected, loijci do., weighing 4 Iba and oer nplece, 10c : do , weighing nw Iba. uplece, 11114 cfl7c , do., weighing ,t Iba nnd under npleco, 1 Iff 10c.. Fowla; In bbla , dry-picked rnnej, 4'4f?5 lbs nploco, 18(40.. choice. 4 lbs. npleto. 17'4c . smaller Blzcs. 14tri(lc Old roosters I dry-olcked. l."H4c Chickens, Jersey, fnnc Ibrollera 21ff2dc. ; other nearby fancy broil ers. 221t .'4c, Wctcrn broilers, weigh ing lHn2 lbs apiece, 22f21c Northern , Illinois, fancy, weighing 2HT, lb, , In bbls . , 171118c.. other Western, weighing 4 lb, and oer In boxes ltnituc other western, weigh ing 2'4f?.'l'4 lbs.. In boxes, inni7c , other Western welgnlng 2141(1)4 lbs. In bbla, l.-,w lflc.: Inferior. 14c Turkes nearby, fancy 27 G(2c . do. do, good to choice 2nQ2i,c ; do.. Western, fancy 20c , do , do., good to choke. 2.1R21C. do., fair. 20if22c- do. old toms. 21c , do., culla and No. 2. Itiff'JOc bprlng ducks, nearby, lSft20c, do , Western fnncy 17W1H . do, do, filr to good, U-fflBc Geese, nearby, lhtUHe : do., Western UHU'c Squ.ibs. per doz White, weighing 11 to 12 Iba per doz . 3 lOSJd, white, weighing n to 10 Iba per doz, $4 '01)3, white, weighing 8 lbs er doz, J-I73ffl4, do do. f lbs per doz Slfftl.to, do , do . 08H4 lbs per doz , VHr.' 71, dark. $2 2362 73, small and No. 2, $1111.23 FRESH FRUITS De mind waa only moderate, but aiie)i of choice mock were generally stead). Quotntlmm Applet, per bbl Jonathan, fnncy, $ISM?tr0( do. fair to rood J'.MWM. Mcintosh. .Hi t .V). Win Bin, $2 WITS naldftln. K' AOQ 1 SV niack TwIjt, $2 '-Oil 2.1., GrlmeV Golden, - 'A qi f. lireeninff. s wm t. iorK imoenni, Twentv-ounce SJfi.l. Pi Did n JJtf7 i Hen S1.7TO2.!iO. other arletle. SI aOfrJ no. No $1 SRffl.SU. Apples. In hulk, per 1W1 btt t W)c. i SI .10 Applei. Uestern. pr box, Sl.JMi2 -". Oranses, orida, per crate $lTVTt TanHerlncH Florida, per a trap. $25?3, Orapo fruit, riorlda, per crate, JJ nt.l 50. I,emonB. per box, S3H4 Plnenpplea per rrato 1'orto Hlco, ' WiTV.3. Florida, 2a W) Cranberries, Capo Cod, per bbl., $Uji 11: do.. Cape Cod, per crate $'.&033, do., jersey, per crate. $2.23 42.73, VEGETABLES The general market wna quiet and without Important cliange Quotatlona White potatoes, per bush . SI 10171 23, do.. Jersey, per basket. No 1 Itose uiftTOc., do, do. No 1 other arletles iH70c , do. do. No 2. IlOfiiur. Sweet potatoes, Jersey, per basket. No 1, 40ff.7k; do, do. No. jf. ISH.'Sc., do. Virginia, per bbi . l 'Jftt 73 Onions per loo-lb bag, No 1. S2.2Te2 75. do., do. No 2 TSe.flll 23 caDDag MewUiis lit vt -. Keying 2d pf ... Hp Iron & bteel .. Kepv Iron Jt fatel p( Koclf Island Co pf ., bt h A 8 V 2d pf Seaboard Air Une pf blQEt-hbelT S 1 Co. Southern FacUlc.,.. EouUiera Ky. 25 K2H id 4JH . 4) 44 ,, 52J S3 ,10 H 109 . U U 7H 7H . 41H 41 02 eu -102H 1021, 102K 102 lt 3H 23 24 23 04H 111H 107 40U ma 245 S2 43H 41 2' 100 ?,' 7H 41 61 72H 110 OH 12 43 5S)f 110 45M M Ul oiu 16 40i ma 25 S2 43JJ 41 5?H 109 7H 41 eu$ EouilLeroKyDf 64H 64Ii frlU Mil BtudebUerCo 15SU 15SM 157 157 Ta Copper 59X 60W 5D1J oOV4 fmj CO ;'JJi .'-'.'-'' J .133 Alax Ttubber Ino w 1 ,, Car Usht & Power .....I,..;,!;; i'herolet Slotor Car ,,. CurtUs Aeroplane Kmeraon mono , Ilendee .Mfg International 3lerclMnt Atarlne . Did AsVcd, i' ivt 122 37 Wt Internationil Merchant Marine pref 81U Kathntllon Ilronzo pref..,. 22 ctfu,. International Nickel Jiannaiian 'irannit . 31urconl Ml Kale Steel I.ake Torpdo I'eerlesa Motor .... luole Knic Mnch Hlker-llegemaii . . toubniarlne lloat V t c Tobacco 1'roducta I'nl ted I'roflt Sharing U H LlKht &. ilaat White Motors w I World Kllm Oil, STOCKS, Cosdn Oil 13U cvivoy uu Houston Oil Victoria oil Inter t'etrolwim 34 4 72 2-1 U"i 3') 4 Jl IK 4'IV, 1 II 124 31 27T" 21 Ml 141 3Vi 40 3.1 Sit Ml 1 13 10 u 21V4 12V4 IS" MININO BTOCKS, First National Copper , .... IvfennMOtt CnDC.r . i.VlulxilliK MiBM Co ,...,...,..,.... 7tt Yukon Gold ., 2)1 .!i o 1 3IINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. niii. .100 , 02 . .14 , .21 . .11 . Jim Butler , MaaNamara , .., Midway .,,..., Mlzpab Bit .... Montana. .. .,,., North Star , Tonoiaih Ilelmont Tonosah Bit . . , Tonopah Mr2r . uj Tgnpab Mining if",. Uwt Sod :.. .81 GOLDP1BI.D STOCKS, l tUula .'. .21 Blue Bull ? iMitn n Si i ai s 20 Uii tfmus raelflc 0 0 SJ, ThW Aftuos. 02 62H 61 Valoa Bit Paper. Hi 8 Hi Usfca Ba 4 V Vt 20 29)i 29i Hutted CU(X btoxei. . UH H WH Batoa ricuic, i3s rsan mth ij& Vaktm iiciHc 9t S3 83 83 S3 VBHed FittU.. .,.,,,. UGH MS 148 147 U S ltd Alcotol 137 13SH 135 S 136 U&CMtlf r.. 22 22H 22,' 22H l-nbf- Km TeA2t . tit 101 lO 1QU DulldaK . .. rucob iPra Dlam U. B. Vlorne0 (ioldllli Causal Goidrlald Mger iumbo Kit . . :waa . oro Sand Ken bllver jVk 01 111 l.CM !::!; Wi .oa MISCBLtiANEOUS. 01 Asked 1.03 .1(1 ,13 .'1 .11 ft 4!k ,w .22 ui 42 .ul .iH .9 si l OS 4 .00 IXS .06 ,'.! I. I)a Is, ige. Danish ner ton. S10rrfl2 Celerv. New iork. per bunch, l40e. Kptnach, Nor- mm per not., 9111 j .o. iuie, .-onoix. per bin , (i.Vd7Sc. lettuce, Florida, per basket. l.2Mif 160, do, North Cnrollna. per basket. 7VJ1II, do , Texas, per baaket (01 73c. Ueans, riorlda, per basket. $1 WW I, leas, Florida, per bnsket, 21f4 I'eppera. Florida per carrier -?i2 ',0. Fgiplanta, Florida, per crate, 2.235(2.75. Muahroms. per 4-lb. baaket l1.6u. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NBW YOIIK. Jan. 13 -The foreign exchange iiiitriici uiviiKxi uuu niiu aieriina; nas a snade Anero was iiine icaiure. uemana 4 75'. For next week's mall 4 75'4 Hterllng cables 4 7UU((4Tilu fmni-a ",Rll checks WH. reUhamarka. 7DW thaler sterling. ia waa bli canies, Cr7i.. The market closed dull, but with n firmer tone In sterling. Very little reference hub mado to any other class of exchange. Final tlgurea were 4.701i bid for demand, cablea. COTTON STATISTICS This Last wpeif. n.Au vfav The statistical position of cotton la as follow.: Total Uslblo aupply , 6,003,081 ftOoASOO O.SlO'.STa Vl 'w 11 111 American . , Total In sight January 11 Last 4.61T.0S4 4,708,S00 3,048,276 7.6S6.70T 7,300,510 S,CS1,313 WHEAT IRREGULAR; SELLING GENERAL Market nt Liverpool Also Easier Export Sales 600,000 Bushels CH1CAOO, Jnn lB-aenrrrtl sclllnR weakened the whrnt market further In Hie enrlv dcnllng today, prices stnrtliiB 1 to lUc. lower. IJenrlilt sentiment ceemed to hne Bnlned power over nlslit The tnnrkct nt Liverpool wna ensler. nnd prhnte niHIces from abroad said It una rumored thnt many vessels had licen ob tnlticd for the Australian nnd Argentine trade, nnd that further additions were cxneeted In tho near future. Trices recov ered later In tho dav, nnd duly went nbovo jciterdn'a close May was unchanged Merchants In Argentina were willing; to winke concessions lo eceet sales and It nns thought that shipments to the United Kingdom from that country woull shortly show nn Incrensc. Millers In Orcnt rirltnln displayed less nnxlety nnd the railway nt rorltlcs nro planning for a heavier movemon Kxports from Australia were tnrfier nnd more llbernl shipments from there nre looked for. nxport soles In tho last 21 hours hero were placed nt 600,000 bush els ltccclpts ut Minneapolis nnd Duluth toda) wero 220 cars, nKnlnat 201 cars last )car, nt Wltmlpoir 111 cars, aKalnst !i ctrs at Chlcaqn 78 ears, against 79 cars. Oats were a trifle easier. The receipts hero today wero 150 enrs trending futures ranged na follows Vest' da Wheat Open. High May . . 1.2'VJ, 1 27S July l.oH 1 21H uorn incw aenrri l.nw rltoe. eloe, 1.211V, 11 2714 '1 27H 1.10 1.21 1.2OT, Mnv July ... Data May ... July .. Ijrd tnnuary May ... July . Illbs Mai ... fork Jnnuary lid. 7RT4 . . 7S'f, .. r.nij . 4SH .410.42 ..I0 7S .1000 70H 70S BOH 4lf J8I. 7Vi 70 3011 4SH t7nn 71) I, Mil 49Si 10 1)2 10 07 .. . lO.r.'i f!0 47 10 70 lOR-i 10 77 10.82 'lOliO tlOOO .10.77 10.1)3 10.75 'lO.OI 10 80 May II . ..in on , ...10 3(1 tAtked 19 27 10 87 18 92 10 47 10.27 10 00 10 87 ! 52 FIIIM TONE IN COTTON Trading Smnll nnd Scnttcrcd Re ceipts Smaller NHW YORK. Jan. 15. Influenced bv ndvani.es In Lltcrpool nnd tho bullish visible supply statement of esterdnv, tho cotton markot this mornltiB openod firmer with prices C to 10 points lilahcr. Trading: was small nnd scattered, tho only out BtandlnB feature being buying on a small scale by trade Interests. Tho statement of tho consumption of llntcrs of December 31, whllo without Influence, wns discussed freely. It bolnR" pointed out that the In crease wns becoming larser with each statement. Tho closing; was barely steady. At tho opening; hero Liverpool wns CV1 to 8 points higher, ns compared with H4 to 2 points expected Private cables stated that some heavy lonr; liquidation wns easily absorbed. There wero no reports of rain from tho cotton belt and temperatures wero slightly higher this morning. Tho receipts of cotton nt tlio ports for the day were estimated at 25,000 bales, compared with 3I.7SA bales laBt week, OS.OSG bales last year and 20,201 bales In 1D14. Low. Close. 12 ho r- ao Yes. cloe. Open. High. January 12 TO 12. 'IS 12 11 March Mn .... Jim October .. December bpot ..... 12 V) .12.71 .12 Wl .12 (.S .12 SI 12 30 12 33 12 80 12 02 12.7(1 12.87 12. Ml 12 80 12.P2 12.77 12.SJ 12 47 12ISI 12.M1 12 71 12.87 12.47 12 (Cl 12.82 12 71 12 IS 12 50 BANK BUSINESS BOOMING Per Local Institutions Rcnoit G8.7 Cent. Gain for the Week An Increaso of 41 0 per cent. In bank clear ings throughout tho country was shown In the weekly stntoment toda Philadelphia, with n gain of 38 7 per cent . was second only to New York In rate of Increaso .., Tho totil amount wan $4 010,442,710 against $.S(Ki.lisil4S last week nnd J.1.171.474.53!) tho corresponding week lajear. w;, pc New York....J2.112,717.4t2$l,'!71,42n,tm 118 0 lbj, 8.10.840 llll -'117,14-.17,1ii.l71 20n.i07.lll2 82.7113 POO 21,087,002 120 822,044 27.0 121.747.T27 '.8.7 flO 1I4.RU S12 2-.ll.283.0Sl 15.4 1.8,117.2111 21.0 21,09.1,0) 18.5 .$.1,111,135,087 $1,008,840,011 55.7 . 733,410,203 5D9.80I.218 23.0 ltnston Philadelphia . I ml Urn oro .... Chicago Ht Iuls . . New Orleans. Seen cities, days , Other cities, ! da) a . .. 's1 d-i"" C.'.l!"3.SCS.351,05S $2,503,651,102 4S 0 Adal".e.S.' J . . 7.V) RS7.704 574 B2Q.307 30.0 T?o?' w1e'ek'.t'"$l,fll0,442.710e?,t73,474,550 43.0 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NBW YOIIK, Jan. 15 Tho coffee market waa ateady at the atari at J to 0 points do- Today's Today's Opening . Close. January February . March 7 0087.12 .... Anrll .. ... .. ...7.1- ... 7.10 Slav June July .... luguat September October . November !.eccmDer ,. 712 T..iy7.40 7.108T12 7.20T.22 7.30S7 32 Yes. Closo rinimii.0.1 B0OA7.OI 7 om7.io 7.UB7.11 7.1.V,7 17 7.20417 22 T.IIK.JT 7-10fl7, 12 4..KM1 (. I 7.407 42 7.4Sff7.W) T.4J1J7 48 7.4,Vir7.47 7 .303.7.62 Did. tOffered Total sales, 1)000 bags LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CIllCAOO. Jan. IS. HOOS-necelpts. 32 000. Market 15u20c. louer. Mixed and butchers. tlilWr7 3(), good hea $74t7-l0 rough heanr, HiMil t) light. iOl.OtlT pigs, Ju.lOuitJU; bulk. il.8M17 20 ..... CATT1.U Ilecelpta i00 Market steady, neetes, $3 501111.71 cows and heifers, l.40 8.M) Vejan. $(I.VSS2V calea. $SS10.73. SHRK1' Ilecelpta. 2000 Market steady, Native and Western. $13097 83, lamba. $7.10 a 10 DO. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NHW YORK. Jan 13 -Bl'TTKn. Market dtettdv. reqelpts ..Ii1 naekagea, Kitra cream ery d3c , higher scoring, .14c. State dairy. M (1lc , Imitation creamer), EIKSfWi. M HlHlH Market easier, receipts, 47K1 rack ages. IJxtia flrsta. .IieiV. flrsta. .12ad.lc.j wlilte. J0i41c , brown. 37H1)c, mixed color, 3J&J7C.. refrigerator Ilrats, 23B23c, DlllECTOltY Ofr ACCOUNTANTS Certllled l'ubllo Acconntanta Ul.VnENCE C UIIOIVN Ic CO. 115 HUAt, ESTATB TUUST liUlt-DINO. JJUUNB & SI'KAICAIXN Th lloun NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY SIXTH AND SPRING GARDEN PHILADELPHIA ' INCORPORATED 1871 STATEMENT AS OF JANUARY 13th, 1916 ASSETS Bond Investment Securities Owned..,.. Real Estate First Mortgage Loans,..,.. Time Loans' on Collateral Securities,,, Call Loans on Collateral Securities..,., Bank Building and other Real Estate,., Cash on Hand and in Banks,,.,,,,,,.,. Accrued Interest ...................... 54,096,174.98 1,495,595.00 810,017.00 2,337,586.89 329,525.27 1,000,590.82 7,433.03 $10,076,922.99 Capital Stock (Full Paid). Surplus f,.arneai .,, Undivided Profits .., DEPOSITS LIABILITIES 500,000,00 1,800,000.00 226,600.35 7,550,322.64 $10,076,922.99 TOTAL TRUST FUNDS S11.82S.S01.88 CORPORATE TRUSTS $16,522,000,00 W. FREDERICK SNYDER, President. Sales in Philadelphia High. tow. Close. 2Si4 2S' J' 01 01 04 122 122 122 O-i-H 01 MK 37 37 R7 40H M SO 41 41 45 7.1 74' 7.1 .M14 W'l M'4 .IV ,13't 16 OS' OS' W'( 4 mis 04 70 70 70 I) S 1i 7SM 78V. 7fi. In 1SH in 1114 3i, wu ftt ..vtt. .SJ't I (si loo IPO HI 81 (I 414 41 4TU !S 2S 28 I'll WU 1U WH M i2i 2 HI 2.1 2-l'J 4 4'4 4i 4IH 4li 4 I'd si ssij sii, f"i m 4lU 41JJ 411 W. MlSi W, II75 071? .7l 33 33 S3 Yesterday' clow. 100 AlllsChal ..... 20 IW Am Can .1 Am (las , , 122 03 Am Ilwy tiref P' 2(n) Huff A S ptof.. R7 21 3 fl rirtll . . 40 2 Cam Iron .... 4S 774 Cam Steel . 7.VJ Til Cent leather.. .. in Cal Telrot ... .1.1; K Cruo Steel 120 Klce Stor . ... ft1 SKI Oen Asph nref. 71 IM Ik Sun Corp . "'t 11 Uhlgh Nnv ... 71'4 .118 Leti Val Tr . IS14 Vl do pref . .. .ISM 470 Tenn ltallroad. Vl II I'a Salt Mfg .leu) .1 Pa steel prd . S014 tin 1'hlla Co , .42 .111 I'hlln riectrlc. 21 r.10 P It T tr ctrs . m4 lit Heading 82'4 11)1 So Itnlinnv .. , 2:1(1 Tonomh llel .. 4'4 Iiihi 1 nlnn Trnctlon 44 (.20 l'nlted (Ins Imp vs J1 U.S Pteel .... -(114 tn Welalmch (Jo .11 W Jer ft Reash. An), ft Mestmor Coal i.7'4 III York Ilwy prd .1.1 Totnl mIc, (ISM slinrrs, rompnrril tvllli 10,002 slinreo Inst Snturilnj t litis week, 81,008 slmreil lnt eek, 01,111 shares, list nre. sale High JTiOOO Am Ons . 11 ,1s no Wi 410(1 III & Peo Tr 4s. W fa .',000 Key Tel 1st fin., nn'4 P014 1000 IJIko Sup lnc 4s. 22 22 won penna gen 414 loin 101'4 4100O do com 414s . intl, 101. Kkkki Phlla Co ens n. tittj 02 l()O0 Phlla Klec 4s . M 82i 1W) ! V & II t e 4s. in mit: t?n(Kl llend ir,n 4 nTIL nu nsno stand Gns o. . tni lonl. 10011 looo l!n lt$ Inv r.s . 71 71 71 10U0 W N V & 1 g 4 S114 S1'5 S114 Totnl sales, SI 25,000, romnnred with $70, 780 last Snlurilaj this nerk, $(101, 190) Inst neck, $701,714, No Let-up in Copper Demand NHW YORK. Jnn. lB.-Thcro wns no let-up In tho rtcfnnnd for copper today, Undo Interests reported, nnd fnlei wero mndo for May shipments nt 2lii cent, whllo April delivery business IjioubIu 2U4 cents to tho leading producers nnd deal ers An Indication of tho nrmncis of tho mnrlict wns tho fact thnt smaller sellers nnd second hands wero quotlmr the snme flKiiros on their business ForelBti In quiries wero mndo for jrood-alzed lots. Trnnco nnd Itnly nnd South American countries nlso wero In tho market. T.o(v. no M I'rtM 22 1oi; in?' 1 5 01 MY. mi, in Clo-- tm R2 KW 22 101M 1 0.14 02 82; no. Hi loon 71 S1V4 STEEL COMPANIT..-. Xc, EFFECTS OF HIGHER l , L,, .ji Business Booked al Low Quotations About Cleaned tjfl Local Market in Quiet Mood Flurry " M in Brill Not Repeated cnlrl lin nn,l. nnnn.il, .' ,..... ....,, nio lint TTiJ concerned over thli proipect The S5 dttctlon of steel has been practlcal$ff tho snmo rnto since September Thfi cent strlkci caused a loKq ot'outrVnti about 3 per cent, of the country's" L, production, but these nro about Vug) Tho flurry In Ilrlll shares was hoi M pented todny, nnd on light ordero tt,. LJa advanced fractionally Later howeF tho fialn has lost and the nrlen f.n v.SM below Inst nlRht's close, 1'hHnAuv, Company and StoraRC llattcr S puiiii eiiuu. icniiayivania steel prefsrr.t also moicd up a trifle, an did United W Imnrnvoment. In (tin Knn,i .11. 1.1. LualJ Tho Philadelphia market today was a purely nominal affair and price changes were Insignificant. Tho tone, howcier, wns firm, with n fair demrnd for tho tractions nnd the Steel shares. Both the Independent" companies nnd the United Slates Steel Corporation aro now bCRln nlmr to feel the effects of the recent adsanro'ln tho prices of their products, as old business booked at much lesi profitable figures Is gradually bcltiB cleaned up. Quotations for the lead ing steel nrtlclci now nre about Jlo higher than the average In recent years, and as orders coming In show no sign of abatement, It can be readily seen thnt the steel companies can view tho future as a period of high prosperity. That tho high prices now prevailing may tend to reduce consumption In certain di rections Ii ndmttted, but tho mills nre well iiiHu mutcii up n trine, an did United CU.A improvement. In tho bond illusion, rtelrJ lng 4s wero In demand, nnd to Sl American Gas and Kleetrlc 6s. Invesi wero nUo picking up Welsbnch 65 K?M mu'iw .KiL-yiiuut". j'iiiinue(nn 0 (..- Bs and Pennsvlvnnln 4U """ij Financial Briefs The Bank of England reports tho amount ot currency notes outstanding na 93.228,233, agnhist 97,440.551 last week. Tho amount of gold for the redemption of such notes remains nt JC2S,500,000. Tho General Electric Company an nounced that owing to tho great rush of business In the closing months of 1915 11 wn forced to carry over 20,00O,O00 of unfilled business. Last year tho company carried over Jll.OW.lW 01 nusincss irom tho preceding ycar Tho Listing Committee of tho New York Curb Slarkct Association has ruled that January 18 Bhall bo tho dato of delivery of temporary ccrtlilcntes In (settlement of all outstanding, when, ai nnd If Issued contracts In tho stock of Haskell nnd Baker Car Compnny. The dunrnntv Trust Company Is tho transfer ngent and tho National City Bank tho registrar. Commercial failures this week In tho United States aro 453, ngnlnst 431 last .. (.. n.i Ml Inst vpar. Failures In fnn- adn number 10, against 33 last week and 79 last ear. NEW YORK HANK STATEMENT! Reserves Incrensed Nearly Twenty! iuiiiiuiis iguana Also larger NEW YOniC, Jan 15.-An Increase S 119.8S7.EiiO In excess reierves was renortMl by tho Clearing Houso Banks for thi wcok. Lonns expanded $1G.SG7,000. itnii.- UvK".." ," ,v,i,,vw mm wiu average. lumi lonns wero j zti.uui.ono. uiih 1.1.1 deposits of $3,313,915,000 and tlmo deDositil v.. f. w Aunt, tAttBB reserve Tris tiTcioirn nici n.... '" w ,,l.,u,u,u,v, UOimiD 4UIUWi Clearing houso members, nmago: 1 .TnvnM. !,; WO aidrvvi 19.837,560 JlWro? S'CTlW) 1S.C06.1 Ioann Deposits Time deposits lteeres Clearing houso members, Loans Deposits Tlmo deposits Reserves Decrease. actual Liverpool Cotton 3 I.lVnniPOOl,. Jan. 11. Spot eotton was oai2l today at a decllno ot 11 points on the bail. 31 s r.'cf for mid, uplnnil The Rales mmniS es, including 4000 hales Amentum; Th uero 17.1MK) htle, n American. tH n net adTMci flOOO bales. Imports market for futures closed Orm or u to avi points 124TH ANNUAL STATEMENT INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA OF PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. ASSETS Januarvl. 1916 IvCttl JolilLV s)s)4a(i)ais) )JJD f)&i,J First Mortgages on Real Estate 177,724.25 Philadelphia, New York and other City and State Loans 2,047,469.00 Pennsylvania, Philadelphia & Erie, Lehigh Valley and other Companies' Bonds and Stocks 14,483,207.80 Cash in Bank and Bankers Hands Marine Premiums in course of collection '..... Fire Premiums in course of collection jVCCrVH-Ll -LIlLxiVC)l Re-insurance Claims on Losses Paid 1,429,693.06 617,830.44 .. 1,490,846.79 194,018.93 91,977.74 $20,838,450.21 Capital Stock Reserve for Re-insurance.. Reserve for Losses Reserve for Taxes All other Liabilities Contingent Fund Conflagration Fund Surplus over all Liabilities. LIABILITIES $4,000,000.00 8,171,046.58 2,216,14000 175,000.00 196,220.23 580,043.40 500,000.00 5,000,000.00 $20,838,450.21 Surplus to Policyholders, ?10,080,043.40 Losses Paid Since Organization, $176,208,840.15 EUGENE L. ELLISON, President BENJAMIN RUSH. T. HOUARD WRIGHT, Vice-President. Secretary and Treasurer JOHN O. PLATT. GALLOWAY C. MORRIS, 2nd Vice-President. Assistant Secretary. SHELDON CATLIN, JOHN KREMER, 3rd Vice-President. Assistant Secretary. ndward 11. Coates John Story Jenks Kdwiird Ilopklnson George II. JIcFadden William D. AVinsor Henry 'W. Blddle C. Hart man Kuhu Arthur V. Nowbold Charles Piatt. Jr. Charles S. W. Packard DIRECTORS J. Percy Keating; Lincoln uoarrey a. Cplesberry Purves Bayard Henry John "W. Pepper Hugeno L. Ellison Edward 8. lluckley, Jr. William T. Elliott William P. Gest Thomas S. Gates ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, PE&NA. ASSETS .. . . ... . January 1, 1916. New York City and Atlanta Bonds, etc $315,300.00 City of Philadelphia Bonds. , 182,297.00 Pennsylvania, New York Central and other Bonds and Stocks 1,828,337.50 Cash in Banks and Trust Companies. , . , , 172,464,61 Fire Premiums in course of collection, 122,021.05 Marine Premiums in course of collection , 30,665.84 Accrued interest 26,993.31 Re-insurance Claims on Losses Paid 379.90 Total Assets , $2,678,459.21 LIABILITIES Capital ....,,...,.. ,..,.....,,,,..,.,,,,,,,, ,..'...,, $750,000.00 Re-insurance Reserve .., , , 690,335.74 Reserve for Unpaid Losses , . , . , , . , , 224,947.00 All Other Liabilities, , , , . , , 37.300.00 Contingent Fund ,..,,,.,.,,,,.,.,,., ,.,,..,,,,- .7, 225,876.47 Surplus over all Liabilities , f 750,000.00 V $2,678,459.21 SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS, 1,725, 876.47 3 Benjamin Rush, Vice-President. John O, Piatt, 2d Vice-President. William D. Wlnjor Charles Piatt. Jr. Henry W Blddle Eugene L. Ellison, President. T. Houard Wright, Secretary and Treasurer. Sheldon Catlin, Assistant Secretary. DIRECTORS Bayard, Henry J Levering Jones Eugene L. Ellison Arthur E. Newbold John Grlbbel C. Harttuan Kuhn 03 04 20 1.10 . ,. - J iTf 7T' T Ttl !, J; ' I k'linbrlv lHSe H IBHrl m- .JO 1 ca Otl 1 Siiidi Hill KluiMr 4JfeBaW,. ,., 5j 69 65i 65 N,M Wondw Fairy Aztec IT 1.03