Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 15, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 15

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'ill "
lI Bet Yer," Agrees
Zapp, as He Gleans
the Soup of Last
Year's 40 but This
Year's 50 Cent Din
ner From His Mus
tache With His Lip
t Montague Glass' Characters
Find 11 jfecuimi nuw iuusl
of Them Extravagant Fel
lers Is Got Such an Elegant
Reputation for Good Pay"
When They Live. Way Above
Their Means
f ZapP Invents ll hbw ocneme oi
Finance by wnicn ne rroves uo
yond the Question of n Doubt That
Harris Shnpolnik Pays $1500 for
Some Diamonds, and Marcus Fa9t
$2000 for an Automobile, Although
Neither Purchases Nor Receives
What He Has Paid For
"rflHE high cost of living is terrible
X expensive novndays,11 Louis
Birsky, the renl cstater, remarked, as
he seated himself opposite Harnett '
Zapp in Wnsscrbaucrs Restaurant.
This observation had been provoked by
a notice in the bill of fnrc that on and
after January 15 the 40-cont regular
dinner would be increased to 60 cents,
and Zapp looked up from a plate of
lokshcn soup to indorse Birsky's senti
ment with a nod so emphatic that
drops of the greasy fluid were scat
tered all around.
"I bet yer," Zapp said, cleansing his
mustache with his lower lip. "Only
this morning I sen it costs Marcus
Fast two thousand dollnrs for nn auto-1
mobile already."
"You don't tell mc!" Louis ex
"And Harris Shnpolnik must also
got to pay for some diamonds fifteen
hundred dollars' Zapp continued,
while Birsky wagged his head from
side to side and made incoherent
noises through his nose indicative of
shocked surpris.
"I always thought them two fellers
was pretty saving with their money,"
he commented.
' A couple of tighter propositions
don't exist at all," Zapp agreed.
"Then what do thoy go to work and
buy all them things for?" Birsky
"Who says they bought 'em?" Zapp
asked. "All I says is that Marcus
iFast pays two thousand dollars for an,
?tutomobi!o and Hurris Shapolnik pays
fifteen hundred dollars for some dia-
jfAcademy Basketball Play-
p ers Elect Former De Lan-
cey Star 1916 Leader
Scholastic Baskeiball
Schedule for Today
(icrmantonn II lull . (ilranl College
Ilrwnn, ut (ilruril CnllrKr,
l-a mile CitUrge h. I'nlirrnlty uf 1'rmi
ylTunlit l'rcslinim. nt t'nUfrnlty of
frnmrUanln (13U p. in.). .
fcfhool of I'nluitoEj' . Ilnirrford
whool, al llaitrfnril .School.
ttiMlrr lllcli hrliaol v. Nwarlhniore
Will Krhnol. ut Swurtlimorp.
Cetaollr High School is. Norrlttonn
IIIh School, ut Norr lto n.
Wert Clitklrr Mate Normal heboid .
"forgo School, at Oeorge Hrhaol.
Trinple 1'rrparutory, T, ulrarU College,
H Olraril ('ultr-re.
Nerllirjat IIIkIi School i. Itradlnc
High, at Headline.
. "1'mlncton Conference- Aiudrmy n,
Jl'dU High Hrhnol, nt Media.
nt. Joseph's College . Cape Muy High
Sthoo , at M. Jpeph'n.
Ihertiiut Hill Aruilemr Club ol 1'rloce
ton, N, J ,,. Chestnut Illll Aradem, at
QU jlartln .
i C5.?'ral IC Kchool m. I'emialtanhi
H"fit fur lleuf, ut IVnn.ylTaiil.i In
rtllule, mvimaiim;
l'nlifr:ty of I'ennnjhimla Inlrrsrho.
!"'' . wlmiiilag champlonihlp, at
llrUhllllan Ilnll nnnl .liirilnv .1 til
L Robert Martin. fnrmpr Tin. I-ini.v
pttiool basketball star, and now centre
?i me Chastnut Hill Academy team, lias
(Wen elected cantaln of thi Tllllcr'., nuln.
jjM for the coming season Martin's clcc
jjtlon was unanlmcui. fie Is the beat
PiMer on Coach Stocking's team and will
Kk a first-class leader. -His woik hi
Opening traino ullli nornmiitnivn Utah
JW week was especially. rjqtryPr'hy.
Ih Lansdowpe High School's football
Slayers will hold their annual banquet at
t school tonight and It Is almost cer
telB Uiat Donald McLean will oe elested
i W captain. McLean waa Injured n
feat Of the earlv fmnrt nml U.-HU ihpro
I !" unaljlo to rhow hl teal worth jon the
t, J'on. He s now playjns on tho bas-
l", " Mam and Is one of the best of
Ilk squad.
firv .. .
IfUni A' Academy victory over
ltM n Fr'end3' School yesterday
Bli w lQ zi- ala not come as a
tc? UBt to the Queen Lane students.
. jv" "u avyn amy" iruw I
'-?" viur iu ima inaicii. uei- i
ntln 1 "Pruve as me saun
HiJM. tho visitors becoming more ac-
" w ne uryn Atnyn cage.
fuCet? 'ha EP3C0Pa' Academy hockey
bWy . 'vtuer tn tneir gama yes-
7T -iHiwoii, xue I'lim torra team
ine Third Form 9 to w, n
ht v,T " ue'wn mesa two squaas lor ;
" Mc ajid ?he filth Korm player
JSL.VP one round an a result otl
"Bertha Pitz is the belle
monds, understand me, but it was
Jncob J. Rcbficld who bought the au
tomobile and Sam Pitz bought the
diamonds. Also I could prove it to
you, black on white."
Here he produced a clipping which
read as follows:
Rebfield & Pitz. Schedules in the i
bankruptcy of Rebfield & Pitz, 1
cloak and suit manufacturers, ,
were filed in the office of the ,
clerk of the United States Dis
trict Court yesterday. The prin-
cipal creditors are as follows:
Fioncn-Aniorlcnn Woolen Co.$21,-i.i:!.." j
Kosciusko Hank (secured).... lO.ii13.SO
M. Fast & Co 3,nsn.4ri
11. Shnpolnik &. Hon l,r25.00 ;
"What did them Franco-American
pcoplo pay for?" Birsky asked. "A
steam yatch?" ,
"I couldn't tell you exactly," Zapp-
replied, "but you could reckon twenty- j
five hundred dollars that Mrs. Reb-
field must got to go to Palm Beach a
year ago, understand mo, and another j
couple thousand Unit Bertha Pits is
the Belle of the Boardwalk in Ar
verene last summer, Birsky, and that's j
the way it goes." I
Play Morion for Second Division
Cricket Club League Title
Muuli depends upon the. nme oclweon
Merlon M nnil tho University of I'euti
H.xivunln 2d In tho second division of
tho Cricket Club League at llnvcrfonl
ll.lo nftni-ntrin T )i tllf. AVatlt .f n I'll
..a ....... ..ww... ... - .......h .. .. .
to -y for Pcnnsylvniiin, the (d and Illuc I
will carry orr the rnninplonsmp or tne
division, and on the form tllsnln.ved ly
the tennis this season tho University
should win.
The line-up:
Milon -!. IVMiij)lHnl.' -M.
Qulnidy eo'l Miclflra
Murphy rlxhl tiilllMck .Nelson
Wfihcrlll let ful'lnck Tntnnll
:ijem rltrht hnlthnck .Mnrrln
Pnwfon intr rinlflnck (iroi-
Smllli lft linlflmck Wehiter
Mnrlrn outphle rlKht Monttnrcrn
Murh Innlilf rliht Cii
llallnnay crntr foruunl ....... Ill run
I'mllcott Inside left ,.Hny.r
Knln outnlJo left ..Tlnnmin
Iteferee T. i MaclEenxl. I.lnennen Mel
chor Htvl Smith. Time "f hales 10 mlnuten.
West Philadelphia Rivals Con
test in Y. M. C. A.
Gym Tonight
Tho track teams of he Vlctrlx C. C. and
the West Hranch V. M. C. A. contest to
night In their second nnnual Indoor meet
In the lattci's gymnasium. Kit and Snn
som streets. Ao tha West Hranch scored
a one-sided victory In the meet last year.
Manager nurns. of Vlctrlx, is conlldent
that his ttnm will get revenge.
Both ttams are leprrfrnte'l by som- of
the best track and field alent In the city.
VlctrU will be refirmcuUil by Urunln,
Snyler anU p'HrJen, SUviin n'l'V Ns
honey In tho silult; UouKherly. Purna,
Gallagher and La I'wm In to dlstunce
runs; SIJ Smith. IJIUoU and Q'Hrlcn In
the Jump. and Mlnahan. Uougherly and
MtinvV In the weights!.
On tliu West Hinnch team will te sqch
wel.kipv-n nthjQtpj aq Jlrtrid-40, nrevh
fniln, Hlghlcy. Hocaii and Itonne In the
duahfrs; Jde. HUMer tmii lineman Ih tho
dlstanco runs; Urecticmln, Mcdrnth
WIndhovel and Dunn In the .urops, md
Hrechimln. IjrnSston'u'n'd 21'ctjiiiOi' fn' the
The events on the .pro ,t n are the Go
vnrJ dafch, .1i-yaid iuu, lu'-t aim onu
mile, standlnu bread Jump, -hip, stou and
jump, shot put and high Jump.
De Oro Retains Th-ce-Ciiihton Title
KOSTO.V. J'a- lS.-Afrlo'ifo Oro sur'cf'si
fullir derrpdo-l, hl t'.U, '.. PtU shawpu.-lhr-"usblon
UllUid .' hairiJ. by Willi Hi
" i o.il Jetiic. P( J-. AnJ. by u vo.o
fcoiVr Sowevr. mado bril?l 'iwrf- ,
tha Ja Inutau w only fsbl lolnt l'.l
do t)ro. -JeOcu tcaa: iooiit'4 la tw
JM points hi $ "iiI-
Shoeless Joe Makes Threat
l.niue In Ut InK " Jf J.K li toM 3(iUK.'r
I55u to Put Won cn.ltte bencu uui season
"otWnsMoV" W toUnil reKtainit lb. I
tenth rtporl-
American Association Meets
.-nii'ino Jan. 1. - Reports of pawbull I
of the Boardwalk."
"Them two boys certainly lived be
yond their means," Zapp said.
"And it ain't their fnuU that they
didn't live beyond Mavis Fast's
means and Harris Shapolnik's means
also, because when a business man
starts in to livo beyond his means,
Birsky, he's got a downtown con
science and nn uptown conscience.
That's why when Rebfield buys his
automobile on Broadway and 57th
street for net cash, he didn't worry
himself how much he owes to a couple
of Canal street woolen houses like
Marcus Fast and Harris Shapolnilc",
"Ain't it funny how most of them
extravagant fellers is got such nn
elegant reputation for good pay?"
Bir3ky said.
"On the West Side above -Ud
street," Zapp amended. "And that's
what I'm tolling you, Birsky. Marcus
Fast pays for Rebfield's automobile,
just so sure as if ho would of made
out a check to tho order of the feller
that sold it, Birsky, and all them dia
monds Bertha Pitz wears should ought
to be hanging on Mrs. Shnpolnik
Local and Suburban Clubs
Stage Big Doings Today.
Clcarvicws lo Hold Election
.Members of the Tnii'shorncm' luiriui';
of Phllnilolplila will answer the call of
"revelry" today, for thoy have- ninny
skirmishes on. f.tiln linvlwr Kimnlnc;
pnrnphernalU for conductiii;; miitthcn on
their own nrouniln will be thromjed with
ardent gunning folk.
Shooting at clay targets and at live
birds will bo on Rclicdulo at vnrlous or
ganizations rnd tho pigeon shooter and
the target devotee will bo In their glory.
Tho Highland Ciun Club will stage a
dig event at IMbo Illll. on Iho Itendlir,'.
A big turnout of crack nlmrods from this
city and suburban towns Is expected.
Two seta of traps will keep tho gunneis
actively engnged nt Iho score, so thero'll
be no long waiting for a squad to (.hoot
nt tho clay skimmers. 'Top" Mechan
and a host of othor Highland fellows
will bo on tho Job, and as some of them
have pledged themsclvcsto bilng a friend
along a good crowd Is piomlsed.
At the Clenrvlew Club. 4th and Kills
avenue. Darby, tho annual election of
olllccra will draw tho attention of their
members. Following tho meeting the
usual monthly test will be ready. Hot
competition mnrkH these monthly shoots
of tho Parbyltes, and from the dope that
can bo gleaned n big battle Is ready.
Fifty birds Is the cluh program, al
though many of tho wing shots will go
a hundred shots. Harry Fisher. Ferry,
Ilonsall, Klrshtter nnil others will com
pete. Secretary X. M. rtonilg, of the Phila
delphia Klectrlcs, has listed for his dun
today at Observatory illll on tho West
Chester pike n "big practice shoot." It
Will bo an oecns'on, -ays Iho llvewlro
secretary, of priming for the unnlversarj
shoot which will be held January -"
The men Journeying to tha I. K. will
Unit warmth and comfoit, for the new
clubhouse U finished.
Gumiini; Notes
Charlie Hums, of tfouthwaik, was the
victor In un Intcrjlato ahoot Thursday
at the Uow OrcU Club. He was pitted
n3a.l1.iEt Fra.ik Stev'kor, of Merchantvllle,
N. .1.. In a Zj Iho bird oontojt, and he
emerged n winner by tho ncor of 2i to
. Burns tood nl the S-ynrd r!se and
Stacker shot from th SJ-jaid mark.
It is vcr' likely that these men will try
conclusions asaln i.i the near futitio. '
. . j
Joe Oiavf., VA(ciit'l'iVMlrtii'ia Stat 1
Irvti'bird ihnipioi, hi Iuiis.uk tar u wat.h
r,-:th Char'w y:WI. at Vitst I'hlUdc I
nnltt. " '
It would tm a gjjixl 1 tattle fBr tlm I
Wn sttiBii inMirisfWfliL for, iu a r I
vent jiue with Anthony Vjijz, at iianoa,
Va . at 25 Ulra. b ran "atrIsbt." 1
The S. 3 Whits' awl Laiuhiale art; still
t od for 'eadurcmu to tbc Trapohooara'
1 ea-sue. c;ub nas won four ton
cutWv mutcheti.
renmiluiua gunners e.xpi&sa heartfelt
eyiuimby ovsj tho death of Geoi-xr u
Ui'9PS of Durham, D. O noted trap
shooter I.) ami .a :t years old and wjs
twice amateur eharop'on gunner of -he
I'nltcd States, nu-1 four years ao u
i ii-oaib' i at tin; i.i. ri a i team ut tha
Olympic gaoics in Stociholm.
rlctht now. In fnct, Mrs. Shnpolnik
don't know it, Birsky, but Sam Pitz
stole them diamonds from her."
Birsky shrugged his shoulders
"You ought to bo careful what you
are sayinrr, Zapp," he ndvised. "From
n big mouth mnpy n felter comes to
pny 550 for n smart lawyer to get
a libel case thrown out of court al
ready." "A Tnlmudist would tell you the
same what 1 do, Birsky. The differ
ence between n sneak thief and n fel
ler which lives beyond his means is
that the sneak thief robs only from
perfect strnngers."
"Whnt do you mean robbing?"
Birsky protested. "According to you,
if n feller buys n couple thousand dol
lars goods which ho needs it in his
business, understand mc, on credit 00
dnys, y'undcrstand, and then he
couldn't pay for 'cm, understand mo,
he is robbing already. An idcel"
"I didn't say no such thing," Zapp
declared. "All 1 says is if a feller
buys n couple thousand dollars goods
which he needs in his business on 00
days' credit, and ho couldn't pay for
'cm on account he is buying for not
cash an nutomobile which he don't
need nnd couldn't nfford, understand
me, then he is robbing, Birsky, nnd
that's nil there is to it."
"How do you know Rebfield gives
cash for the automobile, Zapp?"
"A question!" Zapp cxclnimcd.
"Automobiles is nlways sold for cash.
Birsky. in especially to fellers which
couldn't afford an nutomobile, under
stand me, becnuse if such n feller
would buy one on 10 dnys' credit only,
nnd in between times his renl odcr
life insurings falls due, understand
mc, it would take so much enjoyment
out of riding' in the automobile, that
right away ho finds out the linings
ain't up to sample odor the buttons
ain't sewed on correct or something.
The nutomobile dealers figured it
right, Birsky. I wish the waist bus
iness was on a C. O. D. basis, too.
Because a concern which sells goods
for cash, Birsky, never gets no can
cellations from nobody."
"Never mind, Zapp. You would
see that pretty soon the nutomobilcrs
would sell on credit, too. People nin't
going to be so crazy to buy automo
biles, now that gasoline is shoved up
no high," Birsky said. "I see where
next week Rockefeller makes it 2-1
cents n gallon."
"Well that don't change my plans
any," Zapp replied, "because the way
tho wnist business is after Christmas,
Birsky, if I owned tho Hudson Diver
Fiioji riiKSTKii, an to 21
Playing of Place and Yarnall Features
Basketball Game
.Swuithmnio 1 1 Itsls School noil mi o.tclt
lng gnme fiom Chratt'i- High this morning
hy the scorn of !TJ to SI. The victors went
out Into the lend at tho Mmt of the game
and wcio never headed. The stole at
the cud of the Hut half favored tho home
live, II to l.
Thn excellent Hour woi k of I'laco and
Vnrnnll, the Swarlhmoio forward and
centre, played an important factor in the
victoiy. l.'ach lad tallied four baskets
fiom tho lloor. .links-mi and rtoss ucic
tho high lights for Chester.
The gairo uiu: played In tho gymnasium
of tho Swnrtlimoio High School bofoio a
large crowd of spectators.
V. Want
i:. wool
lu-jiir Hull.
.forttnr I.
.foruunl ,
, .ccnir
. .KUjinl.
. .uunril.
(Monanll Itiosvn
Klpltl ironlttPhiCD. -4. Vniimll. t 11. Wood.
V. Wood, Juckaon, :t. It oro. .1, Howunl. 1 oul
unala K. Wood. 7. Place. Ilroun, 7 Hci-frce
l.uDKirn, Hwunhmoie lrvi. Time of halved -ix
Intercollegiate Game Will
Played on Weightman
Hall Court
Wen. !.nst. I', i"
1'rlncttan' J " J'!!!
IXTtmmuli J l-'.'JI
I'rnimltanla 1 " "
ColuniMu ' " J
Corni'll - -u"'
Ponpsjlvnnla's hopes for a guod tscnm
In bafckctball depei.d greatly on tho out
come of tho Intercolle'tluto championship
contest with Princeton, which takes p'-ito
In Weightman Hall this evening. Pilnco
ton has tho heaviest team In the Inter
col'cglatc I.easue, Pennsylvania the light
cat, lloth clubs defeated Cornell by two
points on their homo floors.
Pennsylvania hns been pidcticin; for
fou- weeks.. There was no lot-up In the
work of the Hed and nine playtis during
tho Christmas acntlcn. With Pr.iiceton
it uaa the opposite. Tho tram broke up
after tho Cornell gnme and did not pet
tnaetlier aualn until last Monday nigh
Cialnst I.afuyaitu. The combination that
-,,'L'ikw o we'l agttlns; Lafayette will bi
tried aga'nst Penn. At lEt that l thv j
plan of Ptofoesof I.eulnr.i?. the Prlncc
tor roach, at this time. Ton'uht's :int-up:
pk.v.v. rmituii. prtiXfr;.N.
V IllUinwv lorwiird eon .
lUNiiUJ Ura JithlU
j ,
Congressman Vre to Honor Third In- j
fentry'g Sharpshooters j
MuniW.i uf !ae Id Infa: try National
Gual d of Pennsylvania, v. bo hav dUtln
giilahed .hcnialve3 as I'.f.t shots tbtt
past year v til bo awarded t-u topuii i
for their 'e.U bv Congressman William j
S. Vare at a paraao and ieviw In tn
armory at Board and Federal streets j
tonUht. J
Colonel OUarles t. Crcswell. of th
regiment wno has been IH for severs I
months will be In command He has o
do red tho ro.-lmcnt tq as: tnble at SI
p. m. and to appear In full dress uniform.
and automobiles was run with water,
I couldn't nfford a pushcart even."
"Even so, Znpp, there's lots of fel
lers in tho dclicnlessen business which
is obliged to run nutomobile deliveries, I
nnd for every penny they've got lo j
pny more on gasoline, they stick two
cents n pound on pastrami oder Frank-'
"That again is something for a
manufacturer of sodnmint odcr pepsin
tablets to worry about, not me, Birsky.
Anyhow, Birsky, if cigar stores
couldn't sell cigarettes to minors under
tlie nge of 1G, there ought to be a law
prohibiting delicatessen dealers from
selling their mnchshovos to adults
over tho ago of 25. In fact, Birsky,
if Kansas nnd Maine would go pro
hibition on delicatessen instead of
schnapps, Birsky, not only would it bo
better for business, y'undcrstand, but
there would be less crimc3 also, on
account there is more fellers feels like
committing murder the day after one
delicatessen hiipper than ten minutes
after a hundred highballs, and don't
you forget it. And that's only one
reason why Rockefeller nin't doing no
hnrm by putting up the price of gaso
line, because when I nm getting heart
trouble from crossing Fifth avenue nt
l o'clock in tho afternoon, I wish nuto
mobiles was run not with gasoline, but
with bcncdictinc odcr bay rum nt n
dollar thirty-five a quart."
"That'n where you're making n big
mistake, Znpp." Birsky said. "Nowa
days for an up-to-dntc feller, in a way,
"He didn't worry himself how
much he owes."
Irishmen and Bethlehem Clash
in Third Round for I
Dewar Trophy
ni.THLHHI.M. I'a.. -an IS. The Hi
bernians, of Philadelphia, Hill oppose tho
llethlolicm F. C. heio this afternoon iu a
third round National Cup match. Tho
tno clubs nro this only survlvois in tho
Hasten) district, and although tho present
holders of the tropin ,iro expected to uln,
tho Hibernians will put up a good fight.
Tho lilsluueii nio great raunlten horo
and preparations hnvo been made to take
care of n iccori ciowil.
Their only previous merlin-; of tho
pros cut Fcnt-ou n.'is Iu tho (list tound for
the American Cup. At that tlmo the
Irishmen wcto weakened by tho absence
of Coin-toy, mid lost by livo goals to
none. l.lneup:
Imm.tn ....' Kf,1.t..
II. .hi. I.ni.t
...... Ui;on
.... Jaimrlll
. Itlpli.irilnui
. ... Ciureex
Itnltt niuin
I.'lat, lip.
rmiit lulll-.uk .
Murrjv .
Morrison ,
llutlor ...
ilnilnni .
Mllltr ...
I'i'i'Wr ...
. Ii'il lul iinm ..
, rltlit liailRii'k .
icntri- tmlf&uk
. IHt lialOwk .,
. ut'Me right
. Infl'lc Hi: In ...
i.fi.i" urn ' ...... ift.nvn.ic.
. . insiae I'-u ,,jrmi
. iuti' Itfl Scntt
Hii.l liiimti. 'ilmv or luilier I., mtnutra.
l,vf. rnn. .1 II '.irir?itt 1-. f .1 nonn.n-l ln.rtpr
New Jersoyites Have Chanco to Gain
Lead iu Cricket League
MOOltl'Vt'WN.N. J . Jan. 15. Muoics
town and the I'liiladolpl ia Cricket Club
will race each clhci- Iu a lirut division
i rlckct C.iib U-astue game hero tlila
afternoon MooresMn still has a clmnic
to .iln the chaiiipinnihip. but Philadel
phia's defeat of Merlon White last wat
urrlay has made the local team by no
m-utitf coulldort of the outcomu of to
days game. Honever, the strongest pos
slble team will be placed bu tho Held,
und it villi not lo the fault uf the players
If both points aro not Hcured. The line
up: Moorcstou ii. Philadelphia.
Atklnwn ,. do.il J,. Johiikon
uumiwr rllji 'ul'!"ifc .-. ;s2m,n"
HctSfrs left full Iuu M Johmwii
Tiylw rlii telAMf . ...IJon-li'i.y
ta'.ln un mii h!rtik ... . Ilanlltcn
llualy loll luJftMieii It.hnw
pvr ow.sia.rlebt .. . .,J. DUj-uhi
K. eUts iulda rtebt . . . , .HwUnd
l-rk! wnltaf wrward . , .11. &
J. UM -W9W -r. .
R.ri- -!' A"". JJaVM Sutwr sad
I(l. Tlw 7 lSr-3 UllSMUC,
kollbx'hack begins work
Given 0t 3'f nslst to B Usl by Syr
aeuee Team Nast Fa.ll
sy.tA'-'.'SK I.". Y.. .'an, P. - Bifi.
l-avli'.- i"e i .. Uil! Ho!Unlch, Syru
CU6' u:tf football coa.b. gave CdiV.i'n
Pa-iK U le eomc of tU xlji.iats which I
ate tn be used uoM fait. Captain White
will ca"l j. a et.rw of the fuotball candl
d.its nett mouth, at which all v,Ul be
3 1 vck iiisttiKHon in the i(piat.
HoUiibach isspected the s.nioa' sarl
idl. u 'With such an bJeal ath tit.
. .jl-.mci! il.at i'. the Kwans-'UMi and
I'.e wo iJei u1 . "idijm. there is no . vason
,vh., . unit old no' haw 'he J3ej;
team ta the counfr. ' said JioUeaoath,
Illustrations by BRIGGS
"There is more fellers feels like committing murder tho day after
one delicatessen suppgr."
nn automobile is, so to speak, prac
tically a necessity!"
"A four thousand dollar nutomobile
is a necessity!" Zapp cried.
"A four thousand dollar enr I nin't
spcakin' about at nil," Birsky con
tinued. "Because for n thousand dol
lars, only, Zapp, you could get a car
mit .'15 horsepower already, five pas
senger body, electric sclf-stnrter and
lighter nnd everything up to date.
Such n car is n gen'wine bargain nt
one thousand dollars."
"If you could afford the thousand
dollars, Birsky," Zapp said, "which
tho way the real estate business is
dead nowadays, Birsky, you've got
about as much chance as I've got to
buy a thousand-dollar automobile."
Birsky hid the lower one-third of
his blushes in a cup of coffee.
"The fact is," he said at last, "I've
got maturing on mc this week for
fifteen hundred dollars nn endowment
policy, Zapp, and if you would come
up to my house next Sunday morninj?
MUMiEXi.ni'fJ W)I,I,KE
Ilutgers and Lafayette Will Not Be
Played This Year
AU.HNTOWN. I'ii.. .Inn. ll.-Mnnacer
Corbim Hnyilcr and flrnduntc Manager
Albert r'a.sig today announced tho Muh
lenberg College football iiohoilule for 1310.
Two teams un the rrhfiliile laut year.
I.tilgcrH and l..ifuctte. do no: appear on
tho list announced today. An c-ctrn homo
gauio Ii.-ih been added, making six liiHtcnd
of live. Tlio new toauiH nro I'ennsylvanla
Military College, of Cheater, ami t'r
slnus. The latter gaiuo will be plajed
Thanksslvliu; Day, In plate of Albright,
ivhlcli Ii.-ih alw.iy been tho big attraction.
Tho hchcilulo follaMs: jicptembcr a",
I'cnusylvunlu Mllltaty College, pending;
October 7, Vlllanova College, at Vlllu
novn: October H, SiiwiueliiniDU, at Allen
town: October :'l Albright, at Alle-itown;
October i Diicl.netl, at Allcntnwu; No
vemlwr 1, Ijchigh, at Mouth Uethlehcm;
November 11. Lebanon Valley, at Allen
town: November 18, Cuthollc I'litverolty,
'. AVaahlngtnn. I). C ; November 25, Ur
jinus, at Allontonn.
100 Contestants and 12 Teams;
in Today's Scholastic j
Championships !
Tuelve schools from Pennsylvania,
Now Jersey and Nc.v Yoil. will .coutoat !
for the Middle Atlantic swimming chain- j
plonshlpu at the University of Pennsyl- ,
nnla tills afternoon at ; o'clock. I
Prof. George Klatlor, conch of tho Penn
tankmen, tald that I. arly 100 entries
from Individual swlmmera had been
re(.oicd. The schools to bo repreienUd
are West Philadelphia High, chumpions ,
last year; Hamilton Institute, of New i
Vork, Polytechnic Prop, of niooklyn: I
Ktuyvcsant High .School, of New' Vork:
Manual Training High, of Brooklyn;
lteadlns High, Camden High, St. Luke's
School. LaiiEilovvne, Lawronceville. Cen
tral High and Episcopal Academy.
This is the II rat lnterscholastlc meet of
the year. Last year tho meet was
hold at nbtht. but on account of tho Penn
and Princeton basketball game the aft
ernoon date Mas decided on. Last sea
sou the West Philadelphia High tankmen
won the Intel-scholastic title, and Prof.
Irvln Anthony, the coach, expects his
boys to repeat lira afternoon. Central
HU.li School is not up to Its standaid of
foimer eal'- but U expected to spring
4 surprise in the CiO-ard evjut, in which
Captain plpP is entered.
iii)iiLiii i.MCLnHii nnniii i.mi
I. A. A, to Legislate in Cuse of Track
aad Field Athletes
NL'W VORK. Jan, 13Hulea ijovernlug
DarticiDAiioix In summer baseball by track
ana ne:a athletes will be adopted hero
toinwiuw afternoon b; the Intercollegiate
AthleMc Association officials. Chairman
nontax us T. Kirby. of the Advisory Cym
mtttee. said today Tbe rules probably
will either rest i let or prohibit eucb ath
ietea playing summer baseball.
Pennsylvania Harvard. Tale, Columbia
and Cornell colleges will bi represented
at the mectins.
7 & I
we'll take n little run out to Ozono
Grove, and I'll show you them lots I
was talking to you about."
"You mean them lots they threat
ened last month to foreclose on you,
Birsky?" Znpp asked.
Birsky's face grow n shade morti
"I pnid 'cm two hundred dollars a
bonus, nnd they gave mo n thrce-yenr
extension," ho explained huskily and
gulped down the remainder of his
"How much was that mortgage?"
Znpp inquired.
"Just fifteen
hundred dollars,"
Birsky admitted.
"And do you think you would got
the money when the three years la
up?" Zapp insisted.
"I don't know," Birsky retorted,
"and I don't care, Zapp. Because wo
only live once, Zajip, and wo tiro soon
"Sooner, oven," Zapp concluded, "if
you ride fast enough in automobiles."
South Jerseymen Defeat
Flying Greys at Cooper
Battalion Hall
A iiioulh ago the CainUcu team of th"
i:ijti'i n Haaketball League waa In one- of
tlm deepest, firmest ruts Imaginable. To
day tho South Jerseymen are playing u
gamn that may bo beaten, but It would
be a hard matter for any tonrn In tho
country to put up a more consistent nr
tide of the cage gonio than they hilve
been giving tho public during the last
feu weeks.
Last night "tlio Camden live, headed by
Captain Jack Adams, went to South Phil,
ndelphla und engaged tho league-leading
Orcystock live ut Cooper llattallon Hull,
it was a foiegone conclusion that tho
Clres would win the game, but they
didn't. Camden not only captured the
contest lij a high score hut tallied 41
points, while their opponents wore an
nexing 23, 15 of which were madd froni
tho 13-foot murk. Camden cuged II field
goala, while tho home crowd were pot
able to do better than live.
' This victory puts the Camden- team
within two nnd a half games of the.
(J ray a, the leading live of the. league, and
only ouo-half n ganio behind (he present
runners. up for lirst pluce.
Qreatock"s second Invasion of Musi, al
Fund Hall this season will tako pla.ee to
night when tho living Knstern League
leaders line up against Oe NerL Tq .data
the Greys have won two out of tbroe
games, but 111 two of tin se contests the
going was exceptionally fast and roUth.
The last time Hie downtnwr. rivals
clashed wns on Christmas Pay, and these
twp games wore probably the rroat esUt
Ing played by the teams this year-
Although McWIIIlams will not be Jit to
night's gume tho acquisition of Bill Her
ion, the former Camden plaer, haa
greatly strengthened the Uieys. for :a Ma
three games to date with the Churchmen
ho haa played wonderful ball.
Featherweight Champion Will Bos
Frankie Conifry, of New York, in
Johnny Kllbane. featberwalght Ui-imi
ptoii of the world, will face a tougli ftm
at tha National tonight wh.ui he me
with Kraukle Cpulfry, of New York. Tha
New Yorker has met the b-st men In SU
division and has a long string1 of victor,
lea to his credit. lie doe not fear M
champion and will wade right jn &
tho start. Frankly posscascw a bex'ltar
wallop In either band and will try hul
n trtit grn Aprlu,
Kilhane'a iho win (r acalost latsr
but Saturday demonstrated that the j
of the featherwelshU b) not to Jba
with. He taxiX Patsy to drcJUulan
tbe second rourul and I ready ta nti
the dose tonlgrit If be sets an op
r i
aa '
btn te.