EVENING ' LlSDGEBpa'lLADJairPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, l016 1 ' ' ' v ' i h i f - . - . - . . . - - i' ' ' ' f ' StmaMefttcnf Section I' t u J i n a n t A AMUSEMENT SECTION Address all eommuntealiont to Dramatic Editor Evening Ledaer, Independence Square, Philadelphia. THE AVERAGE NET PAID DAILY CIRCULATION OP THE EVENING LEDGER FOR DECEMBER WAS 06,785 .' PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1916 Death In the Theatre TO TUB toiiR list or nrtiir mitl plnywrlRhtn whom tlcnth 1ms tnken fIulp the Hcnson opened, tlio tnsl fortnight hns ndtleil two more. And they were two of the most Ithiatrlmix S.ilvlnl and Itolinn. To tho Inst dccntlo of theatre goers, nlmo.it to -the Inst scnornlinn, they nro only memories. Since they never noted hofurc the mollon-plcturo entnern, their nrt muat menn oven less tit tho future. Knlvlnl mid ttr-hntt will ho Rrcut nnmes for tnnny yenrs, but tlicre will soon he dispute about their powers nml finally oblivion. If There Were Record To speak of the movies In tho snmo breath with Salvlnl and ltehan will doubtless seem desecration to tho old-school theatregoer. Yet who would not gain fresh pleasure from seeing those welUrcmcmbcrcd features In all tho vlVld play of emotion for which they wcro noted? There would be a great deal lacking, yot n grcnt deal preserved. Few players fall to enrich the screen with tliolr presence. The revealing Intimacy of the lens taks care of that. It could havo shown us Salvlnl's terrible Sloor and Ada Kenan's Shrew. The loss Is doubly ours. ' Why Not Drew on the Screen? In earlier days, when Ocorge M. Cohan was less of an expert at setting mall-town nnd Broadway characters on tho stage, but Just as clover an actor, this critic urged him to wrlto nnd net a wordless play. The reply was far from courteous; but that, will not defer him from making somewhat the same suggestion to John Drew. Why not the movies? That distinguished face, those remarkable eyes, tho cock of tho head, they would all be Just as ef fective and amusing on tho screen as thoy are at tho Broad. As for tho laok of words, they might cut down the range of this really fine comedian, tiut otherwise they would bo no loss to the public. The "John Drew play" might be several times less agon banal In tho movies. And what social graces it would teach tho newer profession I A Circumscribed Comedian Seriously, what a, pity John Drew has nothing better to do than mild nnd welt-mannered comedies like "Tho CJilof." He has thorough mastery of his milieu good society as woll as his metier high comedy. If ho Is to present us with tho cultured lclsuro class, why shouldn't he present It when it Ib doing some thing moro interesting, something worthier of Its privileged place In Hfev than good-natured thoughtless, unconcerned, not even self-conscious philandering? As I pointed out last week, Shaw writes of this class almost exclusively, and he writes of It in tho predominant vein of comedy. But he gives it somothlng to think about besides tho crease of Its trousers. John Drew doesn't oven have to think of that. Ho Is too eternally sure of such things.' Off tho stago Mr. Drew Is a wise and witty gentleman with something to say about life. Why on earth should he slough all that oft when some playwright puts him behind tho footlights? Let There no Shadows To return tn our movie muttons, perhaps It Is Just as well that John Drew should Btay off tho screen. We arc paying too much attention as it Is to the actor's side of Illmdom. The scenario suffers by neglect as I have already "poinded out; the lighting, almost ns much. There nro some glorious excep tions, of' course. Mr. De Millo, of the Lanky Company, gives the finest of shu'dowy portraiture. He enriches scene nftcr scene, dramatically as well n.s ptctoiially, by the concentration of light from a single quarter as It usually happens In real life "Carmen, "The Cheat," "The Temptation" and "The Golden Chunco-' nie shining examples. Contrast it with tho nvorngo lighting of movie interiors. There nrc no beautiful shadows to add dramatic slgnlilcnnce. There Is the eternal "studio" light. Itadlunce comes from every direction. The farthest corners of nttlc ruonis arc us bright as the foreground. Tho walls stare out In their artificial prayness, taking tho. eye nwny from the players and their notions. Take n single scene In "Don Quixote" for an example. The Don looks out his win dows nt a sunset world. Ho turns, and wo gaze upon a chamber far moro Lrlghtly lighted. There Is no lamp, only tho ordinary light that would enter a small window. And yet every corner Is clear, sharp nnd utterly uninter esting. Such lack of imagination Is criminal In an nrt where light Is the very essence of Its existence. K. M. CUT-BACKS How Are You, llill? Wrt ni-n imlnhtod !n V.ntiltv Fntr nml Robert C. Rcnchlc. oi.o of its contribu- i tors, for this nilTliublc sninple of how Slial.esjicaiu mlffht htive inn . would have written "Ilnmlet" for Frank Tin ney: Act I. Scene 1 A Platform before tho Castle Mouse. rrellmlunr choruses by Lad Ohosls, dances by the Castle fnmllv. sonsii by the King, dlatoRUo between I'olonlux and Laertes nml choius of Female Orave tllcscrs. KNTKK HAMI.KT. (.Advapcfu -.o fiotit of stiifie and uil 'drcases conductor.) Ifvllo, Walter: How mo you? I don't Wally cam Ikav yml mo, 1 don't, but 1 lmvo to ask you that to get tho net Htarted, Sns, want ter seo somcthlu' I got. Waller Conductor -No, tlicnks, fraul;. Hamlet Louk, Wnltei. That's not what ycu're to suj. It Isn't. Don't er remem ber, Walter? We had it llxed Mt I was ter come up and say ter uu "Want ter tee w at 1 sot, Waiter nnd ou was ter hay "Why yes. Fra.il;. iv'nt er iTOt?" flo.i't er ifintinfccr" les oegln It u;.lln An tiller i.em use our Ijouiih this time No . we'll ferget all at e did nrout; a.nl Uesin nil over An' don't ornli this time. UARCSLLA SHIELDS Who plays the child in "A Fool There Was" at the Walnut next week. . T . All - ffYLES CALLS UPHI5 LADY FRIEND. wm: PtC-TURE-rZEP BY TH& . . Want what have ou got? Ilnmlet (drawing skull out from under Wousc) Look Walt, u dead-head! 1 cot it from the bo otllce, 1 did. . . . Now, j Wait, ou waul ter ask mo "Whohe head ' It, or wns It?" See. 'ats w'ut you ink ' me. Now. go abend, "Whose bend was ' I It. Frank?" Oo ahead, ask me. I Conductor Well, whoso bend was It, ' Frank? Ilnmlet Why, Walter, 'at was tonus j Yorlck'H. . . . Now you say, "What. ' not Hairy Yoniek. 'at use ter piny see , ami base on the (Hants?" See? Ask to lint, Wa'tei. I Conductor What, not Harry Yutrick, I tho old Riant second baseman? How j I do j on know tliut. Frank? I Hamlet Hete, Walter, you're goln' too I fast. That "How do ytr know?" iues- ' tlon doesn't come fer a minute er so. It 'doesn't. . . . Well, all light. Lei It i I go. , . . You've ast nie how do I know . i it was Harry Yoiilck, the old (ilant sec ond linseman? All rlsht. I'll tell er how I know. It's goln' ter be a riot. Waller. I have ter lalt myself nt It. . . . You nst me how I know It was Ilairv Ynnlek. the l-hv ,i, Inut !,. ready? . . . All r! now'. . ter see w'nt I got. Walter'.' Conductor Why yes, Frank iino series fer tho Cilants In IkT"? Well, Wnl Nnw. tn- I tell ler. ... 1 lueo'nlzed the bone! i-Motc dunces by the C.istle Fmuil.) Curtuiii. 1'rize Press Pearl llenrj H. Uul:hi 1. h i!usm ihe leaj In. I.-,.auj'ii at-Mii featuift1. "The ttaxt-n." iuLijIi-.I trunt Ofu.'zc C. ilazrltnn' roinamo nf KUunr Alien I'm', meat l.oi4 tvjcliln h ra,p,. to talk, tor In Ihe ilioloH., iho lilnl i'!aj a i. mat llui-orlnnt i.iit anj l nunmed to artl.'Ulnto ih wotil nevermore" several tt'ney Tho raven took n Riiat (amy to llr. Waith.ill. aiiU belore Ions l,o iuuiJ um ' nevermoru ' juvt as cahJI us n patrot mis iraikcr " 'Hi Diddle Diddle, the Cat!' Jtlsi llnrcclla Shields, the child in IJob eit Hilllaid's drama. "A Fool Them Was," which is playln;; nt tho Wal nut Street Theatre) the week or Jnnu an 17, has a fad she mothers stin cuts When she was a weo girl Marcelht lived m a little New Kngland town, and It was theie that sbo llrat fjimed Iier affection , for the fellno species. After school little Murcella would call nt the neighbors' back doors and ask for scraps of meat and for other tut luxutles. Then, w Hi her basket tilled to the brim, aim would return to her iud mid coax the ever present and alwayji-bunsry cats from tho back fence. They were timid at first, but hunger provnlled, and soon all re straint was forgotten In tho dally feast Hut cats have little common sense; In stead of tearing directly they perched upon the fence and owed for mote. New L'ngland cats have a wonderfully effec tive sleep-distuiblng yowl. It is not to bad in the daytime, but in tho still shad St ; ows oi tne mgiii it is shoe-compelll men ino neisnuor formed a comm too of Indignation and called on Marcelta's iw rents. The yowling had to cease, they uveired, and so .Mother Shields forbade , any further feeding "When I am rich enough I'll havo u lent farm," sobbed .Marcella. "and tho,' ' cart yowl as much as they like, too." And so the cats were finally induced tn seek other stage for their cabaret per formances, and Ihe Incident was forgot Um by the hate neishbors; but not by Marcella. OOello OPERATION? ft- MEET ME AT THE LAM POST TONIGHT AT S1 I ii -. xrtu k. r .--' war ; i si- fr IY Ji S-WNZJM "fV -5 r mmrw v mx id. k2cmsk rwmjimsiA vltiatREAot.R.-DoOT fORAMOMiNT SYMPATHIZE' WITH THE, hTROlNE.r&RWl -mARS " PMHCO - A TINE iFAHlSH CWOM liTJC AJWVLK LETTERS FROM . , rn, f , -i , t-n r Readers and Theatre Patrons on Current, Tonics of ,,. TT.. ,ia Botll Hemispheres Of tllC AmUSe- 1 1 1 llieilt WOrlCl His Idea of the Photoplay J '"it In nuisknl cmned.v wi find tymliollzeri To th I'hotoiilau Kdlor- n" "le ntln'lnl forces that plej upon . 4. , our sex. "1 have tern much frlc: tlllness to Since the ptocliictlou of my phnln- ,vnr, nlr , ,,, r,,0 ,CKret tinl niorlein drama. 'The Soul of a Woman." I have ......irnt minp,!, n,nt l1ni mm,, itm reiit been deluged with letters from nmbltlou I young men and women who deshe lo I becomo scenario writers or who. being! sceumio writers. wlh for more success than they are having In their chosen vocation. As It Is' Impossible for me lo answer these thousands of letters be cause of the demands on my lime of my own work. I nm Inking the llheity of asking you the courtesy of publication of this general answer to their questlnni In your column", feeling sine that It will save you time, ns well ns myself. In nnswerlng the same titiptlcs, which I suppose you have In even greater num bers than have I. Of course, the an swers helo given nre but the opinion of one man anil ninny may differ with mo In snnie of them. I tlinnk on In advance for whatever use jou may make of this letter. Tho principal factor In the successful scenario is n novel theme or nn old theme handled In n liulj novel wnj. Cost of production must nlwnjs ho taken under careful cousldciatluu. Ynu must learn to combine tho artistic with tho economical. It Is vital. It Is Impossible to tell how long It lakes to inoducc a fcntinc sccnmlo. Some times you must stew over an Idea for years. At others you will wako up In the middle of the night nnd "dope" out the plot before morning. When my Idea Is thoroughly formulated the nctttnl work on the 'script of a llve-reeler Is from one to two weeks. This Varies according to jour experience nt the work and your natural producing soecd. The two chief qunllllcntlons of a scen oi lo man arc: Fhst. the Imnginntivc, nnd, second, the pinctlcnl. Too often tho de mand Is mndc in the other order, nod too often the writer tins more tlinu his shatv of the first nnd nn utter absence of the second. Tho future of the photoplaywrlglit Is everything In tho dim business. Oct awny from adaptations; that Is the dilft of tho times nnd It will gotstronger hi that direction every jenr. They want original stuff written directly for tho screen. Yon must lenin to think for tho eye nnd not for the ear. In my humble opinion the order of Im portance of the vnrlous factors In tho iii'mlnntlnii nf ,. liltr nlintrinlnv lu i. u ffila lows: First. Scenario. ! Second. Ohector. Third. Cast. Fourth. Cameraman. ' Fifth. Cutting. Sixth. Laboratory and pi luting. i It Is' dinicult to say what is the main trouble with the photoplny of todny. I I do not think there la such a lot of tiouble. It Is a jnung Industry nnd Is coming along wonderfully at giant strides I guess the biggest trouble of nil Is thai tnnny of the manufacturers do not I reallzo that they must depnit from pre- I cedent and create utorles especially for the screen nnd not try to adapt from i plu.Mi nnd books. , ANTHONY P. KELLY. Philadelphia. Jamimy 11. 1916. Against Musical Comedy ' To the Urainntlc Krtltor: Sir The dally papers are announcing the ' m rival of a specimen musical comedy I When such a "show" was hero before It I Included most objectionable featuies. ! graphically described by u dramatic critic j who had the good taste to be disgusted. In regard to such performances l should I like to quote from .Mis. Hale's modern i book "What Women Want." j "Drama has become intelligent in tegard lo women, and vaudcvlllo moie defeat. ' rj3ac2EE9.um:iY TRAVEL TALKS Si-fe'SLSf'i NEXT FRI. i.Ys SAT. ?iS BRAZII tttti hi: JAM.itto. tiii: iii:.itii ui. Tlpi'iriV "' H'l'P''", tliiX'lirKtiiut t iwiii ., aoc, ,51., si .imp. Ai'udrmj- of 31uklr3lon., Jmi. SI, B.I5 I'. lli:C ITA 1- 31 ISO II A But iti:.M:ni:i) ht;.T.s, si to ?sr. miiv on hALi: AT IIIU'I'K'S, 1119 CHHVr.NUT bT. VltheripooiiTlul!. Weil. Evr Jjn. "0, ut 8;1.1 Thiddem THt Aurelo RICH - GIORNI RECITAL Maiusen.rnt Sn'l ilutl l llurrau f'Kll'Ba. ,.uo to jsuii Un bdl'J IU Hit'Pv tUU ('tmyinul utreel ACADEMY -acain at llcrpe'j. IH'J Chwtnut. L-riiiaQi-'ipii" lunigni ui u;io 3 ! ' n,.li.ra , !llt j JlJLiA .,fcw CUL1. LieUar Ulut V IVf In wm luuubitiiu rvvir.H; r IWiyVl.Jll iit ".IX IfmMtnun'.KMtuitii,,. bivfc Dy Vuu. Evult'ii Mvckif Clrtii. Ik. sauM JNKWMAlNi :5- . I Jl. MAN MOVIE EXPOSURE sto, m 7s. 4-!.4V.Tlll 'WJ'CJu 1 & r& AND THOSt TRHlVUMtt TRAIH WRECKS. "WHY.- mm. Mjx jf& atf ( f-rii i -i j . -nr V " WltUE IS 0MV.Y Dt&'.C T5C1ICP H.jtyY AJID 71E JMOKL 15 TURMtSKP J&r THE PLAYGOERS nils of music nnd the dinmn. Ii devised hiimnti untitle, desliliig lo nbtnln n colu mn! iiinliitnliieil tiy nnd for the uin'p sex. liodle portrait of nn ntitl-fumlnlsl, study Antlfemlnlst leaitcrs slioulil he plen per- , the faces of the nudlcnce nt a musical mniienl hoxei for these eiileitnlnnientM loinedy, mid he lias his Information!" by the ginteful nitinimers, for thev nre the And whnt n parody on the term "re- rmrtnir liouues for eci'V nrov.l Ii llint feminists nie seekliw In ileiittov, unit they footer ccr Instinct of "ex-ronii'lniisnehs and false sentiment uhii-h l helpful to the spiend of niitifcinlnist propaganda 'Their Is h.in.'ly n viec founded on the subleetlon or women that this elass of entoitnlniiient does not develop. The whole fnbrli' Is li.feil upon that artificial sex stimulation which I. nt the root of the gi cutest ei or modern city life. n'i. . ....! ...,.,. ..r i I..,- i.rt . ,,ij ,, in. ..,,.,. hi. in .,i nn- ii,,i un iiiiLi.-n some frit m of -mhsldy i necessity Tor Its members, whll.- the n,.,,,. audience t'no- ldei the temptntlnii of 'the easiest wav.' The costumes combine a iiufilinum of e - c - ttavngance with n minimum of sug- gostlp covcilng. Tlie story Is a com- lilnatlon nt cheap sentiment nnd cheaper naughtiness. The iippritrunie In the lyp- h-nl imisitnl cometlv of good music, sing- Ing or acting Is unusual, the conicdlnns and dnnceis generally .iuidlug the onlv I nine performances. The pillule Is given poor value fer Us money In everything but pretty foinis and faces, and these arc Mippoied to coinpi nsnle It for the ab sence of melodv, plot or wit. Lveiythlug Hint should be mo.u sacicd and beautiful In ilfe Is cheapened by these euteituln ments, wliich are voted decent (? only because they are light. No hcriolls drama I would escape the danger of police Intel -ferenco If It dealt with the topics giggled over In these 'comedies. ' Worthy people nro very busy dcplorlm; the decadence of popular entertainments "It Is tho fashion to blame women for nil the Ills of society nnd there arc not wanting persons who Hud n connection between these III nnd the preoccupation of thousands of women with the femin ist movement. The Huth Is Hint In Hie giowth of feminism lies tho greatest hope for the ultimate disappearance of such perfoi niances. H. as much ns women gniu In the mental mid moral statute that comes with education, Independence and responsibility will men renllv nduilrc nnd esteem thein mid desire tn bo worthy of their love. Ilv ns much ns men desire this will the be dinwn nwny from those tilings which cheapen women. The pltl- WA1J UT Pop Mats 'rues . Thurs. Iter. MuthiP' Saturday r.vrnlM: at s 15 Matinee 'loilay anil Tonlcht ' "A MTTf-K (illtl. IS V tint iiry Week Starting Monday, Jan. 17 FAREWELL TOUR ROBERT HILLIARD'S A DramatUatlnn of KlPllni'i Famous Poem. "THR VAMPIRR" Br Porter Kmfrsou Ilrowne Mon., Jan. 2 1 "School Days" CHESTNUT STRET',,,',;V',', I'rlrrm .Uit. file, ISr; Hvr., 10r, l5S3c I.tihihlve Mumiiit: l'o l'miliictliiii nf GKEAT NEWSPAPER PLAY THE FOURTH ESTATE Sum Hum, ttutli ntulr. rtliruril IJrinr ,'l'ir.. i i3ll In f. n. in.; liir.. 7 In 11 p. in. Miniiluitiv llrihr.tru Mn-k vt .1 in l tiii;ii. iiaim, in Tiir: sj:itru.T" l'iiv' l.niti'-l Kllm LYRIC LAST ItATIMJIJ TODAY LAST TIME T0MRI1T N Winter llHMin'a i.bIpki Trinmi.h MAID IN AMERICA lomii.iii nf H3. Iiiiluillni; rumiiNri: moohe ami mli.e .IU. FUX. XIUMC aud 'Bt'TTJ' dazii: TTY UWI.X ADELPHI I'ABTI?J?1n TOI1AV ST TIME TONK1HT IIUKAAIIW SHAW'S C'HtCLH ANDROCLES AND THE LION 'r-vnlfill'v van to Krm' -n-ih,.,, Frolic.' tiii.' i,v ....,.;..-...""''"'" Di'iiii ttr,li,,H"BO A ARCADIA PIIESTNIT Delow JOTII " .'J II 11 :jr, I. 31. Dallv. I.-.,.- i'V4. .;..' THlANIil.E PLAYS Kir., i.......'.'." n lift limmi "ilUll ivoourr. natron in Missln? Link" COMEDY Next WU Wx ',' ' ?- "Auin. adihft" i .-maiui; UUH1 I,, W.u.i i..",.l I Sdin llernarJ In Hau.sc 1 Lnii'ihr so' GLOBE feCf- . A to II P U luo, lir, 25c Edniund Haves & Co. U Kane CpnieJ) ntK jijano MOVEn" ESGOTTI L.LLlPUTiANS;- OTHERS THE MOVIE NUT! 8S1 ill ii imi J S AH.HERE 1 HOWPY. I I ZT rZ "W .1777 - "W rfl ' -v- ,jA J4 rmrt w ;&v3Bj . pyu. Ain p50i;d titceun: on: OYT t.,CK- ( TROBIXM I fid spctiicle or lows of jouthx ojllim 1 n cIionh clothed tin! for beauty but lo i accentuate the siisjKostlon of ' undies.'. , ttrtUld he Impossible In n society which did nm tower nii women by setting, aside a potllon of them for Ihe nleni'ire nr ' Its men. The n,lc.imte education nn.l einnnmlc Imlcpemlenre of women will , make such celling iiEldo increasingly dtf- limit. 'FV Innately, no attempt to enter tn the lower pntt of huninii nnMie cvr I pernnneiuly succeed.'. The Inspirations I of men ns n elnsi nie so much higher i than some ntiion? them seem to gtnsp. i .Meanwhile, let nnv student of creminn A Member of the Drama League. Clvle Club mid a Sincere Feminist. Philadelphia, January it. the ' Likes Music Willi Photoplays I To Ihe I'liotoplity lUlllor: I Tho thing which Impieiseil nie most In , connection with tho iccent Paramount 'fileaser, of "Carmen" and "nutlet fly '. i : .. : ,..t . .....i.i. ' was me musical nrriini;eiiit:iii wiiiuii m- I .... , , , ...t.. compauled llicni. I enjoy good mlslc I ""' am especially fond of Puccini nnd i "' T,l m0,t leiiiniknhlo part to me , hi the picture of "UuttoifiV was the ' ma liner the music was fitted to the scenes. This was not so tine in "Carmen." In i "Cnnnen." the music of the fourth act ' anil third act was played tn scenes which l.ihoukl havo intuited llrst-nct niusic, while the Idea of using anything but tho llab.inera" for Cannon's entrnnco seems foolish to me. The climax cninc when they used the death music In the love scenes Instead of Don Jose's aria. "Air tie la Flcur" fioni the second net. Still the mualL was good anil really ndded materially to the picture. i-i "fluttcrfly" Hie use of the waiting motUo and love duet throughout the scenes where she awaits his return Is tttilj nrtlrtlc, while the death music Is most effectively handled. L. II. G. Philadelphia, December 22. BROAD Mat. Today T$7 S Final Week N,;! 8. CHAIILKS FltOlIMAN PrtBcnts JOHN DREW WcSSSS? "THE CHIEF" SlfCC'IIHH iiy ltoiiACi: ani:hi,ev vachbi.i. "TIIK lli:ST PLAY MR RRV HAS 1IAU in i:.n.s" n v iiciiai.o. Next POLLYANNA Tlin OLAD PLAY Attraction. MON JAN 24 GARRICK MatToday AT 8:13 nm 4th BiV Week Nlht" nt S!,!i' Week UI t"'' "ctl4 Mats. Weil & Hat COHAN nnd IIAimiS Tresent THE BEST PLAY PHILADEL PHIA HAS SEEN IN 25 YEARS Mehts & Sat Jlatn., r.tlc, 7."c, l. ?1 BO. No i higher ropular I'rlco Wed Main. llestSeati, f I !, i FORREST Last Mat. & Night CIIAIU.KS DILLINGHAM I'recelitn WATCH YOUR STEP MRS I VKIINO.V I'ASTI.t: FltANK TINNEV I WniNAHD UHANVILI.U llrlce & Klne, Harry Kelly, luo Othera. S WEHICS IIKOINNINCI MON KEATS NOW. KOrVIINIItS OI'ENINU NIOHT M.SO Rl'EC'IAI, WAnDItOIIIi vi:i:i: iii:.i.v.mn(! mon. kyhnixo IRVINE STOCK in Nat (iooilvvln nml Mailne r.lllott's Hhr Hurce "WHEN WE WERE TWENTY-ONE" 'Jr4 JSM Ill Ilia New Bunes, "UUL'HIN I.UCV" ' Uc AMERICAN JBT- ! Mul lure 10c MATINEE i Evenlnr lhitlrei I Tl'I'.hllW lOr.SUo l.ov.er Till HS1IAV nml 80n -luor. SOc IWATl'ltOAY Yew nt 80c Nett Week "WITHIN THU LAW" IIKOAII AMI JIONTtiOMLItY V. U. Mion.Nlrdllnger, ., ,,..ieu. Mir, IIAII.V MATS- lUfl 7 A- t). Iu uml SOo Will Oakland AMI t'OMl'ANV. In UAT THE CLUB" AT THE CIRCUS A .Minia ture llarnum and .lluUey 6 BIG ACTS AND PICTURES WHEN ELTINGE WORE A WHISKER How tho 'Actor, Yielding to Na ture's Adornments, Nearly Lost His Job Allow n boy to spend tlic rnrly yonis nf hit life In Nutte, Mont., nnd wove fiont . i flutte to Ho.-ton nt Iho iiro or 1 1 : scm lilm lo HIP piilille scliooln of Uonton nml ! kIc Itini ficc idii wllh tlic rcit of tlic ! hoy of Ms ntrr, nnd Hip career of i-n Inter- ' preter of fenilnliif loles on tlie since Is Inbuilt tlie lnt tiredletlon Hint would be, i mndc for lilm. The fnct Hint he Ji born ( 1 of IrlBh-Amerlcnli pntculn? nnd srovvn to nihilhood. I na innscullno ns n Mb iiiiI ! cinlt.i footbnll pl.ijpr. tnnhe nil tlie moic ler.mrlnbtp the rontrnat bluePti the .1- linn nltlnac of Hie fltnRC. HkIHU corseted. ' fnrhloi'nblv bewlRRrtl ntnl wentltifr thoii Rnjidi of tlollnrs' worth of tnil eoytmnei, who wl'l wnll: out nn the Korrest rtnRe Mondnv lilKbt. nnd the .tulinn llltliiRC on ,ils fnrm nl Kort Knlonsa. Ioiik Island. , 1 So fur ns mahlns tip for tho 9tiRC Is con- ' rpriipil, nitll'en fair tv o erlntif nbsitni'lfS. I One I.i n tendency lo flesh, nnd Hie other ii Imnvv. bin ok lienid. He W of the robust. corpulent type which imtnrnlly puis on PphIi ni the no-yrnr mark Is leached. To oiriiet tbrne two obitncles KIHiirp bns but two points Hint nre In his fnor wtien ne Iio.iIih lo ptepnte for n feinnlo Imperronn- j tlnii n nn I r of crnv cvp.i that nrc on- , i usually clenr and soft for a mnn nnd a l'oiind. chiilil).v rncc. j Ills tendency to flesh nml hls.benw b;niil once i:ot lilm Into nn nmusinK illfflcultv wllli n Puns Iheatrlcnl mau n.cr. Kttlnup hnd born engnKed for lit' lira! Hitionpnn p'nienrn'ire rnlelv on lili pholosmph nnd his Ainerlcnti repulntlon. It vvns foi the Mnrl3ii'. on of tho inont famous of the rnmlnu imialc hnlip. I'or six wceki prior to the ilnto of lili opeli Iiik ntipeainncp at tho MnrlKny, Ultlnpe loafed In Switzerland. Up not only al lowed his nclRht tn accumulate, but turned out n mustache. When bo np peared nt the office of Mornny, the niMMKliiK director of the Mnrlnny, nnd nnnoiinced himself ns .lullnii KlthiKo, the Parisian was dumfounded. "Is thlii .our photoBinph?" nutted Mor ii.t.n. handliiK KUIiiko n photoKrnph tnken in sklrtp. "t'prtnlnly," replied Klllnsc. "The tliitiR Is n fake," tctorted the mniinKcr. Nevertheless, Kltlnr-r was nllowcd to lehcnrse with the orchestiu, which hr did In his street clothe. At rchenrsnlii he I tibcs his natural voice, which Is of bnil- tone enmllty. .Mornny watched the re- hem sat Intently nnd nt Its conclusion , muttered. In Krench, "It Is n swindle." Thru nlRlit lOllluitc mndo his tlrst np- ' pearnnco licforo n Pnrislnu nudleucc nnd I wns enthusiastically received. Xonc ac- I corded lilm more ndmlrnllun than Mot nay. who coiiRintiitnted lilm nftcr the perforinnnce upon his rcmtirknblc trans- I formation. ' B. F. Keith's Theatre CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STS. Mat, a P.M. 3 Mums Daily. Night, a I'.M. ni:xt ivi;i:k A Drama With 100 Thrills "THE FOREST FIRE" Lansdon SIcCormick's Marvelous Production of Homnncc in the Timberland The Kver I'opuliir Comedienne EMMA CARUS A8lated by Noel Htimrt Special .Mimical Kenturo Frederick V. Bowers & Co. In a New Scenic Soiir Itovlcw Tlic I'hllnilolphla .Stock I'nvorlte Lynne Overman & Co. 1'rei.entliig "Tlic Hlgheiit HUiiler" Drl.eon .t Dm lea; Allmiiii & Dody: Slle- nun, Kelt ft Di-.Mnnt; riiK-Trliiiiiif .vlotlun rieturi'H Jan. 2iEVA TANGUAY CHESTNUT ST. Opera House I y.ii-'.11?'.1 ' -" ISe I SirajifcoHu MUHTS. T to 11 -10c. l.-,i. LT,c , Oicltwlict WJI FOX rnODUCTION Mansfield's Great Success "A PARISIAN ROMANCE" AMERICAN a,I,AWN!f?.w tt -Tim mm, froji oi-t yonueii- Mat. Tueulay, Thurnday, Saturiliiy, 10c. iOc. rviiicKerDOCKer maricrt nmt 40m The Natural Law Mat"- S;.. ,, Trocadero" 'W?,ai La Bailus l'nr llfiiflUit nt l.yrlr J: AitHpM Tlirgtrcw. Apply Hx OIIU r ir I'lu.nr Wnliuit nWd-M.M "1 -I 17 V! J - -if ' -. y a I ' . wl v '--Ja , I j Jl Is.l UJ , , ''' ' J s&s LYRIC THICKS JIuU. S0i- to MKlltn, 00c .Mutineer Mi Saturilay m si. so tk aypyv to i Ttf!Bl5- a v Sis LmmsH r, W" ' BraTHE -. r . iu. rff.- - --. v-y ;gJl , - GBEATEST. OIHUtST AND MOST CORGEOL'S OF Hi 11 1S Gigantic Scene of Awe Inspiring Grandeur, In eluding the Destruction of a Big City by a Huge 2ep. pelin. FuYING BALLET I 'f vSN SSIFER.! APPREHEHJ) THAT FLIRT IIIIH'I , f t 9 3 "?!? 'SPBE J EMMA CAKUS At Koith'o next week. BWim$ riVMrVtl OJUN PEPSTU in inr iirnrt of Hip Niiiiilnir Dhtrlrt PRICES 10. l.-).25e? ftl.NTI NlHt.S II .V Til tl f.,vT: ii. .. Minus Present nornt: cuimT I reienti Jungle nan minstrels tirenteht l.iviin; Hxnmpt' Tint Hvrr .IiiKlill-tl l):ir w llillll Tlieiir Mil- Pl'IMlW US I'rrlti t.lrl. .v.! I 'nn Mnir ami Un. ii-i:inl l4il,jj i:T. tun ' vrTi:,rnn' Al. White's tiiiy j ii jh t r i A Itl-.l ,,r Mrloilv nn.l MiTilmmt oTiinits woinii iiiin.i: i WWW1.WV WVl.Wt.WWM.Y iA-J liSi tiii.,'iii; yxJ )lnrlift hrton (10, li Sirrrt MATtMIK 1IA)I., 'J.'!!) l.t. .SKATS, llil Kl MMMii , .v o, nie. ise, air .Mini., I'llrn., U nl I Hurt... I'M., .Sat.', 'I living Beauties S Lee :3 Preeiitliic; Inr; nml t:lillilllon. iiiierintr .'.prciir. Inr Mmly In Illicit nml HUtel DHlnr; oTiinit n:TtiEi I'HOl'lll'I.Al SllltlM. ACTS AMI VI 'Tlie Itfil tin!", d " UGEY MAHIvirr Above lCIK I'UJl UHXIELTt iiiii ii'i' npirvft "Golden Chan" Snap Next Shot of the I or I' Horn fight Uw 111? Silnnlaii f.ak-r fnn Aton . Tnen . We.1 Ml LADY INCOi, m University Museum NEWS 7i .on I.f( turn 1 It C" Andrevrn "91 gal O.OU IMitiimwiue I nknounJtpw'l Many motion jik-ture IVee .i3'l anJ SpfWtl ""g fi i (ill) rajs in it coats - Vft tvCtv-'-s. -S f min ZrA3CKJAl yjvdi 'lil ADELPHI 1 liritlniilnE .Momliiy Kvk.! IPt srnls SI. SO. I'.ipnliir l on .Hulk. Thnrilii .V l-alurdar lias a woman isver a Cliancc to ueiormi IVII.I.IAM IJUAIIV (Ltd. rriftrnta hj OHK.N 1I,IS It Shims the! Diniculty off "The KasiestI Way" a And Tells the Story of the Girl Who Startr Wrong, but Ended Hight Jl BEGINNING JIIONPAYJ Itegiments of Girls Uceans of Tun A World of .Melody .JHmmmfeg&z-s? AUp iiuuum iviniitjt UAKUtN brELfACI-tS 1 1 1 WM I M All-falui in- i . 4 d W,! Alonroe. If" I Ultll iv " v,n Mill , T " L)phne 1 I I I r n ' Ilari 1)1 .1 Ul I!!. ,r i llr (i 1 J -3 urr. Jliirjar. t I it l ' 'Uifgi or I.IU K.lrnniO H'lVl''"' T I'll b'tnrit 1 iiur Hill )eti Kvalol ir Hill )e))) Kiuion ).u j 100 Uewitching C-aliM J Vrirh Divinelv Fair Hi jtfi fsfys HAFAFTA5EVEH WTHfcimsi.oi't Fuim co. I Ci-OOD BYE.' lis '' " Jl! . vj v rV. I ISL, s r-T
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