Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 14, 1916, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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m y
Coprrlsht. 1914, the
Bobs-Merrllt Corapanr
FOLLOWED days of feasting on the
frozen flesh of tho old bull. In aln
titiv Wolf tried to lure Kazan off Into the
foreitB and the swamps. There was hunt
lS now. And Gray Wolf wanted to be
itone-wlth Kazan. Hilt with Kazan, as
wlthrnost men, leadership and power
TouMd new sensations And ho was the
leader of the .dog-rack, aa he had once
i." n leader among tho wolves. Not
tarivOray Wolf followed at his flank now,
but tho four huskies trailed behind him.
Onco more he was experiencing thnt tri
umph and strange thrill that he had
almost forgotten nnd .only Orny AVoVJ.
in that eternal night of her blindness.
Ml with dread foreboding tho danger Into
which his newly achieved czarshlp might
lead him.
Tor thrco dajs and three nights they
remained In the neighborhood of the dead
mooie, ready to defend It ngalnst others,
and yet each day and each night growing
less vigilant In their gunrd. Then camo
h" fourth night, on which they killed a.
voung doe. Kazan led In that chase and
for the first time, In tho excitement of
having tho pack at his back, he left his
blind male behind. When they camo to
the kill ho was the first to leap at Its
Jolt tr-oat. And not un'll ho had begun
in tear at the doo's flesh did tho others
dre to cat. Ho was master. He could
end them back with a. snarl. At the
cleam of his fangs they crouched uulv
Jrlng on their bellies In tho snow.
Kazan's blood was fomented with brute
exultation, and tho excitement nnd fas-
-i...it., Hint rnme 111 the noRSOSStOll Of
k new power took (ho place of dray Wolf
1 . Hill. .. ..... til.n nitun Itl
each nay a miii hum.-. jhv ...,,.. ...
half an hour after the kill, and there
was no longer tho lithesome alertness to
her slender legs, or glndncss In the tilt
of her ears or the polso of her bend. She
did not eat much of the doe. Her blind
face was turned always In Kazana direc
tion. Wherever ho moved sho followed
him with her unseeing eyes, at If ex
pecting each moment bis old signal to
hcr-that low throat-note that had called
to her so often when thoy were nlono
In the wilderness.
In Kazan, as lender of the pack, there
was working n curious change. If his
mates had been wolves It would not
have been difficult for Gray Wolf to Imve
lured him away. But Kazan was among
his own kind. Ho was a dog. And tlicy
were dogs. Klrcs thnt had burned down
and ceased to warm him flamed up In
him nnow. In his llfo with Gray Wolf
one thing had oppressed him as It could
not oppress her, nnd that thing won
loneliness. Nature had created him of
that kind which requires companionship
not of one but of many. It had given
him birth thnt he might listen to and
obey the commands of tho voice of man.)
He had grown to hate men, but of tho
dog his kind ho was a part. Ho had
been happy with Gray Wolf, happier
than h hnd over been In tho companion
ship of men and his blood-brothers. But
ho had been a long tlmo separated from
the llfo that had onco been his and tho
tall of blood mndo him for n time forget.
. And only Gray AVolf. with thnt wondcr-
nil superlnstlnct which nature was giv
ing her In plnce of her lost sight, foresaw
the end to which It was lending him.
Each day tho temperature continued
to rse until when the sun was warmest
the snow began to thaw a little. This
was two weeks after tho fight near tho
bull. Gradually the pack had swung east
ward, until It was now K mllca cast nnd
' S) miles south of the old hom,e under the
windfall. Moro than over Gray Wolf
berart to long for their old nest upder
Ilia fallen trees. Again with thoso first
promises of spring In sunshine und air,
ther' wns coming also for the second
time In her llfo tho promise of approach
ing motherhood.
tt,, l, vffrtr in rlrnw Tvnr.nn hprk
, -were unavailing, and in spite of her pYo
v" test he wandered each day a little farther
east and south at the head of his pacK.
Gray Wolf was haunted by constant
Ji.. ai..,l. nn.1 Bit.alt' Vi li,( r, , man rlfAEir
f -: r uiunij miu ..,..,,, v. ...... u ...... .....
. aim nearer to tne post a ruio lomgnt.
tfeo miles tomorrow, but al'ays nearer.
And Gray Wolf, flubtlng her losing fight
to the end, sensed In tho danger-filled nlr
tho nearness of that hour when ho would
respond to tho final call and sho would bo
1ft nlntift.
? Thwart wnrn rlnvq nf nrHvltv mill nxrlte-
(,-, ment nt tho fur company's post, tho days
' of accounting, of profit and of pleasure;
' the days when tho wilderness poured lit
Us treasure o" fur, to bo sent a little later
to London and Paris and the capitals of
Europe. And this year there waB more
than the usual Interest In the foregath
ering, of the torest people.
'The plague had wrought Its terrible
havoc, and not until the fur-hunters had
come to answoi to tho spring rollcall
would It br known accurately who had
lived ana wto had died.
, The ChtppeAV&na and half-breeds from
the Booth began to arrive first, with their
teams of mongrel curs, nicked up along
the borders of civilization. Close after
them came the hunters from the west
ern barren lands, bring with them loadB
ottWhlte fox and caribou skins, and an
irmy ot big-footed, long-legged Mac
kenzie hounda that pulled like horses
, and walled like whipped puppies when
the huskies and Kskmo dogs set upon
them. Packs of tierce .Labrador dogs,
never vanquished except by death, came
from elooC to Hudson's Bay. Team after
team qf Cule yellow and gray Eskimo
flogs, as quick with their fangs ns were
their blkck. and swift-running musters
with their hands and feet, met the much
larger and dark-colored Malemutcs from
the Athabasca. Enemies of all these
Peks of flerca huskies trailed In from
- 1 sides, fighting; snapping and snarl-
' In with the lust ot killing deep born In
them from their wolf progenitors.
There was no cessation In the battle
of the fangs. Jtbegan with the first
pruts arrivals. It Continued from dawn
JT InFOUirh h& titter (... ....! 1. .nmn-
1 " MJ UV1 MUUHU lilt? VMMIJ.-
flres At nlirhf WW , ..... on nt
- - - .. ... ,., .vein ,,U,W. fc.
to the atilfe between the dogs, and be
tween the men and tho dogs. The snow
m trailed and atalned with blood and
toe scent ot It added greater fierceness
to the wolf-breeds.
Half a dozen battles were fought to
death each day and night. Those
Wat died were chiefly the south-bred
urs-mlxturea of mastiff, Great Dane,
ja sheep-dog and tho fatally slow
Mackenzie hounda. About the. post rose
smoke of a hundred camp-fires, and
"jut these fires gathered the women
aa the children of the hunters. When
,?i.?now' wa8 no longer fit for sledging.
Williams, the factor, noted that there
?re many who had not come, .and the
"counts of these he la,ter Scratched out
his ledgers knowing that they were
vicUms of the plague.
1,1. t came ,h6 n,ht of the Dl Car"
itiii For wek8 and months women and
""I'aren and men had been looking for
ware to this.
v.,n eores of forest cabins, In sraoke
cltentd tevees, and even In the frozn
AOmejl nf tV,a 11,41. V.l.ln. ntl.lna.
woo of this wild night of pleasure had.
Si nf oae zest to life. was tne
,'. Clreus-the good time given twice
vr.'1, bv tBe company to its people.
fT?i.ue and lath, the factor had put
"fta unusyal exertions. His hunters had
wiled four fat caribou. In the clearing
were wtre great piles of dry logs, and
w the centre of all there rose eight 10
! tree-butts crotche4 at the top; and
a '77 ,hi m truicn mere rcsicu u si,vu
PUjiS strippeo; of bark, and en each
iZTT ? "Pitted th carcass 9. eari;
i Vt tO be TDAtteA uhols bv tho heat of
I Ifc ft. 1 " .Ty "V " T ..L.-.i
j . "(. T6e ores were ugfuw
-FW H!AkT. Bt-t.S arilU. LInir tUdfaOll
land-tho song of the caribou, n.- tho
names leaped up Into the dark night.
Oh, t cnrlhoo-oo'oo. ze carlbeo-oo-oo.
He roay on high,
. Je under x Ky.
ze be(r uhlto tarlboo-oo-ooi
"Nowl" ho yclted. "Now-all together!"
And, carried away by bis enthusiasm, the
forest people awakened from their silence
of months, nnd the song burst forth In a
savage frenzy that reached to tho skies.
Two miles to tho south nnd west that
first thunder of human voice reached the
ears of Kazan nnd Gray Wolf and tho
mastcrloss huskies. And with tho voices
of men they heard now the excited howl
l"KB of the dogs. Tho huskies faced the
direction of the sounds, moving restlessly
and whining. Por a few moments Knzan
stood ns though carven of rock. Then
he turned hlB head, nnd his first look
was to amy Wolf, she hnd slunk back a
dozen feet nnd lay crouched under tho
thick covor of a balsam shrub. (Her body,
legs nnd neck wero flattened In tho snow.
Sho made no sound, but her lips wero
drawn back nnd her teeth shone white.
Knznn trotted lick to her, sniffed nt
her blind face nnd whined. Gray "Wolf
still did not move. He returned to tho
dogs nnd his Jaws opened nnd closed
with a snap. Still moro clearly came
the wild voice ot tho catalvnl, and no
longer to bo held back by Kazan's lead
ership, tho four huskies dropped their
Jteada nnd slunk like shadows In Its di
rection. Knzan hesitated, urging Gray Wolf. But
not n muscle of Gray Wolf's body moved.
Sho would havo followed him lit fac of
flro but not In fneo of man. Not a sound
escaped her enrs. She heard tho quick
fall of Kazan's feet as ho left her. In
nnothcr moment sho know that ho was
gone. Thcn-and not until then-did sho
lift her head nnd from her soft throat
thorn broke a whimpering cry.
It was her last call to Kazan. But
stronger than that there wan running
through Knzan'B excited blood tlio call of
man and of dog. Tho huskies wore far
In advance of him now nnd for n few mo
ments be rnced mndly to overtake them.
Then ho slowed down until ho wns trot
ling, unci ICO yards farther on ho stopped.
Less tlinn a tnllo away lio could sco where
tho flames ot tho great fires wero redden
ing the sky. He gaed bnck to sco If Gray
Wolf was following nnd then went on un
til ho stiuck nn open nnd hard-traveled
trail. It was beaten with the footprints
of men and dogs, nnd over It two of the
cnrlbou had been dragged a dny or two
At last ho canto to tho thinned out strip
of timber that surrounded tho clearing
nnd the flare of tho flnmcs wns In his eyes.
Tho bedlam of sound thnt camo to him
now was like flro In his brnln. Ho heard
Iho song and tho laughter of men, tho
shrill cries of women nnd children, tho
barking nnd snarling nnd fighting of ICO
dogs. lie wanted to rush out nnd Join
them, to beoomo ngnln a part of what no
hnd onco been. Yard by ynrd ho sneaked
through tho thin timber until ho reached
tho edge of tho clearing. Thcro he stood
In the shadow of a spruce and looked out
upon llfo ns ho had onco lived It, trem
bling, wistful nnd yet hesitating In that
final moment.
A hundred yards away was tho savage
clrclo of mcn.and dogs nnd fire. Ills nos
trils were filled with tho rich aroma of
tho roasting; cnrlbou, and as he crouched
down, still with that wolfish caution that
Gray Wolf had taught him, men with
ilong poles brought tho huge carcasses
crashing down upon tho melting snow
about tho fires. In ono great rush tho
hordo ot wild revelers crowded In. with
bared knives and a snarling mass of dogs
closed In behind them. In another mo
ment he had forgotten Gray Wolf, had
forgotten nil that man and tho wild had
taught him, and like a, gray, streak was
atross tho open.
Tho clogs wero surging bnck when ho
reached them, with half a dozen of the
I am anxious to know how many artists wo havo in our club, becauso
I am going to hang tho walls of our office with pictures which our dear
members havo drawn. Some of you may bo just starting to draw and in
Tut, tut! Don't say you CAN'T.
you mako n funny picture which will
to bo ablo to mako folks laugh.
For tho best and neatest st of answers to tho questions below, $10 in
gold will bo awarded. Fifteen $1 bills will bo awarded for tho fifteen
'next bost" sets of answers. AH answers must be in by February 8:
(1) What do you like about your homo?
(2) What do you like about your school?
(3) What do you dislike about your homo?
(4) What do you dislike about your school?
(5) What can you suggest to bring yourvhome and your school closer
"VVanita and Kawasha
To little white children were tolen by
the Iudlan when they were ery young,
their eiln was dyea brown and they dfd
not know thit they were not really In
Sfan One day they et out to March for
T marvelous cave they had heard the
5hlS! tllkol. Wonder ot wonder they
dl.covered itl While they wefe exploring
the civern Kawa.ha, the llttlo boy. fell
and artalned ut ankJV and the fire which
ther had built at tho mouth epre.d all over
the cae. WanlU. the llttlo girl, dulled
iut throush the flamea and called to a
whit '. John iUrihall. for aid. II
lucceeded In outline molt of the Are out.
but when be ruehed Into the cae Kawaaha
was cone. ,
The white man's voice camo back to
him ahollow echo. In vnin ho called
for Kawasjia. The fire was stiU smoul
dering it was only the carpt. of
damp leaves on tho floor of the cb.vo
that kept the dull smoke from becom
ing an actual
blaze. He rqshed
out and told Wa
ntta 'that her
brother was not
to be found.
"Oh, oh," the
little girl cried,
"He's all burned
up," and she'wept
as fhough her
heartwould break.
"White man, whlUman," she sobbad
piteousJy, "save my brotkw. I lov
bbm mor than MytUnt
B - 1 1 Tl
eV . HH '
e ... - H jL
factor's men lashing them In tho faces
with long caribou-gut whips. The sting
of a lash fell In a fierce out over nn Es
kimo dog's shoulder, and' In snapping at
the lash his fangs struck Kazan's rump.
With lightning swiftness Kazan returned
tho cuti nnd In an Instant the Jaws of
the dogs hnd met. In another Instant
they wero down nnd Kazan had tho Es
kimo dog by tho throat.
With shouts tho men rushed In. Again
nnd again their whips cut like knives
through tho nlr. Their blows fell on
Kazan, who was uppermost, nnd na ho
felt tho burning pain of the scourging
whips thero flooded through him nil nt
onco the fierce memory of the days of
old tho days of tho club and the lash.
Ho snarled. Slowly ho loosened his hold
of the Eskimo dog's throat. And then,
out of tho tnelce of dogs nnd men, there
sprang another man with a clubt It
fell on Kazan's back nnd tho forco of It
sent him fiat Into tho snbw. It wns raised
again. Behind tho club there was a faco
a brutal, fire-reddened face. It wns
such a facn that had driven Kazan Jnlo
tho wild, nnd na tho club fell again ho
evaded tho full weight of Its blow and
his fangs gleamed like Ivory knives. A
third tlmo the club wns raised, and thin
tlmo Kazan met It In midair and his
teeth ripped tho length of tho man's foro
arm. "Good Godl" shrieked tho man In pain,
and Knznn caught tho gleam of a rlflo
barrel as ho sped toward tho forest. A
shot followed. Something like ft rcd-hpt
coal ran tho length ot Kazan's hip, and
deep In tho forest ho stopped to lick nt
tho burning furrow where tho bullet had
gono Just deep enough to tnko tho skin
und hair from his flesh.
Gray Wolf wns still watting under tho
balsam shrub when Knzan returned to
her. Joyously sho Bprnng forth to meet
him. Onco moro tho man had sent back
tho old Kazan to her. Ho muzzled her
neck nnd face, nnd stood for a few mo
ments with his hend resting across her
bnck, listening to tho distant Bound.
Then, with ears laid flnt, ho set out
straight In tho north and west.
And now Gray Wolf ran shoulder to
shoulder with him llko tho Grny Wolf of
tho days before tho dog-pnek came; for
thnt wonderful thing that lay beyond tho
realm of rcaoon told hor that onco moro
slio wns comnulo nnd mate, and that
their trail that night won leading to their
old homo under tho windfall.
ciiAPTnn xvii
T happened thnt Kazan wns to re
member three things above all others.
Ho could never quite forgot his old dayn
In tho traces, though they were grow
ing moro shadowy nnd Indistinct. In his
memory ns tho summers nnd tho wlntora
passed. Llko a dream thcro enmo to him
a memory of tho tlmo ho had gono down
to Civilization. Llko dreams were tho vis
Ions thnt roso beforo him now nnd then
of tho faco of tho First Woman, nnd of
the fnecs of masters who to him had
lived ages ago. And never would ho
quite forgot tho Flro. nnd his fights with
mnn nnd beast, nnd his long chases In
tho moonlight. But two things wero
always with him as If they It. ' been but
yesterdny. rising clear nnd unforgctnblo
nbovo all others, llko two stars In tho
North that novcr lost their brilliance.
Ono was Womnn. Tho other was tho
terrlblo fight of that night on tho top
of tho Sun Bock, when tho lynx had
blinded forever his wild mate, Gray AVolf.
Certain events remain Indelibly fixed In
tho minds of men; and so, In a not very
different way, they remain In tho minds
of bensts. It takes neither brain nor
reason to measure tho depths of sorrow
or of hnpplnesH. And Knzan In his un
reasoning way know that contentment
and pence n full stomach, and caresses
nnd kind words Instead of blows had como
to htm through Woman, and that com
radeship In tho wilderness faith, loyalty
order to encourage you, I havo asked
our artist to draw a picture which you
may fill in and send to mo.
Of course, you must not tell any
body, but' wo are going to havo a room
whore visitors may como and sco tho
handiwork of our members. Won't
that bo fino?
Oh, yes! . I will show tho drawings
to our artist and see if YOU can do
better thnn he could have dono, if ho
had finished tho picture.
Just do the best you can, even if
make us all laugh. It's a great gift
The big man in the hunting suit
spoko tenderly, "Don't worry, little
Wanita." At tho same time his heart
sank low, for had he not searched in
every corner and called and called?
Suddenly Wanita stopped crying.
"Did you see a little hallway at the
back of the cave?"
"IJnllway?" repeated John Marshall.
"Thero was no hallway."
"Yes," exclaimed Wanita, "we start
ed to go in there when Kawasha
fell and"
But the white man did not wait
to hear. "Stay there," he cried, and
rushed once more into the smoking
cave. Wanita could not obey. Her
one thought was of her brother's life
and she followed straight through he
stifling smoke into the dark cavern.
Bravely she ran back to the place
where they had seen the hallway. In
a second the white man 'was at her
"Look!" cried Wanita, and they
both started in amazement. Some one
had shoved a large stone into the
opening. With one big effort; pf bis
stalwart arms the hunter pulled the
jagged rock away. In a second Wa
nita was on bar kneas crawling
through tna hallway. Quickly th
wMU aruaB leHawaa,
Wamia v jbtr qr
and devotion were a prt' of Gray "Wolf.
The third unforgetabla thing wa about
to occur in the homo they had found for
themselves under the swamp -windfall
during the days of cold and famine.
They entered the windfall. Knzan hoard
Gray. Wolf as sho flung herself down on
the dry floor of tho snug cavern. She was
panting, not from exhaustion, but be
cause she was filled with a sensation of
contentment and happiness. In the dark
ness Kazan's own Jaws fell apart. He,
too, was glad to get back to their old
homo. He went to Gray Wolf and, pant
ing still harder, she licked his face. It
had but ono meaning. And Kazan under
stood. Two weeks of lengthening days, of In
creasing warmth, of sunshlno nnd hunt
ing, followed. Tho last of tho snow went
rapidly. Out of tho earth began to
spring tips of green. The baknecsh vino
glistened redder each day, (ho poplar
buds began to split, and In the sunniest
spots between tho rocks of tho ridges the
llttlo white snow-flowers began to give n
final proof that spring hnd come. For
tho first of thoso two weeks Gray Wolf
hunted frequently with Kazan. They did
not go far. Tho swamp was allvo with
small gamo and each day or night thoy
killed fresh meat After tho first week
Gray Wolf hunted less. Then came tho
soft and balmy night, glorious In the
radiance of n full spring moon, when sho
refused to leave tho windfall. Knzan did
not urgo her. Instinct made, him under
stand, and ho did not go far from tho
windfall that night in his hunt. When ho
returned ho brought a rabbit.
To the Dreamer
(Not mentioning any names.)
Comet let us lay a crazy lance In rest
And tilt nt windmills under a wild sky.
I cannot help but love the knight who
Unohamptoned, derided by his foes
And friends, to seek the white star of
his dream
In tho btack night. Ho only sees tho
And, heeding neither laughter. nor tho
Of sane complacency, his course ho steers
Into tho starless skies. Perchanco for
The gleam will never out of darkness
Tet better, dream-possessed, to falter
In failure thnn to snicker like n clown
Over tho dream. God glvo us grace to
Tho grandeur In tho soul of errantry!
Florence Itlpley Jlastln, In New York
Two Concerts Given
Two nrtlats, both fnmlllnr to Philadel
phia and both vnstly admired, gave re
citals last night. At "Wltherspoon Hnll.
Mr. Herman Snndby, first cellist ot tho
Philadelphia. Orchestra, played n program
In which tho outstanding fcnturo wns his
own concerto, tho accompaniment being
nrrungod for tho plnno, ployed excellently
by Mrs. Ethel Cnvo Cole. At tho same
tlmo Mr. John McCormack, tenor. Bang to
a crowd which overflowed the Academy of
Music and which overflowed nlso with
gratitude and ndmlratlon.
Both artists wero In lino fettle, tho
playing of tho ono nnd tho singing of tho
other nt times qulto overshadowing tho
mntcrlnl with which they worked. Each
had his high light, Mr. Sandby's nt the
end of the second movement of his con
ccrto'nnd Mr. McCormack when ho turned
liln bnck on his major nudlcnco tn sing
"Mothof Machrco" to tho men nnd women
on the platform. Tho characteristic mer
its of both players am well enough known.
Consideration of Mr. Sandby's composi
tion nnd of tho underlying reasons for Mr.
McCormack's popularity will appear In
Saturday's Evenixo LEDaen. G. V. 8.
Judges to Appear Before Their Hoys
Judges Raymond MacNellle, Eugene
Bonnlwcll and James 15. Gorman, of tho
Municipal Court, will speak tonight at
tho Klugscsslng Recreation Centre, GOth
street nnd Chester avenue, nt an enter
tainment and formation of a club for
boys under probation.
tho other side, white-faced and still,
lay Kawasha!
(To be continued Friday, January 21.)
Our Postoffice Box
This is Miss Marion Coylck president
of tho Jefferson Street Rainbow Club.
She has written many interesting let
ters to tho Postoffice Box, and wo are
delighted to think that her friends
havo elected her
president of tho
band she worked so
hard to organize.
Tho latest news of
tho Jefferson Rain
bows was received
in u letter from
Regina Cavanaugh,
North 11th street,
tho treasurer of
Jefterion street
the club. Sho says: "On Friday Inst
we held our first meeting nt tho homo
of our president, Marion Coylo; tho
meeting adjourned at 9:15. The fol
lowing are members: Marion Coylo,
president; Helen Flaherty, secretary;
Alvina Spinner, vice president; Re
gina Cavanaugh 2d secretary; Helen
Cullaton, treasurer; Francis Fitzger
ald, chairman; Agnes Walsh, Anna
Ryun, Margaret Flynn, Mildred Con
nor and Catherine Fagan." The club
has dues and Miss Coyle hints that
they are put to very good advantage,
I am very anxious to hear more about
Here are some "hobbles" that ener
getic little people have sent in: Elsie
Knecht, East Ontario street, loves to
make doll dresses and is interested in
sending postnls to the "shut-ins."
There's nothing better for little girls
I to do than to learn to sew. Of course,
you know what I think about mail
ing "sunlight" to the shut - ins."
Hannah de Maison, Howell street,
Wisslnoming, says that swimming and
music are her hobbies. Both of these
are splendid, Hannah!
Thomas Gallagher, Locust street,
has chosen typewriting as his hobby;
to prove the truth of his statement,
he sends in a very neat typewritten
letter. Every one please write and
let me know just hW all the "hob
bies" are progressing.
Do You Know This?
!. What is the largest State in the
Union? (Five credits.)
2. The Germans own a section of
Philadpaia. What is it called? (Five
credits.) k
,S. 'What 4m D. C, stand for?
l(v, ).,
Admit Sex Dress to Please
Men, but Deny That
Minds Shirk From Un
pleasant Duties Sphere
of Activities Growing
Miss West's Charges
Attacked by Fair Sex
, Charges that women nro mental
parasites nnd work in n half-hearted
wny, when not compelled by cir
cumsUinces to do otherwise nro
strongly criticised by leaders nnd
workers of the feminine world.
Admission in mndo that women's
love of dress is duo to and for tho
purpose of obtaining man's admira
tion. But that this denotes mental
inefficiency is strongly resented.
Working women nro daily proving
moro nnd moro successful in va
ried fields of cntcrpriso nnd havo
dovelopcd initiative which has car
ried them to tho front, nsscrts
Miss O'Donnell, n Paris buyer for
n store.
Mrs. Imogen Onklcy says JUbs
West's charges nro unfair nnd that
if any difference exists between tho
present mental cnpnbilities of men
and women it is duo to their lio
reditary training in tho past.
Womnn is tho mental equal of man,
sho declares.
ASCnEMirOL'S Omlnlne veto hrui been
placed upon tho subject of woman'.1!
mentnl laziness. Tlio accusation lias been
voted untnlr, unwelcome nnd unjustlllcd.
Severnl otlicr equally Impressive uordrt
linvo been employed by tho prominent
women whose comments on Miss West'H
nrllclo wblch appears In tlm current num
ber of tlie Now Republic, nnd declares
that women nro tho world's worst failure,
nro given below.
Thnt women rcnlly do dress to plenso
men Is conceded. That they think of noth
ing, or ot llttlo el'o besides accomplishes
this, Is not conceded.
Men havo been known to show a touch of
pnrdonablo -anlty now and then, yet you
nover hear them nccusod of mental Inein
clcncy ns a class. They can do very few
things which n womnn cannot do, If sho
sets her mind to It. Then why Bhould tho
stronger sex sit back nnd smllo nn In
ward nnd benign smllo of selt-satlsfactlnn
whllo tho women aro accused of bclns
emotional drunkards. Idlers nnd para
sites? It Isn't Just, Is It? No -womnn works
In a linlf-hcartcd manner becauso she
.thinks thnt matrimony will bo her por
tion Bomo dny. Why should she? Tho
lot of tho. woman .worker Is what sho
makes It. It can bo n secure, lticrativo
position, or merely n "Job." Miss West
thinks that all women workers havo Jobs.
Tltreo entirely different typos of women
nro represented by their comments on
this subject today. Which ono do you
think Is rlBht?
Do you look Upon tho nvcrngo womnn
as tlio equal of tho nvcrngo mnn In earn
ing rnpacity, Intclllgcnco nnd mcntHl
efficiency In penorat? Or do you think
sho Is something; to bo dressed In pretty
clothes, posed to tho best ndvnntngc, nnd
kept from tho real things of llfo by a
foolish Idea that sho Is Incapablo of
grasping them? Must a woman's exist
ence bo necessarily petty?
"'hy can't they say something now
nbout us." laughed Mrs. Imogen Oakley,
whose articles on clvlcn nro attracting so
much attention, "thnn to nccuso ns of
thinking of nothing but clothes? It was
said of tho women of nliclent Oreeco nnd
Home, It wns salrt of women 200 years
ago, and It has been said of them -with
conscientious regularity ever since. Miss
West could havo chosen uiiything. any
statement could bo niado which would
he much moro original. It Is nil very woll
to say women aro creatures of their emo
tions, and thnt their Intellectual capacity
Is limited, und that thoy aren't willing to
muko nu effort to learn something worth
while, to say nothing .of doing it. llut It
simply Isn't true.
"Of course. I do bcllove that women
dress to plenso men to a very great ex
tent. Hut they enjoy dressing for their
women friends Just ns much even out
dressing them." sho added, smilingly,
"And, when you como down to It, men
llko to dress up. too. They don't llko to
bo confined to a conventional costume
no ono resents being relcgntcd to the ordi
nary civilian's garb more than they. KIso
why do they go tn fancy-dress" balls and
Join clubs, lodges, guilds, etc., where they
wear bizarre uniforms of every kind? .V
pretty woman likes to look pretty nt ull
times, but I doubt that sho would care
whether sho had ono gown or 10 If thero
wasn't a man around to admlro her in
"I don't think Miss West hns any good
reason to call her sex mental Idlers. Why,
CO jears ngo a girl who was truly edu
cated tried her best to conceal It. Sho
was deathly afraid of being clttsscd us
a bluo-stocklng. Now tho- popularity of
tho woman's college, tho training along
professional and vocational lines proves
that woman Is thinking and accomplish
ing, too. She Isn't staying homo to darn
stockings. And ull the men's organiza
tions realize that they need the co-operation
of tho women to aid them where
their masculine efforts fail. Isn't this a
realization of tho new Ideal-man and
woman working together on tho same
piano of mental elllclcncy? A man Is
taken by a pretty face, he will admit It.
Until ho Is married ho expects 'nothing
else but then ho not only expects, but
is highly disappointed If sho falls to com
bine tho qualities of expert cook, house
keeper and companion, Is this logical?
Miss West's argument Is along tho same
lines. She accuses women ot thinking
moro of their persons than their person
ality, when for hundreds ot yearn noth
ing better wns expected of them. I'm
sure that If men and women had been
educated In the same manner two, or
even one, hundred years ago, we would
ba equal. If not superior to them In any
branch long before this."
"Of course women dress to please tho
men, whether they acknowledge It or
not," declares Miss I Babel O'Donnell, the
Tarls buyer of one of the largo depart
ment stores, "But when you say that
they think more of their persona than
their personalities that Is another ques
tion. In making such a statement you
are referring to a very small minority,
The women who have nothing else to do
but look well are outnumbered by the
great army ot women who have to think,
and, If possible, look well at the same
time." Her smart black and silver gown
left no doubt In the mind of the be
holder that Miss O'Donnell was quite
capable of both, and, as one who comes
tn -contact with women who do things
and w(th women who have nothing to
do, her statement Is naturally not with
out Interest. '
No less than It times In the last fen
years has Miss O'Donnell crossed to Lorn
don and Parts to buy gowns for the dis
criminating American woman. "And
eyery time I crossed," she says, "I see
the type of woman buyer changing-. They
used to be a typical 'lady-drummer,' a,
none too attractive species. It Is from
these, and from the suffragists of old
that the habit of associating flat shoes,
sailor hats and mannish suits with
women who go into the workaday world
has come about. But look at the work
ing woman today. If she Isn't an ex
ample ot pcrspnallty versus person, I'd
like to know who Is. Miss West couldn't
have been thinking very seriously when
she made that accusation, and I, for one,
refuse to agree with her. I have plent)
ot women who. are interested In civics,
and economic, and social betterment, and
science, who come la here and algfa U
a co tn aver aa xquti
gown. Feminism Is here; certainly wom
an's sphero li dally growing larger, but
we nro none tho less fcmlnlno for tho
clmngc. Miss West Is rcnlly applying to
nil women the characteristics which be
long to tho minority."
Just what n prominent miffmglst thinks
of Miss Wcst'fl statement Is shown by the
remarks of Mist Caroline Kntzcnsteln,
tho clover llttlo Southern woman who Is
secretary of tho Kqual Franchise Society.
"I nm sorry to say that I havo not
road Miss West'n nrtleto but from quo
tations from It, I should say thnt It has
much unpleasant truth In 11,. Undoubt
edly, n. largo number of women spend nn
entlioly disproportionate nmotint of time,
money nnd nervous energy on clothes.
Homo of them spend moro on ithls one
item thnn they could possibly earn Jf they
wero conscientious enough to feel that
they hnd 110 right to llvo without con
tributing something to tho world's work,
nnd thoy nlso uso tho rntlro tlmo of sev
eral other human beings In order thnt
they, thomeolves, may ho adorned.
"Ifowovcr. I should any that Miss West's
Indictment of women would havo been
much moro deserved M years ngo than It
Is today. Fortunately, not only for
woman, but for tho whole humnn race,
tho opening of lcgtlmatn channels for her
energy hns reduced tho number of Irrc
sponslbles nnd has shown that the 'fo
malo of tho species' can, when occasion
offerf, ho "more dondly'thnn the mnlo' In
hor nttnek on folly. Injustice nnd tho
many social Ills to which both mon nnd
women fnll heir.
"On tho other hand. I tako exception to
Miss West claim that woman Is tho
'World's Worst Knlluro.' That oho hnn
survived tho narrow llfo and training that
for centuries denied her tho right to n
truo expression of hcrsolf, and that she Is
today full of energy nnd vitality nnd able
satisfactorily to compete with man In both
tho educational nnd business world, show
thnt sho Is well worth cultivating (!) nnd
mako tho future full of promise.
"It Mlsa West will dcvlso somo stjlo of
dress for us that Is scnslhlo nnd that Is
Just n woo bit moro attractive than man's
present stylo (I) I shall bo glad to co
oporato with her In carrying out her re
form. Ton sec, I ndmlt our legitimate dc
slro to please, but I also clnlm That man
Is not entirely devoid of tho samo feel
Woman Wants a Dog That Will
Bite Her aa Well as Bur
glars She Fears
A woman who Is so afraid of burglars
that sho will not have her nntno "como
out" for tho world, lost they advance
upon her housa nut of puro malice, Jusl
to frighten tho llfo out of her, hns ad
vertised for n vicious male dog "that
will not mako friends." Sho Is willing
to test tho dog's ferocity upon her own
person, run tho risk of being severely
bitten, to prove to nor own satisfaction
that tho'nnlmal would behave In tho
snmo manner to burglars
Tho advertisement took people with
dogs tn CIS h'outh ICth street, hut tho
woman wns not therp. She was repre
sented by James II. Morrison, who said
sho lived In n remote section of West
Philadelphia. Her husband works nt night
and she believes burglars would have an
excellent chanco of frightening her.
"I want to get hold of n dog that Just
hntos himself," snld tho agent. "My
client Is wiling to hae tho dog tnko two
weeks to make friends with her, and sho
Is willing to be bitten several times while
they are making friends. In fact. It is
the point that tho dog must be as good
(that Is, as bad) as that. I guess If the
dog doesn't bite her she'll feel that he
won't be In earnest ubout his work.
"She had a vicious fot terrier, but the
trouble with him was that the only per
son he would bite was his mistress. He
was kind to tramps, canvassers and sales
men, but ho was always snapping at and
nipping her. She had un English bull
dog, but he had tho same fault."
"The Thirteenth Street Shop
January Clearance
Tremendous .Reductions
Balance of Tailored Suits
Former Prices $25 to $75
12.50 19.50 29.50
Afternoon and Street Dresses
Former prices to $45, 1.50
Evening Gowns
of Taffeta or Gros de Londres.
Smart Blouses
of Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe.
Former prices $5.50 to $7,50
Visitors to Mayor's Office Bring
Varied Ideas Thero Which
First Pass tho
Major Domo
Mayors may oome and Mayors may r,
but Mr. Webb eToes on forever. Mays
after Mayor appoints him to tho sm
old place where courtesy and tact (ire
greatly needed at the door of the
Mayofs private office. Mr. Webb Is tho
genlat presiding officer oyer the big re
ception room where fine leather ohalra
are provided tor you to sit on. It you
have to wait before you see tho Mayor
Ever since the beginning Of the late
Mayor Ashbrldgo's term Mr. Webb haa
been nt his post, and knows tho routine
of the office work so thoroughly that none
nf the succeeding oxccutlvcs can do with
out him. He knows how to soothe the
ruffled feelings of every one politicians
who wal thero without getting their ap
pointments na quickly aa they think they
should, nnd cranks' who flock thcro with
plana for tho millennium by the next
"Tho cranka are coming already," aald
Mr. Webb yesterday. "Even tho ofllec
scckera can't crowd them out Testerday
ono came for his annual visit to iho
Mayor's ofUce, nnd he remarked that ho
wan celebrating his tnarrlago anniversary
and wanted to toll tho now Mayor about
It, 'I know ox-Mayor Blankenburg slnco
ho camo to this country In ISfij,' said he,
'nnd every year ho was In ofllco I made,
my wedding anniversary visit to him.
1'vo been married 55 years now and I'vo
como to toll Mayor Hmlth nbout It,' con
tinued he. 'I'm 83 years old now, nnd I'm
sorry I didn't get married earlier oven
than I did." "
When ho wan refused ndmlttance and
hnd left, Mr. Webb spoko ns follows:
"Ho's a regular; comes every year, no
matter who's In tho Mayor's chnlr, to tell
his Honor nbout his own wedding anni
versary. I think I'll let him In next year;
he's so old, ho won't bo ablo to come
many moro years yet nnd his wife la
very 111 now, bo he'll not Have many ad
ditional anniversaries with hor to toll
Another visitor, also rofused admit
tance to tho Mayor's office, sat down be
Bldo Mr. Webb nnd Immediately snw
spirits In tho reception room. Ho also
saw tho paintings on tho walls moving
from placo to plnce, but nobody else did.
Still another camo In breathless, declar
ing, he was tho Mayor's detective, and
hnd discovered a wonderful secret to tell
him. "Go to Captain Cnmeron, of tho
city dctcctlvo force," said Mr. Webb,
"he'll glvn you tho keys to tho olllco
nnd you can tako entire charge and tell
tho Mayor all the secrets you want to."
And tho man went.
Mr. Webb gently turns a dozen such
Beers away every day. borne rush In
with schemes to end tho war, others with
wonderful plans to mako Philadelphia a
perfect city long before any ono would
even daro to cxpoct the millennium, and
still nnothcr party has Just bcsltgcd Mr.
Webb with a request to see tho Mayor,
who promised him tho "ono missing
Ingredient" to complcto n. wonderful In
vention thnt would movo ,tho Atlantic.
Ocean from place to place. Mr. Welib
almost admitted that man to Mayor
Smith's private ofllco, but on second
thought refused him.
A llttlo while, before Mr, Blankenburg
loft ofllce.'an equally strnngo visitor ap
peared, who wanted Mr. Blnnkenburg'a
help li killing a shadow that followed
him from placo tp place "Why dorfi
you kill tho man who mnkes it?" asked
Mr. Webb. "It's not a man," camo the
reply. "It's only a shadow that goes '
wherever I do and Interferes with my
york." "Sorry," said Mr. Wobb, "but
tho Mnyor can't kill tfiut kjnd of n
shadow: you'd better) go to a doctor."
Mr. Webb tells of a man who always
wore nifties on his sleeves when he camo
to see tho Mnyor, "and until recently,"
said ho, "thero was n certain woman
whoso houso was robbed of 1500, who
camo hero frequently, declaring the
money was somewhere In tho City Hall,
and that ex-Mayor Blankenburg ought
,to get It for her. Then another woman,"
continued Mr. Webb, "who wtfs em
ployed by tlio last administration, but
who was dismissed, thought that detec
tives were following her wherever she
wont. Sho called on Mrs. Blankenburg,
who Bent her here to sco Mr. Ifoss, the
Mayor's secretary. For three years sh
camo regularly nnd mndo her complaint,
which, of course, whs groundless. Last
Juno sho said sho wan going to leave
Philadelphia, and that If sho remained
hero any longer alio would surely kill
somo ono. I asked her not to experi
ment on mc, and she hasn't."
All sorts of queer demands and com
plaints are made to Mr. Webb that never
reach tho Mayor's ears. A big negro In
terviewed him Inst autumn to nslc Mr. '
Blankenburg to get him a ticket to Allen
town, so that ho could register for the
fnll election. He said he was a friend
of Senator Penrose, and ought to have
what he wanted.
Those who have serious complaints or
requests to make are usually asked to
wilte to tho Mayor, us not one-tenth ot
those who call can see him. "My hardest;
Job," says Mr. Webb. "Is satisfying the
people who como here with a kjek."
Girls Will Sell Badges for League
Beginning Baturdtw JM girls will sell
ebershlp badges for tho National Se
curity I.oague. They will cost a quarter
each. The girls will be all around the
Where Fashion Reigna"
Thirteenth Street
Former prices $35 to $47.50, Ii J
i "t mi r i
c' r