8 EYftSTOrq KEftGERpmLAPEkPHlX FRIDAY, JAKUABY 14, 19 JO. le Is LIBRARIAN POURS WOEFUL TALE INTO EAR OP M'LISS Says Salary Is Not Commensurate With Ability Required to Select Books for City's Readers ""NCE ubon a tlmo there vas a young librarian who nns described by her V-f friends ns being very smart Indeed, and In tho branch library In tho suburbs uhero sho served a voracious t'Ubllc, she dally Justified their description. Thoro wasn't much that this librarian did not know about boohs and their contents. 8ho hnow her Santayan'o and her Swinburne. Sho could placo a quota tion as easily from tho "Iliad" as sho could from Mlltdn's "Paradlso Lost." When ono of her elderly patrons who had a forcctful memory approached her,and said he'd foruotten ths namo of tho book ho wanted, hut ho knew thero was a character In It who was always cracking his knuckles, sho replied without liellaflon "r suppose It's Tolstoi's 'Anna lvarcnlna jou'ro looking for." And It was. klfcowlso when a jouth approached her and said he'd heard a lot about "this hero 'Thrco Mosquitoes,'" aha went to tho shelf where Dumas' Immortal ro mances stood. But, although the young llhrnitan becamo of great valuo to tho community sho served and was thoroughly appreciated by all, there was sometimes a harassed wrlnklo In her brow. "What's up?" I asked her en ono of these occasions. "I'm thinking of leaving," she answered pettishly, "and of taking up stenog raphy, or salesmanship, orsteachlng something that I can make more money by." Apd because I woro a sympathetic look sho unfolded her tnlo of woe. "There's much dlsgruntlimtnt among librarians In this city," sho said. "Philadelphia demands goad scrvlco In Its frco libraries, but It la not willing to pay for It. Before a girl can enter tho library training school at 13th and I.ocuit streets sho must show her diploma from ono of the high schools, then sho Is put through a stiff cntranco examination. .- "Sho must demonstrate her familiarity ullh tho literature of all ages; must l:now tho lives and works of prominent authors. Furthermore, sho must bo 'up on' current topics, must know who's who and why, and what tho leading periodicals arc dealing with. "If sho passes tho exam sho then Is given n six months' rourso In the Library School, after which sho can get at Job at 940 a month not qulto $10 n week. "In 'time sho may bo raised to $50 a month. This Is the most that nn assistant can ever get. A few, as the years go by, become chief librarians. Then they arc- reworded with a princely sum ranging anywhere from 60 to $75 a month. This Is tho summit of achievement In library work In Philadelphia. "Certainly," sho went on, "our work Is of as much Importance as that of teaching. A good llbrnrlan'u Influence on the reading public Is tremendous. Just as tho children depend on the teachers, so our patrons look to us to help them In tho cliolco of books. Almost any other profession or business demanding tho samo amount of mentality and Information would pay sovcral times ns much. Thero Is woo among us." Iter companion standing by nodded her ap proval. "0o jou think there'll be a strlko7" I a3ked. "Oh, no, not that," sho said, "but tho dissatisfaction Is so universal that If something Isn't done, I think tho most capablo girls will look to some other profession to mako a living by." And sho went to help a perturbed student look up Cooley's "Constitu tional Law." SEEN IN THE SHOPS a rlFMm- . mm Imm ' -r Mm V ; f a WM$ BUDGET EDITOR LEARNS NEW WAYS TO ECONOMIZE Housewives Have Solved the Problem of Living on Twenty Dollars in Various Ways , The Lesser Evil Would not bull lights for tho edification of university youlh3 be much less dangerous than bowl lights? A lieturn or the Complex f Dally, life becomes moro complicated. I was walking through tho basement of a shop tlio other day when I noticed a curious little pair of scissors lying on a counter devoted to household articles. "An egg-scissors," tho saleswoman said, In answer to my query. "You work It like this," sho wont on demonstrating how tho curved blades operated, "l'ou sco it does away with tho inconvenience of catching hold of a hot egg and whacking It with a knife. Only S5 cents." A small amount, surely, that any ono would be witling to pay to forego the burnt lingers and gcncinl discomfort attendant upon opening a hot egg. Tho cgg-sclssors are but one moro examples of the dlfllculty of getting back to tho "simple" In customs and manners. About eight years ago tho complexity In tablo cttquctto seemed to havo reached its climax. Thero were forks for this, and forks for that, and all sorts of weird und confusing implements to face ono at a dinner party. I remember the look of helpless confusion pn a dinner-partner's countenances when ho found himself at tho Ice-cream courso with nothing loft to tackle his Ico but a nut-pick! Those-wcro tho days when ono watched one's hostess with a strained and fev?rlsh expression, and nothing moro terrifying could bo Imagined than, the solid phalanx of silver which had to bo used with discretion. "Start from tho outsido and wqjrlt in," was the rulo to go by a safe, ono In most cases, except when tho maids or butlers had a system all their own for placing them. But latterly tho tendency has been toward n moro simple table ceremony, only tho really necessary cutlery being sot o t. Tho advent of tho egg-scissors, however, would seem to Indicate a return of moro complex days. M'LISS. Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page Aildreu all lommiinlcatloni to H'lJn, tare of the Kvcnlnc Ledger. Write on one bide of the puper on!. Dear M'Liss Would It be nil tight for me to go down to Atlantic City with a young man to visit for a day a girl that wo both know? Wo do not think we need a chaperon. Madame Grundy usually decrees that where out-of-town trips are to bo taken a chaperon should accompany tho party. Bu If your girl friend Is living ht tho shore, and if hep family is known to yours, and, furthermore, If the young man who is going to tako the trip with ou Is a gentleman, I see no reason why you should not go. . . . , Dear JI'LIss Plcaso tell mo the meaning of the names Hose and Bobert. ANXIOUS. Roso is from the Latin rosa. meaning a. rose. It was a term of endearment among Roman lovers and their sweethearts. Robert means "red beard." Dear M'Liss Can you tell mo anything about tho State medical examina tions? STUDENT. These will bo held on tho lSth, 19th and 20th of January, but If you are counting- on tuklng them you must havo your photograph, credentials and other requisite Identifications In at least two weeks beforo tho tlmo of the ex aminations. Dear M'LUs Can you give mo any clue as to tho author of the "Goldfish?" BOOKLOVnR. No, I am sorry to bay, I cannot. The book Is anonymous. Dear M'Llos I havo a very lino black mohair gown, and was wondering If Oour could toll mo If It would be a g6od Idea to have It remodeled for spring. IS mohair going to bo worn? DRESSMAKER. I would ad'viso you to remodel your frock by alt means, for more mohair has been purchased for spring than in several seasons past, I understand. . Dear M.'LIss Can you glvo me any Idea of the number of American soldiers ngugcciHin(tho Spanish-American "War? M. M, K. Ac'coriTjug to tha latest estimate, there were 271,717. - '' Dear M'Liss Can you tel mo who is tho consul to America from the Nether lands In Now York city? Whcio could I write him? . d, II. J. A. Van do Sande Bakhuyn, C. G., II Broadway, New York. A FORECAST OP SPRING STYLES IN HATS WITH winter scarcely commenced, some of the more exclusive shops nml most of the largo stores ore showing spring millinery. Charming shnpo3 In silk and straw oro seen, designed for Southern wear, but nevertheless Interesting as an carlv forecast of the fashionable modes for spring. inc nguro nt tlio Icrt shous it sports hat of brilliant oraiiRO crepe. Tho facing Is of nhlto tngel A corded ornament Is seen at ono sldo of the crown, and tho edge of both tho cionn and brim Is corded In sclf-tonc, loo Tho angle at which tho hat Is worn gltcs It tho finishing touch. Price, 12. This Includes sovcral colors The good'IooUIng blouse of white crcpo do chine lins as Its only trimming sclf-frllls and hemstitching It sells for J8.2C. $ Tho oilier hat Is distinctively tailored, being developed In roso Msero straw, with a gendarme bluo faille band, finished oft with beaded ornaments. Tho enmn may he had In various two-tone combinations at J12. Tho Bmart Jabot has a rolled sntln rdgo on a chiffon foundation Tho grosgrnln tie nnd buttons coma In black or colors, and tho cascade frill la plcot edged. Price, $2.25. Full paitlculnrs ns to wliero this costume limy bo bought will bo BUpplfcd by tho Kdltor of the- Woman's Pace. Bvcninu l.EDOEn. fios nimottnit i ti, request should bo accompanied by a stumped, self-addressed cntelopc, and should I iiiuiuiuii iiiu umo uu which mo article appcarcu. THR value of systematic housekeeping over the slip-shod method o'f palng out for supplies with no regard for ways ahd means Is shown by tho contributions of budgets that tho Budget Editor Is re ceiving dally In tho economy contest. The detailed budget, for Instance, sub mitted by M. It Is nrlnted below ns a striking example of how a housewife can manage to get the most for her money. The smallest expenditure has not been overlooked by this cbntributor. She has cut her coat, It is very evident, according tq her cloth. The second budget published demon strates onco moro how firmly established lit the Idea of sating In the mlii(H of most good housewives. Nearly onoslxlh of her weekly Income Is saved by Mrs. T. Moro budgets will be published tomor row. To tho Budget Prize IMICbr, Hvehino wcdcikr. , Bear Sir Tlio following Is what I have found out by oxpcrlcnco can be clone with a 20 a week Income. Wn liavo no visi tors, however, and had very few friends calling on Us, otherwise wo should havo neon in a wnoio lot or trouoic. Pent 3i." lltnt for ftmRlt lioue (n inter and cold months) , , .(VI J.ieht Nmn roolilne on rub ranee) fin Inthlnjr (HcnrlnK one lint two neuron) . 2 US t'nrfaro foe worker l Lunch for worker CO oitocnniEs. Cotter, 1 tiound (at cut price slorci).. ., 5 Tea (at cut nrlro titorcx) to HiiKar, 2 round IS Milk, 1 pint day V flutter. I'i Pound heat 73 Kkki, ;i' doztti. nt 40 cents (for brrak rum with in rill I t (t orrai VcRitalil lone tegetable and fl cent worth potatoes) Toilet roan Hmp for waahlnr, Mr to Advice to Budget Contributors On Monday, January 10, n first prize of $5, n second of $3 and two of $1 each were offered for tho most practical household budgets of a $20-n-wcck income for n family of five. The contest is still open, but as many of the letters received nro beinp; written on both sides of tho nnner. the Budrret Editor must .in sist that thoy be written on ono I sifio oniy. , . , Contributions should bo nd dr cased to the Budget Editor, Evening- Ledoeii, C08 Chestnut street. 3.1 l.SO ns Marion Harland's Corner Clcaninr; Red Fox Furs "(0l.X) ou tell mo how to clean a set J of red fox furs, and also a set of beaver furs? I saw directions for clean ing whlto furs somo time ago, but sup posed this method would not apply to red fox nnd beaver. Wo have plenty of old school books to give away to those who win pay postoge or expressage on them. "L. D" I havo cleaned colored furs satisfac torily In this way: With a whlsk-broom, wet In alcohol uutll It drips, brush the fur until every hair Is saturated donn to the hide. Whllo It is still wet sift In all tho pulverized fuller's earth It will hold Tha darker tho earth the better. Cover to exclude dust nnd do not touch for two das. Then brush and beat out the pow der and smooth the furs with a hat brush. Grlmo nnd grease will come out -with tlio alknllno powder. I havo not tried this upon beavor furs, but I see no reason why you should not. Tho process will certainly clean them. Of course, nil tho dust that clings to tho furs must bo welt brushed out before they aro wet, other wise you have to get rid of a deposit of mud. Vegetable Mince Pic "This seems a little different from any that I have seen, so I scud It In answer to a call for green tomato mincemeat: Four quarts of green tomatoes put through ths meat grinder. Drain, then cover with cold water and cook till tsnuer. Turn Into a colander. Drain thoroughly, put Into a saucepan and add two pounds of brown sugar, one pound of raisins, half pound of citron cut thin, half cup of butter, half cup of vinegar, ono level tablespoon of salt. Uoll thick and add one tablespoon each of cinnamon and nutmeg and a tea spoon of mincemeat. DLIZA R." Tou have given us a new Idea In your recipe. I only wish It had come earlier In tho winter, when It was practicable to get green tomatoes. Scnslblo housomoth ers will clip It out and save until "green leaves come again." This being the sea son of mlnco pies, I reprint a recipe for one which may bo maae at any aeasan and Is warranted to bo more digestible than the conventional mincemeat. It Is likewise palatable, which may not be af firmed of alt substitutes: Mock Mince Tie. Mix well together one cup of raisins chopped fine, one-half cup of chopped dried currants, one-fourth tea spoon of Bait, one tablespoon pf vinegar, two-thirds of a cup of molasses, one-half cun of cider, one-half cup of sugar, one- half cup of cut citron and tho Juice and rind of two lemons, two Boston crackers, rolled, and ono well-beaten egg. Line a. THE CHEERFUL CHETO . Ifn proud of rrsy prolific mird. Forever trvd forever 1 11 write t. .sort oF vewe etyck Atsj Ok.goodnesA, tot I'm clever! CVT05 irwy 4y ( i i plo pan with paste and fill with sonic of tho mixture, cover with a puff pasto and bake. Ornnge Cheese Tarts ".May I Join In tho discussion of cheese cakes and checso pies by contributing a recipe long In uso In my family, which wo all llko exceedingly? It Is called orange checso tarts: Peel and seed four largo sweet oranges, saving every drop of tho Juice. Cut half of the parings Into strips nnd cook them In clear water until they aro tender. Throw away the water and lay tho parings lrt Ico water until thoy afo cold. Drain and dry nnd pound them to a pasto with twice thelh weight In powdered sugar. Now stir In the reserved Julco and tho finely minced pulp or tho oranges with n tablespoonful of warmed butter (not melted). Beat all together light with tho stiffened whites of two eggs added at the last. Fill tho pato pans, lined with a good puff paste, with the mixture, and bako In a steady oven. You 'mav. If you like. lay a tcaspoonful of merlnguo upon the top of eaoh when they are done and set upon tho upper grating of the oven to form and to color lightly. Dat cold. They aro really delicious. My neighbor adds tho olk of two eggs, but we do not think this an Improvement. "MRS. J. T. A." Wo (fully credit tho assertion that the tarts nro delicious and proudly allot to them a placo among our holiday delica cies. For let It not bo forgotten Chrlst mns with tho II. H. C. lasts all tho year long. Citron Marmalade "The recloe for citron marmalade. though tho name Is new to me, is as fol lows: Ono grapefruit, ono orange, ono lemon. Slice In wafers or put through tho food grinder, rejecting nothing but the seeds. Mcasuro and add three times the quantity of cold water; let all stand 21 hours, boll 10 minutes, let stand 21 hours. Add to tho fruit and Julco an equal quantity of sugar, boll two hours, or until it will Jelly when chilled, and pour orf Into Jars or glasses as preferred. This Is an excellent recipe, which Is In constant use among my friends, and which has tho double merit of economy and easo In preparation. It Is really 'de licious! The poor soul who wants to get upja 'pungent cook-book' what sort of 'yarn or wool' do you suppose she wants and what Is her address? "ADMIKEn OF TUB CORNER.." Accept a unanimous vote of thanks from Comerltes! Had you trusted us with your full address and sent the din ning with Initials of -the noor soul" at tached, wa might have compiled with your request. As it la, -we are helpless In the matter, "Will you kindly send a good recipe for butter scotch pie? MRS. M. J. W." Wet two cups of coffee "A" sugar with four teanpoonfuls of vinegar and ths sama of water. When tho sugar Is thor oughly dissolved put the mixture Into a saucepan and bring to a boll without stirring it. Cook ten minutes In this way and tako from the Are. stir In with as few (strokes as possible four teaspoonfuls of butter, and cook ten minutes longer. Take from tho Are, $dd cinnamon or ginger to taste, and pour tho mixture into pie plates lined with pastry. Cook In a brisk oven, covered, for ten minutes, then crown lightly, Eat cold or lukewarm. other lollpt necenvlttes. I'r'ilt. applet or oranRM Tliend. DV. per rta . 2V. ftunriay Ono-hair pound tooklnc butter Olio-half dozen cooklnir cgas (children mint hoo roni invert) Other looking nccessltlci Mm. peppei. etc. .0,-, .tr, n a-, 1(0 MpaIh fiernDlnff iOc. dav JUeatn. Sunday (no huv city dressed meat, no cut price miMt) J.flo TnsurHiico (two 10c.' policies) I'O Movlo. onco ft week '..' i.uni-hp at homo M) Hhop Hck benefit roclety to Tostalx, It you llko , 03 Total $ 10 00 l'lrst two years wo were married there were only wo two nnd we sated $10 week and with this money wo furnished our home nnd put down $100 on n small property, which makes our rent at present IIS. In tho summer Instead of coal thero Is Ico at 35 cents por week, which makes tho actual summer expense )19.72. Tou selves on a trolley rldo when you have enough. I forgot to mention that our family consists of my husband, three children and mjsclf. Yours truly, M. It. Another woman writes: Eighty dollars a mouth or $20 a week requires a llttlo planning: Week. Month. FVod lfl-00 I24O0 rtent -ton 10. on Carfaro 1.00 4 on nan nnd Insurance... .......... . I.no 4,00 Incidentals J 00 J Atnuaemenfs t. J.oo jm Uulldlna and Iflin 1 2 r-OO Hating fund ,." ,'M Clothing 4.00 1000 Total JRO.0O Wo do not nlways spend $1 for amuse ment, what Is left goes Into saving fund. MRS. C. THORN. .1830 North Delhi street, city. ARCHBISHOP ASSIGNS PRIESTS can save tho 28 cents over and tako your- ' lum, Conshohockcn. Thrco Newly Ordained nnd Ono Ib Transferred Archbishop Prendcrgaot has assigned thrco nowly ordained priests to parishes bb follows: Ths Itov. Rolcslaus J. Zwlckl, to St. Ladlslas', Philadelphia; the Rev. Anthony J. Stuhlmann. to 8t. Mary'a Church, Catasauqua; tha Rev. Plus C. Czernas, to BS. Peter and Paul's Church, Tamaqua. Tho Rev. Sebastian Jerzak haa been transferred from St. iadlslas' Church, Philadelphia, to St. Mary's Orphan Asy- NEURITIS OF ONE ARM AND RIB IN YOUR NECK By WILLIAM BRADY, M. D. All communication addrmed to MUi Harland iliould lacloie itamped, elf addreMtd cnvalope. and a clipping of the article In which jou are lotereated. Btod to Marlon IfarUnd, Evening Lcdi er( 60s Cbeatnut atrect, Philadelphia. TO EVERT person who has suffered for many months with neuritis of ono aim we would put this seemingly Irrelo tant query, Have you a llttlo rib In your neck? Virtually every case of "cervical rib" Is treated as a case of "brachial neuritis" for a longe tlmo beforo tho real nature of the trouble Is discovered, It It over Is discovered. There shouldn't bo any ribs In ones neck. Tho place for ribs Is farther down tho spinal column. But now and then one Is discovered with a rib or usually a pair of ribs In tho neck! and tho symp toms, If any, nro very much tho samo as those, of neuritis. There Is pain of a most persistent kind, although It Is not con tinuous. Tho patient notices blucness of the hand, numbness and at times cramps of the fingers. There is remarkable sen sitiveness to cold an attack of pain will coma on at night If the arm becomes un covered. Perhaps tho patient finds tem porary relief from pain by elevating the arm above the head a symptom which In itself speaks against the diagnosis of neuritis. But pain from tho pressure of a cervical rib on tho nerve plexus of tho arm and the great vessels In the neck la not accompanied with much atrophy or wasting of muscles, aa Is the case In neutrltls. There Is but one way to diagnose cer vical rib. An X-ray photograph, or ratBeh two or three X-ray photographs, of the neck taken from different planes will show the superfluous rib. It usually can't be felt by the physician. As a rulo a cervical rib Is Only nn Inch or two or at triost three n length but that Is long enough to keep ono miserable for years. The symptoms generally do not appear until early adult age, often not until near ly middle, age. Any victim of an old neuritis of the arm which has not responded to med ical treatment Inside of a year will do well to consider tho Investment of a smaii wager on an x-ray photograph, especially If some slight symptoms are occasionally noted In the well arm. Tho neck Is a bad placo to havo a rib. A pulsating mass Just above the collar bone Is pretty sure to be caused by cer vical rib. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS From Calomel to Snlol After reading what you said about calomel I stopped taking It for my liver. Some friends advised mo to try salol and nux vomica. Aro theso medicines good for liver trouble7 Answer Salol Is a combination of car bolic acid and sallcylto acid. Nux vom ica consists of strychnlno and other less Important things. How cither can affect tho liver Is more than wo can under stand. Salol Is used as an Intestinal anti septic and In elimination It probably af fects tho urlno. You had better consult somo physician who will try to determine why your liver troubles you-lf It Is the liver. "Fcty" Pills A year ago I read that pills of asafotlda are a tonic for weak nerves. I have been taking them ever since with good results. Is thero any harm from their prolonged use? Answer No harm. They are mildly sedative, and nro also taken for "gas." Old-fashioned people used to call them "fety" pills. ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap substitutes cost YOU same prle. & The unmistakably rich flavor 'and aroma of fUI' (EMM are true and natural not artificial. II. O. WILBUR fr'SONS PblUdtlobli tubs urn MILLIE AND HER MILLIONS Are Your Rooms Vacant? The surest way to fill them is through a Ledger want ad. In this way you will attract the better class of people. Boarders who are Iook ' ing for a place with an atmosphere of "home away from home"; men and women who appre ciate such accommoda tions and can meet the financial requirements, read the Ledger daily. Fortify yourself today with a Ledger want ad. Telephone Walnut Main 3000 LOUVAIN anuM Ui of P. Pmfe.- n'. TL. t 1 lures From Belgian ISJj! nubllcatlon" S5 pSU5 vcrslty by Dr. Joseph O0 lMi consists of n volmP0 jSKnit! the College Of Franr. fcJv??M tul professor and librarian at fhi ?. of Louvaln, and Is of ..... nln to the University of Pet nV J. V h .. ...,, o . tsuKrcn profeM, 7". "m Dr. Carnov w , ' "ewo''tSl verslty of I.ouvaTn and SL.NH It with others by tho ruthles, ? f the tencrable nnd maMi"!r,ll Inn. Its splendid llbEitaiKL ono of tiro glories of LouviSMhlf that It has been destrnv.?1?; M conquerors, the book takes i.iG eanco ait n relic of h,a r,,,ll "' ' MM EVERY NEMO it an extra vUie linptv . Porthehren!, feature!, which are tritiUm. you psy nothing extnui tEAR MADAM (AIotofyouladics,sotM time arfn. rlnt ilm i.t .l . vou didn't ncofl m..ni. .ii o corset, and began to! rvtui uiuijr Uimg8 tht, dsrve no Qimnnri wi ... yoursbapc-and developed bunches ot fat vrhcreyoo Most of yoa hrrvooooM back to the sensible idea ' that corset-support is ne cessary to good health and good looks. Somo of you arc having a bard1 time to recover a sym metrical form, and there fore wfll welcome this Introductory Sale Ka i- SMABip LCL Self-Reducing Corsets 9Q00 aoi Wliw V ' 319 v 3JS Never moro popular A$ corsets tnan the original Nemo models 318. 319 and 321. Now. rebuilt, with the fashion lines of 1916; better, more stylish and more comfortable than ever. Bach of the three models is proportioned to suit one of the three.' distinct types of the full?, figure: . x 318 Poohort, MockrfifiTTtA malum boat in hlp. Iirfc nctvy iDdomcn.. ............ lfl Vnr l.rrfM &4nrm nl m.i dram height, well'dcrelopcd) vi inwaa..,...HM..,.., 53' i 321 For Ike ttlltr fall fi(qre. rcqolna bl(b, full bait Mil btek ..... ....., Choose the model thai is built or YOUR figure, and it will FIT YOU withoat altering a stitch. You will get an ultra stylish corset that Trill give you perfect comfort and outwear any two or dinary corsets. You will find your fig ure reduced at once and iermanently made actual ly smaller and lighter, by gentle, passive massage. "Ego-Shapey means YOUR shape a corset that will suit your INDIVIDUAL figure. It's the latest thought in scientific corset-making. Take advantage of it. Avoid bothersome alterations. ASK YOUR DEALER For Nemo "EGO-SHAPE" Huu UnfctloFuUi ludtm, Tut (Copyrlsht, 191M UWEA BONE TOPICS GKACIOUS.' WHAT" THIS SORT OF THING NEEDS A GUIDE AND AN INTERPRETER XWITH Y0U,e5feuX) 1-rHe MATTeR.Hlll.IE? V f - 1 WeCL,METISABeUE WlhrfV 1 J J YES, 60 ON. DON TS CKEEPME IN SUSPENSE J 'VTO to-mEM-THINO! jHeS THAT SECRET I TOLD YOU NOT TO JELC, HER iTOLDHERNrtTTYl' Ten. you ITOL0 Htl WELL, I TOLD HER I WOUDrV?) a TELL YOU SHE TOLD ME - C r j & 1 ... .... . .. ANO WHATW SHE ) I jJJHE SAID SHE. J T JAY? J MFTV(1UTHF ( W"iut vr l 1 j i . r ! 1 Jw J V i t t. HAV DCCOC I J;& ' ttfe rTTr -p imssosKNsrs TEu,HER VhJ TELL YOU SHE TOLD ME - C , "M. f. j it jimr i mu ir.hi uivti i i i . . -..-. . M , -. v - - - t i c r . & . i ... ... . i m 4SSS-V . w WZ ,7TTi7 , I DESPERATE v-V JO. U5WWRABte f I JHDirmtTl I 7 ou vunr TEXL HER I DID ) A "5M 'tir IfitI "j, -j.':, i m& ?ef rjai vJ jGL mm sK ' aM s uuiNATUH.r V H 3 o.vkw- Awc mmmp .'??-n n& ,m r- - i m jrt-r4. s. ' 1 m s 'jtw wyi vK. -'aA. r k amr i iAJ jbk'jh r '-a. i K?sd&H- if. j J 4,11 '4Vr X K a. fcO-- -t V" t?L o I V1 V V lift I vl W i.V - i r T a i , nw7 c-v- jr i 1 1 m,. t mi vw i . ijrzmA .j ' 'i " i t . 9 ft wimi ' 1 - v 4 iMuttifyr. I J i &9 J lli PliJlw!-V,2i."c!:.