v EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1916. f7 jjOVE IN SENATE FOR DRASTIC AU11U1N UN MHJAIUU Al 1 A1KS5 i i rnt rxe One B5 ha esuntlet nnd thus the Senate &.PAJ Mexico started within five mln- PSS.hiirt t (instiling tho peoplo ap Wilson to keep in" -'"" J""" -- ... Mr i nun none ciu'. wo Pji.tlreir' PoMMo that It some S V8" "vo j lSSS.J ,at American people, with no i,rth St1" 1 iiii-ai nr nthnrn so. W' ""Lr1 ft,!. It tl,r,l In three tSrrrtcnlhYhas excltwl nnd turned the ,f?n In conlct7 Who are Uicao Jit. now7 VSi. re 300 ex Villa men, in tne ictn KTB'lir'.fSr..- ll. h,1 hon.llln nl. Wtia""r""- "-""- jf-HTMi"" ff-. nAMtllT WARIWRH. lHjr..il they hnve murdered 18 Amerl tnf' ... iaba nnllnwn. Vtllii ntlA Si'nVwIII do nnjtlilnjr violent to cm &5? Qttiiwa nnd the United Btatcs, to KK5 for this reason Wo have n teso- h,ii WoVk looking to war This H, the report that already some or STtannlts havo been executed by Cai ,.iia.. nti,l n nrlvntn nnsie Jm trn pulf to know," he began, fcl-ther there Is a disposition to stir tip Tr'.i. Vnvrpo. t null- bono tliero woowtensUe motlvo ot that kind. If I HPOPr."""' l f It t thlnlr If ll,r ... J Tl.... I nil nthnfa Ihllt hlH l r. by this Administration Hint lmu re lived the generui iiii " .- ,. i, I. !.. itNtnl unit rnntlnllntia n MOP1C, U ID uic ft. v.. ...... w" " ? . ,i.. Dmaldntil (n Item tills tiuti. Z, cut of war If It can possibly bo dono itth honor to the United States nnd with oetMcrlflce of the Interests ot the Amerl cn people. WORLD IS CIIAZV n,. uorid hns Rone cinzy nboul war. Vrom eer quartet In the rountrj. lint Lma a lament at tho woild's condition" Sentor Btono insisien inni mu rccoB Stion of Carranza was not a mlstnkc ll'For God's soke ae Unrrnnza a CMDCe "H3 4,,r MUin." , u....,u. mr-A't outline of the Administration's nt Ede. Senator GnlllriRCP, the Hcpubllian rtdcr. Interrupted the Administration foSlnce the Senator fiom Missouri Ii In A, COtinuCnCe OI IIIC I'luaiuciu, in Hf Sil ui what Is tho Intention ot tho Ail n.i.i..itA I., tltld mri rrnnrv 1 IhlnU mt countr vsoutd be Intel esttd In n dl- neet apswer." (A."I am not tho spokesman of the l'i csl- IV51,.. ..... ., u., mrn l WL rcpncil oenuiui fiiuiit.. nv u ibettr able to s pea it tor nimscit man i nni tipalt tor him. Hut I hope It Is the In- t.-.iAt. it IIia tr.QlflAnf til imn xa 11 itu Kttuvii " "- ..--..- IsStHnce and power to inovcul any un- tnaiy and unwise nciion on our pari m tMi time. pt7I hope It Is his intention not to ask n...Aaa tt niillinrlTA Irnnnn tn Mftvlnn fe'l hope It Is hla Intention not to Corn ell any act tuai win precipu.-uo arnica conflict with the people of Mexico (TI hope. It Is lila Intention to do whut- tier ne tun to mo una sucuKinin uir !rnw' bands and to kKo him n full op- nArtunltv tn rMtiihllnh an onlnrK ,111111 'itiblo covcrnment. W iinnnrfiiiH7. vii.i.a ruiKK. J' HEI'ORTLI) SHOT TO DEATH VA. TAaO. Jan 14 fl An oral Inni-t I? Ytnrti-ltPimy. 1.irii nf the Villa bandits In tho Chlhunhua dis trict, has Been snoi to aetiui u uarrunzi (ore., according to Cnirnura authorities It was reported sestordaj that be had been captured, together with to of his hand nnB Colonel Almeida, one of his lieutenants, nnd thnt the latter hid, been sumtnirllj shot tleports today assort that the Villa chief nlso wns Immediately executed by the Carranzistn- It was said that Kodrlgticz lind been detailed to bum the J3.CO0OOJ Tearson min ing plant at Madera TIIAPPUD T MADURA. With 40 followers, Rodriguez approached tho mills to burn them He was sur rounded bv American and Mexican roil dents of Madeta and employes of the compnnj. Tho bandits surrendered, Rodriguez and his chief of staff. Colonel Almoldn, were executed Immediately,' and their followers probabl will meet the same fate, according to Carranza roportn All Americans at Madera. Chihuahua, nro safe, according to dispatches receded hero today The report that 12 had been murdered there Is without foundation. ' CARRANZtSTAS nnATBN To offset this reported Carranza Mctory, lftrgo. armlet opposed to tne do facto C!o crnment were, snld to have defeated Car1 ranza troops rtt two points Vive thousand Oatnca ttoops undei General Benjamin Argitmcdo routed a. column of SjTO Car rnnzlstns near Kncalon Ynqul rebels under GcncrM frnnce-ico t'rbulejo dn teatcd General M Dlnucz's Cnrrnnza command In Western Mexico V S TROOPS 1'AT.tlOI. Et. I'ASO. United States regulars today pattoltcd the streets of 121 Paso with orders to dis perse crowds wherever formed nnd pre cnt"rnco riots between Infuriated Amer icans and Mcxlcati3 Sijuadt of InfntitiMiicn wore sent tn dlsperso crowds In Mexican saloons near the Rio Grande and tho International boundary Thoy searched Mexicans for arms nnd ordered Americans who dls plncd signs of belligerent from tho dis trict Close wntcli was kept at the In ternational bridges nnd no nrmed Mex ican wns permitted to cros3 fiom the Juiiicz nlde of tho rlxci At no time elnco news mm received here of the slaughter of 1" Americans nnd ono Cnn.tdlnti has the feeling run so high as todn A flnme of wrath Is sweeping the border A secret call of ntmi has been Issued for in linnslon of Mexico bj Americans net month Mote than CO Mexicans, mmt of them bellmcd to be adherents of l'rnnclsco Villa, have been nrrosUd SUCRET ARMY FORMS Dcspito the uon-lntcrcntlon nttltude of the Washington admlnlsttatlon. a secret movement has boon launched for the organization of an expedition to Invade Moslco Thorough! nrouscd ovci tho continued killing nf Amorlcans by Mexican bandits, a number of Americans livlnij on the border have dcclnrcd thev will tako nfTnlrs Into their own hands. A petition calling foi volunteers Is being circulated It wns mild tli.it nioro than 1500 signatures have ahead been ob tained Almost all who huo cm oiled hnvo nlnntceied to furnish their own outfits The recruits InUudo many prominent residents of EI Paso, as well a3 rnnchmen nnd former memhcti of the Texas Rangers rcnrlng nricst by the Tedcral authori ties on tho charge of plotting a military expedition against n country at peaco with tho United Stntes. the men Involved tn this movement refuse to give out tho names of tho volunteers. The lostor of names Is headed "A Call to Arms," nnd part of Its toxt follows: "In tho name of justice nnd .lUmanlty tho tlmo has come for us to act nnd vin dicate tho horrlblo massacie of our cl'l zens In Mexico "We must demonstrate to other nations that red American blood still runs In our veins, we must free ourselves from the shackles of nn Admlnl-trntlon that still ndherts to Its policy of sending notes In retaliation of outrages committed on Amrlcnn citizens. . "Eich man who signs this call to arms pledgei his word of honor to stand bi the decision of the majorltv of the men Involved Each must furnish his own horse, rlilo nnd outlll nnd be ready to Invade Mexico on alx, hours' notice. 'Xo action will bo taken before Feb ruary 1. If, by that time, the Washing ton Government shall not hnvo taken any steps to re-establish our honor nS proud Amerlcnn cltlrens. "And, If the Mexicans responsible for the massacro of 'Americans shall have not been pursued In a tlttlng tinnticr for their horrible deed, we, the under signed, hcrebj agree to Invade Mexican terrltoiy, and not return to this coun try until wo have run down every man who took n hand In the tragedy of Inst Monday." RURIAL. OP VICTIMS Tho first victims of Monday's massacre to bo burled wetn E. l Robinson nitd Maurice Anderson The body of George W Newman has been shipped to Keene, N II., for burial, The remains of A, II Vouch have been sent to Itnvard, Tex. The burial of William D Pcarce will tnko place In Eos Angeles Relatives of t'hirtci Wndtelgh living In Buffalo, N V, claitled his body, nnd it li is been shipped to thnt city for In terment. Charles A Ptlngle will bo hurled In Snn Francisco, to which clt hts remains weio shipped cnrlj today It. G. Hare's rcninlna have been shipped to Knnsns Cltv, and tliope nf Alexander Hnll hnvo been sent to Douglas. Ariz. By Sunday all tho bodies will have been burled or sent to distant cities for In terment. Tho remains of William .1 Wallace) weio shipped to Chicago today PRESIDENT WILSON REFUSES TO SEND AllJIY INTO MEXICO WASHINGTON' Jan 14 No armed troops will be sent across tho Mcxlcnn border nt this time. It wns plalnlv Indicated todns, following n hnlf hour conference between President Wil son and Senator Stone, chairman of tho Semto Porelgn Relations Committee This vi as strengthened utter todn's Cnbinot mooting It wns admitted that tho Mexican situa tion was tho chief topic discussed by the President nnd his advisers. Tho positive stntement wnt made, however, thnt no courso had been decided upon other than to give Cnrranrn time to capture1 and pun ish those guilty of massacring 17 Ameri cans near Chihunhiu The Cabinet also discussed tho subma rine question in n general way Austria's lcplv In tho Persian case that she could not orcept rcsponslhlllt) for the sinking of the Persia was taken up. but no de cision was made It was Intimated, how over, that tho Cabinet considers tho en tlro submnrlne question nenr complete settlement This determination becamo nioro fixed nftcr receipt today by the State Depart ment thit General Josq Rodriguez had been executed by Cnrrnnza authorities and that the reported mnssnere of 10 more Americans nt Mntlern had been of ficial declared untrue. NO INTERVENTION YET Tho Senator cnllcd to get tho Presi dent's udvlco on action his committee should tnko on the dll. rent resolutions referred to It Ho would give no Inden tion of whnt the President desired done with Scnntor Lewis' resolution to give tho Piestdcut tho mime authority to use tho army In Mexico that he has with ..in navy In Nicaragua and Haiti Ho Indicated strongly, however, the conclu sion reached that no American troops should bo sent across the border now It Is plainly tho attitude of the Admin istration that Cai Anza should havo op portunity to gather up the locse ends of disorder still existing In Mexico be fore this Government should hamper him . . After returning to the Capitol, Mnator Stone mnde It plain thnt the "watchful waiting" nttltude wduld be maintained by the Admlnlctratlon despite any pres sure thnt might bo brought In Congress The Democratic leader nlso said he would back the Administration up, nnd would endeavor to bring nbout the- de feat of nil resolutions that nro Intro duced to force nrmed Intervention In Mexico. Carranza ennnot be expected to do this In n day," said Stone. GIVE CARRANZA A CItANCE Prosldent Wilson wilt tnko no nctlon to determine whether a change In his Mex ican policy Is necessary until the following facts nro estnbllshed: Whether the Carranza Government actually wns at fault for fallurs specifically to prqtect tho men mur dered in Chihuahua Slate Whether thd Carranza Government has done ever thing It could to pro tect foreign lives and property and, to stamp out all Inndlt gangs Whether Cnnaiua actually Is mak ing nn honest effort to ra-cstnhllsh law nnd older nnd Is cmplolng nil means nt his disposal to bring thin nbout Whether tho men murdered In north ern Mexico had full knpvvlodgo that they returned to their propel tics In opposition to the expressed wishes of tho Uultcd States Government. Whether the murdered men traveled on safo conducts Issued b tho Cnr lnuzlstn authorities at El Paso and Juaror Whether cither Cirranza or Obregon ,hnd know ledge that Villa lind threat ened tho wholesale extermination of Americans Mcnnwhlle tho State Department will continue to Insist thnt Carranza tnnke an cxnmple of tho murderers And It Is stated oulclnlly that a mere ctalm that thoy hnvo been pursued nnd shot down will not be sufllcleiit There must be phslcnl evidence. omclnls at tho White House Insist that tho onl contingency which would forco nn Immediate chntigo In Prosldent II son's preiicnl pollc would be renewed killings of Americans To pi event thli tne Stnto Department Is trlng to get nil Americans mid other for eigners out ot the danger zone. I. S UNABLE TO TIGHT Even though the President wcro willing to consider Intervention, ofllclnls sn, ho has lnsutHclcnt forces available to bo used for that purpose It Is considered certain thnt Cnrrnnza never Would glva his consent to American soldiers crossing tho Rio Grnndo, and that If this should bo attempted nil Mclcnns now under arms would present a united front to tho American Invaders. Thcro nre npproM matcl 15.000 Mexicans, well nrmed and equipped, who would have to be rickoilcd with, army olllcers snj. BRITAIN WANTS TO KNOW U. S. COURSE IN 3IEXIC0 WASHINGTON, .Inn 14 The British Embass Is preparing to request of tho State Department information regard ing this Government's Intended nctlon In Mexico It wns learned todny. Reports to tho Embassy from British Representative Holder In Mexico Cltj said a British subject had been killed In the recent outbrenks In Chihuahua nnd that strikes In other parts of tho country wore damaging British property Interests Tho situation Is m ide moro difficult. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS OP CELEBRITIES APPLY BUYING OR SELLING TO WALTER II. BENJAMIN 2S5 5TII AK., NKW VOHIC CITY the Kmbaiy stated, because there Is vir tually no government In Jttexlco City to which the British agent can appeal, and, on the other hand. Great Brlfaln, having recognized the Carranza Government, has been hesitating In making nn nppeal to the United States Holder In his message said that Car ranza'g Foreign Secretary, "who had beerf nt Mexfco City, had gono to Join Car ranzn, leaving Mexico City without a re sponsible chief official. Conferences with Secretary tensing are being arranged Ardmore Woman's Club IMccts Today The Woman's Club of Ardmore will hold An Executive hoard roeMlng tfils after noon, at 2 o'clock, and then a drama meeting, nt 1S5 Thompson Afreet, nt which William If Menrns" will speak on the "Drama league " Dr. Daniel M Uosi will also speak on the ' Play and Players " il fi,' : ii "if "" ' " Vi'lU A Good Piano At a Small Price During our holiday busi ness we have taken more Dianos in trade for our cele brated Matchless Cunning lam, Girard, Forrest and Solist Players and Grand Pianos, than we have ever done in as short a period of time. They were sent to our fac tories, 50 th and Parkside avenue, where they were thor oughly repaired and adjusted and are now placed on sale at prices that do not permit of excuses from families having only a modest income. The instruments include almost every well-known make in America and are being sold for as low as $75 for a durable upright piano in first-class condition and war ranted with our broad guarantee. The terms can be arranged on small weekly or monthly sums to suit the purchaser and the instruments delivered in our own trucks anywhere within twenty-five miles of Philadel phia. Outside of that distance we will ship by rail free of charge. A book, cover 11th & Chestnut Factory, 50th & Parkside Ave Philn. ( 52d and Chestnut Sts. Branches 2835 Germantown Ave, and bench or chair included. Sts. x&P&S s' v r- n -Tii II Villi! t- I'liti.MtJi'tJi 4, ir , y flBSsR ' ' . . .. .- . -t kM . &M0 Night fell on the Hill. The stars came out and with them a glow of light and warmth lit up the windows of Maple House, Elm House and the Firs. A smell of hot biscuit lingered in the still air. The soft voices of women hushing children to sleep came like the breath of life from the quiet houses. -Sill si mm mm -J" ss vm a m i3S5 f mngmmlKmamtKssKmaaip'm'miBmgmgm w 4WT "