IF s STRA FKIDAY January 14, 1916 FRIDAY January 14, 1916 iamtmrj Uriirjer tk -a PICTORIAL SIDELIGHTS ON THE NEWS OF THE DAY AS REVEALED BY THE CAMERA! HB&rQ3tp$ -liSfcjpSMjijgjfljpjJJHHJJy BBBaHHsESBlBflBiBK at BBBBMiwJri 1 5E tBmBmB ,.) VwlBBEZbBBm JBBBBBBbBT SBBKHBBflBBBBB jFJBmnJraKc tfQyjf iS?$ JSFXjBH KfikLffr .1 ndtS&w!E BsSfHBroHMBflBlBBBMF .aBBBBSBBBHBSET -BBBBBBtt&&. KW"" RB&BBBBv I1 iBBBBBBH "jtw JBBBBBBBh ,M! w HBmBBBBBBBk s,1 MBr j nrgiL l wffSfcjHjKmfepKW ' sHa -?9k3&jISIH xwHPbbT ibbbbbt mBbbhP bbbbbhi. 2 bbIbbbh jBBBBBBffr' 'bbbbbbbBc& 3 bbbbWwbbbbbi wHBB swBVJIHfiKHSPBB J S-jr - Or l J -Photos uy IUlly & Way. a.VJ) ,i' C5,- "' jX h -' I SOCIETY GIRLS IN THE "GAMBOL OP THE GODS" I 3RI FIRST U. S. AVIATORS ON FOREIGN SERVICE Photo by International Film Sen Ice. Left to right are Lieutenants Douglas B. Nethcnvood, Redondo Sut ton and Earl L. Canady, of the First Aerial Squadron, of Fort Sill, Okla., leaving San Francisco for Manila, where they will establish an air station. Photos uy Itally & Ws SOCIETY GIRLS IN THE "GAMBOL OF THE GODS" Here are two of the attractive choruses in the entertainment given for the benefit of tho School of Industrial Art in the Bellevue-Stratford last night. The upper group comprises, left to right: Misses Rachel Fltler, Elizabeth Wheeler, Sara Franklin, Valen tine Mitchell, Emily Kennedy, Sara II. B. Penrose and Hannah Wright. Lower group: Esther Lallou, Esther Bochmann, Denise Mercur, Helen Gleason and Eleanor Vogdes. EVIDENCES OF POPULARITY Harry W. Mace, tho new Assistant Director of Health nnd Charities, is highly thought of by his acquaintances, judging by the presents that have flowed into his office since he took his seat the first of the year. - "t wBswlKTOaBP BHBBawMBiBMEBHmT5 JHMlLffiJM ifffFifflTIBB'-BilBlwBl BBPfljBraBflBBBlBx BBflEBlBBBSaEBBSBBMB Bfl?4CsHBJliBIXiEii& EBBBBB9HBflBttflBBlBflBBlBBBsRl& sBBlBBBB mhat- Wm 'HBEflllaK! "taBBBBBBfi m iJ? BlB'TfiMBlWfciBBBByiWllBSBBll BwflSwHBPVoBBBBv i BsMttBfffliEiEvBflKGk BOBflifi5ffTTiBflBlTwWBw BVBBBr' ' -. BBBBBft fww - j3?Y JBBBaBBlBVr BBBBBBS W J " ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' urn ' ' " Hi, i i i I, . .1. - " i fano by JntcruauouiU flim arvlce BULL MOOSE NATIONAL COMMITTEEMEN SHOW NO SIGNS OF DEPRESSION TWs picture was taken during .tie recent meeting of tho Progressive leaders In Chicago. Left to right are: Cecil Lvms. WiUiw Fliaa (sbakW bands with William Allen White, of Kansas), Harold L. Ickes, George W. Perkins sad Jota McGrath. Jif.AL.ln io A LiyE uu3jJl,oi JobA now Pr. Wilmer Knisen speaking to members of the Ocean City Yacht Club at a luncheon heid yesterday in the St. James Hotel ou tha subject of keeping welL rtt