EVENING LEDOERPHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1916. T7 , VR WXUTED TJ-jrotrn furniture, raise, teem, icatner nens. K 0?. SjmTTo'l- TaIaa lAnlh ftlttAta lvlni if 8P.Kfili : with prices I pay. ma1led.ire J.H. t- 2JS tWoWe 8l"re.oUl 1 th. Wal. 44SO. MsssJiss rgf.oM,- CLOTHINO t tn.SI Hh prlcru fnr men's clothln. Write r it StSn K n rTTIMMn .. nins pVtrl for ladles' nnd men's cloth. f '." i s shoes, etc Calt.wrlte. or phone K&JjTsOl' Blacker. 12.TO Poplnr St. .icrOFF CLOTHINO We Poiltlyejr Mr W 5it more for gentlemen's clothfng.fhoei: -""-,. gentlemen If cmuiliiB rvni r iin. ECI"'. 8ellltohn. nth and Sprlnit Garden. KTTSpTEBTIt, old Kohl, silver, platinum, rW-X. Vrices Mid. 2 S. Uth St. tSrovTrfiRK. pianos, carpets, antiques: entlrn ? lltt houses bought for rush; no matter SJpirre J. Bernstein. l351 "'duo ave. t! sSTtiEVrTniicns rAin for diamonds. riR fold. Platinum, false teeth s also pawn F'fc.TfooO Filbert ft., 2d floor front. iX KKrfTnriEBS nnd.Tuicdn aultss highest .prices IJ'iiM. send pout a I. Call or pnono uicxineon If' Hi" &chs 202s R (lihjit. . nJ2tle S. More. M Callowhlll, I'll. Mat 4S02 rtlir-.KTVITV. ton- Attretlv!d.llnor lronJi running water. nfnMANTOWN'(ClielIn ave., N. E. cor. of EL- riiaVlcl) Desirablp n rooms, secona noor, ror- 61 itr so te, unturnisncaj inm iiou-".:iiii !" rermltted! private hath.steam heat! suit adult tK lK!eonvjo trolley, train; refs. cTchange.1. ,nHILTONraSSl Weir-furn. and well-he IBA"'.. Vi,.,. nil conven enees! plione. and well-heated . tVipirsT ir,m i.VaJ Jth flnnr rooms. $10 H month. !'r?.-Tirr" .nn, ... Jit.nt t,nA ivll liflt. tini:nr. l.i wiifti ou.i.i ...y...u, .- TTii Tnl, . I...ImI.1. wrta aillnllllnr Vialh) lAffKIUtfr. lu-u"nu"' ,,.,.,.VMV.. ....-.... inrtwater heat! central location; pnoiie ns?T?5r. 1T0S Two cheerfully furnished com-1 "izHRliiir ,nii.i nenr hnth: southern exno. , muim ",", i . i -. ' tVAN FQ. (Zl"' N. lSlh) lirge furnished ,'mi, electrlo light! running. water. rf!rr;TSVt.T I7?nr,nrrn fur. rnomn for houpe, PJ "ifpgljmuaiernexpqSiLWcll Seated;. phonOj i?"5v5lDIlOOK-87n Wynncwond road lleaut. , ., furn-rms.. gi anti .w nonr. itpimwu i.-y- in. rSpfilJcn. 627 Verv well-rurnlshed front room 2 id genilemjnjjirlvate homo; moilerate. K. BOOMS FOB. BENT Bf'BDOAD nTmo-Two large, third front rooms! E5 trlMte UJM private JamlJi;. sftfTrrarrNUT. lPOt Very desirable slnglo roomy, K- C'i Sd 3d floors! steam heat. rh. )iit 7,11. stwW nrlrste bath: telenh aiKBP'ntfCK. 2oa-Owner has . -nell furnl'hed fireplace. ir . "-.-.l( . O Anma nnrl h.lfTI !t. -" " itfAt.MiiT vnr. ti mrnrnr tip,., ,.n..i.o .... .. ' Irgs nltraemeiy; rurnisnen room, primp SfJSand.nalliwell healed; electricity. WAtliT 8T .Tiiri- Nicely rurnisneii rooms, rnnd surroiinillngs; terms yi.i. 'WAI,NUT, .1111 rommunlrntlng iinriirnlslieil ia ,m. hnt.walrr heat; reasonable rates; nn. tnVail u "Oil rnnnnalln fMhllnnl 2(lstorV "front. K prlrate' bath: ell heated; plenty hot nnlcr: 'l nf'Tl rvnoHn'i.i . i ii"in- 'niiiii. " ,T ; ,, a nln tVAlt.riirntul.n.l hAdpnntn for " rentlem'ani private resldenco; reasonable. lCTif. N.. 1 110-IIandsomelv fmnlhed rooms In 'H - a rrlvste family; board optional. frtJSTII, S .11. Well furnished room." 2d front. vfi1 for genlienan; nmning wnicr,. iak-iisi ..nu-. . -MST, S., UNl Nicely rum, -u.srory irnnr room, , well heated, bcrd optional; Heimontw. i.KV. ., .142 Desirable riirnlslied or unrur- fi nwnea rnoniB, nuiinnm lur kciiiicim.-m i ." couple; table board. Iliono Ilelmont 27.11 J. l?n ANT) TtATriMnilR AVIV 2 film, rooms: lT.mnll nrltato famllv Pl.ono Woodland Hill J. Frr, N 217 Nicely furnished -ecoud-storj: Ol grooms, private family; gentlemen onlv. Ii' K2d nnd Sansom rurnlhcd k-' fYAOl ui,A,ll.lt l,njiiia, iii.iii ., in iiii-nis, P(VV T M, C. A, shower baths; near I,; all the m? comforts of home. Phone Pel sw mnnt 41181. Key.. West -ISO. S-'ltRFINKD prlvato family, near North Phlla. m.'j Station, has attractively furnished slnglo w rooms, excelli'iit chanco for buslncsa men. gy -Phono Ttogq 20.1(1 W, tM'i or 2 well-fur. modern rooms, bath: prlxate V f.H.llw 411. n.,.1 UnPIIAA . ITn.Inn linn .A,,,,,. T .... ..!. ,J, ..VII n.A.. ,.,,,, .1,', .. rprtNISIIED apartments. fronrlTr.(TtcrjnToo7 in private tamny. i.n;i uirara ave. Suburban PSRBFINED. settled counlo. or business woman H.i i-rt iSoiTA fiowlv 1 1 11-n latinrl rtnitrnAm li Tin II (G& firally In Overbrook: uso of bath and sitting tZL room; light housekeeping; nil modern cou iQ ven. and phone; J23 per mo.; beautifully lo-I!-, cated; 25 mlns. by elovat. nnd 1.1 mlns, bv .j, train io uronu t. nin.; rer. ! .mi. i.cu. uir. va, r B0ABDINQ f fnAlTIMOriE, 441'J Iiirge, sunny, second-floor room; couple, or gentlemen; excellent table. ..CHESTNUT. BM0 Two gentlenien can lune ftT separate rooms and boird In strictly prl- vaie noine. 1'none liaring mini. alEIIiail. W 1027 Kow front ucancle, prl g late family; excellent ublei conveniences. Sj Phone TIoeh 7:110 W. J48PHOCE. 1012 (Molmehurst) Ilenutlfullv furn. : rooms, private nam, wnn poarn; tame hoard- SSPItUCE. 1220 Largo rnoma. slnglo or en r. 4t11tA ts ntA t.rtlliBi tAmV.lrit. Vt.nBl fj- buihi uininr utimsii minis mmi u. fDruui;r.. ia.i.ii inrismonuei riirn. rooms, single, en suite: priwtte Datns; tnblo board. BPRUCK. 1028-10-Slngle nnd double rooms, fth noor. wfn neaten; cnoice ta Pie boa ru. ISPDUPK. 1210 ATTRAnTrvi: rmriMS with f EXCELLENT TARI.B nOARD. tWALLACB. 182l--Wcll furnished rooms. southern exposure : excellent table; phone. WALLACE. .1404 "Hoard and rooms, reason. Utile: conv. to cars. Phono Preston SI81 W. ftiUTll ST.. S., 2.10-Superlor rooms and table for reflneil women, ref. imp, OT1I. S.. 1.14 ATTRACTIVK 2D-FI.OOR ,n(vpim with hoard; privatf, fm- JLTi STEAM HEAT ELECTRIC LlOHT. tOTII. S. 1.11 Hand, furn 2,1 front rnnm: yelect.' excel, hnnrd hot-wnler hejit: 1 hone. fitttfll'ft HAVERF0RD AVE.-Drtlrnhle front rVln1 nil r If rrv.ma fit arhrnntr aMitlan net tea a t t- , - - - -- 1 --.' J11 n nun, 'l KID ;rrot. family: steam heat 11ml electric lights: cwd boird: gentlemen. Ilelmont 4.118 w SAWITA"R.TTTTVTR IIBBAUTIFUL location; special acientino enre: 1 it l ." emeriy. every comrort; nurses. uoosiei. r, itnniian, nty line. Chestnut Hill. APABTMENTS IlK. E. CORNER 17T1I AND WALNUT STS. ' Tills ll-story concrete unit steel fireproof k'ltrjcture reaches the hluhest nnlnt m .i..t Ji,.S- raent as yet att.ilncd In apartment construe- fplar. of abMe. " """"" """ P8 .,?ki s'"m '"1 "cen .maae to oner fi'iCiAAi hoI"r to th9K whoso first con- W S ' "'rJ'??."n. the.iilzeand char- fS3&-"velo:ur5,c,l,l,V! I'-in3."'!!,?;-." ,?!;ra"51l 'r.0P.."..'-.0n nd y- J (oo.yion"l. "excellen t JlngaconVenlent P fet" n-ar'" and 'ho'"! centrS anj ,-51 iiiti considered, the rentals are mod- cC" a'2d0ra''0."'..tt.n"ffifn' ' Hire and reservations- may be made mih NORSIAN s. SHERWOOD 11U Walnut street. n5S AoRSPAP- ST. IV-ftCB mWS&lXvxa class. Sunis7 T?,,A,.5ii,ft,5?' APTH.i privath fcnTy-1 OUTS,DK- SUNNY ROOMS. jjinep, nouses soma turn. : kltchensttes. CCf-i-S iur. Apnlv Janitor. Ph. Spruce 4S3a 7-. W"' I'llllailelphltt ?Vt??ha. !W. Vfrt.ty ot tunidbric.. .V.V. v"e,y of apartments at "ttent. PrSt? .ni1 t0 Pe?' almo.t any requlrs- ssruj. in i. " , iur msi. Automopue BPliiinie ViVi",i'"uu' J-"1 walnut t, "MLB 3071. lliPR .tins RACE 3023. JIL-APA.ENTS WANTED llv95?r-. rm kit. and bath (unfiim V comTSn Jn" '. 1,t month' rent brok. rr. j! sif t Ofden and DUmond, Droad to s ' J - Ledger Central. fl-iSHHEEWNO APABTMENTS tiUilai,it'L.??L8-7Tbreo rooms, kitchen, bath. , HO lifv.0?;. S? nni lee 1 $30. M. fLWS'si Al!J Sstate. Jr. uidg Filbert aloo vuuSV.arr-Xur.oT unfur. 3 ro -Iwrii: ill ?Ai!.i.ou,.lde rooms, new hardwood T'"imiroviiiieuls ittrsdl TbiSJI.?uJi,y '.i1 ,bJ bulldlntj T P4t i -co the JSth floor' contalnin. a dn. .."!, Per month, and ona on Iba 3d - tVl)ulldl?Jitout,,:. Tner caterer BtivS.n,w$i! wl ,tjrve meaU when M" UitSrtrjf.i!1 tb0 Public dlolng room or KWH1TES,DB 4 McLANAHAN VHITESIDH COr l&th an Pin. .lu lfttm .TT .- ..-a ian,L,iMu ....... ... bitor IS.i11'?"' Msrton W. Grelms. ILEnit. nvSJf,?.int ,.?urH'.'. Service, . - ,--"-.""fl rnoiie vvaxnm n -., CQRONADQ" fcw d.'ftiV.n4 Chestnut ats. rs?'i'--y4cles. larg ana small, &!W.EEPINcrTPT8iir.T-o7-e1fT? prmiiiJj't Bl. us.lt, phone or writ frmation. Bamuel strn 1ni fh.nu fVpbfeEJ'5nu .tri?'t- ic.""?!! WARWICIC ' modiSTTl".10 "notn street. "tSl rutt.J'SVory Proo' building-, con- Tfir.-li''1 R COOVenlenCts tor hnuelferlnir. K'T?S-4j-19SliMoutaoiy Jt. T9 g--i' 7,, ......Tlrr:- -r -t HC'TISEKEEPINO APABTMENTS THIiRH ARri SEVERAL WAYS O SECURING AN APARTMENT foil can look at one. after another until yon rind one, or vou can go nround lo the different agen cies until In desralr you take one. or You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office it Is nulte true Ihit nearly every deflrabta apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with and mar lie rented through us. Call upon us in our new offices; they are reilly milte attrsetle: you will bo Riven thn most courteous and efficient service obtain able. ,, Ail automobile is walling to tatia ou to the list of apartments you designate, and If bv anv chance jou aro not perfectly eulted, our entire organisation will be plsend at your disposal to procure for jou exactly jour heart's desire. Think of all Ihe Irouhte you will htva saied and how glad you will bo to know you have found the one apartment In Phllidel Phla which moat nearly approaches your ex act Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WAt.NItT ST. Hpruce .1071. ttace .1023. West I'hllnitelphln ' 412.1 AND 21 WAt.NItT ST. Tnp modern nparlmnts of n rooms and bith, with porches; rental S40. Including hot-water neat, hot water, h'gh-clies tanltor sen Ice. IJo sure to euamln" them today. wm. it. w. quick & imo.. inc. , 8 South 4nthsj. TIII3 ItUTl.AND APTS" JUST rnMPT.CTKtJ f.QCl'ST ST., R4TfI TO KITH ST.. 0 and 7 rooms npirtmenta. with all the tatest conveniences H7.no to $1.1 per month, .tlOriKHT PITTS. AtinNT . Pell phone Ilelmont C111. fH1 Loclist St. "i)ni:xi:tV"APAnTMKNTs ovnntmooK station One housekeeping suite, l rooms and bath, fg-1.ni per month; public dining room. Phono pverbrnkn,"2S jflp TO J.11--rirst and second floor apartments. i rooms anu imtt; nair mocK trom J'tm si. AtAttntArt .I.II.M '. :-1" 'T'i-f "i"in appiv to ja.muu n. MITCH ni.U 40th nnd ,iarKPc. ,. tlltllV OAIll.nS. 112-.1I4 N. .111). . very attrncllve npts., .1 to 7 rooms, furnished pr unfurnished, all outside rooms: shower , baths, etc. rens'ble; 8 mill, from city Hall. 10 TO'sfiO. CttOICK SKI.ncTtONS. KiytSHAW Jt CUOWI,, r.21.1 Chestnut. Till! I.UNOJF," r,40l-ni2i1 Chester ave'. Fur" lushed nnd unfurnished housekeeping Hpirt tnents, See Janitor, or phone Woodland 201PJ. i:t-Si:x, Tilth nnd Chestnut; Monterey, 41,1 and Chester; Ilelmont, .lllh nnd Spring Harden, I1!SJ!En Janitor, or Cresse .108 Halo IJidg. (lermnntown WAt.Nl'T t.ANI!. K.. 1301 nnd S rooms and bath; hot-wnler heat, pr. porch; $2.1 to $.1.1. APABTMENT HOTELS TUB DHI.MAlt-MOItltIS tIKUMANTOWN AT CHHlrUN A VII. STATION. PIJVNA. UAIMIOAI); 20 MINlmS FItOM IHtOAD ST. TIlltMI.N'Al.. ATTItACT.Vni.V Ft'llNISltnD AND UN-FIIHNISIII-.I) Sl'lTCS AND JlOUHl'.KllBI'- INO APAUTMIINTW. THlf COVINGTON " CIIKSTNIIT AND .17T1I ST3.a it. r. i:Noi,n. manaoiiu " a1ao tup. KNiii.KHiDU IIKACII IIAV11N, N. J. THE GLADSTONE MTgrAggrS,N" AP.VKT.MnNTS FOtl WINTIlll MONTHS FUHNtSIIIH) OH DNPimNIHtlKD AIISpi.UTUI.V FIItDPIlOOr THE ESMOND s- K- counp.ii 12TH i til, L.onii-'iNU ANI, si'itrci: HUITR OF '' IIOOMH AND llATIt FUItNISlinD OllL'NI''LIINJBIinil TUB TRACY"" rnnMANHNT on transiknt ounsTa .1I1TH AND CHESTNUT THE NEWPORT" fiPItUCl! AND KITH STItr.HTS BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE CITY ismi i.ocust ar. Handsome, modern 4-stury brnwnstone dwell. Ing. Especially fitted for piofcfvlonal orflces. Low price nnd easy terms for quick se. UltKCN ST.. 'lUS-bstorv dwelling. In goml condition. WM. C. IIBNKCIIT. 1500 AltCH hthi:f.t. IF YOU WANT TO MORTGAOC. rent, buy, sell, exchange or Insure. "Si:E TAUt.ANK AHOUT IT" iw Wnlnut st. mJNTS collkctkd- rfmc insuiianck. AI.IIItECIIT'S 2414 W. Lehigh nve. CL'NTItAI. PIlOPnrtTir.S for salo or rent. YAIUtOW & VAN Pni.T N. K. Cor. 17th and Chestnut. sm-.o ii::u cAMiiitiDdi: st.. il-STOItY. 7 ROOMS. imOWNSTONK TRIM. NICK. IhllO RIDC1I3 AVI3. D. A. SUN- UL'AI.' rSTATn FOR SAt.K OR RENT BARnKR. IIARTMAN &, CO. lyi uncsimuit. INVESTMENT nronertles. small duellings. cooil condlton. 4 moms, bath: rent $tl; price. 3IIIW. I'A.MUItVI. 2S11 Kensington uve. "TRIDENT" WATER METER. PI1II11 Meter Co. 41S Real Estate Trust Rldg. CENTRAL FACTORY Oood slto for modern business bldg : 1 streets: ante to clnsn estnte; might rent. Jaeob A. rrltz. .123 Land TltloH'g. 10TII ANI) MTU "WARD" RUYERS are with FA HER & OSHORN. 211 N. 1.1th st. P.ulldlng Lots, Factory Sites, etc. FALLS OF KOHIIYLKILL OROUND Large and Small Tracts for DWELLINO OR MANUFACTURINO nurpoaes In best sections. EXCELLENT RAILROAD FACILITIES Prices on Application. Est JOHN DOHMON. bOU Chestnut st. CENTRAL SITE74 blocks from lOtlT" and Mar krt: 21.0C0 ro, ft., fronting on 3 streets; prlco moderate; will divide. MYERS & HARTII. Ridge ave. and 10th. CllOICn IIUILDINO LOTS nnd large tracts ground til all parts cltv: ulsa over 200 mtg. sites. Melvlll. 1.115-10 Real Estate Trusl Hlilg. Guruces. KXCKLLENT OPPORTUNITY for garage on Greene at., Qermantown. Apply P 53J, Led ger Office. WEST PHILADELPHIA THHEE-HTORY HOUSES, two-tory houses, slde-iard houses, corner houses: many atvles and prices, In our nice neighborhood. PEM IIERTON ESTATES, ISSth and Willows nvc. (on enwotown trolley llne); Kilou-s ROOMS, hot-water heat gas and elec tric light, pirquetrv lloors, shower baths, gas kitchens nnd all other modern appointments, DANIEL CRAWFORD JR.. HUl .R V BSth nnd .lludneldsts. SUSO. ASSESSED $7.100 Forced Bale: 4Hth st." north of Chester ave.; stands alone: lot 22x 110 ft.! clec. lets . hot-water heat. 2 baths. TAYLOR & SON, 24 and 211 8. 40th St. .till. ex Lu.uiii,,ii' WPST 1 1 1 1 1 . A llOSIKS 4003 HALT1MORE AVE. SEND FOR LIST. SALE OR RENT JOS, M. I1AKER 32d and Ualtlmoro nve WIIELAK'S HOMES 06TH AND PASCHALL AVE. APPLY 1011 CHESTNUT ST. TIUl CHILTON. No. 321S, Raring st.-For terms see or wrtls to Harris J. Chilton, No. ft 1 ni.et a U'.at TlhllnlAlnhlj. tlOflO IINEQUALED HOMES. 30th St. above Lansdowne ave Every known convenience. JAMES C. ENriUIta. Builder. - ' r OEltJIANTOWN SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY for widow with small amount of cash. Wlstar st., near Uer mntoun uve.. 3-atorv. brick store and ilwell lng: largo lot; asVd $2300; price $2000. Lately conducted by Mrs, Oner an a thrlvliut small grocery. Apply Miss II, Mcllvaine, 0307 Germantown ave. PRACTICALLY. NBW lleautlful twin houre. Urge .room, hot. water heat, open fireplace and electricity; located In best section on west ride: must sell this month owing tu business changes. "" ' iM !3T.IJger Central. RESIDENCE SITE- Ground In best section "of (VeVmanlown and Chestnut Hill. U. R. LISTER &8,ON, 3UI2 Qermantown ave. CHOICE HOMES. TulPehocken 1 .1 L nit JC Oer mntovvn ave. J. II. CIIADWICH CO., 5018 Germantown av. BMALiTlNVBSTMBNT HOUSES, almost dol. lir for dollar. C1LYNDON PRIESTMAX, 5M0 Oennantown ave. IF YOU ARC LQOKINQ FOR A HOME la Germantown Mt Airy or Chestnut Hill con suit me. A. Tt. Mcehan.0747 Germantown ave. Mb Airy, Germailtowii NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY Pelham. Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO.. 0740 Qermantown ave. Tioga WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOGA OR LOGAN KENNEDY RAMHO. 3740 01 ERMANTOWN Logan 4003 CAMAC ST. 8 roonu, bath and laundry; Mrteet condition, $1700. only $1200 cash re quired. Apply 00 premise. " IX)OAN REAL ESTATE SA1 E RRLST AND BXCIIANOB M. M. Smith. Broad st.. opp. Logan Station. REAL ESTATE, mortgages ana convey ancing, wtii.-ro inn. J nm.. . VV a. .- --- . . -. T OLney FOR SALE Twin houjes. near Northeast lloulevard. 0 rooms, bath, porch, laundry, lot PER Front st below Womlng ate. SL'IH-RU.VN HOMES FOR SALE OR RBNT Real Estt "lYust BUf. CHOICE lit ILDINO SITBS ' an I . r i.-irev ARTHUR V. TOWNSEND, Lunghornt. Pa. " IjubT'SBax, heaiv bstak Any Mice." !A Jocatioas. aut or renv. OPKtBS Couoiry BEAL ESTATE EOB SAjE stntimAN LrSl?El,,?r r.p,rn.unnA MfMir. ss'ie or tVM' i? U'."triV!ln I-lne or rteinlng Tt. n. -"'' WILSON CO.. Morris ftulldlng. 8VJI',V.'AN.'r,r.?mEN'f'W '"' 1 or-nt: 5 tfI-!,. ',nn,l'"J"' .rrlees rlbt. Maurice JIfoorer. Heal Estate Truit Bldg. Aml)ler;JPa. cii . , t?51'n,trv. PVlrr "-nrt suburban homes hS.i!K.Frnrt!nltI" I'etblehem and Iov estnwn branches. IJ J nager, Inea Ambler, Ta, t'nlllngdale Pn, PAoMnnA..Vr.dKel"r- eut ston'e front. 3 Stories, nutrh ball ah AAA..AniAAAA n KA roorns- lot 2.1s5.1 f.ct SnU-ffU'S'lS?. ,eiI. 0.ulck sale. YOCtJM lind ave " " 5lh "" C0 Wood" lllklns Park, I'n. "!;VT.,F!" nim.P.!NO piTr; hlhTocaMon, rf?r,r!,,n "n1 trollcv. at decided bargain! alMmpro emenls. Pln'.IdgerOfnce; , JLft!Tn"' ra' . 1 Aj'IlM and n-ronni brick bungalow, onlv SinO while ncant; pore, bath, new heater, a nrhs., r!!L!(enn5!i'Siriilt. SnopjsSons larby. Cllenslde. Pa. , HOUSES ,ANI t.OTS. eerv ifescrlptlnn. HUNMNOKIt ft HKNNINlinil . l,rSaj! and Walnut sts, MAIN LINK, P. It. It. Rt'llPrtriAN IIOMK.. country places an 1 building sites lo suit all renulremenls; Main no H. v. ItUNTHIt. Wnine. Pa. nnsTitAitiTirpitoi'nnTiKs HA 1.1! OH ItllN'T JVAIlNOf'Kj5;i:MMN Co!mnejrJn.ljrrJJb1r. Nr.w .mitsET llnildnn Heights, N. .7. MPPtNtXlTT LOTS AND tlOJtnS HADDOf Hi:i011TS. N, J. WIM.TJTT l.IPI'INCOTT Maple Rhnile, N. ,T. ONK-ACnn FARMS, nearest lo Phlla. train nd trollev write fnr tnmphlet. HARLOW CO.. Mnpleshade. N. J. . 5lt. Ephralm. N. .1. , o.vn-Amn tarms .. ,. Ml, , Krhralm. N. J. (ndlnlnlnc Itiddon Ilelehta). onlv r, miles from Camden (2 sta lions nn IraeO, $ino to $n00 per acre, tltlo Insured rreo ilecfi- no taxes fnr toil. CAMDIIV COPNTRY OARUnN VARMS CO. . l20T,Rrofidwnv, Ciimden. N. .L i:,snoitp. COTTAOn at Cupe May or Ocan Cltv erected to our satisfaction attriAiivc plans suh milled freo hv the RelHblo nulldcr. OTIS M. mw.VHKNIl. Ocean Hty, N. J. PP.NNSVM'ANIA l'AltM8 TOR SAt.K CIIHAP AN SU-ACIli: POPI.TRY lltM. with 11 r,.roomeil fram ilwelllng. nelv unlnteil Inside nnd out nnd nenlv p.i pered InsMe: good birn. wagon house, straw shed. fTti room, workshop, hoghnuse, chick en bouse, n rnlouv hntiscH and a l.irge torn crib, ncarlv all these buildings nro pew and In excellent condition Running stream of wnier on thn plnce and 1!i acres of woodland. Fruit of nil kinds In season PRIt'IJ $.1000. hilf of which can remain on first mortgage at fi fi per cent. Possession Klvcmnt nnce, W. VnttYI. WALTON. Jenklnlonn. I'n. 70 ACIti:s: rich, black, lonmv soil; fruit: streim: woodland, good tuilMlnss; store, school and creunery H mile: trollny m miles: prlcn ST.'CO- $1100 cash down, .luck's llirm Agency. 21,1 Stephen Olrard nidg., 21 8. 12lh st.. Phlla. !.1 ACIinS STOCK, CROPS, good buildings: $2VKi- .half cash. IIUNSIli:ltai:il'S FARM AOnNOY. Oreen iJine. I'n. Srt-ACRH dalrv fnrm on Ilethlehem Pike; stone buildings: neir It It. town: $e.1no. $-".000 ensh. A. II. TYSON, Lnnsdale, Pa. FOR SAI.r: Ijirge farm In Toono Mountains; want to close nn estale. II. Anna Ilrown. executrix. Tiinnersvllle. Pa. FARMS-8 TO 100 A CltnS. Nr.w catai.ooiii: on applicatiov C. P. PI'.TKRS SON. OOS CHHSTNl'T ST. 10 ACRHH. I'hiitils Ford section, offered quick sill". JIIWHl J. II. THOMPSON. West Chester. Va. for ni:v .ii'.itsp.v r.Mtiis RPRLINOTON COUNTY FARMS All siren, all lilK-nnnes Hstnbllsheil ISO. A. W. DRKSSHR. Ilurllngton. N. J. BEAL ESTATE SALE OB BEIT IHTY A HOJir. FROM US Monthly onyment. $17 to tsn- N, Phil 1. nnd Oermantown: prices S1VK) to 70(xi. Merchants' Union Trust Com pany, Tia-itii uneiitnut st. CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES For Salo and Rent. .jJAMES nWINCHEI.L.17thA Snnsom sbv SEND FOR OUR SALE OR RENT LIST. WM. G. OLENN. .I11O..IOI I.ind Tltlo llldg. Liu .'oiumuia ave. si'iicitn.w CITY AND SURURnAN properties for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company, Land Title Rulldlng. Philadelphia. Pa. Itnhi-Cynivyil, LARGE LIST HOPSE''. sale or rent, nt all prices SVMPELC, WAGNER. Jr., Commer cial Trust Illdg.. 15th and Market sts. BEAL J2S ATE TO EXCHANGE DESIItARLn PROPERTY on Tioga st.: will consider Investment houses or ground. WILLTAM RAItlt. 8th nnd Oak lane. PICTURE THEATRE, earning $7.1-112.1 weeklv guarantcd. to exchange for good Investment properties. Investigate. Rarrlst, 201 N. Rroad. BEAL ESTATE WANTED RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort gages and nre insurance piaceu nuicaiy, nee irru iiuicHiy, i IMS Taskerst. Kane lor prompt resuiia. WANT llst'ng of countrv scuta nnd farms. II. II. McCOLLUM. 1.114 Walnut St. "Don't Forget the Number." MODERN HOUSE, ground, outbuildings: near train and trolley: rent under $23. A 120 Ledger Office. I'lictorlra WE wish to rent, with power, about 20.000 enuaro feet suitable for textile purposes; state full partlculara. M 311. Ledger OfOce. BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT CITY 2X15 GREEN ST. 3-atory dwelling; In good condition. WJLC.BENKE'RTil0 'ARCH ST. 2040 N. MAUVINE ST. .1 story. U rooms; fine order; low rent, Kevs 101.1 N. 12th st. WM. L. CRAVEN'S SONS. 1.140 N, 7th t. 1320 N, 20TII ST Nino rooms; rent reduced to $20: In good condition. O. P. CO WARD CO.. 20th and Jefferson. 20in WALNUT ST. 1-story dwelling, lot 20g 120 feet: 14 rooms nnd 2 bathrooms. Edgar G.Cross. I41IWalnut st 1321 ifONTOOMERY AVE. 3-story, 10 large rnoms: will renovate: $13. North Philadel phia Trust Co.. Braid and Karla ave. 143 212s ARCH, 12 rooms and bath, porcelain tub. vvashstand; 'J toilets; many closets; good re$2jl.'22ri4 FIT-WATER. 10 rooms, brown stone front; porcelain tub; 3 heaters; good "P'r- , - .. j t, A. Html X. .i. c. wi, miu mm i.yg. STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. See our list In tha Ledger Saturday, ' t MUBL T, FOX & CO. 8. K.. car. Oth and Callowhlll. SEND FOR OPR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Broad and Cheptnut sts. RKNT PUCK until TebrUAry 1-1K0 StlUman st,. 3 rooms. $H. C. P. COWARD CO.. -Oth and Jefferton. II u -Inert rropertle and Store TO7-70O AKCII ST. fiTOMH ANP HASKMENT teca Ktates TOO figansom nt. WIM- KHKOi'. ySl OOOD TENANT, sarage or tiuftnetw bulldlnv on ilte .'2x71 ft. fronting on - Btieetn, near 13th and Vine t. MYKU3 & IlAUTH. HUge ava. & 10th. Va c turlen, lVarehoue.t Mfr 1'luora Exceptional space for manufacturing1 n MODERN BUILDING Every desirable udvantase -railroad, etc. CJIEAP RENTAL. LOW INSURANCE C. J. MILNE SONS, UTH AND WASHINGTON AVE. MANUFACTURER will have for rent one floor of over 11. 00) so. ft. In his new building-. to be flnlsbeJ March 1, lights, J aides, j block from 2d and Market sts. THE JOHN CHOMPION COMPANY i . UAnimuril Ol. FIREPROOF STORAGE, and LUht Manufac lurln Floors, with R. It. Sldinr, Rsasonablt rates. Permanent and temporary leases. LARKIN BLDO,-. 220 AND ARCH 8T8. "Philadelphia,' fflneirt Business Floors." J meaTs rnlv: I02 g"fffh''y UPPERLOQRStniT Market st. : 22l5TftT vvell Ifjhtsd. heat an4 slemtor wrvice. power, excellent location iar light munufai o-turlna-. Inoulre of engineer. 4TU.ST N.. lltU25 Man ufacturlQtf noora. steam beat and power. Apply Penna- Co.. SIJ Chestnut st BROAD AND WALLACE (Metropolitan Iiulldlnirt - Rooms SOpo tq 40.000 Uieao. puvver -Vpply o Geo. F Ljsher. uj N tot. JPAOT" RY KUOR3 and waotroqiM, liri;. and nr u"ulraUv lorat4 - " -- HARRY T SA NDEit 31 S. lStfe t. HAVE pvitfY by wlit 'erect kvlkUux,' ?ao - wSTiT?iV,nnTw1Wt'- BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT qrricEs, miRiNnss itqoMS, etc DriKXEL hf.Drt. OFFtOns, Annual nentajf.A Single rroms, 1tr CI?ot iso. gj.'O. ' i.V, Suites, arms' gpil). mvS. 1 "" in? .K Rulles. 'I rms , 1R0. S27.1 ItM. I.V) JinQ 7S0. Corner suites, 4 to 8 rooms. JtWO to It'Vlp Kf.I,IS D. 1il,t,TAMS. f.OO Drexel nulldlng. . . . " f.17 MAtlKET ST . 3D TLOOfl lie f. eletor service. Suitable llrM mfg. MODKiiATr; iu:.niiai, 2?t2oi Fr.r.T Kst. JOHN- DOnsO.V, 80O Chettndtjrtj. MERCHANTS' Ill'ILDINO , 44. North 4lh street , . , A erv desirable offices. Heat and light. cnsTitAii"orFicrw. sn'moo and mtsivnss pitOPRnTins j,y. khi.IjKiIj. io s. ihtii Hi, . Pl,!5AHiII.DINO. AhCII ST. .. Third-floor front. lOoo sa. ft. . Irallon. light and conveniences jmsurpassed. IjAIUIE light rooms." 2d and Sd floors! steam heat: fireproof wall safe. Frank . Taylor, 251) South 4tlist. OpriCR rentrnlty located. .within u square of Ollv Hall; may he lease. until Mav 1st at reduced rental, J 2ia. ledger Central. i Professional Offices PltOFTSSlONAti IltJII.DrNO. ifll-U Cliestnut st. A few suites for phvslclana or dentists. .1. T, JACKSON CO., Chestnut and 13th sts. Ilesk Itoom . DKSK IIOOM. telephone, etceltent.llght, Phone t mesrnges rerelved. 110 s. 4llut.i room 424. IlKNTAIi l.ISTfl .1110 N. 2IST ... 1012 N. Camac... 2011 N. Msrvlne. . IS. 4 Id., lro-M'Icnrfleid ... 721 8. Mole . .. J?.v :t2-) Indiana. .. . SlllPIS Ingersoll . . ?ni nil N 42d... . 2ni222i Orlanna. . . 201 M12 Calwalader . isisnio Catharine 1210 Spencer Hi ALFRED II, WILLIAMS, .122 Walnut st. lrST PIIII.ADELPIIIA I1ERMAN TIROS.. 0010 MARKET Houses. Apartments. Stores NEAR OOTIIST. "I." STATION For Rent or Fnle. TlllNT reni.oni.b1e' larrn .l.alnrv enrner dwell Ing. 12 rooms 2 baths; suitable for nnart- incnis; .111-' .vutnuia ave; aev .uui. j. j. . 1 urner iu I'nesmut at. $2'-TIIREE STORIES. 11 rooms. haMwcod nllhlli others SIS tn $42.10. 1; II. APSI.KY. S;th and Springfield ave. $10 TO MO-CHESTER AVE. SECTION Houses nnd apartments. Donald V. Red . uing, nyq anil Chewier ave. (IKII1IANTOWN $.10-DWELI.INGS. 11 ROOMS Send for List. C.intJnental.Eiiiiltnbte Tnist Cn..t 3. 12lh at, Tlog "OR RENT. TIOC1A- Cojv 2-slnrv n-rm, porch dwelllnc all conveniences: elegsnt nelahbor hnoil; 2111 W Pnrldc st. (pear 22d lilid Erie Jlie)'AOIIN .1. TURNER. 1201 chestnut st. 1IAIN LINE, PA. It. It. REST LINE OF MAIN LINE HOUSES Either for sale nr rent, at all prices. 1IHIST .vV McMt'LLlN.WcsU:ndTruit Illdg. MOHKRN HOI'HlM. $10 "to $200 per monthl various stations. Send for rpeeUl list, liar bert tlaghnril. 201 Halley Illdg. , M'ynnevvnoil lit MANOR ROAD-iModern: IS rooms, 2 baths: ' aero land: $10 per mo. Walter ll.issolt ruiuui. vv vnnewoo,!. rn. sritiutnAN I.liitirrli, I'n. NEW S-STORY. 0-room house, all conveni ences: nenr hlah-specil trolley and school: bargain at $2.1 If rented now. WAI. H, DAVIS. Phono Uanerch 22.1. . NF.W JERSEY Ttunnemeile, X. .1. FOR RENT-At ltunncmede, N. J.. Reading II. R.. 10-room house, largo yard? shade; one square from stntlon; nenr schools, church nnd stores: no hotels; rent low. Appiv John 11. Rowers. Jr. M0BT0AOES MORTGAGE MONEY In all amounts at low C3t rates and minimum expense. PROMPT ATTENTION ARTHUR Tins WELL. Member, Real Estate noard. 22.1 N. 11th st. Roth phones. MONEY roil WELL-SECURED MORTGAGES AT I1WEST RATES ... ALSO HtULDINO ASSOCIATION FUNDS FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES JAMES G. FRANCIS 70.1 WALNUT ST. URAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Mortgages. Loans Negotiated. Fire Insurance. WM. II. W. QUICK 11RO., INC. 8 South 40th. MY RIIILDING .AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS DESIRE APPLICATIONS FOR OOOD 1ST 2D MTGS ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. WILLIAM JAMES KEOOII 301 DREXEL UUILDINO LOMBARD 1.114. MAIN 210.,. f-jl TCI TCIAV flM nnxi. nsTATO secur. to jtv; Immediate settlement: payable as l-zuuu oesirvu . . EDW. M. MOLL i;tl m. uiunii MORTGAGE JIONEY Sums to suit. Firsts and Seconds. G. C. SEIDBL & CO.. INC. sin ana waiiowuiu its. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS Jllll.- VJ. HHii.lrtin .. SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REDNKR 727 Walnut st. j. R. MASSEY SON 1.1TH AND GREEN STS. TinST AND SECOND MORTGAGES BUILDING ASSOCIATION FUNDS a'vv amount. $.m to $.wo to loan on real estate. 1st nr 2d mtge. or note. atitiiitii .1. T.EItPOI.n 121R Chestnut st. nml 41 South rd. SiQ fitri Special for mortgages. U. a ''iUJU L. runds for seconds. nd WORRELL. B3.1 N. 17th. $100, $2(10 TO $3000 TO LOAN LEWIS CO. 1227 W Olrard ave. 5550 ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIALTY A HA7.LETT ei MOSS 11H WALNUT BT, TIRST AND SECONP. ANY AMOUNT Cltv or suhurbs"nulck service, JAMESC!SIMPSON,i420 chestnut. st. "FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 20MORTO,AaES MORTGAGES FOR SALE THEO. R. NICKLErt. 2111 Germantown ave. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES lti;AM!.'N,Atll' UIIAH.ir;?! JOIINAuHARRY, (V07IVND TITLE BLDG. i-UNDS roifisT and 2n MoriTaAaES ANY AMOII.VT I'OTTS ft THOMSON. 2.121 Franktord.ave. rtllar A.ll iiiu, -.a.-.v. iuiiiuAur.,1 Xnv Amnnnf. OtlleVf Servle. T. VERNON PINNO. 1100 l-Yanklln Ilk.Bldr, AIJTaMOUNTS 1ST AND 2"d"MORTO'AOES Quick answer. MAURICnH.MATSINOEn, Real Est.Tr.Bldr. PtSUPa UUAll .. .I ai'MI (UAUI.3, I.DV. WALLACE 1112 Lincoln Build Ing. Both phones. FIRST and 2d mtgs. or on note, anv amount: low rates: Immediate annwer. F. X. Delany, 1112 Lincoln Bldg.. Broad and Penn square. TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTaAG HBRKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE HUILDINa HAVE $S000 TO INVEST IN EITHER 1 OR 2 FIRST MORTOAOES. APPLY M 182. LEDGER OFFICE PRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS 1ST MORTGAGE 2D MORTGAGES J EDWARD LUT7.. 240 N. 17TH BT. MONEY for first and second mortaairis; quick action. Mccormick McCormlck. 1011 Chestnut Street. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES nmaii or larso sums. WALDMAN. 1110 W, Olrard ave. INVFSTMMKNTfl FIRST MOnTOAGEB, GROUND RENTS REAL ESTATE. PEM- JKRTONEsJTATES. Jlarjrlson Bjilldlnir READY FUNDS" for sood first mortxaxes; brlna us your application. Oil AS. lbROVn.& C0.2tTaBroadsL. OWNFRS If vour mortttsce has been called, I will take It up: also 2d mortgage money, PHB-iTER P. ROTTNER. 1420 Chestnutat. MONEY fir 1st. 2d and split rnortrareJ. bulldlna- asao. funds. Howard B. Mllion 4 Co.. 2122 Germantown ave. MONEY TO LEND at 8 per cent., secured by prst mor-ldg. rti'iir in r, v. guvin, a.v Commercial iron uunamr. $100.aio FOR FIR8T. second or split mort xaaes " Se us first." AUE.IIt.l.1".. aiat ,., n,u, - .J. ,.,H, HAVE well-secured 0 per cent, around rents in amount, of $1000; $1200 and $2200 fcr sale M Pi. i-eager uince. LOANS Lars or small sums on real estate. Judgment notes or mortgages, loans on unset tied estates, iempsey v;o.. it a. loin FUNDS for first and second mortgages, any amount, quick answers. CH AS. W. MIL-T.ER.401-4O7 Commonwealth Hldy. MONEY for first and second mortgage, build ing ass'n and Instalment mortgages. Willis- Winchester uompapy iuui -nesiiim tv ALL. AMOUNTS to loan on 1st and 2d mtges. ChaVZDYoun.K. 400W. KndjrrustJBldg. IIOOO for Orat.morticos. MICHAEL. A, MA- "lONBY. 1007-8 Finance ItulldUig-. MONEY "for nt and second mortgages. O. P. COWARD CO 20th and Jefferaon st- MOKTGAOES taken on vacant cround. state lo cal lc aiidamouDtdeidrdIlMo Cent. T- MONBY TO ZOAN YOU CAN BORROW MONEY oN$2iNSN.f.-. s.:el? W- RIED HR'a 12S MARKET ST. BIDO- AVE. AND OXFORD ST. iwAjiu mjuih gra. WE LOAN MONEY ,mr Kurnlt r St -Xw-Jja" 4t Katex, ii IJiA- A LT.1 N CO, OF- FUIIaA. CU. ..?f wrU - 31 . 16th stll . . . . . . ...... C'vV i o r Ira A ! TTI. T TT . m ea p o Kj ix i r r Lj in, ) ap Plenty of Backing THE I'ADDEU CELL ;; 14 Mlas Box (to lier fiances vnlet)- T J I J-vi " I John, tnko those roses back nnd tell "Le-w C' 'J' '.; jo tho lletitenntit lio tm1.1t not spend so Ta g-j v ... 8 much money on flovvera. I "lz?- 1- " I John-Oil, Hint's nil right. Since lie I --r-M N 11 . became etiirnRcil lo you io can get nil - 'I .() we want on credit. s x .. J Some Other Way j ' .& ""- ,('J& Y BfBpl I VVrA( w3pri'"T4''. Ny L :tWA- U Illllkliis Jim colled mo u fool, Do 1 look lllio a fool? Daslilcy No, you do not. Ho couldn't have JiulBcd you by your looks. AWFDLLf JDrW VrNU BUT I CANT KEEP OOR. DA7E tills EULtllHu-nQ HIEBEENeRUto LODT OF TOWN Just Settling It e New landlordMay I see the head of the house, please? Lady Head ol the house! All right! Just you wait a minute and then we'll see who it is him or me! AND THE WORST J?Bi Kt-Wi i VoO To MEET $ J ) ToNltrfT AND xWfjk. ;w47 1 1 UCD-T--111J 1 M 1 UAWf.lF FFI I FoC I 4jiyTO(rB X1 THKT'OOTOF f-Pllfl I fqjfejv hoHVcAMTeortEOP A I I A 6evr scoit.'I lP TorUGm. 0PPDS.y - .KS.l&k UftMGIE.. fvC-. wt-eoTp K6rtcA tjga WxZfa p ' 'lot1 Vi" xi&f Jf Vi R 1)11) IT EVLMt HAPPEN TO YOU? MAKING frA - W MARRIEO SISTER- -eSSg. AlUE , COTTA rJ C fev HEWL FROM eH CWO J T DATE TO TAKE nA Jrfv-t2l, ANftl Nil ulfMT t s-'iJ ' usnri:T-riiciii! Si2 t-l. Teas Jack seems perfectly devoted to you. Why don't you marry him? Betty Oh, I like to have him devoted to me. IS YET TO COME SURE OF IT London Opinion. In Darkest London Pusdu "Dropped anything?" "No," "What are you looking; for, tb,en?" "Leicester Square." Objection Enough Mrs, Jlultlrox-JoUa, why d you object tt lAllUan marrytajr a title! Mr- AlulUrosJ don't, It'll whit a VHU 1 Wr I oDict to. fl"ia n U ia.t lap" said, tli tim Mat ru o- mjllt ajj 4kBi'a.. - 9B5us!lA- stBIi EsfHKlipi$ijJl S?a:!'SvS,jHB 9H NMBBlzBAviilAV KfUS Hl Sj:9hH 9RkFI P ii '11 KJUVI swiisi&w-frri "ii ,7, M,.?'?.ctfPu.iM. Kaw , Sew-4?eua alq, JfWJ. wsk sum . , - 0. A re 1. i 1- MM