14 BVtifriKq- LEDGEB-FHiEADEIiPHlA'.' FRIDAY, tfANTJARY 14. 1916. FINANCIAL NEWS ,-T VIGOROUS BUYING OF WAR STOr.KS J SE&T THEM UP FOUR TO SEVEN POINTS . Bwrts Current of a Merger of Bethlehem and Crucible. , J5Sinor ftieel snares Also Given a Boost Strong ,e interests tfoujrnt Pressed Stee Car xne Uneniilnoss which wns created in yestcrdny's lato trading by the MWtfcnn outrages disappeared over nlfiht. Thero was no pressure of stock in yWence. but Instead n vlRoroui demand appeared from maiiV sources, with oulflMe buying In evidence In many Issues. PHng the nfternoon the buying of many of tho warurdcr stocks becamo ynt Vigorous, and violent advances In these Issues recalled the spcctncular MWrwHenls noted In tho same stocks last year. Many of these Issues made ipwiw ranging from four to seven points, and dealings In them were on an ,..,., ,, BLale. lno extreme advance was made In Uethlehem Steel, Wilch roso 25 points. Tho room connected this display of strength with tho persistent buying Jit Cruclblo Steel, which roso moro thnn seven points, crossing 67. Reports were- current of a merger of tho two properties, although when that was fcuggested before It was understood that fears of litigation prevented Its con summation. In somo quarters an Idea prevailed that this activity In tho ""'""' "iocks imncaicci a period of trading similar to that of several months ago. ' Tho minor steel Industrials ncro also In Vigorous demand, and many l "' mnac gains or 2 to 3 points. Pressed Steel Car was by strong Interests. American Can reflected continued accumulation. New York Bond Sales rw. b ..., 102 10214 102 ,fs . nvi ns piu jv 4s . io7 mil in;? im . . ... . Hlrt. Vw tarn -.""si csr ?D "".. I"? ..rtrti V"K'W 'IPncn 0000 jtmw T.l .1. 49 Amr Tel conv vil armour Co 4n ji iJ"3 Atchison iidj 4s. .. , s;u itS5 Jf1"?? V. 4.iw ionJ .ionn At nn Co I.lne 4U . . V iffi!? .'J.'J i hl" 4" Kw ..!lS? n"t Ohio 4 . tail ffavi fiiT.?" . '.'"' J'Wi... IWH I24 LSJ5 S!2! !'thfr l.i is loin ..l.i i.pnr . n i . . .. I Hl I'Mit till M 1SIS &M Ohio CV Vl4i JJHJ Ches ftOhln - , ;; S!BbS VW,y -: H J " m 4... 88Sfel,liI,Qtr'v" 20000 M & St I' VI. ' ' wKK ! ? Sl "' rH 44.. 1!'RU,,,:,rM ' "UJJ r"!nM"'"i Tel.M' i llRU o-iti nbt-J-i & It bought Application to List Kcnnccott to Be Made Soon It Is understood that within tho next month application will bo made to the lew YorK 8tock exchange for tho listing of shares of the Kcnnccott Copper Cor poration now being traded in on the Now York Curb, There has been consld crftblo talk In recent months regarding tho listing of this company's stock on tho exchange, but tho time Is now regarded ns about rlpo for such action. Within A short time, It is stated, tho directors of the Kennecott will meet to tako action on tho dividend. American Telephone Sells Notes. J. P. Morgan & Co. hns purchased from tho American Tclophono and Tele graph Company $50,000,000 4 per cent, two-yrar notes. Somo of tho notes are a direct obligation of tho American Telephone nnd Telegraph Company and others arc obligation of its subsidiary companies, Indorsed and guar ontccd by the American Telephone Company. It Is understood thnt virtually all of these notes havo been retained by ho Morgan tlrm and their associates as an Investment, nnd will not be offered to tho public. fwwi ii V " " ll'i. i'XR !?en .'o Or 4..; linHK J,Tn nl nrr'" lflK r-'l', ' m,t rnwt' 4H 5UK i'ISx'm 1 fr IJ . JIOO (Jrnntiy b -JJTO lown Cemrnl rcf in lfion in Corner cv fli . rSHWimwli MM 4U . J. ! I PT rt .In! nooo Inter M .Mnr 4'i.. . iV.S ,K"1 Cl,v a !' "" .TlflOO I,nrkjl !! Xm Inrn .?595 ''"He Shoro cn mn. . jn . i l.l & J T ,V Ions jooo lxirlllanl 7 ... , 12-,J JJS'i Jillwmke? Onn 4. . njit .'!! J!" Kftn.. T s" linoii m; V."l.i",.," "" '": si!K SYG&TajS ; ion 45 n ra iH si no jmvi I1'4 siH on 42 00t4 ino KB ioi; Ml ioS CURB MODERATELY ACTIVE Good Demand for International Nickel Shares NDW YonK, Jan. .-Speculation In the market for outside securities today was moderately active and while somo Irregularity developed In the early trad ing me general undertone was stronc. There wns an especially good demand for International Nickel, when Issued, which moved up 1 In sympathy with tho strength of the company's stock In the stock market. Marine shares were also conspicuous by their strength on a bet tcr buying movement on the moro favor able outlook for tho reorganization. Motor stocks were comparatively quiet with tho exceptions of White, which, after advancing 2 points, eased off slight ly. Mldvaln Steel, after a slight reces sion, developed strength. Tho Curtis Aeroplane Issues terc heavy. Manhattan Transit was weak on frcercr offerings. Oil stocks were stronger wllli . cnnH demand for Ohio, which crossed MO, whllo good gains were shown In .Standard OH of New Jersey, California and New York mining Issues were steady. INDUSTRIALS. AJnx Rubber Inc w I... ......... .,,, 71 7114 . nimujnii uim c I on er. . t . , .. . o'fc i"" "f"i '................ in iurns Aern ..... ,.,..,,., Drlinn-Pesburr ....... . ...... Inter Merchsnts' Murine Inter Merchants' Mnrlno pref,,. Sates in Philadelphia fc Allls Oinlm n Am (.n . . TO Am nys rref, MO mill JO... , 100 Chlno Copper, 34W Cam Steel ... .hi uorn iTOfl Tea. close. High, 217 Klec Btor i'o inti .122 . sag Mu ferhnrn .nm . . . 30J Ixike 8un Corp. n t i.enign nrv,... 70 10 I-ehlith Vslley.. St SO Ii vul Trnn 3SU 40 NorlMonn 13S is North renn.,, 01 82T rennn Rdjlrnad. fi 110 Pa Unit Mfe.,.100 10 Phlla Co ., ... 42 .?J rtfl cum tref. i 41J4 ftIO . It T tr ctfs , 10 m f'hlla Traction. 7H 100 nttsbth Coal.., ,, 27 Reading ,....,. 82 2J lonopah neln., 4!i 221 Tonopah Mlnln. 7 u" imueo uaa imp , M 122 05S 40 m 7VI M KlU, n J? V Low. CIoe. 27 i -'i' :::i .22 4J!4 rr :::::::::. 72is 704 ;(, LI' K? .Vim N V c & It .-tUs SSJJf KCft HujII iimkkj n v o a ii hb . t Some Special Development Expected in New York Central , An Impression prevails on tho Street that somo special development Is floso at hand In the Now York Central outsldo of an expected dividend Increnso Rt tho March meeting, and It was asserted In anmn nimrinn m, n . .. tts , --- .,... ..u ...f.b nititt;i,lullk in regard to this matter may be mado In a short time. NEW YORK STOCK SALES 1 Aaanu tiprcsj r Ausica Juneau ''; Alaska Gold M,.... et Allls-Chalmers Mfg. ' Allta-Ctulm Mfe pf. .;', Am Ag Chemical... y Am Ac Cbem pf. ... ?' Am Beet Sugar Am Can.. ... ..... Am O & F Am C & F pf Am Coal Products.. Am Cotton Oil Am Cotton Oil pf... Am Hide & L pf. -'a Last close. High. Low. Cloto, 153'i HS 148 118 (I5i 10 O'i 23H 25JJ 2JH 27 29JS 20!i 78M SOU 78JJ 8)f 0Sf OSif 08 OS 07H 07 08 COJi OUi 03!f 02 07 70 (7ii Ur Ami 1183f 118 10 25M 20 If tow OStf 03 07H G234 G9Ji HSU LklBt Plnl trte-h Iaw itM - PlttsbufBh Coal. 30 .105.' 35I 30f Pltljthllrph fTnil f 1111 ... .1G0H 100 lfi2), 103U Am Ice Securities.., Am Llnsccd Am Unseed pf ; Am Locomotive r Ala Locomotive of. . AmMaltpf. Am Steel Foundries. Am Foj ar Refining. C5 . 00f . C3!f . 25M . 21H . 40 . C2H .101 33 C 09H &1 20 2IU 13 OOJi 101H 101 3i;i 3IH 53 09H 63f 23i 21H 40!f 03 5.1 09M 20 2 Hi 43 mu 101H .'11!.' 104Jf 107 101! 107 . 0OH HV-i 55 57 .115 110 114W 115 Am Tel Tel 12714 128 127H 127K Am Woolen pf tr r.... 02 03 03 03 AmZL Smelt C0K COW CO C0H a ABteonaa topper ban bsm baa bv its' Associated on G7H mi !, AtchT & S F 100H 107 il. Atca T & S F pf 09K 99H ',-; Atlanua Coast Una.... 113 115 "l Baldwla Loco 100U 113 i Baldwin Loco of 10.8 1118 MA Baltlmoro i Ohio 04H Ol'f , , i Baltlmora & Ohio pf.. 70H 70!X i 4 1 Bank of Commerce .. .178 178 TlitrmtUi flnfntr llf Olf Bethlehem Steel 43o' 455 terooklyn Rap Tr 87 87M "JBrown Shoe pf 09! 091 Pressed Steel Car. Pullman Co Pub S Corp N J. . . , Quicksilver Hy Steel Spg Hay Con Copper.... Reading Rep Iron & Steel.... Rep Iron & Steel pf. St Louis ASK... . St I, South est of. . Scalxwd Air Lino... Seaboard Air Line pf. . 4li bloss-Sheff S l Co.. 01 ' Southern laclflc 102 Southern Uy 23H Southern Ry pf CAH Studehaker Co 150 Tenn Copper ti7'i tuu to ..i'i 1IH 111 111 111 58 01 SS!f 01 lOoM 107W 1B55 107 no 110 Jlflii lie I I 4 10 301S 40 2I' 2DJ 2IU 82-f 8i; fi'JH 53Ji 5Hf SL'J; 108'X lOSJi 108JS Mi fH 5Js 15 l. 45 18H 18'f 18H 41H 11 41 61H 01H 0l)f VXUi 102 102tf 231f 23f 23 U 0JJ( OIK OUi 150M 152H 158Jf CO 68K '5IIJ, r-J L'U 22.1 4 am 24U 81'f 51 Ji lO' 0 45 18' . 7S4 tKMM) V V li.f a. inx'i A:,77 iJJI"' M v -"'v I'talW,' 10H4 P"? N Y City 4ls IDS. . imW '-JKt.a 1. "lv 4U 19W ,. ""'"i ftKino ,v v nn.. ref 4s . . nsi: S Jior ,'." "rlor I" nxi, ?!S!! ! "r,nc Tei bs .. .. loom J,'! i,Ubi'.C KorV J ' IM -j!J!'!!,'',d nc,(ten.4a . . nil, .mtt lien lr ft s .. . . ikis 41!! Ll.n.v PTrK?.'!"'"- nS i-8t i.r .Vr:.?5 IiMi) ht I1ul M A M -His )( Standard Ois (, .. ikkh) Seaboard A 1. mil r.n J000 south Hell f,s. J . n,iioi South l'ac cv 4s ... ki ISKxiouth Iae rM 4k . . K ..(Ki South Uy Ken l. . "IN. Wltlrl South Hwj con ,1s ...l(1tj it!J!!! J'rm A"" S' ' rc' " N" liorat Texas Co c vh ..Hi S 00 Thlnl Avj rcf 4a . . . Kl IOOO Third Ae mlj Bs .. NH1 .10011 Tohln lis. .. . . ml ItHHi Tol Pen & V 4s.. .. r,'i a 21000 V H Steel :.s linn mm r s ov 4s noli '21 R7V J2.-ji tw'i ssl nn loots iii: 71l! SIJi IM' Mil 10l 10.V4 10CI 7" a Knthodlon Uronio pre! j;n (ire ..... .Manhattan Transit Marconi Mldvala Pteel . ., St Joserh Lrfvld is Submarine lit vvv t o ctfs ....,,,. snii World Mlm vv t ctfs ,,,' 2 Wealern Iliclfle 1.1 While Motors w I ,., roH OIL STOCKS. Casden is Victoria a M1N1NO STOCKS. nutle c A Z v t ctfs n 1SW M 21 H)I4 21 41 .?.' ir loo 41 is in V" 81 20 West 47 V J er & Reash BO'l PO Wm Cramp a s 8iH i xotk hwv prei, no nONDS. list'prev. . . .... . . sale. Hlh j.u"u Aiiesnen vi s mp ihi iUU Am li A .1 OS. , H1 7 cam s scrip "10 us 41 so II s steel jii i; h jno 1-2 P.1J4 SStJ r.i U m iss 8",. 78'A 81 .1H 142 PIJi loo 80'i 42 4V4 2S 18't 3 rv-,4 87 122 P54 40 M 74 0.1(4 !a i8t 142 om no loo, 80'4 42 It 21 inj4 7n4 snv. 82W 4H NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY SIXTH AND SPRING GARDEN PHILADELPHIA INCORPORATED 1871 FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL STATEMENT JANUARY 1st, 1916 ei.. ,..ii sou 8iK nnn Alco. ..1334 I17j; 1.1rtT1171i Ire 07 J?. 07(4 nM .tps'h m k$ " m 8IU as 8i; .K) Hi .13 Canada Cooper Internatlontl Nickel Kcnnccott Copper . 8 ri2'i r.i 40U 20 not 2M, n in-tn si S4V4 7 do Feb ' i....l01U 7 do May 17....1011i WO El & Peo Tr 4s. 82 2200O Lake Sup lno 4s 22 ooiin l.eh ,V con 4'is.loiW 1000 Leh V sen 4tjs. .. looo lh VarT ref fts 02 nooo I'a ren 4Hs. ..101 pooo phwnt 4 noi4 C000 I'hlln Co cons 3s 00 4S.1 do scrip 1010.. 100 431 do 1018 . ... OR looo Heading 8en 4s. 1)3(4 22000 Stand Oas Its.. 100 IV IHl OS ion; 2-2 102 loij; loilj no n H J loo ns nsji loll, Lorr. Close, trnn 00 ASSETS Bond Investment Securities Owned.... 44... Real Estate First Mortgage Loans Time Loans on Collateral Securities......... Call Loans on Collateral Securities,... Bank Building and other Real Estate... L-asn on nanu ana in uauns, , . i.. Accrued Interest..... ... ,4. ........... 4 loi;; loiu i loll? 10114 po 08 82 20'i 102 I0t .n7 101 ni ,PO loo PS "Mi 'i 100' on 08 82 102 101 JJ po PiU 100 PR PIU lilli? MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TO.VOPAH STOCKS. . 87 101 loot; R.IU, I00W 301154 ii'iV I (VI IK114 IK114 Jim Duller MacNamara ... Mldnav . . . Mlipali KxtenVon Bid .1.12 . .02 . .14 . .22 WS(I fnlon I'nc cv 4. iiovni 1111 llwjs S F 4s .. 2100 Vr, rs llrnivn llros. lOOfK) Vn. Itwy 3s .IflOli Vn Hwj- & 3s BOTOO Wab.p T 1st ct 4s 2oco IVcst l'Jec cv 3s.. 1000 West n A. M cv 5s. 101)0 West I'nlon 4Hs ., 4il'i II! I? .1 .113 .11JJ. , I1314 101 J till'. in; in(. r.i i.'.Jt Montnna 34 Northern star is Tonopah Helntont 4W, Tonopah Tlxtenslon 47. iunop.in uninfc o4 Heaciie HuIr n. 1est nnd S3 OOLWFirci.I) STOCKS. Atlanta 21 lllue Hull 02 llonth 4n Ilulldor , .02 o o D :. 0.1 ComMnatlon Fraction 07 lIHIIIOIKIHPICl J If .. ..., ....., , .Kl I'alxr 01 Horence 30 Ooldneld Consolidated l.oo Ooldflcid Jlcrxer t7 lumbo Extension 1.3t ICcnanas vn tro 0.1 .Sand Ken Oil Slltcr Tick loo MISCELLANEOUS. rarv Altec ot Klmberly 02 Neada Hill y, Nevada Wonder 1,0.1 14 Asked 1.13 01 .10 .2.1 .37 .10 IS 4 .10 .SI .2.1 .01 .41 .01 .04 .O-l .01 .03 l"l2 .10 1.9.1 .22 Oil .08 .08 .0,1 .Ol 21 1.70 KI.KCTION NOTICI! 08)1 OSfi locu man lHK 115 105H u:i 10s 10s . Bosh. Terminal. : 3ntta & Superior... if; Butterlck Co ,. Cal Petroleum 65 ji niroicura pi... fff), CnBdla Piclflc... ft.t vaoc J . u in.... l.? C.mnt leather Hn hUo Copper i.ftltu PAnn.r . ' CW Qt Wejterr. pf.. . CM Sill A St Pia.. hOCC&StL Jew it i & rc ,,tiBi c normweai..... Cluett 1'ca & co '.Colorado Fuel & Iron. 7051 70J4 178 178 410 152 132 132 87K 87H 09)f 09f 100 100 70 70 32 32 35! 37 07 6SH " - iiituii; u u 9 n TwInClty IiapTr.... 00K Ofilf onu o7iu fi "... 5Je Pan" 7H 7 7H 7U United Clear Stores... flli 0S nil ois Union Pacific 1171? ifi .o2iJ .?i Union Pacific pf 83 83)2 m 5? United Fruit.... .... iITh ,40 J ,, M.. us inn ai,i,i - ioo.B ii'A U. no's usindXicohop :::u3 i5 ms ?J, U S cast I P & K.... 2ik- Jir "?S " 101H 0(1 101H 69JS OUf G84 111 109'i 110 170 108JI 170 153i 153H ma 13K 13 13Jf 47i 4(1 40K 2tii 28U 28)i 12 12 03 03 ilU 42 6SJf 67J5 52)f 53H 172Jf 475 12 63K 42 57H 53J 00X 100 . 75 70U ,. 31 32 . 35 37 . bOH CSW .178H 170U 178H 170JX . 8SU 811 SO 80 . S2M 52Jf 52)j 52J( . 234" 21 235J 23V5 . H)i 54H 5-1 MH . OUi 05)j 0554 05)i . 39 3815 38 38Ji .100U 101 100H 101 . 17 40JJ 40! 40.11 . 185J 10H 185' 10,'f .133 132M 1325i 132M . 72 733X 73 731 471f 49J5 47)( 4DH ConUncntal Can 81H 83H 81U 83H Consolidated Uu 142K 143 142i 143 Corn Product Kef,... 20H 2UX 20)5 21H Cora Products icei or. 05 J J J. Crncibla Steel, CO ;jtuaoie aieci pi iitj HCuban-Am Suear 172f J 'Delaware & Hudson.,. 151 rDenAIUo-tSrand HJf ObtillenSecurlUa.... 40U . Dome Mines 27M DulBS & Alt Pf 12H XleQStoiago Bat G3H yrtc. ...... ....j...... 41JX Brio 1st pf..., 57 I. red Mln & Smelt pf.. 52)X Oeneral Electric 170JX 172iX 171 rixunl Motors 470 47.r 47.1 i- General Motors pf....U4 113H 113H 1KIH OoodtlcB B V Co 71K 73W 71M 72Ji Greene-Canaaea 4b)i 48i 48H 48H r arct Korthera pr...,124!X 12UX 12S 12H Q . .. ... .., .n. .n .n. ui n cii lur.uto pjuy. isji h'j; 10'i -lu;. Gyggrahelm Eiplo.... 23H 23)i 23). 231i JOtoob cent 107 107X 107 107 lot Ailcultural 21 23)$ 21IX 23 Ut Arrkultuiil pf.... 57!i 62H 0)X 02) i lotHarrNJ 100JJ 110 110 110 Int Harv Corp pf 107 10H 103 108 Jnter Con Cerpo...... 10JX 101X 19 lflji lotar Con Corpa pf... 77H 70X 70Jf 785X iBtatuUonal Paper... 1UI 11.' i 11 lux f fttfiuUonl Pap vt., 48 49 4K 19 . 47 1 475 47 47M .204H 212 205K 212 M M H tt dp .20 2i)X 20 20)f latMMpf cidp,.., 7854 S0)i 78! BOX rkn Cltr Southern.... 30! i 303 X 30)$ 30H Ladt Steel.!,.... ..... Kl'i 833 bJH 81U Valley 80JI 80?X SOH 80JX ttaeUA Mjrcrs pf ..119H 119) 119M U9H Lam Wwd., .22)5 20H 20 J J 20K Muclokj Cof... 70 79 79 79 ?MctyCopf ea eetf och eej Uwwdl Maton....... 65JS 69 60 69 inn...- ta bu 89 sa MullttoMaa pf.... 63JS 64!X 53 UK Satm FMoteum....lU 113!,' Ulif 115 fitM Leu! 13JX 13!i 13).' 13)J M St P 4 a M. . -124 1241X 124JX 124JX jwau c ki in m vMo lu 4c Tex pf..,. laij 16H lt))i fMUOU VOWt.,,,.,,. 37 3b)i i nciiB. an on ifsctr cXs.... 6 6)i ' UmUU Fwm 75M 76 PUeeiMM Pew pf...lOOU 110 mX t ilt, .. 77)5 70Ji K.i SwaeiAS.. .. 20JS 27X Ml liiWll ft 8 pX . . 05 02 u im c4 oun W ....1114 1131 113'. 11.'' ltJH34. 9 fl bJ,' 9 lttiel - 1S I5H 15 15JJ l&Aii Brke..l4 14SJ H6 14S)X ., ... 75 7G 75 75M kCirttaJ..Mim J10X 110 I10H . ?m 20 30 30 120 120 UOIf 120 . 3 8SH 8S1$ MU .JVJj 1I8IX I5 U(if United ltja Invest United Itys Invest pf. U S nubber....n.... U S Rubber 1st pr . U b Steel US Steel pf Utah Copper Va-Caro Chcm Va Iron Coal i, O..., Wabash Wabash pf A Wabash pf B West E &M Western Maryland.,., Western Union Tel.... Wllljs Oierland Woolnorth F w Co.., Wooluorlh pf , Quoted tx dividend 113J5 Z1M 185X 17JX 18 30 34H 30 SSJl 55 C5)f 108 108 108 ban mat .n '(f- A lWA "Z? v. tjjm ill,, vi. ic at ,01. .:. .." 10 . 30 . 55ti 110 85JX (10 . 10)5 47JX 31JX G6 3IJX 88)5 221 ISiX 01 lOJf 4SJ5 32 07),' 31 00 22J 17JX CO 10JX 48 31H ;o 31 8S VI I 18)1 01 1G)X 4815 32 07JX 31 00 223 FOREIGN EXCHANGE SCT' YOniC, Jnn, 14. Tho TorclKn ox chntiBe market opened sternly today with but slluht changes In rates from last MlKht'H level Demand sterling una quoted nt J1.76U nnd cables $1,771-16. Franc checks were $3.81 and cables $0.8314. relchsmarks checks 6Hc. und cables 76'4c, lire checks $0.77 nnd cables $.7G. In the mid-afternoon, the market was featureless with virtually no chanso from tho level prevailing onrllcr In tho day. Thero was. However, n uto.n,!,. dertone. Demand sterling wns quoted at i.ioo-io ann citDies at 4.77. Franc checks, 6.8.114, cables. 5.SI; rcichmarks. checks, 16T,, cables. 7615-16; Builders for checks. 41'i; cables, 44i: rubles, a.80; cables, .S5 nnd Swiss checks, 5.18 and cables 5.17. PSr UNION NATIONAL HANK. V .. 1'hllndclphln, Pa., .Ian. 18. 101(1. i,.'m 'i'!!".,!V.nl. m.'c!LnK. If ,,.le stockholders held on tho nth Inst, the follow In named uen tlemrn weto elected Dlrectorr to serve for the ensulnir vear JV. II. Carpenter S. S Marvin Isjnntlus 1 J. Dohan .t. H. MeCulloch Anron tlins . John C Martin rneo. 11 Conderman l.ouls N Hnlelherner llarlnn i'aie m. McAdoo. Jr. Ilonicn T. lotts 7'dvard Wolf lAn&VKJ.V."0,? l!enXy . ""ton. Jr. Henry r. Mitchell Nathan T. I'olncll Samuel E. Landls. ' "" MrAJKIJ'.Ll" 3' IT DI"ctora held this day -MP t iirrmnlar Hasleim. .! .i.n a ""-' LloCar,dnof"Dni,rec,.onra.. ' Ch,Urmn" " thB ,d; loMr ?c"e:l!de,nt!w'LVuTh:v: SnlelhcrKer. Vice Prrsldent and. Cashier: Sam: uel Campbell. Assistant Cashier: Henry I .Notary 1'ublfc. 8ol':"r. " K. . Williamson: IX)UIS N. SPIELBKnOEH. Cashier. The Best Preferred Stocks in tho Public Utility field nro so well safeguarded thnt they can bo considered al; most as conservative as tho average bond. 1 hose who wish the maxi mum income from good in vestments should consider placing at least part of their funds in Public Utility Preferred Stocks. We will submit a list with n short description of each stock together with the prico nnd yield to those who send or all for List No. 312. William P. Bonbrighl & Co., Inc. MOnniB WISTAR STROUD, Jr. Manager 437 CIir.BT.NIJT STflHET Philadelphia New York Iloston Detroit London 1 William I. Donbrlght A Co. I'nrls: Ilonbrlsht & Co. $4,113,162.67 1.5B7.B9S.00 817.217.00 2,352,586.89 320.445.0S 643,071.10 20,600.17 $9,834,578.84 LIABILITIES Capital Stock (Full Paid).i $ BOO.OOO.OO Surplus (Earned) .-.....,.,..,, 1,800,000.00 Undivided Profits 218,289 04 DEPOSITS .111111111. 7,316,288.90 $9,834,578.84 The undersigned Auditors, "none of whom In A Director Olllcer or Stockholder," ns provided br tho Charter of Incor poration, lmvliip been duly nppolnted to audit tho Accounts nnd Assets of tho "NORTHERN TRUST COXIPANT" for the year 19115. lo hereby certify that they have personally cxnmlned nnd verified the Assets enumerated Iti tho loro BOlnB Statement nnd found them correctly stated nnd In accord with tho books nnd balance Bheets o( said Comoanv January 3, 1916. William M. Stewart, Jr., 1 Qeorga T. Moxey, I Audllne. Alfred R. Wlsgart, j uaiier Trust Funds invested n aov tan nt Trust Funds Uninvested (Includlne Principal and pi' "''. 53 Interest awaiting Distribution) 35429969 Total Trust Funds, $11,781,692.22 NOTE This amount does not include corporation mortgages nor trusts of municipal securities, amounting tq $16,522,000, held by the company as depository and trustee. W. FREDERICK SNYDER, President. CERTIFIED AUDITS HEVERLE&HAY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1034 REAL ESTATE TRUST BUILDING Financial Aid for: Merchants The MORRIS Plan of Loans and Investments offers tho Idenl means of flimnclncr additions to store or stock without tylnff up ready nssots. Over $900,000 in loans. nlrendy mado at business men's rates. Supervised by State Bnnklns Department. Details on request. PENNSYLVANIA LOAN COMPANY 1507 Arch Street LOUIE J. KOLB, Pret. HOWARD II. HENRY, V. Prea. It. LEO IIUXT, V. Fres. and Treas. atoxtotontoiiiXMMWtfrm RATES FOR MONEY New York . Philadelphia Boston Chicago Cnlln. l&ttl 1 ""-HU liMf Af iTi. "iwii " u iu u Jiiuiiiug, ph!a JHrlii per cent. Time. 2Uy?ct 3W . t tnk 4 ' ei- Phtladei: r. takiv.h Hon ell 'ummTng BANK CLEARINGS now mu uoh i"o 133 ISOi 12JU o3. UH 12JH Total nnlm. 13.700 kliurra hurc; lat ucck. J nnn t ? i!;?r F&Zgimi SKUSH I.UU7.500 harrs. iianK clearlnRH today comoarcd lth corr. ponding day la.t to seara: J'hl adelphla.mi:iii.;-,i 2Kt:t,nivi S.100VS dot Sen Vork. 4M) iihn.njii "wCiaa in. 370 tm'.mt CMciiko .... l,0..MH.DH JM.8MS07 W3aiMIN t. U)Uls ... 111,1(14,210 1S,TSD,231 13:il:8JS BAR SILVER I'SP0' JW- .-:The auolatlon for com. pence "toitey1; "'Uer advan4 -l to 27 1.10 ... .-.cw turn Bluer was quoted at of cents. )S3! Oldest Mank In America. TIIK n,NK or NOItTH AMERICA. (Nntlnnnl Hank) .... . Philadelphia, January 13, 1018 ,M. e Annui" Election, on the nth Inst., tho following namejl stockholders were elected Directors of this Bank for tho ensuing- jcar Wm. D. Wlnsor Christian Charles II. Harding J. Honel llarrv O. llchener W I.rn., oilllM I.lncoln K. lassmora Hornco B. Smith John P. Oreen Kdmird p. Henson Wll llam P. Head Thcron I. Crane " And nt a Meeting of the Directors, held this day, tho following officers wcro unanimously .AHarry n. Sllchener Charles H. Harding ;Sa.mu'l D- Jordan ..William J. Murphy uth,rd S. McKlnley V -Charles M. Prince S. D. JOHPan. Cashier. re-elected. President Vlco President. Cashier Ass't Cashier... Asn't Cashier... Ass't Cashier... w. 1 id V .. rl." MCALLISTER flIADE CHAIRMAN President of Franklin Bank Heads Clearing House Committee The Clearing House Committor. r n, Plilladelphla Clearint; l"oufl JiIe Hon. which was elected las? MonC j'eK 'SLSS3'10"!' antl elected ii i'- cA'ster. president of the Frank. Hn National Bank, chairman of the "ot h.r Ar .icAIIIter W8S the wnklne mem. ber of the new committee. As chairman he succeeds Levi I.. i,ue, who fi day was elected nrp.1,1.., ......' " W h""" Association Edward F ";, President of the Foutfl, Street National Bank, was re-elected secretary of the committee. d LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO Pennsylvania R. R. Co. Cons, (now 1st) 4 Bonds Due May, 1943 Price on Application JE l Price on Application Iff Wjtfj,'M&, . , r Z A mZi rsi 11 W igr'ltlK '"JAUKK CITV NATIONAL Ph,!a,'flp.,!", Jan- "'. IMB At the annual election, held on the 11th Inst., the following stockholders were elected Directors of this Hank to serve for the en suing year: Louis If. Ares Reorge den. Kelm Jomestl. nalfour .1 Hector McNeal John I. Bishop Howard n. NIcholBon Wm. H. Clark s. Davis Page trcaencK t. unamller Michael J. Hi an Charles T. Colladay W. H. Kharn Wm. P. Dati K. c. Stokes Chas. S. Hlnchman Ernest I Tustln Henry S. Hale Maxwell Wjetli At a meeting of the Hoard of Directors held this day the following gentlemen "ere unanimously re-elected, vis.: V. II. CLAIIK. President: C. 8. IIINCHMAN, Vice President W. D. DltKLSrOItD. Cashier. u TIIK CKNTItAI, NATIONAL .11 nk OP I'lIILAIIELI'in "- January 13th loin At the Annual Meeting of Stockholder. this Bank, held January UlhTlOIol the' foN lowing gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensuing year: or T Wlstar Urown Charles K. Ingersoll Ieorg Hurnham, Jr. A. A. Jackson ' William Wood Samuel M. Curwen John Pltcairn Clarence M. Brown Charles II. Smith Avery D Andrew,, Henry W. Blddle Stevens TlUck.ch" Charles Wheeler EugeHe l" Ellisou William T. Elliott unison At a meeting of tha noarrf . m. . held this day. Mr. WILLIAM T. ELLIOTT was unanimously re-elected President. WILLIAM POST. Cashier. H.U7tt7.B.".: good 1 heavy. $il,4o7.1B. Ili.20fnt.us7 bulk! 7 rough Pigs, Jjn. IS nnna . . marker loailicr rf: mlH VKS,,,t..,?ii hpavv IT -" iiht. i'SHi.. ITIMl!' l. Ii i:ai-ii.kt Hu. ... .vuu.. 6?.."i.T"?ns. JBaOfiSM: call.. Ifto.ivJ' ?.'. ,?-:II.elPla. mmm. mafkit BiS.'S 111.11V1, snii tflU.S5. veceipis. uiut market itea.! Western. tl.ii9T.bS; limbs" 17 lambs, 7,lji Bombay Discount Rate Up LONDON. Jdn. H. The rata of dla. count of the Bank of Bombay was today raised from 7 to 8 per cent. JHHSPiyLP ACCOUNTANTS Certified Tubllo Accountants LAWItENCE E. BltOWNiro " H15 REAL ESTATE TBU8T aun?n.m UUUNB A SPEAK1IAN The Bourse DIVIDENDS ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY 3d and Walnut Streets. Philadelphia, January II. 1B1B. The Directors have this day declared . dividend of Bfl.. payable on January 18 1016, to stockholders of record January 55' 1010. Checks will be mailed. ""nUBry U, T. IIOUARD WRIGHT, Treasurer, 1854 1018 37Js 6 6 70 110 70 li 37H 03 GS 6M 10i 381 0f OH 70 110 79,' 27( WH m m-mtmu ' Wit yf..,.-. fadfie... Ml VI tt Vn iu--.J IWl K 111 H 42 Advice Individual or General For a general review and fore cast of business and finance our monthly Review of Financial AND Trade Conditions furnishes all essential actors. Individual advice is of greater importance to those owning se curities or contemplating invest ment. We therefore invite in quiry on all individual financial matters. I WHnlilftla t&iZ xiaasc, la t$ !J&ij2i,m?iS- SIXTY-SECOND ANNUAL STATEMENT -. OP TUB MECHANICS INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADEIPHIA OFFICE, JVos. 500 and 502 WALNUT STREET (Company's Building) Philadelphia, January 1, X916. ASSETS Bonds and Mortgages (first Hens on real estate) si 7 kqk nn Bonds and Stocks ; - JjJJSsS Real Estate oed by the Company , qr nnnnn Premiums in course of collection , ' ? "" Cash in banksand office . Accrued Interest, etc. ,...,....!'".' 2167241 LIABILITIES Cash Capital ., , $250,000.00 Reserve for reinsurance ,,,, ,,.,,......,., 747491.41 Reserve for outstanding losses f , , , 26,453.54 Reserve for taxes and other liabilities..... 10-964.54 NET SURPLUS Surplus as tc Policy Holdor,,,, $1,478,148.08 ?l,633,009.4p $1,000,000 Crew Levick Company 7 Cumulative Preferred Stock Preferred as to Assets, Dividends and Sinking Fund Authorized, $1,500,000 - - Issued, 81.000.000 Redeemable as a whole at 115 per share and accumulated Dividends Dividends payable January, April, July and October 1st Trustee of the Sinking Fund, Commercial Trust Company, Philadelphia Free of Pennsylvania State Tax Application will be made to list this issue on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. " ' r AAfC Sw-n-ariZ MaS.f0!i0W? ,frm r 1"" (a CPy0f which can bc ,,ad on application) addressed to us from Mr. William Muir, President of the Company: . The present Crew Levick Company was organized May, 1915, as a consolidation of the Crew Levick Company, the Pennsylvania Paraffine Works and the Bessemer Refining Company, and at the same time purchased the entire capital stock of the Warren Company and the Combination Oil Com- trihutitiir nlnnts located .-llntirr tin. Aflnnti rt ...i : t? . - ""- v-yaoi ami in liasiern Pennsylvania. The Company has no bonded debt and none can be created without the consent of 75 of the outstanding stock, nor can the issue of preferred stock be increased above the authorize'd issue without the same consent. ' Net tangible assets, excluding all values-for good wjll, etc., exceed $3,450,000, or nearly three and one-half tunes the par value of the preferred stock outstanding. ' Annual net profits, after liberal maintenance and depreciation for the past eleven and twelve years of the two larger constituent companies have, averaged $174,942, or the equivalent of 17.49 on the preferred stock. The more recently acquired coiiinanios irm,r ,i, .. ,, : .. I. $278,956, or the equivalent of 27.89 on the preferred stock. The earnings " o the Tr 'ar aft consolidation will be in excess of $300,000, or the equivalent of 30 on the preferred stock. ' T!lC Pre.fe"edrftock is convertible at any time within ten years after January 1, 1916, into the common stock of the Company at the rate of one share of preferred stock for one share of common s ock during the first five years of this conversion period, and at the rate of one share of preeS stock for seven-eighths of a share of common stock during the second five years. We add that the Sinking Fund of one per cent (1) ,s cumulative, and in thirty-six years shall either be sufficient to purchase all of the preferred stock at $115 per hare, or, if-invested in other securities, to equal the amount of 115 of the par value of any preferred stock then out" standing, t j" The Company is now paying dividends at tjie-'rate of-8 on the $2,176,300 common stock now outstanding. ' . t,. 'LW 3etaiU in connecion with this issue 'li-e been passed upon by John G. Johnson, Esq., Philadelphia. ' ' . r Having sold qver 90 bf the above issue, we offer the unsold balance, subject to sale and change in price without notice. at ' """ f ?? 9 9 ! 9 j ?444,238.5? ' 105 TO YIELD 6.67 i ELKINS, MORRIS & CO.1 LAND TITLE BUILDING . . PHILABELPHIA T 'rS:" T" iTr ? W..5 " ''. TW W, - No, mrr.nt Tkelr Ace-w. 1' 1 l.t vit: IWfe ks, jiuj, -rzv- T ,.T ,- , ,0 A Vfoa rtum ta VuKb g fc(wUM ; 5 SIMW J, MATW, Ihmiim WO WfYM mm, JF i " " ? " "" - - - -.1 I i i ,iiTiiwi isliii.1, i.iijinii.n.im .A -m.- mm a.itii.u !