F- NANCY WYKNE ATTENDS THE GAMBOL OF THE GODS AT BELLE VUE-STRATFORD Mrs. B. Frank Clyde Will Entertain at Dinner Tonight at the Ritz-Carlton Mr. Yale Dolan Also Enter tainsOther Affairs of Interest rrUtERE seems to bo rntlier a lull In JL the social doings for this wcek( now that wo havo gotton over gamboling with the gods last night; and thoy did gambol, I assure you. The chief excitement for this evening is the dinner Mrs. Frank Clyde will dve at tho llltz-L'arlton. You know f )lrs. Clyde Is the mother of Mrs. Qcorgg McFaddon, Wno was joacpnine aicn valno. Mrs. Clyde, who was tho beauti ful Caroline Iiurton, married Bloom- field Mollvalne. After n. number of years of widowhood sho married the late B. Frank Clyde, who met with gudi nn untimely end when ho was run over by a train at 62d street sta tion somo five years ago. Mrs. Clydo Is considered one of tho handsomest and best-gowned women In , this city. To return to tho "Gambol of the Gods," I do think wo will have to hand jt to Alfred Barton Tor Having put over a qulto remarkable performance. The Idea was extremely well carried out, : and every one who took part, from hymphs to goddesses, debutnntes to blues, did his or her part to perfec tion. Of course, wo all teased Danny E. Hutchinson, whoso life this year seems ' to be ono continual debut. Danny has always said ho Just would not go 1n for any of these affairs, but since his party in December ho is growing less jL and less timid, and last night appeared in OHO Ol two auvncn. There Is no doubt about it, Eliza beth Latta Is a llttlo wonder; sho has to much expression and charm of manner and her voice Is lovely. It shows that sho has really given tlmo and study to her art and sho loves It, which Is ono of the greatest things toward success. Virginia Smith was Blmply great; the danced like a little breath of fresh air, and was so enthusiastic and Kcbarmlng that she won much applause. ; TOlen Ellis, too, sang woll. Of course, tho most remarkablo person In the whole performance was Dorothy Nor rls. Her costumo was a wonderful combination of color. Sho Is most ar tistic and original, though ono wonders ' that hor parents allows so young a flrl to danco In qulto such a manner. With tho Norrlscs was tho Marquis Antonio dl Vnsconcollos, who will bo remembered by Fhlladelphlans who haw lived In Paris, where ho has been for several years. Ho has tho dis tinction of being a friend of tho In fanta of Spain. Bob Carrero was too sick to danco with Yutendalo Batrd, so one of her brothers took his place, and did It very well In tho tango danco. For an ama teur performance It was most remark ably well done, and every ono had a good time. Yale. Dolan will glvo a dinner at tho Rltz tonight also, I believe. Now thero is an cllgiblo bachelor for an anxious mamma to catch for timid K daughterl But I guess Yalo Is too wary I a bird to bo easily charmed. When a hum has remained slnglo for somo Fytars it Is hard to settle down to somo one else's Ideas, you know, as well as f your own. As a nowly-wcd of mature ! ige said to me recently, "You know ' you get used to settling things for ; Vourself, and suddenly you coma up ; against tho fact that you havo to con- aider somo ono else's Judgment, and very ofton It does not quite coincide ; with yours, and then there's tho dickens to pay." Takes some of tho i' romance out of It all, doesn't It? Olivia Qazzam Is going on to Now fYork today to attend the ball given by ' Mrs. Thomas Gilford for her niece, jFrederica Bull. Olivia Is a dear llttlo thing, full of life and fun and as viva clous as a kitten. I saw her at the opera recently In a quaint frock of a white satin foundation, under elaborate K tulle draperies, and an odd golden orna ment was In her hair. Ono of the deb3 said such a nice thing nbout her to me. 'Do you know," sho said, "I have been .watching the different girls this year, 'and every time I see Olivia I am struck with her delightful manner to every Rone, Of course, some of the girls you Ijllko better than others, but Olivia nover makes any difference; she takes the trouble to speak to every ono, and al r ways In the same polite way. I have seen her como Into the dressing rooms i at various parties, and sho never falls to apeak to each one. Whore some of I " others Just nod or seem half pre l occupied. Olivia Is clad to see vou. and Rlt Is no effort on her part; she really k means It," It does nav to take, the ttrcuble to be polite, and It bespeaks swifter a lovely nature, to bo kind plough always to make an effort to SIMM others happy about you. i Perhaps one of the most Interesting lt th affairs planned for next week I 0ng society folk will ha thn luncheon. Fwtertalnment and reception at the "wievue.Htratford on Wednesday, Jan uary 19, Jn commemoration of the birth General Lee. heedless to say, the alr Is belnir arrancaA hv tho Phlla. tlphla. Chapter, Daughters of the Con- - eracy, of which Mrs. Allan Harris WM!cJent' Southern women have the i(?P!r faculty of doing things up fmynx, anyway, bo that from all ac jau the guests of honor, Mrs. Frank '. Odenhelmer, of Washington, tho "Meat general, and Mrs. Luclan H. weClce, Of Unrtnttr V mill ,va a I ' tlme of lt' Tne chapter feels very "u, Vt having secured Mr. James u? . 0nald and h'8 brother, Mr. Doug- r0ns. KTifjnv mvmra Person ala All fnta-i . . m r4a T w -? naem" announce fithif r, "" - i" inai, of miss uoi" St..!?9' duhter of Mr. and Mrs. 2Er m orins; Brace, of 635 Park ave ". New York, to Dr. John Calvert 22fon, aon of Prof. Henry H. Don- MZrf hls c"y Doctor Donaldaon Lr51.an?.ot J01" Hopkins Unlver- .! mta Uraca In n hMf or 1TO- Donaldaon'a wife, who was Mlas i raet. Rv, CfcarU L,. Steel ui Mta, daughter. Miss Edna Lelghton Steel, to Mr. Franklin H. Wilson, Jr., of Brook Un, N. Y. The regular monthly meeting of the rrofosslonnl Women's Club of Philadel phia Will be held this nvontnir nt 171f Chestnut street. The speakers will be Miss Adele Itudolph. who will talk about i unnaworK, or .Manual Training In Our Public Schools," nnd Miss Frances Rosenthal, whose subject will be "An t quo Jewelry." After tho business ses sion closes a danco will be given. Mrs. Dora Hnrvev Develfn U president of tha club and Miss Mary It. Maneely corre sponding secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kvans Norton entertained at dinner Inst night nt their home. In Ardmorc, In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cleveland, who are llio guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kdwln 11. Fltlcr, of Roscmont. Their guests were Mr nnd Mrs. It. Ilnrtol UrAzler, Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier, Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. Flt lcr, Mrs. Gerrltt Judd nnd Mr. Arthur Kelchcr, Mrs. David E. Dnltnm, of the Lincoln, will give n luncheon on Thursdny nt the .Acorn Club In honor of Mrs. Lticlnn II. Cocke, of Roanoke, Va who will bo the guest of Mrs. George Franklin Brown for a fortnight. Mrs. Morton Grclms, of Spruce and 13th streets, entertained nt bridge on Wed nesday. Miss II. Uthel Maule, of Brlnr Crest, Vlllnnova, has Issued Invitations for n dinner before the subscription dance nt the Merlon Cricket Club on Friday, Janu ary 21. Mr. nnd Mrs. nichnrd P. McXeely, of Bryn Mawr, will entertain at dinner prior to the subscription dnnce nt tho Merlon Cricket Club next Friday evening, In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Eraklno Smith, of New York. Tho renn.vlvnnln Society of tho Co lonial Damrs of America wilt hold a meet ing nt 11 o'clock next Wednesday morn ing nt the west wing of Independence Ilnll. On Thursdny morning, Janunry 27, nt 10 o'clock In the Historical Hoclety Building, 13th and Locust streets, a com mittee meeting will be hold on the ex amination of papers, nnd nn executive meeting will bo held on Friday nftor noon, January 23, at 3 o'clock at tho Sten ton Mnnalon Miss Elizabeth Dul'uy Scott, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutchinson Scott, Is spending n short time in Boston ns tho guest of Mrs. Arthur Wellington. She will return home enrly next week. Mrs. John King van Rensselaer, who Is now living In Now York, will be tho guest of honor nt a luncheon to bo given this afternoon by Mrs. Robert Sturgls nt her home, 152 Knst 3Sth street. Now York. Tho Entertainment Committee of the American Cnthollc Historical Society will give a muslcnle and card party this nftcr noon at the clubhouse, 715 Spruce street. Miss Kathcrtne G. Love will net ns host ess. The program will bo opened by Dr. Silas Neff with an address, and among those who will tako part In the muslcalo aro Miss Mario Potzolt. Miss Ellzaboth T, Bonner. Mrs. II. V. Hnckctt. Miss Vir ginia Petzclt and Miss Clara Mulhollnnd. Tea will bo rvcd from 4 until G o'clock. ' Mrs. Herbert Lincoln Clark, of Bryn Mawr, is spending a few days In New York. Mrs. W. E. Sanders, of the Newport, gavo a series of luncheons and bride par ties for her daughter, Mrs, ChcBter E. Maxwell, who Is visiting her. Mrs. Max well will be remembered as Miss Helen Sanders. Dr. Eugene Townsend has, gone to Palm Beach for tho winter. Mrs. Jnmcs II. Shlve gave a dinner dance on Wednesday at the RIttenhouse to celebrate tho birthday of her husband. The guests, who numbered about 100, were seated nt one round tnble, which encir cled the ballroom, nnd the inclosure wns used for tho dnnclng. The decorations of smllax and polnsettlas were entwined with varl-uolorcd lights Mrs. H. M. Cresswell, of Edgewater Park, N. J., who Is spending the winter at tho RIttenhouse, wns the hostess at n muslcalo and tea on Tuesday. Mrs, William McKnlg was tho hostess at a luncheon nnd card party at the New port In honor of Mrs. C. A, Martin. She was assisted In receiving by Mrs. W, A. Capon. Mrs. Samuel A. MllllRan. who la spend ing the winter at tho Newport, Is enter taining Mr. and Mrs. Lerch. of Reading. Mrs. Joseph Paxson Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. E. K. Miller, at Roland Park, Baltimore. Dr. and Mrs. William Drayton, Jr., of 200 South 13th street, havo gone to Geor gia for a month's visit. A missionary tea will be held on Sat urday afternoon, from 3 until 6:30 o'clock, In the parish house of the Church of the Atonement, 47th street and Klngsesslng avenue. Along the Main Line OVERBROOK A Leap Year dance will be given tonight at the Overbrook Golf Club by the dancing class of which Mrs, Ouy R. Overend Is the chaperon. The class, which meets fortnightly through out the winter, l composed of the Bchool set, the members Including Miss Helen Balfour. Mlas Helen Overend, Miss Mar garet Uechln, Miss Anna Fritz, Miss Grace Oelger, Mlas Bertha Young. Miss Marian Harlan. Mlas Elizabeth Mencke. Miss Carol Smith, Miss Elizabeth Evans, Miss Louise McCurdy, Miss Betty Lewis, Miss Watburga Rellly, Miss Helen Knight. Miss Margaret Curtis, Mlsa Mar Jorle Ellison. Mlas Louise Harding, Mr. Allen Anderson, Mr. Burke Wltford, Mr. John Wllford. Mr. William Henry Brown, Mr. Gilbert Pasaavant, Mr, Edwin Spran kle, Mr, Cralge Snader, Mr. Bamuel Huhn, Mr. Lester Comly, Mr. Frederick Shoe maker, Mr. Warren Shoemaker, Mr. Ev erest Fruhmutn. air. itarriaon oayen. air. Ilobat Fleer, Mr. James Wallaca. Mr. Harry Curtis. Mr. Hora.es Fritz. Mr. Rob ert MoAvee, Mr. Harry Dunn, Mr. Samuel Croft. Mr, Walter Pyle and Mr, James Wallace. In keeping wth the spirit of tha oc casion, tha gernuui will be ted by Mlas Helen Overend and Mlaa Halen Balfour. A number of dinners will precede the dance. waverFORD Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Comly. of Panmura road, have gone, to Atlantic City, where Mr. Comly la con valeaclng from his recent lllnaa. VILLANOVA Mr. and Mrs Rudolph Stewart Rauch have returned to their horn In Vlllanova from New York, where they spent the holidays with Mrs. Rauch's parents. Notleea tor the fdfr pat created tad printed In lb ??vJ?. w .If aueh notice pze -will be must be alned bi U, ,witU full 4dxct. aad when pUfliileibonl number rmiu j Send all " eommunlcaUoaa U "fracletj Editor," 5Tmu Maer, JSVBSTiarG LEPqERPHlLADELPHIA. FRIDAY, JANUARY I wfcW :MM VKSi "WG JS5fVtfS3Tv? - jflUTV 1 l'huto by Marceau Htuillo, MISS KATHERINE WHITMER Miss Whitmor is the debutante daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Whitmer, of 4703 KingscssinR nvenuc. Her sister, Miss Martha Whitmer, wns one of last year's debutnntes nnd much informnl enter taining has been done for both sisters. Along the Reading Tho Cheltenham High School hockoj team will glvo n leap year dnnce this evening at the Old York Bond Country Club. Tho committee In chnrge includes Miss Mnrlnn Warner, captnln of the team; Miss Blanche Whcclock, Miss Hope Wheelock, Miss Lola Needles, Miss Ruth Sinter, Miss Lllllnn Shclp, Miss Mnr- gnret Kelsey, Miss Mnrlo Knllenbnch. I Miss Ellznbeth Fretz, Mlsi Elizabeth . Waters nnd Miss Hnttlc Oberholtzer. I j The Misses Dyncr. of 7.10 Master street, Miss Mildred Horner, of Church road, ( "llvo nn entcrtnlnment to tho members of Ogontz, will have ns her guests this , the Hebrew School, Aid Society Inst Sun afternoon the members of the Phi day. Tho guests were Miss lilock, Miss Gnmma Sorority. Among some or those ! Abromnwltz. Mr. B. Cohen. Mr. F. Sho present will bo Miss Evn Llnde, Mlsa chet, Miss Teller. Mr. C. Herman, Miss Josephine. Llnde, Miss Lllllnn Essllngcr, Ethel Dyncr, Mr. M. Kutncr, Mr. D. Gllck Mlss Louise Funk, Miss Mnrlon Shclp man. Miss Mlnnlo Dyncr, Miss Oganz, nnd Miss Mnrgnret Wnrncr. Miss Vcrn Mnrgolls. Mr, M. Jaspnn, Mr. II. Sterner, Miss Rebecca Dyncr, Miss Miss Irene Dny acted ns hostess to tho nc,ba Feltisteln. Mr. I. C. Whnrtmnn. Mr. members of her sewing circle ycbtcrdny S,)I Grccnberg, Mr. Harry Lutz. Mr. Mas- afternoon, whe lien her guests Included Miss Knthlccn Davis. Miss Natalie Christine, Miss Mildred Connor, Miss Katharine. Smith, Miss Jcssio Bonsai, Miss Ethel Colwln, Miss Inez Cartlcdgc, Miss Emily Alday nnd Miss Blanche McGonlgle. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edgi . Hnnd. of Webster nvenuc, Wyncotc, have ns their guest this week Miss Delia Cruise, of Doi Chester. N. J. Miss Cruise, who will remnln In Wyncoto for n fortnight, will b ex tensively entertained. MIbs Ethlyn M. Seiner, of Greenwood avenue. Wyncotc, will hnvo ns her guests over the week-end Miss Chrlstlno Win ber, of Altoona, Pa., and Miss Josephine Orilllths, of Noriistown Navy Yard Affairs Tho first of a series of formal dances will be held In the navy yard on Wed-J nesdny next. January l, nnu many de lightful dinner parties hnvo been planned beforo It. Naval Constructor Ouy A. Blssett, U. S. N., nnd Mrs. Blssctt hnvo Issued Invitations for a buffet dinner to be given at their liome, 25a South 21st street, beforo the dance. Among those expected to be present nro LJcutennnt Homer H. Norton, U. S. N., nnd Mrs. Norton; Lleutcnnnt Beehler, U. S. N., nnd Mrs. Beehler; Naval Constructor A. B. Court. U. S. N.. and Mrs. Court; Lieu tenant Richardson. U. S. N., nnd Mrs. Rlchardspn; Cnptnln C. B. Drake, U. S. A., nnd Mrs. JJrnke; Lieutenant Com mander A. W. Johnson, U. S. N nnd Mrs. Johnson; Lleutennnt Charles T. Blackburn, U. S. N., nnd Mrs. Black burn; Captnln F. D. Kllgore, U. 3. M. C, and Mrs. Kllgore, Lieutenant Ralph L Shepard.'U. 8. M. C, and Mrs. Shcp ard; Captuln J. M. Salladay. U. S. M. C. and Mrs Salladay; Cnptnln A. Owciib, U. S. M. C., nnd Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Charles A Lutz. Mrs. Nelson P. Vulte, Mrs. Charles S. Davis, Mrs. Alexander S. Wll Hams, Miss Fox, Miss Sarah Welsh, Mrs. Wlllcox, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Chapman. Lleute'nant Baughan, U. S. N., and Mr. R. M. Rlbas. Germantown Miss Carolyn B. Bcnwcrlner, of 5628 Mc Mahon avenue, Is spending several weeks In Reading, Pa as the guest of her aunt. Mrs. S, S. Botiwermer. South Philadelphia A sewing club that has recently been organized will :.ie t for tho first time on Wednesday next, when Mrs. Wllllnm Fox will entertain at her home, 2321 South 12th street. The members of the club will meet weekly at the homes of different members nnd luncheon will bo served. Those who aro expected to be present are Mra. James McIIugh. Mrs. Oeorge de Win ton, Mr Frank Houget, Mrs. Andrew Sreufy, Mrs. C. Bauer and Mrs. Hattle Corcoran. Mlsa Alice McCaulfey and Miss Anna McCaulley entertained the members of their card club on Friday evening at their home, 1523 McKean street Their guests were 12 In number, and a buffet supper was served. Mr. and Mrs, Henry J. Maloney, of 2306 Christian etreet, are receiving con gratulations on the birth of a daughter, Catherine Wta. STEAMSHIPS FLORIDA $31.80 trip $31.80 JACKSONVILLE From Philadelphia every Wed. and Eat. Including meal and choice of stateroom accommodations. All outetda room. Fin itetmer. Beat aarvlc. Ticket limited to May 31. Merchant & Miners' TVane. Co. Cltr Office, 103 So. Sth St. Phone Lombard 1800. Consult suiy ticket or touxUt agent. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES SPECIAL S WEUKS COUBSE 10 BPANI8U, VHENCIt. ITALIAN, OElUIAN 4 LESSONS A WEEK Technical Teacher TrulutoiV Aus. 680 Perry Bldg. Spruce 41'38. STRAYER'S B"' Bwme school. DllWlUVfl 801-80T ChMtuut Street DANOINO a ELLWOOD OAHPMNTBR. Studio UU V v.?iTeF! sk -vs. ? iaV North Philadelphia Mrs. Charles S. Shnplcy. of 1S0B Mount Vernon street, entcrtnlncd nt luncheon nnd "MO" yesterday, when her guests In cluded Mrs. Karl Myers, Mrs. David Dan iels, Mrs. W'nltcr Young. Miss Marian M. Myers, Miss I.nura Bahls, Miss Mildred Hudson nnd Miss Lornlne Hnblcht. On Tuesday, January 18, Mrs. Shnplcy will bo hostess nt n luncheon followed by bridge. '' -r. iivm ureenijcrg, .Mr. .Morns tcin. Mr. B. A. Mnsel. Mr. A. Muller, Mr. Louis E. Rosen, Mr. Harry L. Dyncr and Mr. S. Grccnberg. Mrs. Chnrles Pnttcrson, of 2245 North 17th street, will entertain nt cards this nftcrnoon, the game being followed by a buffet luncheon. Among the guests will bo Mrs. Hlrnm D. Miller, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Walter Scott, Mrs. Jnmes Spencer, Mrs. Charles Webb, Mrs. Borou, Miss Schlcdcl, Mrs. Potts1, Mrs. George Outhettc, Dr. A. Lc Fcvic, Mrs. Sylvester Lelth. Mrs. Mar gnrct Jones, Mrs. It. II. Hoy, Mrs. Chnrles Lukens. Mrs. Robert Glndfcltor, Mrs. M. Crawford, Miss Anna Crelth, Mrs. A. B, Addis, Miss Brown, Mrs. Lewis Bailey, Mrs. Samuel Alcott and Mrs. Franklin Apple. . Dr. nnd Mrs. 51. Behrend, of 1427 North Broad street, aro entertaining Mrs. Wal ter Itoscnbnuni and Mrs. Leo Frclbaum, of Gadsden, Aln. Miss Mnrlnn Simon, of 3623 North Mar vine street, Is entertaining Miss Hnnnah Hoffman, of Newark, N. J. Tioga Miss Gertrude Klcfaber entertained In formally Inst evening nt her homo, 2225 West Tioga street, her guests being Miss Irene Hosier, Sllsa Agnes Walker, Miss Nellie Aldrlch, Miss Jane Ogden, Miss Florenco Nuttnll, Miss Llllle R. Jackson, Miss Ola Robertson nnd Miss Millie Thomns. , Mrs. Annie B. Addlfl, of 3839 North Broad street, will give a dinner, followed by cards, tomorrow night at her home. Tho guests, who are members of the card club of the, hostess, will Include Mrs, C, Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Berlnger, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Alcott, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lukens, Mr. Charles WIsler and Mr. E. Frank Paullln. Roxborough Miss Mabel Mlltenberger, of Gerhart street, will be hostess to tho members of her card club on Thursday night, January 20. Miss Katharine Puncheon, principal of the Girls' High School, will make an ad dress at the Young Women's Christian Association of the Falls of Schuylkill on February S. The program will also In clude selections by tho well-known solo ists. Miss Florence Corn man and Mr. F. Wlllard Cornman, MANUFACTURER3 OF SHIRTS. GOWNS. PAJAMAS. ETC. IMPQemU. OF UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, CLOVES, CRAVATS Southern Resorts DATTONA, Fla.. Jan. H. Balmy air, combined with plenty of sunshine, Is making the winter season at Dnytono a joy and a delight Brilliant polnsettlas are blooming everywhere, giving a color ful nspoct to the verdant tropical land scape. Every one Is In all-white attire, tho only touch of color being given by the Jnunty smock Jackets which are replacing the silk sweaters so much In vogue last sum mer. The smocks are built l;ke Norfolk jackets, Uio fulness being given by smocking Instead of plaits, The bathing costumes In the Southland are far more conservative thnn those worn at Atlantic City during the height of the season and none of the knitted Jersey suits with very abbreviated skirts are seen In Florida waters. The favorite costume Is of blnck tnffeta or satin, with gay acces sories. The ocean nt Dnytona Beach Is very warm, the water registering 76 de grees, Tho season will not be In full swing until February, but all the cottages have been rented and there Is much entertain ing In the cottage colony. The Palmetto Club, which Is the centre of the Intel lectual life here. Is nlnnnlne to have a series of spenkers nddrvss the members on the leading topics of tho dny. The Hon. Wllllnm Jennings Bryan uns tho guest of the club on Friday evening, when he gave nn address on "Tho Wnr In Buropo nnd Its Lesson For Us." A scries of dances Is being held at the Despland, the lttdgewood and the Prince George, so there Is dnnclng every night In addition to tho mntlneo dances nnd skating parties given at the Cnslno. Fishermen nre having fine luck catch ing bass nnd trout with which these waters abound. The Clarendon opened on Saturday evening with a dinner-dance, and among the Phllndelphtnns in at tendance were Mr. nnd Mrs. Mntthcw Bender nnd Mr. nnd Mrs, Oeorge Thome. A number of yachts stopped here this week en route to Palm Beach. Miss Lil lian Roberts, or Philadelphia. In tho guest of Captnln nnd Mrs. Thomas John son nbonrd the Vlvla. Miss Harriet Lynch Is tho guest of Miss Lydla Wlllntowskl nt her winter homo here. Mr. Daniel Lees, also of Philadelphia, Is Bpendlng somo time nt the Ridge wood. Miss Minn G. Zerbo and Miss Annn Lewis Hood nre spending the enrly winter nt the Despland. Mr, and Mrs. Charles S. Hlnchmnn have taken apnrtmcnts at tho Bennett, where they will spend the entlro season. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Souder, who nro touring Florida, nro spending several weeks In Dayton. Mr. M. A. White and Mr. P. C. Clif ford aro nt the Despland. West Philadelphia Mr. nnd Mra. W. F. Sturges, of HO North Blot street, entertained a number of friends nt dinner In honor of Mr. Sturges' birthday. Those present were Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. Ksslck, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Clough, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Trolcr, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Sturges, Miss Helen Sturges, Mr. B. Esslck, Miss Idn Sturges. Miss E. Frnncls, Miss E. Porter. Miss E. Sturges, Miss IC. Porter, Mr. C. Hurtzel, nnd Mr. I. Brown, What's Doing Tonight Northeaet Manual Training Hlsh School din ner. Colonnade Hotel: 7:.tO o'ejock. , Prof elonal .Women's Club dinner, Colonnide Hotel: T:30 o clock. University Cxtenelon lecturs by Frank Rpe&lrht. of London, nn "The Pickwickian At llath,'' Withenpoon 1111: 8 o'clock. Public lecture on "Preprednei Against Wr." by Oeorge W.Nnamyth. director World 1'euce Foundation. Friend' Meeting Houto. 1.1th and Itace itreeta; 8 o'clock. Public lecture on "Memory Training," bv Henry J. Sutton, New York, Central 1. M. C. A.; 8 o'clock. Dramatic recital In aid of Pollili relief fund, Samuel A. King, llryn Mawr College; H o'clock. Founders and Patriot of League: A o'clock. America, Union WINTElt BESOHTS OLD TOINT COMFOHT, VA. HOTEL CHAMBERLIN OLD MINT COMFORT Swimming Pool ,Golf .Seafood CaliiQ. KuropanlitbianiJ TreitmenU. frorttrnu.wrtU 'atirtiift Mettiraa. V. "Aik Mr. Foster' 12tb and Chutnut Su.j Cook a' Toura. 1ST fl. Ilroad fit Fnnv. H. n. Co.. 1433 Chtatnut St. ATLANTIC C1TV. X. J. .superior location with an unobfltructnd viewer hnrK 1 ! rmA rvvirrtuvilk A v I Lstandaraof excellence has Jtsrvi UIROE3T MWHrrtyrm. " E W0KU jtmwtcujyc THE ItADING RtiORI IIOUl OrThC WORLD jffiarworoMflranircirn ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. wxiaaHir uiNaafHiMT JOfJIAH WHITg A SONB COIHIMHVI AUGUSTA, OA. PARTRIDGE INN M. W. I'AHTniDCJB A. D, CUBIUNC OPEN NOVEMDEH TO MAY B minute to country club: two IS. hole golf courte: tennl; dancing, aultea with bath and leeplng porchea. Noted for It excellent cuisine. IDEAL WINTRK CUSIATR Addrea New York Offlce, 8 Weal 40th St. Mann & Dilks HOB CHESTNUT STREET Tyrol Wool (A knitted fabric) Ladies' and Misses' Sport Suits Street Suits Skating Suits Traveling Suits $18.50 $22.50 $25.50 A Wonderful Fabric In 20 Colors and Shades New Spring Models H?ANN & DlLK 114 eHKtTNUT TT X iSt CLilr,aPyTi-ArTic citv I has st ariMV.ataridEi.Tdor 'lee .comfort u beauty tirIproof desort hotel 14, 1910 CLUB DANCES SCHEDULED FOR TONIGHT AND TOMORROW ' . j Terpsichoreans Will Hold' Affair at Adelphia ToraoPf ' row Evening Kirkwood Country Club Will Meet J 4 Tonight in West Philadelphia Hall rpHH Tcrpslchoreana will hold the third A. dance of their aerlofl tomorrow evening In the Gold Hoom of the Adclphln. The Committee In chargo Is made up of Mr Ki 3. IJImbrnuer, president: Mr. J. P. Cullough, treasurer, Mr. O. II. Knnuer, nsnlntnnt trensurcr; Mr. J. R. Pierce, sec retory,' Mr, P. Henderson, assistant sec retary; Mr. II. Klnscy Kerr nnd Mr. C. U. Wolflnger, The patronesses are Mrs. II. Ulrnbrauor, Mrs. J. II. Drooks, Mrs. A. Henderson, Mrs. l- J. Kerr, MH V. Henderson, Mrs. CJ. H. Knnuer, Mrs. M, II. McCulloua-h, Mrs, F, J. Schlalch nnd Mrs. C. E. WoMnger. The Kirkwood Country Club will hold Its dnnce this evening In Chnrles J. Coll nnd Sons' Drawing Itooms nt 22 Mouth 40th street. Those who have ncccpted In vitations to attend nre Mr. .tohn H. K flcott, Mr. William S Vnre, Mr. Kdwln H. Vnro, r. William II. Wilson. Mr. V. Froelnnd Kendrlck, Mr. John P. Con nelly, Mr. Jnmes M. Hnzlctt, Mr. Joseph P. nogers, Mr, John M. Patterson, Mr Jnmcs P. McNIchol nnd a number of others. The commlttco In charge, con sisting of Mr. Edwnrd P. Carney, chair man; Mr. C. Ilnrry Cowley, Mr. Leo Ilcf fcrman. Mr. Chnrles P. Deeney, Mr. Frnnk X. McDonald nnd Mr. Charles W. Leonnrd, hn-a worked to mako this ono of tho best dances of tho season. The Kousseau Club held Its nnnual In stallation of officers at tho regular 300 Pairs Winter Calfskin and Dressy Cloth-Top JfJv&zJMeg) SPECIAL SHOES at ajO Sturdy blnck calfskin, loco models and dressy cloth top styles. Beauti ful shoes at a very low price SALE of SATIN SLIPPERS Also Patent, Kid, Bronze, etc. All of Geuting Standard at 1230 Market Shoes and Stockings for the Family. The 5-torca of ' mi x ' T J& ipv m-&Brwj' Every Foot Professionally Fitted Three Geuting Brothers Supervising, lVYVVVYVlVlVYVt1'lVVlVl1.VlVVXVVYV1YXVVYVYVVVlV'2 What Napoleon Probably Thought IT IS the morning of his coronation. Citizen-General Bonaparte is about to become Napoleon the First, Emperor of France. The world has turned topsy turvy. A little bourgeoise colonel rules in the halls of the Louis. What emotions must be surging through that strange, implacable brain. Paris is a riot of bunting, the streets tremble under the tread of regiments; through the open win dow he can hear the distant buzzing of the exuberant hive. His mouth twitches; he strives to conquer the smirk of satisfaction that tugs at his lip corners. The valets appear. They garb him in his royal habiliments. His eyes dwell fondly upon the splendid ermine-lined robe. Does he visualize the ascendency of a mightier dynasty than history has yet known? Does his pro phetic brain pierce the distant curtails of the horizon? What means this dilation of proud nostrils, the tensing of that wide-swung jaw? Is Napoleon setting the universal chessboard for another Titanic game? You can bet your life not. It is dollars to crullers that he's thinking of the old gang at Ajaccio saying to himself: "How I wish they could see me now; they would laugh when I said I would 'get there.' Mpn Dieu, but I'd give a lot if 'Skinny LaFitte or 'Red' give a lot if D jPont would stick his head in the door at this partic ular minute," Great men are only great in big ways. Crowns cannot change human nature. There's mighty little difference between the kinfolk of grandfather Adam. Copttight oy Currier PubKaJUn? Co. Copyright by Herbert Kaufman, The Herbert Kaufman Weekly Page Appears in SUNDAY'S PUBLIC ifiBh : LEDGER 11 weekly meeting, when tho following w Installed In office! Mr. George J. BUrfl- son, liresldcnt; Mr. Hownrd 11. Kates, vice president: Mr. IC Charles Selgel, , secretnry, nnd Mr. Leon J. Slonlmskr, A trenaurer. Mr. Slonlmsky reported prog- ' ress for tho nnnual dance, which will b given at Mnrtcl's on Mnrch 9. ' Mr Hurrlson announced the fo11owlrtg comtnlttcCB! Membership Mr, H.H Kates, ' cnnirman; Jir. p. i. saturen and Mr. Kornfeld. Program Mr. H. J. fttntitmi, lI sky, chairman; Mr. Cupersmlth, M Mr. 4 witchell Fow nnrt Mr. Charles Lam bert. Entertnlnment Mr. Bamuel Kom feld, clmlrmnni Mr. Chnrloa I. Woormatv ? Mr. David S. Cupersmlth, Mr, Bernard '; llrody and Mr. Leon J. Slonlmsky, j Mr. Isaac M. Burrlson has been ndmlt tcd Into tho club and received the first ? desree. rf Miss Pcnrl Uurnstlne, of 127 North 10th street, entertained tho Unique Club At her residence. Tho club Is making etab orate preparations for tho bazaar and dnnce, to ho given on February 2, nt lha Oladstono Club rooms, southwest corner ICtli street and Susquehanna avenue, for tho benefit of tho war sufferers. Tho i next meeting will bo held nt 'tho home. I of tho Miss Jean Baron nnd Miss Itaa "' Ilaron, COO South Sth street. Mrs. Charles Dalrymple, of 5006 Marvin street, Lognn, will entertain her card club on Monday nftcrnoon, January 24. One of the Cloth-Top Model 19 So 11th A quick Service Men's Shop. (PROMOUleClO ovdho) Famoua ahoea I 'Skinny' LaFitte or 'Red 0 $.90 1 e 4t )&!-, a! la 3 4i lo 'I fir 4 M ' ff "a 4 A -' J )illeltiVMillitjnMitatiiaialaitaa mmmmmmm ff "5? aoum; tha uunswut at Ulr