Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 13, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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.. i ! ......
Mr. Kenneth Macgowan, Literary, Dr.amatic and Photo
play Editor of the Evening Ledger, Will Spe&k ...
at Seventh Annual Meeting f
fw-Ti nTrtTirt htmfU.
VAJttiuuo oujtsjoiiUT OF INTEREST
t i ., , . i
nnVmf.antes Are Guests nf Hmmi af n j.nvrfn
If heatre party Given Ldsb Night by Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
wara ouww - "ypm JLmnce followed
... . M ilia m I n ln
7.Mr of Mr. nnd Mrs. George
?r"L Jr. nnd Mnrgarct Ilemak.
lULrKter of Mr- "u """ """""
P" t. n n Mientro tjaf tir nnd
Ltt'fuf supper msl nlRht ,,y Mr nnd
p. j ttlnrt .tnimsoh. tho latter
IS'' ir. ttrnnrM Von Lnhr
itfelTslstcr of doorgo II. EaMe, Jr.
ff !J Mm. Johnson were not prcs-
bdt Iho Sturgls Irtgeraolli and
1 Roberts chaperbned tho affair.
milll, Erlo has got the prettiest eyes
fJUii men for many rt uuy mm i
EH the has been havng as good a
VtTi .. r her slBlcrs had before her,
irv l- i.n., itmf In rrnlnrf nomp.
J to wy mo ivuoi - o "
m you lhlnk7 I do not know of
2,y families of numerous ulstorB
Lri every single one Is as great a
Access m uiu c"v-"" "" -
tterle Brs lm" . .
.. S Gladjs coming atong, and go-
,"WB . ...... nil T vorilv hn.
If,'0 b0 Prclll"v "
Li.rcret Itcmak Is also having the
'Lk of her loung life and has had
isihr parties glcn for her. Margaret
UUtland rather Btntmwiue, with light
'.. nd a very hrllllnnt coloring.
"OM of these lovely, wholesome, wholc-
red sort of girls.
Xfler. the theatre the guests wcro
Ji'en a supper dince.
t.wntidcr If many of us realize how
imWo and self-sacrificing as well aB
Klf-umclcnt tho Junior League 1b?
SfiThls ear they are planning to give
r nnnual "Show" for the Hmcr-
PKncy Aid on rcun'uxy , nnu uiey arc
',-inlilng and producing U entirely
l themiclves. Tour girls Boom to bo
Ike nianagers, but they are ably aided
a number of others who nro greatly
tottr9tcd In tho performance. The
four who aro doing on the directing
V .t I lJH. t - t-tnoa !. 1 n n .
IT6 UnnSlino iiuuimi.-,.,, .Yin. nun uu-
e'eriaken tho business arrangements,
Stolen take In a great amount of -work
iiflil (he announcements and tickets
jr!nted and sent out, the ballroom on
twied and painting of the posters as-
irnti. and, let mq tell you, the posters
Are belag done by artists such ns Cfor
traijs Lambert, Alice Ulddle, Kathcrlno
Munor, Paul Froollch, ). Newhall, I.
.'Jjones'and Mr. FattI: then Gcorgoanna,
fBrown haa charge of nnd directs the
.'..L11a4h m1 T" Ati i Ql rnn 11 rmf
IWO DftllClo U.HU uliiuiii UlV,iW UliU
Blenor Butler are designing tho r,0
lii costumes and directing tho acting.
Besides theso things, the scenery for
each act Is being especially painted by
these clever girls. Dorothy Stowart Is
doing the first act and Christine
'MmniViM (hn tn at
Of course, all this means work of a
decidedly energetic kind, but nil those
Tin the league scorn tremendously In
terested and keen on It. Those help-
ng and taking part Include Nancy
Etokes, Susie Ingersoll, Eugenia Law,
Lallte Wilcox, Mary Alice Clay,
Helen Ellis, Sylvia Barnes, Eliza
rot, Margaret Dunlap, Marlon Sav
age, Mary Frances Fisher, Em-
IllevWllliams, Kato Jnyne, Kitty
BfTnton, Gertrude Henry, Ellso Hop-
tJtlns Cecllo Howell, Agnes Kenne
dy, Marlon Myers, Allco Thompson,
ilargaret Berwlnd, Virginia Roberts,
Sleinor Carpenter, Helen Tower, Ger
trude Tower, Dorothy DIsston, Annie
,t?wls, Margaretta Benson, Gaby
Tllghman, Elizabeth Henry' and Grace
AH the kiddles are Interested In tho
Ms" Opera of Cendrillon, by Jules
MaSSenet. Whtnh tha Mfnaon fjvtnf nf
)u city, will glvo at the Bellevue
Rritford on tho afternoon 6t January
Mm j.., j , .
45 'cj' uuvo uuii.i ares3:a 10 ropre
it the various opera singers, and the
mr acts of Cinderella are faithfully
lUen with every detail, o;en to tho
fctroductlon of a ballet, danced and
W by a Miss Dolly, who represents
mot other thnn TTnalnn rsniii n-
jthlrlie Harrison, Mrs. Ned Browning,
ars. uertram Llpplncott. Mrs. Dal
Dlion and Mrs. Frsrtnrlplr cinhmMt
We signified their interest In the per-
Iv. .
i'Watch your Sten" shnillrl'snrglv tin
US, slogan during these days of rain
iw muaainess. Hurrying does not help
atlfwhen the crossings are so' muddy.
ana i wonder why It Is I am always
W-ed with a wild dcslro Jo laugh at
W 'downfall of nnntVir rin Ti..o
y I happened to hn irnlnc nn Wnlnut
!wt near I5th, when I saw- one of
gr very smartest and most prominent
Jng matroria Blip and fall flat in the
t -JiwiESSION', Words fail me.
weierj she knew not that any one
Krtiear, so that saved her self-re-.
for she certainly was one sight,
H. after nil ,. ..i .... ....'
iy. ""j hiu nine ptancy
g to be Johnny on. tho spot- Just
SBr1 hPe Bh has no broken ,bones.
32Lie fell heavily and oh( tnq mudt
kB ViNnv wyvmui
Person nl
h2nJr..th Guests at the dlnner-dance
ttaS.- Dy Mr- and JIrs- Robert L.
foniery on Jimu,t n .,, i.
Fm?.'.' te.lr pIace at Hadnbr. In honor
;) Eleanor dn nn.v r,.i-
r mi. B- Penrose. Miss C, Eleanor
r.U!SS Franrm W a.i in.. r..
Zt"1 J11" Uafy n- Thayer. Miss
a'b1".. Marsare'tta D. Myers. Miss
o Myers mi., -c ... -...,.
fUT 111.. V. - -.ttl,wcs winw
Kb irJ.Mar'p S Montgomery. Mla
Montgomery, Miss C. Eleanor
i .-"? " nio uevereur. Mr. ami
irt " -H " asa. Mr. and Mrs.
ktv v- AZ' " (. uarnuo
hhi ri "TV uuo cvaita, iur
NrL xr Md. Mr Qrawford p.
p.toy'djrJr' and Mr "h'bttld
wii.WduPont. c wii-
. titt? S'"" 5 l .a'"nr J0"':
inoSu to 8'veU in the New Ccn
rb. under the ausolces of the
win froon- wmraltupi Their
'M incline Mr. and Mrs. "Wain
N .nurchman. Vrf nA -Li., ivnt.
"atenaan, Mr and Mrs Ireneo du
Mr. anil i... .... ... nA
Milt BAIfLK " """"
t'CRlftf Mlss Dsal(' c- "U Pont, Mr.
nM ! nknrd. .. Philip Laird, Mr.
tV Pm 'm10".' lMr Crlc J' Bcrgland nnd
Mr, Cecil nnckus.
fMi' E P,L ""'OJ' "I" entertain his
fellow members of tho Huntingdon Val
id Country Club tomorrow evening by
Riving an Illustrated talk on his trip to
?e i."nd Cn.n:oni the I'anamn.Paclnc
Hxpm tloij nnd Onmillnn llockles After
the t k thcrt will be1 music nnd dnnclng.
A - cordlnl lnltntlon has heen pxtended to
all membcM.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Orlsnold Flngg,
.-' wl..?l n dinner on Monday eve
nlng, at their home, 1723 Spruce, street.
An Interesting ti v III ,e BKcn on
Thursday, January 50. nt the homo of Mrs
Hills mes Unllnrd or Clipstnlit Hill, bv
Mn. i.lna lwirrny Durjca, of Dlnard,
France, who wilt jmivib ni, iim rnA m..l-
In Trance and Dolglnm,
Tlio mnrrlniic of Mis a t'lorenee I'axson,
dauRhtcr of Mr nnd Mrs Mnhlon 13ctts
Inxson, of Ocrbrook, nnd Mr. Hnrold
v,. Laird, son of Mr Samuel S Laird,
bf Germantonn, will take plncp Saturday
nfternopn, at T o'clock, with n lends' cere
mony, In the historic old Meeting House
tff Iowcr Motion onlv the memben of
inu io inmiuoq nmi a few Intlmnte
rrlcnds will )c proent nt tho .Meeting
House ceremony, which will be followed
by a reception, from 4 to 0 o'clock, nt the
homo of Mr and Mrs I'nxson, SD36 Ovor
qrook avenue
The brldc-to-bo will be attended by Mrs
Alba U. Johniftn, .Tr, Mrs Doujslns O
Henion Miss Lllllnn IVarron nnd Mlsi
mrrL McJfcel Mr. Donald rinnlgcn
will bo Mr. Lnlrd's best mtn, and the
ushers will bo Mr Itnlph II Heard. Mr.
George J. r. Carpenter. Mr Morton L.
Evnns, Dr nussell S Holes, Mr Alba
II Johnson, Jr.. nnd Mr. Hobert T. Lnlril,
brother of the brldcgroom-to-bc
After a wedding trip, Mr. Lnlrd nnd his
bride will llvo nt tho Sattorloe. West
Mr. nnd Mrs Walter Hallahnn wilt cn
tertnln nt dinner nt tho Merlon Cricket
Club before the dnnco on Saturday In
honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Judith
Smith. Mrs. Smith will bo remembered ni
Mlsi Eelyn Sulllvnn before her mnrralge.
In October.
Sir. nnd Mrs John It. Valentine re
turned to "Highland rnrm" on Monday
from French Lick Springs, where Mr. Vnl
intlnc regnlned his health. Mr. Alexander
Hlgglnson, of Boston, and Mr. C. Ambroio
CInrk, of Now York, will bo the guests
of the Valentines thli week nttcndlng the
convention of the Ayrshire Breeding As
sociation, which meets here. Mr. Valen
tine will entcrtnln tho nssoclntlon nt
Highland Tarm, and a buffet luncheon
will bo sencd to about n hundred guestB
A party at Mrs Scott's Supper Club on
Saturday night will Includo Mr. nnd Mrs.
Illchard Evans Norton, Mr. nnd Mrs IT
Allen Dnlley. Mr. and Mrs. William West.
Mr. James Hull nnd Mr Samuel MorrK
Tho Misses Mortson will bo at homo In
formally on Saturday afternoon from i
until 6 o'clock Tho nfternoon will bo
deoted to music. Mrs. Joseph Allison
Stelnmetz nnd Miss Knthnrlno Ilownn
will play nnd Miss Agnes Mnrlson nnd
Mr. Samuel Hope Carpenter will sing sev
eraU solos.
Miss Olivia Hnmllton, of tho Aldlnp,
ended a fow das ngo to Join her family,
Mr. 'and Mrs. Edwin Hamilton. In Bor
deaux, France, where they nro making
their home. Miss Hamilton, who Is a
graduato nurse, hopes to be able to make
uso of her splendid training In the
American Ambulance Hospital In Paris.
Mrs. William II. Hny gao n midwinter
parti; In honor of hr daughter. Miss
Mercedes Hay, at Snugtnuk, her country
place near Colllngswood, N, J on Satur
day evening. Among tho guests -wcro
Miss Miriam Stout, Miss Mary Eliz
abeth Baker, Miss Naomi MacFndden,
Mss Mjrtle Balllnger, Miss Cccolla
Baker, Miss Dorothy Pnrvln, Miss
Beatrice Curry, Miss draco Parvln, MIhs
Eleanor Hill and Miss Mildred renlmore,
of Colllngswood, and Miss May Brown, of
InWtatlons have been Issued by Dr. and
Mrs. George Morris Philips for the mar
riage or their daughter, Miss Sara Eliza
beth Philips, to Mr. John Christie
Chandler, on the afternoon pf Saturday,
Fobrunry 6, at 4 o'clock at the Church
of the Hob' Trinity. West Chester. A
reception: nt 'Oreengables-, the home of
the bride's parents, will Tollow the cerc
mqny. Along the Main Line
BltYN MAWR-Dr. and Mrs. Walter
Chrystle."of Morris" avenue, are entertain
ing Mrs. Chrystle's brother and slster-lh-law,
Mr. and Mrs, Illchard D. Harlan,
of Montreal, Can , formerly of Washing
B09EMON,T The Rpsemont Club gave
a minstrel snow ami aance, assisted by
the Bryn Mawr Band, at the Bryn Mawr
flrehouse last evening.
ST. DAVIDS Mr. and Mrs. Parke
Schoch and son havo closed their house
on Midland avenue and taken apartments
In town for the remainder -of the winter.
Miss' Janet S, Wood, of Roland Park,
Baltimore, is visiting Miss Rita S. Hal
lowell, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Fred
erick F. Hallowed, .of Shanhaugh.
Chestnut Hill
Miss Margaret Tattersflcld, or 7203 Lin
coln drive, will entertain the members of
her bridge club next Wednesday after
noon. "
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Qayl
lord, who have been making their home
In Winchester, Mass , will be glad to
hear that they will return to Chestnut
Hill n a few days, to live here perma
nently, Mrs. Gaylord was Miss Martha
Bell, a popular member of tho younger
set In this vicinity, Her sister. Miss May
Bell, is fast making a name for herself
among women golfer of Philadelphia.
Miss Martha Shoemaker, a popular
member of last year's debutantq set, of
403 West Price street, w(ll entertain on
Saturday, January 22, in honor of Miss
Porothy Dlnsmore, a- debutante of this
year. The affair wfll he a bridge lunch
eon and the .guests will Include Miss
Eleanor Edmonds, Miss Eugenia Vansant,
Miss Sophy BIspham, Miss Margaretta
Blspham, Miss Georglana Flttield. Miss
Sidney Leai1, Mbs Marjorle Thomas, Miss
Carrio Schrlver, MUs Katherine Sexton,
Miss Ellen Orton, MUs Dorothea Kent,
Miss Ethel Buckwalter, Miss Madeline
Dougherty, of Norfolk, Va., and Miss
Eleanor Baker.
Ujss Harriet Gay, of Pelham road, will
glVe'H bridge party, on Saturday, In honor
of Mrs. Edwin Haupt.
Notice for the 8ocltr p rtU b
accepted end prloUil In the Kroelar
Ixditr. but W aoeJv notice, aatut. bo
will ten 00 one sldo of the paper, mtut bo
IroeU In foil, with full addriM, ui
hep poMlblo-Mlepboao, number mutt b
8rod U B(h cotamanlaUaa la
"6Mltr Editor." Kvonln 4w. 04
Cbtnut Ui.
Ualiti Uwm rrflulrment a?A carried
est " (halt' KrUeaMoa may b'poKU.
tb no tit wlU nu b'm published.
Mcdowell malcolm
A quiet wedding took plnco jestcrdny,
when Miss Ornce Mulcolm. daughter of
Mrs Crlcht i Mn'rolm. or 13t West Phil
Kllona stieet, Germnntown, became the
bride of Mr Mnrcollus E McDo ell. Jr.
Tho ceremony wns performed nt the
brldo's home nt I o'clock b the Rev.
John Hnriry Lee, pnstor of the Second
Prcsbyterlnn Cliurrh, Tulpehockcn and
Greene streets Miss Malcolm, who wns
lcn In mirilnuo b her uncle. Mr
Thomas W ItosMnson, wore n gown of
white ralllc, trimmed with old family
laco ami a tulle veil, nnd carried orchids
and Idles of tho nlle Miss Anna
Louise McDowell, a sister of the bride
groom, ncted ns tnnld of honor Mr. Mc
Dowell had ns best mnn Mr John Pnr
thcnhclm, nnd the trnln-bcnrur wns Mas
ter Donald il Malcolm, n brother of tho
bride. Owing to recent deaths In both
fnmllles only a small rceptlon followed.
After nn extended wedding II lp Mr nnd
Mrs McDowell will be nt home, nrter
February 1, at 131 Wi t I'hll-Eltcna street,
Announcement Is mide of the marriage
of Miss Albortn. Schroeder, daughter of
Mr. nnd Mrs J H bihrotdcr, of West
Lehigh avenue, to Mr. Albert L A To
boldt. son of Mrs A L A Toboldt, of
2412 North 16th street, and the lato Dr.
Toboldt. on Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock,
at the home of the olllclatlng clcrgjmnn.
the Rev. E W Hart, of the Columbia
Avcnuo Methodist Episcopal Church. Tho
brldo was attended by her sister. Miss
Margucrlto Schroeder. and Miss Lorna
Toboldt, sister of tho bridegroom. Owing
to the Illness of tho bride's father, tho
reception wis omitted Mr. and Mrs
Toboldt will llvo at 2211 West Lehigh
The innrrlngc of Miss Knthrjn Ruth
Coplnnsky, daughter of Mr and .Mrs
Thomas Coplansky, of Mount Carmcl. to
Mr Harrj Llghtstone, of 73D West Mont
gomery acnue, took placo on Sunday
Tho ceremony, which wns performed by
thtf Rev Dr. I. Bremer, wns followed bj
a reception to DO guests The bride was
attended by Mrs M. Shapiro ns matron
or honor nnd by Miss Minnie Shlcnger. of
Mount Cnrmcl, as maid of honor Mi
Bernard Llght3toiie. n brother of tho
bridegroom, acted as best mnn.
Among tho out-of-town guests wcro Mr
nnd JIrs M Shapiro, Mr. nnd Mrs
Thomas Coplansky, Miss Kathryn Shlcn-
tter, Mr MarK llnoor, or iotk .ur
Maurice Eber, of rottsl Mr. and Mrs
Jacob H Llghtstono, Miss Ilea Light
stone. Miss Leb Llghtstone, Mr nnd
Mrs. Edward rielschman. Mr. Philip
Greenfield. Mrs. M Bestermnn. Miss Clara
Shlugman. Mr Max ihlugman, Miss Sara
Spoont, lllss Dorothj Feder, Miss Reba
Sacks. Mr. M. Ginsky nr 1 Mr and Mrs.
Grec. blatt Following tho ceremony Mr
nnd Mrs. Llghtstono left for an extended
wedding trip through New England, after
which thty wl! l.vo In Tount Carmel.
Mrs Peter Bradley announces the mar
riage of her daughter, Mlsa Anno Hart
Bradley, to Mr. Patrick John Connors,
of New York. The r.mony took placo
at the Church or tho Transllguratlon on
Tuesday, January 4 A small reception
rollowed at the Rlttenhouse. Mr. and
Mrs Connors, lyho nre spending their
honeymoon in Bermuda, S. C, will bo at
homo after March 1 at 105 2d avenue.
Forest Hills, Newark, N. J.
One of tha largest and most nttractivo
weddings In tho history of the borough
wns held last evening at St. Peter's
nhurrti. the Rev. rather Clune ofllclat-
inn when SIlss Male G. Fltz-Gerald,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John P. Fitz-
Geralu, was marncu to .nr juacpu (p.
Donohue, of Philadelphia Mr Raymond
Donohue, a brother of the bridegroom,
wnn hunt man. Mrs FrancU X. Brad
ley, of Buffalo, N, Y, was matron of
has xet n mUf xi AndAm nf
j e rule . comfort anJoeauiv
the itADi.tG Rtsoar moth or the world
at tho
Berlitz School
10th pbtttnut 8U. (Orcr lt'lltr Vbarmac)
Telephooo Spruce 4B01.
New Clawt Comtantly FOrmln;
QTRAYFR'S Tb Bt Buslnea School.
0 1 iArt i i.n 80I-80T Chestnut, Street.
o1r'" 7trLANricarti
Superior location with an I
unobstructed view of beach,
and boardwalk A recognized J
standard.of excellence I
c.60d.M JWALrERJ.BV22
I has set anew at and ard of
Xr 17S0N Broad t. Phono DU 838,
Wagner Soclbl Eerj- Wed. A Sat. Ev,
Sckolars' P"c Tonisbt and Bvtr Uoa--
3VH' Danco'M"lTue Ihur Bvg
83D ANHIVEltSARy JAN. Si-ZWt-29.
mrs. o i yy
SYDNHY L N. , , yO
honor. Tho maid of honor wns Miss
Gladys Martcr, of Camden. Mr. Albert
Iirnnncn. Mr Albert Donohue, Doctor
O Conned nnd Mr. Walter Dow ling ncted
ns ushers The ring benrer wns Andtew
O'Connell, a nephew of the groom, ami
Roscmnrv O'Connell. a niece, ncted ns
flower girl
Tho ccremom took plnce nt
tho church being hnmlsomclv
for the occnslon Immedlntrh
6 o'clock,
nftcr the
wedding a dinner was serxed nt
home of tho parents of tho bride
West Philadelphia
Mrs Walter C. Zimmerman, of BUS Re
gent street, who Is spending scvcrnl
weeks In Lancaster, will return homo the
latter part of next week
Miss Knthctlnt' Ashton, of Hnmllton
Court, will spend the week-end nt Nor
folk, whero she will attend tho Senior
German tomonow night She will bo
chnperoned by Mrs V. S Stnlars
Mr nnd Mrs A. Dunlap, of 1443 North
COth street, nro cntcrtnlnlng Mrs George
S. Mcrkcl, of Rending, Fn.
sHsllllllllllllllllllllllllllBssK.Vis ftpy?5r a?Sej &m Stpl mM .r
' ' yMPlKv
J. Y. WAYNE jQHllffiai fl'3K
c zMMmzr-MEmzz. , -,c i! tii n .c 1
Tho next meeting of the Fortnlghtlv
Dincing Class of Bala nnd Cynwjd will
take placo on tho nlRht of Mondtj,
Jnnunr 17, nt the Fire Hull.
Owing to the denth of the Ro Sam
uel T Linton, of Rldlc Ptrk, nnd to the
Illness of tieorgo Pequlgnot tho comedy
"Miss Hobbs," which wnn tn havo been
presented l the Footllgnters. has been
postpotit.il until Montki, Felirin.li 14
South Philadelphia
Mr nnd Mrs Mnrtln Oppeiihelmcr. of
202fl Wist Ontario stiret, announce the
engagement or thch d.iUKhtei, Miss Co
rlmio It Oppcnhclmcr, to Ir Lewis
Cohen, 2d, son of Mr nnd i rs Reuben
Cohen, of 023 South 17th street A recep
tion will lie held nt tlio Hotel Lorraine
on Suuiln afternoon rrom 3 until 6
Mrs. William Carman, if 1220 West Al
leghcii) avenue, cntei tr.incd nt luncheon
nnd cards today Her gtitsts were mem
bers or the Tioga BO.) club
Alix is a dark, handsome, frivol
ous woman, with vivacious man
ners. The stolid indifference of
her husband, Gerry, angers her,
and in a fit of rage she proposes an
elopement to Alan. They are on
the point of departure when she
suddenly realizes what she is about,
and jumps from a moving train.
J. Y. Wayne is the head of the
family. A stern man, slow of
speech, with a rugged face which
belies his warm heart. He has tried
to curb Alan, but now understands
that the only thing to do is turn
him adrift to shift for himself.
aBsf983t 1 i . r ur mtmt t ;tr--ri-or i i . . HjfeiiflidfiiSjimHiewMraffiHBK'A
MBammi ,.'' . - j ,s,ssffl'jt. 1
Hi ran' ,a -.' - iT3Lmm
jssgMm Ur j e i ci k."" " ' '- -unci
f MtiNMMmfi 1 11- Ji m Ate. 1 rvu rVt. ' ' " ,3iiJHft.
AKfW?!Si5raEfFca-i.i t UtM wamm mmammM , 4 , rn :JtiiHiftsk
flmfflmkYL , - " ..1? Jnfim.
rm?m ' t rsm-ms&r n . v "., f-m"?muww ffm?i i.,.m ,u. i
l&&,rl im&S f- l v;.- '?-m&f mwM IH
AN INTERESTING program has been
. arranged ror the meeting of tho Ly
ceum Institute, to be held this evening
at tho alumni budding, Brpad street
above Columbia avenue The speaker of
tho evening will ho Mr. Kenneth Mac
gowan. who will give a talk on "Tho Piny
and tho Photoplay" Musical selections
will bo Riven by the Sisterhood Choral
Socletv Miss cccelln O Gerson Is chair
man of tho Committee on Arrangements,
assisted by Miss lthcn Olsho nnd Mr
Mnlvln Helnhelmcr The officers of the
institute are Mr Stanley M Getz. presi
dent, Mr Stntilcy Oppenhclmer, vice presi
dent Mr Eugene Brandcls, treasurer,
Miss Il'iea olsho, recording secretary,
and Miss Nell It Schwab, corcspondlng
secretary At the next meeting, which
will tako plnro on Thursday, January
27 Mr Fullcrton L Waldo will speak.
A dnnco wns given by Miss Josephine
Devlin nt her homo on West Vcnnngo
street last Thifrsda evening Her guests
Included Miss Mnry Grubb, Miss Mar
garet Greenlee, Miss Teresa Gormloy,
Miss Anna Hng.in, Miss Mary Hally, Miss
Trances Ilnrklns, Mls rrnncos I.ordan,
Miss Anna MelCeover, Mr Joseph Boslck,
Mr David Brown, Mr Joseph Daly, Mr
Bernnrd Dovlln, Mr. John Dovlln, Mr
Albert Dorn, Mr. Lnwrenco Flynn nnd
Mr Hcnr Hcinbeckcr Selections were
given bv Miss Mary Grubb, Miss Mar
garot Greenlee, Mr David Brown, Mr.
Joseph iloslck and Mr Joseph Daly.
Tho Comus Club Is making prepara
tions for Its nnnunl dnnco to bo held in
Columbia Hall, Broid and Oxford streets,
In Februar, and not a littlo trouble
has been taken to mnko It one of tho
most successful given A group from this
club Is also preparing a novelty leap joar
party to bo held nt the home of one of
Its members, Mr. L Well
A roKiilar council meeting of the He
brew lMuentlon Society wns held Sunday
evening nt Miss Molish's home, 721 Morris
street, Mr Herman D Mn7cr, presiding.
Favorable reports wore given by Mr. Dia
mond, chnlrmnn of the various commit
tees A hospitality committee wns ap
pointed b tlio chairman for the purpose
of fostering a greater spirit of nmltj at
tho meeting A checkei tournament was
decided upon, nnd teams will bo formed
Mthln the vnilous clnsscs to compete Tor
a speclnl prize
Mr Allen L Lev Inthnt, president of tho
Council of Jewish Clubs, uddrcsscd tho
meeting on tho big sister movement, nnd
the niitl-inlssloii.iry work of the Council
of Jewish Clubs Mr Harry Gorcn spoko
In nn ndvisory tone, explaining how to
nvold tho various pitfalls confronting any
niganlzitlon The speakers wcro thanked
by tho chnlrnn.il in behalf of tho council
Vocal solos wcro rendered by Miss
Bililtk nnd Miss Applebnum, nccom
pinlcd b Miss Rosenblum on the piano.
The next meeting will tnko placo Sun
day evjnlng, January 23.
A birthday pirU was given on Mon
day evening nt the homo of Mr nnd
Mrs F C. Klenk, 207 West Glrard avc-
nue, in honor of their daughter, Ml
Anna Klenk. The rooms were beautifully
decorated In pink and white to represent
carnations. Tho evening wns spent in
dancing and games, followed by refresh
ments Mr Joseph McCormlck rendered
several selections on tho piano A maid
quartet, consisting of Mr. Harry Gatter.
Mr. Charles Chambers,, Mr William
Brownlee and Mr. William Fritz, was one
of tho Interesting features of the eve
nlng and a few solos were also rendered
by Mr Henry Hcrotd. Among thosa
present were Miss Edith McClcary, Miss
Elizabeth McCleary, Miss Jennie Fair.
Miss Bessie Gatter, Miss Mao Zelher,
Miss Elizabeth Mcany, Miss Alice Mcany.
Miss Laura Belt?, Miss Violet Burket.
Mr and Mrs F. Dohrmnn, Mr. and Mrs.
F Knelmoller, Mr. nnd JIrs. F Gam
ble. Mr. Louis Dohrman, Mr. Edward
Dietrich, Mr. Louis Voder, Mr. Herman
Greener, Mr William Kavatch, Mr.
Charles Meany, Mr. Andrew Robinson,
Mr Edward Mueller and Mr. Edwin
Along the Reading
Mrs Walter Jones, of Woodland avenue,
Wvncote. will entertain the Fortnightly
Club of Wjncoto nt her homo tomorrow
arternoon at 2.30 o'clock.
Mrs Joseph C. Gabriel, of City Line,
Oak Lane, Is spending January at her
winter home In Florida
What's Doing Tonight
A itomobllo show. Convention 1111.
sPn"J,alt:y8,r.'SrTc7ocbr' CtW'U VnUi
oA't'uS?e,.l,lJ00l0itt?nnac', ,9nor' Aeaa""
"r.h! ?n?1',01 "J .thotP?.a'-" ln M otSohMl
j nr uRinuoi 01 mo uoas," m aid of
1.4 iiiuun.it w ..i. JiiovuoHu-auora
U -U'
Lertur. "Tha Orap Vine " br Profemor J
rennnjlvnnta 7 10 o'clock, wiw .
ITnl Intra h! n Plnh unnniM Ttlltt- . . l
Bc'neo,o?,for,,r),r:1,.U.b8C?SCre,fo,1"lm P'Dn "
r T IT mutiny hhJ a.... I.
in the lt MiclmiT Knn niTiToU; -fflnlty
pirlsh houso 217 South 20th street: 5 o7jScfc
Homeopathic Medical Society meotlnr. Hall,
nemnnn Cohere 8 BO o'clock.
IxiK.in Improvement bflniriis roovctlon ta oitr
ofricPil- llroad street and WlniHni ; ivenv?:
o rlocK
Purelmstns; .Arentn; Aesoclation dinner. Adel
pnla Hotel s o clock.
rrlntltiif Houso Craftsmen dinner. Adlihia,
Ilnlel 11 .11 o clock
Address nn 'The Conservation of 8oolal H-
nyuin-D .,, iin. ..itiiiuu jonn. oeioro tne
nnd Heed streets
.luiiii.i . ui.i.ir .uviuu tvi vjiinion iian.
I antiirn v Thnmaii fartlnala DII..I
Cook 11 Inlet ' I'elrco School, l'lne stroet west
of Hroid '1
Oriental club entertains Dr. J A. Mootrom
ery Franklin Inn Club. 8 o clock. JU"llKom-
l'hlladeiphla Orchestra. JVelKhtman Halt
ciminslum University of rennsylvanta: Ills
Iycture. "War and Peace." by Hamilton
Holt Houston Hall. 8 15 o'clock. """m
menu 00; efllelencr. are you efficient
Corns Itemoved, 2Sc ea. Jlanicurlnj, S3e
H. v.. Cor. 13th & Sansom Sis.
(Over Crniie'a) and
1201 Chestnut St.
,-- ----jasr--"5k 1
rW Chichester. MJsa Bafbarf