Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 12, 1916, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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- - .i i i.i
Those Who Harp on Feminine Failures Have
Overlooked the Facts in the Case, as
Activities in Every Line Prove
Ik .ANOTHER nlnco on this pngo Ihcro Is printed a resume of an article by a
Hler, a deep student at our sex, who declares that woman Is the- "world's
' worst failure."
"VIih no Intention or desire to qualify ns a choerful cherub, I should like
to register a protest. Not only do I not botlcvo that woman Is the world's worst
iallure, but I do not oven think she Is a failure at nil.
Thoro Is In every woman, 'Rebecca West declares, a deep Instinct for
elegance, and It Is this Instlnrt wlitch "urges her, Just so far as It Is not resisted
by lior Intelligence and education," to lend an nlmlesa, vacuous existence, which
ehoves her soul Into tho background and makes her body and Its adornment of
Jammbunt Importance.
I do not think tho Instinct for elcganco Is one that should bo stifled. On tho
contrary, I think It should bo fostered. If I had any crltlcslm at all to make It
would be that this Instinct Is not met with as often as would be desirable. He
causa an Ink-spot on a new evening gown keeps her awako at night, Miss West
opines that wo havo not succeeded. Is not this making tho proverbial mountain
out of tho equally proverbial tnoU-hlll?
I am suro that the kind of woman who would not be deeply distressed, who
would not develop several wrinkles nnd lose a wholo week's sleep over a ruinous
smudge on a brand new, becoming and cxpcnslvo frock would bo a drab, tin
Interesting person, Indeed.
Of course, there nro women who think loo long and often on wnys nnd
moans of pleasing men. Of course, thoro are women who use their work as a
stopping stono to matrimony. Of course, there are women who prefer having
their bodies well dressed to well-dressed minds.
No one denies these very patent facts, nut the mnscullm? world linn Its
Beau Brummoll8 nnd Its Chestorflclds to correspond with tho feminine proto
types. If Chestnut street has Its "chickens," hns It not llkcwlso Its bnntnm
roosters little, dnpper men with their mincing gaits, dangling cigarettes nnd
cunning canes?
, Ono hates to babblo about tho war at all times, but In tho fnco of the great
work that women are doing how can any Blncero observer of tho activities of
tho sex In these troublous limes daro mnko the assertion thai women nro the
world's worst failures?
Miss West herself. If I am not mistaken, cites In nn article In another
magazlno tho work that womrn of tho present day are doing In Kngland, France,
Eerbla and Belgium. I remember one example that sho quotes of a woman who
ts traveling to tho dovnstatcd villages In Belgium carrying condensed milk In
her llttlo pushenrt to tho starving bnblcs that remain there.
Consider tho work of Winifred Holt, who Is putting new life nnd courngo
Into tho blinded soldiers of France. Consider tho work of Madatno Antolne
Cupago, martyred on tho Lusltnnln, who In tho early days of tho war estab
lished tho first battlefield hospitals In Belgium. Consider tho work of Madnmo
Blavko Qroultch, who hns gathered funds to sow seed In bloodsoaked Serbia
lifter this war Is over. Consider any number of big women who stand for big
things, nnd consider how their number grows ai this enrth grows older, nnd
then answer tho question for yourself: "Is woman the world's worst failure?"
Why So Tale and Wan, Fond Lovcr7
Advlco to rejected lovers: Shoot yourselves. Not dangerously or fatally, but
Just enough to make a big nnlsc. In this way you mny soften the hard heart ot
tho damsel of your choice, nnd thereby gain a bride.
; Tho 16th century lyrist, It would seem, had tho wrong dope. "Why so palo
and wnn, fond lover?" queried he, "prlthoo why so pale? Will, If looking well
can't movo her, looking 111 prevail?"
Hose Beck couldn't "see" Dr. John Klrby ns her sweetheart when ho wns up
and doing nnd capable of taking his three meals a day. Driven to desperation
by her attitudo toward him, ho attempted suicide.
"I lovo him now," cries Miss Itoslo, "I want to marry him."
Women lovo tho big, tho spectacular. They tlko a man to stand forth In
bold relief from tho rest of his kind. A dead or wounded hero Is preferable
to a llvo nonentity nny day! M'LISS.
Letters. to the Editor of the Women's Pnjre
tdilrrft all communication to M'IJm, en rr nf the llvrnlng- I.eiliccr. Write on one
Hide uf tho paper only.
Dear M'Llas Tell mo what a young girl who strives to llvo right Is supposed
to do when sho is constantly misjudged and misunderstood Plcnsc glvo ma a
little advice, for at present I am very miserable EDNA.
It Is very hard to answer your letters except In the most general way. On
tho face, of It you seem to bo Mirroring from what all young pcoplo suffer they
are all, In somo way, misjudged and misunderstood, Equally, on tho faco of It,
you aro doing the proper thing by trying to llvo right. Slnco you say nothing
concerning tho exact circumstances, I can only givo you very general advice,
and I know that It will bo linrd to follow, because you will have to apply the
rules yourself. If you nro living right tho only thing for you to do Is to mako
It appear that you aro living tight.
You remember that Julius Caesar said of his wife that sho must bo abovo
suspicion. Ho did not accuse her of doing wrong. lie didn't even misjudge her.
But ho insisted that sho behavo so that people wouldn't even have tho chance
of talking about her. It Is always easier to conform to tho habits of people so
long as you havo to llvo with them than to follow your own Inclinations.
You havo ono consolation, which you must always keep. You know that
you aro right. Never do anything you know to bo wrong, oven If it makes things
easier for you. But try not to outrage tho feelings of others.
Dear M'Llas Kindly tell mo tho meaning of tho names Jean, Catherine, Jay,
May and Malcolm. I thank you In advance. J. V. H.
Jean Is from tho sumo Hebrew root as John. Literally translated it means
"iho Lord gavo graciously." Catherine wns tho name of the patron saint of girls
and virgins. It Is from tho Syrlac, meaning "crown." Saint Catherine wore a
tripio crown, typifying martyrdom, wisdom and virginity. May Is from "Mala,"
tho mother of Mercury. Sacrifices were mado to her on tho first day of tho
ji.onth of Mny. Malcolm signifies literally "tho brow of a rock, a bald head."
As far as I can discover Jay was first a surnamo before It wns given as a
Christian name. I do not know its significance, If it has any. Can a reader,
perhaps, thjow somo light on tho subject?
Dear M'Llss Kindly tell mo the meaning of tho following names: Elizabeth,
Charlotta and Amelia. Thanking you, I am E. C. P.
Elizabeth is from tho Hebrew meaning "oath of God." Literally translated.
It Is "one who swears by God." Charlotte Is taken from tho Teutonic and
means "noble-spirited." Amelia signifies "gentle, engaging, courteous."
Dear M'Llss How can I Btnrch a fringed article? BESSIE.
I know a woman who holds all tho fringe tightly In her hand while sho dips
tho rest of tho article In tho starch. When the piece Is dry Bhe combs the fringe
out with a course toilet comb, making it look as well as when new.
Dear M'Llss My brushes are all soft from being washed In hot water and
ammonia. What shall I do for them, as they are quite new? HALLItOOM.
Yqu should never use these strong liquids on good brusheB. The most
rellablo wash for thera is tepid water with gasoline In it.
On Monday, January 10, a first prize of $5, a second of $3 and two of
SI each were offered for the most practical household budgets of a S20-a-week
income for a family of five.
The contest is still open, but as many of the letters received are being
written on both sides of the paper, the Budget Editor must insist that
they be written on one side only.
Contributions should be addressed to the Budget Editor, Evenino
Ledger, 608 Chestnut street. '
I lyffQTE eSTEL-E another
Marion Harland's Corner
Wnnts Heading Mntlcr
ItKAD that Mr. IJ. nnd Frances P.
had some magazines to glvo away.
t should be glad to call or send for cither
lot. If too late to get them, I should bo
glnd to hear of others that nro offered.
I dearly love to read, ns I am nlono at
night. My hushnnd works nt night.
When 1 am through with them 1 will
pass them on MRS. CI. B."
The two nddronses you namo went to
you by mall Should the supply of tnag
a7lne thoy havo be Insufficient to keep
your Informal circulating library going,
let us know At this senson nlmost ovcry
homo shold bo a sort of clearing house
of porlocilcnt literature, and for the gen
eral good You are wlio and kind In pro
posing to send magnzlncs to neighbors
when you linvo read them.
Has Use for a Cnmcra
"I should like to get a discarded cam
era that somo ono of your readers has
no further use for, which I could use for
enlarging. Thero must bo some of them
nroiind unused. Even If ono should bo
out of order, I could repair it. I should bo
willing to tnko some pictures in ex
change for It I nm not In a position to
buy one. A, C."
A disused camera In a homo Is sheer
and deplorable rubbish. Our present ap
plicant hns especial need for one, and can
not nfTord tu buy It. Please notice thnt
nn old ono which Is out of repair may bo
utilized In this Instance.
Learning to Play the Mandolin
"I am Mi'cntty Interested In learning to
play upon tho mandolin nnd should bn
glai to rccclvo Borne mandolin music, In
cluding Instruction booK. Let mo know
If thero nro any extra charges for post
age: MUS. JOSEPH B."
Wo second cheerfully your request for
mandolin music nnd nn Instruction book
Thero Is a lively run upon music and
musical Instruments at this tlmo of yenr,
as Is but naturea!, when all the vorld is
household thero
JL should bo a fair and equltablo division
of the worrying. Tho father, for Instnncc,
should worry about his Ufa Insurance pre
miums, his sick and accident Insuranco
prcmlumr. his Income, his character and
his future existence or non-existence, as
hu believes. Tho mother should worry
n bo ut hor brend and cakes, her new
clothes, tho children's cleanliness and
health. Whatever more worrying mny
be necessary should bo passed around, so
that every ono mny have a share.
The g.-ent t. uble in some Households
Is that father or mother assumes the
burden of doing all tho worrying. This
Is hardly fair. It makes fathe. or mother
very uuricult to get along with, If not
easy to get along without. Generally, It
la mother who worries most. Somehow
slv Imagines sho will bo happier If she
has plenty to wory nboi t, so she borrows
somo of father's worries, and father Just
grins and bears It the best he can.
Father has n way of coming home at
night and wnndcnng why mother Is so
anxious to get out and gad the streets or
hang round tho bargain sales. Home looks
pretty good to father when ho arrives
homo from work. If he had to stay
around tho plant where he Is employed,
and mako himself generally useful thore
163 hours a week, you can rest assured
that he, too, would bs only too anxious
to welcome tny chance diversion which
might relieve the monotony.
Whoever worries ought to do so pri
vately. If ono is afraid llttlo Johnny's ill
ness or accident Is more serious than one's
husband or wife believes, or that busi
ness Is going to be bad next month on ac
count ot the backward season, or that tho
sun Is going to cool off and stop warming
the earth pretty soon, keep It strictly prl-
Dr. Charlotte B. Martin
Tha tingle electrlo needlo method 1
tho only method enjoylnc profenlonal
licensure and confidence (or the perma
nent removal of euperAuoui heir and
other superficial ffrowtha.
70S rUndrr. IllJr., IStli A Walnut
' T V, j --- - 5ri?w
A. r- Smith, Kline t French Co., Wholesale Dlitrlbutore ImFv
Facial Maieate i?3nvS 'iiw
Iteetoree Freehneei and Ileauty of Touth JH'rf)v . OvM v" i era ' '1" j" n.
MISS PIMBlin ,isK?25SOP Afr . .saSeP- ..
itcautr specialist iSwxsfesa nifcBwwrm .mKT, I , ? vW I2o6 alnut Strppr J $k
Expert with Multiple fclectrlc Needle. In- SfJ SN5w3, KS55!iw',WH "fc3SJIWL 1?ATTTT , NS4 iJI . S jiUlffk
doried by Fhyilclam. Only Known Method sff. SVEa8 HlitHMlHMJRiTnnllBBllilTBkV Xllllllt ," " s --Tfyffggt- - ji V S '" SB
vM'ySxI'wSVl IWgRffgwy -""llMMlUUMMIIIIIIlt JIWI I VWk. r.lRjVJiM JM
''' ::: (coprruM. low : THIS! OTldllT Tn MATT1?. IV pm?i?r?nwrv nrn.ir
W assoclftls professor of history at
Uarrmrd College, addressing 3000 students
nt Vnssnr si the semicentennial of that
Institution, told them women should be
more mnnnlsh, that they should In
dulge In rougher sports nnd learn to
carry arms, she may not havo known
thnt somo of her slaters wero already
proficient In Just thoso things. Mils
Vivian Raymond, who Is one of tho
principals of "The Passing Bhow of
1015" at the Lyric Theatro during Its
engagement thero beginning January 17,
can rldo a motorcycle at 60 miles nn
hour; sho can and does chop down trees;
she can spado a garden or dig trenches.
Sho can row n boat In tho wildest wavei
nnd can shoot a magazlno rlflo with
such accuracy that she has won two
prizes for markBmanBhlp.
house-locked for many days, and more
evenings, by wintry weather. Music In
tho homo Is the best substitute for sun
Rhino yet dclsed by phltanthioplstn who
study domestic ncedi and possibilities.
Wnnt Something to Hcnd
"I would like tho address of Frances
P., who offered magazines In tho Corner,
If I may havo It? It was offered to shut
ins. C. O'.V."
"I am a boy, 5 years o. age, nnd am In
the third grade at school, but have poor
henltl', so have to stny at homo a great
deal. Hut I lovo to rend, and would you
please ask the Cornerltes If they haven't
some story books nnd piece books their
children don't want, and plcnso tell them
to send them to me? Wo are poor, so
papa and mnnitna cannot buy them for
me. I will bo so thnnkful for them.
"GEonan harold b."
"I seo where Mrs. M. B. has mngazlns
to give away. I will gladly pay po4tse
or cxpicssage on them If sho will sci.d
them to me. I nm not exactly a shut-in,
but am not able to go out as much ns I
would like. A llttlo reading matter would
be greatly appreciated.
"MRS. P. A. T."
"I wrlto to you In regard to the offer of
magazlnos, as I am a lonely woman nnd
would npprecinto them very much. I
will pay whatever charges are necessary
to get them If Mrs, C. II. will send them
to me. MRS. WILLIAM O'D,"
These letters speak for themselves.
With the coming In of tho New Year
there must bo periodicals for old and
young left over from tho subscription
that Is nlmost ended. Who wishes the
names of these near shut-ins?
All communication nc1t1rrned to MIm
Untlii ml flhmilil In clone a Mumped, nclf
adflrcnnetl cnyclopc, and a cllnplng of thn
nrtlcle In uhlrh you nrn Interested, Hcnd
to Marlon Harland, Ktcnlnir ledger, C08
Chentntit "trcft, I'liRndclphla,
vato. Why spread gloom? Do a Christian.
IJo good In tho world. He nn optimist.
Look on tho bright side nnd Ignore the
darker side. Ocnulno cheer or even spuri
ous cheer goes a long way toward the
making of a happy, healthy family.
Take Invoice, you who worry. How
much has worrying netted you to dato
since you first stocked It?
How to Find Out
Kindly advise me what kind of examina
tion Is necessary to determine whether one
has tuberculosis. It is sufficient to top on
tho upper part of tho chest and listen with
tho ear? Do theso symptoms suggest
tuberculosis: Anemia, frequent head
ache, nervousness, soreness In right chest,
Rlood pressure 143?
Answer Tho patient must remove all
clothing nbove the waist line. The x
amlnatlon must cover the entlro chest,
foro nnd aft, nbove and below. Tho tem
perature, pulso and breathing must be ob
served. All these things must be done o:i
different occasions, possibly half a dozen
tlraes. In order to reach a positive con
clusion In an early case. Tho symptoms
you describe do not suggest tuberculosis,
but neither do they exclude It.
Blood Pressure and Tonsils
Havo been advised to have my tonsils
removed have had repeated attacks of
quinsy. But nn Insurance examiner finds
my blood pressure a little high. Would
that mako the operation Inadvisable?
Answer It would bo better to have the
tonsils removed.
?v .WKmX
vm&& ) T"e nw style danco gowns make Ik
J Kf n's PreParat,n necessary. r(fe
Writer Says the Belief That It Is the Feminine
Duty to Please Men Is Responsible for
Scathing Indictment
Do you beltevo with Itcbccca West thnt woman is tho "world's worst
f" To you think her Hfo is obscured by tho trivialities, while tho big
things go by tho board ? , , ., , ,. . v
Do you think thnt woman is bo concerned with tho decoration of her
person thnt sho haslittlo time left for the development of her personality?
Do you think that sho strives too rnuch to plcnso menj
If you havo Ideas on tho subject, tho Editor of tho Woman's Voro
will be glad to know them.
WOMAN'S vanity, woman's self-esteem
has Just been administered a
tcrrlblo blow. Wo have been called the
"world's worst failure," and by n wo
man whoso recent writings havo shown
her to be one of tho keenest analysts
of her own sex.
Disregarding tho tremendous "c
that women have tnken In tho Inst 60
years. Ignoring nil tho feminist .conten
tions of woman's right to equality with
man, Rebecca West, writing In a cur
rent Issue ot tho New Republic, hurls
a scathing Indictment at us for tho pet
tiness of our existence.
Wo wnsto on personal ends tho vitality
thnt should bo conserved for our work,
sho says. At tho cost of much mental
..rnniiv wn ilrnnn ourselves In costly
"raiment nnd give over tho biggest part
. mm .. .w. ... .";- ".:,...
of our time to petty cnons nc ucnuuiy-
tni- ourselves In order to plcaso men. Wo
it... nn nuirli nn nnil ror our motions
and becnuso of that wo aro no better
than the veriest drunkard.
In driving homo her point, tho writer
Instances three women a Parlesentip, a
Chicago girl ana nerseu, iirncccn cm.
lin srps the Frcncli woman eicgnm,
nerfectlv poised and wonderfully garbed
p.;!.. P- i?m.i Vilnlnr room. Of her
Kill. UK 111 " o --
flhe flnyn:
"She struck n note of tho highest pos
sible nltch of physlcnl refinement.
"As sho sat thcro sho mado a harmony
out of prudent gestures of whoso rc
. . .A.. ..., ..iiimiit doubt Inwardly
co sclous nnd proud; one could divine
her thinking. 'I hardly moved my hand
nn Inch that time, yet I flatter mjsclt
the movement could not ""yt",?."
stayed quite st.U under Ujo hiblo
cstpos lo'n imaginable." She did not
move in her chair because the , stra gl.t
stem of her back grow from the fo'laRo
of her skirts with a graco that could
not have been surpassed by any altera-
""Siio had trained like an athlete for this
oleganVft and her feats deserved mora
than n moment's attention. It was
stmngo that In splto of her tremendous
and successful concentration upon her
person sho aroused no Interest In her per
sonality. Ono found In her that asso
ciation of vividness ot presence and ab
senco of Individuality which one finds In
non-Curopeans. When one meets tho
lithest nnd most beautiful of Hindus one
speculates not about his personality but
about the system of which he Is mani
festly a part nnd a product.
"And even so ono forgets the soul that
doubtless Inhabited tho Frenchwoman,
that doubtless knew nrdors and loneli
ness. In her fitness and consplcuousness
as part of the Bystem of tho ch c.
"Tho next night I found her colled In a
red plush armchnlr In tho hotel drawing
room, so preoccupied by her misery that
her elcganco sat nbsurdly on her llko n
smart hat worn on ono side, attending
only deanshly to a sallow girl from Chi
cago. And suddenly she began to talk
about lovo. It was not that sho was Ill
bred nnd without reticence, but sho wns
wandering In the windy corridors that
lead to madness and tho clonk of reserve
had been blown from her. 'When I love."
she was telling us soon, 'e'est uno cntas
trophc." Sho gavo us various Illus
trations ot her conduct when tho worst
for passion, culminating In an nnccdotc
nbout a trunk Impetuously abandoned at
Lyons. 'I can think of nothing but tho
beloved. Yes, It Is a complete Interrup
tion of my life ' It wns obvious that for
long sho had lived entirely that her life
might bo Interrupted. 'Women are like
that,' sho said with u certain pride."
Tho Chicago girl dissents and, according
Accidentally torn
your oxpenslvn
levelling (1 o w n.
Wrnn, Shawl, Em
broideries. Costly
La.eo Curtains,
etc.? If they aro
disfigured with
unsightly h o 1 o s,
we can repair
thorn equal to
Harry Sooval & Co.
For tlndrtectnlile Mending
46 South 8th St.
51'hnne Walnut .1077:
Removes Superfluous Hair
12, 1910
to tho writer, In launching her views on
tho subject shows herself to be In tho
eamo class with tho French woman.
"It uns her opinion." tho nrtlcle con
tinues," that a woman ought to preserve
general Interests nnd tnko part In tho
world's work, though sho admitted It wntf
necessary that wo should retain tho
fragility that makes us worshlpfdl.
"'Wo must still strike. tho Chicago
girl Bald, 'the feminine note.' "
According to Miss West, this typo of
woman takes up work, not bernuso sho
loves tho world, but In order that sho
may offer an appearanco of strength
which some man will find virile satisfac
tion In breaking down to weakness, nn
nppearance of Independence which some
man will bo proud to seo exchanged for
dependenco upon him. And It Is her half
hpnrted work which makes women
workers cheap nnd lll-cstecmcd, tho
i .:..:: :,.',.:. :: .. -i.. ..... ..ii-
i wmcr iicciurca. ji ia ono mm uaiuiunb
. tho failure of women In Industry nnd tho
"lloth of theso women," Miss West
points out, "wero keeping themselves
npart from tho high purposes of life for
an emotion thnt, schemed and planned
for, wns no better than the made ex
citement of drunkenness. Ono ought to
.--- . .................... -..--......-
P" t vo reluctantly for life's sake,
I n8 ono goes up Into the mountains be-
cause ho Is very sick and to live longer
on the plain means death. And once
there, braced by the new nlr, ho turns
to work. If It should bcfnll that ho has
to leavo the country of lovo ho goes
forth bravo with eternal health, n sound
ness that no later sickness can cor
rupt. It Is Impossible that he should
nppear ns n frustrated schemer or a
broken bankrupt.
"It wan midnight," Miss West con
tinues, "and they had been talking about
lovo for hours. Fatigue had given mo a
delirium, so that when I looked across
ft ;'? V mi rmmLj
A New Face
Woman Wi
Hy a wonderfully
method I can remoxo t
est urlllKleR, rentorn
freshen tho ekln In
Will elvo roiluccit
Teh Jut. 1910 This
711.1 rl.illdrrn lllc, lit
Rood job
for the
lh I
lit) deep- II
contour nnd. I
i few ilayn. I
ten tin tn II
work Is lit
Complexion II
Iixport II
li tf Will nut 1
(TsJL rfS&
1 f M V Ntitv
The man who installs plumbing appreciates
Fleck quality just as much as Owner and
Architect. He knows that the Indian Head
Trademark on plumbing goods assures his
work a hearty recommendation. He knows that
Fleck goods arc made in Philadelphia, which means
quick delivery of all parts.
Fleck Brothers stand squarely behind their
product with a double-riveted guarantee.
44-50 N. Fifth Street
Southern Opening
at the
Gown and Fur Shop
1206 Walnut Street
We are presenting for
selection a complete showlno of the new
Spring Suits, Lingerie, Gowns, Waists,
Afternoon and Evening Dresses
You are cordially Invited to review this authentic ityle
fgrecatt and you may choose now or later, as you prefer.
J. UlticK dies' Tailoting Ready-to-Wear
tho room our Images In the great chsvai
mirror seemed fantnstle pictures of enr
souls. Tho Frenchwoman, her pinched
llttlo faco grievous nbove her cloth-of.
silver gown, her plnk-palnted nails un.
natural on her limp hands, appeared as &
starved child bedizened for somo bad
purpose; nnd perhaps that was all ah
pitifully wns. f
"Tho phlcago girl held her head Ilk,
a queen, but pursed her mouth pesvlshly
nnd nnxlousls-. llko a characterless school,
mistress trying to enforce discipline, Ana
Indeed thero wns nothing moro dlgnlfUg
In this woman who lived nnd worked that
she. might bo worshipful, nnd yet, becaus
she rill nothing disinterestedly, mud
nothing within herself that a man could
"And I I was a black-browed thing,
scowling down on Iho Inkataln that i
saw reflected across tho bodice of ray
evening dress. I wns Immeasurably dlj.
tressed by this by-product of tho literary
life. It was n now evening dress, t wag
becoming, It wns expensive. Already I
wns upsetting the bnlanco of my nerves
hy silent rngo( I know I would wako up
In tho night nnd magnify It with an .
cited mind till It stained tho world! that
In tho end I would probably write sore
article I did not In tho least want to
wrlto In order to pay for a new ono. In
fact," I would commit tho samo sin that'
I loathed In theso two women. I would
wnsto on personal ends vitality that
should"1 have conserved for my work."
Every woman, Miss West conclude
oven those who regard themselves na tlJJ
most sensible, tho most advanced, be.
,llovcs It to bo her duty nnd her happlnesi
to pleaso. It Is -for this reason, sho sayi
mm. wuiiiuii iB mo wunu s worst ratiure,
What do you think about It?
So Ho Could
A physician says freedom from worry
Is essential In the trentment ot locomotor
ataxia. Rut a man who could keep free
from worry with locomotor ataxia could
recover from nn amputated head with
out treatment. IjOUlsvUlo Courier-Journal.
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