'V EYENHsTq LEDGERPHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1916. iff SOOO PATRIOTS HEAR I'BILY' SUNDAY PREACH AT STIRRING SERVICE l Beautiful American Flag Prc- Seilieu w """e Governor Edward C. Stokes Speaks lAGAltf ASSAILS PASTORS ...mvf. tan. 12. "Hilly" Sundny's F Til I- .. .ilnir In the tnbtrnnclc Inst nlnht when Pit iddrMsett more i.i - - K. . r tr A. M.. nml other nnlrlotlo w'onlinllons. was remarkable for demon M . .. .. natrtntle fervor. w'ftrsemllons had been made for 7E0O r, i... nf Iib nrannlzntlons xchedilled W. to attend the service, but these fell short I ot'tha number appearing nt the tnber- W .l.no .ni nrnvlrlnt tuttri rhatie. Mvcry im-muv. , H m American imK. ' " .....v.. formed a feature of the son Ice. . Incident of the evenlntf wns the h,ntntlon of n silk American fin to e.VnW by exOovcrnor Edward 0. Stokes, wesem u- "" ",," V ... In behnlf of true-blue Jerseymcn, add- It ""...' .....I. Infitlai-llv. Hint ilio I Sit of such a constituency In the State I a IndlcatlVo of the hcccsslty for Jersey SJcnwhat the flag stands for nml pro rtted the wildest enthusiasm among his jiiarers. "Why could we not cast him out7" This question, nsked by the nprstlos of Christ concerning their Inability to expel ih evil spirit from the afflicted Boy, we "'.. k "nlllv" Rnmlnv In hl "irmbn at the afternoon service, nnd In hU explanation he gave a turn thnt p Jilled forcefully to religious conditions of the present day. Why are men nnd women, boys ina . . .ii n fnllnw wttlinnr ltitnr " ' fewnce tho paths thnt. lend to. rteitruo ''' iinn. he asked. Because, he declared. t i..,,m.,i nre.ichers have mndo their urmohs the mediums for the expression '"af vlewu upon literary clap-trap nnd other iubtcts far removed from such vital mat ters as faith, morals and the general theme of living a decent nnd religious ..We. ' n. . e ftin nmiiAnt rtav nnurnrn. "nlllv" R declared, have no more scTlalis object In K 6W than tho filling of pews. "What E fOOd are you UOinK, e HHneu, il 3UU 5' ntke It necessary to bring more chairs Into the enurencs nnu you no noi unvo 'tut any devils." gfOUGH PLANS ATTACK ON SUNDAY VAUDEVILLE t Proprietors Fear They May Lose as Result of Taber nacle Assaults ATLANTIC CITY, Jan. 12. Evangelist .Btough has pounded nwny fon a week at 'cabarets, picturing them as lures for the young and everything elso that Is 1 hideous, nnd now ho Is going to seo whnt b can do with Sunday vaudeville nnd movlng-plcturo shows In this "different" community'. KThesa are to be Ills next targets and, inhllo pretending to have no fears for JthVfuture, slnco shore nUthorltlcs, after Iirrtstlng amusement men and fining them tjptatedly a year ago, nuowea me nmuso mSnid to bo spirited away, managers I rf in reality seriously concerned. JHolel proprietors also have a more or iH direct Interest, for with both, tho po lice and the county prosecutor sitting upon th4 excise lid. making gay Atlantic the V'dryest" spot In tho Stato on Sundays, there will be little left for vlsltora ex-" ;cept church, If the movies should be shut i flown and vaudeville eliminated. 7 There was much good-natured banter ..jspiand down the Boardwnlk today over Slough's ironical tnrusi at mo ngni hearted Irresnonslblllty of Bhore crowds. 'Thousands of cultured people who will not come here and let me tell them of the error of their ways," he said, "would flock to my standard If I should announce a itrles of tales upon 'Lobster a la New lurK and kindred topics." Etough belabored the smug Christians, reildent and visiting. In this "superficial, artificial city," nnd said their ndoratlon for material things is "heathenish." Theatrical Baedeker-- lDEUlt!-"Androcles and the I.ton." by O. Birnird Shaw, and "Tha Mnn Who Married LDumb Wife." by Anatnlo France. "Soma on. Some Shaw, Some Show," LYRIC "MlM In Am.nm " with Mlla 111. i tt and Florence Moore, A New York Win I Itr Garden how of the uiual stupendous dl- r ' Tntmlnna rpRREST--',Watch Tour Step," with Mn. .. iii vu yBl(P rrwiK nnnev. iieruaru urun x.uib ann Kiifanarn i(tif rr-inno run t-nm n nact. Berlin rK and a UlUlnffham pro Auction. 01nniCK-"On Trial," with Frederick Perry ". . a"?1! Ft. An exemntr atory of crime. Jntttn backward In the form of a trial. Novel and entertatnlna OADr-JTh Chief," Wth John Drew and - . jtwpo Lrewi. vn elegant a-piece reaay "!. little nuir. but quit charmlna. P!irvrnTr.Avs lCHESTnut STnEET OPBIIA HOUSn-AH B "fCK. "A Parlnlan nnmanA ' m Pnv Attn Ha II. Cooper Cliff nd Dorothy Oreen 1Q t DlCtUra of Purlftlan Ufa hfnr fh war Y-Today. "Mlc and Men." with Mar- 3"""S."'r; .inureoay, niuay anu uatur JS" WaT" n m chance'" wlth Cleo IMdgely "EPADIA-Today. "Don Quixote," with Da -i'v ""it, ana raity ana juaoel Aarui," ?iTl!L01!'..coniedyi w'th Hoaco Arbuckle &iJ$iitl.Ji!S"'lln Thursday, Friday innd S22S,ui!J M1"i,nf Wnka with Robert won and Norma Taimadse, fsi.C?"Todalr.-!.'Th Immigrant." with Va- ,?,'"!llti Thurday, naay ana etur JJ Lydla Qllmor." with I'aulin Fred- Kiu. VAUDEVILLE, H5tTifc"Sha fSt ot th North." a dancing wStii.Mn ft? Y""".' vpcallat! airard and BfiM5Jnt. Tl,e .,;uck " Totem"! Agnea cn.i.?. U'RrX Kane in "Tli Final D. L?in,l.Con"'!.6'l and Parka, comedian.. tfi?J-P'l.,ctanLl, Lunette Sler. Vohn -;--., uuMikwii; in ri-wo LTiirltons. The Piano rDer ana 'ard and niu. i" ernoie judge . btoii ana liif??'nJ,c.rotftt,: Henry and Henry, come- lri h. ,7 . vocalist; to aiarino aia Hoot. VA,r'f0 n Doula. acrobats; Qtwrge 'fiiM."?-!!."1 half of th week. "Kid Wlanv.n.?t' Sahara, acrobat; U Brian .J " ll aHO UCtldXl tOVUKV (&illi?.la,uBuck.' .cc Dunham. NulTan4 eSS,C,!iIU "nJ company In "On the Golf 3x .J ftmPi?n and Douglas, comedian; CULbh. ii,V u'"y"' ; ? " . "' Wlm .' . " .". "". K"rf EPi.kS.V-Plwpeth 5tto. oUnUt; 4h Fly- KrinuT"' lD Angora-Wernt troupe. tSv Fi"? ? IThat AlayIIapDn" i Phil "jw 4 D Vtau. Wataon and Fegan. M TThV0 .Mor. axrobata. Vent Ilenahaw iHoti$iA4r' " "A ,Vudttllle Tabl itSanj-'Ku11""' nd William Cutty mu BaJi ., V?on Curtl. akater. Sum- coaMditSne' co!at4UD,'' Dorothy Muen- . . ORi.Nl lKuAJ'J",1. 9lrt " Out Tonder", a , gftSS? W$Sttii3: ASUS! jjnvuic, jretented by the Knickerbocker ALvt AT P0-'LAn IBICE3 "affliHS A UttU Ulrl In a Eli WMnl ., ""J31!1 lfl a cl city." a f Nvf Yeik cUy, I !a Brait 'o Tim Halloween.'' Wit- ' CSii??'".' comedian; O'Connor and the g? SLter. Mile. 'Spellman'a trained 'iSfh Vla'oc and O'Connor. Ellis-Nolan MAGICflUlE, PLEASES IN SPITE OF LIBRETTO Mozartenn Melodies and Elab orate Settings Eclipse Me Jange of Masonic Mysteries Phllndelphln has to take Its operatic nmnnn when nnd where It falls. To bo sure, tho crumbs from the Metropolitan table nro sometimes of exceeding rich ness nnd delicacy nnd sizable enough to be musically sustaining to a public hungering for the lyric drnmn. But, nftcr all, It Is n case of the beggnr'a lack of choosing nml of dependenco on the bounty of Mr. Knhn, Mr. Onttl and their com peers. Yet there Is no reason why a senson which Is guaranteed by ndvnnce subscriptions nnd supplemented by paying patronage should put nn appreciative clientele In the position of beneficiaries of the Associated Musical Charities. The local season wni revived last night nt tlrond nnd 1'oplnr streets, where the Ocrman wing of tho N'ow York company presented "The Mnglo Flute." There Is nn nppnrrnt reduction, though, of course. no nctunl diminution what wns a bo en night soclnl and muslcnt (unction has become fortnightly, for tho next produc tloni arc dated January 25 nnd February 8. Whnt they will be and who will sing nre still on tho knees of tho managerial gods. Hut For whnt we arc about to receive from Mr. Onttl. let tn bo duly thankful, slnco we ennnot dictate. At lcnst we have much to bo grateful for iln retrospection of "Dcr rtosen kavnller'' nnd for Inst night's memories of n splendid representation of a Mozart masterpiece. It wns nil thnt, scenlcnlly, musically nnd drp 'atlcnlly, so fnr ns Ih allowed by tho farrago of masonic sym bolism nnd Oftentnl apologue, which Emmanuel Schlcknnncdcr contrived Into a libretto. Set nmlit thp fantnsles of nn alleged nnclcnt Egypt and moved by nil unconvincing necromancy, the symbolism of It all Is vain to n modern audience, since there Is no Maria Theresa reigning nt Vienna to convince concerning tho legltlmnto status of tho brotherhood from whose rites It borrows and for which It Is n plea nnd Justification. The silliness nnd unlntclliglblllty of tho "book" were borne with admirable equanimity by tho largo audience, though nt times even patlenco wns sore tried by tho old-fnsh-loned comedy which the librettist fnttcned for his own rolo of Papagcno; the equally antiquated florid music which Mozart wrote Into tho Bcoro to nccommodnto his own sister-in-law, who wns n. marvelous soprano legglero, with a voice of almost unbcllevrtblo gamut; the outmoded senti ment and the nonsensical symbolism. There is no worse iTook In opera, not oven that of "Fldcllo," to tnko another Instance whero Immortnl music Is by no menus "wedded to Immortnl verse." Those- who witnessed the performance will seo the reason lor fewness of te- vlvals of tho work. An cxfraordlnnrllyj largo cast is needed, icqulrlng special vocul abilities on tho part of the princi pals, partlculntly the coloratura soprano, tho basso nnd tho buffo baritone, ns well nft "maenncrchor" distinction on the part of tho inula chorus. Next, marvels of stagecraft aro needed to make Illu sive tho (illicitly shirting scenes which keep tho story In motion nnd dlsgulso Its absurdities to an nudlcnco fed on tho narratlvo consistencies of tho modern music drama. Finally tho mind hits to dwell for edification and enjoyment on the wonders of Mozart's scure. For tho snke of that music, ns It was given last night, with slngulirly unllled feeling by choral. Instrumental, nnd solo forces, much can bo forgiven bJth tne rattle-pated liorettlst and tho bad tasto of tho times, which Imposed on Mozart tho necessity of writing some highly ar tificial music. "Mozartcan" has becomo a word to define other men's music, and Indeed Itself music that has thn giacc of curvilinear melody for Its lino of beauty nnd tho graciousness of ex trinsic simplicity, but essential pro fundity for Its temperament; music thnt Is fluent and flexlblo despite all the canons of tho contrapuntal schoolmen. T,o their Beckmcsscr Mozart played a tri umphant Walther, observing rules, but soaring beyond them. This was tho mu sic Mr. Bodansky read with loving dis cretion for its melodic loveliness. Its va riety of folksong, operatic aria, part song and flgurntcd chornlo was tho real treat of the performance. Pamina, a role which at previous local productions has been graced with the beauty of Eames, the great voice of Gad ski and the dramatic power of Oestlnn, had a new Incumbent In Marie Itappold, who. If sho did not rlso to any of her predecessors' distinctions, still made a very satisfying heroine. Frieda Hempel finely declaimed and "colorated" the music of, Astrnflamente. Edith Mason wns a "chipper" newcomor, ns the blithe Papa gerin, associated here with Hcheff and Alten. Henri S:ott made his local debut as Sarastro, and, though not a genuine basso profunda, was Impresstvo unci sonorous, -Urlus sang the Imperishnble music of Tamlno with rare expressiveness. Gorltz, the op-ratlc humorist, vas the life of the show as the frollcksome' bird catcher, and Itelss, who has a pretty wit, displayed It In the comedy of the Ethlop Monastatos. W. II. M. Russian Ballet Here Week of March 27 Serge de DIaghtleff and the members of his Russian ballet troupe, whQ, will ap pear at the Metropolitan Opera House the week ot March 7, excepting Tuesday evening, were among the passengers on the French liner Lafayette, which reached new York yesterday In safety de spite the threats that it would be tor pedoed. M, de Dlaghtleft's forces come under the auspices of the Metrqpolltan Opera Company for such a tour as they have never undertaken before. For this tour tie has reassembled his company In full ranks and he brought W or more principal dancers. At their head stand Warslaw NlJInsky and Thamar Karsavlna. C. Trevor Dunham Specializing in Automobile Insurance Notary Public 236 N. Broad St. puawBseAvoB . VICTOll COLDMIIIA" RECORDS BOUGHT Send nottal, we will call 100 N. 10th St. Open KTtnlnte. WE BUY lightly uae4 Victor Talk lug Machines & Records. FUTERNIK 140 N. 8th Bell Phone ANOTHER GREAT BOUT SatuxiUy Mht Saturday NUht National A. C. National A. C. Johnny Kilbane vs- Frankie Conifrey VVo"w' Champion Latt tkMatlan CLEO RIDGELY AND WALLACE REID HfJRMRKjSnMX '$a Mf wHfHF'wJi?fiPBjS. In "The Golden Chnnce," a Lnaky feature, nt the Stanley todny. Note the excellent handling of light nnd shadow and tho artistic composition. "GOLDEN CHANCE" A GOLDEN PRIZE Lasky Outdoes Itself in New Photoplay Coming to Stanley Tomorrow By the Photoplay Editor TtlK CIOI.DKN CHANCE. Pci-nnrlo by Jeannln Miirphrmon. Dlreetril hy Cecil II. Je Mill. riiotnRrnrhv bv AH In Wycorf. FHr-part iJiBkv.I'aramount production. .To lie l"n nt the Stanley tomorrow, Friday anil fcnt- Maf y'ftrnbv, ,Clco niilKflv Iloaer Manning Wallace Held Stco Dtnby, Mary's hunbnnrt ,, Horare II. Carpenter Mr. Hillary Kdythe Chapman Mr. Illllnry 1-'ticff- A0 Jimmy, Tlio Itat Ilaymond Ilatton If you were fortunate enough, to have seen tho recent Jesse L. tjisky production of "The Chent." no doubt you said It wns the best photoplay this progressive company has made. Well, It was, until their latest effort, "Tho Golden Chance." was shown privately nt tho Paramount Company's projection room. Jennlo Mncphcrson, tho author, Is a young woman of somo twenty years who Joined the Dlogrnph company ns nn actress but nftcrward began writing scenarios, While It Is unnecessary to recall her work before the camera, yet tho valunblo experience gained In this manner enmo to good ndvnntnge In the writing of this thrilling society drama. Its Interesting, compelling power keeps the direct attention during the wholo flvo reels. Cecil B. DcMlllo's direction 13 perfection. Ho has carefully looked after the minut est details regarding tho properties used In both the rooms In the slums nnd those In the homo of wealth. As a student of tho wonderful effects to bo had by well placed and carefully studied tones of lighting, ho Is securing the most artistic values of light for tho screen. But right hero a word Is also due Alvln Wycoff. tho photographer, whoso co-operation makes all these effects possible. It Is to this man that credit la duo for the realistic work In showing a bit of reflection in a mir ror, the wonderful plcturo of cigarette smoke nnd the rain effects. Called upon to portray a dual character, tho wife of Stove Denby, living In tho slums, and thnt of Mary, a girl of re finement nnd education, Cleo Illdgely gives the best work In her career before tho camera. Wallace ndd makes an agrecablo lover, and Is well suited to tho type of young millionaire ho plays. Of course he is called upon to tight as has been his assignment on the screen for tho last year. Pralso Is due tho well en acted and rather difficult role of Steve Denby, the drunken, thieving husband of Mary', which fell to that splendid char acter actor, Horace B, Carpenter. His faculty for grouping the spirit of the part without over-acting It Is a big credit to him. Raymond Hatton's part as Jimmy, The H. W. Jokns-Manville ComparrJ) . A: tkeii nnounce their remova 2 1 0 North where the office and sales departments, display rooms and automobile accessory service station are now under one roof. Attention is called to the unusual facilities for the display and demonstration of J-M Products, including the showrooms for J-M Lighting Equipment, of par ticular interest to the house-owner, architect, engineer and decorator. AUTOMOBILISTS Will be pleased to learn of this change in the loca tion of our acce8S'ory service station, which now places us in the very heart of the automobile district. iP1D m PP. K M a HaMa f$SiffiS uVHIV ifiwrMM&WKA vfMR$&&9ffivNKEk lVB SBa3apgfffilEg& mil IPrl VmHHHhI fiEriiSll ItMJjMJHB jjgiiiiyBL MmMmmM COWtHTjOH MAu! 'CTlrTRfflNlyLLrji ME NY AVENUE mi mhiiiiii I il I ! mi i i aapii ii i mi riiii tho Rat, his partner In crime. Is also n worthy plcco of work. Edytho Chnpman and Ernest Joy, ns tho designing pro moters who cause nil tho troublo In their efforts to sccuro the flnanclnl aid of tho young millionaire, keep well within their parts. There Is a. bit done by n girl plny ing the rolo of a mnld that Is quite good. "Tho Qoldcn Chnnce" will bo seen nt tho Stanley tho rest ot tho week. A fnn of tho Eureka ""hentro has sent In the following poem: A "KUSH" FROM A "PAN." Dost care to "boost" tho neighborhood. As every West riilladclphlan should? Suppose you say a word of pralso Kor "Our Eureka's" photo-plays! Artistic, clean and mirthful, too According to tho point ot view; Hero n moral thcro n smile. Fltma that "grip," with stars "worth while!" All tho scenes depleted there Eliminate- the Ogre, Carol And courtesy la king, U'goshl .Who holds his sceptre? Mclntoshll Dorothy Hnrpur. Earl Forte, of tho Sherwood, has se cured a progrnm mndo up of tho best se lections from Paramount, Metro, Fox and Equltnble, affording a wldo rnngo of subjects to present In a week. CIco Rtdg- SUIOj tFKM x T lO 1 . maices clear sKins and good hair The regular use of Resinol Soap for the toilet, bath and shampoo, can usually be relied on to keep the complexion clear, the hands white and roft, and the hair healthy, glossy an free from dandruff. U th tldn or icalp Is already in bad condition, a ihort treatment with Kesinol Ointment miy first be necessary to restore lis normal health. Keslnoi 7oap and Ointment are sold by all druggists. For ssui ties free, write to Dept. 1S-P, Kesinol, lUltimore, Md. Men -with Under faces find that Res viol Shaving Stick prevents irritation. il to Broad Street ley and Wallace Reld will be In the "Chorus Lady" on Saturday, These co stars alio appear In the new play "The Golden Chance," to bo seen nt the Stan ley tho last part of this week. Book lovers will be glad to know that "What Will Teople 8ay?" has been made Into a film play ond will be shown at the Savoy Saturday. lno program for this week at Gold man's Bluebird Theatre can rightly be called a legitimate star week, as each of the lending players has nonearcd In ' the spoken drama In the role of a Btnr, Again It Is proven that women can do things, for the manager of tho popular Hrond Street Casino, Miss Blestng, has been very successful In her efforts to pro vide cntertntnment for the people of North Philadelphia, Ono feature about her programs Is the fact that each lead ing player Is mentioned, although he may not havo dono any work before the camera In the past Kclief Fund Meeting Here on Jan. 30 Arrangements nre being made for a large public meeting, which will be held on Sunday evening, January 30, at the Metropolitan Opera House, Broad and Poplar streets, to carry on tho campaign for relief funds. Dr. J. L. Mngncs, of New York, whoso work In New York, Bnltlmoro nnd other cities has been very successful, will speak at tho meeting. Dis tinguished speakers will address tho as semblage. Details of tho meeting will be announced later. De Ilooy to Lecture for Teachers The third lecture In the sorles being given nt tho University Museum, 33d and Spruco streets, for teachers will bo held this afternoon at 2:30. Tho lecturer will bo Thcodor do Booy, who will give nn Illustrated lecture on Margarita Island, nlong with an explanation of his travel and exploration on this little-known part of South America. Auto Painting That Satisfies Thi rnr tlinfn pnlntect by im kiep Itn pplcnnd8pan look twice nn Ions na the cur ttmt'ft putnttMl tho uxprngc way. Yrnrn of experience lmo given tin Ability. Thorouchnepfl nml a Mncere drnlro to nlmoluOly untlufy each cim tonier lime elver, un tho ordem of th mou particular car rmnerH. AH work promptly attended to. Kfltlmuten quickly furnifOirit we rnlnt more than 400 c a r a o ery ear. Robert Ml Norris, Jr. 2lt A I.mllnw 81. Hell pli. Spruce Ol'uS Cs dFii jao m iH fflomki SoSm Corrmamu i Tlin following tliralrri obtain flirlr plctare throuch the STANLEt llooklnc Company, wlilrli 1 a gunrantea of early liniTlnc of th flneit production. All nlcturcs ravlenrd before cahlbltlon. Ask for tho thratre In your locality obtaining picture through th 8TANLKV llooklnc Company. X I II 1 Mnn A I2'h. MorrI h ranrunk At; ALiIMIdKA "at. Dally at 2; Eva... T ft 9. nijliniiiutin VBiirlelUa L l'aramrt I'lctuni. rannie Ward -Tun chhat" ARCADIA ncr!LF6sNiua?i NOIIMAND In "Fatty and Mabel AUrlft. Ann i i r osd and Thompson APOLLU MATINHE DAII.Y Metro Picture MONBL, llAItllYMonK IllKNC lIOWI.nV In "A VEM.OW STHEAK" And Other BLUEBIRD "00 NOnT" DROAD 8T 9iS?AB Charles J. Ross ln 'Tiin SDNATOP." C0TII AND CEDAR MSr cnDAii avd. 'E'iyi, .,T,nE,AT5S KOHURT KPnSON In J'THR CAVE MAN" .VACt V. Ii. s n. Taramount New Plctur FAIRMOUNT ""ctSSno avB. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in " C A M I I. ! n " GERMANTOWN "SS. MME. PETROVA in "WHAT Ullli rnOPf-B SAY" r-I nnC BOTH MAIIKET (jLUtSfc, Mat., 2:lBf Eva.. T ft 0. MARGUERITE CLAYTON in "A DAUQIITCn OP THE CITY" rlDADn AVENUE THEATRE GIRAKD TTII AND aiHARD AVE. CHAS. J. ROSS in "THE SENATOR" - M..)!, BROAD ST.. ERIE ft Great Northern oehmant-n avks. "THE WHIRL OF LIFE" Featuring Mr. and Mr. Vernon Catl IRIS THEATRE 3m S,5?TON T II I A .V O h F. P ii A V fl VM. S. IIAnT and HOUSE PETERS In "HETWEEN MEN" A Keyetone Comedy JEFFERSON 20T" ti?B&OTII,N EMILY STEVENS in "THE HOUSE OF TEARS." Metro Plctur. LAFAYETTE 20W KBNMSJKgJUB T It I A N O L B P i, A Y H HELEN WARE. In "CROSS CURRENTS" VEHER FIELDS lq "ThaWortof Friend" I CArMTI? FORTY-FIRST AND l.IiAIJE.lx LANCASTER AVENUE EDITH STOREY ln "THE PRICE OF FOLLY" Weekly Programs Appear Every Monday In Motion Picture Chart TRIANGLE FILMS w Can be obtained from H. SCHWALBE S. E. Corner 13th and Vine Ms. Noteworthy Plays Pre-eminent Players Each Week at the following ARCADIA CHESTNUT ST. UEUin mill ALHAMBRA wi&Sr n. ARCADE W2e RICHMOND ST. BELMONT25' BELLEVUE susqueuanna R E N N 6S38 WOODLAND AVE BROADWAY Tff EUREKA 40TU MABKET 8TS- r.r a .iiriy-rrN PRANKFORD AVR rKAlNNrUKU MAIiaARETTA ST rrtrr it madtucdw ukoau UIVJw nwnuiuuiEniu AVE. GIRARD AV. THEA. "I? GARDEN LANSDOWNB AVE. VICTORIA 81S UAilKET ST' JMcetlnif to Discuss Square Project A mass-meeting wilt be held at the Academy of Music nxt month, when there will be launched a project to place Independence Hall and tho Square In the hnnds of a commission. The matter will bo discussed tomorrow afternoon, when the advisory board meets In the Stato i ''', ,Ja An Apperson automobile, wheth er a six or an eight, is purchased with the assurance that you num ber among your possessions a car capable of carrying you safely, swiftly, surely and in comfort; and with the full knowledge that it harmonizes with the most refined environment. Eight $1850 Six $1550 FlhT MOTOR COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA 1827 Chestnut Street Up OF PENNSYLVANIA H PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESCNTATIO LIBERTY DROAD AND COLUMBIA Untverfal Ilrnadwny feature HOUAItT IIOHW011T1I In "TJIE WHITE SCAR" Loga: . A..J:.:... Broad Aboe it nuuikuiiuui Rockland Ave. America' ureaieai I'lay teaiurin? HOUSE PETERS nnd ETHEL CLAYTON In "THE QREAT DIVIDE" Market St. Theatre 3M UASCT ALICE BRADY in "The Rack" Bth npln,le "DRAFT." "Orlndlne Life Down" nRPHFT IM GERMANTOWN AND UKrniium chelten aves. TJtlAXaLK PLAYS JULIA DEAN ln "MATRIMONY." TORD STERLING In "HI8 FATHER'S TOOTSTEPS" (TiRIFiMT 02D AND WOODLAND AVE. W"l"' Dally Mat.. 2. E s.. n :30 to H. Patho Gold Rooater Plnv ln Color rj...: A -J In "THE I1ELOVED iurviii mucu VAOAIIOND" PAI APP 1214 MARKET STREET rrtLALE, 10 A. M. to 1H15 P. M. VALESKA SURATT in THE IMMIGRANT" PADIT KIDOE AVE. ft DAUPHIN rYTvrv mat., ssi.v i:va..o:3otoii, "THE DRAriON." Featuring MAROARITA PISCHER In Fla Superbly Reallitlc Part PRINCESS "ee?" "The House of Revelation" THE LITTLE PURITAN" DIATTH OERMANTOWN AVE. K1AL, IU AT TULPEHOCKEN ST. MARGUERITE CLAYTON in "A DAUGHTER OF THE CITY" DrrCMT W31 MARKET STREET KtHjUlNl 1IUUAS VOICE URQIS VALLI VALLI in THE TURMOIL" linV MARKET STREET U D I HELOW 7TII STREET TRIANOLK IAY Frank Keenan in "The Coward" SHERWOOD "TUALTN.MORn JESSE I- LA8KY I'fK'nt . Laura Hope Crews in 'Blackbirds' SAVOY MIkASrCT CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in C. A M I L i. n VICTORIA ABOVE NINTH HOLBROOK BLINN in "LIFE'S WHIRLPOOL" CT K Ml 1?V MAnKET ABOVE 10TII alrtllLCI raramount Picture continuous Marguerite Clark in UilSP.'M. "MICE AND MEN" TrrWfl theatres ; IRIS 311T KENSINGTON AVE. JEFFERSON LAFAYETTE 29TH AND FLETCHER ST. -HH KENSINQ. TON AVE. i rr m A i iriTrDii im 1010 n w L.JK3tM t1JUl. X VlVlUlYi Broad LEHIGH pALACEEg,vE. ORPHtUM CHELTEN AVES. OVERBROOK UJ,&Rgg AVE. PALACE ""AKETST. PASCHALL WOODLAND AVE. POINT BREEZE hSTH?8 RIDGE ll3t n,DQE AVENUE. RUBY MARSIUI MARKET 8TS. SUSQUEHANNA q?aS A5V. -- M House. Frank i, Cummlskey, whojlsh new chief! of the Bureau of Clly" 3ftrp rty, will attend. There will &lo be ap pointed a. successor on tho board to,fh late Chief Justice James T. Mitchell. Xn, Samuel Chew, who has been a meiirtrw ot the board during Its 49 years of entlat ence, will speak In favor of the com J mission. ' CENTRAL Chestnut St. Op. House "g,Sfi SEE TODAY'S AMUSEMENT COLUMN a WEST rillLAllELI'lIIA T nPTKT "2D AND T i-. V- V- J O 1 LOCUST BTRE'STU VALESKA SURATT in i "THE SOUL OF BROADWAY" RFI MONT B2'' st- Ab. Market. Mat.. UClmvyni 10Ci kvks.. after 0.30. lfl?. LKONA. CHILDER In a "THE TURN OF THE ROAD" Tomorrow "Tl,n "ouse of a a lumorruw THOUSAND CANDLgfl- V ' KOA Cf Tliaif at Sannom St, Mat..Bo. o.aoi. ineatre n,,, B,,er n.30 30, Mabel Trrnelle nnd Everett nutterfleld In "THE .H.VC51C SKIN" J Tomorrow 'kene FENWICIC Inw 1 OmOriOW .The Womnn Net Dr" HRANr MD AND MARKET STREETfl VJlrt.n.L. MATINEE DAILY. 3 P MJ' S T iOS. E. SHEA in "THE MAN O'WARSMAN"' J V ClDIKJVJX. ir.WEItPORD AVE. TRIANGLE FINE ARTS , .,J57,,-.PA,.,N,'M '" "THE IRON STRMN" CHAS. MURRAY In "A. Garoo Old Knlaht" CI ARHFIM MD lansdowne ave; Urtiiycn ilAT o evo., caa. HARRY MOREY in 'Making Over Geoffrey Manning' F 1 1 R F K" A fortieth and li U 1 L n. rt MARKET STa Me,rpVe.eln?.Corp- Emmy Whelen "TABLES TURNED" NORTH Broad Street Casino T,R0CS,,"' EVENING T'lS ANn 0 HENRY B. WALTHALL in "HUSO JISTIOE" nibr NOltTHIYKST SiiniieriFinnn theatre-itth ousquenanna bupquehanna avk. Trtanale-Kay Tie Franlc Krentn vlih CTi. Hay In 'THE COWARD," 5 Part Trianele-Kej.ilon Uofno Arbukla In "FICKLE PATTY'S FALU" -J Prtv NOHTHKAST CTRANn l2TH n1 CIRARD AVE Jxvrtl'1-' Mat Weil and If t, M." KVE-I.TI.T.IAN LORRAINE Jn WEAL OF THE NWy No. 10 HENRY 11. WAI.THM. In 'THE CIRCULAR PATH." 3 Act II.MC11V DARBY THEATRE DAP'AB" RITA TOLIVER in 'The Unafraid PARAMOUNT rifTl'RR Std Drew In "Romantic Resale' Mat. Eie. KK.NblNUTON JUMBO raam 8"1 ND 'IRABD AVKk 'NEAL OF THE fi. 'Y "On the Trail of the Tiare" "rndervrortiT' 'THE Alt Alt'B VE.VOEANCE" THE MU31CAI. MIX-l'P1 Weekly ProgrnnM Appear Every Monday i Motion Pictwrfci Churt IIIDrni L I BOTH AND V1T I C U A U T rSHJJfT AMD Evuu: Clotlw to HfV ,.. -. iTmv r ft Nv-fb 't I PHI JCt,A- WALNUT-STS, W iaUP ALLEOH AtUaHBSr AVTB, lfUC &'i!850rr -ak;,'9Xf" J itiMrt-iMhf.AJiA ,,lfltnlllltLM' '"J'-'Ltil ' tf ih1 urr, " -tEtV'5a?1P01' luitrl In topical