tJS3 I? 1" 1 EVENIffQ . LEP&EB PHILADEIiPHJA. WEDNESDAY, JANTJABY 12. 1913. '31 rrzn3JBKTSr ICES OF AUTOS AYE CRACKED IN THE LAST DECADE Krs Reduced From Lux- nrv to an Everyday Necessity EoW MANY CHEAP MAKES ' The most ulcnincnnt phnso of the dcvel K . ih automobile since it first PjJ ltd appearance Is the rapid descent t the general ' ........ Wrv,lT a few short years ngo n. man hnd ZSt "or the present Income tn before JTcuuld even think of owning a car. P. Z man who docs not even dlfrnlfy llc'of any number of automobiles well H?!2 iumcit,!.e tins n.merBono almost Llellevable chnnscs In the Inst 10 years. rS?- mn could hnve foretold a deendo f.rO thO impruiui".."" -" - Lffi. tfcken n n matter of course In tho equip ment of tho modern car, Such well-known features as foredoors, disappearing tops, electric starters and tho like were undr6amed of then; not so for the moderate price. Men who were bis enough to realize, when the motor Indus try was In Its Infnncy, that succesi of tho business lay In mnklnR the nutomoblle an essential rnther than a luxury rec ognized then that moderato prlco was the only answer. The nrosress of the last ten years has brought n, dream to a reality. It Is not that there have not always been chenp cars before the public. There was the old Orient TJuckbonrd for one, and a most successful product wns the early model Oldsmoblla that steered with a lever. The first car thnt wns In any way mod ern that came within tho calesory of tho moderate-priced enrs of today, wns the Hupmoblle. It sold for IT50. It showed the way to others Until Mr. Ford devised his ear-that la too well knoun to mention In detail. Hut the Held wns not to be his exclu sively for Ion. Today thero nro a num ber of cars which sell for less than $500. CAltS CI1UA1' AS 3S5, The most Inexpensive enr at the present i automobile show Is the Arso roadster at $385. other cars which sell for JC50 or less nro the Hcgnl light four nt that prlco ex nctlv; the Snxon roadster four-cvllnder nt $395, or with a coupo top at $155; tho .Mctz In two or more models nt G00, the Chevrolet 'Tour Ninety" at $490, nnd, of course, tho 1'ord In n Variety of models. s KMWWMWWwwMKMWWWMWwwwrlk ikmfH? msV jAmm tStv? mbmmm JOHN N. WILLYS President Willys-Overland Com- pnny, Detroit. FEEItLESS PEOPLE EXHIBIT NEW TYPE It Is Soven-Passenger Touring Car, Green and Dlack Ralph W, Cook Is exhibiting tho new rccrless elght-cycllnder Irt the automo bllo show at Convention Hall. Ho has extended Invitations to owners and dealers generally to como nnd look over tho new car so thnt they can sco for themselves what a builder can do when concentrating on a single model. Tho Peerless Is represented at the show by a seven-passenger touring car In the standard Peerless green, with black trimming. At tho show, In addition to tho seven-passenger touring car, a tour ing sedan, a three-passenger clover leaf roadster and a polished chassU nro shown. Tho new Peerless motor, to which more nttcntlon has been given than to any other, power plant ever developed In tho Peerless factories, Is of the elght-cycllnder stnggnrd V typo. Tho cycllndcrs are I 31 inches by 6 lnohest When running at 7700 revolutions a minuto tno motor De velops SO horsepower. Miller Spark Plug Automobllo drivers have found that one of the mot efficient of all spnrk plugs Is tho Miller procelcnn plug. This splen did piece of mechanism Is now on exhibi tion nt the Phltndelphla Automobllo Show at Convention Hall. 1 Vi m W. II. METCALF An advocate of wire wheels. AUTO SPECIALTIES COMPANY HAD 80 PER CENT. GAIN One of tho most up-to-date accessory houses along auto row Is tho AUto Spe cialties Company, 153 North Broad street. This house, realizing the Increasing uso of motorcars during the winter months, has mado excellent selection In its stock for tho winter months. Mr. nudolph Shllflr, of tho Auto Spe cialties Company, haji been through the west buying from tho accessory Jobbers throughout that section. "We have in the lost U months In creased our business about per cent. This is duo mostly to tho excellent line of accessories that we are handling and to service nnd attention we give our customers. Tho coming year gives us tho beat opportunity thnt we have had, and we look forward to Increasing In tho same proportion as last year," said Mr. Shllflr. OFFERS SURPLUS FACTORY TIRES AT LOW FIGURES The Akron Tire Company of Philadel phia claims to ba the larrest supply source for factory surplus tubes and tires In America. At remarkably low prices nro offered for snlo such well-known makes as Pullman, Congress, Imperial, Goodrich, Empire, Quaker and Knight Particular point Is made of the economy that Is pos sible by purchasing now. PUNGimiJSSTtoP OF A THOUSAND MILS 'Jovo" Is Pnnacea , for Tin Troubles, Says J. A. Quensbn " "One thousand miles without a puaa lurel" J, A, Quenson, factory representative of the Jovo Company, n firm marketing ,' compound for preventing punctured tire, has traveled that many miles Irt an aute- mobile In which Jovo has been Inserted, slnor) November SO, 1915. In tho cities through which tho car has passed many nails hnve been driven into the tire and they have lost but one pound of preisuro out of a. total of SO pounds., "Jovo" Is n compound manufactured by Joseph A, Vogel Company, of Wllming ton, Del, Its purpose Is to prevent punc tures In tires, to preserve the rubber, to prolong tho life of the tube nnd to lessen tho mileage cost The compound Is now In use in tho Department of Publlo Safety In Philadelphia nnd also in the Wilming ton Flro Department R. J. Kllllan, with offices in the Ileal Estate Trust Building, Is the "Joyo" rep resentative in Philadelphia. He wilt be one of tho demonstrators of the quality of this compound at the "Jovo" booth at tho nutomoblle show. " - LEDGER I; i SS J&, f -rflVlHl mfl fc. I KrSSS - T TWlWMi1 . sSi WrTHSKra& m t, .. m l v. nsrK. mm i am .iz im i . " rfizc mm mi- snTKSMCiw?taB' . a Articles advertised on this page are backed by a double guarantee the manufacturer and the local supply house. This assures you of absolute satisfaction with every purchase. If any of the goods are not exactly as represented, an adjustment will cheerfully be made. Articles are on display all this week at Ledger Central window. QUALITY AUTO ACCESSORIES 'f-'S'&i't . p Will There Be a On Your Car When the Fire Starts? Whether you savo your car or leave it to tho flames depends on whether you have a Pyreno Fire Extinguisher at hand. A Pyreno squirted through tho radiator will put out tho flro , in a jiffy. It Costs 15 Less to Insure any motor vehicle that has Pyreno protection. i Everywhere on commercial trucks and rjleasuro cars in ele- 5 rated and subway trains wherever there is danger of a sudden '. nil ni ata.tMM A.a ..t.i'll litwl Dii.nnn TTitA TJ?vf inmnfllloro inn,lir tr put out the fire at its start. Nearly every accessory dealer at the show displays the Pyrene Fire Extinguisher. Ask one for a demonstration. PYRENE MANUFACTURING CO. 812 Lincoln Building - - Philadelphia FUee XUBE FREE With Every Purchase of Chester Tires m ; j sLiiiKi ii m . m. . 3 i mmmm. ""'ii "" icnscitnce jtjt.r-i Guaranteed 5000 Miles jBR II PA tnni Mannn vnrliiAdJ Aof upkeep to your car. Safe ujinK periect saiisiacnon. GUARANTEED 5000 miles, and Cheater Tires generally outlive Ir GUARANTEE. Chester Tire Co. JSU' 807 N. Droad St. Philadelphia. Pa. phone lit IfpSECHEAPEST PLACE I IN CITY TO BUY ITIRES AT CUT PRICES 1 . BLACKSTONE Pullman Congress Imperial H"f tSm'-"1 pr,c'" on Ku,r 0- ...... ,$J.0O ca.OO fl.45 K IK a an MK. .. f..., D.AV .wv a ....... nan l ri St!4rr5r ,n ,tock a" Ue nd 11 Akron Tire Co. of Phila. Chpeit Cah Supply Uouat la America, 616 Market Street fcnt Aoywbtre ou Approval mm ?' ftrly every Automobile ner is a Ledger reader. our reoresentative at t Auto Show. Portage Pneumatic Tires Guaranteed 4000 Miles More tire for the money than you can find in any tire in the market. Motz Cushion Tires Guaranteed 10,000 Miles for Pleasure Cars 7000 Miles for Light Delivery Trucks L. S. Hall Rubber Company Distributors 1402 Ridge Avenue Exclusive Territory Open for Live Dealers W makes VIx w A VM "H m n ,i EVERY JK-TftX !i"tt.jtlW.uumui)JLii..iisJ:i.rjMtuijll n, ili1,! road a mm$ 'll'mmsLWmSm ijlji BouLEVARDiyM iisia lll1 If You I ! witness the convincing demonstration of how the jgj jl ffiatJBJlPiif SHOCK ABSORBER I controls the action of an automobile spring, absorbing the sur- E 1 g plus energy and preventing Its dissipation upon the body of the K I a car, to the discomfort of its occupants. Learn how it actually U I U Makes Every Road a Boulevard j J3T J0!k A M iintce tho HARTFORD AUTO JACK lift 1000 pounds with a simple twltt gj I'lvSSArj'BBBl Jg of your wrist. Tlili h the best auto jack money can buy easiest worklnr, H tKWKbl iFTvA r5a3v j I "QliHl g strongest, handsomest. U IfiNlrnM JWv rm B Examine the HARTFORD BUMPER with Its shock absorbtnr arms. It f& WkWJtffI W l IS takes the stlnsr out of every blow. Protects all the car and beautifies It, too. tQ r"- atMVf JmM i 1 S See tha HARTFORD CUSHION SPRING and the wonderfnl E. V. & iMw F " V" jdm H HARTFORD ELECTRIC BRAKE. M t-HBB' jff sW I 1 These Interestlnc everyday automobllo necessities will be shown In a W fcs. Bfei mm. J I practical way In our exhibit at the auto show. Convention Hall. JM ESfe. MMiMnrffglrTMfil Hartford Agency ," n 1 .iaSI I 1437 VINE STREET , -w '! IJSJBSSBi I ' PHILADELPHIA jjl C S ''S . fillSHB 'l ' 1 ' ' " ' I IIHPJII1 I II "--IMMi 9 iy STOPS PUNCTURES Come to Our Booth and See JOVO is a liquid, covers inside of tube like a skin. Air pressure in tube forces JOVO into hole, stops air leaks instantly and perma nently. makes the tires last longer. lasts as long as the tire. does not injure tire, casing or car. always prevents puncture delay. saves tires, time, money and gives freedom from all tire wor ries all the time. WE SHOW YOU Come and See Have Your Tires Treated With JOVO THE JOVO SALES COMPANY Distributors for Philadelphia 1316 Real Estate Trust Bldg. DISTRICT AGENTS WANTED Write JOSEPH A. VOGEL CO. Laboratories WILMINGTON, DELAWARE Largest 'Automobile Supply House in America Miller 1916 Porcelain Spark Plug Guaranteed pj . (J(J Each To Introduce our 1918 Miller Guaranteed Porcelain Bnark Plug- at our exhibit at the Philadelphia Automobile Show, We will sell this Plug at 25c each Not mora than six plugs sold to any one at thla price. This plug- la absolutely Guaranteed. We are aelllnc It at this Very Low Price to introduce) It and Are Charging This to Auveriising. JLAR PRICE $1.00 EACH ONLY WBll KIN13ST QUALITY Of MATERIAL IS tJSEIl. The Porcelains are made from selected stock, hand turned, and are as near heat proof as porcelain can possibly be made, OUIl GUAHArVi'UB IS VISUV MllUaU UN UHS t'UIN'l', MADE IN STANDARD SIZES Catalog Hailed on Hequcat. Established 1S03 CHAS. E, MIULER, 318 N. Broad St. Patented In V. H. and Portlsro Countries. I.lceused Shop IMshters In all principal cities In V. S. DON'T STORE YOUR CAR! Tbrouich the Ingenuity of A. Cielssel & Sons, there has been developed an Invention rfhlch throughly protects asalnst cold, rain, mow or sleet. The GEISSEL Patent Converter The white trrnra In Illustration Indicate vrhere betrreen the rail of the open body and the top of the car there Is built a structure hat luff sliding panels, fltted with the best quality of French crystal plate glass. See our exhibit at the Show, A. GEISSEL & SONS wgSJ Consists of a 'Winding Drum, Lever Crank, 40 ft, of Steel Cable, Tvro 7 ft. Chains and 3 Stakts. Weighs Hut 58 I Lbs. The Wonderful New Hoist Works in any position and makes motoring safe on all kinds of roads; wilt pull your car out of a ditch or mudbank in 10 minutes. For salesmen, physicians, farmers all who leave paved streets. Even city driving is subject to collisions and overturns where FULL-U-OUT will save you time and trouble. InditpcmabU in garaft and repair shop. For quick, easy lifting, moving bodies or engines, etc, it has no equal. Does the work better costs less lasts longer! Come ia and see demonstration. I S. FILBERT Distributor ROOM 1609, FINANCE BLDG. BtU PAons Spruce JJ1J PHILADELPHIA "WP mymmff When You Want a REALLY DEPENDABLE Lubricant Get LUBRIKO GREASE "Three-in-One" Can be used during the entire year in transmission, differential gears and in cups. Lubriko is the grease for off auto and all condition. Will stand 300 degrees of heat, and positively will not freeze. Stands the highest fire test, five tnousana miles guar, anteedl Your gears, will work smoothly and to best advantage with minimum friction and wear if you'll pack them in LUBRIKO GREASE. Sold by Automobllo Club of Phila., 23 3. 23d St. R. E. Grim, 236 N. Broad St. A. E, Jawer, 604 N. Broad St. and by the manufacturer, Commercial Lubricating C. Meadow and Jackson Streets QSjBssjHgajKMajjP PLEASED TO SEE YOU Space No. 70 Philadelphia Automobile Show 1916 3. -COtvyANV X fcJ Storage Battery Specialists OFFICIAL DISTBIBUTOUa AND 5EXVK71S KKrXKSKNTATmH TO KLZontlO ACTO.UTE CO. WAGKEK SPECIALTY CO. KOKTHKAST KUSCTKIO CO. WARD LKONARD KLXCTMO C. KKMV XLXCTKia CO. THH KTKSLIN1S CO. 133 South 24 St PI1IUDELPHIA 122S423QSmHv TcUiAms, sat Bsm A.- u