ETENIXGr TBiaERlHIlrADElPHIA, WEDtfESiDAY, .TAtfTJABY 1.3. Wlf ' 1 t '...-. i . .! - - - ilill mi. I i I i i " J ' n ' xS Mr. French,, seem futUrTf t "horseless carriage," aa they were clle In those days, decided to embark In the manufacture of earn, bo arrangements were mado for organising a company. On Thanksgiving Day, 1898, I arrived Irf bu Louis, and tho St. Louis Motor Carriage Company was organised with 80OOO capital stock. Mr. French was president of the company, and I was chosen vice president and engineer." WESTCOTT NOT TO ENTER t NEW BUILDING FOR VIM MOTOR TRUGKS DORRB T&LS STORY OF AUTO DEVELOPMENT to engage In the piano "business wHJl the Jesse French Piano and Organ Company, a concern controlled by his father. About tho time Mr. French went to St. Louis I became Interested In automobiles from reading accounts of the early German nnd French experiments as publlihed. by the Scientific American, and encouraged by tho success of tho road race held Thanksgiving Dny, In ISM, at Chicago, I Immediately decided to build an automo bile. Accordingly, I started to work on this machine nnd had It In operation In the -early spring of 1&97. Needless to say, the machlno attracted a great deal of at tention. In tho fall of 1897 my nutomo bllo had reached such a state of success that 60-mlle trips wcro very successful. "In 1S96 Mr. Fronch placed his order with tho Wlnton Motor Carriage Com pany for one of their single-cylinder cars. Tho delivery of tho car was. however, delayed from month to month, so that It wai not actually delivered until the middle of tho summer of IS9S, and this was the sixth Wlnton macnlne. nnd was successfully operated In St. Louis for a mi nuxu WBISJ Thtk TVWM Mn(n... a . . Baker-Price Company, 2031 MartS . haa an excellent exhibit of 19U Zz Mr. Baker denied that i hi Began Working on "Horseless Carriage" Wheri He Was Only a Boy . . - O. P. Dorrls, In his story of the early history of the automobile business and his connection with It, says: "John L. French and myself nro natives of Nashville, Tenh , land we were boyhood friends nnd attended school togother. As we grew older, our Instincts naturally turned to mechanical problems.' This mutual Interest resulted In 18M In our pur chasing a second-hand ftaclno coal-oll-burnlng steam launch anc' wo operated this launch for tho season. "In 1S05 Mr. French moved to Ht Louis Motorcar Company, Is eonltmplMisT! terlng tho proposed combination of ! rnr rnmnnnlr-n. "' raw Atierkliifo Lubrication No-wr for All Gas Engines Automobile, Marine, Tractor, Stationary Thru One Gallon of EFFICIENCY GAS-OIL Will Treat 640 Gallons o Raw Gasoline tor 7-lQc a Gallon wr ft number or years ioiiowiub. GAS-OIL ao SjOkj A i : 1 w&w&snA ill S3 5 2 S . 225 SS99slpPl!Mii mi M&feiMlitHllllIi fBHHflMiiIIHH WiSlSiiPisIitiHl ffilrafcwTO lr 3 ' -HI MMTFT Tjk. r V I i I '1 p. - - -. . -viaKXss;wMgssjssM This huge structure is planned for 23d nnd Market streets. MOTORING McGUSTY HITS MANAYUNK HILL AT 50 PER; HIS MA-IN-LAW FAINTS Speedometer Quits Registering as Wind of the "Warm Baby" Tosses a Farmer From His Wagon Seat and Barrel of Spinach Is Lost Uy MOTORING McGUSTY ISUrroaE I ought -to put tltlci on these occasional llttlo messages ot mine on tha art and science of motoring as I Achieved It. That'd pin mo down to sep arata and distinct episodes and keep me from slipping In odds and ends that seem to sort of drift oft the pen. So I'll call tills one: "Down the Manayutilc Hill," and tnlto you down that hill Immcdjut and without stops. There was another railroad bridge be tween me and the regular Manayunk hill proper when 1 left ort my last message. And, like with most railroads bridges, there's a. step-up to It nnd n step-down from It. I guess we were making to when 1 lilt the. step-up, and, whllo the "Warm Baby's" rear springs n'ro good, they're not any too good. Mother-in-law Plggott cot most of the step-up, but she had hold of the roDe-ra'l In front or her which kept her from leaving the tonncau and drop ping down on a passing freight a freight passing under tho bridge. Leastwise, that's the way sh explained It afterward, short and enrcasttc. Mcbbe she laid It on a llttlo thick. Mothers-ln- law do Hint. Still mebbo she didn't. I was looking out front nnd not paying any attention. We'd no sooner crossed tho bridge than I begnn to get a slant of a real hill. Tho Mnnayunk hill. It looked a. mile long nnd cut awny steep enough to causo a mountain goat to wear brake bands. And recollect, I still had the clutch Jn and tho englno was turning oyer. I was told after that If I'd slowed her down and got her Into second that would have acted better'n tho foot-brnke. I'd Just explained to the ass that told ma this that the foot-brake was clear to the floor and not braking. "Then why didn't you use the hand brake," said tho same "plnhcad."' "I'm coming to that," I told him, "and I don't want any of your cheap amateur advice till I've finished the story." "Sucked htm out through Ms covered tcagon." As I said somowhero back, and I had to explain It nil over ngnln to this chump, I'd dislocated tho hand-brake by starting off under a full head of gas with it locked. I nlso said I didn't know this had happened till Mrs. Flggot got her ono frco hand the other was still welded to tho robe-rail twisted In my collar and sc-enmed att mo: "Lou, tho emergency!" I suro did hato to let one hand off that wheel, with the bottom of the hill com ing up to meet me at about sixty. Hut I reached out nnd grabbed that alleged emergency and pulled her back to the lait notch. Ht'ISODES. Nothing happened that Is, nothing In tho way of retained acceleration. Before wo hit the brldgo at tho foot of the hill and that henven-provldcd nnd cobble- paved upslope beyond there were one or two high llttlo cpliodes No. 1, for which I mil thankful, provented a real catas trophe, though It Involved the loss of con sciousness of Mrs, l'lggott. Her grip on my collnr had. cut off my wind, nnd ns sho lurched buck and forth with tho swaying of the "Warm Daby" she'd suro liavo torn mo loose from tho wheel nnd we'd nave gono Into the ditch, lint she fainted Just as soon as Bhe saw tho handhinko didn't work. Hence, I got nlr ngnln and held on nnd stcored. Yen, I steered. And If I do say It my self, Do Itestn. Do I'nlma nor none of that hunch could have ivulo that little S-turn Just before tho t'ldge nnd then cleared the bridge Itself any neater. Not at tho speed I was making Tho speed ometer hnd null registering, so I can't give it to you exact. The huckster who was eioslng the bridge In the opposite di rection snja It was 90. He figured It at 90 'cause just the wind of my going by lotnovcd lilni' from his driving scat and sucked him out throiiRli his covered wa gon nnd over tho tailboard. There was a barrel of spinach nlso that followed him out over tho tailboard. ' Hear hi mind now, I never touched this wagon. Didn't even scrape the hubs. If that wasn't Class A steering for a be ginner J never want to sell you another egg Arid this brings mo down the Mana Mink hill with Mrs. l'lggott still In a swoon, but othcuvlso Intact. (To bo Continued.) Auto Accessories With the addition of a largo amount of space It has been found possible this enr to glvo a display to tho sundries and nccessorles, a feature, much wel comed by motorists. This portion of the show came In yesterdny for big attention from the public. Tho largo section filled up by the display of Gaul, Dorr & Shearer Is par ticularly Interesting becauso of tho largo offering of Important adjuncts to tho comfort of the motorist. ft!j:::::i:::::: ill v H -JamMdusKMumSisMam Mh 1m WIRE WHEELS There are several tremendously good reasons why you should have your car equipped with Houk Wire Wheels : 1. Almost instantaneous tire changing. 2. Indestructibility. 3. Easy riding. 4. Splendid appearance. 5. Absolute safety. If you are looking around with the intention of purchas ing a new ,car, vqu will discover a significant fact every high class car maker in the country offers Houk Wire Wheels as stock or optional equipment. Their sound engineering, their triteness, their round ness, their indestructibility make them -the universal selection of automobile engineers. The only reason there are still wooden wheels sold is that some pur chasers are not yet alert to 'the biggest individual engineering development in the automobile world. If you have a fine car which you would like to bring up:to-date, nothing adds so much to its appearance or relieves it of marks of wear like replacing the lobse spoked and doubtful wooden wheels with indestructible Houks. They come in baked enamel any color ready for your car. The Houk Three-Year Unconditional Guarantee makes them a permanent asset on any motor car, Houk Manufacturing Company Buffalo, N. Y. ' MR W, H. METCALF t 328 NORTH BROAD STREET New York Boston Chit-agp SanFrancbco Detroit t" Your Friend in a Sudden Need "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Your brakes should be such a friend and will be if you use S-M-C Asbestos Brake Lining When brakes have suddenly to be applied, S-M-C makes them efficient and dependable always. It positively cannot slip, nor burn out, nor crumple, and it is impervious to water, oil or crease . We guarantee it to give entire satisfaction or we will refund your money. See your garage about it Today. STAYBESTOS MFG. CO. 5518 Lena Street, Germnntown, Philadelphia THE problem is solved and perfect lubrication of your cylinder! is assured I "By Way of Gasoline" When carbon- 1 thn obstacle to lubrication DOES NOT RCTTi.n . .1 H..II.. n ..1,H-M .J mMI. .,... 1U.. ..... 1.1.1 .It..... .1.- . " . ,l HIV ,. 110 wi ujniiiiuia ilitu uuiiiuuntiuii uiiiiinuui. uui luuunn llie CXnaUSt Can. I out of tho engine, you havo NO FIlICTIONK nnd tho power formerly tnl 4 Rumod In ovcrcomlnR friction around tho piston nnd other pnrts Is nn transmitted to tho crankshaft. AND extra power nt tho crankshaft 1 feenoclnllv In a motor frco from nnrlinrO mean Mnttt'. tiSi . GALLON OF FUEL. "' How It Operates : CAnno.v wiu, not nrcrosiT on oir.nn swnFAcns orMETAUi nnd this In the principle on rrhlcli KI'I'lCllINCV OAS-OII, I tinned. ' Ilnrh charge of Rnnollnc entering the rninbiistlon chamber eartlti rrlth It n small ntnonnt of niTIClKXCV OAH-OII,, nnd when the cases fill (lie cylinder, KI'TIClttNCV UAH-OIL sprnyn Itself nil over the Interior or the communion cnnmnrr nnd upper pnrc or inc cynmier Ttnlln, pnrta of the -ml ten, cylinder, piston, ring, etc., become no thorough! conted with the lubrlcnnt n to Insure AIISOMITII LUIIIIICATIO.V. EFFICIENCY OIL CORPORATION 807 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bcllroptar Uto. . 4 HBC5ctHwVfli Bjgb WH. W Jfllk. HMlkv "TOLEDO MADE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD'SJTRADEy Dependable &p"ax& Pljucj t 1 rUg TA 1 ' V lr O ill f lm flfite J' Jon 'i?fm 1 1 1 1 1 , s - aBrB ,- 1 m l ; hanipion TOLEDO MADE TOR THE WHOLE WORLD'S TRADE; endable.Spark Pluqs ,sf If you could look at the spark plugs - ' in all the new motors as they leave their makers' shops you would find four Champions to one of any and all other kinds, The men who build Fords, Overlands, Studebakers,' Maxwells, and over eighty-five others, equip their motors with Champions to get results which their tests show that Champions alone willgive. . There is a Champion Spark Plug designed to get results in your motor better results than you can get with any other plug or it wouldn't be branded "Champion," Your dealer knows which plug to sell you. when you tell him what car it's for, - j . ,. , Look forithe name Champion on thel porce lain not merely on the box. Champion Spark Plug Company, Toledo, -Ohio 1 ' i It .... l. ; I 23 t)"l4WJimt I'llflWHII IWIIHWIMII ' I III Ill IP..., n. i i. , , ,. , i, ,..., .I,, II.I.I..IH !! . Ill I j if pjBmiJMBBBSpiiwMPi 1 .-- ,