m ifT.'lif ,w m'i it? KW S!t ft- it M tt AfcTOXOBllAs Ir Sale Wa OFFER TIH8 WEEK MSCEPTIOffAl HAROAlNS . . IN.UsiD CARS . . . The following cars have all been -taken In partial .payment for WHITE CARS. These cam are In, first-class eormtlon and will be mid nt low figures strar.ns knight white lAJCOMQBIMS i.ozir.ir STEVENS DtTRTEA pierce arrow , STEVENS lilIKVBA PIERCE ARROW STEVENS DURYEA Lnv.iRn :K sto vali-e at. Torn own rntcE -V.J v CALL FOR DMIONSTRATION ve also imv- nU-ion SAUER truck. 3-ton .PACKARD truck. VlM Dcllrrrv truck. . I C MOSER . . . Sin. North Rroad street PHONES-Ren snruoo am. Kej stone. Race 171H REMEMBER. MR. RUYBR, THAT At.t. OtR VfiED. CArtS have been taken In eschanse for now Slulx ears, and are mvle MECHANICALLY niOItT before we offer them to you, HL'PMODILB "nS" COLTE. verv handsome: special built body. 3 passenger, elegant cimrtltlnn. . . . . OAKLAND Roadster, 1014: very nicely enuln- ped, number or extras. Cost IVMt) when lifir. .. . I.OZ1ER M13, A cvl email 1 passenger. brand new rnolor. seieral extras . CADILLAC tin I. 6 passenger: big snap: sunrb condition . . .. , 6TUT7. nt'LLDOU 1015. fully equipped 1 nin very llltle. ...... . OAVIB 10U 0 C)l ; looka like newt In fine OVERLAND Intl. R passengers fully eoulf)- ped: an opportunity. HAY&ES lnili est.: full equipment and manv citrus: splendid condition: 0 pas- CHALMERS 10'3. fully equipped, at excep- yonal figure . .. . AD liiu. I rjl, small 5 passenger: an excellent family car. STVT. AGENCY MUCKI NORTH BROAD ST. Ak for Sir. Derrlckson, USED c.vna ruick, motor co. as NOIITII RROAD ST. 1011 BUICK Model R-35 Ccjllnder 7-pas-eenscr Touring. 1014 RUICK Model 11-37 Touring. . 01 I HUlCIv Model .'IO Uoadter, KIM. 010 UUICK Model 17 Touring. 1VE ALSO HAVD ON HAND IMS nrtlSCOR Taurine. l?l 1014 OVEI1LAND Tnurlnir. .1V. , KftlT Tonrlnir, Car. 22.": (rood condition. AI1UOTT TourltiK Car, iibr, good condition. WE HAVR 50 OF THE TINEST SMALL AUTOMOIltl.BS that rn be seen In Philadelphia. Encn car nernaule.l, painted and sold ntth a. reasonable guarantee. llHrked bv n eipon!M concern. It will iny )ou te tnvestlcate. Good prices allowed on Id cars. MAINE LINE SERVICE CO. ROSIIMONT. PA. DRYN MAWR S.17-SC3.S39 LOCOMORILC 1014, C-3.S-t.lmousfns with ex tra, touring body n customer's car for salo for want of uer: an excellent opportunity to get a strictly lilgh-grnde projnsltlon, used Ter little: in drat-class condition In eery respect, for Immediate delltery. This Is n veautlful, specialty made llmou-lne. body upholstered in light whipcord: completo car, with both bodies, enn be sold for Jl.Vfll. If In the market for an open car of uny descrip tion, don't fall to seo LncOMOIitLn. 2r.ll Market at. Locust 410, 11 A. jiznkh, sigr,, i:xcnnngn car Dept. ORAB THIS FORD Touring. Near New, $275 aa a saving. STUDERAKKH. 4-Cyllnder Touring, 8iarter, etc. 1150; unusually Cheap, BTUDEI1AKER II; 7-P,lsenger, Starter, etc. $450: Don't Full to See. COLL. 11)14. Touring; Electric Starter, Extra Equipment. $111. PHILADKLI'HIA HALCS CORPORATION Broad and Callowhlll ata. rOCOMOnll.E limousine. 1014, (1-38 7-past. car. equipped with self-starter and electric lights: lust being repainted n dark btuo: this car will be ready In about one week nnd la guaranteed In everv respect: vour chance for , beautiful, up-to-date, high-grade llmoualne ''stn medium-car price for prompt delivery nt $2800. LOCOMOBILE. 2114 Market St.; Locust 410. if. A. JENK8. Mgr. Exchange Car Dcpt. Wanted STOP! LOOK! AND LISTEN! We buv old nutos in any wrecked condition: get our price before ou sell them. Phono or write Southwestern Junk Co., 1705-7 Carpenter. 00 OLD AUTOMOBILES WANTED In 2 weeks: beat prices paid. WHITE. 4000 Imbrla at., Manayunk. Phono MyJ.3:21. WANTED - AUTOS FOR JUNK. GET OUR . prlca tlrst. O-ll Diamond st. Phone Park 410. EXCHANGE, new SOOO plaver-plann for outo. Wliltmore Piano Co . 20.T.1 Ihlgh. Tioga 7.'.W. OLD CARh Bought for Junk; any condition. Belmunt 400. Problnsky, B001 Vine st. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES TO HIRE Plerce-Arrowo. I'acknrds, Ford Llm. Cars. 8peclal shopping mte, J1..V) pcr hour. )ril town cars. Autos for Weddings and Funerals PACKARD SERVICE COMPANY . . 1111 LOCUbT ST. Race 248. Spruce OS. NEIV RARFORD One and one-half ton and thrve-iuii trucks; will lease both trucks with urn era uu uuuuy iMisis, wun contract guar anteeing continuous service. It. c. Koon. loeu.t L'10. 2:IUH Chestnut at. QUAKER CITV OARAGE, open. 402-401-400 Iv. fith: thoroughly equipped: steam heat, to.; room for 100 cars: reoalr work reason able ra.e: nen all nlght.Phone Market 4SM. TO MIRE (ooen day and night) Brand-new Sia.a. touring car with robes. St. 2.1 hour: alto brand-new 7-pasa. limousine. SI CO hour; weddings, funerals, etc. Poplar 11117 W. ATJTO REPAIRING MAGNETOS COILS ALL MAKES, REPAIRED Lighting, starting-. Ignition troubles cor rected. All types, new and second-hand. Boaoh Dual. Independent and two-Spark Maoetos (or 4lo. MENKINS & COUGHLIN 1118 Vina st. , AUTOMOUILU REPAIRS. The best-equipped shop In W. Phlla. We straighten frames and axles, make parts, hardep and grind, rebuild, overhaul and re pair alt makes; prices fair; agency for Master .Carburetors and Mechanical Starters: special starter for Fprds: service station for dealers. JUGGINS BROS.,4212jL:hestnut. HAINES AND DETROIT SPECIALISTS Ripert battery repairing and repairing on starting snd lighting systems KREAMER MAYER 1S13 Prandyvvlne st Poplar 1780. WHEN your starting, lighting or Ignition sys tems are, not working properly, any system or any electrical equipment to be attached, consult Heattv. 111H W. Ontario. Hell phone 8PJJUDOMBTER TROUBLE T BEE, .BILLY 813 N. RROAD T CYLINDERS RERORED. new pistons and Jtngs furnished, weldings and biasing. H. B. Inderwood & Co.. 1023 Hamilton at., PhlLtT PORD top enclosures. 113: plate glass; satis, faction fuart'd. 1303 Olrard. Fore Door Co. f lus'ir "rhavT pcien wa.3 The Gntppc , jfeYyiKG AtJTO SUPPLIES WINTER CLEARANCE SALE- OK AUTO 8UFPLIE9 Oloxea tr ... Ttohc 11 x.rtnn $2 mi, nut. fi.so ., ..-o. Reg. it nt Her $.l0.iot Ford radiator eeer . .l So. Heir. $1.00 Ford Khoek aborbcr .. II 00: ller. lft.CO Ford demount wheels and tlma 10: ne zi Hand horni 2rtl. heir 3ro Boark plugs 10: He. .SO Fllefg 15. Reg-. .25 PULLMAN TinES AND TURKS .. More mllea per dollar than any other tire manufactured, Dtttlbutcd by ntmrs auto surrt.T gll-30 NOltTH IIIOAD ST. AUTO FAINT1NO AND umoLsTEniNa. Illeheat grade material and workmanship. ATLAS AUTO CO. W2I l'EAnti ST.. . Dell rhone, llelmunt 7419. RADIATOR COVERS Made to Order for All Cara. ?t m VV Windshield Curtains. Stops wind, rain and dust, 0.1c, nt your dealer, garage or direct: COMFORT CUSHION CO.MPANT 1029 Oermantown nte. Kensington 5127. HEARINGS .... New Departure Service Sia, The Owllllatn Co , nil Arch at. I'honoa Ualnut .Tin". Race Jlottt. AUTO TIRES FIRESTONE DRMOUNTARLR rims for Ford corn 15 per set, Installcl. Puriex Tire Com puny, 222s N llrnad st 1'hone Diamond 1421 BOOS POMERANIAN Rlock 10 months old, weight Sli pounds, sire KoxhllH or Oriel. RocRybrook Kennels, Rata, ln. LDINCrJiIA'IERIALS REPAIRS I CARPRNTERINU AND JOIUHNO - Altern ' aer ce: i-J jtora In huslnera. estimates tur- nlshcd, l'nn Hcnl Estate and Building Lo., 211) N HUh. Both phones. Hl'lLDINO alterations, carpentering and 1ob hlng In everv line la our specialty for over 20 c4ira. nil work guaranteed. Peterson el Co,, 2151 N. Hth Phono Diamond 4ia BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE A Complete GLASS PLANT suitable .for manufacturing Rlasa tubing ' lined for AiMAUJNlTION PURPOSES Tim box A SONS CO. imiDuirroN, w J. nr.TTi:it iitTHi.vns hksultb imiom hkt- ti:h knc)vm:iui: ir youu i.ntuiiusth m;t-ATi: to iiuii.dino A rhlhulelphlnn, comprchemMiely trained In .irchltecturp and of wWe experience, In cludinK the artistic, iimctlcat and executUo uork of nrnmlnrut rhlladelDhla and New York office!) wlshei a bunlnena connection In which hln know ledge can be uncd prnfltably. In relation to butldlntr defllRii, execution, material, decoration, or In their arloua I or nm of publication, he offers it service which ho will l'rmo commercially atuablo. 1) i7. Ledger Offlco. PATENTS Wrlto for how to ob.aln n patent; list of patent buers and Inventions wanted, $1,000, 000 In prist eg offered for lntentloni. hend sketch for freo opinion as to patentability. Our four bookn pent free. I'atent advertised free. We assist inventors to sell their In vention Address Department A. VICTOH J. KVANH & CO., Patent Attyi. Main offices, Washington,. V. C. Phlla. office, 143 Chestimt st. Hell phone, apruce il'A't. EXPETUENCCD promoter with largo nnanclal acquaintance Is open for an engagement for miv proposition of merit; beat of references required; w HI deal with principals only. L Ml. Ledger Central. RESTAURANT FOR RENT Near railroad depot, rapidly growing neigh borhood: no opposition, splendid opportunity for experienced restaurant and cafe man; good inducement to right party. L bio. Ledger Ccntrul. LOCAL MANUFACTURER wants $13,000 additional working capital. Excellent opportunity for active busi ness man to become associated vvlth a well-known Philadelphia business man. M 109, Ledger Central. PRACTICAL MAN WITH 12 TEARS' EX PERIENCE WILL JOIN CAPITAL WITH PARTNER HAVING .VX TO J20.000 IN LIGHT MANUFACTURING BUSINESS; HAFK INVESTMENT; LARGE HETHIINH: NO AQENTS. M 118, LEDGER CENTRAL. MANUFACTURER of popular-priced automobile, yearly capacity L'S.ouo. wants 130.000 additional working tapltal: good opening for active busi ness man M 147. Ledger Central. PROSPECTIVE BUSINESS We want a rep resentative In each county In Pennsylvania and New Jersoy to handle our new Blow-out and Puncture-proof Air Tire, large mile age guaranteed: a smalt Investment nec essary; our contract glvea ou all our mall orders In your terrl tory. A 1Q.I. Ledger Office. PATENTS-ARTHUR E PAIGE. 711 Walnut St.. Phlla.. mechanical and electrical engi neer: registered patent attorney, established here 30 years; Inventions developed; patents, trademarks. copyrights secured and liti gated anywhere; rejected applications prose cutedt preliminary advice free. DANK OR TRUST COMPANY WANTED Would like to buy control of small bank or trust company. Address Long, 308 W. 23d st.. New otk city. FROM FARM TO CONSUMER DIRECT-A business proposition for r man of broad vision, H IMS. Ledger Central. CONTRACTOR on seaihore work wants finan cial associate on sound work, or draughtsman or architect with backing, for long lob of development. J 41, L Ledger Central. A PECA'N GROVE with cotton' planted ' be tween the trees Is a good Investment. Have you Investigated! Full Information furnished. whltcomb, Rlggs & Co. 1'enniylvanla Bldg. DHOP'l'OCKET TOAI. YAnn ON P. AND II. FOR RENT, IO MONTHLT. 930 WEST TIOGA ST. QHOWINO ORCHARDS, all ages, for sale. XIAIVItX IIAIlL,lNUTl;i u;u uneitnui st. WOULD safe Investment paying 10 per cent. Interest vnu; sueceoarul tililnaM manv vura. stand rigid In vestlgatlon. M 141. Led. Cent. FOR SALE U.S. AND CANADIAN PATENTS A nw, useful invention. Address C H. Day. Petersburg, W. Va. LARGE paper, route for sale; 7fO customers; fine opportunity for an energetic man. Call 2017 East Cumberland st. OARAGE Uptown, doing good business: ca- pactty 70 cars; reasonable rent; price $.1000. bargain. Geo. H, Kohler, 2248 N, 20th. - Ljap&teA-ti:ii?APEitia:iA, Wednesday, ,taktjaby 12, .1016. avstHtsS opponitriTiBi ACTIVR or atlent lnreatment1500 aeenred in feglUmat enterprtta wilt earn. double with ln 00 daya. J 4T. Ixrdgcr Centra.1 MILLlNErtr estab.. nptown, for eaTe; exceT el trade. Hi health cauee. 1. 8.1(1. IdXent tVunleit HAVE rAlTT WANTING HOO for ahort time: will give $M bonua, beside Interest and good aecurlty ivnn Real Katateaand Building Company. 24M N. loth. BUSINESS PE11SONALS r-ULL DRESS SUITS Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sack Suit ... To hire) and made to order. NEUHAUEH, TllH TAII-OR 111 N. Oth t. iiipnonc vainui um. SUI'RRFLtTOI 8llAilTfcmonT hy eTectrolysls. iiir oniy permnneni way, i-. corona sreneo. MIS-4 SMITH. 402 KeitK Tneatre Rldg. Miss Hoppe, halrdresslng.fnclal massage. man icuring. Form, Mint Arcade, with Mls8mlth. jqlN FRENCH COOKINO CLASS. 12 lesaona, $10: each lesson guaranteed perfect, Umltrd number only. M, A. Wilson Cooking School, C.W-1 Itaco St. Phone Relmont 4l. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage anywhere.. Wo ret our money for you. AMCOSH MERCANT1LU AdENCTi Room SO, l.vyi Arch at., FULL DRESS fiftrTS-All" new, stylish goods: larra nnarimnni RAittnr. rnApwrt. inin (lllf.Vlll) AVH PHONE POPIAR 0342. CARPET CLEANING ROYER CO , REAIi CARPET RBATltfO. Mno . latn. o tummera used, rnone TiogaJKU" CARPETS, LINOLEUM, ALTERBD. LAID. Harlow, Slfi-) N l)oer al . Diamond 20.12-W, DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY PATTERN'.1! cut to our Indhlduat measure melts b cxcrt deslgncra. The latest Im ported models in dlsplnv, Mcdowell DitEssM.vKiNn school 107 DENCKLA BLDO. lljh A Market ats. HEMSTITCH I NO, to renta n. jard: all mate". rials, A ItEICilARD, 1111 CHBSTNHT 8T PK10RIAL REVfEW PATTERNS POTTER SCHOOL or'HRCSSMAKtNO DAILY VND liVIiyi.NO SESSIONS HI., IIIlIAItU AVIA HEMSTITrjItNO. c vhrd. A-l tnaterlairbun tons cov . pleating, slnmplng. hnpil embrold cry Modern, 10021 haatnut. Phono Spruce 2303 UNDERWEAR made to measure, henntlfultv lion't.embroldereil, crepo ilo chine nightgown nnd negligee 1.11.1 Arch st I1C V22 w flnUM remodeled high-grade work only. Phone Spruce 2223, FOR SALE BILLIARD AND POfKIJT TAHLES-Al.o iKjrtltng nllevs, easr pnvmenta, IIRRN8- .VI ICK-IIALKn-COLLRN'DL'H. CO.. 1002 Arch. BtLLARD nnd pocket t.tbles, shuffleboarda, now nnd sllghtlv usd, liberal tcrma, renting, rejnlHngHnd aupjdlea .Itnstjto, 222 H. Sth. BILLIARD pocket. 2d hand tables, repairing, BiiulIes.(.'inrk;Herd Mfg.Co., 2l2t N. Front. BILLIARD pool, combination, 2l-hnnd bought, sold rente J exrh'd Kcarer. :i.'li tllrnrdnve. CASH REGIS TERS new nnd sicond-hind: to tal adders na low as 9. 10, on easv monthly payments , nil rrglsiers sold bv us fully guar anteed kTho Nutiondt Catli Register Co.. 730 Chestnut st. DESKS tiling cabinets, safes, telephone booths nnd office furnlturo nnd fixtures of every de scription used, but In nne condition, and vcrv cheap free delivery anvwhere HfGHES. 11TH AND HUTTO.NWOOD. OFFICE EQUIPMENT Roll-top ileska, tvpewrlter, bookkeeper desks, filing cab, tele booths, safes, household fur. Hurling Central 2,1. Hand Furniture o., ijii- IKW-U14 caiinuniii rnono i nuert sum S.U-'ES Fireproof . closing out slightly used, alt sues nnd makes, big bargains. Sl'i N.4th. SAFES, fireproof, nil sixes; bargain; special terms: opening A repilrlug. II II I'rankf'd av. SEVERAL HITOND-HAND ADD INO MACHINES: CAPACITY TO,-PIl'l.Wlll'l- GlIAIIANTKEr IN PRR l'ECT CONDITION: PRICE J,00. BARRETT ADDINaMACHINE CO. RULLETIN BUILDING PHI'.ADELPHIA, PA. 20 ; 0 VICTROLA VI AND MIX 10-INCH D. iiuixmus Guaranteed to bo In perfect condition. An excellent outfit for one who Is looking for a good machine at n reasonable price. Fifty icnis weekly accepted. 'Call or write for complete! description and largo Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth and Thompson sts. Philadelphia, Pa. 50 CENTS WEEKLY BUYS A VICTROLA. Call or write for particulars HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES, Corner bth and Thompson sts.. Phlla., Pa. FOR SAL1J Two large vans, one for two horses and one for three horses, In good run ning order. Also MsjO feet of new Page's woven wire feme, Iron posta for every 13 feet and five gntes nnd rlgtlnir to put up, Harvey Dager, Ambler. Pa. J03-DIAJIOND RING PURE WHITE AND PERFECT. VALUE I33 RIEDER'S UIAN OFFICE, 12S MARKET ST. ISII-DIAMOND RING. PURE WHITE AND PERFECT. VALUE iW. RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE 12S MARKET ST. DADDY WALKER buys talking machines nnd records, exchanges all records, 3c. 2330 Ridge ave.. above Columbia ae. $123 LADY'S diamond cluster ring set with 4 blue white diamonds, value 9230. RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE 12S MARKET. 20 DIAMOND "EARRINGS. 11LUE-WHITE AND PERFECT, VALUE tV. RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE. 12S MARKET ST. HEATING MAKIN-KBLSEY HEALTH HEAT la better nnd cheaper than steam or hot water. Purs fresh air with normal moisture, MARIN KELSBY, 0 N. 18lh at., Phlla. INSTRUCTION STENOGRAPHY S. bookkeeping by Individual instruction! course renulrs nnlv fmmr Dau. pos. guar. 704 Locust. (Washington Square.) INDIVIDUAL Instruction III English, msjhe. uiuui-s uuu umrr nign scnooi orancnes; male teacher. 1012 8 Frailer st. SPANISH Private lessons by native; reas'bls rates: quick results. II 441, Ledger Central. Wanted UTOR wanted, one familiar with 'army re quirements and Spanish. II 047. Led. Cent. MACHINERY AND TOOLS THE ECONOMY ATTEMPTS of the best power transmission may be neutralised by want of YOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH put' leva and FRICTION CUT-OFF couplings. SHAFTINO and MACHINE WORKS. fl5 North becond. ' JAMES YOCOM & BON. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, toilers, st.xm and oil en gines, pumps, air cimprejsnrc. FRANK TOOMEV. Inc.. 127 N. 3d st. MANY of the largest Industrial establishments In Philadelphia have been equipped with shafting, lingers, pulles and belling by CHARLES UOND COMPANY. 620 Arch st. PETE Petey Has the Grip All V . -V - SJJ .-.- l . rijt kaohinea-jt AMD toom - m BKCOND-HAND PtPR Cnt and threaded: toaketChi. large nnanllly o aR al n In atock Oxl rtlth. 410-20 Moer it. DLOWfcnl and exhaust fans, ventilating fan. An .nirrivn hiiu .iDncu prrnBTiro Diowcrs. 3 Nuttall.f74 N. RtlK gas furnaces COLUMIHA Machinery Compsny, 2120 N. Lelthgow ft Wood and Ironworklng machln- ery MiughL oldjexch.i saidon commission. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold and rented: armatures repaired. Main 01, Market Sons, YearsleyCo ,JM4 N 3d st. HORIZONTAL ENdINES-10 t6 RO II, P.: COMPLETE: IN GOOD ORDER. 8Y- JEHTH, 417 N,,3D ST. riPE. second-hand", all sires. ifTtau Second- Hand Pipe Supply Co , 1003 N Tin. rnones. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PlANO-14,(-New upright pianos. These pla nos were made to sell for 27.i, ioo Hm. Guaranteed for 10 car. Having purchased the entire stock of these loin style pianos, of a promlrent New York manufacturer at ridiculously low ngurea, I will close them out at prices never before heard of. . , HOWARD VINCENT, M0-MS-8I0 N. Bth... PLAYER. PIANO .205 wlllhuy'new SS-nole placr-plano: we have fl of these Instruments In atnrlc and It wilt nnv tnr iflv one who really wants ft, player-piano for one-half the original price to call at our factory or write for particulars; lose no time, as these few planoa will soon beeoldi term made to suit, HOWARD VINCENT. B.1Q.SI9-WI0 N. Oth PIANO Baby grand, In luindsome mahogany cane; exceedingly small; only In uso two months: coat 1700; will sell for "103: easy terms could be arranged with rellabe party; do not miss this opportunity, HOWARD VINCENT, MU-fi.lS-840 N. fltll . PLAYER-PIANO-Bectrlc, foot and hand: In use moniiiii cost siimu; will do poia hi a ridiculously. low figure, 1IUWAHD VINCENT, MO. ns.Rio n. nth riANO Fiitey upright piano, large site, ele- gant condition, $115: : iiae tiewf trntilii con sider montniy pajments to reliable party, upward. Vincent, wq-ms-sio n. cth. PIANO Heope upright, full elie, mahogany case: a very une insiniment. can ne Dougni on easy terma nt a great bargain. HOWARD VINCENT. Mn-Hil-MlO N. Oth PIANO Kranlch A Rach upright, beautiful mahogany case, like new: coat $350; first reasonable offer accepted, HOWARD VINCENT, M0-WI-S10 N. Oth, PIANOLA- 89-rioto Pianola, "bench, music an music cnblnet: all In elegant condition: $181 casn or terms mnne to suit. HOWAilD. VINCENT, S3U-x.ie.-8IO N, Oth 1 PIANO Stelnway upright, mahogany case. goon inno, ns rouu na now; cost 9UfU, can ue boticht nt a creat mcrlOce HOWARD Rs'CENT R.I0-111-SI0 N. mh PIANO $7.1 cash and fK one dollar weekly. ror mngnincem .n, uprignt piano, only in iti. fhr.A month. HOWARD VINCrNT. airt-MS-fllO N. flth PLATER-PIANO Hlnslua". full sire, mahogany caa: like now: villi sell for J201. HOWARD VINCENT. RW-MS-HIO Ni Oth EDISON DIAMOND-POINT PHONOGRAPH r?nnt tan Run . Thlrt outfit Is completft, with records. and win no aoiu ior i, pavaoio .,c. weeair. Call or write for -on.pleto descriptions and large illustrated catalogues HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner oth nnd Thompson sts. Philadelphia. Pa. . 138 LARGE 'ONOPIIONE TALKING MACHINE . With Cabinet and .".o Records Finished In beautiful ouartered oak' cojt riew xsi; can bo paid "" weekly, an excel ent bargain, in good condition. Vvrlte for complete Hat of bargnlns and special trial "' HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORE3 Corner nth Hnd Thompson sts. Philadelphia. Pu. VIOLIN FOR SALE rine violin, excellent tone, vvlth 2 good bows and leather case: wlll sell outfit chcnp.M 414, Ledger Office. $12.V-'cT'NNlNonAM upright plnno, good con Hon: cost gpni; n decided bargain TODD & MICIIENER, llkrl COLUMIHA AVE, OLD' GOLD CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS atones, gold, silver, platinum, false teeth. PhJla. SmeMIng & Ref. Co.. 12S 8, 11th st. OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old- stlo Icnelrv, teeth plates bought for cash, EsLlK70. J. L.Clnrk, refiner, 807 Sansom OLD GOLIV-Cash" paid for old gold, silver, nnttque clocks, will call. Rcll Phone. Locust 12111. ROGEU8, 27 S. 17th kU PRINTING SOCIETY ENORAVINO-Wedding Invitations 4 Msltlng cards. Embossing ami Printing Card ffhop. 1004 Chestnut st. Open evenings. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST. AMOVE CHESTNUT PACKING, MOVING, SHIPPING Rugs, Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored. Bell, Locust lfXIO Phones Key., Race 4100. FIDELITY FIHEPROOr WAREHOUSES 1811-1S10 SfARKET ST. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE - Storage. moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Hiring 732 for estimate. Market and 37th. McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 1718 N' 11th st Moving, packing, shipping, auto vans. Both phones. Let us estimate. WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. WHKTPHILA. Auto packing and shlpplnjr. WEST PHILA. 3370 LANCASTER AVL FREE STORAGE the first month: moving by nutn vans, shinning packing, carpet clcan Ing. Levin's 2IUH iid". I'nnlnr lft.'4. FIREPROOF. Mothproof Concreto Warehouse. N. Phil Stornge Co.. 203.1 Lehigh. Tioga 7230. UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE repaired, refln. and upholstered. Morris Berger. 3241 Market. Ph. Bel. 280. WANTED ANTIQUE furniture, false teeth, feather beds. broken Jewelry, gold. silver. diamonds bought. 7.iS alnut. Walnut "mil. Eat. 'UP. BROKEN JEWELIlY.fulse teeth, nlstols.colns Coin bonk, vvlth prices 1 pay, inaled,13c. J B. Boss (People's Store). 20(1 S, lltKWal44hd. CAST-OFF CLOTHING ' In order to restock our stores ne are offering extra high prices for men's clothing Write or phone Walnut bS(J5. Schultx, 227 and 241 N. nth. CAST-OFF CIA1TH1NG Best prices paid for ladles' and men's cloth ing, hats shoes, etc. Call, vvrlte, or phone Poplar 38DLUlacker. 12.1U Poplar at. CAST-OFF CLOTHING We positively pay" 60 percent, more for gentlemen'aclothlng.shoes; send postal: we call, day, ev., city or suburbs. Friedman Bros.. 1114 South st. Ph. Dick. 0133. cast-uff doming; nigti. prices; lad's' evi cowni! sentlemen's rlothfnir! twtatnl ,. ., ieii. prices; iad's' evg. -lothlng; postat it ph. Mkl. 201H). Sellgsohn, 8th and Sprlngqarden! CAST-OFF clothing, shoes .and hats bought! send postal. Bneldman, P22 Poplar st. FALSE. TEETH, old gold, sliver, platinum, highest prices paid. 2 8, Oth, at. ' FURNITURE. p!ano7 carpets, antiques; entire or part houses bought for cash; no matter how large. J. Bernstein. 1134 Jildgejave. HIOHEST PRICES PAID "FOR DIAMONDS? uiu kuiu, I'l-tiNuiii, iaise iretn; also pawn tickets. 1100 Filbert st., 2d floor front. HIGHEST prices paid for gentlemen's cast-off domes n, giore. n.v wall twnill. I'n. Mat 4502 OLD CLOTHING bought: write or phone; call aiifiMtci.. .ii,amw, ,,-v i, rruni, aiki, iw.i ROOMS FOR RENT BROAD. N 004. A few very attractive rooms, beautifully furnished: communkatlng baths; southern ex- Sosure; steam heat: electric lights: attractive Inlng room. Individual blea; Joardojitonal. CHESTNUT. 4000-Two o-tslde corainunlcotjlng T.?"i- J.dJO!Pi)n" 'K"1 o.VJfater beatelec- trie light Phone Barl'is 122 CHESTNUT, 1S1U: Spruce. 1402: apartments wlth bath: suitable lor army or navy officers. COLLEGE AVE., N ,2031-Newly furnUhedT y,,:.'!MV,,'1iroora; Private house: 13 minutes to City Hall; phone; breakfast optional. Right, With So Many Good Symptoms By C. A. VOIGHT HOOMS FOR SBW1? OERMANTOWN (Chelten ave., N ,E cor. ef Pulaski) Desirable .1 rooms, second floor, car- ' ner anfte, unfurnished, light housekeeping permuted, private bath.steam seat, suit adult fam,, conv to trolley train refa. exchanged. , LOCUST 1503 Furnlshed 4th floor rooms, 10 ft month LOCUST, 1231-Large. sunny room, well heat ed, second.floor front: hot water: phone. , . LOCUST, 1211-Destrahln rmn., adjoining bath! hot-water heat.central location: phone. LOCUST, I10,1-Two cheerfully furnished com- munlcatlng mi., near bath, southern ex poR LOGAN BQ. C2.1.1 N lSthl-I-nrge furnished rooms,Mectrle light: running water. MARKET. Mill -"Communicating rooms, well neaxea: soutnern exposure; runningwaT,. MinTrn l!m.tfl. r m.m, rtir houe keeping; southern expos ; well heated: phone. OVERnROOR-870- Wynnewoo 1 . road-Reaut. furn. rms., 2d and 3d floor. Belmont 13VY. PARK AVE.. N , 2ffl7 Rooms, single, en suite: baths, electric light. Diamond .1WI, . lllTXRVimtlRR ro i2fn "s I0THI Large, beautifully furn rms and apts : 1 or 2 rm. ! nrlv. batna; hot-water heat, ljt class In appointment nnd service. Spruce 3002. . SPRUCE.. 027 Very well-furnished front room tor gentleman: private nomo;rnoacraic. SPRUCE, lW-Rooms, slnglo or en suite; prl. Tintns; pror. omces. steam neat; einciricii BPRUCK, 1732-Large. well furn Front room; jrlvntebathi telcphonejn room Ijryf erence SPRUfJB. 2022-Owner has" well furnished bachelor apt., 2 roomsjind bath fireplace . iVALNUT, 2201 . . Lnrge attractively furnished room, private bath and haljjwell heated: electricity. WALNUT. 3331-Vnmmuntcatlng . unfurnished rooms: not-wator heat; reasonanie ratcw; pn. IVALNUT, 412 Large, eunnv rooms-, furnished or umumisnrii: an convcnicncrn. 10TH, 8.. 100 fopposlte Clinton) 2dstory front, private bith: well heated plentv hot water, newlv renovnled. Phone Walnut OTH. 16TH. 8,. 127 (The Ocnera)-Novly furnished room, near bntht well-appolntedjiouse: steam .heat, electric lights: phone. Tlpruce 310.1. 10TH. N.7l47JHandsomely rurnlshed rooms In a private fdfrillv:J)oaM optional. 10TH. 8, 31. Well furnlhed room, 2d front, for gentleman: running water. Locust 3012. . , Wel.furnlshed'8sTng1o'-,rofloms- $10 , a month. 44TH, 8 , 240 Warm, cheerful rooms, furnl-hed or uniurnisiieu, nouseaeeping, unring tt v MIJ." N., 312 Desirable furnished or unfur nished rooma: suitable for pentlemen or couple:table lioard Phono Belmont 27.11 J, ?2D. S., t2H-llenutlful front room facing Black I oak Park, voting men. ". good table: 2 meils , dollv 1 Stindny.bnth, etc. Woodland 404. B2D,"N 010 Attractively furnPsliwl 21 floor j front mom: private fnmlly. Relmont 72.12 W. 3211, V . 217 Xlcelr furnished eerond story room, private fnmllv gentlemen nnlv. SMALL PRIVATE family wllh beatltlflll large home will rent well furnished room, gentle- I man exceptionally largo front or middle, ' communicating direct bntlir steam heat i Plenty hot water: $1 .V). West rhlln.'s most I exclusive section, this Is not n rooming house, lit a most satisfactory quarter for , gentleman seeking permnnent address. Call Ke stone phone West 40.-.7 1). IN PRIVATE HOf'HH. nt 11th nnd Spruce. ' there In nn unfurnished npt. of 2 rooms, well i adapted for lady wishing -permanent location; references required. O 441 I.edgerx Central. COMroilTARLY furnished wnrm lirgo light I bedroom In Hrge npnrtment with two ndtilts, f 40:h nnd Walnut; niav ho rented by gentle- , man, quiet, refined hahlla H .1.Vi. Id., Cent. I IN PR1VAT11 IIOMR, excellent loeitlon ron- i lenient to 2 enr lines, !nrg,o, pleasant moms; suitable for 1 nr 2 persons: all conveniences. Jhonc Woodland II,!) W REFIN'ED private family "near North Phllo" stiiiin. nn. n tr.nclivciv iurnisned single rooms; excellent chance for business men phonoTlogn ST.il W. SWM.irndult fnmllv hn-j few rooms vvlth all conveniences for rent. Phone Preston M23 1 or 2 well-fur modern" rooms, bith. private fnmllv. 4'dlktnnd Spruce sts. Hiring 14PH PRIVATE KAMILT M-.I nnd tlne One lorn- linn alncle or en suite. Woodland 2200 FCRNISHEn apirtments from 1.M to tl.OO. In private family. 1.11.1 Glrnrd pve. ROOMS WANTED YOt'NO WOMAN, emploved desires 2 unfur nished rooms, housekeeping, vicinity fith nnd Glninl P BIS. Ledger Ofllcc BOARDING CHESTNUT. WI1B Tvvn gentlemen ran hive sepirHto rooms and hoard In strictly pri vate home. Phone Raring 1410 W, CHEST.STT, 10IR Deslrnhle vncnncles. rooms nnd board, excel, tablo boird. Pros. 0321 J, SPRUCE 1012 (Holmehurst)-Renutlfullv furn. rooms, private bn th. with boanl: tnhle Imqrd SPRUCE. 1220 Lnrge rooms, slnglo or en suite private baths; tnble board SPRITE. 1221-211 (Hrlsmonde) Furn rooms. slngle. en sulteprlvnte hnths; tqhle board. SPRl'CE. l02S-30-8lngIe and dnublo rooms. 4th floor well heated choice tablo board. SPRITE. 1210-ATTRACTIVR ROOMS. WITH EXTEI.I.ENT TARI.E BOARD. WALLA CRT" 1S21 Well furnished rooms. southern exposure: excellent tnhle; phone. WALLACE. 1101 Hoard nnd rnnms reason- nble. conv. to cars. Phone Preston 341S W. WALNUT. 4014 - Attractive 2d-rioor front: gentlemen or couple rhone Belmont 3813 N. HTII ST . S 230-SuperIor rooms nnd tnblo for eflned women, ref. 30TH, S.. 114 ATTRACTIVE 2D-FI.OOR ROftSII WITH HOARD PRIVATE I'AM ILY. STEAM HEAT. ELECTRIC LIGHT. BOTH. S.. Ill Hnnd. furn. 2d front room; elect. ;exce board; hot-wnler heat; jihone. 04TH K HAVEItrXHtD AVE.-Deslrnhln front nnd back rooma, Overhrook section: private Prot. family, steam heat and electric lights; good board; gentlemen. Relmont 41IR W. BOARD WANTED WANTED, room nnd board: middle-aged gen tleman; walking distance City Hall, private family pref.. slateterms A 204. Led. Off. riVE ROOMS (1 on second floor). 2 baths": board it persons: full particulars: unfurnished preferred. II 441, Ledger Central Suburban FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD wanted bv gentleman on suburban dlv. of P. R, R ; Ardmore or weat. J 40, Ledger Cent. SANITARIUMS IHUUTIFUL location: special scientific care; nervous, elderly: every comfort; nurses. Booklet, Dr. Randall. City Hue, Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS N. E. CORNER 17TH AND WALNUT 8TS. This 13-story concrete and steel fireproof structure reaches the highest point of develop ment as yet attained In npartment construc tion, and may be properly Btyled a perfect place of abode An earnest effort has been made to offer a matchless home to those whose first con sideration Is not to count the post alone, but to procure that which they desire, where there Is only perfection, the size, and char acter of which may be selected lind shaped according to the distinctive requirements of the Individual. Suites are arranged from two rooms and one bati to tin rooma nnd Ave baths. T! location Is excellent, being convenient to tlie business and shopping centres and yet not too nur, .. . . All things considered, the rentals are mod erate. Further Information, arrangements, for In spection and reservations may be made through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD lill Walnut street. WALNUT AND HTH STS. (S. W. Cor.), mod suite: exceptionally attractive; high ceilings; abundantly lighted on three sides: suitable for housekeeping. If desired. 7V Janitor on premises. BARBER. HARTSIAN & CO.. 1201 Chestnut St. ' 101 srlTH ST. Bachelor apartments: excep. tlonally desirable 2d floor suite. 2 largo rooms and bath, every modern improvement; janitor on premises, wteam Jieat Included. UARUEH. HARTMAN & CO., 1201 Chestnut. APARTMENTS NIVCofTTTTirAND 8ANSOM STS. Two desbie apartments one room and OXFORD: WOStnesTr Prl-". ""J'S floors, single or together ":&!" I,c, Abernethy, 2721 N. th,ja38.Jiln- - ?VuV!2kly.i? Dftin encn. ypijyj "t.' ATTHACTIVB suite or..umuini"-" ,i---".s ence necessary 17th and Chestnut sts. v..t rhlledelohla . - 1 .. .. SPRUCE 3071 RACE 3025. HEAUTIFUL apartment, southern P"ur' 1 a rooms and bath. "Jhe'nr'nBfnrVttyman: nOth St.; $10 per month. C n lreiiyman, 701 8. Broad Arhono Dickinson BOM. cnrir.rPY ktii and pine SbUULCI STREETS Tour rooms and bath, $3.1. See jsnllnrr HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Modern housekeeping apartments' reduced rentals; Just renovated throughout, m.S5J to janitor on premises or Lewis A. Taulane, S, W. cor. Oth nnd walnut sts. ROAD. N.. 2010-Thrce rooms, kitchen bath. Ith floor, steam heat, gas and l'.f.v,(!t.M.' leen, 1107 Real Estate Tr. Rldg. Hlbert aim. 1STH. N 1718-Six handeome, lfge, "dern rooms; moi. price, mmn y h..".. THERE ARE SEVERAL VVTS OF SECUKINU A1N APARTMENT Ton can look at ono after another until vaii ftvirl nhi rir- You ran go around to the different agen rles until In desnnlr jou tako one, or You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office It Is quite true that nearly every. desirable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with and mav be rented through us. Call upon us In our new offices; they aro reilly quite attractive: you will be, given the most courteous and efficient eervlco obtain- An automobile la waiting, to tako you to the list of npartmenta you designate, and If bv anv chanco jou aro not perfectly suited, our entire organisation will lie placed nt your disposal to procure for you exactly jour heart's desire. . . ,,, . Think of nil the trouble you will have saved nnd how glad jou will bo to know you have found the one npartment In Philadel phia which most nearly approaches your ex act Ideal Mr-iDUAM Q CHPRWnnD 1111 WALNUT ST. Snruce .1071. Race B023. -rill- unVTr.V'IRTA KID AND OXFORD STS In the exclusive Overhrook section, within 25 minutes to City Hnll via Market st. ele vated and onth st. crnsstnnn line, which runs direct to 03d nnd Oxford sts. ..... Suites of from 3 td 7 rooms and bath from $3", to J73. . .... ., D nine room located In building. PHONE OVERRROOK 80(. THE "ENOLEWOOD." 320 S. 11TH ST. Ideal central housekeeping apartments: suites D rooms, kitchenette nnd bnth. Apply Jfnltor on nremlsea or LEWIS A. TAULANE. POO Walnut st. , CORONADO 22d and Chestnut sts. A few deslrnblovncancles, largo and small. M. W. GREIMS. originator of Apartment Bu reau Service, will nulrkly find you the apart ment that sulls. Rent Est. Tr. Rldg. Wql 30i4, HorsKKEEPl.VG APTS . all parts of city; rents J-'3 to 70 per month, call, phone or wrlto for Information. Samuel Stern, 1201 Chestnut. POPLAR APARTMENTS. 10IS-20 Poplar at. 2. .1 nnd 4 room suites, furn, or unfurn.: not-wntcr neat, privaio uatns: nui mm-i. nit modrrn riirn. or uniurn. anarvmi Northwest Phlln nnd Tioga, seo us tlrst. 8CHOHPPV A CO., 1317 ilontgomery nve. APTS Housekeeping, jcarly lease fespons. people: outside rms.; apts, 1300 Mt. Vernon. TWO ROOMS. HOCSEKEEPINO. t3 00; room, private hath, 3QO. 1401 N. 10th West Plillnilelphla THE RUTLAND APTS . JUST COMPLETED LOCUST ST.. MTH TO KITH ST., G and 7 rooms apartments, vvlth all tho latest conveniences $.17 rai to $13 per month. . ROBERT PITTS. AGENT Rell phone Belmont IRTI. 3441 Locust at. DREXELliPARTMENTS ' OVERHROOK STATION One housekeeping suite, II rooms and bath, $1.1I per month: public dlnlnir room. Phono Ov erbrnk 0328 THE WARREN lOAI-o'i 8, 4CT1I ST. Tho most attractive second tloor apartment In West Philadelphia: 0 large rooms nnd bnth (all outside) with private porch: beautiful surroundings. Tit) lor & Son, 24 and 20 S. uuisi. GREY GABLES. 312-314 N. 33D . Very nttrictlvo apts., 3 to 7 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; all nutsldo rooms shower bothsetCjj rcnable 8 mlm from City Hall $30 TO $33--Flrst and second floor apartments, 4 rooms and hath; half block from 40th at. elevated station. Anplv to JAMES N. MITCHELL. 4titli nnd Market. $.10 TO JfiO CHOICE SELECTIONS, KERSHAW A CROWI 321.1 Chestnut. THE LENOX. 3404-S420 Chester ave. Fur nished nnd unfurnished housekeeping nnart ments Seo lanltor. or phone Woodland 2010J. EMiEX, 34th nnd Chestnut: Monterey, 41d nnd Chester; Belmont. 34th and Spring Garden. Inquire Janitor, or Cresse. 308 Hale Bldg. nrrmantntvn WALNUT LANE. E.. 1301 nnd 3 'rooms and bath; hot-water heat: pr. porch: $25 to $31. lloverfonl. Pa. HAVERFORD. PA. NEW SIMPLEX and Duplex Apartments; one minute's walk from station; southern expo sure; beautiful surroundings; unsurpassed lo cation; moderate rentals, McILVAIN & CO. 1818 Land Title Building, Phlla, APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELilAR-MORRIS OERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION, rtlVNA. RAILROAD: 20 MINUTES FROM URQAD ST. TERMINAL. "V-.- ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP INO AI'ARTMUNTr). THE CLINTON FAJ 200 ROOMS. EVERY CONVENIENCE. 1'urnlshed or umurnlshed: either by lease or transiently; suites of one to tour rooms, wun pain. THE COVINGTON CHESTNUT AND 37TH STS. It. F. ENOLE. MANAGER ALSO THE ENOLESIDE REACH HAVEN. N. J. THE GLADSTONE nTnTilggrsINU APARTMENTS FOR WINTER MONTHS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE ESMOND s- E- cner 12m iiil, L-omv-yML AND SPRUCE SUITE OF 2 ROOMS AND RATH FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED THE HELVIDERB N. W. COR 1UTII AND LOCUST (WEST ' niTTENJIOUSB SQUARE) UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT TUB TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS MTU AND CHESTNUT THE NEWPORT SPRUCE AND 10TH STREETS RgAL MTATB POR Si CITV NS-Ja c9n: tyPff AV". ANDcrwiS ?T?-r?"r.,?flk store .and dw5r,A WnTdSr-18,-ia mnweii Handsome, modem 4-story b'rn7.... log. Especially fitted fot prrtJwoSJi ivvprlca nnd easy term f.,f57.?J!' MARSHALL ST above Butler st -ST." bam eicn, Chas. W. Jlnrer Jni?T"jJ monvvealth Rulldlng, '""" 4M-407,1 ........ ,...-......,,. 'infiiinKB. n . ' SEROEAN'T.ST., W 72320.2)1 S-B ij mortgage finti; assessed $irhn ,l"l'J Hon: price $1SOO each, Geo ir v5l? ( North 20th t. -r -' -uiurr , MONTGOMERY AVH. cor. eTlnlOr wealth Building, ' ""'r' "- WoS Jill ru 11111 ifii'VTfi r-t-rt . . dwelling! 8 rooms and bith. cKe.'fer ui-ui v-ommonweaitnBiitidinff "" KI owhll ats. feioei Co, til GREEN ST., 2U5-,1.story'dweliin.-rrS streict: w"' a bkwt. lVi I. cor, r. lhh nnj Bansom tts K "ELL, 1n7-nn.il a. wnt.t? ot o .-. price $1421; good Inv't. Agpjv il& $" 1000-8 lI?nKeV.N '"VErrflreSrBT 110 Christian. iiio r.nrp. a 1717-0 Fcrnon. Is 2203 League. ln McClellnn. 17.11 Nnudaln. Rw.P'10tU v""1 llonTman. In5l.2.1 Vehtr J. A. PATTERSON. 110 S. im,, ., i "TRITJENT WATER METERS rates at once If Installer before "&imKN pled. Aslt .your plumber or ln MJ . PHILA, METER CO 418 Real Estato Trust flia,. BUILDERS, ATTENTION i-'fM "jres, ripe ground ror sale. ahlS7 S?ibi"f.?".k latkwy- southwest u3sJ3 and Haver ford nve, ""."io J. A. PATTERSON, 110 S. 13th l BEAUTIFUL side-yard home, tiax. ijtiAUTii-yi. side-yard home, ttaxTSiiir prlco HI70O! 0 rooms; never eccupleTi'i Chew at,. Tabor; hofwater heat , 4 feflnwi electric lights, parquetry flooring; ternuM the nr c: 2 trailers, hini-w tmiil.t.!Klm!!M ARERNKTItY. 2721 N, Bth, 183 ST iaifl ,.. 'NVESTORS. TAKE NOTICE "T, 1301-3-3-7 N. Tronl at. 1t.ln.l-. i.i yi (2 cprner ProPf,rIVliIlfl1'"jl2l2 per luft' Never Idle, all TIIO.MA8 F. McTEAR m Roth phenea. Ui! NBecenJ sVl riuvaii, miwittc VV nil our OeSUttfal Rfc' comb st. homes (Just west of Lognn RtsliiXt Get th's-l200 for home, goragi and lKSl lot:o;lthout garage. MsfO: none belter bdH anvwnrre- ii1. enia. eo Ixgin ad ARERNETHY. 2721 N. Mh. laa s" m 1 CENTRAL PROPERTIES for snTdcr mm send us your renulremenla. L .. V.".l51iw ei VAN TELT N. E cor. 1 1 th and. Chestnut its. Phone 3180 Spruce or 2070 Itnce. tiiitui, t aui-i.ii i ii.n, rem cm each ter month, pr'ce 1330 each for Immcdlste Jci Properties contnln 7 rooms, have hut, knS .-;. .":,'.'.'1,J"","."",.,-";.."m- "" sx.-s, uui iiihi t'lrimti, LlllllllHli , lTvTiGATNS-J200"TO 300 CASH RFOtltm lil'J Ylnlloro Cor, 21st and IVallana 1721 N. 18th 1000 Melon , J 2oo Sydenham, assessed 2',oo price Ulftil MARSHA LLl 8M ITI Ij 1 Oil Chestnut -it I IF YOU WANT TO MORTGAGE, rent, to'i'l UV.II, VAVI. IIIS,' 1JI III1IIJ t' "SEE TAl'LANB ABOUT IT POOWnlnut st. anil nvnhqnnn n Iihiim "i RENTS COLLECTED FIRE INSUltANCl Al.IlltECHT'S 2j4J 4 W. Lehigh nve. S3 CENTRAL rAfiTOIIV ltno.1 ll tnr m. business hldg,: .1 streets; rale to closs nWKWK might rent. Jncob A. Frltii3J.- ljm1tit&Ml INVESTMENT properties, small dw;'M4 con.: 4 rooms, hnth. lot llxin rent Jll: pries J2200 17 VI OLENWOOD AVE. 2 STORtT ROOJI8, BTIWM HEAT ETC. S H P. A. MINN1CK. IS.KI HI DOE AVE. ir-nno assessment $h.vo Wallace aw 20th: aide. yard; 12.room duelling. Osier.' 82l N. 24 til st. lo VIII) lltlYRnR an n-lm FABER & OSIIOHN. 211 N. lMh It. Hulnllng Lois, Pnclory Sites, sic. FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL GROUND - Large nnd Small Trncls for DWni.i.tNo on MANiTAcrruniKfj purposes In best sections -a EXCELLENT RAILROAD FACILITIEafl i-ncpp on npiiraiinnt Est JOHN DOIlbON MI'J Chestnut it. OERMANTOWN AVE. and Roy St.. lOOxMO afi 20 lots, Venango nnd Wnrnock sts, m h2 acres, Upsnl anil Sirl,Fi'e sts . It. R. front-J L. A. WHITE. 1107 W. Tloint st-cA. fl I loin, iiminir Miin no. mm nun ki. - n Tin: riiiKATi'HT niinitTt'NtTr eitn-i Inl yeirs lis) lots In nctlvo section; streets. lel f:nlly open nnd paved, i-ewers In: win inEHfl n value In 3 cnrs, owner must sell: can-J plele transit fnc lilies. H. SlJla'ilgrrJSitl SITES. RAILROAD, for sale, PenniyTvmul nnd Reading, $2000 per acre cm I up, acco-a-i ing to location; inquire tor terms. iinyrninii. -71": Walnut. CENTRAL SITE. 4"iilocka from 10lh"niid UaNf, act: -i, ins- an. ii,, ironiing on a su-c-isi,,".-'j moderate: will divide. '.X MYERS ft HAUTH. Ridge ave. anil4OtlvS RIPE Ftllt AN OPERATION. 31 BPlt,mS0 S3th Wnnl, PEMBERTON P.STATfi?, ilir-S l-lann lll.li rlson Bldg r.inTi"r-iiiiT.ni vn r.rvrs nn,l lirre trsct ground In nil parts cltv, also over 200 mtt.'ft sites Mclvln. 1313-10 Real Estate Trust, PUsVl. lliistness l'ronertles and Stores V, slll S. W. COR. ST 1 1 AS" I) VINE sold for krsl oner, utnee dojt i.incaater nve. Stores nml Hvvrllliigs MTTVIir? un,1 itualllnf- ,tKt ItlliilnesS lOCatlOnil suitable for any business: nil latest lr"P.-JB mental property for sale only. .403 .JJotriJws Rnraces. CS EXCEL 3LLENT OPPORTUNITY for gjra$s ene at., Oermantown. Apply V 53q, La- Oree ger Office, WEST PHILADELPHIA '-"" 'Til 5107 CHESTER AVE. II rooms. hot-stnf i....... ,n. ..Llm, niAn(-i iichr nrat-clltl condition. For trice seo Wm. a. Glenn. . -M t I.ind Title Rldg., lSllJJotumblaavs.sii tit D. -113. D4. Im'lWH i.ww ,7-. .Miltlfl Raruse tor quick s.ilo; Krcttt reduction; IM cimniiTi nf innnatf narit.irv td 11311(1 If 5aJH owner Is lust moving out: will lonslder change. it 843, Ledger Central, BEST VWLUE IN PHILADELPHIA UNEQUALED HOMES 60TII 8T.. AUOV'U LANSDOWNE AVE. vyesi rune. $300 l every xnown i;giniieiH mi.-...,Aiif1i Hardwood rioora ThrougMWJ JAa. C. E.NBUllU, 11UIUU.". REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS MORTGAGE LOANS NEGO HATED FIRE INMJRA.Mi: wm, ii. w. quick biio. i.sa -nl!'rll 40TII r, $.1100-8 ROOMS, hot-vvatcr heat gas i ami ! ile tri iiirhr. iturniiotrv tluors. shower baths. kitchens and all other modern PPmtD; DANIEL CRAWFORD.. JR. IC i!t m INS for homo or Investments !uMl ted to jou from our "WW"! are parts of estates that roust Ml oainana nmiiniu . RAROAINS submitted somo are parts m, '",, "n'i,"nrnd settled, Send for list, LMl'lRf. TRW CO . 4ltn and I jnraster uve. 1'OTTS & TOWNS END WEST PHILA. IIOMhS 4U03 BALTIMORE AVr ' - SEND FO.L.Sr. S,LEitOR RENT R2rt ami Haiti lloro e 1 CHELAN'S HOMES . APPLY 1011 I'HESTNIT ST -WS THE CHILTON. No .1218, Bt ,. terms see or write to Harris . alltOO. nH 3K13 Locust St., West Philadelphia. ) v FEO.IH& aoot TMa ei T . (Bosimess ? aun paihs im oh ubapITN 1 ts ( even IHO HC PC5TS 4 DEKrUHC- l.f U- LOOK UP TrlC SYMPTOMS WD PUT HIM To TMETEST r i J lQQ O Don Novjn-.scKt.p Feeu &vV n.,0,ct ? , 1 ' .. .s OF . 'St Vr' K ' 'mi J r ") "7 5PM IH SPOTS ? Do y ST3-TAIV- . M eE5T ,' . J V . 2Sf, mm mm Jyv VjQU hear, fdunv noise5?y ax x Aw 'MoiFFCReMc&iM 1 - y k js7s aMJM1gBlg " UifiallllMI illHIIIIIIMlll' lllll iMmtffKtfmft1mStuimlliM'- -- -1-.. , r.i.St.2B .... , i.; . - . -Pfmiialtllllllllllllllllllllllllllll..lllLIIIIIIII&r . .Ti afe.IJr . ...,, - iT. .MSr- t