r-fPiiw)MPpP,'j '''ippiMppiPW EVENING LEDGER HLIADELPHJ: TUESDAY, JANTJABY 1 191C r : rasa SUfiJI ft W Jam W&?i iW FAvKjni &Prv' Vk fl fcx.a , 1 Please l BEli H B Cm'S-T- RSli 5M?A3 iifft Revolutionary methods of manufacture now make it possible for you to buy the new Encyclopaedia Britanniea Lw JB 2ol in a compact and convenient form saving 64 9 of the lowest price today of the Cambridge University issue 30,000 p(ft .. .. ihDeci- bookcase. en Set. in different binding!, with ! "" at . o. -- PhUadelohta 9th and Maruct e - -,.- v be left thc,or full Information and v,,u , details obtatnea The entire 29 volumes j.Sb sent for a first payment of illustrations only 1 !5 - w ilx ow This Offer Became Possible ' HIS remarkable offer, savlntr vou 6. is the re 1 1 ult of our arrangement with the publishers of the JL yew Encyclopaedia Britanniea. They own the copyri ;ht. Without their permission no copies of it can t sold. Though our annua ly and reaches more than one-quarter of all the families in the United States, we constantly strive to make t bigger and better. Our growth during the past twenty-five years has been j chieved by selling things of better value than could be obtained elsewhere equal or better quality for lei s money. A business, like ours could have been built up only by service and enduring satisfaction. A Real Bargain W are always seeking real bargains to offer out customers, something of superlative quality, something that veryone needs; something that lends, itself to econonical manufacture in large quantities; something that reflects lasting credit upon our institution and meanapermanent satisfaction to our customers; some thing hat can be sold at a price, that considered with its knowr quality, will instantly identify it as a BARGAIN. Thinew Britanniea fills these requirements It o something that people need. Many of our owrtjol ficers own it and know its wonderful value. The copies in our employees' libraries in our factories and home jlant are constantly used and highly appreciated. It 8 of wonderfully superior quality. Supreme ?ualit is the only explanation of a book that costs from 160 t $360 a set and that sells in a short.time 75,000 sets, a total sale of about fourteen million dollars. Authorized by the Publishers Th ! publishers of the Britanniea have always con sidered it as an educational institution. They were anxiou s to have this great means of self improvement 'distributed to the largest possible number. W( had no. trouble in convincing them that this maxin um distribution could be effected by our experU enced selling organization with its 5,500,000 customers. The Problem We Had Bu : how were we to reduce the cost of tHe Britan niea aJ that we could sell it at a low price, that would prove 0 new customers we could save them money? Wq could save in selling cost but not enough. Manufacturing costs had to be cut. The estab lished, 'policy of our business does not allow skimping on manufacturing. We never "save" at the expense of quality. And now was not the'time to begin. We had Eicketf the Britanniea as the bargain we would offer ecaufie it had quality, and we would not put out the Britar&iica as a cheap or shabby book. Cutting manufacturing costs and keeping the high quality of the product that was the problem; i imiiJi . wumwUMii ml 1 11 '""'" ' ' " ! I'"'- What is The Encyclopaedia Britan tfca? WHAT is the book that we. chose after much thought -tobc our great bargain offer, tiat we have spent so much to put on the markefl in an attractive, convenient form to be sold at a low price? The oldest and the newest Tho largest and the most compact The highest grade and lowest priced of all encyclopaedias. To explain: The Britanniea has a reoutation of loner stalnrlincr. The first edition was published in 1768 eight years before the Declaration of the Independence of the United States of America. The new (nth) edition, which we are oiicnng, is me.oniy complete, up-to-date survey 01 inc rnoaern wona, us Knowledge and History, its arts ann sciences and industries. Much in Little Space The new Britanniea contains 4il.ooo.ooo worHs. much as in four hundred books of ordinary aizej paper and print, and" nearly fwke a3 much as in any! other encyclopaedia in the English language. And in) these forty-four million words there is a great deal more Information than was ever before nut intn tin m words. But "Handy Volumes" on India n.irwlrh uring down, and 21 monthly instalments of $3.00 each pay for the set! E announce the sale of the new Encyclopaedia Britanniea, 11th edition, in a "Handy Volume" issue. Printed on genuine Britanniea India paper, it sells for $1.00 with the order -securing delivery of the complete set and 21 monthlvpavments of $3.00 each; oToif5S.88 cash. The lowest price at which the larger paged form, published by the Cambridge Univer sity, on India paper, can low be bought is $166.75 why, we Make This offer cash. This is a saving ol $107.87, or 64. business' is now over Si 00.000.000 r&WMs' - Wt BUUXWHm iJhat the "Handy Volume" issue is authorized by tlie publishers Of the new A Century and a Half Ago andTo-ddy Encyclopaedia Britanniea; that the contents are identical, page forpage (including maps and illus trations) with theCambr dge University issue now selling at three times the price; that the "Handy Volume" issue is printed on the same quality of India paper, from new plites, and is manufactured by the same printers and binders as the more ex pensive book; and that because it is smaller, it is easier to handle than the Cambridge issue. Wt &tmmntM satisfaction with the contents of the Britanniea and with the form of our "Handy Volume" issue. To anyone who is not satisfied for any reason and returns the set within three weeks, we guarantee to return all he has paid (including shipping charges). We advise you to order at once. Now your order can be filled immedi ately. If you wait a little while to on ler, you may have to wait much longer to receive your books. You run no risk in ordering now. Use the coupon in the right hand lower corner. ) Use the coupon in the lower, left hand corner if you want a free booklet giving full information and sample pages of the "Handy Volume" issue. Sears, RoelbiSlt "S HkH Bem iS3Tfef BiC? Www 2?ff3 , t L . . . . . I mie ui inc greatest engineering anti m.innr.i er cri triiit- -f-YmriiatA anrl nfirva condensed material into 20 books, each oni inrh j v-r v- j-r Qj ;ncheg n;h and 6i inches deen. and nrh f- -- w oniy 21 ounces, less tnan the average novel miracles of the day bring this huge amount of carfefully thick, ghing iP better Best Quality Lowest Price The Britanniea ha3 alwavs been nrh .- Inf than other encyclopaedias that it has sold at Higher F','"" "" "i"cr uooks 01 rcierence ana, although the price was higher, has sold In greater quantities! than al other encyclopaedias combined. Only merit! true utility, real value, could explain anything so-r-MrjarUab'-. And all this OUalitV. Utilitv and vain i. whnf'.X !. offer you at such a low price and on such convenient ICIJII9. A CHrCGQ id Co. Our Success- the new "Handy Volume" Issue And long experiment and untiring effort-solved the prob lem. The size of each page of the Britanniea was reduced; the smaller page was printed from a plate made by a photo graphic process; 3a pages instead of 16 were printed at each revolution'of the press;'38,4oo pages were printed each hour, instead of 11,300; enormous orders were given for paper, cloth, leather, printing and binding and there were savings because these orders were so large and there were other savings because the smaller book required smaller quantities per J volume of paper, ink, cloth and leather. vVe can sell the new "Handy Volume" issue of the Britanniea for 64 less .than the Britanniea now sells for. The "Handy Volume" is a handsome, convenient form as hand some as the bigger book that -costs three times as-much, and much more convenient, because it is so much smaller and lighter. OR "HANDY VOLUME' HOW feyLINS IITOXI N THT ON TH k x- V Prices and Terms of Payment Printed on genuine India paper, bound in dark redlclothi !i-D20w,th.thefder ?nd ,nJy 2I Payments of $x a month; or J58.88 cash. U lavtttf of J107.87, compared tnth the '.present price of the Cambrtdze tssus in the corretpondint bindinf). Printed nn pnum Tnrlin niru L.-...J j Full Sheep, Morocco-Grained t '$1.00 with the order and (A if Cant' only si payments of $3.50 a month; or $68.54 cash. jovinc of $144.7 .1. compared with the present price of the C ortage "suetn lie corretpondint binding). Especially teconw mended. Books to be used as much and as lone Usthe Britanniea should be bound in strong leather of full thickness like this, which is made to last It Beto its color in tannin and from vegetable dyes, and is absolutely waterproof. T THK TAINT LINIS ABOHOWIHE BXACnfllZK OITHBvOPIHtD "HANOY VOLUME.' HELD IN THE HAND. THEvLINSIN THE MIDDLE. OP THE PAUE. RIGHT SY THE THUMD NAIU l THE CREASE llrtIN THE CAOES. HEIOHT OF AQE. 0 INCHES. THE HEAVY VERTICAL LINES IN THEIARaiN SHOW THE LEATHER COVERS. PUT A NOVEL OTHER BOOK PLAT ON THItNf KETCH. SOfOU CAN SEETHE REAL SIZE OP THE "N. Printed on genuine India paper, bound in rich dark green Three. Quarter Crushed Lerant Morocco: $1.00 with the order and only 33 payments of $4 a month: or $81.88 cash. Thireis no corre. spondmi binding m the Camiride issue: if there were it would cost about $350, o sannt e$i68.i3). A very handsome, durable binding, leather back and corners and cloth sides. BRITANNICA. KETCH. SC-A Tt Printed on genuine India paper, bound in dark green Full CrusHed J Lerant Morocco: fi.oo with the order and only 33 payments of V 3'a 7 ;""' v;-vy "?" v fib oj H75.50, compared with ei THE ADVANTAGES OF THE OFFER resent price of Cambridge issue in corresponding e luxe binding of genuine goatskin. nding). A real i For the first time you can cefcthe best encyclopaedia there is. at a very low price and on very srnall monthly payments. FRElf BOOKLET COUPON 5BAKS. ROEBUCK AND Ctt. Chlcsr. send rne the folIowing Full Information about the "Handy Volume" Usue I the new Encyclopaedia Britanniea. sample pages, bindings, prices, terms, etc. , The booklet, "The Yart the Encyclopaedia Britanniea Plays in the Affairs of Ambitious Women with sample pages -and full information. Proftwor W.A.NI1mi M Hit Harvard Dtpart mem 01 coillth, wrots ua (Nor. 17. 1313) the follow, lag letter about thViUndy Volume" luuti MAa a lubeerJUf to th ordinal rdllloa el TbeBncy. dopudla Drltaanka. I bavo been curlout to aet how tte probUn could b aolrtd Kl okiax the work mora com. pact and cheaper .without rendrrloi It Uleilblt. An ciamloatlon of the new tout prove -wit in Muuon tua every part oi me civuizea worm, cms complete beta found. Th type, tbouih , , r ,,, 1 ..ij . 1 , . - . . r amalicr. M no..lM c ear thaa WnOie WOriU S KllOWJCUlie, CnOUCnt anQ aeetlS. achievement: to do wandv.r before, im uiiutrauona and - g,, , paje which l can nap are In no wan Impaired. A , - iertlly la no more tryUii to ?.?Sfe .! r.V O Aof nntmiAMr f I,r &t JA Sir "si i ey,V7ha5 The XVI a UlOt ptlj AllCllL UX U1I1V PX UtlYYll N. ewui edition, U a landmark 111 1 ' 1. 11 r 1 ' bookmaUns. You arc dolnx a public acrvke In putting And you will have all this in less than one cubic foot of SDace. wl!hI,ca5Sic?eev.vrT1' And -all under our sweeping guarantees, printed above. roscoe found All pricij are figured tofow thai shipping charge cannot b Prepaid. Tk complete hf, boxed for shipment, weighs less than 60 lbs. We ship from new ivtk wLKore, wiKiever ts nearer you. and Ca.. tram, am imiuint authority And you can have the encydopaedia...in "Handy Volumes" irfa. trial1 VOU can easilv and rnmfnrrnhlv rHVrinlrUnrr trip hnnl- in VAD LAscn0Ol. X one hand, as you would a novel. , rvemberiT.wis. V Gentlfayrt; You can have the entire Britanniea. 20 volumes, dd.ooo.ooo EienfhBdfitiM'oihS'Ency? Words, 41,000 articles by 1500 expert contributors pVcked from fiSSXi S? eiouT every part of the civilized world, this complete summaryof the'huom,p.tnd'inlS ...t,! ..,,,..1,4',. lrnt.lirro.- .1 1. .. J J i- "s. utlul form U(A Uscll an 7 SPECIAL S1.00-COUPON are Jutl ai attractive, and the reduction la aue make incaa ianJtcly (atler to hiadk. I have atklavaiMM la the art of booiiaaklaa more eurprUina'. Krai Iki IttUt ty d fm (m Uu ruM- caravr. Xf4 Ue UlUr j At coupon i a ujham i Wfr Tfl jJ BLNyi M ?! C4aBv7Bl BTL?aTa Kaairapj wwwFHm wrSrV9at araPVWai PaPmle9 arwP9HS09 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. (D'e)" " " jChlcago, IU. In accordance with your published offer and guarantees, I enclose fl.oo as first payment, for which send me one set of the '"Handy Volume" issue of the hew Encyclopaedia Britanniea. nth edition. printed on India paper, ana bound in the binding checked below; A Cloth: 31 further payments of $3.00 a month. B Full sheep; 3 1 further payments of $3.50 a month. C Three-quarter crushed levant morocco; 33 further payments of f 4.00 a month, D Full crushed levant morocco. 33 further payments of J4.50 a month. I "will nuke further payments each month oil the same day as that of this order, remitting the amount above for the number of months there shown. Title to the books does not pass to me until the amount is paid in full. (If you wish to take advantage of tb saving offered by our cash prices, mark the- binding wanted in the proper space above, cross out partial payment terms and state here the amount enclosed.) Ww . ,,...,.. ,..-.. ABrtu . a ''i I fftme I Aiirtu 3 93 95 Jttmnc r K f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers