I' ' k4 t is i i ' 1,1 ffl r ! M P !sI n Jr ; J M rl li" a ,1 IV i DEATHS r.lKKKX,- -Ort January o, 11)18. MARY. WMVV nf IVItllAfiv l. ParVAf nnrt risnfrhtel- M th law Joseph and Mary ehncr, aged M j-estn. Funei 1 servlrfs nn Wednesday morning, at n fJcbuylera. llrom 10 o'clock Precisely, at nml Diamond streets. In- icrmoni private rHENKOAR. At Tiatllmara, Mil. on Jan uary n. win. SAMUEL husband of Florence Phenegar Rotative ami friends nre Invited to attend funeral service Wednesday at 2. "10 p. m.. at .the residence of his brother Inw, Edward T Neeter 8120 1-nnsdownb ave. Interment nt Fcrnweod Cemelery fKKNTZFU On January P. WW, MARY rilANCES. wife of Frank Prenlxeh Funeral and interment strictly private. HANKKN. -On January tl. 101ft. nt the residence of his son-in-law. Joseph Monroe. 2129 Vine M FRANCIS T RANKI5N. No tire nf funeral later . stBNTON." On .tnnuary S. 191(1, THOMAS, husband or Atinn II Ilenton (neo Stelnbln ner), Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on ednesuav, at 2 p m at hla late residence, 122S N r. til st Interment nt Fernnood Cemetery, Friends may vlsw remains Tuesday, fiom 8 to 10 p.m. BCIINATZ.- On January 8, 1010, HAItAH. widow of Henry 8chnntr. Relatives and friends are Invited to nttend the funeral, on Wednesday at S In n. m from parlors of B, P. FranKonfleld Rons. .-.101 lino at. Sol emn High Mass nt Church of the Trnnsflgu ration, SStli and cedsr nve , nt 10 n. m. In terment Old Cathedral Cemetery. SCOTT. Suddenly, on January 8, 1DH1, JAMES FOX SCOTT, Relatives and friends are. Invited to nttend tho funeral services, on Wednesday, at It a. m . nt hla Isle residence, 1300 Jefferson st. interment private. SHATTtCK. On January 10. 101(1. OAttO LINE M ROWAND. widow of George Shat tuck, need 71 years. Itclntlves and frlendil are Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Thursday, nt .1 n hi nroctsolv, nt her late residence, 01(1 South 48th St., West Philadel phia. Interment private 8IIOVF.lt. On Saturday, Jntiunry R, 1010. nt her residence, II W, 70th st,, Newr York city, IlEHncCA A widow nf William 1 Shojer and daughter of the late Joeph M and Clara AscJi. of Philadelphia Funeral nt con venience of the fnmlty. , SMITH. On January 7, 1O10, JAM US J., husband of Annie K. Smith fnee Spoils). ftelatlves and friends, nlso members of It V. M, Modality of St. Atarya church, nro In cited to nttend tho funeral, on W'clncsdav, nt R-.10 a. in , from his late residence. 327 S Rth st. Rolenni Mass nf ltenuleifi nt Ml Mary's Church nl 10 a m. Interment at Holy 8epu!chro cemeteri. Automnbllo funcrnl. STINSON. On January 10, lOlit, Fl.OItKNCn O., widow of Itobert J Stlii'on. need fif yean. Ilelatlves and friends arc Invited to attend the runeral services, on Friday nfter noon, at 2:30 o'clock, at tho residence or her son, llobcrt SI. tftlnson. York rnnd and Ash bourne road, Klklns Park Pa. Interment rrlvate. Train leaves Ilendlni; Terminal Ht .41 p. tn, I 8T1IINari:i.UMV At Allnntlc Cltv, on January II, 1010. CHARLES A STItlNO. FKI-I.OW. husband of Mary IJ. KtrlnRfel. lor (nee Ilurke). Ilelatlves nul friends nre Invited to nttend tho runeral, rrom the fu neral parlors of William II. Ilittersby, .1110 North Uroad st on Thursday, at 10 a. m. Remains ma he viewed on wodncediv, at S p. tn lIKh Requiem Mass nt St. Stephen's Church nt 10 a m Interment nt West minster Cemetery. 8TKOUHK. On January 10. 11)111. UI.'OI.VA. wife of Meyer II Htrouse, In her .isth ear. Relatives and frln,H are Invited tn nttend tho funeral services, on Wednesday, nt '1 p. m, precisely, from her late residence. Willow Orove plko nnd Mcnlovv nve., (lleiislde, Pa. Interment nt Adath Jishurun Cemeterj. BTItOWIIOlir.ll. Jnnunry 0. 101(1, HIJI.UN' BMZAiUBTH. widow nf S arnrse Strovv houer nnd tlatiRhtrr of the Into Thomas II. and Kllen Uare Cook. Relatives nnd rrlends are Invited tn nttend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 8 p m., nt her late reildence, 24.18 N ITth st. Interment private, Friday morning. TAaOAIlT. On January 10. 1010. KANNIE p., dauKhter of Itobert and the late Mary MicOreaor TivKsart. of 211s Reed st. Due notlco of tho funeral will be Riven TAKTTEH. On January II. 1010, nt tho rcsl . ilenen nf tier dnuahter. Mrs lsnlt rtitlstnn. 1.14 K. 7 Id st, Nen York cllv, V1IH3I.NIA C widow of Karl tenuis Tartler. or Phjlndel- Enia, runeral a-rviccs nt tno i.nurei mil emetery chapel, Philadelphia, on Wednes day, nt -' p. m TIIOMPM)N On January S. 101(1, LI2TITIA, widow of Jnmes Thompson. Relatives olid friends are Invited to nttend tho funeral service on 'lues la), at N ) p. m.. at her lata residence. 12H4 K. Columbia nve. In terment nt orthnood Cemetery on Wed nesday WAI.I-ACK. Oh January 10, 1010. MARY 13. widow of Jarw W. Wnllnce. Relatives anil friends aro Invited to nttcml the funeral servloea. on Wcdncsdav. nt 8 p m nt the residence of her son. Or. Charles II Wallace, 4(l KlnRseislntr nve . west rilllndrlphla Interment on Thursday morning at Seafnnl. Del. -..- ;,,.-.- .-.-- .. -,- ..:::.---.-.;. I . ------ - vv iiniingioii nml f-cHioru luei i papers please copy tVKKThCIt. On Jnnuury 11. III10, 11AR HAHA WI:RT.CH. widow nf Ocrllarilt Wertsch. Notice of funeral later. WEIIL On January 0. 1010. MARY J., wlfo of John Wotr and daughter or the late Will tarn and Mary Dougherty. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funemt services, on Wednceduy. at 2 ii. m.. lit her late residence. 0.1!& st. below Havcrford nve. Interment at rcrnwood Cemetery. I"-?lOi on January u, ini , ALKXAN- "eafs Relative.0 nnd' friends amvltcd to I Juend theaf,unerfnserv'r'SS. 1,nThu?id!i? h 2 n. m.. nt hla late residence. Srixer and ilnl. ' tlmaroarcs., Delaware County, Pa. Interment private nt Arlington Cemetery Auto service. WILSON. On January 0, 1013. ELM IRA M widow of Alexander D, Wilson, In her 83th year. ZIKSKL, On January 10. 1010. ANNA, widow of Jacob Zlesel (neo Bauer), In her 71th year. Relatives and friends, also members of the Holy Family and Sicred Heart Societies, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, nt 8.30 a. m.. from her late residence, lulu Cadwallader at. Requiem Muss nt St. Peter's Church at 10 a, m. Interment private. , CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER Thla STYLE TYPE (or like this) One time Hie per line Three times one week 1'Jtjc per line Six times one week luc per line Situations Wanted, three times one week 10 cents per Una per Insertion. Place your order for three or more times nnd it will be inserted In the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. Ona or two time fata for Evc.Nivq Lepocb and Pcbuu Lepuec combined U 30 centB per line, with the exception of Help Wanted and Situations Wanted, which Is 13 cents per line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is permitted In all classifications ex cept Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and Found. Personals. Boarding and Booms, add FIVE CENTS PER LINE TO ANY OF ABOVK RATES. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKEEPER. experienced, by silk dress fac tory, to take charge of office; state age. pre Vloua place of employment and salary ex eected Address M l.Vi, l-edger Central BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wanted; tat details, salary wanted, glva refer ence, it 149, Ledger Central. HELP WAITED FEMALE COOK Oermah prererrH, for- Merlon,, refer ence Meet emplojer Reom 330, Public Led per Wednesday. 10 a m. COOK and chambermaid and waitress, no washing. 2 maids, ref Phone Wayno 304. COOK A very rood Protestant cook, not over :a nojvnshlng t .1SI2 walnut st COOKING and downstairs work, experienced white girl, no washing Meet eimdnjcr. be tween 10 and tl o clock. Ledger Central. UlUI.. vnnn tor general. housework In family or ft lit suburbs, good home, permanent. Annly to M -107 Ledger orflce. OIRL, experienced, for plain cooking and housework) small family, good salary. l.5 APsiev st . uennantown. . nun. hAinMn ?n nn.i .1.1. to assist housework an.i riw hnhv in apartment. Call 701 Cooner - St.. Camden. OIRL. colored, for upstairs work nnd assist with children. Call 10:12 N. loth. (lini-a wanted 10 Or ov'er Apply Decker. 8mlth & Parte. Uatcr and Snyder nve. OOVnilNKSS Will Hermnrt rroverness who was nnxlmis to take, place nt 2."K)0 S. 20th st. call l)lcklnrton 2IS7 HOSU'RY-nxperlciiced toppers nnd knitters on Standard F nml Scott A WfllHmi full au tomatlc knltllnK machines: leirners. taken, 14 to to venrs of nae. Wallace-Wilson Hosiery Co Orchard below ITnty. Finnkford. , IIO-4IK11Y Fitper enced knitters nnd toppers, loopcrs. examiners, rlb-frnme hands: steady work, good pav; also learners, pnld vvhllo learning lain Nrrth Law rence. IIOSIKRV i:perlenccd Tootiers, steady work and tay pood as nny. Wnllace Wilson Hosiery Co., Orchard below Unity, Frnnltfnrd. TlOt'SI.KI.I.PI.R " Wanted." refined active woman, between .10 nnd 40 venrs as house keeper, sprue experience In, care of children, must tie neat nnd or good address: excep tionally good home ('nth pre: 11 IB. I. O, l7orsi:ORK-lIood-looklng white Protestant." 1(1 to IS venrs, to assist, no washlnc II ,"12, Irfilger Office k Hornr.W ORK, gen.. setlleJ. refined Proles- r mh ..n-ii mn 1 1 1 fatnltt' I'll I t nn Iril r HH.'sT:WOItl nxKrlenced girl, sleep home: rererenco required. 010(1 I.instlmvne nve. HOCSIiWOHK r.xp white elrl In smnll aili.lt famllyi nownshlng. V)0I Pine st. MOTliDR'S. HI. I.I'IIH Refined person wanted ns mother'a helper for one ihlld, tempornrv position, wages V Meet crnplnver. II o clock Wetlnesday morning Room 230, ledger Of- IlijeJjtJi nnd Chestnut Ms MOTIinit'S Hi:i.Pi:it-A rerincd. experienced womnn to caie for twins 2'fc enr of ngc. nbsolutclj highest references renulred. nurso maid to assist Uot 11,", Hryn Mavvr, Pa, Nt'ltsn Ulltr.. white, assist with two c'hllilren. 2,'I.VJ N. llronil st. SOFT HAT TRIMMERS-Experlcnced trim mers on men's fott hats, wanted Immedl ue ly Apply Paymaster's Office. John II. Stet eon Comrany. Mil nnJ Montgomery nve. WAITRESS-Exporlemod nml obliging Oer mm pi cf erred. PhonoOv erbrook ti.SU. WANTED Urlght soimg women, between IT I null jenra opl. in ihkb ui icieimone vnriv. No experience necessary, s-nl.iry laid while learning. Plensnnt work: permanent Pusl tloi. Apply In person, tl n. m to n p. in. nnt.L ti:li:piionp- company 4U0 MARKET STREET wrMAN, reliable, wanted for soliciting In women's colleges must furnish good refer ence, state ngo and experlenco In first letter. Address P. O. llox no. Sernnton. Pa. NEW YIJAR CltANOES NOW IS Tim TIME for young ladles reek Ing commercial positions to consult Miss Dean nt Ledger Central Uroad nnd Chest nut sis. A ppi'illl service If rendered to KTEyOilRAPHEItS. llOOKKKEPEIW AND CLERKS through the Commercial Depart ment td LEDOOIt ADVERTISERS, nnd ll great number of ladles have Lcen bene tlttd by this ecrvUe. (icnernl WOMEN wanted as Government clerks Sill mon., Phlln. exams coming, sample questions free Franklin Inst. Dcpt 71.1 I.. Rochester. N Y HELP WANTED MALE M.UMINl'M men w.intnl llrst-class hammer men and finishers, experlciu cd tn automobile body work HOLIIROOK COMPANY fti'l West 4'ld st New York ellv, A!VeoTi:t7;pcnT'nec:es" c In? ! ' structloii will be given In lniURlitanuinslilii ami theory; applicant must Kiifrlclentlv cuuciucii to ne iiiiio in icurn Addresa II M'l. Ledger central AUTOMATIC machine operators hand screw machine men. Ilrst class toolm.ikers. Atiply r " , .-.,, -V, .., ' , . , . .-, , :i4i i ranaioru uv. oci n n. in. auuji p. m .ted. s-ilnrv Vliiio "t isiV.iMl pe nnnum' l"-orn"i ""rle'ie rvfr,ff."wi"Ldg'ir nllmbr of years experience, A 11.'. Ledger Office lioOKKKBI'Mt. tlrst class wanted for Indus trial establishment In Delaware, must bo sober. Industrious and reliable. M 4tiS, Led- gerjufltce. BOY, bright, active, for ofllce worl.. with pos slbltltleH of advancement: must havo hud good sihoollng and high school boy preferred A 1. LCilger cjiiicc. BOYS wanted to work tn wullpaper fuctory. 10 or over. Apply Becker. Smith & Page. Watir and Snyder ave. URICIC SUPERINTENDENT, tfco advertisement under pi rsonal column thla lssue A l'H. Ledger Office DRAU111ITK.MAN wanted experienced on fuc tory building constnu Hon nnd power plant deHlrcd. M 144. Ledger Central. DREWER-1N- Eiiierlem ed on men'a wear. Hhelbourne Mills. It nnd Westmoreland sts. MACHINIST wuutei! alio dlemaker. Amerl cun Metal Works. .114 Armat st . flerm't'n. MACHINISTS AUTOM A'l If H(ltKWMAlCKR3 HAND l-CltEWMAKERH All citizens, wages, machinists, M to SI per day. based on extierlence and enpactty: auto matic screwm.ikers, $-1 70 per day; hand screwmakcrs. $2 SS per dav; higher com pensation on piecework. 1.1 dava leave after one jear of service, seven holidays and Saturday afternoons during the summer montliB, all with full pay. Apply PRANK- IX)Rp ARSENAL MACHINISTS and machine hands. Reply, stating ago and exp., P. O.Hox iH, Phlla. MECHANICAL DRAI'OIITSMAN. Apply' 120U Stephen Olrard Hldg PORK IH'TCHERS (.1) good, wanted. Apply 3'i41 tiermantown ave. SAW SMITIIERS I metal) wo"nted: highest wages paid, no labor tiouble. M 402. Ledger Offlce. SALESMAN, exp hardwood. lumber, for Pcnn svlvanl.i and Maryland, with esfub. trade; apply by letter, stating exp . salary exp'd & rcfs. Metiopolltan I.um. C'Oj Newarlt. N. J. bOLIClTORB experienced, wanted Immediate ly In big subscription campaign , direct leads and letter. of Introduction: liberal commis sion Apply In person from 3 to 4 o'clock, to D. tl O'Loughlln. Franklin Bank Illdg, Chestnut bel. Broad. 1st llr , right side of em TOOLMAKERS CitUens: wages. $.1.24 to $1.48 rer day. based on experience and capacity; 15 days leave after one ears service: seven holidays and Saturday afternoons during the summer months, all with full pay. Apply FRANK FORD ARSENAL. UPHOLSTERERS Seat bade hangers wanted, state qualifications, etc M 143,Ledger Cent WANTED Man In a retail lumber yard, must hi, u itoimI oiler, willing to make himself generally useful, stato salary expeited, yard ull under cover II MS Ledger Central. WANTED At once, foreman grey Iron castings up to 30 tons; salary H3 per month, give references. A IX), Ledger Office. YOIINO MAN, about 1(1. temporary position. irinr-iiHiiv errands, with a chance of being permanent If anility shown Answer In own handwriting, stating age and wages expeited. II M8. Ledger Central YOUNG MAN, about 19, with knowledge of stenography, must bo quick, neat. Indus trious; H to start. Reply in own hand writing. II 04.ljLe.dger Central. YOU.NU MAN In law office, able to run type writer; $5 to start, glvo age and references. A lid. Ledger Oftlie, EV&tfra& IEDGHDB 1HILAD13LPHIA, TUESDAY, JA.TTUABY JHELP WANTED MALM, fleneral 011 N. nrtOAD BT. , The Oldest Original AUTOMOHILK SCjlIOOU Teaches sou how to repair nnd how to drive autos. P. PKTZ 011 N I1P.OAD ST. SA1.ESMP.N 1113 IS PAST, Till. ON.Y TIIIN(I.SYtlt' QCOIIT t6 ri:mii IKIl AI1B TIIK I NPAtI Illf.tiJ. TAKB A NinV I1RIP ON lirSINI-S AND IUVK NO UN PAID 11IM.S JANCARY I, i)17. SEE MR SC1H-J.VCK. 1,11.1 WALNtlf ST.. CAU. 10 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE noOKKKt.PKR 3 j ears' exp.. capable, neat, reliable, wlshen good permanent position: very best tererenees. It .14.1, Ledger central! n0OKKKi:Pi:il. 1 i;., Ihoroughly expT, mfg. and eommerrlil. capable of aystematlrlng and taklng clnrge; ref. II Wis, Ledger Central. n00KKKKPr.It, prlvato scerelarv or offlco maniger. exp ottho womnn wants pos, of ..responsibility and trust.Hj.l1. Led. Cent. -t HOOKKKnPl'.H, slenographer, eecrelnry! very cap.; a jears' exp.i best tor. H 3,Q lved.Cent. CHAMHKItWOIlK or child's' nurse, exp, voung Herman Prot. girl 11 W2, Ledger Office. CHILDNPHSi: for two children: refined Pro estnntglrl,asslst light dutlesIt27S. l'jhjs CHII.DNfRSi:, Nnrivcglan, Prolestnnt, experl- CHILD'S NI'RSi:. French, experienced and capab e; reference II Sill. Ledger Office. CI.UilK, high school, experienced typist and stencil cutter, detail clerical work: neat: nc curate. II 147. Ledgir Central. CLIIRK High school graduate. 4 jrs.' exp7: verv catmbie best rer H 4,-S, Led, Cent. COMPANION Young womnn, refined, desires position is compinloii or care of Invalid. It 70, Iwlgcr Itranih. 4011 Market. COOK, ilty prcferreil. smnllfamlly. excellent reference. Room r;o, Puhlle Letlger, 10-12. COOK, experienced, capable woman city or nenr8iiburlis, icference. II 17, Lodger Office. COOK wants sltuutlnn, private family, refer ence "!0, I.edgtr llrniirh, 12th nnd Jefferson COOK, experienced white womnn; temporary or pcrmnnent 2-JIJLFIUttjiter at, COOKINO nnd housework wanted by colored worn in reference 1012 Panama COKRKSPONDt.NT- Woman with ndv, nnd sales (or'ce exp , ixecutlve ability and Initia tive, desires limn nt mod. sajirj nnd oppor in iilv nn iiiituiiii-uii'iii it iii, j.cii. vein DAY'S WORK -Young colored womnn. It fl IS. i.euger ' 'iiue. uii-TAi'iiu.Mi; operator; capable: s vrs." exp.; accurate. I.nowlcilge ntcnog. II 2.10, Led. Cent. DRESSMAKER wants eng'ni'ts, J2..V) dally; let Mai, Ledger llrnnch. rath and Olrard DltEsSMAKEIt. cMierlenceil, 'j a ,nv, work linine nr nui Miss IlHgnu, 17.10 Christian. (JtHL experienced, white, for general house- work: liunllv or two. IU4 I Catharine st. (Hill., colored. Intelligent, ImltMtrluus, wishes Position or nnv kind 171.1 S. lUncrort tlov ERNESM-ltcllneil Herman Prot. desires position, tan tuuh elemcnturv English and Oermtiu. 7 vr.irs list ios. II .110, Ledger Off OOVERNESS nnd mother's helper, exp. with children, music, dilution, dramatic art a irilHlt. II oil. Ledger Central. HAIRDRC-SER mid manicurist Young lady graduate private mule, experlenieil, desires w nptullu: In Mist class cstnb. ll sl.1. Led, Cell. HOUSKKEEPI'lt (in Hinging), cluperon or cmuinnlin Pmtlh hintlciromnn, stie.il.lng I'.iiii'.ll nun I ic'iiiii. inunu-dl I llPcriul tils liosltlnn best lei II fill. Ledger Offlfe. IIOl'SEWOIlK cither working or managing, experienced Protectant vvomin, no washing, rcicremc II so J, Ledger Office. MAI I S I.idv wIsIiph tu secure positions for 2 in lids, sisters, imi' ih.imiipriimlil or chamber maid inn' wnltreis, the other Indj's ni-ild: to gilhir or n-iHiRite. Apply Mrs. T. E Alll son. WulllnaiHrd. P,i. NI'ltSERY gnveinrHs. rcllued voiing" gfrl.T'ron iKtant. l.ngllsh nml music: cltv reference linnnt pl.ui- II Ann Ledger Office HECItETARY-Urmmi or rultuic and 'educa tion ileslua tis its soilal Heiretnn. compct. to itiiiuiige scrvnnls. txiel. shopper, traveled i xU'lis and nuns. In nrr.ing. Iilneriries. II n i.iiigcr c enillll. SEI'llTTARY-STENOORAPIIEIt. with know) glad, inpulil.i mid with ll venrs' cp. auto mobile mid mnuuiiuturliiK. II .s,,is. Led Ccn. STI.NOGRAPHER. II mt class, exp. In advertis ing patent law uml general commercial vvorlc ciipuhlc neeiclary. 11 ,1411, ledger Cent. Ti:NiMlllAPIIEIt. knowledgo ofcboiikkeeiilng, and high bIuidI iducUtlcui. iiccur.ue, rnld mid cnuilile iirslstniit. A 1.11. Ledger Office STl.NtKIRAPIIEIl. 2enr' exp.. very cnpiblo; neiit. reliable, best refs. II 112. Led. Cent. C" I"'"? "' ' Srr-.NOOIIAPHLU. 2 yra." f-xper,: ciip.iblo.ot STE.VOHR VPHER. exp , compt , nit unite, do- taking Oeruiaii dlitntlon. II ilin, U-.l Cent. STENIKiRAPilER. romp, ulilelv exp In iuli llshlng bua . exi el. curr H 74s, Id Cent STENOallAPIIER-Kiiowleilge of bookkeeping, moilernte eular. 1'lnino Spruce ii.i.1J. TELEPHONE operator and clerk, high whool ginduate, 2 ve.irs' extierlence prlvato branch preferred. II 5.12, I.odger Centrnl WOMAN, relluhlc. wants situation; small adult Christian farm, suburbs or city, no wash. M2 Ledger llrnnch. I Mill nnd Dauphin. WOMAN, colored, wmitK situation, cook, chum- berwnrk or jtenernl housework. Dlck'n 14.11 WOMAN vvuiits work by the day; white. 17"J.1 Thompson st YOt'NO colored woman, work; any kind vvork, Polsom st. cooking, reliable. downstairs neat. 171 ELDERLY WOMAN would assist In care of Invalid or mother'a helper, nominal salary wheru good homo la offered. II .1-0. Ledger Office. 1IK1H SCHOOL graduate. :i v cars' clerical ex iwrlence. fair Dplsl 11 11(1. Ledger Central. MISS DEAN at Ledger Central Ins listed the qualifications or voung ladles experienced In all kinds of orflco detail work, and has had special training in selecting tho "right per son for tho right position." Acquaint her with vour needs either hv persmial call or telephone Walnut or Main Itmo and per sonal attention will be given promptly. This Is a free service to LEDUEIt ADVER TISERS. , SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOHNTANT-Credlt Man Four cars with certified ptiblb nciount.int. now office man ager for prominent tlrm. thorough!) experi enced In costs, tlnuticlal statcnients. credits, commercial law. Insurance, dislres to make i han go n vvlde-uwako man can mako Invest ment salary secondurj consideration. II 'J40. l-fili:er CVntrnl. ACCOUNTANT-Bookkceper absolutely first class, 15 ) ears' experience, up-to-dato high clans huiiuess ability. .11 1'.' Arch st. ACCOCNTANT, competent; coffee and tea ex-nei-t uvall for emplu)'nt. II h.11. Led. Cent. ADVERT1SINO Kollcltor-Exp.. buc'I. sub'tlal Industrial relations, can get audience and closo business, excep Phlla. refs. A Ull. IO. ASmISTANT In sales department oung man, technical graduate, is jcars old, seven jears' engineering experience 11 8,11 , Led. Cent AUDITINO. big and little done by responsible man, bonded In 15000. M 21 J. ledger Office DANK TELLER desires position of any kind: 31 years of oge. 18 years' experience: refer ence Al. A 28. Ledger Ofllce BOOKKEEPER and office manager, with 14 years' exp., wants position: mod. salary with chance for advancement, age U2: also exp. In auditing and systematizing; can go out of town If necessary, good ref. II 016. Led Cent. BOOKKEEPER and accountant, age 26. 5 jears' exp cost accounting, monthly profit and loss statements, desires to change post tlon: salao xjn. II .1.1.1. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, tlioroushly experienced, will audit accounts, open, close and write up hooks, day or evening; moderate terms. A 2UJ. Ledger Ofllce. BOOKKEEPER, accountant, paymaster or purchasing agent. 15 ears' practical experi ence: middle aged. H aSO. ledger Central. BOOKKEKPEIt-orrice Manager. SS, u jears' exp. ; good correspondent: excellent refer ences. $. A 14, Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, wishes position with chance for advancement. II lUD, Ledger Central, In'eJVetaThirwV ' S ",E"S I M)n.IJD m.n nnd wife .from South, wife I luKjiinrii,. nl 13 ll-.r I ml.., r,(, I lirsv-vinm. i,iii, iijm iiuin- nini uii-iiii'uiui rr.,Tr....iT. ,.,....- - - ,,,, inri-cinss rcrerence, noes not iirina nr brl..NOilRAPIlEIt, expert, thoroughly exp. i smoke IIH1I Catharine st. im respondent nnd conildeiitlal ilcrk, cap. o( 7riv7r,T,,. .,.,. ., t:C-:.i.im 1'r. ii-rV-v v'lf.vimi'i', '' 1,-J1 '"';eV' '", 'dcmViiniichaurreuV. can furnish "A-l ref. sri-NOURAPIIER ami iKMik'ecper high school from lait emnlnver. A 20. Ledger Office. PETE Why Not a Goldfish fdc SITUATIONS WANTED MAIiE BOOKKKHPfiR, expert, wants work evenings; first-class references. D B30, tdgerOfflce. BOOKKKEPEIt anil accountant, 35( 15 rears' experience reference H 4"i7t,edger Cnt. IlUSINKSfl, MAN. 40 vears olil. compeUfit correspondent desires to change position; 1 jears' experience ns stenographer and cor respondent snoijLed. Hr.A Both ftJJIrnrdj. ni'TLKn-VALl-rr. Japmese, wishes, position in private ramiiy: nave pest rers, a lis, i-.". ni'TLKR Good Hngllsh butler or valet "wants place an cook A JS13, Ledger Office CHAFPFnCR, white, good mechanic, withes position; private family,. R dears' experi ence, good references. A 101jLedger office. CIIADFFEPR. colored," first-class machinist, desires position;, private: well trained; recom- mcndcd. Ilrlttaln, liox R2, Rlverton,N. J. CHAUFFF.Vn wishes position; make himself gederaIly.iiefuljgood habits. 11 IM. Ijcd.Cent. DRAUGHTSMAN In c,ontrnctor'a offfce'to fur ther laminariie nimseu sun mat wora: m. pres. stud nrch. drawing. H 042. l.od, Cent, GRADUATE UNdlNEER, office and factory management, experience, available as man age r oriilslnLlI2MiIdgerCcritjiil. OENERAti EXECUTIVE. SALES OR OF- I 1C15 -ViANAtlKIl or assistant to nboyo: fourteen, sears' sue cfssfitl expcrlncn both Inside nnd on the road. Sound reason for change: clean, efficient record and habits; will furnish bond and leave salary open If preferred until ability la demonstrated; aged .10: married: located where necessary: will mall business record upon request. i ciji, i.odgcr Central. LADIES' TAILOR Young man. 2.1. Otter:, good education nnd business ability, wishes po sition, mercantile or clothing establishment; would travel, refs. 11 .US. ledger Central MAV. V nil Mir 21, high school education, de I poltlon .with chance of ad- tlA ,-tnrirnl vancement. it S.n, Ledger Central. MAN AND WIFE colornf, good butler and cook, small family. 102.1 S, 17th st. Phone .JHcklnenii JWil M. MANAOER (spirtment house) Young mar ried man. thoroughly experienced: capable of operating dining room and managing lielp. II211. Ledger Central. PAYROLL auditor or cost accountant, experi enced In both JI 240. Ledger Central. PORTER In store or offices, colored, first class refcrcmes. 0.10 Ludwlg st FALI5S.MAN Young mini experienced, ability, good address nml habits, emploved desires to inaKO cnnnso j i i. i.cuger uiuce. HAiTr.SMAN, emnloveil, Heslres chmgc: IoctI or travel, rstnbl'shed tlrm: educated, age 32; reference, IX 731. Ledger Central. SALESMAN wants selllpg'llne. tnke tn Chicago orrlWirv. live wire. II I"LedgcrCetitrab SECRETARY -Young man, 20, now engaged, desires chinge to position offering better op portunity for future. It .142, Ledger Central. StENOORAPHER Young man. t venrs' prac tical business experience, des'res position with opportunity for ndvnncement, solicits In- tervlew H OIL !.odger Centrnl. m WANTED: AN OPPORTUNITY Vers.itllo voung man !S. graduate Wharton School, excellent business training (now em ploved), desires executive or sales position with n future H 2.".0, ledger Centrnl WATCHMAN, now emploved hv Jersey bank, nllh snfe deposit experience desires similar iiosltton In I'liUa.. tirefernblv dawork; re- llislilo. II 14, Ledger Central YOi'Nd'MAN. ns. wltli20 sears' experience In llnanclal nnd credit "-k. wishes to make n change, where thero " '1 be good chance for advancement: lifit references given. H :i."s,Ledgcr i'entrnl. , lOUNd MAN. 30 desires executive position vvltiv banklni- instl.. capable and exp. H S.17. Ledger! utml. - YOIINO MAN.'SO. desires work nf nny kind; Saturdavs iinlv. P fill). Lodger Ofllce TECHNICALLY trained, versatile voung mnn of character nbllllv and perronalltv. 4 years engineering. 0 jears vnrled business mid ufflce extierlence: last as neslstant to sales manager of large mfg corporation: desires opportunity In sales dent, of corporation of stulillltv. II Din. Ledger Central from Inn crnplnver. A 20. Ledger JAPANESE wants position us cook or general housework. Apply Japanese. 1218 Cherrj. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Nli'llOLI.S I'l-O RalnhrlJgc. has competent hut lers, set ond men, housomen, Swiss, Ucrmau, Mwrdlsh couples, cooks, laundresses, gov ernesses nnd female help, all capacities, wanted conks, (i; to $s, also Ocrmari nnd Swedish looks, waitresses, chambermaids, Indies' maids, rhlldnurscs, 2D housemaids. Phone Locust -KII). WANTED Cooks, chnmhermalds. chlldnurscs. housework girls nnd glrla for institution nnd cook for (Ivthollc rectory. Miss Rose t)ougherty 1111 W. Olranl ave. WANTED Young, competent Protestant chlld nursc; also parlormaid, waitresses, compe tent cooks, ihnmhermaM. lnundrcss; refer ences renuired. lull) Bilnhrldgc MISS MARY" T. MCCARTHY. 5107 Christian (U.f li:c), supplies Si wants lst-class Prot,, Catli malejind female help, all nationalities MRS. MINTZLAPF, 1100 Christian at (Dick inson M.l). Supplies rill kinds of help, Oer nun chef, chaiubermald fori hotel: with refs. MRS. KANE. .111 H. ltith. wants first-class help, with reference, character and ability, for flrst-clnss families. Phone Spruce .1101, MADAME PLATZ, 2.11 H. C.imnc, supplies 1st clasa white help without advance Ph. Wul nut 1711 MADAME ASH. l.Vt.1 Christian at. Reliable help supplied and wanted; all nationalities. AUTOMOBILES l'or halo WE HAVE 50 OP THE T1NEST SMALL AUTOMOIIILKS that can be seen In Philadelphia. Each car overhauled, painted and sold with a rcnsonablo guarantee. Backed by a lesnonslble concern. It will pay you to investigate, Uood prices allowed on old vara. MAINE LINE SERVICE CO. ROSEMONT. PA. BRYN MAWR 837.838-839 DELIVERY or pleasure cars, without real es. tate security, $1 down and $1 per week up. wards. Can we tell ou how R Is done? Our representatives will call by appointment, day or evening. , 1, DM, Ledger Central tS") NORTH BROAD STREET Ml Robertson's old original Auto bchool teaches you how to re pair and how to drive nutos. 631 NORTH BROAD STREET 629 LOCOMOBILE-ti-cyllnder. 4-pass.: a gentle nian'tj Torpedo, in tine condition In every re spect, tires tine, will demonstrate, 11 045, Ledger Central. SIMPLEX 1012 RUNABOUT, fully equipped, electric lights, top and seat covers, etc. Call 420 RealEstateTTUstBulldlng. ATT-rnrATI lOlfl Clnen ,TnrM antM lr.. nearly new, fully equipped; low price, pari part Ut St. CHBII. IV. Vrf. 1VWII llui;. lll. wJlia CO BUICIC roadster, Br18. 1014-Per. cond'n; newly painted. 145.1 E. Montgy ave. Kens, 2S55 W. BUICK. 1013-Practlcally, new; standard auto liiclosure. 145:1 E. Montg'y ave. Kens. 2855 W. CADILLAC, 1013. touring ca,r. overhauled and repainted: full equipment; price $750. AUTO HALES CORPORATION, 142 N. Uroad at. FRANKLIN cars, all models, overhauled and guaranteed. F. I-. Paxson. 34J0 Chestnut st. HUPMOBILE. 11)14-33 touring, electric lights and starter: bargain. S. s. ItODUKHS, JOl N. Uroad st. Spruce 0110. ". -" STANLEY steamers. $200 up; body: call, make offer. 1130 also limousine Westmoreland. STUDBtlAKER, 11)14, limousine: equipped with electric iigms ana starter; goal condition. aOMERY-SCHWARTZ. 25.1 N. Uroad tt. WHITE. 1012. T-PASSsENOEH. 6-CYLINDER TOURINO: IN OOOU CONDITION MECHANICALLY-; TIRES IN GOOD CONDI TION, I. C. MOSElt. 210 N. BROAD ST. a Pef, Pete? It Wouldn't AUTOMOBILES Tor Sala UNUSITAL VALUES IN USED CARS 101S .MDRCER Ilunbout: follj recentiv oainted and overhauled. equipped! at ft bar- gain, 1014 MERCER Runabout; In splendid condi tion; like nw; will sacrifice. 1013 MnriCETt RuAabeut; newly painted and overhauled, complete; bargain, 1012 MERCER Roadster; In fine shape: elf; trie lights, lop, windshield, speedometer nnd electric horn. 1013 PEERLESS. T-passenger, o-cjllnder; In perfect condition; electric starter and lights, slip covers; (lnlsh llko nowi bargain. 1013 FORD Redan; like new! used only two months; fully equipped; at a bargain. MERCER' CO., COO N. BROAD ST. v - W RAROAINS IN USED CARS TAKEN IN EXCHANilH for NEW KtNCl CARS Can he seen at CIARAOtt 202.1 N. 21st st. Inquire M4 N. ltrorid St., or KINO CAR nOOTII VO. 40, AUTO SHOW BETTER VALUES In USED CARS Amonr tho cars recently taken In exchange for -... COLE and ORANT aro tho following. All are of good ap pearance nnd In good mechanical con dition, hiving been overhauled In our phop, and will bo sold at sacrifice prices 101.1 PAIOi: big six touring. 1111." OVERLAND touring, P114 JEPFERY roadster. PHI CHAI.MHRS six touring, nil HAVERS six roadster. loin CADILLAC touring. 'ALSO DEMONSTRATING CARS Slightly feed. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY L. H. DOWERS COMPANY SIS North Hroid Street. DISTRllU'TORS COM3 ORANT FOR SALE-Columhla 1012 0 passenger tour ing car; good londttlon: no dealers: sell tor -) cash. Phone 1'llbert 23.12. Call 301 mepiien uiraruiiuiniing. SEND FOR FREE IIULLLTIN or .rsi;i uaiih . OOnSON AUTO nXCIIANOi:, 21S N, BROAD SPRINGS, wheels, tanks, mufflers, tubes, $1, Schober. 3.141-11-4.1 MarkeL Wanted STOP' LOOK' AND LISTEN! Wo buy old nutos In any wrecked condition; get our price before ou sell (hem. Phono or write Southwestern Junk Co.,170.1-7 Cnrpenter. Ml OLD A1TTOMORILES WANTED In 2 weeks, best prices paid. WHITE. 4C0D JIinbrbi st.. Mnnaunk. Phono Myk. ,121. WANTED AUTOS TOR JUNK OET OUR prlio nrst. au Diamond st. Phono Pnrk4UI. EXCHANGE tiew JCiOO pfnvcr-plann for auto. Vhlimore PlnnoCo . 201.1 Lehigh. Tioga 72.10. OLD CARS bought for Junk, nny condition. Holmont 100. Prohlnskv NiOl Vine st. AUTO LIVEHY AND GAHAGES NEW (TARFORD Ono nil. ono-half ton and three-ton trucks: will lease both trucks with drivers on hourly bisls with contract guar anteeing continuous service-, It, C. Koon, Inust 210 jr:os Cliestnutst. tji'AKER CITY OAHAOE, open? IfiZ-tilMIUl N .sth thnrouglil) eiiulpped: steam heat, etc : room for ion enrs, repair work reason jiblo rate.ppen all nlgjit. Phono Market 4S'1 TO HIRE (open day and nleht) Brand-new ,1-pass. touring car with robea. M.21 hour: nlso brand-new 7-pass. limousine $1.fiii hour: weddings.' funerals, etc. Poplar 1017 W. ' AUTO REPAIRING MAONETOS COILS ALL MAKES, REPAIRED Lighting, stnrtlng. Ignition troubles cor rected. All tv pes. new nnd second-hand. Rosch Dual, Independent and two-Spark M.ignctus for sale. MENKINS & COUOHLIN 1110 Vino st. Al'TOMOIlILE REPAIRS. The best-equlpiieid shop In W. Phlla, Wo straighten frames mid uxles. mako parts, harden and grind, tebulld, overhaul and re pair all nukes;.pr!eeB fair; ngency for Master Carburetors nnd Mechanical Starters; special sUrter for Fords: serv Ice station for dealers, IIK10INS BROS., 4212 Chestnut 7 bPEEDOMETER TltOl'RLE t T SEE BILLY 018 N. BROAD ? CYLINDERS HIJUORED. new pistons and rings furnished, weldings and hraxlng. II.. II, Underwood & Co, lir.M Hamilton st.. Phlla. FORI) top enclosures. $1.1, plate glass; satis faction guart'd. 130S Olrard. Fore Door Co. AUTO SUPPLIES RADIATOR COVERS Made to Order for All Cars. $1.0(1 t'P Windshield Curtains. Stops wind, rain and dust, r.c,, nt jour dealer, garage or direct. COMFORT CUSHION COMPANY 1029 Ocrmantown ave. Kensington ,1127, BEARINGS New Dpnrturo Service Sta. The Onllllam Co , 1314 Arch st. Phones Walnut .11117. Race 30I2. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4cuo miles. Compare priest. Gasoline, lRc. per gallon. GRIM'S. 230 N. Broad st. riRESTONE DEMOUNTAI1LE rims, for Ford cars, til per set, Installed. Duplex Tire Com pany, 2228 N. Broad at. Phono Diamond 142.1. POGS Black IB months old, weight 8 pounds: sire Foxhllls or Oriel. Rockybrook Kennels. Bala, Pa. B'LDINO MATERIALS REPAIRS CARPENTERING AND JOBDINO Altera tlon of every kind: work guaranteed; prompt service; 22 years In business; estimates fur nished. Penn Real Estate and Building Co., 2451 N. 10th. Both phones. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXPERIENCED promoter with large llnanclal acquaintance is open for an engagement for any proposition of merit; best of references required; yl't , "leal with principals only, L 831, Ledger Centra I, Sneeze By C. A, VOIGHT H 1Q1&' BUSINESS OgPOBTUNITIES RESTAURANT w.se railroad depot: rapidly growing nslJ" rhood: nS i oiSSsllfon: aplenftd opporturaty Jo MperlfneexT reatavirant and cafe man: Kod inducement to right party. I 830. dger Central. IXK3AI. MANUFACTUnEn wants M5000 ladltlonnl working capital. Excellent opportunity for act vo husl ness man to become associated witn "well-known Philadelphia business man. M 168. Ledger Central. rfflKifeWAnifP JlAFF lNVESTMBNT; LAROE RETURNS; NO AOENTS: M 148. LEDOER CENTRAL. MANUFACTURER of tioouUr-prlcerl automobile. early capacity 25f. wants i.-AooO additional working capital: good opening for active busl SeSi man M 147. Ledger Central. PROSPECTIVE BUSINESS We want a rep rei?n1atlve In each county In Pennsylvania, and New Jersey to handle our new Hfow-put SSd Pimctu re-proof Air .Tire: largo mile age guaranteed: a small Investment nec ?fsar5; our contract glvesvou all our mall "dcrs In -our territory jO.JdgerOfflcei nvTENTS-ARTHUR E. PAIGE, 714 Walnut stT Phlla.. mechanical and electrical engi neer, registered patent attorney: wtabllshed hero 3l "ears: inventions developed: Patents, trademarks. cops rights secured and liti gated anywhere, rejected applications prose cuted: preliminary advice free. , THE"bLirETAILISHnD fCHULT.VtLLE JIotcL one mile from, norto station. Perks County. !.. stone .building, largo shedding. five acres of land, nil for SI0, only half cash required: possess on at once. '.Milton Flick Inger, ovVner, 3S N. Oth. Reading Pa. BANK OR TRUST COMPANY WANTED Would Ilka to buv control of small bank or trust company. Address Iong, 30S W. 23d st.. New York city OLP-ESTARLISIIED BUSINESS for salo: COOlI OPPOriliniiy lOr Htllir juuill maul villi he had on M per rent, basis of value of inventory, ii on, iff'isir yiniwi. A PECAN OROVE with cotton planted, oe tween the trees is a good Investment; have von Investigated; full Information furnished, Whllcomh ltlggs & Co.. Pennilvnnla Illdg. DI&TRIUUTER wanted for pure artesian well water for Philadelphia and vicinity: must flnanco distribution. Address 38 P. 8th at.. R'adlng. va DROP POCKET COAL TTARD ON P. AND tl. FOR RENT. I0 MONTHLT. vi.10 vv r;& i iiuua aii OROWINO ORCHARDS, all ages, for sals. "HARRY DARL1NOTON I4ii c;nesinui si, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. Tatent Attorneys, Washington, p. C. wrlle for descriptive booklet WOULD safe Investment. pn Ing 10 per cent. nimvai iV.ii iii-rftrul rnmlness mnnv vears: stand rigid 'investigation. M 141, Led, Cent. Cf)U MILLINERY', estab., uptown, for salo; excel. class trade. Ill health cause, I. 8.10, Led, Cent BUSINESS PERSONALS rtJLL DRESS SUITS Cutavvais, Tuxedos and Sack Suits To hire mid tnado to order. . NDUHAUER, THE TAII.011. Ill N. Dth St. lien pnone, vvainuc ine. SUPERFLUOI'S HAIR removed by electrolysis, tho only permanent wav . Evebrows arcned. MISS SMITH, wi Keith Theatre Illdg. Miss Hoppe, halrdresslng.raclnl massage, man Icurlng. Form. -Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centago nnvwhere. We get our moher for you. A.MCOSO MERCANTILU AOENCY, iiooni ;toi. ir.iri Arcn si. FULL DRESS SLUTS All new. stvllsh goods; largo assortment SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 OIRARD AVE. PHONE lOPLAR 0.142. CAHPET CLEANING nntffiVEVTA t. CARPET CLEANtNtl HOUSE I Sum ST ABOVE CHESTNUT i Bell Phone. Locust 10CO I WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAOE CO. 1 WEST PHILA. Ic. PER YARD WKT PHILA. n!70-72 LANCASTl'.R AVE. BOYEIt CO., REAL CARPI3T IIDAT NO, Xn CARPirrs LINOLEUM. ALTERED, LAID. Barlow. L'lhti N. Dover at.. Dl.ni'ond 2U.12-W DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY PATTERNS cut to vour Individual measure mei ta b expert designer. Tho latest Ini ported models on dlsplav Mcdowell dressmaking school 307 DE.VCKLA BLDO 11th & Market sts. HEMSTITCIIINO 10 cents vnrd: all mate rials. A. REICIIARI). 1113 ClIKSTNUT 81". I'lcroitiAL re vn-WL. patterns POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING DAILY AND EVENINO SESSIONS 14.1.1 OlRAltD AVU FOR SALE BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling allevs, easy ivments. IlRI'NH- 'ICK-lJALKE-COI-LENDEll CO., 1002 Arch. BILLARD and pocket tables. shurfloboardH. new and slightly used; liberal terms, renting, repairing mid suppjles. Rosatto, 222 S. Mn. BILLIARD. pocket. 2d-hand tables, repairing. r,u,.ni-n. i,mi a-IICTU .IIIK. C,U.,1 . , rOIll, BILLIARD, pool, combination. 2d-haud bought, sold, rente' exch'd. Kcnfcr. :u;) Olrard inc. CASH IlEOISTERS. pew and second-hand: to. tal adders as low ns $J0, on easy monthly payments: ull registers sold by us fullv guar anteed. Ther National Cash Reglstei Co.. 73d Chestnut st. DESKS filing cabinuis. safes, telephone booths and office furniture and fixtures of every de scription, usd. but In hue condition, and verv cheap; free delivery anywhere. lll'CJIII.M. I it'll A.N1 II irt'lllN vvouo. DESKS, largo assort uieiit, also household fur niture. Dullng Central Second-hand Furnl lure Comp.yi. 1104 liim-11 Callowhlll st. FANS il ul crnatlng current celling fans and a few small motors; 2S Armat st.. Gin. 4114. SAFES Fireproof; closing out slightly used, nil sixes and makes: big bargains, 211) N. 4th. 1 2 0 . r. 0 VICTROLA VI AND SIX 10-INCH D. F. RECORDS Guaranteed tn be In perfect condition. An excellent outfit for ono vho Is looking for u goot machine ut a reasonable prltc. tlfty cents weekly accepted. Call or write for complete, description und large Illustrated catalogues, HBPPE'8 UPTOWN STORES Corner nth and Thompson eta. Philadelphia, Pu. BO CENTS WEEKLY BUYS A VICTROLA Call or write for particulars HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES, Corner Oth and Thompson sts,, Phlla. Pa. FOR SALE Two large vans, one for two horses and one for three horses. In good, run ning order. Also 00U) fest of new Page'a woven wire fence, lion posts for every 13 feet and live 5ates and rlg-Tlnir to put up. Harvey Pager, mbler, Pa. $01 DIAMOND RINO PURE WHITE AND PERFECT: VALUE $1.13. RIEDER'B LOAN yjrrtir.. ua acnvtytj- Bl. $20 DIAMOND EARRINGS, RLUB WHITE AND PERFECT; VALUE $10 RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE, 128 MARKET ST. DADDY WALKER buys talking machines and records: exchanges all reiords. 5c, 2330 Itldgejjve., above Columbia, aye. $35-PLATINHM LA VALLIERE. with three Euro white diamonds: value $73. RIEDER'S PAN OFFICE.. 128 Market st V'1"1"' g $12 TALKING MACHINE. ALMOST NEW: UvX2n1v &KW 0FF1CE- CENT'S FUR.L1NED, OVERCOATsT$IO ond up. Mlleder a Ian Office,' I2S Market st. HEATINO MA,iI!iKnrETltEi7fSri and cheaper thin iSSiiv Hl( mM.VkvBeZS& INSTBUCTloiT 8TriNoonAPiir fe bookkB-rrr-r- jnniruciion. course requires ;,T pos..gua&704 Locu.F (v?n,S?l:,fW .ratesT-nmc-krt,1.'"''',?', gSr Jlnslcal 'jano. mandol n. gultr .TT- -jnstrumentsj, TSSrMlryk H 'ik granted UTOR wanted: ona fam7itTT"7c4-i quh-ements and Spanish! ttr Jg MACHINERY AND a WHAT DOESN'T IT MEAN I fref huttA, rM.,.n. -..It-Aw 1 get better results wl h your IH tngs lined . with YOcoxrTv.lirtlriil fSt'tftlil jnoN. nnd lirtAsa'W.'Ucl jitu icrin isecona. 'vvism JAAIES Tv-rt.. . I CARRY contlnuallyVTrrrnJ-4i bnna ulna rMM i '. J.l?rse Stock Ti cut nnd thread samo for ?S,iJ?i: gee my prico.ueroro p aclng Vn,,"ni where. Ai. J. ltlltjr'S'gfi yfflf ?i .. .J:oVEIPLANimptr .'jimiiiun, inuiuris, noil em i.1 n j,nAicmTV!ifEvrra",il DYNAMtlH. mnlnn X Z.. t-U? H m "yld"nnrdrma?uare,X,lli,rl JlarkeOlOO Vearsley i .iu'&Pm SENSlTIVB DRILLS" l7f liVJlij 10-FT. POWER so7lAfiv?r JiOJnrolls -STALf;, ij,,,i,l, PtPF?. i.nffMir1.hiiHi all .i -m ! i.iiui Hi iinnnr nnrnr H-. ir: " Hand Plpo Supply co. "Sa N TuT MUSICAL INSTBTJMElfH ' PIANO-1145- New upright planes tt."! nos were made to Peft for Wi S?J (lualaiiteed for 10 vears! ! Hav let XLS cue vriuirD siock oc tnese mir. itriiiwVi? a. prominent New Vork rn!iFn..S?? ridiculously low figures. I w com S J nt nr ces never befoiv heard of '""I HOVRDVINCENtT Mii-RlUi) ) U PLAYER.pIANO-2i;i win buv e.a niajer-pinno wo have I of these IhbJ In stock and It will pay for ,aTOH reni y vviints a piaver-plano for ;mnia orlglnnl price to call at our fgctorrS'J for particulars, loso no time, W tlSL? . .HOWARD VINCEJM.Mj.TOfJ PI ANO-ltahj Rrnml, Tn handsonwiSig maun vein nnnti h. ,n,i. ,..-.- ;". m moui c-Aic-c-iiiiiKiy email, only 1ft inj months, tost $700, will sell We?3 terms coud be nrrnnged with jtiiKJ do not mlsa this opportunity "'n HOW ARO VINCENT. M0.iLlS.S( S ii PLAYIIR-PIANO- Eectrlc, tMCirti33l lino 'J tnnntlm . -rtot Slooo; will ti $1 a rlrtlmlniiAly low ilcurc. 110VAm ..VIXCKNT H.no.vis.no n u Vn.iV , in , " Tir V i:"."." slder monthly nuvinents to reliable Mr HOWARD VINCENT Mlt-SW-Sia K PIANO Hcppc unrlclit. full-.!"-17i ense: n. very tine Instrument. rji'ni.i on easy terms nt n grent Iflrxaln. " HOWARD VINCENT. IIil..1, N. PIANO Kriinlch Rich upright: btnl mahogany case, like new; cost IMki rensnmible offer npcpnlnl. ' HOWARD VINi'ENT. MO-W-510 PIANOLA fiS.noto Plnnola, bench, muii. muniu ciiiiiuvi mi in vicKitnc conaiU0B,H innu .', iiitin iii.i.ir i.i piiil, i, HOWARD VINCENT JlTlMilJIJO I PIANOStelnway upright, maheeiny good tonal ns good us new; roal tow m bought nt a great wirrlflcc HOWA lip A-Ks CENT S.16-Wg.8ji)K.I lifAN0-$7.1 cash and JSV nnn antu-M for mngniriccnt $.12.1 upright piano; ctt3 urr viii it imiiiviin HOWARD VINCENT SIO-SIS-SIO N. ( PLAYER-PIANO-niasius. full size. mH cant-; iikc iiw , wiii iumi iar o.v. HOWARD VINCENT. S.IU-S.1S-84I) S I EOtROV DIAMOND-POINT PIIONOtTRArarl Cost $no now. fy I i inn uuiiic is icimpieic. wun rrcoru will he sold for SIM. navnhtn 7V. m Call or write for "orc.plete ducrlallctii large iiiusirnicu cniaiogues. HEPPfi's uptown STonta Corner ith mid Thompson its. 1'hlladelphla. Pa. . $3 8 I.A1CIIK Sr.U.NUi'llO.ilR ., TALKING MACHINE VI With Cabinet nnd 50 Records Finished In hcnutlful nuartered ul: t new SSI; can be paid 7.1c w eeklj: io 0 lent narg.lin. Ill goou conailion. nrrai complete list of bargains and specuis offur. fl 1 HEPPE'S UPTOWN STOnES 1 corner uiu nnd Thompson lis, - Philadelphia. Pa. jil -a IT Is no favor on our part to sell rooIK nl.nr. tnr SlVI Wn nnlv want till BX advanced to cover stnr.igo charges. wi&4 a large atock of pianos and player pi that must ho sold In the next ' ' Torniii nmv lm inr.itiepil tn suit TOUr l Inmn Olltl VCIlllllfH l'llOne TlOCX North Philadelphia Storage CompaiiT!'J Lehigh avenue J MOVING In stoiugo on We Inrsdar. wm c lice nil upriKiii piano ii.-ii .-. urn. OLD GOLD -a hi i ii.viii l'nn nrAMorcns. PRO mtrnu n.lil ulllnp 1,1 J f 111 11 HI . fllM I I'llllu ' Smel 'lllg A. Itef. Co.. 12S S.JltJJ OLD GOLD, sliver, tdatlniim. pluted wirtq stlo leweirv lectll plates iwukih i - Kst. ii.u. J. 1,. ciarK, reiiner, owi OLD GOLD Cash paid for old JWI4.J niitliiue clocks, will call, lieu pnone, i 121H. ROGERS, 27 S. 17th Et. PRINTING Rrw-in-i-v MVfiii.vvivn Wi.ddlnrlnvlulH . I.lllnn nuv.lu PniKna.lnp Htlil PrllltlSf U Shop, 1001 Chebtnut st Open cvcnlitxftj STORAGE CnNTl.VUNTAK. otl stoiiaui: WAUKiiorsy 4frti nut t itr-tii f 1 1 PT IT PACKING MOVING, SIIIl'PJ.No Tttisru (iipi ntu si'itfi nn.l SPOlirefl. I l.cU. ' l.m-url Unit .'l.onea-Key,.. jMl TMtitM iff tirirtii-w-iU WAnElIOCS '"""" 1811-111.) MARKET .PT- M T7rrrr . ,..n., . .-rt. n . i,l tiniiap. Gtos "'.? DVJr-."" ...I-ri" ",nVt rinii lllOVlllg. IMCKIUK. DllllllHllMi i"lCZt initU Ph. Hiring 7V8 for estimate. Mark" ,u3 ..... ."i.C.T.i 4V..,i. itnllQil lllllll JtC-l.V.. il ailllllVlll, . llw77 .;-, 11th st -Moving, packing. shJpplof.'HI vans, iwin pnnncs. 11 u b"-;---m FltEK STORAGE the first mn!h """'JJ auto van. shipping packing, t"1. Inn iT.AclniB. 'IUH Itldse J-r4 .n....r.Aft.. m.l . IVHrralM VVirtlll r tivr.i-iiuiip. jtucniiiui'i. yviiv, m -I N. Phil. Storage Co.. 21EU Lehigh. TlcisJ WANTED 1 ANTIQUE furniture, false teeth, frttba broken lowelry, gold, silver. gl hnu.hl T't-.-VV-'ulMlIf vvvnlnut 7020. HJ BROKEN JEWELRY false teell). S"i":STM a 1 pay, mslleK", a Coin book, vv th nrlcea IlnsM CPKiuiln'M Slnre) mirp.npiii nrjlTllINQ In order to restock our stores '.,r;jj oxtra high prices for men s f""rutl or phone Walnut tlsuS. S hultx. W" g . wn. mil. ".. . . -rrrr jrr,on,v.'ii CtibT-urr cwiiii.'" , . . irl.ij r-l ,l... anil mton uvai prices im iu- tttuiir- ""-, rl Ing. hats shoes, etc '"Vniifitl Pnnlur JMI. Illacker. 12J'J PopUr S CAT-OVcU)THlN0-W,erltl'iJ per cent more ior genciemtn Vii or o( send, postal: vve call. day. ev-. "XTj erieunittii iirn.. i . . UM e-iik l. . IntMniF htirn. UrlCCS. ISawSI gowns: gentlemen's ilothfng. po "(S, Mkt 2000. SellgbOhn, Vtli and SprlotL3 CAST-OFl c oming. "Of "JKnUe sU.1 send postal, Sneidman, t'22 I'efUt .J vvivm-o Jll-J.NCII AND COI.ltuu 2 . , -SEYFEHT,'S.t-X1,7U5ff,j BHAFTINO AND HANOEiiq"1Er2 BELTING AND (MILL SUPPtr? ntiAiti.nn iiiivn Aiii.V.H'.'UEa. ' ".,' ..UillI'AnY Ri . ' ijsa f -I W cot r1 J t' NooTkTu (Too-SWeE'J (THE LOVE Ol- ) f ir I 0r, - Tr -sitoP vourv. U ' M sneeze WJ KeyEB- FeLT K 2l ' r - A(y LS S'pose Vou'luT. I KiODiu' amo ' V. Better wmv ,- 1 f--v M M -- C iiNviEkiv TUbrri ? 1 J - il...........HiHniHB 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers