Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 10, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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t ZIKl.trlW KHN
Anglo - French Complete
Evacuation of Gallipoli
LONDON, Jon. 10.
Turkish force, cstlmntol nt more thnn
iSCOOO, have been released for use In other
theAtrea of war by the nctton of the Al
lied In completely nbnndonlnR the Dar
danelles campaign.
Thev comprise tlio nrlze corns of the
Turkish nrmy, haril fighters seasoned In J
fierce battles on Gallipoli. Tho greater
part of this force. It Is believed here, will
oe thrown at onco Into the proposed
1-Rytitlnn campaign or sent Into Mesopo
tamia to aid the attempt to drive tho Hrll- I
Ish out of tho Garden of Eden.
With them will ro several thousand
heavy guns and field pieces of all callbro
employed by the Turks In withstanding
the ntno months' nssault of the AnKto
French troops rrom Hcrtriul-Hahr and
Bulva Bay Loss than I0,WW men, It Is es
timated here, will be required to garrison
the Dardanelles fortB for tho remainder
of the war
No hint as to what disposition will be
made of the AnRlo-Krencli forces with
drawn from Gallipoli Is permitted to bo
mndc public by the censor. There Is con
siderable' speculation, however, ns to the
possibilities, both In the Balkans and In
Egypt. Climatic conditions In Gallipoli
have particularly fitted tho Dardanelles
troops for operations In Egypt should they
be needed.
A large fleet of battleships, cruisers,
submarines, destroyers, minesweepers
ami other war craft were set free for
operations elsewhere with the abandon
ment of the Dardanelles attempt.
Details of the evacuation of the last po
sitions at Bcdul-Bahr were still lacking
today. The public, however, takes no
stock In Constantinople dispatches trans
mitted through Amsterdam reporting that
the Allies' losses were extremely heavy.
The London Dally Impress, commenting
on tho ofTlclal report of General Monro
that British casualties consisted of one
man wounded and that the French suf
fered no losses, declared that tho with
drawal was ''tho most glorious failure In
history." pther papers voiced slmllnr ex
pressions of satisfaction that tho troon
had been withdrawn without heavy
That complete evacuation of the Gal
lipoli positions was Inevitable wns gen
erally understood hero after the surrender
of the positions at Suvla Bay and In tho
Anzac region to the Turks. The Turkish
commanders nt onco transferred their
Suvla Bn' forces to Scddul-Btihr and
were prepnrlng nn attempt to overwhelm
the Anglo-French troops nt tho tip of
;orawx VS t, . m.1
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XI Mis f.. "V-oW BAGDAD
' WW f .. S" iS..
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i I -"... :v,..;v...r tMiw w, !
Austrian Loss Heavy in
Vain Endeavor to Save
Bukowina Positions
Kut-el-Amnra, where 10,000 men nre reported to be in danger of de
struction or capture by tho Turks, Is southwest of Dngdad. tho.
objective of tho Hritish drive under General TownBhend, which re
cently got n severe check from tho Ottomans. The successful Turkish
forces arc believed to have been concentrated at Aleppo and rushed
suddenly to Bagdad over the partly completed railroad line. The
British were prepared for no such numbers and had to fall back when
almost in sight of Bagdad.
su tutt0 il fr0nte
Un Censimento di Tutto il
Grnno Che Si Trovn in Italia
E' Stato Ordinato dal
BEItLINi Jnn. 10. A violent battle last
ing for three days preceded the Anglo
Fronch withdrawal from Gallipoli
Peninsula, according to Constantinople
dispatches today, reporting tho greatest
Turkish victory of tho war.
"Turkish artillery sank nn enemy trans
port filled with soldiers," Constantinople
reported. "All the enemy's positions were
occupied by Turkish troops and enormous
piles of booty, as yet uncounted, were
taken. In the final fighting a Turkish
aeroplane shot down nn enemy blplnno
of the Fa'rman type near Sedd-ul-Bahr."
Schools In Constantinople have been
closed nnd tho city decorated In bunting
In celebration of the Turkish victory at
The Berlin newspapers today point out
that the British suffered a severe loss In
prestige, as well as enormous losses In
men, ships nnd money.
(Loss of Edward VII Indicates
Presence of Fatal Explo
sives in Seas
LONDON, Jnn. 10, Mine-sweeping op
erations on a vast scale have been In
augurated 'since the destruction of the
Brtlsh battleship King Edwnrd VII. pre
sumably by a mine planted by n Ocrmnn
Although all the members of 'the ship's
crew, 777 men, were saved, the loss of thq
King Kdward VII Is n serious blow to the
British fleet, for it was one of the finest
of the last class of predreadnoughts.
Since the German U-boats gave up their
campaign of destruction against mercan
tile shipping evidence has developed that
many of these underwater craft have
been equipped for mine-laying purposes,
and are carrying- on this work In the most
unexpected places around the British
Tho King Kdward VII was the 22d Im
portant warship lost by England since
the war began.
The loss of the battleship comjng nt the
same time as the announcement that the
allied forces have completely evacuated
the Gallipoli peninsula caused gloom, but
Government leaders, referring to the old
adage, "It's nn III wind tnat blows no
good," believe that this dlsnstrous news
will have a good effect on recruiting and
further nllay opposition to conscription.
Official Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania and New
Jersey: Rain and warmer tonight; Tues
day cloudy and colder, with probably
rain In north portions; moderate to fresh
southwest to northwest gales.
A storm area covers the lake region this
morning and extends In a narrow trough
southwestward to Texas, while a second
disturbance overspreads the plateau re
gion and the Pacific States. These dis
turbances have been accompanied by gen
eral precipitation, which has covered the
greater portion of the country, The tem
peratures have risen throughout the east
ern half pf the country and are mostly
Above the normal this morning, with mild
gandltlons n the Ohio basin. A cold wave
trvers western Canada and Is spreading
Huthwanl over the Missouri basin.
Observations, at Philadelphia
a a. it.
Barometer - noi
?mpratuj -- 32
Wind ' South. 8 mllt
greslDUaifoii U'stSl Vdur.','.'." .''.','.'.".'.". Tr"
MumMUr in
Minimum ftrufwratur ;
jiimm temperature , .., ,.,.... .10
Almanac of the Day
Bjia Mts .'. , -1.3:: p. m,
Moon U; i ,.. 11 -V p. in.
Mon fUMth 4Ip.ri.
font Bipiiitp.m
Low vater
'Hteb water ;..-'.
ii.'iS p m.
1.10 i. m.
low wafr tomorrow
.-, !?-i! p. bj.
lAm utcr
UjSf tec tomorrow ',
Ij trwte-
1 it j er . .......
WVn tomorrow
Mil1 vi. . .
iir .- .
r.j ttkW wRsrrvr .'. .....
5.3A n m.
J .Ma. m.
S .WJ p. tu.
V 23 . m.
I'-l-,' o. m.
IIOMA. 10 Gcnnalo.
Da un comunlcnto nustrlnco si npprende
che In lmttnglln dl nrtlgllcra contlnua
rlnvnntl a Oorlzln o su tutto II fronte
dcll'lsonzo, c die Hi I Itnllnul ha no
bombardato lo poslzlonl austrlacho ncll.t
pontc dl Tolmtno r lo poslzlonl n noril dl
riuclta cltta". Oil Itnllanl hnnuo puro
bombnrdatn lo poslzlonl nuBtrlncho nclla
redone dl Oslavla o dl Dobcrdo'.
II comunlcnto ufflclalc ltnllano pubbll
cnto lerl sera dlco Inveco sempllcemento
e brevemente cho hi glornata dl niibnto
passo' calma su tutto 11 fronte, ad cccc
zlono dclln zona dl Gorlzla dove si ebbe
un vlolcnto cannoncgglamento.
Ia Gnzzcttn dl Venczia dlco cho l'cx
presldento del Conslgllo on. Gtovnnnl
Glollttl si Incontrcra' tra non molto a
Torino con II presldento nttuale del Con
slgnllo, on. Rnlandrn, ed u iiuesto Incon
tro, dopo qtiollo che successe net mcsl
che prccedettero la dlchlnrazlone dl
guerra, si da' nnturalmento moltn Im
portnnzn politico.
II luogotencnte del Regno, Ducn dl Go
novn, ha flrmnto un decrcto che stnblllsco
che per II 23 gennnln si dchba faro In
tuttn Italia un esntto censimento del
grnno che vl si trovn. In bnso nl decreto
ogni persona cho non dcnuncla nlle nuto
rlta' la qu.intlta' esatta dl grano cho cgll
possledo ffira' punlto con una multa dl
1000 dollarl o con la prlglono fir.o ad t-.n
Un altro decreto Btablllsco lo normc
par la rcqulslzlono del grano per
l'esercito, o chlunque rcslsto a questa
requlslzlono sara' punlto con una multa
dl 2000 dollarl e con la contlsca del
QuestI provvcdlmentl sono tntesl ad lm
pedlre che coloro cho posseggono grnndl
qunntltii' dl grano specullno sul prezzo
a danno della povera gente. Chlunque
possledo plu' dl cinque qulntnll dl grano
dove denunclnrln nllo autorlta' o potrn'
Indlcaro la quantlta' dl grnno che e' ncces
sarla per II mantenlmento della sua
famlglla e del suol ngrlcoltorl.
Inoltre nualslasl vendlta dl cereall In
quantlta' superiors al cinque quintall ilevo
essere comunlcata nlle autorlta' nello
spazlo dl clnquo glornl. I cereall che sono
necessarli a chl II posslede per II mantenl
mento suo e della famlglla o del suol anl
mall o per semente non possono essere
requlsltt dalle autorlta' mltltarl, e per quel
cereall requlsltl 11 prezzo sara' stublllto da
un'apposlta commissions nomlnata dalle
autorlta' mllltarl, e so I cereall sudettt
non sono sublto presi in consegna, II
proprletarlo da cul sono statt comperatl
ne sara' responsablle.
In occaslone del suo complennno la
reglna Elena dlede lerl 1'altro una festa
In teatro ai soldati conalescentl che si
trovano negll ospedall dl Roma. Alia rap
presentazione asslstevano la reglna, II
prlnclplno Umbertc a le prlnclpesslne Vo
landa, Mafalda e Giovanna ed 11 duca dl
Oporto. Iji comltlva reale fu contlnua
mente fatta segno e dtmostrazlonl da
parte dl coloro cho crano in teatro.
I,a spedlzlone turco-tedesca contro
1'Egltto, dl cul si parlava qualche tempo
fa, e' stata sospesa a causa del rlfiuto dl
DJemal pascla' dl mettersl In marcla verso
11 Canale di Suez senza avere un corpo
dl avnnguardla dl almeno 23,000 tedeschl
sceltl. DJemal e' comandante delle forze
turche In Asia Mlnore.
Intanto si sa che si sta lavorando at
thamente .alia ferrovla a sud dl Gerusa
lemme, e si dice cho la llnea e' glunta
oru ttno a 60 mlglla dal Canale. hlccome
II lavoro e' difficile la costruzlone procede
ientamente. J'erclo' a Iioma si crede che.
se si avra', I'attdcco contro II Canale non
sara' inlzlato prima della prlmavera,
anche perche' si hanno fortl dubbll sulla
ltalta" degll arabl, tunto che le truppe
slrlane sono state mandate ui Dardanelll
ed In Armenia perche' si temeva che
Continued from Tage One
sections of the big plant noticed n ter
rific flare from tho "sweetie" building.
This wns followed a frnctlon of a minute
Inter by a terrific explosion, which caused
the small brick building to collapse. Two
minor explosions followed, hurling bricks
and debris for several hundred feet.
The flro compnnles at the plnnt nnd the
emergency hospttnl corps rushed to tho
scene and the work of searching the ruins
began, It was not until daylight thnt the
three bodies were taken from the ruins,
dismembered and burned beyond recog
nition. Tho flaro nnd the force of the explosion,
mennwhlle, hnd nnnkencd hundreds of
persons In Wilmington nnd nearby town.i
and those whose relatives worked on tho
first shift hurried to Carney's Tolnt for
news. An extrn gunrd wns thrown
around tho plnnt, nnd others, employed In
IMnnt No. 1, wero told to go home nnd
keep their mouths shut.
Several workmen, who drpped their
tools nnd attempted to get near tho
burning building, wero ordered from tho
grounds. Sovernl who persisted In stny
lng wero promptly discharged.
Tho ferryboat Arctic, which runs be
tween Wilmington nnd Carney's Point,
wns In midstream when tho explosion
occurred. Several panes of glnss wero
shattered and one or two persons wero
hurled to the floor so great wns tho
shock. It was at first thought that tho
engines of the boat had exploded nnd
there was a general rush for tho doors.
Prompt work on the port of . the deck
hands nnd the Illumination of iht sky
prevented n panic.
Tho numerous oxploslons which hnve oc
curred during tho last year In tho various
plnnts of the company, the presence of nn
neroplane, which wan seen hovering
nround Chester on Frldny, nnd the mys
terious warnings which were posted on
trees nnd telegraph poles on November
30, Inst, following the explosion at tho
Brnndywlno plant, which cost 32 lives,
gave rise to tho bomb plotters story,
which wns freely ctrculnted nmong tho
workmen todny.
One man pointed out that tho mysterious
notice warned tho workmen that "30 men
wero killed yesterday. Those who do not
want to die between tho 1st nnd 15th of
January quit your Jobs at once." These
rumors, however, wero laughed at by the
officials, who said today's explosion was
purely nn nccldent.
AIoslous McNnlly, who lives at 81st
street and Gibson avenue, was notified of
the death of Mb stepbrother, Richard J.
I.arney, this afternoon .McNnlly snld
that Lnrnoy had lived In this city about
bIx years ago, but had separated from
his wife and throe children. When last
heard from ho was living at Delaware
iuy. .v siaior, Margaret L,arney, is a
nurse at the Chester Hospital.
Edward It. Stoever, supervisor of No. 1
plant, said that the explosion occurred In
what Is known as the packing house, ac
cording to his mother, Mrs. William B.
Stoever, of the Delmar Apnrtments, Ger
mantown. Mrs. Stoever said thnt her son
reported for work at midnight and that
she was In grave apprehension nbout him
until tho receipt of a telephone message
shortly before noon. He declared that
earlier nccounts wero exaggerated and
that only four men were employed In tho
building which he designated as the
"packing" plant.
Officials today said this was the first ex
plosion of Its kind to occur In the
"sweetie" plnnt. There were about 1000
pounds of powder In the machines at the
time. The machines are used for glazing
and cutting the "yellow" powder In small
lengths before it goes through the
vacuum process to toe used In the manu
facture of small arms ammunition.
There are two machines In the building',
separated by a wall. Evidently, according
to the officials, one of the needles in a
machine broke, causing a spark which
Ignited the powder. The flames, it is be.
lleved, spread to the second machine, and
the terrific heat from the burning powder
caused the explosion.
LONDON, Jan. 10.
The Russians continue to hold the upper
h&nd In the gigantic battle which has
been raging for more than a week on
the huge battle line stretching from Kovel
to the northwestern corner of Bessarabl
Cznrtorysk, on the Kovel-Sarny Railway,
Is firmly held by the Czar's forces, two
Austrian attempts nt Its recapturo hav
ing been repulsed,
Terrific losses to tho Austrlnns In vain
attempts to halt tho Russian advance
northeast of Czernowltz, the capital of
the Bukowina, nre reported In tho of
ficial report Issued tonight In Petrogrnd.
In that region alone, the report says,
the Austrlans lost 1174 men and 20
By pushing their Ccartorysk gain
through continued onslaughts the Rus
sians also compel the Teutons to weaken
their Bukowina lines nnd send reinforce
ments lo the Volhynlnn thentro Thus
they nre gaining n step townrd their ulti
mate aim, the wlthdrnwnl of tho Teu
tonic forces from tho Rumanian border
Berlin dlspntches quoting German presi
comment on tho new developments In
the eastern theatre reveal a note of anx
iety ylth regard to the strength nnd at
tacking power of tho Czar's newly
grouped nnd equipped forces. Tho fore
most naval critic. Count von Reventlow,
frankly admits that the Russian offensive
If successful will bring both Greece and
Rumania on the sldo of the Entente Pow
ers. He concedes thnt the Russian army
Is well equipped nnd thnt the Czar has
enormous reserves to draw on for tho
new drive.
PETROGRAD, Jnn. 10,-In tho two-week
hnttlc thnt culminated In the enpturo of
Cznrtorysk nnd the driving of nil Austro
German forces from the enst bnnk of the
fltrypa River the Teuton losses totaled nt
least CO.000 men. nccordlng to ofllclnl es
timates mndn hero todny. Official reports
to tho Wnr Office stato that the Itusslaui
have taken more than 20,000 prisoners ind
that twice that number of Austro-Qcrman
soldiers have been killed or wounded.
During their successful operations be
tween tho Sercth nnd Strypn River tho
Russlnns hnve ndvnnced 30 miles along a
front of CO miles. Thin was accomplished
under severe weather conditions, hut thev
nro now Improving nnd It Is expected thnt
the drive westward will gnln momentum
The Teutons' positions on tho west bnnk
of tho Slrypa River aro strongly fortified,
but from the cast bnnk tho Russlnns, with
their now plentiful supply of ammunition,
will be nble to direct a devastating fire
upon the enemy's trenches.
Tho railway town of Buczncz, on tho
west bnnk of tho Strypn. Iq nlrcndy being
shelled by the Russlnn gunners and hns
been set on fire In several plnces. Tho
capture of this town will glvo tho Czar's
troops comploto control of a railway lino
leading to tho Dnelster River nnd put In n
dangerous position tho Austro-Gcrmnn
troops opposing the Russian advanco
northeast of Czernowltz.
sHeMtfwhywliHBH I
BeiBeKjlHlBeiBV. lV sVX'"ir?iBiB.iB.S.iB.Hi
BeHK.Jiiii.iE!lYV fTrf X efilil.iliH I
SfLviBeiBeeyMeBBBBKSlHlBeiBeiBeil '
b ill T MMl eiiBieieiMieiJ1 1
' TerererereFTHJBlniHBHBsiBsrererererJI a
! 9pKtoMi!9iBliB.Hl
He carried out tho complete evne
unfion of tho Gnlllpoli Pcninsuln
with only ono British soldier
wounded nnd no cnsunltics among
the French troops. All tho guns
wero snved except 17 old ones,
which wero blown up.
No Room in Hotels, Correspond
ents Are Sent to Tobacco
less Retreat
VIENNA, Jan. lO.-Austro-Hungarlnn
troops have almost1 reached the Adrlnpc
Sea In their campaign ngnlnst tho Monte
negrins. An ofllclnl report, Issued by the
Wnr Ofllce todny, nnnounccs that fighting
In In progress In the region of Cnttaro.
"Montenegrins offered resistance north
enst of Ilcrone," said the report, "but
tho Austro-Hungarlans stormed the
heights occupied by tho Montenegrins
and took one cannon. On tho Tarn thcro
were skirmishes,
"On tho Herzegovina frontier and in tho
Ilocche dl Cattaro district engagements
against the Montenegrin troops are going
Louis Hunsicker, Out of Work, Res
cued From Gas Fumes
Prompt first-aid treatment by Policeman
Barford. of the 4th and York streets sta
tion, early today, saved the life of Louis
Hunsicker. SO years old, of 314$ North
Reese street, after the man's two children
had been ortven from the house by the
heavy fumes of escaping gas.
Barfora broke open the door and drag
ged Hunsicker from the dining room,
where he lay on the floor with a gas tube
near hit. mouth. The man has a chance
for recovery, It was said at the Stetson
Hunsicker" children, Elizabeth, IT
year pld, and John, II years old, were
awakened by the odor pf gas. Remember
ing: that their father bad told them that
he "would be dead today," they attempted
to go downstairs, but were driven back by
(he gas. They escaped through a. window
!llfi EllmitVIR, tha HAllpam.n trn.l.l..
who U a widower, has been eut of work I
sluce October. 1
Fathers Club Changes Name
The Fathers' Association .of the Frank
ford High School will adopt that name
henceforth Instead of the Fathers' Asso
ciation of the Frankford Annex to the
Central High School, as It has heretofore
been known. The change will be made
formally at a meeting tomorrow night at
the Frankford High School building.
DERLIN. Jan. 10.
The Russians have abandoned their
heavy onslaughts against tho Austro
German lines In Volhynla, Gallcla, and
Uessarabla, at least tmporarlly, accord
ing' to ofllclnl statements from the Ger
man nnd Austrian War Offices today.
The Oerman War Ofllco reported this
afternoon the repulse of a strong Rus
sian detachment near Delestlany, but
added: "Elsewhere there Is no change In
the general situation on the eastern
Penn Club Concert Tonight
The Musical Clubs of the University of
Pennsylvania, an organization of students
welded together to pursue one of the
muses, will give one concert tonight In
this city before they leave for their an
nual tour of New England.
THE HAGUE, Jan. 10. - Bccauso tho
hotels nro full tho B0 nowspnper corre
spondents accompanying tho Ford peaco
pnrty havo been quartered In n Duti'h
No guest of tho sanatorium Is per
mitted to uso tobneco or liquor In nny
form. No ment Is nllowod to eontnmlnnto
tho bill of fare, which consists largely of
nuts, ground figs and queer vegetables,
Guards of Impressive appearance threaten
to oust nny correspondent who fnlls to
obey tho regulations.
Mmo. Schwlmmer arranged for tho
"quartering" of tho correspondents nnd
n caucus voted thnt sho sent the news
paper men to the tobaccolcss retreat out
of revenge. She has been very angry
because correspondents cabled home ac
counts of the various rows among tho
peace delegates.
Peace meetings began hero today, but
for some reason they aro under tho nus
plces of tho Roynl Koologlcnl nnd Hotnn
Icnl Society Instead of being nrrnnged
by Dutch peace societies. Dutch news
paper men declare that tho Ford enter
prise has not yet urouscd the Interest of
Dutch peaco leaders.
Tho Rov. Jcnkln Lloyd Jones predicted
today that the pcrmunent peace tribunal
will sit nt Stockholm instead of The
Haguo on nccount of the friendly feeling
of the Swedish pcoplo townrd the peaco
THERE'S use for Uneeda
Biscuit every day, in
every home, in every street,
in every town.
jp) UnaedaBiscuitijjl
are uniformly fresh, uni
formly good.
With oysters or clams, on
the half shell or In soup,
are tho crackers that bring
out the real flavor of each.
Extraordinary Prc-Inventory Sale
This week only
Sweeping reductions on "broken lots" from our regular
stocks and our New York Wholesale Department.
Some of Our Offerings
1, 2 & 3 Clasp Kid
Genuine, "Centemeri" Kid in
desirable shades, including white,
and some pique gun metals, reg
ularly $1.60, ?1.65, ?2.00, ?2.25,
12.50. lift
Price this sale only i. e JL O
Long Evening Gloves
White with the new black
embroidery, Black with white
embroidery or colors. Regularly
from 42.50 to f 5.00. 1 Q C
Price this sale only X70
Long Evening Gloves
Genuine "Centemeri" White
Ktd In 16 and 20 button lengths,
reguhtriy selling at $3.50, 94.00
and 5.00. r) njj
Price this sale only itOD
In gray or sand shades. Beau-
tlful gloves, selling regularly at
$1.75 and $3,00. 1 1 C
Price this sale only 1 1 0
Cape Skin
In tans, black and white, in
eluding some silk-lined. Selling
regularly at 1.50, ?1.75 and
$2.00. lift
Price thts sale only 1 1'iD
Slen's Gloves
In grey mocha, tan cape skin
or white kid, with the popular
black embroidery, Regular prices
$1.60 to $2.00. lift
Price this sale only 1 1 0
2 P.k.o Q
J-I- ILS-ZZT Jucei j
President Drafts General
Jote on American Policy
Regarding Neutral
2000 In Mob That Att
Aluminum Plant at
.Niagara Falls
Th Administration will mnk further
concessions lo Congress In Its Interna
tional policy. Satisfied that In view of
the efforts made by Germany nnd Austria
to meet this Government's views on sub
marine warfare llltlo further npprehen
slon need bo fell on that score, the Presi
dent was today busily compiling an out
line of a general trade policy.
It will apply to all countries but natur
ally will affect under existing- circum
stances only England and Franco. It
marks, odlclals say, an earnest effort
On the part of the I'resldent to meet the
views of the Senatorial deleg-atlon led by
Rpnntnr Hoke Smith, of Georgia, who
have presented statistics to show that
British Illegality was strangling Ameri
can trade.
Tho President also Is expected to reply
to Ambassador von DcrnslorfC's latest
I.usltanla note without any further delay.
Stato Department and embassy odlclals
expect 1 lm to accept the suggested settle
ment. In prlnclplo it has been approved
by Secretary Lansing. Tho only thing
hanging nre Is the phraseology of the
note. As the document submitted by tho
Ambassador Is Informal, It can be changed
If tho President so desires without Jeop
ardizing Anal settlement. And ofllclala
Bay that Germany hau met this Govern
ment far inoro than half way In Us con
So far a3 tho Persia sinking was con
cerned, there havo been no new develop
ments. Ambassador Ponneld still Is wait
ing word from tho Austrian Admiralty,
llut odlclals say that they now are con
vinced that the sinking of tha liner with
the loss of two American Uvea probably
never will bo fully explained. But that
this Incident of tho war no longer Is con
sidered n serious menace to tho United
States Is best Indicated by the tacit agree
ment on tho part of tho Administration
leaders that no further effort will bo mado
to gag Congress In discussing tho Inter
national situation.
thousand strikers and sympathl,!-?
tacked plant No. 1. of the Junius
Company of America, today, 5,
calls for police reserves brought -
serveral hundred men. 'Within.
minutes nftsr their arrival . WJJ
battle was In progress, the striker. i3?i
Ing stono and clubs ot th nVi'i
Drawing their pistols and sticks t55S
ficern Ared Into the air and b; ,
Ing the leaders of the mob. Th W
soon retreated. Many suftered cmVS
tho scalp. "ai?fi
Chicago Moguls Confer
CHICAGO, Jan. 10. Churlen II. Thoroai, who
occunl'" thn position of president of tha Chl
CHito National Lttixu Club, received a call
today from Chnrles wcrhman. who within
the next to days will relieve Thomas of hli
Job. The tno went over together the eon
tracts of Cub players.
U.S.Army Shoes)
rnumi.il Value"1"! M-
Red Wooll
Worth 7.00.
1836 Army Axes
T7DTTI7 iiitiHirnica laimorue, ncnu z
krKCiC n I a trip for malllntr.
one TV ADItTT CT Ho Kuro
C4Ca uiniviVLii iJ l.0f A.liirrnt
Crackers '
The nut-Hko flavor of N,B,(k
Graham Crackers in due to thai 1
natural Bwcetncan of oelecCedi'
flour, brought out by perfect!
baking. They come to yoal
crisp and fresh as when firiti
taken from the oven.
Write for xtS '"kv
ITil-pafte m 1
watch 0 fflUBB m
and '&AJSsVbvT
diamond CSbcwW-"
caialoru "fjs
JF1 l
kg &-
1?Kv',. -fe.,. ? ,"ri
r .;.
is no dnM
written am
your fate 11
roil real U&
remarkable; announcement. So hurrr, If rn
want tn secure this tremendous ralue. It.
rause the sale lasts but two days. Tblok l(
It Solid ll.karnt Cold Klein or Waltlunw
that famous 120 watch for only lO.ot, llrlli
for our I7D-ace watcli nnd diamond caulef.
v.ur.o u wnoainui oh, .
Established 28 Years.
Open ErcaJifi
The Right Sort
of Golf Shoe
isn't a pose, it's a distinct
aid to comfort and to skilful
Be sure to have "the right sort"
for your Southern trip.
1420 Chestnut St.
Where Only the Beit it Good Enough"
Proud of the Change
What the Quick Service man did was
nothing more than to place, a nev mantle
and adjust the lights so they would be bright
and clear. The only charge was for the man
tle. Yet the result will be cheer and eye
comfort for all in that home.' Well worth
the little trouble of notifying us, wasn't it?
We are glad to render the same service
for any of our consumers.
The United Gas Improvement Co.