16 dkAthb CARt.lM.K. On January 7, 19t6, JOHN MORROW, son of Iho.tale John and Cath arlfe Carlisle (nre Morrow), Relatives and DM Me. also survivors ot Harmony Fire Com Fif. No. 0. are Invited to attend the fit nerxl im), en Wednesday, t 2 p. m. Pre clsely, at his lata residence 230 Booth 17th L Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. CArtT WRIGHT.- On January 8. 1010. JOHN W, htrsband of Mary E. Cnrlwrlght, aged 83 ears. Friends may call Tuesday evening, t hla late residence, (tto Forth MM at. Solemn Remitem Mass r Church of Our Mother of Forrows, on Wednesday, at 10 n. m. Inter ment at Holy Cross Cemetery. Doston and Baltimore rpera please copy. CI.AY.--On January 0. 1910, RICHARD "., husband of Edith Clay, nged 00 years. Rela tives and frlenda. aleoonenibers of the Wash ington Grays. JeruealeTn Lodge. No. SOU, F and A. M.: Mystic Lodge. No. 20, I, O. O. F . and other fraternal organization of which he was ft member, are Invited to attend the fu neral, en Wednesday, at 1 "on. m.. from hla late residence. SOtO Walker at., Holmesburg. Perrlces In Emmanuel P. E. Church nt 3 p. m. . Interment In ndlolnlnjr cemetery, Re malna may be viewed on Tuesday afternoon ana evening nt mo spnrxmenis oi vuver ii. Dnlr, 1820 Chestnut at. CI.KnO-On January 8, 101ft, LOU1B W., son of the late Henry and Mary Clegg, Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral service on Wednesday, at 2.30 p. m precisely, at 3320 North Sydenham atreet. Interment private. Auto service. Friends may call Tuesday, 8 to 10 p. m. COPE. On First Month 8th, lOtO. AN' NnTTB. daughter of the lite William n. and Rusan I Cope. Funeral at her late residence. 1011 Bast Washington lane, Oermantown, on Third-day (Tuesday), at 11:30 a. m. Inter ment private. CUSICK. On January 7. 101ft. THOMAS F.. husband of Catharine T. Custck. son of Mary ami late John Cuslck. Relatives and friend. also Dlv. No. on. A. O. If., are Invited to attend funeral. Tuesday. 8:30 a. m., from resldo.ico of mother, WO!) Harel aie.. West Phlla. Polemn Mass of Requiem at Church of Transfiguration. 10 a. m. interment Cathe dral Cemetery. DAWS.--On January a, 1010, n. JANE.wldow of Evnn Davis. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, nt 10:30 a. m.. at the residence of her son-in-law. Dr. Frank Hall. 102 Ro rhelle nve., Wlesnhlckon. Philadelphia, Fur ther aervlce at Rlvervlew Cemetery, Wll rnlngtnn. on arrival of train lenMng North Philadelphia Station. Pennsylvania II, It., at 1 07 p. m. interment private. DBASE. On January 7, 1010. AMOS ft., husband of Emma E. Dease. aged 73 jears. Relatives and friends, also Trimble I,odee. rio. 117, F. and A. M.: Rllonm Chapter, No, H, It. A. M.: Cyrene Comnmndery, No. 7, K. T.i Lu Lu Temple. A. A. O. N. M. 8.; 1'ost 37, O. A. It.: Camden Lodge. No, 2in, n. P. O. E.: Lennl Lenape Tribe, No, 2, I. O. H. M.: Washington Castle. No. 3. K. O. E.. and 4th Ward Republican Club, nre Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, nt 2..10 p, m.. nt his late residence 4.17 Stevens at.. Camden. N. J. Interment private at Evergreen Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Monday, nfter- 7 p. m. Masonic services same evening. DKINKWATKR. On January 0, 1910. at her lata residence, 2(20 North Howard at,, ELIZABETH DHINKWATER (nee Lee), daughter ot the lato Jamea nnd Rebecca Lee. Due notlco of the funernl will be given. ENOKL. On January 0. 1010, FRANCES C, widow of Simon Engel, need 78 years. Re quiem Mass at St. Mary'a Church, at 10 n. m.. to which friends and members of societies of SU Mary's Church of which she wa n member nro Invited, to attend, on Tuesday. Residence. 10S Baldwin at., Mana yunk. Interment private. FEIIHIH. On January 0, 1910. THOMAS M. FEIIilleV In tho S2d year of his age. Funeral servicer on Tuesday, at 10 a. m, at tho rest, denco of Christian C. Feblger, 3421 Powelton aie., Philadelphia. Interment private. Kindly "omit (lowers. l'lr.I.I). On Jnnunry 8. 1010, CHARLES, on of lato Paul J. and Mary. L. Field. Relntivea and Irlcnda are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 11 a. m. precisely. at.Ute residence. 41 il S. JUh st. Intrement prhate. Kindly omit floral offer lugs. l'HAMB. On January 7, 1010, ANNA RE BECCA, widow of John Frame (nee Mann). In her th year. Relatives and friends, nlso Kills Circle. .No. IM. L. of (1. A. It.: Oer mnntonn Lodge. No. 13. O. S. of B.: Tulpe hocken Council. No. 23. nnd Homo Board ot 1. A. R. Home. Wth nnd Vine eta., nlso members of Columbia Ave. M.E. Church nnd nil other organlintlons of which she was a member, .tro United to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 1:30 p. m.. nt her late residence. 1723.W. Huntingdon at. In terment nt Oreen Mount Cemetery. Friends, may view rcmntna on Tuesday, at 8 p. m. (JAYLKY. OLIVER C Vice President of the Pressed Steel Car Company, passed nwav at his residence 117 W. SSth at.. Nrw York city. Sunday. January 0. at 1:30 s. m. Funeral Tuesday, nt West Nottingham. Md. OLENNON. On January 0, 1010. JAMES J., husband of Ellen Glennon (nee Doughertv) Relntivea and frlenda, aim Holy Name So ciety of St. Edmonil's- Church and Court Apollo. No. 272. F. of A., aro Invited to nt. tend tho funeral, on Wtdncsdav. at 7:30 , m.. from hla l.le residence, IOT7 H. Hon will if. (S'd nnd Mifflin eta.). High Reo.ulm Mesa at St. Kdmond'a Church at 0 a. m. In terment at Holy Cross Cemetery. tiltlMK. On January 7. 1010. SADIE N. ilRIME. daughter of the late James nnd Kllzabeth Grime. Relatives and frlenda In 'vlted to attend funernl services, on Tueadny, ntt 2:30 P. m.. nt her late resilience. 40V. Worth st.. 'Frankford. Remnlfla may be viewed Monday, H to 10 p. m. Interment private nt East Cedar Hill Cemetery. HAUOIIEY. On January 0. 1010. EDWARD J., husband of Margaret A. Haughey (neo Delaney). Relntivea and friends, also San Domlnso Council. . No. 230. K. of C. and Donegal Beneficial Society, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Tueaday. at 8.30 m. m.. from his late residence. 184!) North Houvler at. Solemn High Requiem Mass at Our Lady of Mercy Church, nt 10 n. m. In terment at Holy Cross Cemetery. HEATH. On January 7, 1010. GEORGE B. HEATH, husband of Ellen S. Heath. Reln tivea and frlmda Invited to attend funeral, Wednesday, S p. m.. from late residence. 8010 Ewlng ave. (40th Ward). Interment private at Fernwood Cemetery. Rem-lns may be viewed Tuesday. 7 to 10 p. m. Auto mobile service. HEWLETT. On January 7, 1010. EMMA n., daughter of Thomas and Emma Hewlett, ngeu 18 years. Relatives and friends, nlso employes ot Walter P. Miller I'aper Box Company, Invited to attend funernl services. Tuesday, 2 p. m., at parents' residence. 4tMl Olive st- Interment nt (Uenwood Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Monday evening. 1UI.TNER. On January 8, 1010. BARBARA HILTNER (neo Horn), widow of John Hilt ner. Relatlvt and friends, also East Lodge, No. 2. Order Shepherds of Bethlehem, and Stars and Stripes Council. No. r3, K. nnd D. of L.. and Purity Beneficial Society, are In vited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. ni., at her Ute residence, 1801 North Camac at. Interment at Mount Peace cemetery. Remalnsi may be viewed on Tuesday evenlnx. ' HOWARD. On January 7. 1010. DAVID H. HOWARD. In (JOth year ot hla age. Rela tires and friends, also Pacldo Lodge, No. 200. I. O. O, P.; United States Local Marine Boiler Inspectors. Philadelphia Relief League and all other organizations of which he was a mem ber are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tucsdav, at 2 p. m. Dreclsely. at lata resi dence. 3008 W. Susquehanna avs. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. HUGHES. On January 0, 1016. CARRIE B, wife of Albert O. Hughes. Relatives and friends, also Camp No, 71. P. O. of A., are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday. at 8:30 . m.. from her late residence. 2312 S. Mole st. (16th and Porter sts.), Servioes at Ht. Elisabeth's P. E. Church. Kith and Mifflin sti., at 10 a. rn--.precliely. Interment at Mount Morlau Cemetery. KEEHEY. On January 7. 1918. ELLEN J., widow of William Keesey, sged 03 years. Relatlvea and friends are Invited to attend funeral services, Tuesday, at 8 p. m. pre cisely, from her lata residence. 1823 N. Park ave.; also Wedneaday. at 12 noon, at Lower Providence Presbyterian Church. KRAMER, On January 8. 1016. ATJOUST, husband of Katie Kramer, aged B4, years. Relatives and friends, also Ptula. Butchers' Unterstutiunr Bruder Vereln, west Phlla. Manner Unterstutzunrs Vereln. derma Ma Mariner UntarstutsuDgs Vereln. Arbelter KranksnSterbe-KaRe. Branch 188. are Invited to attend the funeral services, Wednesday. 2 p. nu. at his lata residence. 4823 Parrlsh st. Interment Montrose Cemetery. Friends may call Tuesday, 8 to 0 p .m. JJOJiO. On January 0, 1010, MAROARET E., wife of Charles E. Long, aged 41 years. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral services, Tuesday eienlng, at 8 o'clock, at her lata residence, 1120 Mt. Ver non St. Also services at the M. P. Church, Ksnnedyvtlle, Md.. Wednesday rooming, at 11 o'clock. Interment In adjoining cemetery- At OM TA. eX0HtTtt AH6 T3 So CATCn 7t S W4MM Mow M LiT YyWftff 1 (.svj't ima grpps )( JoQ -7-1 Hope TETei , VU f Hes A wM?ffi?m?s ( CAiCrTTr.' 5") I DKATH8 LCNDT. Suddenly, nt lUncocai. N. J-. flxlti-day. First Month 7th,. lPIV ,P?Bp,H l.UNDY, aged 75 yeira. Relatives and frlenda. also all Masonic bodies of which ho was a member lnvltel to attend funeral, from late tealdence, Raneoras. N. J-. Thlrd-d-iy. llth Inst ,a p. m. Interment at Haneocne Bury ing Ground. Train leaving Market at. ferry, rhlla., 12 no p. m.. -Rill bo met at Mason vine, N. J. MACK. Of S21R West Thompson at, FW delphla. rtOSE Er.L-, widow of P. rt. Mack Funeral services and Interment at rittaburgh, ra. MAUGRDe On January 7. 191ft. JOHN J.. friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wrdnesdivv. at .7 80 a. ni . at his late resi dence. 302". Ludlow at. JIasa at Kt. Jamea husband of Margaret Miiseen. "-. "" Church nt 0 n. m. Interment private, MAIHILPuddenly, on January 0, ivn. fait a Xlkivn mtnA FLU VfttS IS 10. R3 years Itela- tlves and' friends are. Invited In. attend- the IVILUAM 8. Inaa ain4 trt funeral services, on Monday, at I p. m. pre- rlsely, at tils lata residence. It sin r Spn live. and I.evlck at.. La,wndale, rhllsdeir-hla. In terment private, nt West Laurel Hill Ceme tery. MAtlTIN. On January 7, 1010, JAMES, son of Patrick nnd midget Martin, of ransn nalcarra. County Main., Ireland, nged 20 jrarc llelatlves and frlenda. also Court Mantua, NO.J00. V, of A., and 1'lvlslon No. 21. A, O. If., are Invited to attend, the funeral, on Wednesday, at ..". rn., from the residence of hla cousin, Patrick Sullivan. hMfl Olive St.. West Phlla. Solemn High Masa nt St. Agatha's Church, at lt a. m. precisely. Interment In Holy Cross Cemetery. McFASSEI.T,. On January 7, I01. IIAItrtY , husband of the late Elliaheth McFassell. a ted 70 years. ItelatUea and friend", nlso Commonwealth Assembly, No. 0. A. O. M. P.. are Invited to attend funeral eerilces. Tues day, nt 1 p. m. precisely, nthls late resi dence, WOO Pino st, Interment private. MrtlAKIlY. On January 7. 1010. DANIEL, husband of the late Ann Mctlarry nml father ... at.. n.w. .ln.nh It. Mi-f.nrrv, ftjitltr and friends, nlso Holy Name nnd other so cieties of which ho was a member, nro in Mled to attend the funeral, on Tueiday. at S-30 ft. m from his late, residence, 1120 West Tlcgi at. Solemn Itenulcm Mass at St. Ste phen's Church nt 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Sooulchro Cemetery. McNEILE. On January 7, 1010. JOHN If., husband of tho Into Hannah McNelle (nee Mooney), aged M years. RelatHea nnd rrinrtn arn InMtM to attend tho funernl aerOcea, on Tuesday, nt 2 p m. precisely, nt hla lato residence, 1033 South liroad st. In terment prhate. MESSl.MEIt. On January ft, 1010, finortOE I... son or ucorge nnn jiarv iviessimer info llnusenorth). RelntHe.s and friends, nlso em nini nf Inth nn.l l.urertif, mr hnrn 1 tt T.. are Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Tuesday, nt 2 p. in., at hla late residence, 2841 North Mascher at. Interment nt Oakland CrmMcry Jtemalns may bo viewed on Monday, from 7 to D p. m. MILLER. At his apartments, the Blen heim, on January 0. 1910. William It., son of the lato John and Anne Miller, aged 77 years Relatlvea nnd friends arn Invited to attend the funernl services, at his late resi dence. 2030 Arch st., Tuesday, nt 2 p, m. In terment private. MOI.Iw-On January 0. 1910, JACOD D., husband of Katharine 13. Mall. Relatives and frlenda nro Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Tuesday, at 1 p. in , nt his late resi dence, 201 Cricket nve., Ardmore, Pa, Intre ment private, NICHOLS. On January 0. 1910, CHARLES 11. NICHOLS, husband of the lato Agnes Nichols (nee Wallace). Relatlvea and friends, nlso Court Soulhwnrk, No. 01, F. of A., nro Invited to attend tho funeral eervlces, on Wednesday, nt 1 p. m., nt Ills late residence, 2100 Smith Watte st. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. Trlcnds may call Tuesday, at 8 p m. Auto service O'OAICA. January 8. 1010, ANNA O'OARA. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 8.30 n. rn., from the resldenco of her sister, Mrs. Z. Car- renter, 7130 Keystone at., Taeony. Solemn tequlom Mass nt Ht. Leo'a Church nt 10 n. m. Interment nt Holy Scpulchro Cemetery. Automobile service, O'NEILL. On January 0, 1010, CATH ERINE O'NEILL (nee Henefor), widow nt Thomas W. O'Neill. Relatives and friends, nlso tho Sacred Heart Society of St. Peter's Church, nro lnlted to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at S..'10 n. m., from her late resi dence, 1033 Cndnnlader st. Solemn Requiem Mats nt St. Michael's Church at 10 n. m. precisely. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme tery. n:CK. Suddenly, on January 8, 1010, JANE HLIZA. widow of Dr. Levi S. Peck, nged 87 years Relatives nnd friends arn invited to attend tho funernl services, on Tuesday, nt 2 p m., nt her late residence, 200J Mount Vernon at. Interment private. I'ltENEOAIt. In Baltimore, Md.. on Jan uary U. 1010, SAMUEL, husband of Florence Phenegar. Relatives nnd friends are Invited to nttend the funernl services, on Tuesday, nt 2.30 p m. nt tho residence of hla brother-tn-Uw. Edward ,T. Neeter, 6S20 Lnnsdonno ave.. Philadelphia. Interment nt Fernwood Cemetery. rUENTZEL. On January 0, 1910. MARY FRANCES, wife of Frank Trentiel. Funeral nnd Interment strictly private. QUINN. On January 7. 1010. CATHARINE, widow of Bernard Qulnn. Relatlvea and friends aro Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Tuesday, nt 8 30 n. m., from her lato resl doner, 3313 N. Mh st. Solemn Mass of Re quiem ot St. Veronica's Church nt 10 a. m. Interment nt New Cathedral Cemetery. KENTON. On Janunry 8. 1010. THOMAS RENTO.V. Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Wednes day, at 2 p. ni., at his lato residence, 1223 North 87th st. Interment nt Fernwood Ceme tery. Friends may view remains on Tuesday, from 8 to 10 p, m. llOIir.RTSON. On January 8. 1010, AONES MacINTYRE, wife of David Robertson. Rela tives and friends ar Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 p m.. at her late resilience. 80U2 Main st.. Chestnut Hill. Interment private. Ivy Hill. ItOONEY. On January 7. l10. ELLEN, daughter of late Patrick and Mary Hooney. Relatives and friends Invited to attend fu neral, Tuesday, ut 7:30 a. m.. from residence of brother. Ednnrd Rooney. lttM Snaln st. (nenr 17th and Falrmount ate.). Solemn Re quiem Mass at Church ot Oesu at 11 a. in. precisely. Interment St. John's Cemetery. Manayunk. 8CIINATZ. On January 8, 1010. BARAIf. widow of Henry Schnatx. Relatlvea and frlenda aro Invited to attend tho funeral. on Wednesday, at 8:3 n. m . from parlors of 8. I". Frankonftold Sons, 5300 Vine st. Hoi. emn Utah Mats nt Church of tho Transfigu ration. 83th nnd Cedar ave., at 10 a. m. In terment Old Cathedral Cemetery. SCOTT. Suddenly, on January 8, 1018. J-AMES FOX SCOTT. Relatives nnd frlenda are Invited to attend tho funernl services, on Wednesday, at 11 a. in., at his lato residence. 1300 Jefferson st. Interment private. SERGEANT. On January 8. 1010. GEORGE ROWLAND BERdEANT, oldeat son of LII lie E, and the late George Sergeant. Fu neral sen Ices at 2030 Spruce at., on Tues. day, at 11 n, m. Interment private. Kindly omit fl.iwers. fillllT.KIt. On January 0, 10IB, MARGA RET, wife of William Shifter ami daughter of late John and Abigail Cahlll. aged 60 ?'ears Relatlvea and friends Invited to st em! funeral. Tuesday. 8:30 a. m., from hus band's residence, 2243 Ann st. Solemn High Mass Church of the Nativity, 10 a. m. In terment Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery. SHOYEIC On Saturday, January 8. 1010. at her residence, 11 W. 70th st New York city. REBECCA A., widow of William K Shnyerl and daughter of the late Joseph M. and Clara Asch, of Philadelphia. Funeral at con venience of the family. SMITH On January 7, loHa. ELIZABETH LIOHT SMITH, widow of William It. Smith. In her 82d year. Funeral services on Tues day, at 2 p. m. at the residence of her son-in-law. William Henry Sayen. at wavne. Pa. Interment private. Pottsvllle (Pa.) papers pleaso copy. SMITH. On January 7. 1010, JAMES J., husband of Annie E. Smith (nee Bpottt), Relatlvea and friends, also members of B, V. M. Sodality ot St. Mary's Church, are in vited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 8:30 a. m.. from hla late residence, 327 a, 8th st. Solemn Masa of Requiem at St, Mary's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Automobile funeral. SOLOMON On January 8, 1916. ROSETTA. wife of Moses Bolomon. In her T7th year. Due notice of the funeral will be given, from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. K- Ben ton. 8107 Parrlsh st. STIUNOFELLOW. At Atlantlo City, on January 0, 1010, CHARLES A. BTRIN'U. FELLOW, husband of Mary E. Btrtngtel. low (nee Burke), Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, from the fu neral parlora ot William 11. Batteraby, 3310 North Broad at,, on Thursday, at 10 a. m. Remains may be viewed on Wednesday, at 8 p. in. Hllh Requiem Mass at St. Stephen's Church st 10 a. in. Interment at West minster Ceme(ery, PETEY EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY DEATHS BTitOlvnoiVKn,--Entered Into life eternal, at her residence, 211 North i7th.et.. on January 0, 1010, HELEN ELIZABETH, widow of (leerge Strowhower and daughter of the late Thomas It and Ellen Pare cook. Due notice of tne funeral will ho gl.cn. TIMNINO. Suddenly, on January 7, 1910, WILLIAM TWINING, aged 71 years. Itela ttvea nnd frlenda are InMted to altend the Mineral services, on Monday, at 8 p. m., at hla late, residence, 1x21 Page at. In terment and services at Newtown Chapel. Newtown, Pa.. Tuesday, at 10.30 n. m. WALSH. On January 8. 1010, at her late residence, .1030. Jefferson. St., BniBOET, widow of Joseph P. Walsh. Relatives and friends aro InMted lo attend the Requiem Mass, at tho church of the flesu, at 10 a. m , on Tuesday. Interment private. Automobile funeral. H'F.nr.n. On January 7, 1910. HENRT, hus band of the late. Sophia Weber I nee lhrlg), Relatliee and frlsnda nre Invited to attend the funeral services. 3530 Kalrmounl ave., Tuesday. January 11. at 2 p. m. Interment private. WEIIl. On January 0. 1010. MART J., wife of John Weir Relatives nnd frlenda are In lled to altend the funernl services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., nt her lato resi dence, 63!4 st. below Haverford aie. Inter ment at rernwood Cemetery. MINRMOI1E. On January 7. 1910. THOS, WINSMOltC. husband of Mary J. Wins more tne Steele) and son of the Into Captain Robert It. and Cynthia Wlnemore. In his 72d year. Rclathea and frlenda, nlso mem bers of I.odga No. 2, F. and A, M., are in vited to attend tho funernl, nt his lato resi dence, tos Park st., Ridley. Park, Pa., on Tuesday, at 1:30 p. m. Train leaves Broad HI. wiauoTi ni I..,, i'. ni. imcrmem private, Auto service. Delaware pnpora please copy. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TYPE (or like this) DnA Mm,, m oer line Thrn times one week ISHcwp Una Six times one week .. lOo per line Situations Wanted, thtee times one week 10 cents per lino per Insertion. Place your order for three or more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rnte for ErcviNo I.rcoia and Pcnuo Lepoct combined la 10 cents per ltne, with the exception of Help Wanted and Situations Wanted, which la 18 centa per line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which is permitted In all classifications ex cept Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and Found, Personate, Boarding and Rooms, add FIVE CENTS PER LINE TO ANY OF ABOVE RATES. There 13 a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER nnd slenogrnpher wanted; etato details, salary wanted; give refer ence. M IIP, ledger Central, COOK Good cook, Protrstnnt, for family ot 2; 4 In help, with ref.; H. 3S12 Walnut. COOKING and downstairs work; oung Prot estant colored woman; suburbs: referenco. .Sep Miss ReP'l. Room 230. Public I-edgcr. l'lNISHEItS-Experlenred finishers wnnted on silk drcries; good pay, steady work; nice, bright, sanitary factory. Apply I.lchtensteln fc Relchlln. N. E. cor. llth nnd Arch sts. GIRL, competent, colored, for working and downstairs work Telephone Gin. 32.11. GIRLS wanted, 10 or over. Apply Becker. Smith & Page, Wnte r nn d Snyder ave. HOSIERY Experienced toppers and knitters on Standard F nnd Scott Ac Williams full au tomata knitting machines; learners taken, 14 to 10 years of ago. Wallacc-Wllsnn Hosiery Company, Orchnrd below Unity, Frnnkford. ilosi LIU i Exicrlenccd knutora and tonuers. loopers, examiners, rlb-frnmo hands: steady work, good pay; also learners; paid whllo learning. 1310 N. I -.wren co. HOSIERY Experienced loopers, steady work and pay good aa any. Wiillace-Wllson Hosiery Company, Orchard below Unity, Frankfort!. HOUSEV.EEPER Wanted, active, refined wom an, between 30 nnd 40 yeitfs, ns housekeeper: ono having experlenco In enro ot children; exceptionally good homo and neighborhood; must be Intelligent and hao good reference. A 30. ledger Office. HOUSEKEEPBR. l'rotrstunt, woman ot ex perlenco, etnto age, experience, salary and references. 1. O. Box 1311. HOUSEWORK Maid, white. for general housework, In suburb; muat do washing, wages Jtf. Meet emplojer, 12 o'clock, Mon day, Room 230. Public I.edgerBulldlngL HOUSEWORK 43lrl, young, for general house work In family of 3, In suburbs; good homo; permanent. Apply to M 407, Ledger Office. HOUSEWORK Experienced white girl In small adult family; no washing. 8004 Pine st HOUSEWORK, gen.; settled, refined Protes tant woman: small faml I y. Ph. Cnwyd 202. HOUSEWORK Polish girl. Apply S32 North 4RUK MILLINERS. EXPERIENCED, ON HAND MADE HATS; BEST PRICES PAID. AP PLY 802 N. 2D 8T. MOTHER'S HELPER wanted In family with 2 children; experlenco desired, but not necea sary. Reply 10 Mrs. J, J. McClure, Walnut lane. Swarthmore! Pa Reference required. MOTHER'S HELPER, refined, wanted for child 3t4 years old; temporary position; wogra IS. Apply Oil W. Upsal st., German- ton. , NURSE GIRL, white, assist with two children. 2352 N. Broad at. OPERATORS, experienced only, on wash top skirts, t-eltxer Itros.. 321 Market. SILK WEAVERS, experienced, and learners, not under 10 years Sauquolt Silk Mfg. Co., 18th and Hunting Park ave. SOFT HAT TRISIMERS Experienced trim mers on men's soft hats, wanted Immediate ly. Apply Paymaster's Office, John B, Stet son Company, 8th and Montgomery avo. WAITRESS and general work. Call after 10 a. m.. 8737 Whitby ave. WOMAN, colored to do aweeolng regularly one day t.er week; reference. See Miss Reed. Room 230. Public ledger. WANTED Bright, young women, between 17 and 22 years old. in take no telephone work. No experience necessary. Salary paid while learning. Pleasant work, permanent post tlon. Apply In person, u a. m. to 0 v. m. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 400 MARKET STREET NEW YEAR CHANOE3 NOW IS THE TIME for young ladles seek ing commercial positions to consult Mlas Dean at Ledger Central. Broad and Cheat nut sts. A soectal service Is rendered to STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS AND CLERKS through the Commercial Depart ment 10 ia.uuJt .tut iwiuociia. ana a rest nurooer 01 lames nave oeen oenenieq y this aervlce. b General WOMEN wanted as Government clerks; $70 mon.i Phlla. exams, coming; sample questions free. Franklin Inst. Dept 718 U Rochester. & Y. DINK It Looks Like a Low Down Trick the Cat Played on Petey By C. A. HE&P WANTED MALE ALTJMINtWf-men wanted; flrst-claea hammer men nnd finishers, experienced In nutomoblla body work. .. lmt.nnornc rnPNT 000 West d St., New York city. ARTrST (commercial), first class, accustomed to working In an engraving plant, to design covers for rataloguea. booklets, magailne ad vertisements: state age, experience and ml- nry. Address M 100, ledger Office . BOOKKEEPER, first class, wanted for Indus trial e-atabllahment In Delaware: must be rwber. Industrious and reliable. M 40. Led ger Office. , BOr, bright, active, for office work, with poe slbtiitiea of advancement: must have had good schooling nnd high echool boy preferred. -JL.1.?2.- t.'Cc.On,ee' BOr for office wanted: must be over 1ft years. Apply Mr. Raleigh. 4th floor, OPS Chestnut at. BOYB wanted to work In wallpaper factory. 10 or oer. Apply Becker. Smith Page, water and snynerjive. BOYS, over 1ft years of age. Lincoln Furniture Co.. 10th nnd Lhlgh ave. nniOHT young man to keen records of idlest etock and waste In large printing plant. New York city: state experience and salary ex nected, if n.V. Ledger Central. - DRAUGHTSMAN wanted, experienced on fac tory building construction and .power plant r desired. M 14 iIjfAKerCentraL . HOSIERY Competent man ns second hand on rib mnchlnea. flrst-claea position for tight man. Apply Wallace Wilson Hosiery Cti.. Orchard, lelow unity. i-ranKroro M.viillimBLn . AUTOMATIC SCRBWMAKERB HAND SCREWMAKERfl All clllrensi wages, machinists, 3 to M' rer day. based on experience nnd capacity: rtulo mntto screwmakers, 13.. 0 Per day: hand ecrewmakers, 2.M per jlny: higher corn pnentlon on piecework: 18 .days' leave after inn year of service, seven holidays nnd Pal urday afternoons during the summer months, nil with full pny. Apply FRANKKJH. A It S EN AIj MTinirXNir.u. draughtsman. Apply i2w Stephen (llrard llldy. PREPS HANDS FOR DRAWING BRASS Thoroughly enper. and strictly sober men, whoso past record will bear Investigation. Applications to receive consideration must state fully employment for past flvo years, also age. Phvslcal examination necessary. Address 1'. IL. Postofflco Box 3300. SAW SMIT1IER8 (metnl) wanted: highest wages paid, no labor trouble. M 402, Ledger nrflro SHOEMAKER, first class, who understand; I-anrtla machines; wages 110 per week. 014 N. 4nin st. 8TliNtnlltArill.il, Willi Miuwieupo v vXiZ keeping, with ottico exrer lence. Amber Car riot Mills. Amber nnd Wlllard sts, Ith knowledge of book- n-n nt.UA U.vm i4 Cltliens: wages, W.24 to J4.48 per day, bsrd on experlenco nnd capacity: IB days' leave nfter one ver a service: seven holidays and Knturday afternoon nurlnff the summer months, nil with full pny. Apply FHANK- fORD ARSENAL. Ul'llOUSTEHERS-Bont back hangers wanted; state qununcmmnw. gw. ... -... xw -.... WANTED Man In a retail lumber yard: must ho n (rood Pller. willing; to make himself genernlly useful: stntn natnry expected: yard Hll under cover, 11 W Lodger Central. General Ml N. BROAD ST. The Oldest Original AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Tenches you how to repair nnd how to drive nutos. I. PETZ. Oil N. BROAD BT. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, secretary; very enn.: 8 ) ears' exp.; best ref. H 330.1.cd. Cent. CLEIIK High school graduate, 4 years' exp.; very capable: Jiest reL H 4BS.Lcd. Cent. DRESSMAKER wants cng'm'ts: S2.no dnllyi rvU RflOO. ledger Branch, OOUi nnd Olrnrd. . HOUSEKEEPER (managing); prefers private family In suburbs of Phlla,. where one serv nnt Is kent, excellent ref, from present em ployer. Iloxjhi', Toms Jiiver, jt J CaNOUAOES. English branches; conversation, coaching, backward pupils. Mademoiselle. ICOOm 1K11, UCIKnimun iiuiiuiiik. LAUNDRESS, first class, wishes to take washes at homo, good reference. 1030 Cambrldgo st. SECRETARY Woman nf culture nnd educa tion desires pos. ns social secretary; compct. to manage servants- excel, shonner: traveled rxtens. nnd nccus. to nrrnng. Itineraries. II nil. i.euger t-enirai. STENOGRAPHER Knowledge of bookkeeping; moderntoalary1PhoneSpruce0.32. WOMAN, colored, reliable, with son 13. wishes nnsltlnn: city, country. 031 N. Jeasup st. WOMAN, colored, wnnts day's work or gen eral housework; go home. 1211 Montrose. MISS DEAN nt Ledger Central has listed the qualifications of young ladles experienced In all kinds of office detail work and his had special training in selecting tho "right per son for the right position." Acquaint her with your needs either bv personal call or telephone Walnut or Main 3000 and per sonal attention will bo given 1 Promptly. This Is a frco service to LEDGER ADVER- TISERS. I SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, auditor, office manager, nt present employed In this . capacity, desires, for nood renson. to mako chango: experienced in ....nflrlni. flnnnrlnl ntntsments: ncn 311 highest references. A 2. Ledger Office. ACCOUNTANT, office manager, thoroughly ex perienced and practical: references as to abil ity nnd character the heat. O 017. Led. Cent ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper, absolutely first ,-laa l.t vrnri1 ,-ynrrtiice! un-to-date. high- class business ability. 8132 Arch st, ADVERTISING Solicitor Exp., auc'l, sub'tlal Industrial relations; can get audience and close business; execp. Phlla. rets. A 110, L.O, AUDITING, hlg or little, done by responsible man, bonded In 18000. M 212. Lodger Ofnce. BANK TELLER desires position of any kind; 34 years of nee: 18 years' experience; refer enco Al. A 28. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER and office mnnager. with 14 j ears' exp., wants position; mod. salary with chance for advancement: ago 32; nlso exp. In auditing and systematizing: can go out of town U necessary: gnnn rei. u m. i,rn.--ni. BOOKKEEPER nnd accountant. 85; IB vearB' experience; references. H 437. Ledger Cent. DUTLER-VALET. Japanese, wishes position Jnjn-lvate family: have best refs. A 113. L.O. CHAUFTEUR, white, good mechanic, wishes position, private famllv; 8 years' experience; coo.1 renrgi-ra. v ...,. ...-unt-, vj.nv-p. COLLEGE GRAD. 22 years of age. 2 years' business experience, salary secondary to op noriunlty: best city ref. II 818. 1-ed. Cent. EXECUTIVE, active, energetic; quite at home with sales ami financial problems, dlplnmatlo result-producing methods with employes. Act quick It sou need me. II Cot, Ledger Cen tral. GRADUATE ENGINEER, office and factory management experience, available as man ager or assistant H 231. Ledger Central. LADIES' TAILOR Young man. 23, fitter; vnrvt education and business ability. wlahen no. sltlon, mercantile or clothing establishment; would travel: refs. H 818 Ledger Central. MAN and wife (white), butler, houseman, cook; best reference. II 218, Ledger Central. OFFICE MANAGKR-Vlj bkpg., correspond- ..-.., - -- - -- -- - "-, SALESMAN Young man, experience.) ability, cood address and habits, employed, desires tc i inaka ihange. A 13, I-edger Office. ence; l years c. i a n, meager Off. SHOP ENGINEER, age 0. six years aa nraugntsmsn ana macmna aesigner, nve years in.cnargo oi mai-uuie snop. aesires cnange leading to responsible position; In present connection 7 years. M 412. Ledger Office. TRAVELER, experienced, having best of con- necuons in uu uciween Winnipeg and Halifax, is open to represent any manufac turer's specialty: thorough knowledge of French and English; best references. M 403. Ledger Office. ' YOUNO MAN. sge 20. desires clerical position, assistant bookkeeper or gerteral ofnce as sistant, with chance fcr advancement; good reference. If 18T. Ledner Central. YOUNO MAN. 30. desires work of sny kind: Saturdays only. P 830. Ledger Office. ' EXPERIENCED MAN wishes position as gar. ntner mm vuMuuvurj can lurnisn Al ref. from last employer. A.20. Ledger Office. AGENTS AOrTTTS-Tou can make 1 a day Si.fuir nsw angle wrench: It reaches practlc-iiy Inaccessible places on an nuto or any ma chine; send I for simple sells t Jl.so. THOMAS C Kennett Square, r. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NrCHOLLB, I0S0 Balnbrldge: have, complete butlers, secondmen. housemen couples. cook, waitresses, laundresses, etc. Wanted, cookf, to 19: waitresses, chambermaids, housemaws, parlormaids. Thone locust 5130. JIISS MARY T. MCCARTHY. 4107 Christian (Loc. 13113), supplies A wants.lst-elassProt., Cath. male and female heln. nil nationalities.. MRP. MtNTZLAFF, 1WI Christian st (Dick inson MS). tfMpplles all kinds of hejp: Ger man chef: chambermaid for hotel! with refs. AUTOMOBILES for Sale ITNUflVAL VALTJB3 IN U6ED CARS 1918 MTDRCER Runabout: fully equipped: recently painted and overhauled: at a bar rain. 1011 MERCER Runabout: In splendid condi tion: like new; will aacrlftce. 1018 MERCER Runabout! newly minted and overhauled; complete: bargain. 1012 MDRCER Roadster: In fine shape: eleo trlo lights, top, windshield, speedometer and elcctrla horn. 1013 PEERLESS, 7.paeeenger. B-eylinder: In perfect condition: electric starter and lights, slip covers; finish llko new; bargain, 1018 FORD Redan: like new: used onlr two months: fully equipped; at a bargain. MERCER CO., 000 Jf. BROAD ST, BATIOAINB IN USED CARS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE- for NE(W KJNO CARS Can be seen at GARAGE, 2013 K. ' 21st tit, Inquire 614 N. Broad at or KINO CAR BOOTH 0. 40, AUTO SHOW BETTER VAIATEfJ In USED CARS Among the cars recently taken tn exchange for COLE and GRANT are tho following. All nro of good ap rearanco nnd In good mechanical con dition, having been overhauled In our shops, and will bo sold nt sacrifice prices: 1018 PAIGE Mr six tourlnr. 1013 OVERLAND touring. 1114 JEFFEIIY roadster. 1013 CHALMERS six touring, in 1.1 HAVERS six roadster. 1013 CADILLAC touring. ALSO DEMONSTRATING CARS Slightly Used. NOW IS TUB TIME TO RUT L. S. BOWERS COMPANY 215 North Broad Street. DISTRIBUTORS OOLH QRAT WE HAVE 50 OF THE FINEST SMALL AUTOMOBILES that can be seen In Philadelphia. Each car oerhaulcd. pnlnted nnd sold with n reasonablo guarantee. Backed by n responsible concern. It will pay you to Imestlgato. Oood prices allowed on old cars. MAINE LINE SERVICE CO. ROSEMONT. PA. BRYN M.UVR 837.S38-830 AUTOCAR. 1013 Open express, solid tires, nearly new, fully equipped: low price, part --i. 'l, ,- IfMn (1 Villi ?triS PhMlnn, mi BUICK roadster, B-30. 1014 Per. cond'n: newly pnlnted. 113.'! n. Montg'y ave. Kens. 2933 W. BUICK. 3013 Practically now; standard nuto IncTosure. 1483 E. Montg'y ae. Kens. 2M3 W. CADILLAC, 1013, touring car, overhauled nnd repainted: full equipment: price 1730, AUTO HALES (ORPOHATloy, 112 N. Broad st. . FRANKLIN cars, nil models, overhauled and guaranteed. F, L. Pnxson. 3430 Cheslnut st. Ht'PMOBILE, 1014-32 touring, electric lights nnd starter: bargain. H. S. RODGERS, 301 N. Broad at. Spruce QUO. LOCOMOBILE fl-cyllndcr. 4-pass.; a gentle man's Torpedo; In line condition In every re. spect: tires tine; will demonstrate. 1C 013, ledger Central. , SIMPLEX 1012 RUNABOUT, fully equipped. electrlo lights, top and seat coters. etc. 'Call 420 RealEstatoTrust alulldlng. STANLEY steamers. 1200 up: nlso limousine body; call, make offer. 1130 Westmoreland. STUDUBAKBR, 1014, limousine: equipped with electrlo lights and starter: good condition. GOM BR Y-SCI I WAIVra. 2.13 N. Broad fct. WHITE. 1!H2, 7-PASSENOEIt. O-CYLINDER TOUHLNO. IN GOOD CONDITION ME CIIANICAU.Y: TIRES IN OOOD CONDI- TION.I. C. MOSEII. 210 N. BROAD ST. DELIVERY or pleasure cars, without real es tate security, $3 down and $3 per week up wards. Can we tell ou how It Is done? Our representatives will call by appointment, day or evening. 1. UJl . i-ea ger tc ni ra i , 023 NORTH BROAD STREET 831 itonertson a ota original auio School teaches you how to re pair and how to drive autna. 031 NORTH IlltOAD RTREET 820 FOR SALE Columbia 1D12 0 passenger tour ing car: good condition; no dealers: sell ror 1800 cash. Phone .Filbert 2332. Call 801 Htepnen oirard uuiiding. SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN llf.UHlill UAJE9 QOBPON AUTO EXCHANGE, 238 N. BROAD SPRINGS, wheels, tanks, mufflers, tubes, II. Bchobcr, 8311-43-45 Market. Wanted STOPI LOOKI AND LISTEN! We buy old autoa In any wrecked condition: get our price before you sell them. Phone or write Southwestern Junk Co., 1705-7 Carpenter. 80 OLD AUTOMOBILES WANTED In 2 weeka; best prices paid, WHITE. 4006' Umbrla at.. Manayunk. Phone Mk. 321, WANTED AUTOS FOR JUNK GET OUR price first. Ml Diamond at. Phone Park 410. EXCHANGE new 1000 player-piano for auto." Whltmoro Piano Co., 2033 Lehigh. Tioga 7230. OLD CARS bought for Junk: any condition. Belmont 400. Problnsky, 8001 Vine at. AUTO LIVERY AND OABAQES NEW CMRFORD One and one.half ton and three-ton trucks: will lease both trucks with drivers on hourly tails, with contract guar anteeing continuous service. R. c. Kooti, Locust 210. 308 Chestnut st. QUAKER CITY OARAGE, open. 4C2-40I.4C8 N. 8th: thoroughly equipped: steam heat, etc.; room for 100 cars: repair work reason able rates; open all night, Phons Market 4933. TO HIRE (open day and night) Brand-new 5-pass. touring car. with robes. $1.23 hour; also brand-new 7-pass. limousine. St. 80 hour; weddings, funerals, etc. Poplar 1UIT W. 10, 191C- AUTO REPAIRING MAGNETOS. COII.S ALL MAKES REPAIRED. Lighting, siartlng. Ignition troubles lorrccjed. All types, new nnJ second hand. Bosch. Dual Independent and Two Spark Magnetos For Sale. MBNKt.VS COIGHL1N 1410 Vino St. AUTOMoniLE H.KI'AlItS. The b'st-equlpped shop in V. 1 hlla. ve straighten frames nnd axles make parts, harden nnd grind, re build, oierhn ul i nnd re pilrall mikes; prices fair; "lf"Xr- sreclal Carburetors and Mechanical SlartJU'Ptci. surier for Fords, sen Ice station '2rrtc HIOOINS BROS.. 4212 C'hetnuL . "cticptinitETrat TROUBLE f f SRE BILLY-5IS N BROAD CTUNDnrtS REnqRED. " now" Pistons and AUTO SUPPLIES RADIATOR COVERS Mado to Order for All Cars Windshield Curtain; Stop wind, rain nnd dust 65c. at your denier, carnge or direct. COMFORT CUSHlOy COMPANY 1020 Oermantown nve. Kensington 012i. New Departure Fen ice si;. ',7,hlrVa'lm3SJ 1314 Arch st. Phones Walnut 3407. nacsaw- AUTO TIRES rtJLLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 40isl miles. Compare prices. rii.allna 1 Q titr ffAlinll. O II M ' S ' 2.10 K Broad st, . rinFHTONE DEMOUNTABLE rims, for For.) c"rs MS irir set. Installed. Duplex Tire Com pnnv, 2228 N Broad st, rhone Diamond 1423. B'LDINO MATERIALS REPAIRS 1 . .." !!!.-- . t. on ttrt .-. Altatrn CUorV,dkra Urd: ompt service: -?c";, "";"""-,,-,,,, H,n, Co.. Si1 isneo. renn jichi i.ni .... - - t.M N 10th, Both phonee. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT FOR RENT , , . Near railroad depot: rapidly growing neigh ftrhoodl no ToPDOBltlont spiendld opportunltv for experienced restaurant and cafe mnn: rood Inducement to right party. L 830. Ledger Central. EXPERIENCED promoter with larrj financial acquaintance Is open for an engagement for any proposition of merit; best of references required: will deal with principals only L 831. Ledger Central. TmAfTICAT. MAN "WITH 12 TRARS' EX OTiRNCD WILL JOINCAPITAL WITH PARTNER HAVING 13000 TO 120.000 IN LIGHT MANUFACTURING BUSINESS; HAFE INVESTMENT; LARGE RETUHNH; NO AOENTS: M 145. LEDGER CENTRAU MANUFACTURER of popular-Priced automobile, yearly. .capacity 23.000. wants 5u.0Cs1 additional working capital: good opening for nctlve busi ness man. M 117. Lodger Central. PROSPECTIVE BU81NESS-We want n ren resenlntlvo In ench county In Pennsylvania and Now Jersey to handle our now Blow-out nnd Puncturc-rroof Air. Tire: largo mile ago guaranteed: a. small Investment nec essary: our contract gives you nil our mall orders In your territory. A ml, Ledger Office. rATENTS-AnTHUR E, PAIGE. 711 Wnlnut st Phlla.. mechanical nnd electrical engi neer: registered patent attorney: established hero 30 cars; Inventions developed: patents, trademarks. copyrights secured nnd liti gated anywhere: rejected applications proso- cuteu; prenroinury nu,n. ,,-,:. WANTED, president and manager with capital to manufacture a rubber tiro: hnyo n 14 year patent and I am n practical rubber- mnn. a i, i.cuscr uukt. A PECAN OROVn with cotton planted be- a it. .-. la e. fvAit Ini astmnnl Ilovn lwrniBirare ".""" ..IVJla' W ou mvestlgaicu c 'I'-Ull iinuiiua.iuii .u.inn.iy... IVhtlcomb. Biggs A Co., Pennsylvania llldg. nnfip pncwr.T roar. VARn ON P. AND R. FOR RENT. JIO MONTHLY. 030 WEST TIOGA ST. GROWING ORCHARDS, nil ages, for sale. HARRY DARLINGTON 1420 Chestnut st. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. Patent Attorneys. Washington, D. O. Write for descriptive booklet WOULD eafe Investment pnlng 10 per cent. Interest you, successful business many years; stand rigid Investigation M 141, Led. Cent. MILLINERY, estnb., uptown, for sale: excel, class trade; 111 health cause. I. 850, Led.Cent BUSINESS PERSONALS FULL DRESS SUITS Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sack Suits To hire and made to order. NEUBAUEIt, THE TAII.OR. Ill N. Oth at. Hell phrme. Wnlnut 2018. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis, the only permanent way. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH, 4U2 Keith Theatre Jlldg. Miss Hoppe, hairdresslng.Mclnl massllge.man leuring. Form. Mint Anude. with Miss Smith. CLAIMS ot any description collected on per centage anywhere. We get your monev for you. AMCOHH MERCANTILE AGENCY. Room ana. ITjOj Arch st. FULL DRESS SU1TS-AI1 new. stjllsh goods: largo assortment. SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 GIltARD AVE. PHONE l"OPLAR C3I2. CARPET CLEANING BOYER CO.. nBAL CARPET BEATING. 8300 N. l'-'th. No tumblers used. Phone TlogaJSOO. CARPETS. LINOLEUM. ALTERED, LAID. Bartow. 2IC0 N. Dover St.. Diamond 2032-W. BOGS rOMEBANIAN iRIark, 18 months old, weight 8TJ pounds: sire Foxhl Is or Oriel. Rockybrook Kennels, Bala, Pa. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY PATTERNS cut to your Individual meaaure merta by expert designers. Tho latest Im ported models un display. Mcdowell dressmaking school 801 DENCKLA IILDO, llth & Market sts. HEMSTITCHING. 10 centa a ya'rd: all matTT rials. A REICIIARD. 1113 CHESTNUT ST. . PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKINO DAILY AND EVENING SESSIONS 1133 OIRARD AVE. FOR SALE BILLIARD .AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling alleva; easy payments. BRUNS- . WICK-BA LKE-COU,ENDElt CO..1002 Arch. BILLARD and , pocket tables, shuffleboarda, new aim sugntiy uaea; liberal terms: renting, ssnalrlnw any iinnllai l)n..nti sxwii n Dill repajrlnff ami BUpplienTj IWMUU, S.S.J Os QUI. UILLIAnD, pocket, 2d-liand tablw. repalrlnj?, uii.nl .. flB.li.1l..l ,1 m . ...n. . .. .' ui.,.iic.. w.-jirm ,im, .u,, .ui p,. rriini. BILLIARD, pool, combination. 2d-hand bought, told, rente' exch'd. Keafer, 3211 Oirard ave. CASH REGISTERS, new and sicond-hnnd: to tal adders as low as 130. on easy monthly payments; all registers sold by us fully guar. anteed. The Jsutlonal Cash Register Co.. 730 Chestnut st. VOIGHT FOR SALE DESKS, flllnr col Inna Mf ... . -jj, and office furniture nnd ntiimteS.J scrlnilon used, tnit In i-ii TJ vei?S' at very cheap: fr.v , Kiu ., f.n "eM.t' 1 DESKS. larRe Hssr,ri nt u h " "t nlture. Dullng (Tn ral F ,-f?n,i M'llja FANS-fl a lernallnu current ..m , '&j a f ewemall motors. "Hrmaf 'ft "V$ SAfES-Plreproof .losing outVlirt,,""1-1 l?nn''niA1'' 'IR bargain, Mi,T.JCa -"'til V1CTROLA VI AND" SIX ta. A .Guaranteed to' i.-vwims v" o, s be, In perferl .,. ta onrfornonre"w,,ai9,ffiKl Ine nt a reasnM.IJ?nltb!ef-: A n Atf.aM.nl ft soon mnehln centa weekly acrepted. centa neeklv acrepted. can e-f '" fin completo description and la)s.r iw"" cataloguea. 'aK, "lortriB HEPl'E'S UPTOWN STOftFj. "41 Corn'rr'h,iVd?,Uah0' M CENTS WEEKTiT BUTa A Vtrr HEPPF;'5 UPTOWN STOflFg J Corner llth and Thompaon sta.. r'hllx. J' VS ! ' D st eVi.. '. I I rvi- firtuiy-ino IRTRQ Vans. nn r- -J horses and ono for three horses, hi rPS nine) nra .! in rm ta.1 fenVe? fRS? ?. "LM'S 5nrnCb'iernt,r!;l.,5Rln,r ,0 PUt U"' rVUjS? 08 DIAMOND RING, I'UHW WhtJ-' PERFECT: VALUE 13S. RIEDEn'nii'S nn-r-mn too vr imV-i tt-Jvl:',-'tJlt B Loi VBtoK I21I-I1IAMOND EAIUtlNGH. Iir.tln W,ll . . .v..t . , rumivf, ,, AND PERFECT: ALUE h nik1y I-ON OFFICE. IM MAII T sT60"? DADDY WALKER huyTnTTMng msrt,'i. -records: exchanges all records? lM,-H Rldgo inc.. above Columbia vl' " nsl M.I-PLATINl'M LA. VAlTLIEtfB-VSTTS' F.C iHffrLTt '.,? nWl, ,-.-- -. . .-. .Jt ..- ...ni rak Jl, , tiornt vivn nifnitties";.T.- i 'value .23 "iViH fn wBt: 128 MARKET ST. "" unC;i OENT'fl, rUR-LINED OVERCOATS llTMi up, Rlcder's lxan Office, lis Mark tn'"'1 HEATING MAKIN.KBIF.Y HEALTH HEAT la"w. nnd. cheaper. than steam or hot water hK fresh air with normal moisture, fift1 iti;ijjMi. u .v. lain at.. Phlla. ":l INSTRUCTION OTDNOORAPHY ft bookkeeping by laairS pos. guar. 7Q locust. (Washington tJL'dl RIA Vrntr trlvnfn I.imwi S . il.... J..:A I "rates! qulk results'." irijy, ?2ii 2$, Mnslcal IANO, mandolin, guitar teaehsri en-val instruments: weekly paylt. H fel LsJCagj MACHINERY AND TOOLS HATTINO SAFETY .SPJUT COLLARS Airjl YOCOM hangers and plflow blocks wluVKll Ished ball and socket bearings are ths ia I for nil shnttlng purposes. SHAFTINa Affi I MAClIINB WonKR. jvt North Beconi, ,J uAftix-.a nua ft BOX POWER-PLANT r.ouip.wrwT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and cU a, 9 glnea, pumps, ntr compressors. .1 FRANK TOOMEY. Ine., 127 N. st .1 RECOND.lfANn PtPn Cut and threaded to sketch: large etmj of all sires In stock. Griffith. 410-2b Merer iL BAND llESA'S, circular resaws. Iron m tables, mortising machines, planers, moUn .. ,....-1, 1,1, Xt N.W -. jig pqww. utiwii, -nj ... uin u DYNAMOS, motors and machinery botf! lachlnery botfit wi5 sola nnu renieat armatures i Market iimw. aearsiey uo, ELECTIUC MOTOa&-New nnd Sflcond-lim;! BiauulLTU iiiiinroi si iu .w ii At w SELrERTS, 437 N. 8d St. PIPE AND FITTINOS cTTEAM TRAPS, INJECTORS. LuTTKlal TOUS, CHARLES BOND CO., 820 Arch Hi riPE. second-hand, all sixes. Phlla. Feco I liana I'ine ouppiy vo.. ivuj n. nn. roeca I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS EDISON MinnMn.iviiwi. ttitnvoniliptr Cost 180 new.' l This outfit Is complete, with reeorJi. cl will DO BOIU lor n, ijhv.iuio ,.;. ntt..?, Call or write for complete descrlotloai iH I large luuacraisa catalogues. HEPPB'S UPTOWN 8TORE3 Corner th and Thompson ats. Philadelphia. Pa. t38 LARGE 5SONOPIIONB TALKING MACHINE wun vaoineu nna .iu iicvuru ,, Finished In beautiful quartered osctw' flew si: can no paia 10c weeaiyj wira ent bargain: In good condition. wrttMH cnmnleto list ot bargains and special ra offer. ...... . iit-.i'i'i-; m ui'iunn HIUIIM -. Corner nth and Thompson an. i Philadelphia, ra. j IT Is no favor on our part to sell you Wj plnno for 10. Wo only want "1t,,,1,5 nuvanccu la cover mwusu cuainc-. "-, j i a. largo stock of .pianos and player PM that must be sold In. tho next lasv"" Terms may be arranged to suit yr JMfflj c lence. Open evenings. Phone TIM ijU North Philadelphia Storage Company, w i.cniKII uvtiiua. HARPIST leaving city will rent or sell le ; flno concert Brand harp, reasonable. A0jy ; Miss Emma achubert. The Covington, ns ; nnu uiiceinm. tS3-CIUCKEitINO UPRIGHT TIAN0 imurATin VISCENT. 838 N. 1TB.: MOVING to storage on WeS''.",'5.Jrll" flee my upright Piano. 1028 .V. 18th. ! OLD GOLD Tv CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. Pj'jK?'? stones, gold, silver. Platinum. f'i ': Pl.lln Rmeltlnr V- net. Co.. 128 S. RUB OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated wan. style Jpwelrv, teeth P'tea bought fcrou style iweirv, teetn piaics doumi m Eat. 1870. J. lftClark. reflner,J0TJee OM GOLD Cash'paid, for old rold, jgS'j ; vmus" .- rs 1210. ROOERS. 27 S. 171h si. TRINTING SOCIETY IWORAVlNO-WeddlnlnvrtJtljll visiting cards. Embossing and rrlntlnj wi u,nn ii chMinnf , Otipn svenlnfa visiting cards. Embossing and 1 rinuaj ;j Shop. 10OI Chestnut st. Open evenlma J i STORAGE CONTINENTAL. . PAckiNb'. ioVinp'biiipw'o, Rugs, Carpets cleaned, scoured. "JIT , Bell. Locust IQCO Phones K-", "a" "1 FIDELITY FIREPROOF WATtEHOUSM 4OIA-i01V llAHRb, M. ATLAS STORAGE WAIIBIIOUBB - BUrsftl moving. pacKing. snippins. ifF.fc, InrfSTis. Ph. Baring 732 for estimate. MarlistanJjiS McOANN'H STORAOE HOUStl J'".! llth it Moving, packing, shipping: vans. Both phonea. Letusea(lniaii. MONARCH ST6rUGB'i. WEST PI1ILA WEST PHILA. Auto packing and. sWPHIr IV CO I- I'HlLtJl .ITllTlijniSTlill ,gl-f mm for 2O000 tons of. j HAVE storage room for 20.000 tons ""JT?"?; &?'! ,BaJi.,a'f.ue, c'Jntfiv ricuivicii emnp. - ,-,-. -.r ; FREE STORAGE the first month nuto van. snipping, pacsins. Ing. levin's. 2)I8 Ridge. FIREPROOF, Mothproof. Concrete warn N, Phil, Storage Co.. 2033 Lehigh. Tio UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE repaired, refln. nd "gT Morris Berger, 6243 Market. Ph. i " f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers