W&mgorZ p' EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. JANUARY 10, 1916, o kj $$ HEALTH IN BANK f Protects u. s. in ,s inroD WAD 1ITTT Arlfift-"AU JUULiU I .Annual Currency Report I' Shows $2,000,000,000 In- $ creased Deposits 5LWONS RESERVE EXCES . Hi a Staff Correspondent 'TvViSHINCSTONr Wn 10. The outatnnd ft - Aaturc of the annual "report of Comp- if- . t - r... .....,... TaVii owl.,.. m-iiilams. made to Congicts todny, Is the Atifttlnlr Increase tn the deposits of the Vtldnl banns ot lI, ,,nllc'1 Stales ' rK'TillS InCrOflKO OI IZ.Utl.tssvlUil rennets (. wonderful prosperity of the American .ITttlv and Rl" nurhriP. that this ir..."v. 1 tie al.lo to take rare of Its Sums nbl material development In 'fba DcrM of stttgnntlon add prohnHe tMntt that mnr follow Iho lr-.ni,lng of Inedfmnhd for Ameilrnn goods l.y the fcuropMn nations at war. HANK UKSnt'ltCHS. ' resources of the nnttonnl banks of tin- YS States I" November 10. IBIS, the data of Ihf l"st rB"- nno""t,1 I" m.2H- StW compared with H,in2,4r,2.722 on n.- inhir 11. lf14. according to the Coniptiol- J".., rfport The excess reserve Ntivctn- L.V 10 according to the Cnmptt oiler's n- eort amounted to J11.7W.WI. the ttic.tlr.st in irie history of American hanking '" Slnff the tlitl itillloil nf the- Fmleml Ite- sfrve Sjsteni, nys the Comptroller, ile- BOatls la nntlonnl banks Increased !2AM.- tKOltM Mid """ nni1 dleoutilH Incionfcil ii74M6"2. Capital, surplus anil undivided profits Increased J17.001.001 j Adding to the 7C0i) national lu.iiks, alt tho Slate banks, trust companies and other luinilJ of banks In the United States, the Comptroller Bays the total blinking re. ."sources of the country amount to the 'CTWmOlls total of $27 SOU29.G77. This Ck- fure compares with IGlS.COO.fXiO. tho total 'tanking resources of the United Htatos In 163. when the national banking- system ta Inaugurated wori.n jail t'sriinas. Tha most Imp irtnnt miggctlon ad vanced In the report 's for an amendment 'of the mtlonal bank art, which will en able the Department of Justice to brim, lUlt Against llflincrH lipiui iiiiiiriiiiiuitll .furnished bj Hie Comptroller's off lie. (.Under the present law suits for uitiiy har to lio brought bj the boriowcr, with the results that nntlonnl l nnks In tbo South and Writ aro violating tho law at trill and crushing tho small boirimci. The law has been violated to the greatest excess In the ciioof 15 bunks ( the West and South Tin rates tun In tome cases (ip to more than 1000 per cent. The (Jnmptrollci suggests nl"o a law to iuthorlto tho Comptroller to hi lug pin tsedlngs Hgnlnst directors for losses to their banks caused h their own violations pf Jaw. Ho refers to Instiiiccs within the last )ear In which directors personally were rcqulicd ti leitnre to banks neatly JG,000 of losses tesulttng from theli uii ttwful Investment of hank funds In plucks I The Comptrolkr's repoit slates that oil the outbreak of tho Kuropean war jvcw York hanks Increased their tnrin.il Jnterost rates to as high ai 12 pet cent. Jrt some case. Through a threat to pure jislj'a Hat pf, jinnies of Now Yoik banns nit ihniglng ukuiIous rates, Coiuptioller jVIIllniiis .! s he succeeud In foiclng Ihe banks to reduce their charges to G per rent Taking up the campaign among the country banks, the Comptroller gives long tables of rites charged In wbleh lie t.1iott'Rhat"iatT-s as high ns2iO pur cent, were cxactcdjiy some banks. Mapy of these high rnuvi, 'ihivOoiupti oiler con cedes, were chrygeil oil, small loans for short periods, hut he cites tr Instant es of thiec Oklahoma banks, wlilih, ho declar,es, show avciage lates of Intoiest charged on all theli lo.uis of 'Xi per cent.. Vtt "r. .(in. nnrl tH ..n nm.t rnunnnllvnll' Bin his tables the Compttoller tefrnlns I from giving the unities of the liatms. '. i.aavs tu:t'OMMi:xi)i:i . Comptroller Williams recoininends to Congress, In his report, much legislation designed to prevent banks from being "broken front the Inside." Among these irecoqamendations nro the following: j? Prohibit . ofllcoiH from bortowitig Vrom their own banks, ami prohibit directors from bori owing except on authority of the directorate. Require olllecrs and emplojcs to fhc surclN linnds Limit the amount of n hank's money - hlch tnn bo lent to one lit in, cor , poratlou oi ludlvldial. ., Prevent oi limit pa j meat nt oer i drafts. Iteiulre certllleates of deposit to bo llgned bs two olllecrs Forbid otlleets anil employes front altering bj etasures nt acids enlrlea on the books of national banks. Limit tO 4 DPI' r'fllt tlin InlniAy. in fce paid on deposits, except when tho discount rale fixed by the Keiler.il Re serve Bank cites a higher rate, where upon banks In such Kedeial Heseivo Bank's district inaj eiiu.il but not ex ceed that rate- provided, however. Btate laws lis higher rates. In which Cafieft ttin Itntlni.nl !...!... ... ... .. . f -, .... ,,u,lu,,(ll iir.imn in nui-ii ni.ltu 'tatty equal the State rale. '. u me "atlnal banks to estab "5 branches In the United Ktates. -" erniii oianch nanKs In Alaska and insular dohpshiihw 4 Authorlie banks to charge a inlnl- .u... , cents for small loans. AtUhorlza the Compttoller to bring actions against directors for bank oaae, duo to Molntlons of tho bank- iani, nqu!re bank (lirrctors revponslbln Jnln. . s th,0l,Ch unlawful Invest Unk nake lestltutIon to their rfOVida far HArvixn hi. iirA,... A to ihi; ?MOI"""l"'ea "' ,);"lka hi pLv- t" ma' 'mve ho experience. tvMiZV, T ,,ie "inptroller to lemovu banUrlle co,lso'lrnHoii-of iintloual bvPrrtiVn.' deIa's In the taking of oaths "i airectore. Mplu'l' UeP0Slts ,0 c'Bht or ten times UnkFtV' .".,e nptro:ier to line 'S I loans' "8hn,ent rf maU",b' ex' I tHcZnLt bankln,,' in the pi,- L."1 Comtittollo,. . . j. .... Federal n.;.l 'J.?""L..t",arm "mi 'oocesafnliJ W. ,V.aWm naa operateu of rani V-ide,,.pIte th0 aloomy predictions W!;"7.J0''0l"b' Its Initiation made by IWatnr. v. rteasutP ia the old InutworiK m w3 Prccuriou and un- I'taerr. riCi. ; M'at tl10 new ,'"leI BMjjtt.ualrt ,'' "' " ucpenueu upon IT w,Uard the tountrj from panic. fiyroQLfiY(3iN(?Es . liruidr --.vi nasi luuoi cicwivu fiingonrn,he Wnnomit l'ik and lilaeV "Mene'r Hallway Company, ftbi ?n?i G,or?e D HcCrotjry, deceased. fanei v .. """eotors were elected Wert, v V,eebr. Simon J. Marthi, J. JSJr,!' th? 'tier blnB a new director, ',1,' W:a or Mr Sledenbach as a WSf Of the hnnv.l UVESTfirtr nimntiannvo Uinxnn "(uuiatiuap k.A,i.Jn. la Hons -neciot. iu.coo. wrrnT WT. i?w' mixed and batchers HfiOiaulo WmoM vUs. JU0l6 K''llaMW1 S market t.s.l "Sepi n.w. i c.Imii s aivu t. S. STEEL ORDERS SHOW HEAVV (IAIN Unfilled Tonnage, ns of December 31st Increasetl 616,733 ,.5"T.Y ?om- 'Tftri. 10 An Increase of BlG.iSS ton was renorte.1 tt- (tin iTnlietl Stntci Steel Corporation In Its monthly I atiment Issued nt noon tWsv The otdern hooked tip to December 31 were 7.W.SK0 ton. This compares with .,187,41 on Noiomber f), nn Increase of I 1G..S3, and with 23,.fi41 ton on Decem ber HI. 1311. C'oitipntwen for three rwtrs fntkm- ! Jnnnnrv . . ! t'r,,l,!,rv I .Mtvli . . ! Anil .i liia .:: ' .nily . . t AlllMt I Sernetnler tt-thhrr .. Not elnfofr 1 Ierenlr in . t'lti tai fJ 4.SI1 171 Lunula 7 7.'liM i.4317i r.ositun 7.nn.7ll i-.i.-n 4 n.vi,-. 7 4as nvt l.l'iz.-ll l TT.nHi 0iT,.ir.' I Sill,.-; .I.ras 1 m) a. 12 1. 122 4.1.7s 11(1 j (TK 17 r..al7 .117 4 til IV. 211,111 i..i ..117 I12S ,1.77.t.7 0.1H". 4'I2 .! 4111.0117 7 1 1"1. 'ia I 12 1 .VI2 7,im2Jll .lA'H.IH I 1NTKUKST OX CITY DEPOSITS Locnl Dunks nml Trust Compttnies Paiil $3in,138 in 1015 TJip rhllidelphlt banks and trust com panies In the Inst six months of HI pild a total nf J1I2.US In luteresl motley at the tate, of 2W; per cent, to the city on neeounl of the money deposited with ; llinm. t'l.n I.Atita ,i.i t'y t.nn ii.rt .H..i compnnlp. $7H.W and three h.tnks paid n pepurnte amount of JW? on the active accounts maintained with the cltv. This N apart fiom the J2G.MI paid bv banks on the cliv's sinking fund deposits. Tho pavirmnls iluilng the first sl.x months by nil ilnposllniy luatltlltlops amounted to lll'I.OK , This added tn die JlflP.XK) or the bitter half nf the t;,ir made a total of 11tS.r. pn'd In Inleipsl upon the city's vatloui deposits diillnr 111". In 1311 the depos' ti rlrs paid a l-tnl nf JJ00,R"!2 ut the lint 2 pet pnt tile This rale cnutlitiieil until Maieh 21, p-,. ien Hip poimcll manic orillniiKc Incie.islng lite into 'i per cent went into r!Tct. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS CHAIN AND FLOUR . ItllAT -Ucrrliits lin.nin l.imh. Tlierp wns a nooil ilrmnnil nnd the nwrkrt ruled Me .lv with ninlrrnie nrrorltiK". ijuotntloni' l .r Intft, lit pxnott rlestnr N'o. U red. sprit "til JJiiui'irv SI L'lim.ss No. 2 Hnuthern re.l. SI !;ifl "ll nl.ini, N... -.i l .t4.l ' V.. I ! i. I PS!I 21 rnlertrci A. Jl.iilH .Ifl.SJL, I f I'M II l I 'M 21 CHUN -llnvltils mill Lush. OUrrlnes 1 w.re IIkIiI mill tlic innrkrt rnlo.1 firm llinush' uilil (JiinintlniiH enr lots fnr lo.Ml trmip, . lis tn Inritlnn strn Nn, 2 i-tlnu. l1f t s2'., Wpftlfrn ntriniir rllen, iljsip.; Wpnt I im No. .1 lellmt, 71iflvip, Hniilliern jellon. . ni Mir , now rfih. prr 70 ll.- 77M7S. 11ATH lie. rials. I."i.iri liuslt. Prices ml niiieil iir. linger light lilTerhms nnd h fslr ilemmil (Juiitsllnm Nn. nhlte .1lI1ii.r . Htuiiil ir.l wliiip Vh.-.m... Nn. .1 hlte. 4Mr lie Vn I Hhlln, IiIW4?Im. ssinple nits l.-fi HI. mirlMf.l nuts Bi'.nleil. 4'tti lit 11.1)1 I! -lttHi-i.t I2IHI l.lilit iiti.l J.tm.S.Vi ll. Ill fiiks Mill limits were well nuiln lllneil, but triilp wns quirt. fjunfntl inf. i r I a II n. In won.l inter rloir. si liifl." u'i In HtrnlRlil. J.lliOfll.n .In., inlrnl H 'J1 r ii in. Knnsis, ilnr. Jute fin k SI :mtfs in; In rlriiliihl. Jute Fiiiks. .1 7.1H1 nil. tin, untrnt, J1110 sHkK, Jimi.2u spring, flrst iloar, J.iI'MI. ilo . strnlslil, ll'lll.2.1. do. tmlont. Sil.'J .1iil Ml. iln , fim.rlte l.nlinls. - JU.7VK7.1.1: cltv mills, ilvilm iitnl rnne-. tuili-nt, ril7.1f)7 1.1: illy mills, rFgtilni; kiiiiIpf Wlnlnr. Ir.ir $1.1') ii.I.iV. do., MnilRhl. IIKHill. 1.1. ilo , tmtrnt. $11 'Mint i,n, llli: Kl.OI'lt roll lnl Inn rulnl'stenilv unilrr mall supplle Wc aunip 111 $1.2117.110 per liM . ns tn iiunllu. PROVISIONS Til n m irlint rttti il llrtti n ti.l nannrulli lilu Virtp ultJi 11 fnlr Inlhlnc ilcmiut'l. wuntHllonn Mtv i nrer, in tpIm innnktl tuiil nir-.lrtoti HiL'ii. W'FHlern href In nolo. Hiinki I. SKrjV , iltv lipcif, kmifklp nnl icmirrs. tninkM Hint alr-drlril. i'ij27r d1tii hoot. knnchlcM tttnl tcii'Ieit. Finukfii I'lUV.Tr brpf Iihiih (jS'fi.Di, itork, riinillv. r."-' .".M12.T liainH. H V. rurtil. Uifhf, imiilV df . Hklnul Ioi.it. 1.'ff1V?p,. iln, dn.t Riiidko!, 17'Mils, other haniM. tinmhrd, lHv uri" iim tn hrnnd invl nifrMce. liiKWITr. h.im fiimknil. Wrtrrn eured u HiMv. x ilo,, lmllcd Ikiup Iphk, l!ik ; iilcnlc Hiimilitrrs. rf I tirtl Inn Ft. Id'iC . 'In , 1 Mink nil li.$r1'i litlltn lit ntVUlo .icmrit. 1 ItiC ti rr.iKe lnosr, llrlL'C . hrvikfimt iMtmi, ih to hraml ami iirrnf;i clt urci. l.Vnit.i.. ItrftkfiHt baton, WrnttTii turtil. irU li'i.. I.ml. fficrii iriliil. In.tlcrmc. irtlit : iln ilo, ln. utliH ti'i , fn.. tMiio it. kltlo rt ii'lcrr.I. in ticrtPA In t. . . Jo., puie It v . kittle rfii.lrrfii. in tuht. U)tv. . IUCKINKI) SUGARS Tlun wtiH llitln tnnllns ntnl tho Mii'nhin Mml I'M)iiHlnnhi rrnnrrH rt)ineU llt prkPi 10 pnliun ltPtlni rv' tut price. Kxtra linn t,ninul(teO, ." s"i1i. irn , hciuhIi;! Krnnul.itpl, " hi?,1 tV, povili irl, 1 ti'rfHJ II-"k . (nnfrrtlnn ittt A. B 7.V(i " s V , unit KiHitPK, ."ff.'i.V, DA III Y PRODUCTS nl'TTKIt.- Thprp was a rnlr nutlet for tlm IhaltPil receipt of tn tn ftnrk ami alnrd wprp uteailflv nialntalnptl. rnlluwlnc arp tho tii(HaltouH. Weiipin. fienh. folM-pn kpil irpampry fnnc hippIiIh ."i'k. , extra, .tlr. . pxtra HrNtH .11 fj t-( , 'Irats I'Sindc,: HPtnmlf "-7r. . lulled, JKdUVt. rtraili iiriutn. fniu', t7p.. avrapp oxtr.i ..l!tU: flrstf it. isftiJe. . tp nndi, Vii'-'Ti- . Pprdil fancy hrnn'la nf prluti lal'tntiK K UiU I.Il 1HJOS.-Klne npwlatl pkkh wore In prnall mipilv tin I Itrm under a rokI .IpiimihI I'ot InulitR are th (lUotatloiiH. In frea eaFfK, iiHiihv pxtrn, .IV per ilozen. ne.trliy tlrptH. $I(r( per (ft.iu'1-inl iiise. nearby turrent ro .elptH. VMmi pi r hi hp. UeKrn extra tin IB. $tn.."ii ter iiuc do. fliHtH. J'M'O wr utc, fani v, HHe.ttil taulkl okks were Johhlinc at -HWnji. pi tUtun VHVAIXF.. Tlio market rulel linn under Unlit oiTrrlnKS and a fair demand, rollortliu uiu the iiuut.itlonM Now York, full irv-tin. inm. heM, lHiWlse . "fpecLilV Iilphor, do., fulr to Koud. htld. ITillTUjo. . do. part eklma. UiVH.. POUIfRY lalVIJ -The mirket ruled firm with deniaii'l equal to the niTfrlnua of delinble stock, Ouo tatUm? 1'ow Is. as tn alze an I (tut It v lMtJt . moult i h lfit'J'fjc . tiprliitf thkkPiit, Hcunlint: to '1'itlitj. IMilTt.. intkevB 'Jihi'-'-'i .; .Im kM, aa to fUu and quallij. IVuMTi Keee. l.VijlTi' . KUlneim, nunc. welshliiK Ilh and oir Hplete, per pair. Hiioe.. weiRhlnje l'i Uiri. ailcic. ter iMlr. 7.VnNl, welchlni; 1 lb, aplfto er pair, ''V. , ruIiiphb, old. per pair. W . plKcons. iiM ler pair. rfSSc.: do., join iff, per p.di, HitSOc liltl'Snlin. .Supplied nf drslrablo ato k wero fiinill and the market rulod linn, with driiiand (dual 'in tho ottering Quotations Kreah killed. di-i.teked fnwM, V2 t" box. iln nlektil, fjiay selected. isi, do. wefshfiift 4wi." Ibp. apleee, lc , do., weUtdn? i l aplete, 17t.. tlo , welKhlne t'i Ibn npleec HWItte. : tla , weighing .1 lbs. ami under uplece. 1 In Kir. ruwls, m IiIiIm , dry-pUked-Kniu-y. mfIA Its aiiliHf. iiuc . hnne, ma. upmee, inv.. .iiuillrr iltw, liiil.V. Ohl rooatrni, drs- ..I. .La,! 1'tiJ.i iiili ktn irMei - famy brollti, LHr-.. iUir tuuirbv faiic nrotlrr. -Jfi-l' . vv uttnrii broiler. weiuiuiiK H1.M- iu. uiurvr. "ji-'t . N'nrthfru Illinois i nirKrna. in in v sellcm, urlliliiff U. boxt?ti. tt4i.'ti . northern Him uer. in Illinois. fain j , l.l.lrt l.MlSt.. ..tUr. ltaul.rn ..nisi. Ill lbs anl oer. In .....v. .,'?'-", I...'" i.V i ".: ...V...7. .I.V. tkJIC, 1M11UC., OllltT ...'Hirilt. n.-.HMlK -7VU tl. Ilw lii liarrels. HviilTc . other Weatern, neltlliliif 2MH Ih. In bbls.. ISftl.'-.. Inferior. IU. Turkejii. nearbi. fancy. ST '., do., du , good lo rlialre. StfStlc.. I.... WMleni. rne). 2i,., do, d, K"01! Ii. .Iiol.c. 2.ffi2.V. do. fdlr. 2iS2Siv., do., old innw. 21c. do., culls mid No .', I.HISlk idsIiib .links, nearby, Ixfiii.. do . esiern. rmiei. ITbi'm?. . io . do.. lulr lo gooa. i-tti - tieese. iirby. UKiii-, do.. Western. ItiwHs. . VuitNi. rr Joteii- w'hite. weighing 11 In i 1 bi. per iloien. $1 MKtflM. whin, weighing u in III IDH 1'VT UUSr.l .l1.nJ n.ll.P, lbs lr dnien. tl S.'rttn.SUl do., UO.. down. J.'Vi.!. do., do. tlm lb. ftQ, white. telKtilng 8 l IL'H. icr tier dozen. S-'tfl-'S'i tUik. II 71-'. ft. wild 11 aiil No. -. Jlfil.UI FRESH FRUITS I'holio ii.k wan In fair request and general- lv steddy. QuotHtioii. Applea. jwr bbl Joiiatlun' fanei, H 2VB I SO, 10 fafr 10 guod, 2..W1: MclnfMb. IM. WlneMP, KW 3.2.1: lUldw In i WA.IS3 llUi k Twig. W Sfl 23. lirlnua' l)oldn, $.'.iuj-l. (Irecning, 31. uldll VnrU ll.llri.rljl. SJIlt. TUDnt-bUn.C. -j:i i'lPVln. -fl' B" J,ol l.7.K2..KI. ariitlcl, l.2SO. No. a Jl.-JVjl.'ii). in tuft. vt 100 u. .vv.ajio. ap- other leu. In tull iifwi Wletn. ptr box jn.S.TA'.'i.V OranBM. Wor'lda. SintV 11.7101. Tangerines, Klor- du.. Jem VEGETABLES Ttore a fair Inquiry for deairabla stock l.!i -unAml 1 lien, uoll ullkllliail u H wJjlVnlwT UfiUtoe.. per buh tl IJjf o Jeiwy. Ptr basket-No 1 llosj, tOA JOtiilk Ut PO1"1'."!. ?? "vr ,bjiiJ- ST 1 iimaut-j. x- . Is5- "". virgteU. n . ''ep'.-Ka.. . i,.i,.u ,irt iiui-iK i. hBI . .1 .W, ,w v.""'"" 5 .'"r1. " !..... an ".. t iii a.. , -.. i NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS vhw IORK. Jan. 10. - Bl TTKU- Market .t? tov graiss. . Be. eluta. 3UJ0 Backagu. tiJfrs craaouri a., higher icorUig. Jli, Watdlni 308' imitation iruwcnr. S3i St.':..s.- irregular lie elptg 702 peifkage. ubJt.iSl im flejrto. iuUa volar. lral ISti'l. l.enioug. per box, l$4 IMn.f aCtlti, l?r ciatu Porta Itlco, 2.501i!.23. Morffi. T2&2 73. CranberrUM. C'apa fI per UW.. tll; ilo- Cape luJ par inilt, ,J.j0J. if, ivr illie ...-y..a. rkinlilL twr ton, lli'l ,Clr New Vork. jr ifukcb ISfilfc Spinach Norfolk. pr UW . itt.11 VM Norfolk, per LW , OftUSc. fetiuCS Florida. Mr lMt Jlfct-Jp. do.. i-kvYii Oarollna, I' lskt 7V Bit. do. !?SiJL oer Liir IKW75C Beans. Honda. Kf ivkt ii. "BPfE. Florida psr carrUr, JliW-io wiIant.Tlorldtie,r irate. J2 21JJ && MushTooms. pr - b basket ltVl.'J. WHEN A FELLER Ah TweIMeA iKMOVi BOUT J ZZ. v tmxt 'iv r - z&zzszse&2 A iw-ssaBSS ZgK I ) VcOR. MAM 5A.0 .V I ( -ZT J To TfeLL Voo To I i--"" I 1 Go OUT ArJD ASK --. THe. COOK TO iLJ (' W) G.e Vou fouR 'tak .1.7n7 I rl Wi' feslSsa fas. LITTLE MA4 I 4 22 ins I RL) IsllifB- V " ' mmyumm r'Mi S4 ImU If 1 fc'$l CS yferw (1 &m't5t&mszz t z PRICES ON FRUITS VARY LITTLE; SUGAR HOLDS DESPITE THE WAR Home-Raised Product Constitutes Bulk of Consump tion, Says Dealer Record-Breaking Cuban Supply of Sugar Keeps Prices About Normal "W! ITU tlio exception of Imported fruits." q.ilrt O. I'erfettl, denier and Impoiter of forclKlt nnd domestic fruits, 11 South 1.1th street, "thcro Is little or no I'hiiitje In the prlcea of fine fruits since n j car neo. "At least 75 pel cent, of the fruits sold nnd consumed In this country nre crown heie." he Fnld. "Hot house Krnpcs me se.irce nnd lilsher In price. They nre Ini potlcd pilnclpally from Hnftlnnd nnd Del Kluin We are Kettlns some, not much, fiom KiiRianil, hut none from HelKlum. Almerln crapes have iiiluuiccd In prlco nliotit HO per cent Thev nre Imported i from Spnln nnd this year's crop was vciy ....nit ri,.r hool.lnnkl.. nnnlurnn,. frnni siirill Our hcst-looklns npples come from Oickoii nml the Northwest States, but I iln not consider they have as Rood a flavor ns oui n.tstern apples. The finest grape fruit come from Florida, ntso our best pineapples. "As for lemons, wi contlnuo to cet them from Jlesslnn, and while we pny more freight and Insurance the rate of ex rhntiKP with Italy Is so much In our fnvor that It counterbalances these additional expenses, so thnt we nrn selling Imported lemons nt nhoiit the snmc prices as Inst year." Afkcd If ho' dltislSeVed thb 'Oallfiirtilii lemons ns uooil as the" lemons from Slcllly, he said that ho pieferred tho California fa tilt "Whllo the Imported lemons are more acid, they aro not ho nicely boxed or no ctuofiilly prepared for market ns the California lemons. Pineapples come piln clpally front Florida. We don't get much fruit from the Isle of Pines. Btrnwbcnles fiom Klmldn nre selllnB todny nt 10 to 60 icntM n quart. "Those tomatoes," he said, pointing to several boxes, "nre grown under Klnss In hothouses In the ilclnlty of l.nnsdale. Pa., nnd ns for mushrooms, wo get them from all over the country. Bannnna have re cently advanced about IB per cent." ... Hill Kl'OAIt CHOP IN CUI1A. It ban been said Hint stiunr was the only commodity the prlco of which hns not beon directed by the Kuiopenn war. As a matter or fact, sugar went away up liiimedl.itely after tlio wur began, but onl .te'inpotnilly. lipsland and Krunce deiieiuleil lurcely on the beet sugar of tlermany aiifl Austila for their supply. When the' war bccim they entered the Culun market In coiiipclltlon with the Pulled Stales for raw cane augur. The pilnclpnl reason why with such competition stiKitr prlceM did not keep ad vancing was due solely to tho tiuprece denied crop of rano In Cuba last year; nnd the present crop gUes every proinleo of belir-; it tecotd-bt taker. Present Indications ate that sugar will not Hilvaiice In pi lee, but refiners say they RUE HEADS CLEARING HOUSE Was Formerly Chairmnn of tho Local Association I,el I,. Rue, former chairman or the Philadelphia Clearing House Association, wua today elected president at tha itnnunl meeting. Mr. Run succeeded Joseph Mooie, Jr. Tho new president la one or the most pioiulneut figures In the Hillsdelphla financial district. la president and n director or the Philadelphia Rational RiiuU, director In the riilUdclphln Tiust, Safe Deposit and Insurance Com pany, a director 'of the Provident Life ami Trust Company and chairman of the Pennsylvania Hankers Associanon John C. Hoyil waa ie-elected secretary or the association, and the following com. mitteea were chosen for the ensuing cur: Clearing House Committee J. It. McAl lister, Kiflnshnin II, Morris. Edward V. Bhanbackcr. William T. Elliott, Churles S. Calwcll, Joseph Wayne, Jr., und Wil liam J. Montgomery. Committee of Arbltratlon-WIIIIam 11. Carpenter, II, a, Mlchener, William R. Nicholson. H. V. Lewis, Edward A. Schmidt, Thomas S. Gates and John II. Harper. .MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOQKS. Bid jiw'Hutler 1S MacNamara , ,01 llldway ..,.....,,, i, ...,.,,.,. . .11 llljpah ExUeolon ...,,.,,...,... .21 Asked 1.11 .01 .in .24 .11 .17 4 V. 4 i-ia . ,10 Montaiw ..... fi Nsrinern tiar ...;... Tonowh Belmoot Tonopah Kxtenslon. .,,. Twioiuh Mbilug : Ilescus U) ..... .10 .so West Bid QOLDFIELP STOCKS, :::::::::::;:::::: 17 at : .0.1 Atlanta . Uiu. Hull Booth Bulldog CO D Combination Fraction BfamonJrleW B B .. Daisy Florenca (loldneld Consolidated .SI .04 .i .04 .04 If" .oa .01 .34 1.13 lu 1..1H .M .OI ,0 -OS jw .H vttj :;;;;"i:pij UolJneia Aicravry IS jumbo Extension :l& Kena ()f o ... Sand Ksn .-....-. eiiver PKIf .ai Mioit.uiJvr.tuua, Falrv Aitec . 01 Navadi Hill , io NO) ad Wund.r . , 1.7U s . ?i 1.SJ NEEDS A FRIEND y?v.s, rnnnot predict, ns they aic working from hand to mouth The Indlffirence of the proprietors who own the crushing mills In Cuba, and who do not care whether thej operate their mills or not, they having made so much money during the last year, Is n disturb ing factor. Cuba, Porto rtlco and San Domingo arc the principal polntH from which the United Stntes Imports rnw sugnr. Accord ing to tho W. J. McCnhan Sugar Itellnlng Company, nliout per cent of the Im poitcd raw sugar Is utilized, nnd some times een u higher percentage. They say that as compared with last rar nt I V,' ' "' ",,,r,Xn ili.i. , lii. J ' V '" tUl'! 1,,P Wholesale prlCC of Nittrni noes not vary more than 1 cent for each !00 pounds. If thcro should be an Incrcnse In the prlco of sugnr In tho near future. the fay It Iiroballh will b nn nrrntint nf tlio high freight rates and the dllllculty or getting vessel, tc bring the raw sugar iicic ji. jrar ni;o me ircignt inte; on cargoes or raw sugar rrom Cuba to this port wns 14 cents ror 100 pounds, tod.iv It Is 40 to 45 cents. It would seem that the only ones lurk ing nionej rrom sugar nt present nro .he owneis of the crushing mills. They get n certain percentage or the Btignr that Is crushed, Instead or money. KOIt-ICN COMMUROU OROWINC!. Three hundred nnd seventy-two manu facturers In this cltj hnvo signified n willingness to do business with foreign countries, through the medium of tho Uureau of Foreign and Domestic Com merce, connected with the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce. This bureau Is directly conn-cted with tho Department or Commercu In Wash Ingtou, I). C. In this bureau can bo round n trai.o director:- or South American countries, tho names or about 30,OuO linns In all lines or business In these countries, classified and arranged alphabetically, nlso a In-d dl lectory or Central American rourttles containing about 13.0o0 names similarly arranged. Coj-lcs or theso may be ob tained nt a nominal price ... chi:api;r to dump carcio. As an Instance or the scarcity of ships on the Pacini) us well ns on the At lantic seaboard, a prominent ship broker says that when the slide occurred te. cenlly In tho Panama Canal, there were threo vessels loaded with Iron nre waiting on tlio Pacific sldo to get through. When It was seen that the delay was likely to bo a long one, tho owners In New York made n calculation and round It would pay them better to dump the ore fnto Iho Pacific and pay ror It, so hs to llbeiate the i easels to go to Valparaiso und take on cargoes ror San Frnnclsco. And this was done. Loyal Order of iMooho testimonial dinner will he tendered to Brother Harry W. Mace. Assistant Director or Health and Charities, tomor row night by Ida fellr members of Phil adelphia Lodge, .No. SI, l.oyaI Older or Moose. The affair will be held In Moosa Auditorium, I3IM4-18 .N'orth Ilroad street, and n large attendance of admiring friends and fellow members Is expected A well-.tt.nileil m,l,v ni t.h.....n.nk.. I Lodge, was held in Ihe Mooaa Auditorium trs t.rdav aflerunnn. Th, na. ...&.. .. t.f . be h.ld . Sunday afternoon. Januarv IM s membera rontlnua to be received In large numbers at every session, and wllh a present membershla In this lodge alone of oier 7.;ss by the members! Interested efforts being made for iO.COO.mark wll date. ".. sueiieveo mat ine nooeci- t) attained at an early Wednesday evening win be 1 lha new hall and sneelal I..1I.B In lha new hal urraliK.d and Night" special exercises arranged and the entire building thrown m,i I win to all members and their ladles" No ihllumi V, 'P Pi0" will be admlited Another "! Night" la plsnned for the evening of J tiuiea 20. Dictator John W Ford announces that he has succeeded In having authorlu granted 10 keen Ihe charter ro I of Phlladelphli l!nd open until March' 15. thus "ralttlngtnS admission of candidates at exceDtlonally favorable rates, aa well s presenting Indiici- Sdd'm.mbb.r.r.,,Urn ,0 ,he foM of a - Good Templars Hon. Michael J. Fanning, n well-known member of the order of many years' standing, will deliver an address Thurs- day evening In Holv TriniiJ V.,.i.h treet. Stnntav next he will speak In the Ol.iev nmti.i Church In the morning and In the Pres byterian Church In the evening. Other dales announced for this popular orator a.: inu.aKy V' ?benr M- a Church. 02d fnJpf',ltt t.rt. In the evening, January IS. Columbia Avenue Methodist Cfidrcb. 2Sih street and Columbia, avenue. 2 30 In the after, nooo. January JU at 3 ,.; m.. Oem.nwwn Y. W. C A. Building, H D, m.. Wavlano Memorial Baptist Church. 324 street and BilVl more avenue: January 20, at 8 p. m church 50th and Catharine streets. January 21. at 2 1(5 p. rn.. Fraokford Baptist Church. I'nlty and Paul streets 8 p. m.. Third Bapti.t church. Broad and Rtloer stroets. January St. at moni Ins servlwi In llaptut Cburth. Fog Chase. 3 Jo P- "V..1? s"dl' Church. McKtan etrVet be hw ldth up. oi . church. 4'th street sad VoodU11d a.venu. While, thie eervlce" ar to iBoriJ.v'!' Sfib.Uo generally aa opportunity to hear thla distinguished iiw.b., ... XrJJtft. -- ". lbf "ler " -Wited to make aa effort 10 attend sa many of U mtU(i m possible. ARTISANS' ORDER OF MUTUAL PROTECTION Large Pinanclnl Increases and Membership Gains Shown by Official Reports Progressive Assembly, No, 1, Inaugu rated tho work of the current year by a well-ntlcnded session held In the Park way nultdlng, Uroad nnd Cherry streets, Tuesday evening. The new corps of ofM cors who nssumed the reins of authority were: Master artisan, Charles O. Hurt ling: superintendent, Qeorge W. Gray. Inspector, Kllwood ltubbs; recorder, Joseph n. Wis well; cashier. rMnnrd I.. School; trustee, George W. Tlrldgcman: medical examiners, John fi. Pearson, E C. Hender. n. B Flnck, John F Itowland, Frank D. Ilaumann, Trederlck S. Park and Henry S. Wilder. Tli tiifmhcr.tilp club. unijr the rrnldfncy of Htmuel W, Krll. which hs 1nn such f l.faelnry work rturlne the Is.t vesr. will hoW Its annual dinner and nunee In J,u l.u Tmpl Innltht. As the entire mfmhfr.hlp of the .Mnll has lieen Itnllerl it Is expei-lccl thit nliout .rti members sml ihelr mm will ntlenl th Inmniet thM eenlnr The Artlssn nie mertlnit at Ihe Tsrknsv nullillng on Peremher .11 nrntnl to he one of Ihe liln nllrrrs'en of the 'ir More th-n memhers ne-e prefent and 110 new ones wers ri-pnp.i. i aero were three riii.eff or mn- dldiiles liilllnlr.l. the nork helm: tietfonnert hv ... iiiupl rxtriirni omreri, nun tne nueismnco of tlrother f're,l Rteunrt of lUddon Hetehtu Aseemhli , llrnlher Jaroh II, Jordan, nf l"ros rest I'srk Asstmhly, James C. Msrr. of Rnulh wMtern semhly. nnd tlrother A J Kelly of OJk Mne Aesemtilv. Thl w tho final cene tnr.Ah" .'"'. v'ir' work tint has eer been written In the liiMnrv of the order. Twentj ene htitt.rel nnd fort three new members were added la Ihe rolls durln 11)1. dlslrlhuied n follow Kejelone 7J Penniilxsnln. 5.1 Proitreele, i! ..,,r.l,Vk.h I, i.lrnr.1 HI l.lnnnod fn Weet Pnlltilelnlil 71 ('nnmionnrilth. 10, llsdlnnt Mar .1 llndilnn 11 Hoartan si. linletorlee 1.1. Oriental 10 Southwestern .'10. Ilnmmon Init. 1. I'olumhla 1 lldelll 70, rralernltv, H Coiitlnentn' s llarrmbiirir 1. Loncaater, S Hi. John e. li Mnunlnln, 1 t'nlnn. 100. Wav .rl ' Apollo 7 lleadlni. 1 I f. Vnder !l0,M!. V- ''erinanlnwn. '.i) Kurekn, 81. Paul's is; Prnnkford. .11; Porlan. 17. Snrnanl. i. llarmonv. in Metropolis. 17. Chester, n. hennlnsion. I. colllns.wood, .12. Scrnnton. 15. Pltlfliiirglij t. Nnrthwetern 370! Ilsrtram. 7: IjelilRli 4. Iliiddon lleleht. lfl. rneajunk. Ailelnlll 4.) rn.,ni. Pari. 11 TmhImi s Ideal ii. Hnerietlc 7. Polmjrs. ri Atlantic L'llv. Si. 1-trrhHoo.l. M. Ortk l.ane 4(1, Will iam ration. 11 Cone-toja. '.', and Pox chase, 1.1, making n total of ZI41 The statement covering the first nine months of th Inst eor shows payments for elek benefit, nf 2I.:i2. for death claims. tUl.nm, with ft net Inlnnre In the eeneral death bene fit fund of fist,5o..M This In a net nln for llm nret nine months of $nv!,m4 11. The mem bership .Ismiaiv I. tots, was I7.W7. with n Ine- by de uh or 121 reelBnntlonn is. susprn alone 121" while to Senlemler '10 there were 4HI Inltlallone. nnd elnco then nliout KVm, Btileli would trtimlH place the membership where It whs the first of the ear. Thin. In wew or tho manv adveree cnmlltlnns with which the members hne Imd In com end. la regarded ns ft magninicnt record for tho yeir ns a whole. Proppert Park llembl. Vn no. nnnnuiirrs lie inmlldsey nf llrnther Jacob It. Jordan for the nrriie of tnot excellent Insneeinr. llrnther Jordan Is urll and fmnrsbl known In manv "f tlie assemblies hating been a frequent lsllor during the la-tjear. Amnng the lender nf the prodlieere for the jenr nre llrnther Andrew I .Nicholas, of Norton eetcrn Aaeemblt. with .10 new members, nnd llrnther I'hiirlrs Albert of I'naivunl: . a emblj who liitrnilureil .in new man- .-re. More than tino members nr the order l.ae been iirndurers Meiernl members hate Intro duced 2i) or more new members. The nral en client master nrtl"in Ins nr rnnneil hold tin. iirnihicern' bannuet nn fat urdaj evenlne. January 22 or 2u The place Iim not jet been determined There are 7.1 members who qualify for the club hy Ilia In troduction of fHe new member during the jear rill turlher nnnnum ement of the nr rancementa will be mode later. At Iho meeting nf William Patten Asjembh loninrr.ii; night Deinm llnnlenn I'atmn will ?'"V. "?.""?" V,rA"M A ch?1 li?n,lf.S!f.,'Vr!ffir. AP. T i-i"i .up. i..iu,inK nnwiv eiecicn onicere Chalmers sunerln- inepeeinr. Frank Trnller .lAftVnlt inn. tnnuiri, ..iiyiiiuii.i u .rm.irong T. C. I'nderdown Assembly has Installed the following iiewli elected orfh era for Ihe iiirunt enr ilnater sillean Imnlel tl. Ilelnzelmnn. 'iiperlnlen.leni. nrneet i:. "cheater insiwrmr. William Petk recorder. W. J. Klrkralrlrk, and ciahlcr Hilnnrd A AlcKnrlln. Ilirtram anibly has circled Ihe following new firps nfTlierH for the current eor Jlaeler nrtliiiiu, Thomns c Vance, euperlit leinlent, I. I) A Mann. Inepeeinr, l V Martin reconlrr C. Waller lllgglna. caehler. V P. S Tubbert. and irii'lie, William IIIIU. St. John's Aeeembl has elected the follow ing ollii.'iii tin tne itlrreut ),nr .Master at tlHin. Willlaiii A. Parka: euperlntendeut. Charles Ammlung. Inspector. II A. Ilnriholo. mew. cashier, llouird Jones, and recorder, W W lnnell. THE MACCABEES Members of Union Staff Named for Coming Public Installation of Officers The rally held nt Pnrk Avenue Hall. HIS Columbia nvetiuo, was a greater siic ces than had been expected under the circumstances, ns quite n number of can- ' . le. e- ro S'"'1' Hill inp'.i.fr ..,..,,.. n'lv, were absent on account nt llluesi Tho degree work was creditable, nnd !.. JOVl.l. Wl'l, Mr till ll.llrnill Isoilnl hour nnd icftcihumils vvlili h fol lowed. Thanks me due the committee which wns cnmpoed of the lady com manders of Ihe different reviews . i 1, .'tlna- nf tb isi i' iti. ..niuilitpn. hell at Ihe home of Mrs Ai na Ilaue, com mander of I'hlllldellihU Iteileu. 211, South 17th street, Mrs Irabelln noieuburt, Ihe rhalr msn. appolr d ths following to werie on the union utarf, r iblect tn ihat.ge providing he iHPnnt ntteii.. ebe.irals Mrs lleorglanu F!ng- lantl. of ll.ts. Itos. lie. ten Mr- Mn. 1n rlsev, of Onaker Clt. Review; Mla Annx K. Peril, of Olliet nevlsw; Mrs Anna Hanty. ill .I. . i. .- 1 f'enn Trel llevlew Mra Minnie llv Mtij. nt nartram Itetleu Mrs Matlld. ll.sli. .1' lib- 1 eiti Hell Iti'vlew Mr. 1 Inve or Ket.innP , Pe.lew Mrs r.lin. II II .ml.lermi hikI Mrs . Iluby Taylor, of Quaker City nevlew. and ! . . ir,o .1 l.l elnlll. it.i. . I Mrs Frances M Helms, nf Kevstono Ueilsw, and Mrs. ITnimn I. Mllo. or I'hIMilelnhK ' -view, were appointed as ladles nf cerec nnles. j Vi ueiml Mra Mar rrouch. of Omiker Cltv ! nevlew. and -'amain n ih uniform rsnk. wi'l I have charge during the Installation work, while Mlsa Minnie K lluruln supieiiie .hpiaiii .1 1 dlr t the llonr work mid will take charge n the uniform rank during tie oisptay drill, ulib Ihe i.ssla.'.iu'e of I' ..lain ,'rn.ieli First l.leil- I tenant llorsuch. Second Lieutenant Evans, ' Hrl Sergeant nisnn and Hetnnd Seiaeant laisli The rank this vear Is lotnposed -r 1 Margaret Audersnn I'rrw Allgusilne, v.T.ole liensinr tirare lurrnn Anna narpn Ksier. I.eMt. leinrence rtelden r.elllla Ill.t. UurlArla ' '"" "ir ll.uu I. Iln ll.tu). . mini Knecbl Itessl- l.tindn.olt l.ucy Mnnosue ll e I'tleiT-r Kiln Il"hhlns nisnrhe Vlment 1 1 leannr Vlntenl. lennle Walla, l I, poa 1 Mabel Heckler, Kmtiia noce. Calherlne 11m . 1 'i in wan mutlclsn. and Mlsa Anna Posen. drummer Th- lle.eitlnn Huniulttce en -ar Is coi..mvssiI r ii" lenni- S-lman vtrj. Mn S'.'Hh Mrs Frances M. Helms. Mrs. Mary Morrlse), lis' no 1 11 1 chairmen or the installation omniliiee. an 1 Supreme Representative Mrs. Minnie ISvans. Thu lun.e C'.luniittee. tor the dan f. to be held In Ihe banquet hall or Lu Lu Temple. .nn.lfett. nf the follnulnc I'lialrman Vlra 1 mil. M Jones. Mrs KIM ll Cooks. Mrs. I Marv Collins and Mra neg. rh i ih. r ., n mlttecs will be anpolnre.1 at Ihe next meeting of the General Committee. Arrangements have a . . 1 tiers 111 lb. l t !i.t more urn la? scurrd 'rom the n.n n ters and rei-ord keepers TJ.e chair man n' the O-nerel Commttiee Is Mrs Arabella Rotenbury, 2211 South 17th street, and Miss .uuiuie i.'iiKln, ihe general adviser, S-'4 Ludlow street. Masonic Notes The third ceremonial of the season and the first ceicmonlal for the ar 1913 will be held In Lu Lu Temple Friday evening. Januar -'. Hl wmtn nine a large class January 21, at mum tune a large class terles of tha order, which involves many of the degrees Instituted during the Park Ages. Manv will be the surprises at the nest cere monial, as haa been promised by Monarch -William W, Smith, commonly known as Villi lam the Firs' The Grotto Band row past the fifty mark. Is making excellent progress, and the music furnished Is second to none In Philadelphia, all being expert musicians. Tbe band will bold Us second concert, vaudeville and dsnre on March 15 at Lu Lu Temple, and a there already has been quite a tew requests for tickets, following the successful concert alien In November, It looks aa though there will be a Urge attendance The Koran Hussars, or drill corps, was or ganised on December 20 with an enrolment of ;s members under tbe leadership cf Henry Crofut an expert, drtllmastec and on of the best obtainable. All membera of the hussars are over 5 feet 10 lathe., and without doubt under the leadership of such a capable di rector will doubUsis trewnt a. flat appearance. UNITED COUNCILS OF ROYAL ARCANUM With Fraternal Spirit nnd Joy ful G6od Cheer Members Start the Work of the Year Tor several years pst the Associated Councils of Philadelphia and vicinity have held entertaining smokers ror mem bers and rrlends who may be termed possible candidates for the Royal Ar canum Tho show this year was; held Saturday evening nt Lu l.u Temple, not withstanding that admlttanca wan by card absolutely The Hall was filled with delighted guests. The picture and vaudelllc numbers elicited great ap plause. Many r trie participants re ceived a clearer Idea of Fraternal In surance and the particular kind or pro tection offered by tho Royal Arcanum, ns a result of the stirring address made by Oram! Regent i R. Oelsenberger, of Lancaster. About 1000 men enjoyed tlio evening, so ably conducted nnd man aged by Past Orand Regent Arthur R Ha to n. of Havcrford Council, chairman; J. Dallas Smith, Alternate Supreme Rep resentatlxe or Philadelphia Council: Alexander Nicholas, Supreme Represen tative or Pennsylvania Council. Maurice Allntim of Dupont Council, nnd D. D O R Charles Ooldsmllh, of Continental Council .Tho Rowling League Is at Its helrht Een Mondav night at the Casino nilevs the erlrlled contests continue, Hnverford Council's team l still holding the lead, with Philadelphia Council'. No. 1 team In second place, whllo the West Phlladelnhift team Is coming strong and is lied with Phlladelphli Council second team for third place honors. Duron! Council In lis recent contest secured 22 new members This Is a remarkable record for a cnunc I that has been perfnrnilng miracles In Ihe line nf seiurlng applicants for a period of ! months nr morn and has Increased Its membership more than 200 tier cent West Philadelphia Council will holt Its next regular stated meeting Januarv 1.1 A wnvs nnd means committee wilt dele plans for an nrtlvn ramnalgn tint should reflect credit lo a count II Identifier) In fraternal work so manv jeara as has old West Philadelphia The grand regent of Pennsylvania has become epectallv Interested In the welfare of this council Arcanlan Council. No 510. la Iho voungest rou.icll In the rhlladelnhli dlstr'ct Plnce Its Institution It haa distanced man) nf its older slslr councils In Philadelphia, and Ihe Penn sylvania Jurledlctlon In point of membership and fraternity. They nre fast closing up n small gap that will give them a membership nf t,10 The sear int.1 was Ihe best ear thla council ever had, l.v showing a .1.1 ner rent gain In membera. Thla council ftlen has Iho proud distinction of conducting n sick benefit organization wllh a fund of more than $1200 In the treasurv Thev held Ihelr regular staled meeting In Cumberland Hall on Wednes day night last, wllh a good turn-out of mem bers And ilsltors The Iridic' Auxiliary held a special meet ing Frl.lav evening In lllttenhouse Hall West Phlladelphli Reports were received from tho euchre and dance, which resulted In a hand some prollt for tho organization. Other enter tainments for the near future were discussed nnd committees onnolnled to perfect arrange ments. The treasurer reported an enrnurng Ing cash bilnnee on hand The president Is optimistic for a useful and successful career for this society during the present ear. Olrard Council has tl lle ft Ire In the person of Charles N'ewell who has n number of promising retrults to his credit. Vnung blood Is the preferred t lass tought by all societies, llrnther Newell Is nlso one of the loungret members In tllrnrd Council. WOODMEN OF AMERICA With Installation of Officers Plans Arc Laid for BiR Member ship Gnins Tuesday evening. Progress Camp, No. 14,002. Modern Woodmen nf America, In stalled the following officers for tho cur rent year: Consul, K. O. Unglhtih; post consul, K. J. Fertlg: ndvlicr. V. C Mc Co ; banker, O. J. Wclsner; cleik, 17. 11. Stanley : escort, .1. McCoy; watchman. I.eRoy Haylor; sentrv, C. K. Dolllngcr; musician, Professor W. P.. Kingsbury; hoard of managers, K. J. t-'cillg, II. C Tull) nnd O T Waltz. There wns nil excellent uttciitlniice nml the work moved Hiuoolhlv under the nhln direction of Peptitv Hold Consul ll. II Stanley, who was the Installation officer The new officer hive nil eel 11 goul of 1CII . . n,,mi,.r. ii.tu .. .... .,n..n nt tnttf candidates fnr eich meeting night. To ntwln this will mem that with the nble aselstancn of the llonslcr I'omnilltee. headed b Neighbor 1' T Waltz. Ihe membira will have to ilo some hard work. A word of praise la due the retiring ofTI.ers for the able nmnuer 111 w tilth thev performed their everenl duties and ihelr help, In in creasing the nicmber-hlp .10 per cent, dining the )enr. 1'nsl Consul., lull) nnd Kertlg ere r.ich pre sented with beautiful lewela appropriate to their offlte In appreciation of Ihe work per formed list vear. Another presentation a gol I ting was glien to t'lerk 17. II. Stnnlev. for Ida faithful duties In this ramp for five cnrs llecenll an Hiixlllniv o' the Woodmen of Ameilia. the Po.al N'eignbniH nf .vmerlm has been organized In lid- cinip for the tir- Cn.e of giving wIvih, , et.re find mother nf members ft shire In the benefits of the older nnd Ihe niiinrtiiiilt to arr Insuraiuv nt the low rates cliirged members nf the camp. For the . ttrrent onr the Pninl N'elghliors hme In stalled the following ofTlcera Oracle. Mrs I Pratt, viie oru e. MIms .latir M.l'oj re-onler Mrs I llelllee receiver Mrs J Ji nes oast nrat le. Mrs V Siert. marshal. Miss ( Hood HSel-lant ni'irshd .Mrs i; Stnule) 1 hiitcellnr Mlsa M Smith, lllls.te eentlnel Miss M Ifeadlev nutsl le sen-lln-t M Vniier-en dlelllrt .lenilt) Mrs. I. Ilrlller. phjslilau l'r Ingham maltftKers. virs K Stewart. Mrs 1: Stanley nnd J M Rjan. The hea.i ennsul lias sel ' loo 000 nee. ni-m hers tn !1)1V' ns the mark tn aim at. Ills let -. ye the .Ingan is 'W'e hMI" I am year fV) oon waa ret up. and more than 7.1.O10 new enile.N ..ere ndiidlte,! .luring the e.r line hundred thoueim! looks biff, but i. the bead consul sas, "It nnlv means 1J0 dallv appll iHtlnns lor Ihe :tll Wondnten working tla.s" There Is nothing lo do evreot work- gi-nl. bard, stead) work by the deputies and tha result desired will rertninlv l atlHlueil, iii KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Meeting Tonight in Hnll of Integrity Lodge to Stnrt Khornssan Temple Members of all local lodges of Knights of Pythias In this city and suburbs who aro Interested In the rnriuntlon or a tem ple of the Dramatic Order Knights of Khornssan In this city nre Invited to be piesept at the inciting of Integrity Lodge. No 4? In the Castle Hall. Broad and Fed eral streets The meeting will be held sifter the regular convocation of the lodge, and plans will be furthered to st.trt the proposed temple nn March 1 To those who do not know ami to those who will know, the meeting tonight will reveal some facts that will undoubtedly be new In regard to having the "Play house of Pythlans" brought to this city Not only In this domain, but tn all twrts of the lnlte.l Mates wherever the Knights of. Khorasean have been organised upen a sub stantial basis thty have proven not only a pleasurable auxiliary but a positive stimulus in I'vthlan activity resulting In membership Increases and general lodge prosperity. All Interested members seeking I'vthlan de velopment are urged to attend the meeting In Inlegrltv Lodge tonight. After the speedy dispatch of business and the conferring of the second rank upon waiting candidates the meeting will he dovoted to an explanation of the purposes ana plana of those who seek to launch the prnnosed Temple of Khorassan It Is believed by leading members nf the fraternity that there Is need for such a temple and that this Is an opportunity (nr lodes mem bers to unite In starting a temple which will prove a 4 redlt and positive benefit to the brotherhood throughout the entire domain Brother A. 1) Deem Hodge not known).' will Itarn something of personal Interest it communicating with Brother J Louis Cetbman. either at the hall or Integrity Lodge or by letter to 1320 Tioga street. Foresters of America At Its last session In Franklin Hall, Front and Moore streets, the newly elected officers of Court laiwrence- N'o. 241 were duly In stalled, as follows Past Chief Ranger. John White chler ranger N Carter, subcblif ranger. R. J Prettjmsn. senior woodward. J, Bar its. Junior woodward. F Brooks, se nior beadle. 4 Haines Junior beadle. J. Hous ton lecturer Tnomas ll. Clormley Following the ceremonies a banquet was served te about loo members and visitors. Past Chief Hanger Thomas U. Qormley oct stded and lntro-luce.) the several speaken. Among those who spoke were P. G O. R Jofcn J auebjlog. V O. T 1 ilailla and SINOFAMERICANHIS ASSAILED BY SPEAKER Miss Millar, Australian Evange list, Begs Y. W. C. A. Woinen to Pray j "HurrjItlB, or Amerlcanltls, Is keeping; too many people away from communion ullh Clod prayer according lo MIsS Eli nor Stafford Millar, Vuatrallan evungellst who Is conducting a aeries of meeting at tho Central Y. W. C. A, Building, Uth and Arch streets. A She. told several hundred young -women SUnday afternoon that Ihey spent too little time In prayer, because they ivVre. In "too much of a hurry." ' 1 "Don't hurry away from prayer. W nre all afflicted with luirryltlc" she. nd. "When wc, are bowed In prayer we hear the call of this and that. Wo thlnlc,of that committee meeting or this other matter and tve forget the real purpose" !oT our pracr. Miss Millar Is conducting meetings, at tho association Under the auspices of tha Moody Bible Institute. Hhe la a strong speaker and In achieving unusual results. Beginning tomorrow night, she will gl.v a series or talka each evening until Fri day, nt 7-30 o'clock. In the association assembly room, when special prayers IVIH be offered Clrelei of prayer aro held at 9 o'clock each morning nnd nt 7 o'clock each evan lug In the tower room at tha Central building. '" . 1 CHARLES CONRAD SCHNEIDEJR Noted Civil Engineer nnd Builder of. Bridges Charles Coniad Schneider, civil tn Slneer of International reputation, who died on Krldnv night, was cremated to day. Funeral services were held t his home nt 3 o'clock this afternoon, In Accordance with the practice of he Christian Science Church, of which he was 11 member. "'' Mr. Schneider often expressed the wish thnt tin be cremated. Accordingly, ,h,ls body waa burned nt tho Chestnut IHI1 crematory and his nshes will later"b conveyed to the family vault In New York T Mr. Schneider was 72 years old. JJIs specialty wns bridge engineering. Unde signed the cantilever bridge nt Nlag'nrn Falls nnd the Stony Creek viaduct on'tlie Cnnadlan Pacific Railway, Ilo waB a,pi llve of Germany nnd a graduate ot.tlio School or Technology, Chemnitz, lle.'ls survived by a xvldow nnd a daughter, Mrs. John Iladenhausor. OBITUARIES FT Thomas M. Ferris Thomas M. Ferris, who devoted a hdlf ceutuo of his llfn to hunting and Malt ing, died vcatcrdn.v In the Hahnemann Hospital, .le was S2 years old. Mr. le'r 1 la lived nt the I'nlon Lcnguc nnd enjoyed nn ncnunlutniiccshlp utnong Philndelphla'a most prominent nnd Inl1uentl.il citizens. He tctlicd from tmslners nt tho ago ot)Zl nnd since that time ho hnd been hunting, fishing nnd climbing mountains In all parts of the world. He was a man of cx traordlnar. nppearance and usually .at tracted nttcntlon In n crowd. Mr. Ferris waa a bachelor. He had been 111 for only n few dajs. R. F. Clay R. F. Clay, deputy prothpnotnry of the Common Plena Courts, died yesterday In the Hnhncmnnn Hospital. Ills nge Was IM. Ho will be burled on AVedncsfty nrternoon rtcr services In tho Kmnnucl Pinteatunt Episcopal Church Holnies buig. Mr. Clay lived nt S0I6 Walker street. Ho had been a deputy prothonb tnry ror nine jenrs He Is survived by .a widow and a rod and daughter. ,u t Joseph Hncfncr ' LANCASTER. Pa., Jan 10. - JoseAh lliiefner. 11 piomlnent icaldent of Lali- 1 (.Jklni. .11., I tnlnv n.- gQ .an m t.A ...,, ',,.iria lirnrn' ..iinliii- In r jiii'fwiufpr sonic vc.irs octorc coining to iwiDcuHTcr 11c was cni.ui.cti 111 iii.i urrwiug Dusincna In Reading. Philadelphia nnd Pottsvllfe hlme P6 ho was owner of the EmjMla Ilrewery heir, and iimnsscd a large for tune, lie was president or the Union Itlce nnd Irrigation Company or Louis Inn. 1. 90 an Peter L. Egolf " POTTSTOWN. Pa . Jan. lO.-Returrtlng fiom 11 sboit auto ildc, Peter L Kkoi , 7S years old. a retired lumber niercrlSht und bunker, was suddenly stricken With pai.ilyals of the heart, dying before mral- c.tl aid could he summoned A II ill Bcntljs 4-.-J- Thete NaticaM Are Printed in net Evening Lt tiger Free of Chars AN NAN: Suddenly on Jauusry 0. 1016, lll.l.Animi JA-VL. widow of Andrewildt. Vnnan and daughter or late John and JM10 tlnlbrilth Helatlves and friends, also- mem bers nf N'orrla Square t'nlted Piesbvterlsn t'hurih. nre Invited lo attend funeral im Ires. Tuesila) at 2 p. m.. at late residence. 24IS' N' Id st Interment private, Nenth t'e.'ar Hill Cemetery llematns may be vltived Mnmtay. from 8 10 10 p. m HrK".. At Palmyra. N, J., on January, llilii, HANNAH II. wife nf II Frank Hate's, iiged 71 tears. Relatives and friends are1 ih vlted to attend the funeril servlies. nnTu4i da), at 2 p. m., st her late residence, alii Weal Ith si . PalmVra, N". J. Interment ..prl vate. nt sburv M. F Church HlVrKIS.- Ian -sry s, 1U1H. ANNA MART daughter of inert and Lllzabeth Ilsit llelatltea HPd t icnds of tha family are In vite! to attcu he funeral, on Thurs.Ua.. ut 2 p. m . froi her lite residence 72d and I'oners lane Interment at Ml, . Mortal) Cemeierv. llody may be viewed WedjuH day evening. llWTLIt. On lanuary ll. Jltltl. JSDWA'ftD J., ten nf the late Thonutl and Lvdla Ita. In Relatives and fileudr, also the Brother hood of lltllroad MrchinUs and St. I'atrl. k"s Iteneflilal Sovlet Nn. .112. I. C. B. I. urt In vlted to attend the mineral nn Thursd.iv, at K H) m 111.. fiom his late residence a71 llatrr'niil avr. West t'h.ladelpbla. UUti Ma. at S' Agailw'a Church at Jll a "in. t St Penis' Cenieten. Autonte- blle funeral , lln..r:i. u.i Jaliu.irl 7. lUirt, U'ALTKIl J., 11 .u Jul.n and Mary J, Buley inea t learnt Helatlves and friends, also members ot ITill versllt Vacht Club are Invited la attend the funeral, uu vedneda, at t m a 111. (ruui residence ot parents. 2:11 1 North 19th si Solemn Requiem Mass ut Chur b if jQyr 1 i.lv of Mercy t 10 m. 111. Interment at New Cathedral 1 eiuetery. ItllONK. Suddenly, un January 1 19fa, I 171111 ARTIS. son of Perry and AnntV'n lloone. uged 2S years lltlttlvcs and frlcmbl. also the Brotherhood of Railway Tralriiuen. the Pennsylvania ll. R. Voluntary Relief; Department und Annie M Ross Council. Kb, MS F. 1'. A and tbe Brotherhood Bible CUess of Fletcher MFC hur. h are Inv ted to at teed the funeral services, on Monday SHU p. m pre. Isets, .it his narenti.' rcslJen e lOd North .13.' st . West Philadelphia Intcrmept Tuesday morning at Barretts Chapel Deli. ware. Illl.VDMI.VIV. On January 8, 19111, AL FRED, husband of Anna M Bradsluvvr mee Ilarklns) and son of Ihe late John and Siren Bradshaw Relative and rrlends are Invited lo attend the lunerul servUes, on Tuvstlav at 2 p m . at the honie of his son In I w Janus S. Robertson. 1323 Laveer tt (OgiVht and Chelten avea). Oermantuvvn lutirtuopl private, ut Nortbwood Cemetery ( IlllMISHAW. On January 7. 1I. MARY J . wife of William M. Bradshaw ntc.t Ml ear- Relatives and frlenda nre Imltctlla attend Hie funeral .crvln's. un Tuesday m p lu . at residence uf son-ln-lavy F C Ktv rer. 1114 Mldridge ave West C lllngsw voIl, N J Interment at Evergreen Om.ier " mains may Le viewed on Mondav etenlo. nitlNKS. On Jsnusry T. 181", l-HARLOTTPB KLLB-S T1VIFORD widow of Jame K Brines. Relative and friend are lovlledTIa attend the (uneral oa Tuesday at P'Tav p iu from her late residence. & tohJjek avg.. Norwoo.1, Pa bervkea In srrirns M E. Church, ut mi p. ru- precisely Infer tueut at Mouttlorlab, Cfineterv, rnia eav Broad St Station. 12 ." and '." i:.ia OHOMLKV.At Lakewooa a oil Dc.e ,Lir 2.1. 1S15. CHABI.K3 C son at X. H. SAJ Nellie Bromlo former iv of Phlladel .hi, aged IS ears. Fuuenl terttce nod itg oient at Fcruwotd feme lot. PjitladeljhU oa Tuesday, at .1 p m 111 IINS On January tj. 1910, CATHASlNB 1VCUN3. Belallces sod Crieaoe ar Ay1(i tu attend tb funeral on TnwlJi. in. a. A a. to, from the resl.'ee of nee dcVi. Taoqia jet, 'US Wallace t f llfA Idas at the ilareh. of thy Assumstutu i j fa- kiwiwi J t14 Citf asdial Utint-,
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