kA ' M"- I Ir u JSVJEKI&G- LEDGER PHILADELPHIA MONDAY, JANUARY 10. l16' FINANCIAL NEWS i SPEGULATIVE INTERESTS COMMITTED TO BEAR SIDE AND STOCKS WENT OFtf Lack of Inquiry for War Specialties Doubt Cast on ai uie rrospects 01 a ivesumpuun 01 uivi-: dends on Steel rroi ."3 NEW VOniC, Jan. 10. Thero was a strong suspicion In some quarters thnt much of tho pressure fXrted In lhrt ntnrW mnf-lr,t nffor Mm nnpnlnir iviki n mnttnr nf tinrnnnnl emm. ortlon and Connected with disappointment over the result of tho New Hrtven ,Ulil. Once before1 when Administration matters wero WTonrj with William 1. tlockefellcr, stocks In which that financier was Interested were tinder pressure for a long period, nnd St. Paul lias not yet recovered from tho four months' liquida tion of that stock In 1910. j The Qary statement was also supposed to liavo exerted nn Influence on ndVVostsrn sentiment, and Western houses were heavy sellers of stocks nil luthrough tho forenoon, helping force many substantial declines. Statements about uncertainty over nn lncrcaso In tho American Smelting dividend had a ifjpeclal Influence on that stock, but the change In the market tono was 8 undoubtedly forced by sales through houses like R. II. Itooley & Co., C. IX Harney & Co. and A. A. Housman & Co, who nro looked to for vigorous assistance on tho bull aide Instead of supplying stocks when decline occur. "With all tho speculative lntotests committed to tho bear side and some ,qf the largest houses In tho Street fairly supplying stocks nt concessions, thero was little chance for the stock market to make any recovery In tho afternoon. L United States Steel common wan traded In on n large scale with tho offerings tMf ' c.w.-on ui Luc ucniaiiu KHU null BlUVft IIIHMU 11 &U1 Mll'l IU13, nuillUK Xlown to SS'S, while American Smelting, after selling ut 107, wns In better de mand, moving up fractionally. Tho war order stocks showed a Inck of Inquiry nnA at times dropped from fractions to cover ono point between scales. Tho Street generally regarded the situation In this group of stock as a most tin ,avorablo clement In tho market and It was thought that expected liquidation of outside speculative lines on a largo scato Is probablo beforo the present movement onds. Tho temper of tho Street, howo,er, wns shown by tho fact that doubt was cast on tho prospects of dividend resumption on Steel common at the meeting on January 25. r. Steel Statement About What Wnll Street Expected A gain of 616,733 tons In tho unfilled orders of the United States Steel Cor- poratton was about In lino with expectations In Wall street. That tho cor poration, after showing an Increase In orders of approximately 1,850,000 tons In ri-October and November could follow with another of more than 600,000 tons might well bo considered remarkable. Fore tho three months, October, Novem ber and December, therefore tho gain In orders amounted to about 2,450,000 wLons, or more than sufficient to keep tho mills at cnpaclty for over two months. It Is generally estimated that tho output of tho corporation Is at tho rato of 0,000 tons a day, and figuring on 25 working days, the orders coming to hand t during tho past month must liavo been nt tho rate of almost 75,000 tons dally. In this business tho railroads wero Important factors. As the production of the corporation Is estimated at nearly 15,000,000 tons a year tho company Is "ft'ow earning nt the rate of more than $145,000,000 a yenr over the average at ,hla tlmo last year. No Let-up in Demand for Copper J" No abatement In the demand for copper Is discernible In the trade. I.end J Ing producers and dealers report tho market strong, with soles nt 24 cents n pound for "regular" deliveries. By this Is meant shipments In April nnd May. For any March copper, higher prices nro being paid without compliant. Do mestic consumers are still tho largest customers and nre taking the metnl ns Offered, Indicating an anxiety to get all tho supplies possible. The price Is receiving little or no attention nnd this has caused dealers to be careful In f,jhstrlbutlng what they have to sell. New York Stock Sales AlasVa Juneau AlMlts OoM M AllH-CnalmcM Mte AllU-Chalm Mfc pf Am As Chemical Am nect Sugar Iel close. OK 25! 20'f 81 70 OS Am B S & F t.102 20)1 20JS 70J 70X (UK 20H 27M 70 085i 00 m Cn m C A F m Cotfon OK . . Am Hide A I. pf.. Am tco Securities . . Am United . . Am Unseed pf Am Locomotive Am Malt ..... Am Smelt A lief Am Smelt & Itef pt Am f mjlters pf A Am Smellers pf II Am Snuff , , Am Steel Foundries Am Sugar rteflnlnj Am Sugar Itef pf Am Tel & Tel Am Tobirco With. taw. Clow, D? nf OH 25i 27H 70 08 OS! 102H 102i I02M f)2Vj WH tltM 07U 55 53 2.5f 22)4 40 03! 8M 08M 65 53 25 221 40 G3U 8H 02! i . 7W 7UI . 60 55 . 54,'f 63!i 20 ft! 22M Mi -10'f 40 . OOSf 00 .110' llfj'f 107.'f 107H 11.1' 112! 112 112 . m'( 113'. 03 03 . 80!f f-0 a"! nj .I4S H8!. 148K 1483 50' 6S5i 60U 50!f I15 116)$ 115 115'f 118!i 1185 11! 118X 127J 128'f 127'- 127!f 201 2tt3)i 202U 202K WHEAT IRREGULAR; LONGS WERE SELLERS Export Situation Not Encour aging Millers in Southwest After Supplies Am Tobacco pf new .107' 10S 100) 107 "GURB MARKET " TURNED HEAVY ciCurtiss Aeroplane, Dealt in for ':' First Time, Was Strong. Offerings Liberal "NEW YOHK, Jan. lO.-After n gener ally steady opening, with trading fairly nctlve In spots, the market for outsldo securities developed considerable heavi ness on more liberal offerings, "which was dielped by traders. There nerca few cx "cbptlons to the rule, however, a number being manipulated to a considerable ex tent by Insiders. Curtlss Aeroplane was Introduced for , the first time and mado n sharp rise from tnc opening of 7 points, with only a Alight reaction. Cuba Cane Sugar Cor i poratlon was another new one, nnd moved -up over 2 points In the Initial dealings. jV.pole Engineering and Machinery ruled firm on all transactions., Hnskell & Rnr ftejr Car declined over a point. Marine atocks were somewhat irregular. Mldtale Steel, nfter n show of firmness, eased oft 1. AJax Rubber moved up a point. Dutto Copper and Zinc developed more activity at an Improvement of VO - ..Manhattan Transit was active and rose lo a new high for the movement, I'eer- )ess Motor was steady nnd moderntlvcly ( J9tle. Oils were slightly lower, with a ..fairly good Inquiry for Cosden. II!,!. Allied. Ajax IluDPer lirltUh-Amerlcan Tobacco old, . llrttlati. American Tobacco ngw. Ccnidlan Car nnd Foundry.. ., Chevrolet Curtlu .. , Cuba Cans Huicar , I Ooldneld Consolidated 1 Uendee Manufacturing International Marino International Marine vref , New York Bond Sales tavonn Anclo-Pr I. .'. .vhki Amcr .Smolt See :irno Amer Tol clt it . .tm Amcr Tel conv 4i. . H Amcr Tel ct 4'j iikxi Ann Arbor 4s . J. . SOiMI Armour Co 4'- . MK1 Atchlimn Ken 4a... ism Alchlunn m.I 4s.. . 400(1 'Arjtentlne ."3 ... . 1'Oim) Allon Cf I.Itip 1st 4a lnoon Halt & Ulilo la . l-.'IdOO Unit ft tihlo cv 4V, loon It.tO I' I.BtWV 4f Kkui Holt & O Swn .IHa, tlmo Hrookn Hi, Tr .,. . nooo nrookn lti Tr .is 1IUS. ,lon lll llroilt I'n Oa 1st r...lirl! iu1 HlKh. Imv.. Cloe, 1MI IIM, . HI Li IIKIlJ loiS . m . Il4i WMi RIH . Hl'i . IkT . nt . !'. . 1I2 .um; HTV 11. Vi III. ' 1 llKIt noli H41, KfnCt CODDe l.ehlrh Valler Coal Bales. lillagma Copper tMiuconJ -Mldvale Mlpliilnc Otis Elevator , ntu Klevator pref I'eerleu "Pen Mar Ord "Itlker-Ilegeman Bterllnc Oum bubraatlne ,.. Tnbacoo Products ,.,.. L'nltei Pront new.,.,,,,. .World Film i Whits Motor ..,,, lYukon Uold 71t .. 14V4 . 13'4 1 , ..III .. r.n .. 4"."i .. i'i. s" ." 7S 7H 111 Ml r." 3T . 211 21 lj n.-,vj hi iix jn.rr noch . i o. ih) (-.11 (ins & i;ico ...I MXIO Cent J'ae 1st 4 lniKm rhili npper 7 . . .. .1000 Clips A. Ohio c 4Ks 2IHK) Che A Ohio 44s IML, 7.l(X'0 dies . Ohio ,1s. . UBS liliWKi rhl 11 & Q joint 4.. . liOlO Chi M S. St Ken 4 li2Va 2IOOK Chi M .VHP cv r,s 1H 2H000 Chi M S P CV 4Us.im uhvi Chi M . St P ep ,',s im 1iliO Col Mlcllnnd ct 4s ... 73 lOUl col K: Soutn 4-iS . MP mkio Del & Hud aim As r p 1H" Del & Hu.l l'i r.O) Hen ft 11 O rid fts. . 1IK1 nrle (ten 4s i r inu 4s eer A ZttHI Krle conv 4s ser II.. :tuil Krle prior Is .. . ... 41 Oil (ie Klec deb 5s llini (It Falls P Sa 70 Hud & Man In 5s.... 2(t) do rfd As :mO(l Ilick Val 4Kj . ... Iinoo in steel deb 4Vii.. 2iX) Ins Copper cv Os .. 1m(XI Interb Met 4'is... . 70. Interb It T ref :.s.. riflo Inter Mer Mar 4i,s . 41KOO do ct 44s .... lijam intern tm Pump lis lnnf 107LJ ir tilt, hi;, rei 112 lis WIS i2t inn". KK1V 10.V, ins iim. I'OH 1.144 111 Hi lit !I2 lon'J lew, inj'j 7 MP, II. . Pi's lintj 107v; ill lit. 114'J Kl' !Ut ni l2 IIS WIV. 02'i irei'i ion, Wit. ins US', xv 114 S7 niH ln.vvj ns P2H 101, 1IV1U, nn Mlt, Jl4 M4 '4 lOll'l lOlt'J 1 0ll'l lnnij )(ioi' mow .iii: ,wj r.sij 7iw; 7I.I 7ll 72ti mi: liml . uuu . :u . 71 wv. . Ill'i .1SS . "Il't . I'l'i . 117 . IHW, i 1.1 M'4 741, 7.V. "(i 71 mi nn 1M ui :.o .12 r. ci :l'i ;';Jl 41 4lu 4'l !V SK 3 TT- Financial Briefs Because of lame war orders for rubber,! witn wnicn to urnin ino trennea in ma t war zone In Uuropo. the Electric Hose and Rubber Company, of WIlmlnBtonpls -enlarging Its plant. The 17irst National Hank has been ap proved as a reserve agent for the First National Sank, of Weshoppen, I'a. Ledard Ilcckscher was today elected a member of the board of directors of trie Philadelphia Trust Company. 4(K Japanoo new (1 8 4'Ba 74 4IKIO Jaiunese Hts ... . V."i .nm do n 4'4, sn :Nl Knn City So it . U't'j 20 Ijickil Steel Sa 11I2H.. list; Hil'Oil do .Is 1IHO 7, 2 KI Lk Sh deb 4s KCt. . . PHI, 110.1 do deb 4s iu.il .. M 2X) 1.1k HJITi 12V1 lmm Iirillsnl .Is llmvl 20.1(1 do 7 12IU lll I.OU1S A .NDStl 4S . .H0ii Minn St ! H 3 M 4s lUMfl M X. It t 1st 4s . . . ((s do 2d 4s uicii Mo l'ac its 1ImkI Mont Poner .la 4Cno Nat Hnam fie Htp Ss. .'tlHXI NnsHHU Ilc 4h . . 2iKKl N V Air Drake (la 7CKWI N V Canal 41,s . 52mio N V C id AMXI S Y r & II .TJa ., 2(iOO do 4s 7lmi do 4Ua loixi N V City 4Ua lfnv, UOOO N Y llwy ref 4s . loionn do adl Sa .. . 2000 N Y Tel aen 4 'la nooo Norf & West 4s . 2l(in Nor Pac prior 4s, 20CO Nor l'ac aen 3s.. 7llFtO I'clflo Tel Ss.. . lorn l'enna en 4U,. ni'C inn, .: au .10071 . . W14 . . un . . 73U . Ill 1IK111 74'i . . .1SV . iwv: 111 ui4 an? law !.! :tl 71 in", in', 1174 7lUl (K14 117 n.v 7H 7T. K2. SI) IkltC una, IH',14 ii, til'. 12V1 10IW 124'4 Hl U.ltJ 7ii; nn l(, lV! ns r.i Ml! Km; no', it 71 (I.IV, (If, Ps 7IH, I'l'i 117 Ill's 7S 74 Wi NI UP, ns: !I74 IISU !!!?.! utv UIV( 7(ni, CO inotj onv, ns 73 ni 101'i ILI lit 1IK Public fcrv K J Ss.. no 7O0O lleadlne sen 4s. W, 2000 Hepub Cuba Cs 1U14.. HBU J(N.4 HO fd 11S1 IHll, nn Km I'-", ni KK.t, 74 , nsjj irit; mi, n.115 lon-v; Jos; no in t 11.11, OflU llO'i IMl mi; icii in 1IKIU 741. Km, ii, Hl'i aiUj H.-.1, ioo taiK IS) U4', ni', unw OO'J mi 100OO Hep Ir A U Rj WAi (.ism mock isisna rra 4S. . luiti 1000 St 1, I M & 80 Ren Ss.1024 1D2W 1024 HOI St I, I M A. S Q 3s. .IOJ1J 1(12 in-.'t! fl-hlSl U. f n..l C.. In T(ll III till' 111 ni iuii 011 tot ill iirj "'it " 1I1U1 L'uil.nns.l A I. n rl I -u I.U1' I'H I .'. 4000 South Hell Ss '.IImhJ 1000 soutn l'ac cv 4s mis OWI 3416 du cv ret I o Ss.,.,,lU7 7m South l'ac rfd 4s. t (4100 outh llwy aen 4s. lism South Rny con 5s 1OO1) Tsxas Co tls...,. ismo Third Ave new 4s.., VfOO Third Ave Sa ( in' 8 Hubber Os ll)(VI I'U S Steel Ss . IdOO I'nlon Pac 1st 4s..,. 10IS1 I'nlon Pac cv 4s.... 20110 t'nlon l'ac rM 4s,. Additional securities of various com panies have been placed on the regular list of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange jg follows; $133,600 American Telegraph and Telephone stock, 1600 American Mill- inff stock, J 101,200 Philadelphia Rapid si.vsj.ooo lust' Monday', .'-Transit, vot tr ctfs. maklnn total P. It. T. rating listed i.',S33,fM; JJ31.C0O Lehigh and .Ke,w England ltallroad general mart nfiage S per cent- bonds and 1100 American Gas and Electric Company col tr. 5 per tent, bonds. There has been stricken off the regular list UW Electric Company .of America capital stock. UOi. 71 i lilt 1 0.1 . M'i 107 104 ?, . H7 ss 20i Itn Itwjs S y 4s 41 7(inn Vj rjr Chm 1st Sa... 1ISM SilOfsi Va ttwy Ss.. usvi 27i Wab.P T 1st ct 4s. . 3 411 HI do 2d , , , Ts 4X) Wt Md 1st 4a. .. 72 ?oiin Wlscon Cent aen 4s. . 67'i rntai sairs. o,iuv,uuu, compureu "i7 K'rti, noji 1117 10H4 104 071, ICIiJ nov; 4M, t!S( 7 SIM 7HV5 l.Ulf iri ion; nos IK 10.1 ton M(i 107 jmt, 101 1174 uo5 41 IKHt, I.RV4 4u 874 Willi 'TUo Intercontinental Hubber Company plana to resume operations during the pent month. The plant at Torreon, Mex ico, has been closed since September last. Improvements In general conditions In Jilejleu leads to the hope by officials that when resumption of operations starts It will be on a scale considerably above thai possible at any tlmo slnco 1'jlJ. -Samuel T Wagner was elected a "director to succeed the late William Hun Jier ol the follow bur subsidiary railroads of the Philadelphia and llcuillns Hall way at the annual lockholdcra meet iqg today: Washington and Franklin, Cliiimokln, gjinb'iry and Lewlsburg; Allentown, Nortlteaat 1'ennsjlvanla and !Jtat Jlahunoy . AafJiracIte C"sal Stocks Smaller The stock of snlhraite coal at tide 4 ,fiU Kb p- ilus i)0iitta on Pecemtxr 31. i-JWV. i,us iJ,iW tons. a. decrease of 51 3d -.? .. Mb !. 1 .... r-1 A ftt hr.iV r.rt Nf .'S.4lu.Mlu TO 1V(? lUltluiOW .. ..... ,.- Advance in 'Crude Oil HOUBTON, Jan. 10.-The Gulf Pipe Line Company posted an advance of 10 centa a barrel In Gulf coast crude oils to meet the Texas Company prices. Schedule now Is: Spindle Top, 8J cents a barrel;1 Hum ble, Patson. Saratoga and Vinton, 50 cents; Kgerly, TO cents. The Gulf Pipe advances In crude oil met the Texas Com pany prices only on the Vinton srud Texas price for Humble remains at TO cents, but will probably be advanced to SO cents this week. Healdton (Qkla.j crude has been Advanced & cents a barrel. t GOVERNMENT BONDS 2s of 1Q2U mistered 2a of luto cuuiXMi Panama 2s, rctsteied !anairui 2s. lu.t, registered Panama new 3. retiterei Panama new Ss. couiion a ut von, registered 4 of lir-'i. resUtrred. la u l& couaost 1IUI. Asked. Will .. . uu .. ' . . n . PM 1014 . ,.lie not; BANK CLEARfNGS llanit. cfaaiincs today compared with jcorre sMUlIoz day Ut tuo ycats. lots. 1D14 lm.1 .iMiiT.ns m.uii .-,ii Tst,tm 41a wjw 111 4.un.2s2 stiIrti.tiw 3.7il.-.vj m.n;i 49S'a WSU 5AS2S,W! S-J,l.43'J nostna .. PlU lja. XtW Jflf CUcaz Am Woolen Am Wool ir r Am Woolen pf tr r Am 7. U & Smelt Anaconda Coppor . Asjorhtcri Oil Alch T A H F Atch T & S F pf . . Atlantic Cont Lino llaldnln Ix-o . .. Haltlmotc A Ohio . . Il.vlllmore ,V Ohio pf Ilatnpllu Mlnlnit Ilelhlehem Steel .. HrooMyn Rap Tr . . Durni Ilros Hums Ilros pf Ilutto A Superior . Cal Petroleum Cal Petroleum pf . Canadian Pacific Cent Leather Co Cent Leather Co pf. . Chcsapeako & Ohio . Chllo Copper Cnlno Copper . . Chtcaco (It Weitcrn. Chi nt Western pf Chi Mil & Ht Paul . CMlSlPpf Chi A Northwest Chi It 1 & l'ac Cltiolt I'ca A Co Colorado Fuel A Iron C'omputlnc Tab Hec Continental Can . . Consolidated (las Corn l'roducls Itef Corn Product! Hcf pf, Cruclblo Steel Crucible Steel pf . . Cuban-Am Hticar . . Drlaaro A Hudson Ucn A llio (Irandu pf. Dome Mines Dlsllllirs Securities . i:icc Sloraco Hat . . . Erlo Ktlo 1st pf Kilo 2d pf Fed Mln A Smelt . . Fed Mln A Smelt pf . General Hlccttlc General Motors General Motors pf . . . Grcene-Cattanei . . Goodrich II F Co Goodrich II F Co pf Great Northern pf Gt N cfs for ore prop GuBeenhclm Ktpln . . Illinois Cent . ... Int Acrlcultural pf Int Ilarv N J Inter Con Corpn Infer Con Corpn pf Inspiration Copper Int Nickel Int M M cf dp Int M M pf cf dp. . KanrC'lty Southern Lack Steel . 1. Laclede Gas Lchlch Valley Lone Island . . . Lorlllard I Co . . MacVay Cos pf .... Manhattan F.l clcl . Main ell Motors . Max Motors 1st pf Max Motors 2d pf Minn A St Louis . Mexican petroleum . Mo Kan A Tex Miami Copper . . . Missouri Pacific . Missouri l'ac tr cfs Natl Cloak A Suit . . Nat Enamel A S . Nat Lead Nat Lead pf Nat Hy A M 2d pf Nevada Con Copper New York Air Urate .140 N Y N II A II . New York Central. N Y O A West Norfolk A Westera Northern Pacific . Ontario Sll M . . Pcclflc Mall Pac Tel A Tel Pennsylvania Peoples Gas Chi . Philadelphia Co rittsburch Coal . . Pittsburgh Coal pf. Pressed Steel Car . Pullman Co ... . Ry Steel Spc ... . Hay Con Copper .. Heading . . Headlne 1st pt Hep Iron A Steel in'j -MM 40 40 40 14,' 4HH 41 O-'I't" 1)2 02 02 C0 GO) 0Sf 6SH W)J DDK Ml 80 .. 70W OO'j OS 0 ..If)7U 107i IOOH lOO'f iiox 00J1 m mh naif in 11:1 it:) . .114!$ 114 .. !). 03 3'i .I'd 41(1 S7)f 8,-iJi- 101 70W :ts i'i iioh 111 otH 01 7fl!( : 42.5 &0' 83) 101 77 :t5 07 180U 170)f 170K MM Kl M 100)i 10ij 109'i 1IWH n.j a. 04)1 04i 214 2-11! 24 h 24)f Sflli fiSH 34H 64!" Iff Wi I4H 141, HO 30)5 :WH 34 .430 87H . 80'f 100 7H'f 37 V, 70 131 MM 78" i Mi 423 SOS 83f 101 77 33 07) 1()1 102 .135'f 133 .13.1 13.lt . II) 73f St! IS M UKlJf 100'f 133 13.1 I8f 72f fit IS 8-1 'j 133 184 72) i 40U 4S 83 133 hi 72H I0'f 4S 8'1 1134 113)1 142) 113 20)1 21 201 20), ODi Oflt,' 0Hi 03 03(4 01 00'i 01 '4 109,'f 100 100 100 lf3'( IKIli 1M 13,'14 13.'15i 15314 1.VI1S 1334 22 22' 2H 22 ZSli If) J 03 424 7?( 53 3 I'i 173Ji 173 400 103 11 1'4' 50't 73J 2'. 40!. (ll'i 12! 1 57! $ 5.3 33 50)i HI 50)4 i'a S' I.V OP, 41'. 57! 524 35 514 171', 4G'I 111 40' j i ISH I52 li ll'f 35 514 172 403 111 404 4 CHtCAGO, Jan. 10. Wheat vtM Irrear ulnr today. clolnf? lcent nbovo the low est, nt II.23H. for May, nrrnlnst t.26, nt the end Saturday, but ending nt the bottom, for July, nt 11.1755. nRntnut $1.1SM, nt the cloe Saturday. Heaviness devel oped, on selllnir of lonrr stuff, brouRht about by accumulating stocks at various centre, Knrly the mnrltet was stronK on vlBorous buying by Dome of tho larger bull house1) and nn ndvnnce nt Liverpool, iMny rliluK to I.27i nnd July to $1.19'4. .V lendlnrr flrm received n cable from Arsentlna rstlmntlnr the exportable sur plus of thnt country nt 130,000,000 bushels, nnd prices nt Buenos Aires were off H to 1 cent nt the stnrt. Among the sellers here vns a Inrrre commission house that has been bullish recently. The export situation, for tho Immediate future at least, la not encournrrlnB to the bulls, nlthouRh mnny nre holding on to their whent on tho belief that ultimately Europe will havo to replenish her sup piles from our bins. Fenrs nbout n cold vvnve In tho Northwest thnt appeared to bo worltlnR toward tho winter wheat belt wore nllayed by prospects now coming abend of the fnll In temperatures. Clearances from tho senbonrd were about 1,000,000 bushels. Millers In tho Southwest were seeking supplies In tho Northwest. It wns lenrned that l.COO.000 bushels of North PnclOo coast whent wns being sent to the Hast. Some of It has arrived here nnd grades high. Whent from Western Cannda Is being brought Into the United States. Upward of 1 000,000 bushels wns bought In tho Inst week, to come here. Tho visible supply In the United States Is 65,818,000 bushels, nn Incieaso of 2,615,000 bushels for the week ltenllitlng caused a reaction In corn, nfter firmness early. The upturn wan due to dnmp weather In tho belt, which wns couned bad for conditioning or shipping the now crop. 1'rlccs at Liverpool were strong. The vlslblo supply In tho United States In creased 1, 570,000 bushels for the week, to 10.495,000 bushels. Protlt-tnklng by longs sent oats down, nfter the market hnd illsplnvcd strength nt tho stnrt. Tho Inltlla untourn wns due to n general rush to buy. The vlslblo supply In the United Htntcs decreased 3S1.000 bushels for tho week, to 20,703,000 bushels. Lending futures mimed nn follows K.ilM's wrpn. man. 1.21)14 1.27'J I.IMi l.lli'j It livery) "MS -OK 7M4 7SH Sales in Philadelphia 11 Am Ilwrs pref. MvV 14 uun a- nus 1 o " 7S Brill J d. 47., 30 Cal Petrol ....1 SSVi 2100 Cambria steel . 7SV K Corn I'rod 148 Klec Btomito... CW 10 Krle VA CO "Jen Asphalt.. .. 84 15 do bref ...... JIJJ 248 Ins Co N Am., ifllj w -no .......... .1, 02.1 Ijike Bud Corp. 0 4 LAZHtHH OIIV ... ' !2 A?.J"SL.:mm ?.? 4.1 Mlnehtll M 20 North rc Ml Penns mt .... r.n, ( Pa fis.lt MfK ..1O04, loo phiu Co ...... 4341 z.v . no cum pret n (i 41 Pnll Klee ... PS'I P It T tr ctfs. 111 j'nita ttbc ... Bt. close. Ulirh. Iw. I UTl 40 411 Mi 42k n1 Close. MM yj1 II' 40 &4 is 48 . -an sou 7W S4 m la x vAU. M M il 7n 110 IteniilnR BlVj a i rio Vft nr.r .. .. lt3 Ton Pelmont 2.1 Ton Mlnlmr .20 IJnlon Trac , tot t) o I ,,,... tun', if a Sieel .. 20 W Jer SS 7ft CMmn Jtr Ann, . K.I 40 York Utov nrsf .14V. nx-dlvldenil. Total sates, lt.SBl slinres. rompsred with 11,802 litres last .'Unnilaj'. DONDS. Will r,(l'i .MJi ra ? s 41M 4H4 41ji ifl i.1 "" M 21 20. 20., ) '"i" A'.'iT 8214 81' PlJ M Jit?. 42t4 i 4 4 1-10 4.4 4.V 45 4S 4V R7l, St S7", M 1K st4 ?o K , noii mfli nn'i ni S4 l'4 j; sa .in 35 Last prev, enie, tlCOOO Allen Vol 4s... IKI .11111 Am ( rtr I-.1 .s. w Snis) Ih N cons 4U.lo-.t :i(i(K) i.elt Vnl sen U. Ill '4 noon ,io ren 4V4s... .loi nnoo trfh Vsl onl Ss. 10514 2IKIO North I'a 4s. lnwi Penns Oen 44s. 101 iiOO I'lilla Co cons 5s Wi 2000 Phlla i:iec 4s... SI l-.onn Itesdlns iren 4s. in eooo sph'Am Ir os. .10211. .riht 1 n llwy Inv 5s 7.1 inno Welsbnch Co 5s. OH, UOOO York llwy 1st 5s 01 lllnh. Low. Close. IKIV4 1'ii'S "' iwi K-.' 112 102 10VV, .miS, loot, nn Mi, nn H2 ,i no 102 vl 1(2 ir.r. 18V i S2M 115 102 14 in(4 ui U5M 014 00 102 n2 1112 lovs 101 l0 M'i 115 I112 7.1 H54 114 INCREASED DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTE ENCOURAGING TO LOCAL IKVEST( Many Companies Declare Higher Rates as frew m Begins Insurance Company of North Amcr.,'nl3 Announces Extra Distribution of 3 Per Cent.' " Totnl Antes, (08,400, compared with $50,050 Mat Jlonilny. Local Bid and Asked 113!. 1133i 113', 113S 1L'3'.' 123, 1211, 1J4', IIU4 4S1 4S'i -M'a LM LM lf)S 01'j 110 774 47 i II), .. saw . 107 .. on1 .lOS.'i . . L'O'i . 7fl'i . . 4t;;, . .2(U)4 201 .. '.'Hi. au. . . 7!l!a 7!)'i 31 'i 31 . Ko'; M'f ..103' 4 100 .. 811 i M'i . . 21 20!i 180 1M .. CM', fifi'i ..130'i 130 , i'i llj UOJi .. fifl .. V2H 121 . O'l . 3SJ. . Hi Mi 107i WVi SOU 50 121 12 0. 10!) 20' ( 77'f 40', 202) i 20', 77'4 304 h.1'4 103 Mil 20'i 181 (10'i 130 OHM Hlii 33' i 12'i 01 100 ait. 77'f 40s, 202i 2()'f 77 h 30'i -3' 10.3 Ml'f 20'i 1HI C0U 130 lH Ml'. C3'f 12'f 115), IK'S (i'i Wi lient Mny . . . . .lulv .. I'nrn Inew Mnv Juli Oats Alny July ljinl .Innunry ... May . . . July ' Itlbs Innunry ..." nv tiu. 1.241. 1 174 Clone I.S1V 1.17'4 i .t-e. 1 2 l.isi, 71 Pork .limunri May ... Hid. 411 47 in.22 . . 11150 !()..- ...tn 12 10 NI . . . 1 M III Ml tAekeil. 411 47'4 4i 17'; 4xn 47'n io: 10.1 10.45 lit. SO 1SS-, III 5(1 10.17 10.57 10 57 10.75 10 22 1(1 47 1 10.(12 10.57 10 75 1175 10 2J 4S1 47 10 07 1(1.15 10 17 t10 40 10.72 is r,2 111.15 COTTON STEADY AT START; LIVERPOOL UP 10 TO II POINTS 284 0 371. fl'I ."i'i 70!j 27 OS'j Itep Iron A. Steel pf ..109 Itoclc Island Co pf . . . Itumely M Co tr r . 13 St L. & S K 2U pf . . 7i Seatioanl Air Line . . IS Seaboard Air Line pf 39M Sears Itoo i. Co . . IH5 Sloss-Shcff 4, I Co.. 0H4 Southern Pacific . .IftUJ Southern Ily 23 M Southern Ily pf . ... KHi Standard Jlilllns pf. . . 80 StudebaWer Co 100 Tenn Copper .... 00)a Texas Co .... 228 Teias & Pacific ... . 8Ji Third Avenue .. . 02 Union Hag iv. Paper.. 7U United Clear Stores. . 0)4 United Cigar Stores pf ll'i United Cigar Mfrs .. fl2'i United Dry Ooodj pf. 7l)f United fruit, Union Pacific Union Pacific pf U 8 Ind Alcohol , . U S Cast I P 4 F , United lljrs Invest . United Hys Invest pf US Ituubor U S Hubber 1st pf U S Steel ... . ... U S Steel pf. Utah Copper Va-Caro Cbem ., .... 4SU Va Iron Coal & Q..,, 62 Wabash. ., 10i Wabash pf A..... , 4SH Wabash pf U , 31? Wells Fargo Express West E &M . .. Western Maryland,, Western Union Tel.. Wejman-Ilruton pf Willys Overland Willys Overland pf Wool or th F W Co. Woolnorth pf ai .IV i .175, 5 5H 5'j 5'i 70'. 70'f 2S 20)4 70', (1SU lll'f IU'4 114'4 114H 0 8t h't KH 15Ji 10 I5J, lflJi It'J'i 140 140 . i uli i.i i5)i .110), 111 lOOvi 100!i . 20'i 30 30 30 121 121 120' 120i m HOlj 115), U5H 10'X II 10 if)) . 12'. 12 12 12 41' II 41 tl 50) i .VJ fiS'S 50 .110'j 1104 110H 110) i . 42Ji 42 i 42'i 4-iH . 3.3 3,'i'f 3U' 34U 109'i 10S1( I()S!J 10.SU . 03) , KiH 02! i 02! i .105H 10.si 105 . 42 41)' 40) . 25VJ 25). 25 82) i 82) 43 mi 100 n't 7'. 17', 30 184'i 01S 43 53 105 40) i 25 8li 43 51 H 109 'i 13)1 7M 173-s 39 81'f 43 51 !f 109 n 13' 7!t 17 39 1K1), 183)j (10 CO 10.1U 10,'W lD2lf 2iH 2.1'i 23)i U.1JS 0.H5 80 bO 15915 155 01K 59! i 220)i 223 8J 8J 7!f 0)i ll'i (I2)f US Ol.'i lit M nv, m 7l)S 03't 80 1553 i 00 22J 8!i 0.1, 7?. UU 11!( G2'f 71)s 140 145! 143'.' 145'i 13S)i 138H 137) 138 83(( 831. KJ k, 130Jf 13H 128), 129)f 24 24)i 24f 24i 19'S 20'f 20)i 201i 36W 37 30 3C S8VS" 57 53 55U 109H 109H 109)i 109h .. oi)i Bn ao;, ..U7K inn in 605f SOJi 70)1 48)S 61 10'i 47H 32)i 47 01 101f 47J$ 31 hfl U7'i 79),' 47'' CI 1G) 47)i ,Hj .13l' 132)j 131K 131U . 0SH GHH CO), bOI,' . 31)( 31!i 31) 313 . S8Sf KSJj HHlt 88i 111 114i 114),' 114),' 227)a 222H 00 2' lll'a IUH 1UH lllli 12i 122M 121 121H 12-H 123)j 123)i 124) Total Mies, 688,(00 tharea, romuared vrlth 1,015,1)00 .lmre lut Monday. RATES FOR MONEY Call la 5WU4 !(( .,. - 3V581 Commercial paper. 3 to O month, pbla. 51iil ut cent S'eur York Phlladelphli Ikrtton . . s PhlU RAILROAD EARNINGS PACIFIC COAST. 1013. November iron J0.Vt.uT2 Net 1T4.274 live month' itom.. 3.2M,7iw Net C04.14J ILLINOIS CBNTIIAL. December iom . t5,tm.2U9 Increase 1154 una 84.VJ8 244.344 iS2,8M J731.S27 YAZOO AND MISSISSIPPI VALLEY, aiai.iis December Tro I1U2TU75 fllltlAGO AND ALTON Fourth week December Sll..vg tx 870 Frcan uly I S.I4RH0 WAU21 New Orleans nntl Foreign Interests Bought October ' SCVV YORK, Jnn. W.-At the openltiR on tho Cotton I.xcliniiRO thli moniliiK the tone wns ntcndy. Jnnuary shouliiR nn nd vnnce of 10 points, with other months wero 2 to 7 points higher. The fenture or the early tradlm; wns onyltiir of October by Xevv Orleans nnd forclKn interests which created n belief mound the lln thnt a considerable short Interest existed In that option. Operations In the other positions were mixed nnd business wns only fnlr In volume. The ginning report show Ins 10.643.7S2 bales turned out up to January 1, was without Influence. After tho Initial rlse the market became very quiet, fluctuating narrowly. South ern spot houses were buyers of March. Liverpool cited advances of 10 to 11 points, or double those expected. I'rlvnto cnbloe stated that tho market wns very Btcnav, with offerings limited. Small nnd widely scattered precipitation wns slioivn In the weather map this mornlns. Temperatures were about nor mal. In ocean freight circles It was stated thnt $2.50 had been offered for a lnrgo amount fo cotton room out of New York to I.ivrepool, hut bidders wero unable to secure any space at that figure. Interior stocks fio the day Increased 4000 bales, comparde with n decrease of 2000 bales Inst week, nn Increase of 8000 hales last year nnd 1000 In 1914. , A feature of tho Interior movement wns the very heavy re ceipts nnd shipments at St. Louis, reeding demand from Canadian and Northern mills Arrivals of cotton nt New York todya were heavy, aggregating 10,517 bales, of which DS76 bnlcs wero consigned rtnMtrln 1104 uiin A OUH l C ..,.... -41 dn prof WW Cambria Steel 7.VS i;iee Slornire (14 lj General Asphalt -'nt, ilo pret 71', Kejstono Telepbono .. 144 iln t c .. ... 14U uo prer Ijiko Sun Corp I.ehtRli NftVlKntlon . Mhlfth Vnllov l-fhlnh Vnlloy Trnn. iln prrf Pennio Iwinln Phllu Kloctrlo l'lilln Co do .1 per cent. nfd.. ilo II rer cent. pfd.. Phllu It T ilo t c Ite.iillnir Tonoinh Uel Today Hid. Ask. ill 42 (31 II 7', SI :ih( fwv 21). , 42 , .'III , 41 20 20 M)4 4'- 3JJ4 :t :h Tl 14.4 14. 70 ."! 71,S si;, is'; ;i7 41 20', 20'i S2 4 0-10 Saturday ni.l. ak. 1134 114.H :injt 4n, i iii 71. l.4 14S "". Illn .ISI4 r.nl, 2SW, 41 .17 41 "? I'M ; ! 2SV1 424 ,4,:,J 20'a u1 ,S2i 4 4d The year 1916 made nn encouraging be ginning from the standpoint of tho In vestor In so far ns dividend distributions were concerned. During tho past few davs n number of Increased distribution? were announced, some of which were of local Interest. For Instance, tho Irmnco Company of Pennsylvania, In addition to the usual quarterly payment, decalred nn extra of 1 per cent, on tho second pre ferred. American nolllng Mill Company declnfed an extra of 6 per cent., . ami I ho American Light and Traction Company declared a cash dividend of Ui per cent, on tho prcfcricd and a ensh Pment of 2i per cent, ns well as a slock dividend of 2'i shares of common for every 1M out standing. Tho Mechanics Trust Co of Horrlsburg Increased Its annual dividend rato from 6 to 7 per cent., while tho Gen eral Motors Company went on n .0 .per cent, per annum bnsis, nnd Miami Cop per payed $1.25 for the quarter, against 11 previously declared. Some prominent locnl companies from which vnrtoin kinds of melons nro hoped for this car nre the United Gas Improve ment Company In the form of a stock distribution, tho rhllndclphln Klectrlc In the form of nn assessment nnd etrn payment or possibly nn even moro wide spread chango In Its finances, nnd tho Electric Storage Daltery Company, which It Is hoped may restore the old 6 per cent. rate. There Is good ground for n dividend declaration on i,i,. mo,'ve common and also on Cr. building shares In view ?.?" finnt fttafLi At. . v (fife tiV i nal business these two iJi. .Ww. .njoylng, and Brill's too 'SjW. list. join j Today the Insurance Commim, iV America declared an exHiH,,,y 3 per cent, In nddltlon to t h e Z ,W -cent, Bcmlannual distribution S, plains the recent activity In li,. ' ndvnnclng quotations. Tod ,.nt cash at 2614 and 27 nnd ei'd.1 26'd, n new high level" 'MIMm 4,C"' t&ZL'ZL? "T.6 !Mutw . nnd only minor recessions . " tered. The chief result wm I? f curtailment of activity, the ir.E!,,!'' Ing to nominal proportions cL'S. received support around 75 ,5" States Steel under 87 The boM li dull nnd steady. In tho lauK" ever, tono became tvni, ..."!; w down a dollar. In tin. v,-j j. ."' block of 110.000 Alleohnnv n-iT-01 ever, tono became weaker. Ranii"' sold off to 20 and Philadelphia P.T declined rlcnrly three nolm. ni,,fl block of JIO.000 Allcshenv Tl.4, at 06V4, up GH points from the l,i!?i vlous sale, "n TWs wns nnnunl mectlsg dv tj number of local corporations, Ineju4ii vnnous iieiuiing suDswiarles. tlin &il of tho Ilapld Transit subsMlnrt.. r Fnlrmount Park Transportation ComwB cx- FOREIGN EXCHANGE NI5W YOrtK, Jan iO.-Forelgn chnnge qtiotntlons In the greater part of tho llrst hour of business were entirely nominal, ns some of the largest operators had not received their cables. Such figures as were available were largely conjecturo nnd showed sterling nbout one cent under Saturday's flnnls, making a drop nf about three cents from tho recent high levels. Quotations: Demand sterl ing, f l.75,; cables. $1.75; tvnnc cables. J.'i.SlPi; cheeks, lo.SI't; rclchs,nrks around 741c. Up to tho end of the nrst hour the gen eral market wns sluggish, without op parent tendency. Ilntes were under thoie of Saturdaj. In rclchsmnrks thero wns some confusion of qtiotntlons nnd Irregu larity. One prominent Institution quoted mnrks nt 73, while n number of others made n quotation of 74t4lffl8. Tho ex treme low record In rclchsmnrks wns 73, nnd It Is rumored thnt transactions have been ns low ns 72". This Inst llgtirc wns not substantiated. Other quotations were: Demnnd sterling, 4.73'i: cables, 4.70. Franc cables, 5.S.1H; checks, 3.SI'i. Ilclchsmarks, 7Hyft71(. Lire cnbles, C.b3; checks, COI. Swiss cnbles, S.12; checks, 5.13. Vlennn, j-.dui iiw. siocitnoim, Zi.MH23. Peseta,!, 19.1019.15. Guilders, UTifjIo. Itubles, 201 29. In tho early afternoon the market showed Ilttlo chango In sterling, hut marks were strong and lire were distin guished by a weak spell. The Inst men tioned fell to G.Cr for cables and C.G for checks. Itclchsmniks still showed' differ ences nt 4.743 5j'7u; demand sterling who quoted at 4.75 7-16 and cables 4.76 1-S. In mid-afternoon tnu feature wns the erratic movement of rclchsmnrks. After reports that os high as 5'.i had been paid In n special case, tho quotations shifted bnck to t4 to ,4's. Sterling was not ap preciably changed, nt 4.751,, for demand and 4,76Mi for cables. Duslness wns light, but the general tone was fairly steady. ",es. close. Open, lllirh. Low. I.ast Jnnuary . ..12 nn u.4ii ij.1t 12.it 12 it Murch 12.111 12.(1.1 12.M 12.14 2.(4l Mny .. . 12.H1 12.HII 12.SS 12 77 12. SI Julv . .. 1I0K 11.(11 11111 12,112 12.1111 Oitolwr . . 12.7.! 12.71 12.77 12.(11 12.KI Diceniber ...12.71 12 87 12.S7 12 70 12.7.1 bpot .... .. .... li'.U) Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL. Jan. 10. Spot cotton was In good demand at an advnnce of 11 points, on the basis of 8.29d. for mid upland. The sales aggregated 10,000 bales. Including SOOO bales American. The Imports wero 11,000 bales, Including 9000 American. The market for futures closed barely steady at a net advance of ljj.4 points. COFFEE PRICES HIGHER -Outsiders Sentiment Again Dullish-nought NEW YOItK. Jan. lO.-Openlng prices In tho coffee market this morning showed gains of 4 to 13 po'nts from the close of Saturday and during tho llrst part of the day business was quite active. Under lying sentiment wns again bullish, with continued buying for outside account as well as by Kurope, and while pront-taklng sales checked the advance, the undertone continued firm. The official cnbles lndl cated a stronger feeling In llrazll, but sp far cost and freight offers have not kept pace with the advance here, although, cables have been very much delayed and sometimes as much as a day late. December January ,. February March .... April ... . May . .., June , ,. July ..... AUKUSt . . Hepteraber October . , November ti,,, Today's openlnic, . T.73 i 7)20 ! I'M '. i'.ii ', i'M , T.ICl , 703 Saturday's close T.(.UT.62 T 0047.02 T.ostiT.in 7.1IWI7.17 7 VlkMT.Sa 7 2MJ7.M 7-(0r,i7.:il TjivsT.aa 7 ICV.r 7. 11 T 4Hi7 47 7 CO7 B2 7.3547.31 Provident'a Life's Prosperous Year At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Provident Life and Trust Company, five retiring directors were re-elected. Following the meeting the board reorganized and re-elected present officers. President Asa S. Wing, In the annual report saldvlri part: 'The year has been a prosperous one for the bus iness of the company. The amount of en dowment and life Insurance paid for was larger than for any. previous year by more than $3,750,000. The total amounto t In surance outstanding U larger than here tofore reported by over $13,000,000. The assets belonging to the Insured at present market value now amount to $o6.673,743. a gain of more than $4,500,000 during the jear The contingency reserve bos In creased about $1,500,000 since our last rport fhe mortality experience for the year baa besn pre-eminently favorable." MONEY LV NEW YORK NEW YORK, Jan. 10. The market for tlmo money on collateral Is easy In tone, ns reflected by tho relaxation In mercan tile paper rates, but showB no quotnblo change, rtntcs are nominal, at 2!vg2',4 per cent, for 60 days, trading figure of 2i per cent, for 90 days to llvo months and 243 per cent, for six months, The feature of the market for mercan tile paper is an easier tone. There were thought to be slight surfaco Indications of this condition toward tho end of last week. It Is somewhat remarkable to find St. Louis, ordinarily tho highest market for mercantile discounts, doing business In fine quality paper as low as 3 per cent. St. Louis Is usually 4 per cent, to 1 per cent, higher than the other Important tlnnnclal centres In Its rates on mercan tile discounts. 4V fairly free movement of paper Is reported at 3 per cent., ngainst predictions some tlmo ago of a 4 per cent, market, and IL Is believed that anything extra choice with tho right maturity could be negotiated at a shade under 3 per cent. KSS UNION NATIONAL HANK itj' Philadelphia. Pa.. Dec. 11. 1015. The annual meetlnc of the stockholders of this Hank for the election of Directors will be held at the banking houfcs on Tuesday. January II, 1910, between the hours of 12 in. and 1 p. m. LOUIS N. SPIEI.nEnaER. Cashier. DIVIDKNDS INHUKANCE CO. OF NOHTII 4MK!tICA 23J Walnut btreet, Philadelphia. January 10, 101(1 Tho Directors have this day declared the ui.ua I Dividend of a per cent., and an extra Dividend of 3 per cent., payable on January 11, ID ID, to stockholders of record January Checks will be mailed. T. 1IOUAHU WRIGHT. Treasurer, ELECTION NOTICE ..ijXF'.ritAMiLlN NATIONAL UANli ZIJ Uroad and Chestnut HtreeU. Philadelphia. December 30th. 1013 1 The annual election for directors will bs held at the banklne houae on Tuesday, Jan uary lltli. 1016, between the hoars of 11 noon and 1 o'clock p. in. li P. PASSMORB. Cashier. ANNUAL MEETINGS (T3S3- VENN NATIONAL UANU. J Philadelnhla. Decern!,.. 11 io.k The annual meetlnc of the stockholders for the election of Directors for the cnsulnc year will be held at the banklne home, Tuesday. January 11.1910, between U o'clock noon and 1 o'clock V, 31, M, a. DAKBIl. Cashier. IKK UE CEMHAL NATIONAL UANli OV VIULADELVIIIA December 13. IB IS. The Annual Election for Directors of this Bank will be held at the Banklne House oa luesday, January 11, Wl. between 11 s, m. and 1p.m. WILLIAM POST. . Cashier. THE FAIIMEHS' AND MECHANICS' NATIONAL UANK. ?hJ.',,,1!.,phU' J'Ln- 10'h. 191 The Annual Election for Directors of this Bank will be held at the Banking House an Wednesday, the litli day of January, 1918. between the hours of 11 a. m. and 2 p. tn, EDWARD BTOTESBURY LEWIS. I Cailer. UIHECTOKV Or ACCOUNTANTS Certified Public Accoontenls LAWRENCE E. BROWN & CO lll REAL ESTATE TRUST BU1LD1NQ- BURNa U tU'EAKUAN LKHIOII VALLEY TRANSIT ' HAD A RECORD YEAR Compnny Earned 2.40 Per Cent, on Common Oflklnls Re-elected ALT.ENTOWN, Jnn. 10 -At tho nnnurtl meeting today of tho stockholders of tho Lehigh Valley Trnnslt Company tho fol lowing tllrcctprs nnd ofllocrs were re-elected' Colonel Harry C. Trcxler, E. St. Young, Harrison It. Fehr, Allentown; Congressman H. J. Steele, nnston; War ren .. Wilbur, South IJethlchem: Chnrles If. Ilcan, John C. Dawson, Cleorgc II Frnzlcr, Chnrles 13, Ingcrsoll nnd Edward II. Smith, of Philadelphia, onicers: Harry C. Trcxler, chairman board of dlrcctois; II. It. I'chr, president; 13. SI. Young, vice president; Charles N. Wngncr. secretary nnd treasurer; C SI. Wnllcr, nudltor. , President II. R. l'ehr. In tho nnnunl lepoit, snys; "Notwltlistnndlng tho un settled business conditions, the company during tho Inst year has shown tho largest earnings In Its history, and Is In a strong er flnanclnl position than over before. Tho surplus Increased from 5101.374 to J.m.273. AH Items of maintenance nnd re newals nre charged to nn amount equal to 22 per cent, of the gross earnings of tho railway lines, the brlnnco of thnt account being set up to accrued de preciation reserve, which showed a credit qf $220,537 as of November 30, 101J." The nnnunl report for tho year ending November 30, 1113, compares with Inst year ns follows: inn. 11,44(1, ren LESS COTTON GINNED , Amount to Jnnuary 1 Was 10,6il;j Bales ,, 'WASHINGTON, Jnn. 10.-A r.Mi the Census Bureau of the DeparuatBl Commcrco todny shows 10,,78J ijjjj nuiiuu, 1.UU111111H iuiiiiu ns naif ginned from tho growth of 1915 tn j, 1, 191B, compnred with U.tU.HJ ffcr nnd 13,347,721 for 1914. vltound ktln ciuueu tins jcar iu,iuj, comparta 44.904 for 1915 nnd 94.2G5 for nil Island Included 83,921 for 1916; 78,857 fr nnu it,ou lur rjii i December Anthracite Shlpmeoti Tho shipments of nnthraclte In i bcr, ns compiled by the Anthracite! of Information, nmountcd to 5,939,1(1 li tons, nn increnso ri a.wx; tons, u t Dated with December, 1914. Th i shipments for tho 12 months of IMS, Ing with December have amounted toil 122.W2 tons, ns compared with RjM ions ior toe snmo pcriou in lulii crense of 2,220,533 tons. il l ni.-.. If.iR4pnirer rppnue 11.510.121 I'relKlit niul exp. revenue iei.20(l H.o; 4II7.4M .14I.SI1 2.0"H,S7.-, t,Slill,OOi Ll.in.si4 i.(i.vj,iii.i -:t,.Vii 07.ini s.vj.ins 7is.:i.,n 1 111.141 I'.-.'.IIIT liSS.I'.ll Sll.2!IS "Jl 2711 S-IO.s'14 111,171 .-.!.:! Ill .'.0,711-1 4S.1M2 r.:i,.'is7 '.'iw.i.'o llqunl, nfter nl'i nine for ."i per cent, nnnunl illtlileml on (4.Ui'H,un lumulntlta prefcrriil stock, lo '-'.1" per cent, eunieil on J2,liu7..'l."0 inmmnn stoi'... During tlio Inst fiscal enr two i1lildcnil. nuitreBiitlnit J174.2SS. or :k per cent., wero paid on the preferred stock. The latest remlnnnual dividend wns 2'4 per cent., nnil the preferred now ts understood to be on lis full A per cent, per annum b.tsls. I'OAer sales, elc. . Total oper. lrcnue . Open expense Taxes Opir. Income Nonop. Intome ... flross Income Int. nn funded debt.. Itent lensed rnmls . . vrrorl.. misc.. etc ... Net Income ... k Phila., Balto., & Wash. 3 i S 1st Mort. 4 Bonds J ! if Due November. 1913 M ' W, I'rlce on Application ' ! II ( BAIt SILVER LONDON". Jnn 10. Tho price of commercial bar silver today wns 1-'(1T, pen.e In New York bar ellver was quoted at RA cents. AUDIT THOSE BOOKS HEVERLE&HAY PUBLIC ACCOUNTAMTS ,, REAL ESTATE TRUST DUIIDINS 61st ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Saving Fund Society of Germantown and Its Vicinity SchocI T - -rd Germantown Avenue EREP 1854 RY 1. 1916 Interest Allowed i Deposits, 3.'65 Per Annira Accounts May Be Opened and Business Transacted by Mail! ASSETS Municioal. Railroad and other Bonds fPar $10,404.7501 5Sg.Q90.399.8t Loans on Collateral 169,355. Mortgages, 1st Lien on Real Estate 954,925 Real Estate Banking House 60,000.0 Cash on Hand and in Banks 813,571 Total Assets $11,988,251 LIABILITIES Individual Denositnrs . S!in 74I4I 07 fn Interest added for 1915 368,'274!60 ll,113,251j Surplus $ 875,0002 Total number of Depositors 29,6S0J We, the Subscribers, Auditors, appointed by the Saving Fund Society of Germantown and Its Vicinity, do hereby certify that we have examined the above statement, and the assets therein named, and find them correct. January 7, 1916, MANAGERS "rancl Jl. Iteeves John J. Henry Horace T. 1'otts K II. StrawbrttJi Marriott C. Morris Lewis W. Wlster Uvlnxston 13 Jones O M. Wm. J. MontKomery II. E. (Illllnglium I-ouls C. Madeira F. B. I'.eeirs. Jr. Joseph U Woclslon t'eo V. Massey Wl Um W, Justice Clark Auditor , COVYBBS BlITTON OSCAH W. WOOD nnonoe j. flavell WM. II. EMIIAHI1T -VRTHUn II. JONES OFFICERS l-StlKaSTONB JO.VF8.r,Wnt. tuviio it. tuoiiviii ir -'r -rt.. m II. T. MONTOOMEIIV. Secy d.Tr5 j,iu WM. N. I'RICII Asst. Secj, and Assr j 4 Groups of 5 Each If In each specific group you will find the most !cSc?Vhit Particular character of investment. j oae ruouc utility Honds. S f Attractive Railroad Bonds. S ! S?110 Convertible Bonds. 115 High Grade Investment Stocks. U Sent on request. attractive securf-" There are shown: REEDA.M0RCAN&C0. fThditoSK r IU1 4I'4IU 4 - X
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers