BHBasPBsWs i t - l-i a V ltl WAirntO-KAtK flint Jtf , .ptTSJNKSS SERVICE COMPANY , lsSeMtcepera, . several position open: good ftportunlty or advancement! $12 to $13. Crme. positions epen . jsui ina uuo uuiiains. AGENTS .. i -You can make tt n day llgrji JWWKTS-Yi Ire an; eoesihla p eeessibls Plscea on an nuto or any ma titne: tend l ier send i tor sample; sens v "v. .. . .! I THOMAS C iui paiiima, "-.. .! , IVinntll qun. . gITPATIONB WANTED FEMALE SSMAKErt want tl. $2.30 d Ml y: nmo. Ider llranch 00th and Olrard. PEtfNESS Refined German Frot. desires neelttoni rap teach elementary ..nsisn rii Scrraan: 7 years last po. 11 M0.l.edKfr, "flxXiSRkEBPEK (managing), chaperon or companion - English 'ntlewpm;n. speaking Spanish and French, .musical, cheerful dis position: beat rot 1 Sib. LedgerJ-fflee. IFoUSEKF-EPER (managing); P"fer jl.t family In suburbs of Phlla. where one eer vant l kepti excellent ref. from present cm- . Merer. Vox W, Tonn River. N J. HfoURBWORK without laundry! go homo nights. Phone Walnut 4121. bet.10 and. JmNQUAOES. English branrtes, conversation, S'schlng, backward pupil'. Mademoiselle, nom fi). Wclghtmnn ulldlng -.OTHER'S HELPER. Oerman 'Jojeatant: correct Enc: good sewer: ref. lIWS.Led.on;. -.OTHERS 1PE"R, companion or ,nji'"Or governess; ref., Prot. woman, LB4T, Leu. , SECRETARY nnd managing houeckeeror-An educated lady of Rood social standing, bright and very capable especially trained to mar ket and. cater, wishes a position of trust In a flrst-c ass prtiate family. D 013. I-edger Office. TELEPHONH OPERATOR and clerk; Prllo branch pref.; S rears" central SJh"",5",p-! . .reliable;. best rcfsLJI .lLedger Centra l. VlsmNff TEACIJER., tlerrnan. French Enr- llsh. Miss Lorent. 34.15 Walnut sireci. erences. WAITRESS or chamDerworK. ,.:. ,..-y scoicn. Prot., Tsl-ciass rei jcuyoruu; ,,..-.r.-.x."j tVANTDD-Culturcd youiii? woman of '''"""V ability, with .1 years' experience In real rs fate and financial affair..1 would like position a private secretnry for whole or part time. Address II 41. ledger Central. WTOIAN. colored, relfable, with son J Jf'1" position! cltyomitrjJKVlN. Jessup st. 'WOMAN, colored, housework or cooks good reference. l(12Pnnama sL . wishes business position where advancement can bo made: held last position Of""! Joi' reslptned of own free wills also 9 years lex perlence In educational works deslrn do posi tion preferred rather than high salary. A a. Ledger Office. , HISS DEAN at Ledger Central has lltted the Qualification of young ,ndles experienced In all kinds of ortlco detail work, nnd lias hail apeclal training In selecting, thr 1 right ( per eon for the right pnaltlon," Acntmlnt her with your neeus-elther by personal rl I or aonal attention will by Blyen I'mmptlv, Tljla fs n free rervlce to LEDOElt It": ISCKS. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, auditor, offlco manager, at present employed In Jills capacity, desires, for good reason, to mnko change: experlenceii (n preparing financial statements: ago .11; highest rcferencew. A 21'. I-cilgcr Office. ACCOUNTANT Office manager, thoroughly experlenceii nnd practical: references as to ability & character the besLOJlisLedJJ.entJl ACCOUNTANT-llookkecper. absolutely first class. 1 years' experience: up-to-ilale lilgn- InBhushiessjililllty.'.IJIg .rch st . ACCOUNTANT-Ilooka audited. ' Per mo. nn.1 up; annual statements made. A 2. I-euger un. AUDITINO. big and little, dono by rcsponjlhlo man., bonded ln:K. M 21 i.engcr uuue. BANK TELLER delres position of any kind: 34 yenra of nco: IS enrs' experience: refer ence Al. A i, i-enger uiiup. IlOOKKEEPER-Accnuntnnt. university grnd. : pub. accounting, credit and collection exper., now have chargo of bookpg. and credit dent., desires pos. with manufacturing concern; nrv H3: age 20iqiK"i7JJeilBer Central. itOOKKEEPEH and ncrnuntant, .13, 1.1 years' 1 expe CHAl) experience: references. 11 i-t-. i'urr nm-,.. CHAUFFEUR wishes n position: 10 .rears' experience- first-class reference. 4011 Ludlow st. cTlAt'FFEUIt wishes position; prlate: Al reference. Apply L2 H. 21st. CHAUFFKUV wishes pos.: first-class repair man, cxp. driver. Win. Davis. 3.110 Hnrtvllle. CIAUFFi:UJl. exn.. des. pos.: strictly soher; careful drlter: best ref. A .11. Ledger Off. CHEMIST, experienced, desires post In works; goo2 refs. 5gradunte. p mI-eilger Office. CIVIL"ENCIINEElf. ""years' exper. shop nnd of Oce management, would be valuable as as sistant mgr or sunt, of mfg. plant; age .10: married. 11 ll. Ledger Central. COACHMAN", gardener or houseman Exp. nnd jref.:Protestant. 43l Lancaster nc. COLLEOE GHAD.. 22 years of age. 2 years' business experience; silnrv secondary to op portunity;, best city ref. H .lis. Led. Cent. EXPERIENCED MAN wishes position as gar- flener anu ennuneur: can lurnien -i rei. jroin ast employer. A 20. Ledger Office. OAKDFNKR. handv, ttnders'tnnds all branches: ref. IIS Ledger Rr.. I111I1 and Dauphin. OARDENER, bandc. understands nil branches; ref 118 I)jerHrancl loth and Dauphin OAnDENEIl"slnge; can run car' good rcfer ences128 Spring ave.. Ardmore. Pa. ORVTLEMAN. with mechanical nnd Inventive abllltv would like to connect himself with an established business hnlng use for such a perron in that capacity. (I ."-VI. ledger Cent. GRADUATE ENGINEER, office nnd factory management experience, nvnllable as man nger or assistant. U 2Z. LedgerCentral JAP wants position ns cook or general housc- wotk flpnir japnnptp, i-ii ,iirrry BALFMAX wishes position' 10 icnra experl ence best reference. II 212, 1-dger Cent. SALESMAN, lumber trnvellm.' or office work. deilrea position: best ref. II :H0. Ledger Cent. STEWARD 10 venrs experience In cluh 'nnd cafe work: club or entering for corporation rireferred: reference at Interview. II 237, .ertger Centrnl. TRAFFIC MANAflEK Clean-cut young man, ago 20. with present emplover o vears. chargo of rates, routines and classifications, deslrca position as traffic manager or ns-lalnnt. At references U nil, . Leilger Central. TRAVELER, experienced, hnillic- best of con neetlona In Canada between Winnipeg and Halifax, la open to represent any manufac turer's specialty: thorough knowledge of French and English, best references. M 40.1. Ledger Office. VANTED Typewriting work at home: original letters, addressing or nny branch: new ma chines. Phone Dickinson, 21S0. or apply A 17, Ledger Office. ' TOl'Va MAN.. age 20. desires clerical position, assistant !ookkeeper or general office as sistant, with chance for advancement; good reference II 1.17. I.edger Centrnl. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES JIIS3 MARY T. MCCARTHY. 2107 Christian fLnc. l.'lltl). supplies & wants ist-rlass Prot., Cath. male and female help, all nationalities. AUTOMOBILES Fgr Sale WE HAVE SO OF THE FINEST SMALL. AUTOMOIHLES that can be seen In Philadelphia. Each car overhauled, painted and sold with reasonable guarantee. D.icked by a responsible concern. It will pay you to Investigate, -ood prices allowed on old c ra. MAINE LINE SERVICE CO, ROSEMONT. PA. DRYN MAWR 837-838-833 CADILLAC. 1813. eight: condition like new; completely equipped; Immediate delivery; price I140O. rx)COMOIULE, 2314 Market. at. ocui450. U. A. JENKB. Manager Exchange Car Dept. CADILLAC, 1013. touring car, overhauled and repainted, full equipment; price I7S0. AUTO KALES CORPORATION.. 142 N, Ilroad st. " COLE. 1013, DEMONSTRATORS SLIGHTLY USED. FOR SALE . S, BQWER8 CO.. 243-17 N. BROAD ST. f CIHHE. The (BLACKesr. it -f H ---' i ji j hc, . ,, - Hj ------fi-Bt------ , -..... a,-ljllinil .- H ""- -fc"-ifMiriiiTiTi 1-rtnhr L . -fc--H-f--ai--i--.-. .. .,..-L..-II-?", aa. ....-- t: J ATJIOMOBItllS jl'or Sale I FRANK-IN cars. All models, overhauled and gnteed. F. U PaxsonailO Chestnut st. HUPMOniLn llH-f2 " n"hrWm,U'?n and starter: bargain. 8. 8. RODdERS, J0 N. Hroad tt. spruce 0110. SIMPLEX 1012 Rl'NATlOUT fully l1pp'1, electric lights, ton and teat coven, etc. Call .20 neai Estate Trust Poinding. 8TANLEY steamers. $200 up: also llmoustn. Hdr. rail" mke offer, lift Westmorejand. BTIIDEIIAKCR. 10H. llmousne, enulpped with electric nanis ana sinner; p.i oMitiiiuii. aOMBRr-PCllWARTZ, 258 N..JIroad t. WlllTFl 1012. 7-rA89n.vgEl!. i-CYMNDER TOimiNOlli OOOI CONDITION MECHAN ICAU.Y: TII1E1 IN 0OODCONDITlON. l.CJIOSKR. 210 N. nfiOAD ST. DELIVERY or pleasure cars, without real es. tate security, .1 down and t.T per week up wards. Can we tell jou how It Is done? Our representatives will call br appointment. cay or evenmK, L oSl, Lediter Central "eSpNORTII IIROAl) STREET Ml Iiooenson e oia nrisinni ahio School teaches you how to re- . BiwftroA?ltIBRo!Co,'tag?,- ALL CARS BOUGHT for Parts SCHOnCR, 8341-43-45 MARKET ST. "SEND TOR FREE lllIt.LETIN OF DSEI) CARS . OOriSON AUTO KXCIIANHK. 21 N. RnOAtJ DEAD STOROE 2 PER .MONTH CIITAIAll HTonAOR COMPANY .a.X ". ---. iil "- : .- " i" nit iilrt isprn st, Phone Ilelmont 2014. 1010 STIftlERAKER touring, exceptional con- r dltlnn.SiOO; will demonstrate.OJVI1,Id.Cent. FOR HAl.i: Dodge' touring car, like new. J C. FULLER, 10 South Sth, , Vnte.l STOP! I.OOKI AND LISTENI . We buy old autos In any wrecked condition: get our price before ion sell them. Phone or wrlte Southwestern Junk C0..ITO.V7 Carpenter. TlXOHANClE, new 000 Mayer-piano for auto. Whltmoro Piano Co . 20.1.1 jhlgh.Tloga 72M. WANTED - AUTOS FOR JUNK. MET OUR price first, n.14 Diamond st. Phone Park 410. ATJTO LIVERY AND OAHAOES TO HIRE Plerce-Arrons. Pnckards, Ford Llm. Cars. Special shopping rate, II. W) per hour Ford town cars. Autos for Weddings nnd Funerals. Packard sniivin: company 1411 I.OCUSI St. Raco 24.". Spruce 0.". QUAKER CtTY OARAOE. open. 4ri!-tril-l(l0 N. Mh: thoroughly euulppeil: steam heat, etc.: room for lno cars: repnlr work renson- nble rates: open all night. Phone Market Is.Vi. TO HIRE (open day and night) tlrand-new n-paas. touring car with robes. M 2." hour: also brand-new 7-pns, limousine. .l,."rf hour: weddlngs, funerals, etc Poidar tliti W. KERR'S "NEW OARAOE-ntIO nirnrd nve. Now open for service with the finest up-to-dato equipment. Storage .1 up. Drop In nnd look It ocr. or phone Belmont 01.10. AUTO REPAIRING t SPEEDOMETER TROU11LE T , 7 ? 7 T SEi: HILLY 31" N HROAD 7 CYLINDERS REnotlED. new pistons and rings furnished, weldings nnd brazing. H. II. l'nder-ootl & Co., 102.1 Hamilton st.. l'hlla. AUTO SUPPLIES RADIATOR COVERS Mado to Order for All Cars UP. Windshield. Curtains: State Slie use. COMFORT CUSHION COMPANY lfgn Oermnntown ave. KnslngtonBI2i HEARtyoS New Departuro Ser Ice Sta, The Owllllnm Co , 1.111 Arch st. Phones Walnut :I4U7, Raco.1(!2. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compare prices. nasollne, 18c. per gallon. ORIM'S. 2.KI N. Ilroad at. FIRESTONE DEMOUNTAHLE rims, for Ford cars. $15 per set. Installed. Duplex Tire Com pany, 2228 N nroad st Phone Diamond 1 fl HORSES FOR SALE Tjo thoroughbred hunters, gentle, warranted sound, with pedigrees, good Jump ers; broken to harness. 0 and I) eir old: 15 hands 3 inches high: price 1200. 250 In quire Sydney Riddle. 2017 Pine st . I'hlln. B'LDINQ MATERIALS REPAIRS CARPENTERINO AND JOI1IIINI1 - Altera tlon of vtery kind: work guaranteed, prompt serlce. 22 enrs In business, estimates rur nlshed. Penn Real Estnte and Ilulldlng Co., 24.'. N. loth. Both phones. IIUILD1NO alterations, cnrpenterlng ml lob bing In eterv line Is our specialty for over 20 )ciirn; nil work aunrnntieil. Peterson Co.. 2151 N Ulth. Phone Diamond 402. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PARTNER WANTED A manufacturing concern, with plint de sirably located, complete in every detnil. and making n first-chits line or staple goods, hiow running to Mbout 00 per cent, capacity, de sires a partner, active or otherwise, with ).1ii.ioii to SI3.1I00 tn Invect: the monev Is rn uulreil to run the place full, under whlch'con rilllnn will yield from Jl.1,000 tn $20.(00 firortt per annum, the buslntss Is well esftli lelicd, hlghlv reputable and the management cnp.ible- a gowl opportunity for eomo man with mains tn get Into a pcrniiinent and pIciiHint business. For further particulars ADI RESS P 420. LEDOER OFFICE RESTAURANT FOR RENT Near railroad depot: rapidly growing nelgh liorhood: no opposition, sptendld opportunity for cxixTlencou- restaurant and cafe man; good Inducement to right party. I- W. ldgcr Central. WANT man tn loin me In buying n strictly cash business that has been extremely profit able for 23 vears; I can largely Increase present net pro tits through superior buying connections: will furnish highest references for character and practical utility: want man with $111,000 cash In hand arid willing to give one hour d.tlly to the financial end of the business, A 1. Ledger Office. EXPERIENCED promoter with large financial acquaintance Is open for an engagement for any proposition of merit; best of references required; will deal with principals only. L h.-.l. Ledger Central. MANUFACTURER of popular-Priced automobile, vearly .capacity 2. i.ijh). wants J.'JUXO additional working capital, good opening for active busl nead man. M Hi. Lodger Central. OROCERY BUSINESS , Long establlnhed. up-to-date, high-class trade; doing $10,000 the year, with a push could easily do (CO.iOO: present owner devotes only part of his time; owner has a competence and wants to retire; can be purchased at In ventory. Walker fixtures Included with rent. P CPU. Ledger Oftlct; PATENTS AllTHUR E. PAIGE. 711 Walnut sL, Phlla.. mechanical and electrical engi neer; registered patent attorney, established here 30 years; Inventions developed: patents, trademarks. copyrights secured and liti gated anywhere: rejected applications proie- cuted : preliminary advice free. AN EXCEPTIONAL opportunity, for .gentle man to put his son Into salaried position in high-grade business with proper surround ings: Investment of $3000 to $10,000 neces- tary: large net earr L 732. LedgerjCentraL nei c-nuii3 vi ill) vsiiuciit. riCTURE THEATRE for rent; $71 month, complete; seats 300; modern: no competi tion; bargain: other propositions. itAluusi, Ji w. xiroaq. A PECAN OROVE with cotton planted be tween the trees Is a good Investment. Have you tnveitlgatrd? Full Information furnished WHITCOMB, RIOCJS CO., Penna. llldg. PETEY "BIGCE tN BEST 1 Urn .--. -OMOKe JHfc. HOT I ' 1 1 I - AT rNOTV4Ef. I V Oiler I I "v '' - y i foJLN J."MKE.3 ."-J-zz?: ) & &; ----' t""-.y ivj a pew A - ... . i 4 V Busiygss orgoitTTjMrtiBa OENERAty STORE, dotnr IIS.0M fcuslness yearlrs so miles from Phlla ; stock and prop srty. prloo it.l.noo, relljlnr from bujlnesf Address "Owner," llox 11 404 Ledger Offlc. rnOFlT-SHAniNO certificate Ruaranteelnir C and .possible profit of :ivo, price, I2.1 jach, for full particulars, nddresa "Owner," IIOX JI mil. Iyeas;rr uhicp, WANTED, president and manager with capital to manufacture. a. rubber tire, have a 14 year patent and I am, a practical rubber- man A 27. ledger Office. DISTntBrTETt wsnted for pure artesian well water for Philadelphia. and vicinity: must finance distribution. Address 3S 8. Pth St., Heading. Pn. . DROP POCKET COAL TAnD....w on p, and it. tor rent, 10 monthlt. mo West tiooa st, OROWINO oncllARDS, all ages, for sale. HARRY DAftLINOTON nzu uneiinui si. VICTOR J. EVANS tCO. Patent Attorneys. Washington, p. C. wrne ror uescripuve dookici. PICTURU theatre. f2S00; beautiful, modern: dtilv mats,: ref pat.: crowded nlghtlv: good selling reasons. LM0, Ledger Central. 27 IlUILDirO lots, best" residential section In Lonsdale: 2 large buildings: all for SHOO, A. H. TYSON. Ijinsdnle. Pa. MILLINERY, estnb., uptown, for sale; excel, class trade: III health cause, L 8S0, Id.Cent Wonted HAVE PARTY AVANTIN'O .100 for short time: will give .K) bonus, beside Interest and good security. Penn Real Estate nnd Hullding Company. SIM N. loth. BUSINESS PEnsONALS FULL DRESS SUITS Cutaways. Tuxedos and Sack Suits To hire nnd made to order. . NEU1IAUEH. Till! TAILOR. Ill N. Oth St. Hell phone. Walnut 201S. , SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed bv electrolysis, the only permanent wnv. lTvobrows nrched. Mim SMITH, lu Keith Theatre llldg. Miss lloppe, halnlres"lng,rnclal Icurlng. Form. Mint Anndo, with Miss Smith. JOIN FRENCH COOKINO CLASS. 12 lessons. $10. each lesson guaranteed errect. Limited number only M. A. Wilson CooklnR School, rail Rare st. JMiono llelmont4'(liJ : CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage nnvwnere. . o gel lour munui lor you 'Oil AAll.lMrJ Ml.tu A.lJllIJ AGENCY. i loom .in-i, 1.101 Arch at FULL DRESS nnd Tuxedo suits, latest styles, silk hats, to hire. Open evenings SCHULTZ. 227 N. Oth St. FULL DRESS SUITS All new, etylltrt goods large assortment SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 (llftARD AV11 PHONE IOPLAR 0.142. CAnPEX CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CI.EANINfl .MOUSE 2'"TII ST. AIIOVE CHESTNUT Hell Phone. Locust 1000 . WEST 1'HII.A. MONARCH RTORAIIE CO. WEST PIIILA. .'Ic. PER VAHD . ., WST PIIILA. 3870-72 LANCASTER AE. HOVER CO.. HEAL CARPirr REATlNO. 3W) N. 12th Nfl tumblers used. Phone Tioga .1200. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DES10N1NO nnd pittemnriklng tnught by our un-to.the-inlnute metbnils bring results. Mc Dowell Dressmaking School. 307 Donckla Ilidg.. lltli and Market sis HEMSTITCIIINO. .V yard. A-l material." but tons cov., plentlng. stamping, hand embrold ir). Modern. HiO. Chestnut. Phone Spruce Bial ilEMSTITCHINfl. 10 cents a vnrd; all mater rial'. A REICH Mill, 1111 UHl'.'iT.NHT ST. Flr-TOKIAI. IlEViEW PATTERNS POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKtNO DAILY AND EVEVI.Vfl SESSIONS 1413 fllllAHl) AVE. OOWNS remodeled . hlgh-grado work only. Phono Spruce 2223. FOR SALE ANTIQUE nnd modern furniture bought sold. SOME RARE OLD PIECES HARVEY D.U1ER. Ambler. Pa. """ ' '""" " T Keystone, 10 M. 1.1 ..u ami i'i. Klr TABLES Also Unllng nil r 1. .ni liiiments. IIUUN 1 ICK-ltALKn-COL LENDER CO.. 1002 Arch. H1LLARD nnd pocket tables, shufflcboards, m 11 1 .imiiiiv uFeii, 11ner.11 rernis renun isit iiv n,I supplies. Itueatto. 22'.' S, BILLIARD, pocket. 2d-hancl tables, repairing, 'l'i. Hri 1 .irg. Co., 2121 N. Front. IIILLARD. pool, combination. 2d-hnnd bought, sold, rentcl. excliM Keafer. .120 (.lrordavn. CASH HECltSrERS. new nnd second-hand, to tal adders as low as $30. on easy monthly payments: nil registers sold by us fully guar anteed. The National Cash Register Co.. 730 Chestnut st. DESKS flllniTcul Inets. safesTlelepbone booth? nnd office furniture and fixtures of every de scription, used, but In fno condition, nnd very chnp; free delivery anywhere. Ht'OHES 1ITII AND llUTTnNOOD. FANS 0 nltrrnntlng current celling fans nnd a few smnll motors. 28 Armnt st. Oln. 4114. OFFICE EQUIPMENT" ItoU-ton (UpHm, typewriter, tmoUUpoppr ileflks, llllnK mK. trie, boothw, Fnf. hnunchold fur. 1iillrif (Vntml 2l-tnni Furnlturo Co.. OOi-.K)it-14 CallowhIU I'hono riltiert 4103. SAFKS rir.prdof. rloiinc out sllchtlv iipi1, nil bIzps nnd makes; ha Imrr:.lni-, tti N. Kourth. $20.30 VICTROLA VI AND SIX 10-INCH D. F. RECORDS Guaranteed to be In perfect condition. An excellent outfit for one who Is looking for a good michlne at n reasonable price Flftv lents weekly nccepted. Cnll or wrlto for completn description nnd largo Illustrated catalogues. v HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth and Thompson sts. Philadelphia. I'a. 30 CENTS WEEKLY BUYS A VICTROLA. Call or write for particulars HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Corner Uth ami Thomixon sts.. Phlla. Pa. $3.V-"l'LATINUM LA VALLIERC with three ruro white diamonds; value. Si." Rleder s .nan Ofilro 128 Market st. $20-niAMOND EARRINOS. BLUE WHITE nnd perfect; value $50. Illeder'a Loan Office. 128 Market t. DADDY WAI.KLR buys lulklng machines and records: exchanges nil rttords. 3e, 10 Rldgojive,, above Columbia ave. t Fo.T-DlAMOND HINd. pure wlilto Hnd per feet: vnluo $133. Rleder's Loan Offlco. 12.8 Markct t. FOR HALE Church pon'5, In excellent condl t on: nlso pipe organ. For detailed lnfonna- lion. auuresa ai i;n,i.eiiger vnnce, $12-TAI.KtNO MACHINE. ALMOST NEW; value $23 Rleder's Lomt Office. 12S .Mar ket st. QENT'S FUR-LINED OVERCOATS. $10 and up. Rleder's. Loan Office. 128 Market st. HEATING MAKIN-KELSKY HEALTH HEAT la better nnd cheaper than steam or hot water. Pure fresh air with normal moisture. M'AKIN-KEI-SBY. U N. ISth st.. Phlla. INSTRUCTION STENOGRAPHY bookkeeping by Individual instruction; eourso requires only few weeks: pos. guar JLocut. (Washington Square.) SPANISH Prlvato leisona by native: reason- able rates. quick reiulta. 11 11. eqer ueni. Musical ORGANIST and choirmaster, experienced, de. sires change of position. D 026. Ledger Off. MACHINERY AND TOOLS OF COURSE IT8 THE POWER and machine control where we Insure help. YOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH pulleys and FRICTION CUT-OFF couplings are a most economical appliance for that purpose. BHAFT1NO and MACHINE WORKS. 145 North Second. JAH XULUM -ON. Power-plant equipment Dsnamos. motors, boilers, steam and oil en. clnes. pumps, air comp restvirs. FRANK TOOMEY. Inc.. 127 N. 3d at. Petey Expected a Storm, KJOXJJ iVt, Go riOMF. .ir5;lx. . ,..-,. ..' "v n .IN.VCJ. 1 pa bnilLlPa AGAIM NAHETVteR WKEO IT UR, ) 5? LET 'ER V-? I0LI ' ' A uirc - ystay t7t N,WuTs,-Tr vw,gv KACMINERT AND TOOLS SBCONtf-MAND riPE Cot knd threaded to sketch ff"."l5"".,7 or all sues In stork, flnrfi h Wl-"''"' ' DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold and rented: armatures repaired. Main 01. Market 30(W. yeareleyCo 224 N. ad st. . FOR LEATIlETt. PALATACAMEL , IIAtn, nnn canvas and cotton ueltinq, ClIAS. BOND COMPANY. 520 ARCH ST B0-K. W direct-connected engines and gen- erators: 40-K. W. J"Sl.Wr?i?SVB!S' SO il, ljnotors.. NUTTALL, IJ48N Bth, PIPE, second-hand, all slies. . Phlta. Second Hand rino Supply Co . 1003 N. 71h Phones. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DIAMOND-roiNT PHONOORAril Cot loo new. , . This outfit Is complete, with records, and will be sold for $li payable 75c. weekly. Call or write for complete descriptions and Urge Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES . Corner Aih and Thompson sts. Philadelphia. Ta. I3S LAROf rtriK n.N(1 D.NOPHONB TALKLNO MACHINE With Cabinet and 50 Records Finished In beautiful quartered oik! cost new 8l: can be paid 7Sc weekly: .an excel- ' "ent bargain: In good condition. Write for complete Hat of bargains and special trial """' HEPPE'S UPTOWN HTORE3 Corner oth and Thompson sts. Philadelphia, Pa. J83 CHICKEdllNO UPRIOHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. M8 N. STH. OLD GOLD CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS stones, gold. elUer, Fltnum.faf.e teeth. Phlla. Smelling. A fiefj. Co.,. 12S S. nth st. OLD OOLD. nllter. platinum, plated ware, , old stlo lenclrv. teeth platesbought.for cosh, list. 1870. J! L. Clark, refiner. 807 Stnsom OLD OOLD-Cash paid, for old gold, silver, antique clocks: will call. Hel phone. Locusl 1210. ROCIERS. 27 H. 17th at. PRINTING 100 SNOW-WHITE CARDS AND NAM. 30c. : .100 business cards. 1; r.oo business cards. 11.23: loou business canls. 1.7ft; 5OU0 busi ness cards, i.l; cnnlrase with order. Open ivenlngs. CARD SHOP, lout Chestnut st. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAHB WAHEHOtlRE 20TII ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACK1NO. MOVINtl. SIIIPPINO Rugs. Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored. Jel0usll(Jf-P)nes Key., Race 4100. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAOE WAREHOUSE Storage, moving, parking, shipping, enrpet cleaning. Ph. Hiring 7.1J for estlmate, Market and 3i th. OIRARD STORAOE CO., 018 Olrard nve. Moving by auto; packing. , storage. Fopnrito rooms; carpet cleaning. Bell phone Pop. ..201. McCANN'S STORAOE ..HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th st Moving, parking, shipping; nuto vnns, IJoth phones. Let usestlmnte. HAVE storage room for 20.000 tons of coal; centrnllv locnted; nilvnntHgeous In view of predicted strike. L NVJ, Ledger Cenlral. FREE STORAOE the llrst month: moving bv nuto van. shipping packing, cnrpct clean ing Levin's, 2IHS Ridge. I'IRi:i'ROOE, Mothproof. Concrete Wnrehouse. N. Phil. Storage Co.. 2U.H Lehigh, Tlogn 72W. WANTED ANTIQUE furniture, folso teeth, feather beds, hrni,i i,wpirv. cold, silver. diamond? nroKen jewelry. Ki'i'i; , "" viJj, ':!fl' bought. 7.1.1 Walnut. Walnut 7020. Est broken Jewelry. gol BROKEN .lDWr.LHY. fnlso teeth, plstols.coln;. Coin book, with prices I pay. ma led l.,c J. 11. Boss (People's Storo), soil 8.11th. Wol.4l0. FURNITURE, plamn, enrpcts. antiques: entire or part houses bought for cash: no matter how targe.J. Bernstein. 1351 Rldgo nv-O; OLD CLOTIIINO bought: write or phone: call nny where, llenlaniln. 020 X. Front Mkt !'' ROOMS EOR RENT BROAD. N.. 001. A few very attractive rooms, beautifully furnished, communicating baths, southern ex posure; steam heat: electric lights, attractive dining room: individual tables: board optional. CHESTNUT. 4HO0 Two outside communicating rooms, adjoining bath hot-water heat, elec tric light. Phono Baring 1228. , CHESTNUT" inenr I'.tM-llniidsnmcly furn. rms.. b.ilh: convene.; near I.. Baring 1107 It. CHESTNUT. 4021-Largo room, comfortably rur.: two Jarge closets, prlv. famllv owner. CHESTNUT. 1IK1I Very desirable single rooms: steam heat Phone, ioicust 7.11. CHlfsTNUT. 1003 Two desirable vacancies, southcrnexnosure: running water. Clll'STNUT. 2003 Suite, with nrlvnto bath; nlso single and dnuhlo rooms: leference. CHESTNUT, 2013-Slngle or en suite: elec, hot-wuter heat: new inanageinent; tefcrence. COLLEGE AVE.. N.. 2inl--Nevvl furnished, well-heated rooms: prlv-Hle house 13 minutes tnCltv llall. phone: breakfust optional. om.viirrAVE.. 1311 W.-I-argo desirable com municating 2d or 3d tloor rooms, nil con- veub?ni.cs:prlvate family: reasonable. . LOCUST. 1303 Uiirnlslied 4th door room. $10 a month. LOCUST. 1103 Two ihcrrfulv furn. communl intlng rooms, near linlli. southern exposure. LOGAN 80. (23.1 N, 18th) Lnrge. unfurnished pnrlors. elit trie light, running water. MARKET. 301.1 Communicating rooms, well heated; southern exposure: running water;' ph. OVKRBROOK-S7II Wvnnewoo.l rond-Benut. furn. rms.. 2d and 3d Moor. Belmont 1s.1S-. RITTENIIOUSE SO. (210 S. IIIT1I1 . Large, beautifully furn. rms nnd upts. : 1 or 2 rms . prlv. baths hot-water heat: 1st olaea In appointment iindservlt'e. Spruco .Itrij, SI'RI'i E. ii27 -Very well furnished front room for geiitlemarw prlvatoliome: moderate. Si'RUCF. 1117 -Lirge. wcU-heatcd room, near bath. fourtli floor. SPRUCE, 111(1 Two rooms, private bnth, turn, or unfurn.. second floor: board optional. SPRUCE. 1.117 Rooms, single or en suite: prl. baths, pj;nr. offices; steam beut.electrlctty. SPRUCI -2022 Owner has well furnished bachelor apt., 2 rooms nnd bath; fireplace WALNUT. 2203 I.i r go attractively furnished room, prlvato bath nnd hall, well heated: electricity. WALNUT. 3.131 Communicating unfurnished rooiiis:iiotjwater heat: reasonable ratea: ph. WALNUT. 50102 pleasant unfurn. rooms; reflned burrnund'gs; electricity, near I.; reaa. IOTII. 300 H. loiipnslte Clinton) Second-sturv front, prlvnte bath: well heated, plenty hot water: new ly renovated Phone Walnut 0011. 15T1I. .. 340 Attractively furnished room; well heated. Phone Dickinson (.802 J. I0TH. R, 127 (The Geneva) Newly furnished room, near bath, well-appointed house, steam heat, electric lights, phone. Spruce 3103. BlfiT ST . 8.. 3. Well-furnished single rooms. $10 a month. 44TII. S , 2lil Warm, cheerful rooms, furnished or unfurntihed, housekeeping, Baring 7722 It, 43th, S.. 411 Itellned, private family has single ana uoupie rooms: exclusive, moaern; pnone. 30TH. fl-, 030 Large, newlv furnished and papered, warm, sunny, 2d-floor front room; man, fihpu iqiiuiy, in unquii , pnone. B2D. S. 428-lleautiful front room facing Black Oak Park; young men. $3; good table: 2 meals dally. 3 Sunday: bath, etc. Woodland 4864. OENTLEMEN There Is an attractive bach elor apartment of 2 large rooms and bath, located one-half block rrom Rlttenhouse Square, on Spruce st.. 2d floor, southern ex posure, continuous hot water, open fireplace; owner living largely in country home; $30 per month or special terms for yearly lease; ex cellent service. M ill. Ledger Central. IN PRIVATE HOUSE, at 18th and Spruce, there Is an unfurnished apt. of 2 rooms, well adapted for lady wishing permanent location; reference required, q 4J8L Ledger Central. IN PRIVATE FAMILY of three, owners, 37th and Hamilton sts., second-story front furnish ed room, with use of bath, for gentlemen with reference. A 32, Ledger Office, But Just See How Nice Mrs. : : -r i yyyyyymm 1 ? f j v r s rf -i ---. i -v i t- f'r.) -' s -) 7T" N I iJE RF-ATiV te-o c r .a . vi- - i I uiii. i i -,-i r . r i . r . r. l rj BOOltS JTOR RENT ' . .!.. -.- OENTLEMEN cmipU-If you desire ,5 2d-fioor rooms adjoining bain. neKnuu. of 11th and Srruce. In reflned private rami.y, write I. MX. Ledger Central. - OVE OR TWcTweli-fumUhed modern "' bath, private family 45th and Spruce its. AUTadult f;m..y has few roomj Jfiyrtl Phone rretonB4Z.i. COI1 SllirilkCD IVI .si Si PErtlOR . RQOJIS and ta women ; reX10ailthsL. nd table for rennea Suburban PRIVATE family In select ." -SaJjVI. brook wl rent one or two 2d-fioor rooms, ao Joining bath: single or n suite; cpnvenieni to trnlns. elevated and surface cars 2 mm utes to City Hall; board optional, owner. P 512, Ledger Office. ROOMS WANTEi) WELL-FURN. APARTMENT or mill house! iiso 2 rooms: diilta ref. I85LLed.cem. LADY w:nnts 1 or 2 unfurnished rooms. 2i, Ledger Hranch, 00th and Walnut. BOARDING CHESTNUT. 4fJI-n,"rAn "li1.!' K&TP nnd board: excel, tabio board. Fres. 0.124 J. SPRUCE. 1012 (Holmehurstl-neaullfullvfurn, "ooms, jwlvatebathwlth hoard: table hoard. SPRUCE. 122t-2d tnrlsmonde)-Furn. rooms. MngJeJJiuejrlvateJiathiJJ)lJ!i SPRUCE, 1028-10 Second and 4th floor hall rooms. well heated: cholcetahloboard. SPRUCE. 1220-Ijirgo rooms, slnglo or en suite: prlvato bathstablo board. SPTtlrcB. 1230-ATTRACTIVE ROOMS. WITH i;. -l.l-l-r;. I TAMUC JlUAUi WTTt.LACE. .1104 Hoard and rooms, reason able: conv. to cars, i-nono 1 -reimm 1 . .f.T ,., A.nn.l.A f?,l.flftrt f mtlt ! ffSn tlemeno'r couple. Phono Helmont 3813y. 10T1I. N. ffi8 Desirable acnnes, flirnl"l;fd or unfurnlshei!wlh hoard. Preston 3050 W . IIST. S. 50.1 -- 2.1. floor front, running water: other rooms: good table, phone. writ S 1.14 ATTRACTIVE 2D-FIOOn 'ROOMS' WITH OARD,: 'iWVATB rAM- ILYSTEA M HEAT. ELECTRIC JJIT SOTII. S.." 1.11 Hand furn. 2d front room; f,u'??l!i,")n-r'U hot-water heat; phone. Table Hoard THE LITTLE tea room In THE CLERMONT. 41th nnd Wolnut-Excei:ent table: chicken and wnffle dinner Thursday nights. AT TRA TRACTIVE ROOMS. Baring 752J w. Snhurhnn WANTED Reflned gentleman as pnylng guest In luxurious prlvnte home of young, culti vated couple' exclusive section of Herman town: $1." weeklv. Inquire H 42. Ijd. Cent. BOARD WANTED riVIJ rooms (1 on second floor). 2 bnlhs: board 5 persons; full particulars; unfurnished pre ferred. II 411. Ledger Centrnl. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location: special scientific care: nervous, elderly, everv comfort. nurses. Booklet. Dr. Randall. Cliv line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS WALNUT AND 11TII STS. (S. IV. Cor.), mod. suite: exceptionally atlractlvo: high ceilings: abundantly lighted on thrro sides; suitable for housekeeping. If dclred, $75. Janitor on premises. BARBER. IIARTMAN CO.. 1201 Chestnut st. 10" 8. 11T1I ST. Bachelor apartments: excep tionally desirable 2d floor suite. 2 large rooms nnd bath: everv modern Improvement, Janitor on premises: pienm boat Inrludod. BARBER.JIARTMAN & CO., 1201 Chestnut, N. W. COR. 17TH AND HANSOM STS. , Two dcslr.iblo iipnrtmcnts. one nom nnd bath ch.IAM1.s n W1NCI-,A N. W. cor. 171)1 nnd Hansom sts. OXFORD. W.' 2008 (near Park 1 rooms and bath, hot-water heat. ABERNETHY. 2724 North 5th , 11.17 N. I5TH APARTMENTS. THIRD FI)OR. 4 ROOM AND BATH; ALL MOD ERN CONVENIENCES. SPItl'NG GARDEN. 1817 Excellent opts. In 8 different houses: some furn., kitchenettes. WALNUT. 1411 Coinfortable npts.,1 to 4 rms., some Turn. Apply Janitor. Ph. Spruce 48.10. ATTRACTIVE suite of unfurnished "rooms, having two rooms, with private bath, gaa and electric light. Improved vapor heating nstem elivntor service; stricttv flreproof building: centrally located: rent $10: refer ence necessary YARROW & VAN PELT 17th and Chestnut sts. THE PARKSIDE 0TI1 ANIPNU!I,:IlAUD OPPO.-UTE UA1RMOUNT PARK Ono to four rooms nnd bath: reasonable terms Phone Raring 221. West Philadelphia S. W. COR. 34TH and Haverford nve. Attrac tive nut.. 0110 largo front room, private bath, $10. plenty hot water and heat. I OFFER a large variety of npartments at urled prices nnd to meet almost nny require ment Call or cnd for list. Automobile service to Inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut at. SPRUCE 3971. RACE 3023. APARTMENTS WANTED UNFURNISHED apartments wanted, 2 or 3 rooinsunder $20. II 252, Ledger Central. SMALL furnished apartment In desirable loca tion by two voung men. A 0. Ledger Office. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 1512 N. ISTH ST. Modern housekeeping npartments: reduced rentals; Juit renovated throughout. Apply tn tnnitor 011 premises or Lewis A. Taulane, S. W. cur. Uth and Walnut his. HROAD, N., 2011V Three rooms, kitchen, bath. 1th floor: steam boat, pas and elec. ; $30. M. Isen. 1107 Rent Eitiito Tr. Hide. FilbcrtaHiO. (IREUN, 2033 Second front, :i rooms and MUli- euette; steam heat: plenty hot water: otheis. Worrell. 333 N. 17th. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT You ran look Rt ono lifter another until ou And one, or You can ko around to the rlnrent acen rlea until In -let-pair ynu take one, or You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Ofllce It la quite true that nearly every ileslrab'v apartment, In Phlladelnhla la listed with nml may be rented through us. Cnll upon us in our new offices; they are .really uulto attractive: you will be given the most courteous and efficient service obtain able An automobile la waiting to tnkn you to the list of apartments you designate, nnd If bv iinv chance vou are not perfectly suited our entire organization will be placed at your dtspos-il to procuie for you exactly your heirt's desire. Think of all the trouble ynu will have saved and how glad you w'll be to know vou havo found the one apartment in Philadel phia which most nearly approaches your ex act Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT BT. Spruce 8071. Race 3023. THE MONTEVISTA 03D AND OXFORD STS. In the exclusive Overbrook section, within 23 minutes to C'ty Hall via Market st. ele vated and ooth it. crosstown line, which runs direct to 03d and Oxford sts. Suites of from 3 td 7 rooms and bath from Dining room located tn building. PHONE OVERHROOK 8008. HOUSEKEEPING APARTJIENT3 ALL PARTS OP THE CITY REFTS. $-'S TO $70 PER MONTH- CALL, PHONE OR WRITE FOR INFORMATION SAMUEL STERN 1201 CHESTNUT S.TREET Dink Was! By C. A. VOIGHT K0USE!U--H'Cr PATKarT8 vvainuv si (."UHU.VAUU. 22d and Chestnut . ... ,m.,i A and mli M. W. OREIMS. orlglnMor Apartment Bu- !??. TI..W,,S.B, tK.WL hot-water heat: prlvatn baths; hot warcr. Wet! ThlladelphU 34TII AND CHESTNUT (The Ef),- ;S floors, combination wall. .'.,hmn all Vacuum cleaner: roof garden; watchman an A,ND3yfESTE,RnAVE. (The Montcreyl Very desirably situated, opposite Clark rnrk. 4 and 5 oms and bath, hsrdwood floors 4KB AND 20 WALNUT ST. . Two modern apartments of rooms and bath, wRh rorch,,: rental. $40. Including hot-water beat, hot water. IilgVclassjanltor service. " wYl il..TiiarABRtJ.. INC. aou.n lot" , .J",, 3artnVentsP)n.S $20 month; r. JJ corner .P?t'0!?'!t;.:00II?-",n.a !il Vno anlto": nBrQ'"'"""" u'oiniBt"" . .. . ..,. 43D 'AND CHESTER AVH. (300 Monterey ano larue revi-iniw.. ....... . .--- lnouiro januor. DREXEL APARTMENTS jjlil..vr.n '. iY "'.". "A i? OVERIUIOOIV. Bl-A'liviii . ... One housekeeping suite. 0 , ,rR;,,Rn.1i,b.lU' $R3.3 ner monfli; one furn shed suite z per month; one iirninri ". - fooms. one exceptionally large living sleeping rooms, on- ws dining room andl.alh. $7,1 per monin: puum; u. room. I'hone uveruroos u'-j. ?onvS?eTeesB-7W-$, ROI117RT PITTS. AOENT , , Bell rh''"-"V.lmnnt my. IV441 locust Si. eClHF.V OARLES. ,312.314 N. "j'-O..,,,,. Very attractive npts . 3 Jo 7 roonis. furnished or unfurnished: all outside room.hower bathsL etcrcaVbleS mlrn, romCRvimu. $30 TO $33-Flrst nnd second "oor apartments, 4 rooms and bath; half block flyP'.&'S1" ! flevnled Stat on. Apply .to JAJIbS J. MITCHELL. 40th and Market.. ONLY $0.1 month. 200 Essex Aprimnts .34th nnd Chestnut: nice corner .apartment. 3 rooms nnd bath and, private hall: will Pafw- n"0 decorato to sujtjejiant.jinqujrcnjtor ( THE""" LENOX. 3401-3420 Chester nve. Fur nlshed nnd unfurnished housekeeping apart- ntX"'1'-J"J'- "! hP-"-" Woodland -01PJ. Oermanlown WALNUT LANE. E.. 130-4 nnd 5 rooms nnd bath: hot-vvater heat: pr. porch; $23 to $33. llnverfonl. I'n. HAVERFORD. PA. NEW SIMPLEX and Dup ex Apartments; ono minutes' walk from station; "O"'1'"" "i",' sine: beautiful surroundings: unsurpassed location: moderate rentnl". McILVAlN CO, 1S1R Land Title lliilldlng. rhlla. ?r-"""SM'Mr HOUSEKEEPING APTS. WANTED FURNISHED housekeeping npartmeilt with 2 tiedrooms and maid's room for 3 months: cen tral location preferred. A IS. Ledger Office. APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-MORRIS AT CHELTI3N"' AVE. STATIOy, TFINNA. RAILROAD. .20 MINUTES FROk HROAD S ATTRACTIVELY FIUINISHED AND UN FURNISHED Sl'ITES AND HOUSEKEEP 1NH APARTM ENTS. THE CLINTON 'Aucb" ' 200 ROOMS. EVERY CONVENIENCE. Furnished or unfurnished: either bv lenso or translcntlv. suites of one to four rooms, with bath. ' THE COVINGTON CHESTNUT AND 37TH STS. R. F. ENTILE. MANAOER ALSO THE ENOLESIDE REACH HAVEN. N. J. THE GLADSTONE 11T,sgr,N- APARTMENTS FOR WINTER MONTHS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED AIISOI.UTI'.LY FIREPROOF THE ESMOND rANc,onHN.cETH SUITE OF 2 ROOMS AND HATH FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED THE RELVIDERE N. W. COR. 1I1TI! AND I5CUST (WEST RITTENIIOUSE SQUARE) UNDER NEW MANAOEMENT THE TRACY PERMANENT OH TRANSIENT OUEST3 3IVTH AND CHESTNUT BEAL ESTATE "01t SALE CITY 102S PARRISH. 3 sty.. 0 r.. $2700. .,00 S. 17th. Htore, 20x0: est. Sn. (iarden near 20th. 23x130, II r.; bargain. .'l03T-.m N. 2ld. porch fronts; 2 sty.. 7 r. 1301 Croen; double front: 30x100; centrnl. 173S Ml. Vernon: 14r.. 2 lintlis; hot-water lit. 217 N. loth: central: cor. store; cheap. s3 N. '-'mil; 3 stories. I) looms. 200s Wnllacc; tldo yard: 11 r.: cheap. 2021 Mt. Vernon, renovated: side yard. WORRELL .- CO., 33.1 N. 17TH ST, 1300 LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern 4-rtory brownstono dwell Ing. Especlnllv fitted for profeeelonal offices, l.owjirico ondeasy terms for quick sule. 1M4 W. LEHIOIt AVENUE Three-story sub stantial brick dwelling; It rooms, porch front; good order: want offer. William I Cruven' Sons. 131(1 North 7th st. IJROWN ST WEST OF 10TH ST. Benutlful three-story brick dwelling. 12 rooms, all con veniences. CHARLES W. MILLER. 401-107 Commonwealth Hldg, 12TII ST. ABOVE DIAMOND-3 story, 12 k rooms: assessed $3imh): lot 17x01 to rear street; will sell $1200 below assessed value. Wm. CI. Olenn. 1317 Columbia nve. S. W. COR. 1I1TH AND CHERRY STS. Lot 2lxl(fl. JAMES l W1NCHEI.L N. W. cor. 17th aiid Sansom sts 3210-32-.1t DIAMOND ST. THREK-STORY. MODERN; $11000 BACH. M1NNICK. 18.10 JRJIM1E AVE. 2SI4. 13-Hi OAKDALi: ST. I rooms nnd both. $12.10; rent. $11. (1. C. SUIDEL & CO.. 4th and Callow hill sis. ll-'IT-'l'MI -S. MOLE ST. 2 stories', rent $11; price $1123: good Inv'l. Ai'ily l.'.lli Ellsworth. DOWNTOWN INVESTMENTS tnou-s llalnbrldce. 110 Christian. 211.1 lvrp. 17.17-0 Fernon. , 220.1 League. lKli McClellan. s :;jl Naudaln. S E. Will and Hoffman. lfT-l Webster. J. A. PATTERSON. 130 S. 18th St. HOTEL Close to Chestnut and 10th sts, 38 sleeping rooms, 22 baths. J, A. PATTERSON, 130 8. 13th st. "TRIDENT WATER METER" New properties can go on water meter rates at once If Installed before betnt; occu pied. Ask your plumber or , PIIILA. METER CO. 413 Ileal Estate Trust l)ld. DARQAINA252.1 N. 2d st. Three-story brick store and dwelling. R rooms and bath. CHARLES W. MILLER. 401-407 Common wealth Building, BAH -WTAtlt mm , CIT- n-lLDERS. ATTENTW!, Cob'-a & Park5rra0?B.oS K and Havcrfordive. "Wl J. A. PATTERSON. 10 .j,' 1 EfflSS 4 bedrooms, eiectrii lilhts J ing; terms arranged! you ?! Anr.hMETiiT ej 1. . .. CENTRAL PROFERTIE8""tSrlM tend us your requiremenls, w N1" r v-ii , HAiiWA n-WQ TO troo nTo.Ttr-- A28b6'8ydenhm. iiT$rjF " .MARSJIALL if. "MITir'leffle.P'W Ml PARK-FRONT nirni.-ii7r-sJll 33d it., below Oxford, 14 rooms il modern, porch front. i;m!'.A I charming Mew of Pork vSiWS ESTATES. HarrlsnA nij1 -..r""MI)i mnniiM imi, .. .v ' ? I story"brlckv'store Sni dwelffi?1 ,V slorv brick dwelling In rear rirfMJ MILLER. 401.407 AnmJ.L..SAW.l - "Hamlin n., IF YOU WANT TO MORTOAQr3 t.T fPAftl ? .. . Avnniis,.- in i ii mire, SER TnVIvA.N,?..A!!PW n , -'.....m. qu THREE smjll Investment hout' 3-i mm ana miriun sts.; 2 corners """rfl .1. 'A, PATTBRSOJ 1.10 ""jui .4 i fCTVPTl A t ffAPTinV-n'j ' .'" i,W business bldg.: 3 streets; ante "J eiw l might rent. Jacob A.Frltt.523 Uaa t"J1 ip vLanui.irs, nrsi mortgarei. Kf ,,Afatc- mmlHm-n' istatfJ?" --t'"' r" - - AT PAIt. J 1200. ernunrl rn .n r" rrr5.oCn'.n,i'84?a?f.r"l!',rir.t'Vh,,B'a INVESTMENT properties; imall a..T; X0Paa4 msj. bath' lot 14x00: rentiu'J $1100. Cameron. 2111 Kensington "fj," ,n,i.,iidniirii u.nj; VVALUArc, R2n1,N,! 12-room welllni.l(V 10TH AND lSTH"WAItU RUTnilS ln"9 FADER OSROHN, 2UN, lith""?! llullillng Lots, rnctory Bllfi. tit. FALLS OF SCHUTLKILL OHOUND T n MH.I tmII T--.l "nir timi tiuifiti line in ipr I DWELI.INO OR MANUFACrUntJM fl purpnsea In best sections fl iALiUlirv 1 1VA11.1VUAU ACIITT . . Prices on Application. . Est JOHN DOIISON, 800 CheiuMrU 11 QERMANTOWN AVE. and Roy it.. 10iri 20 lots, Vennngo and Warnock sts. 14 lots, losing sun nve, and lotn it, it S acres, tlprnl nnd Sprneue sts.: R. n fnil L. A, Wl 1 1TB, 1307 W. Ties. t " I DES1HARLE HUILDIN(JLOTf"for West Philadelphia and nermnntoirn. (csni Wnyno Junction Station), suitable for ?" SAMUEL STERN. 1201 Cliwtmit l SITES. RAILROAD, for sale, Preoirrnl and Rending; $2000 per acre and up, lent I 1IIK VU 1UIVM.II. IIKMIII.- IUI .,-lill DIETRIcll, 7.17 Walnut. CHOICE 11UILDINO LOTH and lun tv ground In all parts city: nlso over 200 . sites. Melvln. 1513-10 Real Estate Trail M" WEST PHILADELPHIA ' ... 1 BEST VALUE IN PHILADELPHIA U1.WUA1-I.1J injnir.B ". DOTH ST.. ABOVE LANSDOWNEAVX lV.r M $;iooo' Hardwood Floora ThrcmSvidl JAS. ;. UtNtlUHU, llUli-Jt-tt, ONLY THREE LEFT A "WlUonftve.. below Vitrrlnijton nve.. ki rui -Rtory BcmirtfiHcneii Hiue-yara awe ! rnnm. nml linlh; Int UtTllT. CHAS.W. MILLER Z lsinTTri. IVo with !n nrlvn notice of lh i vnnco In nrlco to $I20 rach for th ttt ma in in if imc no nave ior rai oi Bouth ilt1o of Hntlfleld utreet. between . trrpt nnrt CoMi'i. Trcrk loucM.rd. rEMl TON KHTATI-H. imrriaon iiunoinir. llniv H linnVIH. hnt-wnter beat, gas an! tlfil trie light, pnniuctrv floors, shower tallu. I4 kitchens and nil other modern apwlnuw DAN1L1. V KAVV ei'tlli .in.. iui ws -sth and Hndlield sts. W'M 11 W OUICIv & I1RO., IDC 1 1 ALL CLASSES OF. 1 WEST PHILADELPHIA 1'EOPKnTtH, SACRIFICE $1000 below asressment: 47U nnd Chester nve.: semidetached: 10 n and min parlor: lot 30x110; snap for tiis sale. Morgan. 1120 S. 4711 ist. i. $3230. ASSESSED S7.VO Forreil sale: 4 north of Chester nve. stands alone: Iota 1.10 ft.: elec. I"'s hot-water heat, 2 b i TAYLOR.. SON. 21 and I'll s. win -POTTS " TOWNSEND WFST PIIILA. HOMES 4003 BALTIMORE AYK. SEND FOR LIST. SALE OR RE.Yt,'! JOS. M 11AKER h -.'.! ..n.l Itnlllmiirft live. 'I WHELAN'H HOMES lifiTH AND PASCHALI. AVE. AI'PI.V 1011 CHESTNUT ST THE CHILTON., "No. 321S Brlnr t-g terms sec or wrlto tn Harris J. Chilton. j .10.13 Locust st.. Wert I'liuaucipnia. tlERMANTOWN 00S E. CHllLTEN. AVE.-Modern 'U porcii-ironi nonu; irrmi- " -n r- ort'rtiinlty for home n'eker. afcl Vv. l.ooAN s'r.-V.Hry,,B.cH.V-HTdifl!ll iiir". in rnomH (i.n. t. ....--.. -. cntiimonw riiuu i.uiiuiiiK. - FOR BARGAINS See Us N? Wo have roveral exceptionally sttrj; pliicea verv cheiiu. thoy inakvexcelleat MJ, and Investments: our extensive list . lierleneo In (lermantown. Jit. Airy and IW nut Hill nro- nvnltablp' It will imv-rj . - - .. $. .... i in., .te.l In th tinrxTf' WM. H. WILSON & CO. CT ATTRACTIVE HOME S. In beautiful location on weet 'l,'e,-.n,',",'.!J una ironey: noi-vvaiiT nui r,v ".,. fire grate, and niaiiv other feature.' $0000 C. a. Scliilchter. 322 North A Villi 1IIIIH. -" .-i. .... ..-. ., t ln kl lli;SUU;Ul. HI l- -urounu -. -n,H of Oermanlown nnd Chestnut Hill. 'M,TTI LISTER Sl SON. 3012 Oermantown n -l CHOICE HOMES." Tulpehocken i st east of gr mautown nve. J. II. CHADWICK iillH (lermantown ave. . - SMALL INVFTME0V'T HOUSES" almert 3 lr . for doll H-! ,7YNDO.V PRIE3TM4 3300 Oermantown ae. IF YOU ARE I.OOKI. 'II FOR A 11 fiefrnantown Mt. .Ory -r Ches nut 1I1 suit me. A. It. MeehaiijilTil uerinan-Sw ill. Alrv. (lerniuiiloun NEW' SALE AND RENT UST.REfM remain, .vit. Airy ano v.ii"i" -;:,. i TELHAM TRUST 0O.. 0710 Uernantoa.l Chestnut Hill FARM OF 130 ACRES. . J In WhllomarJh Valley: .convenient jo v-"- nut Hill and near Whltemarsh llf'J olf Clubs: unusually large 'ahu."i,'u for 80 head of stock; old shade and vwjj hlckon Creek flows through proprti ""S ate price to close es ate. L.V. l. HEHKNESS . STBTi;0 i ah .. STONE COLONIAL. ii"aB.M, 14 rooms, a bains, comoin-u"'' -,- garage: 2 acres, best section: Will , old shade: house dcsignea or ju-ui.- ---w nrlee tl.l.fyiO. . .. mI HERKNESS STETSON, Lana Tioga ISIS CAYUOA ST.-Three-story. K brick dwelling. 10 rooms: lot l-;- ,rc-- will excnansM lor iiii i'"' v.i NORTH PIIILA. TRUST Ca U !., an4 Rrl SVC. "CORKEn LOT. 23x223 FE"t.3 12-room houseL 2 baths; a MS. to Wr?U C. P. PETERS ; HON, wn - -ji