! r 1 A MOVIE MAN AT WORK ! f m0fm? i nnnTf TiTi TiifrnTTTwiii i t Allen Dwan. well-known director, is not Roini; nutomobilihK ns the gogglos might lead one to think, but ig merely directing n film for the Trinngle. GABRILOWITSCH IN NOTABLE CONCERT Chopin's Concerto and Sibelius' Symphony Magnificently Done at Academy When Mr. Stoltowskl hnd Mulshed leail liiK tho overture which Itobcrt b'cliumaim wrote for Inn opera, "Ounovwn," an afternoon of such loniai liable exnltntloti fotRan at tho Academy estenlay as seldom falls to tho lot of a lovlovvor to repoit. For some reason tlie medieval romance of Schumann failed lioth In expressing Itself and in standing besldo tho other numbers of the program. After It tho plajlngof Osslp Gabrllowltsch In Chopin's B minor concerto nnd tlio work of con ductor and orchestra both In concerto nnd In Sibelius' first symphony was nil splen did and rare -,,1 II.. !. I.aam nntnnllilni. . t n F... ' !. .1,1. If Clnl.n.calll ,.l... hflnfu 1 r lilu HO Willi .! fc3iuiu a,i, , livi uttr.s ... i.,-i Interpretation tho same Inclslvo Intelll- sence and generosity of nppieclatlon which characterize Ills reading of Tschal kowaky. He has led virtually the entire major rcpertolro of Slbellui nnd to each wojk he has lent all tho glamor nnd the mysterious melancholy which we have come to associate with tho Finnish char acter, lie does not scant, however, tho biavurn of such passages ns the llnalc of tho "Flnlnndla," or tho first movomont of the present symphony, everything bravo and glorious and vulgar, everything of the folk, with all Its invincible courage iind all Its melancholy was unfolded In Iha.mnelo leading of Mr. Btokouskl. To It his orchestra responded In ond of those recurring moments of inspiration which must presently uucuiuu me tuitiiuuru luue of tho organization. And, howovcr Its standard may rise. It will never have causo to descend to such playing as that of Mr. Qabrllowltsch. The perfect harmony of Instrument with In strument is essential In tho Chopin con- r.rfn TTnlllin n rniinnt n.i.nDlnn tt'linn ? another great pianist played tho work'. Mtn another orchestra, that harmony was forthcoming yesterday, so that one lis tened to tho piano without ,ovcn a mo ment's Irritation. Mr. Gabrllowltsch, a romanticist of the fullest sweep of Imag ination and of overy fineness of feeling, played Chopin until words beenmo Inex pressive and thought ceased. Its beauty li untranslatable, and Mr. Gabrllowltsch Is too great an artist for any words of critics to have meaning for him. What ever Is written must bo simply In the hops, that those who are doubtful or nro not informed will bo persuaded that tho concert tonight, which will bo as great it that of yesterday afternoon, no doubt, must be heard, a. V. S. Musical Glasses 1OVn.IV .TATVTTA nv m 6 - -- ,., i,wvi IV l fW York SymDhonv OrchesiriL wlfh Mtithji H Jilratn, soloist, at tho Academy of Music. PART I. J fZFf? nJr. NoA 2 ,n D Beethoven j I. Concerto In O minor for violin with or chestra ..,... H,uch Mlscha Elman. PART II. !' l?Sfh.u,al. ttom "Tannhaeuser" Waper . Bolo for violin: (a) "Avs Maria" Sehubert-WllhelmJ MLLE. SPELLMAN At the Colonial next week. iCeattanea ftm pcdln i . 1 2ir ?S,?,WLAva OH stobies? B i iMisVyRKj3pA """ ta f v t0n m blui mR' ttddsmkliiioousi. KoE" sta nqT "'' Jl ( 07 v?m 0.) f.vnrli o Risiio ' n ram to 1 aiii ii i r.imnn Tl RSDAY, J AX V AHV It Tin MiKlr riiuo " Ipv tlio Metropolitan ;!l,,,r' '"Pin ulth f'ricitn Hrnipel, Alnrlo lUippnM, Hemliirli, Unrltr, Rel", scott nnd -MihouFc. .Mctrniiollliin Opcm House nt S t lopk. Wednesday, January ts The third concert nf the Itlrh Qnirtet Serin will ne hold In VVIllier'tonti Hall, with Mnurlt Lirfrnti, pianist, ami linns Klmllcr. irlllst, nt solulstn. PltOtlltAM. I) major.. .. 'Junrtct No. 3S, I) major Ilnyiln Arioso, Iinrli-fnuikn I'linnt do VojnRour fnmlllo Wi Zeckwer Schrrzu .Cnmllte v. Zeckwer DcillrntP'l to .Mr, Kln.llir. Mr, linns Kllnller. Thetno ami i.irlitlmi", op. a .... It. Clllrro Quintet op. .-. riiilsilnn ainfllini Mr. Matirlts Lectern. THURSDAY. JANUARY J John MiCormaek In wonB recltnl nt the .U.idcni of Music nt 8:1.". . Hrrni.in Kntulliv In recltnl nt Wltherpooti Hnll nt s-n. 1. Sonata In K minor 1. llrnhms ?. iont.rrti In D minor llrrman tl.unlli 'I. Homanre It. Hrhumnnn Tno KiMipx Mnminor'H enrol I'orcy (JrninRer Itltornell C. Klnilltift I. ArrntiRPil liy 11. Sitnlb) mi muinti i.imcnt. tli lpy Sour, , to) Hondo. A. Dvur.ik .". I'olonnlso In U minor t). I'oppir I'RIDAY, JANUARY i 1'lill.nlcliilil.i orchpsini, with .lnlli Culp. so lolt, at tho Arnilcmy or Music at .'! o'clork. OtPllure, "AlLesto" Hllli'k ii) Ailelililo l!i!thocii ih) stamlrhen Schubert Mme. Culp. Variations on n Theme of llaj.Ien. . . . Ilrnhma m) o Salutarls llnstla Krelfler (b) MorRen Mtraumi (c) Ao M.irli Nchtibrrt Mme. tnlp Symphony "From the New World Dvornk SATURDAY, JANUARY 1Z l'hllailelpliU Orcheitru. ulth Julia Culp. nt Iho Ainilrmy of Music, .15 o'clock. Program as Rlen almvp, , , THURSDAY, JANUARY 20 L'mrn.1 Cltlve In song recital nt Academy of Muflc at :i o'clock. Concert under tho mm pices of tho Vacation War llcllef Committee of New York MONDAY, JANUARY 31 Mine. ItcKlua Hnssler-t'ox In uont; recltnl nt Wltherspooti Hall. Do Yon Know That I'rltzl Drunctto'H favorlto color Is old rose? Jack Plckford Is nn accomplished player of billiards' PATHE GOLD ROOSTER PLAYS SCENE FROM "THE KING'S GAME THE A GOLD ROOSTER FEATURING PEARL WHITE GEORGE PROBERT SHELDON an Supported by a Cast, Each One of Whom Is Worthy to Be Featured "THE KING'S GAME" is a virile drama, in which James K. Hackett starred for two seasons. It was written by George Brackett Seitz. Production of Arnold Daly and directed by Ashley Millet SHOWING REGENT ffitffieth S toe LOGAN AUDITORIUM gxitt PATHE EXCHANGE, INC., 1235 Vine St. PHILADELPHIA Ml HAVE it! EVENING LEBQEttPHILADBLPHIA. SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1010. THEATRICAL BAEDEKER "The Chief," With John Drew, at the Broad, Is the Only New Play, but New Feature Films Fill the Gap of Novelties NEW PLAY ;;0t "The Chief," with John Drew, Laura Hope Crews, Thais Lawton. A com edy by Hornce Aniicsloy Vachcll. which dents with the lovo affairs of the Earl of roster with various attractive mnWcns CONTINUING PLAYS ADtit.l'ltt'WnAroclat nnd tho Mon," by (I liernnrd Rhaw, and "The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife,", by Anntolo Krntice. Granville Ilatker's production of two Very clever comedies seen nnd well liked In New York last enr. MVflr-'Wtaltt In Amcilca," with Mile. fjjizle and Plorcnco Moore. A New Yoik inter tint den show of the usual stu pendous dimensions. .'OffffKsr "Watch Your Step," with Min Vernon Castle, l-'ranv Thine v, Ilcr- nnrd Ornnvllle and nilznlieth llrlce. Tin- hex fun. Castle grace, llerlln rags and n nilllngham production. rlARRICK "On Trial," with Frederick Perry and n good cast. An exciting story of crime written backward In the form of a trial. Novel nnd entertaining. T.lTTl.t; TltfiATRnTonlzM nnd next Fililnv nnd Knturdny nights the Stnge Society of Philadelphia 111 "Simoon," by Strlndberg : "The Can ler I'lgeon," by IJiIpii Phllpotts ; "Tho Hear," by Anton Tehekliov. and "Overruled," by lter nard Shaw. A progrnm of diversified Interest, cry well ncted. PHOTOPLAYS CHKRTXUT XTRKRT OPIHIA HOUSE I All week, "A Parisian Ilomnnce," ft Fox film, with It. Cooper Cllffe nnd Dorolhv Green In a picture of Parisian llfo he ron1 the war. ST,t V;i' Mniidny, Tuesday nnd Wcd licday, "Mice antl Men," with Mar guerite Clark; Thursday, Friday nnd Snturdn, "Tho Golden Chance," will Clco Kldgcly nnd Wallace Itcld. ARCADIA Monday, Tuesday and Wed neiday, Don Quixote," with He Wolf Hooper, and "Fnlty nnd Mabel Atlrift " a Ki-ystonc comedy, with Hoscoo Ar bucklo anil Mabel Normondi Tliurdn. Krlilav and Saturday, "Tho Missing Mnks," with Itobert Hnrroti and Normn Tnlmadge. PA LACK Monday, Ttlesdny and Wcd nestlay, "The Immigrant." with Valeska Surratt; Thuisday, Friday nnd Satur day, "Ljdla Gllmorc," with Pnull.ip Frederick. VAUDRVILLU KRITH'S "The lAiro of the North," a dancing specialty; llesslc Wynn. vocal ist; Oil aril nml company In "Tho lAik ut n Totem"; Agnes Scott nnd Henry Keano In "Tho Final Decree", I'onlln, Steel and Parks, comedians; Leipzig, mnglcltm; tho Lunette Sisters, John Cutly, musician; the Two Carlton CLOUR Hnycs and company In "Tho Plnno Mover"; The Krgottl Lilliputians, Fnrhor and compnii In "Taking a Chance"; Ward anil Kunen In "The Ter ilblo Judge"; Scott nntl Wilson, ncro bats; Henry and Henry, comedians, Hetty Has, vocalist; tho Marino Sisters, HoArlnn and Douglas, acrobats; Gcorgo Mooip. Juggler. CROSS KVYS First half of the week. "Klilland," Twclvo Sons of the Sahara, acrobats; Weston and Young In "Tho Ocean Voyage"; O'llrlen anil muckuiv, Cecil Dunham, Nnlland Brothers. Sec ond halt the week. "Midland." Curtis and company In "On the Golf Links"; Sampson ond Douglas, comcdlnns; Mr. and Mrs, Cortls In "The Tamer"; Fran ces Lleb, the Four llosalres. COLONIAL "Ye Oldo Tyme Hallowe'en," Wilson mothers, comedians; O'Connor nnd the Ledgett Sisters, Mile. Spellman's trained bears, Clemenco and O'Connor, Kills-Nolan troupo of acrobats. Dicker son and Dccgan, comedians; Kllzabeth Otto, pianist. Tho Flying Ashmonts, tho Angoras-Wernst troupe. NIXON'S Hlgoletto Twins, Crossman's Kight Kntertalncrs, Monkey Hippo drome, Wnlters and Clare In "That Always Happens," Thllbrlck and De Veau, AVatson anil Fagan, GRAND Ten Moors, acrobats; Venle Henshaw and John Avery In "A Vaude ville Tablo d'llotc": Margaret and Wil- KING'S GAME" PLAY IN 5 PARTS, LEWIS ljnm Cutty, muslclnns ! Imons and Curlh, skaters; ummers nnd Morse, tomcdlans: Dorothy Jluentor, comedi enne. STOCK KNICKRRROCRRR'-Tht, Natural Law." a problem pla it's the first Phllade' pliln pcrfoinmnce, presented by the Milckerbockcr p,ners. AMRRICAX "Tlio Girl From Out Yon dor. ' a nautical drama In four acts, with the Arvlno stock company featur ing .hiss until Holilnxon. .17' POPULAR PRICRS WAI,XCr"A Llttlo Girl In n Dig City," a n eloilrnma of Now York city. Rl'RI.VSQUR I ui.uuai s Dumont's Mlnitrels, In bur Icstiue and travesties of the times COMING JANUARY 17. A DRLPHt "Sinners." fOltltL'ST "Cousin Lucy," with Julian Kit Inge. LYRIC "Passing Show of 1916." JANUARY 2. ttfCMD "Polljnnnn." "SHOOT IF YOU MUST!" MABEL MUST r ! 1 T .jm.ms J I JW v ' J. prepntcdness Is the favorite topic of newspaper discussion, It Is no wonder thnt the long-neglected pistol and rille are becoming more popular than the tenuis rncket anil the golf club And the men folk nro not the only ones who have taken an Interest In shooting. Tho women are Just ns keen for It as their brothers It might bo hard to Imagine tin get shooting Sk cft AIUAMBDA ,Sth- Morris A I'Miyunk Ave. ilLnAulDtiA Mat Dully at 2. IIvks.. 7 & U. ' Vnudevlllail'aramUl'Icturrs. Lou Tellegen in "The Unknown" AD C A n I A CHESTNUT tv U H U 1 A nnt.ow icTii Jane Grey in "Let Katy Do It" A POT I C 82D AND THOMPSON trVJL,L.J MATINKK DAILY Vivian Martin in "Overnight" BLUEBIRD "00 NonTn huoad st. Paramount Presents Charles Cherry ill "The Mummy and the Humming B!rd" BOTH AND CEDAll AVE. CEDAR PARAMOVXT TJIEATItE Mary Miles Minter and Mrs. Thomas W. Griffen in "Barbara Frietchie" j 8-Act Metro ricturo Paramount Neivs Picture i FAIRMOUNT '""ntSR.D ave Mr. Joseph Knowles in "The Nature Man" lied Feather Feature In ' Acts GERMANTOWN M0S 41551? Paramount Picture Dustin Farnum in "A Gentleman From Indiana" m fiRP BOTH Ji MAI1KCT UUVDCi Mai 13- i Mat. 2 It!- Em 79 V L. S E. OFFKKS Edith Storey in "The Price of Folly" flTRAPl"s AVENUE THEATRE -iltvrMvl-' TTH AND OIRARD AVE. "The Iron Strain," Featuring Duatin Farnum Others Triangle Plays Special Jalliite Coil, it KOHTIIWEST Susquehanna 'ygfSSJI avk fi ARTHUR HOOPS and RUBY HOFFMAN in "The Danger Signal" s PARTS THE MOVIE NUT! jmmrnm- sii&mm' PPH Cleo Keen for Horses Cleo ItldKclr, the beautiful Lnsky star, who will appear nt the Stanley In the production of Jcanle Mncpher- on'a love story, 'The Golden Chance," has for several j ears been considered one of the photodrama's most captivating stars. Outside of her work Miss Hldgely's great passion Is horseback riding, nnd when she is not in tho studio she Is exploring tho trail and bywnvs of the California moun tains Spvcrnl ears ago Mi..s Itlilgely started from New .ork city and rode horseback all the Wn to Lot Angeles It took her IS months to make the Joutuei. hut she arrived with the same horse and tlog with which she left the Kastein me tropolis. Severn! limes she was delayed bv show nnd Hoods, nnd from Pittsburgh i she had to retrace her way as far east . as Washington nnd then nppronch Cali fornia over the southern route through Texas. , Simplified Pronunciation nt Forrest A negg. Tho slmpell life. My yoveralls. Your rldcnl. ns thp fnvorllp pastime of a i hoi us girl, but such Is the case. In the new Winter Garden production, "Mndc In America." coming to the Lvrle, there Is a pretty llttlo round-faced chorus girl who works dllllgently on the end, with her hair hanging down her hack. Her name Is Mabel Hill and she Is one of thp crack shots of the theatrical profes sion. Several times duilnir the week. when on the rntul, she goes to n gun club in me cuy wnerp the show is appearing and the way she handles firearms proves to those who don't believe It that she is nn expert at It. She uses u large-size lcpeatlng rille, which Is almost as big as heise'.f. For rcolvrr practice she uses a police SS-cnllbro. She N the possessor of two medals for tiap shooting, and hns Interested several others of the Winter Garden company In the shooting cinze. "I really don't know Just how I became Interested, except that everybody was breathing war mid I guess I got the fever," says Miss Hill. ir- r r r n OTOPLAY PRESENTATIO m&u RxSw Grmamu TM1C followlnc thentrr nlitiiln tlirlr pli lure through the STANI.KV Hooking Compiiny, which Is n Kiinriuitco of cnrlj slionlnRs nf the llnrst productions. All lilclurrs rctiencil liefnrc exhibition. Al for llir theatre In jour locality outulnlnr pictures thrnucli the hTANI.HV Hooking Compinr. Great Northern 'aSt-n'av'' Win. S. Hart in "Between Men" Weber & Fields in "The Worst of Friends" JEFFERSON 20TII AND DVUl'HIN i STItlU.Trt WOULD PH.M COUP I'rrcntM Vivian Martin in "Over Night" LIBERTY nitOAD AND COLUMBIA Jim Carpenter and Nellie Larlcin in "Tide of Distribution" Logan Auditorium "iSSl&tt?' PA1RI! (IOI.l ItaosTi.ll PLAY Pearl White in "The King's Game" T FAnFT? FOnTY-KIKST AND l,U,rtLCIV I.ANCASTEIt AVENUK Victor Moore in "Chimmie Fadden Out West" Market St. Theatre M3 itA Wm. Faversham in "One Million Dollars" See 'OHAFT" Even WeilnewUy ORPHFl IM OERMANTOWN AND JIrriE.UlVl CHELTEN AVE3 TRIAXOLK Pt.lVS Frank Campeau & Dorothy Gish In 'JORDAN IS A HARD ROAD" Roscoe Arbuckle in FATTY AND TUB BROADWAY STARa" ORIkNT c:!n AND' WOODLAND AVE, V7IIllt 1 Daily JUl S E- U:30toll. ' Equitable Fnnture Presents the AMERICAN HK.U'TV Olltl. Marguerite Fischer in , "The Dragon" PAT A PC ,2i MARKET STREET rlrtC jo ,v M toll 15 P. M FANNY WARD and SESSUE HAMAKAYA in "The Cheat" Weekly Programs Appear Every Monday Id Motion Picture Chart m -r las- I r&? HOW ARE THE i . . "mL " .jytta i For hero is charming Jlnrgucrite Clark, looking as plain ns she in "iMice nnd Men," a Famous Players feature, on the Pnrnmi progrnm uuc at Minstrel Maids Make Prisoners Merry Miss Josle Flynn and her 19K! models of loilthful grace and henuty, who will appear at the Nixon Theatre In a few weeks, will lung a very happy nnd con tented new lear, title to the realization ! that for a few minutes at least they In ought light nnd cheer Into the se questered life of the Inmates of the Kcd pinl penitential y nt Atlanta, Gn., during tho Chtlstmns holidays. It Is the custom of the wardens ut the Federal prisons to nlluw their irloncrs a certain amount of freedom nnd relnxa- ' tlrvn ,ltl.it- tlin f'liMattniin GiniBnn rtti.1 flilu year Iho annual fiollc at Atlantn took ho foini of n huge vaudeville entertain niciit. which wns furnished by those who volunteered their services from tho vaude ville Identic of thut cltj. The lilt of the entertainment wns th3 humorous Jolse nnd her fellow frollck ers. Jole Is always funny, but those who witnessed that stiange performance In the prison chapel say thnt she went far bo.vond her usual merry self nml was even a revelation to her fellow-performers, lnstend of placing her entlio com pany of gills upon the Improvised stage, she placed them among the ntnlUiice of prlsuncis. and ns each one's turn came to sing her song or do her speclnlty, tho girl stood upon the chair and there sang her song and perfotmed her dance between the rows of prisoners. The men were tilt Invited to slug the i hoi uses with the gir.s. and It Is snld that never within the w tills of tho Atlantn Federal prison has there been such an outburst of enthusiasm as greeted the Untile of the Josle Flynn act. t xt tt tvt rry & & ' PARK "ffift ,D , M PAUAMOUNT I'JCTL'Hi: Mary Pickford in "SUCH A LITTLE QUEEN' PRINCESS 10IS JIAItKET STItCKT "The Mysterious Bride" "Levy's Seven Daughters" RIAI TO GKItMANTOWN AiT "lflL AT Tl i.'i:hocki:.s ST EDITH STOREY and ANTONIO MORENO in "A Price for Folly" REGENT SJ?,,!?,?.,,, PEARL WHITE in "THE KING'S GAME' R I J R Y mauket STrtEirr IV VJ JJ 1 IIKLiiU TTIt STIlKEi MARGUERITE SNOW and PAUL GILMORE in "Rosemary" sh'erw 6"o"d" Lu, DANIEL I-miHMAN Present. ' MARJF. DORO in "THE WHITE PEARL" MATINEE 2 P M ) SAVOY 11 MARKET STREET SPECIAL SURPRISE DAY VICTORIA J,ASiioTH OLGA PETROVA in "What Will People Say" STANLEY 1Ai';lf,n18Tn coNTiNi'ors "AULINE ii. is" Si FREDERICK in "LYDIA GILMORE" NOKTIIF.Wr STRAND ,2T" AND aiRARD AVE -lKAINUu roMATS WED. ana SAT THEDA BARA in "CARMEN" 6 Acts HE OLD BOY THOUGHT HE WAS CrONCr TO A FIRE WHEN HE HEARD THAT Amtt&tmu iacicn BEAUTIFUL FALLOT! can Paramount the Stanley Monday. Russian Allied to France in Film Although Miss Dorothy Green, Who shares with 11. Cooper Cllffe the etellar honors of "A Parisian Itomnncc," tho Fox photoplay at the Chcsttut Street Opel a House, has a typlcnlly American name mid has lived Ir this country since slip was .1 jeais old, sho was born In Pctrogiad some so years ago, nnd before the fnmlly anglicized thur name she was called Darin Oiun. Her father, who Vns hoi n In .Moscow, is the descendant of a long lino of Russian soldiers, nnd ns sho has many relatives. In the present war. ner nenri is strong for tho Allies, 1 "nil she reads the war news eve.i more i imiiiiuoiisiy man ino ineatncai news. "My father's famllv," sho said, "helped tn make hlctorv for tho Czar for many' I generations, nnd I think that In spite of being good Americans our hearts are. to some extent, with that Russian army so far away. Hut there Is nothing hy phenated nbout us, 1 can tell you that. When my father anglicized his noma from Grim In Green he anglicized his heart ns well, nnd, ns for me, I have grown up here, woikcd here, studied heie, wept ami laughed nnd finally havo succeeded here, so that 1 nm nil Amer ican! "My mother was a Russian as w.ell as my father, by the way, and was Darin. Szwl, a ver famous beauty and tho daughter of a rich land owner. It was she who llrst put my dreams of the ntago into rav heart, and I feel that much or my present success Is due to the help and encouragement she gave me when r was still a llttl girl." cK.vrit.ti. Chestnut St. Op. House'", and C.Vutnut SEE TODAY'S AMUSEMENT COLUMN H'Kh'I I'lIir.AIllU.l'IUA HRANn -u ASD MARKET STHEETS Vilrtl11 MATINEH DAILY, 2 P. M., 5c KQl'ITAtlLi; Tresents HENRY KOLKER in "THE WARNING" LOCUST (2D AND LOCUST STIIEET3 ROBERT B. MANTELL and GENEVIEVE HAMPER in 'THE GREEN-EYED MONSTER' OVEREROOK- n3D AND UVtrvriKvJvJPv IIAVURFOnD A'a I'M! 310UT FBATUItE MARY PICKFORD in "A GIRL OF YESTERDAY" ALL THE LATEST NEWS "iARDFN S3D LANSDOWNE AVa EARLE METCALF and ORMI HAWLEY in "The Nation's Peril" i- U L IV rt MARKET BTnEKTl MTAURAPH ULIE RIDIION FEATURE Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Drew in "Playing Dead" MIRTH Broad Street Casino nnoEStE,u" MAT 2 30 KVU n:-5, Sjt5, 0:30. CLARENCE ELMER in "THE OGRE AND THE GIRL" OTHERS ItAltllV DARBY THEATRE DARBT. PA. picTinu I he Explorer" With LOU TELLEGEN Ami- "TIK KINO OP COMKOr THAT CONVULSES THE KIDS" KENSINOTON JUMBO F"OVr 6T AND J u '" D u OIRARD AVt "MISSY" "THE WAYWARD SON' "THE QUEEN OF HEART" Weekly Programs Appear Every Monday la Motion Picture Chart 0T -1 a x jmml 'm s