avflaiiro fiflpqigRpmEADESpfliA', btoay, jawary '7, iota. -y iMTHCLIFWS OF AMERICA' JLENESS MISTAKEN ngl Wiedcrsheim Takes Is- fl With British utmor s finion Regans Our Al- ION KEENLY ALERT !fi,rtncllffe' comments on the pre i&ittuntloit In the t'nlted Stntes. hew llu":. ... ,,. i hi Rnsin ntM c" 'i;; ,, it,nv were conn;i -" ::- -- '.5. it.. nnsslbllltlefl. If the pre-s- S. ft nffnlrs continue, but wron ". 71 ...t, Atnrrlcil s EOlnK to ilo fi According to Colonel Theodore JuMhelm. "t ho hcntl of tho Phi In tXnch of the NpttoSnl Bjcurlty Ei and one of me cuy s im.-. ...u- MWf.al , - n.iAflna a t.ntlnnnl lie. fidvocnies -- - - ( in.r to nrcpnrc for possible .i.T.rlv nttit cffeetKcly." flrtld Col- .f,..,'.V.V.ii(iitii. "Just how we nre 6 To 'it I 1o not know, nor .loot . . present, for the problem Is war ni PreY-"" . ., ..... ii i- ,, (tally one or mcuiuii. " ' - """ 'dope, for the people nrr lliormmhly Gwl'c. ....... 1,1 In Ilia rtfi't.- Udjfl, All ;"..,.,. .i-f-,.-- nriitl. 'f-M. l rnphlly bcliw accomplished psh such "Sfncles ns the National Ef CoiohX'renmrks were directed l'N.r.K Yr. which he sMd: S " t ''0,"'t thBl,4J" u,,,te'1 K? will really prepare foT any war. Km will he nn Immense amount of W"c ".. ...III. t.a nml vnll ilk! n mere wn ...... .. ...... -.. "Si. ...... nnto ko our lute Lord fcMrl preachlnff wisdom, but hit w " - .i . tl..ln lint . of Kifa-dar tho Laplanders or the irVtrtlftnderg or some other nation ,) will notice von are rich mid itlftjt'nnd will como nml tnlto what jplandcrs, Grccnlnndcs,, said Colo SW.'cdershelin. "A BUbtlc Ironical Zi Thcv arc the two most Important Krles In the world.-' IIwoulil be 1110 insi pcraim in me 14 to rtunrrcl with the latter part of d-'Northcllffc'fl statement. It Is tho sibltlty of Just such occurrences of if many or us, most of tin. In fnct. fully nwnre, mat is, ine iiuiBiuiimi'n af Volley continues nlonu the lines It In the past. The war In Uurope has kht us that. hat tho war In Kurope has tnttRht ug tr. thlnRs. too, and tho lessons so filed are the reasons why Lotd North f('s Btatenient about tit not renlly pre !n? for any war Is a fnlse premise. It ut natural, I suppose, tbnt, fully 'lit of his own country's fatal mls- 5 In. the matter or ocini? mniicnuaiciy nired. he should believe that we nro ig to make the same mistake, lut ther. over there, had no spectnelo a catftclytm to brlns them to their its and wo have hail, and still nave, t Is the difference, and a great big It Is. Hrhat Lord Northcllffo should entertain It Ideas, however, Is deeply significant, tther his conception of the situation Is correct one or not, tho fact remains t'hc entertains It. And It is not too kit to suppose tlmt others abroad nre he same attitude of mind or may get ilL in Europe now those who were prepared Ihoso who were not know the fatality btlng anions the latter. Should wo ;le our provisions for natlonnl do )' it 's not unlikely that Homebody Eit bo w lllng to take tho chances of Sting by such bungling. be onl; solution of the matter Is to nre and to prepare right. Tho Amerl ImodIo know It. And that Is why Northcllffc s deductions arc not al rtner correct ft- . 0 flllAIUIS HIS CHUM'S DEAD - DY THIIOIMII ST0U3IY NIGHT I mmp" Collie Refused to Leave Playmate Who Was Killed Then dawn came today a curly black B.Ta tramp cur. was found crouched tbe cold roadway ut -ITtlt street nnd Bedland avenue, with his front paws on Tttin body of another curly black Kh!s dead playmate. re tho faithful dog had Iain nil bt; through snow nnd wind, wonder 'why there was no movement of the 1 body and no answer to bis barks. moajed softly this morning when he J pillled away nnd ho made no effort wane the snow from his back, itgiester short-Hue trolley car killed ! fflmnftnlm. Inn! nlctil .ul.lln tt.n Iiva e(ila)ing In the street. He' refused We the body, nnd when the trolley- Hljtmoveil It from tho tracks he lay WLOcalile It, with his paws on tho e'ed body Efforts to make tne p, leave were fruitless. long ign was nylely disturbed by blge man this ninrnlmr. tin -took 4MlA animal nwilv in hlu flirt nml thn iltyft behind followed for several r. He returned to tno Pennsylvania od freight yards, at th street and uvenue, wncre me two uog iuboo incir nome fcr six months, ha la moaning today because of his A. C. AnnOTT KEEPS POST draws Resignation as Member of; Hoard of Health WJwander Crever Abbott, who ten- . resignation as a member of the tiof Health in Xfnvnw TV....-., n Shaa been urged to withdraw his Bfillnn Kr n Y.,I1 . n a" the Department of Public ,'iu v.nuruies. Doctor Abbott nas ma With th ...I.I. -r.-... tr W' continue aa a member of the tor Abbott was graduated from the KT'l," aiaryiand, School of Jledl- KlHaHimnva In .fie. . -..,-. I,lr,Bujeau of Health and chief lologjat In the Department of Public -m ...mniies irom JSiH until JSWU, 'thlalln.. u. . . . irif ViT a,so servea as presi- I the Board of Health and con- rKi. memDer of the board from h . Ais me various medical lea with uhti.1. r. . ... i- -- ---.. .....v.. Auwiur auuuu i ,"?" the Pennsylvania State and fc3elDh!a. rini.i.. ir.ji i C--I-...- gfferlcan Medical Association, the 2 n.auciauon of Pathology and ttaw'' .8nd the ph"adelPhIa Patho- .r--.., . ia . nreaenL Droiessor r11,.and bacterlology at tho Unl JiOf Pennaylvanla. UtVATION VICTIM DIES iSykes Laid at Rest in Ceme- pery of Masonfc Lodge a(kef. who through pride died Mi A.'". " unoccupied nouse at SSP" chalwlclt street, was burled fiii V iuiwnineni or Tiuow iwvi r:"1"", 3Ki worth uroaa iTJl.theJePense of Apollo Lodge. e and a i nt wtii.t. nA. ...... 1ST' Special ServlppM worn h..H l.v C? 'n the llaeonlc Temple, after ti , -."v. icpAtreu io me . ... iauri (tin wemeiery. f!y,.m' 'he funeral cortege and a In. I,.i i. . .. .. - .a.,, rue8 oi me siasontc tbe metxbera nr lh. trulvs no ; Present oar e n.an'a uUter. Misses' Advance Spring Dresses at $15 Which Is a Lower Price Than You'll Pay Late in the Season if You buy at Other Stores A combination of crepe de chino nnd GeorRctte crepe, arranged in chnrrn injriy. new effects. Sizes 14, 16 nnd 18 yenrs. Girls' Wash j 1 Dresses at. W -- So many styles thcres no naming them! Glnp; hnms, chnmbrnys. reps nnd all sorts of tub cot tons that wenr well, wnsh well nnd look well. Sizes 0 to 14 years. Misses' Garments from Our January Clearance Sale MISSES' SUITS Broadcloth, whipcord, cheviot, poplin, gabar dine nnd noveltlos; sizes 14, 10 and 18 yenrs. $15.00 to $18.50 Suits at $10.00 $20.00 to $22.50 Suits at $15.00 $23.00 to $30.00 Suits at $18.50 MISSES' DRESSES Silk and serge by themselves or combined. $12.50 to $15.00 Dresses, $7.50 $17.00 to $18.50 Dresses at $10 Second floor 11 Mill 1 l rvL J i no H Slfi.00 i MISSES' COATS , $15.00 to $16.50 Coats at $7.50 $2,0.00 and $22.50 Coats at $10 $25.00 to $27.50 Coats at $15.00 Two Specially Desirable Styles in Women's Smart Gloves at 85c Pair One style is n mannish-sown tan enne walking glove of the strictly tailored order. The other is an unusually soft, smooth glaco oversenm glove in two-clasp length. It comes in white, blnck or gray, with henvy contrasting embroidery. Women's Washable Duplex Gloves at 65c The celebrated Knyser make in white, black, gray and chamois color. flliilrlrpn's Warm Gloves. Kflr. Fleece lined capo gloves nnd cowboy gauntlets in tan. First Tloor Substantial Savings on Every Garment Included in Our January Undermuslin Sale 75c to $3.00 Long Petticoats, at 50c to $2.00 75c to $3.00 Women's Gowns, at 50c to $2.00 $1.50 to $2.50 Combinations, at $1.00 to $2.00 75c to $3.00 Combination Undergarments at 50c to $2.00 39c to $1.50 Drawers, 29c to $1.00 85c to $3.00 Extra-Size Undermus lin Gowns, G9c to $2.00 75c to $3.00 Chemise, at 50c to $2.00 Cue to $1.00 Drawers, 39c to G9c Crepe de Chine and Washable Satin Underwear $2.00 Camisoles nt $1.00 $3.00 to $3.50 Crepe de Chine En velope Chemises at $2.00 $5.50 Crepe de Chine Gowns at $3.95 69c to $1.00 Corset Covers, at 50c to 79c Second Floor Economy Basement White Sale Bargains 20c to 65c Drawers, 15c to 49c 25c to 65c Corset Covers, 19c to 49c 65c to 85c Combinations, 39c to 69c 65c and 85c Skirts, 49c and 59c $1.00 and $1.50 Petticoats at 79c and 98c 39c to $1 Gowns at 29c to 85c EXTRA-SIZE 39c Drawers at 25c Finished with hemstitched ruffle 50c Drawers at 39c Finished with ruffle of embroidery. UNDERGARMENTS 85c Night Gowns nt 59c Mother Hubbard style, tucked yoke; ruffle nt neck and sleeves. Sale of Bone Hair Pins Branded Makes, Red Cross onrl ffnufniio & Made to Sell at 25c Box Our Sale Price -S10c Box--S Made by E. & J. Bass! of New York, who sold them to us nt a rate allowing us to mark them nt 10c. because thev are to discontinue this branch of their business. There are 0504 boxes in all. 3 sizes in the Red Cross Hair Pins; 18 small hair pins to the box, 12 medium-size hair pins to the box, 6 Inrgo hair pins to the box. a sizes in the Unbreakable Tortone Hair Pins., 6 in a box of the larger size and 10 in a box of the smaller size. Both brands in shell, amber and black. Every one perfect; straight, crimped and Iood effects. Notion Dep't, First Floor A M jmKB 4800 Boys' Norfolk Suits Are Rounded UP to'be Sold at Almost One-Half Their Original Prices 2100 of these suits have two pairs of knickers The Entire 4800 are Typically Snellenburg Suits That Have uo Superiors When it Comes to Quality, Style and Value Now judge what these bargains represent when we fix the present prices at nearly one-half regular, which always means less than other . I M A..nl M.n.JAa nf lilltntniV -ftl lul.lQ stores cnarK" u "i""' b'um "- "-i. j $9.00 Suits of Fancy Cheviot and Cassimere sizes dr AA SJJ VJ R to 18 vears. at. 2 Pairs of Knickers NORFOLK SUITS With One Pair of Knickers $5.00 & $6 Sutfs at.. $3.60 $8.50 Suits at $5.25 $10.00 Suits at $6.50 $12'.00 Suits at $7.50 $15.00 Suits at $9.75 BOYS' OVERCOATS & REEFERS $8.50 to $12 Overcoats at $5.75 All-wool fancy cheviots; wool lined; velvet collar; belted back. $7,50 Overcoats at $5.00 All-wool fancy overcoatings; vel vet collar; sizes 12 to 17 years. $12.00 Suits of Brown and Grey uneviot, serge - uneo 7 c , V - coats sizes 6 to 18 vrs, 2 Pairs of Knickers $8.50 Regulation Reefers at $5 All-wool blue chinchilla; wool lined: velvet collar; belted back model; 2 to 12 years. $12 Chinchilla Overcoats, $6.75 Blue and grey; sizes 5 to 12 years. BOYS' BLOUSES 39c Blouses at,, 25c 50c Blouses at 35c 85c Blouses at 45c $2.00 Kniclier Pants at 95c Corduroy and fancy cheviot; sizes 6 to 18 years. $8.50 Mackinaws at $5.75 All-wool fabrics in new colors and weaves; sizes 6 to 17 years. Special Sale of Boys' Washable Suits $2,00 and $3.00 SUITS at $1.00 Billy Boy, Tommy Tucker and Oliver Twist models in the newest 191b w u.. ouca ioo years. $3.50 and $5.00 SUITS at $1.45 Billy Boy,' Tommy Ticker, Oliver Twist and Russian models; sizes 1 n un,. Third Hoor mmmmimmm Store Opens Daily at 8i30 A. M. Closes at 5:30 P. M. KltinVY, JVNUVIIY TTII, 101(1 1 nellenburgS ENTIRE BLOCK-MARKET HBrrtZSTRETS L 3 milium immnimmmmmammmmeammimBantmnBmmmmmnmmmiaanmiBX i : OUR JANUARY SALE OF Men's, Women's Children's Shoes Includes Many Other Bargains in Addiiion to the Appended List $4.40 Women's $6.00 $7.00 Shoes at Some of the newest styles and models nre in this fine lot of shoes; including Gypsy buttons nnd Prin cess laco boots; nlso nil blnck kid, nil blue kid nnd nil patent colt, extrn high cut button boots; other styles in'pntcnt colt and gun metal calf with black cloth tops, full Louis Cuban hc'cls; nil sizes nnd widths in the lot. Women's $3.00 Shoes at. . . . $2.25 Pntent colt, cloth nnd kid top but ton shoes, nnrrow toe shapes, Span ish Cuban heels, nlso scvcrnl styles with fnncy cloth tops in both button nnd lnce; nil with welted nnd stitched soles; nit sizes. Women's $2.50 & $3.50 Satin Evening fl1 HC Slippers at. . . Pi.0 Twelve color" in women's sntin evening slippers with pon-pons to match nnd covered Louis Cuban heels; nil sizes nnd widths in the lot. Boys' $3.50 & $4 Shoes at Gun metal and tan calf English lnccd and blucher shoes, several styles and toe shnpes; nil welted nnd Stitched soles nnd nil sizes; 1 to 5 in the lot. $3.25 $2.65 Women's $4 and $5 Shoes at. . Mnny styles nnd kinds in patent colt, gun metal nnd blnck kid, cloth nnd kid tops. Grcnt vnriety of toe shnpes, high nnd low heels; included in the lot nre several styles of tho popular side button boot with Louis Cubnn heels; welted nnd stitched soles nnd nil sizes nnd widths in tho lot. Men's $5 to $6 Shoes at Pntent colt, gun metnl nnd tan calf button, blucher nml straight lnccd English shoes; several styles of too shapes; nil with welted nnd stitched soles; nil sizes nnd widths in the lot. Men's $4 Shoes ell $3.90 $3.25 Patent colt, gun metnl. blnck kid and tan cnlf, button and blucher, nlso some English shoes in the lot; all with welted soles; nil desirable styles. Girls' Patent Colt, Cloth Tops, Button Shoes Brond toe shnpes; solid soles. Sizes (5 to 8, rcg. $1.50, at $1.25 Sizes 8Vz to 11, reg. $1.75, $1.50 Sizes 11 Vi to 2, reg. $2, at $1.75 Second Floor " I Child's Suspender Dress 50c Like the Natty Little Frock Illustrated and the Price Is Only Tho style is one particularly becoming to little folks from two to five yenrs. The wnist is of white mndrns. The suspenders nnd skirt of plaid ginghnm. Observe the cute little pocket attached to tho belt, a feature sure to delight the kiddies. Materials and making are unusually good. Second Floor Women's Uncommonly Good Japanese Crepe dljl (f Kimonos at . ipX-vFU ea. The soft, crinkly crepe that gives such satisfactory service nnd holds hs shape and color so well. All tho favorite plain colors, some enlivened by wide white borders. Crepe de Chine Negligees at $3.85 The graceful empire model that all women find becoming. Embroid ery nnd shirring of sctf-mnterial form tasteful trimmings. Second Floor Saturday Will End Our Sale of Toilet Articles At Lower-Than-Ever Prices So if you didn't shnro tho bnrgnins, don't fnll to nttend tho sale tomorrow. Imitation Ivory Toilet Articles Brushes, combs, mirrors, trnys nnd manicure pieces, etc. Soino pink nnd f Cn to Of Cfl bluo In the lot. Hpk. 2Bc to $3 . J-Ol pX.JU SLIGHTLY HANDLED 15c to $1.50 Brushes at 10c to 75c each Good handles nnd superior bristles. In cluding hnnd, nail, hat, clothes, tooth nnd hair brushes. Hughes' Ideal Hair Brush, 5?..?.1: 69c Cold Cream Soap, rcg. 10c OCp cake, 6 for Dressing Combs, all colors, n reg. 25c, at 1VC 15c rrontllln KcR. 2Gc, nt DnltKPlt .V llnmmlcll Cold Crenm QK IteR. 50c, nt OOl, Hose Cold Crrnm "I Qp rck. :nc, nt J.OI, C.llt V.iar I'rroihle 1 Q,, Crrnm Rck. 2Dc J-OV, Toilet Sonp Assort- Op cd odors Hck. fie w Knl-1'limo Toolli rnntr or l'ondcr HeK. Oft,, 26c, nt Wl liTOIl'M Tooth I,o,t- dcr ItcR. 25c, nt Itulilfonm 1 Qn Heir. 25c. nt . . . J-OC r.Oc '.lionKlm, nt Ilnr's Ilnlr Itrnltli OQn nep fiOe. nl OOl, I'nmprlnn Mnssncr OQn t'renm ItctT 50c ""l .Vlnioml 35c Almond 75c . 9c 10c 10c 10c Hind's Honey ,v Ore n in Hofr. 50c. nt. Hind's Honey .t rrnm ncir. ji.oo . . . Cnmplinr lee Speclnl .midline: Snit nt Violet Ammonln Speclnl Sen Jnlt Heir. IGe, nt ltne Wnter nnd Q (ilyeerlne Speclnl J Rubber Gloves, soft and pliable, a 1 1 sizes, or reg. 50c pr., OC Mnnel Wlilrlluj; Spm- IteKUlnr $3.50. nt $2.95 Green Cnstlle Sonp Ofn nofr. 40cbnr.. niU White Castilfc Soap, reg. or 50c bar, at JOW lMiyslelnns' A .Snrneons' Sonp Itefr. 10c, rjn nt ... ' Mnnlenre Scissors QQ -IIok. 50c, nt.. OiU Beef, Iron & Wine, regular SOCfOQn IMnkhntn'n V e a c tnlile Compound Kcr, CCn ft, nt WOl rellorts Hypoplinsphlte HcRUlnr fl.50. QKg Cude's I'epto Mnn- HAn Itmi ItoR ft. nt ltt KlyeoTliymollne flO ItCR fl. nt yJUK, llorllek'n Mnlted Milk Hoculiir QO QC f3 75, nf tptatiJO lleklunnV AlterntHe IlcKUlnr (J1 err $2.00, nt . . pA0 lMiennl Midlque OK Hoc. 35c. nt. . &Ol Phillips' Milk or Mnc nestn Heir. QK 50c, nt "Ut 20-MuIc Team Borax, regQ 15c, at C ntl5c 35c Dr. Charles' TOILET PREPARATIONS Dr. Charles' 50c Face Powder at. . .19c Dr. Charles' 50c Flesh Food at 25c Dr. Charles' $1 Revivo Hair Tonic, 35c Dr. Charles' 25c Dry Rouge at. . . .15c First Floor OurS ale of Whittall Ru At Way Below Whittall Prices, is Scoring the Most Remarkable Success Philadelphia has ever known 2TS But why shouldn't it, with absolutely the best rugs made in America on sale at big reductions from prices that are standard from one end of the country to the other? We bought the entire Whittall stock of dropped patterns and discontinued styles, and we're able to supply every wanted size and grade of -hese famous floor coverings at a very great saving to you from the price you'd have to pay ordinarily. Teprac Royal Wilton Rugs CARPET SIZES $45.00 Rugs, 9x12 feet, at . . . .S32.00 Every rug is brand new and fresh from the Whittall fac tory, and the range of patterns and colors includes some of the handsomest effects ever produced by the famous concern. We've prepared for a great Saturday business by increas ing our large force of salesmen, so that every one who comes to the sale will have prompt and careful attention. $41.00 Rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet, at S29.50 $55.00 Rugs, 10.6x10.6 feet, at $42.00 $60.00 Rugs, 10.6x12 feet, at. .S46.75 $70.00 Rugs, 10.6x13.6 feet, at $52.50 $60.00 Rugs, 11.3x12 feet, at. .$46.75 $85.00 Rugs, 11.3x15 feet, at. .$62.50 TEPRAC ROYAL WILTON SMALL RUGS $3.25 Rugs, 22 14x36 inches, at $2.50 S5.25 Rugs. 27x54 inches, at. . .$3.75 Imperial Persian Rugs A superfine Wilton weave with high, very closely woven worsted pile. The finest rug mndo in America. On account of the great range of sizes it is especially adapted for odd shaped rooms, halls, libraries, etc. $31.50 Rugs, 4.6x7.6 feet, at.. $21.00 $35.00 Rugs, 4.6x9 feet, at. . . .$24.00 $40.00 Rugs, 4.6x10.6 feet, at $27.75 $46.50 Rugs, 4.6x12 feet, at. . .$32.50 $52.50 Rugs, 4.6x13.6 feet, at $36.75 Teprac royal wilton hall runners $13.50 Hall Runners, 2.3x12 ft. $10.50 $15 Hall Runners, 3x9 feet, at $10.75 $18.50 Hall Runners, 3x12 ft., $13.75 $22.75 Hall Runners, 3x15 ft., $17.50 The Famous Anglo Persian Rugs carpet sizes $65.00 Rugs, 9x12 feet, at ....$44.50 $58.00 Rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet, at $42.50 $39.50 Rugs, 6x9 feet, at $32.50 77.00 Rugs, 10.6x10.6 feet, at $62.50 $99.00 Rugs, 10.6x13.6 feet, at $82.50 $52.75 Rugs, 6.9x12 fet, at. . .$42.25 $110.00 Rugs, 11.3x15 feet, at $92.50 $88.00 Rugs, 11.3x12 feet, at. .$72.50 ANCLO-PERSIAN SMALL RUGS $4.50 Rugs, 22V$x36 inches, at $3.50 $6.75 Rugs, 27x54 inches, at. . ,$5.75 $10.75 Rugs, 36x63 inches, at.. $8.25 ANGLO-PERSIAN HALL RUNNERS $13.25 Hall Runners, 2.3x9 ft.. $11.75 $17.75 Hall Runners, 2.3x12 f t.$15 $22.00 Hall Runners, 2.3x15 f t.$) $24.50 Hall Runners. 3x12 ft..$m75 '$30.75 Hall Runners, 3x15 ft,. $24.75 $41.00 Rugs, 6x7.6 feet, at. . . .$29.75 $70.00 Rugs, 6x12 feet, at ....$47.75 $75.00 Rugs, 6x13.6 feet, at. . .$53.75 $87.00 Rugs, 6x15 feet, at. . . .$59.00 $99.00 Rugs, 10.6x12 feet, at $79.50 $130.00 Rugs, 10.6x13.6 ft., at $87.50 $95.00 Rugs, 10.6x10.6 feet, at $69.75 $145.00 Rugs, 11.3x15 feet, at $97.50 $102.00 Rugs, 11.3x12 feet, at $79.50 $28.75 Rugs, 22 '2 in. x 15 feet, $19.75 $18.75 Rugs, 3x7.6 feet, at. . . .$13.75 Chlidema Body Brussels Rugs $35.00 Rugs, 9x12 feet, at. . . .$27.00 $41.75 Rugs, 10.6x10.6 feet, at $33.75 $47.75 Rugs, 10.6x12 feet.at. $39.75 $53.75 Rugs, 10.6x13:6 "feet, at $45.00 $47.75 Rugs, 11.3x12 feet, at. .$39.75 $12.00 Rugs, 4.6x7.6 feet, at.. $9.75 $3.50 Rugs, 27x54 inches, at. . .$2.95 Durham Rugs CARPET SIZES $51.50 Rugs. 9x12 feet, at.... $42.50 $31.75 Rugs, 6x9 feet, at $27.50 Peerless Body Brussels Rug6 $32.75 Rugs, 9x12 feet, at.... $24.00 $30.00 Rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet, at $22.00 $22.50 Rugs, 6x9 feet, at $15.75 $46.75 Rugs, 10.6x10.6 ft., at. .$32.50 $50.00 Rugs, 10.6x12 feet, at. .$36.75 $67.50 Rugs, 11.3x15 feet, at. .$45.00 HALL RUNNERS & SMALL RUGS $8.25 Hall Runners, 2.3x9 ft., at $5.75 $10.75 Hall Runners, 2.3x12 ft, $7.50 $13.50 Hall Runners, 2.3x15 ft., $9.50 $3.50 Rugs, 27x54 inches, at. . .$2.75 Anglo-Indian Rugs CARPET SIZES $55.00 Rugs, 9x12 feet, at. . . .$41.00 $18.50 Rugs, 4.6x7.6 feet, at. .814.75 $88.25 Rugs, 10.6x13.6 feet, at $69.75 $74.00 Rugs, 11.3x12 feet, at. .$62.50 $92.50 Rugs, 11.3x15 feet, at. .$75.00 ANGLO-INDIAN SMALL-SIZED RUGS $3.75 Rugs, 22 '2x36 inches, at $3.25 $5.50 Rugs, 27x54 inches, at. . .$4?75 $9.00 Rugs. 36x63 inches, at. . .$7.50 Royal Worcester Rugs CARPET SIZES $48.00 Rugs, 9x12 feet, at. . . .837.00 $43.50 Rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet, at. .$34.00 $29.75 Rugs, 6x9 feet, at.. . . .$23.00 $16.50 Rugs, 4.6x7.6 feet, at. .$12.75 $57.75 Rugs, 10.6x10.6 feet, at 847.75 866,00 Rugs; 10.6x12 feet, at. .854.75 $74.25 Rugs, 10.6x13.6 feet, at $62.50 $82.50 Rugs, 11.3x15 feet, at, .$69.75 Roval Worcester Small Runs $5.00 Rugs, 27x54 inches, at.. $4.25 Roval Worcetter Hall Runners $10 Hall Runners. 2.3x9 ft., at $8.50 Si 3,95 HU Runners. 2.3x12 ft. $11.75 $5.25 Rugs, 27x54 inches, at. . .84.50 i $16.50 Hn Runners. 2.3x15 ft. ST3-75 $17.75 Rugs, 4.6x7.6 feet, at.. $15.75 $38.50 Rugs, 6x10 feet, at. .. .$32.50 i DURHAM SMALL RUGS I $5.00 Rugs, 36x36 inches, at. . .$4.25 tMenc0 of the JIayor of Col- Mikts. died. -. N. SNELLENBURG & CO. - N, SNELLENBURG & CO. - m