Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 07, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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111 mi""
jJInr?ps of Grave Condition
'SaUnfounded Is Recovered
and in No Danger
Irmcr Baltimore Doctor Snys
German Ruler nns uancer.
Writes rom jserun
'MfcBll'AIUS, Jan' 7,"A Mndrld ,,isi)n,ch
I'J-BZ tho Matin says it was owing to the
BtHff . tit lU.I 4lin tilnra nf nil
Ktlstrs inncss mm. -...
Deluge of Protests Against
Measure Pouring in Upon
House Committee on
rtt states have been called to Uerlin,
ificrc there is Rrcai ansitij uwihK iu
fte fear that Crown Prince Frederick
William mny assumo ,nc Kvcrn,nB
, II adds that the rumor that tb (
Kaiser h in n criticnl condition is !
MlnlnB Rround in German circles af
Madrid, an" "lat " ' ,v" "''-
,, true at the German Embassy.
IltttlMN, Jan. 7
tt win relic i.ted I -Hy Hint the per
.1 ent Morlei nccrnltiR the scrloiH
J. ''.. f r.mt-cror U Itllam were nbso-
,W unfounded nntl cmnr.ntcd finm un
reliable ami Irresponsible news Boutces
outside of CJermr y
The Emperor H recovering rapidly from
minor illness nntl tins been out recently.
WASHINGTON, .Tnn. 7.-A deltiRO of
protests ngnlnst the proposed Federal
censorship of moving-picture Alms Is
pourlnc In upon the House Committee on
JMucntlon from lenders In every branch
of the film Industry, from Maine to Cali
fornia, nnd don-midlng to he heard by
Hint committee before any such mensute
Is reported to the House of Iteprcsentn-
tlVCS. MnnUfnettirrrs. ilflnWq nntl rtv.
hlbttors are represented In the mnny tele
Krams thnt have lcn iccelved since Con- '
Kress reconvened, on Tuesday, by tlepie-
sentatlvo -Dudley Mnys Htmlies, of Oeor-' '
r,m, Him in inn iiniy yie nutnor ot me j
uni, nut me cnnirmnn or the Mouse com
mittee to which the measure hns becr
lefencd for consideration.
With various reform nnd ministerial
organizations appealing for n Federal ccn-
(tershlp and makers and efchlbltora of
films vigorously opposing the legislation.
It I? apparent that there will be a. vigor
ous contest before the Hughes committee
over the projected legislation this spring
The Hughes bill has been Introduced In
this fongress In tho same form In which
the House Committee on Education re
ported It to the House last winter, too
late for consideration. The bill calls for
the creation of a Fcdcrnl Mntlon-Plctura
Commission of five members to be ap
pointed by the President for terms of six
years at a salary of tfMo each, to pass
on the qualification of every film shipped
In interstate commerce. This commission
is to constitute a division of the Ilu
rcau of Kduratlon of the Department of
the Intcilor. Jf the Hughes bill should
become law In Its present form, five men
would be clothed with the power of say
ing what pictures ate fit for exhibition
and shipment In this country. Tese five
men would grant movie illm licenses.
Under the proposed law the commission
would l eject nims which It might deem
"obscene. Indecent, Immoral, Inhuman, or
depicts a bull fight, or n prize fight, or Is
of such a character that Its exhibition
would tend to Impair the health or cor
rupt the morals of children or ndults or
nunc iu uruiiL.
Tho commission would have unlimited
poweis in ordering the exclusion of inn
tcrlnl from 111ms, the amplification of films
or any alterations It might think neces
sary, without any right of review being
lodged anywhere.
Ho far as can be ascertained, the lend
ing propsgandlsts In fnor of the Fed
eral rcnsorshlp law nro Dr. Wilbur D,
Cinfts. of the International Itcforni llu-
reau. And Canon tihftse. Of brooklyri, ft
othet1 reform leader. Vatlous ministerial
associations and women's clubs nro also
advocating the legislation.
Among the many telegrams received
by Chairman Hugheu Insisting that the
makers of flirts should be heard before
action Is taken In favor of Federal cen
sorship, arc protests from the I'nlversal
Manufacturing Company, the Metro Pic
tures Corporation, tho Vltngraph Com
pany of America, the Famous Players
Film Company, the fnlversal Film Kx
change of New York, tho Oliver Morosco
Photoplay Company, the Itlnlto Theatre
Compnny of New York, the Motion Picture
Magazine, the Sells Polyscope Co.ntaii),
the Patho exchange, the Industrial Mov
ing Picture Company the Thnnhouscr
Film Corporation, the Interstate Film
Company, tho Philadelphia Film ex
change, the Centaur Film Company, the
New England I'nlveisnl Film exchange,
the California Film exchange, the !
sanay and mnny other well-known makers
nnd produurs of Illm
Large Demand Compels Trans
fer of Defense Meeting to
Garrick Theatre
Lcr Broken While Chasing; Fugitive
Special Policeman Onnnlster, of the 8th
nnd Jefferson streets station, Is In St.
Joseph's Hospital with n broken leg, sus
tained when ho fell In climbing Into a va
cant house nt 1627 North Alder street
whllo chnslng a fugitive last night. The
suspect, win gavo the tintno of Charles
Genner. 1307 North Front street, was cap
tured by Special Policeman Schneider,
who with Oannlster had been detailed to
watch for men who had been removing
lead pipe from vacant dwellings. Magis
trate Call held Genner In JSO) ball for a
further hearing nt such time ns Onnnlster
may bo able to lenvo the hospital
Demands for tickets to the mass-meeting
nt which Major General Leonard Wood,
of the t'nlted Stnles Army, will bo the
guest of( honor nnd the principal speaker
January 13, have compelled the promoters
to arrange for the holding of the meeting
nt the Garrlek Theatre Instead of at
Wltherspoon Hall, as first planned.
The meeting will be held under tho
auspices of the Pennsylvania Women's
Division for National Piepnredness
Mrs. George W f'hlltts Drexel, State
president of the organization, nnnouncd
that tickets for the mass-meeting can bo
obtained nt the Preparedness headquar
ters. 31 South I7th street. There Is no
charge for tickets, but nppllcntlon must
be made for them nt the headquarters
George (Juliitiml llorwltz will Intro
duce General Wood. The General will
tell his audience the purpose of the na
tional pieparedncss movement nnd tho
necessity of thorough organization. If tho
work is to be effective In ease of war,
are, flood or any other great calamity.
During tho address he will make an np
pen' for women volunteer woikers. After
the meeting workers will distribute lit
erature In the" theatre lobby awl err-ll
members In the Pennsylvania, division
The membership dues rang from 25
cents to $16 There will also be A 'Call
fund, Into which the members will be
asked to contribute In amounts ranging
from SS cents to $100 or from 11 to J1000
In case of State calamity this to be paid
within 24 hours after notification
Another feature of the meeting will be
an address by George Wharton Pepper,
who, with Illustrated charts, will explain
the working of the organization. He will
show how the women can be welded to
gether for maximum good In case of ft
calamity and give an exhaustive, address
on national preparedness.
Lieutenant Compliments Detective for
Not Using Ills Revolver
Police Lieutenant Ilennctt, of the 20th
and Federal strcetH station, today con
gratulated Detective Cope, who caught
n confessed robber after n chase of Ave
"You arc to be commended," the lieif
tennnt said to Cope, "because you had
the good sense to pursue ami catch your
man Instead of using your revolver.
There lias been too much of thnt sort
of thing."
The man nl rested is Charles rioblnsou
who said he lived at 2027 Slcl street.
He Is 27 enrs old. He was attempting to
pawn n revolver at 21st and Morris streets
and the pawnbroker recognized the
weapon ns one described In a "pollc
flyer Me telephoned for the police, nnd
a patrol "w;o wte Har. RoMcson mw
ii coming ono nra. Alter a ciiaf, n
South SM
was caught In the rear of 1S23
m i ftsft g
Wo never uso drops In the exam
ination of tho eye for glasses.
Therefore you cannot obtnln any
thing but your honest refraction.
Jlo honest with your eyes, especially
when they nro in distress, as they
are priceless In value. Tho best
servlco money con buy Is obtain
able hero at the most reasonable
cost In tho city. '
Broken lentet duplicated
Eyet Examined Free
Prescriptions rilled Aecnmtely.
Mmlrrnlc l'rlres.
29 S. 8th St. 32 N. 13th St.
Established 1003
sToitn oi'i:.s Hino . m. ci.oir.s r.ino p. m. -r-
11 mi. . piiom: oittieus FtM.r.n ;
That Kmperor William ban a cane
. .... .i.A nvH nntute of his llln
,. ...ii known to the Imperial physl
Suns l the assertion mndc by n prom
Intot' .specialist ot this city today. Tho
.DKlallst explained ho had sccuicd his
information from Dr. James J. West, n
former llaltlmnrcan, now eminent In ller
lln medical circles.
Two years ago thcro wns considerable
talk of the Kaiser being In poor health
nd that an operation would be ncccs
itry The Imperial physlclnna then ic
roried the Kaiser had Impioveil nnd that
n operation would not bo required. Ac
cording to information conveyed to tho
CBipeclallst by Doctor west, now ever, mo
...milnn wns nui formed, nnd It wns for
in ulcer on tho right Ride or 1110 larynx..
1 Doctor West, licing an jimcricnn, wns
not asked to perform tho operation on
tho Kmperor. but wns called in consulta
tion. He ndvlscd that the ulcer bo burned
out. This was dono nnd the Kaiser Im
CANCi.n KXPertT.
Doctor West went to Germany about
fle cars ngo nnd mnrrJed Into n prom
inent German fnmily. Ho wnH known In
this country ns a cancer expert, nnd It
('iraj not long neiorc no gaineu mine in
M tbp foreign country Ho Is now at the
B head of. ono of tho largest cancer clinics
jBin Berlin.
i-OIctrs on the Inrynx sometimes have
Men cured and radium has played a most
Important part in their ticatmejit. When
tha Ulcer Is still smnll and hns not devel
oped Into an Incutnble cancer, nullum
can be used with good effect. There havo
keen n number of cures in tills city and
$M demonstrations have been made in the
fB clinics, nccording to the specialist. In the
cue or the Kaiser, However, ncconung in
Doctor West, the ulcer wns not entirely
cleared away and It wns only u question
cf time when It would rcuppcar.
gThc only thing thnt can lie done In tho
case of n cancer of the tin out Is to cut
away the larnx nnd Insert two tubes.
one for brcnthlug pui poses nnd the other
or carrying food to the stomach.
j In some cases, however, where the can
cer Is.on one side of tho larynx. It Is only
KJBOK.. n A... ......... V.nt .. .1.. 1
IMBH UHOaij LU LUl ll.YU HUH Ml U1U llliyilX.
UB-TherB Is nn eer-p omjiic danger even
W,nhen the operation Is entirely successful
Hftf InfaMlnn imltltii- In n.,,1 ltlnrt.1 nlurinl..w
Wotylng. Another danger, fully ns grave.
.pneumoniu. The artificial nlr tube al
iwj cold air to reacli tho lung flap. Tim
Ir cannot bo heated In going through tho
tubei, and when It reaches the lungs
UrIa hardly ono chance In n hundred
ttMpatlcnt will not develop pneumonia.
A the vocal cords are In the lnrvux.
irhen; this Is cut away the patient loses
Ml. power of suecch. If th Inrvnx In nlv
-partially cut, there Is a possibility of sav
ing me vocal cords nnd also the speech.
'According to Doctor West, tho growth In
I. Kaiser's larynx has' spread nnd It
ms necessary to removo tho cntlro lar
lAx. The Kaiser's father suffered from
.the tame disease nnd died nfter the Inrvnv
,h4 been successfully removed. Ills
jath was due to pneumonia.
Pass Holders Must Give Up Seats
r. "'ensers paying faie havo first
T'tn io seats on trains," Thla clause Is
Printed on the latest passes Just Issued
y the Pennsylvania Railroad to Its em-
oyes, and as a result tho railroad em
ployes who travel on crowded trains will
relinquish to passengers who have paid
Judge Ralston's Condition Better
'Jtldvn Unl.. nt. .. .
iflvi; ", : mn upem a comiori
Si,.. n x at hla home. 132B Spruce street.
'L la cam inui nw is im-
... ine Judge has been sulTcrlne
mm pneumonia.
I Fast Express Trains
Leme Chestnut St. Ferrr
KnteHkdayS 8-50 A. M.. 1.10 P. M.
I bundaya 8.15 A. M.
ii Fntr
.Ocean City
Stone Harbor
Cape May
OCEAN eirv
Wat otK?11 ue.a Ioodl Service nnd Time
j puiiioih eee lime TUDIC3.
,curaioni every Sundav to
ve eailinr. vm I v
trut inJ .,.L B !
Itn t. . """ wwu uivuit.
?" n.. M,
$1 Black and
Colored Silks,
Special lot, including mcssnllnes nnd taffetas, In black nnd
colors, nlso stylish striped effects. 3fi Inches wide
H.25 Crepe Chiffon, 89c
Fine sheer riunlltv. with rrntiv wn.ivn rinrwl .nmrn nt i
i ii .-."..:.:.. i"..; .L'-. '.".1- . : .-.... ... .
ic.iuiiiH iiasici muiuuB mm onrK tones, niso niacK anil i
"iiuu. l-'IHST ILOOIl, SOI'TII i
Phone Orders Filled
Stirring Special for the Week End in Fashionable
$1.35 o'o, Poplins Q
New tSnrlnir shades. Including tnn, old
rose. Iinttleslilp gray, Copenhagen, re-
i.. ... tf..i.. l.i.... .ia.,i.iti ami irreen.
.rr.,o . t,,!,.!,...,, l.rnivi, nrtiiv b tie. African brown, nnvj.
midnight blue nnd black, 42 Inches wide.
$1.25 Chiffon Broadcloth, 98c
R I Inches wide In black nnd navy blue.
I Tomorrow! Anolhe r Chance to Share
m tt IT I i I
m F:
y sj
in this Wonderful
Men's Clothino; Occasion
Disposing of new sensational sale lots from twelve celebrated manufacturers; clothing of high
cxccllcnc c note.
Marked at Prices that Rival Usual Wholesale Cost
Saturday Js always a wonderful business day in our Men's clothing store; tomorrow's selling
should cdme close to breaking all records so remarkable are the values we ofifcr.
1 ronirmilnti ir lirmnrkablr Olsjiositl of Uamlome nmlromhvchi.
I Freed m on .f Co. in,w Arch Street, toycthcr with a radical reduction of
I till ritir ntru fin
1 $45 Handsome Fur Sets, $7 C
A wonderful collection of selected, lustrous vclts, ILj 1
I mndc up into the newest, styles. Reduced to f ,"
$18 Blue Chinchillil Overcoats, Sll
noublc-breasted Chesterfield models, quarter silk lined.
$12.50 Overcoats, $7.75
Untmnroon In nil-wool coating perfectly tailored.
$lfi.50 to $18 Overcoats, $10.50
Variety of single nnd double-brensted styles, quarter lined
with serviceable silk.
$20 Overcoats, $12.50
Single nnd double-breasted llalmnronns nnd Chesterfields In blue
nnd gray nuglish plaids, kersey and melton cloths.
$25 Overcoats, $10.50
or fine Imported fabrics, nmong them Invisible plaids, broken
checks nnd plain cloths,
$7.50 Storm Jtccfers, $5
Heavy blue chinchilla.
$15 Storm Ulsters, $10
Heavy gray frlezo with wool lining Coat hns deep Venetian
5oke and storm collar; 2 Inches long.
The Exccllo Fancy Vest Co. Scut Ua All Their
$2.50, $IJ and $5 Fancy $1 Cn
Vests to sell at ; A 'uyj
, nnd velouis.
ainnchurlnn Wolf, Natural Grny Squirrcl(Cl'etCat, Nntural , llnmster
Snblc Squirrel, Black and Hnd Fox. Natural Raccoon
Include mnctt. Chin-chin or double wholo-sltln
scarfs nnd ball or melon shape muffs innn trlmmeil
with head nnd tall
$.18 Ked Fox or Natural Raccoon "1 SOO CA
CLACK 5 S57.R0 sets, S29.7."
FOX SETStgGO sots, $31.75
$G5 sets, $.19.75
$70 sets, $12.50
Kxcluslvc Imported noveltj effects, including silk mixtures
All sizes, including stouts
$12 to $15 Suits at $8.50
Of nil-wool fancy mixtures, cheviots nnd cnsslinercs
$15 to $18 Suits at $10.75
Fancy worsteds, cnsslinercs mid cheviots
$; Trousers, $2
Worsteds, casslmerus and conluioys, in
lntcst models.
sir, riiiin. iiiiksIiiii Poii) CiintN nt
!) l.'rrni'li Srnl CihiIn lit
SIU5 Hudson etll Coals lit
ytT. HiiiInou Srnl 4'oiiIm nt
UM7.r,o lliiilsim St-iil CihiIn at
Specials in Separate Muff
$ (.iililrn llrairr lliitTs
.s.'i'j.r.o murk i'ov iiuirN nt
'Z I'rrmli (niu-j IIiiITm ut
S.' Nnliirnl Itiii'i n xIhiTm nt
9.'t) IIiiiIsiiii Srnl AIulTs n(
. .. ssir.
. . . urn
. . .wiim)
. . .Mill
s Hi.?.-.
ski nn
151 I..-.II
m iu.75
Front Philip Walcoff & Co., OSS Itroadway, N. Y., wc secured
Boys' $7.50, $8.50 and $10 OVERCOATS tojsLsi $5
Sizes range from 8 io 18 years. Small men can be fitted.
Double-brensted models lit twenty-two fabrics, iucl tiling blue and grny chinchillas
Uovs' S2 & S2.50 "Regatta" Wash Suits at $1
Chnmbrnjs, linens, percales, madras, Hertford cords ami gnl
ntcas ; also plain whlto reps with blue or red collars and cuffs.
Junior Norfolk. Hilly Hoy, Tommy Tucker and Middy models.
Slzis from :'a to a venrs
Boys' $3 to $7.50 Mnckinaws & Sports Coats,
$2.98, $3.98, $1.98
Norfolk stylos with patch poeketH .V: shawl or convertlMo
..linra Mmln of plicvlots. cnsslinercs. etc.. In checks nnd
A Host of Fine Clothing CITRUS A V Q TCi I? IT
Values in Our u J mj rr .a- x uj j. j..s-i
$7.50 Overcoats, $5
Gray or black melton with velvet collars and Italian cloth lining.
$10 lo $12 Overcoats, $6.75
Good, serviceable materials In innn neat styles.
$7.51) Suits, S-l.n i.ou Trousers, $l.;ja
j Misses' 75c Duplex j KQq i
I Gloves ' t
Oni'-clasp. In whlto and pongee ?
j Sizes 00 to 7 J
f Women's $1 Duplex J 75 c j
i I'fT, in. 1, Si Sa Sl'mtur Sto '! Oood business suits of cheUots Fancy worsteds, casslmeres and M j iV ,!IUU: . ,. ." i i. .,!., t
I oa8kCyeaPr2.",S "'"s.'-CONd"". SUVKNTH STIti: nnd casslmeres. j cheviots. of T f --'t'-c'laH,1, wh,t-w,,h- 5
g, ,ir iir l r "s'---,s'''''-','-,'l'-''fel'-,ll'''''''---w-s. F1HST Fl.OOIt. SOI'TII r
Bringing Forward the Balance of the Splendid Lot of
$3.50 to $4.50 SfciOeS,
& Duplex
Hard to find elsewhere at any
price. These arc extra special.
Gloves l
75c Strap Wrist )5QC
hamoiscttc Gloves J
For woiuili,
Wash&blo, In white.
Men's $3 & $3.50 Kl QQ
Soft Hats fPI.Oy
From ono of tho
country's foremost
makers. Of fine
quality fur felt,
absolutely fast
color. Very latest
styles, shapes and
More Arrivals Renew Attraction
in the January Sale
Lovely Waists
At Special Prices
v vss3 j.j 7r i yi
tuw t i i , i .,.
S4 Pussy Willow 50 QQ,
mfl U!il.. ( J MtJJ ,
lUllClil liai i
Delicate Maize and Peach
' I-.oveiy ijumiti, wmi pun iuii t-u, 111,0,
1 deep overlapping front, large pearl
1 buttons nnn DiacK riuoon ties.
$5 French Organdie $o qo
Wniotsnf J.70
Sheer, crisp blouses, with vest of tiny
pin plaits, 'panels to delicately em
broidered as to look like hand-work,
cream lace Insertion and edge.
One Sketched at Each Price
dm0jklS t
4 a
Entire Surpltis Stock Purchased from T. R. EMERSON, of Duanc St.,
New York City.
attest modes. Include patent coltsklit and gun-metal calf, with dull calf, buck,
luodi;. black, fawn or grny cloth tops. Sizes l'Vj to S, widths A to i:.
Men's $2.50 I $1 OC
Soft Hats. . ' l m
Limited lot. Of tine quality Jlor
ley felt, guaranteed waterproof.
I'optilnr shapes nnd colors.
ss s --
Tomorrow! The --.--- t tf -4-s - rt CnlaOt
Busiest Day Yet in Our UdllUdlJ VULCI W tai 4CJ.iy
More lots have lowered prices, and specially great preparation has been made to quickly and safi's-
factorily serve the throngs of misses and women to whom Saturday is shopping ilay.
Attention is particularly
directed to the following
Women's $3 & S1.95
$3.50 Shoes.
Glazed l'tldskln. with dull cnlf.
lilnck, fawn or gray cloth tops,
Sizes 2Vj to to 8. widths II to E.
Men's $3 to $5.50 $9 QC
Trade-Mark Shoes --0J
Lit Bitot tiers' Special, Lcnards,
Stratfords and Customs
r.ttcnt coltskin, gun-mot.il calf, tnn Rus
sian calf and glazed kldskln Sizes 5'i
to 11; Widths A to E.
Young Folks' Footwear at Great Savings
Including Surplus Stock from Lehigh Valley Shoe Co., of Allentown, Pa.,
and Charles Keighley, of Vineland, N. J,
Misses' $2.50 &$1.79
StZ.IO Oliuca ...
Dull or shiny leathers. Button -t-tyle.
"Chiiuren's $2 &$1 CO
$2.25 Shoes ... '
I'atcnt'coltskln and 'dull cajfskln. Ilutton
6tyle. Sizes 8 W to 11.
Big Girls' $2.50 to$1 QC
$3.50 Shoes J ' . .
Ilutton or New English styleB 2H to fi.
Boys' $2.50 Shoes, $1.98
Patent coltskin, dull calfskin and tan
grain Hlucher and button styles. Sizes
to SH,
Fire Hundred Pairs of
Misses' & Children's $1.75 to $2
Patent colUklu,
dull calfskin nnd
tan Russian calf.
Ilutton and Hluch
er styles. Sizes
8ij to 12.
$13.50 Coats at $8.75
A Varied Smart Assort
ment. One Illustrated.
Mixtures, Hedford lonls nnd
uovelt) coatings in brown,
marine nnd n.ivy blue.
Misses' $24
.Coats $12.75
I in nor led nnd Domestic
' mlxtureh. zllifllue, kerhcv,
1 plaid and liro.idtsill el tn
i Ouito n few are in belted
btvles, trlmnud with fin,
, volour or velvet
i-utvr ' "uii,
$25 Suits
Picture Shows One
nt serge, broadtail cloth, pop
lin, gaib.irdliie uud coiduroN.
In iiKiii) ttiles that will
ui.tku direct nppeul
i m V rrial ill !Dwn3
nml ''ite
51 . Ttin3rrrw P
Misses' $M $7 CA
Of soige, nnd silk, nlsp serge
combined with taffeta. New
shndi-H and charming styles.
$25 Suits at $15
nf serge, poplin, mixtures.
gTlinrdine unit broadcloth,
iiliumcil with fur, brnld or
velet. Anions them are
ItiisHiaii military effects.
Wnmnn'a S1 8 SO
and $20 $Q 7C
Coats V.4D
Twelve smnrt ttvtes.
Gobble cheviots, broadtail '
1 loth zlbellne, kersey."
.-h'ouii. i:ngllMt nnd lo-
in'stle mixtures. Almost
t'l z:t- belted fashion una.
onie i re tully silk lined.
Coats at .... l
niMa cheviot. Imported mix
tures, selbelines. seal plush,
plaid coatings broadtail cloth
and kere. with fur collar
or contrasting tilmmlugs, und
many fully bilk lined
January Sale of Undermuslins
la Notable for the Extreme Daintiness of the Styles and Excellence
of the Materials at the Low Prices
$4 Undermuslins, each, $2.98
Crepe de chine gowns, skirts and chemise, also wash
able satin chemise. Tailored or trimmed with lace and
$1.50 Camisoles at 98c
Crepe de chine, trimmed front and back with
shadow lace and ribbons. Some have ribbon
straps over shoulder.
60c Short White Petticoats, 49c
Cambric- Full circular cut with full embroid
ery ruffle and tine plaits.
$1.25 Corset Covers at 79c
Sheer lawn with Val lace Insertion. bead
In., and ribbon. Some have sleeves.
f 1 "LA 1
Jl I v I
$3 Gowns -A $1.98
Nxlnsook and mercerized batiste with
Valtace or with medallions und ribbon.
Some Empire models. Ows SfcetcAed.
$1.50 Chemise a 98c
Straight and envelope styles in. nain
sook with medallions ind ribbons.
One SJt?(cAed.
60c Muslin Drawers at 39c
With full embroidery rullles and clus
ter of plaits, upen or uuuoii on siue.
Children's 60c
Flannelette Gowns
ir.lmin.i1 with fanev hrnfd. Sizes 3 tn
Oirls' 57.50 $
COATS- now
Leal on tomorrow's list of remarkable January offer-
11178 for our youthful customers
1 Jaunty st lu I n
Our .Sketched I cheviot w ith broad
velvet collar, sine
plaits, belt and slant pockets.
Other $8.50 to $22.50
Coats $495 to $695
Fine big1 assortment Inzlbelines. chin
chilla, silk corduroys and checks,
btyles that will be ns good next year
as this season Sizes t to 14 ears
and older.
Little Tots' $1.50
toHM. s2 ' 56.95
Of silk corduroy, realette plushes,
Persian Paw. zlbcllnes and chin
chillas, with belt, fur collar, fancy
button. Sizes 2 to 6 yeais.
--t WfcrS
c3 a
i I 1
$2 to $5.50 Wash Frocks, 98c to $2.98
Of ginghams, reps, linens, percales and chambruys,
smartly trimmed, gome are In bolero or suspender
style. Wjjth full-plaited skirts. Sizes li to 11 years.
J $3.50 to 8.50 White $1 Qg to $495
Of fine Persian law.
gasnea una rosettes.
Another Day of Great Savings On Celebrated
66Oirar9' Hosiery and
OHyX Underwear
Philadelphia's share of the great surplus and re
served stock of Lord & Taylor, New York, tvho
are reorganizing under a new name.
Women's SOeSilk 9Q
Stockings Z7L,
All-over liber sill; In black, white and colors.
Slight Imperfections.
Women's $1 & $1.25 Pure 7Q
Thread Silk Stockings 8
HIaek and iiopuLir shades, also some novelties.
Children's 19c and 25c " yy,c
Stockings i Ld "
Itibbcd cotton in black, white and tan. Double
toes, heels and knees. Sizes S to 10.
Women's $1.25 to $1.50 Sample I ggc
Underwear . , , '
lligh-Kradtt vests, pants and union suits, ll-wool
and part-woL Limited quantity. No mall or plionu
mbrolderUs. ribbon
ars. secona Floor
Children's $1 Underwear A q
Part-wool vests and pants. J K V
Misses' 65c Union Suits 39c
Pure white, fleece lined, cotton ribbed. J uJ
tsiii'ht tmnerfectlons.
Men's $1 to $1.50
Silk Neckwear,
.1 pncnomciinl puicinae from one of
America's leading milkers Plenty are
still here for choosing
Many lustrous. Imported silks in ndd'llPJi
to tbe btst and llnest American kinds
I'ltru-smai t IngllMi square and opeu-em
foiir-ln-haml efTects with the iopular fav'v
band, which slips easily under .lie collar.
I 50c Silk Neckwear at 25c
Made from old lengths of fine, heavy
NiltfR- iiirlmlinir nmiiv lion lit I Fill Hifiiroil
ami striDtfd nutterns. Iaruu ontn-end t
tnilr.tli.Vinnil elm nn ' '
Fiohi the great disposal fit f-onl if
Toulor's surplus stock
Men's $1 & $1.501 7Q
"Onyx" Union Suits u -
1 White and ecru worsted and cotton
l mixed, also ocru Kgyptum jams.
I Some bllghtly rumpled. Good sizes.
Men's 50c & 75cOCr
"Onyx" Sox at
' Some two-toned accordion silks, fibres,
ineu.erlzed Hales and cotton in black.
I tun and colors , home embroidered
. usureu ana clocks. AU sizes in Wf.
lit auoTiiians