i UH Hit it A Ifr UDUMB WIFfi MOEE DESIRABLE ' , THAN CHATTERER, SAYS M'LISS 4 i - Tlie Question of the Feminization of the Ameri can Youth by the Predominance of Women , Teachers Also Is Discussed h . . AN INT13IUJSTINU letter has come lo mc In lcfnrenco to n comment tlint I T-rnncIo In tills column several days npit on Anne Morttan'ti slntcmcnt ilcury va? tnc Incompatibility of hinbniiitn mid wives and tlirlr nccmlng Innblllly t Sa' on ft pomrnon conversational ground. p, "J ngreo with you," my correspondent writes, "'Hint ovciiIiiks would be much less boring It husbands nnd wives canned the shop tnllt. I do not expect ny hi.Sband to be Interested In lunv ninny dishes tlic cook .snmHlinl in the course of Ijle day, but somehow ho seems to think I oiiRlit to show n wild cnthtnlnstn over the trials nnd tribulations he had In Retting nn order for n wctdlntr machine. j , "Tlio tariff nnd Ita evils Is another one of bis conversational fancies. Per pt'nntjy, t loathe the tariff. 1 don't understand It not bicnlne 1 can't. T can understand anything my husband can. Hut because I don't want to. ' "Why should I bother my head about such thliiRS? I like the movies. Ho floes ho. Neither of us Is nliovo enjoying the latest nclahboihood Rnsalp. Ho hears plenty of good stories and Jokes down town, I know. Why doesn't ho toll mo theso7 The newspapers atwaj'B hno articles nlmtit people that arc Interest ing:. There arc plenty of subjects to talk about without liming to depend on the cook's activities or tho tnrllT. I'd rather sit quiet and hold hands any llino than gabble about something that bores me." I I'll refrain from comment on my correspondent's substitute for the boicsotnc loquacity, but 1 agree with her thnt almost anything is better than the biumldlu tollt "stuff" that passes everywhere for modem coinr.satli n, ,,Ko more delicious demonstration of this was ever slvcn than In Atmlulo Franco's "Tho Man Who Married a Dumb Wife," being plnjctl hclo this week. A charmingly nttnlctlvo woman cannot talk. Her husband, the Judso, adores hr, not becaus i of, he thinks, but In spite of iter nfflli lion. A cure la dtocouiul. Tho woman talks and lo, su.li,n volley of silly netlihiRs Issue from her llpa all tilhln hearing are driven to thu po.nt of Insanity. You've met her prototype everywhere. Hho Jabbers In tho subway; film chatters at the dinner-party, sho holds up tho bildflo game with her contlntluUB xcrbal outbuists. Analysfu shows It to bo qiuuitltj much ;iuuntlty without any quality. The Judge icalizes his awful mistake. "If this thlnir keeps up," ho says to himself, or words to that effect, "I'll r,ml by hating fiercely tho woman 1 thought I loved to djstructlon." Somebody suggests that tho only respite will be to have lilniM'lf made denf. Ho hesitates. A conversation How, volcanic In every way except that It Is seem Ingly Interminable. He hesitates no longer. , "Qlvo me surceaso or give mc death!" Tho doctor makes him deaf. And they llvo happily forever after. , 'A pointed moral, ladles, adoins this talc. , Little Men Versus Sissies In the whli Hug, swirling maelstrom of topics that nio never fnr nway fioni us, tho question of the feminization of boys by their feninlo teachers Is it it again. , Hugh Cabot, of noston, ha dcclaied that the predominance of women teach ers Is bad for the American imth. Frankly I don't jigroc with him, but hs nearly nil the men I know wrre taught by women at some singe of their lives I cndcavotcd to get some light on tho subject fiom them. "Look at me," said ono vlillo creature prldefully, "see how I've been .cmln Ued Is my hair curly 7 Do I pink my nnlls or uso scent? Do I cling as tho clinging vino? I do not. I am not afraid to go home after dark. Finllicrmiiio, 1 believe my mental process"! might be described as masculine, and jot I had a bevy of the gentlest, sweetest women as teachers. I never felt more mascu line!)' protective than when I was around them." "I used to think that I disapproved of women teachers," another told ine, "because I had cno who wouldn't let mo light. I remember being giossly In bultcd by another fellow one time. I think ho called me names or something. I was Just about to punch Ms nose when the teacher spotted us and pulled mc avyay. I remember further though that we hud It out later, after school on the back: lot. And so I don't believe I wus feminized." Tho strong big men of all agea have been taught by women, because women have always been the teachers Ono of tho best arguments to be advanced on the negative sldo Is, I think, tho fact that a boy's mother does not feminize him. Chesterton hns said that there Is not much use In teaching a boy anything after bt has left his mother's tutelage, as she has probably taught him all that's worth knowing. ( . WIH tho people who suggest removing boys from, tho feminizing inllucnce of tho teachers also advocate taking them from their motbeis? ' They've Decided for Us - - ' Physical culturlsts advise pcdestrlanlsm for women. Style-makers tell us that our skirts must , be nlno yards In width If wo aro to lie "In." Itotwcoa tho upper and the nether millstone what Is a willing victim to do anyway? A AIntter of Pride Hosiery makers declare that women's feet are growing bigger. livery cur the demand for size 10 Increases. Hut what Is more Important Is tho sidelight last on these facts by tho ..aleswoman at it"1 stocking counter. "Women aro really bigger-minded, too,' i-he told me. "The time was when b woman who wore slzo nlno would ask tur number eight and pinch her toes to nave her pride. Now she speaks up manfully, yes we're getting emancipated." M'LISS. Letters' to the Editor of the Woman's Page Address alt communication t M'I.i. run nf the Kvenlns l.rrij:vr. Write un one ktitr (if the paper onl). Dear M'LIss Please tell me what to do for "perspiring hands." J. Perspiring hands aro really a sign of nervousness. They show, ffr.st of all, that you must start much farther back than any local remedy In your snlf. treatment. Lead a regular life, go to bed early, and don't worry and then after a bit of that, consider1 the hands themselves. Exercise good, snappy brisk walks will keep the blood clrculatinr as it hould nnd that should be somewhat of a. deterrent to excessive persplr.it'1 t In all such cases, of course, tho first and best advice Is to go sec a di,-. i Dear M'LIss-Please tell me tho meaning of the names l.ennoia tind Lillian. A DAILY IU.ADI.Il. Leonora Is a form of Kleanor which Is derived from tho same root as Helen. It signifies brightness. People by this name aro supposed to have good heads on their shoulders. Lillian Is from the Latin word which means "Illy." It sigullles purity. Dear M'LIss What meats are best at this time of the year? IIOUSUWIKK. January Is said to have tho finest of beef, mutton, pork, lamb, turkey, chicken, capon, geese, ducks, pigeons, guinea hen, rabbit, quail, venison, rqulrrel and all I.lnds of fancy game. Dear M'LIss How can I keep my face veils in good condition? STKNOGHAPHEC. Never Iron them, simply roll them on a cylinder and steam over tho tea kettle. Dear M'LIss Can you tell mo anything about the hospital method of caring forthe hot-water bag? NITISK. 'Fill the bag three-quarters full of boiling water, then Uy the bag Hat and fold It over before you put In tho stopper. This will prevent the uccumuUUlouof 6 (earn, which makes the bag hard and unyielding. Dear M'LIss Ip, going South would 'you advise me to purchase low or high footwear? The shoes' that I buy now I should like to bo good In tho summer. Please let me know what Is going to be worn. TOURIST. Because of the short skirts, which will hold out even until the spring nnd lumraT, I am told, high shoes will bo worn In hot weather for street wear by the ultra-smart. Satins, suedes and soft kids are among the latest novelties to bo prophesied for .he spring. MILLIE AND HER MILLIONS ::: ::: ::: (o.pWuhi. m ::: I pr"lrt5-wrT,nwm.T; i rj4pflRTHFNT? niHCAWnu would uoi-UKftnurilrivJK i . , , vaCC, W AT OO YOU THINK WANT YOU TO COME M .KKJ"?"T' ::::n TJO WHILG THE HOUSE) rNEREJTHE? ' - W J ,A T '"'" J AN0eC ANAPARTMSriT mt TMt ( i S BEING DONE r ' PLfCZ WW L-, HlHN&Hi-T? wnriw today - m,ANGELj LtVoues j Itellanatolc? - flO ri5NTTJ0SrA &"-' y "t T 5hcTv -r ro stopj HSf i y BirrNOuy? teL-. ; il &j (thatouchtto) v -ir mJ nJ- --LJj) ;- IZiSti? yCV MT (BE RATHER JOUYf . Ic.nnocc liKF ,? T i a7. k . ,r m jmm. vt . .,.....-.- j s. i owrrwit.- iiibl yjt r, , -: t NirArj xi am jmmmk tuk cnnnoc rr , x, t n,- occi,rr7 m& fjmmt . i vfltfiam Licnhv-n-"PHiit.ADBLiHiA. pmrrAY, -jANTJAttY SEEN IN DAINTY FROCK THIS smart little afternoon dicss for any Informal orcnslon, nrtlcitl.irl.v Youthful blips mc Kiiieernllv tninlilnrd dccldedlt faplilonalili' tit, tin1 prccnt time i . Jiffev 1 Kto--. lMrUA'iCitXmti,. wzMmmnmr a:o km w i"-?i I ''"-' yK?,-k------V-r 'rTTVN-. YJ V M -tt I . X --T-r7, ASK:P -I ' " ', V . WW'''' a i A iiiuiess at me 5u;e Is neccntuatoi uv using llie rmorKim, which la ilono In pastel shades on a white groimil. The matriial Is the new gro.v lo l.ondrcs silk, nnd comes in pink, lose, sky, copcti and whlto. A soft eiepo do rhino collar is piot edged In color vlth a hemstitched bolder of the s.iiiie. A mat bow tli Mulches off the lierk Thr, frilly sleeves are ruffled In an attractive manner. The lltlln icllculo uf "elf.n'aterial at one sldo of the frock given It a ipi.ilut nppnirnncp, ami th" jirlee Is orly $12 71. Full particulars as lo tlio place whore tliiu naimrnl may be puichascd can ho ohtnlnid bj HendliiR a Mnniped. Kolf-adilrc-scd envelope to the Editor of the Womnii'B I'.iko, I:i:nino Lriiocit. (OS Chestnut Htitet. 1'loato mention the date on which the article apptarcd. Marion Harland's Corner Wheat Uran MufTttis "S". r:Vi:i!.I, icilnurnntR Ferve a coarhe- Bralned inuflln made of coarse ma terial llko cracked wheat. I nhould like to net tho recipe for the nbovo or any Infoi matlon ou can Rive 1 eai clliifr it MltP. A. W." I fancy the coarsc-Rralnod tnateilals may bo wheat bran prcp.ued fur the pur pose. If ou will send me a stamped and self-nddiesred invflopo I will .111 ret ou how j on may obtain thin and how to uso It. I hlinll bo glad to print any icclpo that may serin to meet jour do- l manil. I Gluten Broad I "If nnsslhlp. will vnu lclnillv snil mo a recipe for gluten bread and olillse? "ANNA T." Dlssolvo a calm of east !n half a cup or wuiin water. Have readj n pint of bolllns water and one of kwcet inllfv In which joil have stirred a tenspoouful each or salt nnd sugar. I-Pt this kcI blood warm before adding the veast. Stir Into this enough gluten Hour to make a good batter. ISosIn with a pint and add at discretion. Heat hiird for five minutes und v oris In enough Hour to multo u s-ott dough. Kwnil for ten min utes and let It rise until it doubles the original bulk. Knead asa)n for live minutes, make Into lomcs, nnd set for the uecond rising. When light, bole Somo cooks nJd white Hour to tho batter to make the dough. This recipe Is so leclfd fiom a dozen. 1 Rliall ue happy to publish a better vo'irl.ed for as much by ap mcmtci. Cup Puddings "Mv mother ustd lo please us by 'hnt Mm called cup.tuddlngb I am miie she enid sha got the ireipo from j nil. Po you recollect It? "UAIUtlKT 31. S." Waa this what she called cup pud dings? Kour eggs, the v,clBlit of tho eggs In biigur and In Hour, half their weight in butter, two tablespoonfuU of milk, ono scant fuspoonfnl nf soil-i dis solve J In hot waiei. Juice of halt a lemon. Cieam. t.ut'.fi and suar. beat oll;s light and nl with the Initter nnd susar, nest ihe milk and t-oda, las:l Hour and beaten whites alternately. Fill six well-buttered cupa threc-quartcia full and bake in a brisk ov-n to a nice brown. I'over with thick paper until tho pud dlnss aie fully Usen. ?crvo hot, turn ing them out of tho tups. Cieam cheese is a nice accompaniment. Chunk I'icklo Recipe Wanlcd "Will ou kindly send rue tho adi'reis of Mary J C? I liavo music und inas.i ziiies to &end her. And, please, 1 tent a lettpr several months tgo asking for the I recipe for sweet chunk pickles, which I hud mislaid from the jear before, but I have not seen It published 1 suppose It was overlooked'" L. V " The leclpe for Mvect chunk pickles went duly to piess r.ud was published You may have overlooked It Jf a mem ber leading this lecalls that she clipped It out and saved it as Is the commend THE SHOPS , FOR A "PARTY GOVN" the little mlfM li recommended for almost for daneliu; chool or children's parties. with touches of linnil smocking, which Is on all m tides of feminine apparel. The able custom of a host of our colleagues she will confer a favor upon the Corner bv sending In a copy. Your kindness In offeilng music and magazines deserves moir than a vibal jcknowledRement. The addiess of 3Iaiy J. C. went promptly to you by mall. , Two Cake Recipes "I should like to give a few bints to jouiig housewives In the form of recipes: HcvIIh I.aer Cake Boll together halt a cup each of granulated, unsweetened chocolate, sweet milk nnd brown sugar. When they are creamed, take fiom the tiro and set aside to cool t'roum half cup of butter, cup of brown migni. nnd tivo beaten c?ss Flavor with lemon, add two-thirds cf a cup of milk and mix well. Beat Into tho boiled mixture, stir Into this two cups of dour r.lffd with ouo teaHpooiiful of baking ponder. Bain III layers Wncu the m cool put to gether with boiled iring lleic Is an other recipe which makes a nb-e cake fco Cnvim Cake One cup of sugar, piece rf butter the sle of an egg. whites of two eggs lieaten well, half cup of mill,, tno cupi of Hour, one Icaspoonful of baking powdei. Flavor nltli lemon. Bake In a lonf. Icing Yoll.s of two cf.gtf, beaten well Thicken with pulvcibcd s.igar, flavor with vuirlla "C. It." Young housekeepers and their ciders cuvo novel wa; s or piciurlug dall food. Thoso two words &pel "mo-.totons" In mnny houspnolds. and nc.r mure dreary than nt thio season, hammer fruits and vegetuulei tempt us continu ally by their vailcly and profusion In winter wo are too pione to fall Into a Jogtrot of i oast, ho'led, b.-.'ic-d and frlod fiont onu week-ond to th othc. Cumieil food3 mean so Utile to the avciago cook that ?ho takes Utile lutciest In tho fam ily menu beyond seeing that li-r house hold have enough to cat and that It Is cooked properly. It Is a good plan to consult your cook book fcpverul llmcj a week and to lead tho contilbullons of sister housemothers, who obey tho edi torial Injunction lo "do good und lo com inuolcnte" tho-iesull of that rlcht dotnj-. Do not lose Interest In jour dally food. Study iiov dishes and new wn of tervlns old. Tiy the recipes for which we aio Indebted to C. B. AH communications addrrnted o MlM Itarljml should Indole a utami.td, rl( nddrrsud rnvclope, and a cllpplne nf ho nrtiilo In which you are luterritteil. tfcntl to Marlon Borland, Evcnlr-c l.edzcr, 00S Chestnut ttrtrt, I'hllailrlplilu.. Try These Little Helps A pinch of soda In sour fruit, milk or cream, will often restoic It to absolute iswcetnesa. rccau and hickory nuts may be re moved whole If you pour boiling water over the nuta and allow them to stand until cool. Then crack on the small end of tho nut, Hang clothing which Is scorched In tho bright suiiBhlno until clean. CHARITY'S REAL END CLEARLY INDICATED IN EDUCATIONAL DISPLAY Exhibition in Widencr Building a Practical Demonstration of How to Help the Needy to Help Themselves DIFFICULT PROBLEM MET "Motionless Movies" nnd Three-act Drama Carry Their Lesson to Spectators An additional squad of dcmonslrnlois t,i,i in Im mlilpil tmlnv to the staff ex plaining the displays nl the IMucatlonnl I exhibit hi the Widencr Building, under the Mioplcc of the SoclctN for Organizing 1 rinrllv. More than 000 persons have al imdv vlflted the exhibition, nnd those In charge have been so swamped with iliiestlons fiom the Interested ones that n "hurry call" tor more aides waB sent out tl Is morning bv Stevens Ilccksohcr, U...1 nt ll, nm.l111 lllt'-ltlVlll VJ, IIIL n... . ... . Tlie purpn'c of the cxliliilt is to demon strate In the most tangible wnj. bv the means of booths, "motionless movies,' and a thiee-nrt drama, the real Insldo of the daliy problems tho society faces In Kb elToits lo set the poor and distressed on their feet again It Is also Intended to demoiistiatc Just how thoso problems arc solved nnd what the society dnea with Its funds. i:Xl'i:ilT IJFFIC'IUNCY AIDS. "So fnr the m,ost Vlsotoua objection lo the work of the society," said H. M, Lit tle today, "hns licon thnt It spends more money on the snlnrlcs of Its workers than It does In mateilal goods for the poor. While I do not say thnt this Is strictly true, I would not be alarmed If It weio the ease For It Is pilnclpally by the cfllclency of our workers that wo arc nble to accomplish ns much as we do. Wo seek to put our lingers on the vriy vital spot of a famll' distress. It takes n svmnnthctlc export to do this Food I nnd clothes are generally only the very surface of the nerds or a ramliy in "is tress. Pouring out nmne In a ceaseless' stream would be Just like pouring water Into a cask with the stop-coek open at the bottom. It passes light through, and when It Is gone the need Is still there. Our aim Is to help the family help them selves." . . . ,. .... ,.. . in.,.,- ine ncsi nooin in mc mum i" """- trnte llie wot It It does Is that In which there Is a teh phono exchange, with streamers branching nut In cvci'y direc tion, connecting couits, churches schools, hospitals, chniltli'H and nlil rfoelctles of every kind. By this menus duplicating the work of other charities that may be working on the same case Is avoided. IJveiy bit of available data on the case can bo obtained, thus enabling tho Hoclety to render Intelligent aid at once. There Is a huge wheel, which loglstcr.s eveiy cry for help receive d bv the society during the days of the exhibit. Nearly SOO have been lecnvrd so far. limit school visitous. Among the vhltors to the exhibit es tcrdny afteruoo.i was a ilnss of about CO v otmg lmllea from the West Philadelphia. High School. It was a clnss 111 "I'hlla dclphla Government." Tho speakers today at the exhibit will be John Sloiy .lenks, director of the .Society for Organizing Charity, and II, M. Little, secretary. They will speak on tho "Homeless Man." This afternoon there will be a discussion on "Co-opern-tlon With the Churches." The spenkers will be Fianklln Spencer ICdmonds and the Itcvs. William Gray Jones, II T, Otumgoolc, Joseph H, Barp, IMwln Ilc.vl Belk. Louis (!. Washburn, 1. 1).. William Quay Itossellc. IX I) , William A. O'Don nell, John B. I.nlrd and L'dgar It. Appon zcller. The piny, "Whole Charity Begins." will also lie given. Learning to Farm i.U.im u'Ihi-cUm lias Httirtcd 11 i orrrsMitilenco eoumo In agriculture. ) It Is oh! to ilse ere the wintry hkles glow led with npproncbhig day, To wake the. cows as thoy stand and ihowto 'mid tho frost-bespangled hay. There's a subtle chaim to the dear old farm when it's covered with gleam- i lug snow; Theio'o a Jojful thump to tho frozen ' P'imp when the moicury's ten below. No throne, for mc when at half past thieo ' I can I'll on a milking stool -i In del'gluful bliss I.hnvi- 1cm nod all this ' nl a correspondence school i To comb tl.o looka of the placid ox as bo solenmlv ohe-n Ida rud, Whl'e iho uno.v 1'a.kcs rail on thn stnblo , vr.ll with a dull nnd slekcning thud: 'J cutler tho chaff, or tho r.ew-wcaucd ' alf, while :!;.' ioumici crews aloof; U tho light of a match or two to patch the leaku In the' cowrhed toof, 1 To tench the hen not to sot attain, to curry the sl.lveimg huise, i You can learn to do und you ought to, too In n coueipomlpiicc course. Just sit by the light of a Are nt nlsl.t in a snug nnd sheltered nook, With your pen nnd Ink and a nice hot i, di Ink and n faun Insti union book, ."lid comfortably learn to milk and churn ' and to s.hako tho potatoes down. And to hairow nnd leap till you fall asleep and dicam ou havu moved to town. The enne.4f. mi will find nil! Intnmfa .m, mind. It'H utterly fife from barm And, tul.o it ficm me, It will .ihvaya by the best way to Icain to t.irm. -James J. Montague in St Louis Slur. ASK P0R and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap substitutes cost YOU same pru .?. lotg. ILLS CANNOT BE DIAGNOSED ' WITHOUT EXAMINING PATH By WILLIAM . -.., i.... (mm readers of Ihli column ask in to bne an opin Ion or ndvUo a suitable diet or tell what should lie done tor some such trouble as thli! I nm a iing girl or zz. nnn .o. long time I have been feeling run down nnd pootly. "I work In nn office wdlc the ventllallon Is not Just what It should be. I was told my trouble Is nervous ness, nnd advised to take various medi ..i ti.., .it.. b.vapdI evnorlmenls I still feel as bad as ever. I have a little catairhnl trouble In the throat, nnd some times a slight coiirIi, hut my lungs seem to bo nil right, there Is no pnln anywhere. I have lost 14 pounds In weight My back aches some, but my kidneys seem to be normal Won't you please suggest some thing to help mc?" The voutig lady-like all others who write In thnt vein-labors under a mis apprehension Her letter details some vngue symptoms which might mean any of a dozen or more things It tells abso lutely nothing upon which an opinion or nnv advice worth writing could be based Note that her lungs seem to be normal, nnd her Kldnejs seem normal, too. Why do they Beem so" Perhaps because there Is no psln In tho chest, nnd because the kidney functions do not disturb the pa tient. Well, tuberculosis Is painless In Us early singes; kidney disease causes no dis turbances which tho victim would nttrlb u'j to the kldnejs-ll causes genernl III health or digestive disturbances, or head aches or anemia or loss of weight Brlght's disease, we mean. Yet because these oigans "seem" nor mal the young Indv eliminates them from the case and expects us to do so, too. Imagine how much good-or rather harm a doctor would do by undertaking to SEASONABLE RECIPES Apple Cake Mother's Dried Apple Cake -Soak one pint of ill led npples over night. Chop nnc, then stir Into them one cup of mo lnsses, two cups of sugar, ono cup of sw-oet milk, hair cup of butter, four cups of Hour, two tcaspoonfuls of soda, half t6iisponnful each of cinnamon nnd nut meg, nnd half pint of raisins. This will make two loaves and last for weeks. It Improves with keeping. Golden Chips (for a relish). Seven pounds of pumpkin. Ave pounds of sugar, half dozen lemons, 3 cents' worth of while ginger rent. Cut tho pumpkin In small cubes nnd leave It standing with sugar I ov ML In the moinlug nuct ttic lemon ,, rnnl, an" C00K Shepherd Pic "Would this recipe be of help to nny ono? It Is a good way to got rid of leftovers: Sliephetd pie Collect all tho bits of meat that have accumulated; chop them not too line nnd heat them In vai Inns kinds nl gravies (also leftovers), add pepper and Hilt to taste, with a generous pinch nf poultry seasoning. Sometimes, not alwayr, I ndd one or two onions, chopped line If picfertcd. jou may ndd a cup of cooked rice. Line a linking dish with mashed potatoes, set In the oven to harden slightly, pour In the tilling, cover with mashed potatoes, dot with bits of battel and brown In a hot oven." Plain Sponge Cake Flto eggs, one cup of sugai, one cup of Hour, ono teaspoon of baking powder. Beat eggs, whites nnd jolks separately. To the yolks odd the sugar and beat till light; then ndd (lour In WHch the baking powder has been sifted, .ilt"inatliig with the stiffly beaten whites, .'avc nbout a third of the flour to bo ad'ed last. Any flavoring desiicd may bo used. Bako rather quickly. It Is nice eaten with a sauce or oa a i oil. Oraham Uread "Hero Is a tcclpe for ginhnin blend: Ono cut! of sweet milk, 1 cup or molasses, 1 egg, Hi cups of graham flour, li cup of wheat flour, 'i teaspoonful of sodn, 1 of baking powdei. This makes one good sized loaf nud m.l bo doubled if le qulreil. "j, jj " Renders who have an ee to the chem ical components of a icclpo will note thnt baking soda Is added to the baking powder to net upon the molasses. The effervescence piuduced by tho union of alkali and acid tends to mnkc the dough light. It Is a safe rule to look for an ncld In any foimul.t which calls for soda. Neglect to supply this causes many a fill In ru In baking ...Urt bl !l.l .1HI . L, S-iiw'M Ini ii,M1Wp iif f, ' vu i tti' . ii,'i ' tiM, a p iiM t. j ,.;? wa'fiwivj.ioui'yf rePBSuw make a plentar.t mea that is easily prepared. You can make croquette wonderfully appe tizing and easily digested if you uie GOLD ENOYLE insteed of ordinary fata for cookin?. GOLDENOYLE it n pure, wholetome vcjjetablj oil that you will find leu "fatty" than any thing else and because it can be used over and over again, more economical. Q0( In pacteil In inmen Icnt liottlcH nnil tun ni it l noM li alt pot.l irrocr. A MiluaMe recipe bnol; ivlll b eeiu l"iro ru rcgueet by xm p.i(.l.er A.CN0WUNDC0 257 North Front Si. -g3ggSgaggj NOISE IS BRADY, M. D, advise nny one on surfc in.,. knowledge of the condition nt.... We aro aware, that wo have been w ii-uuiii ., u iiniu noip io rei through correspondence with th 3 with their physlclnna and acntliu Ci arc glad that this Is so. We eager? St enmn flirt nnnnrtnnllv tn .1, ...-j ' JJ we feel that It Is good. "SH .,..v .. v. .. . .w iMuicm once trti against such letters ns thnt niiMi!4 Is a dangerous thing to trust to a iiii nosls made by long-distance cofoi3 cation, nnd still more rlskv 4 treatment based upon such a dlaehadTf ir you navo any questions upon mffl you dcslro Information that we can fiSl put them lo us. But do not ask ui 1 tell you what Is tho matter with ?(S Do not expect lis to do by mall wht2J nocior can uo oven in his private oIBm -diagnose tho trouble without examtntw I thn nntlent. ? I QUESTIONS AND ANSWERM Kidney Trouble Never Causes Hnckachc la tfrw.lr nnlin rllllt ifnnn....l.J . present, a symptom or kidney troubljij Answer In nil our hospital and nrt.l!'' practice we cannot recall ever hut!.1 met with backache due to kidney trouMi' Her Joints Urate Cnn ou explain what causes my j3 to nratc when I go up nnd down .i.i..- or turn In bed? My bnnd feels the gtilfl ing, too. j Answer Klther loose bod In llie k6? or overgrowth of tho s.vnovlnl membunj' lining the joint, if it uoesn't cause puj' or uisauiiuy ikuuiu n -; i Croton Sponge Cake One cup of butter, ono cun of milk or tepid water, thrco cups of jg' four cups of Hour, bIx eggs (whites auj yolks beaten separately), two teaiptxm of baking powder, sifted with the flout Cream butter and stignr together, i olks, bent alt till light, then add ttreet milk. Now ndd n small portion of ftot' then whites of eggs, alternately wlthUi reminder of the flour Balto slowly la tube pan or In layers, coloring part t the batter, or ntldlng fruits or eplcn' Filling One cocoanut nnd milk. Juice kai gintcd rind of two lemons, two cups l sugar, one cup of Dolling waterj one hop. Ing tnblcspoonful of cornstarch Had until thick and spread between lajeri' More cuinstnrch may bo added If ntcti sary, owing to tho quantity of milk In til coconnut. Queen Corn Sauce Out and .one-half good-sized ears ( corn, a 10-ccnt cnn of mustard (dry), thrd pounds of cabbage, two red sweet ponwd nnd two green, two tablespoon! ,tl turmeric, two pounds of sugar, half BaW of good opp'e vinegar, six onions, half cup of salt, three bunches of celery, fcU until tho giccn peppers turn brown. Tbli inny be made at any renon, using tin same quantity of cnntieu corn. SEEKS KIN GONE 50 YEARS! Fireman Seeks Brother Said to E in New Orleans nvcry elToit Is being made by Henrj Soldcnbtirg, n fireman attached to EnelM Comnanv No. Bt. of this city, to Una hh brother, who hns been lost for E0jean? Scldcnburg has asked tho police, poat- ofllcc authorities, tho detcctlvo btirui fil lltn iiewunri tiers In ?Cev flrle.lna 0 help in the senrch for his brother, Jala Seldenbuig, who, he says, may be kqwJ under the name of John Slthcl, or U John Fianks. and who lives In that cltf.l John SeldcnhurB was taken to New, '0w leans with his mother EO years ago. Tti mother died of Bcarlct fever and Ut bov, then about eight years old, WJ taken tn by n milkman 'tno nremnn ii ho will go to Now Orleans upon jjjjl ceipi 01 nny unit mm mn icuu v, lOllg-Ul'lIiyCMl leUllllll! Ul LUC IIVU -UllUJ' eta. ' . Uusincss Club Elects Officers- .,. ,-,... n....lAu rl..l. 1.Aia IIh nnnnll J HO i-llj UUBim-o-, ,uu ,,c,u no "'-Tl, electrons for ofllcors last night nt the Aw- ittheAfel-j Preildcan sldent, ffj s Dubrtj )n .1 nhla Hotel. The ol leers ate Charles II Grakhlow, vice president, ' M. Metcnlm, secretari, Chatlcs lluaiiclal secictan, B Harrison ;. WnrTASLtCl HUM iloUX1 i U S VERY ANNOYING 11 ft If ex5aiemi0a,ueiieb 11 i 1 ill m mm sawY Y5:.RUTUje: don't NEED IT u UNTIL NEXT MONTH AND UJc COOLp EASILY HAVE TH STREETS PAVED WITH RUBOeR BFORe THAT K -, 1 wxr t wrw t i i mm iwmmmmm - r n a m nrr.r-iL.i.ALi jmmmmmmw mmmmk mmmmmmmma a -i - t m t