EYEHICF EEDaiTRPHlSADEEgHlX THURSlXTv raarTCKMT tirWKWl ESS! Tt'. ''I I n Copyright, Ml, tk Bobbs-Merrlll Company. ,-. who comes Ketith 'rem Ihj frown i ibvi-j tft r1. DrlnKB Willi Him m lrt.Wi3,1f.do; Kn. The dor becomes T2" . ttiehed to Isobel. Thorpe's 1TB "'"-.... nn4 r! ikH ino'-t?- -.. hln hrtnm Kazan. win. MeCreadr. Fearing punienmrni. .a... nnr CII iwi ... .---..-, - ;- E.in flees. Ji SU'KlU'iVnSjanJ.. victor, wa and Kazan.lt victor, and Oray Wolf, a besu- win bVi,i. ifimn una limy von, ucu TPSJSt? Bhe-wot? .become matw. Then IWo"f JPJ.irSu U discover, nd the warn fir. IPJ"1 " ! ik. mart. vlvea chase. -"""' r TinMi lire rierra iiaaisson, I. Thiwolves are conquerorlng. and C"41?,i7i. on ln"le tne KT ?h.P when h perceives Joan. The W'i-lt'M' leobel halts htm. and In a flash P"n?ST. on the i wolf pack and. with Clrajr &??. Sa'fi?ft arlW them off. Fear- ": oitn kiibii wi " '-- "-. jnww .,,,, the marriage. '1'norpe. nin (c.i,In start back North. Me Ji their Pan" fulde, displays an oj P!,.Jr' interest In Fsobef, and one night Suite M're'ljli".nd rushes into leo- 2 W.S!I'.T& Joan realirkan haa saved :." "..;;. T.nfl o In searen on mm., . i. ib P'i". i; and they carry mm t ; ? snstle to n?""-" , , them to bnnde'jo JPJ the camp. Knian allow iw nj yf Bf wwnaf That jwni urwr M(I Uorf .& hTanswerV Tho next day Pierre an rienfte Rnsvr er. .raCe(t In a des- lee itl.1 hovers about the camp. ruAPTEIt VI Continued. ,.tto times that nlsht ho heard fiilMul ,Qray Wolf calllr.tr- for him 1 . . -,1 Ani.1i ilrrm rift an ..o In the loresi, iu.v -- - "v --j .inwn art rnmri m ered her. -to"Bi" " nnn hn rnuirht tho BCent lloso V cjmp. , . d nroun,i ln the K "'T T cd and whined at tho a rt his chaln.l hoping that nho would md of nis c"i"ii.i ' f M. . .1. nut M '" ."inacllsaon moved In tho ho tooiici "-- ,, -- n-nno. Tho Sent. Ulan "ray ' . h e n 'S" .M. nrnlAir. Hlfl CdUKh not so loud or so rending. It was not. BU """ .n, nn- Vinrl lrlvn 1 ?i...... If something had given ' ",'Jr nnrt hoforo tho Blrl camo out f,lit hod hi hands often at his throat. c. v.. t.itnii when sho saw him. Snty gavo way to fear In her eyes. Pfme nadleson laughed when sho flung f". !JL. hmil him. and coughed to Mat at h... Jd was true. "YOU 0 tno cuuun i .. . - ". ..u iif I. hronklnor un. You fein." no """" " T.wi? ti 1. annot nave ioreuncn. - - -- leaves one rcd-eyed and wak . U0WWd. and through It ICazan and tho i . - a Anui. niniLH. uuin uuj ,. nan tugged ai mo ium '" "--- aS i.. eMinwInir In tho trail behind. ?' wound no longer hurt him. Ho ..i.ji ainiiv wirn an ma huiuiiuiu treneth and tho man novor lashed him nee, bit Patted him with his mlttencd Sna on head and hack. Tho day grow teadlly darker and In tho tops of tho tes mere was mu .w......o - itorm. .. , . ... , Darkness and tne cominu i" i" "' Id not drlvo PIcrro Itadlsson Into camp. w must rench tho river." ho said to Imself over and over again. "We must ton tho river wo musi "' " . . - ,.1.11 hla rwun m tn irreaier ciiui t. inu ... ..... Irength at tho end of tho traces grow M. . . It had begun to storm wnen x-icrro ,tnnni tn hullti a fire at noon. Tho snow 'ell straight down on n white delugo so 10k that It hid tno irCO iruniia ou yurua wv. Pwrn Iaucneil wnen Joan aiuv- ired and snuggled closo up to him with he baby In her arms. Ho waited only n hour, nnd then fastened Kazan In tho es again and Duciuea tno sirups onco ore about his own waist. In tho silent m that was almost mgnr. 1'iorro led his compass In his hand, and at ut, lato In tho afternoon, they camo o a break In tne timDcr-nne, ana ancaa t them lay a plain, across wnicn itadis- m nolnted an exultant nana. "There's tho river. Joan," ho said, his olco faint and husky. "Wo can camp ere 'now and wait lor tno storm to MS." Under a thick clump of spruce he put tMcv the tent ami then began gathering Wire-wood. Joan neiped mm. as soon as they had boiled coffee and eaten a sup- ner of meat and toasted biscuits, Joan went Into tne tent ana dropped exnaustea HsfsfKa her thick bed of balsam boughs, wrap ping nerseir ana tne oaDy up cioso in ithe skins and blankets. Tonight sho had kio word for Kazan. And Pierre, was glad !Jtlit she was too tired .to sit beside the nre and talk. And yet FARMER SMITH'S GOOD-NIGHT TALKS Did you ever stop to think that our wonderful club is just what YOU mike It? I might work as hard as ever I could and still we would bo Just where we started unless you did your part. Your part Is what pleases you most. fanner Smith's Rainbow Club alms to help you In tho work you are lelne to do In after life. Some of you t be artists and possibly Inventors. No two children are alike and so we take up different things so as to try to please ALL the .children who are members of the club. We Invite you to tell us what you like about our club and what you DO NOT LIKE. This U called criticism and it Is always helpful if offered in the right spirit. . If you have never written to your editor, do so, for it will help YOU l your thinking. If you think you have nothing to write about, Just close your eyes and turn around and then write a few lines about WHAT YOU BEE FIRST when you open your eye3. Try this simple exercise, for It will help you In putting your thoughts mi paper and you ALL will have to put your thoughts on paper at some time T other BEGIN NOW. FARMER SMITH, , Children's Editor, Eveninq Ledger. FARMER SMITH, The Children's Editor, The Evening Ledger, Philadelphia, Pa. I wish to become a member of your Rainbow Club and agree to DO A LITTLE KINDNESS EACH AND EVERY DAY. SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE ALL ALONG THE WAY. NAME ........ . .... Address (-? '. e ..... School I attend ...-. fut.. T T7, iiaB jay uira ana tne Airship Vlld BUnnv effumnim 1il Wflfl A T'rtMe. noise in Woodland and Mr. LW Bird could not imagine what was "evening. Ho was sitting on the !b of, a tree when he heard a crash neighboring tree and Mr. Jay Bird over to where the commotion waa discovered what seemed to be a bird causrht in the tree. ffOb, desii" whined the big bird. '"What's the matter?" asked Mr. 8H not a bit afraid of the e-Iooking creature. e men wera tryhur to make a 1t of me "and I cannot fly," big birtl, k I deckwl" saU( Mr Jy KAZAN Kazan's alert eyes eaw Pierre tart suddenly. He rose from his seat on the sledge and went to the tent Ho drew back tho flap and thrust In his head and shoulders. "Asleep, Joan?" ho asked, "Almost, father. Won't you please come soon?" "After I smoke," he said. "Am jrotl comfortable?" "Yea. I'm so Ured-and-sleepy-" Pierre laughed softly. In the darkness he was gripping at his throat "We're almost home, Joan. That Is our river out there t:te UtUe Beaver. It I should run away and leave you tonight you could follow It right to our cabin. It's only 0 miles. Do you hear?" "Tes-I know-" "PVirty mlles-atralght down th river. Tou couldn't loso yourself, Joan. Only you'd have to bo careful of airholes In tho Ice," "Won't you come to bed, father? Tou'ro tired and almost sick." "Tes after I smoke," he repeated. "Joan, will you keep reminding me to morrow of the airholes? I might forgot. Tou can always tell them, for the snow and tho crust ovor them are whiter than that on tho rest of tno ice, and like a sponge. Will you remember the air holes" "Tes-s-s-s ' Pierre dropped the tentflap and re turned to the flro. He staggered as ho walked. "Good night, boy," he said. "Ouess Td better go In with tho kids. Two days more forty miles two days" Kazan watched him as he entered the Joan flung herself upon her fatner'a breast. tent. Ho laid his weight against the end of his chain until tho collar Bhut off his wind. His legs and back twitched. In that tent where Itadlsson had gono wero Joan and the baby. He knew that Plerro would not hurt them, but he know also that with PIcrro Itadlsson something ter rlblo nnd Impending was hovering: very near to them. Ho wanted tho man out side by tho fire where ho could llo still and watch him. In tho tent there was silence. Nearer to him than before camo Gray WolfB cry. Each night she was calling earlier and coming closer to the camp. He wanted her very near to him tonight, but he did not oven whmo In response. He dared not break that strange silence In the tent. Ha lay still for a, long time, tired and lame from tho day's Journey, but steeplcss. The flro burned lower; and tho thick gray clouds rolled ltke a massive curtain un der tho skies. Tho stars began to glow whlto and metallic and from far In tho North there came faintly a crisping moaning sound, like steel slclgh-runners running over frosty snow tho mysterious monotone of tho Northern Lights. After that It grow steadily and swiftly colder. Tonight Gray Wolf did not compass herself by the direction of the wind. She followed like a sneaking shadow over tho trail Plerro Itadlsson had made, and when Kazan heard her again, long after midnight, ho lay with his head erect, and his body rigid, save for a curious twitching of his muscles. There was a new note In Gray Wolf's voice, a. walling note In which there was more than the will write stories while others wish Bird. "You must be one of those air ships I have heard so much about." "I thought I was an airship, but I guess I'm a treeship now," whined the big bird. Mr. Jay Bird hopped up nearer to the stranger and looked at its wings. Then he said: "What funny wings you have and what a queer thing that Is." "That," said the big bird, "is my engine. It make3 me go." "I dont see you going," said Mr, Jay Bird with a laugh. "I haven't any en gine and yet I fly." "Men did not make you," said the big bird sadly. Just then two men came along and one of them said: "See that wonderful bird near our airship. Let us make our next one like trial" "Welli what DO yeu think of thatt" ,tf Mr) Jay lira tk U Mtf. JAMES OLIVER CURWQOD matecall. It was The Message. And at the sound of It Kazan rose from out ef his silence and his fear, and with his head turned straight up to the sky ho howled as tho wild dors of the North howl before the tepees of masters who are newly dead. Tlerre Itadlsson was dead. CHAPTER VII OUT OF TUB BLIZZARD IT waa dawn when the baby snuggled close to Joan's want breast and awakened her with Its pry of hunger. Sho opened her eyes, brushed back the thick hair frdm her face, and could see where the shadowy form of her father waa lying at the other side of the tent He was very quiet, and she was pleased that he was still sleeping. BhVknow that tho day before he had been very near to exhaustion, and so for half an hour longer she lay quiet, cooing softly to the baby Jaon. Then she arose cautiously, tucked the baby In tho warm blankets and furs, put on her heavier garments, and went outside. By this time It was broad day, and she breathed a sigh of relief when sho saw that the storm had passed. It was bit terly cold. It seemed to nor that she had never known It to be so cold In all her life. Tho fire was completely out Kazan was huddled In a round ball, his nose tucked under his body. Ho raised his head, shivering, as Joan came out With her heavily moccaslned foot Joan scattered the ashes and chaired sticks where the fire had been. There was not a spark left In returning to the tent sho stopped for a moment beside Kazan, and patted his shaggy head. "Poor Wolf 1" sho said. "I wish I had given you one of the bearskins I" She threw back the tent-flap and en tered. For tho first time sho saw her father's face in the light and, outside, Kazan heard the terrible moaning cry that broke from her lips. No ono could have looked at Plerro Itadlsson's face once and not have understood. Aftor that ono agonizing cry. Joan flung herself upon her fathor's breast, sobbing so softly that even Kazan's sharp ears heard no sound. She remained thera In her grlof until every vital energy of womanhood and motherhood In her girlish body was roused to action by the walling cry of baby Joan. Then she sprang to her feet and ran out through the tent opening. Kazan tugged at tho end of his chain to meet her, but ehe saw nothing of him now. The terror of tho wilder ness Is greater than that of death, and In an Instant It had fallen upon Joan. It waa not because of fear for herself. It was tho baby. And then, all at once, there came to her what old Plerro had said the night be forehis words about tho river, tho air holes, tho homo iO miles away. "You couldn't loso yourself, Joan." He had guessed what might happen. She bundled the baby deep In tho furs nnd returned to tho flrc-bed. Her ono thought now was that they must have flro. She made a little pile of birch-bark, cov ered It with half-burned bits of wood, and went Into the tent for tho matches. Pierre Itadlsson carried them In a water proof box In a pocket of his bearskin coat. She sobbed as she knee)ed beside him again, nnd obtained the box. As the flro flared up she added othor bits of wood, and then some of the larger pieces that Plorro had dragged Into camp The fl-o gave her courage. Forty miles and the river led to their homel For the first time sho turned to him and spoke his name as she put her hand on hln head. After that ahe gave him a chunk of meat which sho thawed out over tho flro, and melted the snow for tea. She was not hungry, but she recalled how her father hud made her eat ur or five times a day, so she forced herself to mako a breakfast of a biscuit a shred of meat and as much hot tea ub she cov drln't. Tho terrible hour she dreaded follbwed that Sho wrapped blankets closely about her father's body and tied them with babtche cord. After that she piled all the furs and blanket that remained on the sledge close to the fire and snuggled baby Joan deep down In them. Pulling down the tent was a task. The ropes were stiff and frozen, and vhen she had finished one of her hands was bleeding. She piled the tent on the sledge, and then, half covering her face, turned and looked back. (CONTINUED TOMORROW.) RAINBOW CLUB "They are talking about ME!" and with that he flew away, while the men undertook to release the airship. Our Postoffice Box Samuel C. Doughty, Jr., the young man in the picture gallery, has made the club very prominent in Pleasant vllle, N. J., the town in which he re sides. Ho sends another message that is even more wonderful than that, read it: "I AM MORE OBEDD3NT SINCE I JOINED THE RAINBOW CLUB." I would like to read three thousand letters a day saying Just that very same 8, a DOUOHTT thing! Israel Reiner, North 13th street, re membered his pledge the other day. He writes: "I saw a lady carrying two bags of coal she could hardly lift. I helped her to the door of her house. She told me to wait and she would pay me, but instead of taking the money, I told her about the Rainbow Club." That waa a very kind act, Israel, and we are proud of you. Mildred Green span, South 5th street, sent a letter wishing everybody a very, very Happy New Year. The same to you, Mildred, and many of them. Rosle RicciardI, Ernest street, reads the club news every night the minute the older folks are finished with the paper, I hope that you all are as anxious as Rosle is to learn just how the club is pro gressing! Do You Know This? 1. What State in the union becomes a doctor when you abbreviate its name? (Five credits.) 2. What boulevard in Philadelphia represents two points on the compass? (Five credits.) 8. What city in Ohio was named af ter tie dUcoysrec of Aattdca? (Five THE KING PLAYS A CLEVER GAME George Probert, Assisted by Pearl Whlto and Sheldon Lewis, Slips Ono Over By the Photoplay Editor "TUB , KINO'S OAMTr-ralhe-Oold noodter film In 5. part. Written by, O. D. BMW. Produced by Arnold Dly. neleaoea. FWar. The Gmnd Duke ot Kiev..... i... Stanley Dark The rounr tniko, M son . . rercfley.Qio Nihilist $......0orte Probrt Count Durdlnllls ............. .Sheldon I"Jls Catherine, his daughter...,. it.. Pear! White What would our novelists and scenario writers do without that old standby of "a doublo" or mistaken Identity? Where would our Rudolph Rassendaeln have como from? Suoh popularity would have been lost to world If this most useful Idea had never been found. Certainly "Tho King's Qamo" would not havo ex isted to havo given tho ladles a ohanco to fall In ndmlratlon before James K. Haokett In tho legltlmato drama, nor now Oeorgo Probert as tho Grand Duko and the Nihilist "Tho icing's Game" Is n, story of the Prisoner ot Zenda Qraustark Princess Dehro, kind wltli nobility, nihilists, In trlguo and lovo all rolled together. Thoro Is no end to It nil until suddonly our hero trlumphfl and our hcrolno falls Into his arma Tho picture must end hero bocauso no mora need bo told. Tct this particular eamplo of tho ever popular stylo of story Is exceptionally well told and still mora exceptionally well noted. It servca to reintroduce Klalne I beg her pardon, Pearl White who after a, vacation returns mora lovely to look upon than over. As Cntherlno she has n, role which gives her plenty of oppor tunity to look well and act little, a most decidedly "Whitish" part Sheldon Lowls, as Count Dardlnllls, Is remarkably good, nnd shown what a truly versatlto actor ho Is by tho clovor change from the dashing young omcer In tho first reel to tho desporato criminal In tho last four. Ills makoup la excellent and hla wholo characterization finely drawn. deorgo Probort (poor man, he Is awfully hard workod) Is qulto romarkablo In tho mannar In which ho depicts the pleasure loving. Irresponsible, hnppy-go-luoky Gmnd Duko and tho fanatic, half-crippled nihilist. As tho young ruler ho sup plies moments of tho most delightful comedy, a thing you would hardly oxpect If you had only seen him In "Tho Luro," or with Paulino Frederick In "Innooent." Tho wholo picture goes with lota of "pep" and Intorest novor lags. Tho photography Is uniformly good through out Dion TItheradge, who will have the role of Henri do Targy, the young sweetheart of Thorcso In "A Parisian Romance," at tho Chestnut Street Opera House next week. Is a brother of Mlsa Madge TIther adge, and will bo remembered hero for his work In the recent production of "Tho Whip." Jlr. TIthoradgo Is a poot as well as a player, but claims gardening as his fad. Tho numbor of persons who are willing to do almost anything to break Into mo tion pictures is past counting. Hero Is ono follow who wnnts to "drop In" the business, and In the further parlance ot tho street stands ready to "fall for the motion pictures." Comes ono Theodore Flnlcelstcin, of 659 Hinsdale street Brook lyn, N. T who writes Lewis Hooper, casting director at the Rolfc-Metro studio as follows: "My Dear Mr. Hooper: I wnnt to be the first man to Jump off tho Woolworth building In a parachute, and I want your advice, if you will bo kind enough to ad Use mc. What I want to know Is how to go about it. That Is to notify differ ent nim companies and who to see. Also what prico to charge. You will greatly oblige mo by sparing me some of your valuablo time." In recognition of his good work In "Tho Lily and the Rose" and other plays, the Triangle-Fine Arts studio has promoted Wilfred Lucas to stardom. Mr. Lucas, who is a native Canadian and ex-opera singer, was for five years a prominent member of "The Chorus Lady" company witn iiose Biani. Theatrical Baedeker ADELrill "Androcles nnd tho Lion." by O. Uernard Shaw, and Tho Man Who Married a Dumb Wife." by Anatnlo Trance. ' Soma Lion, borne Shaw. Sotno Show," DnoAD Sherlock Holmes." with William Gillette. Tho famoUH dramatization of Con an Doyle'a famous detective. LYRIC "Maid In America," with Mile. Da zle and Florence ilooro. A New York Win ter Garden show of the usual stupendous dl- n.n.lnn. roilREST "Watch You: Watch Your Step' with Mrs. itle. Trank Tlnney, Bernard Oran Ulzabeth IJrice. Tlnney fun. Ca- vernon came. 1 rar Mile and Ellzabnth llo pracc. Ilerlln rags and a Dllllnsham Pro duction. GAItniCK "On Trial." with Frederick Perry and a Kood cast An excltlnc story ot crime written backward In the form of a trial. Nqet and entertalntnc. WALNUT "The Irish Dragoon." with Andrew Mack. Reopenlnr ot the playhouse for popular-price plays PHOTOPLAYS. CHESTNUT STIIKET OPERA HOUSE All week. "Madame X." with Dorothy Donnelly, a Paths Gold Rooster film. BTANLEV Wednesday. "The Foundllnr." with Mary Plckford, a photoplay In which Miss Plckford begins as a poor orphan, but ends as a charmlnr. happy and marriageable heroine. Thursday. Friday and Baturday, . feydi5 Ollmore." with Pauline Frederick. AnCADIA Wednesday. The Ueckonlng name with Henry Woodruff and Tsuru Acrl: Thursday. Friday and Saturday, "Let u u ii. wim jane urey. IU0OENT Wednesday and Thursday. "What Will People SayT" with Petrova: Friday and Saturday, "Tho King's Came," with Pearl White. PALACE All week. "The Cheat" with Fanny Ward and Sessue Hamakaya. VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S-Phyllls Nellson Terry. In Oreat Leon, .magician: Gamier" Toyshop. Alexand dtr Kids VhlM. Trtiv oprnai. VEJ COLONIAL Hatkos" Midnight Rolllckers In 'Danelnir Around' Icelanders' Nnrrii' Tin. coons, OHANP The Rlgoletto Twins. "At the Party." Wood. Melville and Phillips, singing and dancings Rockwell and Wood. Adelalne brands. Phonograph ulrl; Tom Kuma, con tortionist. Cltosa KIIYB Edmund Hayes and company In nrleren and King. Liulsa Mayo, Jergen and aim, s-imiv covers, jiiem s aunsireis. Hamilton. Ed immiiiun. i.uuira iiramtn. iien.n imir. Rrothers, dgden Four, rl!U?.I,aeiJ,Rrr.'.' a"! Naalo and Zara Trio, na .axa jtio. uiuuc rajDoy xieain. ma fair Mabls Carew and Vlo Hurns In "Ths Un trained , Nurse," Earn Watson's Barnyard. Arlington Four, the Dunn Bisters. Tampa Japs. BUI and Bob. "Raceycle Fiends': Martin and company, 8TOCK. AMERICAN 'Broadway Jones," The Arvine l-iavers in ueorire ai. (.onani play. NldlCERUOCKER "The Nlnsty and Nine." NICKBRUI the Knlcke erbocker Player In a problem play. BURLESQUE. DUMONT'B Dumont's Minstrels. In burlesque and travesties of the times. THE CHEERFUL CHER.U5 I dont Jee Kow peopli. . ca.r. ,ve,r be. noreic.; Uitk dytlM anrj plt.sun&5 ih wKole worlri is ri Fe lt worries tne sometime J to think of &, yV To do t.11 my ltvirMj ir jV3Tj orc snore " jcQ I'M HEMSTITCHING gc A YARD. Pleating and Button covered 1SJ bomb JJitj, Pb.ons Locust sSO. 5" STAGE SOCIETY GIVES NEW BILL Three Odd Plays Well Done. Ono Imposalblo "Classic" The best thing In the fourth bill of the Stage Society all of which was vlslbte to members last night and will be re peated at the usual democratic prices Friday and Saturday nights Is the hold over from tho third, another Shavian brilliant "Overruled." With only ono dhange In the cast and with Its delightful lines and charming scenery Intact, It fin ished out an odd but by no means unin teresting program. The outstanding feature of tho new playlets Is easily "Simoon," a weird des ert talo by Strlndbcrg, with a soul-eating woman of tho Bast and n, deluded, mad dened, death-driven French soldier as tho chief figures. It Is an odd, wild nnd dim cult piece, which Miss Baer, Mr. Ward nnd Mr. Wallace deserve great credit for making so offootlvo, terrifying and pretty much understandable. It enjoys a very beautiful setting by Howard Ashman Pat terson. The other commendable playlet In n bit of character study by Eden Phllpotts, "The Carrier Pigeon." It depicts with tlsMaH'iil IT""'-7ii(5i M-4WT JTJV" ""li rVI rxx-VTV tt.'.l- 1lV1-kd " -J.JTCi'en TZiStf Jii iT3...7W mhkWsmJflF whim VJse&, - mmm ... .frri'jMii The largest and mo3t varied collection of HUDSON'S BAY SABLE SETS ever presented by any FUR HOUSE IN PHILADELPHIA, offered at one half of actual prices 34 sets every one a different style. Even If you don't want to buy they are worth looking at. fan m Mr. .jfjasuMWaS 1 itrr .r-ifijL ss-! ijx Asm i neat Ef mSm BooBw Gmpamu, TnE following theatres obtain their pictures thcough the STANLEY Hooking Company, which Is a guarantee of early slinnlngH of the finest liroductlons. All pictures reviewed before exhibition. Ask for the theatre In your locality obtaining pictures through the bTANLEY Booking Company. nil 1MDD A 12th, Morris 4 Passyunk Ave. Al HAMI5KA Mat. DallyatS, Evgs.T 4 0, ftLlinillimn Vau4ev,J j. yararrft rictures Lou Tellegen in "The Unknown" ARCADIA nCcLrn JANE GREY in "LET KATY DO IT" rl-l T r. 62D AND THOMPSON APOLLO MATINEE DAILY EDWIN AJIDEN and MISS MILFORD In ED THE BELOVED VAGABOND" r A TUB HOLD KOOSTER PLAV RLUEBIRD "00 NonT" Dn0AD ST- MetToPresents WILLIAM FAVERSHAM In "ONE MILLION DOLLARS" SrTve cedar "&. HAZEL DAWN ' 'ouEnADEns- fl.ACT PABAifQg.Vr PICTURE FAIRMOUNT '""rifSStn ave. LIONEL BAnnVyMORA.vndgIRENE HAWLEV A Metro Picture In 8 Acts. GERMANTOWN B508 GERMAN TOWN AVE. MARGUERITE GALE in ....An. ,rTTv rinp noon" T"11UT ...w... - -it ADP BOTH t MARKET GLOBE Mat. 2 :W: Evgs.T ft 9. poromount Offers DONALD BRIAN In "The Voice in the Fog" siirt inn AVENUE THEATRE GIRARD 7TII AND QIRARD AVE Valli Valli in "The Woman Pays" AMATEUR CONTE3T8 -, . 1 it,-.. BROAD ST.. ERIK Great INortnern oermantn aves House Petera and Ethel Clayton ill THE QBEAT DIVIDE" JEFFERSON 2OTH Srsm and MABEL NORMAND la "Stolen Magic," LAFAYETTE 2911 KENSINGTON AVENUE HELEN WARE in THE PRICE" LIBERTY BROAD AND COLUMBIA ALICE BRADY in THE RACK" LOGAN THEATRE "'ASSS VICTOR MOORE in "CHIMMIE FADDEN OUT WE8T" Weekly Program Appear Every Monday Is Mrotfea Picture Ckart )r.. .............. ...... L. 1 1 much clearness and hot a tittle sympathy a dying old reprobate Of a poacher, who uses up his last bit Of ebbing energy not to mention the audience's nerves with n, gun shot at the carrier pigeon of a neigh', bor enemy. Mr. Whitney must be cred ited with another perfect bit of Character portrayal, backed by excellent work from Sophia deddes. One of tho eternal mysteries of the theatre, and particularly tho amateur theatre, Is why Tehekhov's rude, sllty, old-fashioned, obvious, tedious, unlnge nlous farce, "Tho Bear," is always get ting Itself aoted. Do directors really think It Is humorous drama? Or are they so deeply and secretly enamored with tho low-brow that thoy gladly ohove In this bit ot knockabout mentality on the shoulders of a playwright of great and deserved reputation. Possibly thoy Imag ine that n, certain ragtime song has given "Tho Bear" oh enduring advertisement that nobody can resist This crttlo pre fers tho sonr. K. M. $4815 Fines Imposed by Film Censors HARRIsnimO, Jan. . Fines havo boon Imposed by tho Stnto Board of Mov ing Plcturo Censors since its organiza tion In 1911 amounting to SIS15 for tho Il legal display of films. Tho violations havo beon anything from failure to obey tho ordors of tho board to tho oxhlbltlon of objoctlonablo pictures. More prosecu tions havo beon ordcrd by tho new board under tho amended law than previously, although this la said to bo more by reason of tho fact that tho larger forco per mits of n closer censorship than by any attempt of tho censors to bo unreason able In their demands. Fur Event CUJwA Extraordinary $125 to $240 per Set actual worth $250 to $480 Mawson & DeM 1115 Chestnut Street Opp. Keith'a mmmmmmmmcz a PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESDNTATIO I FAHFR FORTY-FinST AND I-L.rtUtlA LANCASTER AVENUE JIarguerltn S.VOW and Paul U1LMORE In "ROSEMARY" Logan Auditorium WjEr ALICE BRADY in THE RACK" Market St. Theatre 3M MAg?CT ARTHUR HOOPER nnd RUI1V HOri'MAN In "THn DANGER 8K1NAL" See "GRAFff" Every Wednesday. ORPHFIIM GERMANTOWN AND . r,Z. l" CHEI.TEN AVES SrM F0 Presents RALPH KELLAKD In ,Ier .'!l?r.8 Secret Mr and Mrs SYDNEY DREW In "la Christmas a Bore " ORIFNT 6:d and WOODLAND AVE. uuiLl1' Dally Mat 8 Etc . 0:30 to 11. Paramount picture LIONEL HARRYMOnE III 'THE INCORRIGIBLE DUICANE" PAT APF "H MARKET STREET - VIi 10 a M to 11 US P. M Fanny Ward & Sessue Hamakaya In 'THE CHEAT" PARK" WOE AVE & DAUPHIN fuuv Continuous Show from LB & 0:30.11 THE DEATH LOCK" A Mutual Masterpiece -Featurtnr WILMA WILK1E and DAVID W PUTLER PRINCESS "'str'eet "THE CONVICT KING" 'THE DECEIVER8" 171 A I TO GERMANTOWN AVE. UlrAL, 1U AT TULFEHOCKEN ST. MAUDE FEALY in THE BONDWOMEN" RPT'PNT 13 MARKET STREET svuvjiin 1 uvu.ifr voice organ OLGA PETROVA in "WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY" RI T T V MARKET STREET U O I BELOW TTH STREET MARGUERITE CLARK In THE PRINTE AND THE PAUPER" TOMORROW DOUBLE TRIANGLE BILL SHERWOOD mtBal-t?morB METRO. PICTURES CORP Presents Emmy Wehlen in 'Her Reckoning' SAVOY 1211 MARKET STREET GLADYS BROCKWELL in 'THE SHE DEVIL" VI C T D R I A MABKET 8T ll J. UlVlft ABOVE NUSTH CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "CAMILLE" CXAIMI FV MARKET ABOVE JTI1 &nt?n5s X. Pauline Frederick In "Lydia Gilmore." 11 A. MIST, I U 'I P 3fe NEW LIN&fcRIB nKOiP OFJBNB ; in m n iaf, ,,m Bonwit, Teller & Co. Gather Din&ewf of Dainty From Everywhere A distinctive lingerie shon, with ferieea ranging from f5 cents to 165, has Wmi opened by Bonwit, Teller & Co. at Mth and Sansom streets. Lingerie from thes y Philippines, lingerie from France, lingerie from everywhere has been gathered to gether to suit the taste and the pooket book ot tho most fastidious shopper. , The daintiest nightdresses ot pink nd blue batiste come as low as 96 cents, th ascending prices take one through an orgy of gowns ot embroidered handker chief linen, gotns with designs of real vnlenclcnnei lace, gowns of crepe do chine, gowns ot striped chiffon, to the most expenslvo gowns of a material fashioned exclusively for Bonwit Teller & Co. These gowns come In palo coral, apple green and peacock blue. ' Tho second floor la given over to a. dis play of negligees of chiffon, Georgette, crepe, meteor and will o' tho wisp In a variety of colors. Northeast Alumni to Dine t Director of Public Safety Wilson will speak tonight nt tho midwinter meeting! and dinner of the Alumni Association oe tho Northeast High School, which will bo held at tho Rlttenhouse. Other speak- ers will bo former Judge Dlmner Deeber, Dr. John P. Qarber, tho superintendent of public schools, and John Olover, deputy ' collector of Internal revenue. fs5. y.xtff ag?? any CENTRAL Chestnut St. Op. House nCnu, SEE TODAY'S AMUSEMENT COLUMN MKST PHILADELPHIA GRAND 82D AND MARKET STREETS JlflWJ MATINEE DAILY. 2 P M.. Be. P?en?.ox FREDERICK PERRY in "THE FAMILY STAIN" i n pikt "d and Iw J V J J 1 LOCUST STREETB CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "CAMILLE" OVERBROOfC 63D AND J YE.lDlJVJI HAVERFORD AVH. "GRAFT," No. 4 Each a Com plete Story. AND OTHERS HARHFN 53D LANSDOWNE AVE. MARY PICKFORD in "MISTRESS NELL" FURFKA orn and LUULAA MARKET aTRHET TRlAXaiE J'LAl'S DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In 'THE LAMB" RAYMOND HITCHCOCK In "MY VALET Keystone Comedy NORTH Broad Street Casino BB0E5,1" EVENING. TUB AND 9. LILLIAN DREW in 'THE WOMAN WITH A ROSE " OTIIERfl NORTHWEST Susquehanna susquehanna avh. May Allison and Harold Lockwood "The End of the Road" 5 Parts ". NORTHEAST STRAND isn and girard avb. O 1 IVrtllL MATS. WED. and SAT, Henry B. Walthall St"atJa',rB,,b u "OUnilTfl" Tarl "GHOSTS" S Parts CHAPLIN COMEDY DAltUY DARBY THEATRE DAnsr. pa; "FOR THE HONOR OF THE CAMP" BresjS.. way Star Feature (S acts) "BJWKMS COIN." No 1 'The Hoodoo's Busy. D KENSINGTON JUMBO raoCTujBAm "The Heart of a "HER MOTHER'S nAUGHTER TWO OTIIEU REELS Wakly Ffesgfwau Appear Every Mosastr t CWrt CiOTBBBBSJBBsl 3 "fa mm mm W80 t rl u Nsr li I 1 " 3