TPftrt r EVENING LED&ER-JPHlLADEIiPHIA, THUK8DAY, JAKUABY 6, 1916- 1 1 1 1 1 i '. i I 1 1 l II ' II " l ' n f ft ? fl 1 &Zr. U.S. ISSUES PROPOSAL TO US NEIGHBORS FOR PAN-AMERICAN UNION Definite Step by Secretary Lansing to Bind Whole Hem isphere to Principles of Monroe Doctrine WILSON BEHIND THE PLAN VASHaNQTON, Jan. i.-Proposals for a formal convention to be signed by all tha Arncrrtcftn republics have been made by Secret dry Lansing to their diplo matic representatives here, with the gen eral Idea of guaranteeing the territorial integrity cf all tha signatories and of perpetuating the republican form of cov eminent on this hemisphere. In Ita International aspects the tiro posat Is for the crystallisation of the Monroe Doctrine ana for the definite and formal adoption of the policy of "one for all and all for one." promulgated by Secretary Lansing In his recent address to the l'ahAmerlcnn Scientific Congress. Concretely, this Qovernment proposes: That tho nations of the American Continent mutually agree to main tain the republican form of govern ment and to assist one another against rebellion by the prohibition of arms shipments to rebels against any rec ognized American Qovernment. and by preventing the organisation of fili bustering expeditions on their soil. That the nations of this hemisphere Jointly pledge resistance to terri torial aggression against any one of them. That the signatories bind them selves to arbitration or other means of peaceful settlement of all disputes, Including boundary questions, except matters Involving national honor or Independence. The plan as n whole Is not new. All Its proposals havo been discussed In diplomatic circles hero for moro than a year. President Wilson was the first to move In tho matter and, seconded by Sccretury Bryan, ho nulctly put tho plan In motion with tho Intention of sounding out feeling In South America before draw ing up his proposals In a formal way. Latlu-Amerlcan diplomatists bellevo that Its practical effect on tho relations be tween tho signatories will be negligible. They point out that all strictly Amer ican questions havo been settled by arbi tration for many years, that there. Is at present no threat of despotism on this continent, uml that thoro Is little danger of territorial aggression fiom Kurope. What they chiefly hope for as a result aaSho plan Is tho spread of a feeling of gtlm' trust. mi Auto Wrecked in Skiddlnc largo touring car was badly damaged fdny when It skidded unit crashed Into J' pedestal light on the City Hall plnsa " Ilrond street and South I'enn square, i police nro searching for the drlvor, .disappeared after the accident, '.ho jjlgjiears a 1910 license tag. No. 4116. fftOBB'SANTIJJQUOR WORDS USED IN EXHIBIT Society for Organized Charity Demonstrates Deadly Effects of "Booze" at Big Show A "booze" chart, showing the deadly offect of alcohol, waa the chief centre of (attraction at today's exhibit of the Society for Organizing Charity In the Wldener Building, by reason of a clever ruso on tho part of the person who originated It. After numerous German. French, Eng lish and American scientists havo elucidated briefly on the deadly effects of "boorae," thero appears at the very end tho following, attributed to "Ty" Cobb, of tho Detroit Americans: "No nip for m; It affects my batting eye!" "That's puttln' Ty whero he belongs," remarked one fan ns he read It. "Ty may not know Oreek and Latin and chemistry ind astronomy, hut h Is some scientist "n baseball," nnd the speaker pushed &i through the crowd, and many persons Rdded their upproval of the remark. . Leonard Mason, of tho Board of tfereatlon, was tho principal speaker to (iiy and emphasized the work of the de partment. He urged more use of the Schuylkill niver and Palrmount Park and said that It would be a good thing If penny rides to the Park were established on certain days, so that the children who are cramped In narrow streets might have a chance to play In the clean air and sunshine. He urged that the city adopt the float ing bathhouse for the Schuylkill River and that free public bathhouses be kept open all the year around, so that the poor might "be refreshed morally and physically," Miss A. B, McCall spoke on "Housing Conditions." A- conference on children's welfare was held by Mrs. Louis C. Ma derla, Roy Smith Wallace and Edwin D. Solenberger. The "Hoboes" continued to attract the most attention at the exhibit. "Andy'1 Brady, 75 years old. who swings his ax for the benefit of the visitors, told sev eral persona today that he oughtn't be doing It, as he had a well-to-do son liv ing out in California, who deserted him when he needed the lad the most. A well-dressed man walked Into the exhibit and approached a woman In charge of one. of the booths, "Is this the Society for Preventing SuicideT" he asked. The vounff woman replied that she had never heard it designated as such. "Well, I look pretty ood, don't IT" he continued. "But I'm Just about ready to quit. My wife and children are all dead and I've been wandering all over the country for the past six years. I can't get work, so I might M well quit. Can you do anything for maT" He wa turned over to one of the men and sent to tho Wayfarer's Lodge where he was put to work, Anothr play waa given this afternoon, The cast included Henry B. Schaffsr, Jr., Mra. J. Howard Heber, Mrs. Jasper Yeates Brlnton, Mra. Wirt Henry Pet. wller, Miss Rosa Porter, Mlsa Brolly It, yox and Clara, E. Ifftrr. DIVQKCE IS RECOMMENDED i wnm mi m n Atiaritie City Master Favorn Annul mt of Musician's Marriage 'X vree baa been recommended for Mra. WUhetralna gist, wife of Richard Oct Blt. b member of tho Philadelphia Orcfctr, by K. A. Hlffbee. n advisory master la Atlantic City. Mrs. Klit tpstU tuU4 uH In that city some tlma ago on tb chars ot desertion and the alleged love of tw husband for another woman. ' ' flu that tha defendant has been, living -with another woman and loved br more tb his own wife, that tha dofnd. ant quarreled, with hl wlfa, atrvck and shja.ts)H4 t WU "." reads part of tha jsaatar'a report, Tha wife is also to fa ive tin st-atody of ht two children and su a. wk allmoay shouW tha court Mataja tha sr report. Bate Hmi fr MaV Daatk rfca rata waa tmHrwthr spnlfcU far U da4 Jajaa4 A- XaMaa, 1S XtteldiM Umt, wt ww WU fcy a trait ley car at yh nu la laai !tt Metiaq mi waHKUir waj aw awa a ; jm MiVft m Mi I GARY PLEA FOR HIGHER TARIFF LAW RECEIVES STRONG SUPPORT HERE Charles J. Cohen and Nathan T. Fohvell Indorse Steel King's Advocacy of Protective Measure SEE CRISIS WITH PEACE The opinion of Judge Elbert It. Gary, chairman of the United States Steel Cor poration, that an early ending of the Eu ropean war Is In sight, was received with varying responses by Philadelphia busi ness men today. Hut his declaration that the country's business prosperity would face grave possibilities at tho closo of hostilities unless the tariff schedules were promptly readjusted met with goneral ap proval. "I think that there Is vary little doubt that Judge Oary's position Is correct," said Charles J. Cohen, president of the Chamber of Commorce. "Furthermore, I bellevo that the present market ex citement and the advance In prices Is unwarranted. This Is Independent of the tariff question. I favor a moderate, not an ox ebltant. Increase In the tariff. Mod crat' In commercial matters Is always deslrpA'M." Nfttnah T. Fohvell said that ho dis agreed with Judge Oary's opinion that peace was near. "There will be no peace In Europe till one or other of tho antagonists Is exhaust ed, and that will take some time. But Judge Oary Is right In warning tho people that In tho ovent of tho war ending abruptly there would be a big slump In the American market. Only n chango In tho tariff toward a protective basis would save tho situation. "Tho end of the war would mean the end of our big munition orders and the throwing out of omploymcnt of thousands of men." $4,750,000 FOR FRANKFORD ARSENAL Bills Introduced by Representa tive Costello for Equipment and Buildings Bu a Staff Corrtapondrnt WASHINGTON', Jan. 6. Three bills, calling for appropriations aggregating 14,750,000 fort Krankford Arsenal, were In troduscd today by Iteprcscntatlvc Cos tello, of Philadelphia. Of this sum. It Is proposed that J.'.OOO. COO shall bo spent for additional equip ment'and machinery for the manufacture of small arms ammunition, (2,000,000 for a Held artillery ammunition factory and $750,000 for the purchase ot additional ground and tho erection of smull build ings. LINER TIIESSALONIKI THOUGHT TO HAVE GONE TO THE BOTTOM Crew Supposed to Be Aboard Freight er Perugia Passengers Bound for New York NEW YORK. Jan. 6.-Tho Greek liner Thessaloniki, whose misfortunes in tho heavy weather off Nantucket lightship kept shipping circles In anxiety for two weeks, today was believed to hnvo gone to the bottom. Tho crow was reported to havo been taken off late yesterday by the Anchor Line freighter Perugia, a new figure In tho seurch for the mys teriously tll-fatod ship. Wireless ndvices fiin the Scandinavian-American liner United States said she was abandoning the Bearch, ni the Perugia reported tak ing oft tho crow and opening tho Theasa lonikfs sea cock. Anxiety continued for the Thespalopiki's 300 pnssepgors, who. though rescued by the Pt-trls, also of tho. GrK line, were fear to havo run Into moio peril. The Patru, carrying ample wireless equip ment, has not reported since tailing off tho passengers. She Is believed to bo making for New York. The Perugia will arrive here on Friday, according to a radiogram received today from Captain Mitchell, of the Anchor Line, Tlie Perugia, besides rescuing the W members of tha Thessalonlkl'a crew, also saved the Greek steamship's mail. Following Is the text of the wireless message: "Have rescued crew of Thessaloniki. 90 men, and tho malls. Latitude 37.20 north, longitude 63.20 west. Captain reports that seacocks of Thessaloniki are open, but unless, she sinks will be a menace to navigation. Will arrive Friday night " PACKERS' REPRESENTATIVES ARRIVE IN ENGLAND Will Attempt to Settle Cnae Pending Before British Prize Court LONDON. Jan. 8. Coming to England to try to effect a settlement of the long pending case of American packers before the British price court, Chandler Ander. son, former counsel of the American State Department, and Alfred Urlon, of the Ar mour Company. Chicago, arrived at Fal mouth today, on board the Holland-America liner Rotterdam. The claims, which at one time agjre. gated about J15.0CO.0O0, concern merchan dise selted by the iBrltlah naval authori ties on the ground that it obviously was destined for the enemy, THREAT TO BLOW UP BOSTON CUSTOMS HOUSE CAUSES SCARE Writing the Same as That Warning of Sta,te House Dornb Plot BOSTON) Jan, . A letter, threatening to blow up the Customs House, was re ceived today by two newspapers, The Jettar waa written In tha same handwrit' Ing aa that found In the State House at the time of the recent bomb scare. It bore the same Initials "X, Y, 55." Superintendent of Police Crowley was notified and at once called up Collector of tho Fort Billings, A large detail of men was placed on guard about the Customs House and tha pollpa atartd a search for the writer ot the Utter, CAMDEN HAS SHAIfiPOX SCARE Negro Telia Police He Has Dread Disease Camden health, officers w(l tuarnlna Harry Bavoy, a neero, today and decide f h tol4 tha trut Iwt nltht when ha walked Into police headquarter and ant nouneedl J'rn 4eraj I've got the smallpox, j rues I'm the man yoti wspt." Chief Pf Police Hyd n( tw a h.aalth Inspector, who took tha man to the Municipal Hospital, where pr. Jf, JI, Pavta will examine him today, Savoy ? from Baltimore to visit friends at 7" Pllver atreat. Camdfn. That waa on Chrlstmaii Day, We took slcU that riteht nd a phylc(n who was called dlamoied hu case, aa smallpox, tAter dlaappfarad. wwm ,S1I iii.ii limn wmw, m 12,W I fw(ty League fltre The lHluU!phla braael of tha NutlopaJ Security uo ha passed n o(hr In tka auatary l& ooliit ni mAtnhrahln hwc thi mm imn Ff Jr Yt DK. SYDNEY L. GULICK DKPLORES ANTI-JAPANESK TALK IJY THE IRRESPONSIBLE Dr. S, L. Gullck, Asiatic Authority, Cautions Against Agitation Tho danger In the problem of American Japanese relations lies In the false Impor tance attached In both Japan and this country to Irresponsible assertions, which unscrupulous agitators distort until they aro made to appear to the public as tlu eats and menaces, nccordlng to Dr. Sydney t. dullck, who nrrlved In this city today. Doctor dullck. who spent 26 years In Japan, Is considered the greatest living nuthorlty on Asiatic problems. Ho has been touring tho United States In the In terest of a better understanding of the questions uffectlng tho Far East, and re cently urged upon Congress a plun which he believes will solve tho Japanese ques tion. Doctor Gullck feels that the unfriendly legislation which has been directed at japan has cooled somewhat Its warm friendship for America, but that tha sit uation has not become dangerous or crit ical. He believes that tho Japanese ques tion, which stirred California to drastic legislation two years ago, cun bo solved by the adoption of nn adequate immigra tion policy which will remove tho possi bility of future ombarrussment, should It be adopted by Congress. Whllo In this city he will address scv crnl associations on Astatic questions and will speak ut several churches, urging them to uio their Influence toward pro motlng better understanding nnd friend ship by advocating Justice In our Inter national dealings as a practical means of promoting world peace. Whllo In Japan, Doctor Gullck was a professor of Doshlsha University nnd a special lecturer for the Imperial Univer sity nt Kyoto. WILSON'S TAX PLAN OPPOSED IN HOUSE Will Tell President He Cannot Hope to Include Gasoline, Autos and Bank Clerks WASHINGTON, Jan. G.-Presldcnt Wll. son's proposals for Increasing the reve nues of the Government by direct taxa tion nro doomed to defeat In the House. Following a canvass Democratic Houso leaders determined to notify the Presi dent that hu cannot secure the votes to put through the excise taxes suggested n his address to Congress. But one pro posal made by tho President has met with Demicratio favor In tho House. That fa the pla to Increase the tax on incomes. The direct taxes suggested by the Presi dent Included: A 1 per cent, tax on gasoline to yield JIO.000,000. A tax of 60 cents per horsepower on automobiles nnd Internal combustion en ines to yield 15,000,000. A stamp tax on bank checks to yield 418.000,000. A tax of 25 cents a ton on pig Iron. A tax of 60 cents per ton on Iron and steel products, Democratic leaders have determined that It would be useleer to attempt to put gasoline, automobile or bank check taxes through the House. Opposition to the Iron and steel taxes, while vigorous, ml'ht be overcome. But conferences among the Democrats have developed an unwleldlng opposition to any cxcltu taxes on articles of common use, and the leaders will advise the President that to propose mem wouia ne to court a split In the House Demotrucy thnt would add to the difllcultles already precipi tated by the preparedness fight They will tell Mr. Wilson the House probably would not advlso any plan to lower the limit of exemptions from in come tax below J30OO jor single men and MOOD for married men WOMAN SOUGHT FOR FRAUDS "Charity Worker" Accused of Vic timizing Wealthy Folk A blueeyd younr woman with dark, chestnut hair, who poses as u resident of Illttenhouse square, Is being sought to day by detectives. She Is accused of vie tlml'InK several society women out of various amounts of money. The young woman appeared at the home of several fashionable families In this city four days ago, and Introduced herself as a worker at the headquarters of the Col lege Settlement, Front and Lombard Streets, "We neuj funds for a gymnasium and kitchen and you Will gladden tho hearts Of many ypung women If you will make a contribution," was the usual plea of the young woman. Miss Anna Pavles, head worker of' the College Settlement, today denied that con tributions were being raised for a gym paBum and kitchen FIREBUGS BURN BARN Woman Farnier Loses ?3000 in Third Fire at Bordentown, N. J. BOftpENTOWN, N, J., Jan. 6.-A large building on tha farm of Sarah b. wood ward, at Cream nidge, together with crops, machinery, pigs and chickens, was destroyed by fire last night, causing a loss of mora than ttooo. . The bla?e waa tha work of an Incen diary, This Is the tMrd time buildings pr the farm have beer) burned by Are bugs. It In said that threads, had been made to bum buildings In that neighborhood. ',,5i.-a.i-i"fF,,u1 i - Victim of Aphasia Found Adrift Police today are looking for the home Of a well-dressed man In his seventies, Who (a apparently the victim of aphasia and S4nnot remember where he resides. lie was found wandering in the station at (3th and Market streets last night. He gave bla name a Pari Hiytr, invtiti gallon dlicossd the fact that he waa lli ehars'4 yesterday from the pryn fawr Hospital, where ne waa treated for in ri rcelYe4 when rtmcl, by a, V4n 'CYCLONE' DAVIS ROARS HIS LUSTY DEFIANCE TO PREPAREDNESS Texas Populist, in Maiden Speech in House, Spout3 Poetry Mingled With Ve hement Prose SEES VISION OF DICTATOR WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-Wlth prose nnd poesy nepresentntlve MCyclono" Davis, picturesque Texan, today made his mftlden speech In th,c House, a violent Rssault on preparedness nnd militarism. Tho veteran Topullst war .horse got a big "hand." Hn made n unlquo appenrnnce with his bushy, wiry beard, black collsr less shirt nnd vehement gesticulations. In jils peroration was the following: "Shall gun thunders never cease, And dying millions moan While we feed the dogs of war On human flesh nnd bonesT" After vigorously denouncing all war and preparation for It, Davis snld: "It Is said that when the war In Kurope shall have ended most of the world's free wealth will be In this country. Do not be deceived: that little rquad who constitute less than n millionth part of the country's population, but control a tenth of all Its wealth, when the crucial hour strikes, will again touch knees round that famous table at Judge Oary'B nnd Iny out the plans and specifications for making sure that not much of that wealth will reach the common man. "It Is a well-conceived plan of the pro tected Interests to Join In the clamor for nraparedues8. "A commercial conscience Is war mad mad for great world power, and the millionaire magi of our country nre hold ing conclaves and forming cabals to forco upon the country n stupendous pro gram of military preparedness, hoping to put In the White House a dictator to execute It " Representative Hensley, of &flssourl, introduced n drastic resolution demand ing an Investigation of the organizations engaged In defense propaganda. The resolution will be prossed by the nntt-preparedneps faction among House Democrats, lea liy Kcprcscntnlivc liens- Icy, ns part of tho struggle to defeat tho Administration defonso program. Tho revolution would provide! "That tho Speaker of tho House uppolnt n select committee of five members, and that such commltteo be Instructed to in quire Into the orgnni7atlon, membership, expenditures, receipts and the sources thereof of the Navy League, labor's Na tional Peace Council, tho National Secu rity league, the American Defense So ciety nnd liny other such organizations as hnvc been active In propaganda for nnd against the proposed Incicnso in the nrmy and navy of the t'nltcd Stntt-s, and to ascertain what, If any, uommerclul In terest, ns shareholders or otherwise, mem bers of such orgnntzations und societies have In tho manufacture or sale of mu nitions of war" The resolution would give the proposed committee wldo liiriiiiaitorinl powers. Rep resentative Hensley announced his Inten tion of seeking an Immediate hearing by the Ilulcs Committee, to which the reso lution wns referred, nnd of pressing tho measure before the House ns soon as pos sible. SCHOOL NAMED FOR DR. JACOBS Late Superintendent Taught nt Bus tleton Building in Youth Tho Fayette Rchoo'l, Hustleton, will be nnmctl In honor of Dr. William C. Jncobs, late superintendent of public schools In this city. The Commltteo on Elementary Schools decided yesterday to lecommend that nnme to the Board of Education. and fnvorablc action upon the proposition at the monthly meeting of tho board qu Tuesday 1ms been annul ed. Dpctqr Jacobs tnusht In th Fayette School In his youth. Ills Inst net, a few days before his death, waB n visit to Ihe Fayette School to determine Whether un add.ltpn to the bulldpg wns necessary. He decided nlllrmatlvcly, nnd a slx-ioom aiv ex to the sciro Is now belnK built. OPERATION DIDN'T FEAZE BOY Messenger Tells Doctors to Hurry So He Can Resume Work "Hurry up. I got to get back to my Job." Hospital physicians, who wore sewing six stitches In the wrist of Joseph Mc Tnmmy. n lfl-yoar-old Postal messenger boy, were surprised when McTammy, who wns bearing the pain of tho opera tion with a large grin, mudo this leriuest. His nerve and disregard for the pain from the long cut won tho doctors' prnlse. McTammy, who lives at 2329 South Bouver street, wnB Injured on the elev enth Door of tho Finance Building, tha compC y's heudriuarters, when he fell on a broken water tumbler He returned to work with a bg band age on his urm us soon as the stitches were ewd. OBITUARIES Stacy G. Glnuser CHESTEH. I'a., Jan O.-Stacy O. Glauser, 71 years old, for nearly a quarter of a century a prominent business man In this city, died at his home this after noon. IIo had been ill for spine time, but had been confined to his bed slnco Sun day only. Mr. Qlausor came here S3 yeau ago from Cumberland County nnd en gaged in tho lumber business. He took an active part In civic affairs, but never held public office. For years he was a di rector of Chester Hospital. He was n member of the Masons, Penn Club, Ches ter Club and Knights Templar. A widow and two sons, Edwin P. and Shafer M., survive htm. Mrs. Benjamin Grifiith ..Irs. Elizabeth Crozer Orinith, widow of the Rev. Dr. Iienjamln Griffith, for many years secretary of the American Haptlst Publication Society, will be burled on Friday, Services will be held at 3 p'cock at her town house, 20JS Chestnut street, after which tho burial will be made In Upland Cemetery. The Ilev. D. K. Steele, pastor of the Upland Baptist Church, which Mrs. drlfnth attended, will officiate. Mrs. Griffith died yesterday, at the age of 83. Sl.e is survived by a son, Pr. J. P. C Qrltnth, prominent physician, and two daughters, Mrs. Hiram Pgtta' and Mrs. William Carey Calder. Arthur Chapman DOYLESTOWN, Pa.. Jan. 6.-Qame Commissioner Arthur Chapman died sud denly early this morning at hi home pear here. Heart trouble was the cause of the deth, but he had. been In ill health for several days. He wu tha son of the late JgCge Henry Chapman and had lived here all his life. He was a member of the Bucks County bar, but spent most of his life farming. Joseph H, McGullqugh Joseph H. McCulIough. a dealer In auto mobiles, died yesterday at his hop--, 53d South 49th street, at the age of 63. Mr. McCulIough was active In fraternal cir cles, especially In the Masonic order. He was a member of St. Paul's Presbyterian Qhr?h, A widow-, one fougnter end. two sons survive him, "' "" I I" ""lsWsai s ft Mrs. Ann A. JUkiHttw Mrs. An A, KUlntea, nwmbT of ttj tOsaeWJU't C( WvjHUW Wko sujttuilefesj to tho Union soldiers In this city during the" Civil War, will be burled on Satur day. Services will be held at 2 o'clock at the home of her nephew, Dr. Edward P. Everett, 7B8 North 41st street. Mrs. Elklnton died yesterday from the grip. It was her father who managed thi fa mous Union Volunteers' Refreshment Saloon, and her family has In various ways figured In American history. Mrs. Elkinton'a homo waa In the Hotel ior mandle. JBeatfjtf Thtte Notlcu Art Printed in the Evening Ledger Free of Charge, A11ELE. Buddenlv, en Jsniisry 8, 18t, CHAIU,l:o IKJl lUlti", son Ol uouuco n tho lata Miry Abele (neo Ulauer), In , in ins no mem- 48th yer r. JieiAllve una menan mir bern or Frunnrorn urocenr Association, ara Invitert to attend the funeral Mrvle.ff, on Friday, at 2 p. m , at nls late residence, southwent corner 2d at. anil flusquehanna ae. Jntermsnt nrlvata, at Oreenmount Cem olerr. Automobile funeral Af.DIEIt. At tha reeldence of her son-in-law, James J..C!?y. 20OS MeKeen at., on January ! folO.. iUT f: !"' of Ichl Aldler. Notice of fureral later, At;niti:V. HUil.lenly, oil January 4, llfl, RDWAUD, eon of William and Ellnbeth Aubrey, aged 0 yeant. Itelatlvea and friends, also pupils cf Bt. Colomba's School, nre Invited to attend the funeral, on Satur day, nt 2 p m . from his parents' residence, 2T20 North ldth et. Interment at, Holy Cross Cemetery nemalns may be viewed nn Friday, after T p. m. IiAl.nKltBTON. Enteral Into rest. First Montli Sth. toil). HACtinti I?,, daushter of the Iat Pnmuel r. .nnd Mnrtna A. Haider- ston Hclntnm and friends aro Invited to i inviti a mat, attend, the funeral, from ner late residence, funeral ith et.. 1A13 M. tilth it., on Bevnnth-dny, Sth Inst.. nt 2 o'clock Interment erlvnto, th-da IIANN'AN On .tonUnrv 4. MM. HTHMtttS- II HANNAN. Itelntlvea and friends nre Invited to attend tho funeral, on BiUurdn'. nt 7:30 n m . from his late residence. M34 Stiles nt. Mass at Church of Cletu, nt 0 a. m. Intcrmont at New Cathedral Cem etery. IIAItlt. At Cheater, l'a , on Jnnuary 3, 1010, JAM PIS IIAlirt. aged 62 years, ami on Jan uary rt, 11)10, his wife, CATIIAhlNB IIAHIt, nged DO yenra. Helatlves nnd friends, alio Amerlcus Council, No. 242, K. nf c, nre Invited to nttend their funeral, nn Friday, nt R:.10 n. m , from their Inte residence. 723 West 2d st. Solemn riequlem Mass nt Im tnnculnto Heart Church, nt 10 a. m. Inter ment nt HI Michael's Cemetery. UAIIIII.TT At llrlstol, Pa., on January 4, 101(1, CATiH.rtI.NI3 H, wlfo of Pntrlck J. Itnrrctt (neo Moore), formerly of Mahnnoy City On account of condition of other members of tho family, frlendx will plcnm meet funernl nt Ht Mark's Church, Bristol. Pa., on Frldav morning- Kolemn High .Mnes at 10 n. in. Interment nt Ht. Mark's Cem etery. III:AIIN (nee Teoplcs) - On Jnnunry 4, 1013, II08K V.. widow of Maurice llcnlin. Itrla tles and friends, nlro rvillliinswood Circle. .No ran, Comtmnlnns of P. ef A., nnd Yolo Council, No 12.-., I of P., nre invited to nttend tho funeral, on flaiurdnv, nt '.'io a. m . from her Into residence .114 West West moreland st. Solemn Mns of rtcnulcm nt M crnnpn's Church, nt 10 n. m. Interment nt Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. IH.I.SI.I.V. On January 4, 101(1, WIM.tAM HtlLShnV. Sr llclathea nnd friends nre in vited to nttend the funeral serMrrs. on Frl- .?. .11 ij ni., ni his iRtc rrsiurnce. .ir.S4 inluinet ft.. Falls of Hcliuvlkill. Inlrrmcnt private, at Itoxborouch 1'rcsbj terlnn Cliunh .JI (I.JIIll. lli:i.I,. On January fi. 1010. Rt her into resl lenry, K110 North Maschrr st. M ATI MIA 1 I.I.t, (neo Ouyer), nlfr of Hnrry Uell. Itela tlxes and friends nro Invited to attend th Juneml. on Siturdav, nt 8:.'l0 n. m. Jliah Miiaj at St. Michael's Church nt In a m. Interment prltate. lli:illlV, On January .1, 101(1, BMZAHETK, nldow of Thomna Ilerry. Itelatlves and friends arc Invited to attend tho funernl. on I'rlday, nt a;,10 p m., from his late resi dence, ll'.to South S7th st. Interment at Tern wood t'emctcry. m.ACK. On January .1. loin. JOIIAN.VA, widow of John Ill.irk. nelathrn and friends nro Invited to nttend the funeral, on Satur S'iysJ,t.'i P m- 'rom her ln,o residence. 17.11 ?uH!u ",lh st' . Kolemn Itenulom Mnss nt St. Thomas Aquinas nt n.:to 11. m. precisely. Interment nt lloly Cross Cemetery. nilAll.V. On Jnnunry r, lllfl,ANTOINi:TTi:. "'low of o. Wlllum Brnun, In her 7LM nr. Itelatlves nnd friends, itlo Archconfraternltv of the Holy Kninlly of Loacue nf Hncre.1 Hr.irt. nre invited to attend tho funeral, on Snturday, nt tint) a. m. from her lato resi dence. Utn -nrth -1th st. Solemn Hequlem Slni-s at St. Hcter's Church at I) n. m. inter- rill. ('I I it If n,,M;VSr0" Jnnuary 4. 1010. HOSALIB IIHAL'N (nee llusch). widow of Joseph P. Hrnun, nued 01 euri. Helatlvea nnd friends nro Invltod to nttend funernl services, Fri day, at p. ,m.. nt her late residence. 81st street nnd Olbson nve. Interment ut .Mount Morlah Ccmeery. IlltOJVN.-rOn January i. IMP. ANDHHW J . hushnnd of tho late Sarah n. Brown, nscd M yi-arH. Itelatlves nnd friends Invited to at tend funernl services. TilJav, a::m p, m t "yeneo of his son-in-law, .(obert II. Stokes, J-i.i. .." ' "rK "ve- interment private. Xorthvvood Cemetery. nAVy.l,KI.JN;2n .Jnnusry .1. 1010, CUIUS. TlNP i'f ,!,UI5KK''IN ""'O I-'nk). lfo of Fiedcrlck Nuerklln. Helatlvea and friends In vited to nttend funeral services. Sunday. 2 P. "V. nJ hushand'H residence 8 cor Jrankford ave. and n. Cumberland st. In terment NorHiftood Cemetery. IIVKItl.KY. On January fi, ipifl, MAItV MUKOA.V, Wife of the lo Nicholas Herrnnp 'Jf.'VP': "cl"'! nd frienda' invited o nttend funeral Baturdav. 8-.10 a. m., from her late residence. .'ISJ.V. Hid at. Solemn Mnss of Hequlem nt Our Uidy pf Hosary Church, 10 11 m. picclsely. Intennent pri vate. CAI-myKI'I.. At Rprlns Mill. Montgomery Co., Pa , Jnnuiry 1. mill. I.KNN'IIM husband of Fnnnle 12. Cnldncll. Helatlves and friends nre Invited to services. Fnturdnv, ot 1:.1Q p. m . at residence. Spring Mill. Mont comery Co.. I'a. Interment Mt Peace Ceme tery Remains mav bo viewed Friday evening;. C'A,.'!';XI,,''ir-Jan!ll""J 10,l!. JOHANNA Ai,,.'u'A:S !tY' of Michael Cnllnhan Helatlvea nnd friends of family, also Sacred Heart Society of St. Ann's Church. Invited to atltnd funeral. SatupUv. 8:10 a. m.. from late residence. Sin.'! Cedar t. Solemn He iiulem Mass at St, Ann's Chqroh. 10 a. m. Interment St. Ann's Cemetery. I.AI.I.I.IC. At her residence, lft.1.1 North Feltun St.. on January 4, inin. AMKMA C wlfa of Haymond Kun Caller. Helatllts und friends (lr,e Invited to attcin) tho funeral services, on Frldav. at 2 n. m , at tha apartmenta of Oliver If Hair. 1S:V) Cheat nut at. Interment private c.W'OCIO On January ft. loin. I.urv ,V.' "W"""'.'.r..r' '"wrop ,.nnd lln Caonsln. arn.t 1 lilHCOmo nnd lln. :;-,.... w. .,.., hhv.,. ., j eara nnd fl nmnths, ars lincl fl ni Invited to 1 al n in.. iieinuvss aim menus are Invited to nttend the funeral, on Saturday, at S a in. from her late residence, 'in 8. th t. High Slais of Hequlem nt the Churcl. of bur lidv-of flood C'ounsej at ti a. m Intermont at Holy Cro.a C'enistcry. 1 "' C.VHI.IN. On January a. 10115, ROSE widow of Patrick Cnrlln and daughter nf late John nnrl Anna fnnin nt 4"arn -i. --... ..l "" CAHSO.N. On January ."., lUlfi. 1SAHCLLA widow of Samue Carson. Helatlvea ami friends arc Invited to attend futiera LeJvl?,, a; tho parlors ot Samue W. Kehr Bon N JV. Cor. 21st and Ijlamond.t" 5auir,1ay' wU! ce,nr,-.erPyr"Uk,,vW '"'""" & i in. 1. 1,.-,. un January 4, 1R10 emit v widow of Lewi. Collins, aged 78 jear. Ttiti' Uvea and friend, are 'Invited to attend thA funeral service., on Fr day. at 2 p, m St ihf ,''lVwf , "J '" "1. Charle.' ColilnV Ml West L.hlHh ave. Intermen private a Oreenwood (K, of J,) c.metery, '"'" t COLLINS. At her residence. 3320 Wallie. .t.. on January 8. Huh, LENA c iff. ? Albert C. CQllfn;.' NoVic Tof funera rifle?' Chester County, ., paptr, pieacJopy,alri t'ONNKIl.-r On January 4. 1B10. johm mm NEH. husband of fAnn Coiasr. H.Ut?v and friends also lloly Name Society . ',ii Holy Family Churrh, are'lnvited to VttinS the funeral, on Saturday, at 8.30 a S, Vv!!!2 hi. latu re.ldenco. 221 Hermitage iem'VI' yunk; Solemn lHh MM at tlS TlIo'lyHS. fly Church, st I0.,a, m. InitrmVnt at Si! Mary's Cemetery, RoiboroUgh. " " COPK. On First Month 4th. 1910 ANNA STEWARDSON. widow of Francis 'n. ?! m ur nn jr. funeral, at her lata resl. denco. Avvbury. Oermantown. on Hlilh Day 7th In.t., at It:30 a. m. Interment private: IIAI-K. On January IS. 1010. ELEAVnrt daughter of Hugh and Mary DaltT ag?dn Jjars. Relatives and friend., also children (if HI. FranclaXavier 1'arUh Shooi. Ir2 invited to attend the funeral, from hee ni,I tnts' residence. 2.1111 Wallac. it on SatKl day at 0 a ro. Solemn Requiem Maii at St. Francis Xavltr. Church, at 10 a. m In' terment at Holy Cro.. Cemitery. H.VVIel In Coate.vlll., Pa. gt the resldane. of her aon. Dr. J. H. DaM.. ELIZA n widow of tha Ute Morgan R. DavlS. aiid M via?? (teiauvt. and friend, are InvltVJ In litt.nd tho funeral, without Ittftb.r nVfti, 7rV the .ld.nce of her .on. Cr.,,.m It" paVlsf ioesiSJ ilanoa and Parby.road. Uanerch. Pa,. Fri day. January 7 Meet at the firne. j:a p. Sry lnltrmtat "'vale, at Arlington Cam.. DEAf On January 4, 1B1, CAROLINE C. widow of Rudolph Deal. Relative, and friend, are Invited to attend tha .funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 10 p. m.. at hif soa-lij-laW. residence, Qeorg H. Fryer, ecrja SS?Bn Jlv H,?.,,,.u'f- .Btsrmwt t -.-...., IK. N, 04mtry C If .lam. "il.7.tlj, and mend," Iti "llW il fend funeral Friday. S;io a, m from lata rasldenre 211". N. 'Mvrtlewoort .1! $!m'n jllull Mn.8 at Church .if Most Precious II ood 10 a m. Interment St. Penis' CcmsYir! ' CAHKKY. On January 4. 1010 ?! llnptt ! " "' frirnus vueeiin; House, licrinan- whitc wir nf illi ti.tHI.tA"'.1""' ' town ave. and Canbru at., Phlladeloh a. tlvVJ and Yrlends ,fr,?lilb?S' SH'iV: nx: '.rlV?Jf "aY t,." ut S .'!, rwldfnie, on liVvie is W'dav i .'t?i !! i. ,Q al,,end funrral Slxih-day avenlng. at S o'clook. lata residence H 17 t?.m.Y pr,.eclely at the Ultll'ITI'lI suddenly, on Junuary S, 1010. and WMtii lore'Und st?? lntJn, '"V1, " Kl.lVtAIIUTH CHOZBR tllllFFITH, widow riiiirnrTni I,!, Interment prlvato. of Hcnianiin Orlfflth, H. I. Funeral services CIi,rtJ'17,T.0nK',,,nliarK " """ HARA1I. Friday, at 2 p. ni, 'from her Ut residence! w's?w R'-iiJAKS'Sl, A 9nllco- In her 81st MS Chestnut st, 'intermeiit prl valo, tend fun. sen fee. SfurdavHl ' HAr.IIF.ItI.EIN.-On January 4.10R1. CATH- at reildeiice of her i? ffi. 4:iV' p! "Jv EIUNB E8TBU.C. wife of Charles Haeber- &&&,&& '"sa,1,rf.aUSat1eUann??,''!i'''s'l: ti I'ltliliVi ouilliniMJU l'emllu CLAHK.On January 5, loin. (iROItnH w son of the late Frank and Ann Clark. tlves and friends are Invited to Attend tffi funeral, on Saturday, at 2 rt. m from k!S late res dence. "HIS K,llu.5iiV.. " "om "is ...-, uiiasn. Ai v-'siisf nrOQK. n. J., ou January 4. Mil I MARTHA R.. vit fTgUn.y pbK mk taSeroMat""! 'IsujSilM DEATHS neCOU. At Crowlck. tf J.... on First lUnnth Rth. 101(1. SARAH . wMW of Nsthnn DfCmi, Funeral First Momn, runrra 'clntK, f Friend DeCou. a.tvontfi'0' t ft'cWK, from ,tnjpsri; nwnts of. .Oliver . n. jiir. iiot Chestnut ftreet. rnii5fiP""V rfeinrnre of "Annan rhiiArtfiniii, ends may rail nt 'n rVnafttvlpk. N. J., on Flrrt Monro, filithMlnr, between 3 na p. m. nOJMHHV. On .Tsnusry 3. lfllfi, BMKA HEril 0.. csuKhter of Pstrlck anil Ann f.ffXlhinWfferr''h.nersT.Mn"wiicri elatlrea and friend's, also .pupils, of Ocsu 'arnchlal School,. are Invited, on Frlda, nt 1 m m f-i m.. from tiicTesiiience or. ner cou-m. trs. (arah CI irom Cliff at Flu. rslt1 llfford, 7,V) North 20th St. Mass t Itequie m m, r-hur or the Ocsu, nt 1U m. m. hreclsclv. rremettrv. Automobile service. m. precisely, interment at Jioiy trose DOSAM1. On .tanuary n. lain, .IAHES, husband.ef Klliabeth ,PonaH. at his resi dence. nTort Vine si. . Itelatlves and friends ara Invited to attend the funeral services. of on Hiiiirdit' sir ic it. m.. hi inn H, r. Franltenneld Rons. IW0O vine MO ,'n, .. d . . isrm-ni at Westminster Cemetery. Si. ',' DOfOIIF.nTV. On January ft, 1810, cirAiii.KS j.. nusoanii vi inw lain iu. . Dnuaherty and son of Marrarei d.tha lata Charles pouaherly, I Funernl. to which rfla- iVs a. m . from his" ate ' residence " 1T30 South Orlnnns i st. Mass of Renulem at Church of the a"red ifeart. at n::lf) a. m. Precisely. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. Auto mobile service. DOWNEV. On January 8, 1013. ELIZA BETH DOWNEY, widow, of Thomas P. Downey. IlelatUes nnd friends, also Sacred Heart , Society of, St. Ann's Church, and Ladles' filar Auallliry. No. 3, K. of S. J., are Invited to attend funeral. Friday, at 3'3 a, m.. from her late resfdonee. 23S0 E. Ifuntlnirdon st. Solemn nequlrm Maaa at .Rt. Ann's Church nt 10 a. m. Interment r.ew Cathedral Cemetery J1UKKS. Suddenly, on January 3, lnlfl. At. FnKI). huehind.ot Elleabeth Dukes, nela lives and friends, also members of Illble Class O. of ltotv Apot ties' 8undny Sehooll Drenel hlddlo Illble Clnssi Junior Hi. An drews' Ilrotherhood, nnd all other societies ot which he wns n member,. are Invited to attend funeral, Frjdsy, nt ls-10) p. ni . from hi late residence, lnsl Christian st. Services In Holy Apostles' Church at 2:30 o'clock. In terment hrivnte. In Mount Morlah Cemetery. IJUIIST. On January 4, 1010. Witil.IAM, husband of Anna. Durst, ared 77 years, nela tives and friends, also Philadelphia Naval IIS ASSOCiaiinn. win nun i lf a. Admlraf ifeorne AV. Meh Philadelphia, Adml vllle (larrlson Army and Navy Union, u. B. A., and employea nVM Wtr 111! Water nureau of l'nii er Ilureau of Philadelphia, ara Invited to nttend the funeral service.", on Friday, at 2 P. m. rirerlscly, nt the resldenca of his son, i,ouis w. uurst. im.i r. 11111 v. Interment nt Mount Carmel Cemetery. I.LKINTON'. On January 0 1010. itt.her residence. The N'ormandle. ANN A., widow of ltlchnnl T. Hlklnton nnd daughter of the late llrniellu S. nnd Catherine fl. Hrown. Helatlvea nnd friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Haturdnv. nt 2 n. m. prceltrir. at .theresldenco of her ljePhow. Ilr. lidward Y. Everett, 5S9 North list at. Interment private. ENtllH.MAN.' On January 4, 101(1. CHAHf,nfl U, husband of Mildred and son of Cnthnrlne nnd Into Charles Hnaclmnn. naed .'10 )ears. Helatlves nnd Mends ci tval Order of Moose, Lodsc No. M. nre Invited to nttend the funerul on I-rldav-, nt 10 n. m . from his lato residence 22.1 West touden St. Interment nt IM If Ida Cemetery. Hemalna may bo viewed Thurs day, from 8 to 10 p. m. KNOC1IS. On January 4. 101d. HOOEH SlinitHON, hubincl of Paulino Enochs (neo F.ller). nnd son nf Alexander and rrances. I, Knochs. Helatlvea and friends are Invited to nttend the funeral services, on I rlday, nt 8 11. m. precisely, nt Schuyler s. and Diamond sta Interment private, nt con venience ot the family. EST. On . Miliary .1, 1010. IIAHHinT T., wife of William O. F.nt, daughter of the Into James II. nnd Eliza Talor. Helatlves nnd filcnds nre Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p. m.. at her lata residence, nttd Media st. Interment private, at Montrose Cemetery.' Hetnalns may bo viewed on Thursday evenlnc. On Jnnunry 3, 1010. BAMUEI, N., litl'Mnn at sumn i;her (nee llSKon). itela tlves nnd friends nlro I.cnnl Lennpc Tribe, No. 0, I. o. It. M,, James (1 lllalne Conn, ell. No. 70d. O I, A., nnd Fnmo LodRe. No. 77K. I. O. O. P., nre lnvltid to attend tho funeral aervlces, on Snturday, at l'.tO n m at his late residence. 2774 Coral st. Inter ment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. He mains may be viewed on Frldav evening. KTTIIH. On Jnnuarv .1. 1010. ELLEN, wife of nil Etter, ntod 71 years. Itelnttvcs and friends or the family nre Invited tc attend tho funeral seivlees, on Friday at 11 a. in. pre--Isely. at her late residence, 2221 S. Hroad st. Interment private. Automobile service. I'Ki.l.ONEY. On Jnnuary 3. 1010 MAHY , L.L.,.is.E,i, a&eu ri years, i uncial, iti ') "J ''i0 a- m.. from her lato residence, 41110 Hrown st. Solemn Requiem Mnss at Our Mother of Sorrows' Church at 0 a. m. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. Relatives and friends arc Invited to attend. l'ENNni.I.. In Norrlstovvn. on January 4, IMS. WINNIFUKD P. PHNNHl.!. daugh ter of Michael and the late llrldset Fen nell, Helatlvea and friends are Invited to nttend funernl, from her parent!1 residence. ti.!l Swedo St., on Saturday, nt S a m. Sol emn Hequlem Mass ot in.:to n m. Inter ment nt St. Patrick's Cemetery The So dality of II. V M. nro Invited to nttend. 1"EHHY. At Norrlstovvn, Pa., on Jnnuary 4, FRANCES F. FURRY, daughter of John J. nnd Catharine Ferry, aged ill years. Rela tives nnd friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral from her parents' residence. ."71 Last Main st , Norrlstovvn. on Friday, the ,h Inst., at H::iu a m. Solemn Hequlem Mass at 8t Patrick's Church nt Di.10 a. m Interment 8t. Patrick's Cemetery. FISH. On Januarv 4, 1011. AI1RAHAM F.. husband or, Henrietta Fish. Relatives and friends art Invited to attend fhi, rim.r.l ..n Friday, at 11 a. m.. from his fate resldenca, 'JSi Apsley st., Oermantovvn. Interment prl- prl vaiBi l'OIIH, Suddenly, on January n 1010, ROB- o; 1 live late Hnbert . T,"""l' VT S"W M ll tlllll SJUII hiii Anim i rnrti. koui- es and friends, also imtmli,,, nt tfi.t.t iteaiment. me r.a itcmment of l'ennsyi vanla Volunteers, ami Post No. S, O. A. It., nre Invltod to nttend tho funeral serv ices, on Saturday nt 2 11. ni., at the resi dence nf his brother. Allien C Ford. 2n. North flth rt. Interment private, at Ameri can Mechanics' Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed Friday evenlnir. FOX. On January .1. 101(1, AMY 11AHTON, wire nf George V. Fox nee Smith). Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend funeral services, Saturday, at a p. m.. at lato retd "mce 4,1. N.' New kirk st. Interment pri vate. Friends may call Friday evenlnt;. FULL On Jnnuary 4. 1010, CIIAHLKS A.. son of Carolina (nee Krels) nnd late Philip Frel, aged IU 'ears. Rolatlvea nnd fHends are Invited to intend funeral. Friday. 7::l(l a, m.. Irnm lata restdenxe, "kit Clurrj at. Solemn Hequlem Mars at Church of Our Lady of Victory at 0 o'clock. Interment lloly Cross Cemetery. FULTON'. On January 4, 1010. flAMUEI, FI'LTON, husband of Abigail Fulton. Hela tlves and friends, also members of Cramp Assoclitlnn. oro Invited to attend ilr7 - ir. ---.... .-..-- . .-.-.,.--... ... ...... funeral services, Friday, at 2 p. m.. nt hla lato residence. !Mt 1:. Huntlncunn n. Interment North Cedar Hill Cemetery, Remains may ho vewe1 Thursday evening. (HiltiiLN. on Junuary s. 10111. Mahoa RUT. widow of Samuel R Oorden. In her 1Q1I1 year Relutlves and friends Invited to attend funerul services Krlilnv. nt L1 n. m at her lute residence. North Walls, Pa Take Leh ah Vallev trnl ev in ston J! 11 Interment Lutheran Cemetery. North Wales. aitAi. Suddenly, on Jnnuary 8,1010, MAHY E- J'?. .' Wilson II. (Iray and daughter of Marshall 1), and itebecca Lowe, Helatlves and friends are Invite.) iu attend the funeral services, Friday. I2i3U p, in. al parents residence, dl-l Astien st. Further services at Church nf Holy Comforter. 4Sth ond Haverfard ave.. 3 p m. Interment West minster Cemetery. (iltllKN On First Month 4th. 10111, at his residence. Merchantvllle. N. J. Hr. JAMBS II (IHEUX. aged HI years. Relative, and friends are Invited to Httend tha fm1er.1l services vu psi rniii-uny. nin lost., al, 11 il Relatives and frl. vlt.,1 In a,,.nn fiinarnl .... tpl.l.u p. m.. from residence of her husbapi. 4331 Pechln st. Roxborough Interment at Lev erlngton Cemetery. 1IAI.K, On Junuary 4. 1010. JAMBS HA LEY, at hi. late residence, li2 North 7th at Due notlca of the funeral will le.glvtn. HALL. On January 4, mill, JOHBPH W.. husband of Clara .". Hall. Helatlvea and irisniis, at." v-qi. juiui vv . oioore I'osl, ?,o, PO, p, A,IL, re Invited, to attend funeral ervlcea. BatUriiay. at J n. ni.. at his latt t t. ni.. st Ills lat. Intsrmenl st Va.n. resldenca. 7IQ Piestnn at woo.1 Cemetery, Remains may k. viewed Friday evening, from 710 to u n'etnw HL'llhON. On January 4. 101C. KDNA HUD SON, widow of Francis Hudson. Relative and friends are Invited ta-'attend funeral ssrvlces. Friday, at 2 p. m.. at realdentw of hr, Pr, F. T Uridyl. ncl.U'31 Wast I.thlgh aye. Interment private. u4 Northwood Cemetery, HUNTEH. On January 4. 1910, MAHOA HKT HUNTER. Relative, iaq Vri.ada r. mvlted to attend th. funeral servlrs.. pn Friday afternpon. at .1 o'clock precisely, at chapel of Andrew J, Ralr A Son. Arch and Inch sts. Interment private. JOI.1NK. On January 0. 1010. CHARLES 1-.. tlUsban.l Of kaln .Tnllna un.l ...n n, k. Ut. Captain William and Mary Jollne. Pue nolle, of. the funeral will be given, from im .,L2 rIOTenc. 1S41 South 17th t. KEITH. On January 3. loin. JAMES, hus band of Mary K.lth (n.a Donohut). aged 44 ywara. Relative, and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Friday, at 8:30 a. in., from hi. lat. residence, 2181 Nassau it! High Mais at St. Elizabeth'. Church, at 10 .,".-.i?;,J,.n,urraeot IIol' 9ro. Cemetery UU.VfiKS,-On January 4. 1010. .1. PETER. tt'lSfiJ4 "' Ja.rl; JKllnge. (neo I.e Urlghtl Helatlve. and friends. alo the alumni of tha of the K, of 0.,at Invited to attend tha lun.ral. an Saturda.. at s .in a mr, from Ms SK t"net Van Franklin at '.' Solemn High Maj. at Bt Peter'. Church, at 10 a. m. J?JJnDiSlJ.'"Ua,;.,,.J il0,y Sepulchre C.n., r 'atfi;ifc,ndiy ."!.mlt. doer- Auto wrvlc.7 l MIN, Suddenly, on January 4 1010 PKTER It. UWSON. rSutlwi and friend, art luvlted to attend funsrsi ...h?.. Jf rlday at 2-JO p. ra.. at tb apartmenta of LESfifl. On.Jaiiuary a. 1818, hsr Ut. fefl.oW.iiiCm1? RalatlVM end frtendT at. Invited Va afiina ..-il r-tNiirna. At Trenton, N .1 B. 1DM. VATSOJ l T.ivriV-n -"aiUSW V on i ftn 7?th year, Relatives. and fnnd9 ar P vlted to attend the funeral services . iv." late ntldence. 22,-. West State i VX-'tt , N, J. on Snturday, at 2 p. m. " ""'Mfc rciKiwi' aa"f'rWffi .!i ..! r.OCKKltnlB. On January 4, intij r.if DKATIIS f.r,i&:.iferH,.:,Vai5rJBsfti Prc 4n."nl -W. "na the funeral irV2 f.n i'll'tUT HLICIIIDIIII, ate $stdenco, 1(123 ?iiw.-i,rPr?s?-.a!- a?k "re i"ir ,.".... .... .. m,"i uniario si i. ferment or vale. Itcmntns mv y '.'.. '- Thureday evening. T to 0 o'clock .S1 funernl. "t LYNCH. On .fanuary 2, 101 Wit,. LYNCH, widow of Patrtclc Lynch. TteliuS! nnd.rrlenda nre Invited to rutend the fnJiS? riay. January . nt n:;m n m., ffrm V1' fate residence. 1822 Plum st. WXEW? Bolcmn nequlem , Mass at si. "oaehSM: Church, . t 10. o'clock. Interment at "a. Interment it "K uominic a vemeiery. McAI.IIF.n. On January 4, 191c. MAIIY . AI.BER, widow of Edward MeAleer niiJ tlves and nre Invited to attend i& dence of. her aon-ln-law, Thoma"tn7 V.'J: Fouth Clsreland nve.Jleo.ulem lUu it V eo.ulem Mass it ,' n. m. Interment at., Mnnimir Lnurcn ni iu n. m. Interment ... cathedral Cemetery. '"erment u MrCLABHKY. On January 4,1010, OEOnnnftiii W. MoCLARKF.Y. Jr., son of Ihelate rie?Jl I W. and Barbara rf. MeClaskey, Tii as vri it I Relatives and friends are IniltJW i J?.t: ?I tho funeral services, on Friday, at 2 o. m .a the trsldenco of Mrs, Rebecca Brooks m, Oakford st. Interment at, tount MoSS, Cemetery. Friends may vlow remains 12 Thursday evenlnir. '" McCI.OSKEY. fluddenly, on Jnnuary s 1111 fiaiiihmuk. k., wioow or James n iiV ey. , Itelatlves and friends are inviti ttend tho funeral, on Friday, atY. 'i' J.t0"V, "". la'eldence. 4.1t NorS i A St, hequlem Mass at the ChurVkHS IP to attem a m.. f iironn si, itequiein jiass ni tna Churi.h the Holv Child. Ixcnn. at O ."""M't .. - i' ... .:, .-.-.-;'-'. .-., 1 ment private, nt Old Cathedral Cemetery MeCUE. On January 4. 1910, HENRY McCUE. aged myeara. Relatives and trl,Jl are Invlteif to attend the .funeral, nn TFtiSsV at 8:30. a. m.. from his late rrsldenee SS Sftl N. llth st. Mass at St. John's Church it 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemeterr McFAlHJBN. Near Newtown, Pa., on Thlrll day. First Month 4th. 101ft, nRNJAMIN Me! FAOaEN. aged 81 years. Helntlrei 1 S friends are Invited to nttend the funeral, from residence of hla son. Wllmer I. McFndW Qeorge School. Nevytown. Pa., on Platb-dar First Month Tin, at .1 p. m., and WeiSmS Masting House, Chester County, on SevetitJi! day. First Month Sth, nt 1 p. m. Intermeit at westgrove Hurylng Oround. mtat JIcOAIIITY. On January 3. 1010. MAnr A.' daughter of the lata James and MarsiVif McOarlty. .runerai. on friaay at a. m from ner lata resmenco. i westmlnit.. nequlem Mas; at Our Mother of Bo','. Church, nt m. Interment .t nve. rowa rathedrnl cemetery, nciaiivea and frlinS illy are Invited to attend. '"" of the family MclinitAN. On January 3. 101(1, EDWARD J,, son of Kdward nnd Ellen Mclleran. R.ii. tlvcs nnd friends aro Invited to nttend lh funeral, on lrldny. at T:.10 n. m.. from hi! parents' resldnece, 8471 Joyce st. High Mus nt Church of Ascension at 0 n, m. Interment at Old Cathedral Cometory. ' Mrll.VAlNE. On Jnnuary 3, 1010, DRin. CIET. widow of Cornelius Mcllvalne. Reli. tlvcs and friends, also Altar and Houry si. ejety of St. John's Church, nre Invited to at. tend tho Mineral, on ltlday morning, from her late reJldence, 101 Cotton at., Manayunv Solemn Hequlem Mass at St. John's Church nt 10 n. m. Interment at Bt. John's Cen tcry. MEEHtN. On Jnnuary 2, 1010, ANDREW J., husband of Sarah Median nnd son of tha late Andrew and Annie Meehsn (nX, Dunlavy), of Parish Inver, Countv DoneritT Ireland. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to attend tho funeral, on Friday, at S:70 a. m trom resldenco nf his son-in-law, William c ' Williams. 102 Hast Haines at., aermnntown! High Mass at St. Vincent itc Paul's Church at 10 a. m. Interment Ht Holy Sepulchrs Cemetery. MICHAELS On January 0. 101(1, MITTER. husband of Mlna Michaels. In his 77th tear Hebitlve.i nnd friend, also Chevra Ullnir Chollm, liar iHdge. No. 8. I o. l. g. Moses .Mendelssohn Lodge, u. II, A.. A. i' Droxol Lodge. No. I. o, O. F tri Invited to attend tho funeral, on Sunda. it Id n nt.. fiom his lain residence. 1MB Nottn Marshall at. Interment at Chevra lllkur Chollm Cemetcrv. Kindly omit flowers. .MILLER. On January .1, 101(1, WIM.tAM J. M1LLUR SR.. husband. of Harriett Cresses Miller. Itelatlves and friends, also Colontl Ous W. Town Post. No 40. a. A. It ; Sur. vlvorrf of tho 114th Regiment. Pcnnn. Vol untcera,' Independence Lodge. No. r.r,. I. 0. O, I. ona Keystone Hncampment. No. 07. L O. O. F . itce. Invited to nttend tho funeril services, oil h,rlday. at 3 p. in., ut his lit residence. J 028 Wharton st. Interment prl vote. MII.I.KH. At his npwtmonts. The Blen heim, January VOtfi VVTr.t.TAr u Mll..nit. aged 77 je'ars. Notice of funeral later. NHVINH. At the homo of hlu sister, Annie c Kevins. Whllcford, Md.. WILLIAM a. NCI.N'H. Funeral will tnko place on Friday nt " p. m. precisely, from tho parlors cf Ft A. Hookev. 1727 Hlratd live. Inter ment at Holy Cross Comctcrv. NEWHALL. On January 2. 1010. ANNIE M.. wife of Charles A. Newhall, Helatlrta and friends, nlso If. V. M Sodality ,nf Church of Our J-ady ot Mt. Carmel. arv iftvlled te attend tho funeral, on Frldnv. nt M a. nt.. trom her lato residence, 441 Httner t lllatH Mass nf Requiem nt Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. at 0:30 a, m. precisely. Inltr. ment private. Automoblla funeral. PEARSON. On January 4, 1010. at the resl denco of her .on-ln-law. Mr. Tllden J Miller, B20 State st.. Camden. N .1 . SUSAN, widow of Jerome Pearson aged 7.1 years Funrral services nnd Interment at Stono Church, r... on Frldiy, .Tnnunrj 7, Train leaves nroal St. Station 7 a. m. Frlinds may e-ill Thurs day evening after 7 o'clock. PEKHY. On .Innuvry 4, Him. HDWARD I'ERHY. Ill the 7lltlt year, of his age Relj. tlves nnd friends aro Invited to attend tu runcral services, at Ida late resldeme. 2011 North 22d at., on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment private. Peaa omit now. ere, POHTF.IL On January fi, 1010, RORERT PORTER, fir., formerly rrf laOtl I'etnbertoa H. Relatives and friends are Invited to otteM the funeral aurvlces. on Friday, at 1 p. n. precisely, at tho Chapel at Andrew J. Pair ,"i Hon, Arch und Hull ats. Interment at Mount Morlah t'omclcn. Auto service ItOIIINSON Suddenly, nn January ? ''I'. near AuguUn, Oa.. THOMAS ivRftr'nAU husband of I-onora t'pahur Hohlnson, uu nutlce of thu tunernl will bo Riven hCIIKLL.- On Januarv 4, JPIH. KATE (J.. wlfo of Harrj p. Schell, Helatlves and friends nro Invited to attend Ihe funeral services, on .Saturday, at 2 p. m , st her Ute residence, 0037 Overbrook ave Inter ment prlvnte. S1II.VN. On January 4, 1010. JOSRPHIS? ItlNUAR-SHINN. widow pf John W Shlnn. Relatives and friends also Ilrlght Star ro, IB, O T. of II. of Mount Holly, are Invited to attend the funeral services. Friday, at S. m.. nt the residence of her eon-ln-law. amuel H. Hurt. 1711 N Hollyvvonl st AIM Service, at Moorestovvp Cnlsconal Church, at p. m. Kalunlay. Interment strictly Pri vate at Moorestovvn Cemetery. Automobile aervlce. SMYTH. On Jnnunry fl, 1010. Rev. A. C 8. HMYTH. of Do Funlait Sprlnus, Fla.. for merly of Philadelphia bOM.MEIt. On Jnnuary a. ID10, AN.VA tt. beloveil wife of p. w Sommer (nee Spoerl). Relatives and friend, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday. January 7. at 2 p. m.. at her lato residence, 8J0 Norto 12lh street. Interment private, fSTOIIKY. On January 8. 101(1. ANNA E, I 0B 'mm her lata reil dence SdlS North Hone st. Henulem ilua at Church pf Visitation. 10 a. ni. Interment at Holy Sopulchro Cemetery, riTHK'ICH. On Januarv 3, I0H1. RICIIAIHJ OAHHISON BTHCTCH. JI. P.. aged, 74 eara. Relatives and friend. ar InvlteJ to attend the funeral services, at the Oetcse mane Ilaptlst Church, istli st, and Columbia ave.. on Friday, at 2 P, m, precisely. Inter ment private. hTUTZ. On lanuary 4, 1010, CHARLOTTE, widow of Henry Htuta. Sr. (nee Faber). aged, 84 years. Relatives and friend., also Ladles' Aid of Corinthian AY. Preabylerran Church. are Invlietl to nttend Ihe funeral, on Satur day, at 2 p. m.. from her aon. residence. 2atft tllrard ave. Interment at Hood's Cem etery. Germantown. TOMI.I.VSON. On January 4. 1010. JASON TOMLINKON. aged S3 years. Funeral and Interment private, from late residence. Som erton, Philadelphia, Friday, January 7. TL'RNKIt On January 4. 1010, ANN TUR attend the funeral aervlcsa. on Friday, at 1 p. m. at the rdnre her daughter, Mrs. Ann Davis. .120 West Indiana ave. la tetment at tlreenvvood (K. of P.) Cemeterr. Remain, may be viewed on Thursday from 7 to 0 p. m. YANSANT. On January 4. J0I0, JANE C widow of H. Cheston Vansant. Services, at 2 p. m.. on Friday. January I. ot the real dence of Florence J, Hupps, corner I'elham and Creahctrp road, uermantown. Internum private. VINCENT. Suddenly, on January 4 1!" MAIMS a. wife of Albert K, Vincent. ReU tltea and friend, are Invited to attend tne funeral, on I rlday. at 8:.lo a. m.. from her late residence. 1121 South 10th it. Bolenul Requiem Mas. at St. Charles Horronieol Church. 20th and Christian sis., at 10 a. nv Interment ut Holy Cross Ceairtery. Aut -$ service. a VAI.TUN.on January 5, 1910. 80PHIO 8.. wlfa of Frank H. 'Waiton. at the real dence of her daughter, Mrs, A. W. Hurst. 2111 S. 40th at. Service, and interment pri vate. tVEtil.EIN. On January 4. 1910, WILLIAM, husband of Florence Wegleln, aged 40 tears. Relatives and friends, also Mount iliriaa Lodge. No. 13.1. K. and A. Ma PhlladelvsU Jobbing confectioner.' Association Mantua Council. I. o. of A., and employee of Wei lein Brothers, are lnvlfp.l ,., Mtf.n.t th fu- nerul .arv Ices, on Saturday, at . lata residence. .'.114 Olrard av private, at Westminster Cms p. ro., at Bif Interment nel.ry Frleoas may view remains Friday, from 7 to l P f. WILLIAMS. On Januarv B. IU10, at Phila delphia. IH'TH A WILLIAMS (nee 11r- rant), widow of Frederick H U'Tltfflm. ased 71 years, of Wlldwood, N J Helatlves and 3 services, on Flldav. at A ,1 n, nt th. real. t(,,iw h iu. iw ia.aiienu ia iua( denta of .-her BrauddaugbterT Mr.. Forfeit B. 9 il in., ai iqo re?'1 iter: Mr.. Fo i'hlludellihla uon. io auouou it , i-nnadclphla loter meul at lUptlat Cvmettry Cap. May Court house. yU M a. tn. train. l4dlu Rail way (Cheatnvt at. fyrrj) "" ,,,i,n. vu January , luin, .0111. T . si WILSON, wife A. 'Albin J WW I ReUllve. and friend, are Invited to. atua4 , tuiierai service., on jlalurday sflernoon at t m o'clock., at UU realdwic. Elm Vvo.. Llodaa- Jf tery Trelo loavea Market ft ferry 1- .WOOn-Oa Flrat Moath 4jh. IP10. MABt . ;.-.-- ? it., tJtwBWwii, i- I l atjVStltl iWf 4VttIS.