jSIKW n . . . , . t ' , I THURSDAY January 6, 1916 IJZxtminn flitbixtt f iff -' j a BT.n p! . !? jff i& :. ; ii '' If ,- I t-.V 15ft ii 3 -3fiVa ip- tm iij- i kS-.- i'l ' gaa. H- -'- Mjt: J THE WORLD'S KALEIDOSCOPE OF EVER-CHANGING EVENTS AS RECORDED BY THE CAMERA l,ff4 , , ,i inn,, W,L m im li , ', , ,'.' ..' " JMtttomtfc-m-rtiTnnf " ' '""V '' gWHWmaJil h$il - ?-. iJ.2Ji',.''' y4!.,;,B- 'H'B -"'-1 Walter Leo Roscnbcrgcr, of ;' A ' H fclM--,'1'. " ' 3r I ' r U.,??57T'.:T , " ' .....-. 429 Arch street, nbovo, shows I -' vm4Sk iB I Mayor Smith, shown below. BNt- e StfkiHH ' LITTLE CONVALESCENTS IN HOSPITAL TAKE EXERCISE IN SHBL9H This runway in Jefferson Hospital is for youngsters who are not well enough to '(' " & - t - . - , . . - -, T walk. The floor is of soft mattresses. The nurses aro Miss L. K. Stager, in charge .r - . . ' '..' . ? of the ward, and Miss Mnry Grcbey. Left to right the hildrcn are Isabel Collins, ''"i4 A rf "'."' " ' F'ward Leiscr, Agnes Volfe, Marvin Rcmpfer, Harry t.-y, Sara Brown, Winflclci ,. ..W&x' fetSs! 4';,s t& ' ' '' " ; ' ' - ;',..-. , - ' . , Gcmberling and Albert Weiss. 1$$&-r - '. : pi "' jv . $,, ' ' - '' '. '''-, ' r V - Left to right are Evert Noble, J. P. JFS f rJlBBBBBJiJiliiBFH. f Photo by Harper r. Smith. Cramn Charles' Melcher John M. Jot 3&' O" ' A ' P. IHSfliMSilBBk ,' "COUNTESS" VON CLAUSSEN AND HER MYSTERIOUS HUSBAND son and Carl Funk, who recently took iJiSr ,& 'K V'BISi , The present "Mr. and Mrs. Dona" continue to enjoy themselves at Atlantic City, an educational trip through the coal and if? 4ts &Mt! V BmWIHBHm despite the claims of Sunbury, Pa., that the husband of the heiress is really Frank iron regions under the guidance of Mr. M' $f v; bL. jHt . 'iHHbHB ' "beSIqIBhbbl 't'I'1- tEBBfliBs j ' BP Jfi it j JabbBBwhImb wPJ TiBm bbbp AbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsIPbbI BBWBBB85JtBBBBB '' MfMMMKJHt t .ElflBIIBBflBBBHb'yBHiHflKtBrBlHBBHOBSEflflBIIIll flH BBBBIIIIIIIBBIIIIIIIIBIIlHBfll BBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBB&f HBBK&fiflHBBBSBBBHBBK Xi-" BnBflBlBBBBBlBB& JbBHHbwBBBBB f nKSBfllBBBlBBlBBlBBVf WSBBSBBBBBBbI BBBBBll BBBBBBBBBBBBfllBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfiSflBHBBBl BBVVJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJhBBPJb BBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBEftdt.4 bBBvBBBBB1BBHBBBBHBBBVv 3BBV4. V&flBnBaaiESBBBflBBBBBBBSSBSBBBBBBBBBBBl IBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH!BBBBBBBBi k'"-;"7r BBBBBIflflHL '-L ' BlllllflBIIBlflflBBKlflHflBIBBIIIIIK f - r'BBBBBBBBBFJ-" 'JBBBBBBIBbBBBBBBBBBBISLJJBBBBBB BBIIIll OBBIIIIIIIIIBBlBSlBflBBBHlflBlllllS BBIBIIlW bJBBBBSBBBHBkBBBIBBBIIIIIIIBBIIIIIIIbW 1 JBBIIIIIIIIIIllBBIIBBIIIIIIBBIIIIIIHBflBIBBBBBIIIaBBBIIIIIIIIIIIIIlS W BBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBhS BF ljB lSbBIBIBIIBBiIBF 5" k S BBllfllBlllllllllllllllllllllKSlBBBBESfsBVKHBBBIIIIIIIIIIB ftflllllllllllll r BBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBKSBBBHBBflBBBBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll "BBHMhBJWBB jJBPBBfflJIBBWlfcfc yti- 'BiBiBiBMMl -XlBBBrrrlf T MbBbBibBBBBBbT BrTO'lBBBBBBBBBi .BBBBBBBbBbbV Bb(BBBBBBBBbbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBBP tBSBBtl ft Hr HPiMBBBBBBBBIt f fcfi fjWjf tJfl B ' OTbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBBBBBBBBBbI MMBBI MM BMMMaflMflnflHaflnittBBBflMaBBMflflBaflaflBHflfl flBBBBBBBBBBaillflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr AUr fK MEKr TK. HB Hj jJtT HU jfVBBiilllllliilillllllllliA FIRST FACTORY CONTINUATION SCHOOL ESTABLISHED IN STATE Tb first d3MS under the new Coxe child labor law are in operation in the plant of T. A. Willson & Co., at Reading. The picture shows MnrwiMUNC reptMentativw and School Board members paving the school a visit. Manufacturers who employ children under 16 must ,t . . . . . l- . , . I'JS .' ivt BIS Bl. ilWU)( Wl. HI MtVWMt avei . ' '-- NOVEL ADVERTISING DEVICE IN CHARITY ORGANIZATION'S EXHIBIT The Society for Organizing Charity has opeaed a show ia tb.3 Widener Building Z u TOnoo n painting the public witf its work. 11! 0af T M-