Mpeanttgfyt t 16 EVENING UEDGBR-PHIEADELPHIA THURSDAY. JANUARY 6, 91 6. A HI1 m m LONG-MISSING DOCTOR TRACED TO MONfREAL .Wife Discovers Husband's Whereabouts ns a Result of . ClUe Supplied by Friend Dr. S. Mllllngton Miller, brother of R Spencer Miller, lawyer nnd clubmtin, of. 311 South 10th street, who hna been miss ing for seven years nnd ngnlnst whom cult has been brought (or divorce, Is now living- In Montreal. Suit against Doctor Miller was brought by his wife, Mrs. Margaret Hlnes Miller, a student of the Cornell ABrtanllurnt School, for unpaid alimony In the Su premo Court of New TorR ycsWrflrty. Doctor Miller, according to the plain tiff, dropped out of sight In IPOS. She traced him through friends to Montreal, In which city, witnesses testified, he was living with nnother woman nnd her baby. The physlcfan, who IS CO" yenrs old, was married twice. IIH first wife was Miss Elizabeth Middle, of' this cliy, who died In 1887. News of the suit nnd the fact that his brother was allvo In Montreal entire ns ft shock to Attorney Miller today. i nave not been in touch with him more than two or three times In the last 20 years," ho said. "My brother has not lived here In that tlmo and I know noth ing of his difficulties." Mr. Milter also sa(d ho knew nothing of his brother's second marriage. Following the death of his first wife In 1887 Miller began an extravagant exist ence, which continued until ho met Mlsi lllncs. They were married In February, 15S9, and mado a world tour for their honeymoon. Tho second Mrs. Miller brought chnrges of cruol and Inhuman treatment ncnlnsl Miller In 1908. Sho convinced the court of tho truth ot the charges and won n separation with alimony of J300 a month. Shortly nfter tho case was decided Miller disappeared. PALACE FOR BIRD GUESTS AT ZOO NEARS COMPLETION Built of White Brick, With Italian Garden Approach The new aviary at tho Philadelphia Zoological Gardens Is now half completed and officials bollcvo that the "feathered" guests may tnko possession of their new quarters In tho early spring. The build ing when completed will bo one of tho ' finest of Its kind In the United States and supplants the presont structure, which Is more than 40 years old. Tho plans of tho Zoological Soclotv also Include tho Improvement of tho park lnko on which tho building fronts. Tho bulM lng Is to bo constructed of whito brick with a largo dome and covering of glass. It Is ICO feet long nnd CO feet high, semi circular nt tho rear, -with two extensions. Tho main ontranco will bo near the wator's edge. Two largo evergreen trees will bo planted at tho entrance, whllo the door will bo surmounted with statuary and finished In Corinthian stylo with Iron mountings. There will bo three entrances. One of tho features of the new nvlary will bo an Italian garden-walk, bordored by trees from which tho birds may be seen through tho glass partitions of tho build Ing. Quartern for two keepers, which will bo fitted up with moc'arn kitchenettes nnd baths, nnd an "Isolation" room, or bird hospital, aro alscylncludcd In the plans. Superintendent' Carson Bald today that open-air flyln; cages are also to bo In stalled similar to those In Rock Creek Park, Washington, D. C, whero cages for both laiiJc and small birds have been pro vided.' The now aviary, ho said, In dls , tlnctly original In design and up-to-date In every detail. POLICE SERGEANT BURIED Memuors of Department Attend Brady Obsequies Representatives from every police sta tion In tho city and from many fraternal organizations attended tho Mineral serv ices for John William Drady, former house sergeant of tho lGth and Locust streets station, which wero held at 8:30 this morning. A Solemn High Requiem Mass was sung in the Church of Our Lady of Mercy. Interment was. In tho New Cathedral Cemetery. Members of the 15th and Locust streets station attended In a body. Among the organizations represented were Marquetta Council, No. M9. Knights of Columbus; 'Court Cohockslnk, No. 141, Foresters of America; tho Cohockslnk Reneflclnl As uociatlon and tho Father Burke Beneficial Association of Pennsylvania, .' Sergeant Brndy died nt his home, IBM 'Olenwood avenue, on January 2 from pneumonia, which followed an attack of grip. Mrs. Brady, who has been 111 for several weeks, was unable to attend the funeral. She insisted, however, on being carried downstairs last night to arrange the flowers on tho casket. HE GOT HER GOAT Al-o.Two Kids Which Negress Says Belong to tho Nanny "Some man's got mah goat," Thus did Agues (Phillips, a negress, of 7913 Madison avenue, begin tho discussion of a legal point which, several policemen declared, "has their goat." "Threo weeks ago ah bought n goat off of Ralph Jackson, 7927 Madison ave nue," she told Sergeant McFarland, at th 63th street and Woodland nvenuo tntion. "Ah. paid him ?3 on account and was to pay Pi monh. But dat goat, which -was a nanny-goat, dona left and went I back home. Dat Ralph Jackson's got mah goat and had It evah since." Not only did Jackson refuse to give her the goal, she said, but also two klda which came Into the -world the- day after the goat returned to lta former home, claiming that the kids wero his, as they i were bomton his property. "It's got my goat," Sergeant McFar- I land said. "It's too deep, for me. Go to City Hall and set a warrant." The woman did this and today they are ! trying to straighten out the tangle at City tHall- DOG LISTENS TO LECTURE ON TltUSTS AT UNIVERSITY Refuses to Leave Classroom When I'rofessor Lewis Speaks Prof. William Draper Lewis raised his voice to emphasize a point on the subject of "Trusts" In the classroom in the Law School of the 1'nlvcrsity of Pennsylvania today, "re-ow-o-ooo," came a wall from below the platform on which ho was standing. Tho professor's attention nnd that of the students were directed to the point. A llttlo yellow cur was wagging hfs tall nnd -whining as thought what the pro fessor had Just said would break his heart. "Hero, doggie," called Mr. Lewis, "come now." He snnpped hli ringers nnd called, without nvall. Then he whistled and coaxed some more, but tho llttlo yellow cur wanted to remain in the class room and refused to budge. The matter caused considerable amuse ment nmong the second-year student, nnd they, too, tried coaxing, but the best they could do was to get within reaching distance, only to have the nnlmnl dart under their legs or scurry to nnother part of the room. Finally, Vinton Fi-eedly. n student, came to the rescue. He procured his llttlo blnck bag, the kind that many Inwjera forget to discard after leaving college, advanced with determination and. by a heroic thrust, managed t settle It squarely over the dog's head. The mvlmnl wns carried from tho room nmld tho cheering of the students, nnd tho class was resumed. "When or how the dog got Into the lec tuto room no one seems to know. BELGIAN WOMAN, A HEROINE, PLEADS FOR RELGIAN HEROES Viscomtcsse do Rnncougne Asks Aid for "l)nck-of-Linc" Families The Vlcomtesse de ttnncougnn thtllled a laige nudience In the Emergency Aid headquarters In Walnut street today with European war stories of daring and hero ism of which most of thoo present thought women Incnpnble. Tho Vlcomtesse took occasion to ex plain her mission to this country nnd describe In dctnll Just what tho situa tion Is In war-torn llelglum. She care fully distinguished between the work of the N'ntlonnl Commission for Relief In Belgium nnd tho vvorli upon which she has embarked here. 1'ho commission's activities nro confined tJ the Invaded patt of Belgium, nnd heretofore little help hns been given the 3),000 people occupying a mere strip of territory along tho sea const near Ostend, which Is still In tho poio.. slon of the Uclginn King and tho Allies. It Is to obtain funds to buy clothing and supplies for these people thai tho Vlcomtesse is here. The Vlcomtesse Is very girlish looking nnd dresses In n sim ple drab uniform, patterned after that of tho -clglan private. She appears far too weak to undergo the hardships of llfo near the battle front, to sny nothing of doing a man's work every day driving a motorcar. Yet such Is tho sort of womnn she Is. Sho dislikes to tnlk nbout her heroic feat of driving a motorcnr Into tho Ypres section when tho battle wns at its height to carry MOO botles of milk to dying babies. She wns actually under lire nnd many shells fell perilously close to her machine. "For my soldiers I come to ask you Phllndelphlans to help the families back of the firing line," said tho Vlcomtesse In her strong appeal for assistance. "lou can relievo the strain on the soldiers in tho trenches by sending supplies to their families. With the Knowledge that their dear ones lire properly cared for they will bear the hardships much better." CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING KATES EVENING LEDGER ThlJ STYLE 1TPE (or llko thlsl Ono tlmo . l.V :w line Threo times one neuk 12(-c per lino ?lx times ono week 10c per Hue Situations Wanted, three times ono neck 10 cents per lino per insertion. Place your order for three or more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rata for Eienino LeP'Icr nnd I'Luric 1.1:111.11 combined la Jti crnm per line, with tho exception of Help Wanted nnd Situation Wanted, which Is 15 cents per line. TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which In permitted In all classifications ex cept Help and Situations W.initd. Lost and Found. Personalis. Hoarding and llooma add FIVE CENTS l'EIt LINE TO ANY Of A1IOVK ItATLB). There is dniB store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. PERSONALS WILL NOT be responsible for nny bills un less comracted by myself, RODKRT KENNEDY. a230 Franltford nve HELP WANTED FEMALE ASST. ROOKKEEPER Must be typewriter. Applv Iff-' I Walnut t CHAMnEIlMAID and waftress. exp". white: reference required: Merlon Pa.. wage $7: no washing. Meet employer Room iu. Pub- bJrfdgcr.TJiujrBday. 1(1 o'clock CHAMOEHWORK and wnltlng. assist with children; exp. white woman; ref. ren. Call 0307 Germantown live, or phone Gtn. sn J CHILDNiniSE. on Main Line, refined Protes tant girl for two children nnd upstairs work. Reply, stating nge. wages expectod and ref- erences.Il 433. Ledger Ofrlce. CHILDNURSB Yimng girl for afternoons, from 12 to (I o'clock, 1W Haltlmore. aye. CLERK wanted for offleo duties; one with knowledge of music preferred, steady employ ment; salary flu weekly; reply In own hand- w ruing, r j. -- COOK and downstairs work Experienced girl: reference required, no washing. liberal wages; mallfamUy 1SLN: 17th st. COOK, white, not over 35 years ot age: assist with downstairs work: family ot three; n washing, b'lri N. 41st st. EXAMINERS, experienced on negtigeu shirts. !;. aneinner o; ouiia. i"iJciiinnaril. QIRLS, over 10 years, for light work In lace curtain mill.. Apply John llromley & Sons. Lehlgh. axJ?lo Front. qiRLS. 18 or over, to work In wallpaper fac tory. Apply at once. Hecker. Smith . Page. Water and Snyder ave. QIRLS. two preferably Qerman; gen. house work and chlldnurse, Pli. Uermantown Silt N- PETEY HELP WANTED FEMALE OOVEn.VES'-!. vlsltlnir. German, for boy ef 7! rcwinK; cny reierence. Apply Jit. leaner Dranch, isth And Master t. 'chj. HOSIKIiy Knitters, toppers, loopersi (rood, steady hands over In yir can securo steady work; good pay. Inrners wanted, over 10 J ears; paid while learning. 1320 N. Iiw rence t. . HOt'SKUnEPEP. (working) for Catholic rec tory! experienced, capable Catholic woman! ,one InMmllv It i2-lLedej-J3ince. HOUSEWORK, general, maid, good Inundrers, plain conk: reference: 4 adults; Swnrthmore, Pn. Meet employer, , room 230, rubllo Lcdr, today, at i o'clock. HOUSUWORK - White Protestant! must be food cook, family 2; suburbs. Meet employer Room 210. Public Kedger.JFTIdnyll o'clock. iloUsnWOHK (general) Ett. white girl: good waitress and cleaner. Apply .1410 llnring M nfter fl p. m.Must have reference. , HOPSEWOntC White iminin' fnmllv I Indv. tterinnninwn: neM rer. ren, .Meet employer Hoom 2.10, Public Ledger, Thurs., fl o'clock, HOUSEWORK, general: exper. woman! good rook: Wft Phlla.: rer. Meet employer. Hoom 2..n. Public Ledger. Friday, nt 12 o'clock. HOUSEWORK-Younir Protestant girl for gen eral housework: no w-nphlng; good wnReB. W T Harris, 200 Itnverford nve., Narberth. ilOI'flrjWOUK (genernl)-nirl. steady and re. liable, experienced; good homo: family 4. . Sep Miss need, noom 210, Public ledger. HOUSKWORK. generalf whlto Trofe'tant girl: reference required; must bo good cook. Phone Overhrook 51 If, J. . HOPsnwoniC WMtc girl for general house- work,ndiilt famny of three. 2JS S..4lth st. lfofHRWciiiK, gen. "settled, renn'ed I'rntesf nnt woman i email fnmllv. Ph. Cynwyd 232. ilolfBKWoilK Olrl." famllv of .1 adults. 203 Vp3alFt,L Ocrmnnton. . t inONr.ns wanted on" aoff negligee shlrtaT Miller's, lnth nnd Tteedsts, LAUNHlir Qlhr.S wanted. Miller's, 10th nnd Keed. Mir.LiMins. nxpntunNCED on hand- HAI1B HATS. 11RST PP.ICE8 PAID. AP PI.V .-2 N. 2D ST. M7 riimi' s'lIELPEn Young womnn, assist .tber duties home. Haddon Hts, it 413, Leilger Office. . Nl'HSn, eomp.. Prot , to take entire charge of 2 smn II rhlldren. L flV). ledger Tentrnl. OPIinATOHfl on nil porta of shirts nnd under- nenr. Chns E. Rheanlier : Sons. lOlh nnd Imbard sts. PAPnit roxns-oirls about in vrora of ne to lenrn paper box making; paltl whllo learning. Apply Mrnneiiie. iiiit i lorist. HfSSEItH on soft negligee listh nnd Peed. shlrlt Miller's. or general utility woman: perm, position- SI' per month: reference required. Friends' Hospital, llnxgo, Station T. SAI.FSLAtilKS wanted, experienced In dry gnmls. T,m: Mn rketst. SOFT HAT TltlMMEPS Experienced trlm morn on men's soft hats wnnted Immedi ate Applv Pnymnster'n Office, .Tohn H, Stetson Company, nt 1 nnd Montgomery nc. STENOGRAPHER In law office: experienced preferred. Klvo nuallllcntlons nnd salary ex- poeteil. It M,Ledrer Central. STIlNOffUAPHER telephone opera'tor, exp., rnrn flnanclil Institution. P Slo. Led. Office. STFNonitAT'HEtl. miirt be compt , exp.: per mnnent pos. Call Tuh AVorks. Oik Ijine, TVI'EWntTrilt compt.. wanted on Hemrton. ncrus'd to tnbulillng work: non others need npplv state enlnrv desired. H r.2. Led, Cent. WAITRESS Wanted, a first-class waitress: must hivo prlvnto rltv refeence; wages 57 per week. Call at IPOS Pe Lanccy place. WAITRESS, experienced." obliging: one "un ilerstnndlng carving, salads, etc.: Main Line. Meet emplover Room 230, Public Ledger, Thursday, It o'clock WANTED IlrlRht. young women, between 17 nnd 22 eirs old to lako un telephone work. No nxpcrlrnco ncccssnrv. Sal.irv paid while learning. IMcipnnt work, pennnnent posi tion. Apply In person, n n. m. to ft p. m. IIL'LL T- KPIIONn COM PANT ICO MARKET STREET WANTED Itespeetlble white girl for gencrAt housework: wnnll family. Phone Linsdowne '-11 ir wrllo D 1110. Iilger Office. THL'JCfl LADV wnntcd In n llbrnrj' who desires to learn lltunrv work so ns to tnko a posi tion; will hao to serve a months without salary, after the 0 months' learning period he will b put on tho regular staff of as sistants A 1MI1'. I-Oilgrr Office. NEW YEAR CHANGES NOW IS THE TIME for young ladles seek lng euuiiuetelal tosltlons to consult Miss Dean nt Lodger Central Proad nnd Chest nut sts A sretlal service Is rendered to STENOGRAPHERS HOOKKFEPF.RH AND CLERKS through the Cotnmerrtil Depart ment to LEDGER ADVERTISERS, nnd n great number of ladlca have been bene fited by this service. i General LADY OP PLEASING PERSONALITY, ma Hire, not wholly dependent, wholo or port time, to manage an exclusive business: posi tion worth SIS to $.'in per week to right party, give phono L fill. Lodger Central. 1M1ILA, Women Govt, rlerlts exams, comlnx "0 mo., simple ones, free: write Immed'telT Franklin Inst.. Dept. 71.1 If Rochester. N T HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT wanted temporarily for C. P. A. office, please state experience, ago. salary and phone number II 1.10 Ledger Central. ADVERTISING SOLICITOR (classified): must he thoroughly exp. and a hustler: good salary and liberal commission, state exp. Address J J..Melg. Jlevlen. Atlnntlc City. N. J. ASSISTANT to manager of employment bii reau: large organization; 23 to 2S years of ns . collego man, nblllty to use typewriter tlesfrablo, nominal salary to begin; state 1 hurch connection, education, experience dKlvn refiGnce L S17. ledger Centrnl. 11O0KKLTEPER acquainted with plumbing sup plies and with use of typewriter, ststn age, references nnd salary expected. Address D dill. Ledger Office. HOV WANTED TO CLOTH II US I NESS, LEARN WHOLESALE L 7W, LEDO EH CENT. noy. III, for builder's office: apply In own haiidnrltlng, lefB L SK. Ledger Central. POVS wanted, 1U or over, to work In wall paper factory. Apply nt oncB. Decker, Smith .1 Page. Water and Snyder ave. ROYS, not under 111. messenger" and office duties Address Lock Ilox 1537, Phllndel- phla Postofflce Iioys. over 111 years of nge. Lincoln Furniture Co.. luth and Lehigh ave. HUTLER and houseman, white, for country home at Chestnut Hill: must havo good ref erenco and experience. Telephone Lombard H7 or nrltoU017 Ledger Office. DRAUOllTSMAf and f sffmator to do struc tural detailing and tnko oR quantities in builder's office; state experience and salary. L 817. Ledger Central. MAN Wanted, experienced man ln"tn manu facture of hard and soft soap, excellent op portunity for bright man: chemical knowl edge preferred; state ozperlence. I nil Ledger Office. MAN who "can qualify and" succeed as sales man will have nn opportunity for advance ment to position of responsibility with a well-known Catholic house. Room 314. 02a Chestnut MILLWRIGHTS 15l wanted; rate 63 cents per hour: -hour day. Du Pont Powder Company. PrUn. New Jersey. ORDERLIES. exDerienced. unnil Jefferson Hospital, llith and Sanson'i. Apply PORK llUTCHBHS - FOUR OOOD MEN WANTED. 3-145 QERMANTOWN AVE. PRESSEPS. experienced. Miller's. lUth and Heed soft shirts. SALESMAN, experienced In sale of plumbing mures; state age. experience and salary, L S5H. Ledger Central. SAW SMITHERS (metal) wanted, highest wages paid: no labor trouble. M 402, ledger Office. You Should Be Nice to the help Wanted male SHKET METAL WORKERS, IS wanted: rate 4S cents per hour. 8-hour day. Du font lewder company, Parlln, New Jersey SOLICITORS, experienced, wanted Immediate!? in .Dig suoscription campaign: Direct irnim nnd letters of Introduction: liberal commis sion. Applr .In Tyerson. from fl to J o'clock. to D. n. CTLoughlln. Franklin Dank Itnlld In;, Cheatnut below Proud, first floor, right , Jldo.of entrance. stenographer, first elaii. young man. wanten: some. lerlcnl exDerlenrn preferred. . jj : , ... .".i: '! . - ... - t.pEJkbrr: . rtuorcFB, in wn twnqwrmng. u j STKNOOP.APltF,n nnd office nest ; irnn with ome exp. wanted; etnte ago, mar. or single, religion, exp. and aalary. If HO. Led. Cent,. 8Tr.N'CKinAPHnn Age 20 or over: Protej tant: ailar' $10. 122 8. 10th. Thurs,, l.to8. TOoLMAK'nns Wnnted, flret-class ioolmak era on aubpress work, punches nnd dies nnd general tools and jig fixtures; flrt-flas shop: steady work and good wages. Address "Toolmakere." Postofflce Ilox ilWO. Ttjnnirr lathe hands. Automatic miehlno operators. Hand-screw machine men. Flrat-clas tnolmaJers. Apply 2tts Frankford ave., between 8 a. m, . and 0 p. m. . TWISTtins on ellk and cotton goods: good jny. v..iu .n a. ,in g-i. . WANTED Toung man to represent music roll company: one understanding music and experienced In selling; give referenco and state salary or commission expected. A J. Ledger Office. WANTED Merchant tailoring salesman, Horn, .the Tailor. 011 7th at.,. Washington. 1. C WANTED 100 laborers; .10 cents per hour. M'P'r n oqmn narvew. WINDOW CLEANEHS. 10 noom 00. lloursc Dulldlng. wanted. Apply WOODWOIIKEHS, 1st class, automobile, want ed App. Ja. Doyd & Pro., 23th & Wharton. TOUNO MAN. under 20. ns assistant time keeper In largo brass foundry; not an office lob but on tho foundry floor from 7 n. m, tn r,30 P. m.t to Manual Training student or nno hiving foundry experience ft good chanco for advancement Is offered; address In own handwriting, giving nge. experience nnd ref erences; do not call unless sent for. Tho AJax Metal Company, 40 Illchmond si. YOtiyo MAN for office: ono with knowledge of music preferred; salary 18 per week: chanco fr; advancement, Reply In own hand writing. V. o. Ilox 3422. YOUNO MAN with high school educntlnn for financial Institution, A 10, Ledger Office, . Oenernl Ptl N. PROAD ST. The Oldest Original AUTOMOnlMl 8C1IOOL Teaches you how to repair nnd how to drive autos, F. l'ETSC0l y.IHK)AD ST "tlOmNEKB .SERVICE COMPANY," Pookkecpers and clerks, $10 to JIB, Soeral positions open. 1.101 LAND TITLE Pf.DO. AGENTS AOBNTS Ton rah mnkn J.1 n day selling the new nmrln wrench: It reaches prnetlcally Inaccessible places on an nulo or nnv ma chine; send l for sample: sells at tl.AO. THOMAS C. Kennett Kouare, Ta, SITTJATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER, 4 yrs.1 experience: thorough. Iv rnpahlo nnd nccur. O .147, IdgerCent. 1100KKEEPER nnd cletk, nhout 1H sears' . ciper.; neat, nccurnto. o 0.""5, Ledger Cent. UOOKKEEl'nit-Typlt7"Pclrce Sehool trnln.": 2 years' cxper.; c.ipable, o ftll,ticlger Cent. CHAMflERMAIP nnd " waitress, experienced colored girl. II 422,Ledgcr Office. CHILDNl'RSE. assist rhamberwork: young; ?t,-Jr1f?'Lf,lilI 42ilLnlger Office. CLERK Capable, nent. exper. young lady desires permanent position. It 57, Led. Cent. CLERK, typist. nFist. bkpr., nent. reliable thoroughly exp., Jedger Central. CL.ERK, H yrs.' exiterleneiT in general detail clerleiil work. O .Hil.Idger Central. COMPANION tn elderly lady Educated, re- nniMi; .i years rei. iu-iio, lfi. un. COMPANION Lndy, rntelilgent. des pos". as romp.inlon to elderly lady. H Hi, Ivod. Cent. COOK Oood cook desires position: best refer ences from present employer. Mrs. Richard jH. Hunter. 2.1.', S. 1.1th at. COOK, good, German, seeks position In flno house: mlnry JI0-$12, Apply 2C04 North Front st. COOK, mldille-nge-1 woman, clean nnd relia ble, with refercncei. D f!34. Ledger Office. COOK Experienced, capable womnn: cltv or suhurbs; refereneo. H 427. ledger Ofllee. COOKINO .Tnmalean colored; capablo young woman: suburbs pref. ; ref. II 41fi. Led. Off. CORRESPONDENT or department supervisor; Id ears' exper. in detail clerical nnd con fidential vvnrk: best refs. O 444, l,ed. Cent. DRESSMAKER wanls mg'm'ts; J2.0 ilallv; ref. SlOO, Iodger llmnch, COth anil Oh-ard FORELADY. tlior. exp. In the mfg. o"f neck ties; capable handler of help nnd distributor of work. II 141, Ledger rentnl. OOVERNICSS-COMPANION Parlslenne destrea l : languagep. music; refs. (1 HI7. Led. On HOUSEKEEPER (working), gentleman's" homo or elderly couple: full charge: whero some help Is kept; ref. 100 N. Ruby. Helm. 20M L. HQUSEKlfEPER-Reflned young Englishwom an wants position In gentleman's residence, exp. nnd lst-class refs. II 154, Led. Cent. HOUSEKEEPER (manng.) Exp , capable wo tnnirtnko full charge: best ref. H 41V L.O ' HOUSEWORK, general Colored woman wants place: reference. 1121 s. 12th. LANGUAOES. English branches: conversation, cimchlng. backward pupils. Mademoiselle, Room fj'l t. Welphtmnn Dulldlng. LAUNURESS Ilr dav or hamper wash to take home. ,S3 Stl.t st. NURSERY GOVERNESS or" mother's helper: can teach music and painting- god needle woman; while. Protestant. H 129, 1eilger Off. SEAMSTRESS. German, good, wishes work by day. 212,1 Christian st. SECHETATty-STENOORAPlIEH."wlth knowl edge of bookkeeping; thoroughly experienced in secretarial work moderate Bnlary. with advancement. G 057, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper and cleric;" ca pable voung lady, S years' experience; excep tionally well qualified for confidential or sec retarlal position. O 45.1. Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER, experienced, neat, accu rate. rel.. wishes perm, pos. H 51. Led. Cent. STENOaRAPHBR-Secretary Pelrco School graduate. months' exp. O OSS. Led, Cent. sfENOORATIIBR. "knowledge nf hookkeep'g: exp.: nent. rename; pest reis. ii 4lent. STENOGRAPHER, exp.. competent, accurate! aesi-si KM,. inuu, smory. 11 to,,. j,ea.ient. SUPERlK"' INDENT ornsslts.ini In Institu tion's 1 ' ref, last pos. H41S. Off . TRAIN--1 NUnSE Rrlght young woman. bomI writer, would like position hb secretary and nsslstunt In physician or dentist; reference. fA1 Haverford ave. WOMAN of culture desires engagements to read or entertain invalids or elderly people: reference-. II 141. Ledger Central WOMAN, colored, wants cooking place or nlght work, reference, 021 St 12th. YOUNG LADY, aged SoT'hlgbely educated, wishes business position where advancement can thi made, held last position 4 veara: lust resigned of own free will, also S years' ex perience In educational work: desirable posi tion preferred, rather than high salary. A 3. Ledjter Office. " ' YOUNO MARRIED COUPLE desires place with aged couple where services may he ex changed for part board; loung lady acting as nurse and caretaker: young man employed: Hermamown or Logan residence preferred. 11 54. Ledger Centrnl. YOUNO LADY Competent stenographer and secretary, capable handling correspondence nnd details: S 1 ears' experience, salary J18; pes. r-cpt-gMig - .-,.. .u.i .enirai YOUNO LADY, refined, exper.. capable, deslrea position In clerical work. HJ1ed;Cent. MISS DEAN at Ledeer Central has listed the qualifications of young ladles experienced In ell kinds ot office detail work, and has had special training In selecting the "right per son for the right position." Acquaint her with your needs either by personal rail or telephone Walnut or Main 3000-and per soual attention will be (Ireii i promptly. This Is a free service to LEDGER ADVEH TISERS. PRACTICAL NURSE, Protestant, car of In valld or one child: best ret. II 428. Led. Off. LADY WANTS to exchante French for Qer man or Italian. 17i S. ilrond st. Girls, Petey, After Those BITTTATIONS WANTED MAM! ACCOt'KTANT-Keoka audited, J.1 per mo. and ; np: nnnuai atatements roaae. a -, kkisbii. At AvniTEn. illuatrator. commercial Photo. & gqiea.; nni; emcient ngsiai. it m-, jv". " AORNT or salesman Wanted, permanent alt" a lion with good company or firm ni ngent or salesman: thorough nnd sounl milnei expe rience, educated, efficient nnd accustomed to meeting best people: nt present cmploied. but des re to make elinngo. dun solely to present limited pnaslhlHHes. D I12S, l.ed. Off. At'DITIXn. big nnd little, dono by reeponslbls man, Imnded In 15000. JI212, LdgerOfflce. BOOKKEEPER-accountant, university grad.: pub. accounting credit nnd collection cxper.; now hive charge of bookkpg. and credit dept.; desires pos. with manufacturing concern;. sal nry t.t3; age, go. ( fi,-7, Ledger Central. . UOOKKEEPEn. thoroughly experienced, will audit accounts, open, close nnd write up books, rlny or evening; moderate terms. . 62S. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER nnd accountant, 9.1; IS years' experlence: references. It 142, Lodger Cent. UOOKKEEPPn. 4 years' exper., desires ro. wlth reliable concern. O 1)45, LcdgerCent. BOOKKEEPER. 23 years old. 3 years' exp : ..references. A B. Ledger Otnce. BUTLER or valet-nesectftble. tall Enqllsh- mn wants position In gentleman's service: . exp. and good r e f . 1 1 163. I.etgerCentrn I. . CirAUFFEtm, white. 25, with private fnmllv; high-prlecd ear: good habtls. strictly sober: two good references. G ft.-Vt. ledger Centrnl. CHEMtRT. experienced, desfres post" In works: .good refs, ; graduate, n 018. Txdger Office. CLEPK, also typist, experienced, wants posi tion with chanco for advancement, rt R13. .Ledger Central. COACHMAN Oardener or houseman: exp. nnd ref. ; Protestnnt. 423 Lincaster ave. ntTV,i, -- l.l'Klflt IIIIIIIIUKIILV ,l'.i writer, desires position; hi clean ana cniprrui anest i'i 'hlladelphla reicrenres. Call lielmont 7117 R. HOt;aEMAN Can eook: experienced Jamaican goqareierence. Longer tjiice. MAN "AND "WIFE." colored, want positions: mnn ns houseman or porter: thoroughly un derstands horses nnd lawn: womnn, good cook; best refs. will go sepnrntc. Phono iJicsinBoni Mil MAN AND WlFn-vVing colored couple wlh positions In prlintn inmliy: sltlons In prlintn inmliy; wife, good cook; st refs.: ellv or country. 1240 Fouth 18th nest rers. st, Fhone Dickinson nr17 Jv. MAN, good, reliable," wants a clerical posi tion: best reference: moderate salary. Quick nt figures. 0.22. Lodger OfOcO; MAN ninl ulfp. whlfn evn.j Itittler. housem'n: wife, pood eook: tefs. O dm. Ledger Cent. MAN AND WIKE-Cook nnd handy man. Prots.. w It h Infant, II lyerlgfr Office, MAN, good mechanical ability, wants work In evenings, H M. Ledger Cenlrnl. SALESMAN Toung mnn, 2. enre. n wears' selling exp.. wIsIich to connect with flrBt-class house to sell Its line on n commission basis. II 140, Ledger Centrnl. SALESMAN Young mnn. r, years lnldo sell 'ing exp. (ladles' nnd gents' furnishings), de slrea position with rcputnblo concern. II CO. 1-ertger Centrnl. . HALDSMAN Voung mnn. exp.. Inside or out- jslilr.: best refs H 140. Ledger Centrnl, TRAFFIC fAAOER Ten yenrs' "cxperlenco railroad traffic dept.; rales tariffs, claims, transportation., solicitation, O 012. Led. Cent, TRAVELER, experienced, having best of con nections In Cnnndn between Winnipeg nnd Halifax, Is open to represent any m.iinihic luror'n speolaltv: thorough knowledge of French nnd English; best references. M 405, Ledger Office. WANTED llv ung man. 2d years, with ex ecutive nblllty and wide business experience, having knnwleilgo of stenogrnphy. tvpewrltlng and hnoKkcepIng; secretarial nppolntment prc fcrred, Al reference, t. mn. Ledger Cent VOPNCl MAN desires position, nge ni years: 1.1 jear.i' nctunl business cxperlento In manu facturing buslncs: 11 years of time ns man ager: capnblo of selling own production bv correspondent nnd solicitation: accurate In nil detail work nnd costs, help handled Isfnctnrllv. mnthematlcH excellent: am nm bltlnus nnd a bard worker, salary aecondary to opportunity. ii w.iu, i-etiger fentrni. YOUNG MAN, with established paying chem ical business, wishes tn Increasa Income bv taktni; on other line In connection with It, or represent some good company; calls on pur chasing agents, power plants, engineers, etc : nulnmoblle iclltles.0 3.11, ledger Centrnl. YOUNG LAWYER. .".() jrs.'of nBe7deslres posi tion as a credit man or other capacity where legil knowledge Is necessary. G ,MI0, Iilger rentnil, YOFNO MAN. nt present engaged In electrical Engineering work, desires managerial position with infg, or engineering concern or In sales department. O 751. Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN. good education. familiar with steel products, now employed, wishes to con nect with reputablo steel concern In selling rnimrltv. O 7."-'. Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN. 18. desires position stock brok er's nfflco; Inexperienced; snlary secondary tp opportunity. (I 840. Ledger Centrnl. YOUNG MAN. 21 jenrs. high hchool education, desires a position with vvholesnle house or manufacturing establishment. U7n5 Led.Cen. YOUNG MAN. exp. office man. desires em ployment with manufacturer or vvholesalo Jous: refs. Hr. Ledger, 11U W.Grardnve. YOUNG .MAN. thoroughly experienced lii buy" Ing nnd selling ot lioufefurnlshlngs. excluslvo of furniture, wlshesposltlon. Coal Walnut st. YOPNO MAN. 20. "bnnklng or brokerage office: experienced: wants opimrtunlty tn advance: beet references. II 4.1, ledger Centrnl. YOUNG MAN. wltlfnutural mechanical ability, wishes chance to develop same. 11 145. Led ger Central. . YOUNO MAN wishes position as shipping clerk : shirt house preferred. D f!33. Led. Off" GENTLEMAN." w Ith'mechanlcal nnd Inventive nblllty. would like to connect himself with an established business having use for such n person In that capacity. G 5.13. Ledger Cent. (JOLLEOEgrad, will tutof. do" bookkeeping; reading or writing evenings. O Oil. Led, Cent. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. KANE. 511 S. Itith st. wishes situations for tlrst-elns'j English looks Irish cooks. English butlers, wlilto roubles first-class chambermaids, tralnod wnltrfss 8 years' ref irenco from lust place, Protestant child nurses, girls for chnmberw'ork nnd waiting. no ojijectlon t country. Spruce .1401 MRS. nOGEHS. 313 H. 20th. requires at once :: experienced kitchen maids, several $a and $7 waitresses, parlor maids, waitress for npoitmrnt. sleoo out: sewing in.ild and assist grown children, Protestant nurses, young t ooks WANTED-Waitresses for hotels, housework Blrlf. cooks, girls for institution work: woman with baby wants position; girl, 10, In Catholic family In suburbs. Wanted Women for Institution and laundry. Miss Rose Dougherty. 131.1 W. Glrnrd ave. MISS MARY T. MnCAUTHY, 2107 ChTfsTIan iljc. 13iv1), supplies fc wants lst-class Prot., Cath. male nnd female help, all nationalities. WANTED, nt EpTsconal Orflce"."3l2"8ri2th""st" cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, nurses. MADAME ASHE. ISM Christian st -Pellabla help supplied and wanted, all nationalities. AUTOMOBILES For fa'ule WE HAVE Si) OF THE FINEST SMALL AUTOMOBILES that can be teen In Philadelphia. Each car overhauled, painted nnd sold with a rcabonable guarantee. Racked bv a lesponBlble concern, u will pay y0 to investigate. Good prices allowed on M "lAlNE LINE SERVICE CO. ROSEMONT. PA. HRYN MAWH K37--iS-&10 CADILLAC. 1015. eight: condition like new; completely equipped: Immediate delivery1 price slux). ' LOCOMOIlOiB. Sill Market st. locust 450. 11. A. J ENKS. Manager lxcliange CarDe COLE. 1015. DEMONSTRATORS MLIOHTLY USED. FOR HALE B.'HOWERS CO.. 245-47 N. HROADgTV FRANKLIN cars, ell models, overhauled and guaranteed. F. L. Paxson. 3430 Chestnut sr. HUPMOHILEL 1011-!32 touring, electric lights nnd staner: birgain. S .8. IlODOERS. 301 N. Broad si. Sprkce 6110. ' .' Compliments! By C. A. VOIGHT AUTOKOBILES For Sal TOU WILL MAKE MONET IP T01T BUT A UBED CAR NOW, A heavy stock of cars taken In part ptyment en typo 83 Cadlllao "Elghta has compelled us to take radical netlon. We need room nntt nro anxious to dls poss ot this stock, and prices have been made accordingly prices that will war rant your buying n enr right now. at a tlmo when you lll find a plentiful nrlety from which to maka o selection. Most of these cars have been over hauled nnd repainted. We extend a cordial Invitation lo t last visit our showrooms and person ally Inspect our stock of used cars. AUTOMOBILE BALES CORPORATION 142 NORTH BROAD STREET CADILLAC DISTRIBUTOR SIMPLEX 11112 rtUNAnOUT. fullv clulPP. electric lights, top and seat .covers, etc. Call 420 ratjEstaleTrustimildLngj STtJDEllAKER. 1014, limousine: caulpped with electric lights nnd "tatter: good condition. JJl'jPv.AnTy" Z5a "' "r"""-1"' Jis!-i- wards, fan we in; ynu nun 1- '-'"."-,-: representntlvea will call by nppolntment, day or evening, . 1, uSl, Lwlger Centrnl G20 NORTH PROAD BTREET Kll Robertsons old original Auto School tonchrn you, how to re pair nnd how In drive nutos. (SI NORTH HttOAD STREET ALL CARS BOUGHT for Parts SCHOHER, !)311-4.'1-4B MARKET ST. "SKNirrblt FREE I1ULLKTIN oon.gQN auto KX(:iLVNoi:'.y N. proad DHAD STOHOE JDH MnNTII CUTAIAIt STORAOE COMFANV 4DIS Aspen nt. Phono lielmont 21 Wanted STOP! LOOK! AND LISTEN! Wo buy old nutos In nny wrecked condition: get our price before von sell them.-Phono or write Southwestern Junk Co.,170.V7 Carpenter. WANTED - ATTTOS FOP. JHNK. OCT OlJIt price first. Ml Diamond st. Phone Tnrk 41(1. ATJTO LIVEHY AND OARAGES TO HIRE (open day nnd nlghO-Prnnd-nsw fi-pasn. touring enr. with robes. tl.!l hour: nlso brand-new 7-pass. limousine. S1.W1 hour: weddings, funerals, etc, Poplnr 1017 W. WANTKDIlent o"r buy "rentraflv locateil garago. with enulpment. H 144. Ledger Cent. AUTO IlEPAIEING 1 SPEEDOMETER TROUIILB 1 7 7 7 ? SEE JIILLY SIS N. PIIOAD ? CYLINDERS ItEROItED. " new plstona and rings furnished, weldings nnd brazing. It. It. Underwood & Co.. 102.', Hamilton st Plllla. AUTO SUPPLIES HEARINGS,., New Departure Service Sta. The Owllllam Co 1314 Arch st. Phones Walnut 3107. nacoT.002. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4MM miles. Comnnre prices. Gnsollnc, 1c. per gallon. ORIM'S. 2.1(1 N. Urond st. FIRESTONE DEMOUNTAHLB rims for Font cars. $1.1 per set. Installed. Duplex Tire Com pany. 222S N. Ilroad st Phono Diamond 1423. HORSES l-nn our 'P th ,,.hl,rl l,nlA. oenlle est IlH'inou. .y. n, w.ij.r w.m HMrr.mrmt uuiml u'lEh tiAilli-rna ? irnnd llltnn. ere. broken to harness: is and II yrars old: vertlslng manager nf exceptionally sueceicj 15 hnnda 3 Inches high- price 1200. J250. n--" business: evening elnsses now formlci. U qulro Sydney IJUIdle. '-(lit I'lne si., i-niin. 'iress i, in", i.rnuer cmrui E'LEING MATERIALS REPAIRS CATIPENTERINO AND JOIIDING Altera tlon of every kind; -work guaranteed: prompt service; 22 years in business; estimates fur nished. Penn Renl Estate and Ilullduig Co., 21.',! N Pith. Roth phones. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANT mnrf tn loin me In buying a strictly cash business that hns been extremely profit able for 25 years. I can largely Increase present net profits through superior buying connections; will furnish highest references for character pnd practical nbllltv; want man with SlO.rsK) cash In hand and willing to give one hour dally tn the financial end of the business. A 4. Ledger Office. PATENT3-APTHUR K, PAIOE. 711 Walnut St.. Phlla.. mechanical nnd electrical engi neer: teglstered patent nttornoy: established hero 30 yenra. inventions developed: patents, trademarks, copyrights secured and liti gated anywhere, rejected applications proec- cuted- preliminary ndvlce free. , AN EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for gentle man to put his son Into salaried position In high-grade business with proper surround ings, Investment of S.vioo to $10,000 neces sary: largo net earnings on investment. L 752, Ledger Central PICTUlfE THEATRE for rerrrr'j75 month, complete; seats 500; modern: no competi tion: bargain: other propositions, llAlt UIST.21N Ilroail. , A PECAN GROVE with "cotton planted be tween the trees Is a good Investment. Have s-ou Investigated? Full information furnished WIHTCOMH. HIGGS CO.. Penna. llldg. GENERAL STORE, doing 445,001) business 3 early: .10 miles from phlla.; stock nnd prop erty, prlco $45,000: retiring from business. Address "Owner." Ilox M 401, Ledger Office. PROFIT-SHARINli certificates guaranteeing til ami possible profit of 3n0, price. tSM each; for lull particulars, address "Owner," Ilox M 103 lA-dger Office, DROP POCKET COAL YARD ' ON P. AND R. FOR HUNT. Sit) MONTHLY. yy i,bv xiuia ttr. QROW1NO ORCHARDS, all ages, for sale. HARRY DARLINGTON 1420 Chestnut st. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO, Patent Attorneys. Washington, D, C. Write for descriptive booklet. PICTUHU theatre, $2500: beautiful, modern: dally mats,: ref. pat. ; crowded nightly; good telling rjasons.L5JH. Lodger Central. 7 HUHTdINO" lots, best residential section In Iamsdnlo; 2 large buildings, all for sjsoo. A.IL TYSON, lmsdalo. Pa. J WANTED Loan of' 115); Koo,li,ecurrty und attractive proposition made to proper party. jM Leifger Centrnl. " ELEOANT' O-AR'AOE SITE ON NORTHEAST HOULEVARD. P42( LEDGER OFFICE. MILLINERY, estab. uptown, tor salo; excel! class trade: 111 health cause. L 850. Led. Cent BUSINESS PERSONALS FULL DRESS SUITS Cutaways, Tuxedos und sack Suits To hire and made to order. NDUPAUER, TUB TAILOR" lO-N, Otb St. .!, Va.lnut20l8. SUPERFLUOUS HAIli removed by electrolysis the only permanent way. Eyebrows arched MISS SMITH, 402 Keith Tneatro RldV. Mtus Hoppe, halrdresslng.tacUl IcuK. form. Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith. BtrsiNESS PERSOltALg CLAIMS of any desert. lviiuiho m flo. law Arch iit1LH A0Efdj k ui,ii. aiiw nnd TurAn .ft- -. : WWMc?i5grM CABPE. OLEANINQ I --- M...u ' ' II--. -" nATjpVV.i.KTAL T affit-: oV"-TtS5L 1 Pell Phon wkst run. A MONA RclOrortifiy-i. west phi-la: mo.,riIJl HOVER, CO., REAL CARPnrTTrTTiSll N. 12th. No tumblers used. Phme l EM WEST PI1ILA. -- o;nh DBES3MAKINQ AND MII,tS-l i?S,.?N'N'?' n.i patternmaklng u,,.i?l iesionino and patternmaklng UnTt"? a iiiPijULnJKlnrket sts. ..-.. .-:.n. ....... .,- cuioai. pfvr ,:" rials. A. RKICHARD. lflriiiKTMti PICTORIAL REVimv PATwSj?- POTTER SCHOOL OF IU:sqiTK?r5 DAILY AND EVENING HFqViSiW 1415 OinARD AVEra3IOjf3i I?Tiln?i' 1 3?01l SAE ton. K A VICTROLA VI AND SIX ln-lwrm. sPJ . , . UDCORDS ,NCIt V A?Wlj5!,n-W'-S?l.COIIdltl4 .... ..E.icKb .u,.it iui 0110 wno Is IrtAVi. : Bi n good mnchlno nt n. reasonable prK?.t cents jvceklv necentcd. Call or ,'iSB complete description nnd largi lffi ' catalogues. " "luKniliB lEPPE'flt UPTOWN RTOTIE3 Corner (1th nnd Thompson nf Philadelphia, Pa. BO CENTS ,,-WEEKLT PUTS A VlCTa??, Cnll or mts for particulars Su HEPPB'B tJPTOWN STORPS f-l Corner Olh nnd Thompson sts.. rwijfS ANTIQUE and modern furniture boutki-C ..SO.Mi: HARE OLD PIECEB , ILMIVEY DAUEH. Ambler, f., -" "'j..uiib, 4 UILLIAHD AND POCKET TAIILE3 LE3- hiwiing alleys, easy payments, W1CK- ALlYD-c6LL'E!jijf5iivco:. lRH .-IIAJjlVL,-V.Vf("ilJl'-lt BILLIARD, ami pocket tables. shurtirtiSf 1 nnil nockpt tnlilnn -hiirrr repalringnnd supplies, Rosntto, 2.1 sT) 1ULL1AHD. pocket. 2d-hand tablssTTtmiS supplies. i.:iaraiieru Aug. to2!2l N. fw lULLIARI). pool, combination, 2d-hnTbB m sold, ren ted, exc h' d ,Keifer. .120 niri .' CASH IlEOISrERS. new. and Ftcond-hwl tnl adders ns low ns Mn. on easy n5 1-t 7. payments; nil rtglstero sold by in fallrl nnleed. Tho National Cash Register Co-SB X DESKS, tiling cnllnets. safes, telephmi boo nnu nmco lurniiuro nnu uxiures er tTerri, scrlptlon; used, hut in lino con.ltW. very chen p: freo delivery a nvnhsre, . HUGHES., 11T1I AND IllTTTONgfm. DESKS, large nssortment; nlo hnusehoffhT 1,IU(U- LTUIIIIH -' ,'H. 1111111 ITT ture Company, oni-MM-nil Callowhill il. FANS fl alternating current celling ftu n II. JL'tv ntitiiii inuiiitr. ,t ,iiiii,t nt. Uin, .ft; OIL RUSINESS. garngo and repnlfrtJiT sale : y 1 1 1 tnkop.irtnor. 1230 Cailavrhav SAFES-Fireproof; closing out si l htlr mi, sites nnd makes- big bargains, 2t s. Frr J35-PLATINU.M IV VALLfEnE. viiihtS r'ure wiuic ninmnnus yniue, $,o. Rletei inn Ofllee. 121 JInrket St. vf JLIl-UIAMOND EAHRINOS. I1LIJETTO5 and perfect, valuo $30. llloilcr's Loan Oth I-" .l.irKCl si. DADDY WALKER buys tnlklng machlnao records : exchnr tzeti all records, Be S3 Ridge, above Columbia ave. $ JH.V-DIAMOND RING, puro white stl r feet: vnltia i$13:. Rleder'a Loan Mnrkot at. . J12-TALKING MACHINE. ALMOST SEI value tii. Rleder'a Ixian Office, 1 Ir ket St. GENT'S ri'll-I.IXr.l) OVERCOATS. Xle-1 up. HIeder's. Loan Office. 128 Market itT HEATING MAKIN-K15LSF.Y HEALTH HEAT 'l MH and cheaper than Btcani or hot wits, m fresh ntr with normal moisture. KAJ KELSI1Y. ii N. isth St., I'nua. INSTRUCTION -'j SPANISH. French nnd Italian; prlvaU W sont given by two rouego men: purtsjn cent through long residence abroad; ipe4 TRANSLATIONS. French. German.. 4M liv tin e,litrnted nnd well-read Isdr: -1 typing. D 11.12. ledger Office I MACHINERY AND TOOISii KlfAFTlNll SAFETY SPLIT COLLAR) I YOCOM hangers and pillow blocks wttl S Ished ball nnd socket hearings are Pit is for nil shafting purposes, SiIAFTINd.- MACHINE invvi-K-it.y vt rot'TP.ri:vr Dynamos motors, boilers, steam al die glnen. pumps, air compressors. ti FRANK TOOMEY. Hie. 127 N. M A inr:vr?N'P ACfiiiiN'TM 1'SE RAFETV APPLIANCES ON MACHBB! CHARLES IIOND COMPANY 53) Await- CRl'SIIER-No. 5 "Gates" gyratory, strtlj camplctf. in a io,i oruer. HEYFERTS, 417 N 3d st ijy A.jltirt. moiors anu utui oitirry uwi,, and rented: armatures repalreil. Mti Markot 3005. Yearalcy to,, 221 .V N. i.i fi ?.n i"-. l.n mi 1 iT.FV newer hares Pcttlnglll riower hammers lon-ib. iksirj powerli!immer Nutrnll 1 ,4H y My. sb I'IPK. second-hand, nil sles PMla, fm Hand Pino Supply Co. 1U03 N 7th, Pt nif MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DIAMOND-POINT PIlONOOttArH -nu lf). tmlDi erst.s- -..lit. - ..!. .. Ifk r.-tf1' Ii iiim uuiiu ia ruin uviu ii,,1"ir wlU bo snM for $1S. i,ivftUe 73c. 'M" uaji or wrua iop tumpivio ucrwuv; 1&THQ iiiuainiieu cuimoKut-s, ULl'PI-'S VI'TOWN' STORES Corner t.tli ami Thompson ts- rhiladelplila. Vju rinlshJd In beautiful quartered e'.3 new M. can bo palJ. 75u iir."a lent tuirimln: in uoou couuibtuii. '. mmplcte list of bargains nnJ Pciy- Corner Olh and Thompson su . 'Philadelphia, 1'a. HANDSOME tfchumacker mahoiony wg piano; guaranteed, rost. JI50 'J-.'wtl from party forced to reawoM fer ref. Todd Mlchener. l(AjS TSSCIIICKERINO UPRIGHT PIAKft31 HOWARD VINCENT 833 N. iP, MUSICAL INSTRUCTIOlf nnd choirmaster. "P",1.! ;b of position. V "-". Lw'! ORGANIST sires change n OLD GOLD ". d.t ,'rr.T?i-,'t ivl y'yinivris VRt i-,n '""'. v." '",--.Y;:.r- i,i i stones, goiu. silver. p""uVoia utifl Phlla. Smelting & Ref. d.. 1!' S-iiM OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, Jpl'VA'.J.y style jewelry, leein ,uai kuJ,,Tft r',,e?.,i"Vfl"8u7 r-WSJ .Est. 1ST S70. OLD GOLD-Cash pald.for old zolj. M antique ciocks; win can. i " 1210. ROOERS. ST S. J7tt St. 1 I2g I3S 1 m$wm,,. i j 'fT- ' r 7ZZZ-ZT II 1 i rr V A TfteCT )( f - NE-S. Uomi-. FEEu yusTTHPCT SorTopThiwc- KAMTHeiPDUT a!w " "vicue r- 1 SE Tol!-,cs MVlnr MmoeppuT3 a utup spirit ) fTZ - js- - V iSSSE .T7k,vJ?, . I jtfkk JL ' v y B XTMAq - ly y . s rs lr oulUeRua -M k I " ------ " - -.. - ' L" -'-- -- W-. 1 i.i..i. ., 11 .j,--"