i " M" EVENING LEDGER "PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1916- - -i . . . .. m w ! Mi' ;k5m k'i .M!;-L Hi KSf-SK-ir- Ill Kf'Ml rt. B&g - - -t . i . .. i FINANCIAL NEWS" SPECULATIVE ELEMENT COMMITTED TO BEAR SIDE AND MARKET WAVERED , Concentrated Selling Noted in Number of War Special ties Liquidation Late in Day Largest Since November 'XI New York Stock Sales Illnh. Low. Close. 10W 0! IO.'l Zi'.i 2HH 80 G 603 i 112 72 20 29 SO TOtf 07J 01 . 112 74H 23, 29 80 fiO COW fiOH 112 2 NEW YOltK. Jan. 6. During Iho greater part of the. day the stock market showed a wavering tendency, -with the speculative element almost wholly committed to the bear side. Both Uptown operators and room traders made frequent efforts to depress prices and force public liquidation. . The noto of warning In the Gary Interview, published this morning, was used as. an Incentive for most of these nttacka, and ns little reslstanco was encountered no iroumo was experienced In establishing' mnny Issues at a lower range. United States Bteelcommon showed moderate strength at tho start, with nn advance of to 87U, but tho demand, which enme almost wholly from overnight accumu lation, was quickly supplied, and In the afternoon the price yielded to a frac tion above 86, The movements In Steel furnished a key to tho trading alt through tho rest of the list, and as United States Steel common declined, more confidence wna shown by tho bear element, and there was current gossip In tho Street that pools have been formed In various stocks, especially war-order Issues, And concentrated selling was evident In many of theso Issues. Crucible Steel, which sold early nt 68, dropped before mltldny to 6BU. and I,ncttawnnna Steel, the high being 86, yielded to 82H. A good pnrt of this selling had for nn Incentive tho antagonistic expressions In Congress yesterday on tho sub marine policy of tho Administration. Selling became larger In tho afternoon session, and several Issues, mostly the specialties, showed sharp losses, notably General Motors, which was down 40 points nt the low. Around 2 o'clock tho market was weak. Repeated drives were small at any stocks in the late trading, and llttto effdrt was mado to resist tho bear attacks. Mexican Petroleum was one of tho weakest issues, soiling down to 1144, against 121 early In tho day ana a high of 120 early In tho week. lialrtwln Locomotive was nlso sub- I Ont Leather Co Jected to concentrated attacks, and sold down to 110. In tho standard Issues the tone waa nervous and unsettled, with American Smelting declining two points and United States Steel common yielding about ono point from Its high prlco of tho morning, selling nt 86. Now York Central yielded about ono point, and Erie followed with about tho same amount of loss. Taken altogether, liquidation was on a larger scalo than at any tlmo since early In November, and tho supply of stocks was moro liberal than on tho recession caused by tho Ancona note about a month ago. Copper Said to Have Sold nt 24 'i Cents Somo of tho leading producers nnd sellers of -copper have established their price quite firmly at 24 cents a pound. Whllo It Is admitted in the trade that somo metal enn bo purchased under that llgure. It Is stated that any largo quantity for what Is considered good delivery at present would command that price. Some smnll tonnage Is available for far-off shipment, It Is stated, and could bo purchased at 23ft cents or 23 cents, but tho amount involved Is bo small as to bo Insignificant, as far as being a prlco factor Is concerned. In tho afternoon there were reports that some business had been dono at 24 4 cents. 6(1 6M o&H m 03 w 11 11 11 5 B3 C3 VM 25W 2M 'IV.i 22)i 221, 41 40 40 fiOX 05H ThH m 3.1 33 Last clone. Alaska Juneau QH Alaska Odd M 24H Ants-Chalmers Mf.. 20W Allls-Chatm Mte Pf. 80M Am Ar Cfiemfcai. ., , , , 70M Am Beet Sugar-- 37)i Am Can , G0 .4m can pr..... ...... .112 Am O A K... ...... .,. 74f Am C A V pf. ..117M lWi 117H 117M Am coal rroducts...,lo8 1iS 150M 1.17 Am C P pf sb r t pd.ll3i 115 ' 114(1 llfi Am cotton Oil f,01 Am Cotton Oil pf..... 99 Am Illdo ft Leather... llf Am Hide & L pt. ..... -,,, Am Ire Securities 25Jf Am I.liKcril. 22U Am Linseed pf 4t Am Loeomotlre 07 Am Malt nf. 31 Am Smelt & Iter ,11W 112 100H 110 Am Rmclt & ltef pf.,.112li 112!f 112 112M Am Fmelters pf A 03J 03 93 ft? Am Steel Foundries.... 00 60K S7JS C8 Am Sugar ncflnlne....lMH 114 112K 114 Am Tell-Tel 127H 127!j 127f 127H Am Tobacco 207 200 200 200 Am Tob pf now 107J 107X 107M 107 -Am nt Smelt C93, 70! fiOH C0K Anaconda Copper S'J.'f U03i K0H 81M Associated Oil 0014 71 08!i CS!i Atch T & S K 107 107! 107 107JI a ten t ft s p pf imiu nm, onw rmvf Atlantic Coast Line... llfi UMi 113U 113H Haldnln Loco 1131 1145 110'j llljf Ualtlmoro ft Onto HAM 0.1 HI). 01H Ualtlmoro ft Ohio pf . . 78 78?S 78 78f llntopllas Mlnln 3i 3,i Mi Hethlohem Steel 4Mi KIT, r,2."i ucthlehcm Steel pf. ...145 145 nrcoklyn Hap Tr 875 Hums Hros 87 Hush Tejmlnat 100 HutteA .superior 744 Hutterlcfc Co 30 Col Petroleum 37Jf Cal I'etioleum pf...... TM Canadian Pacific 181 B3W tncsapeako ft Ohio . . . 05H Chile Copper 24 Chlno Copiwr 54Ji Chicago ft Alton pf. . . 20 uniciiro ot western . . 10M 30W WHEAT FEVERISH THROUGHOUT DAY Clearances From Seaboard Again Heavy j Rising Temper atures Predicted for West Chl Ot West pf Chi .Mil ft St Paul C M A St P pf . . . Chllt I ft Pac 1731 ciuett Tea ft Co Colorado Fuel ft Iron Compullne Tab ricfl. . Consolidated (las Continental Can Corn I'roducts ltef... Corn Products Hcf pf. 03H crucible Steel 07J4 87 85! 100 70 30 3SH 74 181 53H 05 25 551 20 14K 39 145 87! 8.Vi 00 74 30 34 H 87H an 625 145 87 8.V 00 74H 30 07J 170 J 170X 53 oiM 24H 54 20 14H 30 63 G45i( 24j 64J 20 14) 39 1015 101M 100M 1005 135JS 1355 135M 135 18 17W 3H 74 73if 51!4 61JJ 50U 45 45 41 143H 144 143 SJH 81 83 1I)H 10 1UU 04'4 03W CS 051 17! 7.1' 50H 44 143! 83 10 01 00 IS. Champion Copper Declared Larger Dividend The directors of tho Champion Copper Company declared a dividend of Tho previous dividend was $2. declared December 23. CURB SECURITIES GENERALLY WEAK Offerings in Some Specialties Free Midvale Recovered Somewhat After Break I New York Bond Sales Hlch. -FY Li ;h osu Smelt See Gs...llin Tel clt lilti NEW YORK, Jan. 6. In the market for outside, securities today a generally weak tone developed almost at tho outset, with rather free offerings In a number of spe clallltcs, with only small rallies on cover ings. (Midvale Steel, after breaking l?j, re covered a fraction. Marina common en.ied pr? , while tho preferred was virtually neglected. Motor shares wero heavy. In ternational Motors preferred fell more than 3 points; White Motors, 1; Chevrolet, 2; Peerless, 1, and Maxim Munitions, . Inter-Continental Rubber went down ?i, Haskell & Barker Car more than one point, AJax Rubber ; Canadian Car and Foundry was less erratic on a small Vol ume of dealings. Oils were weak in sympathy with tho balance of the list, although trading was of a light character. Coppers shared" in the downward move, Kennecott falling over one point. Bonds wero Irregular. Did. Anient. nrltUh-Amerlcan Totoacco old . Britlah-Amertcan Tobacco new Chevrolet llendee Manufacturing Goldfleld Consolidated International Marine International Marine preferred. Kennecott Copper Lehigh Valley Coal Sales , Maarroa Copper Marconi Midvale NlplinlnK tu Elevator tla Elevator preferred Peerless Penn-Maryiand Ordnance Hiker-liegeman Sterling Gum - Hubmartne Tobacco Products United Profit Sharing new World Film ., White Motora Yukon Oold 14 is, 1.V4 15 HI 12S 1I1-J 27 8(1 82 13 , l.VS 7! "!; nt fi'i id t ill 27 3!)V1 CO 5 Sir 41 41 31 :ui; 8 Jfc SIOOO Amer Act B. . p,,bii AnKIO-l-T juimi Amer AOOI) Amnr 1HKX) Am Tel cvt 4V4a! IX'.tlOT-li. 'w"' rtrmnur wo ta ., in a.'Sl" Atchle. n iren -Is IMV niSSZ AtchjMi cv 4s ltIO..to; 20(X Atehlsun Bs lot 30CO H-ilt & Ohio Ss UTH 1P00O Halt A Ohio 4a!...... pj IHi.vhi Halt & Oh cv 4Uji tw SSOlIO II&Ol'L B & V V 4s N) i(i) Cal Oas it Blec S US 1UJ Cent Ga cons 5s lOUi SSJX! ent I-enther 1st 3a.. 11)1 200O Cent l'nc Sh L 4s fn-M 1000 Comp Tob s Kil ui.i vjiiii ,oppT is j;i. Anj v.nrs unio cv M,o. MXX) Chl & Alton UV.S,... ' i'OOO Chl Ot West 4s 1001) Cent Vt 4 ,wu uni is & Q joint 4s. 87 tl . 45 . 73H . R't . DStt . IKS1 cv r.s. . . .ion. inrhl r r it. u. r, .. .... .n-i.i JSJI at & St 1 cen 4Ha.lntZ IWJOO Chl 11 & Q ci 2000 C M & St P en 4r. . . Close. 1o1'i mil 17S 114 t4 HI7 101 IKHi 2W Tm K!) US lixKi 101 WW, K1V M. hHi 43 7.H4 XI piW 10t. 10 11LIU IUIl Low. 102H 1111 P1W 107U 1I 1)4 107 101 tcHi P2 !5 Ml US KiOli ,101 Kin; KI& W4 87 43 7.1 V, 8.1 0 02; Crucible Steel pf 110 10!)H UMi 10'JU uuD.tn-.vm Sunar 152 lot 1624 151 Deero & Co OfiM 06 00 Oft Delaware & Hudson... 153M 15I1H 153H 153H Bel Lack A West 227X225 22.'i 225 Ben lllo Oiando pf, 21 21H 20M 20H CinCAQO, Jnn. 6. Wheat was feverish nnd Irregular today, moving up nnd down, but finishing below last nlcht's close. At the start tho lone was stronger on free covering by a large overnight local short Interest, notwithstanding nn easier tone at Liverpool and other bearish news from abroad, where larger shipments from Ar gentina nnd Australia were expected. On this bulge offerings Increased enormously. May dropped to $l.26, against I1.27U at the cIopo yesterday, and July to $t.lSU, compared with $1.19 VS at tho end yester day. At tho low level there was a re newal of resting orders to buy, . which dis couraged short sellers and caused a dc crenso in offerings, resulting In nnother upward movement. Following tills, sell ing again Increased, and tho close wns easy at 1.2C7i for May and $1.18?i for July. Clearances from the Bcabonrd again wero heavy nnd there Is every reason for them to contlnuo free It freight room can bo obtained. Minneapolis said that tho largest receiving houses nnd clovotor lines reported purchases In the country as practically nothing In tho last few days. Rising temperatures wero predicted for tho West, with snow or rnln in Illinois, Missouri, Wlscousln, Minnesota, Nebraska and Kansas. Snow would bo welcome to the trade, as tho new winter wheat crop Is not well protected. Thero was somo additional foreign buying. Country receipts In tho Northwest contlnuo to fall off. Corn nlso was irregular. Tho start was Btrong on nrosnects of small shipments from Ar gentina and an ndvanco at Liverpool. On tho rlBe thero wns heavy selling by re cent bulls, but after a whllo tho offer ings woro absorbed. May closed c bo low tho best at 7714c., and July o. oft from tho best at 77T4c. Leading- futures ranged " follows! Test'd's wheat Open. Inch, Low. Clone, close. May 1.275; l.SHW I.ZOH 1,2T July 1.10H 1.20H 1.1814 fl.lSH corn (now ucnveryj Sales in Philadelphia ,' . 29 . no . -123 ,' . fS . f.4 203 .113 .173 Asr, .114 . say, 73J 125 mi 2XH ISOOll Cons Oas cv fl(X) Del & Hud rfd 4s.... 1000 Den & Hlo Or 4s.... 20011 Den & lllo Or fis noon Din Secur Corp 5s.... 7 12X0 Brio Ken 4s 71 isnu tHlty 78H 5? 1 till 1 rc.j Ml .11 74 lOlti MS isnu 7lUi Kill 8.Vlf 4 COLONIAL TRUST CHANGES New Directors and Officers Elected. Partial Changes of Control Incidental to the recent purchase of a block of about 1600 shares of Colonial Trust Company stock by the now inter ests In sympathy with the larger holders In the company, the following new direc tors have been elected: William P. Read, Jr., of William F. Read & Sons Com pany; Charles B. Fritz, of Fritz & La Rue; Clarence A. Weymouth, treasurer ot tho Lenni Quarry Company and the Can trell Construction Company; W, Freeland Kendrlck, Receiver of Taxes; Charles K. Thompson, president of Lewis Thompson & Co., Incorporated; Dr. G. L. S. Jaroe 08, and J. N. Susskind, manufacturer. The directors who wero re-elected at iha adjourned meeting were Franklin Baker, Jr., Henry Dolflnger, Florence Fox, Edward F. Harvey, AVilliam F, Kurtz, Ellas B. Jones and Thomas M, Seeds, Jr. Two changes in officers of the company occurred at the meeting for organization. Frank O. Kenned, Jr., and H. L. Elklns declined to be candidates for re-election s first and second vice presidents, re spectively. The officers elected are; Pres ident, E. B. Jones; first vice president. Charts a. Friti; second vice president, C. A. Weymouth; secretary and treasurer, Frank C, Eves; assistant secretary and treasurer, I. H, Davidson, Jr. Deposits of the institution have In creased In tho past year from U.0CS.CO0 to 0,315,000, and the total number of depos itors la now 5783. ENGLISH BANK STATEMENT IXNDON, Jan. 6. The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows a de crease ot J37J.0CO In bullion. The propor tion of the bank's reserves to liabilities is Dw 30.93 per cent., against 21.U per cent. last week. This week. Last' weelr. Circulation , .. fe".pariU.,,-. &! U ECVIMiUV VT'iia'JCSi Lfi 1.A.W 35,111,000 35.&U1.GO0 s,ii"Mw Govern own t cecurl HiSJv; ... . .". 3l.35S,frJO Proportion of reiervo - M, ub. , ,-X,"K W4.ilM.VUU & uutoa 6 4U:II77ll lll.UK.COO 22. 84O.00U 112.073.000 3I.U1T.IXO 21.41 H.4I8.io5 GOVERNMENT BONDS Bid. Asked. at ima HEUtered K-H ,i imBB-;i S S SlS tteittirei'. '..'''.'. W :. , fiW IVlWtK' ........ --J" 5rt&SSSIT."".-::::::i5i?r :; Trst CPny Increasea Dividend he Kerihern Trut Company has de e'ared a. quartrly dividend of 5 per cv'nt. pyabl" January I tQ utocfc of record Jsuiwry 5. -TtiU l n Jaerfase of J per txAU In t qurtrly dtWend ratst and rucwaB t. masml KM fre U tc M 2IXOII Erie conv 4s Ser B nan i-;rio prior 4s.... r.fi0i)0 3 Cud (i Man 111 6s 1( dn rtd Ps IKO0 Indiana steel Bs . IS0OO Iowa Central 4a . WOO Interb Met 4Us 7H 1(a0 Interb II T ref 5s II'IU HaXK) Inter Mpr Mar ct nil 1000 Intern! Taper lis 102 ICOO do os uu 11KXK) Internl Stm I'mo ct Ks 7S 200MI Jap n'- O S 41,3 74 ICOO Kan City So fs 11:1a; 14000 Kan City Ter 1st 4s. . .w 20iK) Lacka Steel Bs 102.1... HSU 11.01)0 do Bs MM) 05H 1000 T.k Shore deb 4s 1031.. 04ti .VM1 1 A. III-... .. ,... .vv.. uuimom MB ......... .,,. HUM. 1000 Louis & .Nash Ben 53..112U 112S SHOO do 4a wfi ui WXK) Manhattan 4 02 02 8000 Mox l'et Co lis Ser C. .120 lin!4 .wu.f .iiiiiauflCC una ta .... li 3000 Mont Power 5s O.VSi '..) Nat Tube Ba 1001, MXIO T V Air tlmVn . 1H1L. 130IO Jf Y C li S 3V4a KIU Iln JU ru&' mm 1211U txu,, 7lrtl K24 .'11 74 mm 101H B3 7IIH 0DI-, Oil 102 WH 74U T3 0.111 osvi l3 nil'. hkw; w titk unu on 102 M14 7.1 74 firom v v c & Hurt 4U 4,0.".-, UU Ort . 04J -, OSli tut! aoiii! 11SH 04?, 02 1UH4 02 05 100-14 10-1 114 Sli)4 iou I'KlH ;t 112 lis 100H 10411 Hi i 04 h 114 81H 10U"i 10H itsw 11. U .llfili 4) N y Cltv 4s 105U Sl 2000 do 4s 10.17 Wfll! 1000 do 44s 10(11 lOiRi 1MX) N Y N II & II cv 3Ms. 7S nj un us Hi X Y Itwy ref 4s.... 42000 do n.dj Ss MKX) N- Y Tel gen 4Vis. ., 400O Norf & West 4s.... 4:x Nor Pac prior 4s. 0000 Nor Pac gen 3s. . . , 10OO Ore Short 1, ref 4s. . OMW I'acltic Tel Bs CM)0 I'enna gen ct 4s.. 1POOO labile Serv N J Bs. I3O0O Heading- gen 4s ,'4)00 Itock Island rfd 4s. MHJO Kl L. I M & H U inoo Seaboard A L, rfd 4s iuou south itell Bs 5U30 South Pac 4s 50OO South Pac cv 4s Sonoii South Pac rfd 4s 4000 South Itwy ncn 4s.. O00O Koulh Itwy con 6s. BOOH Texaa Co lis. , MWO Third Ave now 4s.. 0() Tot Peo A W 4s aX) Trl-Clty Ss 1000 U S Itealty Ss 2000 U S Rubber Bs 131000 I! S Steel S UXX) Unon Pac 1st 4s.. S.iooo Union Pac cv 4s... S5O0O Union Poo rfd 4s.. 10OO Va Car Chni 1st Ss uk) 00 j 9I1 Va rtwv ISA . . 201X1 Wabash 1st ref 4s 0000 Wab-P T 1st ct 4s. 1IP00 do 2d 1000 West Md 1st 49. . . , Oooo West Shore 4s,...., SOOO WUcon Cent Ken 4s, Total sales, (3,349,000, SJt.S72.000 rstrrdavt thus $20,0t),000 same period la.it week, 151,317,. uvu. .xiaw. jau. . ZAK SHK SlJ . 0S1, OSVj 08H . tl 04 M . U'tV, Mt4 1W . OBAj IWSJ US, . 02?i 024l 02!, .10OU lootj loinj .100J lOO'J 10)t . sou Si)?i so; . 0.1 OS 05 . mi ll ISO . 75H 7.M4 T5H . 71 71 7p . lOO 100 100 . M ft 87V, MU . 80 Mill H0 . vm m uv . 71U 71 71 .lortti ion loau, ,105i 1MW 10M .M 8.1 S3 . 88 M BS . IIOH 10U MJU . 73 7.1 73 .WCli 1034 103H .104 ifttv iaiI . 07tl WL 0711 , Wl 0.1V4 M , oojl ooi; ooii , 081 08 08 MP W W ;; 7s 7ii '3 ,,H ,3 .,72 72 72 .. 02J4 02S 02i compared nlth far this rrelr. Diamond Match Distillers Securltlsj... Dome Mines Klec Storage Hat Kiic lirlelst pf Ted Mln Smelt pr. (Jen Chemical Gen Chemical pf licncral Kleclrlc General Motors General Motors pf... Grecne-Cananea Goodrich II V Co Great Northern pf.... Gt N cfs for ore prop Gugcenhelm Ex Illinois Cent...... Int Actlcultural lnt Agricultural pf. .. Int llarv X J mo lot Han- Corp 80 Inter Con Corpn L0!-f Inter Con Corpn pf. . . 77f International Taper.... lltj Internat Paper pf 5(l!f Inspiration Copper 10 Int MM cf Up omr Int MM pf cf dp 77 Int Nickel 200 Kan City Southern.... 314 Kan City Co pf MM Lake Erio & West 1J5)$ l.acl: Steel 85U Lehleh Valley HIJf Lleeett & Myers 205 Lorlllard V Co ISO Lorillard V Co pf Mackay Cos Manhattan Kl etd May Dept Stores til May Dept Stores pf.,101 .100h' 107 47Jf 28X 5(1 12. .r.SW Mii 270 11, I 107 4GH 27 J i (if. 41H f.7 53 270 111 10; 40K 27 00 41Ji St h: 270 llfi 173K 172! 173 17,'i -110 410 114 114 114 mi W) 50 '74K 73 735, 12.-.X 12414 124H 40! 48H ASH 233 23 23)f 10834 1U9M 10SV4 108J4 28!f 2814 201j 20M Mav July .... Oats May .... July .... Irftrd January Mav .... nibs January May .... Pork-January 7$ ?IH 4RK 47(4 4R' 47H 77 77T4 t77 77V, 484 47 1.2714 1.1014 7nW 77 48 40M ..10.07 ..10.35 .10.37 .10.72 Qlav lJId. tAsked. 18.07 10.30 10.17 10.45 10.45 10.85 10.00 10.45 10.07 tlO.12 10.00 10.32 110.37 tl0.27 10.35 110.35 10.70 110.72 10.27 10.07 1R.05 flf.05 18.82 10.20 10.25 tl0.0 BUSINESS IN COTTON LARGER; OFFERINGS WERE AGAIN HEAVY Test, close. IIlKh. t,ow. Close. 10 AnacondA. ...... , 40 Amer liwjrs pfd 94H B5I D A S t e .... 411 7 do pref ...... A3 CO Ih-lll, J. O,.... 48H B010 Cam steel ..... 754 4 Con Trac N J,. 71 f Elec Storago..,, Ofl 105 Krlo , 43H 10 Gen Asphalt. ... 84 10 tnsp Copper . . , . . 1270 Iiw Q N A .... 1( 10 ey Tel Co 14K 285 Lake Sup Corp. OH 443 Lehigh Nnv .. 70 10 Loh Vat 82 00 Loh Val Tr.. 38H 1 05 do pref 3814 20 Max Motor .... . . 23 N Y Ont A W. . . 774 Tcnna IUIIroad. SOW, B Pa Salt Mfg.,.100 41 Pn Steel pfd... 81 108 Ph Cb cum pfd 4,'W 013 Phlla Electric. 2W 20 Phlla Knp Tr,. 201i lllM do tr etfs.... 2114 30 rittsRh Coal 110 Heading- 82 272 Tnnopnh Del . . i 100 Tonopah Mining 0"i 300 Tcnn Copper .... T, Union Traction. 444 158 United Oas Imp 874 0237 tf S Steel 8714 BO V S IlUbbcr 100 Wnbash 20OAVnr Ir A St., 101 22 IV Jer & Beaah C014 40 Westmor Coal. 11714 105 IV" Cramp & S. 87 Totnl sales, 10,083 1inre, compared ullli 10.1B1 slinrrs yesterilnyi thus fnr thU weelc. 72,238 ithnrrHI snmo period Inst weelt, 77,428 shares. DONDS. Last prov. sale. High. Low. Close. MOO Am O & Wee Bs 00 100 City 4s 1023 reg. .. 4000 do 1017 reg 1000 Eflult 111 O Bs.lOOU 4000 Hnrnrood ni On. 101 SOOO Key Tel 1st 6s. 00 13000 Loh Val gen 4s. 014 BOO Leh V T rot Bs. 004 35000 Pa gen 44 I00T4 1BO0O Thlla Co cons 8s 00 1000 Phlla Co 1st Bs.lOlW BOOO Phlla El 4s H5 0000 Iteadlng gen 4s. 05 30CO Stand O fls 09 13000 Un Itya t o 4s. . 74 7000 Un Itwy Inv Bs. 7314 Total Rules, Kl 15,600, compnrrd with S27lt. 810 yestenlnyt thus far thli week, 9331,9391 enmei period last week, 1310,008. PO 00 M 0514 PSV4 M4 43 4m 41'4 R7H B7K B7H 48 47 47 EBl 7414 75 71 71 71 00 00 en 42 4IK 41K si nt nt 40i 40U 40 27 2H 27 14i 14H UK 0'4 nil 0K 70H 7014 70i 81V4 81 81H A 1814 1SK flS'4 83 39 704 704 704 30 30 -30 BDll 68t BS 10011 10O1S 30011 8,1 S3 83 44 1 4,115 4.m 231 2SV4 23'.4 2014 2014 2014 21 204 2014 ia 33W XV.i 81", 8114 SU4 454 ;, 454 0", 0" ", 0.1V, tns n 444 4114 444 871 8714 8714 8714 Sim 804 mi r,n nn lms io 1 mi; ion 1014 304 no?i ro4 bo-v. ()7'4 074 M14 SWJ 8.1 8.1 FREQUENT GALLS FOR CONDITION NOT NEEDED NOW, SAY BANKERS Six in 1915 Only Equaled Once Before New Currency WOlUlll 1VC4UU6U "" VIJUUIU1S Juwm - District in Fine Shape no 00 00 05 05 05 03 PS PS 100i lWH 10i lot 101 101 00 DO 00 0114 D1V4 0U4 0014 0014 W!4 100J4 100 10OT4 00 00 00 101 101 101 83 Kl 81 05 03 7 D9i OSX 09V, 74 74 74 731J 73 7,1 Thn mil iBsnerl torlnv hv the Comp troller of tho Currency for the condition of tho national banks, ns of December SI. IMS, wna tha sixth for Inst year. This tinusunl number of requests linn only once bet equaled nnd that wns during- 1314. Hut nt that tlmo tho flnnticial situation wns In n chaotic condition because of tho moratoriums duo to tho outbreak of war, to say nothlnn of the initial trying out of the new currency system. Local bankers were not ver enthusiastic In their expressions today over tho Compt trollcr's activities. They were inclined to crltlclso the numerous cnlls issued nt n tlmo when tho country's flnnnces nro In such sound chape. Jllr. "Williams, too, does not confine him self to the otTlclnl requests for condition, but Is continually asking for informntion on minor details nnd announcing smnll nltcrntions in regulations which keep tho banks constantly changing their printed forms nnd Issuing lengthy stntements concerning trilling matters. However, tho explanation is doubtless that the new currency system Is not yet a sufficiently homogeneous wholo nnd numerous small ndustments hnvo been necessary, which are likely to diminish ns tlmo goes on. The Federal Hoservo Hoard's bulletin for January reports continued improve ment in general conditions throughout this district nnd holds out promise of still further betterment. Factories of nil kinds are running full time, somo of them double shift, and many nro making tho greatest output in their history. Payrolls are largo, nnd labor, both skilled and unskilled, Is scarce. The community seems well supplied with money nnd col lections nro reported good nnd n large tforcentngo of slow nccottnts hnvo been paid. Thocommuntty seems well supplied with money nnd collections nro reported good and n lnrgo percentage of stow aomJ hnve been paid. accovmy In tho past few months there his k- A a very great decrease In surplus wJ of tho Phlln,iBlni,i i.L...rp? "serve.1 vc, which was JS5.000.00b on OctowM reduced to W.ooo.ooo on DecerotlO rcserv was If tho banks now had to mSSuS'M uiu iiw iiiviu wniiin nn a .Iaoi "J. on December zoj that thej ! wnlllrl lir. their reserves of about $11,000,000, but iwl banks nro beginning tn r.ii '. ?ut ."3 proyoment m business through lncre,.rt applications for loans. lnase4l Duslness on tho Stock Exchange tod.! .... ..v....... ...... ,,, ,u uiiunEpg rm.i 1w rri. " "ll I0fj. tho most pnrt. There wns movemen United Stntes Steel . inx. ..- .. . inuaeraiiT ?. .. i '""v.e"cn in wnmotln Steel V; nirai Hinins uioi & - hiiu wna nisn k . -. . 1 t...u niou . TflHi' neavy, but tho tono on the whole i stendy, except for n. two-point receslk In .T. a. Brill and n point loss iffi tuiuyi 'jj Insurance Company of North a-j. nrl! Wrta nnA .n.l .. 'uci stock than usual and tho nrlco win tin.6! jiolnt. Just nt tho close Cramp shar..?, dropped to 83, a loss ot four points ft It wns stated this morning that KnV.C Ioeb & Co. would probably be the , gnnlzers of tho proposed new lndepenan. steel comblnntlon with Cnmbrln . , , nucleus, This wns something of a ,.' prise, ns it nan neen thought that Drexels would Ilgttro rn tho flnanclnr 3F tho project. It Is snld .1 A. CampUM now head of the Youngstown Sheet mil Tube Company, Is slntcd for the pritrf dency, with J. L. Itcploglo ns vies prtiCl dent, fiwi Incidentally tt wns stnted in welMnll formed quartprs thnt tho Lnelnw....4 Steel Company's December earnings wtri'l us, . 4ui.o .viiaiuvutuiv uuuvo per whLT (v jciu, voi4uioiiiut, u. iiuv recora. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Local Bid and Asked More Southern Hedge Selling sure From Wall Street -Pros- ii vm 78 20V 7651 UK 40)4 4014 20T4 rs ri 041 iosk insu 78 78 ior iok 7GH 7014 11)4 1114 4814 48!4 45)4 J5'i 20 20) i 70V 70!.' 201)f 200)f 200J4 HI SO'i 31 04K O-Uf 0-1K 14 It 1 1 SO S2.'( K.i 81K 80V 80)f 202 201 202 ISO) J 180K 1R0U USJi 110 11514 110 7!) 70V 70V 79V 131V 130V 130V 130V 00 00 00 103 103 103 Maxwell Motors 72)4 72)4 0014 0934 Max Motors 1st pr.... 01 00 SUV 80)4 Max Motors 2d pf.... 55 5." 51 54 Mexican Petroleum.... U94 121)4 114)4 114! J 14V . 35)4 .123)4 . 3SV 10'4 . 5)4 . 5)4 . 75) i .124 .125 . 70 . 28)4 . 08)4 . 10)4 .147 . 7014 .109K 30 Gold Imports Large WASHINGTON. Jan, 6.-3old Imported Into the United States between January 1 and December 21, tn 1313. amounted to $435,875,000. and exports of the metat dur ing the same period were only $226,8,000, he Federal Reserve Board announced to day. Of the amount Imported about $213. 000,000 was n foreign coin, about $155,000, 000 In coin of the United States and about $14,000,000 In bullion. About $2SO,0OO.00O of It camo through the port of New York or through Canada and then into the United States. San Francisco, however, received Importations ot about $6,000,000. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates -Days.. 10 or Over 10 Over 30 OvrC0 Less, us to 3a up to 60. up to 00. Boston 3 4 4 4 New York 3 4. 4 Philadelphia.. . . 3 4 4 4 Cleveland 3H 4 4 414 Richmond 4 4 4 4 Atlanta ... 4 Chlcsjw 314 4 4VJ St. Lout , 3 4 4 4 Minneapolis ... - 4 4i Kansas Cltjr... 84 4 4 4 Dallas .... , 4 .. ' 4 4 Baa Francisco. 8 , sw 4 4S4 omiwi ........ New York Philadelphia.. . Cleveland Richmond . . . Atlanta Chicago St. Luls. .. ... Mlntuacalls. . . . Ksnaas CUy..- Over OO Up to 60. rLallita Ban FratkciKO, .6 S. 3 a 6 S & E, ccejptanea. Com- to 80. modify, m a 4 4 344 V 3H 3 3 3 s 3 S 3 3t ITa rt 'Jl ia' AWBi U. Kf -,1- mm JaM, , tsr t.4 ana ovei w, 9 Minn & St I.ouh Minn & St L pf M St P & S S M.... Miami Copper Mo Kan & Tex pf . . . Missouri Pacific Missouri Pac tr cfs... Montana Power National Wscult National Blicuit pf. ., Natl Cloal, & Suit.., Nat Enamel Ic S Nat Lead Nevada Con Copper. . New York Air Brake, NYK1I &II New York Central . . . N Y O & West Norfolk & Western... Norfolk Southern North American Northern Pacific Ontario Sll M Pacific Mall 12)S j'ac Tel a uei Penn It It 1'eoples Gas Chl... Philadelphia Co... Pittsburgh Coal... Pittsbureh Coal pf, Pressed Steel Car. . Pullman Co , Ity Steel Spg Itar Con Copper. . Heading , Reading 1st pf 43 Hep Iron & Steel 53!f Humely M Co tr r. . . . 13 Humely M pf tr r 20 Sean Koa & Co 187 Sloss-Sheff S & I Co.. 02 Southern Pacific 103 Southern Ityr:..,,,,.. 23H Southern Hy pf 03 Studebaktr Co ...160)i Tenn Copper.,, e474 15 33K 15 3314 15 33)4 124V 124V 124K 38)4 3S IIS 1G 10 1G 5)f 5 5)4 5V J 5 75 74 74 121 121 121 12014 120)4 120)4 70W 70)4 70M 28)4 27)4 27)4 70 C8 C8 15!4 15M 15,'i 149 145)4 146H 70 75 75 100V 10SM 108H 30 30 30 121H 121)4 121 J21 25 27 27 27 73).' 72Ji 72J4 72JJ 117)4 117V U0V 1I0V 10 1!, 9) 10)4 12 12 12 40 40V 40V 40V 60)4 50V 584 58J4 110)4 U0) 100)4 109)4 4.J 4:ir5 43 43 34)4 33)4 33V 109)1 109 100V 03 03 03 160 105V 105)4 34K .110 03)4 .100 . 44 25)4 81K 43)4 23V 82V 43 53V 13 25)4 187 0154 103 23H 03 Texas Co. Texas & Pacific.,... Third Avenue Twin City Hap Tr- United Cigar Stores. Un Cigar Stores pf . , United Cigar Mfrs. 41)4 25V 81 H 42)4 52)4 13 25)4 185V 185M OIH G1K 102K 102)4 -'3 23V 03 03 101)4 157W 168 Mli 01 fil 41)4 25V 81)4 43 53H 13 23)4 28)f 230 225 9 GOV 97 9)4 UK 02)4 9)4 OIK 03 0)4 UK 02M 9)4 01 03 9H 11)4 62)4 28)4 220)4 OH 01)4 90 OH 1W rt9K Union Bag ft P pf.,.. 2SK 29 28)4 28H union racuic., ,.,im: jaai iaa 138 Union PacUlc pf ,83 83 82J4 83 United Dry Goods 25 22)4 22H 22)4 United Dry Goods-pf.. 74 71V 70)4 71V United Fruit..., 145.V 140 145H 146 U S Ind Alcohol 128H 130 127M 127J4 USCastlPiF,... 24)4 24 24 24 USCIPSFpf,... 51Jf 4flH 49U 49H United Bys Inyest 20 20)4 20V 20)f U S Express 48 47 47 47 U SBubber,.,..,..,,. 66U 66)1 63K 65J4 U S Rubber 1st pf..,,109H 109H 109)4 109H US Steel., 85J4 87V 88 86H U S Steel pf. 117H 117M 117 U7H Utah Copper 81 81 80)4 80)4 Va-Caro Chem........ 48)4 48V 48 43 Wabash.,, ......,.,,.. 1GJ4 16J4 16J4 iqu Wabash pt A,..., 48)4 48H 47J1 47)1 Wabash p B., 31J4 33 31 31 WIi 130V 129 130)1 88)4 88)4 SSH SSV 67H 67J4 68.V 00)4 31)1 30H 301 30;4 to tan 4as 4.qu Weiuyargo Express,. Western Union Tel... West E 'M Western Maryland.,. Western Maryland pf . . WUIts QYeilanet 232 230K 230 5,ln WUlys Overland pf... 112)4 111)4 1UH 111)4 WoolwortljV W CO...U9H U91 U8 119 Quoted ex dividend. Total sales, 819,800 shares, compared with 1S1.1I0 share yestcrdsri thus far tills week. 3,150.500 shucsi eurne period last week! g,3!)5,S0O aliare. " Calls for Building- and Loan Reports HABBISBUBQ, Jan. 6. The Butt, Bankisa Coramlisloner has Issued a call fox- atate-ments of all building and loam BMoeuUioo? operating In Fenatylviutisiu p tcwr . : ,-"";,. NI3W YOIIK, Jnn. C Business wns larser on tho Cotton ExchanBc this morn Iikt. OfferinBM woro nsnln qulto heavy and served to hold tho market In check. There was n Rood demand from spot houses nnd Wnll street Interests, how ever, nnd first prices were 2 to 6 points higher, with the tono stendy. This mnrket did not follow the Liver pool advance, which nt the time of the openlnp; hero mounted 7 o 10V4 points, thero havlne; been a reaction of sovcrol points from the highest. Private cables snld the English market was Irregular nnd erratic. After the call the local murket became quiet. At this tlmejhe action of Liver pool Is being1 watchem closely because of tho sharp declines reported. Before the end of tho first 15 minutes hero tho Eng lish market was off 8 to 9 points from tho highest, but this had no effect on prices here, which were at or near tho opening levels. Prices gradually eased off ns the day progressed, until 10 to 13-polnta losses were shown. Beforo the close, these had been reduced four or llvo points, however. Comment was heard nround the ring, however, that tho two markets would from this time on work more in sym pathy with ono another becauso tho dif ference in price virtually covered tho cost of shipments from this country on the nearby positions. Aside from tho further covering- of Liv erpool strnddlo shorts, there appeared to be few buying orders nround the rlnsr, whllo pressure was moro or less persis tent. This mado itself felt whenever the foreign demand subsided, and the market showed Increasing nervousness as the hour of tho Liverpool closo npproached, with active months selling about 8 to 10 points under last night's closing figures. There seemed to bo rather more South ern hedge selling here, presumably of spots by foreigners, and thero was also pressure from local and Wall street sources, Tho break nt Liverpool was most generally considered nothlnsr more Important than a reaction following the recent steady advance, but this nlso tended to restrict demand around tho local ring and after tho close of the English market, March sold off to 12.43, or 15 points net lower. Becelpts from cotton llnters produced. In Texas during the last year have Iwen $6,650,000, according- to figures made pub lic today by railroads handling a large percentage of the Texas crop. An en tirely new market has been created for hull fibre, due to tho demands for mate rial needed in the manufacture of high explosives used In the European war. Market statistics Bhow that since a year ago the price of llnters advanced from H4c to 6,4c, a pound, and during the last three months thero has been an increasing demand for hull fibre nt 3o. a pound, previously an unmarketable crop. In the late afternoon the market ruled quiet, but easltr, with prices showing a net loss of 10 to 12 points. Offerings from the South were more in evidence and sell ing appeared to come also from local and Wall street houses, Dtmand from short furnished most of the buying-. Spot mar-J nets were omciany reported rrom 6 points lower to 12 points higher. Arrivals of cotton at New York today were 3393 bales, including 19 bales con signed. The total included 632 bales lln ters. The local warehouse stock has de creased 3300 bales since the first ot the month and is now 51,332 bales. Of this to tal 141,732 bales are Inspected stock. Exports lor the day aggregated 25,467 bales, against 71,628 bales a year ago. To day's total Included 23,321 bales to Great Britain, 100 bales to France and 2000 bales to other points on the Continent. Clear ances for the season amounted to 2.3S0.174 bales, compared with 2,761,361 bales for the corresponding 'period last season. Yesday Close. Onen. High. Low. Close. January ,,.,,., 12-SO 12.35 13.33 .aa 12.2S .March ,,;.,,; 12.58 12.60 12.61 12.42 lE) Slay ....,.:.". 12.70 12.83 12.3 12 12.21 July ........... 12.03 12.00 12.0S 12.81 12.00 October .:,.:... 12.JS 12.62 12.63 12 IT 1254 6pot ..,, 12.45 12.45 ,, ., 12.4J Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, Jan. 6. Spot cotton today was In good demand at an advance cf 7 points on the basis of 8.35d. for mldup land. The Bales aggregated 10,000 bales. Including- 9000 American. The imports wero U.000 bales, all American. The mar ket for futures closed Irregular and un-, settled at a net decline of &64 points, RAILROAD EARNINGS ST. L0UI3 AND BAN FRANCISCO. . 1815. Increase. November grqss .OTS,8a 1630.028 WMMM tv.,,.,.., (7,,.-,O.Kl Ql ,1M Hurt & sus t c .... ilo prpf , Baldwin uinbrU Steel ll.. U,rn.vr. ..II... .JlVll.ftV ...... General Asphalt .. no pret Keystono Tel .... do t c do prof Lnko Sup Corp.... l.rhlRli Navigation TvchlRh Valley .... LehlEh Vnllcy Tr. do pref Pennsylvania 1'hlla Elec l'hll.-i Co do f per cent, pfd . . uo u per rent. pia. Phlla lip Tr do t c Rendlnc Tonopnh Bel Ton Mining Union Traction V Oas Improvo IJ H Steel York Hallway do pref Today Yesterday Bid. Ashed. Hid. Aslcerl. J 3 is 1I4'1 Tr.'.i 117 :h 14V u IlK. 7U s; .. 414 42 414 .. R714 6f r7i5 ..112 112f 1I3M .. 7f. T.-iV, 7S . . (KM (MVi I'-Vi .. xM :u :t.i;5 .. 71W 71-11 11i .. 14ii 14 14W .. 14U 14i 14l.j .. cs on nttis .. till 4 '" .. 7N', 701, 78JI- .. t.SU 18V, 1H . . as asij nss .. ns-i', wi r.rm, .. L-sw 2.8--;; sss .. 42 4.1 4.114 .. an .17 an .. W, 44 4311 ..snvi 21 21 .. 20; 21 21 .. Ml 81J4 814 .. 41? 4. 4 . . Bt 7 IVH .. 415 4M; 4 I'd .. 874 874 S7i .. 801, SlW 87 . . II tli II . . 34 .15 34 55 rot? 44 21IJ 21 J 82 4" 4 Mi PUBLIC UTILITIES The Now Kngland Company has sold to Baker, Ayllng & Co., $1,450,000 ten-year G per cent, convertible debenturo bonds. The offerinc; prlco will bo 98 and Interest, nnd the proceeds will be used to retire floating Indebtedness nnd for extension purposes. Tho Pacific Gas & Electric Company has sold $1,000,000 general nnd refunding mort gage B per cent, bor.ds to Harris Forbes & Co. and N. AV. Hdsoy & Co. Oross earnings of New York Railways Company In November amounted to $1,131,635, an ndvanco of $72,732 over that month In 1314, Net earnings after ex penses and taxes wero Increased from $231,717 to $350,753, nnd the surplus nfter various Interest chnrges was $114,503, com pared with $47,317 n year ago. The number of passengers carried totaled 22,717,107, against 21.053.37J in 13H. An Issue of $450,000 C per cent, notes of the Arkansas Valley Railway, Light and Power Company haB been purchns-d by II. JL Byllesby & Co.. nnd Is being offered nt 3SV4 and nccrued interest, to yield 6.50 per cent. The notes nro dated January 3, 1316. and mature Julj; 1, 1313, 'being the first to be Issued out of ".n authorized nmount of $l,500.t.A Through tho sale of theso securities tho company will be able to retire Its entire floatlnc indebtedness and nlso prov'de funds for add Ions to equipment and for'extenslons of its trans mission lines to take caro of new business contracts. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. inn. ASKett. Jim nutler l.oo .Muc-.-Numara 112 Midway 1.1 Mlzpali Extension , 22 Montana 2! Northern Star , .13 Tonopah Belmont ,.,,4., Tonopah Extension -1",. Tonopuh Mtnlnir til, Itescue Kula ON West End SO dOLDFlULD STOCKS. Atlanta 22 Blue Bull 04- Booth 40 Bulldog COD Combination Fraction ..... Dtamondrield U 13 ., Daisy Florence , Goldtleld Consolidated Ooldtleld Merger Jumbo Extension Kewanas ,,...., Oro Sand Ken Silver Pick MISCELLANEOUS. Falrv Aztec Klmberly Nevada Hill , Nevada Wonder ,, , .t , .07 , .01 , .04 , .52 :l:?s 1.32 .20 .03 .07 .07 ,01 02 .20 1.63 1.12 .H .10 .24, .31 $ .10 .82 .24 ,0.1 .41 .m .04 .00 .Oil .mi .85 1.10 .20 4.31 '.m .os .08 .03 ,IH 1.70 GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. ttccelpts. S7.0S0 bush. Tho mar ket ruled Bteady with n Rood demand from mil era nnd exDorters. Quotations: Car lots. In export elevRtnr. No. 2 red, spot and January, J1.27S1.20: No. 2 Southern, red, fl.2Srai.37; stenmer No. 2 red. l.241.2fl: , No. 3 red. fl.24Kil.S0: rejected A. Sl.2Utol.S3Vi; re jected II, l,2(Ki(t.22. , CORN. Itecclpts. 0730 .bush. . Trado oulet. but prices were well maintained. Quo tations: Car lota for local trade, nii.to loca tion. Old Western No. 2 yellow, 82408340.: old Western steamer yellow, MWR82HC.: old Western No. a vnllow. &0Vjfl81!ic; now cob. per 70 lbs., 72730. . , . ,. OATS. Hecelnts. 01.001 bush. Supplies were moderate and prices ruled ate.idv, but trailn wns quiet. Quotations: No. 2 while, COU-js Mo. : standard white. 40V.W0OC. : No. 3 white, 47'(,f?4.SWc: No. 4 white. 4747c.: sample outs, 44!4ffi4314c: purified oats, graded. 4814 GO1 1c. Fl.OUrt. Receipts, 1000 barrels nnd 3.322,008 pounds In sacks. There wns llttlo trndliiR, but mill limits "cro steadily held. Quotations, per UU) lbs. In wood: Winter clear. S5.40W3.UJ: do., straight, '$ri.!08M"i. do., patent. S'l.'-Sw 0.30. Knnsas, clear. Jute sacks, S3.30B5.50: do.. , strnlKht. lute sacks, S.,.7B'(r30O: do., natpnt, Juto cacks. SCH0.2H. Spring, first clear, .-,.7.10; do., straight. SOC0.23: do., patent, $fl.2S0.00; ilo., fnvorlte nrands. S0.7.W7.1.1, City mills, cholco nnd fancy patent, S0.75Hi.lp. City mllli, rcguliir itra.Jes Winter, clear. J5.40 Sr.l.iVij do., straight, 3.U01f0.15; do., patent. $i 2Wtl.i. H.YB FLOlIIt w.is In small sunnlv and firm, hut quiet. Wo quote at $3.23IJ3.50 per bbl., as to qunllty. PROVISIONS Tho market ruled sleadv with R fair Jobbing trade. Quotations: City beef. In sots, vmolced and nlr-drlrd, SltiSc.; West ern beef. In sots, smoked. 2!ft2.1ic.: city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked nnd ulr-drled, 2tl27c. : Western beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked. 2flff27c: beet hams. J2SSf30; pork, ramllv. $321722.00: hams, 8. V. cured, locso. 14 Km .1c.: dn.. skinned, loose. 12fl2ic; do., do., smoked, t3HI314c.: other hams. nmoked, elty cured, ns to brand and average, llitnoy-c. : iiaius, smoKoii. western cureu. luiciuc: ao., boiled, bonclcpp. 22c.: picnic shoulders. St. P. cured loose. 12c. . do.. Bmoked, 13c: bellies. In pickle, according to average, loose, 12d 12'tc.; breaktast tacon. as to brand nnd aver age, city cured. IMll'c: breakfast bacon, Ucstem cured, lSUlilc.: lard. Western, re fined, In tierces, t'-iM do., do., do,, tubs, lOc: do., pure cltv, kettle rendered. In tierces, lOVjic.: do., pure city, kettle rendered. In tubs. REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet nnd unchanged. Ile nners' list prices: Extra fine granulated, fl.P.lc. : standard granulated. 0c, ; powdered. 11.05c.: confectioners' A. 5.8.5c: soft grades, B.10fp3.73c. DAIRY I'RODUCTS BUTTEIt. Demand was suftlclent to absorb tho limited receipts of desirable stock nt steady prices. Today's quotntlons: Western, fresh, solid-packed creamery, fancy specials, Silc. : extra. 34c: extra firsts. .'U5j32c: nrsts, BSffl1 30c. i seconds. 23fi2ic: ladles, 21iff22c. : nearby prints, fancy, .'!7c: average, extrn, :!4fl:nsc. ; firsts. 2Sff.'l2.-.: teconds. 2Jfl27c.; special fancy brands of prints Jobbing at 40ft43c. EGGS. rinp now-laid eggs sold fairly and ruled steady under light orferlngs. Quotations follow: In free cuies. neaiby, extra. .18c. per dozen: nearby tlrsts, S10.SO per stand ard cose: nearby current receipts. $9.00 per rase; Western extra firsts, SlO.'l per case; do., firsts, $11.00 per case: refrigerator eggs, fancy, S7.S0 per case; do., firsts, $7.00 per rso: do., seconds, $11.3 On 11.00 per case; do.. Inferior, lower; fancy, selecten candled eggs were jobbing at 401f42e. per dozen. CHEESE. Tho market ruled firm under light offerings and a fair demand. Following sre the quotations: New York, full cream, fancy, held. 17!;fr!8o.: "specials" higher; do., fair to good, held, I'SKlSc. ; do., part skims, 98Hc. POULTRY offerings' nnd n fair demand for choice stark Quotations: Apples. Per bbl. SISSH fancy, $3.25s?i.n0: do., fair to good. 2soSS:l Mcintosh. J3B3.BO; Wlnesapr 2.we?4M llaldwln. S2.W)f3.2.-.: lllack Tw g. 52fjOS3&f Orlmes' Golden, $2.(!03;i: Greening, tf sSi'.j York Imperial, $2.v Twenty-ounce; 3aa. l'lnpln. $23: Ben Davis. tt.lMtzibt t& varieties. J1.00O2.S0: No. 2. JI01.2.V l.Sf"t hnllr o 11,1 Ihe rjlrt T1 fJ. ....-'- "Jif "& wu... -.. .. .... ."v-.". v .. . UUUl.'l,. ivui. In ern. per box. $1,25 2.2u: oranges, Flortli.? Ber crnto. S1.7r.a3: tanccr nts. pinM. "!it Btrap. .S2SJ3: grapefruit. .Florida, per mMl J23; lemons per box. 3Jf4: plneappKi.. tSt ! cratcl'orto nlco. J2.0Ott.1.2.1i Florida, tai'l 2.75; cranberries. Capo cod, per bbl,, l9fnT -.ovHoi uo.. JernrAl do.. Capo Cod, per crate. per crate, si'if-.i.i. Cholco stock well sustained, VEGETABLES sold tairly and valuei nT Quotations. Vhlr nnnl. por bush., (1 .1001.23, do.. Jersey. perhaike?ij No. 1 Hose. G5ffG0c; do., No. 1 other variti!:fl r5(Wc; do.. No L JWlJ-IOc. n Sweet potato i V- 1 .vu No, No. 1. 40W)r . .In !. lfiii2Sc.i do.. VirRlnta. uer btit.. siruvJ' 1.75. Onlnns. nor 100-lb. bag. No. 1. Mfl.iP - do., do.. No. 2. T.'SctfSl.SS. Cabbdfre. Dnnlah, twfr ion. fnuii. v-uiuti, uiv auik, ner nuncn. ixfiB 40c.. Spinach. Norfolk. rr bbl., SUM.Sft, Ktllhl ik, per oDi,. yrivioc. x.eicuco, Horldi.1 KnrAltc. ner bbl.. XKI73c. rvtir bfiskpt. Sl-2ri'S1.7ft: do.. Knrth Carf,uTti "" . ...- m-ni .-- ...- "v.MSfci ucai. neann, nonaa', per mi-k I ii inriiin n.x k..i... - iumuii. mii uitancL ilir ! u innL'ii I ket, $1.00513. . 1'c.is, 4. Peppers. Florida, piuni j.' tuitutt. uvi Liu rooms, per 4-lb. basket, per carrier. $22.w7Eii"i I :erta."iii:i?-7s- 4 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS A CH1CACO. Jan. 8. HOOS-necelpts. 43.0!i akot .110c. higher. Mixed and butelnnJ heavy. SO.S0Uil.7a; light. $0.007. pigs, JJ.W9' 11.40: hulk. Sll.7.1li7.l3. r.vTT!.P-nwMnlB finftn Mnrlfnl .Un 1fti lower, llcevcs. $4.Mfl'.l..'i0: cows and b.lt.n, $:i..'riu9.u; j.exans, iu.ttUM,.j; calves, is.se 10.78. HIIBEl' lieceipts. io.i.khj. Jiarket steMr.t Natlvo and Western. S1S7: lambs. J0.50S10J1.3 tl i LIVK. Choice stock wn nrtt xv rlo-inpd up at full figures, quotatlona: Fowls, n 10 1 ... ,i..: i.r.lw. . L.l.i.-. ....'s.... bi.u uuu guaiiiy. i'iiiii;.; rousiern, inbi.Mic.; spring chickens, according to Quality. IBitltc.; turkeys. 2022c: ducks, ns to size and qual ity. l.tuLTC. : geese. laaiTc. : eulneas. voun?. neighing 2 lhiAnnd over apiece, per pair, ( lillc.: weighing J Hi lbs. apiece, per pair, 750 KOe. ; weighing 1 lb. apiece, per pair, S0c.: guineas, old, per pair. ftOc. pigeons, old. per pair. 2.1i2e. : do., jnung, per pair. lS20c, DltKSSEa There was a fairly active da. mand for line deslrable-slied stoek nf all de scriptions, particularly roasting chickens, and the market ruled rtrm, with supplies well under contrr.J. Following are the quotations: 1'reah-kllled, dry-packed turkevs, nearby fancy. 2Ji28c.: do., good to choice. SSiiSttc.; Western, fancy, 20c. : do., do., good to choice. 23 CilSc; ilo.. fair. 20K22c. : do., old toms. 2tc; do., culls and No. 2. IWtSOc, Fowls. 12 to bci. pry-picKed. fancy seiected.18c; do., weigh, lag ,li5 lbs. apiece. 17fc: do., weigh, ing 4 lbs. apiece, JOVlc.: do., weighing 3 lb. n.kvc, ,ui.iuri, NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS j m NEW YORK. Jnii. il. DUTTEH.-Mrkit steauy. itcccipts, ois. pacKages. Kxtrt creamery, 03c. : higher ecorlag, 33UB31i; aiate uair, otJic.; imitation creamerr, ECOS. Market steady. Itecelnts. 77SS uctj ages. r.xirn. nrsts, .hjih:, . nt nenrby browns, 3U310C,; refrigerator DritM 2402IUC. 4 Want ColTee Clearing House NEW YORK. Jan. 0. The members tho Now York Coffee Exchange ari agitating tho organization ot a coffee M' change clearing house, patterned oftei that established by tho New York Cottoa Kxchange. A petition, which will prob-J ably uo presented to tho board of man agers shortly, nlrcady bears 43 slmiatureij representing lending houses in the coffrt and sugar trades I Gasoline Up Another Cent Gasoline prices tanlc wagon baals hani been nclvanced ono cent a gallon In entlry; eastern territory. These advances werrt put Into effect both by independent anil tho Standard Oil. ;j m dl! inder anlece. 13rt4c. Plcked-Funey. 41483 lbs. apiece. Net a..ns CHE3AFBAKB AND OHia Fourth week December. . St.37,8l0 1-Tom JUJy t. ........ .. -a.m.xa SOUTH BRH RAILWAY. FovtrOi mtk December . S1.2T.2to From July 1 31.334.eX QOBAT NORTHEKN. 480,007 S300.800 4.03S.01T I2S2.IS l.iaS.SSl No Common Rubber Dividend Now NEW YORK, Jan. 6.-Late today the directors of the United States Rubber Company will hold their regular monthly meeting. Tho usual quarterly dividend of 2 per cent, on the first preferred and IVi per cent, on the second preferred stock will be declared, Contrary to recent rumors, the common stock dividend will not be resumed at this time. City Has $7,055,706.81 in Treasury The amount paid Into the city treasury during the week ending yesterday was j;,TO,731S5. and the payments amounted to 11,378.171.82. This, with its remainder on hand from the previous week, not in cluding the sinking fund account, leavea a balance of $7,065,706.81, deposited In Its various banks of the city. welehlnEr :l lh. n,4 Fowls, In hbls.. dry. L aDlAA 17,- - rtinl.. 4 lbs. apiece, ldc. : smalle- sizes. 12Hfsl4c.' u, ,uawi. u.witou, u-.. wnicKena jer sey fancy lirollers. 24n2rtc. : other nearby fancy ,bJ?S",V"s2!c'! w.?5&n broilers, weighing 1HS2 lbs apiece. 2022e. s northern Illinois chickens, fancy yellow, weighing 4 lbs. and oer. In boxes, lSJ0e,: northern Illinois, fancy, weighing 2HS311 lbs.. In boxes. 160 S7f,!ii,nor,!!ernvAlllnol,.J.'ylcy- weighing 2U,a swi IS- r bbls.. lsaidj.: other Western. weighing 4 lbs. and over. In boxes. 17B18c.: ?&e,r"te. we rhing 2156.1H lbs.. In boxel' S?l0i" ' v.v,,ber, . Als,ern- . weighing 21483S lb., In bbls.. 14mr,c.; Infer or? 1.1c. SpFtng 5 ?""' I8If0c;t d0, W'm. fine". 1761 so.; ilo., do., fair to good, 12SJ15C, Oeue nearby. lUUiSc.j do.. Western.' 1431fic. Snuabs: ner dozen White, wettrh nt 11 .n ,V iv.. n.I dozen. ll.G08J.40i white, weiahlni:" n to ifi mini " i"' uw.vii. ,..,; wiiite. weining a id. per dozen s:i.233.60: do., 'do!" T IBs. per IIUlilV. FRESH FRUITS market ruled steady under moderate WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAW A Brief Analysts by WM. A. SCHNADER, Esq. Now Ready for Distribution If you have not already of dered your copies, send money or stamps to PUBLIC LEDGER, Independence Square, Phil' delphia. 1 or mare copies, Z.le eneh 10 ur more coiilex, 13a each 100 or moro copies, 10c each ANNUAL MEKTINGS XllK riULAIIKU'IIlA NATIONAL IUJ Philadelphia. December It. IfiV." mtA a a inl.l- ir..,.n nn 1SisUU7-fl January U, 101C, between the hour ot A HORACE FORTESCUK. CaihIvFi Koon ; KSSh COLUMIHA AVKNUK TIIC8T COMjl liy p. NY, JIroal ami Columbia . rmiaueipnia, December 2tn. " The annual election tor Directors will Hi vk us, aiiw HHIiniUfi I1UUSO " " j.F ' January IStli, lino, between the hours Mofi o'clock noon and 2 p. m. M. ivai, a. 1'AHLli.r t5ecrei"' ELECTION NOTICE iKgl-KANULIN NATIONAL IJANKv - llruad nnd Chestnut Street.. Philadelphia. December 30th, HI 3. The annual election (or directors will b bcld at the banklnc houve on Tuestlar. Jan uary litis, 1016, between the hour of 11 soon and 1 o'clock p. m. E. P. PaSSJIORE. Cashlsr. DIItECTOHV or ACCOUNTANTS Certlfled Public Accountant LAWRENCE E. BHOIVN & CO. 1818 HEAL ESTATE TRUST HUILDI.VQ. BURNS & tJl'EAKMAN Tbe Boun FARTNEKSHIPa MAVK KOKCHT CIOAH STOKK. 1M WEST The Board of Directors H. TV. Blddle Arthur li Newbold Bamuel Itea Horatio O. Lloyd Henry Tatnall Robert K Cassatt Charlemasne Tower Charlton Yarnall William M. Uarrett John Cadwalader Howard S. Graham 1 EL Johnson Boward Prosaer Caspar -W. Morris Thomaa DeWItt Cuylir C. atujrt Patterson Eldney P. Tyler Samuel T. Bodlne J. It. McAllister William C Sprout Morris L. Clothier John II, Mason John P. C'roser E. W. Clark Clement D. Newbold Harry A. Rerivlnd William II. VarneJ Commercial Trust Company Commercial Trust Building City Hall Square r0C4Ulbf . wrvr Sir- L"a a a let- fre WE Sent all UVm at etc. u. m smuu. 3XAN. tfPiirosie.'trftmM- Vi