Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 04, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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Cloud Caused by Ancona nnd
Persia Incidents Both
Branches Ready to De--t
bate Preparedness
representative Mooro Offers 1)111 for
BuildiriR Here Sherwood At
tacks Defense Program
WtM3HIXGTON .tnn. 4.-A cloud tiunc
ftVerflio rensenililln of C'oiiRresi to
''Sj fotlowliiR- the holiday rcccK. Grnv
' y of Senntora nml Hopresf itntlvr ocr
p rorelRti situation, Kron-lni? out of
'ye Aticoim and I'ersla Incidents, una
There was a brief action of the 8en
e, which adjourned out of respect to
'ie memory of Huprcmc Court Justice
Lamnr, The llouae, however, plunged
nmedlately Into business, n feature of
i he day's proceedings bcliiR the Intro
duction of a bill by Heprescntatlve ,1
Hampton Mooie, of l,ennsIvalila, pro
ildlnsf for the nppioprlntlon of $.1,009,0)0
for the purchnso of a silo and the con
duction of a customs nouso In l'lilla
.lelphla. The bill proposes that Jl.OiO.OUO
be spent tor the site and $2,000,000 for tho
Uullil.nk ".Such an appropriation for
Philadelphia Is wan anted because It Is
now Hie second pott of the t'nlted
Jtatea," ald Mr Mooie.
"Criminal foolishness" and 'without
annlty or excuse' were among the milder
terms used In a discussion of the Admin
istration's preparednost program by Itcp
rcsent.itlvc Hlierwood, of Ohio, IJen'ioerat,
only surviving ofllecr of the Civil War
In Copgress.
In a speech In the House he denounced
the Administration's plans In bitterest
terms, He asserted that the tat burdens
prop 'veil would mean national bank
ruptcy nnd swift niln of Hie Democratic
pai ty.
Committee consideration .ind speeches'
on he onen Moor iccnidln? Iiiinrmitinr.nl
problems nre assuied in both branches or
Coukmts. Vurlou.-p KeilatOrs, Including
Smith, of (leoigln, and lloinh, are ic
ported planning nddt esses on diplomatic
relations. That no curb is to hc'Mniposcd
on d(scussott of tho country's foreign
afTnlts Is tacltl.v understood. Sharp nt
tacks upon the Central Powers' submarine
campaigns nnd the Allies' commercial in
tcrferencis mo believed ceitnln.
before the Senato Fotelgn Ttclatlons
Committer todav were numerous ques
tions. Including tho i evolutions of Sen
ators Smith, of Oeorgla, and Lodge for
Investigation of the Hrltlsli orders-ln-
council and the Teutonic submarine
policy and unneutral conspiracies In this
Uiowlncr opposition, both to the pre
paredness nml revenue piogiums, vvns a
marked feature of sentiment among Con
gressmen. The rfonnte Naval Committee today
considered Senator Tillman's bill for a
Ill.OOO.OUO Kedor.u armor plato plant, with
SJ.000 tons c.ipitcft)
iSEHj3Ek9jmBBH!9 b1
V 'WWfrjatM.. -flEPnBI
p JT I
y &?? ?.zm
Vice Chancellor Calls It n "Typ
ical Case of Fraudulent Mar
riage Annulment, Based
Upon False Repre-,
?"". SiJ1 S.tho 12-ycnr-olI daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. AprcIo
btrolli, of 81J Fitzvynter street, whoso latest born mny prove to bo
a case like that which recently caused a stir in Chicago. Jennie is
quite normal in every respect.
Two-Day-Old Daughter of Angelo and Caroline Stroll
Survives Operation at Jefferson
T1WNTO.V, J .h. 4 -"This Is a typical
ease of a fraudulent Nevada divorce,
based upon a false representation of resi
dence In that State, nnd tho re. 3rd In
dicates that virtually no effort Is made
In the N'evadn courts to expose or repel
these emigrants from other States who
by fraud or perjury Impose themselves
I on the State of Nevada as bona fide resi
dents of that Commonwealth "
In this and other language of n scath
ing character Vice Chancellor Stevens,
In nn opinion lied In tho Court of Chan
cery hero today. Ignores tho N'evada di
vorce granted to Oeorge T. Mster, for
merly of Hoboken. Hudson County, ...
.t, while his wife's bill for maintenance
Is allowed, nnd he Is compelled tj pay
her $15 per week nnd meet a J5W reo
for her solicitor.
The couple were tnnrrled In Pnterson
N. J., December i IM0, and It Is .stated
In the wife's petition thnl tlmv n..i
happily together until October, 1M7, when I
Mster asked her to get n divorce Sho '
nurses mm sue rcpiicu thnt this was i
foolish talk and that she would not con
sent to a divorce If he should orfcr her '
ll.OXUHO After that time, the wife said I
her husband treated her with Indifference
and cruelty nnd sometimes remained
nway from homo for a week at n time i
She adds that he would return once In
n while for a few moments nnd would
peislst In having her get a divorce Sho
charges that on one occnslon ho offered I
10 Heep tier ror tne remainder of her
life If sho would do whnt ho wanted In
tho way o legal action and that If she
did hot he would cut her off without ft
tnt. She also averred thnt he tnld that
"there was another woman In the case.
and that In Janunry, IWS, he went away
and never returned.
Divorce papers from Nevada, were
served on the woman and eho was
charged with extreme cruelty. She de
fended the action through lawyers In
Nevada, but the Vice Chancellor asserts
that there Is evidence that her Interests
were not wisely If honestly taken care
of A" decree was given to Mater, but
tho opinion of the Vice Chancellor holds
that this Ncvnda divorce or attempted
dlvorco was "a nlaln case of gross fraud
on the laws of New Jersey as well ns j
i;muH niiu Willi ll musi iu iv(,tuui;u its
null and void."
"It has becomo a common practice In
the Eastern States among Incompatible
spouses," the Vlco Chnncollor remarked,
"to nrrango for n dlvorco without Bean
dnl, taking ndvnntngo of the laws of the
Western Slates, which peem to foster the
divorce Industry for the benefit of their
legal prnctltloncrs." The Vice Chancellor
then describes tho method of ono going
to a hotel to meet the specified time
under tho laws of the State, r d adds
that such n divorce trial Is often a sham.
In tho Judgment of the Vice chancellor,
New Jersey will not recogn.zo such a.
proceeding where one of her residents
subject to her power Is ono of the speuscs
It Is clnlmed that I.lster went to Heno.
Nov , and after n six months' residence
there began his suit for nn a isolate dl
vorco on the ground of crueltj Two
dnvs after he obtained his decree Lister
Inft Vev-rln. and nn December 24 1!WW.
went through a marriage ceremony In i tlve. Kdgnr It. Kloss, of Vllllamsport, to
Colorado with a woman on whose ac- seek election ns tho Pennsylvania mem
count ho Is alleged to have left his wife, ber of the Hepubllcan Congressional Coin
It Is snld that up to n recent tlmo that I tnlttee Itcpresentntlve Varc wns most
they lived In Chicago and tha two chll- i active In promoting this candidacy, which
dren were born to them had tho nsslstnneo of et-Mnyor Mngco, of
Line-up for Kiess or Rowland
for Congressional Committee
Post Expected to Be Re
vealed in Speeches
WASHINGTON. Jan. 4. In the action
of the caucus of the nepubllcon Congress
men from Pennsylvania this afternoon,
and In the trend of tho specchmaklnff at
the dinner Heprescntatlve Vnre will give
tonight to the members of the House from
Pennsylvania, will be seen whether com
plete harmony exists In tho Itepubllcnn
party In Pennsylvania, or whether the
reported agreement of Senator Penrose
nnd Mayor Smith means only armed ncu-
Tho fight which will bo decided In the
caucus started ns a bitter factional out
burst, being the first open evidence that
Vare and Governor llrumbnugh wero op
posed to Senator Penrose's domination of
State politics In Pennsylvania. Tho Varc-
Ilrumbnugh faction innuceti neprescnia
Pittsburgh, and ftepresentatitM
driest, or) Lnncastct ccntal,,
It..... 4iA.b..-i..L ..
"'"'"."'I'jwnuiiive Mire gave
her to the House members ttnZ '
svlvnnla last year. Senators Pe.
Oliver wero not Invited nnt
tM Ji VVAijn! fJyt jH
residents of Philadel-
Astor during the pajt
Single Room, without bh,
j.oo to Jtl.oo
Double . fo.ootoj(460
Single Koomi, with bth.
?3.oo to f6 oo
Double 4.oo to fro.
Parlor, Bedroom and bith,
Jflo.oo to fn oo
At Broadway, 44th to 45th Strrtti-.
the centrr of NewYotk'i social and
business activities. In close proximity to
all railway terminals.
Speaker at Scientific Congress
Declares This Country Should
Now Become Great Me
dium of Exchange
The 1 chnnco In 100 It ..as to llvo Is still
being rolight for by tho ImIiv of Angelo
and Caroline Stiolll, Mil Kltzwater Htreet.
who got that chatici- when ph.v.siclntis at
tho Jefferson Hospital operated on her be
cause sho could not ..vo unless the knife
wns used. Tho Infant wns perilously near
death during the night, but had taken a
slight turn for the better when daylight
The HtrolII baby, n 2-dny-old girl, was
nflllctcd with meningocele, which, unless
corrected, causes total paialjsl.s and
ilc.ith. Meningocele causes a bulging out
of a section of the spinal cord through an
opening In tho spinal column dtiu to ono
of thu vertebrae being missing.
It was tho fourth child of the Strollls
nnd they were pricing for Its recovery,
for all thu other children nre phvsically
lit and tiny felt as though, If this baby I
.. .... .,,.., e mi- iicl muni!, 11, 100, WOUIU
grow up a noimal child Hut Dr. Simon
Hlaugrund told the parents that the onlj
hope for the baby to llvo was through
nn operation, and nn operation wasn't
much of a hope, for he snld thnt In only
!)J of JO) such operntlons does the patient
live. Hut he said that surgeons at th
hospital were willing 10 take that 100 to
1 shot when there was no other hope, nnd
they obtained permission of tho pnrcnts
to operate.
Tho father of the baby Is a day laborer
When ho learned of the physlclnn's de
cision he ami his wife got down on their
knees In their homo nnd prnyed that Its
life might be saved. All InHt night long
they praved, and when dnwn broke they
were rewarded In the news that tho child
still lived
Browning, King
& Company
WASHINGTON. Jnn. I. Stan anima
tion of the monetary systems of South
and ""entnit American countries on the
basis of a United Str.te.s gold dollar vvns
recommended today by Dr. S. N. I.
North, of the Cnrnegle Endowment of
International Peace, at the second Pan
American Hclentlllo Congress
The I'nlted States, Doctor North Mild,
from a debtor nation has become tho
bank of the world The demoralization
of International exchange, he said. Is
without precedent. Tho reorganization
of tho national bnnking system has mado
It possible for the American dollar. In
connection with the strength of tho
United States as a mlurcr of food and
raw materialH, to become the standard
medium of exchange, paitleularly be
tween the American continents.
An auxiliary cabinet, composed of uni
versity profes-sort). was recommended by
Prof, llermnn G James, of tho Univer
sity o( Texas
"Lux. the President, the Secretary of
Btato and other Cabinet otllcers avail
themselves, of tho advice nnd learning of
the university professors In passing on
questions of state, ho advised.
"Pioblema of international law need
peculiarly the expert opinion of a coun
cil. Would. It not be right to Intrust mat
ters of the Importance of such as go to
the Attorney General for Judgment to a
body of Bavants such ns university pro
fessors?" Retrenchments In expenditures, public
loans. odvnnccH to bnnks and Increased
taxation have been resorted to by South
American countries to maintain or re
atore normal financial conditions since
tho beginning of the war. declared Prof,
Chester Lloyd Jones, of tho University
of Wisconsin. AH tho republics now seem
to h ) passed tho crisis, he said.
"Tho regulation of foreign trade prob
ably Is the greatest forco In the upbuild
In? of a nation." said Prof. Alvln S.
Johnson, of Cornell. "To help attain this
end. a Judicious degree of protection
thould be given. This will make for na
tional self-suttlclency."
DavW Klnley, or the I'nlveralty of Illi
nois, said investments by citizens of this
country In South and Central America
must not bo made in buch a way as to
hint possible political domination.
Tho women a Auxiliary resumed con
ferences today. Miss Mabel Roardman
active head -at the American Ited Cross
Offering- the services of that organization
in forming like organizations In the Pan
American countries. She outlined In brief
ihe record of the American organization
on" iKuropean battlefields.
Now is tho psychological time for the
women of the Americas to unite for tha
purpose of building up a "warless civil
ization," Miss C. C Mason, of Tarrytown,
N, X, Informed the conference. Women
as Atll as men will be needed to bring
the American countries closer together,
afee declared and suggested the formation
mt a number of social and civic organiza.
tens, as tbe first step to bo taken along
MILL; LOSS $80,000;
Flames Driven by High Wind
Destroy Factory Building l
at Clifton Heights
Flames driven by a high wind destroyed
the mill of the Uncnwcar Hosiery Com
pany at Clifton Heights last night. Tho
damage, which was covered by Insurance,
amounted to approximately JSO.OuO, and
the mill will have to bo rebuilt.
The fire was discovered by a watchman,
who Immediately gave the alarm. Single
handed ho fought the blnzo for a while,
throwing buckets of water on It until he
was driven from the structuro by the In
tense heat. Fire companies from l-nna-down
and Clifton Heights rushed to the
scene, but could do virtually nothing, us
the two-story building was a mass of i
To Prevent Contagion
nr rII discomfort nnd minimize
danger If already Infected, dally ua
of our Gljcn-rormalin I Haul. 1). I'.V
A 7.V, nnd llco-Formnlet (tablet
form) 2"rC, Is Mronjrly urped durlnjr
epldemlcfl of grippe diphtheria nnd
other maladies rleapnnt tn ue and
nnrt-tnjurious yet effective Postpaid
un where
riilludelplilii'N Standard Drug Mor
1518 Chestnut Street
rrrrrtptfnn 1'runiptli Prrimri'd
T J" 1 1
Wash Suits
for children
2!2 to 8 years
at 95c
and $1.95
Suits that
were $1.50 to $2.25
are yjc
Suits that were
$2.50 to $3.75
are $1.95
These are
unusual and
Trousers costless
here than we
would have to
charge If we did
not make
Rill for Nation-wide Prohibition
WASHINGTON, Jan. i.-Tho Congres
sional light for national prohibition was
begun today when Itepresentntlvo Webb,
of North Carollnn, chairman of the Houso
Judiciary Committee, Introduced a resolu
tion in tho House proposing a constitu
tional amendment providing for nation
wide prohibition. Heprescntatlve Webb
will lead tho fight for the prohibition
measure both in tho commltteo and In
the House.
"Rural Credits" Beaton in House
WASHINGTON. Jnn 4 -Efforts to con
tinue tho Joint congressional committee
on Rural Ci edits in order to provide leg
islation to establish a personal credit i
system for farmers were defeated In tho j
House today i
Believe Me
The verdict of any man who has en
trusted us with his painting will do
more to convince you of the economy
of our work than any words of ours.
Fainting and Decorating
0( Our Eitimatt fir it
Both Phones 28 S. 16th St.
Weak Anklti, Bwolleu Lei. Etc'
Corliss Laced Slocking
SAMT.WIV, a thtr nuy .
waibtd or bolied. M
Cuisrortablc. mad to miuuri.
0 ELAsriOj AdJujtibl.. JaVJi
Ilka Uicinc, libt A durVblV
ci two, lor Jt mw limb. $3.bq.
Ro.tpjld. Call mad be m!uTi
jnaot IlbuJf Ha, 19.
We Uo mu non-t4ila ik,
aonttnat JWIH, to order.
lfW ia a IuUr. flat, a 4. a
Your entire decorative scheme
pends upon the details for its beauty,
jour nour is ine most important de
tail and should be hardwood, skil
fully laid by
-i i
Ife ' "'lUr 'Vf'l were $1-50 t0' $2-25 I
ouits that were
$23J ' 3-75 sni
t -3-C T I - 1 -"iiiiininiiimi iiiip
Jj nnn-.njurloua yet elTcctlve Tostpalil J 10 iy- gSgE
''' i.oiarvrjji surprising m
' Values H
JONES rrr, ,1
1116 Walnut W Sam
trousers cu.tom W Street mi
I A SPECIALTY j Tailoring Only Y OUCCl g
I Plave you ever thought: flf
before the next Directory is - B
Your opportunity is now.
s The Bell Telephone Direct- B
"ty tJuea to press January sa
-' fifth. B
i 'tE,3 . Call the Business Office H
' for rates or change in listing. B
r V -. nu i.v. j .. . 9i
.. .- jnu uie Aavertising mm
Manager for Directory ad W
vertismg space. H
de. WiWTji sr kVsttJaeB u jz. s
hwmi' jt m
"Hr A,-w' $' ' iSI
x ' M"ein jmataSZ M . fetjl
hrTm ' ----- --tTftti" 1 mfM
iBl 8
llHiHJ ' '
unus ana jriauers
At Prices 25 Less Than Usual I
Instruments that have never been off our floors. New Pianos that have been
handled a great deal during the Christmas rush.
Every Piano carries the same liberal guarantee that goes with every new
Cunningham instrument.
The prices are low because we cannot sell them as brand new, owing to slight
mars on the case work, not noticeable to the casual observer.
Factory SOth and Parksidc Ave.
Philadelphia Branches
52d and Chestnut Sts. 2835 Gcrmantown Ave.
rlsss&sssmssR;-KSM!s:-.. a ssj'xs.Mj.sssrt.-stj
Next Sunday the Public
Ledger Will Issue, With Many
New Features, Its Annual
Automobile Show Number
Every automobile owner and enthu
siast will find this Show Number
brimful of interest. Photographs,
sketches, notes of the show, touring
suggestions and authentic articles for
men and women motorists will all be
given attention.
Intaglio Gallery
of Owners
Notes of the Show
A Complete
Especially attractive is the new Intaglio
photographic gallery of prominent Phil
adelphians and thdr newest cars.
Owners' discussions of the new models,
the new accessories and new wrinkles in
keeping the car are mighty instructive.
Men, and women, too, will read the tales
of cars, big and little, especially if they
are thinking of buying one.
Notes of the show will be an index to its
activity. The year's advance in the mo
toring world will be reviewed from
every standpoint touring, in-town, the
races and the makes,
This A.utomobile.Show Number will be
a Philadelphia Manual of the Autorno-
uu issue you win want to keep.
Order Now Next Sunday's
$$ Ytan in th Floor Butxm
fc;jM4W. YkSt
Mr Phono
. Tim
.EMPfflimmtmnm i1