-i-"-Vt mlr -" VSTRA7 TUESDAY January 4, 1916 Euemng v v "WML il m ' THE WORLD'S KALEIDOSCOPE OF EVER-CHANGING EVENTS AS RECORDED BY THE CAMErI Eri" Countv "avoritosS fklHiaL MERCHANTS OP SINGLE STREET OPEN BUSINESS HEADQUARTERS 0! . VJk SELECT COUNCIL I Emory A. Walling, ycstenlny R1PMft E- J- Berlet, president of the Walnut Street Business Association, is shown 0& . dM3i ' ' M James E. Lcnnon presided over was elevated to the State Su- Plw3W?lMa Ilero with his secretary, Miss Florence Rylcy, in their new offices in tho i , , taidmm - t?m tno inaugural of Mayor Smith BJ preme Court after a solemn HViTtlffiy Vm f iiPKKffit THM 1mHI Bellevuo Court Building, whence the campaign for tho boosting of Walnut irsSSmmml&SMm. JZ,,J$M yesterday and then sat for this ceremony in City Hall. . street will be carried on. .-. Picture at his office desk. Tjvlz '32l 3 nOBOES' UNION OPENS WINTER HEADQUARTERS The picture shows the finishing touches being put on the meeting room of the union at 48G North 5th street, where men out of work have arranged to take care of themselves and conduct their affairs without recourse to charity. THE LIBRARY IS AN IMPORTANT FEATURE OF THE HOBOES' HOTEL Members of tho union explain that a hobo is not a tramp, but a man who is able to get a job only when tho season is ripe. Among them are first-class students of history and economics. BiSvABBV'fe' w B x j &&BtimmSfijE&?$ 4 9& if 'BMBflBABTnfKcB' 4jl jStwo J k. jfW j(5 Kttit. ;K w ISBBBBBBBBBBm JkYABBHkKtIjBA t$y$Kk "vfrNMSttttfi m .Bflt 'mxBHAtei BPSm9PBBBJ9vB1VjAa'wBjB1Bm ugHEJBBBBBJIBj&'&J&vsivyiLi jt HiwarBlBJk Tjjfflji. .ttttBrVftfiH&T v p4rVjJv$KPPitt2 xi j!yjii9?VJwPYBBP9. ?flB a BBBBBJBjJBlffBBWCHBJMMftfcBflBy ?& jffijjVTiTiriBl atshtt TSwBBfofBM6iflE!yflUBMB&v hBB HHlnS VK 3a "B8PVJBMBBldVy ffl'&to BifflrAv.'BJBBBBI A f ?k&P "SsVTftOTStHBF dcBsTi i' 5 ?&&''3?iBMBBBlBBtt9jBBlHi t SBBafiffiSHflBB. SBaBEni3K&4 iMqk$ BBBBlBBBflBfrSbep393 3oi89BB& Kjj skH w jft tSHb s - -BBir oWBBttfrc s&c& .lOJiBgMEwYiffywSMBHBgSfcyByWHBn t3?CflBJIBBBBMBvFiaXw5rS49KnMKtS o3 QSnEBJHBBrSBBJBjBTC - ffftfffi-jTfiffirJKffTinilBiFBwBfmflBiMT i i1 ifff TfflfflfrtiiM'iBJBBB i 1 SBBBBBBSBd rw? 3? icKIBBB3tl dtSt bStxc s B: m, y-- . 'wlriBfl&z 3BBBBm8&9'" x3woBf93u? j&?sBv.4V iBBBBBBBBBBJBm E t cwBJBjPBBBBJBlBjaijC iffiBBiJlKSttCEiirppp 3IBe v&'wHyffmflBA SBBJRlBJBB'ffi' f TgrMssffjKygjwwLyjfPv 3jiMjMBiQgHiMHK'pjM8Wff3ajysBQ f ijrfWjflMHfcjWWwMB! I BBBBBBSkHrBBBBBbBBVBa BMftw gBCBfT' qKj ffi BsBft BflBXBflBFBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflVfBBBBBfiBBHBBBBHi BJIBjBMfHlRCi'flBMBBjKjBMwMBflBB flKS5BflVBScSMBMtfHL BJBSfrffy 4 x&&BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB8iB3BjKyjK'F' BREAKS THE WORLD'S RECORD IN HORSESHOE MAKING C rge Timlin, of No. 412 North 50th street, second figure from the left, read of the feat of Joseph L. At, who made 12 dW-n shoes in 4 hours, 49 minutes. He tried his hand, with the result that he turned out the gross i a nours, i minutes, oy scconcu. Photo by Ledzer Auto I'atrcL NAVY YARD WORKERS WHO WILL GO TO WASHINGTON TO ASK WAGE INCREASE Left to right standing are R J. Hanna, boilermaker; J. Ward, molder; W. L. Mullen, coppersmith; Charles Will- iam3, pipe coverer; sitting, James McKenna, helper molder; George lligt', boilermaker, and William G. Hill, boat builder. They will eee Assistant Secretary of the Navy Roawvelt. t ... .,t. jwateiijia&.'aE -.. ...a Aj butaknwMU