PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1916. U EVENING LEDGER- J If' Fik) r Mi IT tt ii?a ms. IW i I? r-u ,jt Itf -F 4 JI f Si; M , FINANCIAL NEWS New York Bond Sales PUBLIC SOLD SPECULATIVE HOLDINGS; ABSORPTION WAS OF PERSISTENT SORT Market Broke in Afternoon on President's Statement on , . International Situation January Rein vestment Demand in Evidence NHW VOIUC, Jan. 4. It ivns nnotlicr il.-iy of fsurous trailing In tho stock mnrket, with the public liiiiiirintlng Inrce lines of spoculiitUc IioIiIIiirs mid tho room traders tnkltis nh nRBressKo position on the benr aide nml nlTerlng Rtocks nt con cessions, lint, while the inntkct uni nt times ileiiressnl hy this Increased min plyi the tono was strong tlirmtghmit the morning', and persistent absorption waa cffectUe in forcing prices of many Issues to new high points for this lnovbrrtent. '' , JWhlle some stocks sold nt the highest figures touched since 1907, tho specialties, like Mexican Petroleum, were less prominent, and most of tho business In those issues was of n. professional character, but the oflen-lookcd-for Jnlnlnry reinvestment demand was nt last In evidence In the mature dividend-paying Issues, and mound midday this was the most Important feature of tho mnrket. Some stocks, such ns t'lilnti Pacific, Northern Pacific, Baltimore nnd Ohio and (treat Northern, around midday npsumed market leadership nnd wore in brisk demand, with I'nlon Pnclllc selling nboo 140 tor the first time since the Southern Pacific holdings were distributed. Southern Pacific crossed 104, selling nt the highest price touched since 1B13, nnd substantial gains were noted In all the other dividend-paying railroad stocks. Nenrly nil this buying was for Inxesttnent account, and detracted atten tion from tho Industrials and specialties, which had been the features of tho trading for over a week past. Mexican Petroleum, which sold above 1.1S Minn Anitlo V I. IIWjoo Amcr Rmfll See flu I0V0 Am T(l fit Vi mm Armour Ca 4'4 B7oo Atchl'nn ten J ilrni itn cv 4 im.0 UKii) Allan fn Llnf 1ft In .Vol Ho rlt ' , ..mio Unit ft Ohio l4s lifum tin J ,itcio tin llleh. "I . in liU4 in-i nl'i MTU 112 'i !lli 1U 4'M IT4 izium M u l" I, i: & w v 4i nsi I'llHl ItAll tl Snn .T41 !2' ixm lloth Ktrrl rf.l .". . Ifi'J Sum llrnok Itnp Tr .n 11)18.11X1. Kim llrook I'n nil lt .-.. ItfOU win cm linn a i:i .". ns . llimi tvnt Irfiilhpr 1M .is loiu ISi) I'rnt It It N .1 ,1s 1 lt4 1KKK1 Chill Coi.ncr T . .11 IV loon chfs . Ohio c Mm . n'4 STikii Chl II & i) Joint U 111 ."Ml Chl II k ij (own 4 !"v, I'm c M St 1' n .is . .Iinj, IKniO C M St I' rl 4'js tulU 4(K Col tn luntrlRl .Is li-i'k HUM Col South IH . ., llrno Cons (Ins n lis .. ..I2ili n ss i ompm mil ns . -n lilt T. 4fKl l)tl & lltlll Com .IS fp.llKl ,.IMI IJOI ft Mtlil -IS HUH limn Del a llu.l 4'is . Ilium Ills Sprur Corp fts iikh) i:rle rmi 4s . . toil Krlt rnnv -Is Spr A l.'.lXKI l:rptiin 4s Kpr II Kxxii Crppti IMv II .VH (lr.tnh sta lis . Usui llu.l & Mnn In .".s Ttsio III stffl tloli 4s imm Indlsnn SIppI .'.s n.MOil Intprli MpI 4is . mux) Interb It T rt-r .Is . Imxxxi Int Mpr Mr ct 41s. fiTtini Inlprnl I'nper lis .. nimii ,lo r.s .. ... Tikii Jap npn 11 B 4'js :17iiixi Knn 1 IU So .Is Usui Knn Cll Tpr 1st Is, 1 S0il l.ncka Stppl its 11110 :i'XKI I.Ik A M T .Is 2IHXI I nrlllaM r.s tllKXI Mpx 1'pl Co (Is Ror A, .1"0J) Mo. Knn c T 1st 4s IIK1I Mo l'ncllli rt 49 loixat Mont I'oupr ." . inm Nns'.iu IJIpp Is lorn jf v c I. s aits II .in. .. USUI .V V t Ar II .1 the first hour, declined to the low of 12.1, nnd othei stocks In the same class ''x'ZV, a ,! ,.',' ,i:,- yiemeu materially nrier e.irl nilvances. American Smelting continued In gooil demand, moving up ocr thlee points to nbovp 113. Tho mnrket was placed under seiere pressure In tho afternoon session. when tho President's statement characterizing the International situation ns "grave" reached the Street. Losses were greatest In the specialties, with Mexican Petroleum heading this group on the downward turn with n loss of nenrly seen points from the top price of the morning. Hnldwln lost about three points. The decline In Mexican Petroleum was hastened by the reaching of many stop-loss orders. The closing was Irregular. Demand sterling was strong, rellectlng buying as a rcult of the receipt of thd heny consignment of stocks by the St. Louis csterdny. nnd sold nt J4.74s. the highest touched In the last five months, i:charige on Amsterdam wns in urgent demand, with guilder checks selling nt 44c, a new high record. Plans Ncarinu Completion for Huying St. Paul French Bonds It Is understood that plans for the purchase of St. Paul bonds of the Krenrh Issue, a part of which were used as collateral for n loan to tho Rothschilds of Tarls, made by J. P. Morgan & Co. Inst summer, are Hearing completion. It Is proposed to put out a new Issue of 4 per cent, bonds which will mature on the some dnte ns those of tho French ssue 192.1 and It Is thought likely that a syndicate will be formed to underwrite the new bonds and offer them for public subscription. The old bonds, it is stnted. will simply bo placed in the treasury of tho company and kept nlle during the remainder of the period for which they are to run, nlthough no Interest will be paid on them. imixi n v rii 4i. mm 1Ihi V V tins. 11 fc 1' is lui N V ll nilj .Is 4HX) N V TpI n 4'ts., Norf Vtst Is . Iil Nor Tut prior Is aiHl .Vnr IMC KPII .Is .. :hh t)n Short I. rpf 4s liwxi I'nclllr Til r.s . woo l'nn .Is r . :iik l'pnnii Is 1WS SJxx) ilo npn it 4's . Lisxi do en 4'js .... 2i t'uli Sprv N .1 :i . Isxxt llniillnit kpii Is 14IIKI Itotk IkIhiiI rM 4s Ho llnj St Mirlnus r.s ': lixo st Louis Mnn 1st Is Khsii Spii,oanl A I. inlj fis. Iixhi South Moll rs Kxsi south Pni. Is :i(KI South I'nc rv 4 r.'lixxi ilo cv ret r n r.s.. Iikxio South IMP rf.l 4s. .. Iinm South Huv Rtn Is . 'JIhniii Sotllh Uu on .Is HIXK 'rnill C 1st ,1s 2(11 (1i i (W . :o(ic mini Ao new Is. llHXI Tol IVo Ai W 4 nxvn V H StPPl .Is Ji'IKI I'lllon I'.ic (l 4s hvm 1 nlon I'nc rM Is.. 2.ili(l I'n llwis 8 1" l 40.0 Wh.lfh 1st .Is Idm Wnlnsh 2,1 Is 1000 Wlsiuli Cent Bin Is j,,4 'a0."' . in lol J, . 711' ""'.? . UlUJ .12' 'ft . SS' 111 JS 111 ft7 '.ii'1 114 . ins . s-, oil IIHl, in; 11.11, . IBS II.!'. HXHl im, iii .inn'. HI".! IU'l. !t I"; . Ml ..Ml, .11X1 . S7 S'll, .ll)7's . I1'4 7H. Illl . Ill Illl. SI .IS 1(111. tlllj HIM 411, llll'i liM, S7. Low. 11(1 mr no ni' in, (12 ss irtji lli'i in.' inoN, 1IXP4 ns 101 1in 11 IH ii5 117'J I(lrl imji 1". I (XI Kxiu "J! 71i 711 7J V21, IT. 1.,,V, PI nujs Hljs in'? 1112 71 74'4 HIJi f,s( lili, "& Pin sin S.I 111'. HIM KxIM JO fwj HI i.1 ir.v, IIKlli ini'i lixi inn's liiv, H'l'i mil Mil, in', so (.S 11X1 S7 Wl' 1II7M imi, 71 H. 1(1 1 Clos. lis lin' 107H iti'd ni'i 107'4 iu S7 l m I17S sn, n.'H 102 II OS urn', ns 101 mi, ni. SlPi ns imi l.v.l ,H ii; WHEAT WENT UP ON GOOD BUYING Commission Houses Absorbed All Offerings Signs ol Fresh Interest by Public Sales in Philadelphia ' . ' ni.-.; VI llHl 71'. 7n 72 H lun, .ii in 7(l, ,W 1112 7.1 741. mi, KS til, 101 111(1 isn'4 71!'? I'. lll'I SPJ M 114 ion'5 V, .111 IISI4 tn; 113 Ui IU', 11X11. 11)1'. 11X1 1I1.1J. Ill', ii!i; Ml OHICAOO, Jim. 4. An attempt on the part of Inrgo speculators to rcinstnie lines sold out Inst week turned the wheat market strong today, after It hnd shown wenkness In the early dealings. There wns good bujlng through commission houses, which nbsorlictl all the offerings James A. Pntten wns reported a good purchnser. There nlso were signs of fresh Interest by the public. At first the market experienced another period of liquidation which canted May to $1 2t'li, ngnlnsl jl.M'J nt tho close csterdny, nnd July to $l.15-s, compared with $I.I6't nt the end jcstciday. May finished only V,c. off from the top at Jl.rS,. and July but He below the best nt $I.1SH. Strength In the Northwest wns n fac tor. Tho bearish sentiment of t)ie Inst few dajs evidently resulted In unite a lnige short Interest. Talk of export busi ness wns reviled, nnd some cstlmntes plncrd todni's sales' na high ns l.OOO.OOi) bushels A dispatch from Kansas City Indicated Ihat business had been worked there from Dnllns said thnt green bugs were 011 the Increase llcports In the Northwest were running smaller. Ilradslrect's placed the visible supply In tho United States at 80.150.000 bushels, nil incicnsc of (1,609,000 bushels for the week and comparing with SS,tirT,000 bushels .i enr ngo, in Canada nt !n3,6G9,(X bushels, a gain of 3C2,rX) bushels for the week, and compares with .17,831,000 bushels a e.11 ago; In lhiropo at "6,200,000 bushels, a Ic cieaso of 2,P52,000 bushels for tho week, nnd compaics with 76,000,000 bushels a )enr ago Corn nlso rallied, after having shown weakness Kew longs gave, the market much support, allowing It to pursue Its own ctiuise. Oats followed the other grains, showing n little more strength rcl- llxi, ativeiy innn corn puditiK ftiturpa rnnRol ns follons- VpirtM's upon. lllKli. I.1SIJ, 1 211 I. 111'. I ISIj ilcllipr) 7.1'l Til 70 7lli 10 Am Cur & Fdy 7J'4 2.1 J O Prill .... 40 .1 C Ot Wst prtf . 0.111 Cum Kiecl "I 110 Cnl rt . . 40 200 Chlno Cop Ml5 1O0 Con Trse N J.. 72 M Lleo Stor . ... m 100 Krle iV, 010 Opn Aspri HI' .17 do prof 7114 107 Ins o X Am... 2.1". 10 Key TpI prf.. 00J 2 Key Wstch C. S.I 1 12.1 Lk Sup Corp.. ni 174 lchlirh Nnr... 7n 142 ThlRh Val ... 82 Ym. close. High. I-ow. Close. 120 T,eh V Tr pre. .11'4 20 Miami Cop ,17i 74ilPenna ltsllrond. MU 2(1 I'enna fait MfK fo 10.1 Thlla Co pfd . 182 do cum pfd . 40) Thlla Clectrlc. MOP II Tie.... M0 Itra.llnc 2 Texns Pac ... 21B Ton Pel 21.1 Ton Mln .... 311 Cnlon Trac .. r.o tt H Itutbcr ., i8i tr a t ,.r... titta tr s Steel ... 31 12'i 2S 21 8,1 1. 7(1' ( 4M4 30t4 7(1 40 M'4 71 0.1 41 .14'S 72 2.H4 m so 04 7014 82 H 38'4 30 R0'4 100 3d 434 28. 20" 81 n 4. 70i 4SW .10H ;..i 30't M'J 71 ns 11 .14 7t 2.1'l IS1 SO O'l "n S2 3S ns r.o'd 0014 so 4.1 28 EOi 8.1 0 4'i. :ou 1114 ao'4 7ti 40 Mi 71 0.1 41 .11 711 2.114 00 so on 70 82'i .18W 38 r,o 100 30 4.114 281, 20'4 82 n 4'4 01 0 13-10 0 11-10 011-10 41 (I7'4 87i 8.H4 4VI r.s 87 88 ni 07'i 0 3.1 4.1 II r.s m S7'S 8714 87'4 S7'4 r.i ni r.7t4 07'4 0 0 8 31 HI 1111 s.1 IS KM', II US tm'I IU, I11I15 lisi, S7 87 win. 111715 Oil's 7l'j 101 1.1 inn, si r.s ion, niij no'. in 5 ns'; C0TT0X riiOSKI) WBAK; Ti'.tni'i's sni.n i.'in.'i.'.i.v aaies 01 copper Kcporicu at z.i v.cnis Copper prices Imvc been inowil up unother peg In an advance effected T?iKn in I.ivnmnnl Kreiirht Rates .uutij' tu .0-1 u-i'iiit. mr I'lecinii.i. in-, i-aiiiiig ior delivery uuring me nisi quarter. Big sales have been made at 'iZ cents Hat for both home and foreign account. Sales of copper nre reported to have been made at 23, cents n pound 30 clays, for delivery before April. The amounts Involved were small, as there la not n laigc nmount of the red metnl mailable for early shipment. Caused Increased OtTcrinps Wheat -Mil .. Julv . Coin 1iipt Mn . . J11U . . Oils -Mn ... Julv .... . Lani Imuary . . Mnv . . July lllli. January .. Mi r.rk Jnnu it Mil lllll Ixin. l.VI's Clo.p. closp. 1.2V "1 -Pi I?'. 40 1 0 8.1 1(111 111.2.1 10 1.1 10 .1.1 4S 40'i 1.1.1, 'LIS-. 11.1111, 7."', 7"'i 7(P, 7II tt7'i i.i's . 11M72 .is in f Asked 0 17 111 1.1 10 11 HI .11 is 71 IS 117 4lr 4.1, 0.12 10 07 til 4C.IJ 0 11 10.111 10.2J 0.02 III 12 1012 t10 12 10 41 10.47 1101 til i 1110 S18S.5 10 21 10(0 111 02 ft West Jtr & ppa r.014 100 Westmore Coal. 07'-i 10 Vorlc ltwy .... tl 10 do pref 31 Kit dividend. no.vns Last rrev. sile. IIlRh. Low. Clnje. -( Am a ft n hs. tx no si'i oo .11 C St scp Nov Mil OS 01 ns OS 21 do Feb 1017. .101 I11II4 lom 10U4 21 tio May 1017. .101 lom Kxx) P.lec A P Tr 4s 8P4 8U4 Kxni ltarnol 1:1 as.100'4 101 .1(K) Inter Itnjs 4s . M .11 2fO0 Kev Tel- 1st .Is. HO 00 10000 I, .V pons IHslOI'; loli. .VXX) Ij.1i V pen 4'4s.t02 I0J 120(X1 Pa Co. gen 4'is 100 loo', 1(X) do cons 4'4..l(1 101 2000 Pro 1'nss t p 4s 1.1 M aioo I'hlta Llec 4s.. 8P, s.t4 200 do ,1s .. .ln.1'4 im txxKI riendlng KPn 4s. Ill's 0.1 tOOO Stand Oaa 0s. ml fl'l 700(1 Span-Am Ir Os.hb lol '.TOO Welshnch Co f.s 114 IIP4 MHXI w N' Y&PMe 4s . 37 (.000 York Itn y 1st fis 0.1 M 10U4 lOlU M4 StiJ 101 101 M .IS mi on 101; ion. 102 102 1(X) 1011 1011. 10.1 8.' .1;, 8214 S214 10.1 10.1 ti.l n.i oo no Kit lot lllli 04'4 37 37 02 tn Local Bid and Asked LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS rlllCAOO. .Inn I -IRKIH -llecplnts, .11,000; ninrkt t ste.idv: inlxp.l and liutthers -ii.,1(f mi. iiomi lieaw. JillHniO.1 roimh hi. n..".0f(iii,1. IIrIii, fiM vnil s.1, pIks. S.I.Vlltii .Vi. l.ulk (1. 1.II11I 110 CATTI.i: -itpcelpls. .1000. mnrket uteiidv. Iippmw. 8(1 '.'Mill so, iDim and helrnts, $.141.14.1, 'li'lnns. ll 2117 2(1. l.illps $7!llll.2.1 MHi:t:i' UnrlpM, 2l),((XI, nnrket I0HI.V. towi r nitlc and Western. SD.Uotii 15. lamb. $7.C01iO U.I. Sl.000.000 Gold From London The steamer Finland, of the I'anamu-I'nclllc Line, York from London with about $1,000,000 In gold. hns nrrlv cd In .Now NEW YORK STOCK SALES Adams Eiprcss Alaska Juneau Alaska Gold M Ailts-Cha!mers Mfu -"Allis-cnaim Mfg pr Am Ac Chemical Am Beet Sujar Am Hoot Sugar pf Am Can. Am Can pf Am OAK Am Coal 1'roducU . Am Cotton Oil Am Express Am Hide .. Ij?jthcr Am Hide & I. pf Am Ico Securities Am Linseed Am Llnteed pf- Am Locomothe Am Malt Am Malt pf Am Smelt & Hei Am Smelt & lief pf Am Smelters pf A Am Steel Foundries Am Sucar Itefinlns Ijist oloe . 15J . . 10 :u S'.' 71' ' 7(1 0.1 Ill's i . 77' a LlVi fi.V 13.. ll'S . uO'j 20' 1 - SIH . AVi . OS', - 1) . Kh mi's .li'j'i . y;t tu ni' Illsli Low. 1.1 1' J l.ll"i lii'i in L'.VS 2Vi .iO'a Am Sucar Iteflnlni; pf 11SS r.'7''i nt L'Oh'j 107'. . 48'j y."i OS', . IHPt . 74 . 0 IftS . O'Mi ll.- H7'j . l)ji . 77. :i 4M 874 . lit', 71' I i . 40 7'i lh'.".' 5.1'i Whh UIU 2U 554 . 3U5I .10-. .11.' 71'j l.'l ill C1W ll'J 77H 7.-. Ifl'i'f 1." 1104 l.'M ll'i to)H 20 8', 11:14 no' ns1 1121 0:1 ci' 11.1 ns; 1273 (U's SI 71 I, 'I III (Ml 112 11. C.'i 20 22'f 41 OH s. Ill Close. if.:!' 10 214 .TO!, 81 71'a 01 !1 Cfl'i Ur 7.1' 2 loll o.V5 111) ll'i .10 20 2.1 -II 00' 3 S, .14 lll'C 112i 0.1 00 I List elose 1 Maxurll Motors . .. 7u'i 1 Mai Motors 1st pf . lit -Mai Motors 2d pr. ... .Ill'' Mexican Petroleum ..127 Minn St Louis .. i,,i, M St I" & S S M . 12', Miami Copper .. .. ;(7ij Mo Kan .1 Tex .... 7 .Missouri Pacific i Missouri Pac tr cfs 'J Montana Power ... T;i'4' Natl Cloak A Suit . . 7b'i Nat Enamel H S . .. yn'. Nat Enamel A S pf . !l,Vj .Nat Lead . . 1,0 Nat Iail pf ... 1 ); IllRli I.ot. Close. Am Tel A Tel Am Tel & Cable Am Tobacco Am Tob pf new Am Wool tr r Am Woolen pf Am . L i. S.melt Anaconda Copper Associated Oil Assets Realization Atch TASK AtchT A S E pf . Atlantic Coast Una Baldwin Loco Baltimore A Ohio Baltimore A Ohio pf Batopllas Mlnlns Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Hap Tr . Brunswick Term Butte A Superior Cat Petroleum Cal Fettoleum pf Canadian Pacific . Cent Leather Co Ceut Leather Co pf Chesapeake A Ohio Chlle.Copper Chlno Copper Chl Gt West Pf Chl Mil A St Paul . . CSUSt P Pf Chl A Northwest Cht A Northwest pf Cbi it I A Pac Colorado Fuel A Iron. 52M 53 Computing Tab llec . 48j 47 OOEHI'Hj 115 115 Continental Can SOU h.5)j Continental Can pf 107 10S Corn Products Kef . 201 i 20)i Corn Products Hef pf 0114 01 Cruribla Steel . 72 72U Crucible Steel pf ,110 110 Cuban-Am Sugar 157 155 Diamond Match 100'i 107 Distillers Securities 47H 1SH Dome Mines Klec Storage, Hat Erie . - . Erie, 1st pf - Erla 2d Pf . red Mlq A Smelt . Fed Mln A Smelt pf. General Electric 9.1 (0 lll'i 115 1181- US'. 127M 127'3 III', 01 'i 20S'i 20S'i 20SU 11)714 107'3 1()7'2 1!) 4!) 49 OIJi OIT, ill', 70h 09 (.!" 01 SO'j S9h 7li 70K 701j J. c c inS!3 107' 1 107M 00 08' 08. 115 111', 115 118 litis 1151, 00 051 05'i 7S)a 78 78. .Tii 3Jf 3 10.-1 40') 401 bHi 87i 874 Kl 13 13 74!j 72'i 734 lljj SWi 39v, 77 714 74'i l&tU 181), ISl'i 53'l 53i 53i 109'i 109'i 1001J 00 Kli 0o. 254 214 214 55'i &1 1 j 55 30i 39!i 1024 100U 1354 1354 1354 1314 1314 1334 1734 1744 173 4J UN 1) 5114 12S4 154 121 3'1 O'i 5'i 54 75 7S 2')4. n 704 11:14 H'i 10' i 7li 0J4 .154 1214 15 l'JJ'i 38 C'i 44 514' 40 115 854 108 104 0,1'i 004 no 151 304 101 1354 13.14 1714 174 514 47 115 854 KM 104 034 70 110 155 1004 107 284 CO 4314 5S'i 54 324 5.14 1744 General Motors - 405 4Si General Motors pf ...1144' 115 CiwJiw-Caninea ,,51 51 Goodrich II K Co 74'i 754 Geodrien b F to pf. 1124 1134 1134 1134 Great fiaitntta pi -1204 J274 1204 1204 (it J cf for on prop 504 504 40' 50 Guggenheim Kx ex dlv 234 234 234 234 20 (S44 43Vi 58)i 54 i 32i 54 1744 47 474 284 284 00 US 424 424 584 584 53 53 32i-j 324 53 53 171 174 482 482 111 115 60 50 744' 714 13 504 454 21 784 MoincsUke Mining Illinois cent Int Agilcultural Int Agricultural pf . Int llary S J Iut Jlarr NJpf Intef Con Lorpa Inter Coa Corpa pf International Paper Interna t paper pf Inspiration Copper IntM Mcf dp 1st If M pf cf dp Int Nk-ke) Van. City Southern Lack Muel Lak Erie A We w, Ktla & W pf laflfe'dn Gas UrMfh iader lJM'tt A llxtt tSmuei P Co LiM tt Na."h Ixsi.-Wtei Itix'all A) Mar Dupt Store . fil ifay Iepbtor rf !, 12 1 120 120 120 1004 1094 108 1084 27 294 274' 204 CO 734 "(I 73 110 1104 1094 1094 1194 1194 1104 1194 21 21 204 20Ji 774 774 77 ' 774 i 114 114 604 404 404 454 454 4.14 214 21 21 8UH 78 784 -2014 2034 2004 201 32 324 314 314 704 704 77 104 10 10 41 404 404 105 1115 105 814 M 814 260 205 205 1SJ IS 14 ISO 1234 12U 120 204 2U (12 61 "l0i""lU4 ' 77 404 105 814 2C5 IS'l 129 24 02 '10 -Nat Ity A M 2d pf. . 8 Nevada Con Copper . 10'f New York Air Brake .1404 1.12 . i - n & n .... 7,i, 7714 New York Central-.. HO 1104' New York Dock . .. i,, 144 N Y O A West . . . ,'SO'f jjoj, Norfolk A Western .1214 l'"4 Noif A West pf -.81 SOT North American .. 75 714 Northern Pacific 117'; 1 isa untario sil M . . . 114 Pacific Mall ... !: Pac Tel A Tel 414 Pac Tel A Tel pf . ,-, Penn It It . ,VJ',' Philadelphia Co ... 4,(J, Pittsburgh Coal .. a5, Pittsburgh Coal nf. ..Ill 4 Pittsburgh Metl pf .1024 P C C A St L pf . 07 Pressed steel Car . .01 Pressed Steel Car pf . 10., Pullman Co ...103 III Steel Spg pf . ..10J !54 83'f 514 4 54 Hay Con Copper Heading Hep Iron A steel ... Hep Iron A Steel pf . Hock Island Co . St Louis ASK St I. A S F 2d nf Seaboard ,vlr Line . is 4 Seaboard Air Lino pf. 304 tsears Hoe A Co ... 187 ho Porto 11 Sugar pf. .10S4 wjumern raciuo Southern Hy . Southern Hy pf StandaM Milling Studebaker Co Studebaker Co pf Twin Copper . . . . Texas Co .... Texas A Pacific . . . 'Ihlrd Au'nue Tobacco Products pf, United Cigar Stores . Union Hag A Paper. . Union Hag A P pf , Uulun Pacific Union Pacific pf U S Ind Alcohol . . , U S Ind Alcohol pf . U S Cast I P A F . . U 8 O I P A F pf . U S Kealty A Imp , Lnlted Hys Invest .. U S Hubuer US Kuhber 1st pf US Steel , U h steel pf . . . . Utah Copper Va-Caro Chem Wabash Wabash pf A . Wabash pf It . . . Western Union Tel West E A M Wesllnghousa 1st pf Western Maryland.. Wells Fargo Express. Wheel A Lake. Kile Willys Overland Woolwoith F W Co Woolworlh pf 104 124 II) 014 594 41 354 111 054 07 lll'i 1(44 10'i 004 254 S44 o.t'1 1004 111) ih 2S',' 01 (is'i 1134 8 10 1414 70 1004 114 30 121 80'f 71'i 1174 04 12 40 0.14 594 434 334 1104 054 07 01 101', 105 004 23 i 824 51 1094 1094 744 02 504 1224 15 122.4' 3S 04' 54 .4 75 78 284 01 08'f 1134 84 104 1454 704 1004 114 304 1214 804 714 1174 04 124 10 014 594 434 354 1104 054 07 IH4 1014 105 b04 254 82.4 51 Ni;V VOfSIC, Jan. 4 A poor response wnH made to the Liverpool ndvnnee on the local Cotton KxcIi.iiirc nt the openhiK this momliifr. Pilces (Jvero but 3 to 10 points hlRher, with the tone steady. The uiniket in Llveipool showed advances of 1.14 to U',2 points, uiraliiHt 4'. to G'a points espected It wns polntce out here, how ever, that with all the supplies of cotton In the I'lilted States nnd the sboi t.iKe of the stnple in Liverpool theie Is vlitu.ill.v no necessity for this mnrket to follow the i:iir11fi upturn. 1'ilvate cables from Liverpool Rtnted that the mnrket there was vcrv llrni, with covering by local shorts the feature. The lecelpts of cotton at the ports for the day aic estimated at Ij.OK) bales, cont inued with 4i!,lj(i bales last week, il,''bi TiadhiK lontluued iulet durliiK the middle of the day and lliictuatlnns wcie narrow- anil I'rivnle wlie.s from for marks, acalnst a noimal of a cents. LOW RECORD FOR MARKS Ni:V VOItK. .Inn 4 The forelRU cx cbaiiRe market In the tit nt hour of busi ness today showed Irrejiulnrlty. Hterllni? lose to the hlKhcst leve. if a movcm it lueWousl) touched, 4 714 for demand and 4.74 for cables. Tbls streiiRth was due lo the sales of imcrlenn securities for foieiKii (K count and to tho Rolit Imports Guilders were also a stroiiR featuie, at 4.1". nnd 41. On the other band, francs, relchuinrks and roubles were weaker. The Inst-ineiitloncd declined to -94 nnd -9". Krencb excbaiiRe wns quoted at li.SPi for cables and 5.8.1Vj for checks. Late In the day maiks broke to a new low recoid at "JVj This Is thd lowest prlco since this countiy hnd any relations with Hertlu and Implies a value of only IS7! tlililnln , ilo i.f.l t c, IlUff A- I1S t .1 (J Itrlll Cnmbrlt Steel i:iec.storHBp . Urn Aspliult .. Todar Hid Asked 1 1 y? ?.'." Illl .IS Tel Tr .In HI,) Kejslono do t c d pref .... uiko .sun Corp IhlRh N'a .. U'lilirh Valle l.clllcli Valley do iror 1'rnnsylvanl.i I'hlln Llectrlc .... I'hlln IV do .1 nor lent nrer do (1 i,er tent pref I'lilla II T . ! .. do tr ctfs Iteiullnir 41 ? 4-J 4.'i 4S'J 4SI, isij 74 71' 74 IB Mil, IK .11 :ti4 .-14 "14 71 l, 71', ll'i 11 14'J 14V, ,.-, u,' (kN . 11 jM (. II1, H'i 7S, "III 7HI.J S14 ..' Ml! Ill, isj, tsij nsij :is(j as nn, r.'ii(f r.'n; l"i. '-'S', i-S', 41 41 414 .-ni .-is :i.i 4 1':. 44 4g L'O' 21 H, .ii' gt -.'in. Ycsterdav Illil Asked 1171- lis ns n 411 74 117 2','i 1.1 II 117', !l 711 HP, IS1,' ::m, Osj :!7( 4I L'l Jl M' 4 Sound Investments 1936 4.24 1942 4.375' 1933 4.50 Beech Creek R. R. 1st 4s. . P.C.C. & St. L. Series B, Cons. 4V2S Lehigh Valley Coal Co. 1st 5s. . Harrisburg Lt. & Power Co. 1st & Ref. 5s 1952 5.05 LaBelle Iron Works. 1st & Ref. 5s . 1940 5.10 Seaboard Air Line Rwy.Co.l st. &Cons'.6s. 1945 6.03 Frazier 6- Gbi BANKERS 132 So. Fiftccnlh Street, Philadelphia i HECKER C& CO. Bankers CS. Brokers Members of Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sixth and Chestnut Streets N. E. Corner The undersigned have this day formed a co-partnership to conduct a general Banking and Stock Brokerage Business at the abovf nddrcss. The firm will also give special attention to security investments. OSCAR HECKER Philadelphia, January 3, 1010. MAXIMILIAN KNOLL OSCAR C. SCHMIDT DIRECT WIRE TO. NEW YORK LOMBARD 1385 MAIN 4458 D'i ll'i I1 l'llj IbS .ri'i IJ'4 171. :i'.)h lh7 Sis 0'.' 18 IU'l 187 107 .10.11. 10D, lO.'U' 10J 23'f L4)i l'l LM (11 I1!,' Ill 0.1 . 0.1! i 0.) 11 j !). .lfi.115 10(1',' IfVi iu:, 11.14 11.1!. U.l'i ll.l'i L".'li Illl. (illj IWl',' 2JI LM." L"J 2J1 111 II 0 !) 111 (II (il. GU1. 100 100 10'J 10(1 0i 0', U'j IDj S i 71. 7'. ."!) '."Jlj Lt) l-'J usv, U'ii las', yjt Hi Ki 81 SI 13.' HU I'M I'JO'j IttS 111) lUsJj 110 L4W Sli -JIIJ l!Ui . 40! t 51J 51)i ai'i 30S 4(1 10 40 20! Lllli -M -M . 67 58'i 5(1j 5t')j .I00)j 100). lOlHj 109 j . bSlj bS', 87g S7J. 117 UV.i U7 U7!i si mil son wm . 49 40i 4S IH mi. 17 mi. iuj 1SJJ 48! mt' 47U ai 32 3IH 31H 88)S 88( htiii 88Ji 0) IU1 O'l, GS 7H 77H 77--J 77Jj . Mi 314 31 31)a 131i 131 13J 13-', -Hi 4U I 4 ilJ 1!33 -3JJ5 2J2j . MM. IIMJ Uh, Ubli 123H 12Aj 12JV 123J4 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Bank of North America, regular mlannual 0 per cent., payable January 3. L'nlt4 IUIlwal and Electric Company ot Ilaltlmore. regular quarterly 1 per cent., pay. able January 15 to Steele of retord January a l'uxet Sound Traction tight and loer Company, quarterly 1. of 1 per cent, on pre ferred, payable January 13 to utoclc of record January 4 United Verde Copper Company, monthly 75 cent a elure and exira T5 cent. AublaoD, Touclu A. Simla Fe. regularly auarterly per leut on common. payaLli Marca to atock ol record January 31 Kelly SprlniclleJd Tlra Company, regular quar terly 3 per cent. payabfT February 1 to lock of record January 13. National 8-curlty Uank, regular semiannual J H oer cent. D3able on uonun, ... ..,il ; record January 4 ' ' " BAB SILVER I NEW, TORlf Jan t. Tb pri of em InwrOal U.r allirer.uaa ua ti lo jwy. lent S. iHf f aa. uwuut sre uoua uyti. SlemphlH reportlnR a Rood export demand lielpcd and pi Ices rallli'd 2 or 3 points fiom tln lowest, but tho loss of ocean toimnKc In the Mediterranean lecenth li.ia pi-omoted the pexslmlntic view of o port pospllillltloH and HiIh Ih combined hy local hears with predictions of u iricntly Increased acieiiKc next spiliiK. N'eivou.s ness over relations also played Its par In offscttlnK the Intlucnce of the llrni Liverpool eahles. A dispatch from New Ol leans via Mem phis to the effect that freiRhts on cotton to Liverpool nan neen anvancen to .i per 100 pounds and that spot dealers weie more Inclined to sell led to Increased offerhiKs in both the Now Orleans and local conlinct market, with pi lees euMiiK off 11 to 1C points from the IiIkIi. i:port.s for the day iiRSreKnteil SI17 bales, compared with 19.10i) hales u ear iibo. Toda's total Included "17 hales to Prance, JOJs hales to the Continent nml 2.MJ bales to Japan nnd China, t'leaiances for the season amount to L'.'III.Cil hales, contrasted with I.Oij.TJ.' hales for the coi- espondlnR' period last season. YeH tlnj.p Open. 11 a m, .lanunrv . . 11!.1-J rj..'tt l.-.l. I...kl 1. is 12 7(1 12.7.-. 12 .' 12 s.' 12 11 12 SI 12.47 U'.'.l On the other to 4 74). hand, demand sterling rose RATES FOR MONEY New York mi nil 1 1 iiiln , lloitnu t!hlp.iirn f'nnimerenl paper, three lo nix months, nilrlplila. .Ji.jfil per lent. Call 1.12 :i'.n :t'4i4 Time. 2t.1r-Ji, M'-.'.l I 3'jfll 4 111', I'llll- IJANK CLEARINGS IHnk cle.irhms todav compared with lorre vijoinllnir ilj I.ihI two ears I'll"! IIU4 inn. I'hll.idlihl.l fl.s.-H2.-.V. X LI IIMI KIS S12H21 111.1 New York. .Mm,MH74J 21i'l S7ll.44a 3JH.IHI2 2s! lloaton . 4l.-ls-.nns 27.I7II.71U .'11,121.11 M Liula .. 2l..-Jal.lM 2ll.-tl'l,47l HI M.T.I lllltlmore .. I2.I1IU.IIVI. 7..MI.'1I2 11,1117 2.. I Cllk.lKO 7II..M1.12I. 1.2 2IKI Ol'l 511,474.4 111 I'rice of Tin IMate Boosted IMTTHIU-HGII. Jan. 4.-The American Sheet nnd Tin Plato Company has nd tamed limitation for tin plate $'! a ton In St 73 per tiaso bot of 10) pounds, Pltta-bursh U Alanh . liv .lull llclober December spot ...12.4(1 12 -.1 12. l'l 12.7I 12 IU 12 7'. 12.111 12 15 I'.MIl) . . Liverpool Cotton I.lvmU'OOl.. Jan I -At 2 p 111 futures were Hieiidv. Quotation wcr January Feb ruiry. 7 S'i' ,d . Man h April 7kM. Mnj-.lune, 7.7l'..t.. Jill-liKiut 7 Hid. The talcs wen lu.ooil bales. Including 71" l bales American. Financial Briefs I'ollln C Itortle. who has been associ ated with N W. Halsey & Co. since 1005, has been appointed manager of the Phil adelphia ottlec of (hut Mnn Walter Iv llaidt, assistant cashier of the 4tn Street National Hunk was today elected Ice president, replacing the Into James Hay. Warien R. Humphries was made assistant cashier. The dully aeniRe moeinent of loaded frelKht cars for the month of December by elBht junction points on the Pennsyl vania Itallioad was an Increase of 22 6 per cent, as computed with the same month In I9H. The number pnsslnff Plttsbursh Interchange was double that of u ear ago. Up tn the present time more than 81 per cent, of the Cincinnati. Hamilton and I).itiiii Itnlluuy Company bonds have been deposited in accordance uith the readjustment plan announced a few days ago. In other words, more than $14,000,000 of the 117,000,000 general mortgage bonds hae been deposited to be turned over to Jvutin. Loeb & CoT as reorganization managers. This assures the success of the plan. Charles M Marvin has been elected treasurer and a director of the Ilatavla Itubber Company. He succeeds II. a. do Camp, resigned. George W. Hodges wag elected a director to succeed Oliver C, Carpenter. The American Locomothe Company has received orders for seven locomotives from the Central Vermont It. Ilroad, and one each from the Laclede Gas Light Company and tho Chicago Heights Ter minal Transfer Railroad. R. G Dun & Co. report 12.156 failures In the United States during' ,?15, with aggregate Indebtedness of 1301,286,148 against 18,280 suspensions In Ml, when the liabilities wcte 357.'X8,So3. BOOKKEEPING METHODS SIMPLIFIED HEVERLE&I-W PUBLIC ACCQIlMTAiJTof " WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAW A Brief Analyiii by WM. A. SCHNADER, Esq. Now Ready for Distribution If you have not already or dered your copies, send money or stamps to PUBLIC LEDGER, Independence Square, Phila delphia. 1 or more, coiilri, 27ic raeb 10 or more coilrN, l.'c rneli 100 or more copleH, 10c rneh ANNUAL .MKKT1NGS lT3S I'UNN N.VIIONAI. HANK. -' Philadelphia. Deeembir 11. 101,1, The annual meetlne nf i,e tn, klioldtn lot the election of Directors for the cnulne year will he held at the hanklnc home. Turtdai, January ll.l'JIU, between IS o'clock noon und 1 o'rlotu 1', )l, M. o. HAKlirt. Cahln HIE llUUMlEl.riUA NAllONAI. IJAM l'hlladeluhla, Deiember 11, 1013. The Annual Election for Director! will be held at the llanMnc lloune on 'Iticedsr. January 11, 1010, between the hours of It hoou anil I 1. 31. . HOnACB FQHTESCUB. Clibllr. diiiii:m)s (ll.DKMr HANK IN AJIKUICA T1IK 1I.NK.IK .SOIirii AMUIIICA (.National Hank) Philadelphia, January S, 1018. Capital 11.000,000.00 Kurplu , 2.2.-.0.000 oo Undivided I'rollu . . 140,(188 SO 2S0tli rinlunnual llhldrnd The directors liae tide day ileclared dividend of 0, payable January 3. 1818. B. D JOIIDAN, Ceihler, KLKCTIOX NOTICK lpSl'MANKLIN NATIONAL UANK D...U,.u?,1u.u,, t'Ueetnut Utreete. Philadelphia. December SOtb. 1815.,u1' et.,:Uo? ,or director will be held at the banking- houee on Tueadar. Jan- S'S .MVl l?I.1 J be bou,"y,of noon and 1 o clock p. in. E- P. FASSMORB. Caihltr. DlltECTOUV Ol" ACCOUNTANTS C'crtlntd l'ubllo Accouolanle LAWItENCB E. BROHN & CO 181. HEAL EbTATE TKUST DUILDINQ. UURNS & SPBAKMAN Tho ltour hl'KCIAL NOTICES lj. ALL I'KHSONb AKK UK1CKIIV CAU- " Uened acalnit harboring or trueilnr v. u v,aw w, in, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT?1 flt)L ESTATE THUST ff UHlL.k .. .T Katharuta Park, from Olaesow icotUni i ilia in pteron. Matter, a u debts of " cootractloif will be paid by Tb T Waiter. fn?t orb) f &Vft5f1MW,lw CQ" 'T Bring Your Income Tax return to us and we will pre pare it for you, or furnish you proper blanks and Rive advice and suggestions. This service will be rendered without charge and held in strict con fidence. Your return must be filed by March 1st under pen alty of fines ranging from $20 to 1000. May we .not serve you? William P. Bonbright & Co., Inc. MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jr. Manager 37 CHKSTNUT STHEET I'hllnddjilila NriT York lloaton Detroit London: William I', nonbrlsht & Co l'nrli Ilonbrlcht & Co. Ajax Rubber Company Stock Bought Sold Quoted Descriptive circular on request, Chandler Bros.&6q ilemorrj o .Veto Vorfc and p;,(;,....r., 0 Stocfc Bxchangts il 34 Pine Slreet, New York 1338 Chestnut Si., Phila. 3 N. Markel Sq., Harrisburg, Pa. i . Union National Bank Manufacturers National Bank Tiie aboe-namcd banks having consolidated their business for their mutual interests, wc would be pleased to have all customers of the Manufacturers National Bank call at the new home, northeast corner 3d and Arch streets, where your old officers and friends, together with those of the Union National Bank, will be glad to greet you and accord to you all courtesies which you have heretofore enjoyed. Statement at Opening of Business January 3, 1916 ASSETS Loans and Invest ments $7,123,723.68 Due from Banks. 1.434.169.67 Exchanges Clearing House 435.949.64 Cash and Reserve 1.498.575.40 $10,492,418.39 LIABILITIES Capital $500,000.00 surplus and IN e t fronts . Circulation Deposits . . 421.184.13 543.497.50 9.027.736.76 $10,492,418.39 W. H. CARPENTER, President. "WHY NOT MAKE THIS YOUR BANK?" The Market Street National Bant 1107 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA December 31st, 1915. Resources l.nniiN nnd liiM-Kliiirnli. . l".l-'H."'"f'.:iH line from IliinUn ... 1 ,777,8s I. Ill i:cliiinK'n fur I'lrnrlnK HniiHc 1.II7.SI0.I1S ('will mill IlcNcrio l,7MMH:i.tli $14,810,845.21 Liabilities rnlltN Inplliil Mock Surplus mid Ait I Iri'iilnlloii I. s. lloiulH llorrum-d 1 1 Ul'IIIINlfH) . HeiioNltN .... $ 1, 000,000.11 i,-iss,(iiiu: liUOViMJI 3 .-.O.OOOJ i iM'iT3.'a $14,81 0,84 j.1j The. pcpMt facilities nf this hank ar nlwavs at the coilimaMl of its depositors. It gives the assurance of absolute safety and thj very best service, j.ymi:s i- .sui.MVAV. r. l'reMldi'iii. WILLIAM I .si.N.MVIT, Cnahlrr. ..,.. ii i if l.l'. Jr- ' VliT ITmlilt! i-im-ii iv k.i'1'.I.I.ISSV, NHNIiint Cniikly err y, $4,681,900 OF PHILADELPHIA FOUR PER CENT. BONDS Dated January 3, 1916 Due January 1, .946 Intereit, January 1 and July 1 Payable at the Formers and Mechanic. National Bank, Philadelphia Bondt are in reg-ittered or coupon form, in denominations of $ld0 and multiple thereof FREE FROM STATE TAX IN PENNSYLVANIA EXEMPT FROM FEDERAL INCOME TAX NO CERTIF.CATES OF OWNERSHIP BEING REQUIRED IN COLLECTING INTEREST Legal Investment in Pennsylvania for Trust Funds and Acceptable as Security for United States Postal Savings Deposits FINANCIAL STATEMENT (A officially reported) Last Assessed Valuation of Taxable Real Estate for 1915 , $1,669,891,999 Total Funded Debt (including this issue), ,.,,,,,. ,,. $127,82O,2S0 . ' Less Sinking Funds , . . , , 22.136.900 i Net Funded Debt, 105,683,350 98,120,569 Assessed Valuation of Real Estate owned by the City of Philadelphia, , i Population, 1910 Census, 1,549,008 PRICE, 102 AND INTEREST, TO NET ABOUT 3.85 REILLT, BROCK & COMPANY '306 Chestnut Street Philadelphia GRAHAM & COMPANY f w n adit pa,idax,v 321 Chestnut Street 1 435 Chestnut Street PhUa4l-M Philadelphia "ys?