: i i . L ? ? m. i H n EVENING LEDGER-PHILADEXPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1916,. FINANCIAL NEWS STOCKS IN WALL STREET FIRMED UP AFTER EARLY SINKING SPELL Mexican Petroleum Strong on Expectations of a Merger With Other Companies Talk of Increased Dividend Boosted St. Paul New York Bond Sales tiKW YOnif, Jnn. 3. In tho Interval In ulilch the Stock UteliniiRe win closed another of tlico opportunities for which tho bear Interests continually worked was presented. Thr sinking of the 1'ersln with a loss of many lives must have caused ncuto uneasiness throughout the country yesterday, but the fact th.it thnt vessel was armed was regarded as removing tho Incident from the Held of diplo matic action, llefore the opening this morning the news of the sinking of the Olengyle caused increased unsettlcnicnl, and when the market opened stocks wcro feverishly offered In largo olume at sharp concessions. First prices showed declines ranging from 1 to 314 points throughout the list, but those declines marked tho scope of tho market inlluencc of tho distress ing news. Thereafter the sinking of tho two vessels was the subject of general discussion, but not In any way as a market factor. Later In the day It became evident thnt absorption of lending stocks by stiong Interests had not been even temporarily checked, nnd during tho remainder of the forenoon price movements in mnny stocks took the shape of lgoious advances After midday the market became more active, with a good all-around demand for stocks. While all Issues did not go nbotp tho close of frldny, yet the mnjorlty were higher. Some of the specialties sooted slim p gains, notably Mexican Petroleum, which was up more than fi4 points at the top mark, n new high record. The strength in the slock was generally attributed to expectations of a merger plan to Include tho California and other petroleum properties. California was nlso strong on this repot t, the common mov ing up 4. Throughout tho day there was n good demand for Ht. Paul, that stock , gaining nearly two points. Huylng of St. Paul has been good for some tlmo , past, and In connection with the strength today, which cairled the stock to a new top mark on tho present movement, there was talk of nn increased UlVldend Jit tllP nnVt Mlrtntllllt rtf M,n mtntlflHIt'a rllfnntiieu ,,l,lri ...mitfc. It, U n .... ..... ...... ... 11, . , ,v .. i. ....- ., ..iv-binn, 11 1111 11 111 1 inn ,,, vi.u latter part of tho present month. A gain of seven points was registered In New York Air Urnke. strength being duo to statements of piollts resulting from its war contracts, on which deliveries are now in progress. Tho market Closed fairly strong. Jlflnrt Adnms Etprcsn 4s I Soil AlAKkn (loM ev 19 '.tiKil Amrr ,irr to ni).v Anslo-Pr I, to 2iKi Am Dock ft Imp Oicim ,mer Smdl Sec flu 110 Amor Tel ct 414 ihioii Alrhlmn (Cn 4 "(iiO Mihlron mil 4s Un All K Un 4 (.(Km Atlnn Co I.lne clt Is loio Unit K Ohio I'.b 2l(ni Halt K. dhio Is MW! Halt A. Oh t 4H, Kim nrkn nnii Tr to vilx 1KX1I ivm Imihor let to i.'imi (Vnt IMc lm 4 nil) IVnt It II N J to 2'0 ( Ins A. oho c ! 2( 00 ilo 411 ;tnr ilo -.! I'liim rhl X Alton tUs .(ill Chi (H Weet 41 .. I7(K) Chi II (J Joint 4 II (HO Chi M & M .IHi 2(l do sen 41 2M11I il- rv to mini) ilo t mi .. . I MO ilo urn 4K.1 .1110 ( le Sh t.lno Vii .. uhm funs (Inn c let . -.(() Del & llmt rM 4s KM 'II do 1'i.K lllh I.ow ,M SI m it-. III' !Ui twu ltrt't it nij', in?- i7 litis ' S, Mil lli pc Corn '4i .(Kii i:iii rnn l i ii do i-crU" 'II lino do nrlir 4 . i((hi (it rnll r or A 31(11) mm kid ud A; Mnn In to lilil A. Mnn rfil to ml nni Hteel to Flow the Itnitroads Stand Mnrkctwisc If tho operating results now being shown by the railroads mav be accepted . ns a criterion, the movement of railroad shares ninrketwlso should be upward. The underlying conditions In the country, ns well ns those surrounding opera tions of the railroads, are of such a chniarter us to variant considerable betterment in prices wnrketwlse. Many of the railroad shales nio now sell ing on a basis so low ns to result In a substantial return on the Investment, and the belief In financial circles Is that market operations will bo directed more generally to the mils during lite next few months thnn has been the case to date. Sues Texas and Pacific for Payment of Promissory Xotes B. V. Bush, as receiver for the Missouri Pacific nnd St. I-ouli and Iron Mountain Railway Companies, has brought suit In the Keder.il District Court nt Monroe, La., against the Texas and Pacific Hallway Company to enforce the payment of 17 promissory notes, aggregating $SIL',000. together with Inter est. This proceeding has been begun In addition to the receivership proceed ings that were filed In Dallas, Tex., last week. Tho decision of Mr. Bush nnd his associates to sue the Texas and Paclllo on these notes has caused it great deal of unfavorable comment on the part of New YoiU Interests in the Texas and Pacific. MIO Inlrrl, Mot 4ln .(in lntrrh it T rrf to Kill Inter Mor tnr !' 4I11D do ct I've . l(i)ii Knn Cits hi lt 3 t I(o l.,irkn Mccl to 1 a liixn l.k Sh iirh li ln.li .'lilil I.Ik A. M T "is . Lnim l-onii til in I rfl l (K)i.o Me l' t Co ( Scr A II (i Aliih (Vnt I) 4i 111.") ioiu .Minn M I'SS Jl Is n id Mli Knn . T 1st 41 1(1(10 .Mil Knn A. T I'jl I mKi Mont 1'ok.t to ..dm .Nit 'lube ,n mi i .N V Air llnko nt It 10(11 .V V C I. S l'j. .MiliO N Y l." ft II .'I'jl .l-'llll N V C .e II 4'.s .WHO NYC (.9 t(1HI N V Cltv 4k lifts "K'MI , Y N II A. II (m SKKHI N V It mlj .".. ii(hi ,v id ai-ti i&s . Kin) .Norf fc Went 4s (ill .N .. Vt c l llilii-l'" 4?()ii'l Norlli I'ai prior Is 17(111 do kpii l .... lino orr Klmrt I. ii-f 4s 7(ii(i ore lltt A N mn Is 1(1(1 I'm llli' Tel to i loun I'ciimi Ren it Vj 1'iiini do li I1 i.H fill I) Hl'liIlUK cm Is l'ii llrnillnK-Jpr ( en li. 1JIMKI Itnik IfllllHl rfd Is fiiiiti f. I, j, H I1 rfd Is . mm M I. Kn in 4m lull stand Oils lut .. lino .Soiilh Hell "s ... linn South I'm i 4s 7"n,((i do iv wt li ."s I.IKH do rfd Ih moii South Il sin 4i loun south Kwv eon to -.in Third Am- ml I to Slid) f S steel ."i . i i. t'ntnii I'n 1st Is linn I nlmi I'm e Is iim fnlim I'nr i M 4s 1 l(") I'll llttis S V 4s ll'iii Vn lt i to r.M 1) U Mli, i 1st "m 111111 Wnh-1' T 1st et 4i Kill VAift N V ,t I'a 4s lliM) VV l: A. M (V "s . lilil W'rst Shiup r(ir 4h ..(111 Wlsion Cent Kill Is 7 lU'l IJ. 7j, lfl( 1(11 !OH IK, ViM . If 107ii It 74 HSU i ill ..ti" IIH'l . . I(2'4 101 ..I2HH IHP4 111) .. 711 711-j sjU .. sv, . Il-l'i .. 31 ?k ami in,ii. m,i, 7(li US' !ll lllf. s"'i U.I hsU . I.M'l 7i I.' Il-.J, .llli1 lli.fi 7s(, IHU irii .ti-.ij Vi, tISIj 1'2l . 121)'; . irll, & ttii, IIHIt, Kin, . HiTj HI . nv, 1 l S7N in 1101 lif, ,H( 1((rt lot (H,1, 11(1 Mil (11 111714 f, 71 7' M' .mh 1(H IHIU Krj 101 linn 'Kill, till iii sj s-,i II Hi ,11 1(1', !KI.. ii.ii, 7(11, nsi, iii'i inij, s7 . 11.1 sit mU 7II'j II V. lllf lllli, ""I j 114 '4 111 Is IIJ14 IVIl, ."'! Hot, 111 MlU lm inyjl l(ll Close (iim imu in7v, mn S7U s7' 111 11H'. HIV. li7S 1(1)14 ini .no' 11(1 on in un.i sill, V1H llli imu Hi-,, ini ll'iii, tM.14 loo Till s.-,'4 inn .11 7I'6 1IHS 7lKi IK.U in'i, 7n'i nsi, IMS Sifc BOOM IN RUBBER -.ENLIVENS LONDON MARKET TRADING Demand in England Has Overtaken the Supply, Says Francis W. Hirst MONEY IS PLENTIFUL L Sales in Philadelphia Yes close. 01H J11 iOSH .'IS II 7-.W (li i. 1.1' . list; 11 1 Vl'j lm',. .!&! Ml', 10f. II7L. IIP, . llli' . 4-1. Ii7' 111.1 4 ;ii. IISIl, nn. in ('..i list, U'lV, S'lli Kill), I11H1, ti& Ml 101 171, III' I ll(ll f.'J 1.7 1 lltf, Sf(, 1IM4 71'; h7 Hv FRANCIS W. HIRST IMllor of Tho fionomlsl. lin.lon Snrttnl Vahle to the 'trnfiif; ,((7er LONDON", ,tnn .1 The stock market: hove Iicpii cnllvpned bj iiulte n Iiooin In rubber shire, and deiilte tho Inclenslnit Meld of Ine voiuiHor tiuilpalile the ill Innlid for iiihber aiipe.u tcnilioirtrlly to have overtaken the iiipplv. Wlirtlier the inileluisp now will look well In one, two or three onr hrnee 1 another innttcr wlilch doesn't ttotible the ierulntors. The amount of mono available for In vetincnt In iitliaetlvc birKniti I quite siiriiilsliip, niul may bo attributed to the savltiR of win' profits The streiiRth of tho rvchniiKes. nsilsted by the suc.ee of the Kitnt French loan mid by the mora ll)iA?nt fiilil tinllpt .if (lin 1'tnlii.li tint'- L'Jti I rniiucnt. Is evidenced In the Hank of ''I ,-..... .. (...i T,.. 11.. ,.... ...u- ..' j f . itiiiif iciiiiu, 111: itiiipi.iii I I, HIP Mill rets from nn C(ceiip lsiie or paper cllrreticv Tr.initctlons In It have been quieter toilaj Our Onbliiet I cnrnenlly t.lscuIns the military polkv nm flnniire In vlovv of j tlic trade unlo-st and I1IM1 liotlllty to i.uii-i;i iiiiun 11111 IM'llIllllMl is PIlll.V 111" tolllRlble The Xorthclirfo pros leport should be ircelvcd vlth reierve Alfiil melit for ecntminllni; our lesource nnd iiialiitiilnltii,' rporti still ttln more and tnuie eonvpitv. TI10 Itnnkct innKiizhin statistic (Vlilblt tho ciitlou fact that the London Stock IlfduiiiRp secuiltlo have fnllen rather Itss In lll'i than In 1011, nltboiiKh win loans tiro ciioiiiioutdy ri enter Hlnce tnv Inst dispatch there I,a"e bnn no important financial developments cvehniiKP hive lni oved, vv I1II0 1 of Ocnnniiv nnd 1(uhI,i have ilc- 11-.1, mi 'i nni, 7'j ii iH lti't, i in lisi, ms till', UIU I.-. I, ll-'. IIJ'l, Km i!V' I.Vj 71', tf.li. 'm; ICO Am Can r. Am lit pref Id Am Smelllnu 1(1 Cal 1'ct " Cum Iron 2711 Cam Hteel lm flee stor .. .11 ln Co N Am 1" Key Tel Co 4(1) Ii ke Sun Corp 1H Irf'hlKh .Nut 1W l.eh Vnl Tr . 2 ilo pref ... 41n .Miami Cop" . TO.' n it it.. II I'n Silt MfB 4 l'enni Stl pref 2C4 1'hll-i lilec... nil l'hlli It T t!" ilo tr rtrs.. HO Hep Ir A. Stl II ItMlllllR . 1f,(l 'lonoplll l'rlm K18 To.'noplli Mill 111 I nlnn Trnel IP) fnlteil ( I. . .1-'(1 1! S Steel 1(11 U'r.t I!lep . . . 111 vt nritlcR Ir A M ni't 27 VV Ipr A Seilsh 101. JH VV pitmon I1111I C H7i 4(1 VV ni Crump A- S vn llON'DS Last prrt Rile . wile. HlKh .12110 Ahi (Id K . 'in. II I'm 0 n Not 'in liifk 21 iln fob 11)17 llll'a 2 1 ilo Muv l'H7 lilfj 2IIMI 111 K 1'pn t i- li "1 7111 Interstate Itv Is tin 211)0 l.k Sup (' Iiip "( 27 t'UO I.p!i .S eons 4141 tlli, -mm l.ph V Ken l",s in-1 2Hi)ii I'n con IHs inn, liwi) ilo ronn I1 . Koii, Kimi l'hlli Co (on to in .1111(1 ilo 1st .is . .I"! inim I'.i a ill stl 1.1 ini'4 K1111 l'hlln i:iee Is.. .!!, Kim) do fi llli Tnlnl nilei, S'lfl.dlll, .inn lnt vioiKlii). Hl?h. Ixw. i yn 1111. Uli 110 151 ll" 714 . ls . ;t'$ . Ill . 'I'S .1(11 . II. 2S' 2li nil .life f' ss SI (,11, .w 41 74H (11 14 1 11 v5 71) 1'4 1SJ4 -,; k M V VS(, in lujt l,7j Ml nvU 3S' 41 74 11 21 7S 14 :!', :i(i r.'i nn sis ., i's S.I 4 .?' in IOU MI Close. 01 i?oi 3S' 44 71 05 2.-.' 14j. Il'l 711 i'5 IT'? .1'i li') 21? 21 r.i'i si A,s 7 1, HI K'H r,o, (.7 SI) LOCAL STOCKS WELL SUPPORTED: PENNSYLVANIA EARNINGS A FACTof Wonderful Change for the Better in Local Business Col rli'finnu TlliiHt.rated bv Comnarative Fimivn,, 4 uiwiuww -4 - j. &ma of Failures in 1914 and 1915 lm :i nn 101 txiit Close. 'H, ".li-j 27 Kii'. 111.' 1(i4 KHS mi mm 1(11 SI, lul', IIS 1111 1111 ay fiii'4 Ki.1. IKI lol'i llli lol4 IIS 1llt I'll sii9 no Ml1 101' KO'4 put, no tnt'i 104 1031? iiiinpnrcil ttllli $73,- ui Our .?.': i tiio I. . I lnplipnln.1 11... ln.,l.i.linl ........ ..,!. .. Ill' j ."'.l., .III.' .l- lllllllll nilf'llHlll ,11 71', our sndt exehniiRp position Iln jcen '"!; i show n b tho rubber boom The pp.uo liiooiciu is neromins lienor iniiiei stood, I L ,t peine Is Ij so mnny dots nenier ! than when 1 hist ndvhed li i no. ii.li, mn . iv, 117', tan. sTi. 1 isl, 71', COVKIUNR IIUOUIillT COTTOX HACK AI'TEll A DECLINE Calmer View Taken of Submarine Developments a Factor More Cold and Securities from Abroad The steamer Ht. Louis has arrived In Now York with 21 boxes of consigned to the Canadian Hank of Commerce. 20 boxes to J. r. Taruo, boxes to the Mechanics nnd Metnls National H.mk, three boxes to tho Nntlonal Bank of Commerce, one box to R. II. InBen-oll ft Ilros. nnd 22 boxes to order. The steamer Baltic hns arrived with seven cases of securities and 34 boxes of Bold consigned to ,1. V. Morgnn & Co., 10 boxes of gold consigned to the American Express Company nnd two boxes to tho Mechanics and Metals National Hank. Missouri Pacific Subsidiary Not to Pay Interest Notice has been received by tho New York Stock Exchange that the Interest due Jnnuary 1 on the I.eroy & Caney Valley Air I.Ino Hallroad Company's (lrst mortgage 5 per cent, bonds, duo In 192G, Is not being paid. Tho road is part of the Missouri Pacific system. NEW YORK STOCK SALES Adams Express Alaska Juneau Alaska Cold M Allh-Chalmers Mfc Allls-Chalm Mfe pf . Am Ac Chemical Am Can Am Can pf Am C & F Am C ft F pf Am Coal Products . Am C P pf sh r p pd Am Cotton Oil Am Express Am Hide & Leather Am Hide, & L pf Am Ice Securities Am Linseed Am Linseed Pf Am Locomotive . . Am Locomotive pf . . Am Smelt A. Ref Am Smelt & Iter pf . Am Smelters pf A Am Steel Foundries Am Sugar Refining Last clo5o IK) HlKll IliU'i in'j LTiVi .ll'S SV, 72',' 02s 112 78 11 I-otv. Close. H7a 152Ti OJi 10 245 21!$ mn si S2 82 72 72Vf oosi am 112 112 77 77l$ '- 117M 117H 15li 15S'i 114 114 5.rdi 55U 12S$ 135 IVi ll'i 55 SOU 25 20'f 23H 2J'i 41W 41i 0SV fuSM 101 mi 10 25 . 31'J 82 721. . am 112 . 78W 118 157Si 15S'4 114 114 55i 5r.'i 128W 135 12' 12 50) i 50' i . 25i 2C. . 24'i 2I' . 42lj 41's . 69 m 101 101 .10SI, lll'i 100'' 110). .11211 11.1 112h 1I2J . OIK 01 02 03 01 CI CO'f 01 115 115 HW 114U I.T8t close HlKh. lin. Close, Am Suear Reflnlns pf 118U HS!i 118M 11SM 127'i 1272 127 200 208-, 20S 1071Y 107 . 485 00 90 . an , Olii 73 107 491j 95 GSM on; 77 ..10SK lOSli .. 09H 99H 1141J 115 1 2081 1 107U 05 95 J i CSh 903 i 74 Am Tel & Tel Am Tobacco Am Tob pf new Am Wool tr r Am Woolen pf Am Woolen pf tr r AmZLl Smelt Anaconda Copper . Associated Oil . . atch T4SP Atca T4SPjl. Atlantic Coast Llns Baldwin Loco 11772 Baldwin Loco pf . ..103 Ualtlmora & Ohio .. 03 J i Baltimore & Ohio pf.. 77)5 77! i BatopUas Mlnlni ... 3! 3)i Bethlehem Steel ....459)5 458 Brooklyn Rap Tf b8H 87!t Brunswlclc Term 12U 13)i Burns Bros . 87 87 Butt & Superior . . . 72)5 72f Cal Petroleum 38 42H Cal Petroleum cf 78f BOX Canadian Pacific ....183 183)i 181!f 183H Case J I Co pf SS)f 88 88)f S8!l Cent Leather Co 54 J 54 53i 54 Cent Leather Co pf..,110 109 108U 10815 CentRRofHJ 275 201 289 289 107f 48M 05 03M 07J 89 i 7215 107)i 108 99H ooj; 115 115 118M 110 1175 10715 107M 107'5 05H 94!i 955 77 7755 3H 3H 450 458 87W 87)5 13!J 131 80H 87 71 72K 37Jf 40J5 74 70J 10 I5i 20V5 21'J . 775 7QU . 10S 202'f .. 32 325 ftl'S 04' . 81 80 . 10'i 105 . 41'5 41 .. 82 1 81i . .259 200 ..llS'i 119 24 20 131'S 131'f . 70 75'i 935 9' . 5055 57 15H 1514 124!S 125 137 137 130 12.1 12T5 11015 127 10415 10555 Kit 105 04)5 24H 55)5 15)5 39H Chesapeake. & Ohio Chile Copper Chino Copper . Chicago Ot Western CM Gt West pf. Chi Mil & St Paul . C M 4 St P pf Chi & Northwest Chi II I & Pac duett Pea Co Colorado Fuel & Iron Consolidated Gas .. Continental Can Corn Products Ref . Corn Products Ref pf 95 Crucible Steel . 73 04)5 245 55H 15)5 39H 63)i 24)5 54U 15)i 39)f Cruclbla Steel pf Cuban-Am Sugar . Deere & Co ... Delaware & Hudson Den & Rto Grande ... 14i Den & Hlo Giande pf, 24 Distillers Securities ... 48?i Dome Mines ...... 28' i Bee Storage Bat .... 00 Erie 44 Erie 1st Pf ., 59 Erie 2d pf ..... 54)j Fed Mia & Smelt 32)( Fed Mia & bmelt pf 53i General Electric General Motors tUneral Motors pf ., Gncae-Cananea . . . Goodrich B F Co Goodrich B F Co pf Great Northern pf Gt N cfi for ore prop 51) GtiCienAeUa Ei ex dlr 23 G-iJ-s 24h 55b 15) 39H 100JJ 102H 100 102 135 135)5 134)5 13115 135 1341. 134)5 134J; 18 18)5 17SX 18 73 73M 73)5 52)5 52H 51)i 144)5 144 113U 8-1 SCM 85)X 20)5 20V4 19U 9Hf 93)5 73U 705i 110 73)5 52)f 143!i 80)5 20)5 91 72 110 JlUaoU Cent 1st .Agilcultural Jut AgiJculturai pf Jeter loa lorpn Itter Co t orpn pf l(IH-lllt Ot t C lauil itr pf , .ill 110 158 157 152)f 157 . 90)5 00)5 08)5 90)5 .153)5 153)5 153K 153)f 14 14 14 24 24 24 48S5 47H 47)5 29 &1)5 43) 59)5 54H 32)5 514 174h 174). 171)5 171)5 500 495 495 49.5 115 110)5 110)5 1HU 50'j 51)i 50h 51)5 75' i TO 112 113 127)5 126)5 120)f 120)5 50). 49) 503 24). 22Ji 231 109ij 108 27 27 70 674 I). 21 28)5 28 61)5 64M 42)5 43H 58)' 59 53 53 32 32)5 52 51 Inspiration Copper mi M M cr do Int M M of cf dp Int Nickel . Kan t lt southern Kan City Co pf Lack Steel Lako i:rle & West . Lake Krlc i W pf Lehigh Vailcy Liggett A. Mjers Liggett A Mj-ers pf Loose-Wiles Biscuit l-UtlC-lt lllLUIb 11 pi l o.j Louis & Nah ..129'5 12tl5 .vianniuan r.1 gin . . Maxwell Motors Max Motors 1st pf Max Motors 2d pf Minn & M Louis M bt I & S S M . M St P i S S M I I M St P &. h S M pf Mexican Petroleum . Mex Petroleum pf . Miami Copper Michigan Central Missouri Pacific . . . Missouri Pac tr cfs Montam Power pt National Biscuit pf Natl Cloak A. Suit. . Nat Knamel AS.. Nat Lead Nat Lead pf . Nat Ry A M 2d pf . . Nevada Con Copper New York Air Brake N Y N II A II New York Central . . New York Dock . . N Y O A West Norfolk A Western . North American . . . Northern Pacific Ontario Sll M Pacific Mall Penn R It Peoples Gas CM . Philadelphia Co . . Pittsburgh Coal .. Pittsburgh Coal pf . , Pressed hteel Car . Ray Con Copper . . Reading Rep Iron A Steel Rep Iron A Steel pf Rock Island Co .. St Louis ASF 45 1!1'5 75' 5 I')7'i 31 15 03J5 7) 10' 5 41 SI'. 200 119 20 129i! 129' ( l.il'i l.HU 71 9J 5ll'3 V'i 1211) 37)5 13(1 1'. 30 37)5 3i'f 110 130 1J0 . 4)5 4J I . 4!f 5 4 .108)5 10") 109 109 125)5 125 125 125 . 80 781f 78U 78!,' 29 29' 281 29U . 00)5 09V5 0.V' OOlj 110 113 113 113 . 8'' 8lJ 8)' 8'f lll'i 10! 10H 101 .140)' 1494 139 119), 77 77"i 77).' 77) 110)5 110)5 109 110 15 15 15 15 30)5 31 31 31 121)5 121)5 121 121 JJ . 75 75 75 75 .118 118),' 117)f 118f . 0)' 10)" 9)5 10!f . 11)5 11J5 Wi 117c . 59'f 59)5 59 59 .111)5 111H lim 111)5 lo 43 s. 43) 43J. 35W 351. 35)5 110)5 110)5 110)5 01)5 03' fti'f 25)5 25)i 25a 83)5 82)f 83',' 55U 5415 55' ' 109)5 109); imh '. it h 5'' 5)1 5, ( Ni:V YORK, Jnn 3. Cotton Interests. I which have been bearish for somo time, I found another cxcuie for pressing the I staple for nlp this morning in tho toipedolng of the Hte.imshlp l'tiiln As a gold result the Ilibt tone on tho Cotton H- rnll- ch.ingo thin moinlng vvns bnrelv stead.t iUU1 I 1 ..n.. nl... I.... .... ...I . ..f l ....!..... Jjlliu.ll.i auuiiliH nn nil. nil. J ill 'i liuiiii-, ttlth other optloi k 2 points hlBhci to 2 points lower Spot nouses vtrre the principal buveis of January, but sold .March olid May. After the coll the sell ing continued large January fulling 10 points and other months 3 to 7 points. Liverpool's advance of 5 to G points vvns entirely Ignored, nlthough It had been expected the English market would come half to - points off. Private cables Hinted that theie was little or no cotton offcied. Light scattered precipitation vtas reported In the cotton belt this morning. Tcinperntuics weio nbovo normal for this season of the car The earlv break carried prices about 1.1 to ID points under Kildaj's closing fig ures A good many contracts were taken out of the ring by the I.lveipool straddle shorts on the declire, hovvcvir, and prices 1 later steadied on coveilng and a rather talnier view of the latest submarine de velopment. The maiket In the nftcinoon ruled quiet, but steiidj, with the nctlvo posi tions only 2 or 3 points net lower. Trad ing appealed to be hesitating, pending the leceipt of something moie definite icgaid ing the status of the Persia and Glengjlo affairs It was stated that considerable of tho early builng had been for the ac count of Southern spot merchants There was lather more talk thnn usual regarding the new season's probable acre age. Predictions wero henrd from both local and Southern cotton people, and that there would be an increase in the land devoted to cotton the coming enr. Influenced by the satisfactory pi ices from both cotton and seed In the present sia ,on Arrivals of cotton nt New York for the day were SS73 bales I'rl.Uj's cioie own nam. li'm i" p.m. .1'.' L"4 1? 10 . 12 17 12 V." 12 17 .l.'.lll IJ 7l l.'f.H 12 V. I.' S-, 1.! 72 1-' Id 12.4S JJ :.u NWV VOHK COITEH MAUKKT Ni:V YORK, Jnn. 1. Tlie coffee mirkot ttns 11 little more netlte this mortilni; nt tlio Marl. PlrM wlccs (tore mull iiiKnl to r. points lilKlirr on InijIiiK by n little draker iili,o'til to lio for tlrrniiin ntcount. H.ibs (111 tlio toll wcro 17,111 tiairs. Toilnt's opehliiR. .l-iniinry IVIiruiry jinrih (i.iamini vnrii Mat .lutio ... . July AllKll"t ... t-pptember (Xtotier .., lirrenihcr U1J. (172 n.i7in.s (Mil 11 H7 l'rtilnt'8 oIot it 111(114(1 isr.lfill..'-, (I (l.'fi 11 in (', (Hon i.s (172(1(1 71 I1771HI 7S II sjflij vl IIS7SHI.M FOKKIGN KXCIIANGE N11W YORK, Jnn .1 At the opening r the foreign exchange market sterling Inipiotoil rinctloiiullt 011 the 111 rivals of gold After closing on Inst Krlday at 4'V'i nnd 1 7111-11!, demand opened to day at 1.71 and cables at I 71 1-1(1, lire weic nbout t lie low it li ("Mfc for cables and 6 6i',4 for checks. Ileithsmarks checks were MUoted lit 7ii I-ld and cables at 76' This Is close to the low lecoid also, and Vienna Verges on the low at 12 00 and 12 91. Other quotations were. Swiss cables B2I', cheeks o.2.V; Stockholm 27 70 and 27. So. pesetas, IS S3 and IS SS; guilders, tT's and I1H. rubles, and 30. In the earlv afternoon sterling became lliinei' on the gold Imports and returned securities fioin lluiope. The other mar ket was dull and unchanged nt the Ogurcs (.nrller' repotted As stated previously. Vienna nnd lire established new low rec ords ot 2!'ic. nnd Ji'iCfi'i, respectively. Hteillng wns quoted at $4 73 0-1G for de mand and $4 74' foi cables The Philadelphia market began tho new year In a quiet mood. Tho sinking of the tno steamers In the Mediterranean over the holiday had been expected to knock prices down, but local brokers re ported a comparatively light accumula tion of selling orders nt tho opening, nnd nfter a slight setback, chiefly evident in Cambria Steel, Storage battery and the arbitrage shares, support appeared and the tone became steadier. There wns no tendency toward recovery, however The actual changing of tho city government todav failed to stlmulato tho local public utility Issues. The very favorable showing made by the Pennsylvania Itnllrond In Its No vember report was a constructive factor of no mean Importance, nnd was taken ns a good criterion of tho stnto of gen eral business In the eastern section of the country. Not only did tho total operating revenue of all tho llnM ,. J a. gain of well over seven millions i!5 expenses wero cut more is. ' iSS millions, leaving nn increase In u. i of $5,666,234 Another rond to eliow i"? jncrettaes in t Susquehnnnn, What n leap forward was tnad imiiu. uunng me past .. . Illustrated by the Lf'V '' mplled by It. o. Du &V increases In earnings was the Bufr.7. flll HnoRlloVinnMn l,l th. .u " UUnTl0 In. quiescent on 'change. "nulntj general condition of business mV. T in Philadelphia during ,..?. tr ... ... ... . fO. VFS. I. niso wen mustrr failures compiled who report 328 commercial this city In 1915, with liabilities of J-rJ In nnd assets of $2,467,181. In 19U th.S I i"" 378 failures with llablllllos r,r tit ..Vfff assets of 19.326.0G3. This r.i.V.trP'i ririf1 nnrl fViA liATn Ar1ittl. "" record and tho heavy reduction, teiV In liabilities, In the year Just .Iffl shows tho remarkable turn of affairs 3 -chiefly to tho demand for our goods V Europe "" 1V1l1VV1vVVVVSVVVVVVVVMVI r Iiiilt7 OS 7 O2H7.0-I GOVEKNMKNT ItOXDS 4,1' 21', 78',' SOPS 32'6 04J5 fill 1015 11 SP 20O 111) 2) W 03 50, 15j 1247. 75 13: .. 35)5 111 . &1)5 . . 25)i 1. 81 . . 55)5 ..110 U 5)5 January vtnrch . Mat ... Jult October 12 I.' 12 41 1.' ill 12 1.7 12 7'l 122 Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL. Jan 1 At m fii(urc3 .iry Anrll, 7 ,r,',i ttero quiet Quotations were Januar-Kehru- . i'.'.' :"Jiruar.aiarcn. 7.77il , Slarch 7.71LI . Mat.Juno. 7.1.1 . .IiiK.Ai,,iu nil (ft tiibpr-Votpml pr. T sia rh. ..in. were 10,000 bales, IncIuiIInK S200 bales Amer- iin hjot cotton todaj was In kooiI ilem.inl at an ndtnnce of 0 points, on tha basis or h 10,1 tor mM-uplami. 1 hn sales aRgreateil lOliOO bales, including 2(1,000 bales American The market for future, closcl barely steady, at a net adtnnLe of 2'3fi3 ilnts. 2 of lli'io rrnlitrre,! . ... 2h of Him loiuoti iim I'anaitii 2 rc,fsterel .... Hn I'nli una 2s 111 IS riKlstcred lis I'an un i new Is registered lul ' I'.inaimi now "rt rouiion H)1'5 .! or I'Hs rrsUteieil 101 1, 4 o' Ili2 iiKlKtired lli'i'i 4s of 1U2.1 cuut on 110 Hid Asked. ii'H, HOtj DIVIDENDS DECLARED American Power Pipe Compinj, M cents, piMibto Jaituiry 5 to stock of record Ic trinljtr ill I'atknt1 Automobile romrnny. 1 per cent, mi) n Mtnek tlliUNmil of 10 ier cent, on tho Ldtntnriii (iant.le I'ehruTry 1. nlilurn Wlro Company, regular nuirterh 2 n?r tint, niut 4 I'er tent, oxtra on the com mon mock, making 8 per tent for the 1015 tuUnil ir Mar l-t .Man h Mineral Ianl Company, $1. IHmlltnn AVoolen Ciimpanv, rcsulnr semi annual, :t per cent, pajalilu Janu iry 1. to ntutK of rLonl January ... HATES FOR MONEY Call. New York IMiS Philadelphia I'itl I lloitoii 1 Clilr.icn .. IIUTI (.'ommerclal piper, threo to six month, Hddphia .I'jTjl ilt ient. UAR SILVER xr.1V VOItK Jan 3 Tho miotatlon for iom nieroal lur stlter todiy ttaa G,"7., Lents n London, 2i 11-KI penie. Time 21,'oJ-i, .I'jli I Till I 4 Kill, 1'hll- COI'I'ER AT 23 CENTS Xi:V VOllK, Jnn a.-Ono of tlie lcad liiB producers of copper is now quotlnf; tin- metnl at 23 cents n pound nnd over. Inquiries In the market InvoKo enormous ninounti, with tlio dompstlc consumers, especially the who nnd brass ninnufac I in els, tho leaders In tho Inlying, l-'orelun huslness also Is nvnlluulo In large qunn tlties, tnklnir tho lead, tho only drnttbnck to nn extraordinary volume of business belnff tho uncertainty ns to deliveries, as there H not sufficient copper nvnllnblo for shipment In tho unions periods re quested by the purchnseis, and the sit uation hns (10101011011 Into the customers taking the best that Is orfeicd This has resulted In Inquiries, which usually, bo to but one or two producers or dcnlcrs. belnr; made at piuctlcally nit tho selling agencies. Greater Prosperity Coming For tho third time since tho out break of tho war wo have issued a circular giving a forecast of the im mediate financial future. One of these, published in the fall of 1914, at a time of general depression, proved accurate, and another in the sprinc of this year was no less justified thnn the first. They, therefore, had value. Wc claim no credit for these, but do venture to assert that they were given publicity only after thorough studies of conditions. Our third circular of this kind for the sake of brevity pre sents only conclusions based upon sim ilar studies. Appended to our review is a list of twenty-five attractive bonds which wo own and offer. Tho circular may be had upon request. HARPER , TURNER Investment Bankers 1000-1012 Stock Exchange Building Philadelphia WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAW A Brief Analysis by WM. A. SCHNADER, Esq. Now Ready for Distribution If you have not already or dered your copies, send money or stamps to PUBLIC LEDGER, Independence Square, Phila delphia. 1 or more copied. 25c ench 1(1 or more cnpleN, ine each 100 or more copied, 10c each Tha statistical lotts COTTOX STATISTICS position ot cotton Is as (ol- This tilt. Lastttk. last jr. 6)3 .187 1S8 . C3)f &m .10JJ5 imu 24 24 02?- am uu u.j st u & s v -a pf . , Sean Itoo A Co . . SlOiS-Sheff S & I Co Southern Pacific . Southern Hy Southern Ky pf Standard limine ... StudebaVer Co 107U I07J5 oiuueoaiter to pi . Tenn Copper .. Teias Co Teias & Pacific . . . Third Avenue . United Cigar Stores. United Fruit . lfnlAn M4rw.VUiAS Ol il ds uu.vu was tayci,.. o3 o 5t Union Pacific 139 13U 133 Union Pacific pf 63 83H SJ U S Ind Alcohol U S Ind Alcohol pf . US Cast I l1 4 F ... U S Realty & Imp . , United Hys Invest. , United Kjs Inr pf , U b Rubber U S Rubber 1st pf . . US Steel . .. .,... US Steel pf Utah Copper . . . Va-C'aro Chem , , . Va-C'aro Chem pf. Wabash 7 7 lb7 187 02H o2'j 102! 104 2 Hi 2.1' i M (Ah mm iti53 IH 11311" U32 113i esjf tii oh, r,., 233 2J5Vj 230 2.11 10'f 10 ih 10 bOM 01 CI 01 'JH JH OH 0' i 118 147U HOW 147 8i 13.S), S3 13J 108 201 39) i 20' 3'J 5iSH Tnlnl vlilhlB BURDly 0.000.S04 S.0M.05S 8,030.783 Of which Amer ican, .... 4.743,204 4 073.0SS 4,71783 Tol.il In slelit De cember Jl ... . 7,U3.flOT 0 830 510 lO.I'.S Bank of Bengal Rate Raised LONDON, Jan 3. The rate of discount of the Bank of Bensnl tas raised from 6 to 7 per cent. ELECTION NOTICE irrr3rUANKHN NATIONAL HANK -' llrouil and Chestnut btreets PhilddclphU, Deccmbtr 30th, 1U13 The unnuJl election for directors will bo held at ths banking houae on Tuesday, Jan. uury llth. 1016, beltiern llm hours of i uoon uiid 1 u'clock p. m. E. 1'. I'ASSSIOHE. Cashier. 129)5 132)4 127 10G)j 108 107 . 20 25 2Hi . WH 39Jj 39)i 20JJ 205 205f . 37H 31) 39 .60 585 55 109K 100H 10-Wi 109)5 74i 74l I Wakivh nf A 112' 112 l wabaih pf li 108 27(5 9M 2U," 77S 214 77b 21). SOU 77i 211 mi 109)i 27 69 21 Western I'nloa Tel West K i M Westlacnou) 1st pf Western Maryland "Wells Faro Express Weymaa-Bruton pf WUIts Overland 77H l W lilts Orerland Df 21 oolorta F W lo oSJi 89 h7!. SSU ..117 117 110J, lll' .. S1H 8U' SO SH .. 49)' 49Jj 4S 49 .,111 112 112 112 10 17 1UH 11,5, 47 4S 40), 4S),' 30'J 31H 29 31 S8W hh bb'j Sij'i C3 0J t 0j),' U9 78Va 7a 76 78 . Jl 3U JU Jlij 132 132 120H Ui;, 112 111 111 in 230 235 233 Jj.t 112W 112' IUH ll 119 119 Uol, Man ll" ANNUAL JIEETIM.K XlIB LENTIIAL NATIONAI. IJ ini. Of I'llIUtllEl.l'lllA December 13. ion Tha Annual Election for Dire, tn ..r ,k. DanU will be held at tha Banklne House on II, laiB, Luttveeu 11 a m. lursduj, January ind 1 p. in. WILLIAM fOST. Cashier. ,1JS. ANNUAL MEET1NU OF the CON- ' trlbutors to the 1'rrston llrlrrat for the purpose of electing managers, a treas urer und auditors, and for the transaction of any other business proper to come before them, will be held un January loth, loia, at 4 p in . at the Itetrcut. iuth and Ifamll ton sis., I'hlladelphla. OEOIKU; D I'OnTEn. Secretary. .KS UNION NATIONAL lllNU - Philadelphia, Pa., Dec 11, 1015 The annual meeting of the stockholders of this Bank for the election of Directors will ho held at the banklne houe on luesdai January 11, 11)18, between the hours of li m. and 1 p ini f5y,s v St'IELTlErulElt, Cashier NOHTinVEhTKHN' NATIONAL 11 INK Philadelphia, Pa , Junuarj 1st, 1B1G. A dependable income is the direct result of conservative investment. A good selection of dependable bonds is included in our January Investment List as well as some general comment on the securities of Public Utility Corporations. A copy will be sent on request. BANKERS Established 1802 Members. New York nnd Philadelphia Stock Exchanges UnoAD and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia 30 Pine Street nEw York t M'VVVVVVtVVViVVVVrVVIVlIVt'tVViVVtAtO - i Absolute Safety Unusual Value The Ideal Investment Guaranteed Mortgages Legal for Trust Funds First Mortgage Bonds ($1000 each) secured upon The Bellevue-Stratford First Mortgages in amounts $1000 and upwards Circular upon request Offered for Sale Guaranteed Principal and Interest by Philadelphia Company for Guaranteeing Mortgaga? Mlllliim II, MchoNon, I'rrnlilrnt Land Title Building, Philadelphia 1866 1916 Sailer & Stevenson BANKERS ANNOUNCE THE REMOVAL OF THEIR OFFICES TO THE S. W. CORNER THIRD AND CHESTNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA JANUARY 1, 1916 Workmen's Compensation Section 401 of the Pennsylvania Law imposes a lien liability on the employer or the State Fund, if the employer is insured in the State Fund. The policies of the United States Casualty Company carry special endorsement relieving em ployers of lien encumbrance. United States Casualty Company Hutchinson, Rivinus & Co. General Agents 425 Walnut Street, Philadelphia Lombard 220 Main 4300 jjryj r -if ' wrnrvn rr s Ar-. wtwan.p,,,,.., The Annual Btoctlon for Directors will ha held at the lunkliic House on Tuesday, .lumlary lit ll. 1U1Q. uetueen 11 m ..:.! , p ,. ,- M UNFORD C NICE. Cashla'. 1 DIUKCTUKV OK ACCOUNTANTS Ctrlllltil 1'ubllc Atcountants UWKEN'CB li I1ROUN i CO. 101S V.UAU KtTATKTaiTiT HUHJlINO. ilLItr.S & SPtiAKUAtV Tlu) Bourtt eaboard Air Line 6 Bond s ijj First and Consolidated Mortgage Gold Bonds. Interest payable March and September, Due 1945. S-iitt'S Vidlf uro url by a first iaortBaBo on 41U miles of roaii hU miles of ttbl. h are under lonstructiou, ond wilt provide a new throuBh i?li.,r'"18 "n8 ChrltBton and bavannan. tnrouBli II TUe are further secured by a lonsolldaUd luorteaBe on 3M1 miioa of ffiFli n,"0'..0 .prlor lllB' u" whlch ,be omsuudlns m?r " owned! B amount, to lm than 27 50U per mile at Told JT Price 09H and iutert.d yielding full 0-, on the Investment V. ull particulars upon request REED A.M0RGAN & CO.ffStiSdoiAffiilJgffi Stock Exchange V Union National Bank Manufacturers National Bank . The above-named banks having consolidated their business (or their mutual interests, we would be pleased to have all customers of the Manufacturers National Bank call at the new home, northeast corner 3d and Arch streets, where your old officers and friends, together with those rT this I Inmn IM . I. .. n 1 U 1. Ml I II. W - "- iauuai uaiiis, win oe giaa to greet you and accord to you an tumicsics wiucn you nave neretotore enjoyed. Statement at Opening of Business January 3, 1916 ASSETS Loans and Invest ments ..,.., .$7,123,723.68 Due from Banks. 1,434,169.67 Exchanges Clearing House 435,949.64 Cash and Reserve 1,498,575.40 $10,49,418.39 h i i LIABILITIES 1 Capital $5 00,000.00 i Surplus and Net i Profits 421.I84.I3J Circulation 543.497.50 Deposits 9,027,736.76 $10,492,418.39! wmtiiTrisfj W. H, CARPENTER, President. ,,n,-n. r ,t r, If J a wygawint' ,..?w 50H juoied ex dljdenij.